
岩土SCi期刊数量相比结构工程少很多,顶级期刊有部分,现按照岩石、土力学、土工计算等几个方向进行分类如下:(eg 分别给出了检索数据库/出版社、杂志名称、中文名、国别)。
岩石:①Elesiver :International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences(国际岩石力学及采矿科学杂志)②Springer:Rock mechanics and Rock engineering(岩石力学和岩石工程)土力学:①SCI:Geotechnique 英国Pcundall②ASCE:Journal of geotechnical and Geoenvironment Engineering 美国③SCi :Candian Geotechnical Engineering 加拿大④Elesiver:Soil and Foundation 日本土工计算:①Wiley:International journal of Numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics②Elsiver:computer and geotech(计算机与岩土技术)三个杂志:①ANSI:Geotechnical Testing journal②Springger:Acta Geotechnical (岩土工程学报)③ASCE :International journal of Geomechanics(国际地质学学报)比较边缘两种杂志①Springer:Geological and Geotechnical Engineering(地质与岩土工程)②Toylor :Geomechanics and Geoengineering③Elesiver: Engineering geology④Springer:Bulletin of engineering geology and environment(工程地质与环境通报)隧道①Tunnelling and underground space technology地震①Earthquake engineering and strutrual dynamics②Soil dynamics and Earthquake engineering。

1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 加拿大岩土工程学报1963年开始出版,世界上发行量最大的三家岩土工程学术期刊之一,以刊登有关基础、隧道、水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相关学科的新技术、新发展而闻名月刊SCI期刊ISSN : 1208-6010主编:Dr. Ian Moore, Queen's Universityhttp://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp-ps ... de=cgj&lang=eng/ehost/d ... #db=aph&jid=35HPublished since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers, theoreticians, and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and northern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelling. Papers on actual case records from practice are encouraged and frequently featured.2. Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of ICE 岩土工程/journals/英国土木工程师协会(ICE)主办,集中了岩土工程实践中的所有方面内容,包括工程实例、工程设计讨论、计算机辅助设计等SCI期刊双月刊影响因子(2006): 0.286 ISSN 1353-2618 (Print) ISSN 1751-8563 (Online)Geotechnical Engineering covers all aspects of geotechnical engineering including tunnelling, foundations, retaining walls, embankments, diaphragm walls, piling, subsidence, soil mechanics and geoenvironmental engineering. Presented in the form of reports, design discussions, methodologies and case records it forms an invaluable reference work, highlighting projects which are interesting and innovative.Geotechnical Engineering publishes six issues per year.3. Géotechnique, Proceedings of ICE 土工国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇文章,都是鸿篇巨著。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Safety Assurance for Challenging Geotechnical Civil Engineering Constructions in Urban AreasAbstractSafety is the most important aspect during design, construction and service time of any structure, especially for challenging projects like high-rise buildings and tunnels in urban areas. A high level design considering the soil-structure interaction, based on a qualified soil investigation is required for a safe and optimised design. Dueto the complexity of geotechnical constructions the safety assurance guaranteed by the 4-eye-principle is essential. The 4-eye-principle consists of an independent peer review by publicly certified experts combined with the observational method. The paper presents the fundamental aspects of safety assurance by the 4-eye-principle. The application is explained on several examples, as deep excavations, complex foundation systems for high-rise buildings and tunnel constructions in urban areas. The experiences made in the planning, design and construction phases are explained and for new inner urban projects recommendations are given.Key words: Natural Asset; Financial Value; Neural Network1.IntroductionA safety design and construction of challenging projects in urban areas is based on the following main aspects:Qualified experts for planning, design and construction;Interaction between architects, structural engineers and geotechnical engineers;Adequate soil investigation;Design of deep foundation systems using the FiniteElement-Method (FEM) in combination with enhanced in-situ load tests for calibrating the soil parameters used in the numerical simulations;Quality assurance by an independent peer review process and the observational method (4-eye-principle).These facts will be explained by large construction projects which are located in difficult soil and groundwater conditions.2.The 4-Eye-PrincipleThe basis for safety assurance is the 4-eye-principle. This 4-eye-principle is a process of an independent peer review as shown in Figure 1. It consists of 3 parts. The investor, the experts for planning and design and the construction company belong to the first division. Planning and design are done accordingto the requirements of the investor and all relevant documents to obtain the building permission are prepared. The building authorities are the second part and are responsible for the buildingpermission which is given to the investor. The thirddivision consists of the publicly certified experts.They are appointed by the building authorities but work as independent experts. They are responsible for the technical supervision of the planning, design and the construction.In order to achieve the license as a publicly certified expert for geotechnical engineering by the building authorities intensive studies of geotechnical engineering in university and large experiences in geotechnical engineering with special knowledge about the soil-structure interaction have to be proven.The independent peer review by publicly certified experts for geotechnical engineering makes sure that all information including the results of the soil investigation consisting of labor field tests and the boundary conditions defined for the geotechnical design are complete and correct.In the case of a defect or collapse the publicly certified expert for geotechnical engineering can be involved as an independent expert to find out the reasons for the defect or damage and to develop a concept for stabilization and reconstruction [1].For all difficult projects an independent peer review is essential for the successful realization of the project.3.Observational MethodThe observational method is practical to projects with difficult boundary conditions for verification of the design during the construction time and, if necessary, during service time. For example in the European Standard Eurocode 7 (EC 7) the effect and the boundary conditions of the observational method are defined.The application of the observational method is recommended for the following types of construction projects [2]:very complicated/complex projects;projects with a distinctive soil-structure-interaction,e.g. mixed shallow and deep foundations, retaining walls for deep excavations, Combined Pile-Raft Foundations (CPRFs);projects with a high and variable water pressure;complex interaction situations consisting of ground,excavation and neighbouring buildings and structures;projects with pore-water pressures reducing the stability;projects on slopes.The observational method is always a combination of the common geotechnical investigations before and during the construction phase together with the theoretical modeling and a plan of contingency actions(Figure 2). Only monitoring to ensure the stability and the service ability of the structure is not sufficient and,according to the standardization, not permitted for this purpose. Overall the observational method is an institutionalized controlling instrument to verify the soil and rock mechanical modeling [3,4].The identification of all potential failure mechanismsis essential for defining the measure concept. The concept has to be designed in that way that all these mechanisms can be observed. The measurements need to beof an adequate accuracy to allow the identification ocritical tendencies. The required accuracy as well as the boundary values need to be identified within the design phase of the observational method . Contingency actions needs to be planned in the design phase of the observational method and depend on the ductility of the systems.The observational method must not be seen as a potential alternative for a comprehensive soil investigation campaign. A comprehensive soil investigation campaignis in any way of essential importance. Additionally the observational method is a tool of quality assurance