
七年级英语新目标上-改错专练试题一、单项句改错,每句只有一处错1. -What' s his phone number? -This is 281-9176.2. This is I pen.3. Her n ame is Jenny Brow n. Jenny is my first n ame.4. What your pho ne n umber?5. Ca n your spell your n ame?6. What' s col or is it ?7. This pen is a black.8. How are Bob?9. The jacket is gree n color.10.lt is an UFO.11.1 En glish n ame is Ann.12.ls these your gran dfather?13. What' s your o ne sister?14. That isn ' t me sis ter.15. -Is Mary your sister?- No,he isn ' t.16. These is his gran dpare nts.17. This is a family of three :pare nt and son.18. Ca n you bring some thi ng to school?19. Are these keys on bed?20. Here is some apple for you.21. Please take these books to there.22. He don ' t need his hat.23. That ' s sou nds good.22.Does your pare nts have a computer?23.She doesn ' t has an apple.24. Tom doesn' t have some brothers.25. There are lot of tomatoes on the table.26. Does Lucy likes apples ?Yes, she does.27. Let us hav ing some ice cream.28.She watch sports on TV every day.29. How much is the backpack? It ' s 20 yuans.30. Today is Saturday.The girls want go to the zoo.31. Ca n we look at your photos?32. We ofte n have our P.E. classes in Tuesday.33. Your En glish teacher birthday is in June.34. -Which month is the two month of a year?-February.35. -How old is the old man?-He is sixty-sixth.36.She like this kind of shoes.37. Ma ny people like comedy.38. The old man run every morning ,so he is very healthy.39. Xiao Ming often goes to school and his brother.40. He favorite sport is baseball.41.1 have three kind of CDs.42. -Can you play guitar?- No,l can ' t.43. -How old is Jerry?-He is twelfth.44. What can Mr Li does?45. What' s club does Ben want to joi n?46. Mrs Green can ' t draw and swim.47. We have En glish classes now and we can speak little En glish.48. -Ca n you play drums ?-Yes ,I can.49. The girl can ' t takes a shower in the morning.50. People love liste n to him!51. They also go to school on the after noon..52. Mary can ' t wat ch TV and her grandparents can.53. We want to know of America n sports.54. My gra ndmother brushs her teeth every morning.55.1 ' m sorry I can ' t sing and dance.56. What does his job?57. The girl can play the pia no very good.58. The new teacher teaches our biology.59. -How much is the pen cil?-Two dollar.60. Do you want know about my class?61. He likes play baseball in the after noon.62.Is Ann watch TV every day?63. He is twelve year old.64. What time does she do her homeworks?65.1 ofte n brush my tooth in the eve ning.66.-What time is it now?- It ' s at eight o ' clock.67.1 like English so it ' s interesting.68. My brother likes blue and he doesn ' t like red.69. Who do they want to learn English? Because it ' s interesting.70. His un cle can runs very fast.(快)71. My school start T 8:00am.72. Please write son.73.September is the nin eth month of the year.nd74.The volleyball game is in November 2 .二、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。

[单选]无机盐的生理功能不包括()A.构成人体组织B.维持渗透C.维持肌肉兴奋性D.构成生物活性物质E.提供必需氨基酸 [单选]“管理的艺术在于驾驭信息”的含义是()。A、管理者要善于掌握信息,提高信息的时效性B、管理者要善于转换信息,实现信息的价值C、管理者要善于对信息分类,掌握战略级信息,完成企业战略目标D、管理者要善于将企业内部的物质流转换成信息流 [单选]近年来,减轻农民负担工作的重点相应转入到()。A.巩固农村税费改革成果、有效防止反弹阶段B.实施税费改革阶段C.工业反哺农业阶段D.实施农业补贴阶段 [单选]龟鳖目鳖科中体型最大的、属于国家一级保护的动物是()。A.中华鳖B.山瑞C.马来鳖D.鼋 [单选]若图样上机件的线性尺寸是实际机件相应的线性尺寸的2倍,则在标题栏中的比例标注应是:A.2:1B.1比2C.1:2D.2比1 [单选]甲公司一次性出资300万元购买大型生产设备,预计该固定资产投资项目投资当年可获净利40万元,第2年开始每年递增5万元,投资项目有效期6年,并按直线法折旧(不考虑净残值)。该投资项目的投资回收期为()年。A.3.14B.5C.3.45D.4.56 [单选]根据《中华人民共和国消防法》的规定,单位占用、堵塞、封闭疏散通道、安全出口或者有其他妨碍安全疏散行为,应责令改正,处()罚款。()A、一千元以上一万元以下B、五千元以上五万元以下C、八千元以上八万元以下D、一万元以上十万元以下 [单选]诊断感染性心内膜炎的最重要方法是()A.免疫学检查B.心电图检查C.X线检查D.血培养E.常规生化检查 [单选]X线照片上所指的关节间隙,代表解剖学上的()A.关节腔B.关节囊C.关节软骨D.关节囊和关节腔E.关节腔和关节软骨 [多选]边防检查站为维护国家主权、安全和社会秩序,履行的职责有()。A、对出境、入境的人员及其携带的行李物品、交通运输工具及其载运的货物实施边防检查B、按照国家有关规定对出境、入境的交通运输工具进行监护C、对口岸的限定区域进行警戒,维护出境、入境秩序D、执行主管机关 [判断题]气密试验不合格就投料开车,一旦法兰连接处泄漏就会造成停车或意外事故。A.正确B.错误 [单选]溃疡性结肠炎维持治疗的正确方案是()A.最小剂量的激素1~2年;B.最小剂量的激素半年C.SASP1~2g/d或相当剂量的5-ASA,2年D.SASP1~2g/d或相当剂量的5-ASA,半年E.Inf1iximab3个月 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]有哪种情况不能做MRI检查()A.体内有瓷类材料B.装有铁磁性或电子耳蜗者C.非金属避孕环D.病人体格大E.妊娠超过3个月 [多选,案例分析题]患者,女性,45岁,1981年6月~1990年10月从事油漆工作,作业环境无机械通风排毒设施及自然通风,个人无防毒口罩,穿单位统一着装的工作服工作。患者从1990年离岗以后未再从事过油漆工作。1993年8月20日,患者因自觉头痛、头昏、疲乏无力、眼痛、刷牙出血、月经 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]甲状旁腺功能减退症的临床生化特征是()。A.低钠血症B.低钾血症C.低镁血症D.低钙血症与高磷血症E.PTH缺乏 [单选]通信记录装置功能失效或者时钟误差()分钟,为通信一类障碍。A.1分钟B.2分钟C.3分钟D.5分钟 [填空题]浓硫酸对皮肤有强烈()和(),立即脱去被污染的衣着,用大量的()冲洗至少15分钟。 [多选]《中国人民银行法》第32条规定,中国人民银行对金融机构以及其他单位和个人的下列()行为有权进行检查监督。A.代理中国人民银行经理国库的行为B.与中国人民银行特种贷款有关的行为C.执行有关人民币管理规定的行为D.执行有关反洗钱规定的行为E.执行有关银行间债券市场管理规 [单选]酒店的四种人:“勤牛”、“快马”、“懒猪”和“坏狗”中下面的描述的是那种人?“头脑灵活、聪明、能干,但往往吃不了苦、自以为是,优越感比较强”()A、勤牛型B、快马型C、懒猪型D、坏狗型 [单选]县级土地承包主管部门在农村土地承包管理工作中的任务是()。A.设置权证、承包合同登记簿、纠纷调解登记簿、回访检查登记簿B.制定档案科学的检索方法C.妥善保管档案D.指导乡镇档案管理工作 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一般认为亚急性甲状腺炎的病因与下列哪一项有关()A.细菌B.病毒C.衣原体D.支原体E.以上都不是 [问答题,简答题]何为变温吸附? [多选]为了保护建筑物或构筑物免受直击雷和感应雷的危害,普遍采用的避雷措施是(),它由敷设在建筑物上的接地导体和接地引下线组成。A.避雷针B.避雷带C.避雷器D.避雷网 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]据《素问·四气调神大论》,“发陈”描述的是哪一季节的物候规律()A.春B.夏C.秋D.冬E.长夏 [多选]根据劳动合同法律制度的规定,下列情形中,职工不能享受当年年休假的有()。A,依法享受寒暑假,其休假天数多于年休假天数的B.请事假累计20天以上,且单位按照规定不扣工资的C.累计工作满1年不满10年,请病假累计2个月以上的D.累计工作满20年以上,请病假累计满3个月的 [填空题]我国沙漠沙物质的机械组成:以()为主。从粒径分析及中值粒径。 [名词解释]几何地震学 [填空题]从应用角度来看,网易是(),而谷歌是搜索引擎网站。 [单选]采用新工艺、新方法、新材料等无定额可循的工程项目应选用的持续时间计算方法是()。A.经验估计法B.定额计算法C.定性分析法D.定量分析法 [多选]灰渣层是煤燃烧后产生灰渣,形成灰渣层,它在发生炉的最下部,覆盖在炉篦子之上。其主要作用为:()A.保护炉篦和风帽B.预热气化剂C.布风作用D.加快煤气的快速生成 [单选,A1型题]下列除哪项外都是得神的表现()A.两目精彩B.面色荣润C.肌肉不削D.面色潮红E.运动自如 [单选]通过回转接头与出油接合管相连接,用卷扬机带动升降,可选择抽取罐内任何部位油品,一般只安装在润滑油或特种油品罐上的附件是()。A.罐顶结合管与罐壁接合管B.量油孔C.升降管D.泡沫发生器 [单选,A1型题]一胎龄35周早产儿,冬天出生,现年龄为1个月2d。母乳喂养,体重已由出生时2.0kg增至3.0kg。现首先应添加的辅食及其添加目的是()A.米汤,以补充热量B.菜汤,以补充矿物质C.米糊,以补充热量D.鱼肝油,以补充维生素AE.鱼肝油,以补充维生素D [单选]《残疾人就业条例》对促进农村残疾人从业的规定不包括以下哪项()?A.多方筹集资金B.组织开展种养殖和手工业等生产劳动C.补贴社会保险D.提供信贷帮助 [单选]在迫不得已的情况下跳水,应选择的跳水部位是()。A.任何部位B.下风舷C.上风舷 [多选]股份经营战略的特点有()。A.所有权多元化B.产权经营独立化C.公司股权分散化D.股东利润平均化E.股东责任无限化 [单选]家政服务员应做到的“五自”是()。A、自大、自爱、自信、自主、自强B、自尊、自爱、自卑、自暴、自强C、自尊、自爱、自信、自立、自强D、自尊、自爱、自弃、自立、自强 [单选]下列痹证的治法。哪项是最常用的()A.益气养血B.祛邪通络C.活血行瘀D.健脾化湿E.补益肝肾 [问答题,简答题]试述过量空气系数、空燃比和分子变更系数的定义。 [单选]当路堤基底横坡陡于()时,基底坡面应挖成台阶。A.1:0.5B.1:1.5C.1:5D.1:10

初一英语语法改错练习题30题1<背景文章>My DayI am a student in grade seven. Every day, I get up early in the morning. After having breakfast, I go to school by bike. My school is not far from my home.At school, we have many classes. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects. In English class, our teacher often asks us to read aloud and answer questions. I like English very much.After school, I like to play basketball with my friends. It's a lot of fun. In the evening, I do my homework and then watch TV for a while. Before going to bed, I read some books.1. I go to school ____ bike.A. byB. onC. inD. with答案:A。
2. My school is ____ from my home.B. nearC. not farD. not near答案:C。
中文解析:根据文章内容“My school is not far from my home.”可知答案为C。
3. In English class, our teacher often asks us to ____.A. writeB. read aloudC. listenD. speak答案:B。

(D)5. Kim’s brother, Tom, has 5 soccers balls. ( soccer)
(A )6. Do she have five pencil cases. (Does )
(D)1. I’m Jim Green. Good morning, Mr. Jim. (Mr. Green)
( C)6. Is this your uncle? Yes, his my uncle.( he’s )
1.He is a boy and she is a _g_i_rl___.(boy的对应词) 2. Jenny is a girl.
__H_e_r_ family name is Green. (she) 3. This is my cousin. _H__e_ is Alan. (his) 4. _M_y__ name is Dave. (I) 5. That _i_s_n_’t_ my bag. (be not) 6. Where __i_s__ the jacket? (be) 7. How __is__ your father? (be) 8. _A__re_ these his pens? (be) 9. Where _a_r_e__ your books? (be) 10. I _a_m__ Jenny Smith. (be)
6.He _d_o_e_s_n_’t_w_a_t_c_h_ TV. (not watch)
7. I __d_o_n_’t_w__a_tc_h_ TV. (not watch) 8.We __h_a_v_e_ many sports clubs. (have) 9. _D_o___ you _h_a_v_e__ (have) a pen?

