




It is no secret that China has an ____1____ (incredible) rich, complex and ancient history and culture. My first exposure to Chinese culture came at a very early age, totally by chance. At 8, I walked into a bookshop and picked a book from one of the ____2____ (shelf). Nevertheless, the book turned out to be the “Tao Te Ching,” a deeply philosophical book of Taoism. As ____3____ 8-year-old, the book’s content was obviously lost on me, but it provided me with an early connection to a profound philosophical tradition by ____4____ I am still influenced today.At school I began studying Chinese. My interest in the language developed early on, ____5____(combine) my love of travelling with my love of meeting new people. I am lucky enough to have lived in China for three years. It was a good opportunity for me to experience the ____6____(nation) diverse customs and traditions.Culture and food are closely connected and perhaps nowhere else can this be seen more clearly ____7____ in China. In recent years there ____8____(be) a rise in restaurants offering a variety of foods here. I have introduced many of my friends to Chinese history and culture through a ____9____(share) love of food.It is safe to say that my journey has only just begun. These first steps are only a drop in the ocean of lifelong learning, but as the Chinese philosopher Laozi said, “A journey of a thousand miles _____10_____(begin) with a single step.”阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



高三英语专项训练 - 语法填空(1) (Topic: )Once there lived a rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out 16 ______________ they deserved his help.In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed 17 ___ very large stone. Then he 18 _ (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow. “ Who put this stone in the centre of the road? ” said the old man, 19 ___ he did not try to removsetotnh e. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.20 ____ man came along anddid the same thing; then another came,and another. All of them complained about the stone but did not tried to remove 21 ________ . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 22____ (say) to himself: “ Thenight will be very dark. Some neighbors will come along later 23 the dark and will fall against the stone. ”Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 24 _______ (strong) to moveit. How great was his surprise at last! 25 _______ the ston,e he found a bag of money.(2) (Topic: )The best gift I ever received is the parents that were given to me. I could not have picked out 16 (good) parents myself. My mom is smart,funny,and very artistic. She loves painting and encouraging other people to paint as well. She owns 17 ___________________ own book and art store. And at nightshe teaches adult 18 _______ (educate). She helps kids 19 ________ have dropped out of highschool 20 ________ (get) their diploma.She always has time for me and my brothers. She hardly ever gets mad 21 ____ us and lovesdoing new things with us,22 ____ going to a new museum or going out onto the beach in the middleof the winter and taking pictures at the beach in the snow. My dad knows 23 ____ to fix anything andloves to play musical instruments.He helps me with my science projects and other school projects. He works hard to make money for our family and hardly ever complains. He loves skating with me and 24 ______________ (build) us a half pipeand other cool things.So I have to say that 25 ______ gift I ' m ost grateful for is the one the God gave me m—yparents.( 3)(Topic: )Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by such questio,ns“ Have you got any skills in reading comprehension? ” Act,uamllyany of the teachers can ' t give students 16 ___ efficient way to deal with reading. Anyway,17 ___ often simply say,“ Read more and practise mo,reand you 18______ (get) more experience in reading comprehension. ” Frankly, these teachers ' good (suggest) are only helpful to arouse students ' interest in reading 20 ___ not helhpftuhleto deal witquestions in the examinations of reading comprehension. Personally,I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 21 ______ the knowledge of English writing. Since the Englishpassages are written under some rules or principles,the science of reading 22 ___ u nderstandingmay have a close relationship with writing.( 4) (Topic: ). However, 16 __________ I came out of my teacher 'ofsfice, I told myself: “ Smile!It 'nsot so ・”serious. ”I smiled a big smile and 17___ worked a little, really.Everyone gets18 ________ (frustrate) sometimes. I used to be always influenced by pressure andI was often in low spirits. But one day I came19 _____ a sentence in the Bible: “ Do noabout tomorrow, 20 __________ tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day 's own trouble besufficient for the day. ” It suddenly struck me: “ 21 _______ (worry) about a problem doesn Why not just give a big smile and face up 22 __ the trouble? ”Now every time I want to cry, I remind 23 ______ that laughter is better than tears and anger. I24 __________ (convince) that there ' s something magical about a smile. A smile helps me recove confidence and gives me 25 ___ courage to move on.Remember, whenever you' re faced with a setback, whenever you ' ve been treated unfairly, all takes is determination and you can feel happy again. Smile at life, and it will shine on you.( 5)(Topic: )A farmer once organized a competition between his dog and his rabbit. He dug a hole in one of his biggest fields, and hid a carrot and a bone in it. He wanted to see16 ___________ animal would find themfirst.The 17 _______ (cheer) and optimistic rabbit threw himself into looking for the carrot, 18_______ (dig) here and there, totally convinced that he would find it. But the dog, after sniffing around for a bit, 19 __ (lie) down and began to complain about how difficult it was to find onebone in such a big field.The rabbit dug 20 ______ hours, and with every new hole the dog complained even more abouthow difficult this was, even for the rabbit. 21 ___ the rabbit thought that each hole dug was one hole less than needed digging. When there was no place in the whole field 22 _____________ (leave) to dig, therabbit dug a tunnel right to 23 _____ the dog had been lying all the time. There he found the carrotand the bone.This is how the dog lost the game. He had come to 24 ___ right place at the very beginning butfailed to find the bone 25 ______ he only complained and didn ' t try at all.( 6) (Topic: )There once were a goat and a donkey who lived on a farm. The donkey worked 16 _______ (hard)so the farmer fed him more food. This made the goat so 17 ______ ( jealousy) that he began plottingagainst (谋划对付) the donkey. “,dHoenykey,” the goat said one day. “I think you do too much work18 ___ this farm. You carry such heavy things from morning to night. Why don ' t you prete sick so 19 ____ you can take a day off? ” The donkey 20 ______________ (think) the goat haa.dSao great idethe next morning the donkey lay in the stable (畜栏) on his side with his eyes 21 _________ (close).Right away,the farmer called the doctor. 22 _____ looking at the donkey,the doctor said 23 ___needed a special medicine made 24 ___ the heart of a goat. So the farmer killed 25 ___ goat andgave the donkey medicine made from his heart.(7)(Topic: )I am a junior in high school. There is a lady at my school 16 ___ job is to hand out call-slips索书单)and preve nt stude nts from leav ing campus 17 ______ p ermissi on. Before today I had n everseen her smile.The other day my friends and I were eating in the cafeteria and I saw her walking around. When she came 18 ________ (close) to us I could see that she was crying. She pulled out a tissue and quicklywiped her eyes. I thought to myself that this lady is so under-appreciated and needs 19 (recognize) for all her hard work. So I wrote a note telling her that the studentsappreciated everything she did and 20 ______ her contribution to our school made a difference in allof our lives. I signed it “Somethankful students a”nd slipped it into 21 _____ envelope. Then Irealized I didn 't even know her name. I asked all of my professors but 22 _____ knew her name. I finally went to ask the lady at student services and 23 ______ (tell) that her name is Kathy. I boughther a bouquet of 24 _______ (colour) sunflowers and taped the envelope to it. I brought the flowersto school and left 25 _____ i n her office.She came into my third period class shortly afterwards to deliver a call-slip, and there it was a smile on her face!(8)(Topic: )Over the years I 'vebeen teaching kids about a simple16 ______ powerful concept —the antphilosophy. They have an amazing four-part philosophy. First, ants never quit. They'llclimb over, they ' ll climb under, and they ' ll climb around. They keep looking for another way. Wh了fS neat ( 起的) philosophy it is to never quit 1 7 ___________________ (look ) for a way to get 18 _____ you 're sup go! Second, ants think about winter all summer. That 's 19 ___ important attitude.You can ' t be 20 ____ n a?Vfe稚的)as to think summer will last forever. People who have a little experience are clear about this. So ants are gathering in their winteroofd in the middle of summer. It 's important to be realistic. You have to think about rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun. Think ahead. The third part is that ants think summer all winter.During the winter, they remind 21 ______ , “This won 't last long; we 'll soon be outAnd 22 ___ the first warm day, the ants are out. If it 23 ____ (turn) cold again, theydown. But they come out again if it is warm. They can 't wait 24 ______ (get) out. Last, how mu an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All that it 25 ______ (possible) can.What a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy:never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.(9)(Topic: )The story happened in Japan 1 6 ____ a house was redecorated and the wall inside a room was removed. The inside of the wall was hollow. When the owner of the house removed the wall, he saw a gecko (壁虎) inside the wall. Its tail was pinned by a nail 17 ____________ (come) through the wall fromoutside. The owner was very curious why the gecko was still alive. Then the nail caught his eye. Goodness! It is the nail that was driven here ten years ago when the house was built! How amazing it is 18___ the gecko to have lived in the wall in complete19 ________________________ (dark) for ten years!But on second thought, the curious house owner wondered how this gecko could live through 10 years with its tail 20 ___________ (nail) down and being unable to go anywhere? So he tried to find out howthis small creature could be fed. After a little while, there appeared another gecko with food in 21 ____mouth! What a shocking scene! For ten years, this little gecko had never failed to feed the trappedone.The story touched me so 22 ____ (deep) that it is useless to find out 23 _____ relationshipsthey had between them. Parent 24 ___ child? Friends? Lovers? Brothers or sisters? 