
Paper Title Subtitle as neededAuthors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail: name@ Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail: name@Abstract—This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, SYMBOLS, OR MATH IN YOUR TITLE OR ABSTRACT. (Abstract)Keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)I.I NTRODUCTION (H EADING 1)All manuscripts must be in English. These guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. Please follow them and if you have any questions, direct them to the production editor in charge of your proceedings at Conference Publishing Services (CPS): Phone +1 (714) 821-8380 or Fax +1 (714) 761-1784.This template provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatting individual papers, (2) automatic compliance to electronic requirements that facilitate the concurrent or later production of electronic products, and (3) conformity of style throughout a conference proceedings. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within parentheses, following the example. PLEASE DO NOT RE-ADJUST THESE MARGINS. Some components, such as multi-leveled equations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.II.T YPE S TYLE AND F ONTSWherever Times is specified, Times Roman or Times New Roman may be used. If neither is available on your word processor, please use the font closest in appearance to Times. Avoid using bit-mapped fonts if possible. True-Type 1 or Open Type fonts are preferred. Please embed symbol fonts, as well, for math, etc.III.E ASE OF U SEA.Selecting a Template (Heading 2)First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper, please close this template and download the file for A4 paper format called ―CPS_A4_format‖.B.Maintaining the Integrity of the SpecificationsThe template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do not revise any of the current designations.IV.P REPARE Y OUR P APER B EFORE S TYLING Before you begin to format your paper, first write and save the content as a separate text file. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. Please take note of the following items when proofreading spelling and grammar:A.Abbreviations and AcronymsDefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.Identify applicable sponsor/s here. (sponsors)B.Units∙Use either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are encouraged.) English units may be used assecondary units (in parentheses). An exceptionwould be the use of English units as identifiers intrade, such as ―3.5-inch disk drive‖.∙Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. This oftenleads to confusion because equations do not balancedimensionally. If you must use mixed units, clearlystate the units for each quantity that you use in anequation.∙Do not mix complete spellings and abbreviations of units: ―Wb/m2‖ or ―webers per square meter‖, not―webers/m2‖. Spell out units when they appear intext: ―. . . a few henries‖, not ―. . . a few H‖.∙Use a zero before dec imal points: ―0.25‖, not ―.25‖. C.EquationsThe equations are an exception to the prescribed specifications of this template. You will need to determine whether or not your equation should be typed using either the Times New Roman or the Symbol font (please no other font). To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper is styled.Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1), using a right tab stop. To make your equations more compact, you may use the solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Italicize Roman symbols for quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols. Use a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence, as inα + β = χ. (1)Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use ―(1)‖, not ―Eq. (1)‖ or ―equation (1)‖, except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Equation (1) is . . .‖D.Some Common Mistakes∙The word ―data‖ is plural, not singular.∙The subscript for the permeability of vacuum μ0, and other common scientific constants, is zero withsubscript formatting, not a lowercase letter ―o‖.∙In American English, commas, semi-/colons, periods, question and exclamation marks are located withinquotation marks only when a complete thought orname is cited, such as a title or full quotation. Whenquotation marks are used, instead of a bold or italictypeface, to highlight a word or phrase, punctuationshould appear outside of the quotation marks. Aparenthetical phrase or statement at the end of asentence is punctuated outside of the closingparenthesis (like this). (A parenthetical sentence ispunctuated within the parentheses.)∙ A graph within a graph is an ―inset‖, not an ―insert‖.The word alternatively is preferred to the word―alternately‖ (unless you really mean something thatalternates).∙Do not use the word ―essentially‖ to mean ―approximately‖ or ―effectively‖.∙In your paper title, if the words ―that uses‖ can accurately replace the word ―using‖, capitalize the―u‖; if not, keep using lower-cased.∙Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones ―affect‖ and ―effect‖, ―complement‖and ―compliment‖, ―discreet‖ and ―discrete‖,―principal‖ and ―principle‖.∙Do not confuse ―imply‖ and ―infer‖.∙The prefix ―non‖ is not a word; it should be joined to the word it modifies, usually without a hyphen.∙There is no period after the ―et‖ in the Latin abbreviati on ―et al.‖.∙The abbreviation ―i.e.‖ means ―that is‖, and the abbreviation ―e.g.‖ means ―for example‖.An excellent style manual for science writers is [7].V.U SING THE T EMPLATEAfter the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for the template. Duplicate the template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your conference for the name of your paper. In this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and import your prepared text file. You are now ready to style your paper.A.Authors and AffiliationsThe template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for example, do not differentiate among departments of the same organization). This template was designed for two affiliations.1)For author/s of only one affiliation (Heading 3): To change the default, adjust the template as follows.a)Selection (Heading 4): Highlight all author and affiliation lines.b)Change number of columns: Select Format > Columns >Presets > One Column.c)Deletion: Delete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation.d)For author/s of more than two affiliations: To change the default, adjust the template as follows.e)Selection: Highlight all author and affiliation lines.f)Change number of columns: Select Format > Columns > Presets > One Column.g)Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation 1 and copy this selection.h)Formatting: Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line. Then paste the copy of affiliation 1. Repeat as necessary for each additional affiliation.i)Reassign number of columns: Place your cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations, place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the cursor up to highlight all of the above author and affiliation lines. Go to Format > Columns and select ―2 Columns‖. I f you have an odd number of affiliations, the final affiliation will be centered on the page; all previous will be in two columns.B.Identify the HeadingsHeadings, or heads, are organizational devices that guide the reader through your paper. There are two types: component heads and text heads.Component heads identify the different components of your paper and are not topically subordinate to each other. Examples include Acknowledgments and References and, for these, the correct style to use is ―Heading5‖. Use ―figurecaption‖ for your Figure captions, and ―table head‖ for your table title. Run-in heads, such as ―Abstract‖, will require you to apply a style (in this case, italic) in addition to the style provided by the drop down menu to differentiate the head from the text.Text heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchical basis. For example, the paper title is the primary text head because all subsequent material relates and elaborates on this one topic. If there are two or more sub-topics, the next level head (uppercase Roman numerals) should be used and, conversely, if there are not at least two sub-topics, then no subheads should be introduced. Styles named ―Heading 1‖, ―Heading 2‖, ―Heading 3‖, and ―Heading 4‖ are prescribed.C.Figures and Tables1)Positioning Figures and Tables: Place figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns. Avoid placing them in the middle of columns. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions should be below the figures; table heads should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation ―Fig. 1‖, even at the beginning of a sentence.TABLE I. T ABLE T YPE S TYLESa. Sample of a Table footnote. (Table footnote)Figure 1. Example of a ONE-COLUMN figure caption.Please see last page of this document for AN EXAMPLE of a 2-COLUMN Figure.Figure Labels: Use 8 point Times New Roman for Figure labels. Use words rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing Figure axis labels to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, write the quantity ―Magnetization‖, or―Magnetization, M‖, not just ―M‖. If including units in the label, present them within parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write ―Magnetization (A/m)‖ or ―Magnetization {A[m(1)]}‖, not just ―A/m‖. Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write ―Temperature (K)‖, not ―Temperature/K‖. D.FootnotesUse footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and place them at the bottom of the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use Times 8-point type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).VI.C OPYRIGHT F ORMS AND R EPRINT O RDERS You must submit the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (ECF) per Step 7 of the CPS author kit’s web page. THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER TO PUBLISH YOUR PAPER.Please see Step 9 for ordering reprints of your paper. Reprints may be ordered using the form provided as <reprint.doc> or <reprint.pdf>.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe preferred spelling of the word ―acknowledgment‖ in America is without an ―e‖ after the ―g‖. Avoid the stilted expression, ―One of us (R.B.G.) thanks . . .‖ Instead, try ―R.B.G. thanks‖. Put applicable sponsor acknowledgments here; DO NOT place them on the first page of your paper or as a footnote.R EFERENCESList and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use ―Ref. [3]‖ or ―reference [3]‖ except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Reference [3] was the first. . .‖Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’names; do not use ―et al.‖. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication,should be cited as ―unpublished‖ [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as ―in press‖ [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].[1]G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sned don, ―On certain integrals ofLipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,‖ Phil.Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955.(references)[2]J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed.,vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.[3]I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, ―Fine particles, thin films and exchangeanisotropy,‖ in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds.New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.[4]K. Elissa, ―Title of paper if known,‖ unpublished.[5]R. Nicole, ―Title of paper with only first word capitalized,‖ J. NameStand. Abbrev., in press.[6]Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, ―Electronspectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,‖ IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982]. [7]M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:University Science, 1989.[8]Electronic Publication: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs):Article in a journal:[9] D. Kornack and P. Rakic, ―Cell Proliferation without Neurogenesis inAdult Primate Neocortex,‖ Science, vol. 294, Dec. 2001, pp. 2127-2130, doi:10.1126/science.1065467.Article in a conference proceedings:[10]H. Goto, Y. Hasegawa, and M. Tanaka, ―Efficien t SchedulingFocusing on the Duality of MPL Representatives,‖ Proc. IEEE Symp.Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (SCIS 07), IEEE Press, Dec.2007, pp. 57-64, doi:10.1109/SCIS.2007.357670.Figure 2. Example of a TWO-COLUMN figure caption: (a) this is the format for referencing parts of a figure.。

ei收录的会议论文(共8篇)ei收录的会议论文(共8篇)篇一:如何判断国际会议论文是否被EI收录★ 如何判断国际会议论文是否被EI收录?如何判断国际会议论文是否被EI收录?可能会遇到这样的情况,有些国际会议说明了EI收录,可到最后却并未收录,让人郁闷至极。
那么如何判断一个国际会议是否会被EI收录呢?除了看这个会议以往的被收录情况外,还有以下几个小经验:一、看会议论文的出版单位会议EI收录其实与主办方关系很小,甚至没有任何关系,第一要素主要取决于会议论文的出版单位,根据多年经验,特列举全球著名出版单位如下: 1.德国斯普林格出版社(SPRINGER):100%EI收录; 2.美国机械工程学会出版社(ASME):100%EI收录; 3.美国土木工程学会出版社(ASCE):100%EI收录; 4.美国电子电气工程计算机学会出版社(IEEE CS):99%EI收录; 5.美国电子电气工程出版社(IEEE):90%EI收录; 6.英国工程技术出版社(IET):90%EI收录; 7.法国Atlantis Press:70%。
二、考察会议主席的诚信度 1.国际一级学会发起:如IFAC、IEEE等。
请注意中国2016年只有一个是IEEE发起的,即ICMA2016,其他均不是,2016年至今中国没有一个会议是IEEE发起;2.国家一级学会发起:如中国计算机学会、中国自动化学会、中国通讯学会等,如WCICA、CCC等;3.各大学校级领导:中国大学校级领导作为主席办国际会议具有中国特色(如ICTE等);4.国际一级学会技术支持:如IEEE CS、IEEE、IET、ASME、ASCE等。
三、注意事项 1.这里仅讨论的是EI收录的技巧,不是讨论会议的水平。