新目标英语七年级(上)句子改错2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five..4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10 Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.10.I often play the basketball at school.11.Let’s to play with them.12.What’s are in the box? There are some apples.I can’t see some books on the table.13.I want take some books to the classroom.14.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.15.How many potato are there in the bag?16.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.17.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.18.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.19.We have many bags. Do you like it?.20.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.21.That’s a her black hat.22.What’s that on English?23.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.24.Please call Mary in 394-6275 25.Does they have a computer?26.Do you have soccer ball?27.Let’s to go home.28.She watch TV every day.29.Can you see they in the room?30.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?31.His parents likes sports and games.32.Does she likes salad?33.She isn’t like apples.34.My father like broccoli very much.35.Where is my new shoes?36.Does your brother have the lunch at school?37.He often play games after school.38.Is these your sisters?39.Her is my grandmother?40.That are my eraser.41.They are my parent.42.Those girls are his brothers.43.There is a few water(水) on the floor.44.My teacher often helps me on my English.45.Can you say English?46.Is he often watch morning TV?47.He likes play the violin48.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.49.How old is your mother? Her is 40.50.How are you today? I’m very good.51.People usually eat dinner at the night.52.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.53.Can you speak English good?54.I want to learn a lot of art.55.What can she does?。

1.I want to watch TV b ut I can’t, because I have too many homework to do.2.My mother likes bananas, and I don’t.3.I often go to movies and my friends.4.I want to go to the swim club.5.Liu Xiang is a runing star.6.Can she sings?Yes, she does well in singing.7.Tom is good at playing sports and he speaks English goodly.8.Here is a card. Please fill out it.9.---How soon does your mother go to movies? ---Once a month.10.---Tom has few friends in his class, does he? ---Yes, he doesn’t.11.Mike is interesting in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.12.How do you think of the weather in Beijing?13.What do you like the movie shown last night?14.We like swim in summer and we are all good at it.15.The students in our class all are Young Pioneers.16.I don’t know how work out the problem. It’s too difficult.17.Our school is too much beautiful. We like it a lot.18.---Have you finished to do your homework yet? ---No. I ca n’t do most of them.19.---They need so me help, needn’t they?20.Tom doesn’t his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.21.---Whoes English books are these?---Sorry, I have no idea.22.Our head teacher will be back after three weeks. You can see her at that time.23.WDB was born in the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English?” means “What’s the English with this?”25.Look! Class One is playing football on the playground.26.You should listen to the teachers as careful as possible in class.27.---What’s this? ---This is a Japanese book.28.Liu Hua bought some books on his way to home.29.You shouldn’t do your homework with red ink.30.We have many sport clubs. You can join any one you like.31.My father is used to getting up early everyday.32.My parents like watching TV for dinner.33.Football is relaxed. You will feel relaxed after playing it.34.You can buy things of a good price in that store.e and see with yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.36.---Would you like to go to movie with me? ---Yes, I’d love to.37.Can you tell me how can I get to the nearest hospital?38.We need help for our School Trip. If you are good at kids, please call us at 88888888.39.What funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.40.How delicious food we had in that restaurant.41.After supper he often plays his the guitar.42.Can you guess what is his job?43.Do you want to know my school?44.Now all my classmates are busy to go over their lessons for the final examination.45.Our teacher is very strict in us at school.46.I usually very tired after school.47.I need some helps with my English.48.My father often tells me not quarrel with others in class.49.Tommy is an one-year-old boy.50.His school is twenty minutes walk from his home.51.Kate lives in room five. I live next to her.52.There is going to have a heavy rain the day after tomorrow.53.Your mother will write to you as soon as she will get to Shanghai next week.54.Do morning exercises is good for your health.55.There are a great number of woman teachers in our school.56.Lucy likes math very much. As Lily, she likes English a lot.57.Taking a bus to school is much more comfortable than ride a bike.58.Many tall buildings will build in our school next year.59.There are too many tall trees on either sides of the road.60.I will can talk to foreigners in English next year.61.It’s very nice for you to help me.62.---Would you like any more bread? ---Thanks, I’m more than full.63.Look! Our classroom is more cleaner today than yesterday.64.Neither Tom nor I are good at dancing.65.September is the nineth month of a year.66.We should be quite in class and listen to the teachers carefully.67.Tom is so tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball.68.Tom has two uncles. One is an English teacher, another is a novelist.69.Tom works hard, and so Mike does.70.BoBo can hardly walk after the long journey, can’t he?71.---Would you like to come for dinner? ---Yes, I’d love.72.He is a teacher for English.73.Mr. Wang teaches their Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently.74.Do you know the answer of the question?75.Get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel.76.Here the bus comes and there it will go.77.Tomas doesn’t like football and baseball.78.The boy was made cry by the bully.79.Jack said the earth moved around the sun.80.What wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday.81.Which is bigger, the sun, the earth or the moon?82.Do not let Alice to play tennis with you.83.The price of the bags is very expensive.84.Please take your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music.85.Lesson one is the most difficult in Book Two.86.My son is born on a beautiful sunny morning.87.Jim together with his parents are going to the Great Wall next week.88.The number of the students in Class One are 39.89.Three fourth of the eggs are bad.90.Thank you for the two great photoes of your family.91.Is there interesting anything in today’s newspaper?92.There are more than two thousands students in our school.93.Who is the last one left the classroom yesterday evening?94.What time is it on your watch?95.They practice to speak everyday English every day.96.He puts on his coat and go out.97.Thank for opening the door for us.98.The past is the only dead thing that smell sweet.99.To save time is lengthen life.100.Politics are very dull. Nobody is interested in it.KEY:1.I want to wat ch TV but I can’t, because I have too much homework to do.2.My mother likes bananas, but I don’t.3.I often go to movies with my friends.4.I want to go to the swimming club.5.Liu Xiang is a running star.6.Can she sing?Yes, she does well in singing.7.Tom is good at playing sports and he speaks English well.8.Here is a card. Please fill it out.9.---How often does your mother go to movies? ---Once a month.10.---Tom has few friends in his class, does he? ---Yes, he does.\---No, he doesn’t.11.Mike is interested in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.12.What do you think of the weather in Beijing?13.How do you like the movie shown last night?14.We like swimming in summer and we are all good at it15.The students in our class are all Young Pioneers.16.I don’t know how to work out the problem. It’s t oo difficult.17.Our school is much too beautiful. We like it a lot.18.---Have you finished doing your homework yet? ---No. I can’t do most of them.19.---They need some help, don’t they?20.Tom doesn’t d o his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.21.---Whose English books are these?