a. Hi, I'm Emily. On Saturday, my dog Clifford takes me to visit my Grandma. After lunch, the radio says a big storm is coming.嗨,我是Emily!星期六,我的狗狗Clifford带我去看望奶奶。
b. We have to move to a safer place.我们不得不搬去一个较安全的地方。
c. Now we are safe. But Clifford knows Grandma is worried about her house.现在我们安全了。
d. He hurries back to Grandma's house. The storm is too big. Trees are falling down. But it can't stop him.他匆忙往奶奶家赶。
e. Grandma's house is in great danger. Clifford has to do something.奶奶的房子处在极大的危险中,Clifford必须做点什么。
f. First he picks up some trees.首先,他捡起一些树。
g. Then he puts the trees behind Grandma's house. He covers them with sand. He builds a sand hill to save Grandma's house.然后,他把树放在奶奶的房子后面,再用沙把树盖住。
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于感恩节的英语阅读篇一:感恩节英语阅读材料ReadingTask1ThanksgivingDayThanksgivingDayisonthefourthThursdayofnovember.It’sapopular(流行的)holidayintheusA.It’sadayforthemanypeopletogivethanksforwhattheyhave.Th anksgivingDayparades(游行)areheld(举行)insomecitiesduringThanksgivingDay.peopleusuallyd ressupwithcolourfulclothesintheparades.Thanksgiving Dayisadayforfamiliesandfriendstogettogetherforaspec ialmeal(特殊的大餐).Themealusuallyisaturkeywithstuffingbypotatoes,c ranberrysauce(小红莓酱),gravy(肉汁)andvegetablesinitsstomach(肚子里).Andofcourse,pumpkinpieisveryfamousonThanksgivin gDay.ThanksgivingDayparades(游行)Roastturkey(烤火鸡) pumkinpie篇二:ThanksgivingDay感恩节英语阅读ThanksgivingDay感恩节英语阅读20XX-11-1610:49来源:互联网作者:佚名[打印][评论]Almosteverycultureintheworldhasheldcelebrationsofth anksforaplentifulharvest.TheAmericanThanksgivinghol idaybeganasafeastofthanksgivingintheearlydaysoftheA mericancoloniesalmostfourhundredyearsago.In1620,aboatfilledwithmorethanonehundredpeoplesaile dacrosstheAtlanticoceantosettleinthenewworld(新大陆).Thisreligiousgrouphadbeguntoquestionthebeliefs ofthechurchofenglandandtheywantedtoseparatefromit.T hepilgrimssettledinwhatisnowthestateofmassachusetts .Theirfirstwinterinthenewworldwasdifficult.Theyhada rrivedtoolatetogrowmanycrops,andwithoutfreshfood,ha lfthecolonydiedfromdisease.ThefollowingspringtheIroquoisIndians(美国纽约州东北部易洛魁族印第安人)taughtthemhowtogrowcorn,anewfoodforthecolonists.The yshowedthemothercropstogrowintheunfamiliarsoilandho wtohuntandfish.Intheautumnof1621,bountifulcropsofcorn,barley (大麦),beansandpumpkinswereharvested.Thecolonistshadm uchtobethankfulfor,soafeastwasplanned.Theyinvitedth elocalIndianchiefand90Indians.TheIndiansbroughtdeer toroastwiththeturkeysandotherwildgameofferedbytheco lonists.Thecolonistshadlearnedhowtocookcranberriesa nddifferentkindsofcornandsquashdishesfromtheIndians .TothisfirstThanksgiving,theIndianshadevenbroughtpo pcorn.Infollowingyears,manyoftheoriginalcolonistscelebrat edtheautumnharvestwithafeastofthanks.Aftertheunitedstatesbecameanindependentcountry,cong ressrecommendedoneyearlydayofthanksgivingforthewhol enationtocelebrate.georgewashingtonsuggestedthedate november26asThanksgivingDay.Thenin1863,attheendofalongandbloodycivilwar,AbrahamLincolnaskedallAmericanstosetasidethel astThursdayinnovemberasadayofthanksgiving.ThanksgivingfallsonthefourthThursdayofnovember,adif