第 2010-293-001 号)。
裴小革,经济系博士生导师。1956 年 10 月出生于北京市。现为中国社会科学院经
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项目《中国近代经济史》1937-1949 卷副主编。主持院级课题《抗战前中国产业经济发 展状况研究》、《中国经济史学数据库》等项目,现担任院创新工程《我国初期工业化》 首席研究员。已发表《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》(2006 年)、《民族工业发展史 话》(2000 年、2011 年)等个人专著,发表了《官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经 济政策》(1998 年)等数十篇学术论文。《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》获 2009 年 经济所优秀科研成果奖一等奖,2010 年中国社会科学院优秀成果奖(专著)三等奖。
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
中国社会科学院经济系考博真题导师分数线内部资料 一、专业的设置、招生人数及考试科目
院系ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(招生人数) (招生人数)
401 经济系 (14)
①1001 英语
01 经济增长与资本形成
资料来源育明教育官网:(考博分校) 考博考试信息、辅导课程可咨询育明教育考博分校
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
三、论述题(40 二选一)1、对财政政策和货币政策的四种政策组合和运用环境进行评述。
中国社会科学院考博历年真题 经济学原理2001
![中国社会科学院考博历年真题 经济学原理2001](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d597c3daa1c7aa00b52acbfb.png)
社科院工经所考博考题:2000-2010 企业管理2000年必答题(50分)1论企业核心能力在制定企业经营战略中的作用。
4、预测技术和环境变化的德尔非法的基本内容是什么, 论述题(每题30分,共60分) 1试比较经济学、管理学关于企业组织的基本研究方法和观点。
(30分) 企业管理2002年必答题(50分)1试述提高企业管理信息化水平的意义和主要途径。
2从生产作业管理(operations management)角度分析如何提高中国制造业的劳动生产率和竞争优势。
1.消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)
2.资本有机构成(Organic Composition of Capital)
3.规模收益递增(Increasing returns to scale)
4.边际技术替代率(Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution)
5.风险规避系数(Risk Aversion Coefficient)
6.持久收入假说(Permanent Income Hypothesis)
图1 洛伦兹曲线如图1所示,洛伦兹首先将一国总人口按收入由低到高排序,然后考虑收入最低的任意百分比人口所得到的收入百分比。
中国社会科学院《经济学原理》历年真题——1999年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(每题5分)价值资本积累两大部类级差地租Ⅰ通货紧缩恩格尔系数M1 外贸依存度二、简答。
——2000年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(共40分,每题4分)社会必要劳动资本积累第Ⅱ大部类社会主义生产目的GDP 边际消费倾向M2 机会成本生产成本生产函数帕雷托最优二、简答题(共30分,每题10分)1.简述马克思劳动价值论的基本原理。
——2001年经济学原理试题一、简答题(共40分,每题10分)1、产业资本循环的阶段和职能2、社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架3、利润率最大化的条件4、通货膨胀的基本类型二、论述题(3题中任选两题,每题30分)1、市场失灵的主要表现及其校正措施2、应用宏观经济调控的基本原理,分析我国近两年宏观经济政策的特征3、应用现代公司治理结构原理分析我国国有企业的公司化改造——2002年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(每题4分,共28分)社会主义市场经济劳动的二重性资本有机构成边际效用需求弹性市场失灵GNP折算(缩减)指数二、简答题(每题14分,共42分)1、以宏观经济学中的总需求决定论说明扩大政府采购的作用2、试论述社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件3、作图说明垄断企业的产品价格和产量如何决定三、论述题(选一题,30分)1、比较说明:马克思与西方经济学分别怎样解释市场上的产品价格如何决定?2、马克思如何以劳动价值论来说明资本主义社会国民收入的分配?他的观点与西方经济学中的收入分配理论有何不同?——2003年经济学原理试题一、概念辨析(每题14分,共70分)1、经济学和政治经济学2、价值和生产价格3、资本集中和资本积累4、机会成本和边际成本5、经济增长和经济发展二、论述题(每题40分,共80分)1、谈谈经济学中的静态分析、比较静态分析和动态分析2、西方经济学中的失业理论和我国现阶段的就业问题——2004年经济学原理试题一、名词解释30分绝对剩余价值级差地租II 资本原始积累恩格尔定理无差异曲线二、简答题50分A垄断条件下利润平均化规律会发生那些变化?B浅析规模经济与范围经济的关系!三、论述题70分A生产要素按贡献参与分配的依据及其意义!B论公平与效率的关系!——2005年经济学原理考试试题一、名词解释:每题6分边际效用对剩余价值有效需求自然失业率虚拟资本二、简答题,每题20分1、产业资本循环实现条件是什么?2、完全竞争与不完全竞争的区别和联系?3、IS-LM模型中的产品市场和货币市场实现均衡的机制是什么?三、论述题,每题30分1、产权、产权制度对市场经济发展的意义2、在社会主义市场经济条件下市场机制和宏观调控的关系——2006年经济学原理试题一、名词解释(共30分,每题6分。
博士经济学面试题及答案1. 请简述经济学中的边际效用递减原理。
2. 什么是市场失灵?请举例说明。
3. 请解释完全竞争市场的条件。
4. 什么是货币政策?请简述其主要工具。
5. 请描述经济增长与发展的区别。
6. 什么是机会成本?请举例说明。
7. 请解释什么是菲利普斯曲线。
论述题:对经 济学理论或现 象进行深入分 析,分值占比
计算题:经济 学模型或数据 的计算与分析,
分值占比约 20%
案例分析题: 结合实际案例 分析经济学原 理或政策,分 值占比约10%
难度:社科院考博经济学真题难度较大,主要考察考生对经济学理论和实践的深入 理解及综合运用能力。
交流与分享:参加备考交流会、 与考友分享经验、互相鼓励支持
题目:论述发展中国家如何实现经济赶超。 答案:发展中国家可以通过制定合适的 经济政策、加强基础设施建设、促进技术创新和人才培养等措施,实现经济赶超。
答案:发展中国家可以通过制定合适的经济政策、加强基础设施建设、促进 技术创新和人才培养等措施,实现经济赶超。
题目:分析发展中国家在经济发展过程中面临的主要挑战。 答案:发展中国家在经济发展 过程中面临的主要挑战包括资源短缺、环境压力、人口增长、贫困和不平等等问题。
社科院考博经 济学真题备考 资料推荐
真题来源:社科院考博经济 学真题主要来源于历年考试 真题和模拟试题
获取方式:可以通过购买、 下载或在线学习平台获取社 科院考博经济学真题
简答题:简述 经济学原理或 概念,分值占
《宏观经济学》作者:曼 昆
《政治经济学教程》作者: 宋涛
《西方经济学》作者:高 鸿业
经济学经典教材: 曼昆《经济学原 理》、萨缪尔森 《经济学》等
中国社科院2007年博士研究生入学考试试题PART I VocabularySection A (10 point)Directions:Choose the word that is the closest in meaning with the underlined word.1.The public might well sanction a wider range of programming than would strictly be implied by the”gap-filling”approach,but this is not certain.A.view B.approve C.coerce D.insist2.Petrazzini's main concern is not so much cultural homogenization associated with the spread of the Internet,but an exacerbation of the gap between young and old and between spread of the Internet.A.uniformity B.discrepancy C.convention D.distinction.3.The history helps explain the vexing dispute between the European Union and the United States over the greatest threat