
内部资料,妥善保管第页共1 页。

③塘坝:全区塘坝共有70多座,其中适于养殖的塘坝24座,水面面积为1300亩左右,(转载于: 小龙文档网:水产养殖调查报告)基本用于休闲垂钓(详见附件三)。
南湖于XX 年投入鱼苗一次,用于休闲垂钓,XX年城区面积扩大后,部分生活污水排入,水质变差,湖中鱼相继死亡。

苏泊尔2019年财务分析详细报告一、资产结构分析 1.资产构成基本情况苏泊尔2019年资产总额为1,184,795.4万元,其中流动资产为982,995.9万元,主要分布在存货、应收账款、其他流动资产等环节,分别占企业流动资产合计的22.86%、18.28%和17.63%。
资产构成表项目名称2019年 2018年 2017年 数值 百分比(%)数值百分比(%)数值百分比(%)总资产 1,184,795.4 100.001,063,316.12 100.00 917,167.83 100.00 流动资产 982,995.9 82.97 899,331.76 84.58 771,728.49 84.14 长期投资 6,191.77 0.52 6,064.64 0.575,782.810.63 固定资产 90,898.27 7.67 86,829.718.17 82,919.77 9.04 其他104,709.458.8471,0906.69 56,736.766.192.流动资产构成特点企业持有的货币性资产数额较大,约占流动资产的26.17%,表明企业的支付能力和应变能力较强。
流动资产构成表项目名称2019年2018年2017年数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%)流动资产982,995.9 100.00 899,331.76 100.00 771,728.49 100.00 存货224,761.29 22.86 236,165.32 26.26 218,589.95 28.32 应收账款179,690.94 18.28 172,761.97 19.21 139,461.17 18.07 其他应收款1,423.07 0.14 14,275.23 1.59 1,869 0.24 交易性金融资产126,456.3 12.86 43,524.17 4.84 0 0.00 应收票据0 0.00 70,117.94 7.80 67,872.32 8.79 货币资金130,813.27 13.31 141,676.26 15.75 77,964.14 10.10 其他319,851.03 32.54 220,810.87 24.55 265,971.91 34.463.资产的增减变化2019年总资产为1,184,795.4万元,与2018年的1,063,316.12万元相比有较大增长,增长11.42%。

泸州老窖2019年资产总额为2,891,996.91万元,其中流动资产为 1,631,373.87万元,主要分布在货币资金、存货、其他流动资产等环节, 分别占企业流动资产合计的59.79%、22.32%和1.2%。非流动资产为 1,260,623.04万元,主要分布在在建工程和长期投资,分别占企业非流动 资产的57.57%、17.7%。企业持有的货币性资产数额较大,约占流动资产 的59.79%,表明企业的支付能力和应变能力较强。但应当关注货币性资产 的投向。从资产各项目与营业收入的比例关系来看,2019年应收账款所占
0 146,475.25
0.16 371,667.5
4.89 354,351.97
0 146,475.25
0 146,475.25
19.4 852,71分析
从支付能力来看,泸州老窖2019年是有现金支付能力的。企业短期偿 债压力增加,但企业经营业务创造现金的能力并没有下降。从短期来看, 企业拥有支付利息的能力。本期财务费用为负,无法进行长期付息能力判
第2页 共6页
项目名称 流动比率 速动比率 利息保障倍数 资产负债率
2019年 2.4
0 0.32
2.86 2.26
0 0.24
3.27 2.62
0 0.22
泸州老窖2019年的营业利润率为38.69%,总资产报酬率为22.90%, 净资产收益率为25.31%,成本费用利润率为61.96%。企业实际投入到企 业自身经营业务的资产为1,943,092.55万元,经营资产的收益率为 31.49%,而对外投资的收益率为6.94%。

苏泊尔2019年财务状况报告一、资产构成 1、资产构成基本情况苏泊尔2019年资产总额为1,184,795.4万元,其中流动资产为982,995.9万元,主要分布在存货、应收账款、其他流动资产等环节,分别占企业流动资产合计的22.86%、18.28%和17.63%。
资产构成表项目名称2019年 2018年 2017年 数值 百分比(%)数值百分比(%)数值百分比(%)总资产 1,184,795.4 100.001,063,316.12 100.00 917,167.83 100.00 流动资产 982,995.9 82.97 899,331.76 84.58 771,728.49 84.14 长期投资 6,191.77 0.52 6,064.64 0.575,782.810.63 固定资产 90,898.27 7.67 86,829.718.17 82,919.77 9.04 其他104,709.458.8471,0906.69 56,736.766.192、流动资产构成特点企业持有的货币性资产数额较大,约占流动资产的26.17%,表明企业的支付能力和应变能力较强。
流动资产构成表项目名称2019年2018年2017年数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%)流动资产982,995.9 100.00 899,331.76 100.00 771,728.49 100.00 存货224,761.29 22.86 236,165.32 26.26 218,589.95 28.32 应收账款179,690.94 18.28 172,761.97 19.21 139,461.17 18.07 其他应收款1,423.07 0.14 14,275.23 1.59 1,869 0.24 交易性金融资产126,456.3 12.86 43,524.17 4.84 0 0.00 应收票据0 0.00 70,117.94 7.80 67,872.32 8.79 货币资金130,813.27 13.31 141,676.26 15.75 77,964.14 10.10 其他319,851.03 32.54 220,810.87 24.55 265,971.91 34.463、资产的增减变化2019年总资产为1,184,795.4万元,与2018年的1,063,316.12万元相比有较大增长,增长11.42%。

二、尼尔森食品数据分析概述1. 数据来源本报告所使用的数据来源于尼尔森公司提供的食品行业市场研究报告,涵盖了食品行业的多个细分领域,包括方便食品、休闲食品、肉类、乳制品、饮料等。
2. 数据分析方法本报告采用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,对尼尔森食品数据分析结果进行解读,旨在揭示食品行业的市场趋势和潜在机会。
三、食品行业现状分析1. 市场规模根据尼尔森数据,我国食品行业市场规模持续扩大,2019年市场规模达到14.6万亿元,同比增长7.5%。
2. 市场结构从市场结构来看,我国食品行业呈现出以下特点:(1)方便食品市场占据主导地位,市场份额逐年上升;(2)休闲食品市场发展迅速,市场份额持续扩大;(3)肉类、乳制品、饮料等传统食品市场保持稳定增长。
3. 消费趋势(1)健康饮食理念深入人心,消费者对食品的品质、安全、营养等方面要求越来越高;(2)便捷化、个性化、多样化的消费需求日益凸显;(3)线上购物渠道快速发展,成为食品消费的新趋势。
四、食品行业发展趋势分析1. 健康化随着人们生活水平的提高,健康饮食观念逐渐深入人心。
2. 便捷化消费者对食品的便捷性要求越来越高,食品企业应加快产品创新,推出更多符合消费者需求的便捷食品。
3. 个性化消费者对食品的个性化需求日益凸显,食品企业应注重产品差异化,满足消费者多样化的需求。
4. 线上线下融合随着互联网技术的不断发展,线上线下融合成为食品行业发展的新趋势。

项目名称 流动比率 速动比率 利息保障倍数 资产负债率
0.59 6.06
1.2 0.79 10.82 0.51
1.65 1.2 0
永辉超市2019年的营业利润率为1.93%,总资产报酬率为4.63%,净 资产收益率为7.28%,成本费用利润率为2.14%。企业实际投入到企业自 身经营业务的资产为4,119,226.6万元,经营资产的收益率为3.98%,而对 外投资的收益率为-1.10%。
永辉超市2019年资产总额为5,235,301.58万元,其中流动资产为 3,106,617.64万元,主要分布在存货、货币资金、预付款项等环节,分别 占企业流动资产合计的39.7%、22.95%和7.72%。非流动资产为 2,128,683.94万元,主要分布在长期投资和固定资产,分别占企业非流动 资产的29.26%、24.09%。企业营业环节占用的资金数额较大,约占企业 流动资产的39.7%,说明市场销售情况的变化会对企业资产的质量和价值 带来较大影响,要密切关注企业产品的销售前景和增值能力。企业持有的
-0.77 324,134.89
从支付能力来看,永辉超市2019年的经营活动的正常开展,在一定程 度上还要依赖于短期债务融资活动的支持。企业短期偿债压力增加。从短 期来看,企业经营活动的资金主要依靠短期借款,短期来看全部偿还短期 债务本息会有一定困难。从盈利情况来看,企业盈利对利息的保障倍数为 6.06倍。从实现利润和利息的关系来看,企业盈利能力较强,利息支付有 保证。

2019年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入行测摘要:一、背景介绍二、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入总体情况三、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入分行业情况四、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入增长原因分析五、结论正文:一、背景介绍食品工业是我国国民经济的重要支柱产业之一,对于保障民生、促进经济发展具有重要意义。
