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幽默的教师,在诙谐的举止言谈中,总是对学生充满爱意,流露出一种体贴、理解、信任的真挚感情,给学生以鼓励、宽慰和力量。作为一名英语教师,应该是热爱生活、热爱外语教育事业、乐观向上的人。因为幽默来源于对生活的热爱,它是从心底里涌出来的,而不是想象allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional

technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work,

quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process

of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms

and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical

work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant



教学实践中证明,教师可在上课之初运用幽默使学生在欢快的气氛中allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's