25 ___ last thingwe should do is to abandon your beloved in hardship.( 10) (Topic: )Table manners vary from culture to culture. What is acceptable in one country may be considered extremely rude in another. Here we will tell you about the traditional table manners 16 _______ themodern table manners in Korea.17 ________ (tradition,) it was the woman ' s job 1_8 _ (cook)food and set the table. The woman would sit 19 ________ her husband to make sure that he had everything he needed for 20 _____ pleasant meal. Only 21 ____ the husband finished would thewoman and her children eat. Nowaday,s table manners 22 ____ (change) a lot. 23 _______ of thefamily members eat together at the same time.It is common to see everyone help with the meal,24 _______ the husband. One tradition,however,has not changed. It is that the oldest person starts the meal. Staying until the oldest person is finished 25 _______ (consider) to be a basic tradition of Korean table manners.( 11)(Topic: )It was my first trip to India, alone. One day, as I 16 ________ (walk) through a local market, aten-year-old boy came over and begged me to buy a book, 17 ___ had the words “ Interestingon its cover. I bought it, thinking that when I returned home it would remind me 18 __________ my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India 's people were very welcoming of tourists, and never tried 19 ______________ (cheat) them. As I read I felt deeply touched by these warm words.Suddenly, a monkey came down from a nearby tree, snatched the book from my hand and took20 ___ away, along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn ' t do anything 21 _____ stand and stare. Then a man approached me and asked 22 _________ I wanted my belongings back.He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice 23 ____ (leave), so I agreed to pay,but only after my bag was returned. He blew a whistle and the monkey immediately threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that 24 ____________ man made his living thisway: tricking tourist s. This was the 25 ______ (bad) thing I ever experienced in “ Interesting( 12) (Topic: )Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity.I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, 16 ____ a Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes,17 ___ was living on collecting used cans, jars and tins, moved slowlytowards me, with a bag on the back! 18 _______ (walk) nearer, she looked up at me and then fixed hereyes on my can. At that time, I hadnt finished m'y cola, so I gave 19 ___ several coins instead.She stared at me 20 ___ a few seconds and handed back the money. Quite confuse,d I asked:“Why not? Isn ' t that 21_______ you wa“nt?I am no”ta beggar, ” she said 22__(s_e_r_io_us), word by word.Instantly, I felt so sorry. I 23 __________ (intend) to help he,r completely misunderstandingher. Thus I hurt her. What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her 24 emptied can. This time,she gave me a smile with 25 ________________ (satisfy) and gratitude inher eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.(13)A teacher once told us, “If you make one close frie nd in school, you will be mOstiate. Atrue frien dship is some one 1. ______ stays with you for life. ” Experie nee teaches that he Good friendship is just not easily formed.2. _________ is possible that we simply not to stay in one place long eno ugh for a true frie ndshipto develop. 3. ________ , there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us 4. _______ (think) carefully about the kind of frie ndship we want.To most of us, frie ndship is con sidered 5. ______ (importa nee), but we n eed to have clearly inour minds the kinds of frie ndship we want. Are they to be close 6. _______ k ept at arm's len gth? Dowe want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? Usually, the sharing of personal experience is the surest way 7. ________________ (deep) friendships. But it must be carried out slowly andcarried on only if there are sig ns of in terest and acti on in retur n.What are some of the difficulties of frie ndship? The greatest is the attractio n to expect too much, too soon. Deep relationship takes time. Another “ majoidifficulty ” is the selfishnessto think one“ possessesh” other. 8. _____ (similar), friendships require actions 9. ________ return. Finally,there is a questi on of tak ing care of it. 10. ______ you spe nd reas on able time together, frie ndshipswill die away.(14)Life is difficult, but it is no Ion ger difficult once we 1. ___ ・ _ (true) un dersta nd and accept it.Most do not fully see this truth. In stead they compla in 2. _____ their problems and difficulties asif life should be easy. It seems to 3.・that their difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially 4. _______ (force) upon them or else upon their families, or eve n their n ati on. What makeslife difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems 5. ____________ (be) a painful one.Problems 6. _______ (depe nd) on their n ature cause in us sad ness or Ion eli ness or regret or an ger or fear. These are un comfortable feeli ngs, ofte n as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes 7. _____________ en dless series of problems, lifes always difficult and is full of pai n as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious test that tells success 8. _______ failure. When we desire to en couragethe growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems for our childre n to solve.It is through the pain of meet ing and work ing out problems 9. ______ w e lear n. As BenjaminFran kli n said, “ Those things that hurt, in struct. ” It is for this reas on that wise people lear n n10. ______ to welcome the pain of problems.(15)I was always told that the three Ps —patie nce, positive thi nki ng and persevera nce, were a sure path 1. ____________ success.But this advice does not always work as pla nn ed. My high school maths examis one example. The exam, 2. _______ was origi nally to be held in our classroom, 3. _______ (cha nge)to the library at the last minu te. This, 4. ______ , did n't bother me because maths had always bee nmy strongest subject. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax 5. _______________ . But my mood cha nged quickly whe n I saw the first questi on. I had no ideahow to do it. I tried to stay 6. ________ (positively) and persevered 7. ________ I fin ally found the solution. With the proble r m 8. _____________ (solve) , I felt proud of my achievement.9. _______ (fortunate), I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 10. 匸(complete) the rest.(16)It was a very cold evening. An old man was waiting for a ride across the river. He saw several horseme n come and leave but did n't ask for any help. The wait seemed 1. _______________ (en d). Then came another rider. The old man 2. _______ (catch) his eye and said, “ Sir, wouldyou mind doing me a favor ? ”Stopping his horse, he replied, “ Of course. ” Almost 3. he olctfreszejo uldnot get off the ground. The horseman helped him 4. _______ his horse. He took the old man not just across the river, 5. _______ to his home.“ Sir, you did n't eve n ask the other riders fdnelp, why? What 6. ____ I had said‘ no ' aleft you there ? ” the horseman asked.The old man looked at him straight in the eyes and said. “looked into their eyes, and Ifound they did n't care, 7. _______told me it would be useless, but whe n I looked into8. _____ , I saw kindn ess. ”These words touched the rider deeply. “ Thank you for what you've said. I hope I will n ever be9. _______ busy to help others. ” With that, Thomas Jeffers on, the 10. ______________ (three) preside nt of the US, turned his horse around and went away. (17)sell ” yourself. It should be simple, human, personal and brief 1. _______ leav ing out any n ecessary fact.In writ ing, keep 2._______mind the things a possible employer most wants to know aboutare your qualifications, your aims.The 3. ________ (ope n) paragraph is importa nt. If the first few senten ces fail to win the reader's atte nti on, the rest may not be read at all. Try 4. ______ (key) your ope ning remarks to their n eeds ormight say “I 5. _________ (make) a careful study of your advertis ing duri ng the past six mon ths.have made a survey in my n eighborhood to find out how many housewives use your product and why 6. like it. ”Be clear about the job you are applying for. Employers want experien —7. _______ , naturally,no beginner has. The answer is 8. _______ everything you have done is experienee.It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. Make a specific request for an in terview.9. _______________ excelle nt idea is to en close a stamped, self-ddressed en velop with your letter, which makes it 10. _______ (easy) for a possible employer to get in touch with you.(18)Sports should help a man to lear n fair ness, not only in games but also in and for life. If two teams play1. _____________ game, one team must lose. If a dozen teams attend an athletic competition,2. _______ team will get the most points and all the3. _______________ eleven teams will get4. _______ poin ts. If a school team comes out last, that is no loss of face.5. ____________ that team and that school must do is admit that it6. __________ (lose). The only in tellige nt react ion7. _______ defeat must be: n ext year we will do our best to come out on top, because from now on our team will devote 8. ___________ to a stricter course of trai ning un der compete nt in structors.An application letter is to help you toin terests. For example, in stead of beg inning with your adveHsaevnent in today's paper; ” y ouLessons. 9. _______ (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. But even more10. ______ (value) are the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school: in speech,dramatic and musical con tests, in “ house ” activities, and, especially, in the stude nt coun cil.高三英语专项训练语法填空参考答案(1) 本文讲的是一个富翁为了查看镇上的人们是否值得他的帮助而做的测试。