to privacy yet conceived:the hundreds of millions of personal dossiers in computerized and networked databases.A.troublesome B.astonishing C.everlasting D.conflicting4.There were not personal goals,no desire to get ahead or to leave something behind.There were only God's decrees to be faithfully carried out.A.orders B.petitions C.prophets D.queries5.Lee Ford and Dan Brooks,a London-based creative and development team,came up with an”edgy”V olkswagen spot for a demo:a terrorist tries to detonate a car bomb outside a crowded caf.A.ignite B.stain C.impede D.ascribe6.The music indicates the way in which Mozart was developing his ideas in 1773 as he attempted to shake off his reputation as a child prodigy and be taken seriously as a composer.A.bedlamite B.betrayer C.genius D.jailor7.Kelly fought depression,her sister struggled against violent tendencies,and their only physical touches they'd ever known from their parents were abusive.A.cordial B.fastidious C.sadistic D.absurd8.Browse one of the websites that hosts them,like You Tube or Google Vides,and you'll see drunken karaoke,babies being born,plane crashes,freakish sports accidents and far,far stranger things.A.elegant B.fraternal C.frantic D.bizarre9.There were still a few surprises,as a squeal here and there in the dark announced,but we did learn to “see with our feet”—lessons in trail Braille.A.divergence B.scream C.gradation D.strand10.He hasn't analyzed why he tips so generously,but I think the proclivity stems from his high school years,when he worked as a busboy.A.predilection B.prosperityC.premeditation D.preambleSection B (10 points)Directions:Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.11.In a competitive and fast-paced modern society,busy business executives are so __________ their work that they hardly know what the word leisure means.A.engrossed in B.exempt from C.skeptical of D.extraneous to 12.But the depth of a novel and the value of its artistic and ideological feature do not depend on the theme-either __________ or significant.A.versatile B.trivial C.preliminary D.alternate13.It is always __________ in some ways,because if it were performed as a primitive fending-off or covering-up action,it would obviously be too transparent.A.scrupulous B.clamorous C.intrinsic D.camouflaged 14.She often remains coldly remote from him;probably his badly scarred face produced an involuntary feeling of __________ in his neighbor.A.discordance B.deliberation C.perversity D.repulsion15.For us it is a big and dark secret;to __________ it would be to jeopardize our future,confessed an avi-aphobe who is currently undergoing therapy.A.divulge B.recall C.retain D.duplicate16.The charitable acts of their boss used to be greatly praised by the people.However,ruthless company downsizing drives and continued layoffs,coupled with rising pay for top managers,have made him look a good deal less __________.A.discourteous B.prudent C.benevolent D.obstinate17.Most of us go through life adding __________ to knowledge,polishing a concept here or there,doing an experiment,contributing a few leaves—or,if we are lucky,a twig—to the tree of knowledge.A.impartially B.impassably C.incrementally D.melodiously 18.The only way he could do it-and by “it” he means achieving the level of fame enjoyed by Martin,who is so famous that his infant daughter,Apple,is better known than the rest of Coldplay combined--is by getting into some kind of trouble,and it could only be infamy,which is of course,__________.A.preposterous B.preludial C.precise D.preponderant 19.So the most __________ scientist alive at that time who symbolized the height of human intellect adopted what became his last message-this manifesto,which implored governments and the public not to allow our civilization to be destroyed by human folly.A.fastidious B.eminent C.anonymous D.waggish20.The novel will be read a long time for its minute and almost uncanny insight into army life,its __________ dialogue,its sheer narrative pull,its portrayal of the tenderness that sometimes is found beneath the crudest animal drives,its absence of mock heroics,its comic absurdities and irony and,above all else,its revelation of the perversity of human nature in the face of evil.A.pungent B.notorious C.anticlimactic D.shakyⅡPART