informix V11 SDS配置
NBU备份informix操作配置方法NetBackup for Informix OverviewThe following example network shows the major components in a NetBackup for Informix configuration. The server that is hosting the Informix database must be a NetBackup client, and it must have NetBackup for Informix and the Informix ON-Bar utility installed.安装NetBackup Agent for Informix参见《NetBackup_AdminGuide_Informix》对informix做必要的配置,链接Agent 和informix1. 转到以下目录:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin2. 运行下面的脚本:./informix_config提示输入informix实例主录:Please specify the Informix instance home path name:3. 却保输入正确的informix实例主目录,当命令结束后,再检查下面的配置。
4. 验证以下文件的内容:$INFORMIXDIR/etc/sm_versions1|1.1.0|VERITAS-NetBackup|15. 确保$INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG中 $BAR_BSALIB_PATH的值正确的指向NetBackup目录的/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/infxbsa.[so,sl,a]且文件的权限是7557. 设置$INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG中的 BAR_RETRY 的值为5.8. 修改$INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG文件中LTAPEDEV参数值为/dev/tapedev。
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC9 -- Updatable (Sec) -- Up 00:04:27 -- 19633840 Kbytes
11:41:35 SLA qxgl redirect SQLI client from to rmsdb_sds
11:41:36 SLA qxgl redirect SQLI client from to rmsdb_sds
11:51:16 SLA qxgl redirect SQLI client from to rmsdb_sds
可见SLA qxgl分配到了不同的数据库server,实现了负载均衡的效果。再看刚才的log:
rmsdb_sds@sdwgpm2:/opt/IBM/informix/tmp>tail -f cm_rmsdb.log
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC9 -- On-Line (Prim) -- Up 4 days 18:53:50 -- 19633840 Kbytes
rmsdb_sds@sdwgpm2:/u1/informix>onstat -
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC9 -- Updatable (SDS) -- Up 4 days 18:52:27 -- 19633840 Kbytes
Informix 11
注意:此配置文档仅当需手动配置Informix参数时使用,且onmonitor数据配置实质是对/home/informix/etc 下的onconfig.icdep 文件进行修改。
所以,当不需要手动配置时,可直接将onmonitor配置文件夹下的onconfig.icdep 和sqlhosts 文件进行替换,替换之后直接执行初始化命令oninity –ivy 对Informix进行初始化,注意此命令将删除所有数据。
目录1、检查数据库是否安装成功: (2)2、sqlhosts文件配置: (2)3、服务器端口开放: (2)4、进行数据配置: (3)Informix的onmonitor属性配置1、检查数据库是否安装成功:在软件安装好之后,在Informix用户下使用命令onmonitor 检查是否安装成功,如果出现以下界面则表示安装成功。
2、sqlhosts文件配置:sqlhosts文件位于/home/informix/etc下,在文件中添加如下代码:icdep onsoctcp icdep3、服务器端口开放:在root用户下,在/etc/services 文件中加入如下代码(6666为端口号):icdep 6666/tcp4、进行数据配置:在informix用户下,执行命令onmiontor进入配置界面:在此进行数据配置,具体的配置信息如下:(A-B 表示,进入A,在A下选择B进行相关信息配置)Parameters-Initialize:Parameters- Shared-Memory:Parameters- perFormance:Parameters- data-Replication:Parameters- diaGnostics:Parameters-pdQ:(此图为onconfig.icdep文件中数据)Dbspace-Info:Dbspace-Info具体如下:。
实验5Informix软件安装及配置informix安装配置实验指导书深圳市讯⽅通信技术有限公司2009年8⽉⽬录1. 实验⽬的 (4)2. 实验器材 (4)3. 实验内容说明 (4)4. 实验步骤 (4)4.1安装INFORMIX前准备 (4)4.1.1 增加informix⽤户组 (4)4.1.2 增加informix⽤户 (5)4.1.3 激活informix⽤户 (5)4.2安装I NFORMIX数据库 (5)4.2.1 上传⽂件到服务器 (5)4.2.2 执⾏安装 (5)4.3配置INFORMIX数据库 (13)4.3.1 创建错误信息⽬录 (13)4.3.2 设置环境变量 (14)4.3.3 增加数据库服务信息 (14)4.3.4 配置数据库服务端⼝ (15)4.3.5 检查⽂件配置 (15)4.3.6 创建rootdbs数据库空间 (16)4.3.7 配置onconfig⽂件 (16)4.3.8 初始化数据库 (18)4.3.9 查看数据库运⾏状态 (18)4.3.10 启动后创建⽤户空间 (18)4.3.11 创建命令 (19)4.4启动关闭数据库 (20)5. 附录A:INFROMIX常⽤命令 (20)5.1 ONINIT (20)5.1.1 功能说明 (20)5.1.2 使⽤说明 (21)5.1.3 举例说明 (21)5.2 ONMODE (21)5.2.1 功能简述 (21)5.2.2 使⽤说明 (21)5.2.3 举例说明 (23)5.3 ONSPACES (23)5.3.1 功能简述 (23)5.3.2 使⽤说明 (23)5.3.3 举例说明 (24)5.4 ONSTAT (24)5.4.1 功能简述 (24)5.4.2 使⽤说明 (24)1. 实验⽬的1、通过本实验,让学⽣了解informix软件安装及配置。
2. 实验器材1、安装Linux AS4以上版本操作系统的PC机⼀台(或者LinuxAS4操作系统安装在虚拟机上);2、informix数据库软件⼀套;3. 实验内容说明informix是IBM公司出品的关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)家族。
Informix生产系统安装及配置一、ApplicationDB数据库安装与配置1、创建用户和用户组创建informix用户和informix组Informix用户挂载点/Informix2、修改环境变量修改informix用户的.profile文件,Vi .profile 添加以下内容:INFORMIXDIR=/Informix;PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/bin:$PATH;;INFORMIXSERVER=loandb;export INFORMIXDIR PATH ONCONFIG INFORMIXSERVERexport TERM=vt100TERMINFO=$INFORMIXDIR/etc/typetab;TERMCAP=$INFORMIXDIR/etc/termcap;DBDATE=Y4MD-;Export TERMINFOR TERMCAP DBDATE3、安装数据库及组件Csdk安装:1)Cd /opt/Informix_setup/csdk2)Chmod 777 installclientsdk3)./installclientsdk4)根据安装向导填写安装路径/informix,其他选项按默认值选择,之后开始安装IDS安装:1)Cd /opt/Informix_setup/server2)Chmod 777 installserver3)./installserver4)根据安装向导填写安装路径/informix,其他选项按默认值选择,之后开始安装4、更改磁盘设备信息属组及权限并链接设备文件将所有为AppliactionDB数据库创建的裸设备的字符型设备文件(c类型)的属组更改为informix:InformixCd /devChownInformix:Informixrloan* rflow* rtemp* rphy* rlog*将所有为AppliactionDB数据库创建的裸设备的字符型设备文件(c类型)的权限更改为660Chmod 660 rloan* rflow* rtemp* rphy* rlog*Su –InformixMkdir data将所有为AppliactionDB数据库创建的裸设备的字符型设备文件(c类型)软链接到该目录下,例如:Ln –s /dev/rloan_rootdbsloan_rootdbs链接所在目录:Loan_data_01:/Informix/data/loan_data/Loan_data_02:/Informix/data/loan_data/Loan_index_data:/Informix/data/loan_index/Flow_data_01:/Informix/data/flow_data/Flow_data_02:/Informix/data/flow_data/Flow_index_data:/Informix/data/flow_index/Tempdbs:/Informix/data/temp_data/Rootdbs:/Informix/data/Phy_loan_log:/Informix/data/Log_loan_log:/Informix/data/5、创建onconfig脚本Su –InformixCd etcCponconfig.stdonconfig.loanOnconfig参数修改:################################################################### # Licensed Material - Property Of IBM## "Restricted Materials of IBM"## IBM Informix Dynamic Server# Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2009. All rights reserved.## Title: onconfig.std# Description: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Configuration Parameters ## Important: $INFORMIXDIR now resolves to the environment# variable INFORMIXDIR. Replace the value of the INFORMIXDIR# environment variable only if the path you want is not under# $INFORMIXDIR.## For additional information on the parameters:# /infocenter/idshelp/v115/index.jsp####################################################################################################################################### Root Dbspace Configuration Parameters#################################################################### ROOTNAME - The root dbspace name to contain reserved pages and # internal tracking tables.# ROOTPATH - The path for the device containing the root dbspace # ROOTOFFSET - The offset, in KB, of the root dbspace into the# device. The offset is required for some raw devices. # ROOTSIZE - The size of the root dbspace, in KB. The value of # 200000 allows for a default user space of about# 100 MB and the default system space requirements.