
工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Design Without DesignersI will always remember my first introduction to the power of good product design.I was newly arrived at Apple, still learning the ways of business, when I was visited by a member of Apple's Industrial Design team. He showed me a foam mockup of a proposed product. "Wow," I said, "I want one! What is it?"That experience brought home the power of design: I was excited and enthusiastic even before I knew what it was. This type of visceral "wow" response requires creative designers. It is subjective, personal. Uh oh, this is not what engineers like to hear. If you can't put a number to it, it's not important. As a result, there is a trend to eliminate designers. Who needs them when we can simply test our way to success? The excitement of powerful, captivating design is defined as irrelevant. Worse, the nature of design is in danger.Don't believe me? Consider Google. In a well-publicized move, a senior designer at Google recently quit, stating that Google had no interest in or understanding of design. Google, it seems, relies primarily upon test results, not human skill or judgment. Want to know whether a design is effective? Try it out. Google can quickly submit samples to millions of people in well-controlled trials, pitting one design against another, selecting the winner based upon number of clicks, or sales, or whatever objective measure they wish. Which color of blue is best? Test. Item placement? T est. Web page layout? Test.This procedure is hardly unique to Google. /doc/f51636438.html, has long followed this practice. Years ago I was proudly informed that they no longer have debates about which design is best: they simply test them and use the data to decide. And this, of course, is the approach used by the human-centered iterative design approach: prototype, test, revise.Is this the future of design? Certainly there are many who believe so. This is a hot topic on the talk and seminar circuit. After all, the proponents ask reasonably, who could object to making decisions based upon data?Two Types of Innovation: Incremental Improvements and New ConceptsIn design—and almost all innovation, for that matter—there are at least two distinct forms. One is incremental improvement. In the manufacturing of products, companies assume that unit costs will continually decrease through continual, incremental improvements. A steady chain of incremental innovation enhances operations, the sourcing of parts and supply-chain management. The product design is continually tinkered with, adjusting the interface, adding new features, changing small things here and there. New products are announced yearly that are simply small modifications to the existing platform by a different constellation of features. Sometimes features are removed to enable a new, low-cost line. Sometimes features are enhanced or added. In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged. Incremental design and innovation is less glamorous than the development of new concepts and ideas, but it is both far more frequent and far more important. Most of these innovations are small, but most are quite successful. This iswhat companies call "their cash cow": a product line that requires very little new development cost while being profitable year after year.The second form of design is what is generally taught in design, engineering and MBA courses on "breakthrough product innovation." Here is where new concepts get invented, new products defined, and new businesses formed. This is the fun part of innovation. As a result, it is the arena that most designers and inventors wish to inhabit. But the risks are great: most new innovations fail. Successful innovations can take decades to become accepted. As a result, the people who create the innovation are not necessarily the people who profit from it.In my Apple example, the designers were devising a new conception. In the case of Google and Amazon, the companies are practicing incremental enhancement. They are two different activities. Note that the Apple product, like most new innovations, failed. Why? I return to this example later.Both forms of innovation are necessary. The fight over data-driven design is misleading in that it uses the power of one method to deny the importance of the second. Data-driven design through testing is indeed effective at improving existing products. But where did the idea for the product come from in the first place? From someone's creative mind. Testing is effective at enhancing an idea, but creative designers and inventors are required to come up with the idea.Why Testing Is Both Essential and IncompleteData-driven design is "hill-climbing," a well-known algorithm for optimization. Imagine standing in the dark in an unknown, hilly terrain. How do you get to the top of the hill when you can't see? Test the immediate surroundings to determine whichdirection goes up the most steeply and take a step that way. Repeat until every direction leads to a lower level.But what if the terrain has many hills? How would you know whether you are on the highest? Answer: you can't know. This is called the "local maximum" problem: you can't tell if you are on highest hill (a global maximum) or just at the top of a small one.When a computer does hill climbing on a mathematical space, it tries to avoid the problem of local maxima by initiating climbs from numerous, different parts of the space being explored, selecting the highest of the separate attempts. This doesn't guarantee the very highest peak, but it can avoid being stuck on a low-ranking one. This strategy is seldom available to a designer: it is difficult enough to come up with a single starting point, let alone multiple, different ones. So, refinement through testing in the world of design is usually only capable of reaching the local maximum. Is there a far better solution (that is, is there a different hill which yields far superior results)? Testing will never tell us.Here is where creative people come in. Breakthroughs occur when a person restructures the problem, thereby recognizing that one is exploring the wrong space. This is the creative side of design and invention. Incremental enhancements will not get us there.Barriers to Great InnovationDramatic new innovation has some fundamental characteristics that make it inappropriate for judgment through testing. People resist novelty. Behavior tends to be conservative. New technologies and new methods of doing things usually take decades to be accepted - sometimes multiple decades. But the testing methods allassume that one can make a change, try it out, and immediately determine if it is better than what is currently available.There is no known way to tell if a radical new idea will eventually be successful. Here is where great leadership and courage is required. History tells us of many people who persevered for long periods in the face of repeated rejection before their idea was accepted, often to the point that after success, people could not imagine how they got along without it before. History also tells us of many people who persevered yet never were able to succeed. It is proper to be skeptical of radical new ideas.In the early years of an idea, it might not be accepted because the technology isn't ready, or because there is a lot more optimization still to be done, or because the audience isn't ready. Or because it is a bad idea. It is difficult to determine which of those reasons dominates. The task only becomes easy in hindsight, long after it becomes established.These long periods between formation and initial implementation of a novel idea and its eventual determination of success or failure in the marketplace is what defeats those who wish to use evidence as a decision criterion for following a new direction. Even if a superior way of doing something has been found, the automated test process will probably reject it, not because the idea is inferior, but because it cannot wait decades for the answer. Those who look only at test results will miss the large payoff.Of course there are sound business reasons why ignoring potentially superior approaches might be a wise decision. After all, if the audience is not ready for the new approach, it wouldinitially fail in the marketplace. That is true, in the short run. But to prosper in the future, the best approach would be to develop and commercialize the new idea to get marketplace experience, to begin the optimization process, and to develop the customer base. At the same time one is preparing the company for the day when the method takes off. Sure, keep doing the old, but get ready for the new. If the company fails to recognize the newly emerging method, its competitors will take over. Quite often these competitors will be a startup that existing companies ignored because what they were doing was not well accepted, and in any event did not appear to challenge the existing business: see "The innovator's dilemma."Gestural, multi-touch interfaces for screen-driven devices and computer games are good examples. Are these a brilliant new innovation? Brilliant? Yes. New? Absolutely not. Multi-touch devices were in research labs for almost three decades before the first successful mass-produced products. I saw gestures demonstrated over two decades ago. New ideas take considerable time to reach success in the marketplace. If an idea is commercialized too soon, the result is usually failure (and a large loss of money).This is precisely what the Apple designer of my opening paragraph had done. What I was shown was a portable computer designed for schoolchildren with a form factor unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was wonderful, and even to my normally critical eye, it looked like a perfect fit for the purpose and audience. Alas, the product got caught in a political fight between warring Apple divisions. Although it was eventually released into the marketplace, the fight crippled its integrity and it was badly executed, badly supported, and badly marketed.The resistance of a company to new innovations is well founded. It is expensive to develop a new product line with unknown profitability. Moreover, existing product divisions will be concerned that the new product will disrupt existing sales (this is called "cannibalization"). These fears are often correct. This is a classic case of what is good for the company being bad for an existing division, which means bad for the promotion and reward opportunities for the existing division. Is it a wonder companies resist? The data clearly show that although a few new innovations are dramatically successful, most fail, often at great expense. It is no wonder that companies are hesitant - resistant - to innovation no matter what their press releases and annual reports claim. To be conservative is to be sensible.The FutureAutomated data-driven processes will slowly make more and more inroads into the space now occupied by human designers. New approaches to computer-generated creativity such as genetic algorithms, knowledge-intensive systems, and others will start taking over the creative aspect of design. This is happening in many other fields, whether it be medical diagnosis or engineering design.We will get more design without designers, but primarily of the enhancement, refinement, and optimization of existing concepts. Even where new creative artificial systems are developed, whether by neural networks, genetic algorithms, or some yet undiscovered method, any new concept will still face the hurdle of overcoming the slow adoption rate of people and of overcoming the complex psychological, social, and political needs of people. T o do this, we need creative designers, creative business people, and risk takers willing to push the boundaries.New ideas will be resisted. Great innovations will come at the cost of multiple great failures.Design without designers? Those who dislike the ambiguity and uncertainty of human judgments, with its uncertain track record and contradictory statements will try to abolish the human element in favor of the certainty that numbers and data appear to offer. But those who want the big gains that creative judgment can produce will follow their own judgment. The first case will bring about the small, continual improvements that have contributed greatly to the increased productivity and lowering of costs of our technologies. The second case will be rewarded with greatfailures and occasional great success. But those great successes will transform the world.不需要设计师的设计唐·诺曼我永远也不会忘记我第一次向人们介绍优秀产品设计的魅力的经历,那时候我刚刚到苹果公司,还在逐渐的学习工作上的事务。

Analysis of the development of baby supplies packaging design Abstract:The basic idea is that the product packaging design to convey to customers the first visual effects. Infants packaging design should include both sides, on the one hand of each parent to meet consumer mind, on the other hand also in accordance with the packaging design concept. The current infant supplies packaging design unified phenomenon exists in the shape, color, function, ect. are mostly reference design, originality factor is less difficult to raise foreign brand. This content, infant supplies packaging characteristics and basic principles, but on current trends infant supplies packaging design is analyzed in order to better guide the infant supplies packaging design, promote baby products to be better capture the market and win consumers.Keywords:Infant supplies;Package Design;Security;TrendsPackaging is linked to human life and an indispensable means of production materials. In the long history, the packaging accompanied human evolution and development, however, the "packaging design" of the term, but it is a new concept into the 21st century after the formation. In the fierce market competition, product research and development cycle becomes shorter, the new product is also accelerating the speed of updating and, therefore, the need for rapid prototyping of new product packaging and packaging design. According to statistics, China is currently the number of children reached 360 million, nearly 128.5 billion yuan of children's products in the huge market, investors profitable a huge cake. In recent years, with the enormous economic and social development, children's surge in the number of articles showing trends, corresponding, children's products packaging is also constantly guise, attracting curious eyes of children, not only brought huge economic benefits for enterprise development, more is to establish the children's products market brand.Status of children's products packaging design1、Product packaging design singleIn general, children's understanding of things and preferences caused mainly by visual stimuli, the attention and interest of goods mainly from factors affecting trade dress, fun, unique shape is the main way to attract their attention. Currently our children form a single product packaging, multi-purpose cassette, bag or bucket-style packaging, lack of interest in the form of structural modeling, a single structure is difficult to meet the children's curiosity consumer psychology.2、Packaging is inconsistent with colorOn the color itself, its rich expressiveness gives certain feelings and associations, this special feeling can be understood as a strong emotion and color rendering power. Color plays an important role in children's products packaging, perfect color performance is the key to children's products packaging design success. Gorgeous bright colors to meet the children's novelty, odd, restless, aggressive psychological characteristics, is an important means to attract children's attention. For example, in children's products packaging design combined with child familiar things, the use of children's favorite lively, vivid and bright colors can attract a wider range of children's attention, enhance their likeability and memorizing degree.3、Security is not strong packaging designChildren's healthy growth and development of future relations with society as a whole, especially in the growing number of one-child families, the healthy development of children will become increasingly important. However, some incidents product packaging mistake because children emerged in recent years caused endless reach of children adult medicines such as events, children's food packaging bag desiccant wounding, jelly cause choking incident, toys wounding more. Behind these tragic events, we found that most of the product packaging are unreasonable or norms related. Some children's products there are significant errors in the packaging structure, such as some time ago caused a big stir in the jelly incident, in large part to its size and shape are related to inappropriate packaging, especially small goblet jellyproblem is most prominent. There are manufacturers on product promotion in children's food packaging bag into a small toy, some toys, food materials would pollute built, some children's toys will be used as food ingestion, which caused the child to physical and psychological harm.4、Lack of functionalChildren's products packaging design should be the characteristics of the child's own, more cater ages they represent, advocated by some clever packaging design sense, humane way imply full of parents and children, inspired by the unique functionality of Children curious consumer psychology, and ultimately achieve purchase. Currently most of our children's products only emphasizes the function of the product itself and ignore the functional form of packaging, shape, taste generalized lack of structure makes it difficult to attract the attention of children in this particular consumer groups.Children Supplies Packaging FeaturesWith economic development, population control a wide range of success, and now most Chinese families have only one to two children of such families have the ability and very willing to let their children a better education, better living conditions, the use of more high-quality products. Such families build trends, making child-class production house, more and more types of products, promotional tools have baked. However, the inevitable cultural development and spiritual development of material culture complement each other to increase the ability for consumers to buy more and more critical eye, in addition to the product itself, the appearance, but also consumers choose a product important factor. Thus, children's products packaging design plays a pivotal role. Children's products on the market now dazzling variety. Professional increasingly fine division of various industries, while also actively promoting in-depth study of children's packaging design class field.1、Children's product packaging design should consider "visual impression" featureChildren are generally characterized by hyperactivity, fun, like fresh, spiritual power is not easy to concentrate. Unlike other consumer groups in the choice of a product when it will consider many factors such as quality, brand reputation, and so on.A survey shows that children of parents decided to buy the product influence up to 47%, while children at the time of purchase of the product and do not use too much rational thought to consider, is often looked nice, fun will buy. Such features make the product packaging design intuitive "first impression" at the Children's design is very important. And their parents in terms of safety, nutrition, have a role to intellectual development of the product could be even more loved by their parents. Therefore, summed outstanding children packing several key features: fun, safety, ease of use, nutritional, educational nature.Should be designed from the perspective of children to design product packaging, to psychological and physiological characteristics of children for the design relied upon, to understand what children are like, thinking, what is very popular among children and so on, meanwhile, should be designed up to a certain human spirit, make the purchase, using the product's parents, the child can feel cared for and care. Allowing consumers the impression that the product plus points.Personal care products such as Johnson & Johnson family of children of different ages with different design products, such as baby range of products, such as professional skin care products, diapers, bottles, etc., over three to four years old baby products, etc., packaging design the abandoned complex design thinking, a simple, unified design style crisp, white, pink, baby blue background coupled with simple text, pattern, so that the audience at the first impression they leave a clean, fresh, big brand protection psychological implications. And "because of love, so Johnson" extensive use of the ad makes commodities rose to humane care perspective, the emergence of such propaganda concept allows consumers to care for such feedback to purchase products directly touched by mental which has become Johnson & Johnson brand loyal supporters.多事的东风,又冉冉地来到人间,桃红支不住红艳的酡颜而醉倚在封姨的臂弯里,柳丝趁着风力,俯了腰肢,搔着行人的头发,成团的柳絮,好像春神足下坠下来的一朵朵的轻云,结了队儿,模仿着二月间漫天舞出轻清的春雪,飞入了处处帘栊。