and allows the verification of the parameters and calculations applied in the design phase. The observational method helps to achieve an economic and save construction [5].4.In-Situ Load TestOn project and site related soil investigations with coredrillings and laboratory tests the soil parameters are determined. Laboratory tests are important and essential for the initial definition of soil mechanical properties of the soil layer, but usually not sufficient for an entire and realistic capture of the complex conditions, caused by theinteraction of subsoil and construction [6].In order to reliably determine the ultimate bearing capacity of piles, load tests need to be carried out [7]. Forpile load tests often very high counter weights or strong anchor systems are necessary. By using the Osterberg method high loads can be reached without install inganchors or counter weights. Hydraulic jacks induce the load in the pile using the pile itself partly as abutment.The results of the field tests allow a calibration of the numerical simulations.The principle scheme of pile load tests is shown in Figure 3.5.Examples for Engineering Practice5.1. Classic Pile Foundation for a High-Rise Building in Frankfurt Clay and LimestoneIn the downtown of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on aconstruction site of 17,400 m2 the high-rise buildingproject “PalaisQuartier” has been realized (Figure 4). The construction was finished in 2010.The complex consists of several structures with a total of 180,000 m2 floor space, there of 60,000 m2 underground (Figure 5). The project includes the historic building “Thurn-und Taxis-Palais” whose facade has been preserved (Unit A). The office building (Unit B),which is the highest building of the project with a height of 136 m has 34 floors each with a floor space of 1340 m2. The hotel building (Unit C) has a height of 99 m with 24 upper floors. The retail area (Unit D)runs along the total length of the eastern part of the site and consists of eight upper floors with a total height of 43 m.The underground parking garage with five floors spans across the complete project area. With an 8 m high first sublevel, partially with mezzanine floor, and four more sub-levels the foundation depth results to 22 m below ground level. There by excavation bottom is at 80m above sea level (msl). A total of 302 foundation piles(diameter up to 1.86 m, length up to 27 m) reach down to depths of 53.2 m to 70.1 m. above sea level depending on the structural requirements.The pile head of the 543 retaining wall piles (diameter1.5 m, length up to 38 m)were located between 94.1 m and 99.6 m above sea level, the pile base was between 59.8 m and 73.4 m above sea level depending on the structural requirements. As shown in the sectional view(Figure 6), the upper part of the piles is in the Frankfurt Clay and the base of the piles is set in the rocky Frankfurt Limestone.Regarding the large number of piles and the high pile loads a pile load test has been carried out for optimization of the classic pile foundation. Osterberg-Cells(O-Cells) have been installed in two levels in order to assess the influence of pile shaft grouting on the limit skin friction of the piles in the Frankfurt Limestone(Figure 6). The test pile with a total length of 12.9 m and a diameter of 1.68 m consist of three segments and has been installed in the Frankfurt Limestone layer 31.7 m below ground level. The upper pile segment above the upper cell level and the middle pile segment between the two cell levels can be tested independently. In the first phase of the test the upper part was loaded by using the middle and the lower part as abutment. A limit of 24 MN could be reached (Figure 7). The upper segment was lifted about 1.5 cm, the settlement of the middle and lower part was 1.0 cm. The mobilized shaft friction was about 830 kN/m2.Subsequently the upper pile segment was uncoupled by discharging the upper cell level. In the second test phase the middle pile segment was loaded by using the lower segment as abutment. The limit load of the middle segment with shaft grouting was 27.5 MN (Figure 7).The skin friction was 1040 kN/m2, this means 24% higher than without shaft grouting. Based on the results of the pile load test using O-Cells the majority of the 290 foundation piles were made by applying shaft grouting. Due to pile load test the total length of was reduced significantly.5.2. CPRF for a High-Rise Building in Clay MarlIn the scope of the project Mirax Plaza in Kiev, Ukraine,2 high-rise buildings, each of them 192 m (46 storeys)high, a shopping and entertainment mall and an underground parking are under construction (Figure 8). The area of the project is about 294,000 m2 and cuts a 30 m high natural slope.The geotechnical investigations have been executed 70m deep. The soil conditions at the construction site are as follows: fill to a depth of 2 m to 3mquaternary silty sand and sandy silt with a thickness of 5 m to 10 m tertiary silt and sand (Charkow and Poltaw formation) with a thickness of 0 m to 24 m tertiary clayey silt and clay marl of the Kiev and But schak formation with a thickness of about 20 m tertiary fine sand of the But schak formation up to the investigation depthThe ground water level is in a depth of about 2 m below the ground surface. The soil conditions and a cross section of the project are shown in Figure 9.For verification of the shaft and base resistance of the deep foundation elements and for calibration of the numerical simulations pile load tests have been carried out on the construction yard. The piles had a diameter of 0.82 m and a length of about 10 m to 44 m. Using the results of the load tests the back analysis for verification of the FEM simulations was done. The soil properties in accordance with the results of the back analysis were partly 3 times higher than indicated in the geotechnical report. Figure 10 shows the results of the load test No. 2 and the numerical back analysis. Measurement and calculation show a good accordance.The obtained results of the pile load tests and of the executed back analysis were applied in 3-dimensionalFEM-simulations of the foundation for Tower A, taking advantage of the symmetry of the footprint of the building. The overall load of the Tower A is about 2200 MN and the area of the foundation about 2000 m2 (Figure11).The foundation design considers a CPRF with 64 barrettes with 33 m length and a cross section of 2.8 m × 0.8m. The raft of 3 m thickness is located in Kiev Clay Marl at about 10 m depth below the ground surface. The barrettes are penetrating the layer of Kiev Clay Marl reaching the Butschak Sands.The calculated loads on the barrettes were in the range of 22.1 MN to 44.5 MN. The load on the outer barrettes was about 41.2 MN to 44.5 MN which significantly exceeds the loads on the inner barrettes with the maximum value of 30.7 MN. This behavior is typical for a CPRF.The outer deep foundation elements take more loads because of their higher stiffness due to the higher volume of the activated soil. The CPRF coefficient is 0.88 =CPRF . Maximum settlements of about 12 cm werecalculated due to the settlement-relevant load of 85% of the total design load. The pressure under the foundation raft is calculated in the most areas not exceeding 200 kN/m2, at the raft edge the pressure reaches 400 kN/m2.The calculated base pressure of the outer barrettes has anaverage of 5100 kN/m2 and for inner barrettes an average of 4130 kN/m2. The mobilized shaft resistance increases with the depth reaching 180 kN/m2 for outer barrettes and 150 kN/m2 for inner barrettes.During the construction of Mirax Plaza the observational method according to EC 7 is applied. Especially the distribution of the loads between the barrettes and the raft is monitored. For this reason 3 earth pressure devices were installed under the raft and 2 barrettes (most loaded outer barrette and average loaded inner barrette) were instrumented over the length.In the scope of the project Mirax Plaza the new allowable shaft resistance and base resistance were defined for typical soil layers in Kiev. This unique experience will be used for the skyscrapers of new generation in Ukraine.The CPRF of the high-rise building project MiraxPlaza represents the first authorized CPRF in the Ukraine. Using the advanced optimization approaches and taking advantage of the positive effect of CPRF the number of barrettes could be reduced from 120 barrettes with 40 mlength to 64 barrettes with 33 m length. The foundation optimization leads to considerable decrease of the utilized resources (cement, aggregates, water, energy etc.)and cost savings of about 3.3 Million US$.译文:安全保证岩土公民发起挑战工程建设在城市地区摘要安全是最重要的方面在设计、施工和服务时间的任何结构,特别是对具有挑战性的项目,如高层建筑和隧道在城市地区。

8. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
SCI 期刊。 集中了岩土工程实践 中的所有方面内容,包括工程实 例、工程设计讨论、计算机辅助 设计等,对结构和岩土工程师极 有帮助 。
9.Geotextiles and Geomembranes Journal 土工织物和土工膜学报 (英国)
SCI、EI收录期刊。1984年 创刊,探讨渗透性和非渗透性 合成纤维纺织物与膜等工程材 料在公路、铁路、机场、拦洪 结构、堤岸、运 河、水库、护 岸、海岸工程等土木工程中的 应用问题,发表研究论文和评 论。
1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
月刊,SCI期刊。1963 年 开始出版,世界上发行量最大 的三家岩土工程学术期刊之 一,以刊登有关基础、隧道、 水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相 关学科的新技术、新发展而闻 名。
2. Géotechnique
SCI 期刊。国际著名的有 关土力学、岩石力学、工程 地质、环境岩土工程的岩土 技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇 文章,都是鸿篇巨著。
3. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
岩土与环境岩土CE)主办的杂志之一, 以土力学及基础工程方面的内 容为主,主题偏向于工程应用。
4. Soils and Foundations
著名SCI期刊。日本的 土工试验技术手段和科研 进展是世界一流的。
5. Computers and Geotechnics 计算机与土工学(英国)

1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 加拿大岩土工程学报1963年开始出版,世界上发行量最大的三家岩土工程学术期刊之一,以刊登有关基础、隧道、水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相关学科的新技术、新发展而闻名月刊SCI期刊ISSN : 1208-6010主编:Dr. Ian Moore, Queen's Universityhttp://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp-ps ... de=cgj&lang=eng/ehost/d ... #db=aph&jid=35HPublished since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers, theoreticians, and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and northern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelling. Papers on actual case records from practice are encouraged and frequently featured.2. Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of ICE 岩土工程/journals/英国土木工程师协会(ICE)主办,集中了岩土工程实践中的所有方面内容,包括工程实例、工程设计讨论、计算机辅助设计等SCI期刊双月刊影响因子(2006): 0.286 ISSN 1353-2618 (Print) ISSN 1751-8563 (Online)Geotechnical Engineering covers all aspects of geotechnical engineering including tunnelling, foundations, retaining walls, embankments, diaphragm walls, piling, subsidence, soil mechanics and geoenvironmental engineering. Presented in the form of reports, design discussions, methodologies and case records it forms an invaluable reference work, highlighting projects which are interesting and innovative.Geotechnical Engineering publishes six issues per year.3. Géotechnique, Proceedings of ICE 土工国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇文章,都是鸿篇巨著。

部分岩土SCI期刊岩土SCI的影响因子一般比较小,ISI认定的最牛的四大刊分别是Geotechnique、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、ASCE、Soil and FoundationGeotechnique 土工影响因子1.461(2012)国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊。
Established in 1948, Géotechnique is the world's premier geotechnics journal, publishing research of the highest quality on all aspects of geotechnical engineering. G éotechniqueprovides access to rigorously refereed, current, innovative and authoritative research and practical papers, across the fields of soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology and environmental geotechnics.Canadian Geotechnical Journal 加拿大岩土工程学报影响因子0.867(2012)主编:Dr. Ian Moore, Queen's University以刊登有关基础、隧道、水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相关学科的新技术、新发展而闻名。
Published since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamentalbehaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and northern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelling. Contributions that have practical relevance are preferred, including case records. Purely theoretical contributions are not generally published unless they are on a topic of special interest (like unsaturated soil mechanics or cold regions geotechnics) or they have direct practical value.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering(ASCE)岩土及环境岩土学报影响因子1.156(2012)美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)主办的杂志之一,以土力学及基础工程方面的内容为主,主题偏向于设计方法、工程应用等。

Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
The Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering covers the broad
area of practice known as geotechnical engineering. Papers are welcomed on topics
大 土化学,废弃物管理,土工合成物,离岸工程,冰,冻土和北部寒冷地区工程,
风险分析和可靠度分析,模型试验和数值模拟。与实际工程相关的话题更受欢迎, 包括工程案例的记录。纯理论研究一般不予发表,除非是和特定话题相关,诸如
港 非饱和土力学或者寒冷地区岩土工程或者有直接的应用价值。 金
engineering, environmental geotechnics, geosynthetics, computer modeling,
groundwater monitoring and restoration, and coastal and geotechnical ocean
engineering. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on new and emerging
的广泛应用领域。诸如关于基础工程,围护结构,土动力学,土与岩石的工程特 性,现场特征,边坡稳定,坝,岩石工程,地震工程,环境岩土,土工合成物,
大 计算机模拟,地下水监测和恢复,沿岸和海洋工程的文章欢迎投稿。新而迫切的

地质期刊中英文对照(按中文首字母排序)A安徽地质Geology of AnhuiB北京测绘Beijing Surveying and Mapping北京大学学报(自然科学版)网络版(预印本) Beijing University(Natural Science)Network Version(Advance Copy)冰川冻土Journal of Glaciology and GeocryologyC材料与冶金学报Journal of Materials and Metallurgy采矿技术Mining Technology采矿与安全工程学报Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering测绘工程Engineering of Surveying and Mapping测绘技术装备Geomatics Technology and Equipment测绘科学Science of Surveying and Mapping测绘科学技术学报(原解放军测绘学院学报、测绘学院学报) Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping测绘通报Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping测绘信息与工程Journal of Geomatics测绘学报Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica测绘与空间地理信息Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology测井技术Well Logging Technology长春大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Changchun University长春科技大学学报Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology超硬材料工程Superhard Material Engineering沉积学报Acta Sedimentologica Sinica沉积与特提斯地质(曾用刊名:岩相古地理& 特提斯地质)Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology成都理工大学学报(自然科学版) (曾用刊名:成都理工学院学报;成都地质学院学报)Journal of Chengdu University of Technology(Science of Technology Edition)D大地测量与地球动力学Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics大地构造与成矿学Geotectonica et Metallogenia大地构造与成矿学(英文版) Geotectonica et Metallogenia大地纵横(已停刊)Overview of the Earth大陆动力学(英文版) Continental Dynamics大庆石油地质与开发Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing大庆石油学院学报Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute大自然China Nature当代石油石化Petroleum & Petrochemical Today地层学杂志Journal of Stratigraphy地矿测绘(曾用刊名:地质测绘)Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources 地理教育Education of Geography地理科学Scientia Geographica Sinica地理科学进展Progress in Geography地理空间信息Geospatial Information地理信息世界Geomatics World地理学报Acta Geographica Sinica地理学报(英文版)Journal of Geographical Sciences地理研究Geographical Research地理与地理信息科学Geography and Geo-Information Science地球化学Geochimica地球科学进展Advances in Earth Science地球科学与环境学报Journal of Earch Sciences and Environment地球科学-中国地质大学学报 Earth Science--Journal of China University of Geosciences地球空间信息科学学报(英文版)Geospatial Information Science地球物理学报Chinese Journal of Geophysics地球物理学进展Progress in Geophysics地球信息科学Geo-Information Science地球学报(曾用刊名:地质科学院院报;地球学报-中国地质科学院院报)Acta Geoscientica Sinica地球与环境(曾用刊名:地质地球化学)Earth and Environment地图Map地下水Underground Water地学前缘Earth Science Frontiers地域研究与开发Areal Research and Development地震Earthquake地震地磁观测与研究Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research地震地质Seismology and Geology地震工程与工程振动(英文版)Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration地震学报Acta Seismologica Sinica地震学报(英文版)Acta Seismologica Sinica地震研究Journal of Seismological Research地质调查与研究(曾用刊名:前寒武纪研究进展;国外前寒武纪地质)Geological Survey and Research地质科技情报Geological Science and Technology Information地质科学Chinese Journal of Geology (Scientia Geologica Sinica)地质力学学报Journal of Geomechanics地质论评Geological Review地质通报Geological Bulletin of China地质学报Acta Geological Sinica地质学报(英文版)Acta Geologica Sinica地质与勘探Geology and Prospecting地质与资源(曾用刊名:贵金属地质)Journal of Precious Metallic Geology地质找矿论丛Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research第四纪研究Quaternary Sciences东北地震研究Seismological Research of Northeast China断块油气田Fault-Block Oil and Gas FieldF非金属矿Non-Metallic Mines分析化学Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry福建地质Geology of FujianG甘肃科技Gansu Science and Technology甘肃冶金Gansu Metallurgy钢铁研究学报Journal of Iron and Steel Research钢铁研究学报(英文版)Journal of Iron and Steel Research,International高校地质学报(曾用刊名:南京大学学报.