11. And Priscilla Dewing reports that her horse, Nappy, “moves _________(easily) and rides more ________(comfortable)” after a chiropractic __________(adjust). 12. Farber is certain that the holistic approach will grow more popular _______time, and if the past is any ______(indicate), he may be right。 13. Since 1982, membership in the American Holistic Veterinary
5. He became ________(interest) in alternative treatments 20 years ago when he ________(suffer) from terrible back pain. 6. He tried muscle-relaxing drugs but found little __________(relieve). 7. Then he tried acupuncture, _____ancient Chinese practice, and ______(amaze) that he improved after two _______three treatments. 8. ____worked on a veterinarian seemed likely___(work) on his patients. 9. So, after studying the techniques for a couple of__________(year), he began offering them to pets. 10. Leigh Tindale’s dog Charlie had a serious heart condition. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she _____(prepare) to put him _____sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dog’s suffering ____much that she was able to keep him alive for an _____(addition) five months.



高考英语专题复习《语法填空》真题练习含答案1. (云南省昆明市云南师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三上学期适应性月考)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The restaurant Spyce is taking hungry locals to the future with its high-tech approach to fast-casual cuisine (烹饪). The place is being praised as the world’s first restaurant that ___61___ (feature) a robotic kitchen.The project is the brainchild of co-founders Michael Farid, Kale Rogers, Brady Knight and Luke Schlueter,___62___ came up with the idea while studying at MIT.Spyce offers various ___63___ (choose) of food in Latin, Mediterranean and Asian styles. When customers enter Spyce, ___64___ are met with a human guide who shows them to a touchscreen kiosk (自助服务终端) where they can place their order. This order is then sent to a visible kitchen where the food ___65___ (prepare) by robots. Finally, it is handed over to a human employee ___66___ (add) decorations like cilantro (香菜), before being distributed to ___67___ customer.“The way our robot cooks it uses a sautéing (用少量油煎的) technique and it cooks an ___68___ (amaze) meal for you in about 2.5 minutes, said Knight, lead electrical engineer of the restaurant. Most dishes cost less than $8.Don’t worry about the taste, though. The Spyce robots ___69___ (precise) execute recipes created by chef Sam Benson. You can always trust the daily special ____70____ its advisory board.【答案】61. features 62. who 63. choices 64. they 65. is prepared66. to add 67. the 68. amazing 69. precisely 70. on【导语】这是一篇说明文。