本文将基于2019 年数据,对全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入进行分析。
二、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入总体情况据数据显示,2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业实现营业收入73184.1 亿元,同比增长12.3%。
这一增速较上年同期提高2.1 个百分点,表明食品工业整体发展态势良好。
三、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入分行业情况1.农副食品加工业:实现营业收入43183.9 亿元,同比增长13.3%,占食品工业总营业收入的59.2%;2.食品制造业:实现营业收入19638.7 亿元,同比增长9.9%,占食品工业总营业收入的26.8%;3.饮料制造业:实现营业收入8022.6 亿元,同比增长11.6%,占食品工业总营业收入的10.9%。
四、2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入增长原因分析1.消费升级:随着人民生活水平的提高,消费者对食品质量和种类的要求越来越高,推动食品工业企业加大研发投入,推出更多高品质产品;2.政策支持:国家鼓励食品工业创新、绿色、可持续发展,为相关企业提供政策支持和优惠措施;3.市场需求:食品作为生活必需品,市场需求较为稳定,为食品工业企业营业收入增长提供了保障。
五、结论综上所述,2019 年全国规模以上食品工业企业营业收入实现稳步增长,得益于消费升级、政策支持和市场需求等因素。

2019年良品铺子公司财务分析总结性研究报告目录前言 (1)一、实现利润分析 (3)(一).利润总额 (3)(二).主营业务的盈利能力 (3)(三).利润真实性判断 (4)(四).结论 (4)二、成本费用分析 (4)(一).成本构成情况 (4)(二).销售费用变化及合理性评价 (5)(三).管理费用变化及合理性评价 (5)(四).财务费用的合理性评价 (6)三、资产结构分析 (6)(一).资产构成基本情况 (6)(二).流动资产构成特点 (7)(三).资产增减变化 (9)(四).总资产增减变化原因 (9)(五).资产结构的合理性评价 (9)(六).资产结构的变动情况 (9)四、负债及权益结构分析 (10)(一).负债及权益构成基本情况 (10)(二).流动负债构成情况 (11)(三).负债的增减变化 (12)(四).负债增减变化原因 (13)(五).权益的增减变化 (13)(六).权益变化原因 (14)五、偿债能力分析 (14)(一).支付能力 (14)(二).流动比率 (14)(三).速动比率 (15)(四).短期偿债能力变化情况 (15)(五).短期付息能力 (15)(六).长期付息能力 (16)(七).负债经营可行性 (16)六、盈利能力分析 (16)(一).盈利能力基本情况 (16)(二).内部资产的盈利能力 (17)(三).对外投资盈利能力 (17)(四).内外部盈利能力比较 (17)(五).净资产收益率变化情况 (18)(六).净资产收益率变化原因 (18)(七).资产报酬率变化情况 (18)(八).资产报酬率变化原因 (18)(九).成本费用利润率变化情况 (19)(十).成本费用利润率变化原因 (19)七、营运能力分析 (19)(一).存货周转天数 (19)(二).存货周转变化原因 (19)(三).应收账款周转天数 (20)(四).应收账款周转变化原因 (20)(五).应付账款周转天数 (20)(六).应付账款周转变化原因 (20)(七).现金周期 (21)(八).营业周期 (21)(九).营业周期结论 (21)(十).流动资产周转天数 (22)(十一).流动资产周转天数变化原因 (22)(十二).总资产周转天数 (22)(十三).总资产周转天数变化原因 (23)(十四).固定资产周转天数 (23)(十五).固定资产周转天数变化原因 (23)八、发展能力分析 (24)(一).可动用资金总额 (24)(二).挖潜发展能力 (24)九、经营协调分析 (24)(一).投融资活动的协调情况 (24)(二).营运资本变化情况 (25)(三).经营协调性及现金支付能力 (25)(四).营运资金需求的变化 (26)(五).现金支付情况 (26)(六).整体协调情况 (26)十、经营风险分析 (26)(一).经营风险 (26)(二).财务风险 (27)十一、现金流量分析 (27)(一).现金流入结构分析 (27)(二).现金流出结构分析 (28)(三).现金流动的协调性评价 (29)(四).现金流动的充足性评价 (30)(五).现金流动的有效性评价 (31)(六).自由现金流量分析 (32)十二、杜邦分析 (32)(一).杜邦分析图 (32)(二).资产净利率变化原因分析 (32)(三).权益乘数变化原因分析 (33)(四).净资产收益率变化原因分析 (33)声明 (34)前言2019年良品铺子公司营业收入为771,499万元,与2018年的637,756万元相比大幅增长,增长了20.97%。

西安饮食[000721]2019年度财务分析报告目录一.公司简介 (3)二.公司财务分析 (3)2.1 公司资产结构分析 (3)2.1.1 资产构成基本情况 (3)2.1.2 流动资产构成情况 (4)2.1.3 非流动资产构成情况 (5)2.2 负债及所有者权益结构分析 (7)2.2.1 负债及所有者权益基本构成情况 (7)2.2.2 流动负债基本构成情况 (8)2.2.3 非流动负债基本构成情况 (9)2.2.4 所有者权益基本构成情况 (10)2.3利润分析 (12)2.3.1 净利润分析 (12)2.3.2 营业利润分析 (12)2.3.3 利润总额分析 (13)2.3.4 成本费用分析 (14)2.4 现金流量分析 (15)2.4.1 经营活动、投资活动及筹资活动现金流分析 (15)2.4.2 现金流入结构分析 (16)2.4.3 现金流出结构分析 (20)2.5 偿债能力分析 (24)2.5.1 短期偿债能力 (24)2.5.2 综合偿债能力 (25)2.6 营运能力分析 (26)2.6.1 存货周转率 (26)2.6.2 应收账款周转率 (27)2.6.3 总资产周转率 (28)2.7盈利能力分析 (29)2.7.1 销售毛利率 (29)2.7.2 销售净利率 (30)2.7.3 ROE(净资产收益率) (31)2.7.4 ROA(总资产报酬率) (32)2.8成长性分析 (33)2.8.1 资产扩张率 (33)2.8.2 营业总收入同比增长率 (34)2.8.3 净利润同比增长率 (35)2.8.4 营业利润同比增长率 (36)2.8.5 净资产同比增长率 (37)一.公司简介二.公司财务分析2.1 公司资产结构分析2.1.1 资产构成基本情况西安饮食2019年资产总额为1,103,595,553.38元,其中流动资产为296,872,468.33元,占总资产比例为26.90%;非流动资产为806,723,085.05元,占总资产比例为73.10%;2.1.2 流动资产构成情况流动资产主要包括货币资金、交易性金融资产、应收票据及应收账款、应收款项融资、预付账款、其他应收账款、存货、合同资产、持有待售资产、一年内到期的非流动资产以及其他流动资产科目,西安饮食2019年的流动资产主要包括货币资金、存货以及应收票据及应收账款,各项分别占比为73.48%,11.20%和6.17%。




基于杜邦分析的企业财务分析文献综述及理论基础目录基于杜邦分析的企业财务分析文献综述 (1)1.1国内外研究综述 (1)1.1.1国内研究综述 (1)1.1.2国外研究综述 (2)第2章概念界定及相关理论 (3)2.1杜邦分析体系的概念及特点 (3)2.1.1权益净利率 (3)2.1.2资产净利率 (3)2.1.3权益乘数 (3)2.2 杜邦分析法的作用 (4)参考文献 (4)1.1国内外研究综述1.1.1国内研究综述改进杜邦分析体系是过去学者们对以往杜邦分析的优缺点加以改良来阐述说明。
luckin coffee 瑞幸咖啡 2019第二季度财报

Luckin Coffee Inc. Announces Unaudited Second Quarter 2019Financial ResultsNet Revenues from Products Increased Over 698 Percent Year-Over-Year with 5.9 Million New TransactingCustomers Acquired During the QuarterCompany Approaching Store Level Break-Even PointBEIJING, China, August 14, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)–Luckin Coffee Inc. (“Luckin Coffee” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: LK), a pioneer of a technology-driven new retail model to provide coffee and other products of high quality, high affordability, and high convenience to customers, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2019.SECOND QUARTER 2019 HIGHLIGHTS1•Total net revenues from products in the quarter were RMB870.0 million (US$126.7 million), representing an increase of 698.4% from RMB109.0 million in the same quarter of 2018.•Cumulative number of transacting customers increased to 22.8 million from 2.9 million as of the end of the second quarter of 2018. During the second quarter of 2019, the Company acquired 5.9 million new transacting customers.