地球科学)Geological Journal of China Universities 高原地震Plateau Earthquake Research工程爆破Engineering Blasting工程地质学报Journal of Engineering Geology工程建设Engineering Construction古地理学报Journal of Palaeogeography古脊椎动物学报Certebrata Palasiatica古生物学报Acta Palaeontologica Sinica广东地质(已停刊)Guangdong Geology贵州地质Guizhou Geology桂林工学院学报(曾用刊名:桂林冶金地质学院学报)Journal of Guilin Institute of Technology 国际地震动态Recent Developments in World Seismology国际泥沙研究(英文版)International Journal of Sediment Research国土与自然资源研究Territory & Natural Resources Study国土资源(曾用刊名:辽宁地质学报;辽宁地质)Land & Resources国土资源导刊Land & Resources Herald国土资源科技管理Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources国土资源情报Land and Resources Information国土资源通讯National Land & Resources Information国土资源信息化Land and Resources Informatization国土资源遥感Remote Sensing For Land & Resources国外测井技术World Well Logging Technology国外金属矿选矿Metallic Ore Dressing Abroad国外油田工程Foreign Oil Field EngineeringH海岸工程Coastal Engineering海相油气地质Marine Origin Petroleun Geology海洋测绘Hydrographic Surveying and Charting海洋地质动态Marine Geology Letters海洋地质与第四纪地质(曾用刊名:海洋地质研究)Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 海洋工程The Ocean Engineering海洋湖沼通报Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology海洋环境科学Marine Environmental Science海洋技术Ocean Technology海洋开发与管理Ocean Development and Management海洋科学Marine Sciences海洋科学进展Advances in Marine Science海洋石油Offshore Oil海洋通报Marine Science Bulletin海洋通报(英文版)Marine Science Bulletin海洋信息Marine Information海洋学报(英文版)Acta Oceanologica Sinica海洋学报(中文版)Acta Oceanologica Sinica海洋学研究Journal of Marine Sciences海洋与湖沼Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica海洋预报Marine Forecasts河北煤炭Hebei Coal河北冶金Hebei Metallurgy河南冶金Henan Metallurgy湖泊科学Journal of Lake Sciences湖南有色金属Hunan Nonferrous Metals华北地震科学North China Earthquake Sciences华南地震South China Journal of Seismology华南地质与矿产(曾用刊名:国外花岗岩类地质与矿产)Geology and Mineral Resources of South China化工矿产地质Geology of Chemical Minerals黄金Gold黄金地质(已停刊)Gold Geology黄金科学技术Gold Science and TechnologyJ吉林大学学报(地球科学版) (曾用刊名:长春科技大学学报;长春地质学院学报)Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)吉林地质Jilin Geology极地研究Chinese Journal of Polar Research极地研究(英文版)Chinese Journal of Polar Science建井技术Mine Construction Technology江汉石油科技Jianghan Petroleum Science and Technology江苏地质Jiangsu Geology江苏煤炭(已停刊)Jiangsu Coal江苏冶金Jiangsu Metallurgy江西地质(已停刊)Jiangxi Geology江西煤炭科技Jiangxi Coal Science & Technology江西冶金Jiangxi Metallurgy江西有色金属Jiangxi Nonferrous Metals交通科技Transportation Science & Technology洁净煤技术Clean Coal Technology金属材料与冶金工程Metal Materials and Metallurgy Engineering金属矿山Metal Mine金属学报Acta Metallurgica Sinica金属学报(英文版)Acta Metallurgica SinicaK勘察科学技术Site Investigation Science and Technology勘探地球物理进展(曾用刊名:石油物探译丛)Progress in Exploration Geophysics科学通报Cinese Science Bulletin矿产保护与利用Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources矿产与地质Mineral resources and geology矿产综合利用Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources矿床地质Mineral Deposits矿山测量Mine Surveying矿物学报Acta Mineralogica Sinica矿物岩石Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology矿物岩石地球化学通报(曾用刊名:矿物岩石地球化学通讯)Bulletin of Mineralogy,Petrology and Geochemistry矿冶Mining and Metallurgy矿冶工程Mining and Metallurgical Engineering矿业安全与环保Mining Safety & Environmental Protection矿业工程Mining Engineering矿业快报Express Information of Mining Industry矿业研究与开发Mining Research and DevelopmentL炼钢Steelmaking炼铁Ironmaking炼油技术与工程Petroleum Refinery Engineering炼油与化工Refining and Chemical Industry露天采矿技术Opencast Mining TechnologyM煤Coal煤矿安全Safety in Coal Mines煤矿爆破Coal Mine Blasting煤矿机电Colliery Mechanical & Electrical Technology煤矿机械Coal Mine Machinery煤矿开采Coal Mining Technology煤矿现代化Coal Mine Modernization煤炭高等教育Meitan Higher Education煤炭工程Coal Engineering煤炭技术Coal Technology煤炭加工与综合利用Coal Processing and Comprehensive Utilization煤炭经济研究Coal Economic Research煤炭科学技术Coal Science and Technology煤炭学报Journal of China Coal Society煤田地质与勘探Coal Geology & Exploration煤质技术Coal Quality and TechnologyN内陆地震Inland Earthquake南方金属Southern Metals南京大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences) R热带地理Tropical Geography热带海洋学报Journal of Tropical OceanographyS山地学报Journal of Mountain Science山东国土资源Land and Resources in Shangdong Province山东煤炭科技Shandong Coal Science and Technology山东冶金Shandong Metallurgy山西地震Earthquake Research in Shanxi山西焦煤科技Shanxi Cooking Coal Science & Technology山西煤炭Shanxi Coal山西冶金Shanxi Metallurgy陕西地质Geology of Shaanxi陕西煤炭Shaanxi Meitan上海地质Shanghai Geology上海金属Shanghai Metals上海有色金属Shanghai Nonferrous Metals湿地科学Wetland Science湿地科学与管理Wetland Science & Management湿法冶金Hydrometallurgy of China石化技术Petrochemical Industry Technology石化技术与应用Petrochemical Technology & Application石油地球物理勘探Oil Geophysical Prospecting石油地质与工程Petroleum Geology and Engineering石油工业技术监督Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry石油规划设计Petroleum Planning & Engineering石油和化工设备Petro & Chemical Equipment石油化工Petrochemical Technology石油化工安全技术Petrochemical Safety Technology石油化工设计Petrochemical Design石油化工应用Petrochemical Industry Application石油机械China Petroleum Machinery石油勘探与开发Petroleum exploration and development石油科技论坛Oil Forum石油科学(英文版)Petroleum Science石油炼制与化工Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals石油实验地质Petroleum Geology & Experiment石油物探Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum石油学报Acta Petrolei Sinica石油学报(石油加工)Acta Petrolei Sinica(Petroleum Processing Section)石油与天然气地质Oil & Gas Geology石油与天然气化工Chemical Engineering of Oil and Gas石油钻采工艺Oil Drilling & Production Technology石油钻探技术Petroleum Drilling Techniques世界地理研究World Regional Studies世界地震工程World Earthquake Engineering世界地质Global Geology世界有色金属Nonferrous Metals水文Hydrology水文地质工程地质Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology四川测绘Surveying and Mapping of Sichuan四川地震Earthquake Research in Sichuan四川地质学报Acta Geologica Sichuan四川冶金Sichuan Metallurgy四川有色金属Sichuan Nonferrous MetalsT探矿工程-岩土钻掘工程Exploration Engineering(Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling) 特钢技术Special Steel Technology特殊钢Special Steel特种油气藏Special oil& gas reservoirs天津冶金Tianjin Metallurgy天然气地球科学Natural Gas Geoscience天然气工业Natural Gas Industry天然气化工Natural Gas Chemical Industry天然气化学(英文版)Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry天然气勘探与开发Natural Gas Exploration and Development天然气与石油Natural Gas and Oil铁合金Ferro-Alloys同煤科技Science and Technology of Datong Coal Mining Administration铜业工程Copper EngineeringW微体古生物学报Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica武钢技术Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation Technology物探化探计算技术Computing Techniques for Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration 物探与化探Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration物探装备Equipment for Geophysical ProspectingX西北地震学报Northwestern Seismological Journal西北地质Northwestern Geology西北地质科学(已停刊)Northwest Geoscience西部探矿工程West-China Exploration Engineering稀土Chinese Rare Earths稀土信息Rare Earth Information稀土学报(英文版)Journal of Rare Earths稀有金属(英文版)Rare Metals现代测绘(曾用刊名:江苏测绘)Modern Surveying and Mapping现代地质Geoscience新疆地质Xinjiang Geology新疆钢铁Xinjiang Iron and Steel新疆石油地质Xinjiang Petroleum Geology选煤技术Coal Preparation TechnologyY亚热带资源与环境学报Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment岩矿测试Rock and Mineral Analysis岩石矿物学杂志(曾用刊名:岩石矿物及测试)Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica岩石学报Act a Petrologica Sinica岩相古地理Sedimentary Facies and Palaeogeography岩性油气藏Lithologic Reservoirs盐湖研究Journal of Salt Lake Research遥感信息Remote Sensing Information冶金标准化与质量Metallurgical Standardization & Quality冶金丛刊Metallurgical Collections冶金动力Metallurgical Power冶金分析Metallurgical Analysis冶金经济与管理Metallurgical economics and management冶金设备Metallurgical Equipment冶金信息导刊Metallurgical Information Review冶金自动化Metallurgical Industry Automation应用地球物理(英文版)Applied Geophysics油气储运Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation油气地质与采收率Oil & Gas Recovery Technology油气井测试Well Testing油气田地面工程Oil-Gasfield Surface Engineering油气田环境保护Environmental Protection of Oil & Gas Fields油田化学Oilfield Chemistry铀矿地质Uranium Geology有色金属Nonferrous Metals有色金属(矿山部分)Nonferrous Metals(Mine Section)有色金属(选矿部分)Nonferrous Metals有色金属(冶炼部分)Nonferrous Metals(Extractive Metallurgy)有色矿冶Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgy有色冶金节能Energy Saving of Non-ferrous Metallurgy有色冶金设计与研究Nonferrous Metals Engineering & Research云南地理环境研究Y unnan Geographic