


1. Helen told me everything _____ she knew about it.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. whose

2. Mary didn’t come to school yesterday, that was _____ she was ill.

A. why

B. because

C. how

D. whether

3. That’s _____ they missed the last bus.

A. what

B. why

C. which

D. whether

4. —Do you remember _____ he came?

—Yes, I do, he came by car.

A. how

B. when

C. that

D. if

5. _______ they are discussing now is ____ they should let Tom know that.

A.What; that

B. What; whether

C.What; if

D. That; what

6. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _____, in fact, I was taking about my


A. whom

B. where

C. which

D. while

7. I wonder _______ George is always late for class.

A. that

B. what

C. whom

D. why

8. Show them ________.

A.which colour do you like most

B.which colour do you like most

C.what colour do you like most

D.what colour you like most

9. Would you like a cup of coffee _____ shall we get down to business right away?

A. and

B. then

C. or

D. otherwise

10. Everyone was glad to hear the news ______ we had passed the test.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. if

11. Maria has no idea _____ it will be her turn.

A. when

B. what

C. which

D. whom

12. An order has come from Berlin ______ no language but German may be taught in the


A. what

B. that

C. whether

D. when

13. I’ll start early, _____ I don’t oversleep.

A. however

B. whether

C. if

D. though

14. I’ll start ear ly, _______ it may be dark.

A. however

B. whether

C. if

D. though

15. I’ll start early, _____ it is dark or light.

A. unless

B. whether

C. if

D. though

16. I’ll start early, ______ I oversleep.

A. however

B. unless

C. whether

D. if

17. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty _____ great it is.

A. what

B. how

C. however

D. whatever

18. Y ou may not go out _______ your work is done.

A. until

B. where

C. as

D. while

19. All ______ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.

A.what is needed

B.that is needed

C.the thing is needed

D.for their needs

20. The ship changed its course _____ there was a storm.

A. on account of

B. but

C. because of

D. because

21. He was becoming fat, _____ bothered (烦扰) him very much.

A. which

B. that

C. it

D. what

22. The reason _______ I can’t come is ______ I have to work late.

A. because; what

B. why; because

C. why; that

D. because; that

23. ______ and I will hit you.

A.I f you say that again

B. Say that again

C. Say you that again

D. You will say that again

24. _______ she said suggested that she hadn’t decided _____ to go or not.


B. What…which

C. What…whether

D. Whether…what

25. _____ Fred solved the problem is not clear to us.

A. If

B. That

C. How

D. What

26. ______ the children need is more practice.

A. That

B. What

C. How

D. If

27. _______ my brother won the first prize made the family very happy.

A. What

B. How

C. Whether

D. That

28. I had hardly reached the airport ______ he started for his destination

A. where

B. after

C. since

D. when

29. I had scarcely left the house ______ it began to rain.

A. than

B. when

C. just

D. then

30. He had no sooner finished his speech ______ he withdrew.

A. then

B. than

C. and

D. when

31. The reason for his success is ______ he worked hard.

A. why

B. that

C. because

D. for

32. After the war, a new school building was put up ______ there had once been a theatre.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when

33. He has a large collection of books, _____ are written in English.

A.many among

B.many in which

C.many ones of which

D.many of which

34. This book is for students ______ native ianguage is not English.

A. of whom

B. that

C. which

D. whose

35. Y oung _______ he was, he was fit for the work.

A. as

B. because

C. if

D. unless

36. W e’ll stay a little longer ______ it’s late.

A. whatever

B. wherever

C. whoever

D. even though

37. I wouldn’t read that book _____ recommends it.

A. since

B. no matter who

C. who

D. as

38. I’ll buy one ______ it costs.

A. whatever

B. when

C. as

D. what

39. Y ou may sit ______you like.

A. in which

B. which

C. where

D. though

40. Come back _______ you can.

A. no matter how

B. whatever

C. as soon as

D. until

41. I’ll do ______ you tell me.

A. when

B. as

C. no matter

D. for

42. The book is quite different from ______ I read last month.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. x

43. _____ Betty came home yesterday evening, the children were watching TV.

A. While

B. As soon as

C. When

D. Unless

44. _______ she was getting off the bus this morning, Jane hurt her leg.

A. As soon as

B. After

C. Just as

D. Whenever

45. The thief stole my wallet ______ I knew it.

A. before

B. until

C. while

D. since

46. Y ou may leave that _____ you like.

A. what

B. after

C. before

D. wherever

47. John didn’t do his homework _______ his father came home from work.

A. unless

B. while

C. until

D. just as

48. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _______ Father was away in

France. A. as B. that C. during D. if

49. Alice was waiting for the bus _______ she noticed a thief running out of a shop.

A. when

B. while

C. after

D. as soon as

50. I’ll have him call you _______ he has come back.

A. while

B. as soon as

C. until

D. whenever

51. _______ you already know, I don’t want to say it again.