# MIRROR - Enable (1) or disable (0) mirroring# MIRRORPATH - The path for the device containing the mirrored# rootdbspace# MIRROROFFSET - The offset, in KB, into the mirrored device## Warning: Always verify ROOTPATH before performing# disk initialization (oninit -i or -iy) to# avoid disk corruption of another instance###################################################################ROOTNAME rootdbsROOTPATH $INFORMIXDIR/data/loan_rootdbs(修改到rootdbs所在目录)ROOTOFFSET 256 (偏移量256K)ROOTSIZE 4000000(大小4G)MIRROR 0MIRRORPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.root_mirrorMIRROROFFSET 0#################################################################### Physical Log Configuration Parameters#################################################################### PHYSFILE - The size, in KB, of the physical log on disk. # If RTO_SERVER_RESTART is enabled, the# suggested formula for the size of PHSYFILE# (up to about 1 GB) is:# PHYSFILE = Size of BUFFERS * 1.1# PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH - The directory for extra physical log files# if the physical log overflows during recovery # or long transaction rollback# PHYSBUFF - The size of the physical log buffer, in KB###################################################################PHYSFILE 39000000PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmpPHYSBUFF 128################################################################### # Logical Log Configuration Parameters################################################################### # LOGFILES - The number of logical log files# LOGSIZE - The size of each logical log, in KB# DYNAMIC_LOGS - The type of dynamic log allocation.# Acceptable values are:# 2 Automatic. IDS adds a new logical log to the# root dbspace when necessary.# 1 Manual. IDS notifies the DBA to add new logical # logs when necessary.# 0 Disabled# LOGBUFF - The size of the logical log buffer, in KB###################################################################LOGFILES 250LOGSIZE 10000DYNAMIC_LOGS 2LOGBUFF 64################################################################### # Long Transaction Configuration Parameters################################################################### # If IDS cannot roll back a long transaction, the server hangs# until more disk space is available.## LTXHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that can be# filled before a transaction is determined to be a # long transaction and is rolled back# LTXEHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that have been # filled before the server suspends all other# transactions so that the long transaction being# rolled back has exclusive use of the logs## When dynamic logging is on, you can set higher values for# LTXHWM and LTXEHWM because the server can add new logical logs# during long transaction rollback. Set lower values to limit the # number of new logical logs added.## If dynamic logging is off, set LTXHWM and LTXEHWM to# lower values, such as 50 and 60 or lower, to prevent long# transaction rollback from hanging the server due to lack of# logical log space.## When using Enterprise Replication, set LTXEHWM to at least 30%# higher than LTXHWM to minimize log overruns.###################################################################LTXHWM 70LTXEHWM 80################################################################### # Server Message File Configuration Parameters################################################################### # MSGPATH - The path of the IDS message log file# CONSOLE - The path of the IDS console message file###################################################################MSGPATH $INFORMIXDIR/online_loan.logCONSOLE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.con################################################################### # Tblspace Configuration Parameters################################################################### # TBLTBLFIRST - The first extent size, in KB, for the tblspace # tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # TBLTBLNEXT - The next extent size, in KB, for the tblspace# tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # The default setting for both is 0, which allows IDS to manage# extent sizes automatically.## TBLSPACE_STATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) IDS to maintain# tblspace statistics###################################################################TBLTBLFIRST 0TBLTBLNEXT 0TBLSPACE_STATS 1################################################################### # Temporary dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters################################################################### # DBSPACETEMP - The list of dbspaces used to store temporary# tables and other objects. Specify a colon# separated list of dbspaces that exist when the# server is started. If no dbspaces are specified,# or if all specified dbspaces are not valid,# temporary files are created in the /tmp directory# instead.# SBSPACETEMP - The list of sbspaces used to store temporary# tables for smart large objects. If no sbspace# is specified, temporary files are created in# a standard sbspace.###################################################################DBSPACETEMP tempdbsSBSPACETEMP################################################################### # Dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters################################################################### # SBSPACENAME - The default sbspace name where smart large objects # are stored if no sbspace is specified during# smart large object creation. Some DataBlade# modules store smart large objects in this# location.# SYSSBSPACENAME - The default sbspace for system statistics# collection. Otherwise, IDS stores statistics# in the sysdistrib system catalog table.# ONDBSPACEDOWN - Specifies how IDS behaves when it encounters a# dbspace that is offline. Acceptable values# are:# 0 Continue# 1 Stop# 2 Wait for DBA action###################################################################SBSPACENAMESYSSBSPACENAMEONDBSPACEDOWN 2################################################################### # System Configuration Parameters################################################################### # SERVERNUM - The unique ID for the IDS instance. Acceptable # values are 0 through 255, inclusive.# DBSERVERNAME - The name of the default database server# DBSERVERALIASES - The list of up to 32 alternative dbservernames, # separated by commas###################################################################SERVERNUM 0DBSERVERNAME loandbDBSERVERALIASES loandbshm################################################################### # Network Configuration Parameters################################################################### # NETTYPE - The configuration of poll threads# for a specific protocol. The# format is:# NETTYPE <protocol>,<# poll threads> # ,<number of connections/thread># ,(NET|CPU)# You can include multiple NETTYPE# entries for multiple protocols.