ferentdateeveryyear.Thepresidentmustproclaimthatdat eastheofficialcelebration.Thanksgivingisatimefortraditionandsharing.evenifthe ylivefaraway,familymembersgatherforareunionatthehou seofanolderrelative.Allgivethankstogetherforthegood thingsthattheyhave.Inthisspiritofsharing,civicgroupsandcharitableorgan izationsofferatraditionalmealtothoseinneed,particul arlythehomeless.onmosttablesthroughouttheunitedstat es,foodseatenatthefirstthanksgivinghavebecometradit ional.symbolsofThanksgivingTurkey,corn,pumpkinsandcranberrysauce(酸果曼沙司)aresymbolswhichrepresentthefirstThanksgiving.nowall。
Cliffofd's thanksgiving visit
![Cliffofd's thanksgiving visit](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c3a30830b4daa58da0114a9a.png)
Cliffofd’s thanksgiving visit感恩节访问Hi! My name is Emily Elizabeth.哎!我的名字是艾米丽·伊丽莎白。
My dog Clifford and I have a lot of fun on Halloween.我的狗克利福德,我有很多的乐趣在万圣节。
Then,as soon as Halloween is over,we start looking forward to Thanksgiving.然后,万圣节就结束了,我们开始期待感恩节.Last Thanksgiving my family flew away to visit my grandma.Clifford had to stay home.Our neighbors took care of him.去年感恩节家人飞走了看望奶奶。
They were very kind,but Clifford got lonely.他们非常善良,但克利福德孤独.He thought about his own family---his father,his sisters,Bonnie and Claudia,his brother,Nero.They all live in different places.他想到了自己的家庭,他的父亲,他的姐妹,邦妮和克劳迪娅,他的兄弟,尼禄。
他们都住在不同的地方.Most of all Clifford thought about his mom.He decided to spend Thanksgiving with her. She lives in the city.最重要的是克利福德想到了他的妈妈。
Early Thanksgiving morning,Clifford started out.It was easy.There weren’s many cars.感恩节的早上,Clifford开始。
Hi,I’mEmily.Thisismydog,ually,myfamilydon’tgoveryfarforho lidays.It’stoohardtogetCliffor donabusortrain.嗨,我是Emily,这是我的小狗,Clifford。
Thisyearisdifferent.Wearegoingtothemountains.MommyandDaddysayit’st oofarforCliffordtowalk.但是今年不太一样。
Cliffordfeelsverylonely.Thenextmorninghesetsouttofindus.Hesniffshiswa yalongtheroad.Clifford觉得很孤单。
Andtrafficjamsdo n’tstophim.Cliffordjusttiptoesoverthecars.Andthen...交通拥堵阻挡不了Clifford,Clifford踮起脚尖穿过车流,然后......Hecomestoatollbridge.Cliffordhasnomoney.Butthatdoesn’tstophim.他来到一座需要收费的桥面。
小学英语阅读材料:狗狗童年时代-四年级Clifford 小时候个子特别小,Emily 和他玩也得倍加小心。
一天,Emily 的阿姨来作客。
她走了以后,Clifford 就不见了。
Clifford 去哪里了呢?快看故事吧。
1 When Clifford was a all I had to be careful when IClifford小时候个子非常小。
2 Clifford lied to all to catch itClifford喜欢玩球,但是因为他那时太小了,连球都抓不住。
3 Clifford also lied to sleey hat on cold winter days冬天的时候,Clifford还喜欢睡在我的帽子里呢。
4 One day, my aunt came to visit When she left, we looed all over for our small red in a cae shoess! My aunt didn"t now what to do She didn"t want to bring Clifford home lie that太糟糕了!阿姨也不知道该怎么办。
7 A small boy with a big dog had an idea He said his dog lied cream very much A moment later, Clifford was clean这时一个带着大狗的小男孩想到了一个办法。
8 I was so hae again看到Clifford回来后我可高兴啦!练一练请小朋友试着回下以下问题:Why does Emily"s aunt don"t want to bring Clifford home at that time。
五年级英语阅读资料:狗狗Clifford之可怕的万圣节1. It's Halloween night. Clifford and I meet our friends outside. We are going trick-or-treating! Soon we are on our way.今天是万圣节之夜。