A. Because

B. In order that

C. Since

D. So that

52. He kept working outside ______ it was raining.

A. since

B. because

C. such that

D. though

53. ________, he lived a very simple life.

A.As Einstein was a great scientist

B. As great scientist Einstein was

C.Great scientist was as Einstein

D. Great scientist as Einstein was

54. He was punished, ____ I had expected.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. as

55. Mary tried to go on with her work at home _______ she wasn’t well.

A. because

B. that

C. though

D. so

56. —Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

—I’d like to, _____ I’m too busy.

A. and

B. so

C. as

D. but

57. There’s no air _____ water on the moon.

A. that

B. and

C. but

D. or

58. Mr Black is _____ a doctor ______ a nusician.

A.so …… that

B. as …… as

C. both …… and

D. from …… to

59. He can’t swim, _____ can his friend.

A. and

B. nor

C. but

D. so

60. There are ______ many League members in Class I _____ in Class 2.

A.so ……that

B. both……and

C. not only……but also

D. as……as

61. Don’t discuss questions such ______ those.

A. which

B. that

C. as

D. about which

62. Let’s discuss only the questions ______ we are interested in.

A. which

B. that

C. as

D. what

63. All _____ I need is a good rest.

A. what

B. what that

C. that

D. which

64. ______ I need is a good rest.

A. what

B. what that

C. that

D. which

65. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of _______ hadn’t been cleaned

for at least a year.

A. there

B. those

C. that

D. which

66. Do not talk about such things ________ you do not understand.

A. that

B. which

C. as

D. where

67. It is on the farm _____ I used to work when I was at middle school.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. in which

68. I t is the best film ______ this year.

A.which I have seen it

B. which I have seen

C.I have seen

D.I have seen it

69. It is the only thing _____ Jack used.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. who

70. Is it necessary _____ I’ll stay here all the time with you?

A. whether

B. if

C. when

D. that

71. It is still a question _______ we shall have our sports meet.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. if

72. I t was not until 1920 ______ regular radio broadcoasts began.

A. while

B. which

C. that

D. since

73. It was raining hard ______ they arrived.

A. when

B. while

C. that

D. how

74. ____is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What

75. After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from___she used to be.

A. that

B. whom

C. what

D. who


1.?________I told you just now was ________ had been? written in the letter.

A. What; what

B. That; that

C. Whether

D. If; who

2. We'll go out for a walk as soon as it ________.

A. stops raining

B. raining

C. stop to rain

D. rain

3. The film was _____ interesting _____ everyone wanted to see it again.

A. too, to

B. so, that

C. not ,until

D. very, that

4.__________studies hard will pass the examination.

A. Whoever

B. Any student

C. Who

D. Those who

5. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _____I will

always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what

6. She took it for gr anted ________I’ll agree with her.

A. that

B. whether

C. if

D. when

7.___help if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and better.

A. Giving

B. Give

C. Given

D. To give

8.-- I will not take an umbrella with me today.

—- _____it rains later on in the day?

A. How

B. What

C. How about

D. What if

9.——______to be a PLA soldier when I was young.

—— And now you are.

A. How I wanted

B. How did I want

C. What I wanted

D. What did I want

10.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,____was very reasonable.

A. which price

B. the price of which

C. its price

D. the price of that

11.After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from___she used to be.

A. that

B. whom

C. what

D. who

12.____is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What

13.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation_he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where

B. which

C. while

D. why

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3411891110.html,rmation has been put forward___more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

A. while

B. that

C. when

D. as

15.What the doctors really doubt is____my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. what

16.The students of the music school study ____.

A. music but also some other subjects

B. some other subjects as well as music

C. music as well as some other subjects

D. some other subjects and music

17.___air is to man, so is water to fish.

A. Since

B. Just

C. Like

D. As

18.There is plenty of rain in the south __there is little in the north.

A. while

B. as

C. when

D. so

19.___several times about it, but he could not give the correct answer.

A. Being asked

B. Having been asked

C. He would ask

D. He had been asked

20.——I don’t like chicken ___fish.

——I don’t like chicken,___I like fish very much.

A. and;and

B. and;but

C. or;but

D. or;and

21.___the days went on, the situation there got worse.

A. With

B. Since

C. While

D. As

22.___everybody is here, let’s set out right away.

