
毕业证书的翻译是什么毕业证书的英语翻译有:graduate certificate,leaving certificate和diploma。
相关短语例如university diploma,大学毕业证书;high school diploma,高中文凭。
1.graduate certificate 研究生证书,硕士证书;毕业证书短语:Graduate Teacher Certificate 研究所老师证书Advanced Graduate Study Certificate 高等研究生学习证书Graduate e Certificate of Arts 人文研究生证书Graduate e Certificate of Studies 学习研究生证书Graduate e Certificate of Accounting 会计研究生证书Graduate e Certificate of Science 理学研究生证书Graduate e Certificate of Law 法学研究生证书Graduate e Certificate of Environment 环境研究生证书例句:Bachelor: Study load can be extended from four to six years. Students will receive Graduate Certificate and Degree Certificate after getting requested credits and finishing academic dissertation.本科:学习期限四至六年,修满规定的学分,完成学位论文或毕业设计,可获毕业证书和学位证书。
Students who finish the first two years of study in BFA can obtain a graduate certificate.完成前两年北京电影学院学业的学生,可以获得北京电影学院结业证书。

西南交大硕士毕业证德语翻译zh..(写写帮推荐)第一篇:西南交大硕士毕业证德语翻译zh..(写写帮推荐)Master-Studiengang Abschlusszeugnis(Lichtbild)Universität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas(Stempel)Erstellt von derUniversität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas(Prägesiegel)Die Master-Studentin, weiblich, geboren am 18.Juli.1988, hat von Sep.2010 bis Jun.2012 das Fach …Biomedizinisches Ingenieurwesen“ studiert.Sie hat alle für 2 Jahren Master-Studium vorgeschriebenen Fächer erfolg reich beschlossen und sich daher die Genehmigung verschaffen, unsere Universitätzu absolvieren.Rektor:Chen, Chunyang(Stempel)Universität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas30.06.2012Zeugnis Nr.:第二篇:西南交大自我鉴定西南交大自我鉴定大学生活很快就走到了尽头,时间真的过的太快了,让我对这四年做一下评价的话,我想说:我不后悔在交大走过的这段日子,我觉得我过的还算充实,我很感激西南交大,西南交大自我鉴定。

分类词汇:homogeneous同质的反义词:heterogeneousdialect方言 (v.s. accent)discrepancy差异misconception误解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding barrier障碍(物) bar, = barricadediscrimination区别、歧视 racial ~, discriminate (+against) hierarchy等级制度 heir(继承人) + arch(govern) + yinsularity岛国性质 (insular, island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm小天地 micro + cosm(os)nostalgia=homesickness, patriot爱国者 patriotic, patriotism notoriety恶名 (notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物 counterculture, counterbalance peer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate下级下级的 superiortactics战术,技巧 v.s. strategy(战略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics nuance ﹦ a subtle difference in meaning compatriot同胞 , 同胞的 com + patriotvernacular本地的,本国,本地话,本国话 the vernacular languages of India . Hispanic whose first language was Spanish immigration移入 immigrant, immigrate;emigration迁出 (emigrant, emigrate)antipodes: opposite sidespermeate渗透,弥漫 Smoke permeated the house. entrepreneur企业家 enterprise entrepreneurship practitioner开业者,从业者 praction (practice) + er celebrity: a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy代理人anecdote轶事 (anecdotal)benchmarking类比分析punctual准时的,守时的 ( punctuality) absenteeism 旷工 absent absentee 缺席者flextime 弹性工作时间 flex(flexible) + time harass 骚扰 (harassment)redundancy 冗余,冗员 network redundancy downsize 裁员 ( lay off)ballot 投票 (= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的 (partial)lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚bizarre 奇异的 weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家 (diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致 debts/hatred/danger occur 发生, concur 同意一致, recur 复发ethical 伦理的,符合伦理的 ethics, unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的 (doubt) be dubious about manifestation 显示,证明 ( manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题 subsidiary 辅助的, submarine 潜水, subway 地铁, suburb 乡镇考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理: assistant president综合治理: comprehensive treatment安居工程: housing project for low-income urban residents信息化: information-based; informationization智力密集型: concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业: overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工: laid-off workers分流: reposition of redundant personnel 过剩人员的重新定位三角债: chain debts素质教育: education for all-round development豆腐渣工程: jerry-built projects 草率的社会治安情况: law-and-order situation民族国家: nation state台独: independence of Taiwan台湾当局: Taiwan authorities台湾同胞: Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分: Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.西部大开发: Development of the West Regions可持续性发展: sustainable development风险投资: risk investment通货紧缩: deflation扩大内需: to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学: computer-assisted instruction (CAI)网络空间: cyberspace虚拟现实: virtual reality网民: netizen (net citizen)电脑犯罪: computer crime电子商务: the e-business网上购物: shopping online应试教育: exam-oriented education学生减负: to reduce study load下岗: laid-off workers下海: plunge into the commercial sea下网: off line小康之家: well-off family; comfortably-off family新秀: up-and-coming star, rising star新新人类: New Human Being; X Generation信息港: info port形象小姐/先生: image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网: virtual net学生处: students' affairs division (分配、分派)研究生毕业证/学位证: graduate diploma/ graduate degree's diploma 摇钱树: cash cow以人为本: people oriented; people foremost义务教育: compulsory education易拉罐: pop can应试教育: examination-oriented education system舆论导向: direction of public opinion运球: dribble在职博士生: on-job doctorate早恋: puppy love招生就业指导办公室: enrolment and vocation guidance office (职业)证券营业部: stock exchange; security exchange知识产权: intellectual property rights中专生: secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱: mainstay, chief corner stone专卖店: exclusive agency; franchised store (营业权)自我保护意识: self-protection awareness综合国力: comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网: integrated service digital network (ISDN)公正、公平、公开: just, fair and open好莱坞大片: Hollywood blockbuster (大轰动)黄金时段: prime time假唱: lip-synch(同步)劲射: power shot拉拉队: cheering squad(小组、班级)来电显示电话机: caller ID telephone论文答辩: (thesis) oral defense泡沫经济: bubble economy票贩子: scalper, ticket tout (兜售)拳头产品: competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster三角恋爱: love triangle三维动画片: three-dimensional animation"扫黄"、"打非": eliminate pornography and illegal publications (色情)申办奥运会: bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴: bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation (复兴,中华民族)市场疲软: sluggish