英文原文:Design for Modularity: Product Design for Decomposition and IntegrationABSTRACTIn the last few years, corporation has engaged in studies to improve their design processes, ranging from marketing to support. Recent government, academic and industrial sector initiatives have sought advance technologies for developing and managing product development environment. Many companies have established a concurrent design process for their product development and have recognized a need for tools in evaluating the level of decomposition and integration, while analyzing the impact on the final design. This article will propose a three-phase methodology for design of products while considering modularity, assembly and manufacture.KEYWORDSModularity, Group technology, Optimization, Decomposition, Classification1. IntroductionModular design is a design technique that can be used to develop complex products using similar components . Components used in a modular product must have features that enable them to be coupled together to form a complex product. Modular design can be also viewed as the process of producing units that perform discrete functions, and then the units are connected together to provide a variety of functions. Modular design emphasizes the minimization of interactions between components, which will enable components to bedesigned and produced independently from each other. Each component, designed for modularity, is supposed to support one or more function. When components are structured together, to form a product, they will support a larger or general function. This shows the importance of analyzing the product function and decomposing it into sub-functions that can be satisfied by different functional modules. Modularity can be applied in the product design, design problems, production systems, or all three. It is preferable to use the modular design in all three types at the same time.Modular products refer to products that fulfill various overall functions through the combination of distinct building blocks or modules. In the sense that the overall function, performed by the product, can be divided into sub functions that can be implemented by different modules or components. An important aspect of modular products is the creation of a basic core unit to which different elements (modules) can be fitted, thus enabling a variety of versions of the same module to be produced. The core should have sufficient capacity to cope with all expected variations in performance and usage.Most design problems can be broken down into a set of easy to manage simpler sub-problems. Sometimes complex problems are reduced into easier sub-problems, where a small change in the solution of one sub-problem can lead to a change in other sub-problems’ solutions. T his means that the decomposition has resulted in functionally dependent sub-problems. Modularity focuses on decomposing the overall problem into functionally independent sub-problems, in which interaction or interdependence between sub-problems is minimized. Thus, a change in the solution of one problem may lead to a minor modification in other problems, or it may have no effect on other sub-problems.Modularity in production systems aims at building production systems from standardized modular machines. The fact that a wide diversity of production requirements exists has led to the introduction of a variety of production machinery, and a lack of agreement on what the building blocks should be. This means that there are no standards for modular machinery. In order to build a modular production system, production machinery must be classified into functional groups from which a selection of a modularproduction system can be made to respond to different production requirements. Rogers classified production mach inery into four basic groups of “primitive” production elements. These are process machine primitives, motion units, modular fixtures, and configurable control units. It is argued that if a selection is made from these four categories, it will be possible to build a diverse range of efficient, automated and integrated production system.2.Overview of Product DevelopmentProduct development is a necessary and important part of the activities performed by a manufacturing firm. Due to changes in manufacturing technology, consumer preferences, and government regulations (to name a few influences), existing products will become less profitable over time. The sales volume of a typical product starts slowly, accelerates, becomes flat, and then steadily declines. Although there may be a few products that remain profitable for many years, firms continually develop new products that will generate more profits. Product development determines what the firm will manufacture and sell. That is, it attempts to design products that customers will buy and to design manufacturing processes that meet customer demand profitably. Poor decisions during product development lead to products that no one wants to buy and products that are expensive to manufacture in sufficient quantity.A product development process is the set of activities needed to bring a new product to market. A product development organization includes the engineers, managers, and other personnel who make process and product engineering decisions and perform these activities. (Note that, in this paper, the term new product covers the redesign of an existing product as well.)Because making good decisions requires expertise and an organization of people can be experts in only a few things, a manufacturing firm specializes in a certain class of products. It focuses its attention on the market for that class of products, the technologies available to produce that class, and the regulations relevant to that class.Like other parts of the business, a product development organization seeks tomaximize the profit of the manufacturing firm subject to the relevant regulatory and ethical constraints and other conditions that the firm’s owners impose based on their values. A product development organization does this by regularly introducing new products that the firm can manufacture, market, and sell. Fundamentally, then, a product development organization transforms information about the world (e.g., technology, preferences, and regulations) into information about products and processes that will generate profits for the firm. It performs this transformation through decision-making (Herrmann and Schmidt, 2002). Because the design problem is highly complex, product development teams decompose the problem into a product development process, which provides the mechanisms for linking a series of design decisions that do not explicitly consider profit.The following nine steps are the primary activities that many product development processes accomplish (Schmidt et al., 2002):Step 1. Identify the customer needs.Step 2. Establish the product specification.Step 3. Define alternative concepts for a design that meets the specification.Step 4. Select the most suitable concept.Step 5. Design the subsystems and integrate them.Step 6. Build and test a prototype; modify the design as required.Step 7. Design and build the tooling for production.Step 8. Produce and distribute the product.Step 9. Track the product during its life cycle to determine its strengths and weaknesses.This list (or any other description that uses a different number of steps) is an extremely simple depiction that not only conveys the scope of the process but also highlights the inherent (but unquestioned) decomposition. There are many other ways to represent product development processes and the component tasks, including the use of schedules or a design structure matrix (Smith and Eppinger, 2001).Manufacturing firms understand that design decisions (though made early in theproduct life cycle) have an excessive impact on the profitability of a product over its entire life cycle. Consequently, product development organizations have created and used concurrent engineering practices for many years (Smith, 1997, provides a historical view). Many types of tools and methods (such as cross-functional product development teams and design for manufacturing guidelines) have been created, adopted, and implemented to improve decision-making. Cooper (1994) identifies three generations of formal approaches to product development, all of which involve decomposition.It should be noted, however, that decomposition is not the only way to describe product development. As an alternative to decomposing a system design problem into subproblems, Hazelrigg (1996) proposes creating and refining system design models to express how detailed design variables affect the overall system performance. This approach suggests that a product development process would end with using the model to find the optimal design. Hazelrigg (1998) encourages this type of optimization but does not discuss the process of generating the profit maximization model.3. A Methodology for Design for ModularityA three-phase methodology is proposed for the development of complex products using the modularity concept [1,2]. The proposed methodology matches the criteria set by the design for functionality, assembly and manufacture. Some of the major benefits associated with this methodology include:·Increased design accuracy, efficiency, and the reuse of existing design for new programs.·Potential for integration of the developed methodology and technology into the engineering design activities.·Modular product design and the process of planning the production are integrated in one overall engineering process in which product features are mapped into their feasible process(es) in a one to one correspondence.In order to implement this concept successfully, the manner in which the modules areselected is critical. By establishing simple interfaces within the modules, the numbers of interactions are then reduced. The steps associated with this methodology include: Phase I - Decomposition Analysis: Design for Modularity and Classification1. Product and problem decomposition.2. Structural and modular decomposition.3. Associativity analysis between the components and specification.4. Application of group technology classification system.5. Construction of the associativity measure matrix.6. Optimum selection of modules.Phase II - Product Analysis: Design for Assembly and Functionality Analysis1. Identify the components that could be produced and assembled separately.2. Determine of the order of disassembly and assembly for each sub-component module.3. Establish the interfaces based on the analysis of the design features.4. Determine of the order, which the sub-assemblies are assembled to produce the final product.Phase III - Process Analysis: Design for Manufacture1. Family identification and template retrieval.2. Determination of the logical order of GT codes for the process of modules.3. Machine and process parameter calculation.4. Variant process planning.4. Decomposition Analysis: Design for Modularity and ClassificationPhase I of the methodology further specifications associated with this phase are illustrated as follows:4.1. Needs AnalysisThe design engineer is usually given an ill-defined problem. In many situations, the designer has to respond to the mere suggestion that there is a need for a product to performa certain function. One of the main tasks is to find out precisely what are the needs and what do customers really want. An important step in the design is to describe the product fully in terms of functional needs and physical limitations. These functional needs and physical limitations will form the product specifications. Surveying prospective purchasers or customers could collect information required to identify customer needs. Conducting a marketing study that begins by establishing target markets and customers can do this. Then customers’ wants and needs could be obtained by using several methods such as interviews and questionnaires. Also, similar products (competitive products) are investigated to find possible improvement opportunities by focusing on weakness points and desired features by customers. Next, customer wants and needs are arranged into groups and prioritized according to their importance. Needs analysis usually results in a statement of recognized needs and the expected manner in which that need should be met.4.2. Product Requirements AnalysisResults of the needs analysis step are used to identify the product requirements. The development group begins by preparing a list of functional objectives needed to meet the customer’s primary needs. Further analysis of customer needs reveals operational functional requirements that impose both functional and physical constraints on the design. Secondary customer requirements will be categorized as general functional requirements; they are ranked secondary because they will not affect the main function of the product. That is, a product may lack one or more general functional requirement and still be considered as a functional product that meets the intended function. General functional requirements should be weighted with respect to their importance.4.3. Product Concept AnalysisProduct/concept analysis is the decomposition of the product into its basic functional and physical elements. These elements must be capable of achieving the product’s functions. Functional elements are defined as the individual operations and transformations that contribute to the overall performance of the product. Physical elements are defined as the parts, components, and subassemblies that ultimately implement the product’s function.Product concept analysis consists of product physical decomposition and product functional decomposition. In product physical decomposition, the product is decomposed into its basic physical components which, when assembled together, will accomplish the product function. Physical decomposition should result in the identification of basic components that must be designed or selected to perform the product function. Product functional decomposition describes the products overall functions and identifies components functions. Also, the interfaces between functional components are identified.4.4. Product/Concept IntegrationBasic components resulting from the decomposition process should be arranged in modules and integrated into a functional system. The manner by which components are arranged in modules will affect the product design. The resulting modules can be used to structure the development teams needed. System level specifications are the oneto- one relationship between components with respect to their functional and physical characteristics. Functional characteristics are a result of the operations and transformations that components perform in order to contribute to the overall performance of the product. Physical characteristics are a result of the components’ arrangements,assemblies, and geometry that implement the product function. Physical and functional characteristics, forming the system level specifications, are arranged into a hierarchy of descriptions that begins by the component at the top level and ends with the detailed descriptions at the bottom level.Bottom level descriptions (detailed descriptions) are used to determine the relationships between components, 1 if the relationship exists and 0 otherwise. This binary relationship between components is arranged in a vector form, “System Level Specifications Vector”(SLSV). System level specifi cations identified in the previous step affects the general functional requirements in the sense that some specifications may help satisfy some general functional requirements, while other specifications might prevent the implementation of some desired general functional requirements. The impact of the SLS on GFR’s should be clearly identified which will help in developing products that willmeet, up to a satisfactory degree, the general functional requirements stated earlier. The impact will be determined based on –1 as negative impact, 0 as no impact, and 1 as positive impact. A negative impact represents an undesired effect on the general functional requirements such as limiting the degree to which the product will meet the general requirement, or preventing the product from implementing the general requirement. While a positive impact represents a desired effect that the SLS will have on the general requirements, such SLS will ensure that the product will satisfy the requirements and result in customer satisfaction. An SLS is said to have no impact if it neither prevents the implementation of the GFR, nor helps satisfying the GFR.The degree of association between components should be measured and used in grouping components into modules. Incorporating the general functional requirement weights can do this, in addition to the system level specifications vectors and their impacts on the general functional requirements to provide a similarity index between components.The similarity indices associated with components are arranged in a component vs. component matrix. Components with high degree of association should be grouped together in design modules. This can be accomplished by using an optimization model that maximizes the sum of the similarities. The optimization model will identify independent modules that can be designed simultaneously. Several models are available for optimization analysis of this model.5.Types of DecompositionA product development process follows a decomposition scheme that reflects the experience of the organization and the individuals that inhabit the organization. This relationship explains the design of many organizations and business processes, of course, and obviously applies to product development processes as performed in the real-world. (The study of contingency theory has explored the relationship of organization structure to the organization’s goals and environment.) The evolut ion of the product development process is influenced by exceptional events (such as disasters that cause managers toimplement controls or regulations designed to ensure that “it never happens again”), by executives and managers who participated in or observed different processes used by other organizations, and by natural processes of continuous improvement. These influences are resisted by the inertia of individuals in the organization (“that’s not the way we do it here”), and the implemention of innovations may fail for other reasons. Klein and Sorra (1996) argue that the implementation effectiveness depends upon implementation climate and implementation policies and practices.Holt et al. (1960) mention a three-stage process for the evolution of a decision-making system. In the first stage, when an organization is small, skilled managers make decisions as situations arise. In the second stage, the complexity of the operations increases, and the firm installs a system of decisionmaking. For routine decisions, heuristics or simple rules guide decision-making. In the third stage, the firm seeks to improve decision-making by implementing decision support tools. Often these tools help decision-makers treat problems in a more integrated fashion.In conclusion, rarely are product development processes explicitly designed to optimize profitability. Still, the never-ending quest to improve processes leads managers to change them, first hoping to improve this metric, then hoping to improve another, always seeking changes that improve all metrics simultaneously. Because different firms find themselves in different positions, they seek different things from their processes. More precisely, there exist a large set of objectives, and each organization prioritizes these objectives differently. Thus, each firm finds a different process most desirable for itself, in the same way that different families looking at the houses for sale in the same city choose different houses based on their own priorities on location, price, number of bedrooms, and so forth.Being unique, each product development organization has a unique product development process that embodies a unique decomposition. If each process has changed over time due to many different reasons, it may seem unreasonable to describe the forces that shape specific product development processes. Indeed, Blanchard and Fabrycky (1998)state that a development process is a generic template that must be “tailored” to a specific project’s need. They describe three common processe s: the waterfall model, the spiral model, and the V model. They observe that preferences among these models are subjective and that careful study is needed to select the best model for a specific project.Still, some authors have described some of the factors that make certain types of processes more or less successful. For instance, Loch and Terwiesch (1998) use an analytical model of concurrent engineering to show how uncertainty (and the speed of uncertainty reduction) affects the optimal amount to overlap activities and the optimal frequency of meetings used to coordinate the concurrent activities. More generally, Pich, Loch, and De Meyer (2002) identify three project management strategies (instructionism, learning, and selectionism) that handle uncertainty in different ways. Accordingly, project managers must determine the adequacy of what is known about the world and the effects of different actions and must determine whether any inadequacy is due to ambiguity or complexity. The paper proposes some simple rules suggesting when to use each strategy.6. Summary and ConclusionsThis article has presented a new methodology for modular design. The complete process is a three-phase process, but only phase I of the methodology is presented. The method illustrates the significance of the group technology coding and classification and the optimization in modular design.This synthesis contributes to a theory of design describes how design happens in practice and explains this behavior. The fundamental axioms include the profit maximization objective, bounded rationality (including limited time and resources available for product development), and the presence of uncertainty.Extending this theory of design will require better understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of different decompositions. Also useful will be understanding the relationship between the effort spent to solve a design subproblem and the quality of the resulting solution.It will be interesting to see how improvements in information technology and decision support systems increase the amount of information that one decision-maker can process and how these improvements change the balance between decomposition and integration. 中文翻译:模块化设计:产品设计的分解与整合摘要:在过去的几年里,公司进行了研究,以改善他们的设计流程,从市场营销支持。