A. Now that

B. Because

C. For

D. After

23.The science of medicine,___progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.

A. to which

B. in which

C. which

D. with which

24.We must do the experiment carefully ___Miss Liu told us.

A. what

B. since

C. as

D. while

25.Tony will never forget these days ___she lived in China with her mother,___has a great effect on her life.

A. that;which

B. when;which

C. which;that

D. when;that

26.___I know, they will go to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games in 2008.

A. Since

B. So far as

C. In case

D. As if

27.Who do you think the doctor will have___first, John or Kate?

A. examine

B. to examine

C. examining

D. examined

28.—— What are you anxious about?


A. Whether we can succeed

B. If we succeed

C. Do we succeed

D. That we can succeed

29.You should put the dictionary ___you can find it easily.

A. where

B. the place

C. the place on which

D. what

30.She said to me, “I’ll tell you the result of the test___I know it.”

A. because

B. the moment

C. after

D. though

31.Grandpa used to tell us something about the “Cultural Revolution” ___he had time to spare. A. as soon as B. as C. so that D. whenever

32.Li Fang is very busy,___she’s always helping others with their lessons.

A. but

B. although

C. so

D. for

33.Getting a right job can be difficult ___the students___prepared to deal with the job interview.

A. if;won’t

B. unless;will

C. unless;are

D. if;are

34.Everything depends on__they will support you about it.

A. if

B. which

C. whether

D. that

35.She won the first prize in the speech contest and___surprised us.

A. which

B. it

C. as

D. who

36.The Oscar is one of the film prizes __offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.

A. which is not

B. that have not been

C. that has not

D. that has not been

37.He made another wonderful discovery,___of great importance to science.

A. which I think is

B. which I think it is

C. which I think it

D. I think is

38.It’s really very dangerous. One more step,___the baby will fall into the well.

A. or

B. so

C. but

D. and

39.She is American,___she knows little about American history.

A. so

B. yet

C. and

D. therefore

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3411891110.html,rmation technology is taught in most schools,___we have entered the information society. A. so B. while C. still D .for

41._________ told you that was lying.

A. Who

B. Whoever

C. Anyone

D. The person

42. This is Mr. smith, _______I think has something new to tell us.

A. /

B. that

C. whom

D. who

43.It was quite a long time___I made it out what had happened.

A. after

B. before

C. when

D. since

44.__the text a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.

A. Read

B. Reading

C. If reading

D. When you read

45.___does he do his work well,___he helps others with their work.

A. Not only;but also

B. Neither;nor

C. Either;or

D. Both;and

46.__, so he didn’t come to school last week.

A. Though he was ill

B. Being ill

C. Having been ill

D. He was ill

47.She tried every way ___she could find to solve the problem.

A. how

B. in which

C. that

D. which

48.Lily has some idea ___she’s going to be when she grows up.

A. what

B. that

C. as

D. which

49.To play fair is as important as ____,I think.

A. to play well

B. play well .we play well D. playing well

50.___you go, you should bear the motherland in mind.

A. Where

B. Whenever

C. However

D. Wherever

51. She had three sons, all __________became doctors.

A. which

B. of them

C. of which

D. of whom

52. Computers can only give out _________has been stored in them.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. anything

53.________surprised me most ______to see some of the village people seated on the benches at the end of the room.

A. What , was

B. What , were

C. That , was

D. That ,were

54. We do the same work _______you do.

A that B. as C. than D. like

55.Did you tell your mother all ________you had seen on the way home?

A. what

B. whom

C. that

D. which

56.We could hardly understand______________.

A. what the man was talking

B. what the man was talking about

C. what was the man talking about

D. the man was talking about what

57._________they will have a good harvest this year is still unknown.

A. Whether

B. If

C. Which

D. That

58. He wanted to know the reason ________I was late.

A. as

B. for

C. why

D. because

59.This is one of the best books_____________.

A. that have ever been written

B. that has ever been written

C. that has written

D. that have written

60.The Sun heats the earth, __________is very important to living things.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. where


1.Have you been told where the meeting will be held?

2.Where the meeting will be held hasn’t been decided.

3.The problem is where we’ll spend our holiday.

4.The problem where we’ll spend our holiday is being discussed.

5.Hangzhou is the place where he was brought up.

6. A new school has been built where there had once been a theater.

7.Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go beyond others.

8.–What do you think of teaching,Bob?

--I find it fun and challenging. It is a job where you are doing something serious but interesting.

9. I am working in a business where almost everyone is waiting for a chance.

10. Media keep us informed of the cases where help is needed.

11.I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.