---Sorry, I have no idea.22.Our head teacher will be back in three weeks. You can see her at that time.23.WDB was born on the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English?” means “What’s the English for this?”25.Look! Class One are playing football on the playground.26.You should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible in class.27.---What’s th is? ---It is a Japanese book.28.Liu Hua bought some books on his way home.29.You shouldn’t do your homework in red ink.30.We have many sports clubs. You can join any one you like.31.My father is used to getting up early every day.32.My parents like watching TV at dinner.33.Football is relaxing. You will feel relaxed after playing it.34.You can buy things at a good price in that store.e and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.36.---Would you like to go to movies with me? ---Yes, I’d love to.37.Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest hospital?38.We need help for our School Trip. If you are good with kids, please call us at 88888888.39.What a funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.40.What delicious food we had in that restaurant.41.After supper he often plays his guitar.42.Can you guess what his job is?43.Do you want to know about my school?44.Now all my classmates are busy going over their lessons for the final examination.45.Our teacher is very strict with us at school.46.I am usually very tired after school.47.I need some help with my English.48. My father often tells me not to quarrel with others in class. 49. Tommy is a one-year-old boy. 50. His school is twenty minutes’ walk from his home. 51. Kate lives in Room Five. I live next to her. 52. There is going to be a heavy rain the day after tomorrow. 53. Your mother will write to you as soon as she gets to Shanghai next week.54. Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 55. There are a great number of women teachers in our school. 56. Lucy likes math very much. As for Lily, she likes English a lot. 57. Taking a bus to school is much more comfortable than riding a bike. 58. Many tall buildings will be built in our school next year. 59. There are too many tall trees on either side\both sides of the road. 60. I can talk to foreigners in English next year. 61. It’s very nice of you to help me. 62. ---Would you like some more bread? ---Thanks, I’m more than full. 63. Look! Our classroom is much cleaner today than yesterday. 64. Neither Tom nor I am good at dancing. 65. September is the ninth month of a year. 66. We should be quiet in class and listen to the teachers carefully. 67. Tom is as tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball. 68. Tom has two uncles. One is an English teacher, the other is a novelist. 69. Tom works hard, and so does Mike. 70. BoBo can hardly walk after the long journey, can he? 71. ---Would you like to come for dinner? 72. He is a teacher of English. 73. Mr. Wang teaches them Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently. 74. Do you know the answer to the question? 75. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel. 76. Here comes the bus and there it will go. 77. Tomas doesn’t like football or baseball. 78. The boy was made to cry by the bully. ---Yes, I’d love to.79. Jack said the earth moves around the sun. 80. What a wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday. 81. Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? 82. Do not let Alice play tennis with you. 83. The price of the bags is very high. 84. Please bring your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music. 85. Lesson Oneis the most difficult in Book Two. 86. My son was born on a beautiful sunny morning. 87. Jim together with his parents is going to the Great Wall next week. 88. The number of the students in Class One is 39. 89. Three fourths of the eggs are bad. 90. Thank you for the two great photos of your f amily. 91. Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper? 92. There are more than two thousand students in our school. 93. Who is the last one leaving the classroom yesterday evening? 94. What time is it by your watch? 95. They practice speaking everyday English every day. 96. He puts on his coat and goes out. 97. Thanks \Thank you for opening the door for us. 98. The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet. 99. To save time is to lengthen life. 100. Politics is very dull. Nobody is interested in it.。

七年级英语上期经典改错50题1.Is this a bag? Yes ,this is.2.Are your father a doctor?3.His sister isn’t a student and I’m not a student, too.4.That is Tom’s and Jack’s room.5.Is she like this kind of food?6.The two baby’s socks are pink.7.Where do you from?8.What do your mother do?9.Where do they work? They work in a farm.10.Where is she from? She is from the new york.11.Whoes pencil is this? It’s her.12.These pants are their.13.This pair of shoes are in the box.14.There are five knifes under the desk.15.What grade are you in? I’m grade seven.16.The man is tall with round face, big nose, two eyes and a black hair. 17.I have two bottle of milks.18.Tom and Jack are in different class.19.What does Tom has in his bag? He have some books and a pencil-box.20.Come in and make yourself at home, children.21.Are you in same school?22.Give the cake Jane.23.Is that car new of old?24.I want to buy a new bike with my son. 25.She seldom speak English.26.Would you like have a picnic with us? 27.How do you think of this pair of running shoes? 28.This dress is very nice. Can I try on it? 29.What do your favourite animal? 30.What’s time is it?31.Is your uncle work here?32.What color is a orange? It’s orange.33.Is that her an American jeep?34.Peter is a friend of my father.35.Those toyes are our.36.That’s not her picture. Her is on the wall. 37.His trousers is old .He wants to have a new pair. 38.----What are those? ----Those are buses. 39.We often call David Dave of short. 40.Jenny doesn’t have some water in her bottle. 41.Where does his aunt live in?42.The farmers bring our some apples.43.Do your brother work in a office? 44.How a nice place!45.Tom says he often has milk in the breakfast. 46.Why not watching TV this evening? 47.What about go shopping tomorrow? 48.Tom’s parents both are workers. 49.How many salts is there in the bag? 50.Tom can play piano very well.。

第一类:冠词错误1. She is a teacher, and she likes her job very much.答案:去掉"a"解析:此处表示职业,应使用零冠词。
2. He goes to school the bus every day.答案:去掉"the"解析:在表示乘坐交通工具时,通常不用冠词。
3. I saw a lion in the street yesterday.答案:将"a"改为"the"解析:此处特指在街道上看到的狮子,应使用定冠词"the"。
第二类:名词单复数错误4. The children is playing in the park.答案:将"is"改为"are"解析:主语"children"是复数,谓语动词应使用复数形式。
5. There are many sheeps on the hill.答案:将"sheeps"改为"sheep"解析:"sheep"为不可数名词,没有复数形式。
6. My sister has two book on her desk.答案:将"book"改为"books"解析:此处表示不止一本书,应使用复数形式。
第三类:动词时态错误7. I am going to the movies last night.答案:将"am going"改为"went"解析:句子描述的是过去的事情,应使用一般过去时态。
8. They have finished their homework and go home.答案:将"go"改为"went"解析:根据上下文,这里应该使用过去时态,与前面的"finished"保持一致。

七年级英语常见语法错误纠正练习题及答案一、选择题1. I ______ a book in my hand when I saw him.A. am carryingB. was carryingC. have carriedD. carried答案:B. was carrying2. We _______ TV when the power went out.A. watchingB. watchedC. were watchingD. has watched答案:C. were watching3. Peter is _______ boy in my class.A. tallB. taller thanC. tallestD. the tallest答案:C. tallest4. The dog ________ there for two hours before the owner came back.A. stayedB. has stayedC. had stayedD. stays答案:C. had stayed5. I _______ her in the park this morning.A. sawB. seeC. had seenD. have seen答案:A. saw二、改正句子中的错误(每题一处错误)1. She go to the library every day after school.答案:go → goes2. They has two cats and a dog at home.答案:has → have3. We did many fun things on our holidays.答案:holidays → holiday4. Did you did your homework last night?答案:did → do5. The book on the table belongs for Jenny.答案:for → to三、选择适当的词或词组填空1. ______ you late for school this morning?A. DoB. DidC. AreD. Is答案:B. Did2. I _______ English for three years.A. learningB. am learningC. have learnedD. learned答案:C. have learned3. They _______ a party tonight. Would you like to come?A. are havingB. haveC. hasD. had答案:A. are having4. She ________ a new bike for her birthday.A. receivesB. receivedC. has receivedD. had received答案:B. received5. We should ________ our homework carefully before we hand it in.A. checkedB. checkC. are checkingD. have checked四、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 他们昨天在公园里散步。