Environment Research云南地质Yunnan Geology云南冶金Yunnan MetallurgyZ浙江国土资源Zhejiang Land & Resources浙江冶金Journal of Zhejiang Metallurgy震灾防御技术Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention质谱学报Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society中国地理科学(英文版)Chinese Geographical Science中国地球化学学报(英文版)Chinese Journal of Geochemistry中国地震Earthquake Research in China中国地震研究(英文版) Earthquake Research in China中国地质Geology in China中国地质教育Chinese Geological Education中国地质灾害与防治学报The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control 中国非金属矿工业导刊China Non-metallic Mining Industry Herald中国国土资源经济Natural Resource Economics of China中国海上油气China Offshore Oil and Gas中国海上油气(地质)(已停刊)China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology)中国海洋工程(英文版)China Ocean Engineering中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版)Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 中国海洋平台China Offshore Platform中国科学D辑Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences中国科学基金Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China中国矿山工程China Mine Engineering中国矿业China Mining Magazine中国炼油与石油化工(英文版)China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology中国煤层气China Coalbed Methane中国煤炭工业China Coal Industry中国煤田地质Coal Geology of China中国锰业China's Manganese Industry中国钼业China Molybdenum Industry中国沙漠Journal of Desert Research中国石油和化工China Petroleum and Chemical Industry中国石油和化工标准与质量China Petroleum and Chemical Standard and Quality中国石油勘探China Petroleum Exploration中国钨业China Tungsten Industry中国岩溶Carsologica Sinica中国岩溶Carsologica Sinica中国冶金China Metallurgy中国油气(英文版)China Oil & Gas中国有色金属学报The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals中国有色金属学会会刊(英文版)Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 中国有色冶金China Nonferrous Metallurgy中州煤炭Zhongzhou Coal资源调查与环境Resources Survey & Environment资源环境与工程Resources Environment & Engineering资源开发与市场Resource Development & Market资源科学Resources Science资源与产业Resources & Industries自然科学进展Progress in Natural Science自然资源学报Journal of Natural Resources钻采工艺Drilling & Production Technology钻井液与完井液Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid11。

国际著名岩土类SCI/EI期刊中英文简介[转载]国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报(期刊)索引国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报(期刊)索引(转载)国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报(期刊)索引1.《Engineering Geology》——An International Journal, Elsevier------------《工程地质》——国际学报2.《The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology》,U.K.---------------------《工程地质季刊学报》3.《News Journal, International Society for Rock Mechanics》-----------《国际岩石力学学会信息学报》4.《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》---------《国际岩石力学与矿业科学学报》(包括岩土力学文摘)5.《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》----------------------------《岩石力学与岩石工程》6.《Felsbau》[G.]---------------------------------《岩石力学》,奥地利地质力学学会(AGG)主办7. Geomechnik and Tunnelbau (G.)——Geomechanics and Tunnelling---------------《地质力学与隧道工程》——奥地利地质力学学会(ACC)主办8.《GEOTECHNIGUE》-------------------------------------《岩土力学》,英国土木工程师学会ICE主办9.《Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering》(formerly Journal ofGeotechnical Engineering)-----------岩土工程与环境岩土工程学报》,改版前称《岩土工程学报》,美国土木工程师学会ASCE主办。

国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报(期刊)索引1.《Engineering Geology》——An International Journal, Elsevier------------《工程地质》——国际学报2.《The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology》,U.K.---------------------《工程地质季刊学报》3.《News Journal, International Society for Rock Mechanics》-----------《国际岩石力学学会信息学报》4.《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》---------《国际岩石力学与矿业科学学报》(包括岩土力学文摘)5.《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》----------------------------《岩石力学与岩石工程》6.《Felsbau》[G.]---------------------------------《岩石力学》,奥地利地质力学学会(AGG)主办7. Geomechnik and Tunnelbau (G.)——Geomechanics and Tunnelling---------------《地质力学与隧道工程》——奥地利地质力学学会(ACC)主办8.《GEOTECHNIGUE》-------------------------------------《岩土力学》,英国土木工程师学会ICE 主办9.《Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering》(formerly Journal of Geotechnical Engineering) -----------岩土工程与环境岩土工程学报》,改版前称《岩土工程学报》,美国土木工程师学会ASCE主办。

国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报及期刊国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报及期刊索引 PDF下载1.《Engineering Geology》An International Journal, Elsevier——《工程地质》——国际学报2.《The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology》,U.K.——《工程地质季刊学报》3.《News Journal, International Society for Rock Mechanics》——《国际岩石力学学会信息学报》4.《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》——《国际岩石力学与矿业科学学报》包括岩土力学文摘5.《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》——《岩石力学与岩石工程》6.《Felsbau》[G.]——《岩石力学》,奥地利地质力学学会(AGG)主办7.Geomechnik and Tunnelbau (G.) Geomechanics and Tunnelling——《地质力学与隧道工程》——奥地利地质力学学会(ACC)主办8.《GEOTECHNIGUE》——《岩土力学》,英国土木工程师学会ICE主办9.《Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering》(formerly Journal of Geotechnical Engineering) 《岩土工程与环境岩土工程学报》,改版前称《岩土工程学报》,美国土木工程师学会ASCE 主办。
10.《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》——《加拿大岩土工程学报》——由加拿大国家研究委员会出刊11.《ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal》——American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM)——《美国试验与材料学会岩土工程试验学报》12.《Computers & Geosciences》——An Official International Journalof the International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG) ——《计算机和地球科学》——国际计算地质协会学报13.《International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods inGeomechanics》——《国际岩土力学数值与解析方法学报》14.《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》——《国际工程数值方法学报》15.《Acta Geologica Sinica》Journal of the Geological Society of China《中国地质学报》中国地质学会学报16.《Earth Science》——Journal of China University of Geoscience——《地球科学》,中国地质大学学报17.《Science in China》, Series D, Earth Sciences——《中国科学》D 系列——地球科学18.《Chinese Science Bulletin》——《科学通报》19.《Geotimes——The Magazine of Geoscience News and Trends(APublication of the American Geological Institute》《地学时代——地球科学信息与发展趋势杂志》,美国地质研究院刊物20.《Journal of the Geological Society》,UK——《地质学会学报》英国21.《Journal of Structural Geology》——《构造地质学报》22.《Tectonophysics》——International Journal of Geotectonics andthe Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth 《构造物理》——国际构造物理与地球内部地质学及物理学学报23.《Economic Geology》——Bulletin of the Society of EconomicGeologists——《经济地质学》——美国经济地质师学会通报24.《Environmental Geology》——International Journal of Geosciences,Springer——《环境地质》——国际地球科学学报25.《Journal of Environmental Engineering》ASCE——《环境工程学报》,美国土木工程学会ASCE主办26.《Environmental Engineering and Policy 》——International Journalfor Environmental Engineers, Scientists and Policy Makers ——《环境工程与对策》——国际环境工程师、科学家及决策人员学报27.《World Tunnelling》——《世界隧道》28.《Tunnels and Tunneling International》(T & T, International)——《国际隧道与隧道工程》29.《Tunneling and Underground Space Technology》,TUST——《隧道与地下空间技术》,国际隧道与地下空间协会(ITA)主办30.《Tunnelling & Trenchless Construction》,TTC——《隧道与非明挖工程》31.《Tunnelbuilder》——《隧道建设者》32.《Trenchless Technology》——Servirg the utility, pipeline anddistribution construction markets——《非明挖技术》,为公用事业,管道铺设、配电、配水,配气工程市场服务33.《No Dig International 》——An official magazine of theInternational Society for Trenchless T echnology(ISTT) and its affiliate Societies, U. K. ——《国际非明挖技术》国际非明挖技术学会及所属分会机关学报34.《Gallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterrance》[I.]——《隧道与大型地下工程》,意大利隧道学会(SIG)主办35.《Directional Drilling》, U. S. A.——《定向钻探》36.《Civil Engineering》American Society of Civil Engineering—《土木工程》美国土木工程学会ASCE主办37.《Civil Engineering》Institute of Civil Engineers, U. K.——《土木工程》,英国土木工程师学会ICC主办38.《Engineering News Record》The Construction Weekly, U. S. A.—《工程新闻纪录》,ENR,建筑周报39.《International Water Power & Dam Construction》——《国际水力发电与坝工建设》40.《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》, U. S.A.——《土木工程与建筑学报》41.《Terra et Aqua》[N1.]International Journal on PublicWorks, Ports& Waterways Development, Netherlands——《土地和水》国际公用事业、港口、水道开发学报,国际疏浚公司协会(IADC, International Association of Dredging Companies)主办42.《Construction Today》International Magazine of Civil Engineering,U. K.《今日建设——国际土木工程杂志》43.《Mining Journal》, U. K.——《采矿学报》44.《Mining magazine》, U. K.——《采矿杂志》45.《Mining Environmental Management》, U. K.——《采矿环境管理》46.《The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation》,Austria——《国际爆破与粉碎学报》47.《International Journal of Solids and Structures》——《国际固体与结构学报》48.《International Journal of Engineering Mechanics》——《国际工程力学学报》49.《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》——《固体力学与物理学学报》50.《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》——《理论与应用断裂力学》51.《International Journal of Fracture》——《国际断裂学报》52.《Mechanics of Cohesive---Frictional Materials》An InternationalJournal of Experiments, Modelling and Computation of Materials and Structures, Netherlands——《粘聚—摩擦材料力学》国际材料与结构试验、模拟和计算学报53.《Reviews of Geophysics》American Geophysical Union(AGU)《地球物理评论》美国地球物理联合会54.《Journal of Geophysical Research》American Geophysical Union (AGU)——《地球物理研究学报》美国地球物理联合会主办55.《Geophysics——Journal of the Society of Exploration Geophysics》——《地球物理——勘探地球物理学会学报》美国勘探地球物理学会主办56.《Geophysical Journal International》——Published by RoyalAstronomical Society(RAS), the European Geophysical Society etc.《国际地球物理学报》,由皇家天文学会(英国)、欧洲地球物理学会等主办57.《Applied Geophysics》Journal of Chinese Geophysical Society,Springer.——《应用地球物理》中国地球物理学会学报58.《Chinese Journal of Geochemistry》——《中国地球化学学报》补充:岩土工程方面,除了以上提到的3大期刊Geotechnique(ICE)、Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering和Canadian Geotechnical Journal,还有和 Soils and Foundations(日本地盘工学会),可并称为岩土工程四大牛刊。