12. It is helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselves differently.

13.Many people dared not go out at night when they thought of the scene where men were eaten by sharks.

14. All his neighbours admired his family where the parents treat the child as a friend.

15. The little girl who got lost decided to remain where she was and wait for her mother.

16. The doctor advised me to live where the air is fresher.

17. Y ou say everyone should be equal and that is where I disagree.

18. Where there is a will, there is a way.

19.After graduation, we will go wherever we are needed.

20.Go back to the hotel.That is where you left your cellphone.

21.It was where he was born that he died.


一)Though I can’t remember everything that happened during that time in university, I still remember some people and things that were related to Miss Brown, who used to be monitor in our class. If you want to know who the lady who/whom/that/×I referred to in my diary is, I can tell you it’s her, Miss Brown. Here is a story which/that makes me remember Miss Brown until now. One afternoon, she and I arrived in New York, which we would look forward to. We went to the biggest bookshop in which there were different kinds of books to be sold. There, she persuaded me to read every grammar book that could offer me knowledge of grammar and buy a dictionary which/that/×I could look up the new words in. Miss Brown also bought the same books as I did. Just when we left the bookshop and were ready to go back to our university, a big man stopped us and robbed me of my necklace. I’ll never forget that time when/in which Miss Brown tried her best to help me and lost one of her fingers.

二)This is the film which I saw when I was at school. Here are two pictures that are taken from the film.This is the film whose name is Titanic. The man and the woman whom you see in the picture are Jack and Lucy. Jack, who is a poor painter, won a ship ticket by playing cards.Lucy is a young beautiful woman, who went to America with her mother. Jack and Lucy, who are the hero and the heroine in the film, loved each other very much.


1-5 C B B A B 6-10 D D D C B 11-15 A B C D B 16-20 B C A B D

21-25 A C B C C 26-30 B D D B B 31-35 B B D D A 36-40 D B A C C 41-45 B C C C A 46-50 D C A A B 51-55 C D D D C 56-60 D D C B D 61-65 C B C A D 66-70C A C A D 71-75 A CABC










9.A 10.B11.C.12.B.13.A.14.B.15.C 16.B 18.A 19.D 20.C.21.D.22.A.23.B.24.C.25.B.26.B.27.D.28.A..29.A.30.B.31.D.32.A.33.C.34.C.35.B.36.B.3 7.A.38.D.39.B.40.D.41.B42.D43.B.44.D.45.A.46.D.47.C.48.A.49.A.50.D.51.D52.C53.A54.B 55.C56.B 57.A 58.C 59.A 60.B


1-5 C B B A B 6-10 D D D C B 11-15 A B C D B 16-20 B C A B D

21-25 A C B C C 26-30 B D D B B 31-35 B B D D A 36-40 D B A C C 41-45 B C C C A 46-50 D C A A B 51-55 C D D D C 56-60 D D C B D 61-65 C B C A D 66-70C A C A D 71-75 A CABC










9.A 10.B11.C.12.B.13.A.14.B.15.C 16.B 18.A 19.D 20.C.21.D.22.A.23.B.24.C.25.B.26.B.27.D.28.A..29.A.30.B.31.D.32.A.33.C.34.C.35.B.36.B.3 7.A.38.D.39.B.40.D.41.B42.D43.B.44.D.45.A.46.D.47.C.48.A.49.A.50.D.51.D52.C53.A54.B 55.C56.B 57.A 58.C 59.A 60.B


简单句、并列句和复合句 考点一简单句 1.简单句只包含一个主谓结构. 2.五种简单句: 1)主+谓. He comes at last. 2)主+系+表. She is a teacher. The soup tastes nice. 3)主+谓+宾. They reached the village. 4)主+谓+间宾+直宾. He gave me a pen. 5)主+谓+宾+宾补. I find that book very useful. 考点二并列句 并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句,用连词连接起来。 常用的连接词有: 1.表示顺承关系的:and, not only…but also(不仅….而且….)等。 She gave us a lot of advice, Linda tried to become an excellent teacher, helped us to overcome difficulties. at last she succeeded. 2.表示选择关系和否定条件的有or(还是,否则) Do you want to leave now would you rather set off later? Wear your coat, you’ll catch a cold. 3.表示转折关系的有but, yet 等。 He is young, but he works hard.虽然他年轻,但工作努力。 4.表示因果关系的有for, so 等。 My leg hurts so I go to see a doctor. 我的腿疼,因此我去看医生。 考点三主从复合句:宾语从句 1.宾语从句的引导词 (1)引导陈述句用that(在口语和非正式文体中常常省略) He tells me (that ) he is going shopping this Sunday. (2)引导一般疑问句用if 或whether. She asked me if\ whether she could join us. (whether…or not) (3)引导特殊疑问句,要用原来的特殊疑问词。 She asked them what they were doing. 2.宾语从句的语序:要用陈述句语序。 I want to know when the train left. 3.宾语从句的时态 (1)主句是一般现在时,一般将来时或祈使句,宾语从句可根据实际需要选用各种时态。 He tells us that he has been able to look after himself. (2)主句是过去时态,宾语从句应使用过去时的相应时态。 They said that they had already finished the work. (3)如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、真理、自然现象等,不管主句用什么时态,从句 都用一般现在时。 He said that light travels faster than sound. 3. 练习 1)She asked me, “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” (改为含宾语从句的复合句)