语法基础1-6练第一练谓语动词+ 语法填空1-2突破练-保分必拿限时:15 分钟单句填空动词的时态(语态):3个动词的时态(语态)和主谓一致:9个虛拟语气:1个1. Scientists (know) that chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use different calls in the wild for a long time.2.[2023 湖南怀化期末]After his death, Confucius' sayings (record) by his students and collected into a book called The Analects of Confucius.3. Rapid development (bring) many new problems and challenges in protecting the Great Wall of the ancient Qi state so far, according to Qi Yan’an.4.[2023山东日照期末校际联考]In ancient China, agriculture was the main form of production and drums (consider) inseparable from a good harvest, since it was believed that playing the drums could attract rain.5.[2023辽宁期末联考]Drinking two or more cups of black tea a day (be) associated with lower risk of death from all causes, according to a new study.5. Yan Ning (elect) as a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences in 2019 for her outstanding contribution to research.7. [2023 福建三明期末]I (take) scores of pictures while I was touring Tongli, which I hope may inspire travelers to add this pretty water town to their trips.8. Different from the traditional dough(生面团)modeling that is mostly just for artistic appreciation, huamo can(eat)by guests after serving the symbolic purpose.9.[2023山东青岛期末]The Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road (hold) six times since 2014 as a platform for media dialogue and pragmatic cooperation between countries.10. I gave a presentation in class where I suggested that we (make) changes to protect our water resources.11. [2023北京昌平区期末]Rain bombs (create) when hot air mixes with cold air,causing streams of air to drop.12. It is the first time that Chinese astronauts aboard the space station (see) the visit of a crewed spaceship, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).13.[2023河北石家庄部分学校期末]The craftswoman Ji Yulan, an inheritor of the intangible heritage of paper cuttingfrom the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, (engage) herself in the art for over 40 years创新练-高分必抢限时:16 分钟Cloze 1 语篇类型:新闻报道主题语境:人与自我---动物保护词数:约210 [20221. (cover)an area about three times2. size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be of the first national parks in the country. The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that3. (be) previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority4. (increase) effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next year. The GPNP 5. (design) to reflect the guiding principle of "protecting the authenticity and integrity (完整性) of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, 6. leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations " The GPNP's main goal is to improve connectivity between separate 7. (population) and homes of giant pandas, and 8. (eventual) achieve a desired level of population in the wild.Giant pandas also serve 9. an umbrella species (物种), bringing protection to a host of plants and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of China. The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species 10. live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.Cloze 2 语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与社会---文化词数:约205[2023 lucky 1. him admirable. The 44-year-old is more than a security guard; he is a walking library on the man-made fortifications(防御工事).Zhou replaces his knowledge of history every day so that he can field questions from visitors full of 2. (curious). Zhou's appreciation of the Great Wall 3. (inspire) by a surprising demand on the job years ago. The Simatai section is the only ancient architecture in China that preserves the 4. (origin) form of the Ming Dynasty fortifications. Ever since he took the job in 2018, he 5. (witness) increasing footfall of intensely curious tourists. " Visitors are no longer satisfied with 6. they see; they wonder about the history and culture of the place.Always 7. (ask) various questions, I read and learn so that I won't have difficulty dealing with them," says Zhou.Zhou has a range of official responsibilities including 8. (keep) visitors safe and protecting the Great Wall. He has to climb the Great Wall on 9. daily basis and walks back and forth the entire 5. 7-kilometer stretch, where he must ensure no one wanders into the undeveloped sections of Simatai. With the principle of conservation first, theSimatai section has 10. (vast) improved.语法基础第二练谓语动词+ 语法填空3-4突破练-保分必拿限时:15 分钟单句填空动词的时态(语态):2个动词的时态(语态)和主谓一致:12个虛拟语气:1个1.[2023广东深圳光明区二樓]In the 1990s, researchers (begin) studying the physiological benefits of forest bathing.2.[2023 山东烟台期末]Chopsticks, with distinctive Chinese features (praise) by westerners as "China's fifth great invention"3. " In the 1970s, parts of the rammed earth wall(夯土墙) (dig) out and used by farmers for their land", says An Xingzhu.4. [2023 福建三明期末]The Jiangsu countryside is home to a lot of small beautiful water towns, many of which (locate) along the Grand Canal.5. So far, there (be) two large huamo enterprises (企业) and 12 cooperatives in Wenxi, with more than 1,000 locals working for them.6. [2023 山东济宁质检] The Golden Roof, a significant landmark with its golden copper roof shining in the sunlight, can(view) from the street.7. China's craze for Frisbee (飞盘) started last year in Shanghai, but it (spread) to many other cities across the country ever since.8. [2023 北京东城区期末] The Chinese language is one of the six official languages chosen by the United Nations, and UN Chinese Language Day (hold) on April 20 every year.9. [2023 湖南怀化期末] At the core of Confucius thinking (be) the three concepts of ren,yi, and li, which are related to not only our personal qualities but also our relationship with others.10.[2023山东日照期末校际联考]The drum (accompany) Chinese civilization for thousands of years and hasa deep spiritual meaning which takes its existence far beyond a musical instrument.11. Although drinking more water than your body requires (be) unlikely to be harmful to health, clean drinking water is not free to produce, the researchers point out.12.[2023 北京海淀区期末]" I come from a remote mountainous village. Quite a number of folks (struggle) with poverty there, so all I wish is to do my part to improve their lives," Huang Wenxiu once said.13. In the past two years, Wang Chenxue, along with other 10 team members, (volunteer) at a rural elementary school through an EV program in Dazhaizi village of Qinghai province.14.[2023广东大湾区联考(一)]Chinese Little New Year suggests a new year with a new image and (express) the good wishes of Chinese people to ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year.15. I think it's time that we (seek) legal advice.创新练-高分必抢限时:16 分钟Cloze 3 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---社会现象词数:约200 [2021年1countries, the scientists found that people worldwide are getting heavier 1. that most of the rise is due to gains in BMI in rural areas.BMI is an internationally recognized measurement tool 2. gives an indication of whether someone is a healthy weight. It is calculated by dividing a 3. (person) weight in kg by their height in meters squared, and a BMI of between 19 and 25 4. (consider) healthy.The study found that between 1985 and 2017, average rural BMI increased 5. 2. 1 in women and men. In cities, however, the gain 6. (be) 1.3 in women and 1. 6 in men. The researchers described " striking changes" in the geography of BMI. In 1985, urban men and women in more than three quarters of the countries 7. (study) had higher BMIs than men and women in rural areas. But 30 years later, the BMI difference between urban and rural people in many countries had narrowed 8. (sharp).This may be due to some disadvantages for people 9. (live) in the countryside, including 10. (low) levels of income and education, higher costs of healthy foods, and fewer sports facilities.Cloze 4 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---文化旅游词数:约195[2023 The construction of a theme park 1. (feature) ancient Chinese myths(神话)has kicked off in Wuhan, Hubei Province. As the first of its kind in the country, the park, with a total 2. (invest) of 150 million yuan, is expected to be completed in the second half of the year. The park 3. (cover) a planned area of 5,600 square meters in the first construction stage and is to have a theater and an exhibition hall.It is themed on the ancient literature " Shan Hai Jing". "Shan Hai Jing",4. dates back over 2,000 years, gives both a cultural and geographical account 5. China before the Qin Dynasty. It includes geography, traditional customs and stories, and a wealth of myths, and 6. (regard) as a primary source of Chinese myths. Tales including those of Nüwa, a creator and protector of animals and people, will be adapted for shows through 7. (advance) digital technologies. Staff members will dress up as mythical characters and walk through the park, creating 8. fantasy world for the audience.The theme park is supposed 9. (become) Wuhan's new landmark, encouraging the city's tourism growth, with about 350,000 visitors every year after it 10. (official) opens to the public.语法基础第三练非谓语动词+ 语法填空5-6突破练-保分必拿限时:15 分钟单句填空-ing分词:5个-ed分词:5个动词不定式:4个1.[2023 山东枣庄质检]Silkworms(蚕)are fussy eaters, (dine) only on mulberry leaves.2. She has invited six friends of a similar age (participate) in the sport.3.[2023山东烟台期末]Although (use) in many Asian countries, chopsticks have their beginning in China.4. Wang Chenxue now works for a nonprofit organization (call) Enjoy V olunteering (EV).5.[2023北京昌平区期末]When Marilyn tried to sort her mothers things, she could find nothing she wanted (keep).6.[2023福建三明期末](build) in the Song Dynasty, the water town Tongli offers pleasant views and landscapes of traditional China.7. Xu Xiuzhen has become one of the busiest tour guides in Yangshuo, (attract) a large crowd of tourists every day.8. The study team made more than 4, 800 recordings of calls produced by members of three groups of chimpanzees (live) in Ivory Coast's Taï National Park.9. Sunlight will cause the release of dopamine (多巴胺), a chemical (produce) by nerve cells that is important for eye health.10. Some Chinese influencers have worldwide appeal for their posted videos (feature) traditional Chinese culture on their accounts.11.[2023 北京丰台区期末]Gary was quite disappointed when the adults praised his cartoon works just out of politeness.(improve) this awkward situation, he started writing funny stories.12. [2023江苏江阴阶段测试]With the drama A Lifelong Journey (release) on China Central Television and streaming platform iQIYI on Jan 28, its viewership is steadily on the rise.13.[2023 湖南永州适应性考试(二)]In the future, Ji Jiahe wants to become a researcher. "I think the most fundamental way (help) is developing medicines, so that's the field I will be working on," Ji said.14.[2023福建龙岩一级校期末考试] In autumn, the light is dying, as Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt (倾斜) on its axis (轴) combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from (receive) the sun's rays most directly.创新练-高分必抢限时:15 分钟Cloze 5 语篇类型:新闻报道主题语境:人与社会---文化词数:约210[2022 May 21st this year marks the first International Tea Day, which was named officially 1.the United Nations on November 27th, 2019. To celebrate 2. festival, a number of events took place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing on Thursday.The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society 3. (address) the opening ceremony. "As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the 4. (large) tea-producing country, China has a 5. (responsible) to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry. It can help to build a community with a 6 (share) future for mankind," he said.The " First International Tea Day Tea Road Cooperative Initiative" issued(发布)at the ceremony calls for people working in the tea industry to come together to promote international cooperation 7. cultural exchanges. A four-year tea promotion - Tea Road Cooperative Plan was also issued in accordance with the initiative.8. (strengthen) the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, 9. (invite) twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts.The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled(揭幕)at the ceremony, opening 10. (it) first exhibition: The Avenue of Truth — A Special Exhibition of Pu'er Tea.Cloze 6 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---社会热点词数:约180[2023 1. (increasing) energy bills now. Electricity and gas bills are likely 2. (keep) on rising by the winter. Low-paid workers and those who have retired may have no money to pay for heating or eating. Local governments have come up with a makeshift solution. They are turning public areas into spaces 3. people can go to stay warm for free. These 4. (call) " heat banks". Money saving expert Martin Lewis 5. (shock) by the idea of warm banks said he couldn't believe that happens in a supposedly wealthy country.Britons have already taken 6. (vary) measures to avoid skyrocketing energy costs. One woman has disconnected her refrigerator and put her food 7. storage by means of cold water. A man has turned off his electric kettle and is drinking cold water instead of hot coffee. 8. the government and fossil fuel companies which are making record profits deal with the situation disappoints many people. The UK's National Energy Action group said that each year, around 11,400 9. (die) are caused by cold weather. They predicted, " This figure 10.