# LISTEN_TIMEOUT - The number of seconds that IDS# waits for a connection# MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS - The maximum number of incomplete# connections before IDS logs a Denial # of Service (DoS) error# FASTPOLL - Enables (1) or disables (0) fast# polling of your network, if your# operating system supports it.###################################################################NETTYPE s octcp,8,500,NET (网络协议用户4000)NETTYPE ipcshm,2,50,CPU (内存通道用户100)LISTEN_TIMEOUT 60MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS 1024FASTPOLL 1################################################################### # CPU-Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # MULTIPROCESSOR - Specifies whether the computer has multiple # CPUs. Acceptable values are: 0 (single# processor), 1 (multiple processors or# multi-core chips)# VPCLASS cpu - Configures the CPU VPs. The format is:# VPCLASS cpu,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>]# [,noage]# VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB - Specifies the amount of private memory# blocks of your CPU VP, in KB, that the# database server can access.# Acceptable values are:# 0 (disable)# 800 through 40% of the value of SHMTOTAL# SINGLE_CPU_VP - Optimizes performance if IDS runs with# only one CPU VP. Acceptable values are:# 0 multiple CPU VPs# Any nonzero value (optimize for one CPU VP) ###################################################################MULTIPROCESSOR 1VPCLASS cpu,num=8,noageVP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB 0SINGLE_CPU_VP 0################################################################### # AIO and Cleaner-Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # VPCLASS aio - Configures the AIO VPs. The format is:# VPCLASS aio,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>][,noage] # CLEANERS - The number of page cleaner threads# AUTO_AIOVPS - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic management # of AIO VPs# DIRECT_IO - Specifies whether direct I/O is used for cooked# files used for dbspace chunks.# Acceptable values are:# 0 Disable# 1 Enable direct I/O# 2 Enable concurrent I/O####################################################################VPCLASS aio,num=1CLEANERS 8AUTO_AIOVPS 1DIRECT_IO 0################################################################### # Lock-Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # LOCKS - The initial number of locks when IDS starts. # Dynamic locking can add extra locks if needed. # DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE - The default table lock mode for new tables.# Acceptable values are ROW and PAGE (default). ###################################################################LOCKS 1000000DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE row################################################################### # Shared Memory Configuration Parameters################################################################### # RESIDENT - Controls whether shared memory is resident.# Acceptable values are:# 0 off (default)# 1 lock the resident segment only# n lock the resident segment and the next n-1# virtual segments, where n < 100# -1 lock all resident and virtual segments# SHMBASE - The shared memory base address; do not change# SHMVIRTSIZE - The initial size, in KB, of the virtual# segment of shared memory# SHMADD - The size, in KB, of additional virtual shared# memory segments# EXTSHMADD - The size, in KB, of each extension shared# memory segment# SHMTOTAL - The maximum amount of shared memory for IDS,# in KB. A 0 indicates no specific limit.# SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG - Controls when IDS adds a memory segment and# the alarm level if the memory segment cannot# be added.# For the first field, acceptable values are:# - 0 Disabled# - A decimal number indicating the percentage# of memory used before a segment is added# - The number of KB remaining when a segment# is added# For the second field, specify an alarm level# from 1 (non-event) to 5 (fatal error).# SHMNOACCESS - A list of up to 10 memory address ranges# that IDS cannot use to attach shared memory.# Each address range is the start and end memory # address in hex format, separated by a hyphen. # Use a comma to separate each range in the list. ###################################################################RESIDENT 0SHMBASE 0x700000010000000SHMVIRTSIZE 32656SHMADD 8192EXTSHMADD 8192SHMTOTAL 0SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG 0,3SHMNOACCESS################################################################### # Checkpoint and System Block Configuration Parameters################################################################### # CKPINTVL - Specifies how often, in seconds, IDS checks# if a checkpoint is needed. 0 indicates that# IDS does not check for checkpoints. Ignored # if RTO_SERVER_RESTART is set.# AUTO_CKPTS - Enables (1) or disables (0) monitoring of# critical resource to trigger checkpoints# more frequently if there is a chance that# transaction blocking might occur.# RTO_SERVER_RESTART - Specifies, in seconds, the Recovery Time# Objective for IDS restart after a server# failure. Acceptable values are 0 (off) and# any number from 60-1800, inclusive.# BLOCKTIMEOUT - Specifies the amount of time, in seconds,# for a system block.###################################################################CKPTINTVL 1800AUTO_CKPTS 1RTO_SERVER_RESTART 0BLOCKTIMEOUT 3600################################################################### # Transaction-Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # TXTIMEOUT - The distributed transaction timeout, in seconds# DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT - The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a# lock in a distributed transaction.# HETERO_COMMIT - Enables (1) or disables (0) heterogeneous# commits for a distributed transaction# involving an EGM gateway.###################################################################TXTIMEOUT 300DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60HETERO_COMMIT 0################################################################### # ontape Tape Device Configuration Parameters################################################################### # TAPEDEV - The tape device path for backups. To use standard# I/O instead of a device, set to stdio.# TAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backups# TAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one backup# tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any# positive integral multiple of TAPEBLK.###################################################################TAPEDEV /dev/nullTAPEBLK 32TAPESIZE 0################################################################### # ontapeLogial Log Tape Device Configuration Parameters################################################################### # LTAPEDEV - The tape device path for logical logs# LTAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backing up logical # logs# LTAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one logical# log tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any # positive integral multiple of LTAPEBLK.###################################################################LTAPEDEV /dev/nullLTAPEBLK 32LTAPESIZE 0################################################################### # Backup and Restore Configuration Parameters#################################################################### BAR_ACT_LOG - The ON-Bar activity log file location.# Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a# directory with restricted permissions.# BAR_DEBUG_LOG - The ON-Bar debug log file location.# Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a# directory with restricted permissions.# BAR_DEBUG - The debug level for ON-Bar. Acceptable# values are 0 (off) through 9 (high).# BAR_MAX_BACKUP - The number of backup threads used in a# backup. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited)# or any positive integer.# BAR_RETRY - Specifies the number of time to retry a# backup or restore operation before reporting # a failure# BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT - Specifies the number of data buffers that# eachonbar_d process uses to communicate# with the database server# BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE - The size, in pages, of each data buffer.# Acceptable values are 1 through 15 for# 4 KB pages and 1 through 31 for 2 KB pages.# RESTARTABLE_RESTORE - Enables ON-Bar to continue a backup after a# failure. Acceptable values are OFF or ON.# BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ - Specifies, in minutes, how often progress# messages are placed in the ON-Bar activity# log. Acceptable values are: 0 (record only# completion messages) or 5 and above.# BAR_BSALIB_PATH - The shared library for ON-Bar and the# storage manager. The default value is# $INFORMIXDIR/lib/ibsad001 (with a# platform-specific file extension).# BACKUP_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program# to transform data during a backup, plus any# program options# RESTORE_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program# to transform data during a restore, plus any # program options# BAR_PERFORMANCE - Specifies the type of performance statistics# to report to the ON-Bar activity log for backup # and restore operations.# Acceptable values are:# 0 = Turn off performance monitoring (Default) # 1 = Display the time spent transferring data # between the IDS instance and the storage # manager# 2 = Display timestamps in microseconds# 3 = Display both timestamps and transfer # statistics###################################################################BAR_ACT_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_act.logBAR_DEBUG_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_dbug.logBAR_DEBUG 0BAR_MAX_BACKUP 0BAR_RETRY 1BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT 20BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE 31RESTARTABLE_RESTORE ONBAR_PROGRESS_FREQ 0BAR_BSALIB_PATHBACKUP_FILTERRESTORE_FILTERBAR_PERFORMANCE 0################################################################### # Informix Storage Manager (ISM) Configuration Parameters################################################################### # ISM_DATA_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM data pool# ISM_LOG_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM log pool###################################################################ISM_DATA_POOL ISMDataISM_LOG_POOL ISMLogs################################################################### # Data Dictionary Cache Configuration Parameters################################################################### # DD_HASHSIZE - The number of data dictionary pools. Set to any# positive integer; a prime number is recommended. # DD_HASHMAX - The number of entries per pool.# Set to any positive integer.###################################################################DD_HASHSIZE 31DD_HASHMAX 10################################################################### # Data Distribution Configuration Parameters#################################################################### DS_HASHSIZE - The number of data Ddstribution pools.# Set to any positive integer; a prime number is# recommended.# DS_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the data# distribution cache. Set to any positive integer.###################################################################DS_HASHSIZE 31DS_POOLSIZE 127################################################################### User Defined Routine (UDR) Cache Configuration Parameters################################################################### PC_HASHSIZE - The number of UDR pools. Set to any# positive integer; a prime number is recommended.# PC_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the# UDR cache. Set to any positive integer.###################################################################PC_HASHSIZE 31PC_POOLSIZE 127#################################################################### SQL Statement Cache Configuration Parameters#################################################################### STMT_CACHE - Controls SQL statement caching. Acceptable# values are:# 0 Disabled# 1 Enabled at the session level# 2 All statements are cached# STMT_CACHE_HITS - The number of times an SQL statement must be# executed before becoming fully cached.# 0 indicates that all statements are# fully cached the first time.# STMT_CACHE_SIZE - The size, in KB, of the SQL statement cache# STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT - Controls additional memory consumption.