2. When we get to Victor and Pedro's house, Vaz knocks on the door. "Trick or treat!" he calls.当我们到Victor和Pedro家的时候,Vaz敲门并喊道"不招待就使坏"噢!3. Suddenly, the door opens and... "Trick!" Victor and Pedro laugh. The kids scream and run away.突然,门开了,然后…“使坏!”Victor和Pedro都笑了。
孩子们尖叫着跑开了,哈哈!4. When we walk away, I say, "Dr. Dihn always has yummy treats for us. Her house won't be scary." But everyone is already scared.我们走开的时候,我说:“Dihn一直会拿好吃的东西来招待我们,她家不可怕哒。
5. At Dr. Dihn's house, Jetta rings the doorbell. "Oh, Dr. Dihn," calls Jetta. "Trick or treat!"在Dihn的家里,Jetta按响了门铃。
正巧这时,一个皮球滚到了Clifford面前…一起来看故事吧!1. It was Clifford's first autumn. One day, I put on a warm coat and took him to the park.这是Clifford的第一个秋天。
2. On the way to the park, Clifford saw pumpkinsfor the first time. He was very happy. He jumped up and--Crash! Pumpkins rolled all over the street.在去公园的路上,Clifford第一次见到了南瓜。
3. Then we got to the park. It looked different. There were leaves all over the ground.后来我们到了公园。
4. The birds were all flying south. Clifford couldn't chase them. So he chased the leaves. It was fun!鸟儿都往南飞了。
太好玩儿了!5. Then a ball came right in front of Clifford.这时,一个皮球正巧滚到Clifford面前。
6. There was a long stringon the ball. Clifford took hold of the string and ran.球上系着一根长长的线。
人教新课标五年级英语下册阅读资料:狗狗Cli fford之刮风的日子(中英对照)1. One day, I am paintinga picture of Clifford in the park.一天,我正在公园里画一幅Clifford的画像。
2. I am almost finished when the wind blows my painting up a nd away! Clifford runs after it.就在我快要画完的时候突然一阵风把我的画吹跑了!Clifford追了过去。
3. But he doesn't see Mr Bleakman, who is feedingsome squirrel s.然而他没看到正在喂松鼠们的Bleakman先生。
4. The painting is flying toward Sheriff Lewis. Clifford followsit.那幅画正飞向Lewis警长。
5. Sheriff Lewis is eating a yummy cake. But when Clifford go es running through, T-bone gets to taste some, too!Lewis警长正在吃一块美味的蛋糕。
然而当Clifford从旁边跑过去时,Lewis警长就像也尝到了些丁字牛排的味道!6. When my painting flies toward the playground, Clifford finall y gets it! He is so excited that he doesn't see Jetta.当我的画飞向操场时,Clifford终于抓到它了!他如此兴奋以至于都没看见Jetta。
7. Again, Clifford is very sorry.Clifford再次专门抱歉。
人教新课标五年级英语下册阅读资料:狗狗Cli fford之挖到了恐龙?(中英对照)一天,Emily发觉她的朋友Vaz和他姐姐Teresa正在挖恐龙骨头,因此便带着Clifford一起前去帮忙,那后来他们确实挖到了吗?快来看故事吧!1. One day, I see my friend Vaz and his older sister, Teresa. "Teresa is llooking fordinosaurbones!" says Vaz. "And I'm going to help he r!"一天,我碰到了我的朋友Vaz和他的姐姐Teresa。
V az说:“Teresa正在查找恐龙骨头。
”2. I say, "I know some great diggerswho would be happy to help you. And I can help, too!" "Great!" says Teresa. "Let's go!"我说:“我认识一些专门棒的挖掘者,他们会专门乐意帮你们的。
我也能帮忙噢!”Teresa说:“太好啦!我们走吧!”3. Teresa takes us to the work place. Clifford digs... and digs...and digs...Teresa带我们来到工地。
Clifford挖呀挖呀…4. He finds a hugedinosaur bone! "Wow! This looks like it's from a really big dinosaur," says Teresa.他发觉了一根庞大的恐龙骨头呢!“汪汪”“这根骨头看上去看起来是确实呢!”Teresa说道。
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小学英语双语阅读:狗狗Clifford之神秘飞碟1. Hi, I'm Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. Every school day, he takes me all the way to the school gate. Of course, dogs can't go inside the school. So he waits for me outside. 嗨,我是Emily。