(rise) further this year. "语法基础第四练非谓语动词+ 语法填空7-8突破练-保分必拿限时:12 分钟单句填空-ing分词:5个-ed分词:4个动词不定式:7个1. These fitness enthusiasts now wear smart gadgets(小装置) (track) body reaction during workouts.2.[2023 湖南邵阳联考(一)]Germany's government is aiming (have) at least 15 million electric cars on the roads by 2030.3. Runners (use) the app receive instructions, such as suggested running speeds and right time to rest or drink water.4. Yan Ning was the regional winner of the Young Scientist Award (North America) (sponsor) by Science and GE Healthcare in 20055. It's more common (see) radio emissions from black holes within the first few months after swallowing a star.6.[2023河北石家庄部分学校期末]One of her paper-cuts described a nurse with long, beautiful hair,(wear)a mask and a white gown(罩衣).7. "The six astronauts are projected to live and work together for about five days to complete (plan) tasks and handover work," said the CMSA.8. The school's approach to (keep) its students free of myopia (近视) is based on science.9.[2023 山东济宁质检](lie) within snow-capped mountains, this attractive, underrated destination, Innsbruck, is perfect for a short break.10.[2023北京海淀区期末](help) lower the financial burdens of young people, many governments and companies have given their support in house rentals.11.[2023江苏江阴阶段测试](focus) on the ups and downs of Zhou's family over five decades, the drama A Lifelong Journey has caused nostalgia (怀旧) I among many viewers.12.[2023河北邯郸期末]Natural indigo-dyed(靛蓝染色的)cloth has two pattern categories : one is a white design (print) on a blue background; the other has blue patterns on white.13.[2023 湖南邵阳联考(一)]Key battery manufacturers in China are now building battery cell factories with large investments in Germany, thus (bring) technology to the country.14.[2023广东大湾区联考(一)]Chinese Little New Year means that Chinese people begin to prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival and are ready (spend) a clean Spring Festival.15. Through its own travel agency, the Zhisu Commonweal Organization, a non-profit organization, has given around 1,000 brave blind and visually-impaired travelers the chance (explore) places all over China.16.[2023 北京大兴区期末]After 15 years of working to raise climate urgency, I’ve concluded that the public and world leaders underestimate how rapid, serious climate and ecological breakdown will be if humanity fails (organize) .创新练-高分必抢限时:15 分钟Cloze 7 语篇类型:新闻报道主题语境:人与自然---旅游经历词数:约200[2022 )40 days to Xi'an, as a first step 1.(journey) the Belt and Road route (路线) by foot.On the 1, 100-kilometer journey, the man Cao Shengkang, 2. lost his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident, crossed 40 cities and counties in three provinces. Inspired by the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 3. (hold) in Beijing, Cao decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute (致敬) to the ancient Silk Road. 4. friend of his, Wu Fan, volunteered to be his companion during the trip.Cao and Wu also collected garbage along the road, in order to promote environmental 5. (protect). Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more 6. (meaning) . The two of them collected more than 1,000 plastic bottles along the 40-day journey.In the last five years, Cao 7. (walk) through 34 countries in six continents, and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa's 8. (high) mountain.Now, Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route. He flew 4,700 kilometers 9. Xian to Kashgar on Sept. 20, 10. (plan) to hike back to Xian in five months.Cloze 8 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---产品介绍词数:约195[2023 -Cola is releasing another new limited-edition flavor to its Creations lineup.1. (call) Dreamworld, the latest Coke is supposed to taste like dreams."This limited-edition flavor is your gateway into a lively, 2. (energy) world where anything is possible and imaginations are free to discover the magic in ordinary moments," Coca-Cola said in 3. press release.The release of the new flavor is a part of the company's effort 4. (attract) new Gen Z consumers through Coca-Cola Creations, 5. will introduce a series of unexpected beverages and experiences across physical and digital worlds."Coca-Cola Dreamworld taps into Gen Z's passion 6. the great potential of the mind by exploring 7.a dream tastes like," Alessandra Cascino, Coca-Cola North America Operating Unit's creative shopper program director, said in a statement. "Like the Coca-Cola Creations that came before it, Dreamworld plays with the unexpected 8. will no doubt provoke discovery and debate among consumers... which we welcome."Starting Monday, Aug 15, Dreamworld will be available in grocery stores and gas 9. (station) across the US.There will be both regular and zero-sugar options available, and it 10. (sell) by the bottle and in cans.语法基础第五练名词+ 语法填空9-10突破练-保分必拿限时:10 分钟单句填空词性转换:6个名词单复数:6个名词所有格:1个1.[2023广东深圳光明区二模]Many cultures have long recognized the (important) of nature to human health.2.L2023山东日照期末校际联考]The prosperity of drum culture reflects the (stable) and prosperity of Chinese society.3.[2023广东东莞期末]As China invests more resources in sports, the government has started encouraging ordinary(citizen) to play sports.4.[2023广东惠州三调]I finally had the opportunity to visit the city I am going to study in. The first thing I needed to do was to buy some daily (necessity) .5.[2023 福建三明期末]In spite of its (popular), Tongli maintains a quiet feeling making it an ideal destination for visitors who seek peace and leisure.6. When it comes to water shortage, it is not just a matter of turning the tap off when you brush your (tooth), or cutting your showers down to 3 minutes.7. In fact, China is successfully exporting cultural (product) overseas that are quite different from what we used to label as " traditional culture"8. Ivory Coast's Taï National Park is one of the last important (area) of old-growth tropical forest in West Africa and home to a variety of plants and animals.9.[2023江苏江阴阶段测试]Many viewers issued a (describe ) of the show A Lifelong Journey that it was likea time machine to drift into the past, reflecting how they got here.10. Since most students are in need of a nap, proper arrangement should be made so that students can have a good rest aftera whole (morning) hard work.11.[2023 山东青岛期末]Through arrangements by forum organizers, four groups of Chinese and foreign (reporter) traveled in Shaanxi Province to report on the province's high-quality development.12.[2023河北张家口期末]In a world where counties are increasingly interdependent and share weal and woe (祸福), respecting diversity is key to closer (cooperate) and obtaining win-win outcomes.13. Chinese structural (biology) Yan Ning announced on Tuesday that she would resign from Princeton University in the US and join in the establishment of Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation (SMART) .创新练-高分必抢限时:15 分钟Cloze 9 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---艺术词数:约195[2022.年6月浙江卷]To understand a painting, we're taught to look for color, composition, and light. But how can a painting 1. (appreciate) by someone who's blind? Through touch, the one thing gallery signs tell you not 2. (do). John Olson, a former 3. (photograph), and his team turn paintings into fully textured 3D models.The tactile (可接触的) paintings work as a way to show art to 4. blind because we don’t see with just our eyes: We see with our brains. Research in the field of neuroplasticity — the brain's adaptability — shows that the visual cortex(大脑皮层)is made active by touch. Blind people recognize shapes with their 5. (exist) senses, in a way similar to that of 6. (sight ) people, says Ella Striem-Amit, a Harvard scientist.Luc Gandarias, who's now thirteen, went blind suddenly 7. age seven. When he felt a 3D version of Leonardo da Vinci's " Mona Lisa", he 8. (notice) her smile right away. "I can actually feel what you see when you look at it," he said.For Luc, this means 9. (independent). " The feeling of being able to see it 10. to form my opinion is like breaking down another wall as a blind person. "Cloze 10 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会---体育词数:约190[2023 浙江丽水、湖州、衢州三地市质检]What makes something a sport? Traditional definition. usually included some physical activities 1. show athletic ability or strength. But some sports can take the form of mental competitions. For instance, chess 2. (recognize) as a sport by the International Olympic Committee in 1999. Now, some people wonder 3. eSports should also be considered sports.The word eSports is short for electronic sports. It is 4. form of competition in which professional players or games play video games either in teams or individually. 5. (typical), the winners receive prize money at the end of the competition.The first eSports event was the one 6. (hold) by Stanford University in the 1970s, for the game Spacewar! Over the next 30 years, video games exploded in 7. (popular). More and more countries, such as South Korea, China and the United States, started to develop eSports into an industry. In the 2000s, television broadcasts of the competitions, 8. (feature) games like Street Fighter Ill, StarCraft II, and Counter-Strike, became popular. In the2010s, thanks 9. online streaming services, eSports grew rapidly with more worldwide tournaments, more viewers, and larger 10. (prize). In 2020, the industry made more than $1 billion for the first time ever.语法基础第六练形容词和副词+ 语法填空11-12突破练-保分必拿限时:10 分钟单句填空词性转换:10个比较等级:3个无提示词:1个1.[2023辽宁期末联考]The Biobank followed up about 10 years after the (origin) survey.2. (fortunate) for him, he was very soon offered another job.3.[2023 北京昌平区期末]Smart homes are marketed as the future: making life easier, (good), faster and cheaper.4. Chimpanzees stay the closest to humans. They are (intelligence) and sociable.5. In recent years, on average, China has (annual) published more than 500 sci-fi novels.6. Actually, most visually-impaired people have a (great) capacity to look after themselves than we think.7.[2023北京东城区期末]The award aims to support brilliant women to (full) achieve their visions and change the world in future.8. As TV series make their way globally, China's " We Media" industry becomes even more (influence).9.[2023湖南怀化期末]The way Chinese people view family relationships is (heavy) influenced by Confucius, and so is China's political culture.10. "To some extent, this drama Delicacies Destiny (true) reflects Chinese people's attitude toward life," said American blogger Stacy.11.[2023山东青岛期末]The 2022 Media Cooperation Forum(论坛)on Belt and Road was (grand) held on Tuesday in Xian, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province.12. To deal with the challenges in protecting the Great Wall of the ancient Qi state, the (old) existing Great Wall in China, the legislature (立法机关) in Shandong province has passed a new regulation.13. [2023山东枣庄质检]In ancient China, silk production was a state secret. The methods was so (value) that anyone who tried to take silkworm eggs or mulberry seeds out of China was put to death.14. The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of sorts of plants and animals and it's also the world's largest supplier of oxygen. , the world is at the risk of losing this rich rainforest because of deforestation (滥伐森林) caused by the actions of farmers, loggers and settlers.创新练-高分必抢限时:15 分钟Cloze 11 语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与自我---游玩经历词数:约195[2021新高者I卷]Going to Mount Huangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles song " The Long and Winding Road".1. is so breathtaking about the experience is the out-of-this-world scenes. The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we 2. (human) are.The hot spring at the foot of the mountain is something you must try after the climb. It will 3. (undoubted) help you get refreshed! The amazing thing about the spring is that the colder the temperature gets, the 4. (hot) the spring! Strange, isn't it? But that's how nature is — always leaving us 5. (astonish).What comes next is the endless series of steps. You can't help wondering how hard it 6. (be) for the people then to put all those rocks into place. Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure 7. offers a place where you can sit down to rest your 8. (ache) legs.As the song goes, this long and winding road "will never disappear" , and it will always stick in the visitor's memory. It sure does in 9. (I). While you're in China, Mount Huangshan is 10. must to visit!Cloze 12 语篇类型:新闻报道主题语境:人与社会---国际合作词数:约190[2023 湖北部分重点中学联考(China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda ( CCRCGP) in Sichuan Province on Oct. 18, 2022, 1. (start) their journey to Qatar.To ensure that 2. two pandas start their new lives smoothly, both sides have made full 3. (prepare). The two pandas have been in good condition 4. the CCRCGP put them in quarantine (隔离) a month ago.The Chinese team has also sent several expert groups to Qatar for on-site guidance and assessment of the venues, 5. will assist the country in setting up a 6. (profession) giant panda breeding and management team, and ensure supplies of bamboo.To help the giant pandas adapt to their new environment 7. (easy ), the research center has also sent experienced breeders and experts to Qatar.In May 2020, China and Qatar signed a cooperation agreement 8. (concern) giant panda protection and research to 9. (far) promote international cooperation in the field and to boost the protection of endangered species and biodiversity in the two countries. It is the first time that China 10. (cooperate) with a Middle。



