
个体个税申报流程英文文档内容:The individual income tax declaration process is a crucial step for taxpayers in China.Here is a general overview of the process:1.Gather necessary documents: Collect all relevant documents, such as identification cards, employment contracts, bank statements, and any other income-related receipts or records.2.Determine taxable income: Calculate the total income earned from various sources, including employment, self-employment, investments, and other passive income.Deduct any eligible expenses and allowances as per the tax laws.3.Choose a tax declaration method: Taxpayers can declare their income through two methods - regular declaration and simplified declaration.Regular declaration is suitable for those with complex tax situations, while simplified declaration is easier and faster, but may not be suitable for everyone.4.Fill out the tax declaration form: Complete the appropriate tax declaration form.For regular declaration, taxpayers need to fill out Form 1 and provide detailed information about their income and deductions.For simplified declaration, taxpayers can use Form 2 or Form A.5.Submit the declaration: Taxpayers can submit their tax declarations online through the official tax website or mobile app, or in person at a tax office.6.Pay taxes: After the tax authorities review and verify the declaration, taxpayers will receive a notice of tax payment.They can pay the taxes online or at a bank, and provide the payment proof to the tax authorities.7.Obtain a tax payment receipt: Once the tax payment is confirmed, taxpayers will receive a tax payment receipt as proof of payment.8.Check the tax refund or balance: If taxpayers overpaid their taxes, they are eligible for a refund.Taxpayers can check their tax refund or balance through the official tax website or mobile app.9.Keep records: It is important for taxpayers to keep records of their tax declarations and payments for future reference.中文文档内容:在中国,个人所得税申报流程对于纳税人来说是一个非常重要的环节。
Removed_IIT filing return 个人所得税纳税申报表(中英文版)

个人房屋转让所得 Income from transfer of personal estate
10、偶然所得 Incidental income
:50 45. 44. 43. by 42.41.— 4—0.— 3—9.—3—8.by 37@.—— 36.35. —34—. ——33.3312..—.—29.by28.by@ 27.26.—— 25. 24. 23. 22. by 21.20. — 1—9.by:18.by:17.— 1—6.— 1—5.—1—4.—— 13. 12. 111.0.“ ”by:M9.“OOOKN”b8y. :——7.——6.——5.——4.——3.——2.——1.——
税务机关受理人(签字): (盖章):
应纳税额 Tax
身份证照 号码
ID number
职务 Title
职业 Profession
境内有效联 系地址邮编
Post code
联系电话 Tel number
经营单位 纳税人名称 Name of the
已缴(扣) 税额
Tax pre-paid and withheld
所得年份: 金额单位:
年 人民币元(列至角分)
(For individuals with an annual income of over 120,000 Yuan)
抵扣税额 Tax credit
中英文版扣缴个人所得税报告书反面 精品

根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第九条的规定,制定本表,扣缴义务人应This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of INDIVIDUAL INCOM CHINA .The withholding agents should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury and authorities within seven days after the end of the taxable month.如果由扣缴义务人填写完税证,应在报送此表时附完税证副联______份General accountant(signature)填 表 须 知一、本表适用于扣缴义务人申报扣缴的所得税额。
7、扣缴所得税额:适用超额累进税率的,按下列公式计算:速算扣除数=前一级的最高所得额×(本级税率-前一级税率)+前级速算扣除数扣缴所得税额=应纳税所得额×适用税率-速算扣除数适用比例税率计算的,按下列公式计算:扣缴所得税额=应纳税所得额×税率8、完税证字号与纳税日期:填写扣缴义务人在扣缴税款时填开的完税证(代缴款书)的字号及纳税日期Instructions1.This return is to be filled out by withholding agant as declaration on the withholding o2.In case of inability to file the return within the prescribed time limit,appliration sho tax authorities within the prescribed time limit and the filing time may be appropriatel3.In case of failure to submit the return within the prescribed time limit,punishment shal of Article 39 of THE OF PEOPLE'S REPLBLIC OF CHINA CONCERNING ADMINISRATION OF TAX COLLE4.The return should be filled out in Chinese language or both Chinese and foreign language5.Instructions for filling out items:a.withholding agent's file number:the file number given by the tax authorities in charge ab.Date of filling:the actual date of filling out the return. of withholding agent:the official name of unit or individual actually paying wages, to the tax payer.d.Tax payer's name:in case the tax payer have no domicile in china,the tax payer's name she.Categaries of income : the categaries of income stipulated in the tax law. In case the t state them separately.f.Income period : the date of the withholding agent making the paymentg.Amount of tax withheld:Where progressive rates are applicable,the formulas are:Quick the maximum income tax rate of tax rete of the quick calculationcalculation=of the preceding×(this income-the preceding)+deduction of thededuction range range range preceding rangeAmount of tax withheld=taxable income×applicable tax rate -quick calculation deduction Where flat rate is applicable,the formula is:Amount of tax to be withheld =taxable income tax rate.h.Tax certificate number and date of tax payment :the serial number and filling date of th payer by the withholding agnet when the tax is withheld.i.Declaration :to be signed by the payer , or by anthorized agent in case the tax payer is扣缴个人所得税报告表INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN务人应将本月扣缴的税款在次月七日内缴入国库,并向当地机关报送本表。