2. After school, some kids go home by bus. My friends and I go home by "Clifford".
3. After I finish my homework, I play with Clifford. He likes to catch balls and Frisbees like other dogs.
1. One of Clifford's friends, Riley, is a very good dog. One day, he saves a little kid on the road.Clifford的一个朋友,Riley,是只非常棒的狗狗。
2. Riley is invited to the White Houseto receive a medal. Clifford is very happy for Riley. He goes to Washington too.因此Riley被邀请去白宫领取奖章呢!Clifford为Riley感到高兴,他也会陪着Riley 一起去华盛顿。
3. On the way, Riley's car crossesa river on a bridge. Clifford finds anotherway.在途中,Riley的车驶过河面上的小桥。
4. It is a hot, sunny day, but some people think it is raining.这天相当热,太阳高照,有人觉得可能是快要下雨所以才会那么闷热的缘故。
5. Before we go to see Riley get his medal, Clifford and I take a walk. We see some people. They are all very angry.在我们去看Riley被授予奖章前,Clifford和我散步去了。
小学英语阅读理解材料小学英语阅读理解材料都说动物是人类的朋友,下面友谊篇小学英语阅读材料就是有关狗狗的,欢迎大家阅读!谢谢你,大红狗(1) Clifford is my best friend. He is always there when I need him.Thank you, Clifford!Clifford是我最好的朋友。
谢谢你,Clifford!(2) One day, I miss the school bus. It doesn’t matter: Clifford gives me a ride!有一天,我没有赶上校车。
没关系:Clifford可以载我去!(3) Another day, we are playing in the park. T-bone forgets where he buries his bone. Clifford finds it for him.还有一次,我们正在公园里玩。
(4) Suddenly, it starts to rain hard! But we keep our picnic lunch dry… under Clifford!突然,天降大雨!但是我们野营的午餐却在Clifford身下免遭淋湿。
(5) When someone is in trouble, Clifford is there to help. When there is a fire, Clifford has to think fast.每当别人有麻烦的时候,Clifford都会帮忙。
(6) Good! He puts out the fire!太棒了!他扑灭了大火!(7) And when Mr Bleakman’s car can’t start, who pushes it all the way home? Clifford, my big red dog!当Bleakman先生的汽车发动不了的时候,是谁一直把它推回家了呢?是Clifford,我的大红狗哦!Too many puppies(1) Milly is getting fat. She is having puppies.(2) One night, Milly has seven tiny puppies. I tell Mommy I have to keep them all. Mommy says, "That would be too many puppies."(3) The puppies grow fast. I watch them all day because I'm keeping all the puppies. "No way," says Mommy.(4) Now these puppies are really big! I help feed them now so Milly can take a rest.(5) The puppies bark loudly, and they make a mess! It seems as if I am always cleaning up after them.(6) It's time to take the puppies to the vet. It takes a long time to get one, two, three, four, five, six, seven puppies into the car. Mommy is right! We have too many puppies!(7) Today the people come for their puppies. I give each person a perfect puppy.(8) I feel sad about the puppies. But I am so happy for Milly, the most wonderful dog in the world!Tell the truth(1) “It was a bird!” says Brother. “Yes,” says Sister, “a big purple bird with yellow feet, green wings and a red head!”(2) Papa comes back. Brother and Sister begin to tell him about the bird. But the bird becomes quite different.(3) "Mama, we're really sorry about the lamp," says Brother. "Oh, yes!" says Sister. "It wasn't a bird! It was a football!" "And it was all my fault!" shouts Brother. "It was my fault!" shouts Sister. At that time, the phone rings.(4) "Hello, Gran!" says Mama. "Everything is fine here. How are you?" "But, Mama!" says Sister. "You told Gran that everything is fine, and that isn't the truth!"(5) "Oh, but it is," says Mama. "We have two good kids. They just learned an important lesson about telling the truth. What could be finer than that? Now, let's help Papa fix5 the lamp."(6) Brother and Sister still make mistakes sometimes. For example, Sister makes the floor dirty. Brother eats honey on his bed.