2025届高考英语复习:专项(语法填空+阅读理解)好题练习Ⅰ.语法填空2024ꞏ重庆市质研说明文198词★★★☆☆Mining has seen ups and downs but traditional condiments (调味料) continue to appeal.Any mention of Zigong, Sichuan Province, reminds people 1.________ its salt production and this is 2.________ important source of revenue (财政收入).The city, about 200 kilometers from Chengdu, has a history of mining salt 3.________ (stretch) back 2,000 years. The salt was sold all over Sichuan and other provinces, and was consumed by one-tenth of China's population. The salt is from wells. One of them, the Shenhai well, was opened in 1835, and is still in 4.________ (operate). With a depth of 1,001. 42 meters, it is among the world's deepest of its kind and 5.________ (current) produces around 2,000 kilograms of salt per day. Visitors to the well can buy packs of iodine-free salt 6.________ (mine) just three days earlier.But, during Spring Festival, 7.________ ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month—falling on Sunday this year—more people from around the country flock to Zigong 8.________ (view) its world-famous lanterns. Viewing lanterns became a Spring Festival custom in Zigong during the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the 9.________(city) lantern show has been held in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, becoming a calling card of both Zigong and China. The popular show 10.________ (start) from the economic dilemma in the 1980s, when Zigong's economy over-relying on a single product became a problem.Ⅱ.阅读理解A2024ꞏ云南高三质检说明文327词★★★★☆In about 23 years, it may finally be time to look up. A recently discovered asteroid (小行星) has a chance of hitting the earth on Valentine's Day in 2046. It was discovered on Feb.26 at an observatory in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.While the thought of an asteroid hitting the earth may sound concerning, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) says people shouldn't be worried.The asteroid has an estimated diameter of around 160 feet, which is about the same size as an Olympic swimming pool or the width of a football field.“We've been tracking a new asteroid named 2023 DW that has a very small chance of impacting the earth. Often when new objects are discovered, it takes several weeks' data to reduce the uncertainties and adequately predict their orbits years into the future,”NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) said.The asteroid is ranked on the Torino Scale as Level 1 threat. The scale is a tool to categorize potential earth impacts, with zero being no threat and 10 being something that can cause a global disaster. One on the Torino Scale means 2023 DW is in the normal or green zone.“Current calculations show the chance of collision (碰撞) is extremely unlikely with no need for public concern,” NASA says of the green zone. “New telescopic observationswill very likely lead to reassignment to Level 0.”Although 2023 DW doesn't pose a great risk to the earth, NASA has been continuing to work to defend our planet from any asteroid that could cause disasters.In September, 2022, NASA crashed its Double Asteroid Redirection Test spacecraft, or DART, into an asteroid to see if it could change the trajectory of the space rock. NASA later confirmed the mission was a success, and is continuing to research how effective the method is, should a massive asteroid be headed our way.1.What does NASA's PDCO say about 2023 DW?A.It is too close to the earth.B.It must be destroyed in space.C.Its orbit is still uncertain now.D.Its orbit should be changed.2.How is 2023 DW ranked on the Torino Scale?A.As Level zero threat.B.As Level ten threat.C.In the normal zone.D.In the threatening zone.3.What does the underlined word “trajectory” mean in the last paragraph?A.Size. B.Weight.C.Angle. D.Path.4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.An Asteroid Was Discovered at an Observatory in ChileB.An Asteroid Is Coming Our Way, Unlikely to Hit UsC.A Space Rock Has Just Passed the EarthD.A Spacecraft Has Been Crashed RecentlyB2023ꞏ全国卷Ⅱ应用文315词★★★★☆Yellowstone National Park offers a variety of ranger programs throughout the park, and throughout the year. The following are descriptions of the ranger programs this summer.Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone (May 26 to September 2)Whether you're hiking a backcountry trail (小径), camping, or just enjoying the park's amazing wildlife from the road, this quick workshop is for you and your family. Learn where to look for animals and how to safely enjoy your wildlife watching experience. Meet at the Canyon Village Store.Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics (June 5 to August 21)Kids can test their skills and compare their abilities to the animals of Yellowstone. Stay for as little or as long as your plans allow. Meet in front of the Visitor Education Center.Canyon Talks at Artist Point (June 9 to September 2)From a classic viewpoint, enjoy Lower Falls, the Yellowstone River, and the breathtaking colors of the canyon (峡谷) while learning about the area's natural and human history. Discover why artists and photographers continue to be drawn to this special place. Meet on the lower platform at Artist Point on the South Rim Drive for this short talk.Photography Workshops (June 19 & July 10)Enhance your photography skills—join Yellowstone's park photographer for a hands-on program to inspire new and creative ways of enjoying the beauty and wonder of Yellowstone.6/19—Waterfalls & Wide Angles: meet at Artist Point.7/10—Wildflowers & White Balance: meet at Washburn Trailhead in Chittenden parking area.5.Which of the four programs begins the earliest?A.Photography Workshops.B.Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics.C.Canyon Talks at Artist Point.D.Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone.6.What is the short talk at Artist Point about?A.Works of famous artists.B.Protection of wild animals.C.Basic photography skills.D.History of the canyon area.7.Where will the participants meet for the July 10 photography workshop?A.Artist Point.B.Washburn Trailhead.C.Canyon Village Store.D.Visitor Education Center.参考答案Ⅰ.语法填空2024ꞏ重庆市质研说明文198词★★★☆☆Mining has seen ups and downs but traditional condiments (调味料) continue to appeal.Any mention of Zigong, Sichuan Province, reminds people 1.________ its salt production and this is 2.________ important source of revenue (财政收入).The city, about 200 kilometers from Chengdu, has a history of mining salt 3.________ (stretch) back 2,000 years. The salt was sold all over Sichuan and other provinces, and was consumed by one-tenth of China's population. The salt is from wells. One of them, the Shenhai well, was opened in 1835, and is still in 4.________ (operate). With a depth of 1,001. 42 meters, it is among the world's deepest of its kind and 5.________ (current) produces around 2,000 kilograms of salt per day. Visitors to the well can buy packs of iodine-free salt 6.________ (mine) just three days earlier.But, during Spring Festival, 7.________ ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month—falling on Sunday this year—more people from around the country flock to Zigong 8.________ (view) its world-famous lanterns. Viewing lanterns became a Spring Festival custom in Zigong during the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the 9.________(city) lantern show has been held in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, becoming a calling card of both Zigong and China. The popular show 10.________ (start) from the economic dilemma in the 1980s, when Zigong's economy over-relying on a single product became a problem.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了四川省自贡市的井盐和那里的灯笼展的情况。