•Average monthly transacting customers in the quarter were 6.2 million, representing an increase of 410.6% from 1.2 million in the second quarter of 2018.•Average monthly total items sold in the quarter were 27.6 million, representing an increase of 589.7% from4.0 million in the second quarter of 2018.•Total number of stores at the end of the quarter were 2,963 stores, representing an increase of 374.8% from 624 stores at the end of the second quarter of 2018.•Store level operating loss in the quarter was RMB55.8 million (US$8.1 million), decreasing from a loss of RMB81.7 million in the second quarter of 2018.“We are pleased with the performance of our business as we continue to execute against our long-term growth plan,” said Ms. Jenny Zhiya Qian, Chief Executive Officer of Luckin Coffee. “Total net revenue s from products sold increased 698.4% year-over-year, driven by a significant increase in transacting customers, an increase in the1Please refer to the section “KEY DEFINITIONS” on Page 4 for detailed definitions.average number of items purchased by our transacting customers and higher effective selling prices. We believe this is the result of our distinguished value proposition of delivering our customers high quality, high convenience and high affordability.”Ms. Qian continued, “At the same time we have substantially reduced our store operating loss as a percentage of net revenues as a result of benefits of scale and increased bargaining power, operating efficiency from technology, and higher store throughput, and we are on track to reach our store level break-even point during the third quarter of 2019.”“Furthermore, we opened 593 net new Luckin stores during the quarter, providing enhanced convenience to our customers, and strategically launched our new freshly-brewed tea drinks ‘Luckin Tea’to capture different consumption moments and benefit from strong demand for freshly-brewed tea drinks in China. We also strengthened our supply chain and continued to invest in our brand and our technology. Finally, we remain on track to become the largest coffee network in Ch ina in terms of number of stores by the end of 2019,” concluded Ms. Qian.SECOND QUARTER 2019 UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTSTotal net revenues were RMB909.1 million (US$132.4 million) in the second quarter, representing an increase of 648.2% from RMB121.5 million in the second quarter of 2018. Net revenues growth was primarily driven by a significant increase in the number of transacting customers, an increase in effective selling prices, and the number of products sold.•Net revenues from freshly brewed drinks were RMB659.2 million (US$96.0 million), representing 72.5% of total net revenues in the second quarter of 2019, compared to RMB100.5 million, or 82.7% of total net revenues, in the second quarter of 2018.•Net revenues from other products were RMB210.8 million (US$30.7 million), representing 23.2% of total net revenues in the second quarter of 2019, compared to RMB8.4 million, or 7.0% of total net revenues, in the second quarter of 2018.•Other revenues, which mainly include delivery fees, were RMB39.1 million (US$5.7 million), representing 4.3% of total net revenues in the second quarter of 2019, compared to RMB12.5 million, or 10.3% of total net revenues, in the second quarter of 2018.Total operating expenses were RMB1,598.8 million (US$232.9 million), representing an increase of 243.9% from RMB465.0 million in the second quarter of 2018. The increase in operating expenses was in line with business expansion. Meanwhile, operating expenses as a percentage of net revenues decreased to 175.9% in the second quarter of 2019 from 382.7% in the second quarter of 2018, mainly driven by increased economies of scale and the Company’s technology-driven operations.•Cost of materials were RMB465.8 million (US$67.9 million), representing an increase of 514.8% from RMB75.8 million in the second quarter of 2018, in line with the increase in sales of products.•Store rental and other operating costs were RMB371.5 million (US$54.1 million), representing an increase of 271.7% from RMB99.9 million in the second quarter of 2018, mainly due to increases in the number of stores and headcount.•Depreciation expenses were RMB88.5 million (US$12.9 million), representing an increase of 491.0% from RMB15.0 million in the second quarter of 2018, mainly due to increases in depreciation of leasehold improvements and purchases of operating equipment.