个人所得税纳税申报表(中英文版)(适用于年所得12万元以上的纳税人申报)INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN(For individuals with an annual income of over 120,000 Yuan)所得年份: 年填表日期:年月日金额单位:人民币元(列至角分)Year of income incurred: Date of filing: date month year Amount in RMB Yuan章):Signature of responsible tax officer : Filing date: Time: Year/Month/Date Responsible tax offic填表须知一、本表根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》及其实施条例和《个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行)》制定,适用于年所得12万元以上纳税人的年度自行申报。

个人所得税纳税申报表(中英文版)(适用于年所得12万元以上的纳税人申报)INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN(For individuals with an annual income of over 120,000 Yuan)所得年份: 年填表日期:年月日金额单位:人民币元(列至角分)Year of income incurred: Date of filing: date month year Amount in RMB Yuan章):Signature of responsible tax officer : Filing date: Time: Year/Month/Date Responsible tax offic填表须知一、本表根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》及其实施条例和《个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行)》制定,适用于年所得12万元以上纳税人的年度自行申报。

2007年美国个人所得税申报表(中英对照)第一篇:2007年美国个人所得税申报表(中英对照)2007年美国个人所得税申报表(中英对照)(2008-06-01 22:25:12)FORM 1040 1040表格Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service U.S.Individual Income Tax Return 财政部—国税局2007年美国个人所得税申报表IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.IRS专用—请勿书写或装订Label(See instructions on page 12.)标签行(请参阅说明)Use the IRS label.Otherwise,please print or type.请用国内税务署的专用标签,如果没有,请打印一份。
Presidential Election Campaign 总统竞选基金For the year Jan.1–Dec.31, 2007, or other tax year beginning , 2007, ending , 20 此报税表涵盖时间,从207年1月1日至12月31日,或含其它报税年度,起始日期,2007,到结束日期20 OMB No.1545-0074 OMB号 2545-0074Your social security number 您的社会安全号I f a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial 如为夫妇联报,配偶的名:You must enter your SSN(s)above 您必须得在上面填写您的社会安全号(SSN)City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code.If you have a foreign address, see page 12.城市名,城镇名或邮箱。

Name Surname ....................................................................................................................................,........
during tax year
la Additional Tax Payment
Declaration of intention to donate tax payment to political party
Political Party Identification Number
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
separately from taxpayer (4) Has no income
Reciept Book No..................................................No.................................................... Amount...................................................................Baht
ly No. Moo Lane/Soi ............................................................... ...............


个人所得税起征点申报流程(中英文版)英文文档:Title: Personal Income Tax Threshold Declaration ProcessThe personal income tax threshold declaration process is a crucial step for both individuals and businesses in China.It ensures compliance with tax regulations and helps in calculating the accurate amount of tax to be paid.Here is an overview of the process:1.Determine the applicable personal income tax threshold: The personal income tax threshold is currently set at 5000 RMB per month for residents and 4800 RMB per month for non-residents.This threshold may vary depending on the individual"s circumstances and additional deductions.2.Gather necessary documents: Collect all relevant documents, including identification cards, employment contracts, salary statements, and any other relevant financial records.3.Calculate the taxable income: Subtract the personal income tax threshold from the total monthly income to calculate the taxable income.If the income exceeds the threshold, the individual is required to pay taxes on the amount that exceeds the threshold.plete the income tax declaration form: Fill out the appropriate income tax declaration form.For residents, the form includes details of allsources of income, deductions, and allowances.For non-residents, the form only includes income earned in China.5.Submit the declaration form: Submit the completed income tax declaration form to the local tax authority before the deadline.The deadline for submitting the declaration form is the end of the following month after the income is received.6.Pay the tax: After submitting the declaration form, the individual must pay the calculated tax amount to the local tax authority.The payment can be made through various methods, such as bank transfers or online payment platforms.7.Obtain a tax payment receipt: Once the tax payment is confirmed, the individual will receive a tax payment receipt as proof of payment.Chinese Document:标题:个人所得税起征点申报流程个人所得税起征点申报流程是中国公民和企业必须遵守的税务程序。