# Acceptable values are:# 0 Limit memory to STMT_CACHE_SIZE# 1 Obtain as much memory, temporarily, as needed # STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL - The number of pools for the SQL statement# cache. Acceptable value is a positive# integer between 1 and 256, inclusive.###################################################################STMT_CACHE 0STMT_CACHE_HITS 0STMT_CACHE_SIZE 512STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT 0STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL 1################################################################### # Operating System Session-Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # USEOSTIME - The precision of SQL statement timing.# Accepted values are 0 (precision to seconds)# and 1 (precision to subseconds). Subsecond# precision can degrade performance.# STACKSIZE - The size, in KB, for a session stack# ALLOW_NEWLINE - Controls whether embedded new line characters # in string literals are allowed in SQL# statements. Acceptable values are 1 (allowed) # and any number other than 1 (not allowed).# USELASTCOMMITTED - Controls the committed read isolation level.# Acceptable values are:# - NONE Waits on a lock# - DIRTY READ Uses the last committed value in # place of a dirty read# - COMMITTED READ Uses the last committed value # in place of a committed read# - ALL Uses the last committed value in place # of all isolation levels that support the last # committed option###################################################################USEOSTIME 0STACKSIZE 64ALLOW_NEWLINE 0USELASTCOMMITTED NONE################################################################### # Index Related Configuration Parameters################################################################### # FILLFACTOR - The percentage of index page fullness# MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES - Enables (1) or disables (0) filling data# pages that have variable length rows as# full as possible# BTSCANNER - Specifies the configuration settings for all # btscanner threads. The format is:# BTSCANNER num=<#>,threshold=<#>,rangesize=<#>, # alice=(0-12),compression=[low|med|high|default] # ONLIDX_MAXMEM - The amount of memory, in KB, allocated for# the pre-image pool and updator log pool for# each partition.###################################################################FILLFACTOR 90MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES 0BTSCANNER num=1,threshold=5000,rangesize=-1,alice=6,compression=default ONLIDX_MAXMEM 5120#################################################################### Parallel Database Query (PDQ) Configuration Parameters#################################################################### MAX_PDQPRIORITY - The maximum amount of resources, as a# percentage, that PDQ can allocate to any# one decision support query# DS_MAX_QUERIES - The maximum number of concurrent decision# support queries# DS_TOTAL_MEMORY - The maximum amount, in KB, of decision# support query memory# DS_MAX_SCANS - The maximum number of concurrent decision# support scans# DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM - The amount of non-PDQ query memory, in KB.# Acceptable values are 128 to 25% of# DS_TOTAL_MEMORY.# DATASKIP - Specifies whether to skip dbspaces when# processing a query. Acceptable values are:# - ALL Skip all unavailable fragments# - ON <dbspace1><dbspace2>... Skip listed# dbspaces# - OFF Do not skip dbspaces (default)###################################################################MAX_PDQPRIORITY 100DS_MAX_QUERIESDS_TOTAL_MEMORYDS_MAX_SCANS 1048576DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM 128DATASKIP#################################################################### Optimizer Configuration Parameters# OPTCOMPIND - Controls how the optimizer determines the best# query path. Acceptable values are:# 0 Nested loop joins are preferred# 1 If isolation level is repeatable read,# works the same as 0, otherwise works same as 2# 2 Optimizer decisions are based on cost only# DIRECTIVES - Specifies whether optimizer directives are# enabled (1) or disabled (0). Default is 1.# EXT_DIRECTIVES - Controls the use of external SQL directives.# Acceptable values are:# 0 Disabled# 1 Enabled if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment# variable is enabled# 2 Enabled even if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES# environment is not set# OPT_GOAL - Controls how the optimizer should optimize for# fastest retrieval. Acceptable values are:# -1 All rows in a query# 0 The first rows in a query# IFX_FOLDVIEW - Enables (1) or disables (0) folding views that# have multiple tables or a UNION ALL clause.# Disabled by default.# AUTO_REPREPARE - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatically# re-optimizing stored procedures and re-preparing# prepared statements when tables that are referenced # by them change. Minimizes the occurrence of the# -710 error.####################################################################OPTCOMPIND 2DIRECTIVES 1EXT_DIRECTIVES 0OPT_GOAL -1IFX_FOLDVIEW 0AUTO_REPREPARE 1#################################################################### Read-ahead Configuration Parameters####################################################################RA_PAGES - The number of pages, as a positive integer, to# attempt to read ahead#RA_THRESHOLD - The number of pages, as a postive integer, left# before the next read-ahead group。
)原始磁盘空间意味着通过一个字符模式特殊文件(在ls -l 命令显示的第一列总出现的一个'c')访问一个原始磁盘分区,不是指磁盘空间相关联的块模式特殊文件(为ls -l 命令显示的第1列为'b'),也不是指卷管理控制设备以及其它任何不是原始磁盘分区的设备。
当相关各列上的数值分布发生明显变化时,适时运行UPDATE STATISTICS命令后能使数据分布和统计数据得到更新。
对建有索引的列运行UPDATE STATISTICS HIGH,对其它所有列使用UPDATE STATISTICS MEDIUM.由于UPDATE STATISTICS处理的内部并行程度低,因而使用多个并发任务进行更新统计会改善全局的吞吐量。
可能需要增加DBUPSPACE 环境变量的值。
通过onstat -p监测。
Informix11.5 for windows 安装配置
Informix 11.50 for Windows安装配置一、测试环境
操作系统:Windows Server 2008 64bit
Informix版本:Informix Ultimate Edition 11.5 for Windows 64
7.设置informix 用户密码
20.完成CSDK 安装
21.全部完成安装后,程序组里增加了IDS,DBDK,CSDK 三组,在IDS 的程序组里:以数据库服务名(ids1150)为标题的链接可视为informix 的console 接口,server instance manager 可以管理instance,modifyinstallation 可以管理informix 安装组件。