主要的几个岩土国际SCI期刊介绍及点评(摘自小木虫)(2014-05-11 14:41:09)转载▼网络上流传着所谓岩土四大牛刊的说法实际上是不准确的,岩土虽然看似一家,但还是有区别的。
那四大牛刊实际上都是偏向于土力学方面的研究,岩石力学的第一刊物就是Elesiver(爱思维尔)旗下的international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences(国际岩石力学及采矿科学杂志),这份杂志创办于60年代,是岩石力学界几个大牛创立的,现在里面的编委各个都还是大牛(这些家伙是实实在在地在做事哦,不是挂个名),口碑很好,岩石力学最影响的文章都是发表在这个刊物上,全球做岩石力学的研究人员都认同的。
第二刊物是Springer(斯普林格)旗下的Rock mechanics and rock engineering(岩石力学与岩石工程),感觉这个刊物上的文章质量和前一个比,差了不少,但还是不错的。
接下来就是土力学方面的刊物了,首先是Geotechnique(岩土技术?),很老牌的在英国的刊物,实际上感觉它主要偏向于岩土模型方面的文章,以前明尼苏达大学的一个教授P cundall在上面发过一篇文章,搞岩土的人应该都知道itasca这个公司(他是老板),他有篇离散元的文章(1979年)已经被引用近六千次了(有兴趣大家可以Google下),这是很恐怖的数字,特别是对工程类文章来说是非常之多的,而且引用还在增加(Cundall 2008年当了美国工程院院士,估计这篇文章作用很大)。
这第二刊物就是美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)旗下的Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE(岩土工程及岩土环境工程学报),这个刊物在北美是公认土力学的第一刊物,全美国上下都认的。

国内外岩土土木地质类期刊大盘点(SCI,EI,中文核心)国际著名岩土力学、工程地质学报(期刊)索引1.《Engineering Geology》——An International Journal, Elsevier------------《工程地质》——国际学报2.《The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology》,U.K.---------------------《工程地质季刊学报》3.《News Journal, International Society for Rock Mechanics》-----------《国际岩石力学学会信息学报》4.《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》---------《国际岩石力学与矿业科学学报》(包括岩土力学文摘)5.《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》----------------------------《岩石力学与岩石工程》6.《Felsbau》[G.]---------------------------------《岩石力学》,奥地利地质力学学会(AGG)主办7. Geomechnik and Tunnelbau (G.)——Geomechanics and Tunnelling---------------《地质力学与隧道工程》——奥地利地质力学学会(ACC)主办8.《GEOTECHNIGUE》-------------------------------------《岩土力学》,英国土木工程师学会ICE主办9.《Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering》(formerly Journal of Geotechnical Engineering) -----------岩土工程与环境岩土工程学报》,改版前称《岩土工程学报》,美国土木工程师学会ASCE主办。

主要的几个岩土国际SCI期刊介绍及点评(摘自小木虫)(2014-05-11 14:41:09)转载▼网络上流传着所谓岩土四大牛刊的说法实际上是不准确的,岩土虽然看似一家,但还是有区别的。
那四大牛刊实际上都是偏向于土力学方面的研究,岩石力学的第一刊物就是Elesiver(爱思维尔)旗下的international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences(国际岩石力学及采矿科学杂志),这份杂志创办于60年代,是岩石力学界几个大牛创立的,现在里面的编委各个都还是大牛(这些家伙是实实在在地在做事哦,不是挂个名),口碑很好,岩石力学最影响的文章都是发表在这个刊物上,全球做岩石力学的研究人员都认同的。
第二刊物是Springer(斯普林格)旗下的Rock mechanics and rock engineering(岩石力学与岩石工程),感觉这个刊物上的文章质量和前一个比,差了不少,但还是不错的。
接下来就是土力学方面的刊物了,首先是Geotechnique(岩土技术?),很老牌的在英国的刊物,实际上感觉它主要偏向于岩土模型方面的文章,以前明尼苏达大学的一个教授P cundall在上面发过一篇文章,搞岩土的人应该都知道itasca这个公司(他是老板),他有篇离散元的文章(1979年)已经被引用近六千次了(有兴趣大家可以Google下),这是很恐怖的数字,特别是对工程类文章来说是非常之多的,而且引用还在增加(Cundall 2008年当了美国工程院院士,估计这篇文章作用很大)。
这第二刊物就是美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)旗下的Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE(岩土工程及岩土环境工程学报),这个刊物在北美是公认土力学的第一刊物,全美国上下都认的。

1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 加拿大岩土工程学报1963年开始出版,世界上发行量最大的三家岩土工程学术期刊之一,以刊登有关基础、隧道、水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相关学科的新技术、新发展而闻名月刊SCI期刊ISSN : 1208-6010主编:Dr. Ian Moore, Queen's Universityhttp://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp-ps ... de=cgj&lang=eng/ehost/d ... #db=aph&jid=35HPublished since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, an d applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers, theoreticians, and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material prop erties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tu nnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, w aste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and north ern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelli ng. Papers on actual case records from practice are encouraged and frequently fea tured.2. Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of ICE 岩土工程/journals/英国土木工程师协会(ICE)主办,集中了岩土工程实践中的所有方面内容,包括工程实例、工程设计讨论、计算机辅助设计等SCI期刊双月刊影响因子(2006): 0.286 ISSN 1353-2618 (Print) ISSN 1751-8563 (Online)Geotechnical Engineering covers all aspects of geotechnical engineering including tu nnelling, foundations, retaining walls, embankments, diaphragm walls, piling, subside nce, soil mechanics and geoenvironmental engineering. Presented in the form of re ports, design discussions, methodologies and case records it forms an invaluable re ference work, highlighting projects which are interesting and innovative. Geotechnical Engineering publishes six issues per year.3. Géotechnique, Proceedings of ICE 土工国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇文章,都是鸿篇巨著。

NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OFREINFORCED CONCRETE TUBE IN TUBE OF TALLBUILDINGSAbdul Kadir Marsono 1 and Lee Siong Wee 21 Associate Professor, Dept. Of Structure & Material, Faculty Of Civil Engineering,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.2 Graduate Student, Faculty Of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2004.Abstract: The non-linear finite element analysis (NLFEA) has potential as a readilyusable and reliable means for analyzing of civil structures with the availability ofcomputer technology. The structural behaviors and mode of failure of reinforced concretetube in tube tall building via application of computer program namely COSMOS/M arepresented. Three dimensional quarter model was carried out and the method used for thisstudy is based on non-linearity of material. A substantial improvement in accuracy isachieved by modifying a quarter model leading deformed shape of overall tube in tubetall building to double curvature. The ultimate structural behaviors of reinforced concretetube in tube tall building were achieved by concrete failed in cracking and crushing. Themodel presented in this paper put an additional recommendation to practicing engineersin conducting NLFEA quarter model of tube in tube type of tall building structures. INTRODUCTIONTube in tube concept in tall building had led to significant improvement in structural efficiency to lateral resistance. In its basic form, the system comprising a central core surrounded by perimeter frames which consists of closed spaced perimeter column tied at each floor level by spandrel beams to form a tubular structure. Usually these buildings are symmetrical in plan, and their dominant structural action take place in the four orthogonal frames forming the perimeter tube and in the central core (Avigdor Rutenberg and Moshe Eisenberger, 1983). Under the lateral load, a frame tube acts like a cantilevered box beam to resist the overturning moment and the central core acting like second tube within the outside tube. In order to get the more accurate result of analysis, the central core may be designed not only for gravity loads but also to resist the lateral loads. The floor structure ties the exterior and interior tubes together to make then act as a single unit and their mode of interaction depending on the design of floor system. No torsion effect was considered in this study, thus the floor system is effectively pin jointed to allow horizontal forces transmission before primary vertical structural elements of the building.Combining shear wall and frame structures has proven to provide an appropriate lateral stiffening of tall building. As the shear wall deflects, shear and moments are induced in connecting beam and slabs which later induced axial forces in walls. The perimeter frame and the central wall act as a composite structure and deformed as in Figure 1. The lateral force is mostly carried by the frame in the upper portion of the building and by the core in the lower portion. The deflected shape has a flexural profile in the lower part and shear profile in the upper part. The axial forces causing the wall to shed the frame near the base and the frames to restrain the wall at the top.The main purpose of this study is to predict the ultimate failure behavior of overall reinforced concrete tube in tube tall building. Hence, non-linear analysis has to be carried out in this study for better understanding of failure mode. Non linear analysis is a modelling of structural behavior to the ultimate state while linear analysis is a conventional analysis that does not pretend to be accurate (Aldo Cauvia, 1990). A sysmetrical tube in tube reinforcedconcrete tall building as shown in Figure 2, three dimensional (3D) quater model was implemented with finite element analysis method and take into account material non linearity.