GrammarSection A (10 mints)Directions:Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.21.The police kept asking me to repeat the story of how I found the scroll,and they kepttelling me that I was changing it and tripping me __________.A.for B.on C.up D.in22.The budget crunch has put extra pressure on nearly everyone at this storied campus--besieged administrators __________ to lure minority applicants,students frantically __________ money to cover fee hikes,department heads trying to staunch a faculty brain drain and office staffers worried that a stalemate in Sacramento means no money for the mortgage at home.A.to struggle,to seek B.struggled,soughtC.struggle,seek D.struggling,seeking23.If you're a regular reader of blogs,or indeed of any kind of news website,you've probably been frustrated from time to time by information overload:the blogosphere creates __________ material for any human being to comfortably __________.A.too much,digest B.not much,digestC.too little,be digested D.not much,be digested24.When deposits are federally insured,people no longer rush to withdraw their money if they __________ the financial condition of their bank.A.become concerned about B.become concerned withC.become concerned in D.concern25.Over and over in War of the Worlds,he evokes the sensation,more familiar from dreams than movies,__________ an otherworldly entity,glimpsed from a great distance,__________ suddenly,violently clawing its way into your personal space.A.that,is B.is,which C.that,being D.which,being26.As the generations progress,feather length will increase because females do not prefer a specific length tail,but a longer-than-average tall.Eventually tail length will increase to the point __________ the liability survival is matched by the sexual attractiveness of the trait and an equilibrium will be established.A.that B.where C.which D./27.Never far from positions of influence,wealthier from his broadcasting activities __________ the biggest moguls,he is in many ways on the edge of things.A.than all but B.as all but C.but than all D.but as all28.__________ a rigid,unidirectional mode of demystification which saw all such other modes as subsidiary and peripheral,it began to see all alternatives to its mode of demystification as conspiracies against human good.A.Modern science not only gradually developsB.Not only did modem science gradually developC.Now that modem science gradually developedD.Only did modem science develop29.One theory is that too much vitamin E __________ bleeding risk,which would __________ the risk of a type of Stroke,while another theory suggests that at high doses vitamin E stops working like an antioxidant,removing harmful molecules in the body,and instead becomes a pro-oxidant,actually promoting the production of harmful molecules.A.decreases,decrease B. increases,increaseC.decreases,increase D.increases,decrease30.Nor,indeed,do all these guardians of tradition have to exert much pressure on the principal players,since the expectations of their social world have long ago been built into their own projections of the future--they want precisely __________ society expects of them.A.that which B.that C.which D.what thatSection B (10 points)Directions:Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.31.The repetitions that concern Domhoff pertains largely to repetitions within an individual'sAdream history.But there is a sense in which all dreamers dream each other's dreams in the form ofB Cso-called universal dreams,which are the equivalent of literary archetypes.D32.The Nature commentary says scientists working on aging now have to take into accountAthe prospect that “drug-related approaches to interfere with this process may come at a price--theB Cdisruption of our natural mechanism for keeping cancer to bay.”D33.The work confirms hints that had already been emerging in the scientific literature inArecent years that p53 and related proteins might play an important role in life,but the new paper is far more detailed--and,scientists say,more compelling--that anything published previously.B C D34.For all the fretting about outsourcing and trade deficits in the United States,MTV offers a highly-end case study in how to export what seems,at first glance,to be a uniquely American brand.35.The