七年级〔上〕英语期末易错题专练一、单项选择( )1. What about _______ a model plane for Diana?A. buyB. buysC.buyingD. to buy( )2. What’s the color_______ your new jacket, Mike?A. onB. inC. ofD. at( )3. —Let's meet in the school library at 3 p.m. —Is that OK _______ you?A. atB. withC. inD. on( )4. —Is_______ the third day of a week?—No. It's the fourth day of a week.A. TuesdayB. WednesdayC. ThursdayD. Friday( )5.—Is this your pen?—Yes,it is.It's _______ .A. meB.myC. mineD. I( )6. We have trousers_______ all colors_______ only $ 25.A. on, aboutB. on, atC. in, atD. in, for( )7._______girl in a red sweater is my friend Lucy.A. AB. AnC. TheD. One( )8. We all know that English is_______ useful subject.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )9. —Do you like ping-pang?—Yes.It’s_______for me.A. difficultB.busyC.easyD.boring( )10. —Cindy.Do you like ice cream after dinner?—No,I like it______I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.A.soB.orC.andD.but( )11. —_______Dale busy on Saturday? I want to meet him.—Sorry,I don’t know.A.DoesB.DoC.AreD.Is( )12. We have history_______10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.A.atB. forC. fromD. with( )13. My brother Paul doesn’t like science, but I_______.A.amB. canC. doD. like( )14. Is the watch yours? Please_______the teacher______it.A.speak; toB.sell; toC.ask; forD.buy; for( )15. —Hey,John’s birthday dinner is next week.Let’s_______the food. —Sure.How about some fruit?A e on B.think about C.tell toD.ask for( )16. —Excuse me,Linda,what’s this in English?—It’s_______apple. And_______apple is red.A.the;heB.a;anC.an;theD.a;the( )17. Edward can play_______ basketball, but he can’t play _______ guitar.A. /; /B./; theC. a; /D. the; /( )18.—Is this ________ dictionary?—No, it isn’t. It is ______ dictionary.A. you; hisB. your; heC. you; heD. your; his( )19. —Let's ____________ volleyball. —_________ good.A. playing, That’sB. play, That soundsC. play, That’s soundD. to play, That’s( )20. —Does he play sports?—No, _________. He only watches them _________TV.A. he does, onB. he does, inC. he doesn't, onD. he does, in( )21. I can ________ many things on the table.A. look atB. seeC. watchD. look( )22. I have a love dog. ________ dog is very clever.A. AnB. AC. /D. The( )23. ________ my English teacher, Miss Miller.A. She isB. He areC. This isD. This are( )24.My trousers ________ old, but this pair of trousers ________ new.A. is,isB. is; areC. are; isD. are; are( )25. British people eat ________ a lot, and they are cooked in different ways.A. potatoB. potatoesC. beefD. chicken( )26.Here________ two photos of my sister.A. isB. amC. areD. be( )27.There are 60 minutes(秒) in ________ hour.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )28.________ mother is a teacher of No. 1 Middle School.A. Li Ming and Li NingB. Li Ming and Li Ning’sC. Li Ming’s and Li Ning’sD. Li Ming’s and Li Ning( )29.He ________ to visit China.A. wantB. to wantC. don’t wantD. wants( )30.That coat is nice and I’ll ________ it.A. tryB. takeC. wantD. put( )31.Her ________ Vicky.A. name’sB. namesC. nameD. is( )32.________ is difficult for us to play soccer ball well.A. ItB. ThisC.ThatD. He( )33.—What are those?—________ are cakes.A. ThatB. TheseC. ItD. They( )34.You want it, we have it, ________ a very good price.A.for B.at C.of D.in( )35.We can ________ books ________ the bookstore.A.sell, to B.buy, from C.sell, from D.buy, to( )36.—You look very beautiful.—________.A. OkB. Yes, I amC. Thank youD. No, I’m not( )37.There _______ a bag of milk on the desk and there ________ two pieces of bread on it.A .is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are; are( )38.I like apples and I eat____ for lunch. He l ikes bread but he doesn’t eat ______for lunch.A. it; itB. they; itC. them; itD. it; them( )39.—Do you want some ________? —No, thanks.A. chickenB. bananaC.hamburgerD. egg( )40.These are ______ books,those books are_______.A. our; theyB. our; theirsC. us; their; theirs二、词汇运用A.根据汉语注释写出空缺处单词的正确形式,每空一词1.I often watch TV in the (晚上).2.Mr. Brown has two (儿子) . They are Sam and Tim.3.Tom’s (父母) are teachers in a middle school.4.That purple jacket is not mine. It’s (她的).5.(我们的) school is very big and beautiful.6.The library is (整洁的) and I love reading here.7.You can see books (到处) in his room.8.Miss Wu asks (我们) to study hard.9.Linda, a girl from America, can (说) “nihao〞.10.Thank you for helping me (找到) my hat, Lisa.11.That girl’s (姓) is Green.12.Mr. Smith’s family are (在中国) now.13.(怎么样) this black jacket?14.Thank you for (告诉) me about it.15.I (丢了) my pen this morning. I must find it.16.Here is a photo of my (父母亲) on the wall.17.Please (给...发) me at helen20gfimail .18.Can you (去取) a chair for me, Bob?19.Angela, don’t (看) TV all the time!20.There are thirty students in our (班级).21.David has two (历史) classes a week.22.(地理) is really difficult for me.23.The english party is (从...开始) 2:00pm to 4:00pm.24.(他是) my brother, Tom.25.The computer is on the (老师的) desk.26.-What are these? -They are (时钟).27.His sister has two (字典).28.I have seven (照片) of my family.29.Let (我们) take the books to school.30.Tommy has four (排球).31.Please take (他们) to your English teacher.32.Cindy can play tennis very (好).33.The eggs in the store are at a great (销售).34.She is the twelfth (女孩) in my class.35.This sweater is only 15 (美元).36.March eighth is (妇女) Day.37.He (完成) his homework well everyday.38.My brother often (看) Happy Camp on TV in the evening.39.I love to eat (西红柿). They are good for us.40.We have some activities this (学期).41.“What’s s even and six?〞asks our (数学) teacher.42.Mary is (确信) that she is right.43.Dale and John are (同班同学).44.They are not here. They are (迟到的).45.A set of (钥匙) is on the desk.46.Let’s eat some (冰激凌).47.This sweater looks nice, I’ll (买下) it.48.She wants to (打) tennis with her classmates this afternoon.49.(水果) and vegetables are healthy food.50.Do you have a tennis (球拍)?B.在下列各句的每个空格内填上一个恰当的单词,首字母已给1.We need to m_________ him at 2:00p.m. today.2.My name is Mary Brown. My f_______ name is Mary, and my f_______ is Brown.3.Z________ and ten is ten.4.-What’s his telephone n__________? -It’s 6677878.5.Kimi is my c________. He is my aunt’s son.6.Here is a p_______ of my family.7.Jenny is Ms. Green’s d_________. She is 8.8.E________ me, do you have an English book?9.This cup is m_________.10.I f_________ a schoolbag in Classroom 1.11.-Is this book y_______, Jim? –No, it’s Linda’s.12.H ow do you s________ it?13.T__________ for your help.14.I see a red m_________ plane on the sofa.15.H e t________ it is useful to learn English.16.T his is my brother. He is my p________ son.17.I like p_________ basketball, because it is i__________.18.T his is a r________ busy term.19.I t is not d__________. It’s easy.20.I like s_____________. They are red.21.P aul is g_______ at English.22.D oes she have good eating h__________?23.H amburgers and ice-cream are not h__________ food.24.W hat’s the p_________ of the bananas.25.S eptember is the n_________ month of the year.26.T he four month of the year is A__________.27.B eijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou are all big c_________.28.T__________ comes after Wednesday.29.I don’t like watching TV. It’s b_________.30.C hina is an old country with a h__________ of over 5000 years.31.W e sell all our clothes at a very good p__________.32.I t’s not easy to f__________ so much homework.33.T hat boy l_______ very cool.34.M y teacher s_______ math is difficult but useful.35.W e have an art f___________ every year.36.D o you often have a school t_______ at school?37.C ome and buy your clothes at our great s_______.38.T here are 12 m________ in a year.39.D on’t be l_______ for school.40.I’m t________, but Gina is not.41.A lice’s things are e_____________—on the sofa and under the chair.42.A______ the teacher for it.43.P lease e_______ me at ydjdjd16344.I must f________ it.45.I like Monday b_________ I have P.E. and history.46.I s that Ok w_____ you?47.W hat’s your f__________ subject?48.T here are five people in my f__________.49.H e always p_______ games with us.50.J ohn’s b__________ dinner is next week.C.