market (停滞的,萧条的)素质教育: education for all-around development筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富: cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity (繁荣、昌盛)网吧: Internet bar网恋: online love affair网上冲浪: surf the Internet网上交易平台: online trading platform网友: net friend无人售票: self-service ticketing无绳来电显示电话: cordless telephone with caller ID无线应用协议: WAP (wireless application protocol )附录:英语翻译与写作常用动宾词组一、政治类:把…捐给慈善机构:donate …to charities把…看成社会公敌:look upon … as a threat to society把…列为基本国策:list… ..as fundamental national policies把…作为指导:take… as the guide把理论和实际结合起来:integrate theory with practice …把握大局: grasp the overall situation摆脱贫穷落后: get rid of poverty and backwardness保护妇女权利不受侵犯:guarantee (protect) women’s rights against infringement采取各种措施: adopt various measures参政、议政: participate in the management of State affairs充满信心和力量: be filled with confidence and strength打破僵局: break the deadlock打破禁区: break off a forbidden zone得出结论: draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion锻造一支人民军队:forge a people’s army对…具有深远的影响: have a far-reaching impact on对…做出重要(巨大)贡献: make important (great, major )contributions to反对各种形式的恐怖主义: be opposed to all forms of terrorism反腐倡廉: combat corruption and build a clean government高举伟大旗帜: hold high the great banner (旗帜)给…带来机遇和挑战: present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to根除 (防止,消除)腐败: root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption观察当今世界: observe the present-day world缓和紧张状况: ease the tension回顾奋斗历程: review the course of struggle加快改革步伐: accelerate the speed of reform加强舆论监督: ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion坚持改革开放政策: adhere to the reform and open policy坚持统一,反对分裂,增加:persist in reunification,,oppose separation, increase了解,化解歧见: understanding and iron out differences减轻农民负担:alleviate farmer’s burden解放思想: emancipate our minds (解放)解决温饱问题: solve the problem of food and clothing解决新问题: resolve new problems进入世界先进行列: edge into the advanced ranks in the world进入新时期: enter a new period进行和谈: hold peace talks进行战略性调整: make strategic readjustment就…接受妥协: accept a compromise on开发西部: remake the west (再制,改造)开始生效: go into effect (enter into force)开拓前进: open up new ways forward科教兴国:rejuvenate our country through science and education (恢复) 理顺关系:rationalize the relationship (使合理化)履行权利和义务:perform the responsibilities and obligations迈出重要的一步:make an important step热爱和平:love peace深化改革:deepen the reform审时度势:size up the situation (打量,估计)实现发展繁荣:bring about development and prosperity实现民族独立:realize national independence实现夙愿:fulfill the long-cherished wishes实现小康目标:achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life (确保)实现中华民族伟大复兴:bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation实行新政策:practice new policies受到全世界广泛关注:attract extensive attention worldwide缩小差别:bridge (narrow) the gap完成中华民族的振兴大业:implement the revitalization of our nation 维护世界和平:maintain world peace吸收各国文明的先进成:absorb what is advanced in other civilizations 下放权力给:delegate the management of ... (to ...) (委托,代表,授权;管理)退还大量钱款:give back an amount of money脱贫致富:cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity完善服务:perfect services为… 带来多种经济和社会效益:bring multiple economic and social benefits to…为…提供巨大商机:present huge business opportunities吸收游资:absorb idle fund吸引外商投资:attract foreign investment下海:plunge into the commercial sea陷入困境:land oneself in deep trouble向…投资巨额资金:invest huge amounts of money into消灭假冒伪劣产品:wipe out fake products以经济建设为中心:focus on the central task of economic construction 以质量求生存、求发展、求效益:strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of equality (努力,反抗)优胜劣汰:select the superior and eliminate the inferior优先发展公共运输:give priority to the development of public transportation有巨大潜力:have huge potential for与国际市场接轨:integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market在… 建立分公司:set up branches in造成很大压力:pose a big pressure on造成损失:cause a loss to增加农业投入:invest more in agriculture占领市场10%:occupy (take,account for ) 10 percent of the market (占;考虑)招商引资:attract (bid for, invite) investments (from overseas)制订… 法律:make a law of制定优惠政策:work out favorable policy制造假象:create smoke screens to do阻碍… 的经济发展:handicap(hamper) the economic development 阻止人才流失:stop the talent flight (brain drain)遵循市场经济的规律:follow the law of market economy三、文化生活类不注重历史:neglect history把… 列为世界自然文化遗产:list …as a world natural heritage site摆架子(摆谱儿):put on airs (show off,keep up appearances)(外表) 保护文化遗产:protect cultural heritage (relics)(遗物,文物)博采各国文化之长:draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries (优点)采取保护态度:take protective attitude承担应有的义务:undertake the due obligations承前启后,继往开来:build on the past and prepare for the future,inherit the past and usher in the future(引导,引入)充分发挥知识分子的积极性和创造性:give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals触击现行法律的盲区:touch a blank area of the existing law (现存的) 创建卫生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old and usher in the new (ring out the old year and ring in the new) (命令,吩咐;宣布离去,包围)从事电子商务工作:conduct e-commerce (引导,实施)促进儿童身心健康发展:promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally(身心)促进交流:promote the communication促进文化市场健康发展:facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products( 推进,促进)促进相互了解:enhance (further) mutual understanding得到群众的广泛支持:enjoy grass-root support抵住… 的诱惑:resist the temptation of对…持欢迎态度:take a welcoming attitude to对…情有独钟:show special preference (favor) to发挥…的聪明才智:develop one’s own talents and wisdom发挥潜力:tap one’s potential繁荣文学艺术:enable literature and art to flourish;promote flourishingliterature and art反映中国的灿烂文化:reflect the rich culture of China放下架子:relinquish haughty airs (get off one’s high horse;throw off one’s airs) (松开,放开;傲慢的,自大的)腐蚀人的灵魂:poison one’s mind (毒物,有害之物)改进教学:improve teaching and learning给学生减负:alleviate the burden on students和… 持相同观点:share views similar to互派访问学者:exchange visiting scholars激发旅游热情:stimulate enthusiasm for traveling继承历史文化优秀传统:carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history;carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions加强文化基础设施建设:build more cultural establishments讲诚信,反欺诈:honor credibility and oppose cheating (可信性) 交换意见:exchange views (ideas, opinions)教书育人:impart knowledge and educate people (传授,告知)经受住暴风雨的考验:weather the storm(处境,境遇)精心编写教材:compile the textbooks