产品设计英⽂论⽂THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK – WARWICK MANUFACTURING GROUP INTEGRATED GRADUATEDEVELOPMENT SCHEMEPost Module Assignment PRODUCT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENTMANAGEMENTName: YU XI RUIStudent ID: 10406342012/6/7CONTENT(Total 3,351 Words)PART AQUESTION THREE 3 1INTRODUCTION 31.1 Understanding of question 31.2 Scope of My Answer 3 2GREEN DESIGN 42.1 Objectives for Green Design 42.2 Main Contents of Green Design 42.3 Green Design Procedures 53 SYSTEMS THINKING 63.1 Modular Design 63.2 Cycle Design 64 SOME GREEN DESIGN METHODS AND TOOLS 75 CONCLUSION 11PART B 13 1STRENGTHS 13 2WEAKNESS 14 3LEARNING POINTS 14 REFERENCES 15PART AQuestion 3During the module you have been introduced to many management techniques and influencing considerations to the effective management of design.There are many different drivers for new product development. In some circumstances more of a‘push’management technique may be used, such as designing green products or health/lifestyle choices –Select one such area and discuss how these considerations can be captured in a product development process.1INTRODUCTION1.1Understanding of the questionNowadays, more and more diverse drivers for new product development occurred. ‘Push’management technique is no longer a best choice for companies. Designing green products reflects rethinking of environment ecological damage caused by modern science and technology, and also reflects the return of the designer ethics and social responsibility.How the environment considerations can be captured in a product development process is becoming the first priority for designers and managers. Green design is not only a kind of design methods but also a philosophy for every area in the life.1.2Scope of my answer1. A brief introduction of green design.1)Objectives for green design2)Main contents of green design3)Green design procedures2.Two major systems thinking3.Introduce various methods and tools for green design and the different functionsof various methods.2GREEN DESIGN2.1Objectives for Green DesignIn the long river of human history, the industrial design created the modern living environment and style, while at the same time it speeds up the depletion of energy and materials and brings great damages to ecological balance.The green design is the design to fully consider the impact on resources and the environment the whole process of product life cycle, and also to consider the product's features, quality, cycle time and cost, while optimizing all relevant factors in order to minimize the overall negative impact on the environment during the product and its manufacturing process, to make the indicators of the product stay in line with the requirements of the green products.Important consideration for environmental attributes throughout the life cycle of the product (disassembly, recyclability, maintainability, reuse, etc.) should be approached.2.2Main contents of Green DesignGreen product design include green material selection design, green manufacturing process design, product recyclability design, product design for disassembly, green packaging design, green logistics design, green service design, and green recycle design.1.Green material selection and management.The so-called green materials refer to renewable, recyclable, and low environmental pollution, low energy and materials resume. Therefore, good environmental compatibility materials and parts, non-toxic, harmless and non-radioactive materials should be preferred first. The used materials should be easy to reuse, recycling, remanufacturing or easily degraded in order to improve resource utilization and achieve sustainable development.2.Recyclability of the products design.During design process designers should take full account of the possibility of product parts recycling, recycling methods, cost recovery and other issues to save material, conserve energy, and minimize environmental pollution.Recyclable design includes diverse aspects.1)The recyclable material identification and marking.2)Recycling process methods.3)Structural design of recyclability.4)The economic analysis and evaluation of recyclability.3.Assembly and disassembly of the product design.Under the premise of meeting the functional requirements and operation requirements, structure and shape and types of parts and material composition of should be minimized as little as possible in order to reduce assembly and disassembly cost. And easy disassembly linking methods should be used and the number of demolition of parts of the fastener should be minimized.4.Description and modeling of green products.Accurate and comprehensive description of green products, the establishment of green product evaluation model is the key to green design.5.Cost analysis of green products.Green products cost analysis should consider the cost of dealing with pollutants, the cost of disassembly, reuse costs in order to achieve the win-win purpose of economic benefits and environmental quality.2.3Green Design Procedures1.Market research.Network-based survey, supplemented by field trips is used to collect customers' requirements and creativity by the form of a questionnaire or design contest, and grasp the approximate price of the target object. Collecting information about science, technology and law from patents and news is conducive to product material selection, process and structure design, and investigating the corporate culture, production capacity, equipment, and green degree.2.The raw material selection.The green material is a kind of material owns good environmental compatibility under the premise of the general functional requirements satisfaction. Green material ownsmaximum utilization of resources and minimal environmental impact in various stages of preparation, use and disposal life cycle.In order to facilitate the effective recycling of the product, it is necessary to minimize the types of materials in the product and consider the compatibility between the materials. Good compatibility between the materials which means that these materials can be recycled together can greatly reduce the workload of the demolition and classification.The designers should maximize the use of natural materials for production material, extensive use of waste, garbage, waste and other waste. Selecting abandoned materials as much as possible could reduce the pressure of the landfill.Purchase of locally produced materials, and reflect the design of provincialism. Avoid the use of the material that may the release pollutants. Maximize the use of renewable materials, and minimum use of non-renewable materials.3.Environment consideration in design.Structure design should use the principle of ergonomics to make users feel comfortable and happy, no sense of oppression; should also avoid hazards of electromagnetic radiation, noise, toxic gases, irritant gases and liquids. Environmental performance of products must also be taken into account; Regarding environmental performance as the design objective is one of the main features of green design which is different from traditional designs.As different products have different environmental performance, the design should meet the requirement separately based on product characteristics and the using environment.Extended life of the product can play a role in environmental protection, the designer on the basis of analysis of product features and economy, use a variety of advanced design theory and tools in order to make products designed to meet current and future market demand for a long time.The environment consideration should aim at improving ecological environment and upgrades the living equality. Multiple functional products could better meet the requirement of environment consideration.Reducing redundant design in the design process can help control the damage to environment, such as less of a box, less a difficult recovery of nylon rope or metal edge, and less the color of the design work.4.Production.Green design in production concludes green manufacturing process design, product recyclability design, product design for disassembly, green packaging design, and green logistics design and so on.1)Green manufacturing process designUsing low energy consumption and zero-damage environment technology during the consumption is quite necessary. Highly toxic materials such as formaldehyde, halide solvents or aromatic hydrocarbons may not be used in product formulation and production process; product shall not contain mercury and its compounds, pigments and additives.2)Product recyclability designIn modeling stage of the product design, its internal structure design should be as simplistic, miniaturization and standardization as possible.Simplifying the surface technology of the product is another way of product recyclability design. At present, for the aesthetic needs some of the products use plating, painting and other process on its surface. Emissions of toxic gases bring a great impact on the environment, and the damage to the human body is staggering. 3)Green packaging designGreen packaging materials should be first priority. Advocated biodegradable plastic bags are a good representative, which is made of biodegradable and degradable materials and buried underground in a disused become the food of microorganisms in the soil and degrade quickly which helps solving "white pollution "problem. Simplify the packaging, putting multiple products of the same class into one box, which also reduce the number of the released product specifications.For example, in 2008, Hewlett-Packard Company reduces 97% of the raw material usage and space occupy in laptop computer package, thus reducing the loading volume of the box and transportation costs.5.After sale service.Improving transport efficiency and moderate expansion of production networks could be best way in transportation; immediately remove the packaging and shipped back to re-use after delivery.Modular production components, coupled with the structure easy to demolish, maintenance and services throughout the network, and create excellent service for consumers.Recycling - give priority to reuse of recycled parts, to maximize the utilization of materials recycling, innovative waste treatment process in order to diminish its impact on the environment.3SYSTEMS THINKINGIn the future "Green Design", the modular design and Cycle design will bring further benefits on the basis of currently use. 3.1Modular DesignThe modular design means that for the products with the same functionality but with different specifications or different functions designing a set of common functional modules.Through the selection and combination of modules different products can be constituted to meet different needs. The modular design could both solve the contradiction between the production cycle and cost and be convenient for maintenance, thus contributing to demolition and recycling of waste products and reduce pollution and finally provide the necessary conditions to enhance the competitiveness of their products.3.2Cycle DesignCycle design known as recycling design (Design for Recovering Recycling), that is, means or method of generalized recovery.During product design, giving full consideration to the possibility of recycling of product parts and materials, the recovery value, the recycling method of recycling thestructural technical is one of ways to take effective and adequate use of parts and material resource and energy in order to minimize environmental pollution.The cycle design is associated with the modular design; it mainly means that during the product design designers should fully take a series of related problems in the recycling of parts and materials into account.4SOME GREEN DESIGN METHODS AND TOOLS1)Quality Function Deployment.Quality Function Deployment is a tool of converting customer requirements into product design specifications.The implementation of this method depends on marketing, design engineering, manufacturing and other functional departments combined into inter-departmental working group.QFD has two major functions.Expand the quality: converting the customer requirements into product design. Function deployment: converting the design requirements into the appropriate parts, process and production requirements.2)PUGH concept convergence.PUGH concept convergence is a method to convert all initial concepts into final concept, and assess every concept value according to different requirements and conditions. Using PUGH concept convergence can help3)Design V alidation and Optimization.Design V alidation and Optimization is a tool for direct analysis of thin-walled parts of the CAD solid model which brings a significant decrease in model preparation time. The time savings give more in-depth analysis for more design iterations as well as perform. A lot of tools and software can be used to achieve Design V alidation and Optimization.4)Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).Main applications of Environmental Life Cycle Assessment are to assess the environmental load caused by a product, process and production activity through thequantitative research of energy and material use and waste emissions.LCA is a kind of evaluation method of assessing the impact of energy materials use and waste emissions as well as evaluating the environment improvements.There are three steps in LCA. First, to identify and quantify energy and material consumption and environmental releases throughout the life cycle stages, and then to evaluate the consumption and release of the environmental impact, the final thing is identification and evaluation of the opportunity to reduce these impacts. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment focuses on the environmental impact of ecological health, human health and resource consumption areas.5)Cycle logistics systemCycle logistics system is a circulatory system of the space and time location mobile of objects and their derivatives.The flow systems include two different channels: one is production - distribution - consumption, to meet the needs of consumers, which is the main channel of the logistics flows, known as forward logistics or arterial logistics; the other is the logistics flow for reasonable disposal of derivative material, such as recycling, sorting, purification, purification, returned to the business or maintenance, packaging, reprocessing, reuse and waste disposal, etc.6)Mass balance analysisIn the general large-scale production, mass balance analysis is used for detailed records of energy consume and materials consume and flow of materials. Then analyze the recorded figures in order to find major problems during the production. Ideally, mass balance is based on measurement of inventory, outflow and inflow of materials.7)Green IndicesHow to evaluate the total environmental impacts of numerous elements? How to recognize the major factors damaged environment? Green indices are ranking systems that attempt to convert all aspects of environmental impacts into one scale. Green indices are widely used all over the world which bring great benefits to both enterprises and government. Economic has increased with improving of green indices.5CONCLUSIONDuring whole product life cycle taking full consideration on product function, equality, development cycle and costs as well as environment impact could be the first priority to minimize the damage to the environment.Green design is a scientific design style which considers the ecological balance relationship between human and environment.The objective of green design is to take better consideration on environment factors during whole product life cycle and to bring better management philosophy to the modern companies and even to bring new life philosophy to people.Five main aspects of green design have been summarized previously, Green material selection and management, Recyclability of the products design, Assembly and disassembly of the product design, Description and modeling of green products, and Cost analysis of green products. In order to achieve the green design products, designers and engineers should focus on these five aspects of green design.Green design procedures are about some major steps to achieve green design products. First, comprehensive market research on customers’requirement, relative technology and laws would be the first thing to do. Secondly, the raw material selection should be considerable. Third, environment consideration in design period is the vital thing in green design. Fourth,some green consideration in production period is quite necessary. Last, improving after sale service to be more green design style is also important.Two different systems thinking of green design include modular design and cycle design.Seven relate tools and methods have been stated previously, Quality Function Deployment, PUGH concept convergence, Design V alidation and Optimization,Environmental Life Cycle Assessment, Cycle logistics system, Mass balance analysis, and Green Indices.In conclusion, there are several ways to improve the product equality and environmental friendly level. Green design is not only a design method but also a life style.The develop trends of green design:1)Standardized;2)Integrated, parallel, intelligent;3)Basic research and support tools development for green design;4)The development of the emerging industry related to green design.5)Green design and manufacturing has become the trend of industrial developmentin the world, gradually showing their own unique advantages.Green manufacturing is a complex process, in the coming days, there are several aspects of the technology need further study.(1) Life cycle of electronic product is short and is difficult to recycle. Therefore, the recycling problems require further study.(2) An improvement must be made to strengthen the monitoring of the dangerous materials and process engineering.(3) Further develop material recycling processes and more effective waste management systems in order to improve recycling and reduce the remaining amount.(4) Much efforts need to be made to enhance public awareness about the risk, technology and the environment. The government needs to play a role of master to take the implementation of green column.PART BI am one of the members in Group F during the final case study. At the beginning of the case study, our group did not find an appropriate market gap that both realistic and creative. But after revision of our methods, our group found the best way for designing. Finally our group decided to design the hiking sticks with camera holding equipments for younger, the result is quite good.Strengths:1.Rational process management. Proceeding step by step may bring great benefitsfor both efficiency and effectiveness. First of all, the finding the reasonable market gap is the first priority. At the beginning, the brainstorming tool has been used in our group. Then the more reasonable ones were chosen for further consideration. Only one of it was selected for conceptual design and then five detail conceptual designs was chosen for PUGH concept convergence. Finally, the final concept came out from the integration of five concepts. The design process management in our group is under control, we followed the steps all the time during the case study. The rational process management reduces the probability of appearing early error in design process.2.Clear roles and responsibility. Every people in our group work on their own jobquite well. The people in our group were divided into three different parts based on personal background, conceptual design panel, data compilation panel, technical Support panel.3.Great internal communication. There is a summarizing discussion every time eachpanel finishes their own job. Therefore the communication inside the group is efficient, and everybody knows the progress and could contribute to the group.4.Knowledge management. The tools like PUGH concept convergence, QualityFunction Deployment, lean NPI, and Design V alidation and Optimization, has been used during new product development process.5.Good detail design. Our group make a great effort on detail design. We try ourbest to figure out the minimal detail of the hiking stick.Weaknesses:1.Bad time management.In the beginning, our group spent much time doing brainstorming and conceptual design. At last we do not have enough time to evaluate every concept design carefully, the final concept can be considered more detailed./doc/e663b9e480eb6294dd886cac.html ck of knowledge in customer requirement capture and market value.At the beginning of market gap finding, majority of our findings is not reasonable.Some problems in market cannot be solved without technology improvement, and some of them have perfect solutions which are difficult to make some revolutions, thereby the total progress has been delayed.Learning points:1.The NPI and Lean NPI tools are learned to use in real situation.2.Quality Function Deployment are learned to use in the product developmentprocess.3.PUGH concept convergence should displayed twice for organizing the conceptand create a final concept.4.Customer requirements should drive the design process. Market oriented andcustomer requirementsREFERENCES1.Ken Y eang, Arthur Spector: Green design: from theory to practice.2009.2.Tom Dixon: Green design: creative, sustainable designs for thetwenty-first century. 20093.Dorothy Mackenzie: Green design: design for the environment. 19914.Paul Burall: Green design. 19915.Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment. OTAProject, OTA-E-54.6.Johannes Behrisch, Mariano Ramirez, Damien Giurco: Representationof Ecodesign Practice: International Comparison of Industrial Design Consultancies. ISSN 2071-10507.Regional: Mainstreaming Environmental Considerations in Economicand Development Planning Processes in Selected Pacific Developing Member Country. Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report,Project Number: 38031.8.Environmental Impact of Products: Analysis of the life cycleenvironmental impacts related to the final consumption of the EU-25 Main report. IPTS/ESTO project, EUR 22284 EN。

2. Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2024). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.。
4. Cross, N. (2024). Engineering design methods: Strategies for product design. John Wiley & Sons.该书提供了一种系统的工程设计方法,用于指导产品设计过程。
5. Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2024). Product design and development. McGraw-Hill.该书是一本广泛使用的产品设计和开发教材,涵盖了产品设计和开发的各个方面。

Design is for Living——查尔斯·伊姆斯的产品设计解读

r U、 esi0 qn ■ l s t· or _ L 0 i v● I nq 查 尔斯 ·伊姆斯 的 产 品设计解读
1940年 ,伊姆斯 在和小沙里宁进行 家具设 计合作 的过程中遇到 了蕾 (Ray Kaiser Eames),蕾帮助他们完成了纽约现代艺术博物馆举办 的 “家
庭陈设中的有机设计 ”竞赛 ,伊 姆斯和沙里宁的设 计,通 过胶合板成型技 术制作复杂的座椅曲面,获得了比赛 的头 奖。
1941年 ,伊姆斯 和蕾结 婚并 搬到加利 福利亚 ,他 们继续 利用胶合板 成 型技术进行家具设计。1949年 ,伊姆斯夫妇 在/jn,)、I1设计并建造了 自己的 住宅 Case Study House,设计 和材f ̄a% U新运用使 这所住宅远近 闻名 。今 天,它被公认为是世界上最重 要的战后住宅之一。
一 宣 尔斯 ·伊姆 斯
查尔斯.伊姆斯 (Charles Eames,1907—1978)是美国最杰出、最 有影响 的家具 与室 内设 计大师之一,同时他 还是 建筑师 、发明家 、工艺 师、科学 家、电影人、教 授,卓越的设计 涵盖了家具 、建筑 、影像与平 面设计。
1907年 ,伊姆斯 出生于密苏里州圣路易斯市 ,上学 时对工程和建 筑有 极大的兴趣 。当时的华盛顿大学推 崇古典学 院派 ,伊姆 斯却被完全反古典 的赖特 的设 计所吸引。在华盛顿大学就读两年后 ,因为对赖特 的崇 拜伊姆 斯被华盛顿大学扫地 出门,开始在一家建筑事务所工作。1930年 ,伊姆斯建 立了自己的工作室 ,但由于1929年的美国经济危机 ,建筑设计市场惨淡,伊 姆斯只得 将业务范 围扩大到玩 具、家具 、灯具 、陶瓷等设计方向 ,他的才华 引起了老沙里宁的注意 ,老沙里宁帮助他在克兰布鲁克学院完成 了学业。

中英文外文翻译文献原文:DESIGN and ENVIRONMENTProduct design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human.In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products.Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea ofproduct design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product.Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores.Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface.Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.With the development of science and technology ,more and more attention is paid to austerity of environmental promblems ,such as polluting of atmosphere,destroy of forest, soilerosion,land desertification, water resource polluting, a great deal of species becaming extinct,exhansting of petroleum , natural gas and coal and so on . A designer should have a strong consciousness of protecting environment and to make his\her design to be based on avoiding destroying environment and saving natural recourse.Nowadays ,greenhouse effects,destroyed ozone layers and acid rain are three global environmental questions.Greenhouse effect is phenomena of the atmosphere becoming warmer . The forming principle of greenhouse effect is that the Sun shortwave radiation can penetrate into ground through atmosphere ,long wave radiation emitted from ground after ground is warmed ,is absorbed by carbon dioxide of atmosphere , and then atmosphere gets warmer.The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changes the earth to a large greenhouse like a thick layer of glass . Methane ,ozone,chlorine,Fluorine, hydrocarbon and aqueous vapor also make some contribution to greenhouse effects. With rapid increase of population and rapid development of industry ,more and more carbon dioxide of atmosphere enters into atmosphere. Because forest is cun down in a large amount also ,carbon dioxide increases gradally ,and the greenhouse effects are strengthened constantly .The results of the greenhouse effects are very serious. The great changes will take place in the natural ecology ,such as desert expanding ,land corroding aggravating, forest retreating to the polarregion, calamity of drought and waterlog serious and rainfall increasing. The temperate zone will be wetter in water and will be droughtier in summer . Tropical zone will become wetter and subtropical zone will become more arid . All of these above will forces the existing irrigation works to be adjusted. Coastal regions will be threatened seriously .Because the temperature is rising , ice-cubes will be melted at the two poles so to the sea level will be rising and a lot of cities and ports will be submerged.The ozone layer destroyed shocked academia and the wholeinternational aommunity .American scientists,Monila and Rowland , pointed out that it is human activities bring ozone hole of today . arch-criminal that we now well know is freon and Kazakhstan dragon.Acid rain has already become a kind of air pollution phenomenon in extensive range,crossing over national boundaries at present. Acid rain destroys soil, makes lake acid and endangers growing of abimals and plants. It also stimulates people's skin, brings out the skin disease, causes lung hydronces, lung harden ,and corrodes the metal product,paint ,leather, fabrics and building with carbonate .In a word , the environment of human life has already worsened day by day. The reasons of the worsening mostly come from the human own bad life style, disrespecting the objective law, eager for quick success,use of the earth resource without scientific plan ,and lack of consciousness pratecting the environment in design . So they destroy home by themselves,which not only harm human on contemporary, but also seriously influence existence of descendants.The environmental question is caused by people's bad design and life style to a great extent , which puts forward a serious question for a designer that designers should undertake the historical important task of environment protection.Industry has brought the disaster to world while creates a large amount of wealth for mankind . Industry design has accelerated theconsumpition of the resource and energy resource and has caused enormous destruction to the ecological balance of the earth while creating modern life style and living environment for mankind.So as industry designers, setting up environmental awareness incarnates their morals and social sense of responsibility. Designers must be responsible for their own designs, and must take human health and blessedness , and harmonically coexisting of nature with the human as the rules necessarily obeyed in their own design.Designers must also master the necessary knowledege in material, craft, chemical industry, manufacturing,ect.,in order to be possible for avoiding to danger to environment causing by his design.The concept of "Sustainable development design"has epoch-maling meanings of humanity and real development of the world .It reflects the designer's morals and responsibility , and has already become the trend of designing development in the 21st century .Hence ,mankind's development made of traditional industrial civilization was turned to one of the modern ecological civilization. It is the coordination of social progress,economic growth and environmental protestion.Sustainable development is a kind concept of brand-new ethics,morals and values that people should follow. Its essence lies in fully utilizing the modern science and technongy ,exploiting green resources ,development constantly, impelling harmonious developmentbetween human and nature and pramoting inter-harmony of population ,resource and environment .Solving the problem of sustainable development is a change of technological innovation and behavior made.Sustainable development strategy is to solve the problem of meeting contemporary people's demands in maximum under the precondition of un-hurting several generations' demands of the future . It will realize the unity of the present interests and long-term interest and leave the development space for descendants.The question of the strategic consideration of sustainable development should include circulation, green energy and ecological efficiency.Green design comes from introspection on environmental and ecological disruption caused by design of modern technology and culture. Green design focuses on the balance relation of persons and natural ecology . Designers should consider the environmental benefits at every decision of the disign process, and try their best to reduce the destruction to environment.For industry design, the core of green design is "3R",namely Reduce,Recycle and Reuse.It is necessary not only to reduce consunption of substance and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substance,but also to classified reclaim, recycle and reuse products andparts conveniently.Green design is not only technical ,but also an innovative idea. It requires designer to give up some rat-fuck method excessively emphasizing at the style of products, and to focus on the real innovative. He or she would design the form of the products with more responsible method and make the products lengthen their wervice life as much as possible through succinct and permanent modeling.For materials,stock and regeneration of raw materials, consumption and pollution of environmental energy during obtaining materials,machining performance in follow-up manufacturing,low consumption and low pollution of energy ,and reclaimable during discarded should be considered.Problems of manufacturing are that pollution should be reduced or died out during beginning of manufacturing.Consideration on packing, transporting , sale, ect. is meant the environmental performance of packaging, green packing ,good performance of transportation ,decreasing self weight , reducing energy consumption , localized production and reducing consimption of work flow.Consideration on the use of product concerns with waste of energy and resources while produces are used , the modularization of environmental performance , recombined ability , and the mades of using product while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature , convenient decomposition and classification , reclaaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removes for other use should all be considered during the period while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature, convenient decomposition and classification , reclaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removed for other use should all be considered during the period while products are discarded .Clean energy souces should be Considered , such as solar ernergy , water, electricity and wind power .Clean materials concern with low pollution , innocuity, disaggregation and reclaimable . Clean manufacturing process is meant production with energy saving and environment protection while used, and reclaimable while discarded.Regeneration and reuse of parts are powerful measure of sustainable strategy. The fact has proved that through disassembly and analysis the proportion of reusable material would be higher after improving design and retread.For example , in a scrap car , metal meterial accounts for 80%.Among them , nonferrous metal accounts for 3%~4.7%. 45%of output of steel comes from scrap steeel in world and 25% output of steel comes from scrap steel in our country.Product Lifecycle Management is meant all life course of product from people's demand for product to be washed out , including the main stages of demand analysis, praduct planning , conceptual design , produce design , digitized simulation, proceess preparation , process planning,production testing and quaality control , sell and distribution, use \maintaining and maintain, as well as scrap and reclaiming . Advanced management idea and first-class information technology are taken into industrial and commercial operation in modern enterprises , which makes enterprises be able to adjust management means and management ways effectively in digital economic era , inoder to exert enterprise's unprecedented competition advantage . Helping enterprise to carry on products innovation , to win the market , and to obtain additional profit would improve the value of the enterprise products.译文:设计与环境产品设计是工业设计的主体和核心。