高三英语语法填空介词固定搭配填空题单选题30题1.He often goes for a walk ____ the morning.A.inB.onC.atD.of答案:A。

“in the morning”是固定搭配,表示在早上。


2.She was born ____ a cold winter day.A.inB.onC.atD.to答案:B。

“on a cold winter day”具体的某一天用“on”。


3.We usually have a meeting ____ Monday morning.A.inB.onC.atD.for答案:B。

“on Monday morning”具体到某一天的上午用“on”。


4.The train leaves ____ 8 o'clock ____ the evening.A.at,inB.in,atC.on,inD.at,on答案:A。

“at 8 o'clock”具体时刻用“at”,“in the evening”在晚上用“in”。

“in”不能用于具体时刻,“on”用于具体的某一天,“at”不能用于“in the evening”这个时间段。

5.He arrived ____ New York ____ May 1st.A.in,onB.at,inC.to,onD.for,at答案:A。

“arrive in+大地点”,“arrive at+小地点”,纽约是大地点用“in”;“on May 1st”具体的某一天用“on”。


6.The book is lying ___ the table.A.onB.inC.underD.at答案:A。



高考英语语法填空形容词和副词考点练习题30题1.She is _______ than her sister.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.the tallest答案:B。


A 选项是原级;B 选项是比较级;C 和D 选项是最高级。


2.This mountain is _______ of all.A.highB.higherC.highestD.the highest答案:D。


A 选项是原级;B 选项是比较级;C 选项最高级缺少定冠词the;D 选项是正确的最高级形式。

of all 表示在所有当中,要用最高级。

3.He is as _______ as his brother.A.strongB.strongerC.strongestD.the strongest答案:A。

本题考查as...as 的用法,中间要用原级。

A 选项是原级;B 选项是比较级;C 和D 选项是最高级。

4.The girl is becoming _______ and _______.A.beautifulB.more beautifulC.most beautifulD.the most beautiful答案:B。


beautiful 的比较级是more beautiful。

A 选项是原级;C 和D 选项是最高级。

5.This flower is _______ than that one.A.prettyB.prettierC.prettiestD.the prettiest答案:B。


A 选项是原级;B 选项是比较级;C 和D 选项是最高级。


6.The weather today is _______ than yesterday.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best答案:B。



高三英语语法填空20题1. I ______ (read) this book twice since last month. 答案:have read 解析:“since + 过去时间”是现在完成时的标志,所以用现在完成时,结构为“have/has + 过去分词”,主语I 用have,read 的过去分词还是read。

2. The work ______ (finish) by the time you get here. 答案:will have been finished 解析:by the time 引导的时间状语从句,主句用将来完成时,“工作被完成”,用被动语态,将来完成时的被动语态结构为“will have been + 过去分词”,finish 的过去分词是finished。

3. She ______ (write) to me as soon as she arrives in Beijing. 答案:will write 解析:as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时,结构为“will + 动词原形”。

4. The teacher said that light ______ (travel) faster than sound. 答案:travels 解析:“光比声音传播得快”是客观真理,用一般现在时,light 是不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式travels。

5. We ______ (learn) 3,000 words by the end of last term. 答案:had learned 解析:“by the end of + 过去时间”是过去完成时的标志,过去完成时的结构为“had + 过去分词”,learn 的过去分词是learned。

6. The doctor, _______ (work) very late last night, is very tired now.答案:working解析:此处使用现在分词作后置定语,修饰“the doctor”,“work”与“the doctor”之间是主动关系。



高考英语语法填空专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、高中英语语法填空1. 语法填空Many of the earth's plants and animals have already________(die) out, and a hundred species become ________(endanger) every day.If nothing is done, we may find ourselves________ (lonely) on the earth.Wild animals live in the________ (forest) which are being destroyed by people.As________ result, the animals are ________(lose) their habitats.Without the trees, the animals are short of food.And many animals are dying out because of pollution.I suggest that measures should be taken ________(protect) wildlife.The government should keep people ________destroying forests and shut down the factories ________ pollute rivers and air, I think more wildlife reserves should also be ________(build).【答案】Died;endangered;alone;forests;a;losing;to protect;from;which/that;built【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文, 地球上的很多动、植物已经灭绝, 一百个物种每天都变得濒临绝境, 我们应该采取措施保护野生动植物。




A man spoke with the Lord about heaven and hell. The Lord said to the man, “Come, I will show you hell.” They entered a room ___31___ a group of people sat around a huge pot of meat. Everyone was skinny, desperate and starving. Each ___32___ (hold) a spoon that could reach the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer ___33___ their own arms ___34___ it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering was terrible.“Come, now I will show you ___35___.” The Lord said after a while. They entered another room, similar ___36___ the first—the pot of meat, the group of people, the same long-handle spoons. ___37___ there everyone was happy, healthy and satisfied.“I dont understand,” said the man. “___38___ are they happy here when they were miserable in the other room and everything was the___39___?” The Lord smiled. “Ah, it is simple,” he said. “Here they have learned to feed each ___40___.”【语法填空答案及解析】31. where。




New Year's Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time because people look forward to ________(welcome) a new year. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Year's Eve is a ________(nation) holiday for many people around the world. In a lot of countries , people go back to their hometown for the New Year, so usually the trains and buses________(pack) with people. In England, there is always a New Year's Eve party, ________ is usually held at someone's home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors. The living room becomes a mini disco as everyone dances________ loud music.I have lots of good ________(memory) of New Year's Eve . I once spent one freezing New Year's Eve in Trafalgar Square in the center of London. It snowed and was ________(bitter) cold . I also spent many wonderful New Year's Eves in Japan. There, it is a tradition________(visit) a shrine(圣坛)and pray for good things. I think wherever you are, New Year's Eve is always ________exciting day. Maybe the last way to welcome the New Year ________(be)watching amazing fireworks displays in the world's cities.【答案】 welcoming;national;are packed;which;to;memories;bitterly;to visit;an;is【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。




Lionel Messi,a player from the South American country of Argentina, ___36___ (be)the greatest soccer player alive today.At a young age,he ___37___ (move)to Spain and now plays professionally for the Barcelona soccer club.Messi started playing soccer at ___38___ age of 5 for a small soccer team ___39___ (own)by his father.Even as a young boy,he did very well.But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him___40___growing much taller. There was a way to help him grow more,___41___ his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs.So,they looked around for a Soccer club ___42___ would be able to do this for them.The clubs in Argentina couldn’t help him,but the famous Barcelona club in Spain offered ___43___(accept)Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills.The Messi family ___44___ (happy)took the offer and moved to Spain.In the Barcelona soccer club,Messi was one of the best ____45____ (player) through his teen years.With his incredible talent,Messi has surprised the world.【参考答案】36. is37. moved38. the39. owned40. from41. but42. that/which43. to accept44. happily45. players二、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。



高中英语语法填空练习题30题(答案解析)1. In the recent film festival, many excellent movies were shown. The audience was deeply impressed by the wonderful acting and fascinating plots. Here, “were shown” is in the ______ tense and passive voice.A.present simpleB.past simpleC.present continuousD.past continuous答案解析:B。

“were shown”是一般过去时的被动语态。

A 选项“present simple”是一般现在时;C 选项“present continuous”是现在进行时;D 选项“past continuous”是过去进行时。

根据句中的“recent film festival”和“was deeply impressed”可知,这里是在描述过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时,且“movies”和“show”之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。

2. The new book by the famous author ______ expected to be released next month.A.isB.areC.wasD.were答案解析:A。

“The new book”是单数,且句子描述的是现在的预期情况,所以用一般现在时的“is”。

B 选项“are”用于复数主语;C 选项“was”是过去时;D 选项“were”是过去时且用于复数主语。

3. The old building ______ down last year to make way for a new shopping mall.A.is pulledB.was pulledC.are pulledD.were pulled答案解析:B。

【英语】 高考英语语法填空专项训练100(附答案)含解析

【英语】 高考英语语法填空专项训练100(附答案)含解析


Since 1949 when the People's Republic of China ________(establish), and especially since 1978, China's transformation from a traditional ________(agriculture)society to a modern industrial society has been greatly accelarated by a rapid industrial restructuring. China's industrial structure developed according to the objective of industrialization, ________ aimed at the proportion(比例)of agriculture declining ceaselessly, and the proportion of the industrial and service sector increasing continually. ________(current), the industrial goods produced in China all range from capital goods to consumption goods.China's factory outputs extend from textiles (纺织业) to railway, planes and computers. China is the largest producer of inexpensive cotton textiles in the world and exports large ________(quantity) of textiles and clothes. Food processing is very important, and much farm produce is exported. Other industrial products ________(include)television sets, bicycles, cars, trucks and washing machines are expanding in the world.China has become ________ industrialized country to some extent. The auto and the housing industry, in the process of industrialization have developed by leaps and bounds. The most important export products are machinery and electric equipment,________ the most important import products are raw materials. In recent years, China's industry________(compete) internationally, and as a result, the ________(develop)of the country's industry is increasingly influenced by international economic environments.【答案】was established;agricultural;which;Currently;quantities;including;an;while/and;has competed has been competing;development【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,自1978年以来,中国从传统农业社会向现代工业社会的转型,在产业结构调整的快速推进下,取得了长足的进步。


The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest hot desert, located in North Africa. 1. ___________ (it) area is about 3.5 million square miles. This makes it almost as large 2. ____________ the United States of America.
In June 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) 4. ___________ (add) gaming disorder to its list of diseases and health conditions. a person may have the disorder if gaming has damaged his or her relationships 5. ___________ family and friends, and if it has affected his or her daily activities.
Sussman suggests 8. _____________ (record) how long you play. He says you should take at least an hour-long break after every hour of play, as the brain needs time to recover. Young gamers 9. ___________ think they might have a problem should ask a grown-up for help. He also suggests you should first answer a simple question: “Are you in control, 10. _____________ is thegame in control?”