高考英语复合句知识点单元汇编含答案(5) 一、选择题 1.The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ________ a good impression is a must. A.which B.when C.as D.where 2.was needed at that time, she told me, was some good luck. A.That B.As C.It D.What 3.There is a common belief among the students in our school _____ they should make great efforts to learn and reach the peak of their academic performances. A.which B.that C.whether D.if 4.The students enjoyed this new game, _________ was named after the school. A.where B.whose C.which D.who 5.Eventually, the butterfly manages to reach the place____________ it will spend the winter. A.which B.when C.that D.where 6.____________ China has made advances in 5G technology, there is still a long way to go for its popularity. A.If B.Because C.Since D.While 7.This is the last factory ________ he used to work at, many workers of _______ still have a good relationship with him. A./; it B.which; whom C./; which D.which; that 8.Police have found ________ appears to be the lost ancient statue. A.which B.where C.how D.what 9.It won't be long _our summer vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air. A.when B.until C.that D.before 10.He was deeply struck by the natural beauty of the West Lake___________he went to Hangzhou. A.at the first time B.the first time C.for the first time D.at the first time when 11.Tom was so angry____ he heard his friend betrayed him____ he tore the letter into two immediately. A.that; when B.that; that C.when; what D.when; that 12.It was the typhoon ________was called Tiange hit Zhuhai and Macao. A.which;that B.what;which C.that;who D.that;which 13.One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands _______ we often risked going and got more fish than others A.which B.when C.in which D.where 14._________I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for. A.The place B.The week C.The day D.The instant 15.Many experts stick to the view ______ teacher development is the key to the education quality. A.which B.what C.that D.where


将下列带定语从句的主从复合句变为简单句: 1.The young woman who works in his office used to be a housewife. 2.The boat suddenly struck a rock that was covered by mud and sand. 3.John was always the last student that left the classroom after school. 4.If only I had two lives that I could lay down for my dear motherland! 5.He made his way through the people who were curious to see the murderer. 6.We badly need some people who are able to do the job successfully. 7.I met a strange old woman who carried a big umbrella in her hand. 8.The policeman examined the chair which stood against the wall. 9.I once visited the house where the president once lived and worked for four years. 10.I have never been to the village where my grandparents once lived 11.They often think of the days when they lived happily together on the island. 12.Spring is the season when t he parks are always full of happy children 13.The reason is his own affair. Why will he stay in the country for more days ? 14.Can you give us one good reason ? Why should you give up studying music ?


【专题】主从复合句(状从、名从和定从) 【考点分析】 状语从句 1.when, while, as引导时间状语从句的区别; 2.名词词组the minute, the moment, the first time, each time, any time等用作连词,引导的时间状语从句; 3.before,和since引导时间状语从句的用法以及常见的几个句型; 4.till和until的用法; 5.although, though, as以及even if, even though引导让步状语从句的用法; 6.结果状语从句中“so…that”与“such…that”的区别; 7.条件状语从句unless, providing/provided, suppose/supposing等引导词的用法; 8.“疑问词+ever”和“no matter+疑问词”引导从句的用法; 9. in case引导的状语从句; 10.where引导的状语从句; 11.once引导的状语从句。 12.与祈使句、定语从句、名词从句、倒装句以及与强调句型的混合考查。 名词从句 1. that和what引导名词性从句的区别; 2.名词从句的语序和时态; 3. it作形式主语、形式宾语的几种情况; 4.宾语从句的否定转移; 5.whether和if的用法区别; 6.what在名词性从句中的使用; 7.doubt后的名词性从句的使用; 8.Who / whoever, what / whatever等的用法区别; 9.连接词that的省略; 定语从句 1.that与which引导的定语从句的区别; 2.who、whom与whose引导的定语从句的区别; 3.关系副词where、when与why引导的定语从句的区别; 4.对“as”引导定语从句的考查; 5. such…as与such…that的区别;the same…as与the same…that的区别; 6.对“介词+关系代词”的考查; 7.the way 作先行词时,定语从句的引导词作状语用in which ,that 或者省略; 8.含有插入语的定语从句; 9.与并列句、状语从句、同位语从句以及与强调句型的混合考查。 【知识点归纳】 I.句子的种类 复习主从复合句时,我们首先要对句子的种类有所了解,才能更深入地掌握主从复合句的知识。 按用途分