2007年美国个人所得税申报表(中英对照)(2008-06-01 22:25:12)FORM 10401040表格Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue ServiceU.S. Individual Income Tax Return财政部—国税局2007年美国个人所得税申报表IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.IRS专用—请勿书写或装订Label(See instructions on page 12.)标签行(请参阅说明)Use the IRS label. Otherwise,please print or type.请用国内税务署的专用标签,如果没有,请打印一份。
Presidential Election Campaign总统竞选基金For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2007, or other tax year beginning , 2007, ending , 20此报税表涵盖时间,从207年1月1日至12月31日,或含其它报税年度,起始日期,2007,到结束日期20OMB No. 1545-0074OMB号2545-0074Your social security number您的社会安全号I f a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial如为夫妇联报,配偶的名:You must enter your SSN(s) above您必须得在上面填写您的社会安全号(SSN)City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 12.城市名,城镇名或邮箱。
如果您有国外地址,请参阅说明Checking a box below will not change your tax or refund.填写下面的复选框不会改变您的税金或退款。

个人所得税退税操作流程孩子学籍证明(中英文版)Title: Personal Income Tax Refund Operation Process and Children"s School Registration Certificate## Introductionavigating the personal income tax refund process can be a daunting task for many.Similarly, obtaining a children"s school registration certificate is often filled with confusion.This document aims to provide a comprehensive guide on both aspects to make the process less stressful.## Personal Income Tax Refund Operation ProcessThe personal income tax refund process involves several key steps.Firstly, individuals must ensure they are eligible for a refund.This typically occurs when the tax withheld is greater than the tax liability.Secondly, they need to gather all necessary documentation, such as tax forms and payment receipts.Thirdly, they must complete the appropriate refund application form and submit it to the relevant tax authority.Finally, the refund is processed, and the amount is credited to the individual"s account.个人所得税退税过程包括几个关键步骤。

理个人所得税退税申报操作流程英文回答:How to File for a Personal Income Tax Refund.1. Gather your documents. You will need your Social Security number, taxpayer identification number, and income and expense information. You can find this information on your W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and other tax documents.2. Choose a filing method. You can file your taxes online, by mail, or through a tax professional. If you file online, you can use the IRS Free File program or a commercial tax software program. If you file by mail, you can download the necessary forms from the IRS website or order them by calling the IRS.3. Complete your tax return. Follow the instructions on the tax forms to complete your return. Be sure to include all of your income and expenses, and to claim anydeductions and credits that you are eligible for.4. File your tax return. If you are filing online, you can e-file your return directly to the IRS. If you arefiling by mail, you can mail your return to the IRS address listed on the tax forms.5. Track your refund. You can track the status of your refund online using the IRS Where's My Refund? tool. You can also call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to check on the status of your refund.中文回答:个人所得税退税申报操作流程。

个体户个人所得税办理流程英文回答:Individual Industrial and Commercial Tax (IIT) Registration and Filing Process for Non-company Enterprises.Step 1: Registration.Register as a non-company enterprise with the tax authorities in your jurisdiction.Obtain a Tax Registration Certificate (TRC).Step 2: Tax Declaration.Declare your IIT liability annually to the tax authorities.The IIT declaration period is generally from January 1 to March 31 of the following year.Step 3: Tax Calculation.Calculate your IIT liability based on your declared income.The IIT rates vary depending on the taxable income bracket.You can use tax software or consult with a tax professional to assist with the calculation.Step 4: Tax Payment.Pay the calculated IIT liability to the designated tax authority by the due date.The due date for IIT payment is generally April 30 of the following year.Step 5: Filing the IIT Return.File your IIT return with the tax authorities after paying the tax.The IIT return includes information about your income, expenses, and tax liability.Note: Failure to comply with the IIT registration, declaration, and filing requirements may result in penalties and fines. It is recommended to seek professional assistance if you have any questions or need guidance with the IIT process.中文回答:个体户个人所得税办理流程。