(全国通用)2024年高考英语专项分类复习——语法填空(真题试卷模拟)语法填空1.(2024届Z20名校联盟高三5月三联试题)Things To Remember On Your First Solo Travel Adventure If you’ve ever thought about just taking a trip yourself instead of waiting for someone to join you, you’re not alone. 1 However, do you count yourself among the many who have tried it? If you’re planning your own solo trip, here are four important things to keep in mind.2 Since you’re traveling solo, how you choose to explore it is entirely up to you. Thi s is your chance to do whatever you want whenever you want because this time, you’re running the show.Don’t be afraid to talk to random people. Though there is someone who poses a threat, it’s important to remember that not everyone is out to get you. 3 That’s because you’re a novelty, a person from another country who is visiting theirs. Therefore, instead of putting on your headphones or instantly seeing them as weirdos, use this spontaneous chat as a chance to meet the locals or get recommendations for things to do during your trip.It’s okay to have bad days. 4 It happens and it’s completely okay to take some time to process whatever it is you’re feeling. Take yourself to a movie or spend the day dong something relaxing like writing in your journal or reading on the beach.It’s okay to start small. 5 Start by doing a staycation in another part of town, spending a few days in a new locale a bus or train ride away. Just do whatever you’re comfortable with and see how it all feels for you.A.You are the boss of your own adventure.B.You need to make an unusual travel choice.C.It’s no secret that solo travel is on the rise.D.Sometimes things can go incredibly wrong.E.People like you simply don’t know how to start.F.Most of the time people are just curious and try to be friendly.G.Remember, your first solo trip doesn’t have to be to a whole other continent.2.(2024届江苏省宿迁市高三三模试题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



语法填空精炼(20篇)一、记叙文1、励志故事(1)Once there was a rich man in a village, but he never gave anything to help others. Nobody liked him in the village. One day he said to them, “I know you don’t like me. When I die, I 26 (give) everything to you. Then every one will be happy.”Even then nobody believed him. The rich man couldn’t understand 27 they didn’t believe him. One day he went for a walk.28 a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow 29 (talk).The pig said to the cow, “Everybody likes you but 30 likes me. Why? When I die, I will provide people 31 meat, ham and so on. I will give three or four things to 32 . But you give only one thing—milk. Why do people like you all the time 33 not me?”The cow answered, “Look, I give them milk while I’m alive. They see that I am generous with what I have. But you don’t give them anything while you’re alive. Only after you’re dead 34 you give them meat, ham and so on. People don’t believe in the future. They believe in the present.”From then on, the rich did all his best to help 35 poor. Everyone began to like him. And he felt quite happy.【答案与解析】本文讲述一个吝啬的富人在湖边散步,听到猪和奶牛的对话后,深受启发,从此尽力帮助穷人,赢得人们爱戴的故事。



高中英语语法填空练习题30题(带答案)1. I ______ (read) a book when he came in.was readingreadam readingreads答案解析:was reading。


when 引导的时间状语从句表示一个动作发生时另一个动作正在进行,came in 是过去的动作,所以主句用过去进行时表示“当他进来的时候我正在读书”。

2. The book ______ (write) by him last year.was writtenwroteis writtenwrites答案解析:was written。


last year 表明是过去的时间,书是被写,所以用被动语态be done 的形式,主语是单数,be 动词用was。

3. She ______ (go) to school by bus every day.goeswentwill gois going答案解析:goes。


every day 是一般现在时的标志词,主语是第三人称单数,动词用goes。

4. The work ______ (finish) by them tomorrow.will be finishedis finishedwas finishedfinishes答案解析:will be finished。


tomorrow 表明是将来的时间,工作是被完成,所以用will be done 的形式。

5. He ______ (study) English for three years.has studiedstudiedis studyingwill study答案解析:has studied。


for three years 是现在完成时的标志词,表示从过去持续到现在的动作。


【2023年北京卷】Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules, such as ones on punctuality (守时). I’m British. Soon after moving to Switzerland, I____11____(throw) a house-warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests showed up____12____(exact) on time. Years later, having moved to France. I turned up at the appointed hour for a dinner, only to find that no other guest____13____(arrive) and my hostess was still in her sleeping suit.
【2022年新高考全国Ⅱ卷】Henry Tyler made the catch of the year on the weekend. When he saw a young child hanging from a sixth-floor apartment balcony (阳台), Henry ran one hundred metres, jumped over a 1. 2-metre fence, and held out his arms to catch the___36___(fall)child.
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一、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.People in Italy , where some medical supplies are running low due to the COVID─19 outbreak,have expressed their1.(appreciate) for China’s help after a planeload of needed supplies arrived. These medical supplies, including masks, 2.(deliver) to Italy a short time ago to help it deal with its growing crisis. “In this moment of stress, of great difficulty, we are3.(deep) relieved to have this arrival of supplies. This is for sure a really important donation for Italy, 4.is fighting against the virus,” said the head of the Italian Red Cross.A team of nine5.(competence) Chinese medical workers arrived in Rome late on Thursday, along with 31 metric tons of equipment, on a flight6.(organize) by the Red Cross society of China.Italy’s outbreak risks 7.(overload) the nation’s hospitals. Some key supplies are running low and the health care system is already8.stress. Reu ters reported that none of Italy’s9.(partner) in the European Union responded to Rome’s requests for help with medical supplies. On10.contrary, China responded. An Italian man played Chinese national anthem (国歌) during the “balcony concert” on Saturday in Rome.阅读下面文,在空处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China’s Liangzhu Archaeological Site 11.(declare) on the list of World Heritage sites on Saturday by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee during its 43rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.The site, 12.is locate d in Yuhang District in Hangzhou City in China’s eastern Zhejiang Province, showcases the civilization of prehistoric rice agriculture between 3,300 B.C.13.2,300 B.C.The ruins of ancient Liangzhu city were discovered in 2007, and then large dam sites 14.(surround) the Liangzhu ancient city were unearthed continuously after 2009. It was 15.(official) submitted lo UNESCO in 2019, hoping to win 16.(recognize) as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The site 17.(include) archaeological remains and unearthed cultural relics of the Liangzhu Ancient City as well as a wetland that covers 18.area of 908. 89 hectares in a plain river network. It is also found that the Liangzhu ancestors started to use characters about 5 ,000 years ago, 1 ,000 years 19.(early) than previously thought, according to Colin Renfrew, a retired professor of archaeology at the University of Cambridge.The World Heritage Committee added Liangzhu to the UNESCO list20.(encourage) better protection of the site, considered to be of “outstanding universal value” to humanity.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Wearing hanfu, 21.traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group, has experienced a fashion revival(复兴) among young Chinese people in recent years, with more than 2 million22.(consumer) of the domestic hanfu market, 23.isworth around 1.09 billion yuan, CCTV reported.As the number of people24.(adopt) the ancient style of dress in modern times is expected25.(grow), stores involved in the renting of hanfu are being set up across China. From April to August last year, the number of stores for renting hanfu in Beijing26.(rise) to more than 20 from the original four.The hanfu market has experienced a boom in both high-end customized clothing brands and more27.(afford) options. Statistics coming28.a domestic e-commerce(国内电商) platform showed that hanfu priced at 100-300 yuan took more than 60 percent market share last year, while those priced over 500 yuan accounted for more than 30 percent. Last year, there were more than 2 million29.(extreme) keen admirers of hanfu in China, according to a report by HanFu Information, a piece of data30.(provide) for the platform. The average age of the admirers is 21, and some 88 percent of them are female.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

For nearly a thousand years, tea stayed the secret of the East. Then, in the 1500s, the Portuguese 31.(gradual) arrived in China. They’d travelled to the Far East hoping to control the spice trade. But soon 32.tasting the brew for the first time, the 33.(explore)quickly realized its potential and decided to focus on exporting tea instead. The Portuguese called the drink cha, just like the people of southern China did. From the port of Canton, the Portuguese shipped the 34.(process) leaves down through Indonesia, under the southern tip of Africa, and back up to 35.(west) Europe.But long before the root word “cha” made 36.(it) way across the oceans to Portugal, another trade route called the “Tea-Horse” road 37.(spread) tea westward. 38.br icks of tea packed up high on the carriers’ backs, the leaf travelled to India via Persia, 39.the Chinese “cha” turned into the Persian “chay”. Depending on the region of India, most Indian dialects use some variation of the root word “cha” 40.(describe) tea.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