with great care净化因特网:purify the Net举办文化节( 展览会):hold (conduct, give) cultural festivals (an exhibition)举行学术会议:hold an academic meeting开创假日经济:initiate Holiday Economy开发潜力:exploit one’s potential开阔视野:widen one’s vision (horizon)开设课程:offer courses开展对外文化交流:conduct cultural exchange with other countries开展群众性文化活动:carry out mass activities on culture攀登事业的高峰:climb one’s career ladder评估学业成绩:evaluate academic scores (achievements)破除迷信:eradicate superstition (根除,消灭;迷信,盲目崇拜) 普及九年制义务教育:make nine-year compulsory education universal 普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神:popularize scientific and technological knowledge,spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit启发学生:enlighten the students容纳三千名旅客:accommodate 3000 passengers扫除文盲:eliminate (wipe out) illiteracy上网:get on (have access to , be wired to) Internet实施以德育为核心来挑选选手:carry on the quality education centering on moral education to choose players同教练反应一致:share the same reaction with their coach为奥林匹克运动和世界和平做出贡献:make contribution to the Olympics movement and world peace卫冕世界冠军:regain world champion(收复,恢复;蝉联冠军) 吸引中国大学生优秀选手:attract China’s top university players向世界顶级球队学习:learn from the world’s top teams与对手较量: take on an opponent与强队竞争: compete with strong teams增进友谊: strengthen friendship展示技能:demonstrate their skills展示中国足球的最新发展:demonstrate(show) the latest development of China’s soccer支持北京申办 2008 年奥运会:support Beijing’s bid for the 2008 Olympic Games主办奥运会:host the Olympic Games主办中国大学生篮球联赛:sponsor the China University Basketball Association league抓住练习和学习的机会:grasp the chance to practise and learn响应号召:respond to the call修改法律:amend the laws宣布… 召开:announce the opening of徇私枉法:bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends依法治国:govern the country according to law引起全国的关注:arouse the concern of the whole nation引起全世界广泛关注: attract extensive attention worldwide赢得一个又一个胜利:win one victory after another在… 中起(至关)重要作用: play a major(crucial, an important ) role in 增强凝聚力:enhance the rally power(重整,集合)增强综合国力和国际竞争: enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness展望伟大征程: look into the great journey展现生机和活力:display one’s vigor and vitality战胜无数的困难: overcome numerous difficulties振兴西部:revive the west振兴中华民族:rejuvenate(revitalize) our nation政企不分: mix up the functions of the government and enterprises政企分开:separate government functions from enterprise management 政务公开: make government affairs public主张各国政府采取行动:urge governments of all countries to takeaction抓住机遇:seize the opportunity转变政府职能:transform(shift) the government functions追求进步:pursue progress追求真理:seek the truth走进新时代:march(stride) into the new era.遵纪守法、廉洁奉公: observe the relevant code of conduct and the lawand honestly perform one's official duties (规则,惯例;指挥,引导;执行,履行,完成)遵循规则: follow the principles二、经济类爱岗敬业: cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work (全神贯注地,把…奉献给…)保持国民经济发展的良好势头: maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy (动力,势头)保持国有股: keep the State-held shares保证下岗职工的基本生活:guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers被指控接受贿赂: be accused of accepting bribes采取不同的办法:adopt various methods采取反垄断措施: take anti-monopoly measures承担风险:bear(take) risk筹集足够的资金:raise enough funds (capital, proceeds) (收益,收入) 创收外汇:earn foreign exchange (currency) (货币,流通)刺激国内经济需求:spur domestic demand刺激国内需求:stimulate domestic demand从粗放经济转变为集约经济:shift from extensive economy tointensive economy从国外引进先进技术和管理经验:introduce from abroad the advanced technology and management expertise促进地区间的合作:promote regional cooperation促进改革: promote reform促进全球经济一体化:foster integration with the global economy打黑:crack down on speculation and profiteering (制裁;思索,投机;倒卖;投机倒把)打假:take strong measures against fake and shoddy products(crack down on counterfeit goods) (伪劣的,假冒的)打破垄断: break the monopoly对…提出控告(投诉):lodge complaints against…对…造成(构成)威胁: form (pose) a threat to…夺回失去的市场:take back lost market发挥自身优势:give full play to one’s advantages (小心,谨慎)防范和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks 改善投资环境:improve the environment for investment赶超先进:surpass the advanced给… 带来积极影响: bring a more positive impact on…根据市场作出调整:gear ourselves to the market orientation公证财产:notarize the properties (对…公正)和…达成(签订)协议:reach(sign) an agreement with (签字) 和…进一步合作:further cooperation with和…有合作关系: have cooperative ties with活跃市场:enliven the market集中精力把经济建设搞上去:go all out for economic development (全力以赴)计算出准确的工资水平: figure out an exact salary level加快经济发展和结构调整:speed up economic development and restructuring加快竞争步伐:accelerate the competition加快努力: speed up efforts加强风险防范:prepare oneself against possible risks加强管理:reinforce the management减缓通货紧缩的压力:ease the seriousness of deflation减轻… 的负担: reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)减员增效: downsize for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency(效能,功效;薪金总额)剪彩: cut the ribbon(缎带,丝带)解除劳动关系:sever labor relation(断绝,中断)解放生产力:emancipate the productive forces ( free the productivity) 精简机构:streamline government organs (使简单化)竟争上岗: compete for the post举报非法行为:disclose any illegal activities (揭露,公开)开辟更多渠道: open more channels开发(青睐)中国市场:tap(favor) the Chinese market开拓市场:exploit markets控制通货膨胀: control inflation(keep inflation under control)扩大贫富差距:widen the gap between the rich and the poor扩大消费市场:expand consumption market留职停薪:retain the job but suspend the salary(维持,悬挂,中止) 面对可能的压力和竞争:face possible pressure and competition牟取暴利:seek excessive profits平衡经济(的发展): balance economy取缔非法收入: ban unlawful incomes (illegal earnings)让…处于同一起跑线:put… on the same platform and at the same starting point让位于竞争需要:give way to the need for competition申请专利: apply for a patent实现目标: realize the goal适应… 的发展: adapt oneself to the development of损失惨重: suffer great losses缩小不平衡状态: decrease the imbalance缩小… 间的距离: narrow the gap between提高公务员工资: raise the salaries of civil servants提高管理水平:raise the management level提高居民生活:improve residents’standard of living调整产业结构:adjust the industrial structure推广科研成果精神:turn laboratory achievements into commercial以创新和实践为重点:emphasizing creativity and practice使英语达到更高水平:push one’s English to a higher level受到… 的关注:receive attention from疏导游客:divert tourists疏通关系:lubricate relationships (给…加润滑油)树立企业良好形象:foster a good and healthy company image刷卡, 划卡:punch the card; stamp the card(用力按;邮戳)陶冶情操:cultivate one’s