根据下列句子与所给音标,写出空缺处单词的正确形式,每空一词1. The teacher says math is/'juːsfl/.2. My classes/'fɪnɪʃ/ at 1:50.3. It will take about an/ˈaʊə(r)/ to get there.4. We have a birthday party on/ˈtju:zdeɪ/.5. Our/ˌtʃaɪˈni:z/ teacher is great fun.6. This is a really busy/tɜːm/.7. When is your/dʒi'ɒɡrəfi/ class.8. I like Monday/bɪˈkɒz/ I have P.E. and math.9. – Do you have a sister?– No I don’t. I/ˈəʊnli/ have a brother.10. We have four/klɑ:sɪz/ in the morning and two in the afternoon.11. The book is/ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ and I like it.12. She/pleɪz/ sports every day.13. Oh, your skirt is the/seɪm/ as mine.14. Tom puts his books/ˈevriweə(r)/.15. Our classroom is/ˈtaɪdi/.16. Our room is/ˈɔ:lweɪz/ clean.17. Those are/aʊr/ radios.18. Gina always/ɑ:sks/ , “Where are my keys?〞19./waɪ/ are you late for school today?20. Who is your/'feɪvərɪt/ teacher?21. We have P. E. on/ˈwenzdeɪ/.22. My mother’s/ˈbɜ:θdeɪ/ is in December.23.May is the/fɪfθ/ month of a year.24. September 6th is the boy’s/naɪnθ/ birthday.25. We have a book sale in the school/ˈlaɪbrəri/.26. We have sweaters at very good/praɪsɪz/.27. The blue shorts on/seɪl/ are very cheap.28. They sell jackets for only $30 at this/kləʊðz/ store.29. If you want to be/ˈhelθi/, please eat mor vegetables.30. Does your mother like salad for/ˈbrekfəst/.31. His/ˈdɔ:tə(r)/ is not in the picture.32. I have two/'ʌŋklz/.33. Are they your/kwɪlts/?34. I/lɒst/ my watch. I must find it.35. Tuesday is the/θɜ:d/ day of a week.36. The Spring/ˈfestɪvl/ is only a week away.37. There are/twelv/ months in a year.38. My mother is a great/ˈwʊmən/.39. He looks cool in the black/ˈtraʊzəz/.40. They ask a great many/'kwestʃənz/ about England.41. I’m/ˈri:əli/ sorry to hear that.42. David asks the volleyball star about her eating/ˈhæbɪts/.43. She thinks her work is/ˈbɔ:rɪŋ/.44. The map is on/ðeə(r)/ bed.45. She finds it is very/ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ to get up early.46. She says goodbye and/θæŋks/ us for coming.47. My uncle makes a/ˈmɒdl/ plane for my cousin.48. All of us are students in Taoyuan/ˈmɪdl/ School.49. I like the/ˈdɪkʃəneri/, because I can look up new words in it.50. For girls, we have skirts in/ˈpɜ:pl/ for only $25.三、选出与下列划线部分读音不同的单词1.A. name B. apple C. that D. family2.A. home B. go C. come D. phone3.A. houses B. spell C. students D. sister4.A. book B. moon C. look D. cook5.A. back B. fast C. have D. map6.A. June B. ruler C. put D. you7.A. these B. three C. think D.health8.A.which B. who C. what D. where9.A. yellow B. hello C. know D. brown10.A. car B. star C. dollar D. art11.A. teacher B. seat C. sweater D. please12.A. no B.not C. cold D. over13.A. father B. their C. that D. thin14.A. maps B. oranges C. classes D. friends15.A. carrot B. radio C. same D. favorite16.A. food B. good C. look D. book17.A. yes B. happy C. hurry D.any18.A. she B. green C. eleven D. evening19.A. hear B. pear C. bear D. there20.A. nineteen B. sweater C. please D. meet21.A. cars B. eggs C. this D. fishes22.A. with B. thank C. think D. month23.A. month B. aunt C. uncle D. under24.A. Excuse B. cute C. under D. use25.A. subject B. student C. education D. Tuesday26.A. not B. open C. orange D. box27.A. face B. family C. animal D. black28.A. pants B. have C. want D. black29.A. school B. cats C. apples D. cups30.A. tooth B. three C. this D. think31.A. maths B. burgers C. watches D. bags32.A. think B. six C. big D. he33.A. Miss. B. his C. bus D. yes34.A. English B. me C. meet D. we35.A.can B. call C. carrot D. hamburger36.A. old B. helloC. clothes D. orange37.A. eraser B. Wednesday C. very D. dress38.A. come B. sock C. from D. long39.A. Sunday B. uncle C. under D. aunt40.A. School B. much C. teacher D. chair41.A. mother B. skirt C. China D. daughter42.A. tidy B. tennis C. ring D. sister43.A. small B. four C. walk D. bird44.A. cake B. racket C. rain D. face45.A. phone B. sofa C. sock D. photo46.A. time B. favorite C. violin D. kind47.A. yellow B. twenty C. your D. yes48.A. egg B. pen C. head D. small49.A. lost B. love C. brother D. mother50.A. how B. brown C. know D. found四、连词成句1.is,his,when,birthday(?)2.at,our,play,school,friends,soccer,we,with(.)3.spell,you,do,how,the,world(?)4.after,lesson,that,I,two,have,an,for,art,hours(.)5.is,school,the,trip,when(?)6.do,come,party,to,you,to,my,want,birthday(?)7.green,$25,the,shorts,on,are,for,sale(.)8.the,jim’s,under,basketball,is,chair(.)9.is,bedroom,whose,this(?)10.many,can,I,egg,have,now(.)11.have,I,soccer,my,does,but,don’t,brother,ball,a (.)12.clothes,sell,all,our,price,at,a,we,good,very (.)13.busy,is,term,a,really,this (.)14.want,what,do,color,you (?)15.Tuesday,I,two,on,math,classes,have (.)16.Plays,with,games,always,he,us (.)17.Frank,like,Bob,P.E.,why,do,and (?)18.history,interesting,is,I,think (.)19.Lily’s,are,who,grandparents (?)20.not,that,does,sell,shorts,store,trousers,or (.)21.these,interesting,think,I,things,are (.)22.tennis,Linda,where,friends,with,play,her,does (?)23.have,lesson,art,an,two,for,they,hours.(.)24.is,what,favorite,your,subject (?)25.Mary,like,does,vegetables (?)26.the,sweater,how,is,much,white (?)27.to,wants,birthday,Jack,to,come,tomorrow,my,party28.I,with,play,classmates,after,baseball,some,school(.)29.in,picture,can,you,see,what,the (?)30.this,room,his,is (?)31.me,difficult,is,soccer,it,play,for,to (.)32.day,TV,she,does,watch,every.(?)33.those,are,in,what,English (?)34.nice,the,in,is,room,that,chair (?)35.boy,TV,likes,games,on,watching,the,sports (.)36.November 11th,birthday,her,is,on, (.)37.I,Monday,because,like,history,I,have and P.E.(.)38.are,those,girls,your,uncle’s,daughters (.)39.what,sister’s,name,is,her (?)40. when,geography,your,is,class (?)五.语法填空1Hi,I’m Sophie! I have a happy family. There are three people in it, my parents_____ I. We have a good_________(eat) habit, and we have fruit every day. My mom always________(say) a girl will be more beautiful(漂亮的〕if she likes eating fruit.Every day my parents get up at 7:00 to cook breakfast. I get up at 7:15.______I wash my face and brush my teeth(洗脸和刷牙〕,I make fruit salad. I often take one apple, three_____________(strawberry) and two bananas to make it. At about 7:50 breakfast is OK, and my salad is OK,__________.My parents like the salad very much.Today my cousin Tim is at my home. He likes hamburgers________breakfast, but he doesn’t like fruit at all. He never(从不〕eats_______apple or banana. But when he sees______(I)fruit salad, he asks to try a bit .After eating song,he says it is____nice.Now he makes fruit salad every day,and a healthy habit like me.2Ann has a nice family. These are ________family members: her grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and her.They like __________(play) sports. Ann’s parents are ________(teacher), but they aren’t in the same school. Her father likes basketball______her mother likes tennis. They play ____(sport) in the morning. Ann’s grandparents don’t work(工作)now. They____ (be) 60 and they likeping-pong. They always play ping-pong in the afternoon. What about Ann?