个人所得税退税流程田写英文回答:Personal income tax refund process.When it comes to personal income tax, many people are eager to know if they are eligible for a tax refund. The process of claiming a tax refund can vary depending on the country and its tax laws. In this article, I will explain the general process of personal income tax refund and provide some examples to illustrate the steps involved.Firstly, it is important to understand that not everyone is entitled to a tax refund. It usually depends on various factors such as income level, expenses, and deductions. For example, if you have made contributions to a retirement savings account or have significant medical expenses, you may be eligible for a tax refund. However, if your income is below the taxable threshold, you may not be eligible for a refund.Once you have determined that you are eligible for atax refund, the next step is to gather all the necessary documents. These documents may include your income statements, expense receipts, and any other relevant financial records. It is essential to keep these documents organized and easily accessible, as they will be needed during the refund process.After gathering all the required documents, you can proceed to fill out the tax refund form. This form will typically ask for information such as your personal details, income sources, and deductions. It is crucial to provide accurate and complete information to avoid any delays or complications in the refund process.Once you have completed the tax refund form, you can submit it to the appropriate tax authority. This canusually be done online or by mail. It is essential tofollow the instructions provided by the tax authority to ensure that your refund application is processed correctly.After submitting your tax refund form, the taxauthority will review your application and verify the information provided. This may involve cross-checking your income statements and expense receipts. The verification process can take some time, so it is important to bepatient during this stage.If your refund application is approved, you will receive a notification from the tax authority. The refund amount will typically be deposited directly into your bank account or sent to you as a check. It is important to double-check your bank account details or mailing address to ensure that the refund is delivered to the correct recipient.In conclusion, the process of claiming a personal income tax refund involves determining eligibility, gathering necessary documents, filling out the refund form, submitting it to the tax authority, and waiting for approval and payment. It is crucial to follow the instructions provided by the tax authority and provide accurate information to avoid any delays or complications.Remember to keep track of your refund application and contact the tax authority if you have any questions or concerns.中文回答:个人所得税退税流程。

个人退税申报操作流程英文回答:Individual Tax Refund Filing Process.1. Gather necessary documents: This includes yourSocial Security number, W-2 forms from all employers, and any other relevant tax documents.2. Choose a filing method: You can file your taxes electronically (e-file) or by mail. E-filing is faster and more secure, and most tax preparation software offers e-filing options.3. Select a tax preparation method: You can prepareyour taxes yourself using tax software, hire a tax preparer, or use the free tax preparation services offered by the IRS.4. Complete your tax return: Follow the instructions on the tax forms and software to complete your returnaccurately. Make sure to include all necessary information and supporting documents.5. Review and check your return: Before submitting your return, carefully review it for errors. Check that all information is correct and complete, and that you have calculated your refund or tax liability accurately.6. File your tax return: Submit your completed tax return by the deadline, either electronically or by mail.If you are filing by mail, make copies of your return for your records.7. Track the status of your refund: Once you have filed your return, you can track the status of your refund online at the IRS website or by calling the IRS phone line.中文回答:个人退税申报操作流程。

个体零申报纳税的流程(中英文实用版)英文文档内容:The Process of Individual Tax Return Filing for Zero Tax LiabilityIndividuals who have no tax liability are required to file a tax return declaring their income and other relevant information to the tax authorities.The process of individual tax return filing for zero tax liability involves several steps:1.Gather necessary documents: Collect all documents related to your income and tax situation, such as W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and any other relevant documents.2.Determine your filing status: Choose your filing status, such as single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, or head of household.plete the tax return form: Fill out the appropriate tax return form, such as Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, accurately and completely.Make sure to include all required information and sign the form.4.Calculate your tax liability: Calculate your tax liability based on your income, filing status, and other relevant factors.If your tax liability is zero, indicate this on your tax return.5.Submit the tax return: Mail your completed tax return to theappropriate tax authority or submit it electronically through an online tax filing service.6.Keep records: Keep a copy of your tax return and all related documents for future reference and in case of an audit.It is important to note that even if you have no tax liability, you must still file a tax return if you are required to do so by the tax authorities.For more information on the specific requirements and procedures for filing a tax return with zero tax liability, consult the tax authorities or a tax professional.中文文档内容:零税负个体纳税申报流程对于无需缴纳税款的个人来说,他们需要向税务机关提交一份税务申报表,以声明其收入和其他相关信息。