taste(temperament)提倡文明的生活方式:advocate civilized lifestyle (way of life)提高公务员的综合素质: improve the overall quality of civil servants 提高全民反毒品的意识: raise the consciousness of the entire people vs. drugs提高知名度:raise one’s prestige提供受教育机会:offer a chance of education通过资格考试:pass qualification examinations透过现象看本质:see through the appearance to perceive the essence 推动人类文明进步:push forward human civilization挖墙脚:undermine the foundation of sth. (cut the ground from under sb’s feet)物质文明,精神文明一起抓: pay equal attention to (place equal emphasis on) the material progress and cultural(ethical) progress相互促进: help each other forward向世界展示中国文化建设的成就:introduce China’s achievements of cultural advancement to the world向学生传授知识:impart knowledge to students消除误解:clear up misunderstanding消除愚昧:eliminate ignorance形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的社会风尚: form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice以全新的面貌进入新世纪: enter the new century with a brand-new colorful look因材施教: teach students according to their aptitude(倾向,天资) 引起激烈争论:spark a hot debate营造良好的文化环境:create a healthy cultural environment影响身心健康:affect physical and psychological health有力地推动教育的发展:give a big push to the development of education与各国人民交往:communicate with people of all countries增强自我保护意识:strengthen one’s awareness of protecting one’s right 找工作:hunt for a job值得重视(关注):deserve one’s attention制止盗版软件: control the pirated software重视(优先考虑)教育发展:give priority to the development of education 重视实用性:place stress on practicality尊重知识,尊重人才:respect knowledge and respect competent people 四、科技环保类帮助减缓全球变暖速度: help slow down the pace of global warming 保持生态平衡: keep ecological balance保持水土:preserve soil and water保护和改善生活环境,保护珍稀野生动植物: protect and improve the living environment and the protect rare wild animals and plants保留为自然耕地:reserve as natural farmland采用环保技术:adopt environmental protection technique采用新的开采方法:apply new exploitation methods参加城市重建: participate in the reconstruction of the city参加环保运动:take part in environmental protection activities产生巨大的水文效应: produce great hydrological effects崇尚绿色生活方式:pursue a“green”life创造良好的生态环境:create a pleasant ecological environment促进城市可持续发展:promote the sustainable development of the city 发展太阳能: develop solar energy防治污染:prevent and control pollution非常注重保护森林: pay great attention to the conservation of forest 改善生态环境: improve the eco-environment(ecological environment) 关闭化工厂:close chemical plants加大污染治理力度:strengthen pollution control加强城市绿化: strengthen the greening of the city加强环境保护: strengthen environmental protection加强生态建设: improve the eco-construction加强水土保持: reinforce the conservation of water and soil坚持门前三包制度: adhere to “the three responsibilities in the gate area”减少机动车辆: reduce the number of vehicles减少浪费: reduce waste揭开人类生命的奥秘:decode the secret of human life进一步加快环保规划: further speed up environmental protection plans 禁止露天焚烧:prohibit burning out in the open开展保护野生动物宣传教育:advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals开展绿色活动: advocate green activities扩建管道网络: expand the pipe network普及环保知识:popularize environmental protection knowledge窃取密码:snatch password窃取知识产权:lift intellectual property实行严格的机动车排放标准:implement strict vehicle emission standards使电脑死机: crash computers使用再生纸: use recycle paper探索… 的奥秘:probe the mysteries of淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉:eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers提高环境管理水平:raise the environmental management level提高居民的环保和生态意识:improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness提高清洁能源的比重:increase the supply of clean energy resources 投放电脑病毒:unleash viruses完善城市基础设施建设:perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地:provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants为人类提供水和食物:supply water and food for human beings享受国家一级保护:enjoy first-class protection of the State削减污物排放:decrease the disposal of pollutants抑制传染病的传播:strain the spread of infectious diseases引发一系列的问题:result in a series of problems预防爱滋病蔓延:prevent the widespread of AIDS增强环境意识:enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection战胜非典:defeat SARS治理沙地和水土流失问题:tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 注重节约资源:attach importance to saving resources五、人口类不服从父母:disobey their parents倡导人力资源管理:advocate the management of human resources调查性和婚姻状况:conduct a survey on sex and marriage对子女寄予厚望:pin great hopes on their children反映人们的私生活:reflect people’s private lives鼓励创建文明家庭:encourage the idea of “Civilized Families”过孤独的生活:lead an isolated life坚持计划生育的基本国策:stick to the basic state policy for family planning进行全国人口普查:carry out national population census禁止他人作克隆人的实验:inhibit others from doing human cloning experiments开辟人类历史新纪元:start a new chapter in the history of human控制人口数量(增长):control the population size (growth)实现向低出生、低死亡、低:bring about a transition to the modern population reproduction自然增长的现代人口再生产类型的转变:pattern characterized by a low birth rate, low death rate and low natural growth rate损害人类社会的道德观:damage the morality of human society缩小代沟:narrow the gap提倡晚婚晚育:encourage late marriage and late childbirth提出离婚:ask for a divorce提高人口素质:improve the population quality维护和促进人民的生存权和发展权:safeguard and promote the peo ple’s rights to subsistence and development维护人权和不断改善人权状况:safeguard human rights and steadily improve the human rights situation享受优越的生活条件:enjoy good living condition显示明显的差异:display a marked difference优化人口结构:optimize the population structure优生优育:bear and rear better children占总人口的10%:account for 10% of the total population造成不同的思想和观念:result in a different ideology and concepts造福人类和科学:benefit mankind and science正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关系:correctly handlethe relationship of economic development versus (with) population,natural resources and environment征求父母的意见:ask for her parents’ opinion挣零花钱:earn their pocket money重视人口老年化问题:pay attention to the problem of an aging population逐渐削弱长辈的权威:undermine the authority of the older generation 尊重和保障人权:respect and guarantee human rights六、体育类避开与… 比赛:avoid playing against标志一个历史时刻:mark a historic time表现完美:give some very good performance剥夺冠军:strip the gold medal of somebody采取新的计分方法:adopt a new scoring system参加火炬接力:participate in the torch-relay参加热身赛:take part in a key warm-up game参加申办活动:articipate in the bidding campaigns超过世界记录:surpass the world record成为国家的骄傲:ecome the