简单句和复合句练习题 1.(NMET2004)The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which 2.(NMET2004)Roses need special care ______ they can live through winter. A. because B. so that C. even if D. as 3.(2004 辽宁)The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year,80% _____are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 4.(NMET2003)A computer can only do ______ you have instructed it to do. A. how B. after C. what D. when 5._____this company has done seems to be in agreement with what the government has called for. A. That B. How C. Whether D. What 6.Fortunitely we had a map,without ______we would have got lost. A. which B. it C. that D. what 7.The Great Wall is the last place ______Mr smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing. A. where B. which C. / D. what 8.I shall never forget those years ______I lived in the country with the farmers,______ has a great effect on my life. A. that;which B. when;which C. which;that D. when;who 9.I don’t like the way ______ you speak to her. A. / B. in that C. which D. of which 10.She spent the whole evening talking about the things and the persons ______ none of us has ever heard of . A. which B. who C. whom D. that 11.I have bought such a watch ________ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 12.Free film tickets will be sent to ______ are interested in the film. A. whomever B. whoever C. whatever D. whichever 13.The demand ______ the workers ask for higher wages seemed reasonable. A. what B. that C. which D. when 14.We won’t give up _______ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. since C. whether D. until 15.I remember _________ this used to be a quiet village. A. when B. how C. where D. what 16.—Do you remember ______ he came.? ---Yes,I do. He came by car. A. how B. when C. that D. if 17.__________ she knows a lot of things. A. A child she is B. As she is a child C. Child as she is D. Child as is she 18.You can go out _______ you promise to be back before 12o’clock. A. so that B. as far as C. as long as D. in case 19.---Do the factory leaders meet every Monday morning? ----Yes,______ there is nothing important to deal with. A. since B. if C. unless D. therefore 20.He lived in Paris for three months,during ______ time he learned some French. A. this B. that C. it D. which 21.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_____ was very reasonable. A.which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose


主从复合句 主句是主体,从句只是句子的一个成分,换言之,将句子(除谓语外)的各个成分扩展开来就成了从句。关联词分五类: 疑问代词:who(whom/whose), which, what, 关系代词:who(whom/whose), which, that, 疑问副词:when, where, why, how 关系副词:when, where, why 从属连词:that (无词义), whether, if, although, after because, before, when, since, as soon as, as long as 只有从属连词没有句子功用,即不担任句子成分。 从句分为五类: 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 句中作用如同名词。一般都不用逗号,所用关联词相同:1,连词that/whether/if 2, 疑问代词who/what/which 3, 疑问副词when /where /how /why(引导间接疑问句) 定语从句 状语从句 一.主语从句subject clause,也可分为三种:that引导的主从 / 由连接代副词引导的主从 / what 和whoever等引导的主从。 1由that引导的主从,用得最多。(that 后面是主语) “That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence.”她成为画家可能是受其父亲的影响。 上面句子看着别扭陌生,换成it引导的句子就熟悉了,因为一般除强调外都后置而由it代替,有五种形式:

(1)+ that 、、、 It is natural that they should have different views. (2)、、、 It’s a wonder that you are still alive. (3)宾语) or adverbial(副词)) + that、、、 It seems that you’re right. It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 我忽然想起我们应该制订一个新计划。 It never occurred to me that perhaps she was lying. 我从未想到或许她是在说谎 (4)、、、 It was rumored (It is said) that you was suffering from a stone in the kidney. 谣传说/据说你得了肾结石。 (5)、、、 No, no, it couldn’t be that they were interested in him. 不,不,他们不可能对他有兴趣。口语中that可以省略: It was clear(that) his words pleased her. 显然他的话使她高兴。 When he’ll be back depends much on the weather. Who is to be sent there ha sn’t been decided. It’s clear enough what he meant. 两种结构都能用,但是it结构更多,有四种形式。 It was not clear to me why he behaved like tha t. 我不太清楚他为什么会这样做。 It’s a puzzle how life began. 生命如何开始是一个谜