日常进行上门申报纳税人首先按照以往申报模式到办税服务厅进行纳税申报,申报后在本月内必须登陆省局报税网站进行个人所得税明细申报,省局报税网站地址http:// 。
(4)除[工号]、[联系电话]、[工作单位]、[外籍纳税人编码 ]、[劳动就业证号码]、[境内任职单位税务登记号]、[境内任职单位联系电话 ]、[境内受聘或签约单位名称]、[境内受聘或签约单位地址] 、[境内受聘或签约单位税务登记号] 、[境内受聘或签约单位邮政编码]、[境内受聘或签约单位联系电话] 外所有列不能为空。
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个人所得税纳税申报表(中英文版)(适用于年所得12万元以上的纳税人申报)INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN(For individuals with an annual income of over 120,000 Yuan)所得年份: 年填表日期:年月日金额单位:人民币元(列至角分)Year of income incurred: Date of filing: date month year Amount in RMB Yuan章):Signature of responsible tax officer : Filing date: Time: Year/Month/Date Responsible tax offic填表须知一、本表根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》及其实施条例和《个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行)》制定,适用于年所得12万元以上纳税人的年度自行申报。
Instructions一、This return is designed in accordance with THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REP UBLIC OF CHINA, THE IMPLEMENTING RULES OF THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and THE RULES CONCERNING INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX SELF DECLARATION(provisional), and is applicable for individuals with an annual income of reach 120,000 Yuan.二、Taxable individuals are obliged to fill out and submit the return to the local tax authority within 3 months after the end of the tax year, either by themselves or other entrusted prepares. In case of inability to file the return within the prescribed time limit, an application should be submitted to the local tax authority within prescribed time limit and upon the tax authority’s approval, the filing deadline may be extended.三、The return should be filled out in Chinese or in both Chinese and a foreign language.四、Instructions for filling out various items:(一)Year of income incurred and Date or filling:Year of income incurred: The year in which the taxpayer receives the income.Date or filling: the actual date when the return is filed.(二)ID Type:The name of the valid identification certificate of the taxpayer(ID Card, passport, solider certificate, military officer certificate, returning permit, etc.)(三)ID number:The number of the valid identification certificate of the taxpayer.(四)Employer:The taxpayer’s employer. The name of the employer for the reporting shall be filled if there are more than one employer.(五)Employer’s Tax ID Code:The ID code of the taxpayer’s employer registered at tax authority either as a taxpayer or as a withholder.(六)Industry of Employer:The industry a taxpayer’s employer belongs to. It should fall into the general categories of the Categorization of National E conomy Industries.(七)Title:The taxpayer’s official rank at his/her employer.(八)Profession:The main profession of the taxpayer.(九)Days of stay in China:The actual days stayed in China by a taxpayer without a permanent residence during the tax due period.(十)Address in China:The address or the effective contacting address of the taxpayer. For a person without a residence who lives in a hotel, it means the room number and hotel name.(十一)Taxpayer’s Tax ID cole and Taxpayer’s Name:Tax ID Code of the business: The number on the tax registration certificate.Name of the business: The name of the taxable self-employed industrial and commercial households, individually-invested enterprises, partnerships, individually-invested or partner-invested private non-enterprises, or enterprises or social service providers partly or wholly funded by state assets under contracted or leased operation.(十二)Annual Income:The total amount of the corresponding items of income in the tax year. The annual receipts income is calculated in accordance with THE INPLEMENTING RULES OF THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OR TH E PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and THE LAW OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION OF COLLECTION.The calculation shall be in RMB Yuan. Those in foreign currencies shall be converted to the RMB Yuan on the basis of the foreign exchange rate quoted by the competent state foreign exchange authority.(十三)Taxable income:The part of an income which is subject to the individual income tax.(十四)Tax pre-paid and withheld:The amount of the tax paid or withheld for the current items of income within China.(十五)Tax credit:The amount of individual income tax paid outside China that it to be credited against in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law.(十六)Tax exempted or deducted:The amount of individual income tax which is to be exempted or deducted in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law.(十七)There shall be two original copies of this table in A4 format. One is for the taxpayer and the other is for the tax office for record.。