pride of the nation创新世界纪录:set a new world record到国际体育标准:reach the standard for international games打败比利时队:defeat Belgium打破恶性循环:break the wretched cycle打破世界纪录:beat (break, cut) the world record (for …)担任中国国家队主教练:serve as the head coach of the Chinese national team夺冠:take the crown反对使用兴奋剂:oppose the use of performance-enhancing drugs符合举办奥运会的要求:meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games更具进攻性:become more aggressive鼓舞队员的士气:boost the morale of the team members获得认可:gain recognition获得团体冠军:win the team title激发中国青年的雄心壮志:fuel the ambitions of Chinese youths急于获胜:gain an eagerness to win建立职业联赛和俱乐部:set up a professional league and clubs角逐世界杯:compete for the World Cup满意抽签结果:satisfy with the draw面对强手:face strong rivals鸣笛终止比赛:blow a whistle to stop the end of the match配备各种设施:furnish and equip with all facilities取得经验:gain experience取得世界杯决赛资格:qualify for the World Cup finals确保中国进入决赛:ensure China’s appearance in the final申奥:bid (apply) for being the host country of the Olympics失去男子单打冠军:miss out on men’s singles gold实现零的突破:fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough 使其他选手相形见绌:dwarf other athletes使生命焕发活力:wake up one’s life使中国以3 ∶2 取胜:give the Chinese a 3-2 victory提出比赛建议:make comments on the contests提高中国队的水平:raise the level of the Chinese team。

政府文件常用词汇英语翻译小康社会well-off society211工程211 Project安居工程housing project for low-income families安居小区a neighborhood for low-income families保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan.裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics大家庭extended family大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted.大专文凭associate degree (conferred to junior college students)代培training-on-contract program代培生trainee on contract带薪分流assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits待业人员job seekers待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job单亲家庭single parent family定向培训training for specific posts独生子女the only child对保障方案进行精算评估Security programs should undergo actuarial review.对口扶贫provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions恶性犯罪major crimes反对迷信be against superstition福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with复式住宅compound apartment干部年轻化rejuvenation of cadres岗位培训on-job training高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and postnatal care个人自愿计划voluntary private plans工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people's livelihood关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.关心老龄人care for senior citizens.贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英)国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises过紧日子tighten one’s belt过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure后勤服务社会化make logistic services independent in their operation积极发展民办教育Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments.基本养老金basic pensions计划生育责任制responsibility system of family planning继续开展"扫黄打非"斗争The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.加快住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation加强计划生育工作further improve family planning加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion家庭美德family virtues坚持"两手抓、两手都要硬"的方针adhere to the principle of "doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each"坚持正确的舆论导向maintain the correct orientation for public opinion建立集体合同制度to establish a group contract system建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country教育程度educational status; education received教育程度比率educational attainment ratio戒毒所drug rehabilitation center精算界actuarial profession精算师actuaries扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system劳动标准体系labor standard system劳动争议处理体制the system of handling labor disputes面临困境face adverse conditions努力稳定低生育水平work to stabilize the low birth rate培养创新精神和实践能力help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation破案率rate of solved criminal cases强制性普及方案universally compulsory program切实减轻中小学生过重的课业负担effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for primary and secondary school students确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full人口出生率birth rate人口老龄化aging of population人口增长的高峰期baby boom人口增长与社会经济发展相协调try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards认真贯彻实施中国妇女、儿童发展纲要The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented.弱势群体disadvantaged groups扫除青壮年文盲eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people伤残保险disability insurance社会保障social security社会保障"三条保障线"制度social security system of "three guarantees"社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality社会互助制度the social mutual help system社会治安状况好转see an improved law-and-order situation深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress.生活待遇material amenities生活费收入income available for cost of living生活费用cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system失学儿童dropouts失业保险guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits失业保险unemployment insurance失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system失业率rate of unemployment实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment实现基本普及九年义务教育The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained.实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employment 实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life思想道德建设(思想政治工作)moral education among people提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased.提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’ quality统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development推行职业资格证书制度to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system退休基金pension fund脱贫lift off poverty; cast off poverty完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system文明城市model city; culturally advanced city; city cited for high moral and cultural standards物业管理estate management, property management消费价格总水平the general price level小家庭nuclear family小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off新生儿死亡率infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority.研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma养老保险retirement insurance养老保险制度the old-age insurance system医疗保险medical insurance医疗保险制度the medical insurance system应试教育examination-oriented education system优抚安置制度the special care and placement system优化就业结构to optimize employment structure有公德心be civic-minded舆论导向direction of public opinion舆论监督supervision by public opinion预期寿命life expectancy灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system在职博士生on-job doctorate招生就业指导enrolment and vocation guidance争取实现高等教育大众化work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people政府主导计划government-sponsored programs职业道德ethics of profession中华人民共和国劳动法the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China中专生secondary specialized or technical school student重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population自然增长率natural growth rate自学成才self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system。