说明:因为很多会议论文的模版都是英文的,我们是中国人,虽然写论文要用English,但是我们可以有中文版的模版说明!本人上传这个文档是为大家写会议论文学习交流使用!翻译只是个人兴趣爱好,但是由于个人经验不是太丰富,有些专有名词翻译可能会有些出入,如有翻译不妥的地方请多包含!如果网友有翻译的更好的可以上传,让我们学习交流!这只是论文模版说明,并没有按其所说的规定进行格式编排,要看原文请参看:Author Guidelines for 8.5 x 11inch Proceedings Manuscripts 好了废话不多说了,开始你的论文之旅吧!恋上咖啡的鱼 2012年6月9日8.5 x 11英寸会议论文集手稿作者指南作者名字作者单位电子邮箱摘要摘要是两端对齐的斜体文本,位于左列的顶端,作者信息的下方。
如Word和PDF文件<format.doc> and <format.pdf>,带有页边距和布局指南的格式页是可利用的。

Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Helvetica (Arial) 14FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Others3,c1Full address of first author, including country2Full address of second author, including country3List all distinct addresses in the same waya email,b email,c emailKeywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index.For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12Abstract. This document explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready manuscript for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. The text area for your manuscript must be 17 cm wide and 25 cm high (6.7 and 9.8 inches, resp.). Do not place any text outside this area. Use good quality, white paper of approximately 21 x 29 cm or 8 x 11 inches (please do not change the document setting from A4 to letter). Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc.IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English. Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office (just in case anything gets lost in the mail). When receiving the manuscript, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the manuscript for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below). Use a laser printer, not a matrix dot printer. Organization of the TextSection Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph).Page Numbers. Do not print page numbers: Please number each sheet toward the middle near the bottom (outside the typing area) with a soft pencil.Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ± ● Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or ArialFigures. Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. The caption should be self-contained and placed below or beside the figure. Generally, only original drawings or photographic reproductions are acceptable. Only very good photocopies are acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be inthe form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For best quality the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi(dots per inch).Color figures are welcome for the online version of the journal. Generally, these figures will be reduced to black and white for the print version. The author should indicate on the checklist if he wishes to have them printed in full color and make the necessary payments in advance.Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) should be indented 5 mm (0.2"). There should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text. Equations should be punctuated as if they were an ordinary part of the text. Punctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number, e.g.c2 = a2 + b2. (1)Literature ReferencesReferences are cited in the text just by square brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available, slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution under a heading References, see our example below. SummaryOn your CD, please indicate the format and word processor used. Please also provide your phone number, fax number and e-mail address for rapid communication with the publisher. Please always send your CD along with a hard copy that must match the CD’s content exactly. If you follow the foregoing, your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.References[1] Dj.M. Maric, P.F. Meier and S.K. Estreicher: Mater. Sci. Forum Vol. 83-87 (1992), p. 119[2] M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).[3] Y. Mishing, in: Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials, edtied by D. GuptaNoyes Publications/William Andrew Publising, Norwich, NY (2004), in press.[4] G. Henkelman, G.Johannesson and H. Jónsson, in: Theoretical Methods in Condencsed PhaseChemistry, edited by S.D. Schwartz, volume 5 of Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, chapter, 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).[5] R.J. Ong, J.T. Dawley and P.G. Clem: submitted to Journal of Materials Research (2003)[6] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001)[7] Information on 。

ei会议论文格式英文【篇一:ei论文模板格式】paper title (use style: paper title)subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)authors name/s per 1st affiliation (author)line 1 (of affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: city, countryline 4: e-mail address if desiredauthors name/s per 2nd affiliation (author)line 1 (of affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: city, country line 4: e-mail address if desiredabstract—this electronic document is a “live” template. the various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. do not use special characters, symbols, or math in your title or abstract. (abstract) keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)标题副标题第一作者1,第二作者21.单位,城市,国家,邮编2.单位,城市,国家,邮编 1. e-mail address, 2. e-mail address【摘要】本电子文档定义了由ieee出版的各种中文学术会议论文集的标准文章格式。

工科院校要加强学术交流并提升科研实力,加大高质量论文的产出,必须根据 Ei的收录偏向,撰写高质量英文论文,向国内外 EI收录率较高的英文期刊投稿,提高论文的EI收录率。
关键词:工程索引;学科建设; 科技论文Abstract: The Engineering Index by Engineering Information Inc, is considered as the world's most comprehensive and authoritative engineering literature databas e, and internationally influential thesis search tool. T o strengthen their acade mic exchanges, enhance their scientific research abilities and increase the outp ut of high?quality theses, the engineering colleges and universities must, base d on the EI taste, produce high?quality theses in English and contribute them to English periodicals with high index rate at home and abroad, so that the ir thesis index rate can be increased.Key words:EI; subject building; science and technology these s美国工程信息公司的《工程索引》(EI)被认为是世界上最全面和最权威的工程文献数据库,也是国际上颇具影响力的论文检索工具[1]。

ei论文格式(2)中图分类号G210 文献标识码A 文章编号 1674-6708(2014)118-0034-021 会议新闻现状分析会议新闻,顾名思义,即是对会议上所发上的事情进行报道和宣传。
1.1 势大篇长而内容空洞在我国各大党政机关和职能部门,皆是通过会议的形式颁布和出台政策和决策。
1.2 报道模式教条化、格式化打开电视,看到人头叠人头,西装革履的会场模式,不言而喻即是某某机关会议现场报道。
EI 会议论文格式模版(中文)

说明:因为很多会议论文的模版都是英文的,我们是中国人,虽然写论文要用English,但是我们可以有中文版的模版说明!本人上传这个文档是为大家写会议论文学习交流使用!翻译只是个人兴趣爱好,但是由于个人经验不是太丰富,有些专有名词翻译可能会有些出入,如有翻译不妥的地方请多包含!如果网友有翻译的更好的可以上传,让我们学习交流!这只是论文模版说明,并没有按其所说的规定进行格式编排,要看原文请参看:MSW_A4_format好了废话不多说了,开始你的论文之旅吧!恋上咖啡的鱼 2012年6月10日论文题目(使用样式:论文题目)副标题根据需要(论文副标题)第一从属作者姓名第二从属作者姓名第一行(从属关系):部门.组织机构名称第一行(从属关系):部门.组织机构名称第二行:组织机构名称,可以接受首字母缩写第二行:组织机构名称,可以接受首字母缩写第三行:城市,国家第三行:城市,国家第四行:电子邮箱如需要的话第四行:电子邮箱如需要的话摘要—这个电子文件是“排好版的”模版。
(摘要)关键词-组件;格式化;类型;式样;插入(关键词)1.介绍(标题1)这个模版,对于个人电脑在MS Word 2003中修改以及保存为“Word 97-2003&6.0/95-RTF”,为作者提供了大部分他们论文需要准备的电子版本的格式规范。

2、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100 200字;3、关键词:从标题或正文中挑选3~5个最能表达主要内容的词作为关键词。
关键词:工程索引;学科建设; 科技Abstract: The Engineering Index by Engineering Information Inc,is considered as the world s most comprehensive and authoritative engineering literature databas e, and internationally influential thesis search tool. To strengthen their acade mic exchanges, enhance their scientific research abilities and increase the outp ut of high?quality theses, the engineering colleges and universities must, base d on the EI taste, produce high?quality theses in English and contribute them to English periodicals with high index rate at home and abroad, so that the ir thesis index rate can be increased.Key words:EI; subject building; science and technology these s美国工程信息公司的《工程索引》(EI)被认为是世界上最全面和最权威的工程文献数据库,也是国际上颇具影响力的检索工具[1]。