trend to empty a library is being driven,academicians and librarians say,by theA Bdwindling need for undergraduate libraries,many of them were built when leading researchC Dlibraries were reserved for graduate students and faculty.36.Dr.ElBaradei said his hope is that the Nobel Peace Prize will serve to help theA internationalcommnunity,and to achieve the goal of developing a functional system of global security that does not derive from a nuclear weap ons deterrent,would rather based on addressingB C Dthe security concerns of all people.37.DDT,the most powerful pesticide the world has ever known,exposed nature'sAvulnera-bility.Unlike most pesticides,whose effectiveness is limited to destroy one or two types ofB Cinsects,DDT is capable of killing hundreds of different kinds at once.D38.For it is “everybody”,a whole society,which,has identified being feminine with caringA B C about how one looks.Given these stereotypes,it is no wonder that beauty enjoys,at best,a ratherDmixed reputation.39.The research also raises the possibility that younger people treat successfully for cancerAwith chemotherapy may be subject to premature aging later in life,a possibility that has never beenB C D rigorously examined.40.We peer out beyond our world to glimpse objects that lie at the very edge of the universe,Astars teetering tantalizingly on the beginning of time.We peer inward to our own genome,Bswiftly unraveling the puzzle of what tiny bit of chemical code manifests themselves as appearance,C Dten-dency,advantage and liability in the marvelous human creature.PART Reading comprehensionⅢ:(30 points)Directions:Answer all the questions based on the information in the passages below.Passage 1I have observed that the Americans show a less decided taste for general ideas than the French.This is especially true in politics.Although the Americans infuse into their legislation far more general ideas than the English,and although they strive more than the latter to adjust the practice of affairs to theory,no political bodies in the United States have ever shown so much love for general ideas as the Constituent Assembly and the Convention in France.At no time has the American people laid hold on ideas of this kind with the passionate energy of the French people in the eighteenth century,or displayed the same blind confidence in the value and absolute truth of any theory.This difference between the Americans and the French originates in several causes,but principally in the following one.The Americans are a democratic people who have always directed public affairs themselves.The French are a democratic people who for a long time could only speculate on the best manner of conducting them.The social condition of the French led them to conceive very general ideas on the subject of government,while their political constitution prevented them from correcting those ideas by experiment and from gradually detecting their insufficiency;whereas in America the two things constantly balance and correct each other.It may seem at first sight that this is very much opposed to what I have said before,that democratic nations derive their love of theory from the very excitement of their active life.A moreattentive-examination will show that there is nothing contradictory in the proposition.Men living in democratic countries eagerly lay hold of general ideas because they have but little leisure and because these ideas spare them the trouble of studying particulars.This is true,but it is only to be understood of those matters which are not the necessary and habitual subjects of their thoughts.Mercantile men will take up very eagerly,and without any close scrutiny,all the general ideas on philosophy,politics,science,or the arts which may be presented to them;but for such as relate to commerce,they will not receive them without inquiry or adopt them without reserve.The same thing applies to statesman with regard to general ideas in politics.If,then,there is a subject upon which a democratic people is peculiarly liable to abandon itself,blindly and extravagantly,to general ideas,the best corrective that can be used will be to make that subject a part of their daily practical occupation.They will then be compelled to enter into details,and the details will teach