高考英语复合句知识点易错题汇编含答案(6) 一、选择题 1.Many adults agree that teenagers shouldn't live alone they have their parents’ permission. A.if B.unless C.in case D.now that 2.This is the last factory ________ he used to work at, many workers of _______ still have a good relationship with him. A./; it B.which; whom C./; which D.which; that 3.I’m afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything. A.that B.when C.where D.why 4.Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales. A.which B.that C.when D.where 5.---I’d like to play football with you, but I have an important thing to attend to. ---If you don’t go, ________. A.neither do I B.so will I C.nor will I D.so do I 6.The whole nation responds to the call _______ everybody shall wear masks wherever they go. A.which B.that C.when D.because 7.Eventually, the butterfly manages to reach the place____________ it will spend the winter. A.which B.when C.that D.where 8.What surprised me was not what he said but the way _______ he said it. A.that B.in that C.what D.where 9.The tower, _________ was destroyed in the terrible storm, has been repaired. A.the roof B.which roof C.its roof D.the roof of which 10.By now, we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children, ______ is quite unexpected. A.that B.which C.who D.it 11.It won't be long _our summer vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air. A.when B.until C.that D.before 12.—Have you known each other for long? —Not very long, ________ we started to work in the company. A.after B.before C.when D.since 13.Some pressure is good for you ________ it can help you try harder. A.unless B.although C.before D.as 14.Many nurses, ______ were retired, headed for affected areas to help. A.most of which B.most of whom C.most of them D.most of who 15._________ my heart still beats, I will go on working for the people. A.As soon as B.As far as C.As long as D.As much as 16.The students ________ parents work in the USA speak English very well. A.whose B.their


高考英语复合句知识点难题汇编 一、选择题 1.Occasions are quite rare ____ I have the time to spend a day with my kids. A.who B.which C.why D.when 2.The anti-epidemic fight is like a time-limited race _______ all medical care personnel make every effort to people's lives. A.that B.when C.which D.where 3.________ the sales figure of the new range of products is relatively small, the potential market is large. A.Unless B.After C.Since D.While 4.________ birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes. A.Once B.If C.Although D.Because 5.The students enjoyed this new game, _________ was named after the school. A.where B.whose C.which D.who 6.This is the last factory ________ he used to work at, many workers of _______ still have a good relationship with him. A./; it B.which; whom C./; which D.which; that 7.The companies are working together to create _________ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A.which B.that C.one D.what 8.One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ________ my daughter heard cries for help. A.after B.while C.since D.when 9.Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales. A.which B.that C.when D.where 10.He was deeply struck by the natural beauty of the West Lake___________he went to Hangzhou. A.at the first time B.the first time C.for the first time D.at the first time when 11.It won't be long _our summer vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air. A.when B.until C.that D.before 12.The exhibition tells us _____we should do something to stop air pollution. A.where B.why C.what D.which 13.Tom was so angry____ he heard his friend betrayed him____ he tore the letter into two immediately. A.that; when B.that; that C.when; what D.when; that 14.So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape. A.did the attack B.the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was 15._____ never easy, innovation is absolutely possible with adequate training and continuous


英语复合句综合训练一 1. Helen told me everything _____ she knew about it. A. which B. what C. that D. whose 2. Mary didn’t come to school yesterday, that was _____ she was ill. A. why B. because C. how D. whether 3. That’s _____ they missed the last bus. A. what B. why C. which D. whether 4. —Do you remember _____ he came? —Yes, I do, he came by car. A. how B. when C. that D. if 5. _______ they are discussing now is ____ they should let Tom know that. A.What; that B. What; whether C.What; if D. That; what 6. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _____, in fact, I was taking about my daughter. A. whom B. where C. which D. while 7. I wonder _______ George is always late for class. A. that B. what C. whom D. why 8. Show them ________. A.which colour do you like most B.which colour do you like most C.what colour do you like most D.what colour you like most 9. Would you like a cup of coffee _____ shall we get down to business right away? A. and B. then C. or D. otherwise 10. Everyone was glad to hear the news ______ we had passed the test. A. what B. that C. which D. if 11. Maria has no idea _____ it will be her turn. A. when B. what C. which D. whom 12. An order has come from Berlin ______ no language but German may be taught in the school. A. what B. that C. whether D. when 13. I’ll start early, _____ I don’t oversleep. A. however B. whether C. if D. though 14. I’ll start ear ly, _______ it may be dark. A. however B. whether C. if D. though 15. I’ll start early, _____ it is dark or light. A. unless B. whether C. if D. though 16. I’ll start early, ______ I oversleep. A. however B. unless C. whether D. if 17. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty _____ great it is. A. what B. how C. however D. whatever 18. Y ou may not go out _______ your work is done. A. until B. where C. as D. while 19. All ______ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.