Paper Title Subtitle as neededAuthors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail: name@ Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail: name@Abstract—This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, SYMBOLS, OR MATH IN YOUR TITLE OR ABSTRACT. (Abstract)Keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)I.I NTRODUCTION (H EADING 1)All manuscripts must be in English. These guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. Please follow them and if you have any questions, direct them to the production editor in charge of your proceedings at Conference Publishing Services (CPS): Phone +1 (714) 821-8380 or Fax +1 (714) 761-1784.This template provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatting individual papers, (2) automatic compliance to electronic requirements that facilitate the concurrent or later production of electronic products, and (3) conformity of style throughout a conference proceedings. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within parentheses, following the example. PLEASE DO NOT RE-ADJUST THESE MARGINS. Some components, such as multi-leveled equations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.II.T YPE S TYLE AND F ONTSWherever Times is specified, Times Roman or Times New Roman may be used. If neither is available on your word processor, please use the font closest in appearance to Times. Avoid using bit-mapped fonts if possible. True-Type 1 or Open Type fonts are preferred. Please embed symbol fonts, as well, for math, etc.III.E ASE OF U SEA.Selecting a Template (Heading 2)First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper, please close this template and download the file for A4 paper format called ―CPS_A4_format‖.B.Maintaining the Integrity of the SpecificationsThe template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do not revise any of the current designations.IV.P REPARE Y OUR P APER B EFORE S TYLING Before you begin to format your paper, first write and save the content as a separate text file. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. Please take note of the following items when proofreading spelling and grammar:A.Abbreviations and AcronymsDefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.B.UnitsUse either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are encouraged.) English units may be usedas secondary units (in parentheses). An exceptionwould be the use of English units as identifiers intrade, such as ―3.5-inch disk drive‖.∙Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds.This often leads to confusion because equations donot balance dimensionally. If you must use mixedunits, clearly state the units for each quantity thatyou use in an equation.∙Do not mix complete spellings and abbreviations of units: ―Wb/m2‖ or ―webers per square meter‖,not ―webers/m2‖. Spell out units when theyappear in text: ―. . . a few henries‖, not ―. . . a fewH‖.∙Use a zero before dec imal points: ―0.25‖, not ―.25‖. C.EquationsThe equations are an exception to the prescribed specifications of this template. You will need to determine whether or not your equation should be typed using either the Times New Roman or the Symbol font (please no other font). To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper is styled.Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1), using a right tab stop. To make your equations more compact, you may use the solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Italicize Roman symbols for quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols. Use a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence, as inα + β = χ. (1)Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use―(1)‖, not ―Eq. (1)‖ or ―equation (1)‖, except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Equation (1) is . . .‖D.Some Common Mistakes∙The word ―data‖ is plural, not singular.∙The subscript for the permeability of vacuum μ0, and other common scientific constants, is zerowith subscript formatting, not a lowercase letter―o‖.∙In American English, commas, semi-/colons, periods, question and exclamation marks arelocated within quotation marks only when acomplete thought or name is cited, such as a titleor full quotation. When quotation marks are used,instead of a bold or italic typeface, to highlight aword or phrase, punctuation should appear outsideof the quotation marks. A parenthetical phrase orstatement at the end of a sentence is punctuatedoutside of the closing parenthesis (like this). (Aparenthetical sentence is punctuated within theparentheses.)∙ A graph within a graph is an ―inset‖, not an ―insert‖. The word alternatively is preferred to theword ―alternately‖(unless you really meansomething that alternates).∙Do not use the word ―essentially‖ to mean ―approximately‖ or ―effectively‖.∙In your paper title, if the words ―that uses‖ can accurately replace the word ―using‖, capitalize the ―u‖; if not, keep using l ower-cased.∙Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones ―affect‖ and ―effect‖, ―complement‖ and ―compliment‖, ―discreet‖ and ―discrete‖, ―principal‖ and ―principle‖.∙Do not confuse ―imply‖ and ―infer‖.∙The prefix ―non‖ is not a word; it should be joined to the word it modifies, usually without a hyphen. ∙There is no period after the ―et‖ in the Latin abbreviation ―et al.‖.∙The abbreviation ―i.e.‖ means ―that is‖, and the abbreviation ―e.g.‖ means ―for example‖.An excellent style manual for science writers is [7].V.U SING THE T EMPLATEAfter the text edit has been completed, the paper isready for the template. Duplicate the template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your conference for the name of your paper. In this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and import your prepared text file. You are now ready to style your paper.A.Authors and AffiliationsThe template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for example, do not differentiate among departments of the same organization). This template was designed for two affiliations.1)For author/s of only one affiliation (Heading 3): To change the default, adjust the template as follows.a)Selection (Heading 4): Highlight all author and affiliation lines.b)Change number of columns: Select Format > Columns >Presets > One Column.c)Deletion: Delete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation.d)For author/s of more than two affiliations: To change the default, adjust the template as follows.e)Selection: Highlight all author and affiliation lines.f)Change number of columns: Select Format > Columns > Presets > One Column.g)Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation1 and copy this selection.h)Formatting: Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line. Then paste the copy of affiliation 1. Repeat as necessary for each additional affiliation.i)Reassign number of columns: Place your cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations, place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the cursor up to highlight all of the above author and affiliation lines. Go to Format > Columns and select ―2 Columns‖. I f you have an odd number of affiliations, the final affiliation will be centered on the page; all previous will be in two columns.B. Identify the HeadingsHeadings, or heads, are organizational devices that guide the reader through your paper. There are two types: component heads and text heads.Component heads identify the different components of your paper and are not topically subordinate to each other. Examples include Acknowledgments and References and, for these, the correct style to use is ―Heading 5‖. Use ―figure caption‖ for your Figure captions, and ―table head‖ for your table title. Run-in heads, such as ―Abstract‖, will require you to apply a style (in this case, italic) in addition to the style provided by the drop down menu to differentiate the head from the text.Text heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchical basis. For example, the paper title is the primary text head because all subsequent material relates and elaborates on this one topic. If there are two or more sub-topics, the next level head (uppercase Roman numerals) should be used and, conversely, if there are not at least two sub-topics, then no subheads should be introduced. Styles named ―Heading 1‖, ―Heading 2‖, ―Heading 3‖, and ―Heading 4‖ are prescribed.C. Figures and Tables1) Positioning Figures and Tables: Place figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns. Avoid placing them in the middle of columns. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions should be below the figures; table heads should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation ―Fig. 1‖, even at the beginni ng of a sentence.TABLE I.T ABLE T YPE S TYLESa. Sample of a Table footnote. (Table footnote)Figure 1. Example of a ONE-COLUMN figure caption.Please see last page of this document for AN EXAMPLE of a 2-COLUMN Figure.Figure Labels: Use 8 point Times New Roman for Figure labels. Use words rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing Figure axis labels to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, write the quantity ―Magnetization‖, or ―Magnetization, M‖, not just ―M‖. If including units in the label, present them within parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write ―Magnetization (A/m)‖ or ―Magnetization {A[m(1)]}‖, not just ―A/m‖. Do not label axes with a ratioof quantities and units. For example, write ―Temperature (K)‖, not ―Temperature/K‖.D. FootnotesUse footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and place them at the bottom of the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use Times 8-point type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).VI. C OPYRIGHT F ORMS AND R EPRINT O RDERS You must submit the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (ECF) per Step 7 of the CPS author kit ’s web page. THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER TO PUBLISH YOUR PAPER.Please see Step 9 for ordering reprints of your paper. Reprints may be ordered using the form provided as <reprint.doc> or <reprint.pdf>.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe preferred spelling of the word ―acknowledgment‖ in America is without an ―e‖ after the ―g‖. Avoid the stilted expression, ―One of us (R.B.G.) thanks . . .‖ Instead, try―R.B.G. thanks‖. Put applicable sponsor acknowledgments here; DO NOT place them on the first page of your paper or as a footnote.R EFERENCESList and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use ―Ref. [3]‖ or ―reference [3]‖ except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Reference [3] was the first . . .‖ Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.Unless there are six authors or more give all authors ’ names; do not use ―et al.‖. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as ―unpublished‖ [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as ―in press‖ [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].[1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, ―On certain integrals ofLipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,‖ Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955. (references)[2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed.,vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.[3]I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, ―Fine particles, thin films andexchange anisotropy,‖ in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H.Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.[4]K. Elissa, ―Title of paper if known,‖ unpublished.[5]R. Nicole, ―Title of paper with only first word capitalized,‖ J.Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.[6]Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, ―E lectronspectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,‖ IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p.301, 1982]. [7]M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:University Science, 1989.[8]Electronic Publication: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs):Article in a journal:[9] D. Kornack and P. Rakic, ―Cell Proliferation without Neurogenesisin Adult Primate Neocortex,‖ Science, vol. 294, Dec. 2001, pp.2127-2130, doi:10.1126/science.1065467.Article in a conference proceedings:[10]H. Goto, Y. Hasegawa, and M. Tanaka, ―Efficient SchedulingFocusing on the Duality of MPL Representatives,‖ Proc. IEEE Symp. Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (SCIS 07), IEEE Press, Dec. 2007, pp. 57-64, doi:10.1109/SCIS.2007.357670.Figure 2. Example of a TWO-COLUMN figure caption: (a) this is the format for referencing parts of a figure.。

ei会议论文格式英文【篇一:ei论文模板格式】paper title (use style: paper title)subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)authors name/s per 1st affiliation (author)line 1 (of affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: city, countryline 4: e-mail address if desiredauthors name/s per 2nd affiliation (author)line 1 (of affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: city, country line 4: e-mail address if desiredabstract—this electronic document is a “live” template. the various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. do not use special characters, symbols, or math in your title or abstract. (abstract) keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)标题副标题第一作者1,第二作者21.单位,城市,国家,邮编2.单位,城市,国家,邮编 1. e-mail address, 2. e-mail address【摘要】本电子文档定义了由ieee出版的各种中文学术会议论文集的标准文章格式。

ei会议论文(共3篇)ei会议论文(共3篇)篇一:EI会议论文EI会议论文四大检索系统 SCI、EI、ISTP、ISR是世界四大重要检索系统,其收录文章的状况是评价国家、单位和科研人员的成绩、水平以及进行奖励的重要依据之一。
何为EI 3千到8千元不等。
EI类型现在EI数据库的收录的文献只分为两类:会议检索与期刊检索,其判断如下: A 会议论文:Conference article一般来说,期刊论文的质量略高于会议论文。
篇二:EI学术论文检索、EI会议论文核心检索入口EI论文检索入口华译网论文翻译专业机构汇集EI检索地址如下,本文后附有华译网EI 论文翻译价格和英文论文外籍校对价格,欢迎大家惠顾。
EI论文检索入口常用网址如下:英特网EI官方网址:/Kns55/brief/Result_CPFD.htm 清华大学图书馆:/service/SCIcenter/eiall.html 《工程索引》(The Engineering Index,简称EI)是美国工程信息公司(Engineering information Inc.)出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具。

1. 一般格式:
作者姓, 作者名. 文献题目[文献类型/出版地]: 出版者, 出版年份, 起始页码-结束页码.
2. 期刊文章:
作者姓, 作者名. 文献题目. 期刊名, 年份, 卷号(期号): 起始页码-结束页码.
3. 会议论文:
作者姓, 作者名. 文献题目. 会议名, 年份, 会议地点, 页码.
4. 书籍:
作者姓, 作者名. 书名[文献类型/出版地]: 出版者, 出版年份.
5. 学位论文:
作者姓, 作者名. 论文题目[文献类型/学位类型]. 学位授予单位, 年份.
1. 如果引用的中文文献有英文标题,可以直接按照英文标题进
2. 在引用中文文献时,可以使用英文逗号分隔作者的姓和名,
3. 在引用页码时,可以使用阿拉伯数字表示起始页码和结束页码,也可以使用中文数字。
4. 在引用中文文献时,可以根据需要添加中文文献的英文翻译,以方便读者理解。

1. 首先是作者姓名和单位,在作者名与单位之间用逗号分隔。
2. 接下来是文章的标题,第一字母大写,不加引号。
3. 然后是会议名称和会议日期,会议名称用斜体字书写,会议
4. 紧接着是出版地点和出版者,用冒号隔开。
5. 最后是页码,用“pp.”标记。
1. 期刊论文
[1] 作者1, 作者2, …, and 作者n. 文章标题[J]. 期刊名称, 年份, 卷号(期号): 页码.
2. 会议论文
[2] 作者1, 作者2, …, and 作者n. 文章标题. In: 会议名称, 会议日期, 地点. 出版地点: 出版者, 年份. pp. 页码.
3. 学位论文
[3] 作者姓名. 论文题目[D]. 出版地点: 出版者, 年份.
4. 书籍
[4] 作者姓名. 书名[M]. 出版地点: 出版者, 年份.