•Sales and marketing expenses were RMB390.1 million (US$56.8 million), representing an increase of 119.1% from RMB178.1 million in the second quarter of 2018, mainly due to increases in advertising expenses and delivery expenses as the Company launched new marketing initiatives and entered into new cities. Furthermore, free product promotion expenses increased in line with the growth of new transacting customers.•General and administrative expenses were RMB265.8 million (US$38.7 million), representing an increase of 254.8% from RMB74.9 million in the second quarter of 2018. The increase in general and administrative expenses was mainly driven by business expansion, costs related to the Company’s Initial Public Offering (“IPO”), and share-based compensation to senior management.•Store preopening and other expenses were RMB17.2 million (US$2.5 million), representing a decrease of19.4% from RMB21.3 million in the second quarter of 2018, mainly due to decreased rental costs before openingas a result of improved efficiency for new store openings.Operating loss was RMB689.7 million (US$100.5 million) compared to RMB343.4 million in the second quarter of 2018. Non-GAAP operating loss was RMB619.3 million (US$90.2 million) compared to RMB343.4 million in the second quarter of 2018. For more information on non-GAAP financial measures, please see the section of “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” and the table captioned “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Measures” set forth at the end of this pre ss release.Net loss was RMB681.3 million (US$99.2 million) compared to RMB333.0 million in the second quarter of 2018. Non-GAAP net loss was RMB610.8 million (US$89.0 million) compared to RMB333.0 million in the second quarter of 2018.Basic and diluted net loss per ADS was RMB6.56 (US$0.96) compared to a loss of RMB23.04 in the second quarter of 2018. Non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per ADS was RMB3.28 (US$0.48) compared to a loss of RMB6.80 in the second quarter of 2018.Net cash used in operating activities was RMB375.2 million (US$54.7 million) compared to RMB196.0 million in the second quarter of 2018. The increase was primarily driven by an increase in operating expenses as a result of expansion of the Company’s business operations.Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments were RMB6,051.2 million (US$881.5 million) as of June 30, 2019, compared to RMB1,761.0 million as of December 31, 2018. The increase was primarily driven by the net proceeds of US$158.8 million from the issuance of Series B-1 convertible redeemable preferred shares in April 2019 to certain investors and the net proceeds of US$657.2 million from the IPO and the concurrent private placement.KEY OPERATING DATAFor the three months ended or as ofJun 30, 2018Sep 30,2018Dec31,2018Mar 31,2019Jun 30,2019Total storesPick-up stores3569031,8112,1632,741Relax stores224586109123Delivery kitchens2462411769899Cumulative number of transactingcustomers (in thousands)2,917.85,984.312,529.516,872.322,777.5 Average monthly transacting customers(in thousands)1,207.61,877.44,325.94,402.06,166.0Average monthly total items sold(in thousands)4,001.07,760.317,645.116,275.827,593.0Freshly brewed drinks3,743.76,220.413,418.813,077.221,055.7Other products257.31,539.94,226.43,198.66,537.3 GUIDANCEFor the third quarter ending 30 September 2019, the Company expects net revenues from products to be between RMB1.35 billion and RMB1.45 billion. This forecast reflects the Company’s current and preliminary views, which are subject to change.SUBSEQUENT EVENTSOn July 22, 2019 the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Kuwait Food Company Americana K.S.C.C (“Americana Group”), the largest integrated food product company in the Middle East, to establish a joint venture to launch a new retail coffee business in the Greater Middle East and India.KEY DEFINITIONS•Net revenues from products. Calculated as the sum of net revenues from freshly brewed drinks and net revenues from other products.•Transacting customers for the period. Refers to a customer who bought at least one item we offer on our mobile apps or through third-party platforms in a given period, regardless of whether the customer paid for the item or merely ordered through our free product marketing initiative. Each unique mobile account is treated asa separate customer for purposes of calculating transacting customer.•Cumulative number of transacting customers. The total number of transacting customers since our inception.