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phantom employees 吃空晌人员

public institutes 事业单位

self-inspection 自查自纠

extortion in the media 媒体敲诈

paid-for news coverage 有偿新闻

public-private partnership 公私合作制infrastructure financing 基础设施筹资Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance Ministers' Meeting

亚太经合组织财长会议Roadshow 路演

institutional investors 机构投资者

online roadshow 网上路演

initial offer price 发行价

white-collar boxing 白领拳击amateur boxing 业余拳击比赛

low-profile women 暗香型女性

Side-text 小窗口私聊

begging and performing for money 乞讨卖艺dispensing advertising pamphlets 发小广告flat rate subway fares 地铁平价票

based on distance or stop numbers 基于里程或乘坐站数operation costs 运营开支

daily commuters 通勤者

license-plate lottery 车牌摇号

traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

尾号限行congestion fee 拥堵费

the most congested month 最堵月

snarl-up、hold-up、traffic gridlock、clogged traffic堵车

stand somebody up、bail on somebody 放某人鸽子

get stood up 被放鸽子

mean to do sth. 故意做某事

mom look 表达不满的老妈表情

goof 穿帮镜头

salarium 薪水、薪资

reunite with 与某人“复合”

age difference 年龄差

smart taxi 智能出租车

the most precious affection 最珍贵的感情

Adorkable 呆萌

bullet screen 弹幕

QR code 二维码

real-time comment 实时评论

illegally selling resident permits for Beijing 非法倒卖进京户口指标

buying and selling official documents 买卖国家机关公文罪

abuse of power 滥用职权罪

registered permanent residence、household registrations 户口

first-class seats 头等舱

business-class seats 商务舱

economy class 经济舱

single-aisle planes 单走道飞机/窄体式飞机

Hedonism 享乐主义

rule of law 法律的统治

rule by l aw 法治

taking/using drugs 吸毒

Marijuana 大麻

ice/methamphetamine hydrochloride 冰毒

illegal possession of drugs 非法持有毒品罪

providing venues for drug users 容留他人吸毒罪

ice-bucket challenge 冰桶挑战

cancel the division of students into different tracks in high school

文理不分科students on the liberal-arts track 文科生

students following the science track 理科生

friend zoned 还是做朋友吧

acquaintance zoned 踢出朋友圈

international manhunt 海外追逃

be at large 在逃

naked official 裸官

cyber manhunt 人肉搜索

Internet lynching 网络私刑

vigilante of the Internet 网络义警

privacy right 隐私权

Tainted stars 劣迹艺人

public figures 公众人物

mind their behavior 自身言论

the fruit of many celebrities 许多艺人合作的结果boast online about her lavish lifestyle 炫富sugar daddy 干爹

Gambling 赌博

sex trade 性交易

play the publicity stunt 炒作

sex-selective abortion 选择性堕胎

non-licensed medics 没有执照的小诊所

criminal law 刑法

sex-selective testing 性别鉴定

legitimate medical purposes 合理的医学目的genetic disease 基因遗传病