(7) Look, Brother and Sister are playing football in the house again!(8) But Brother and Sister no longer tell lies7. They know good kids should always tell the truth.Stay in lineTwelve girls and boys go to the zoo1. Six pairs2 of children line up, two by two.They get on the bus and sit three by three.At the zoo, all the children run through the gate. There is one line of four and one line of eight.They want to look at the chicks. So they stand around in two rows3 of six.Later, they play with the bunnies in twos and in threes.Then the class feed pigs lunch. They give the ponies4 some oats5 and pet (抚摸) the goats6. They visit every place at the zoo.It's time to take a rest. So 12 children fall asleep (入睡).。
Thebusdoesnthaveenoughseatsforusall.ButthankstoClifford,thatisnoproble m.公交车没有足够的座位。
Inthesciencepark,weseeastrangeball.Itsfun.Theballdoesnthurtme,butitmak esmyhairstandstraightout.在科学园里,我们看到一个奇怪的球。
它们不是真的恐龙,但是看起来跟真的一样!Myfriendsays,Canyouimagineanyanimalbeingthatbignow?Weallagreethati tsimpossible.朋友们说,你能想象现在会有那么大的动物吗?我们都同意那是不可能的。
Uh-ohwhatamess!啊-噢!真是狼藉一片!Cliffordfeelsbad.Hetriestoputtheskeletonbacktogetheragain.Hedoesapretty goodjob.Clifford有点难为情。
The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was dead. The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran down his face when he realized 'he had killed his faithful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried(埋葬) him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again. Every morning at dawn, he walked up the mountain and stood by the dog's grave for a few minutes.
7. It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs Smith gave it .
A. might do it much harm. B. could do it much good
C. would help the butcher D. was worth many pounds
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的学习资料,如英语资料、语文资料、数学资料、物理资料、化学资料、生物资料、地理资料、历史资料、政治资料、其他资料等等,想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of learning materials for everyone, such as English materials, language materials, mathematics materials, physical materials, chemical materials, biological materials, geographic materials, historical materials, political materials, other materials, etc. Please pay attention to the data format and writing method!2022年五年级学生英语阅读材料:《狗狗圣诞节礼物》这篇《狗狗圣诞节礼物》是本店铺为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!圣诞夜来啦,Emily和Clifford去买圣诞礼物。
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On Thanksgiving, we go to visit my grandma. Clifford has to stay at home. Our neighbors take care ofhim.
Clifford misses his mum. She lives in the city. Early in the morning, Clifford runs to the city.
Clifford 想妈妈了。
一大早,Clifford 就向城里跑去。
Clifford comes to a bridge. All cars have stopped. Why? It is a drawbridge. And it is opening right under Clifford! Oh, no! Poor Clifford!
Clifford 来到一座桥上。
所有的车都停了,为什么呢?那是座吊桥,刚好在Clifford 的脚下,吊桥打开了!噢,不!可怜的Clifford!
Clifford is wet and cold. He doesn’t want to go back. He moves on into a railwaytunnel.
Clifford 又湿又冷。
Suddenly Clifford hears a roar and sees a brightlight. It’s a train. He can’t turn around, so he pushes the train back to the station.
突然,Clifford 听到一声轰鸣,看到一束强光。
Clifford is in the city. He climbs up a tall building to look around. He can see his mother’s house!
Clifford 来到了城里。
At last, Clifford finds his mum. She is so happy to see her boy. They have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
最后,Clifford 找到了妈妈。
Clifford loves his mother, but he has to go home soon because I missClifford, and he misses me.