工业设计英文文献Design is a particular human beings in order to achieve the purposes of the creative activities, which includes all man-made goods in the formation process.Industrial design concepts: the current widely used definition of the international Federation of Associations of Industrial Design (ICSID) in 1980 for the annual meeting of the Paris industrial design under the amended definition: "the mass production of industrial products, by virtue of training, technical know-how , Experience and feelings and give visual materials, structure, shape, color, surface processing and decoration to a new quality and qualifications, called industrial design. "1. Traditional industrial designIndustrial design for the people truly understand and play a role in the outbreak of the industrial revolution, to the industrialized mass production conditions to develop. At that time, a large number of industrial products ugly, has seriously affected people's daily life, industrial design as a change in the situation at the time the inevitable means boarded the historical stage. The traditional industrial design refers to the means of production of industrial products conducted by the planning and design, so that with the use of achieving the best possible match between the creative activities. From this concept of the nature of industrial design: first, industrial design aims to obtain a product with the best match between people. This match, not only to meet the demand for use, but also with the physical, psychological and other areas to demand the right match, which precisely reflects the people-oriented design ideas. Second, the industrial design is a must? Quot; creative activities. "Industrialdesign of nature that it is a very broad coverage of the cross-integrate the science, get involved in the many areas of research disciplines, like the industrial society of the adhesive, so that the original Isolated disciplines such as: physics, chemistry, biology, marketing, aesthetics, ergonomics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc., mutual contact and mutual exchanges, the form of organic unity. Realization of the objective to reveal the natural The laws of science and subjective, dynamic and creative activities for the arts once again joined hands.2. Modern Industrial DesignTraditional industrial design is the core product design. Accompanied by a history of the development, design content also tends to the development of more extensive and in-depth. Now, the development of human society has entered a modern industrial society, brought about by the design of the material achievements of human existence and its status and way of life is affected by the past can not compare any era, modern industrial design, the concept of this came into being . Modern industrial design can be divided into two levels: general industrial design and narrow industrial design.General Industrial Design (Generalized Industrial Design)Means to achieve a particular purpose, from conception to the establishment of a practical implementation plan, with clear and that by means of a series of acts. It contains all the use of modern means of production and services in the design process.Narrow industrial design (Narrow lndustrial Design)Referring only to product design, that is, against man and nature in the relevance of the tools and equipment made by the response to the demand. In order to survive, including life and to maintain and develop the necessary such as tools, equipmentand products, and other material and equipment carried out by design. Product design is the core of products on the user's body, the heart has a good affinity with the match.Narrow the definition of industrial design and industrial design of the traditional definition is the same. As industrial design since have always been based on product design, product design often referred to as industrial design. Industrial Design CategoryAs the field of industrial design increasingly expanding, and in different areas but also has their own characteristics, we can from different angles on the field of industrial design division:1. The existence of art as a form of classification:One-dimensional design, refers only to the design time for the variable;two-dimensional design, also known as graphic design, is targeted at the plane change the subject, such as graphics, text, trademarks, advertising design. Three-dimensional design, also known as three-dimensional design, such as product, packaging, construction and the environment; four-dimensional design, is accompanied by one-dimensional three-dimensional space time (that is, in the form of 3 +1) the design, such as stage design.2. From the human, natural and social correspondence between starting, in accordance with the disciplines form the essence of the meaning of Category: Human, natural, social composition of the most basic relations between the circles and classification of the relationship generally is:◆product design: the equivalent narrow indust rial design, 3D design is based;◆environmental design: including all types of building design, urban and regional planning, construction plans, environmentalengineering, etc.;◆spread to the design of the language, text or graphics as the media and achieve the transfer activities carried out by design. According to the different media Kegui Wei two categories: the text and graphics as the medium of visual communication; language and. Audio media for dissemination of the hearing.3. In accordance with the concept of industrial design and to define Category:With the development of technology and the use of modern technology, industrial design and process design of the boundaries are becoming blurred mouth benefits, some of the original Arts and Crafts design of the design activities of both the industrial design features, such as furniture design and fashion design . Industrial design as a connecting bridge between technology and the market, the rapid expansion of commercial areas in all its aspects:◆advert ising design: including newspapers, magazines, posters, brochures, trademarks, etc.;◆display design: including the pavement, Showcase, Showcase, signs, exhibitions, advertising tower;◆packaging design: including wrapping paper, packaging, labelling and packaging of goods;◆binding design: including magazines, books, artwork, cartoons and layout design.Even in Zichengtiji in the field of construction, industrial design also play an increasingly important role.The content of Industrial DesignIndustrial design in the enterprise has broad application of space. Therefore, enterprises in the industrial design from thelevel of demand for industrial design point of view of the contents of the enterprises make better use of industrial design, to create greater value, will provide great convenience.1. Product DesignProduct Design industrial design is the core of enterprise application design is the key link, it will achieve a change in the form of raw materials for a more valuable form. Industrial designers of the people through the physical, psychological, living habits, and so on all the natural attributes of the cognitive and social attributes, product features, performance, form, price, location of the use of the environment, with materials, technology, structure, technology , Shape, color, surface treatment and decoration, cost and other factors, from the social, economic and technical point of view of creative design, production and management in enterprises in achieving design quality assurance, under the premise that the product is a product enterprises, market Of goods, but also the ordinary people of supplies to customer needs and business benefits of perfect unity.2. Corporate image design (Corporate ldenlti-fication System, referred to CIS) Enterprise recognition system from a unified corporate philosophy, standardize enterprise behavior and consistent posed by the visual image. Through theCIS design, so that enterprises have the visual impact can be clearly shows that corporate personality, strength and confidence in enterprises is a manifestation. A successful business must be a cohesive internal and external consumers can trust and identity, thereby enhancing corporate reputation, and corporate management objectives and development goals.3. Environmental Design (and the interface between thehardware design) Industrial design as a communication and the environment (construction, transportation, room, shopping malls, streets……) between the interface language to intervene in environmental design. Through the different acts, objectives and the needs of awareness, to object to the design - kind of language, people and the environment for the financial - physical, to give a cordial and convenient, comfortable feeling. Focus on solving urban environmental design of human interface between the building and all the problems, such as: information, signal systems, environmental protection programmes, so as to also participate in solving the social life of the major issues.4. Design Management (Des; 8n Mana8ement, referred to DM)Design activities soon as the operation of enterprises in important part in project management, interface management, design management systems, such as the development of product line management, be good at using design tools, and implementing design-oriented thinking and behavior, and with the strategy or technological achievements Into a product or service process. Design management into the enterprise is an indispensable element for the success of enterprises to follow the design principles and strategies in the development of enterprises in production and business activities of various departments for guidance, to achieve the design objective, value-added products. Successful use of design management, will enable enterprises in the strategic planning stage to contain the operating strategy, strategic advantages for products and enterprises in the competition-set a good foundation.The ultimate aim of industrial design is to meet the physical and psychological needs of many of the largest. Industrialproducts, arts and crafts people is to meet production and daily needs, no doubt for the industrial design is modern services, to meet the demands of modern people. Therefore, it is first necessary to meet people's physical needs - product features. 1 cup must be able to drink water, a pen must be able to write, a bike must be able to travel, a truck must be able to load and so on. The first industrial design is aimed through the rational planning of products due to people more easily use them to better play its effectiveness. In research on the basis of product performance, industrial design also adopted a reasonable shape means so that products can have very spirit of the times, in line with performance, andcoordination of environmental products form so that people can have the enjoyment of the United States.Industrial design and industrial modernization is the inevitable product of market competition, designed to target the mass production methods of industrialized products, industrial design of modern human life has a huge impact, but also constrained by the realities of production and living standards. Industrial design companies in the position and role: Design is a bridge between enterprises and the market: On the one hand, production and technology into the market demand for products, on the one hand the market feedback to promote the development of enterprises enterprises.design is a means of value-added products: the biggest role in the enterprise is to raise the value-added products. The value of this additional material is not visible presence, more of the performance of the invisible. Appearance, product image Design is an important enterprise resources: good design enterprises will have a better reputation, making enterprisesmore dynamic, a company's development toolsdesign integrity of the enterprise is to establish a means of visual images: the visual image of business is to establish the appearance of the best brand image, which is the company a unique style.Industrial design creativity is a good product design the most important prerequisite for simplicity is an important indicator of good design, product design is a measure of applicability of another important criterion, a reasonable man-machine relations, human-computer interface harmony, their own language products should be good at self - Notes, and carefully handle every detail, emphasis on regional ethnic characteristics, contains cultural identity, attention to ecological balance, beneficial to the protection of the environment, product design of the eternal.Industrial design should pay attention to follow the following principles: the principle of creativity; principles of market demand; principle of giving priority to the user; business goals principle easy to grasp the principle of aesthetic principles, protection of ecological environment principles.Industrial design related to psychology, sociology, aesthetics, ergonomics, mechanical construction, photography, color science, methodology and design of the three constitute a basis for Into the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries for industrial design and industrial design definition of the development processU.S. industrial design information ageThe United States is the first country to enter the information age, information technology is the most developed countries. Whether in the computer hardware and software, or in the application of computer technology in all aspects of the world'sleading status. In particular, the popularity of the Internet, so that the United States more fully into society by the information industry as a leader of the new era. In the new economic, cultural background, the United States of industrial design from the beginning of the end of the 20th Century 80, great changes have taken place.At the same time, to Rowe as the representative of the U.S. pioneer in the design has passed away, despite their name to the design of some companies still exist, but these masters of the location of a number of new independent replaced by a design firm. The new design firm in terms of knowledge structure, services or design with the traditional means in the clear very different firms, because they firmly grasp the pulse of the information age, design and rapid expansion of business, established in the industrial sector Good reputation, the U.S. business magazine called American industry a new generation of heroes. The new design consulting company no longer well-known designer for the signs, but in a "design" the name of the word named, stressed that the design is a team event rather than individual work, such as the New York Smart Design, Chicago Design Logic, such as California's Lunar Design. In many cases, the person in charge of these companies are the first generation or second generation of European immigrants, and the famous Forgdesign is originally a German company, the new generation of designers to more European concept to the United States, which will U.S. advanced technology and the European deep historical and cultural traditions closer together so that the design of the United States in the information age has made a great leap forward. This is in California, particularly Silicon Valley, particularly conspicuous in this regard because there are manyEuropeans settled here, on the other hand is also here because of the emerging high-tech industry and the United States earlier in the design of machines predecessors did not have much contact. Here, the design of many new companies have been for Apple, and other high-tech companies.With the traditional industrial design firms to provide industrial products mainly different designs, the new design companies to be able to provide more comprehensive services, they can not only provide product design and engineering design of appearance, can also provide market research, consumer Investigation, human-computer research, public relations and corporate planning site design and maintenance, and other aspects of the services, and global activities. In fact, some new design company has established a global network of services to meet the increasing globalization ofworld economic trends. Industrial design such a change reflects the changes in the management of enterprises, more and more enterprises in the futurein-house research organizations to reduce, instead of social cooperation, not only to reduce expenditure, but also the wider community to seek professional Resources cooperation. In addition, many enterprises to upgrade design as a business quality and to stimulate creative strategic management tool, not only confined to a single product design development activities, thereby greatly expanded the scope of application of industrial design. Given the design of a greater range of needs, design company personnel are not limited to design, but more professional cooperation. In addition, the design company's design also means a lot because of a computer-aided design and revolutionary changes have taken place, SGI (Silicon Graphic)graphics workstations and Alias, Pro-Designer, such as industrial design software to design more flexible, fast, industrial design itself so And the high-tech.U.S. industrial design in the 1990s Another major change is the high-tech products, including computers, modern office equipment, medical equipment, communications equipment, and so became the main areas of industrial design. Industrial design in the high-tech humanity, in the process of commercialization has played an important role as a bridge. It is the efforts of designers, the previously daunting become high-tech day-to-day work and life indispensable partners.Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, the Ziba (ZIBA) design companies is considered the best international design companies. Ziba's design philosophy is simple to win, and stressed that the products of the plane, the company's product design is the attention to detail, the "God in the details of." At the same time, Ziba also designed the pursuit of fun and harmony through color, shape, details and graphic design products so that a cordial and pleasant and cute humor to Yasugongshang. Ziba companies in recent years with Microsoft, HP, Fujitsu, Intel and other companies to design a number of excellent products, the company developed for Microsoft's "natural" keyboard of its ease of use, human-computer interface comfortable, unique and novel shape Users are welcome. Ziba also designed a large number of high-tech medical equipment, the design of such products by more concise and bright pieces of modeling to facilitate the operation and cleaning, and trying to make previously complex and daunting process of becoming a medical simple and easy. Ziba Design of the hemodialysis machines with clear, concise touch screen has replaced the previous complexcontrols and switches, automatic control and install the software, so that medical personnel can easily facilitate the operation, addition, since the use of a modular design, can also Easy entry, to provide on-site services。
毕业设计马铃薯去皮机的设计目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章引言 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)国内外马铃薯去皮设备简介 (3) (3)蒸煮装置 (4)化学去皮装置 (5)第二章马铃薯去皮机的结构设计 (7)马铃薯去皮机的设计及特点 (7) (10) (10) (10) (11) (11) (11)第三章马铃薯去皮机的参数确定 (13)物料在工作圆筒内的受力分析 (13) (14) (15) (17)第四章主要零件的结构设计与计算 (18)V带轮结构设计计算 (18)4.2传动主轴的结构设计计算 (19) (20) (21) (21)第五章主要零件的校核 (22) (22) (22) (22) (23) (24) (24)总结 (25)致谢 .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
参考文献 . (26)摘要:马铃薯去皮是所有马铃薯制品加工工艺过程的重要环节,目前存在的各种去皮方法都各自有其一定的局限性。
关键词:去皮机;摩擦;设计;马铃薯Abstract: Peeling is an important annulet in potato processing, Methods of peeling which have been used at present all has their limitation. Along with the development of potato processing industry and the progress of our society and economy, it has become an urgent task for finding an efficient, economical and no pollution method of potato peeling. This paper introduced the large-scale machine for peeling potatoes which is designed by the principle of friction and suited to the factory of food processing, and it presented the key of design,working principle and the composition of the large-scale machine.Keywords:Peeling machine; friction; design; potato第一章引言目前,世界79%的国家种植马铃薯,总面积2000万hm,左右,总产量3亿多吨,仅在小麦、玉米、水稻之后,居第四位。