Table of ContentsPart I MASS 2009 Conference Schedule (1)Part II Keynote & Invited Speeches (3)Keynote Speech: Mass Customization of Education: Meeting the Emerging Needs of a DiverseWorkforce (3)Keynote Speech: Computer Vision Applications in Web 2.0 and Interactive Leisure Platforms (3)Keynote Speech: Ambient Mediated Services in Warehouse and Retail Enabled by IntelligentPackage and Internet-of-Things (4)Keynote Speech: To Be Determined (4)Invited Speech: Technology, Media and Arts Recent development in Advanced A/V Institute (5)Invited Speech: The futures of the city operations and development, between vulnerability andsustainability (5)Part III Oral Sessions (6)Oral Session 1: Enterprise Management and Project Management (6)Oral Session 2: Service Management (6)Oral Session 3: Environment and Infrastructure Management, E-Commerce (7)Oral Session 4: Project and Quality Management (8)Oral Session 5: City Operation and Development (1) (8)Oral Session 6: Media Interactivity and Network Convergence (9)Oral Session 7: Supply Chain Management and Innovation (10)Oral Session 8: Finance and Risk Management (11)Oral Session 9: Knowledge Management and Data Mining (11)Oral Session 10: City Operation and Development (2) (12)Oral Session 11: E-Commerce and Decision Making Systems (13)Oral Session 12: Information Systems and Security (14)Part IV Poster Sessions (15)Poster 1: Engineering Management (1) (15)Poster 2: Engineering Management (2) (20)Poster 3: Service Management (27)Poster 4: Financial Management, Knowledge Management (31)Poster 5 - I: City Operation and Development (37)Poster 5 - II: Media Interactivity and Network Convergence (41)Poster 6: Information Systems and New Technologies (43)Part V Campus Tour (48)Part VI Instructions for Presentations (50)Part VII Hotel Information (51)Part VIII Contact Us (56)Part I MASS 2009 Conference ScheduleSunday September 20~22, 2009Registration Time Date Location09:00 – 20:00 September 20th, 2009 Lobby, Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing09:00 – 19:00 September 21st, 2009 Lobby, Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing09:00 – 14:20 September 22nd, 2009 Lobby, Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel, BeijingMonday Morning, September 21, 2009Time ActivityLocation:2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing 08:30-09:10 Opening Ceremony09:10-11:50 Keynote Speeches1) Mass Customization of Education: Meeting the Emerging Needs of a Diverse WorkforceSpeaker: Prof. James M. Shaeffer, James Madison University, USATime: 09:10- 09:50Coffee Break2) Computer Vision Applications in Web2.0 and Interactive Leisure PlatformsSpeaker: Prof. Alexandra Psarrou, University of Westminster, UKTime: 10:10-10:503) Ambient Mediated Services in Warehouse and Retail Enabled by Intelligent Package andInternet-of-ThingsSpeaker: Prof. Li-Rong Zheng, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SwedenTime: 10:50-11:304) Speaker: Prof. Rongping Mu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ChinaTime: 11:30-11:50 (To Be Determined)Monday Noon, September 21, 200912:00 - 13:30 Lunch Buffet Location: 1st floor, Restaurant in Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship HotelMonday Afternoon, September 21, 2009Time Activity (Coffee Break 15:40 – 16:00) Location: 1st floor, Meeting Hall,Beijing Friendship Hotel14:00- 18:00 Oral Session 1: Enterprise Management and Project Management Room 1 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 2: Service Management Room 2 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 3: Environment and Infrastructure Management,E-CommerceRoom 3 in Meeting HallOral Session 4: Project and Quality Management Room 4 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 5: City Operation and Development (1) Room 5 in Meeting Hal Oral Session 6: Media Interactivity and Network Convergence Room 6 in Meeting HallTuesday Morning, September 22, 2009TimeActivity (Coffee Break 10:00 – 10:20)Location: 1st floor, Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 08:00 – 12:00Oral Session 7: Supply Chain Management and Innovation Room 1 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 8: Finance and Risk ManagementRoom 2 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 9: Knowledge Management and Data Mining Room 3 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 10: City Operation and Development (2) Room 4 in Meeting Hall Oral Session 11: E-Commerce and Decision Making Systems Room 5 in Meeting Hal Oral Session 12: Information Systems and SecurityRoom 6 in Meeting HallTuesday Noon, September 22, 200912:00 - 13:30Lunch BuffetLocation: 1st floor, restaurant in Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship HotelTuesday Afternoon, September 22, 2009Time Activity Location14: 00 – 14:40 Poster Session 1: Engineering Management (1) 2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing 14: 40 – 15: 20 Poster Session 2: Engineering Management (2) 15: 20 – 16: 00 Poster Session 3: Service Management16: 00 – 16: 40 Poster Session 4: Financial Management, Knowledge Management 16: 40 – 17:20 Poster Session 5-I: City Operation and DevelopmentPoster Session 5-II: Media Interactivity and Network Convergence 17:20 – 18:00Poster Session 6: Information Systems and New TechnologiesWednesday, September 23, 2009 (Optional)Time Activity (Organized by Communication University of China) Location08:00 – 17:30Campus TourCommunication University of ChinaPart II Keynote & Invited SpeechesKeynote Speech: Mass Customization of Education: Meeting the Emerging Needs of a Diverse WorkforceSpeaker: Prof. James M. Shaeffer, Associate Vice Provost for Outreach &Engagement, James Madison University, USATime: 09:10- 09:50, September 21, 2009Location: 2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing FriendshipAbstractGlobalization and a constantly changing economy have made providing education and training to a diverse workforce a rapidly shifting challenge. This presentation will explore how one institution of higher education is using multiple modes of delivery, flexible scheduling, and a customer-driven combination of theoretical and practical approaches to offer just-in-time, on demand training to a wide range of audiences across various programs.Keynote Speech: Computer Vision Applications in Web 2.0 and Interactive Leisure PlatformsSpeaker: Prof. Alexandra Psarrou, Chair, AI and Interactive MultimediaDepartment, Harrow CS School, University of Westminster, UKTime: 10:10-10:50, September 21, 2009Location: 2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing FriendshipAbstractThe automatic image-based recognition of objects and activities under any conditions is the ultimate goal of computer vision research. Recent advances show that this task is now becoming attainable. This talk will focus on the challenges that computer vision research has overcome and its place in Web 2.0 applications and interactive leisure platforms, i.e. online games and communities.Keynote Speech: Ambient Mediated Services in Warehouse and Retail Enabled by Intelligent Package and Internet-of-ThingsSpeaker: Prof. Li-Rong Zheng, Chair Professor, iPack VINN Excellence Center,Media Electronics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SwedenTime: 10:50-11:30, September 21, 2009Location: 2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing FriendshipAbstractCurrent management systems for warehouse and supermarket face challenges to fill thousands of inventory orders, locate items, store goods in suitable environment and make out daily record. Manual systems and inadequate desktop applications act slowly and inaccurately, and fail to meet the challenges as the business grows. Customers are dissatisfied with the service levels, and, therefore, demand new generation warehouse and supermarket managements. With the development of media electronics and Internet-of-Things technologies, there are significant opportunities for the next generation management systems, which can offer a wide range of pervasive, interactive, and networked services. One example is the intelligent paper and packages, where smart RFID and sensors are embedded into paper board, with printed sensors and antenna as interface. The packages can communicate with a master sensor node, provides mediated information services.In this talk, I review the technology advances in media electronics and internet-of-things and show how intelligent paper and packages are realized by such technologies. A two-layered passive wireless sensor network architecture and its components are presented in detail for warehouse and supermarket applications to monitor goods storage and retail, making interactive advertisement, and assist for quality management and market analysis. The hierarchical architecture uses IEEE 802.15.4a impulse ultra-wideband radio (IR-UWB) communication protocol between slave sensor nodes (SSN) and master sensor nodes (MSN), and IEEE 802.11b/g between MSN and servers. The system also allows location services with accuracy at tens centimeters. In second application, I will show how intelligent package enables fresh food tracking services. In this case, we use similar technology but replacing 802.11b/g with GSM/GPRS, allowing wide area deployment and mobile services. Various sensors are used the systems, mainly temperature, humidity, CO2 and oxygen. They are remotely controllable and seamlessly integrated to internet services. Hardware modules are optimized for ultra low power and compact size. Abstract and extendable application interface is developed, based on SMS and TCP/UDP protocol. Hierarchical localization, namely GPS-LPS Adaptive Localization, is supported based on GPS, wireless cellular ID, RFID, UWB and inertial sensors. Specific data compression technique is adopted for high density data source.Some other applications based on this technology will also be presented, including intelligent logistics and home healthcare services. Protocol stack of the hierarchical network architecture and performance evaluation of large scale network system are conducted. Some field testing data such as in fresh food services will be included in this presentation.Keynote Speech: To Be DeterminedSpeaker: Prof. Rongping Mu, Institute of Policy and Management (IPM),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ChinaTime: 11:30-11:50, September 21, 2009Location: 2nd floor, Ju Ying Ting in Friendship Palace, Beijing FriendshipInvited Speech: Technology, Media and Arts Recent development in Advanced A/V InstituteSpeaker: Prof. Qin Zhang, Communication University of China, Beijing, ChinaTime: 14:00-14:30, September 21, 2009Location: 1st floor, Room 6 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship HotelAbstractThe evolution of technology has always found its way to produce a fundamental impact on arts. From Audio to motion pictures, technology is one integrated part of modern media and arts. In this presentation, we will introduce recent development of DMS music and carton modeling technology, where we will discuss a new generation of digital theater-DMS format and a layered approach for model based coding and their applications.Invited Speech: The Futures of the City Operations and Development, Between Vulnerability and SustainabilitySpeaker: Prof. Rui Chen, Institute of Policy and Management (IPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ChinaTime: 14:00-14:30, September 21, 2009Location: 1st floor, Room 5 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship HotelPart III Oral SessionsOral Session 1: Enterprise Management and Project ManagementChair: Prof. Yonggui Wang, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China1st floor, Room 1 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:00-18:00; Monday, September 21ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation10527 Entrepreneur Orientation, Enterprise Capability and Service Innovation Performance:Study of Large and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Northeast ChinaJing-Qin Su Dalian Univ. of Technology, China10547 Does Corporate Governance Quality affect R&D Expenditures? Yong Yang Southeast Univ., China10580 Departments’ Efficiency and Productivity Change:A Case Study of A ChineseUniversity from 2004 to 2006Junming Yin Nanjing Audit Univ., China11020 Resource Leveraging Exploitation and Organizational Competitiveness Building Upof Entrepreneurial FirmsFengzeng Xu Shandong Univ., China12589 An Extension of the Resource-based View on the Product Development ofEntrepreneurial FirmsFengzeng Xu Shandong Univ., China12690 Correlations between Standardization and R&D Capability of High-Tech Enterprises Fang Fang Hunan Univ., China10146 The relationship between levels of equity-based incentives and company performance -An Empirical Study based on China Listed Companies after Equity Division Reform Huihui Yang Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade,China10297 Office environmental satisfaction analysis in Australia Yu Song Macau University of Science andTechnology, Macau,11341 The Impact of Servant Leadership and Altruism-Oriented Culture on the Growth ofResearch staffChun-Xu Yao Zhejiang Sci-Tech Univ., China11430 Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Executive Equity Incentive Efficiency and Levels Huihui Yang Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade,China12275 Frame Design for Simulation Software for Financial Development Strategy-Oriented for Coal Enterprises——Taking Yanzhou Coal Mining Co., Ltd. As an example Meiling Liu China Univ. of Mining Technology,China10622 Prefabrication construction in residential building of Vanke Real Estate CompanyChinaZhengyong Liu Tongji Univ., China10926 An Application Study on a Coating Process Capability Analysis with MeasurementErrorsLiangxing Shi Tianjin Univ., China11032 Evaluation on Growth Efficiency of International Competitiveness in theShipbuilding IndustryXian_Ying Wu Harbin Engineering Univ., China11129 Evaluating Collaborative Design Systems Organizational Performance by UsingAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessCheng-Ru Wu Yuanpei