•Average monthly transacting customers. The number of average monthly transacting customers in the three months during the quarter.•Average monthly total items sold. Calculated by dividing the total number of items sold during the quarter by three.•Store level operating profit (loss). Calculated by deducting the cost of materials, store rental and other operating costs, and depreciation expenses from net revenues from products.•Non-GAAP operating loss. Calculated by adjusting operating loss for non-cash share-based compensation expenses.•Non-GAAP net loss. Calculated by adjusting net loss for non-cash share-based compensation expenses and change in the fair value of warrant liability.•Non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per share. Calculated as non-GAAP net loss divided by weighted average number of basic and diluted share.•Non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per ADS.Calculated as non-GAAP net loss divided by weighted average number of basic and diluted ADS.CONFERENCE CALLA conference call and webcast to discuss Luckin Coffee’s financial results and guidance will be held at 8:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time on August 14, 2019.Interested parties may listen to the conference call by dialing numbers below:United States: +1-845-675-0437International: +65-6713-5090China Domestic: 400-620-8038Hong Kong: +852-3018-6771Conference ID: 5790867The replay will be accessible through August 28, 2019, by dialing the following numbers:United States: +1-646-254-3697International: +61-2-8199-0299Conference ID: 5790867The webcast will be available at and will be archived on the site shortly after the call has concluded.A presentation to supplement the call and webcast will be available on the Company’s IR website at .USE OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURESIn evaluating the business, the Company considers and uses non-GAAP measures, such as non-GAAP operating loss, non-GAAP net loss, non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per ADS, as supplemental measures to review andassess operating performance. The presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The Company defines non-GAAP operating loss as operating loss excluding share-based compensation expenses. The Company defines non-GAAP net loss as net loss excluding share-based compensation expenses and change in fair value of warrant liability. The Company defines non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per ADS as non-GAAP net loss divided by weighted average number of basic and diluted ADS.The Company presents these non-GAAP financial measures because they are used by management to evaluate operating performance and formulate business plans. The Company believes that the non-GAAP financial measures help identify underlying trends in its business by excluding the impact of share-based compensation expenses, which is a non-cash charge. The Company also believes that the non-GAAP financial measures could provide further information about the Company’s results of operations, enhance the overall understanding of the Company’s past performance and future prospects.The non-GAAP financial measures are not defined under U.S. GAAP and are not presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools. The Company’s non-GAAP financial measures do not reflect all items of income and expense that affect the Company’s operations and do not represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures. Further, these non-GAAP measures may differ from the non-GAAP information used by other companies, including peer companies, and therefore their comparability may be limited. The Company compensates for these limitations by reconciling the non-GAAP financial measures to the nearest U.S. GAAP performance measure, all of which should be considered when evaluating performance. The Company encourages you to review the Company’s financial information in its entirety and not rely on a single financial measure.For more information on the non-GAAP financial measures, please see the table captioned “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures to the Most Directly Com parable GAAP Measures” set forth at the end of this press release. EXCHANGE RATE INFORMATIONThis announcement contains translations of certain RMB amounts into U.S. dollars (“US$”) at specified rates solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise stated, all translations from RMB to US$ were made at the rate