整体包装设计和品牌形象最新外文文献翻译资料Holistic package design is a complex process that involves us factors。
XXX and visual attributes。
with the latter being the focus of this article。
A package's visual appearance plays a XXX's image。
as seen in iconic examples like the Coca-XXX。
or XXX-XXX.Effective package design requires a deep XXX's packaging。
with many making purchasing ns based on visual appeal alone。
As such。
designers must consider elements like color。
and typography to create a package that stands out on the shelf and communicates the brand'XXX.One XXX with the brand's overall identity。
This means that the package should reflect the brand's visual language and messaging。
Apple'XXX elegance。
while XXX.XXX brand n。
effective package design can also XXX。
XXX elements can make a package easier to handle and open。

10中英文对照外文翻译洗衣机设计方案1. 1. 引言引言本报告讨论了提高标准容量的家用洗衣机的能源效率的可行的设计方案。
在本设计方案分析中所使用的程序是基于由能源部(本设计方案分析中所使用的程序是基于由能源部(DOE DOE DOE)解释的规定,该规定概)解释的规定,该规定概述了工艺改进措施。
其他来源于贸易刊物和家用电器制造商协会(AHAM AHAM AHAM)。
虽然(在新工艺中)现有分析的设计方案阶段在规章制定预告(虽然(在新工艺中)现有分析的设计方案阶段在规章制定预告(ANOPR ANOPR ANOPR)之)之前,与原ANOPR[2]ANOPR[2]相对应,但是以前从厂家收集到的数据,现有的相对应,但是以前从厂家收集到的数据,现有的AHAM 的输入和其他利益相关者在这份报告中仍然会被考虑。
2. 2. 产品分类产品分类对消费者有使用价值的家电被纳入产品类的分析的行列。

1 英文文献翻译1.1 英文文献原文题目Potatoes Potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure structure structure design designAbstract: Abstract: the the the graduation graduation graduation design design design is is is mainly mainly mainly studied studied studied on on on the the the bas bas is is of of of the the the principle principle principle of of of friction friction friction of of of potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine d d esign, esign, working working working principle principle principle and and and the the the composition composition composition of of of the the the equipment equipment . . Through Through Through the the the analysis analysis analysis of of of original original original data, data, data, project project project demonstratio demonstratio n n and and and related related related data data data analysis analysis analysis and and and calculation, calculation, calculation, the the the overall overall overall des des ign ign of of of a a a complete complete complete potato potato potato peeler peeler peeler to to to peel peel peel and and and mechanical mechanical mechanical stru stru cture cture is is is a a a new new new form, form, form, to to to better better better serve serve serve the the the fruits fruits fruits and and and vegeta vegeta bles bles to to to the the the development development development of of of leather leather leather industry, industry, industry, better better better adapt adapt adapt to to the the demand demand demand of of of the the the market market market both both both at at at home home home and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, so so so has has the the good good good market market market prospect. prospect.Keywords: Keywords: potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure; structure; structure; Friction Friction Friction ; ; ; drive drive 1 1 the the the domestic domestic domestic research research research status statusTechnology Technology is is is to to to measure measure measure whether whether whether an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise has has has the the the advan advan ced ced nature, nature, nature, whether whether whether have have have market market market competitiveness, competitiveness, competitiveness, whether whether whether can can keep keep ahead ahead ahead of of of competitors' competitors' competitors' important important important index. index. index. With With With the the the rapid rapid rapid d d evelopment evelopment of of of domestic domestic domestic potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling agency agency agency market, market, market, the the the core core of of the the the related related related production production production technology technology technology and and and research research research and and and devel devel opment opment will will will certainly certainly certainly has has has become become become the the the focus focus focus of of of the the the industry industry enterprises. enterprises. Understand Understand Understand the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine in in in the the the pro pro duction duction of of of the the the core core core technology technology technology research research research and and and development development development at at at h h ome ome and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, process process process equipment, equipment, equipment, technology, technology, technology, application application application and and trend, trend, for for for an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise to to to improve improve improve product product product technical technical technical speci speci fication, fication, improve improve improve the the the market market market competitiveness competitiveness competitiveness is is is critical. critical. Potato Potato products products products the the the main main main varieties varieties varieties of of of potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potato potato potato chips,chips, dehydrated dehydrated mashed mashed mashed potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, etc. etc. etc. No No No matter matter matter what what what kind kind kind of of of pr products, oducts, its its its processing processing processing technology technology technology requirements requirements requirements of of of raw raw raw material material s s to to to deal deal deal with with with the the the peel peel peel potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, to to to guarantee guarantee guarantee the the the quality quality of of the the the products, products, products, ensure ensure ensure its its its appearance, appearance, appearance, color color color and and and taste. taste. taste. P P eel eel potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled methods methods methods mainly mainly mainly include include include artificial, artificial, artificial, chemica chemica l l peeling, peeling, peeling, mechanical mechanical mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, etc. etc. etc. Artificial Artificial Artificial to to to skin skin skin peelin peelin g g effect effect effect is is is better, better, better, but but but low low low efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, high high high loss loss loss rate, rate, rate, obv obv iously iously can can can not not not adapt adapt adapt to to to the the the needs needs needs of of of the the the development development development of of of th th e e potato potato potato industrialization; industrialization; industrialization; Chemical Chemical Chemical peeling peeling peeling a a a hot hot hot alkaline alkaline alkaline o o r r peel peel peel and and and low low low temperature temperature temperature liquid liquid liquid method method method in in in two two two forms, forms, forms, main main ly ly rely rely rely on on on the the the strong strong strong alkali alkali alkali solution solution solution and and and liquid liquid liquid chemical chemical chemical p p eeling eeling effect, effect, effect, softening softening softening and and and relaxation relaxation relaxation potato potato potato skins skins skins and and and body body -to -to keep, keep, keep, then then then use use use high high high pressure pressure pressure water water water jet, jet, jet, peeled. peeled. peeled. This This This me me thod thod the the the flushing flushing flushing process process process of of of before before before and and and after after after peeling peeling peeling the the the d d emand emand is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and liquid liquid liquid alkali, alkali, alkali, peel peel peel or or or consumption consumption consumption is is too too large, large, large, the the the cost cost cost is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and this this this way way way the the the serious serious serious in in fluence fluence the the the taste taste taste of of of the the the product. product. product. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling peeling peeling is is is fric fric tion tion peel peel peel form, form, form, the the the main main main dependence dependence dependence between between between potato potato potato and and and potat potat o o and and and potato potato potato with with with silicon silicon silicon carbide carbide carbide or or or rubber rubber rubber friction friction friction between between role role and and and achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of peel, peel, peel, good good good effect effect effect of of of this this this a a pproach pproach to to to skin, skin, skin, reduce reduce reduce the the the production production production cost, cost, cost, reduced reduced reduced environm environm entalpollution, pollution, simple simple simple operation, operation, operation, fast fast fast speed, speed, speed, can can can one one one person person person opera opera tion, tion, high high high energy energy energy efficiency efficiency efficiency to to to maximize maximize maximize the the the interests interests interests of of of th th e e products. products.2. 2. the the the working working working principle principle principle of of of the the the potato potato potato peeler peelerThe The potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine adopts adopts adopts horizontal horizontal horizontal machine, machine, machine, mainly mainly including including working working working cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, work work work table, table, table, frame frame frame and and and transmission transmission parts parts (see (see (see diagram). diagram). diagram). When When When to to to work work work in in in the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling m m achine, achine, wheel wheel wheel rotation, rotation, rotation, the the the material material material by by by a a a bucket bucket bucket shape shape shape inlet inlet, , material material material fall fall fall on on on the the the surface surface surface of of of a a a rotating rotating rotating brush brush brush roller roller corrugated corrugated bulge, bulge, bulge, the the the effect effect effect of of of the the the centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force force force by by by the the brush brush roller roller roller tangent tangent tangent upward upward upward movement, movement, movement, material material material constant constant constant alon alon g g the the the motion motion motion for for for a a a cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical wall, wall, wall, rise rise rise to to to the the the top, top, top, was was at at the the the top top top of of of the the the block block block back back back into into into the the the working working working surface surface surface of of the the plate. plate. plate. Into Into Into the the the rough rough rough surface surface surface and and and friction friction friction brush brush brush roll.roll. The The reciprocating reciprocating reciprocating movement movement movement of of of the the the material material material in in in this this this process,process, by by violent violent violent agitation, agitation, agitation, and and and formed formed formed with with with a a a brush brush brush roller, roller, roller, wall wall and and between between between particles particles particles is is is given given given priority priority priority to to to with with with flip, flip, flip, rubb rubb ing ing friction, friction, friction, impact impact impact of of of comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive mechanical mechanical mechanical effects, effects, effects, so so as as to to to achieve achieve achieve the the the aim aim aim of of of the the the skin. skin. skin. At At At the the the same same same time time time of of of f f riction riction peel, peel, peel, from from from inject inject inject water water water into into into the the the hole, hole, hole, in in in a a a timely timely manner manner will will will be be be wiped wiped wiped off off off the the the skin skin skin of of of the the the through through through brush brush brush b b rush rush roll roll roll and and and roll roll roll gap gap gap to to to discharge discharge discharge mouth mouth mouth eduction eduction eduction body. body. body. In In the the case case case of of of non-stop, non-stop, non-stop, open open open the the the discharge discharge discharge valve valve valve of of of mouth, mouth, material material by by by dial dial dial discharged discharged discharged through through through the the the discharge discharge discharge port. port. port. After After peeling peeling potatoes potatoes potatoes peel peel peel by by by institutions institutions institutions discharging discharging discharging chute chute chute into into the the auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary body, body, body, after after after screening screening screening and and and other other other auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary wor wor k k again again again into into into the the the next next next procedure. procedure.3. 3. summary summaryBelieve Believe in in in the the the near near near future, future, future, once once once the the the product product product is is is applied applied applied to to the the actual, actual, actual, will will will greatly greatly greatly save save save the the the working working working time, time, time, improve improve improve wo wo rk rk efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, improve improve improve the the the economic economic economic benefit, benefit, benefit, at at at the the the same same same tim tim e e will will will make make make a a a great great great contribution contribution contribution for for for the the the mass mass mass production, production, production, g g iving iving impetus impetus impetus to to to the the the development development development of of of potato potato potato industry industry industry better better better a a nd nd faster. faster. faster. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, powered powered powered by by by motor, motor, motor, through through through the the pulley pulley drive drive drive cylinder cylinder cylinder at at at the the the bottom bottom bottom of of of the the the spinning spinning spinning l. Low Low middle, middle, middle, high high high edge edge edge mill mill mill wheel wheel wheel surface, surface, surface, undulate. undulate. undulate. Tubers Tubers to to join join join the the the cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, each each each other other other due due due to to to centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force forceand and the the the friction friction friction effect, effect, effect, within within within the the the cylinder cylinder cylinder up, up, up, down, down, down, lef lef t, t, right right right turn, turn, turn, and and and constantly constantly constantly rolling; rolling; rolling; And And And the the the rubber rubber rubber cylind cylind er er lining, lining, lining, will will will rebound rebound rebound tuber, tuber, tuber, in in in the the the mill mill mill and and and the the the cylinder cylinder wall wall under under under the the the function function function of of of rubber rubber rubber potato potato potato tuber tuber tuber is is is grinding grinding to to the the the skin skin skin evenly, evenly, evenly, achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of potato potato potato peeling. peeling. peeling. T T o o skin skin skin with with with clear clear clear water, water, water, and and and then then then open open open the the the side side side door, door, door, tube tube r r discharge discharge discharge from from from a a a side side side door, door, door, dander dander dander with with with flow flow flow from from from the the the di di scharge scharge gap gap gap around around around the the the millstone. millstone. millstone. The The The machine machine machine for for for batch batch batch prod prod uction, uction, peeling peeling peeling machine, machine, machine, mill mill mill rotate rotate rotate at at at a a a certain certain certain speed, speed, speed, rol rol ler ler potato potato potato in in in under under under the the the action action action of of of centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force, force, force, gravity gravity and and the the the friction, friction, friction, using using using potato potato potato work work work relative relative relative to to to the the the mill,mill, the the relative relative relative speed speed speed difference difference difference between between between the the the potato potato potato skin skin skin remov remov ed.1.2中文翻译马铃薯去皮结构设计马铃薯去皮结构设计摘要摘要::本次毕业设计主要研究了以摩擦原理为基础的马铃薯去皮机的设计要点、工作原理工作原理 及设备的组成。