( a ) ( b ) ( c )Figure 1 (a) Deform shape of frame; (b) Deform shape of shearwall;(c)Deform shape of combine frame+shear wallMETHOD OF ANALYSISDescription of ModelThe NLFEA model is a 16 stories reinforced concrete tube in tube tall building with typical storey height of 3.50m except ground floor is 6.0m heights. The full tube model is symmetrical in both axes in plan. The internal tube 7.50m x 7.50m is surrounded by perimeter frame tube 22.50m x 22.50m. All perimeter columns were arrange closely spaced at 4.5m center to center with the size of 0.90m x 0.90m from ground floor up to level 10 and 0.75m x 0.75m column after level 10. The spandrel beams are dimensioned 250mm thick and 750mm depth and tied to the perimeter column to form a perimeter tube. The thickness for slab is 175mm and presumed to act as a horizontal diaphragm to transfer the lateral load as well as vertical loads. The internal tube is formed by square perforated shear wall with the thickness of 350mm and the coupling beam is kept similar as thickness of the shear wall with the depth of 1000mm. COSMOS/M 2.0 (64K Version) finite element software is used to generate the model and perform subsequent non linear static analysis. For modelling idealization and domain discretization viability, only a modified quarter of tube in tube tall building is modelled in view of symmetrical and to cater limitation of COSMOS/M. After several attempts of NLFEA Run were performed out, the final model as indicated in Figure 2(b) was adopted as a final result in this study.Figure 2 (a) Plan view of full tube in tube type of tall building (b)3D modified quarter model(a) (b)Material PropertiesAll elements are represented by one element group i.e. 8 Node Isoparametric Hexahedral Solid elements associated with the material properties as indicated in Table 1. The values for of compressive strength for concrete, yield stress of reinforcement, concrete density, modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio conforms to BS BS8110: Part 1: 1995 and BS8110: Part 2: 1985. The concrete and reinforcementare assigned as one composite material with anmodified modulus of elasticity by assuming 1% of reinforcement for the structural element.Table 1 MaterialParameter Property ValueCompressive strength; f cu35 N/mm 2 Yield stress; f y410 N/mm 2 Modulus of elasticity; E15.86 N/mm 2 % of reinforcement1 % Poisson’s ration; ν0.23 Density of concrete2400 kg/m 322.5 m 2.75 m 2.75 m2.0 m 4..5 m 4..5 m 4..5 m 4..5 m 4..5 mFrame system acting as outer tube Shear wall actingas inner tubemodelStress, σ (N/m 2)ε Boundary Condition and LoadingThe boundary conditions of the foundation were designed as all degree of freedom (all 6 DOF) while the boundary condition at the discontinuous edges of slab were assigning translation X. The velocity of wind load acting on the horizontal surface of the building is 44.44 m/s and the load is distributed uniformly along the surface from the bottom to the top of the building (CP 3: Chapter V: Part 2: 1972). The live loads of 3.0 kN/m 2 (BS 6399: Part 1: 1984) and dead loads of 5.40 kN/m 2 for slab distributed uniformly as vertical loads. Properties of Concrete in Compression and TensionThe nonlinear stress-strain relation adopted to represent the material model was according to BS 8110: Part 2:1985 as shown in Figure 3. The peak stress of 0.8 f cu represents the maximum stress in concrete in uniaxial stress condition. The adopted compressive strain at maximum stress is 0.0022 and ultimate strain is 0.0035. The crushing condition is defined when εcu reaches the value specified as the ultimate strain and that material was assumed to lose its characteristics of strength and rigidityUnder tensile stress, concrete can be assumed as essentially linear until cracking occur at its tensile strength of 0.1 f cu (Marsono, 2000). The interaction of rebar and concrete are simulated by introducing tension stiffening into the concrete model to simulate load transfer across cracks through the rebar (M.R.Chowdhury and J.C.Ray, 1995). The stress values were decreased linearly to zero after the cracking. Tension stiffening effect has significant influence on the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures. Thus using tried and converged method, tension stiffening is a part of parametric study in non-linear analysis. With reference to this material model in Figure 3, tension stiffening curve parameter can be search at 0.0002 upwards (i.e. greater than 0.00018).Solution of NLFEAThe arc length method with iteration Modified Newton-Raphson (MNR) is used for the solution control of non- linear analysis. The analysis is required to reach the satisfactory solution parameters to accomplish the convergence. The parameter of the non -linear solution for this study as indicated in Table 2. During the load progressing, the analysis can terminate by controlling the maximum load parameter or the maximum displacement values. The maximum number of arc step in Table 2 is set to 50 since the actual arc step to complete the analysis to ultimate is not known initially. The initial load parameter is applied only at the X = Linear tension stiffening curve ƒmax = Failure point in compression ƒtu = Failure point in tension (0.1ƒcu) εcr = 0.1ƒcu / modulus of elasticity, Ec εt = Tension stiffeningfirst step of analysis then the next load parameter will be increased automatically by Modified Newton-Raphson algorithm. The convergence tolerance must be specified for the analysis between steps as an error of solution.Table 2 ParameterParameter ValueMaximum load parameter 1.0 x 108Maximum displacement 0.2Maximum number of arc step 50Initial load parameter 0.1Convergence tolerance 0.01RESULTSNLFEA Output and Interpretation of ResultsBasically in the NLFEA of reinforced concrete tall building structure, the outputs of principal stress are used to present the failure of concrete structures in compression and tension. Concrete crushing is achieved when the values of minimum principal stress, P3 exceed the compressive strength (i.e. 0.8f cu ) while concrete cracking is defined when the values of maximum principal stress, P1 reached the tensile strength (i.e. 0.1f cu ). The tension cracking direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the direction of the principal stresses, P1 while the crushing direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the direction of principal stresses, P3. Lateral DisplacementThe load displacement response is presented in Figure 4. The maximum lateral displacement is 103 mm at node 2268, which located at the top level of model as indicated in Figure 7(b). The maximum load recorded is 59.17 KN at point A.Load Versus Lateral Displacement Graph0. (m)L o a d P a r a m e t e r Load Coefficient = 6.607 KNFigure 4 Load versus lateral displacement graph at Node 2268Principal stress in shear wallsThe contours of the principal stress P1 representing the maximum tension (+ve maximum) and P3 representing the maximum compression (-ve maximum). The crushing strength adopted in this model is 0.8f cu = 0.8 x 35 =28 N/mm2. Figure 5(a) clearly indicates the shear wall start to crush at the corner of shear wall base (node 2286) with the compression stress of28.45 N/mm2 (i.e. greater than 28 N/mm2).Principal stress in coupling beamThe stress contour and the deformed shape of coupling beam at level 1 are presented in Figure6. The concrete cracking occur at the tension corner, node 3475 of element 1489 since step15. The principle stress P1 was recorded at 4.106 N/mm2 which exceed 0.1ƒcu = 3.5 N/mm2.It is a clear indication of the tension contour was induced diagonally at the mid span of coupling beam. Another observation is the compression stress at both corners of coupling beam was increased by increment of steps until the analysis terminated at step 32, the maximum compression stress achieved is 19.38 N/mm2 which is lesser than the crushing stress, 28 N/mm2.Figure 5 Minimum principal stress contour diagram at the part of shear wallbase during concrete crushing at step 21(a)(b)Step 15Diagonal tension evident atthe mid span of couplingbeam. Cracking failurereached.