毕业证学位证英文翻译(5篇)第一篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译DIPLOMA This is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of专业名称in the school of 学院(系)名称at 大学from入学年月to毕业年月, has completed the学制年数-year program and passed the examinations and is qualified for graduation.University :大学名称 President:校长姓名Date:毕业年月Diploma No:证书编号University No:学校编号CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称at 大学名称from 入学年月to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.大学名称Chairman of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名Date:毕业年月 Certificate No:证书编号第二篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译件广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMA Certificate No: ⑴⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷, majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)toJune(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President:(9)Guangxi University Date:(10)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向(6)入学年份(7)毕业年份⑻ 学制年数(9)校长姓名拼音(10)毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE Certificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)to June(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program and is awarded the Bachelor of(9)upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman:(10)Committee on Conferring of Degree Guangxi University Date:(11)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向⑹ 入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期第三篇:学位证毕业证模版学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms.Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with aspecialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.xxxChairman ofDegree Appraising Committee ofxx UniversityJune 30, 2000Certificate No.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMAThis is to certify that Ms.Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xxPresident ofxx UniversityRegistration No.: 298168015Date Issued: June 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本Graduation certificateGraduation CertificateCertificate No._____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at our university/institutefrom September ________ to July_________.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)PresidentUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX学士学位证书翻译样本Bachelor certificateCertificate of Bachelor’s DegreeCertificate No.:This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, born on __________, has been majoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ toJuly _______.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation.In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)ChairmanCommittee of Degree AccreditationUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。

广西大学硕士研究生毕业证英文模板CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONCertificate No: (1)(2),(3) , (4) Nationality, born on (5) , having specialized in (6) from September ,(7) to June, (8)and having completed all the prescribed (9) post-graduate course and having passed all the examinations, is hereby awarded this certificate of graduation.President: (10)Guangxi UniversityDate: (11)说明:(1)证书编号(2)姓名拼音(3)性别(4)国别:CHINA (5)出生日期:日-月,年(6)专业方向(7)入学年份(8)毕业年份(9)学制年数three-year four-year(10)校长姓名拼音(11))毕业证书签发日期:日月,年广西大学博士研究生毕业证英文模板CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONCertificate No: (1)(2),(3) , (4) Nationality, born on (5) , having specialized in (6) from September ,(7) to June , (8) and having completed all the prescribed (9) doctoral course and having passed all the examinations, is hereby awarded this certificate of graduation.President: (10)Guangxi UniversityDate: (11)说明:(1)证书编号(2)姓名拼音(3)性别(4)国别:CHINA (5)出生日期:日-月,年(6)专业方向(7)入学年份(8)毕业年份(9)学制年数three-year four-year(10)校长姓名拼音(11))毕业证书签发日期:日月,年毕业证样例:CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONCertificate No: 105931XXXXXXXZhang Sanfeng , Male, CHINA Nationality, born on 1-Jan,2000 , having specialized in Plant Pathology from September ,2015 to June, 2018 , and having completed all the prescribed three-year post-graduate course and having passed all the examinations, is hereby awarded this certificate of graduation.President: Zhao YueyuGuangxi UniversityDate: 19 JUNE,2018说明:(1)证书编号(2)姓名拼音(3)性别(4)国别:CHINA (5)出生日期:日-月,年(6)专业方向(7)入学年份(8)毕业年份(9)学制年数(10)校长姓名拼音(11))毕业证书签发日期:日月,年。


压水花技术rip entry压线(口令) Line!压轴戏grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program鸦片战争Opium War/亚健康subhealthy亚太经合组织部长级会议AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting)亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting)亚太经合组织经济领导人会议AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings)亚太经济合作组织APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)/亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia/亚洲开发银行ADB(Asian Development Bank )/严打措施Strike-Hard drive严打斗争Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others/言情小说romantic fiction; sentimental novel沿海经济开发区open coastal economic area/研究成果research results研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma研究生成绩考试(美) Graduate Record Examination (GRE)/眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collectives to those of the state/ 演绎版demo/羊肉串小摊barbecue stall阳春(最经济方式)no-frills洋务运动Westernization Movement/养老保险endowment insurance养老金pension养路费road toll侥幸球fluke摇钱树cash cow摇头丸dancing outreach药物检查dope control, drug testing野生动物园wildlife park; safari park业内人士insider业文化corporate culture业园区industrial park业主home owner液晶显示屏liquid crystal display (LCD)一次性解决问题solve the problem once and for all一次性筷子throwaway chopsticks一大二公(concerning the people's commune) large in size and collective in nature一刀切cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility一帆风顺Wishing you every success/一方有难,八方支援When disaster struck, help came from all sides./一个中心,两个基本点one central task, two basic points/一国两制One country, two systems一级市场primary market一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)一揽子购买lump-sum purchase; basket purchase/一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest一切向钱看money-oriented/一式两联(receipt or invoice) in duplicate一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.