of RMB 6.8650 to US$1.00, the exchange rate on June 30, 2019 set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Federal Reserve Board. The Company makes no representation that the RMB or US$ amounts referred could be converted into US$ or RMB, as the case may be, at any particular rate or at all.SAFE HARBOR STATEMENTSThis announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," "potential," "continue," "ongoing," "targets," "guidance" and similar statements. The Company may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Any statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: the Company’s growth strategies; its future business development, results of operations and financial condition; its ability to understand buyer needs andprovide products and services to attract and retain buyers; its ability to maintain and enhance the recognition and reputation of its brand; its ability to rely on merchants and third-party logistics service providers to provide delivery services to buyers; its ability to maintain and improve quality control policies and measures; its ability to establish and maintain relationships with merchants; trends and competition in China’s e-commerce market; changes in its revenues and certain cost or expense items; the expected growth of China’s e-commerce market; PRC governmental policies and regulations relating to the Company’s industry, and general economic and business conditions globally and in China and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties or factors is included in the Company's filings with the SEC. All information provided in this press release and in the attachments is as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.STATEMENT REGARDING PRELIMINARY UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATIONThe unaudited financial information set out in this earnings release is preliminary and subject to potential adjustments. Adjustments to the consolidated financial statements may be identified when audit work has been performed for the Company’s year-end audit, which could result in significant differences from this preliminary unaudited financial information.ABOUT LUCKIN COFFEE INC.Luckin Coffee Inc. (NASDAQ: LK) has pioneered a technology-driven retail network to provide coffee and other products of high quality, high affordability, and high convenience to customers. Empowered by big data analytics, AI, and proprietary technologies, the Company pursues its mission to be part of everyone’s everyday life, starting with coffee. The Company was founded in 2017 and is based in China. For more information, please visit .INVESTOR AND MEDIA CONTACTSInvestor Relations:Bill Zima / Fitzhugh TaylorICR, Inc.Phone: 203 682 8200Media Relations:Ed Trissel / Scott Bisang / Amy FengJoele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer KatcherPhone: 212 355 4449LUCKIN COFFEE INC.CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETAS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETAS OF JUNE 30, 2019(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for number of shares)As of31-Dec-18 30-Jun-19RMB RMB US$ ASSETSCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents 1,630,983 3,988,751 581,027 Restricted cash – current - 16,867 2,457 Short-term investments 130,000 2,062,410 300,424 Receivables from online payment platforms 4,609 6,950 1,012 Inventories 150,015 231,651 33,744 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 365,510 493,462 71,881 Amount due from a related party 147,559 - - Total current assets 2,428,676 6,800,091 990,545Non-current assets:Property and equipment, net 904,992 1,063,987 154,987 Restricted cash – non-current - 2,002 292 Other non-current assets 151,408 294,725 42,932 Total non-current assets 1,056,400 1,360,714 198,211 TOTAL ASSETS 3,485,076 8,160,805 1,188,756LIABILITIES, MEZZANINE EQUITY AND SHAREHOLDERS’ (DEFICITS)/EQUITYCurrent liabilitiesShort-term bank borrowings 8,000 67,582 9,844 Current portion of long-term borrowing 72,787 222,758 32,448 Capital lease obligation 108,664 61,384 8,942 Accounts and note payable 176,704 258,928 37,717 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 371,017 590,991 86,089 Amounts due to related parties 24,198 7,682 1,119 Warrant liability 19,520 - - Total current liabilities 780,890 1,209,325 176,159Non-current liabilities:Long-term borrowing 226,969 76,998 11,216 Deferred revenues 126,469 52,550 7,655 Total non-current liabilities 353,438 129,548 18,871 Total liabilities 1,134,328 1,338,873 195,030Mezzanine