Univ., Taiwan, ChinaOral Session 2: Service ManagementChair: Prof. Jue Chen, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China1st floor, Room 2 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:00-18:00; Monday, September 21ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation30572 The Building of Mobile Phone TV Standard in China Jian Chi Beijing Univ. of PostsTelecommunications, China10340 Knowledge-Intensive Business Services within Cluster Innovation Systems: Types, Roles and Its Mechanism Haiyan Zhu Capital Univ. of Economics andBusiness, China10516 Drivers and Implications of Service Science Kejing Zhang Donghua Univ., China10598 Customer Requirements Assessment Model of Fitness Club in International TouristHotelJiung-Bin Chin Hungkuang Univ., Taiwan, China11033 Elucidating the Development of Chinese Leisure Industry from Industrial Cluster Perspective Xiaoyan Zhou East China Univ. of Science andTechnology, China11112 Assessing the Effects of Service Recovery and Perceived Justice on CustomerSatisfaction with SEMHao-Erl Yang Tatung Univ., Taiwan, China11124 Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Evaluating Collaborative Customer RelationshipManagement SystemChe-Wei Chang Tatung Univ., Taiwan, China 11505 PerformanceStudy of Multiple Subspace skylinequeries in Service Management Zhenhua Huang Tongji Univ., China12225 The Impacts of Software and Service Outsourcing on the Economic Growth inRecipient Country-An Empirical Analysis of Dalian, ChinaXiaonan Fan Dalian Polytechnic Univ., China 12332 Research on Service Ecosystems: State of the Art Pingfeng Liu Wuhan Univ. of Technology, China12463 Do Technology Progress and Service Differentiation Bring Efficiency and Social Welfare in the Process of Network Service Enterprise’s Marketization: Experiencefrom China Post Hui Peng Beijing Univ. of Posts andTelecommunications, China12548 The Effects of In- and Extra-role Customer Service on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty ——Evidence from Chinese retailing industry Zhou Mingjian Harbin Institute of Technology/Shenzhen Graduate School, China12629 Organisational-Oriented Service Architecture Marco Link Technische Universitat DarmstadtDarmstadt, Germany30123 A Research on Service Failure and Culture’s Impact on Service Recovery Effectiveness Wenchao Wang Henan Univ. of Finance andEconomics, ChinaOral Session 3: Environment and Infrastructure Management, E-CommerceChair: Prof. Hongwei Zhang, Tianjing Univ., China1st floor, Room 3 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:00-18:00; Monday, September 21ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation30456 A Reexamination and Extension of Customer Bonding Tactics in B2C E-commerceIndustryDahai Dong Dalian, China30473 Mobile Service: An Empirical Study of the Behavior of 2/2.5G and 3G Subscribersand Implications to Roll-out of wimax NetworkWee-Kheng Tan Kainan Univ., Taiwan, China 30683 An Empirical Analysis for Consumer Intention of Online Shopping Ge Wu Nanjing Univ. of Technology, China 30707 The Adoption and Use of Mobile Commerce: an Information Processing Perspective Kongchun Chen Renmin Univ., China30662 Research on the E-Government Service in Rural China: From Digital Division, Penatration Bottleneck to E-inclusion Jinguang Guo Dongbei Univ. of Finance Economics,China11622 The micro-insurance plan based on risk degree of debris flow Mingtao Ding Southwest Univ. of Science andTechnology, China10064 Study on technical cooperation of new energy between China, Japan and Korea Wang Hao Jilin Univ., China10978 Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption Pattern of Two MillionLevel Cities In ChinaWei Yu Politecnico di Torino, China11219 Cost Effective and Sustainable? Photovoltaic (PV) Rebate Program in Australia Janet Xin Ge Univ. of Technology Sydney,Australia11649 Assessing the benefits of reforestation placements in soil erosion using a spatialmodelShuang Wu Beijing Normal Univ., China 12323 Analysis on Generation Costs and Carbon Reduction Routines in China Ji-Ying Lu Tianjin Univ. of Commerce, China12494 Empirical study on farmers’ behavior change after technical training of pesticide use—Based on farmers investigation in Guangdong, Sichuan and Yunnan provinceseWenting Song Sichuan Agricultural Univ., China12518 Experimental Study on Treatmental Efficiency of Wastewater from Small Hospital by Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Zifu Li Univ. of Science Technology Beijing,China12619 Evaluation of Coal Utilization Efficiency of Regions in China Lu Xing Renmin Univ. of China, China 11200 The Impact of Port Infrastructure on Port Handling Capacity in China Tian Dongwen Beihang Univ., China12525 Co-Creating Innovative Si-Soft Service System and Infrastucture: Implementation of the nsoc Program as a Transition Paradigm of Taiwan Semiconductor Cluster Ching-MingHwangNational Taiwan Normal Univ. &Hsinchu Science Park Administration,Taiwan, ChinaOral Session 4: Project and Quality ManagementChair: Prof. Wu Min, the Univ. of Hong Kong, China1st floor, Room 4 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:00-18:00; Monday, September 21 ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation10917 Interpreting the Mean Shift Signals in Multivariate Control Charts Using Support Vector Machine-based Classifier Chuen-ShengChengYuan-Ze Univ., Taiwan, China11187 The Research of Multivariate Statistical Process Control Based on EIV Model Junlei Niu Nanjing Univ. of Science Technology,China11251 Study on the Estimating Model of Shadow Prices for National Economy Evaluation of Construction Projects Huiru Zhao The Institute of Industry Economics,China11402 Managing New Prodcuct Development Performance:A Process-based Automotive Product Realization KomsanSanongpongAssumption Univ. of Thailand,Thailand11643 Digital Composite Component Production Line System for Aircraft ManufacturingIndustryPeiyong Cong Beihang Univ., China11785 Critical Factors Affecting Management Performance of Enterprise AgentConstruction Projects in ChinaYaling Du Tianjin Univ. of Technology, China 12083 Modeling of fragmentation in the Construction Industry Min Wu The Univ. of Hong Kong, ,China 12172 Project Management through States BenjaminMenhornUlm Univ., Germany12256 Research on Selecting the Participants of the Governmental Investment Constructionprojectsbased on the Second-Price Sealed Bid-AuctionZhang Jiansheng China Agricultural Univ., China 12309 Research on Evaluation of the Underway Replenishment Project Ying Yu Harbin Engineering Univ., China 12358 Green Construction Alternatives Evaluation Using GA-BP Hybrid Algorithm Qian Shi Tongji Univ., China12362 A fuzzy-QFD approach to the assessment of green construction alternatives based onValue EngineeringQian Shi Tongji Univ., China11237 Application of Six Sigma to Hotel Service Management Xiangping Bo Hunan Univ., ChinaOral Session 5: City Operation and Development (1)Chair: Prof. Chen Rui, Institute of Policy and Management (IPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ChinaInvited Speech: The Futures of the City Operations and Development, Between Vulnerability and Sustainability Speaker: Prof. Rui Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ChinaTime: 14:00 – 14:301st floor, Room 5 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:30-18:20; Monday, September 21 ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation10824 Traffic Analysis Zone Based Urban Activity Study with Aggregate Mobile Network Data Xiqun Chen Institute of TransportationEngineering, China10975 Monitoring grassland desertification around the built-up area of the city based onmulti-temporal remotely sensed imagesGuang-Jun Wang China Univ. of Geosciences, China 11047 Current Practices of Shanghai E-Government: A Framework and Case Study Yinbin Liu Shanghai Univ., China11111 Analysis of Urban Disaster Prevention Engineering Investment: Cost-BenefitAnalysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis ApproachesXia Wang Tongji Univ., China11175 Xixi Mode--Study on City Operation for Wetland Park Ka Wang Department of Architecture, China 12004 An Assessment Model of Institutional Resilience in Urban Emergency Management Huihui Ni Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 12058 A study on the method for constituting an operable emergency plan Mingliang Qi Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 12073 Modelling Inbound Tourism Demand in Shanghai Yujie Yuan East China Normal Univ., China 12383 The methods to extending the basic Facility location models Xiaowen Xiao East China Normal Univ., China 12442 Innovation 2.0 as a Paradigm Shift: Comparative Analysis of Three InnovationModesGang Song Peking Univ., China12683 The Planning and Prospect in City Emergency Management Field Rui Chen IPM, CAS, China12685 The Summary of Methodology and Measurement Methods in City Operations andDevelopmentJian Wang IPM, CAS, China12687 The Transformation from Urban Management to Urban Governance Jia Wang Graduate Univ. of Chinese Academyof Sciences, China11229 House site selection decision support system based on arcgis Xiao Qiuping China Univ. of Geosciences in Beijing,China10100 City Brand Positioning in Urban Agglomeration: Samples of 8 cities in YangtzeRiver DeltaQingsheng Wu Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China 30454 Flexible Design of Delivery Capacity in Urban Water Distribution System Yi Zhou Wuhan Univ., ChinaOral Session 6: Media Interactivity and Network ConvergenceChair: Prof. Sanxing Cao, Communication Univ. of China, ChinaInvited Speech: Technology, Media and Arts Recent development in Advanced A/V InstituteSpeaker: Prof. Qin Zhang, Communication University of China, Beijing, ChinaTime: 14:00-14:301st floor, Room 6 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 14:30-18:20; Monday, September 21ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation12738 An Improved Channel Coding Scheme Based on BICM for CMMB Shuai Zhang Communication Univ. of China, China 12736 An OFDM Transmission System for Aerial photography Xinle Yu Communication Univ. of China, China 12723 Regularity-based caricature synthesis Wenjuan Chen Communication Univ. of China, China 12746 An Efficient Method of Multimedia Materials Retrieval Shuang Feng Communication Univ. of China, China 12774 A Method of Text Segmentation from Scanned Image with Complex Background Xianglin Huang Communication Univ. of China, China 12716 A Smart-card Based DRM Authentication Scheme for Mobile TV System Yi-Chun Zhang Communication Univ. of China, China 12742 Research on Application of Object Technologies in Media Assets Management Yongquan Lu Communication Univ. of China, China 12753 Optimizing Resource Scheduling in bittorrent File Distribution Network Zheng Chen Communication Univ. of China, China12735 A Novel Particle Filtering Framework Using Genetic Monte Carlo Sampling Long Ye Communication Univ. of China, China12749 A Smart Interaction Matching Algorithm for Hotspots in Image-based InteractiveServicesSanxing Cao Communication Univ. of China, China10455 Rights Sharing Scheme for Online DRM System Using Digital Ticket Yang Liu Univ. of Science and Technology ofChina, China11660 Enable SOAP to Support Service Composition in Multimedia Application Li Songbin Chinese Academy of Science, China 12621 Coupling 3G with DVB Networks for Low Cost Services Azza Jedidi IRISA - INRIA rennes, France 12652 Enriched SCIM for Service Composition within IMS Environment Cuiting Huang Telecom & Management sudparis(GET-INT), France12654 The Effects of Different Feedback Modes in Video Practice to Improve the Decision Making of Novice Officials of Ice Hockey Ming-Tsang Tsai National Taiwan Sport Univ., Taiwan,China30562 Short-distance Wireless Voice Communication Technology Based on zigbee Li Wenfeng Xi’an Univ. of Science andTechnology, ChinaOral Session 7: Supply Chain Management and InnovationChair: Prof. Zhanxin Ma, Inner Mongolia Univ., China1st floor, Room 1 in Meeting Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel 8:00-12:00; Tuesday, September 22ID PaperTitle Author Affiliation10366 Learning from Auto Makers and Path Dependence: Conflicting Modes to PromoteSuppliers’ Innovation QualityYan LIN Dalian Maritime University, China11625 An Empirical Study on External Influencing Factors of User Innovation Performance Yonggui Wang University of International Businessand Economics, China11877 Innovation Network and Performance of Technology Clusters: Evidence fromCommunication Equipment Manufacturingyong yang Southeast University, China10315 An Optimized Model of Supply Chain Network Structure Based on CVaR Constraint changbao zhong School of Business, Huaihai Instituteof Technology, China10474 Cost and Cost Parameter Estimation in Whole-set Equipment Multi-attribute Procurement Auction Xingzhou Zhang Dalian University of Technology,China10572 Study on the Value Chain Construct of the Cyclic Utilization of Waste Packages Jingzhong Zhang Hohai University, China10616 Research on the City Logistics Development Evaluation System Based on Fuzzy Mathematics Qingying Zhang Wuhan University of Technology,China10984 Integrated Supply Chains of the Natural Disaster Relief Substances LIU Zhenling Henan University of Technology,China11006 Ecological product design value and remanufacturing for green short life-cycleproduct with warranty-dependent demand in supply chainChun-Jen Chung Aletheia University, Taiwan11371 The Supplier Alliance Research in Chinese SMEs: Based on Alliance RealizingProcess Model and SurveyPing Shuai Shang Hai University, China12059 Congruence of Business Ethics in Supplier-Buyer Relationships: A Social IdentityApproachShenjiang Mo Zhejiang University, China 12194 Application of Rough Set in Diagnostics of Supply Chain Integration Mingzhi Yao Beijing Jiaotong University, China 12248 An extended Petri-Net based approach for supply chain process modeling and webservice transformationXiaodong Wang University Mannheim, Germany12253 Achieving a highly effective Green Supply Chain with a “Product Oriented Model”. Jody NgongoNgoy Wuhan University of Technology, China。