一线员工worker at the production line一言既出,驷马难追A real man never goes back on his words.一支接一支不停地抽烟chain smoke伊斯兰抵抗运动,简称Hamas/医疗保险medical insurance医疗制度改革reform of the medicare system依法治国manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law/移动电话双向收费two-way charges for cellular phones移动通讯mobile communication/遗传工程genetic engineering/以......为龙头with...as the leading role/以产定人,减员增效employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff/以讹传讹incorrectly relay an erroneous message/以法治国,以德治国to govern the country with law and moral/以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side以经济建设为中心focusing on the central task of economic construction以空间换取时间trade space for time/以理服人persuade through reasoning/以谋略制胜outmaneuver以权谋私abuse of power for personal gains以人为本people oriented; people foremost以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市open more cities along the Yangtze River, while concentrating on the development and opening of the Pudong Area of Shanghai/以身作则,廉洁奉公set a good example and perform duties honestly/以市场为导向market-oriented以眼还眼,以牙还牙an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth/以质量求发展strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products以质量求生存、求发展、求效益strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality以资证明in witness whereof; in testimony thereof/义和团运动Boxer Uprising义务兵役制compulsory military service, conscription义务教育compulsory education义演benefit performance; charity performance/义演收入proceeds from benefit performance议案bill/异地资金汇划fund remittance between different places易爆发战争的地区war-prone areas/易拉罐pop can意大利粉spaghetti/意外风险emergency risk; unknown risk/意向书letter of intent/溢价premium溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券) issue of bonds at a premium/薏米seed of Job's tears /因材施教teach students according to their aptitude因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own parricular advantages for mutual benefit and development/因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved/因果报应karma/因特网服务提供者Internet service provider (ISP)/音频点播AOD (audio-on-demand)银弹外交money diplomacy; dollar diplomacy; silver bullet diplomacy/银行网点bank outlets引渡extradite/引进技术introduction of foreign talents; import of foreign talents/隐形飞机stealth aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber/隐形牧人invisible income; off-payroll income/隐性就业unregistered employment隐性失业recessive unemployment/隐性收入invisible income; off-payroll income; side money印花税stamp dutytax/英国文化委员会British Council of Culture英雄所见略同Great minds think alike./婴儿死亡率infant mortality rate/营销管理marketing management/营养不良malnutrition/营业税turnover tax; business tax赢利能力profitability/影子内阁shadow cabinet/应届毕业生this year's graduates应试教育examination-oriented education system硬道理absolute principle, top priority硬通货hard currency/永久正常贸易关系permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)优化结构optimize structure优化经济结构optimize the economic structure/优化资源配置optimize the allocation of resources/优化组合optimization grouping; optional regrouping优惠贷款loans on favorable terms/优胜劣汰survival of the fittest优势互补(of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages优质名牌商品famous-brand, quality products/忧患意识awareness of unexpected development; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities/邮递协议Post Office Protocol (POP)犹太人定居点Jewish settlement/游乐场过山车roller coaster/游资idle moneyfund; floating capital/友好城市sister cities有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted./有个奔头have something to look forward to; have somehthing to expect/有机农业organic agriculture/有理,有利,有节on just grounds, to one's advantage and with restraint;with good reason, withadvantage and with restraint/有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks./有情人终成眷属Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.有识之士people of vision/有望夺金者a gold medal hopeful有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination./有战斗力、有说服力、有吸引力的思想工作队伍 a contingent of militant ideological workers able to persuade and act as a magnet for others/有中国特色的社会主义民主政治a socilalist democracy with Chinese characteristics/ 有中国特色的社会主义道路road of socialism with Chinese characteristics/幼稚产业infant industries/幼稚工业infant industry/鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey/瑜迦Yoga/舆论导向direction of public opinion舆论监督supervision by public opinion与国际惯例接轨become compatible with internationally accepted practices/与国际市场接轨integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market与民众的直接对话town hall conference/meeting /与时俱进advance with times/语音识别speech recognition/育龄妇女women of child-bearing age/预防为主,谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三大政策three major principles for environment control: to put prevention first, to hold those who cause pollution responsible for cleaning up and to improve environmental protection and management/预期寿命life expectancy/预算外收入extra-budgetary revenue/预算外支出off-budget expenditure/域名(计算机) domain name (DN)/欲穷千里目,更上一层楼to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.鹬蚌相争,渔人得利when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies./冤假错案cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases元宵节Lantern Festival原产地保护protection of place of origin/原始资本original capital/原油crude oil/圆寂Parinirvana圆桌会议round-table conference/援藏干部cadres sent to support/aid Tibet缘分chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together远程办公的员工telecommuting workers远程教育distance learning远景规划perspective long-term plan/远景计划long-term development targets远期合同forward contract跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world/越境污染trans-frontier pollution/晕菜numbed; dumbfounded运球dribble运载火箭carrier rocket/凯程教育:凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。

Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awardedthe degree of Bachelor of Business.