产品设计英文方案范文Product Design Proposal: Innovative Smartwatch with Health Monitoring Features.Introduction.In today's fast-paced world, consumers are constantly seeking convenient and advanced technological solutionsthat enhance their lives. The smartwatch market has seen significant growth in recent years, with users demanding more than just basic notification and timekeeping features. They want a device that can seamlessly integrate into their daily lives, monitor their health, and provide valuable insights. This product design proposal aims to introduce an innovative smartwatch with advanced health monitoring features that cater to the modern consumer's needs.Product Vision.The vision for this product is to create a smartwatchthat not only serves as a stylish and practical accessory but also acts as a personal health coach. It should be able to monitor the wearer's health parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep quality, and stress levels, providing real-time feedback and personalized recommendations. The watch should also integrate seamlessly with other smart devices, apps, and online services, enabling users to manage their health and fitness goals effortlessly.Target Market.The target market for this smartwatch includes health-conscious individuals, fitness enthusiasts, and those seeking convenient health monitoring solutions. It caters to a wide range of ages, from young professionals to retirees, as health and fitness are concerns across all age groups. Additionally, the watch's stylish design and advanced features make it appealing to tech-savvy consumers who demand the latest in wearable technology.Product Features.1. Advanced Health Monitoring: The smartwatch will continuously monitor the wearer's heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. It will also track sleep quality, including deep sleep, light sleep, and REM sleep stages, providing valuable insights into the user's sleep patterns.2. Personalized Health Recommendations: Based on the collected data, the watch will provide personalized health and fitness recommendations. For example, it can suggest changes in diet, exercise routines, or stress management techniques to improve overall health.3. Seamless Integration: The smartwatch will seamlessly integrate with smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices, allowing users to sync their data and access a wide range of features and apps. It will also integrate with online health and fitness platforms, providing access to a comprehensive suite of tools and resources.4. Real-Time Feedback: The watch will provide real-timefeedback on the wearer's health status, alerting them to any potential issues or concerns. For example, if the heart rate spikes unexpectedly, the watch can send an alert to the user's smartphone, allowing them to take immediate action.5. Customizable Design: Consumers will have the option to customize the watch's design, including the band, face, and color scheme, to match their personal preferences and style.6. Long-Lasting Battery: The smartwatch will feature a long-lasting battery that can last for days on a single charge, ensuring users can wear it all day without worrying about battery drainage.Conclusion.In conclusion, this product design proposal aims to introduce an innovative smartwatch with advanced health monitoring features that cater to the modern consumer's needs. The watch combines stylish design, convenientfunctionality, and real-time health monitoring to provide users with a comprehensive health and fitness companion. By targeting health-conscious individuals and fitness enthusiasts, this smartwatch has the potential to revolutionize the way people manage their health and achieve their fitness goals.。

英文原文Modern product design---Foreign language translation original textWith the growing of economices and the developing of technologies, the essential definition of Industral Design has been deepening while its extension meaning enlarging,which resulted in the transformation and renovation of some original design theories and concepts.In the new IT epoch, the contents, methodologies, concepts etc. of design have taken a great change from what they were before.However,the method of comparison and analysis is always playing a plvotal role, during the whole process of maintaining the traditional quintessence and innovating novel conceptions.1.1 Traditional DesignTraditional industrial design and product development mainly involved to three fields,vis.Art, Engineering and Marketing. The designers, who worked in the art field, always had outstanding basic art skills and visual sketching expression capacity as well as plentiful knowledge on ergonomics and aesthetics . So they could easily solve the problems of products about art . Works in the area of the project engineer with strong technical background, they used the method of logical analysis, you can design a detailed, in line with the requirements of the drawings of a total production, manufacture use. They can you good solution to the technical aspects of products. However, they often overlook the aesthetics of products that do not pay attention to fashion and cost-effective products in the market. In the field of commercial marketing staff proficient in the knowledge economy, will use marketing theory to predict customer behavior, they focus on products in the market development trends, but do not understand aesthetic and technical aspects of the problem.In a traditional industrial product design process, the three areas of general staff in their respective areas of independent work. Product engineers solve the technical problems so that products with the necessary functional and capable of producing manufactured, the product is "useful." Designers are using aesthetics,ergonomics and other subjects in the form of product design, product with a reasonable visual, tactile, and other effects, and we look forward to products "useful." The marketing staff is the product marketing and user comments, and to forecast the future market feedback to the above-mentioned two groups of designers, so that they understand product popularity, prompted designers to improve or update the design, so that users " Want to use "designed products.In this process, is often a certain area of personnel in their own fields of expertise in the work done after the exchange and other fields. Due to lack of overall management of the unified design, will be out of line and the link between the crux of the design cycle, the product can not be truly useful and attractive products.1.2 Modern DesignWith the social and economic development, human standard of living continues to increase. People no longer meet the low-level way of life, the requirements of the product greatly improved as the "globalization" of the emergence of various regional economic development imbalances brought about by various contradictions, but also increasingly reflected in the product design and development In the other hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, not only to "tangible" products with a more technical content, but also the software such as the "invisible" products. These changes primarily reflected in the following areas.(1) the diversification of productsIn order to improve their people's living tastes, the more value products "personality", making earlier to meet the most basic requirements of life designed to mass production of products, changes to the current level to meet the different needs of the people's lives Smaller mass-produced products. Therefore the market needs more of a wide range of products. This requires a more flexible product design, shorter design cycle.Early industrial design and product comparison, the current products include the technical content greatly improved, it may not just rely on its outstanding visual effects impressed, and may also rely on hearing, smell, touch and even taste, and so combined effect of people moved .With the computer and network technology to the development andpopularization, is still a wide variety of software products and network products, these new "invisible" products regardless of its form or design products with the traditional "physical" Products are quite different.(2) design innovation and changeIn increasing economic development, product greatly enriched, material needs of people unlimited increase in the new era. A lot of design work alone designer personal talent is very difficult to complete. If an industrial design work is the perfect visual form, to a "combination of technology and the arts", but it was the low level of market acceptance, then to the present point of view, it is not successful design products, it may only Pieces of art.If the team to organize the development of new products, you can designers, engineers and marketing staff to work together, the three professional staff play to their respective expertise, common exchanges, discussions, it is possible to prevent this from happening.I n addition, because people's social awareness, cultural awareness and The new product of the information age - the emergence of software, the team can better embody necessary. People in the use of software products in the course of time to have two types: one is the interface of the visual effects are good, but you use to process and not very Shunshou to show the various menus, logo at a loss; And a software design is very standardized, with the professionals use logic, but the interface of the visual effects but it is not satisfactory. The reasons for this situation is: a program design engineers do not understand interface design to visual design of the interface designers do not understand procedures for structural design. Only two will combine to work to make the process engineers and designers fully exchange interface, will it be possible to design a "useful" software products.continuously enhance environmental awareness, to design a product may not be a simple and specific forms of visual introduction, but in a product or project works the way there, which means "product" The extension had been expanded. An alcohol can become a world famous brands of goods, some with their well-brewing technology, form a perfect bottle design and successful market strategies are closely related. To the modern designers, as the end product design, product contains the meaning is no longer just a form of the bottle, but winebottles, a collection of marketing strategies. Another example: the flow of people to solve the short-term or temporary accommodation designed Jianyi Fang or horizontal cylinder, is not a simple design, but of social, cultural, environmental and other issues of the integrated projects. So, with the "product" extension of the expansion, the need for more staff into the field of design teams, and in the design process through the integration, exchange, completion of innovative product design.(3) the role of the modern designerIn the modern product development process, if the designer has only limited to the traditional fields of expertise in specific focus on the visual performance of rain forms of work, then it will be very difficult to design a ground-breaking products. This is because the community to raise the requirements of the products, to expand the content of the product, compared to the designer's personal knowledge on the capacity can not satisfy the requirements. However, if we can, through effective means to mobilize the relevant field staff to work together, you can make the design capacity of the greatly expanded.If the traditional sense of product designers focused on the visual manifestations of design, then, designers are using modern designers, engineers and other staff of marketing the ability to jointly complete the full development of new products design.Modern designers no longer just the implementation of its mandate, is designed to planners, organizers. Modern designers should have a higher level of awareness on the nature of the design, operation of the quality of the design process. Designers need to use a unique system of thinking to comprehensive analysis, problem-solving abilities, not just the use of visual skills to express themselves is not yet mature enough decorative design.This requires designers with a more complete knowledge of the structure. In addition to good aesthetic quality, but also should have sociology, economics, management science and engineering and technical aspects of the basic knowledge, resume systematic, engineering way of thinking in order to carry out scientific work and effective orga nization design.The task of the modern designer 1.3The explosion in information society, individuals have the knowledge andcapability is very weak. Therefore the use of modern designers should have the wisdom related fields, the expansion of its design capacity. His task is to seize the new opportunities for product development, design has a good user market innovative products.As a modern designer, it is important to fully understand the professional design teams in the field of creative thinking, make full use of the members of the professional competence. Marketing is the background knowledge can design a scientific and feasible programme of research and analysis of the conclusions drawn for policy makers and designers; In addition, the staff can also meet the market well-developed marketing strategy, product successfully pushed To the market. Engineers had "sensitive technology", can make good use of the master design and manufacturing knowledge, to use a certain product features. And a "beauty of art," the designer, you can use the aesthetic qualities and good ergonomics, and other aspects of expertise, to complete the product interface design.Modern designers is to understand and through the effective means to mobilize members of the Organization's ability to enable all areas of professional staff to work together so that information-sharing, complementary advantages, so that the outstanding products as soon as possible into a successful programme of goods.1.4 modern design of new issuesModern design is the design team conducted in a way, modern designers have the ability to handle the design of several new issues:Sensitive to new product development opportunities, this is a new product design, may also be of their products have improved design;So that the different fields of expertise of the staff of a harmonious and efficient work. Eliminate the barriers between different professionals, the other with the design for the common goal to work hard;Construction of a full product development process. This team will be planned for phase, the design work;④ better understanding of the products extracted from a potential consumer of information, so that the design team that truly master users of modeling, and technical characteristics of the most profound impression, and so on;⑤successful consumer products often have been recognized form of attributes and characteristics of the design staff to in-depth analysis and enhance these attributes, and applied to product design.1.5 Design Education ReformIn order to meet the needs of the development of modern design, design education must also be a corresponding change.(1) design of the general education and design for the improvement of water Raising the level of design and design of the general education and promotion are inseparable. The manual from kindergarten classes, involving the design of early education: how to use certain materials to create good-looking, fun things. With the age of growth and the accumulation of knowledge the children produced by the object more complex, more sophisticated. To the secondary school stage, is likely to require students to mix with people working to complete the design of more complex tasks, each member of this period we should play to their respective expertise, to find, to exchange, to express to the production. In primary stage (can be extended to pre-school stage), you can practice by designing courses, guide the students to establish a "design" concept. To the higher education stage, is to ask students from theory to a high degree of awareness, understanding, "Design", which can make comprehensive use of the theory to guide the "design."Universal primary education in the stage, designed to promote education, students in higher education stage will be able to better grasp of modern design theory and methods. This is to raise the level of a country's overall design an effective means and in the United Kingdom and other countries has been very good proof of this.(2) the expansion of educational contentUnlike the artistic performance of specific techniques or structural design professional, modern design is a philosophy, is a way. Design of the contents is based on modern design has the knowledge and skills identified. Therefore, the arts, technology, engineering, economics, management, humanities, social sciences and other fields content should be included in this category.Of course, in today's knowledge explosion, students can not be limited in thelearning of the practice of so many, but through science curriculum of theory and practice of organic integration, it can enable students to master the basic and necessary knowledge. For example, the U.S. card-resistant ˙ ˙ Mellon University School of Design students to jointly complete the design project. Students in the design process of practice field staff understand the relevant way of thinking, make up the relevant professional knowledge, learning team's working methods. To the modern designers, the completeness of the knowledge structure and rationality of need than proficient in a particular profession is even more important..中文译文现代产品设计随着经济的增长和技术的发展,当工业设计的引申意义别不断的扩大时,一些对于工业设计最基本的定义也在逐渐的深化,这就导致了一些原本设计理论和内容的转变和整修。