ei会议论文格式【篇一:ei检索的国际会议论文标准格式】the structure optimization of the siphonic bedpan’s flow channel based on thenumerical simulation technologyge zhenghao, wang jinshui,su penggang , liang jiangboshaanxi university of science technology, xian, shaanxi, 710021, chinagezh@abstract—according to siphonic bedpan’s work principle, siphonic bedpan with variational section flow channel is put forwards into application in this paper. structure design optimization of siphonic bedpan’s flow channel is discussed. based on making use of pro/e to conduct the parametrization modeling of the siphonic bedpan (the constant section bedpan and the variational section bedpan), and then adopt adina to simulate the flow field in the siphonic bedpan with not taking the filth into consideration. the calculation results of the numerical simulation demonstrate that variational section bedpan is better than the constant section bedpan in flushing and saving water. the results indicates the adoption of adina software to carry out sanitary implement’s numerical simulation can improve the accuracy of the bedpan design and manufacturing consumedly, provides a theories analysis foundation for the engineering, design and application of bedpan.keywords-siphonic bedpan;flowchannelstructure;numerical simulationi. introductionthe software adina is the product of the american company of adina, it is a large numeric calculational system based on the finite element method. it computes the engineering problems that various structure, fluid, the temperature field and several field coupling by solving various physical basic controlling equation. this paper recurs to the pro/e and adina, making use of the parameterization design and numerical simulation, haveresearched siphonic bedpan?s best structure of flow channel. ii.flushing function requirement of sanitaryimplementwith the improving of the people?s life, the request to the sanitary implement is becoming higher and higher. at the same time, it is requested that: (1) full fill the essential function, (2) stress the shape beauty, and (3) saving water. the quality of the sanitary implement has been requested to include exact size tolerance, fine external appearance, physics function, flushing function etc. flushing function is the ability that the bedpan ejects filth, washes it clearly while controlling the amount of water. without question, flush function is one of the uppermost functions. according to the flushing way, bedpan can be divided into wash-down type, siphonic type and ejecting siphonic type. wash-down bedpan rush out filth by the impact of the water, the power is decided by potential energy of the water in tank subtractslosing energy. siphonic bedpan?s flush power primarily relies on siphonic power.iii. the structure design of siphonic bedpan?sflow channel as mentioned above, under the condition of piping water-filled, whatever means we adopt, it will not produce the siphonic phenomenon if air is interfused. so we should make sure that the piping section dimension is appropriate, as figure 1 shows, the diameter of d-e segment is degressive. according to the statics and hydromechanics theories, while the fluid in piping flows stably, the physical volume flux is constant at any section of the pipe. so the smaller of the pipe section, the higher of the current velocity of the fluid. so the diameter change could result in the water velocity change in the d-e segment.figure 1. the structure design of siphonic bedpan?s flow channelthus at the beginning of the siphonic bedpan?s flow channel, the flushing velocity of the water becoming higher and higher, form the e-f segment in advance, expedite siphonic process, reduce the amount of water, attained the purpose of saving water. the d-e segment is rising, and its section diameter is generally among 55-65 mm. the ability of rushing out filth willbe weakend with larger diameter, the result may increase water amount. while the drainage amount in forepart will be influenced with smaller diameter, it will cause the water surface rising, and result in siphonic phenomenon later. the e-f segment is a hump segment, its perfect section diameter generally among 45-55 mm. the f-g segment is a increasing segment, the diameter is becoming bigger from small, and the section is becoming large, it will lower segment?s the current length increase, velocity of in the addition fluid, make make siphonic siphonic phenomenon keep more time, and its section diameter is generally among 55-60 mm.iv. three-dimensional steady numericsimulation for flowing in bedpanbedpan?s geometrical modeling is the most complicated in sanitary implements, its cad model include complicated surface and characteristics, these may result in many difficulties during the numeric simulation and influence the result. considering the siphonic bedpan?s whole flow channel as computing area, and the difficulty to set up the cad model in adina, so this paper make use of pro/e to conduct the parameterization model of the siphonic bedpan. the water warp is 200 mm high, and the pipe diameter in the largest section is 80 mm.then the model is imported into adina8.3 through iges data format. in adina, we still need to predigest the physics model before adding load and boundary conditions. detailed information is as follows:load: velocity (the water warp?s entry velocity is 1.5 m/s),pressure (pressure in piping exit), and in addition,in adina, tetrahedral grid is adopted, and the model is meshed according to appointed unit length being 2 mm to the sections with same diameter. to the constant section bedpan, total meshing grid node amount is 3378, meshing grid unit amount is 15497, and to the variational section bedpan, meshing grid node amount is 2968, meshing grid unit amount is 13818. appointed time step is 100, constant magnitude is 0.1 s, the calculation results are showed as thefigure 2 and 3.figure 2.pressure distributing for the constant section bedpanfigure 3. pressure distributing for the variational section bedpancomparing the above two calculation results and in regard to pressure and velocity, in the approximate sameposition, the variational section bedpan obviously excelled the constant section bedpan. to the constant section bedpan, the maximal pressure is 7.3 e+06(pa), the upmost velocity is 42.32 m/s, the pipe?s exit maximal pressure is -77583 pa, to the variational section bedpan, the maximal pressure is2.178e+08(pa), the upmost velocity is 193.2 m/s, the pipe?s exit bedpan?s maximal flow pressure channel is structure, -227620 pa. because analyzing of the siphonic rising segment, hump segment and descending segment, rising segment diameter is becoming smaller, thus in the beginning of the d-e segment, the water velocity becoming more and more high, filled the hump segment in advance, siphonic process was occurred rapidly. so make the siphonic pressure increase consumedly, and enhance the siphonic power, attained the purpose of saving water.v.the vof analysis on siphonic bedpan?sflushing processa. the vof methodthe vof (volume of fluid) method is defined such a volume fraction f, defining the value of the point having fluid as 1, the value of the point having no fluid as 0. thus, in a mesh unit, the f average value represents the quota that fluid contained the unit. if the average value is 1, the mesh is filled with the fluid, if the average value is 0, then for empty mesh. if the value is between 0 and 1, the mesh is free surface mesh. so it has advantages of easy realization, small calculation quantity,high-precision etc, and can handle complex nonlinear problem such as free surface folding, free surface filling water etc. when the model involves flow theories of the two phases or multi-phase, it introduces the single fluid model to solve problem. namely, in the water-air two phase flow field, water and air obey the same team momentum equation. in the computing area, each controlling volume is filling with water and air, and their volume fraction?s addition should be 1, namely,aw?aa?1among above, ?a? denotes the volume fraction, subscript ?w? and ?a? denote water and air respectively. once the water and air?s volume fractions are known, all their unknown quantity and characteristic parameter can be denoted by average volume fraction. tracking the water-air interface can be solved by nether consecutive equation.?aw?t?v??aw?0thereinto, ?v? denotes velocity vector.b. boundary conditionsc. the result for bedpan’s vof analysisaccording to the above computing conditions, defining initial filled with water, and we can get the result of the bedpan?s condition is, water tank and water envelop are all flushing process in 0-6s. 1) flushing procesthe figure 4 shows flowing field distributions at different moment.figure 4. distributing of flow at different moment by simulation for thevariational section bedpanin the figures above, areas in red colour represent water, areas in navy blue represent air, other colours represent the mixture of water and air. contrasting the flow field distribution of the constant section bedpan to the variational section bedpan, we will found, to the constant section bedpan, pipe?s tiptopduring while 0-5s, to water the variational caput hasn?t section gotten bedpan, across water the caput has already gotten across during 0-1s and in 5.6 s, water because in when the warp the water has flowed caput out got completely. across the pipe?s this mainly tiptop, the siphonic phenomenon happens. water warp?s outflow increases largely. this makes water level drop rapidly and reach lowest level in warp, and then the siphonic phenomenon stops, water velocity becomes lower, water that has not gotten across the pipe?s tiptop start to turn back, and finally become level off. 2) pressure distributionthe figure 5 shows pressure distribution at different moment for the variational section bedpan. in the following figures, to the constant section bedpan, the minus pressure is -695.4 pa,while to the variational section bedpan, the minus pressure is -1733 pa, this difference shows the strong function of siphon. figure 5. pressure distributing at different moment for the variationalsection bedpan3) velocity distributionas the figure 6 shows, velocity for the variational section bedpan is averagely larger than the velocity for the constant section bedpan, consequently, it provide effective gist for variational section bedpan, it can easily achieve effectively flushing aim compared to the constant section bedpan. besides, it indirectly indicates that the variational section bedpan can easily achieve the function of saving water.figure 6. the velocity distribution of the two kind sections bedpan pipevi. conclusionsthis paper studied on the structure optimization of the siphonic bedpan?s flow channel, recurring to finite element software adina, three-dimensional steady flow numeric simulation of water flowing in bedpan is carried out, the vof analysis on siphonic bedpan?s flushing process has also been carried out. the results can help technics designers find outthe disfigurement essentially, enhance the precision inthe porcelain sanitation field. further more, it will shorten the exploiting time and expense of the new product consumedly, bring remarkable economic benefit to producing enterprise.acknowledgmentamerica the preferred spelling is without an “e” of the word “acknowledgment” in after the “g”. avoid the stilted expression, “one of us (r.b.g.) thanks . . .” instead, try “r.b.g. thanks”. put applicable sponsor acknowledgments here; donot place them on the first page of your paper or as a footnote. references[1] yue bangguo, “talking about bedpan?s flushing filth function andsaving water,” chinaware, 2001(5).(in chinese)[2] wu ziniu, the basic elements of computing hydromechanics. beijing:the science press. 2001. 1-8. (in chinese)[3] hong fangwen, “kinetic object round free surface flowing field valuesimulation and experimentation research,” d octor degree thesis. wuxi, jiangsu, china: chinese watercraft science research center. 2001.4. (in chinese)[4] c.w. hirt, b.d. nichols. volume of fluid (vof) method for the dynamics of free boundaries. journal of computational physics, 1981, 39:201-225.[5] lin huzong, phantasmagoric flowing science-multiphasehydromechanics. beijing: the book concern of qinghua university, guangzhou: the book concern of jinan university. (in chinese)[6] wang youcheng, shao min, the theory and numeric method on finiteelement analysis. beijing: the book concern of qinghua university, 1997. (in chinese)【篇二:ei会议论文模板】preparing a two column paper with ms word for windowsw.j. zhou j.tanga.a. balkema publishers, rotterdam, netherlandsc.t.zhaonew institute, gouda, netherlandsabstract: authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction by the publisher. in order to ensure uniform style throughout the volume, all the papers have to be prepared strictly according to the instructions set below. a laser printer should be used to print the text. the publisher will reduce the camera-ready copy to 75% and print it in black only. for the convenience of the authors template files for ms word 6.0 (and higher) are provided. keyword: in order to; ms word 1 general instructions 1.1 type areathe text should fit exactly into the type area of 187 ? 272 mm (7.36 ? 10.71). for correct settings of margins in the page setup dialog box (file menu) see table 1.table 1. margin settings for a4 size paper and letter size paper. * column dialog box in format menu.11 points) for tables (table tags), figure captions(figure caption tag) and the references (reference text tag).never use letterspacing and never use more than one space after each other. 