them the weak points of the theory.This remedy may frequently be a painful one,but its effect is certain.Thus it happens that the democratic institutions which compel every citizen to take a practical part in the government moderate that excessive taste for general theories in polities which the principle of equality suggests.Comprehension questions41.According to the writer,what kinds of ideas have been favored by the French people?A.Political ideas that can be adjusted to the practice of government.B.Concrete ideas that they believe to be truthful.C.General ideas in political affairs.D.Eighteenth century ideas.42.Why do the Americans show less enthusiasm for general ideas than the French?A.The French constitution did not allow for experiment.B.In America,the constitution provides checks and balances.C.The social conditions in France led to different ideas.D.The Americans have always been in charge of their own public affairs.43.Some people in democratic countries prefer general ideas because __________.A.in politics it is easier to study general ideasB.general ideas on different subjects are more interestingC.mercantile men prefer general ideas on philosophy,politics,science and the artsD.they do not have time to address details44.What does the writer think would inhibit people's preference for general ideas?A.Teaching them the weak points of the theory.B.Encouraging them to take a practical part in democratic institutions.C.Trying to make them abandon those ideas.D.Compelling them to study details.45.The writer's conclusion is that __________.A.the principle of equality must be paramountB.general theories in politics should be the most important part of democracyC.citizens should be forced to take part in democratic institutionsD.people's taste for general ideas can be diminished through taking part in democratic institutionsPassage 2Of the great variety of opinions concerning “marriage for money”,the following three are important with reference to the development of the importance of money.Marriages based exclusively upon economic motives have not only existed in all periods and at all stages of development,but are particularly common among primitive groups and conditions where they do not cause any offence at all.The disparagement of personal dignity that nowadays arises in every marriage that is not based on personal affection-so that a sense of decency requires the concealment of economic motives-does not exist in simpler cultures.The reason for this development is that increasing individualization makes it increasingly contradictory and discreditable to enter into purely individual relationships for other than purely individual reasons.For nowadays the choice of a partner in marriage is no longer determined by social motives (though regard for the offspring may be considered to be such a motive),in so far as society does not insist upon the couple,s equal social status-a condition,however,that provides a great deal of latitude and only rarely leads to conflicts between individual and social interests.In a quite undifferentiated society it may be relatively irrelevant who marries whom,irrelevant not only for the mutual relationship of the couple but also for the offspring.This is because where the constitutions,state of health,temperament,internal and external forms of life and orientations are largely the same within the group,the chance that the children will turn out well depends less upon whether the parents agree and complement each other than it does in highly differentiated society.It therefore seems quite natural and expedient that the choice of the partner should be determined by reasons other than purely individual affection.Yet personal attraction should be decisive in a highly individualized society where a harmonious relationship between two individuals becomes increasingly rare.The declining frequency of marriage which is to be found everywhere in highly civilized cultural circumstances is undoubtedly due,in part,to the fact that highly differentiated people in general have difficulty in finding a completely sympathetic complement to themselves.Yet we do not possess any other criterion and indication for the advisability of marriage except mutual instinctive attraction.But,happiness is a