______she play ping-pong? No, she_______(think)it’s difficult. Does she play tennis? Yes, she does. It’s fun __her. She can play volleyball and baseball, too. Ann likes English and her English is good. ______plays soccer in her family? Do you know? No one. They think it’s boring.3Welcome to Emma’s Store! We sell all_________(we) clothes at very good prices.Some_____(T-shirt)for girls are only 15 dollars. We have different colors like white, black, red and green. They are all very beautiful.There are also some shorts for boys. They are brown and black. A pair of shorts____(be)20 dollars and two pairs are only 35 dollars.If you need some trousers, you can come to our store, _____.We have trousers for both boys and girls._______much are they?Well, 20 dollars for girls,_______18 dollars for boys.Are there any sweaters? Yes! For boys,we have blue and grey sweaters, and for girls, we have sweaters___red and pink.They look very nice. You can______(take) them for only 30 dollars._____to Emma’s Store now!I’m sure you’ll find what you____(real)want here.4.Alan is___(I)friend. In the morning, he has milk, bread and an apple. After breakfast, he goes to school_____her sister. ____lunch, he has some rice, chicken and carrots. In the afternoon, he only has two______(class). After school, he always plays_______with his classmates. He plays basketball very_____(good). And he wants _________(be)a basketball star. He gets home___six. Then he has dinner with his parents. For dinner, Alan likes noodles and vegetables. After dinner, he likes to eat a banana. He really eats lots of__________(health)food every day. He has a good eating__________.5.I’m Terry. I’m a middle school student. Some of my classmates like math,______I don’t, I think math is too difficult for___(I). I can’t understand(理解)the teacher in class. ______do we have to learn math? I often ask my parents this question. At school, we have math______Monday to Friday. How terrible! When I am at home, I can’t finish the math homework(家庭作业)by myself. I need about two_____(hour)to do it with the help of my father.My father says math is really_________(use), so I should try my best. But how can I learn it well? My father has____good idea(主意). He asks Mrs.Green to come to my home today. Mrs.green________(play)math fun games with me, and all the games_____about numbers. For the________(one)time, I think math is interesting. She says she will help me with my math. Maybe I will be good at math one day.6Dear Li Lei,How are you these days? I’m sorry I can’t____(see) you this week. I’m ______(real) busy these days, and I have no time to relax.Tomorrow I have two ball_____(game). One is soccer and the other is tennis. I know you like tennis, ______. It’s a great sport, right? The day after tomorrow, on May 5th, I have an English speaking contest(比赛),______I don’t like English. I think it’s difficult for me. On May 6th, our school has___art festival. We have it___May every year. There will be a lot of___________(interest) pictures at the festival. On May 7th, the last day of the week, it is my cousin Zhang Ming’s birthday. My aunt and uncle want____________(have)a party for him. Well, can you come to my cousin’s birthday party? I think we can have a good________then.Yours,Han Jie7Hi! My name is Zhang Mingming. My first name is Mingming and Zhang is my_______name.I ____ very nice. The_____________is 22668825. I have a pen, too. What________is it? It’s white.Look! This boy is___(I)friend. ______name is Frank. His family name is Miller. He has two________(ruler). One is white and one is green. And he has_______orange watch. He likes it very much. _______ is he? He is fine.8Hi!My______is Mary. Here’re two_________(photo) of my family. Look! My friend Bob and I________(be) in the first photo. And my f amily are in the___photo. You can________my parents in it. Who’s the nice_______? she’s my sister.________(she) name is Alice. Oh, ________that? He’s Mimi. Mimi is a black_______white dog. He’s___my family, too.9Today in China, many young people like_________(eat)fast food._______go to KFC or McDonald’s often.___________(Child) ask their parents to take theme there,______they think they_____delicious. Experts tell us, eating too much fast food is bad for____(we)health. Children must eat more_________(health)food, like vegetables, eggs, fresh(新鲜的)fish and meat. They say fruits are____very important for us,_______apples and pears.eating They Children because are But us healthy not for10Hello! My name is Alice Smith. I am____English girl and I’m 13 years old. My birthday is on December__________(twelve). Now I am____Ningbo, China with my parents. I like my school here. Miss Chen is my favorite teacher. Do you know______? Right! She is great fun. We all like______very much.“What’s______(you) favourite subject?〞My classmate, Lin Ling asks me. I like P.E.. I like basketball very much.And I can play it very______(good). I usually have lunch at school. For lunch, I like_______(eat)fish and vegetables because they are healthy.Next Saturday is my birthday. I want_________(have)a party at home. My friends will come. I’m sure we can have a good time.Can you be my friends? Please write to me.11Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m Eric.____ are you? Look! This is ______ room(房间. Oh, what’s this in_______? It’s a quilt. It’s _____the bed. What_________ is it? It is purple. What’s that? It’s a schoolbag(书包. It’s on the chair. What’sin the schoolbag? There are two rulers and a book in it. The rulers are white and the book is blue. What can you_____(see) on the desk? Oh,it’s____orange. I can______(spell) it. O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. There is a cup on the desk, too. It’s my sister__________ (Helen). She likes it very much. I also have some CDs in the bookcase. The CDs______ (be) white. I like them very much.12I’m Susan and I have a sister called Annie. Here are two photos of______ (we) schoolbags. My schoolbag is in the________ (one) photo. It’s orange and yellow. My_________ (sister) is in the next photo. It’s pink and blue.Three books and a pencil box_______ in my schoolbag. There are three________ (pencil), twoerasers and a set of keys in the pencil box. My lunchbox is in the schoolbag,______. It’s yellow._____apple is also in my schoolbag. I don’t like apples,_____ my mother always asks me to eat one each day.________are in Annie’s schoolbag? Oh, there are ten books and a pencil box. Annie likes reading very much. You can always_______ (find) some storybooks in her schoolbag. She often tells stories to me.参考答案单项选择答案1—5 CCBBC6—10 DCACD11—15 DCCCB16—20 CBDBC21—25 BDCCB26—30 CBBDB31—35 AADBB36—40 CBCAB词汇运用A.根据汉语注释写单词1—5 evening sons parents hers our6—10 tidy everywhere us say find11—20 last/family name China about telling lost16—20 parents email/e-mail get watch class21—25 history Geography from He’s teacher‘s26—30 clocks dictionaries photos us volleyball31—35 them well sale girl dollars36—40 Women’s finishes watches tomatoes term41—45 math sure classmates late keys46—50 ice-cream take play Fruit racketB.根据首字母写单词答案1-10 meet, family, Zero, number, cousin, photo/picture, daughter, Excuse, mine, found11-20 yours, spell, Thanks, model, thinks, parents’, playing, interesting, really, difficult, strawberries21-30 good, habits, healthy, price, ninth, April, cities, Thursday, boring, history31-40 price, finish, looks, says, festival, trip, sale, months, late, tidy41-50 everywhere, Ask, email, find, because, with, favorite, family, playsC.根据音标写单词1. useful2. finish3.hour4. Tuesday5. Chinese6. term7. geography8. because9. only 10. classes 11. interesting 12. plays 13. same 14. everywhere 15. tidy 16. always 17. our 18. asks 19. Why 20. favorite 21.Wednesday 22. birthday 23. fifth 24. ninth 25. library 26. prices 27. sale 28. clothes 29. healthy 30. breakfast 31. daughter 32. uncles 33. quilts 34. lost 35. third 36. Festival 37. twelve 38. woman 39. trousers 40.questions 41. really 42. habits 43. boring 44. their 45. difficult 46. thanks 47. model 48. Middle 49. dictionary 50. purple 辨音选择1-5.ACABB 6-10. CABDC11-15 CBDAA 16-20. AACAB21-25 CABCA 26-30. BACCC31-35. ADBAB 36-40. DAADA41-45. BADBC 46-50. BBDAC连词成句1.when is his birthday?2.we play soccer with our friends at school.3.How do you spell the word?4.After that I have an art lesson for two hours.5.When is the school trip?6.Do you want to come to my birthday party?7.The green shorts are on sale for $25.8.Jim’s basketball is under the chair.9.Whose bedroom is this?10.How many eggs can I have?11.I don’t have a soccer ball,but my brother does.12.We sell all our clothes at a very good price.13.This is a really busy term.14.What color do you want?15.I have two math classes on Tuesday.16.He always plays games with us.17.Why do Frank and Bob like P.E?18.I think history is interesting.19.Who are Lily’s grandparents?20.That store does not sell shorts or trousers(trousers or shorts)21.I think these things are interesting.22.Where does Linda play tennis with her friends?23.They have an art lesson for two hours.24.What is your favorite subject?25.Does Mary like vegetables?26.How much is the white sweater?27.Jack wants to come to my birthday party tomorrow.28.I play baseball with some classmates after school.29.What can you see in the picture?30.Is this his room?31.It’s difficult for me to play soccer.32.Does she watch TV every day?33.What are those in English?34.Is the chair in that nice room?35.The two girls are great running stars.36.Her birthday is on November 11th.37.I like Monday because I have P.E and history.38.Those girls are your uncle’s daughters.39.What is her sister’s name?40.When is your geography class?语法填空1.and eating says After strawberries too for an my really2her playing teachers and sports are does thinks for Who3Our T-shirts is too How and in take Come really4my with For classes sports well to be at healthy habit5but me What from hours useful a plays are first6see relaxing games too but an at interesting to have time7last am phone number color my his rulers an how8name photos are next see girl Her Who’s and in9an twelfth in her her your well eating healthy to have10see really games too but an in interesting to have time11How my English on color see an spell Helen’s are12our first sister’s are pencils too An but What find。