Certificate of Master Degree University of Nanjing
We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr. Wen Huang havingfulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of theUniversity was by the University authority admitted to the Degree ofMaster of Business Administration at a Congregation held in theUniversity on July 14,
1/ 1。

中国特色词汇英语翻译第一部分:1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11. 战国:Warring States12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department15. 集体舞:Group Dance16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture21. 附属学校:Affiliated school22. 古装片:Costume Drama23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"第二部分中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done 伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded 不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline第三部分中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mia-Autumn Festival春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women’s Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day五四青年节Youth Day第四部分中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.) 粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd第五部分中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信China Telecom中国移动China Mobile十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan中国电脑联网Chinanet三峡工程the Three Gorges Project希望工程Project Hope京九铁路Beijing CKowloon Railway扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign5 、特有的一些汉语词汇禅宗Zen Buddhism禅dhyana; dhgaya混沌chaos道Daosim, the way and its power四谛Four Noble Truth八正道Eightfold Path无常anity五行说Theory of Five Elements无我anatman坐禅metta or transcendental meditation空sunyata虚无nothingness双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英) 小品witty skits相声cross-talk噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt夜猫子night people; night-owls本命年this animal year of sb.处世之道philosophy of life姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿redeem a wish (vows)6 、具有文化特色的现代表述大陆中国Mainland China红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations终生职业job-for-life铁饭碗iron rice bowl大锅饭communal pot关系户closely-related units外出打工人员migrant workers关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment7 、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸rice paper衙门yamen叩头kowtow孔子Confucius武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)功夫kungfu ;kung fu中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family head三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity 八股文eight-legged essays多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age 8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译基层监督grass-roots supervision基础税率base tariff level婚介所matrimonial agency婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo黑心棉shoddy cotton机器阅卷machine scoring即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development价格听证会public price hearings甲A球队Division A Soccer Team家政服务household management service加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion假帐accounting fraud叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments借调temporarily transfer渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of themiddle-income group.扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents 智力密集型concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation民族国家nation state“台独”"independence of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan authorities台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。

中国古代传统文化翻译-中国特色词汇英语翻译1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11. 战国:Warring States12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department15. 集体舞:Group Dance16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture21. 附属学校:Affiliated school22. 古装片:Costume Drama23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’ world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mia-Autumn Festival春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women’s Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day五四青年节Youth Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信China Telecom中国移动China Mobile三峡工程the Three Gorges Project希望工程Project Hope扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign5 、特有的一些汉语词汇禅宗Zen Buddhism禅dhyana; dhgaya混沌chaos道Daosim, the way and its power四谛Four Noble Truth八正道Eightfold Path无常anity五行说Theory of Five Elements无我anatman坐禅metta or transcendental meditation空sunyata虚无nothingness双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)小品witty skits相声cross-talk噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt夜猫子night people; night-owls本命年this animal year of sb.处世之道philosophy of life姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿redeem a wish (vows)6 、具有文化特色的现代表述大陆中国Mainland China红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations终生职业job-for-life铁饭碗iron rice bowl大锅饭communal pot关系户closely-related units外出打工人员migrant workers关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment7 、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸rice paper衙门yamen叩头kowtow孔子Confucius武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)功夫kungfu ;kung fu中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family head三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity八股文eight-legged essays多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译基层监督grass-roots supervision基础税率base tariff level婚介所matrimonial agency婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo黑心棉shoddy cotton机器阅卷machine scoring即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development价格听证会public price hearings甲A球队Division A Soccer Team家政服务household management service加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion假帐accounting fraud叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments借调temporarily transfer渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents智力密集型concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation民族国家nation state“台独”"independence of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan authorities台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。

汉英翻译词汇--社会发展词汇安居工程housing project for low-income families保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics待业人员job seekers待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child反对迷信be against superstition福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with岗位培训on-job training高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress 搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and postnatal care工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.关心老龄人care for senior citizens.贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英)国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.加快住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation加强计划生育工作further improve family planning加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion家庭美德family virtues坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针adhere to the principle of “doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each”坚持正确的舆论导向maintain the correct orientation for public opinion 建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country教育程度educational status; education received戒毒所drug rehabilitation center扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system面临困境face adverse conditions人口出生率birth rate人口老龄化aging of population人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality社会互助制度the social mutual help system社会治安状况好转see an improved law-and-order situation深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress.生活待遇material amenities生活费收入income available for cost of living生活费用cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system失学儿童dropouts失业保险guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits失业保险unemployment insurance失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system失业率rate of unemployment实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment实现基本普及九年义务教育The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained.实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employment实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life思想道德建设(思想政治工作)moral education among people提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service menand women have been increased.提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’quality统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development推行职业资格证书制度to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system退休基金pension fund脱贫lift off poverty; cast off poverty完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system文明城市model city; culturally advanced city; city cited for high moral and cultural standards物业管理estate management, property management消费价格总水平the general price level小家庭nuclear family小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off新生儿死亡率infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority.研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degrees diploma养老保险retirement insurance养老保险制度the old-age insurance system医疗保险medical insurance医疗保险制度the medical insurance system应试教育examination-oriented education system 优抚安置制度the special care and placement system优化就业结构to optimize employment structure有公德心be civic-minded舆论导向direction of public opinion舆论监督supervision by public opinion预期寿命life expectancy灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system在职博士生on-job doctorate招生就业指导enrolment and vocation guidance争取实现高等教育大众化work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people政府主导计划government-sponsored programs职业道德ethics of profession中华人民共和国劳动法the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China 中专生secondary specialized or technical school student重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population自然增长率natural growth rate自学成才self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system中高级口译高频考点-城市介绍中高级口译高频考点-城市介绍西湖西湖在杭州市区的西部,面积约6.03平方公里,其中,水面积5.2平方公里,湖岸周长15公里。