purely personal matter,decided upon entirely by the couple themselves,and there would be no compelling reason for the official insistence on at least pretending love may be misleading--particularly in the higher strata,whose complicated circumstances often retard the growth of the purest instincts--no matter how much other conditions may affect the final results,it remains true that,with reference to procreation,love is decidedly superior to money as a factor selection.In fact,in this respect,it is the only fight and proper thing.Marriage for money directly creates a situation of panmixia--the indiscriminate pairing regardless of individual qualities--a condition that biology has demonstrated to be the cause of the most direct and detrimental degeneration of the human species.In the case of marriage for money,the union of a couple is determined by a factor that has absolutely nothing to do with racial appropriateness--just as the regard for money often enough keeps apart a couple who really belong together--and it should be considered as a factor in degeneration to the same extent to which the undoubted differentiation of individuals makes selection by personal attraction more and more important.This case too illustrates once more that the increasing individualization within society renders money increasingly unsuitable as a mediator of purely individualrelationships.Comprehension questions46.According to the text,what is said to influence matrimonial compatibility and stability in simpler cultures?A.Personal dignity.B.Economic decline.C.Monetary considerations.D.Financial growth.47.Marriages motivated by monetary aspirations are more likely not to be camouflaged in what strata of society?A.Upper middle.B.Middle middle.C.Lower middle.D.Lower lower.48.The marriage rate is said to be decreasing because __________.A.we demand too much of our partnersB.partners don't give complimentsC.people are too differentiated sociallyD.the economic disparity in many regions is growing49.How is the question of race in relation to marriage similar to the question of money?A.They fuel mutual instinctual attraction.B.They inspire individual responsibilities.C.They deflect superficial relationships.D.They prohibit suitable marriages.50.Panmixia is said to __________.A.aid the selection process B.complement individualizationC.inspire positive results D.set up biological declinePassage 3But probably the fullest statement of the doctrine of the rule of law occurs in the work of William Paley,the “great codifier of thought in an age of codification.”It deserved quoting at some length:”The first maxim of a free state,”he writes,is,that the laws be made by one set of men,and administered by another;in other words,that the legislative and the judicial character be kept separate.When these offices are unified in the same person or assembly,particular laws are made for particular cases,springing often times from partial motives,and directed to private ends:whilst they are kept separate,general laws are made by one body of men,without foreseeing whom they may affect;and,when made,must be applied by the other,let them affect whom they will…When the parties and interests to be affected by the laws were known,the inclination of the law makers would inevitably attach to one side or the other;and where there were neither any fixed rules to regulate their determinations,nor any superior power to control their proceedings,these inclinations would interfere with the integrity of public justice.The consequence of which must be,that the subjects of such a constitution would live either without constant laws,that is,without anyknown pre-established rules of adjudication whatever;or under laws made for particular persons,and partaking of the contradictions and iniquity of the motives to which they owed their origin.