equity:Series A convertible redeemable preferred shares12,113,347-- Series B convertible redeemable preferred shares22,164,994 - -Total mezzanine equity4,278,341--LUCKIN COFFEE INC.CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETAS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETAS OF JUNE 30, 2019 (Continued)(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for number of shares)As of31-Dec-18 30-Jun-19RMB RMB US$ Shareholders’ (deficits)/equity:Ordinary shares3--- Angel-1 shares4743,376 - - Angel-2 shares5512,812 - - Class A Ordinary shares - 5 1 Class B Ordinary shares - 16 2 Additional paid-in capital 65,000 11,860,217 1,727,635 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (2,076) (4,373) (637) Accumulated deficits (3,246,705) (5,033,933) (733,275) Total Shareholders’ (deficits)/equity (1,927,593) 6,821,932 993,726TOTAL LIABILITIES, MEZZANINE EQUITY AND SHAREHOLDERS’(DEFICITS)/ EQUITY 3,485,076 8,160,805 1,188,756 1 US$0.001 par value; 2,000,000 shares and nil authorized as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively; 544,688 and nil issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively2 US$0.001 par value; 1,000,000 shares and nil authorized as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively; 272,343 and nil issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively3 US$0.001 par value; 45,400,000 shares and nil authorized as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively; 750,000 and nil issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively4 US$0.001 par value; 1,000,000 shares and nil authorized; 915,750 and nil issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively5 US$0.001 par value; 600,000 shares and nil authorized; 513,000 and nil issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2018 and June 30, 2019, respectively) (Angel-1 shares and Angel-2 shares, collectively “Angel Shares”)LUCKIN COFFEE INC.UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019 AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDEDJUNE 30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for number of shares and per share data)RMB RMB US$ RMB RMB US$Net revenues:Freshly brewed drinks 100,518 659,161 96,018 110,093 1,020,256 148,617 Other products 8,449 210,835 30,712 9,852 294,815 42,945 Others 12,542 39,119 5,698 14,518 72,554 10,569 Total net revenues 121,509 909,115 132,428 134,463 1,387,625 202,131Cost of materials (75,771) (465,822) (67,855) (85,190) (741,634) (108,031) Store rental and other operatingcosts (99,939) (371,460) (54,109) (120,163) (653,831) (95,241) Depreciation expenses (14,973) (88,485) (12,889) (18,938) (172,464) (25,122) Sales and marketing expenses (178,061) (390,104) (56,825) (232,473) (558,207) (81,312) General and administrativeexpenses (74,916) (265,781) (38,715) (113,938) (438,743) (63,910) Store preopening and otherexpenses (21,296) (17,171) (2,501) (32,381) (39,545) (5,760) Total operating expenses (464,956) (1,598,823) (232,894) (603,083) (2,604,424) (379,376) Operating loss (343,447) (689,708) (100,466) (468,620) (1,216,799) (177,245)Interest income 144 14,134 2,059 197 15,685 2,285 Interest and financing expenses (554) (8,488) (1,236) (554) (16,433) (2,394) Foreign exchange gain/(loss),net 13,644 5,584 813 7,235 (3,056) (445) Other expenses (2,784) (2,803) (408) (3,484) (4,140) (603) Change in the fair value ofwarrant liability - - - - (8,322) (1,212)Net loss before income taxes (332,997) (681,281) (99,238) (465,226) (1,233,065) (179,614) Income tax expense------Net loss(332,997)(681,281)(99,238)(465,226)(1,233,065)(179,614)Add: accretion to redemptionvalue of convertibleredeemable preferred shares (793,992)(533,191)(77,668)(793,992)(552,036)(80,413) Add: deemed distribution to acertain holder of Series Bpreferred shares - - - - (2,127) (310) Net loss attributable toordinary and angelshareholders(1,126,989)(1,214,472)(176,906)(1,259,218)(1,787,228)(260,337) Loss per ordinary share1:- Basic and diluted(2.88) (0.82) (0.12) (3.29) (1.39) (0.20) Loss per ADS (8 ordinaryshares per ADS):- Basic and diluted (23.04) (6.56) (0.96) (26.32) (11.12) (1.60)1 Loss per ordinary shares for the three and six months ended June 30, 2019 is computed using the weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding as of June 30, 2019 which include the automatic conversion of all of the Compan y’s Angel-1 shares, Angel-2 shares, Series A convertible redeemable preferred shares, Series B convertible redeemable preferred shares and Series B-1 convertible