( P1 > 3.5 N/mm2 ) Concrete cracking at node 3475, elementof 1489 with P1=4.106 N/mm2Step 31Maximum compression ofcoupling beam at corner.(node 2419 & node 3443)Crushing failure was notoccur in coupling beam.( P3 < 28 N/mm2 ) Node 2419, P3=-19.38 N/mm2Node 3443, P3 = -18.91 N/mm2Figure 6 (a) Maximum principal stress contour for coupling beam at level 1;(b)Minimum principal stress contour for coupling beam at level1Concrete crushingat step 21Element9222areaDISCUSSIONOverall building behaviorThe modified quarter model had improve the deform shape of overall tube in tube tall building as shown in Figure 7. The deformed shape yields double curvature deflections, which resemble a deformed shape of combine frame and shear wall..The presented failure modes of tube in tube tall building had proved that the overall model behavior is definitely control by compression failure rather than tension. With the evidence of the principal stress in the critical compression zone indicating crushing occur at the shear wall base, thus the overall mechanism of the structure had successfully leads the model to achieve its ultimate capacity at step 31. The stress contour by means of minimum principal stress for overall modified quarter model at step 31 is presented in Figure 8. Compression zone was located at the shear wall and perimeter column.Modified quarter model Overall building deflected as doublecurvatureQuarter modelOverall buildingdeflected ascantilever Figure 7 (a) Deformation of quarter model (b) Deformation of modified quarter model (a) (b) Node 2268 Max DisplacementWind load Wind loadCoupling beam and shear wallThe results indicate that the shear diagonal splitting mode of failure is happening for all coupling beams throughout the height. Even though there is a small flexural crack evident at the corner of coupling beam. The crushing of concrete at the shear wall base completes the final failure. It is showing that the total beam strength greater than wall strength. This may be due to oversize of coupling beam relative to the size of shear wall. The reduction in beam thickness may be lead to concrete crushing failure. Practically, the preferred mechanism of failure for perforated shear wall is that the coupling beams achieved the failure first before the shear wall. It is recommended that the beam should fail first followed by the wall; so that the load or vibration can be observed by the beams damaged section.CONCLUSIONThe NLFEA to ultimate stage using COSMOS/M Finite Element software on the 3D modified quarter model was successfully carried out. The analysis was able to capture all the nonlinear behavior as the load progressing. However, a refinement to the model may be carried out such as refining the FEA parameters and thus verifying the result with the lab experimental results wherever possible. The findings of this study can be summarizing as follow: - (i)The quarter model is capable to perform non-linearity behavior up to ultimate limit state. (ii)Modified boundary condition by assigning restraint at X-direction at all slab edges, fully restraint at wall bottom ends is considered appropriate in generating a double curvature profile as expected in tube in tube model. (iii)NLFEA in tube in tube building perform well using non-linear concrete stress-strain curve up to 32 steps of non-linearity and yield the ultimate behavior of tall building. (iv) Modified quarter model, which include the full configuration of shear wall, is foundto be appropriate in modeling the tube in tube tall building as a quarter section. Thus, the behavior of coupling beams was successfully presented out.Figure 8 Minimum principal stress contour of the overall modified quarter model at step Compressionat perimetercolumnwallWind loadREFERENCESAbdul Kadir Marsono (2000). 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国际著名岩土类SCI期刊中英文简介转载请注明原出处:临峰山庄主要岩土SCI期刊的影响因子表(2006)详细介绍1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 加拿大岩土工程学报1963年开始出版,世界上发行量最大的三家岩土工程学术期刊之一,以刊登有关基础、隧道、水坝、边坡问题精彩文章及相关学科的新技术、新发展而闻名月刊SCI期刊主编:Dr. Ian Moore, Queen's Universityhttp://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp-ps ... de=cgj&lang=eng/ehost/d ... #db=aph&jid=35Hmonthly ISSN : 1208-6010 影响因子Impact factor: 0.542NA TL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA, RESEARCH JOURNALS,MONTREAL RD, OTTAWA, CANADA, K1A 0R6Published since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers, theoreticians, and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and northern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelling. Papers on actual case records from practice are encouraged and frequently featured.2. Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of ICE 岩土工程/journals/英国土木工程师协会(ICE)主办,集中了岩土工程实践中的所有方面内容,包括工程实例、工程设计讨论、计算机辅助设计等SCI期刊双月刊影响因子(2006): 0.286Geotechnical Engineering covers all aspects of geotechnical engineering including tunnelling, foundations, retaining walls, embankments, diaphragm walls, piling, subsidence, soil mechanics and geoenvironmental engineering.Presented in the form of reports, design discussions, methodologies and case records it forms an invaluable reference work, highlighting projects which are interesting and innovative.Geotechnical Engineering publishes six issues per year.ISSN 1353-2618 (Print)ISSN 1751-8563 (Online)Impact Factor (2006): 0.2863. Géotechnique, Proceedings of ICE 土工国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇文章,都是鸿篇巨著。
SCI 期刊影响因子Impact factor (2005): 1.203Established for almost 60 years, Géotechnique is ICE's world-leading geotechnics journal, publishing the cream of the international community's output on all aspects of geotechnical engineeringSubject coverage: Géotechnique provides access to rigorously refereed, current, innovative and authoritative research and practical papers, across the fields of soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology and environmental geotechnics.Géotechnique is published ten times per year: February–June, August–December.Indexed by SCI, Current Contents, Compendex, Geo Abstracts, Elsevier Science Direct, Citeseer and others.4. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE) 岩土及环境岩土学报美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)主办的杂志之一,以土力学及基础工程方面的内容为主,主题偏向于工程应用。
月刊,属于SCI检索期刊Editor: Jonathan P. Stewart, Ph.D., P.E., University of California, Los AngelesFrequency: Monthly ISSN: 1090-0241ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, V A, 20191-4400/journals/ge ... nmental/default.htm简介:The Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering covers the broad area of practice known as geotechnical engineering. Papers are welcomed on topics such as foundations, retaining structures, soil dynamics, engineering behavior of soil and rock, site characterization, slope stability, dams, rock engineering, earthquake engineering, environmental geotechnics, geosynthetics, computer modeling, groundwater monitoring and restoration, and coastal and geotechnical ocean engineering. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on new and emerging topics within the general discipline of geotechnical engineering. Theoretical papers are welcomed, but there should be a clear and significant potential for practical application of the theory. Practice-oriented papers and case studies are particularly welcomed and encouraged.更多资讯请上浏览5. GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL 岩土试验学报美国ASTM主办,偏重于土工试验手段、仪器开发等。
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