“Which dangers,by the division of the legislative and judicial functions,are in this country effectually provided against.Parliament knows not the individuals upon whom its acts will operate;it has no ease or parties before it;no private designs to serve:consequently,its resolutions will be suggested by the considerations of universal effects and tendencies,which always produce impartial and commonly advantageous regulations.”With the end of the eighteenth century,England's major contributions to the development ofthe principles of freedom came to a close.Though Macaulay did once more for the nineteenth century what Hume had done for the eighteenth,and though the Whig intelligentsia of the Edinburgh Review and economists in the Smithian tradition,like J.R.MacCulloch and N.W Senior,continued to think of liberty in classical terms,there was little further develop- ment.The new liberalism that gradually displaced Whiggism came more and more under the influence of the rationalist tendencies of the philosophical radicals and the French tradition.Bentham and his Utilitarians did much to destroy the beliefs that England had in part preserved from the Middle Ages,by their scornful treatment of most of what until then had been the most admired features of the British constitution.And they introduced into Britain what had so far been entirely absent--the desire to remake the whole of her law and institutions on rational principles.The lack of understanding of the traditional principles of English liberty on the part of the men guided by the ideals of the French Revolution is clearly illustrated by one of the early apostles of that revolution in England,Dr.Richard Price.As early as 1778 he argued:”Liberty is too imperfectly defined when it is said to be a Government of LAWS and not by MEN.If the laws are made by one man,or a junto of men in a state,and not by common CONSENT,a government by them is not different from slavery.”Eight years later he was able to display a commendatory letter from Turgot:”How comes it that you are almost the first of the writers of your country,who has given a just idea of liberty,and shown the falsity of the notion so frequently repeated by almost all Republican Writers.‘that liberty consists in being subject only to the laws?'“From then onward,the essentially French concept of political liberty was indeed progressively to displace the English ideal of individual liberty,until it could be said that”in Great Britain,which,little more than a century ago,repudiated the ideas on which the French Revolution was based,and led the resistance to Napoleon,those ideas have triumphed.”Though in Britain most of the achievements of the seventeenth century were preserved beyond the nineteenth,we must look elsewhere for the further development of the ideals underlying them.Comprehension Questions51.Concerning William Paley's main vision of the rule of law,which of the following is NOT true?A.The purpose of an independent counsel is to eliminate potential conflicts of interests.B.Paley's political strategy illustrates the concept of checks and balances.C.The absence of separation of powers would inevitably result in injustice and inequity.D.The rule of law and the separation of powers could be deemed unconstitutional principles.52.According to Paley,what would happen to a person living in a country where the judiciary and legislative powers aren't kept separate?A.The inviolability of the legal apparatus would be guaranteed.B.Laws could be manipulated to serve particular interests.C.Lawmakers would have to mitigate conflicts of interest.D.Lawmakers would have adjudication powers.53.Complete the following sentence:”The Whig intelligentsia __________.”A.supported traditional tendencies B.supported reformist tendenciesC.supported Manichean tendencies D.supported aesthetical tendencies54.Which of the following best expresses the author's opinion of the Utilitarians?A.Unbiased.B.Neutral.C.Critical.D.Sympathetic.55.Which of the following is true?A.The author favors the principles of English freedom as opposed to the ideals of the French revolution.B.The author favors the principles of the French revolutions as opposed to the principles of English freedom.C.The author is deeply attached to the status quo between the principles of English freedom and the ideals of the French revolution.D.The author shows that the principle of political alienation in a capitalist society has an economic base.Passage 4There are,two opinions as to the production of light.Augustine seems to say that Moses could not have fittingly passed over the production of the spiritual creature,and therefore when we read.In the beginning God created heaven and earth,a spiritual nature