redeemable preferred shares into ordinary shares immediately prior to the completion of the IPO at the conversion ratio of 1:1.FINANCIAL STATEMENTSLUCKIN COFFEE INC.UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVELOSS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019 AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDEDJUNE 30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019 (Continued)(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for number of shares and per share data)RMB RMB US$ RMB RMB US$ Weighted average sharesoutstanding used incalculating basic and dilutedloss per share:- Basic and diluted 390,700,549 1,487,846,055 1,487,846,055 382,893,646 1,289,711,276 1,289,711,276 Other comprehensive gain/(loss), net of tax of nil:Foreign currency translationdifference, net of tax of nil 26,468 9,625 1,402 26,706 (2,297) (335) Total comprehensive loss (1,100,521)(1,204,847)(175,504)(1,232,512)(1,789,525)(260,672)LUCKIN COFFEE INC.UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSFOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019 AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE30, 2018 AND JUNE 30, 2019(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$)For the three months ended June 30, For the six months ended June 30,Net cash used in operating activities (195,956) (375,243) (54,660) (319,601) (1,002,872) (146,083) Net cash used in investing activities (145,214) (2,364,980) (344,498) (312,612) (2,288,335) (333,335) Net cash generated from financing activities 1,314,327 5,565,302 810,677 1,491,973 5,651,536 823,239 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes oncash and cash equivalents 14,257 4,831 704 9,277(2,561)(373) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 987,414 2,829,910 412,223 869,037 2,357,768 343,448 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning ofthe period 100,719 1,158,841 168,804 219,096 1,630,983 237,579 Cash and cash equivalents at end of theperiod 1,088,133 3,988,751 581,027 1,088,133 3,988,751 581,027LUCKIN COFFEE INC.RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP MEASURES TO THE MOST DIRECTLY COMPARABLE GAAP MEASURES (Unaudited, amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for number of shares and per share data)RMB RMB US$ RMB RMB US$(Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for share and per share data)A. Non-GAAP operating lossOperating loss (343,447) (689,708) (100,466) (468,620) (1,216,799) (177,245) Adjusted for:Share-based compensation expenses - 70,456 10,263 - 70,456 10,263 Non-GAAP operating loss (343,447) (619,252) (90,203) (468,620) (1,146,343) (166,982)B. Non-GAAP net lossNet loss (332,997) (681,281) (99,238) (465,226) (1,233,065) (179,614) Adjusted for:Share-based compensation expenses - 70,456 10,263 - 70,456 10,263 Change in the fair value of warrantliability - - - - 8,322 1,212 Non-GAAP net loss (332,997) (610,825) (88,975) (465,226) (1,154,287) (168,139)C. Non-GAAP net loss per share –basic and dilutedNet loss attributable to the Company’sordinary shareholders (1,126,989) (1,214,472) (176,906) (1,259,218) (1,787,228) (260,337) Add:Accretion to redemption value ofconvertible redeemable preferredshares 793,992 533,191 77,668 793,992 552,036 80,413 Share-based compensation expenses - 70,456 10,263 - 70,456 10,263 Change in the fair value of warrantliability - - - - 8,322 1,212 Non-GAAP net loss attributable to theCompany's ordinary shareholders (332,997) (610,825) (88,975) (465,226) (1,156,414) (168,449) Weighted average number of Class Aand Class B ordinary shares in issue-basic and diluted 390,700,549 1,487,846,055 1,487,846,055 382,893,646 1,289,711,276 1,289,711,276 Non-GAAP net loss per share– Basic and diluted (0.85) (0.41) (0.06) (1.22) (0.90) (0.13) Non-GAAP net loss per ADS– Basic and diluted (6.80) (3.28) (0.48) (9.76) (7.20) (1.04)。
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数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%)
负债总额152,249.61 24.62 122,174.46 -29.95 174,414.85 0 短期借款116,268.12 42.26 81,727.1 -33.81 123,476.77 0 应付账款17,987.36 1.67 17,692.4 -0.69 17,815.23 0 其他应付款1,801.31 -55.57 4,054.59 4.14 3,893.22 0 非流动负债3,168.05 13.31 2,796 31.99 2,118.28 0 其他13,024.78 -18.11 15,904.38 -41.34 27,111.35 0
数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%)
所有者权益合计277,105.77 7.63 257,455.78 -0.46 258,646.33 0 资本金124,339 0 124,339 -1.58 126,339 0 资本公积54,643.43 0.06 54,612.11 -11.51 61,718 0 盈余公积11,189.75 17.22 9,546.19 16.33 8,206.13 0 未分配利润87,040.27 23.9 70,248.89 10.34 63,663.46 0