2 getting started2.1 preparing the new file with the correct template copy the template file b2proca4.dot (if you print on a4 size paper) orb2procle.dot (for letter size paper) to the template directory. this directory can be found by selecting the tools menu, options and then by tabbing the file locations. when the word programme has been started open the file menu and choose new. now select the template b2proca4.dot or b2procle.dot (see above). start by renaming the document by clicking save as in the menu files. name your file as follows: first three letters of the file name should be the first three letters of the last name of the first author, the second three letters should be the first letter of the first three words of the title of the paper (e.g. this paper: balpcc.doc). now you can type your paper, or copy the old version of your paper onto this new formated file.2.2 copying old text onto new fileopen your old file and the new file. switch between these two with the window menu. select all text of the old file (excluding title, authors, affiliations and1.2 typefont, typesize and spacinguse times new roman 12 point size and 14 point line spacing (standard; text tag). use roman type except for the headings (heading tags), parameters in mathematics (not for log, sin, cos, ln, max., d (in dx), etc), latin names of species and genera in botany and zoology and the titles of journals and books which should all be in italics. never use bold, except to denote vectors in mathematics. never underline any text. use the small font (10 points onabstract) and paste onto bottom of new file, after having deleted the word introduction (see also section 2.5). check the margin setting (page setup dialog box in file menu) and column settings (see table 1 for correct settings). after this copy the texts which have to be placed in the frames (see sections 2.3 and 2.4 ). in order to avoid disruption of the text and frames, copy these texts paragraph by paragraph without including the first word (which includes the old tag). it is best to first retype the first words manually and then to paste the correct text behind. when the new file contains all the text, the old tags in the text should be replaced by the new balkematags (see section 3). before doing this apply automatic formatting (autoformat in format menu). 2.3 title, author and affiliation frameplace the cursor on the t of title at the top of your newly named file and type the title of the paper in lower case (no caps except for proper names). the title should not be longer than 75 characters). delete the word title (do not delete the paragraph end). place the cursor on the a of a.b. author(s) and type the name of the first author (first the initials and then the last name). if any of the co-authors have the same affiliation as the first author, add his name after an (or a comma if more names follow). delete the words a.b. author etc. and place the cursor on the a of affiliation. type the correct affiliation (name of the institute, city, state/province, country). now delete the word affiliation. if there are authors linked to other institutes, place the cursor at the end of the affiliation line just typed and give a return. now type the name(s) of the author(s) and after a return the affiliation. repeat this procedure until all affiliations have been typed.all these texts fit in a frame which should not be changed (width: exactly 187 mm (7.36); height: exactly 73 mm (2.87) from top margin; lock anchor).2.4 abstract frameif there are no further authors place the cursor one space behind the word abstract: and type your abstract of not more than 150 words. the top of the first line of the abstract will be 73 mm (2.87) from the top of the type area. the complete abstract will fall in the abstract frame, the settings of which should also not be changed (width: exactly 187 mm (7.36); height: automatic; vertical 73 mm (2.87) from margin; lock anchor).2.5 first line of text or headingif your text starts with a heading, place the cursor on the i of introduction and type the correct text for the heading. now delete the word introduction and start with the text after a return. this text should have the tag first paragraph. if your text starts without a heading you should place the cursor on the i of introduction, change the tag to first paragraph and type your text after deleting the word introduction. 3 layout of text 3.1 text and indentingfirst lines of paragraphs are indented 5 mm (0.2) except for paragraphs after a heading or a blank line (first paragraph tag).3.2 headingstype primary headings in capital letters roman (heading 1 tag) and secondary and tertiary headings in lower case italics (headings 2 and 3 tags). headings are set flush against the left margin. the tag will give two blank lines (26 pt) above and one (13 pt) beneath the primary headings, 1? blank lines (20 pt) above and a ? blank line (6 pt) beneath the secondary headings and one blank line (13 pt) above the tertiary headings. headings are not indented and neither are the first lines of text following the heading indented. if a primary heading is directly followed by a secondary heading, only a ? blank line should be set between the two headings. in the word programme this has to be done manually as follows: place the cursor on the primary heading, select paragraph in the format menu, and change the setting for spacing after, from 13 pt to 0 pt. in the same way the setting in the secondary heading for spacing before should be changed from 20 pt to 7 pt.3.3 listing and numberingwhen listing facts use either the style tag list signs or the style tag list numbers. 3.4 equationsuse the equation editor of the selected word processing programme. equations are not indented (formula tag). number equations consecutively and place the number with the tab key at the end of the line, between parantheses. refer to equations by these numbers. see for example equation 1 below: from the above we note that sin ? = (x + y)z or:4k????1?r2??tc?k1 (1)a??tan??where ca = interface adhesion; ? = friction angle at interface; and k1 = shear stiffness number.for simple equations in the text always use superscript and subscript (select font in the format menu). do not use the equation editor between text on same line.the inline equations (equations within a sentence) in the text will automatically be converted to the ams notation standard. 3.5 tableslocate tables close to the first reference to them in the text and number them consecutively. avoid abbreviations in column headings. indicate units in the line immediately below the heading. explanations should be given at the foot of the table, not within the table itself. use only horizontal rules: one above and one below the column headings and one at the foot of the table (table rule tag: use the shift-minus key to actually typethe rule exactly where you want it). for simple tables use thetab key and not the table option. type all text in tables in small type: 10 on 11 points (table text tag). align all headings to the left of their column and start these headings with an initial capital. type the caption above the table to the same width as the table (table caption tag). see for example table 1. 3.6 figure captionsalways use the figure caption style tag (10 points size on 11 points line space). place the caption underneath the figure (see section 5). type as follows: ‘figure 1. caption.’ leave about two lines of space between the figure caption and the text ofthe paper.figure 1. caption of a typical figure. photographs will be scanned by the printer. always supply original photographs.3.7 referencesin the text, place the authors’ last names (without initials) and the date of publication in parentheses (see examples in section 5). at the end of the paper, list all references in alphabetical order underneath the heading references (reference heading tag). the references should be typed in small text (10 pt on 12pt) and second and further lines should be indented 5.0 mm (0.2) (reference text tag). if several works by the same author are cited, entries should be chronological:larch, a.a. 1996a. development ... larch, a.a. 1996b. facilities ... larch, a.a. 1997. computer ...larch, a.a. jensen, m.c. 1996. effects of ... larch, a.a. smith, b.p. 1993. alpine ...3.7.1 typography for referenceslast name, first name or initials (ed.) year. book title. city: publisher.last name, first name or initials year. title of article. title of journal (series number if necessary) volume number (issue number if necessary): page numbers.3.7.2 examplesgrove, a.t. 1980. geomorphic evolution of the sahara and the nile. in m.a.j. williams h. faure (eds), the sahara and the nile: 21-35. rotterdam: balkema.jappelli, r. marconi, n. 1997. recommendations and prejudices in the realm of foundation engineering in italy: a historical review. in carlo viggiani (ed.), geotechnical engineering for the preservation of monuments and historical sites; proc. intern. symp., napoli, 3-4 october 1996. rotterdam: balkema.johnson, h.l. 1965. artistic development in autistic children. child development 65(1): 13-16.polhill, r.m. 1982. crotalaria in africa and madagascar. rotterdam: balkema.3.8 notesthese should be avoided. insert the information in the text. in tables the following reference marks should be used: *, **, etc. and the actual footnotes set directly underneath the table.3.9 conclusionsconclusions should state concisely the most important propositions of the paper as well as the author’s views of the practical implications of the results.4 photographs and figuresnumber figures consecutively in the order in which reference is made to them in the text, making no dis-tinction between diagrams and photographs. figures should fit within the column width of 90 mm (3.54) or within the type area width of 187 mm (7.36). figures, photographs, etc. can be in black/white or full color, but will be produced in the book in black/white only. paste copies of the same size onto the typescript where you want them to appear in the text. do not place them sideways on a page; however if this cannot be avoided, no other text (except the figure caption) should appear on that page. figures, etc. should not be centered, but placed against the left margin. leave about two lines of space between the actual text and figure (including caption).never place any text next to a figure. leave this space blank. the most convenient place for placing figures is at the top or bottom of the page. avoid placing text between figures as readers might not notice the text. keep in mind that everything will be reduced to 75%. therefore, 9 point should be theminimum size of the lettering. lines should preferably be 0.2 mm (0.1) thick. keep figures as simple as possible. avoid excessive notes and designations.photographs should be with good contrast and on glossy paper. photographic reproductions cut from books or journals, photocopies of photographs and screened photographs are unacceptable. the proceedings will be printed in black only. for this reason avoid the use of colour in figures and photographs. colour is also nearly always unnecessary for scientific work.5 preferences, symbols and units consistency of style is very important. note the spacing, punctuation and caps in all the examples below.? references in the text: figure 1, figures 2-4, 6, 8a, b (not abbreviated)? references between parentheses: (fig. 1), (figs 2-4, 6, 8a, b) (abbreviated)? usa / uk / netherlands / the netherlands insteadof u.s.a. / u.k. / the netherlands? author author (1989) instead of author and author (1989) ? (author 1989a, b, author author 1987) instead of (author, 1989a,b; author and author, 1987) ? (author et al. 1989) instead of (author, author author 1989)? use the following style: (author, in press); (author, in prep.); (author, unpubl.); (author, pers. comm.)always use the official si notations:? 0.50 instead of 0,50 (used in french text); 9000 instead of9,000 but if more than 10,000: 10,000 instead of14 100006 submission of material to the editor the camera-ready copy of the complete paper printed on a high resolution printer on one side of the paper as well as two copies of the paper should be sent to the editor after receiving the final acceptance notice. the paper should be sent together with the signed copyright form. include the original photographs. check whether the paper looks the same as this sample: title at top of first page in 18 points, authors in 14 points and all other text in 12 points on 13 points line space, except for the small text (10 point on 11 point line space) used in tables, captions and references. also check if the type width is 187 mm (7.36), the column width 90 mm (3.54), the page length is 272 mm (10.71) and that the space above the abstact is exactly as in the sample. write yourname and the shortened title of the paper in pencil in thebottom margin of each page and number the pages correctly. 7 deadlinethe above material should be with the editor before the deadline for submission. any material received too late will not be published. send the material by airmail or by courier well packed and in time. be sure that all pages are included in the parcel.【篇三:2014国际会议论文排版格式要求及样张】2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文排版要求及格式样张lan hua1,zhao shu-rong21 school of management, harbin institute of technology,p.r.china, 1500012 school of humanities and science of uestc, p.r.china, 610054摘要:这份说明给出了2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文投稿的基本要求。