工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Design Without DesignersI will always remember my first introduction to the power of good product design.I was newly arrived at Apple, still learning the ways of business, when I was visited by a member of Apple's Industrial Design team. He showed me a foam mockup of a proposed product. "Wow," I said, "I want one! What is it?"That experience brought home the power of design: I was excited and enthusiastic even before I knew what it was. This type of visceral "wow" response requires creative designers. It is subjective, personal. Uh oh, this is not what engineers like to hear. If you can't put a number to it, it's not important. As a result, there is a trend to eliminate designers. Who needs them when we can simply test our way to success? The excitement of powerful, captivating design is defined as irrelevant. Worse, the nature of design is in danger.Don't believe me? Consider Google. In a well-publicized move, a senior designer at Google recently quit, stating that Google had no interest in or understanding of design. Google, it seems, relies primarily upon test results, not human skill or judgment. Want to know whether a design is effective? Try it out. Google can quickly submit samples to millions of people in well-controlled trials, pitting one design against another, selecting the winner based upon number of clicks, or sales, or whatever objective measure they wish. Which color of blue is best? Test. Item placement? Test. Web page layout? Test.This procedure is hardly unique to Google. has long followed this practice. Years ago I was proudly informed that they no longer have debates about which design is best: they simply test them and use the data to decide. And this, of course, is the approach used by the human-centered iterative design approach: prototype, test, revise.Is this the future of design? Certainly there are many who believe so. This is a hot topic on the talk and seminar circuit. After all, the proponents ask reasonably, who could object to making decisions based upon data?Two Types of Innovation: Incremental Improvements and New ConceptsIn design—and almost all innovation, for that matter—there are at least two distinct forms. One is incremental improvement. In the manufacturing of products, companies assume that unit costs will continually decrease through continual, incremental improvements. A steady chain of incremental innovation enhances operations, the sourcing of parts and supply-chain management. The product design is continually tinkered with, adjusting the interface, adding new features, changing small things here and there. New products are announced yearly that are simply small modifications to the existing platform by a different constellation of features. Sometimes features are removed to enable a new, low-cost line. Sometimes features are enhanced or added. In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged. Incremental design and innovation is less glamorous than the development of new concepts and ideas, but it is both far more frequent and far more important. Most of these innovations are small, but most are quite successful. This is what companies call "their cash cow": a product line that requires very little new development cost while being profitable year after year.The second form of design is what is generally taught in design, engineering and MBA courses on "breakthrough product innovation." Here is where new concepts get invented, new products defined, and new businesses formed. This is the fun part of innovation. As a result, it is the arena that most designers and inventors wish to inhabit. But the risks are great: most new innovations fail. Successful innovations can take decades to become accepted. As a result, the people who create the innovation are not necessarily the people who profit from it.In my Apple example, the designers were devising a new conception. In the case of Google and Amazon, the companies are practicing incremental enhancement. They are two different activities. Note that the Apple product, like most new innovations, failed. Why? I return to this example later.Both forms of innovation are necessary. The fight over data-driven design is misleading in that it uses the power of one method to deny the importance of the second. Data-driven design through testing is indeed effective at improving existing products. But where did the idea for the product come from in the first place? From someone's creative mind. Testing is effective at enhancing an idea, but creative designers and inventors are required to come up with the idea.Why Testing Is Both Essential and IncompleteData-driven design is "hill-climbing," a well-known algorithm for optimization. Imagine standing in the dark in an unknown, hilly terrain. How do you get to the top of the hill when you can't see? Test the immediate surroundings to determine which direction goes up the most steeply and take a step that way. Repeat until every direction leads to a lower level.But what if the terrain has many hills? How would you know whether you are on the highest? Answer: you can't know. This is called the "local maximum" problem: you can't tell if you are on highest hill (a global maximum) or just at the top of a small one.When a computer does hill climbing on a mathematical space, it tries to avoid the problem of local maxima by initiating climbs from numerous, different parts of the space being explored, selecting the highest of the separate attempts. This doesn't guarantee the very highest peak, but it can avoid being stuck on a low-ranking one. This strategy is seldom available to a designer: it is difficult enough to come up with a single starting point, let alone multiple, different ones. So, refinement through testing in the world of design is usually only capable of reaching the local maximum. Is there a far better solution (that is, is there a different hill which yields far superior results)? Testing will never tell us.Here is where creative people come in. Breakthroughs occur when a person restructures the problem, thereby recognizing that one is exploring the wrong space. This is the creative side of design and invention. Incremental enhancements will not get us there.Barriers to Great InnovationDramatic new innovation has some fundamental characteristics that make it inappropriate for judgment through testing. People resist novelty. Behavior tends to be conservative. New technologies and new methods of doing things usually take decades to be accepted - sometimes multiple decades. But the testing methods allassume that one can make a change, try it out, and immediately determine if it is better than what is currently available.There is no known way to tell if a radical new idea will eventually be successful. Here is where great leadership and courage is required. History tells us of many people who persevered for long periods in the face of repeated rejection before their idea was accepted, often to the point that after success, people could not imagine how they got along without it before. History also tells us of many people who persevered yet never were able to succeed. It is proper to be skeptical of radical new ideas.In the early years of an idea, it might not be accepted because the technology isn't ready, or because there is a lot more optimization still to be done, or because the audience isn't ready. Or because it is a bad idea. It is difficult to determine which of those reasons dominates. The task only becomes easy in hindsight, long after it becomes established.These long periods between formation and initial implementation of a novel idea and its eventual determination of success or failure in the marketplace is what defeats those who wish to use evidence as a decision criterion for following a new direction. Even if a superior way of doing something has been found, the automated test process will probably reject it, not because the idea is inferior, but because it cannot wait decades for the answer. Those who look only at test results will miss the large payoff.Of course there are sound business reasons why ignoring potentially superior approaches might be a wise decision. After all, if the audience is not ready for the new approach, it would initially fail in the marketplace. That is true, in the short run. But to prosper in the future, the best approach would be to develop and commercialize the new idea to get marketplace experience, to begin the optimization process, and to develop the customer base. At the same time one is preparing the company for the day when the method takes off. Sure, keep doing the old, but get ready for the new. If the company fails to recognize the newly emerging method, its competitors will take over. Quite often these competitors will be a startup that existing companies ignored because what they were doing was not well accepted, and in any event did not appear to challenge the existing business: see "The innovator's dilemma."Gestural, multi-touch interfaces for screen-driven devices and computer games are good examples. Are these a brilliant new innovation? Brilliant? Yes. New? Absolutely not. Multi-touch devices were in research labs for almost three decades before the first successful mass-produced products. I saw gestures demonstrated over two decades ago. New ideas take considerable time to reach success in the marketplace. If an idea is commercialized too soon, the result is usually failure (and a large loss of money).This is precisely what the Apple designer of my opening paragraph had done. What I was shown was a portable computer designed for schoolchildren with a form factor unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was wonderful, and even to my normally critical eye, it looked like a perfect fit for the purpose and audience. Alas, the product got caught in a political fight between warring Apple divisions. Although it was eventually released into the marketplace, the fight crippled its integrity and it was badly executed, badly supported, and badly marketed.The resistance of a company to new innovations is well founded. It is expensive to develop a new product line with unknown profitability. Moreover, existing product divisions will be concerned that the new product will disrupt existing sales (this is called "cannibalization"). These fears are often correct. This is a classic case of what is good for the company being bad for an existing division, which means bad for the promotion and reward opportunities for the existing division. Is it a wonder companies resist? The data clearly show that although a few new innovations are dramatically successful, most fail, often at great expense. It is no wonder that companies are hesitant - resistant - to innovation no matter what their press releases and annual reports claim. To be conservative is to be sensible.The FutureAutomated data-driven processes will slowly make more and more inroads into the space now occupied by human designers. New approaches to computer-generated creativity such as genetic algorithms, knowledge-intensive systems, and others will start taking over the creative aspect of design. This is happening in many other fields, whether it be medical diagnosis or engineering design.We will get more design without designers, but primarily of the enhancement, refinement, and optimization of existing concepts. Even where new creative artificial systems are developed, whether by neural networks, genetic algorithms, or some yet undiscovered method, any new concept will still face the hurdle of overcoming the slow adoption rate of people and of overcoming the complex psychological, social, and political needs of people. To do this, we need creative designers, creative business people, and risk takers willing to push the boundaries. New ideas will be resisted. Great innovations will come at the cost of multiple great failures.Design without designers? Those who dislike the ambiguity and uncertainty of human judgments, with its uncertain track record and contradictory statements will try to abolish the human element in favor of the certainty that numbers and data appear to offer. But those who want the big gains that creative judgment can produce will follow their own judgment. The first case will bring about the small, continual improvements that have contributed greatly to the increased productivity and lowering of costs of our technologies. The second case will be rewarded with greatfailures and occasional great success. But those great successes will transform the world.不需要设计师的设计唐·诺曼我永远也不会忘记我第一次向人们介绍优秀产品设计的魅力的经历,那时候我刚刚到苹果公司,还在逐渐的学习工作上的事务。

整理客户对绿色产品的设计需求分析在近几年的重要作用的绿色浪潮的兴起,企业的绿色壁垒出现在产品需求对环境的影响持续的企业竞争力具有非常重要的影响,产品需求和有效整合绿色设计是公司面临的每一个重要的问题因此,对绿色设计分析的需求具有重要意义的客户的需求集合中单挂波模糊集理论,基于客户需求的描述方法,客户端需要的语言来描述,通过 XML,使用半形式化描述语言表达要确保客户要求转化为设计要求的准确性的信息,减少信息失真的转换过程中的信息。
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然而,该产品可以通过加强其语意内容和表达,这其中一个或削弱创造积极或消极的看法,情感,价值观以及在个人(öm 1996)协会的方式这个角色。
莫诺(在öm 1996)定义了四种产品的语义功能:•来形容- 产品形态描述的事实(例如它的目的=定义的任务),使用方式,处理。
•为了表达- 产品形态,表达了产品的价值和品质。
•要信号- 产品形态敦促用户在一个特定的方式作出反应,例如要小心,要在他/她的工作精度。
•确定- 确定产品的形态(如目的=建立的相似性),来源,性质和产品领域(与系统,家庭,产品种类等,以及各部分的功能和位置连接)。
这意味着设计师必须明确向他/她什么,什么应该不应该通过产品(öm 1996)沟通。
四个不同的类别,产品的使用乐趣,约旦给予(1997):1、生理愉悦- 与接触,手持产品。
2、社会的乐趣- 与社会关系和通讯产品启用。
3、心理愉悦- 产品时获得帮助用户建立一个任务。
4、公司,快乐- 相关的值,一个代表产品,其使用或支持。