(C)2.How are you? I’m good, thanks. ( fine/ well )
(D)3. Good afternoon! I’m Li Wei Hua. (Weihua)
(C)4. I’m Gao Hui. What is you name? ( your )
( B ) 1. That’s a ID card. ( an )
( B ) 2. His name am John White. ( is )
(A) 3. I telephone number is 49867982. ( My )
(A) 4. What do you spell computer? ( How )
味道。也就是说,你选择的话题必须与本材料有关联,并且在行文中也应该把材料做某种形式的交代。 作文题五十二 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 有一次,记者询问国际数学大师陈省身当初为什么选择了数学,陈省身回答:别的都不会,只好做数学。 无独有偶。另一记者采
访著名画家黄永玉,问他当初为什么学画,他的回答也是:别的什么都不会,只好作画。 两位大师不谋而合,回答如出一辙。 这难道只是偶然?只是出于谦虚? 对此,你有何看法?写一篇文章,表达自己的见解。题目自拟,文体自选,不少于800字。 [写作提示]两位大师的
后按要求作文。 题目: 一样的
2、1000字左右,文体不限。 [写作提示]本题属于半开放性作文,既加大了考生自由回旋的空
间,还用比喻性命题的形式体现规定性,有利于限制考生的事前构思。本题的类型具有创新,值得关注。本题无论选择哪个命题,这比喻性命题的形式本身就隐含着抒情性,无论是记叙、议论、说明,都要兼顾抒情性这一点。 作文题五十一 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 有一名在德
2020七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。
Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:ORANGE.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。
in Engli sh“用英语”,是固定短语。
初一英语上学期改错 新目标(PPT)5-4

(CB) 4. What are this in the picture?(theisse)
(A ) 5. He notebooks are in the bag.(His )
(B ) 6. What is those in English? They’re maps.( are)
( C) 1. My baseball is in the chair. ( on / under)
( D) 2. Where is your pen? I am not know. ( don’t )
( D) 3. Where are the pens? The pens are here.( They)
走?②表示事情发生得晚或结束得晚:他说星期三动身,到星期五~走|大风到晚上~住了。③表示只有在某种条件下然后怎样(前面常常用“只有、必须” 或含有这类意思):只有依靠群众,~能把工作做好。④表示发生新情况,本来并不如此:经他解释之后,我~明白是怎么回事。பைடு நூலகம்表示数量小,次数少, 能力差,程度低等等:这个工厂开办时~几十个工人|别人一天干的活儿,他三天~干完。⑥表示强调所说的事(句尾常用“呢”字):麦子长得~好呢| 我~不信呢! 【才分】名才能;才智。 【才干】名办事的能力:增长~|他既年轻,又有~。 【才刚】〈方〉名刚才:他~还在这里,这会儿出去了。 【才高八斗】形容文才非常高。参看页〖八斗才〗 【才华】名表现于外的才能(多指文艺方面):~横溢|~出众。 【才具】〈书〉名才能:~有限。 【才力】名才能;能力:~超群。 【才略】ü名政治或军事上的才能和智谋:~过人。 【才能】名知识和能力:施展~。 【才女】ǚ名有才华的女子。 【才 气】名才华:他是一位很有~的诗人。 【才情】名才华;才思:卖弄~。 【才识】名才能和见识:~卓异。 【才疏学浅】才能低,学识浅(多用于自谦)。 【才思】ī名写作诗文的能力:~敏捷。 【才学】名才能和学问。 【才艺】名才能和技艺:~超绝。 【才智】名才能和智慧:充分发挥每个人的聪明~。 【才子】名指有才华的人。 【材】①木料,泛指材料①:木~|钢~|~|就地取~。②名棺材:寿~|一口~。③资料:教~|题~|素~。④

七年级英语(上)改错100题七年级英语(上)改错100题1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five..4.-Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill?-XXX.7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.12.Whereare my photoes? Can you see them? Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the XXX.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What’s are in th e box? There are some apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to the classroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag?—Yes, I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.22.How many potato are there in the bag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English?Yes, but only little.28.XXX.30.In weekends, what time do you usually run?31.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in the afternoon.32.How much is the eggs, please?33.This skirt is 80 XXX .34.How much is the socks?35.How much are that pants?XXX.XXX.38.Have a look for the picture.39.We have many bags. Do you like it?.40.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.41.That’s a her black hat.42.What’s that on English?43.Is that you chair, Mary?44.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.45.Please call Mary in 394-627546.Does they have a computer?47.Do you have soccer ball?48.Let’s to go home.49.She watch TV every day.50.Can you see they in the room?51.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?52.His parents XXX.53.Does she likes salad?54.XXX apples.XXX.56.How much are these white short?57.We have sweaters on yellow for only $15.58.They are 7 dollar.59.Where is my new shoes?60.Look! XXX.61.He often go to see his XXX.62.I think it’XXX.63.I like XXX.I think he isn’t in Class One, XXX.66.What time is it? It’s at seven thirty.67.Please write and tell me in your morning.68.Does your brother have the lunch at school?69.Tom’s family have a shower.70.He often play games after school.71.Is these your sisters?72.Her is XXX?XXX.74.They are my parent.XXX.76.Please have a look my new skirt.XXX.78.Can you play trumpet? No, I can’t.79.There is a few water(水) on the floor.80.My teacher often helps me on my English.81.Can you say English?82.I usually go to bed at ten thirty o’clock.83.Is he often watch morning TV?84.How a funny time to eat breakfast!.85.I need my eraser. Please take it here.86.What’s kind of movies do you like?XXX88.I have a math on Tuesday.89.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.90.How old is your mother? Her is 40.91.How are you today? I’m very good.92.When is Lucy birthday?93.School start at eight o’clock.94.People usually eat dinner at the night.95.He works all day and all evening.XXX to see a book in the evening.97.Can you speak English good?。


[不定项选择]属于从传播途径上降低噪声的方法的是()。A.在工程设计中改进生产工艺和加工操作方法,降低工艺噪声B.在生产管理和工程质量控制中保持设备良好运转状态,不增加不正常运行噪声C.合理安排建筑物功能和建筑物平面布局,使敏感建筑物远离噪声源,实现"闹静分开"D.采用合 [问答题]在公共场所怎样避震? [单选,A1型题]体外冲击波碎石的禁忌证应除外()A.妊娠B.过于肥胖,影响聚焦C.严重尿路感染D.结石以下有梗阻E.鹿角形结石 [单选]与碱性焊条相比,酸性焊条焊接时所表现出的特点为()。A.存在铁锈和水分时,很少产生氢化孔B.熔渣脱氧较完全C.能有效消除焊缝金属中的硫D.焊缝金属力学性能较好 [单选]导致膀胱肿瘤的危险因素是()A.吸烟B.膀胱慢性感染C.长期接触联苯胺D.上述都是E.上述都不是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]心衰控制后责任护士向患者及家属进行健康教育,其内容哪项不妥()A.适量运动,以不出现心悸、气短为度B.少量多餐,以减轻心脏负荷C.食谱选择不受限制,以促进食欲D.坚持服药,定期门诊复查E.积极防治风湿热,避免心衰诱因,做好防寒保暖 [单选]关于CT扫描层厚的理解,哪个是错误的()A.层厚是CT扫描技术选择的重要参数B.层厚薄空间分辨率高C.层厚加大,密度分辨率低D.层厚的选择,应根据扫描部位和病变大小决定E.层厚薄,病灶检出率高 [单选]某盐酸合成车间的换热器,其材质应选用()。A.高合金钢B.铸石C.不锈性石墨D.耐蚀陶瓷 [单选]确诊气胸最有价值的项目是()A.胸部X线或CTB.症状C.体征D.病史E.动脉血气分析 [单选]石灰干燥法主要用于下列哪一类药物的储存()。A.根及根茎类B.果实种子类C.少量贵重药及胶类药D.花类药E.以上均不是 [填空题]观赏植物生长发育一般要经过种子萌发、营养生长和()三大时期。 [问

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want to watch TV b ut I can’t, because I have too many homework to do.mother likes bananas, and I don’t.often go to movies and my friends.want to go to the swim club.Xiang is a runing star.she singsYes, she does well in singing.is good at playing sports and he speaks English goodly.is a card. Please fill out it.soon does your mother go to movies ---Once a month.has few friends in his class, does he ---Yes, he doesn’t.is interesting in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.do you think of the weather in Beijingdo you like the movie shown last nightlike swim in summer and we are all good at it.students in our class all are Young Pioneers.don’t know how work out the problem. It’s too d ifficult.school is too much beautiful. We like it a lot.you finished to do your homework yet ---No. I ca n’t do most of them.need some help, needn’t theydoesn’t his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.English books are these---Sorry, I have no idea.head teacher will be back after three weeks. You can see her at that time.was born in the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English” means “What’s the English with this”! Class One is playing football on the playground.should listen to the teachers as careful as possible in class.’s this ---This is a Japanese book.Hua bought some books on his way to home.shouldn’t do your homework with red ink.have many sport clubs. You can join any one you like.father is used to getting up early everyday.parents like watching TV for dinner.is relaxed. You will feel relaxed after playing it.can buy things of a good price in that store.and see with yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.you like to go to movie with me ---Yes, I’d love to.you tell me how can I get to the nearest hospitalneed help for our School Trip. If you are good at kids, please call us at .funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.delicious food we had in that restaurant.supper he often plays his the guitar.you guess what is his jobyou want to know my schoolall my classmates are busy to go over their lessons for the final examination.teacher is very strict in us at school.usually very tired after school.need some helps with my English.father often tells me not quarrel with others in class.is an one-year-old boy.school is twenty minutes walk from his home.lives in room five. I live next to her.is going to have a heavy rain the day after tomorrow.mother will write to you as soon as she will get to Shanghai next week.morning exercises is good for your health.are a great number of woman teachers in our school.likes math very much. As Lily, she likes English a lot.a bus to school is much more comfortable than ride a bike.tall buildings will build in our school next year.are too many tall trees on either sides of the road.will can talk to foreigners in English next year.’s very nice for you to help me.you like any more bread ---Thanks, I’m mo re than full.! Our classroom is more cleaner today than yesterday.Tom nor I are good at dancing.is the nineth month of a year.should be quite in class and listen to the teachers carefully.is so tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball. has two uncles. One is an English teacher, another is a novelist. works hard, and so Mike does.can hardly walk after the long journey, can’t heyou like to come for dinner ---Yes, I’d love.is a teacher for English.. Wang teaches their Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently.you know the answer of the questionto work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel.the bus comes and there it will go.doesn’t like football and baseball.boy was made cry by the bully.said the earth moved around the sun.wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday.is bigger, the sun, the earth or the moonnot let Alice to play tennis with you.price of the bags is very expensive.take your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music.one is the most difficult in Book Two.son is born on a beautiful sunny morning.together with his parents are going to the Great Wall next week. number of the students in Class One are 39.fourth of the eggs are bad.you for the two great photoes of your family.there interesting anything in today’s newspaperare more than two thousands students in our school.is the last one left the classroom yesterday eveningtime is it on your watchpractice to speak everyday English every day.puts on his coat and go out.for opening the door for us.past is the only dead thing that smell sweet.save time is lengthen life.are very dull. Nobody is interested in it.KEY:want to wat ch TV but I can’t, because I have too much homework to do.mother lik es bananas, but I don’t.often go to movies with my friends.want to go to the swimming club.Xiang is a running star.she singYes, she does well in singing.is good at playing sports and he speaks English well.is a card. Please fill it out.often does your mother go to movies ---Once a month.has few friends in his class, does he ---Yes, he does.\---No, he doesn’t.is interested in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.do you think of the weather in Beijingdo you like the movie shown last nightlike swimming in summer and we are all good at itstudents in our class are all Young Pioneers.don’t know how to work out the problem. It’s t oo difficult.school is much too beautiful. We like it a lot.you finished doing your homework yet ---No. I can’t do most of them.need some help, don’t theydoesn’t d o his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.English books are these---Sorry, I have no idea.head teacher will be back in three weeks. You can see her at that time.was born on the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English” means “What’s the English for this”! Class One are playing football on the playground.should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible in class.’s th is ---It is a Japanese book.Hua bought some books on his way home.shouldn’t do your homework in red ink.have many sports clubs. You can join any one you like.father is used to getting up early every day.parents like watching TV at dinner.is relaxing. You will feel relaxed after playing it.can buy things at a good price in that store.and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.you like to go to movies with me ---Yes, I’d love to.you tell me how I can get to the nearest hospitalneed help for our School Trip. If you are good with kids, please call us at .a funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.delicious food we had in that restaurant.supper he often plays his guitar.you guess what his job isyou want to know about my schoolall my classmates are busy going over their lessons for the final examination.teacher is very strict with us at school.am usually very tired after school.need some help with my English.48. My father often tells me not to quarrel with others in class. 49. Tommy is a one-year-old boy. 50. His school is twenty minutes’ walk from his home. 51. Kate lives in Room Five. I live next to her. 52. There is going to be a heavy rain the day after tomorrow. 53. Your mother will write to you as soon as she gets to Shanghai next week. 54. Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 55. There are a great number of women teachers in our school. 56. Lucy likes math very much. As for Lily, she likes English a lot. 57. Taking a bus to school is much more comfortable than riding a bike. 58. Many tall buildings will be built in our school next year. 59. There are too many tall trees on either side\both sides of the road. 60. I can talk to foreigners in English next year. 61. It’s very nice of you to help me. 62. ---Would you like some more bread ---Thanks, I’m more than full. 63. Look! Our classroom is much cleaner today than yesterday. 64. Neither Tom nor I am good at dancing. 65. September is the ninth month of a year. 66. We should be quiet in class and listen to the teachers carefully. 67. Tom is as tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball. 68. Tom has two uncles. One is an English teacher, the other is a novelist. 69. Tom works hard, and so does Mike. 70. BoBo can hardly walk after the long journey, can he 71. ---Would you like to come for dinner 72. He is a teacher of English. 73. Mr. Wang teaches them Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently. 74. Do you know the answer to the question 75. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel. 76. Here comes the bus and there it will go. 77. Tomas doesn’t like football or baseball. 78. The boy was made to cry by the bully. ---Yes, I’d love to.79. Jack said the earth moves around the sun. 80. What a wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday. 81. Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon 82. Do not let Alice play tennis with you.83. The price of the bags is very high. 84. Please bring your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music. 85. Lesson One is the most difficult in Book Two. 86. My son was born on a beautiful sunny morning.87. Jim together with his parents is going to the Great Wall next week.88. The number of the students in Class One is 39. 89. Three fourths of the eggs are bad. 90. Thank you for the two great photos of your family.91. Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper 92. There are more than two thousand students in our school. 93. Who is the last one leaving the classroom yesterday evening 94. What time is it by your watch 95. They practice speaking everyday English every day. 96. He puts on his coat and goes out. 97. Thanks \Thank you for opening the door for us. 98. The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet. 99. To save time is to lengthen life. 100. Politics is very dull. Nobody is interested in it.。