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1GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1.1Type areaThe text should fit exactly into the type area of 187 ⨯272 mm (7.36" ⨯10.71"). For correct settings of margins in the Page Setup dialog box (File menu) see Table 1.Table 1. Margin settings for A4 size paper and letter size paper.* Column dialog box in Format menu.1.2Typefont, typesize and spacingUse Times New Roman 12 point size and 14 point line spacing (Standard; text tag). Use roman type except for the headings (Heading tags), parameters in mathematics (not for log, sin, cos, ln, max., d (in d x), etc), Latin names of species and genera in botany and zoology and the titles of journals and books which should all be in italics. Never use bold, except to denote vectors in mathematics. Never underline any text. Use the small font (10 points on 11 points) for tables (Table tags), figure captions (Figure caption tag) and the references (Reference text tag).Never use letterspacing and never use more than one space after each other.2GETTING STARTED2.1Preparing the new file with the correct template Copy the template file B2ProcA4.dot (if you print on A4 size paper) or B2ProcLe.dot (for Letter size paper) to the template directory. This directory can be found by selecting the Tools menu, Options and then by tabbing the File Locations. When the Word programme has been started open the File menu and choose New. Now select the template B2ProcA4.dot or B2ProcLe.dot (see above). Start by renaming the document by clicking Save As in the menu Files. Name your file as follows: First three letters of the file name should be the first three letters of the last name of the first author, the second three letters should be the first letter of the first three words of the title of the paper (e.g. this paper: balpcc.doc). Now you can type your paper, or copy the old version of your paper onto this new formated file. 2.2Copying old text onto new fileOpen your old file and the new file. Switch between these two with the Window menu. Select all text of the old file (excluding title, authors, affiliations andPreparing a Two Column Paper with MS Word for WindowsW.J. ZHOU & J.TangA.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, NetherlandsC.T.ZhaoNew Institute, Gouda, NetherlandsABSTRACT: Authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction by the publisher. In order to ensure uniform style throughout the volume, all the papers have to be prepared strictly according to the instructions set below. A laser printer should be used to print the text. The publisher will reduce the camera-ready copy to 75% and print it in black only. For the convenience of the authors template files for MS Word 6.0 (and higher) are provided.KEYWORD: In order to; MS Wordabstract) and paste onto bottom of new file, after having deleted the word INTRODUCTION (see also section 2.5). Check the margin setting (Page Setup dialog box in File menu) and column settings (see Table 1 for correct settings). After this copy the texts which have to be placed in the frames (see sections 2.3 and 2.4 ). In order to avoid disruption of the text and frames, copy these texts paragraph by paragraph without including the first word (which includes the old tag). It is best to first retype the first words manually and then to paste the correct text behind. When the new file contains all the text, the old tags in the text should be replaced by the new Balkema tags (see section 3). Before doing this apply automatic formatting (AutoFormat in Format menu).2.3Title, author and affiliation framePlace the cursor on the T of Title at the top of your newly named file and type the title of the paper in lower case (no caps except for proper names). The title should not be longer than 75 characters). Delete the word Title (do not delete the paragraph end). Place the cursor on the A of A.B. Author(s) and type the name of the first author (first the initials and then the last name). If any of the co-authors have the same affiliation as the first author, add his name after an & (or a comma if more names follow). Delete the words A.B. Author etc. and place the cursor on the A of Affiliation. Type the correct affiliation (Name of the institute, City, State/Province, Country). Now delete the word Affiliation. If there are authors linked to other institutes, place the cursor at the end of the affiliation line just typed and give a return. Now type the name(s) of the author(s) and after a return the affiliation. Repeat this procedure until all affiliations have been typed.All these texts fit in a frame which should not be changed (Width: Exactly 187 mm (7.36"); Height: Exactly 73 mm (2.87") from top margin; Lock anchor).2.4Abstract frameIf there are no further authors place the cursor one space behind the word ABSTRACT: and type your abstract of not more than 150 words. The top of the first line of the abstract will be 73 mm (2.87") from the top of the type area. The complete abstract will fall in the abstract frame, the settings of which should also not be changed (Width: Exactly 187 mm (7.36"); Height: Automatic; Vertical 73 mm (2.87") from margin; Lock anchor). 2.5First line of text or headingIf your text starts with a heading, place the cursor on the I of INTRODUCTION and type the correct text for the heading. Now delete the word INTRODUCTION and start with the text after a return. This text should have the tag First paragraph.If your text starts without a heading you should place the cursor on the I of INTRODUCTION, change the tag to First paragraph and type your text after deleting the word INTRODUCTION.3LAYOUT OF TEXT3.1Text and indentingText is set in two columns of 9 cm (3.54") width each with 7 mm (0.28") spacing between the columns. All text should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt on 13 pt line spacing except for the paper title (18 pt on 20 pt), author(s) (14 pt on 16 pt), and the small text in tables, captions and references (10 pt on 11 pt). All line spacing is exact. Never add any space between lines or paragraphs. When a column has blank lines at the bottom of the page, add space above and below headings (see opposite column).First lines of paragraphs are indented 5 mm (0.2") except for paragraphs after a heading or a blank line (First paragraph tag).3.2HeadingsType primary headings in capital letters roman (Heading 1 tag) and secondary and tertiary headings in lower case italics (Headings 2 and 3 tags). Headings are set flush against the left margin. The tag will give two blank lines (26 pt) above and one (13 pt) beneath the primary headings, 1½ blank lines (20 pt) above and a ½ blank line (6 pt) beneath the secondary headings and one blank line (13 pt) above the tertiary headings. Headings are not indented and neither are the first lines of text following the heading indented. If a primary heading is directly followed by a secondary heading, only a ½ blank line should be set between the two headings. In the Word programme this has to be done manually as follows: Place the cursor on the primary heading, select Paragraph in the Format menu, and change the setting for spacing after, from 13 pt to 0 pt. In the same way the setting in the secondary heading for spacing before should be changed from 20 pt to 7 pt.3.3 Listing and numberingWhen listing facts use either the style tag List signs or the style tag List numbers. 3.4 EquationsUse the equation editor of the selected word processing programme. Equations are not indented (Formula tag). Number equations consecutively and place the number with the tab key at the end of the line, between parantheses. Refer to equations by these numbers. See for example Equation 1 below: From the above we note that sin θ = (x + y )z or:4211tan t a R K k c τνδ=-+⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭(1)where c a = interface adhesion; δ = friction angle at interface; and k 1 = shear stiffness number.For simple equations in the text always use superscript and subscript (select Font in the Format menu). Do not use the equation editor between text on same line.The inline equations (equations within a sentence) in the text will automatically be converted to the AMS notation standard. 3.5 TablesLocate tables close to the first reference to them in the text and number them consecutively. Avoid abbreviations in column headings. Indicate units in the line immediately below the heading. Explanations should be given at the foot of the table, not within the table itself. Use only horizontal rules: One above and one below the column headings and one at the foot of the table (Table rule tag: Use the Shift-minus key to actually type the rule exactly where you want it). For simple tables use the tab key and not the table option. Type all text in tables in small type: 10 on 11 points (Table text tag). Align all headings to the left of their column and start these headings with an initial capital. Type the caption above the table to the same width as the table (Table caption tag). See for example Table 1. 3.6 Figure captionsAlways use the Figure caption style tag (10 points size on 11 points line space). Place the caption underneath the figure (see Section 5). Type as follows: ‘Figure 1. Caption.’ Leave about two lines of space between the figure caption and the text ofthe paper.Figure 1. Caption of a typical figure. Photographs will be scanned by the printer. Always supply original photographs.3.7 ReferencesIn the text, place the authors’ last names (without initials) and the date of publication in parentheses (see examples in Section 5). At the end of the paper, list all references in alphabetical order underneath the heading REFERENCES (Reference heading tag). The references should be typed in small text (10 pt on 12pt) and second and further lines should be indented 5.0 mm (0.2") (Reference text tag). If several works by the same author are cited, entries should be chronological:Larch, A.A. 1996a. Development ... Larch, A.A. 1996b. Facilities ... Larch, A.A. 1997. Computer ...Larch, A.A. & Jensen, M.C. 1996. Effects of ... Larch, A.A. & Smith, B.P. 1993. Alpine ...3.7.1 Typography for referencesLast name, First name or Initials (ed.) year. Book title . City: Publisher.Last name, First name or Initials year. Title of article. Title of Journal (series number if necessary) volume number (issue number if necessary): page numbers.3.7.2 ExamplesGrove, A.T. 1980. Geomorphic evolution of the Sahara and the Nile. In M.A.J. Williams & H. Faure (eds), The Sahara and the Nile : 21-35. Rotterdam: Balkema.Jappelli, R. & Marconi, N. 1997. Recommendations and prejudices in the realm of foundation engineering in Italy: A historical review. In Carlo Viggiani (ed.), Geotechnical engineering for the preservation of monuments and historical sites ; Proc. intern. symp., Napoli, 3-4 October 1996. Rotterdam: Balkema.Johnson, H.L. 1965. Artistic development in autistic children. Child Development 65(1): 13-16.Polhill, R.M. 1982. Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar . Rotterdam: Balkema.3.8 NotesThese should be avoided. Insert the information in the text. In tables the following reference marks should be used: *, **, etc. and the actual footnotes set directly underneath the table.3.9ConclusionsConclusions should state concisely the most important propositions of the paper as well as the author’s views of the practical implications of the results.4PHOTOGRAPHS AND FIGURESNumber figures consecutively in the order in which reference is made to them in the text, making no dis-tinction between diagrams and photographs. Figures should fit within the column width of 90 mm (3.54") or within the type area width of 187 mm (7.36").Figures, photographs, etc. can be in black/white or full color, but will be produced in the book in black/white only. Paste copies of the same size onto the typescript where you want them to appear in the text. Do not place them sideways on a page; however if this cannot be avoided, no other text (except the figure caption) should appear on that page. Figures, etc. should not be centered, but placed against the left margin. Leave about two lines of space between the actual text and figure (including caption).Never place any text next to a figure. Leave this space blank. The most convenient place for placing figures is at the top or bottom of the page. Avoid placing text between figures as readers might not notice the text. Keep in mind that everything will be reduced to 75%. Therefore, 9 point should be the minimum size of the lettering. Lines should preferably be 0.2 mm (0.1") thick. Keep figures as simple as possible. Avoid excessive notes and designations.Photographs should be with good contrast and on glossy paper. Photographic reproductions cut from books or journals, photocopies of photographs and screened photographs are unacceptable. The proceedings will be printed in black only. For this reason avoid the use of colour in figures and photographs. Colour is also nearly always unnecessary for scientific work.5PREFERENCES, SYMBOLS AND UNITS Consistency of style is very important. Note the spacing, punctuation and caps in all the examples below.-References in the text:Figure 1, Figures 2-4, 6, 8a, b (not abbreviated)-References between parentheses:(Fig. 1), (Figs 2-4, 6, 8a, b) (abbreviated)-USA / UK / Netherlands / the Netherlands insteadof U.S.A. / U.K. / The Netherlands-Author & Author (1989)instead of Author and Author (1989)-(Author 1989a, b, Author & Author 1987) instead of (Author, 1989a,b; Author and Author, 1987)-(Author et al. 1989) instead of (Author, Author & Author 1989)-Use the following style:(Author, in press);(Author, in prep.); (Author, unpubl.); (Author, pers. comm.)Always use the official SI notations:-kg / m / kJ / mm instead of kg. (Kg) / m. / kJ.(KJ) / mm.;-20°16'32''SW instead of 20° 16' 32'' SW-0.50instead of0,50 (used in French text); 9000 instead of 9,000 but if more than 10,000: 10,000 instead of 10000-14C instead of C14/ C-14 and BP / BC / AD instead of B.P. / B.C. / A.D.-×20 instead of⨯20 / X20 / x 20; 4 + 5 > 7 instead of 4+5>7 but–8 / +8 instead of– 8 / + 8 - e.g. / i.e. instead of e.g., / i.e.,6SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL TO THE EDITORThe camera-ready copy of the complete paper printed on a high resolution printer on one side of the paper as well as two copies of the paper should be sent to the editor after receiving the final acceptance notice. The paper should be sent together with the signed Copyright form. Include the original photographs. Check whether the paper looks the same as this sample: Title at top of first page in 18 points, authors in 14 points and all other text in 12 points on 13 points line space, except for the small text (10 point on 11 point line space) used in tables, captions and references. Also check if the type width is 187 mm (7.36"), the column width 90 mm (3.54"), the page length is 272 mm (10.71") and that the space above the Abstact is exactly as in the sample. Write your name and the shortened title of the paper in pencil in the bottom margin of each page and number the pages correctly.7DEADLINEThe above material should be with the editor before the deadline for submission. Any material received too late will not be published. Send the material by airmail or by courier well packed and in time. Be sure that all pages are included in the parcel.。