INFORMIXODBC配置forlinux-INFORMIX-IDS之路INFORMIX ODBC配置for linux使用的系统是RHEL5.3,数据库版本是IDS V11.50UC6(已选安装CSDK V3.5)新建一用户dbuser用于测试ODBC,使用的shell是bash1.配置dbuser用户环境包含以下内容INFORMIXDIRPATH --PATH中应包含${INFORMIXDIR}/binINFORMIXSQLHOSTS --(可选,不配置使用默认的${INFORMIXDIR}/etc/sqlhosts)示例:INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informixPATH=$PATH:${INFORMIXDIR}/binINFORMIXSQLHOSTS=${INFORMIXDIR}/etc/sqlhosts export INFORMIXDIR PATH INFORMIXSQLHOSTS2.配置odbcinst.ini文件拷贝${INFORMIXDIR}/etc/odbcinst.ini到dbuser用户目录下修改odbcinst.ini文件中的Driver、Setup,将相应的目录改成${INFORMIXDIR}具体所有的目录即可Driver=/opt/informix/lib/cli/iclit09b.soSetup=/opt/informix/lib/cli/iclit09b.so3.配置odbc.ini文件拷贝${INFOMRIXDIR}/etc/odbc.ini文件到dbuser用户目录下修改以下具体的内容[ODBC Data Sources]Infdrv1=IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER --这里定义Infdrv1,类似于windows中的DSN名称Infdrv2=IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER;; Define ODBC Database Driver's Below - Driver Configuration Section;[Infdrv1] --DSN为Infdrv1项Driver=/opt/informix/lib/cli/ --修改路径为具体位置Description=IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVERDatabase=testdb --数据库名称LogonID=informix --登陆数据库的用户名pwd=informix --登陆数据库用户的密码Servername=ids_online_net --数据库服务名INFORMIXSERVER[Infdrv2] --DSN为Infdrv2项,略......[ODBC];uncomment the below line for UNICODE connection ;UNICODE=UCS-4;; Trace file Section;Trace=0TraceFile=/tmp/odbctrace.outInstallDir=/opt/informix --修改为具体的CSDK 安装目录TRACEDLL=idmrs09a.so在用户环境中增加ODBCINI=${HOME}/odbc.iniexport ODBCINI4.配置.netrc文件在用户目录下编写.netrc文件,格式如下:machine <数据库所在的服务器名或者IP> login <用户名> password <用户密码>示例:machine rhel53 login informix password informix5.配置SQLHOSTS文件,这里使用正在使用的sqlhosts 文件,示例如下:ids_online_net onsoctcp rhel53 91056.用户环境里增加LD_LIBRARY_PATHLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$INFORMIXDI R/lib/cli:$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esqlexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH至此,ODBC就配置完成了。
编号:TN-070101001TIENON数据库培训教程INFORMIX基本操作及SQL语法2007年1月,V 1.00目录1、引言 (5)1.1、读者对象 (5)1.2、内容简介 (5)1.3、课程时间 (5)1.4、课程目标 (5)2、数据库基本概念...........................................................错误!未定义书签。
2.1、从身边的例子了解数据库......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2、数据库系统概述......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.1、数据库的产生................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.2、数据库系统组成................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.3、与数据库相关的软件系统......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.4、数据库系统特点................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.5、数据库系统的历史............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.6、数据库系统的发展趋势........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.7、数据库的分类................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 快速入门指南说明书
IBM Informix Dynamic ServerVersion11.50Quick Start GuideThis guide helps you get started with installation of Informix Dynamic Server and related products.Product overviewIBM®Informix®Dynamic Server(IDS)V11.50is an extensible,object-relational database server that can run on UNIX®,Linux®, Mac OS X,and Windows®rmation management applications can be developed using IDS with industry-leading application development languages and nguage support includes,but is not limited to,SQL,C,C++,.NET, Java™,and PHP.The following diagram provides an overview of the base architecture of IDS and related products.All IDS product packages include the following:v IBM Informix Dynamic Server11.50:Manages one or more databases for one or more client applications.IDS manages traditional relational,object-relational,and web-based databases.v IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit3.50:Client SDK lets you develop and run client applications.v IBM Informix Connect3.50:Allows applications that run on client computers to access the database server.v IDS Product Documentation:Available in English on the Quick Start disk.An IDS package includes some or all of the following associated products,depending on which programs are applicable to your operating system:v IBM Informix JDBC3.50:Allows you to connect to an Informix database from within a Java application or applet.You can also use the JDBC Driver for writing user-defined routines(UDRs)that are executed in the server.v IBM Informix DataBlade®Developers Kit Version4.20:Contains tools for developing and packaging DataBlade modules.v IBM Informix BladeManager4.20:Registers and unregisters DataBlade modules.v IBM Informix Spatial DataBlade Module8.21:Expands the IDS object-relational data server to provide SQL-based spatial data types and functions.The package includes a disk that contains sample,location-based data that can be visualized and manipulated.v IBM Informix Web DataBlade Module4.13:Enables you to create Web applications that incorporate data retrieved dynamically from an Informix database.v International Language Supplement3.50:Consists of the core Global Language Support(GLS)locale files.v Rational®Application Developer for WebSphere®Software7.0:Extends Eclipse for Java visual construction development. v AGS Server Studio R.7.0:Provides a collection of tools for DBAs and developers for performing common database tasks.The entire set of English IDS documentation is also available on the Quick Start disk.Documentation for other products is on separate Quick Start disks or in the Quick Start directory of the installation media.Important:Read the instructions in“Preparing to Install Dynamic Server”section of the IDS installation documentation for your platform so that you can efficiently complete the process.For IDS,read the Release Notes,Machine Notes,and Fixed and Known Defects list,which are on yourat /infocenter/idshelp/v115/topic/ other products included have readme files in the top directory of the product disk.Read this important information before you begin installation.v UNIX and Linux:Log in as root user,go to the directory where the installation files are located,and run the ids-installcommand.v Mac OS X:Open the iif file on the product disk to launch the installation application.If you are using downloaded media, open the.dmg file to extract the iif file.v Windows:Insert the disk into a drive to start the installation program.If you downloaded the installation media,extract the files from the package,maintaining the downloaded folder structure delivered in the media and run the launch.exe file.IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version11.50Licensed Materials-Property of IBM.©Copyright IBM Corp.2008,2009.All Rights ernment Users Restricted Rights-Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM,DB2®,eserver,pserver,Tivoli®,Universal Database,and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines in the US and/or other countries.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft®Corporation in the US and other countries.Other company,product,or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, the United States,other countries,or both.Part Number:CF1X4MLPrinted in Ireland。
