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【Key words】 Ovarian neoplasms; Carcinoma; Neoplasm recurrence,local; Antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols; Cisplatin; Paclitaxel
【Abstract】 Most of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer was advanced as the initial treatment. Although cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant paclitaxel/platinum-based chemotherapy have made the most of patients in clinical remission , but there are still 80% of patients to relapse eventually. The principle of treatment for recurrent EOC is palliative rather than cure. The quality of life should be to consider once again on treatment. According to the situation in patients with initial surgery and postoperative chemotherapy and means, efficacy, toxicity, relapse types ,the treatment programs was to be developed individually in order to alleviate and control symptoms of the disease, and improve quality of life and prolong progression -free survival for patien百度文库. As only a single lesion or recurrence lesion reduction by surgery effectively ,the cytoreductive surgery combined with chemotherapy would be to implement. While those with large and extensive metastasis even , the only chemotherapy would be to consider. In developing the program of chemotherapy, drug -resistant, refractory and refractory patients was often considered as a group, which would be to encourage to ongoing clinical trials or receiving non -platinum chemotherapy, the patients with sensitive ovarian cancer was recommended to receive platinum or platinum plus paclitaxel based chemotherapy. Biological treatment as an alternative cancer therapy model was more and more attended as an importance strong complement to traditional surgery and chemotherapy.
【关键词】 卵巢肿瘤; 癌; 肿瘤复发,局部; 抗肿瘤联合化疗方案; 顺铂; 紫杉醇
Clinical Progress of Treatment on Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer DANG Cai-ling,LI Li. Department of Gynecology, the First People's Hospital of Yibin, Yibin 644000,Sichuan Province,China (DANG Cai - ling);Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021,China(LI Li) Corresponding author:LI Li ,E-mail:lili@gxmu.edu.cn
国际妇产科学杂志 2012 年 8 月第 39 卷第 4 期 J Int Obstet Gynecol,August 2012,Vol. 39,No. 4
·综 述·
党彩玲综述 李 力△审校
【摘 要】 上皮性卵巢癌(epithelial ovarian cancer,EOC)患者如初次就诊时已为晚期,虽然肿瘤细胞减灭术和 术后辅以紫杉醇/铂类为基础的联合化疗可使大部分患者获得临床缓解,但最终仍有 80%的患者复发。 复发性 EOC 的治疗原则是姑息而不是治愈,生存质量是再次治疗时考虑的重要因素。 可根据患者初次手术情况及术后化疗方案 及途径、疗效、毒副反应、复发类型等制定个体化的治疗方案,以缓解、控制症状、提高患者的生存质量及延长无进展 生存期。 对于仅限于单个病灶复发或手术能达到有效减瘤程度的倾向于减瘤术联合化疗,对那些大块而广泛甚至伴 有远处转移的更倾向于只进行化疗。 在制定方案时,常把耐药型、 顽固型和难治型患者归为一组,鼓励其进行新药 临床试验或接受非铂类制剂化疗;对敏感型推荐以铂类或铂类加紫杉醇为基础的化疗方案。 生物治疗作为肿瘤治疗 的另一种治疗模式日益受到重视,成为传统手术治疗和化疗的有力补充。