as yet formless is to be understood by the word heaven,and the formless matter for the corporeal creature by the word earth.And spiritual nature was formed first,as being of higher dignity than corporeal The forming,therefore,of this spiritual nature is signified by the production of light. That is to say,the light inquestion is a spiritual light.For a spiritual nature receives its formation by the illumination whereby it is led to adhere to the Word of God.Other writers think that the production of spiritual creatures was purposely omitted by Moses,and give various reasons.Basil says that Moses begins his narrative from the beginning of the time which belongs to sensible things;but that the spiritual or angelic creation is passed over,as having been created beforehand.Chrysostom gives us a reason for the omission that Moses was addressing an ignorant people,to whom material things alone appealed,and whom he was endeavoring to draw away from the worship of idols.It would have been to them a pretext for idolatry if he had spoken to them of natures spiritual in substance and nobler than all corporeal creatures;for they would have paid them divine worship,since they were prone to worship as gods even the sun,moon,and stars,which was forbidden them (Deut.iv.19)But Scripture also mentioned several kinds of formlessness,in regard to the corporeal creature (Gen.i.2).One is where we read that the earth was void and empty,and another where it is said that darkness was upon the face of the deep.Now it was necessary,for two reasons,that the informity of darkness should be removed first of all by the production of light.In the first place because light is a quality of the first body,as was stated,and thus it was fitting that the world should be first formed according to light.The second reason is because light is a common quality.For light is common to terrestrial and celestial bodies.But just as in knowledge we proceed from general principles,so do we in work of every kind.For the living thing is generated before the animal,and the animal before man,as is shown in De Gener Anim.It was fitting,then,as an evidence of the divine wisdom,that among the works of distinction the production of light should take first place,since light is a form of the primary body,and because it is a more common quality.Basil,furthermore,adds a third reason:that all other things are made manifest by light.And。
2024年中国社会科学院大学801经济学考博真题回忆版及答案解析(一)厂商成本函数为C(Q)=F+0.5a Q21.求厂商的规模报酬区间2.厂商的供给函数3.若市场需求函数为P=A-b Q(A,b均为正数),市场由该厂商唯一供给,且厂商是价格接受者,在什么条件下存在唯一的市场均衡?【育明教育解析】1.AC=C Q=F Q+12aQ当F Q=12Aq,即Q=2F a时,AC取最小值2aF故Q在0,2F a2F a,+∞上规模不经济1.MC=dC dQ=aQ=p∴供给函数为Q=P a,(p≥2aF)0,(p<2aF)2.p=A−bQQ=P a=>p=aA a+b,Q=A a+b唯一均衡存在的条件是:p=aA a+b≥2aF(二)有a,b两人,消费物品1,2。
效用函数分别为,,a,b 的禀赋分别为(9,3)和(12,6)1.求1和2的超额需求函数,并验证瓦尔拉斯法则2.求均衡价格3.若经济禀赋为(21,9),写出契约线方程。
【育明教育解析】1.对a来说,maxx1a,x2a ln x1a+2ln x2a s.t.p1x1a+p2x2a≤9p1+3p2用lagrangean 乘子法,得:1x 1a =λP 12x 2a =λP 2=>2x 1a P 1=2x 2ap 2代入约束式并取等号解得:x 1a =3+P 2p 1,x 2a =2+6P 1p 2同理,对b 来说,解得:x 1b =4+2P 2p 1,x 2b =4+8P 1p 2∴z 1(P 1)=x 1a +x 1b−21=3P 2p 1−14;z 2(P 2)=x 2a +x 2b−9=14P 1p 2−3∴z 1(P 1)∙P 1+z 2(P 2)∙P 2=0,满足walras 法则2.令z 1(P 1)=0,得:P 2p 1=1433.在契约线上,应有两人的边际替代率相等,即∂U a∂x 1a ∂U a∂x 2a =∂U b∂x 1b ∂U b ∂x 2b ∴1x 1a 2x 2a =121−x 1a 19−x 2a =>9x 1a =21x 2a ,或写成x 2a =37x 1a(以a 的坐标轴)(三)三个小国1,2,3,其中1,2为生产国,3为消费国。
2005年社科院经济学原理考博试题(暂缺答案)(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、名词解释(每题5分,共20分,答案每题不能少于30字)(总题数:4,分数:20.00)1.环比价格指数(chain price index)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:2.萨谬尔森均衡(Samuelson Equilibrium)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:3.铸币税(Seigniorage)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:4.试验经济学(Experimental economics)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:二、简答(每题10分,共20分,答案不少于300字)(总题数:2,分数:20.00)5.新古典宏观经济学与新凯恩斯主义经济学的基本理论有哪些主要区别?(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:6.简述比较优势原理的基本要点。
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二、问答题(2*15=30分)1 加速原理及其基本要点。
它的实质是,对资本品的需求是一种引致需求(Derived demand),对产出量需求的变化会导致对资本存量需求的变化,从而引致投资。
2 外延式粗放型经济增长与内涵式集约型经济增长的异同点。
三、论述题(2*25=50分)1 垄断资本主义特点“恰恰不是工业资本的统治,而是金融资本的统治”。
列宁指出:帝国主义占统治地位的“ 不是工业资本而是金融资本。
2 科学发展观的基本内涵及其实践意义科学发展观,第一要务是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续发展,根本方法是统筹兼顾。