INFORMIX数据库安装配置文档一、INFORMIX Online 7.24安装步骤1·建立INFORMIX组、用户在天腾主机系统安装完成的前提下,以root用户注册,执行#sysadm→users→add 菜单,先增加informix用户组,再增加informix用户。
用户创建完成后,按CTRL+d 退出root用户,在login:状态下以informix用户身份注册,在$提示符下,输入id命令,检查informix用户创建的正确性。
可参见TANDEM S4206主机上用户帐号管理配置文档)2·INFORMIX 环境变量的设置与INFORMIX相关的环境变量有以下几种:RMIXDIR变量(指定Informix的工作目录):INFORMIXDIR=/informix; export INFORMIXDIRb.PATH变量(使得Informix命令可被用户使用):PATH = $PATH: $INFORMIXDIR/bin ; export PATHc.ONCONFIG变量(指定Informix Online 的初始化配置文件):ONCONFIG =onconfig.lyg; export ONCONFIGRMIXSERVER变量(指定数据库服务器名字):INFORMIXSERVER=lygserver ; export INFORMIXSERVERe. LANG和LC_CTYPE变量(支持Online的汉化语言包):LANG=chinese; export LANGLC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE以上环境变量已附加到/etc/profile文件中。
3·INFORMIX Online 7.X数据库空间的分布。
Tandem S4206主机上I nformix Online数据库系统空间的使用和划分有以下约定:Online自身系统数据库sysmaster、sysutils等位于根数据库空间rootdbs;Online系统临时数据位于数据库空间tmpdbs;Online系统逻辑日志位于数据库空间loglog;Online系统物理日志位于数据库空间phylog;Online系统工作数据位于数据库空间workdbs;构成Informix Online数据库空间的所有chunk均为原始设备(又称生设备或raw disk),所有chunk的用户主、用户组均为informix,用户权限为660。
INFORMIX FOR LINUX 安装使用手册(ONLINE分册)高伟达软件技术有限公司2003年2月19日Informix 数据库的安装、配置及检查使用一:Informix Online for Linux的安装方法 (2001-05-10 20:39:08)1、创建INFORMIX用户组和informix用户。
3、展开informix安装文件:rpm -i ******************.rpm(共三个)4、修改root的profile,增加INFORMIXDIR=/usr/informixexport INFORMIXDIR执行profile5、数据库安装,安装的原则是先装低版本的软件,后装高版本的软件,最后装online。
a、 #cd /usr/informixb、 #./installclientsdkc、 #./installonline6、增加文件系统online。
mount /online文件系统。
#cd /online#>onlinedbs#chmod 660 onlinedbs7、修改/online和/online/onlinedbs的权限#chown informix /online#chgrp informix /online#chown informix /online/onlinedbs#chgrp informix /online/onlinedbs8、以informix注册cd /usr/informix/etc9、将onconfig.std文件拷贝到onconfig或别的文件名。
vi onconfig中的参数a、ROOTPATH /online/onlinedbsb、ROOTSIZE 100000c、CONSOLE /dev/nulld、TAPDEV /dev/null或用户定义e、LTAPDEV /dev/nullf、DBSERVERNAME db(此项可自己定义但要求与sqlhosts中的定义一致。
2.营销系统数据库配置示例 2.1 规划数据库空间根据配置的思想,将数据库系统分三个区。
分别是: rootdbs:informix系统区,我们将1.配置概述本次数据库配置将采用数据库系统、数据库日志和数据库应用系统数据分开进行配置,以达到数据库系统优化的目的。
2.营销系统数据库配置示例2.1 规划数据库空间根据配置的思想,将数据库系统分三个区。
分别是:rootdbs: informix系统区,我们将一号机的e1_1dbs4分配给它,为了便于记忆我们将该区取个名为yxroot。
具体操作为:# ln /dev/re1_1dbs4 /dev/yx_root#chown informix:informix /dev/yx_root#chmod 664 /dev/yx_rootlogdbs: informix日志区,我们将一号机的e1_1dbs5分配给它,为了便于记忆我们将该区取个别名为yx_log。
具体操作为:# ln /dev/re1_1dbs5 /dev/yx_log#chown informix:informix /dev/yx_log#chmod 664 /dev/yx_logworkdbs: informix数据区,我们将一号机的e1_1dbs0到e1_1dbs3分配给它,为了便于记忆我们将该区取个别名为yx_work。
具体操作为:# ln /dev/re1_1dbs0 /dev/yx_dbs0# ln /dev/re1_1dbs1 /dev/yx_dbs1#chown informix:informix /dev/yx_dbs?#chmod 664 /dev/yx_dbs?2.2 Informix系统参数配置informix系统参数配置文件由如下文件决定:2.2.1 Informix 启动环境文件:start_yx 文件内容如下:echo "start dbserver on yx"INFORMIXDIR=/usr/informixexport INFORMIXDIRTBCONFIG=tbconfig.yxDBDATE=Y4MD/PATH=$PATH:$INFORMIXDIR/bin:.export PATH MAIL TBCONFIG2.2.2 Informix 配置文件:$INFORMIXDIR/etc/tbconfig.yx $ cd $INFORMIXDIR/etc$ cp tbconfig.std tbconfig.yx$ vi tbconfig.yx修改相应参数:ROOTPATH /dev/yx_rootROOTSIZE 1000000TAPEDEV /dev/nullPHYSFILE 100000LOGSIZE 100000LOGFILES 3LOGSIZE 100000MSGPATH /usr/informix/online_yx.log CONSOLE /dev/consoleSERVERNUM 0DBSERVERNAME XXclic_yx#注:XX:按各地市名称来取#福州:fz 莆田:pt 泉州:qz 漳州:zz 龙岩:ly#三明:sm 南平:np 宁德:ndUSERS 300TRANSACTIONS 300LOCKS 200000BUFFERS 20000TBLSPACES 6000LOGSMAX 602.2.3 Informix网络连接配置文件:$INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.yx该文件只有在C/S模式下和数据库联网才用到(略)2.3 Informix初始化操作:1.启动系统环境:以informix 用户登录启动环境操作: # . ./start_yx2.初始化数据库系统区操作:tbinit -i3.创建数据库日志和工作区tbspaces –c –d yx_log –p /dev/yx_log –o 0 –s 870000tbspaces –c –d yx_work –p /dev/yx_dbs0 -o 0 –s 2000000tbspaces –a yx_work –p /dev/yx_dbs1 -o 0 –s 20000004.移动数据库系统区的日志到新的数据库日志区a.在logdbs上生成逻辑日志,逻辑日志共取600M,每个日志100M,分6个,电脑资料《Informix数据库配置详解(1)数据库》(https://)。
新开局linux6 下informix_11.7安装配置手册本文仅适用于数据库挂载本地盘的情况。
建立informix账户useradd –u 500 –g 500 –d /home/Informix–s /bin/bash Informix确认shell类型如果shell类型不是bash则修正informix账户shell类型chsh –s /bin/bash informix编辑informix环境变量INFORMIXDIR=/home/informixINFORMIXSERVER=hbcdr1PATH=$PATH:$INFORMIXDIR/binLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$INFORMIXDIR/li b/esqlexport INFORMIXDIR INFORMIXSERVER PATH解压informix_11.7安装包解压后文件切换账户至root进行安装直接ENTER回车选1并回车选1回车或直接按回车键指定安装路径,并选Y回车确认;我们常用/home/Informix,如果不指定informix默认安装到/opt/IBM/informix中此处选1或者按ENTER默认Typical此处选2,不要默认选项此处选1并回车确认此处直接回车确认此处直接回车,系统自动安装安装完毕回到informix账户下如果是本地磁盘做数据库则在informix账户下建立chunklink目录并执行数据库空间mkdir /home/Informix/chunklinkcd /home/Informix/chunklinktouch rootdbstouch tempdbstouch logdbstouch phydbstouch datadbs1 datadbs2 datadbs3 datadbs4 datadbs5chmod 660 *dbs*编辑onconfig文件cp onconfig.std onconfig根据现场主机实际情况编辑onconfig文件注意rootdbs方面ROOTNAME rootdbsROOTPATH /home/informix/chunklink/rootdbsROOTOFFSET 10000ROOTSIZE 5100000Logdbs方面LOGFILES 2LOGSIZE 200000DYNAMIC_LOGS 3LOGBUFF 64FULL_DISK_INIT 1在初始化之前设置成1 初始化完成后会自动变成0 DBSERVERNAME ivpndb2要根据现场实际情况变更LOCKS 6000000 锁的数量要根据预计的业务量进行调整共享内存方面SHMVIRTSIZE 1024000SHMADD 128000备份方面TAPEDEV /home/informix/ph.dat备份文件名和路径TAPEBLK 1024TAPESIZE 24000000备份文件大小编辑sqlhosts文件修改services文件用root编辑/etc/services增加7787端口初始化oninit –ivy初始化执行时间较长因为要将本地磁盘空间先划分出一部分作为rootdbs 这个耗时较长此时online.log日志中可见到FULL_DISK_INIT变成0初始化完成onstat –d可见rootdbs划分其他必要空间各划分2G作为tempdbs logdbs phydbs空间onspaces -c -d tempdbs -t -p /home/informix/chunklink/tempdbs -o 0 -s 2000000onspaces -c -d logdbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/logdbs -o 0 -s 2000000 onspaces -c -d phydbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/phydbs -o 0 -s 2000000划分datadbs空间【耗时长,划一个datadbs大约需要10分钟】这里只划分4个出来【4*20G=80G 划分80G作为数据库数据空间】onspaces -c -d datadbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/datadbs1 -o 0 -s 20000000 onspaces -a datadbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/datadbs2 -o 0 -s 20000000 onspaces -a datadbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/datadbs3 -o 0 -s 20000000 onspaces -a datadbs -p /home/informix/chunklink/datadbs4 -o 0 -s 20000000系统在执行上述命令的时候,同时在chunklink目录下可观察到datadbs1在增大修改数据库状态从online变成静止onmode –s变更逻辑日志/*可以指定文件大小,且此处执行的条数要和逻辑日志个数一致/ onparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 -ionparams -a -d logdbs -s 100000 –i另开一窗口onstat –l可见新增的逻辑日志begin是从3开始0级备份在informix家目录下touch ph.dat备份文件并执行0级备份执行19次onmode –l 同时onstat –l可见到onmode –c 重定位onmode –c重定位checkopint点此时U---C-L重定位到number20上删除系统默认逻辑日志onparams -d -l 1 -yonparams -d -l 2 -yonparams -d -l 3 -yonparams -d -l 4 -yonparams -d -l 5 -yonparams -d -l 6 -yonparams -d -l 7 -yonparams -d -l 8 -yonparams -d -l 9 -yonparams -d -l 10 -yonparams -d -l 11 -yonparams -d -l 12 -yonparams -d -l 13 -yonparams -d -l 14 -yonparams -d -l 15 -yonparams -d -l 16 -yonparams -d -l 17 -yonparams -d -l 18 -yonparams -d -l 19 -y此时number 1中还有系统自带逻辑日志先0备再删除ontape –s –L 0onparams -d -l 1 –yonmode –m 恢复在线状态重启数据库Onmode –kyOninit –vy完成如果安装过程中出问题需要重新安装请删除/home/Informix/chunklink/下的文件并重新touch相关数据空间且要修改onconfig配置文件中的FULL_DISK_ONIT为1在执行oninit –ivy其余步骤和本文一致。