第一部分导论 从句的种类繁多。根据对各类试卷进行综合分析,不外乎由三大类组成:一是名词性从句,包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、介词宾语从句、以及同位语从句;二是定语从句,包括限制性定语从句、非限制性定语从句、割裂式定语从句、搭配式定语从句;三是状语从句,包括时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、结果状语从句、目的状语从句、条件状语从句、比较状语从句、方式状语从句、让步状语从句以及伴随情况状语从句。 一、名词性从句 (一)主语从句 1. It has been pointed out __ their suggestions are reasonable to a certain dear A. whether B. that C. what D. why 选B. that 作引导词,引出主语从句,it形式主语. 2.__ get rid of the force of friction is still a hard nut to us. A. How can we B. How we can C. Why should we D. Why we should 选B.表示"我们该如何克服这种摩擦力仍然是个棘手的问题. 3.__ men have learned much from heavier of animals is not new at all. A. What B. That C. Which D. Whether 选B,句中的much是宾语,所以不能选A 4. How did it come about __ you made a lot of mistakes in your home wonk? A. whether B. what C. why D. that 选D,这里it 是形式主语,that 引导的是主主从句. 5. __you were arguing about last night has been settled. A. That B. Which C. It D. What 选D, what引导主语从句;同时,在从句中作about的宾语. (二) 表语从句 1. The reason for his success is __he worked harder than you.


2018 年高考英语全国卷1,2 长难句分析 1 (全国卷1 阅读B) (原文) And the Good Morning Britain presenter says she's been able to put a lot of what she's learnt into practice in her own home, preparing meals for sons, Sam, 14, Finn, 13, and Jack, 11. (译文) 这位“早安,英国”的电视节目主持人说,她能够在自己的家里把许多学到 的东西付诸实践,为14 岁的儿子山姆,13 岁的芬恩,和11 岁的杰克准备膳食。 (分析) 这是一个多重复合句,主句And the Good Morning Britain presentersays 后面跟的是省略了that 的宾语从句。宾语从句本身也是复合句,其中what she's learnt 也是宾语从句,preparing meals for sons, Sam, 14, Finn, 13, and Jack, 11是-ing 形式做伴随状语。 2 (全国卷1 阅读C) (原文) The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. (译文) 一般的规律是,温和地带的通常为许多人所使用的语言相对较少,而炎 热潮湿地带的语言较多,通常为少数人所使用。 (分析) 这是一个复合句,句中that 引导一个表语从句;从句中often spoken by many people 和often spoken by small numbers为-ed形式做定语,分别修饰few languages 和lots。同时while 在句中做并列连词,意为“然而”,表示对比。 3 (全国卷1 七选五) (原文) A grasp of how to manage color in your spacesis one of the first steps to creating rooms you ’ll love to live in. (译文) 懂得这样处理自己居所的颜色选择是营造你喜爱房间的关键步骤之一。 (分析) 这是一个主从复合句。you’ll love to live in修饰先行词rooms, 省略了关系 代词that/which。steps后的to 是介词,所以跟-ing 形式creating。


高考英语复合句知识点全集汇编及解析 一、选择题 1.______would like to devote his whole life to his country should go______there are all kinds of difficulties. A.Who;some B.Whoever;where C.Whatever; anywhere D.Who;there 2.We’re listed some of the most famous flowers have a special significance. A.what B.that C.where D./ 3.I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. A.That B.Which C.Whether D.What 4.We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance of coming true. A.which B.what C.when D.that 5._________ my heart still beats, I will go on working for the people. A.As soon as B.As far as C.As long as D.As much as 6.________ the sales figure of the new range of products is relatively small, the potential market is large. A.Unless B.After C.Since D.While 7.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of ________ uses it somewhat differently. A.which B.what C.them D.those 8.Once _______ in the forest, we should remain ________ we are and wait for help. A.losing; there B.losing; where C.lost; there D.lost; where 9.I’m afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything. A.that B.when C.where D.why 10.He was deeply struck by the natural beauty of the West Lake___________he went to Hangzhou. A.at the first time B.the first time C.for the first time D.at the first time when 11.Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales. A.which B.that C.when D.where 12.The exhibition tells us _____we should do something to stop air pollution. A.where B.why C.what D.which 13.So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape. A.did the attack B.the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was 14.One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands _______ we often risked going and got more fish than others A.which B.when C.in which D.where 15.It is a truly delightful place, ________looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with