目录1、创建组,用户: (2)2、更改Informix环境变量: (2)(可以直接将onmonitor配置文件夹中的.profile文件拷贝到/etc/informix下,替换原有的.profile文件) (2)3、将安装包导入解压: (4)4、执行安装程序: (4)4.1、选择4 Begin Installation (4)4.2、输入1,选择NEXT,Enter 继续。
(或者直接Enter) (4)4.3、输入1 ,选择NEXT,Enter 继续。
(或者直接Enter) (5)4.4、输入1,选择Accept the agreement,Enter 继续。
(或者直接Enter) (5)4.6、输入软件安装路径,Enter继续。
(这里我安装路径为/home/informix ) (6)4.7、输入1,选择NEXT,Enter继续。
(或者直接Enter) (6)4.8、输入2,取消选择IBM Informix Client-SDK Version 3.00,Enter继续。
(6)4.9、输入1,Deselect 'IBM Informix Client-SDK...,Enter继续。
(或直接Enter).. (6)4.10、输入4 ,取消选择IBM Informix JDBC Driver Version 3.10,Enter继续。
(7)4.11、输入0 ,选择Continue installing ,Enter继续。
(或直接Enter) (7)4.12、输入0,选择NEXT,Enter继续。
(或直接Enter) (7)4.13、输入2,选择NO ,Enter继续。
(或者直接Enter) (8)4.15、输入0,Enter继续。
(或者直接Enter) (8)4.16、输入1,选择Use the default configuration file.,Enter继续。
开始-> Informix Dynamic Server11.50-> server instances manager选择create new创建一个动态服务,需要记住的信息有端口号、服务名和密码,其他信息用默认的即可。端口号从8098开始,可以自己设置,再次创建新的服务时会自动增加,服务名最好自己设置,默认的服务名很长,不方便记,这里我以test为例。如果系统中装了informix数据库,登陆系统时会默认以informix用户登陆,最好所有对数据库的操作均在informix用户下进行,不赞成在windows用户下操作,会导致权限不一致,连接不上数据库。完成后会弹出一个是否初始化动态服务的选项,选择是,初始化完成后动态服务就创建完成了,以下简称IDS。此时会在informix安装目录的etc目录下生成一个ONCONFIG.test(test为服务名)配置文件。
1.如果值为“COMMITTED READ”,那么当数据库服务器尝试读取处于“已落实读”或“读已落实”隔离级别的行而遇到互斥锁时,它将读取最近落实的数据版本。
创建好动态服务后我们可以通过开始-> Informix Dynamic Server11.50->test打开控制台。在windows下装完informix数据库后还会生成一个IFMXDATA文件夹,与安装目录相同,每创建一个IDS就会在该文件中生成一个以服务名命名的文件夹,当选择初始化动态服务的时候就会在对应的文件夹中生成两个空间文件,一个rootdbs_dat.000是一个informix内部使用的默认空间,rootdbs我们一般都不用。另一个test_dat.000则是我们主要使用的,以后建的数据库都是放在这个表空间里的。Test_dat.000默认大小为100M,一般都需要扩展一个表空间上去,扩展表空间的方法:先去\IFMXDATA\test目录下新建一个文件test_dat.001,然后在控制台输入命令:onspaces -atest-p c:\IFMXDATA\test\test_dat.001 -s 300000 -o 0,-a是添加,-p是路径,-s是大小,-o是偏移量,0为偏移量的大小,偏移量类似一个开始的地址,为0,就是从1开始,为10,则从11开始。若在一个文件上建一个100大小的chunk(chunk,区,块informix术语单位,不多解释),偏移量设为0,则这个chunk就占据了1-100这段空间,若在这个文件上再建一个100大小的chunk,1-100已经被占用,则偏移量要设为100,即从101开始。注意,对于同一文件是要往后累加的,不同的文件则都可以从0开始,不过建议如果分配的空间太大,最好能预留一点给磁盘信息。完成后可以用onstat–d查看表空间信息。如果不选择初始化,这两个文件的大小都为0,需要手动修改,用这个命令即可,其中-c是创建:onspaces -c -dtest-p C:\IFMXDATA\test\test_dat.000 -o 0 -s 300000,rootdbs不常用,可以不用修改。
informix 影响CPU使用率的配置参数和环境变量
CPU Informix 建议使用一个CPU VP。
?对于单处理器的计算机系统,的值等于处理NUMCPUVPS,主要用做数据库服务器的多处理器系统,Informix 建议设置对于有?4个以上CPU 器总数减一。
可以使用操作系统CPU对于双处理器系统,运行两个CPU VP可能会改善性能。
命令sar 或以时,Online 设置为MULTIPROCESSOR 1,当设置MULTIPROCESSOR为1如果运行多个CPU VP,应将0。
否则,设置该参数为就1,Online参数为,则NUMCPUVPS 参数的值也必须是1,如果后者大于SINGLE_CPU_VP注意:如果设置不能初始化并显示下面的错误信息:Cannot have 'SINGLE_CPU_VP' now-zero and 'NUMCPUVPS' greater than 1AFF_SPROC AFF_NPROCS 和这样做可以有效地保留剩余。
配置参数连接到剩余CPUOnline CPU VP使用,它们是用AFF--NPROCES和AFF_SPROC的CPU给CPU CPU 会引起该到一个上的CPU的个数。
智能网数据库配置参考2006-02-101、准备数据设备(1)、如果数据库设备采用文件系统,以informix用户登录,按照下列步骤,创建数据库设备文件,同时修改权限mkdir /informix/indbscd /informix/indbstouch /informix/indbs/rootchktouch /informix/indbs/phychktouch /informix/indbs/logchktouch /informix/indbs/tmpchktouch /informix/indbs/datachk01touch /informix/indbs/datachk02touch /informix/indbs/datachk03touch /informix/indbs/datachk04……chown informix:informix /informix/indbs/*chmod 664 /informix/indbs/*(2)、如果数据库设备采用磁盘陈列的裸设备,按照下列步骤,创建数据库设备文件,同时修改权限●按照文档列表,确认主机上已经建好了所有的逻辑卷(在相应的目录下检查是否存在相应的文件名/dev/vgin/lv_datachunk01等)●如果数据库设备采用磁盘陈列的裸设备,以root用户登录,修改逻辑卷的权限⏹cd /dev/vgin/⏹chown informix:informix /dev/vgin/*⏹chmod 664 /dev/vgin/*●以informix用户登录,建立连接,以下内容可以放在一个脚本文件中执行mkdir /informix/indbscd /informix/indbsln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_rootchunk /informix/indbs/rootchkln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_phychunk /informix/indbs/phychkln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_logchunk /informix/indbs/logchkln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_tmpchunk /informix/indbs/tmpchkln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_datachunk01 /informix/indbs/datachk01ln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_datachunk02 /informix/indbs/datachk02ln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_datachunk03 /informix/indbs/datachk03ln -s /dev/vgin/rlv_datachunk04 /informix/indbs/datachk04……注意:以下所有操作都是以INFORMIX登录执行2、设置环境变量,将下面的环境变量加入setenv.in中,并将setenv.in文件加入用户的.profile文件中(LINUX加入.bash_profile文件中)INFORMIXDIR=/informixPATH=$INFORMIXDIR/bin:$PATHexport INFORMIXDIR PATHINFORMIXSERVER=ol_inONCONFIG=onconfig.inLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql:$INFORMIXDIR/l ib/cli:$INFORMIXDIR/lib/dmiSHLIB_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport INFORMIXSERVER ONCONFIG LD_LIBRARY_PATH SHLIB_PATH3、配置ONCONFIG文件cp /informix/etc/onconfig.std /informix/etc/onconfig.in修改ONCONFIG文件中的如下参数ROOTPATH /informix/indbs/rootchkROOTSIZE 1024000MSGPATH /informix/online_in.logALARMPROGRAM /informix/etc/log_full.shTAPEDEV /dev/nullLTAPEDEV /dev/nullDBSERVERNAME ol_inNETTYPE soctcp,1,200,CPULOCKS 1000000BUFFERS 100000SHMVIRTSIZE 204800SHMADD 20480LOGSMAX 100DBSPACETEMP tmpdbs4、配置SQLHOSTS文件cp /informix/etc/sqlhosts.std /informix/etc/sqlhosts在sqlhosts文件中加入下面一行ol_in onsoctcp注:第一项为数据库服务器名,第二项为网络协议,第三项为数据库服务器所在的主机的主机名,第四项为服务端口名)。
Informix 11[1].5 SQL 语句性能监控方法及实现
Informix 11.5 SQL 语句性能监控方法及实现 本文主要介绍 Informix 11.5 中 SQL 语句性能监控的基本方法及实现,希望能够使大家有一个比较全面的了解。
我们知道,在数据库应用系统 中,SQL 语句的性能好坏至关重要。
如果 SQL 语句性能很差,可能会导致整个数据库应用系统的性能也非常差。
那么,如何监控数据库系统中 SQL 语句的性能,导致 SQL 语句性能差的原因是什么? SQL 语句运行过程中对系统资源的使用情况如何?系统资源存在哪些瓶颈?在 Informix 11.5 中,主要提供了两个工具来解决上述问题。
一个是 set explain 命令,我们可以通过查看数据库的查询计划来分析导致 SQL 语句性能差的原因并给予相应的调整,另一个是 SQL 下钻查询特性,通过它,我们可以分析系统中哪些 SQL 语句执行比较慢、SQL 语句执行的时间是多少、SQL 语句运行时对资源的占用情况及系统存在的瓶颈是什么并及时进行相应的调整。
SET EXPLAIN 命令当 我们发现系统中某一个或一组 SQL 语句性能比较差时,我们往往会使用 set explain 命令来查看一下 SQL 语句的查询计划,看看 SQL 语句性能差的原因是什么并进行相应的调整。
在 Informix 中,查询计划主要包括访问计划(access plan )及表连接计划(join plan )。
访问计划是指 Informix 数据库是通过什么方法来读取磁盘上的数据。
一般来讲,Informix 主要提供以下几种访问计划: ∙顺序扫描(Sequential scan ):数据库服务器按照物理顺序读取表中的所有记录。
∙索引扫描(Index scan ):数据库服务器读取索引页,并通过相应的 ROWID 来读取相关的记录。
∙键值扫描(Key-only index scan ):如果读取的相关数据包含在索引节点中,数据库服务器就只需读取索引,不需要再去读取相应的数据页。