






下面是收集的适合小学生的电影和动画片:1、小鹿斑比 BAMBI2、白雪公主SNOW WHITE3、猫儿历险记ARISTOCATS4、木偶奇遇记PINOCCHIO5、狐狸与猎狗FOX AND HOUND6、狮子王LION KING7、小鸡快跑CHICKEN RUN8、海底总动员FINDING NEMO9、虫虫危机BUG'S LIFE10、熊的传说BROTHER BEAR11、怪物史瑞克SHREK12、鲨鱼帮SHARK TALE13、风中奇缘POCAHONTAS14、玩具总动员TOY STORY 115、变身国王NEW GROOVE16、战鸽快飞VALIANT17、原野小英雄 THORNBERRYS18、马达加斯加MADAGASCAR 119、机器人ROBOTS20、汽车总动员 CARS21、蚁哥正传ANTZ22、四眼天鸡CHICKEN LITTLE23、蜜蜂电影BEE MOVIE24、别惹蚂蚁THE ANT BULLY25、棒球小英雄 Everyones Hero26、鼠国流浪记 Flushed Away27、外星神犬Good boy28、小猴当家 Dunstun checks in29、鬼马小精灵Casper30、加菲猫 Garfield31、抢钱袋鼠之美国梦 Kangaroo Jack32、G型神探1 Inspector Gadget 133、CYBER MUTT34、公主日记The Princess Diaries35、勇敢者的游戏JUMANJI36、TWINS37、The cat in the hat38、美食总动员 Rata Touille39、Thunder birds40、黄金罗盘The Golden Compass41、纳尼亚传奇2 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian42、Unfortunate Events43、神奇四侠Fantastic Four44、超级大坏蛋Megamind45、仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia46、拜见罗宾逊一家Meet the Robinsons《纳尼亚传奇The Chronicles of Narnia》系列《指环王The Lord of the Rings》系列《亚瑟和他的迷你王国Arthur et les Minimoys 》系列《马达加斯加Madagascar 》系列《冰河世纪Ice Age》系列《快乐的大脚Happy Feet 》系列《丛林大反攻Open Season 》《黄金罗盘The Golden Compass 》《大战外星人Monsters vs. Aliens 》《小叮当与失去的宝藏Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure 》(画面美轮美奂,适合女孩)《驯龙高手How to Train Your Dragon 》《里约大冒险Rio 》(我的大爱)《丛林有情狼Alpha and Omega 》《猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole 》《蓝精灵The Smurfs 》《鼠来宝:明星俱乐部Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 》《拯救小兔Hop》《飞屋环游记Up》《机器人总动员WALL·E》《卑鄙的我Despicable Me 》《怪兽电力公司Monsters, Inc.》《长发公主Tangled 》《超人总动员The Incredibles 》《天降美食Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 》《木兰Mulan 》《埃及王子The Prince of Egypt 》《极地特快The Polar Express》《塔拉星球之战Battle for Terra 》《阿童木Astro Boy 》《圣诞颂歌A Christmas Carol 》《丁丁历险记The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn 》《勇敢传说Brave 》等等还有真人版的《爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland 》、《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜Mirror Mirror 》从动画中窥视孩子的心灵:动画王国:欧美动画总动员《美女与野兽》《狮子王》《浪漫的老鼠》《小叮当》《灰姑娘》《白雪公主》《丑小鸭和我》《阿拉丁》《龙猫.日》《千与千寻.日》《猫的报恩(日)》《蜜蜂总动员》《海底总动员》《汽车总动员》《玩具总动员》《虫虫总动员》《机器人总动员》《赛车总动员》《鸡仔总动员》《小魔怪》《极地特快》《神奇的旋转木马》《史酷比与国王的精灵》《埃及王子》《诺亚方舟》《狂野大自然》《鲨鱼故事》《小猪妈仔》《圣诞怪杰》《僵尸新娘》《幻想曲》《冲走小老鼠》《冲浪企鹅》《太空黑猩猩》《101斑点狗》《柳林风声》《木偶奇遇记》《霍顿与无名氏》《圣诞营救计划》《辛普森一家》《海底大冒险》《未来小子》《地心游记》《史前一万年》《小鸡快跑》《超人特工队》《冒险黄金谷》《艾文和花栗鼠》《好奇的乔治》《怪兽公司》《猫狗大战》《终极细胞战》《石中剑》《武士阿非》《变身国王》《鼠国流浪记》《大力士》《夏洛特的网》《快乐的大脚》《帝企鹅日记》《鬼马小精灵》《再见,银河铁道》《料理鼠王》《骇客帝国动画版》《麻辣女孩》《小飞象》《疯狂农庄》《恐龙》《格列佛游记》《神气女侠》《冰冻星球》《别惹蚂蚁》《蚁哥正传》《大战外星人》《奇怪博士》《高地人复仇之旅》《忍者神龟》《怪兽屋—万圣节》《蝙蝠侠动画版》《龟兔赛跑》《南方公园》《小红帽》《原野小兵兵》《1492哥伦布》《科学小坏蛋》《无可事事的海盗》《饮料杯历险记》《无敌钢铁人》《蔬菜宝贝历险记》《龙枪》《绿巨人战金刚狼》《小飞侠》《赛马场的一天》《叽哩咕与野兽》《小兔的诅咒》《超级无敌掌门狗》《重返戈雅城》《空中大灌篮》《了不起的狐狸爸爸》《公主与青蛙》《鼠来宝:明星俱乐部》系列:《人猿泰山系列》《马达加斯加系列》《冰河世纪系列》《芭比公主系列》《加菲猫系列》《星际宝贝系列》《花木兰系列》《太阳公主—法语》《加菲猫系列》《怪物史莱克系列》《风中奇缘系列》《熊的传说系列》《爱丽诗漫游仙境系列》《狐狸与猎狗系列》《小熊维尼系列》《美人鱼系列》《飞出个未来剧集》《星球大战系列》《地狱怪客动画版系列》《亚特蓝蒂斯系列》《猫和老鼠系列》《图罗克系列》《邪恶新世界系列》《从林大反攻系列》《高卢英雄系列》《功夫熊猫系列》从故事中见证孩子们童年,青春期及一部分人群的成长历程,并感受他们与大人的情感变化,同时,通过电影深入的了解西方人的真实生活:情感剧场:《绿野仙踪----There is no place like home 》《放牛班的春天》《十二月男孩》《想飞的钢琴少年》《贫民富翁》《超级奶爸》《音乐之声》《曼哈顿女佣》《美丽人生》《潘神的迷宫》《博物馆惊魂夜1,2》《查理和巧克力工厂》《窈窕奶爸》《超级奶爸》《圣诞老豆》《魔法奇缘》《春风化雨》《神犬小巴迪》《卧底校园》*难度增加《母女情深》《天生一对》《幸福终点站》《成长的烦恼》《澳洲乱世情中—土著小孩成长历程》《通天塔—家庭》系列:《哈利波特系列》《变相怪杰系列》《公主日记系列》《圣诞老人系列》《纳尼亚传奇系列》《精灵鼠小弟系列》《小鬼当家系列》《歌舞青春系列》《老友记》《舞出我人生系列》《丑女贝蒂剧集》《夺宝奇兵系列》《指环王系列》《魅力四射系列—讲述美国美女拉拉队的故事》《蜘蛛侠系列》。

仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照讲课讲稿

仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照讲课讲稿
This is a story about love and growth......
最后,通过老师和父亲的细心安慰,走出了悲伤,幷建造了一座通往特雷比西亚的“仙境之桥”,与自己的小妹妹梅贝尔一起重新踏上了特雷比西亚仙境……Finally, through the teacher and father's careful comfort, out of grief, and built a bridge to Terabithia "bridge", and his little sister Mabel together again to Terabithia wonderland......
仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照
仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照
十一岁的小男孩杰西·艾伦斯一直梦想能成为学校中跑得最快的学生。一个叫莱斯莉·伯克的小女孩跑的也很快。沉默寡言的吉斯很快与大方善谈的莱斯莉成了好朋友。之后的一天,莱斯莉和吉斯在森林深处玩耍,他们幻想着有一个叫特雷比西亚的王国,那里没有任何坏人、也没有整日让你学习的老师、更没有令人讨厌的同学……一切都十分美好。甚至一切的一切都由自己来作主,想怎样就怎样。The eleven year old boy Jesse Irons has been a dream to become a school students in the fastest. A little girl named Leslie Burke ran very fast. Be scanty of words of Jisi soon and generous good talk Lesle after, Lesley and Jisi play in the depths of the forest, their fantasy of a named Terabithia Kingdom, there are no bad, no one let you learn more there is no hate teachers, students...... Everything is very good. Even everything by their own, want how how.



剧情简介 杂技场的圆穹顶下,五光十色的聚光灯照出一 位体态经盈的女郎她在空中荡秋千,一边做着 惊险的动作,一边唱起“戏中之王”(影片主题 歌),那么舒展、优美,全场响起喝采的掌声。 这位女郎名叫波莉,是林格兄弟马戏团的台拄, 原系歌手,后来成为特技明星。剧团经理布赖 第二十五届奥斯卡最佳影片(1953) 特暗中爱上了她。布赖特对待工作十分严格, 片名:The Greatest Show on Earth 为了招徕观众,他设计编排了许多精彩的杂技 中文:戏中之王 表演节目,融惊险与歌舞于一体,例如弹跳表 出品:美国派拉蒙影片公司 演就伴以“跳吧,杰克”一歌。他还让男演员瑟 年份:1952 导演 西席· 地密尔 B· 巴斯蒂安跟波莉一起表演空中飞人,哪料两人 主演 查尔顿· 赫斯登 日久产生了感情。这在一些演员们中间引起了 詹姆士· 史都华 不和,扮演丑角的伯顿斯从此不再卸妆;一位 蓓蒂· 赫顿 名叫安姬尔的女演员更是争风吃醋,原来她曾 是瑟巴斯蒂安的倩人,现在波莉跟他形影不离, 满肚子不高兴。后来又有一位女伶加入了这场 多角恋爱。影片在妙趣横生地描写马戏团成员 的错综复杂关系的同时,穿插了大量壮观的马 戏杂技节目,而规模最大的一欢“演出”却是马 戏团全班人马乘坐的专车跟一列火车相撞而覆 没。
剧情简介: 好莱坞第一部根据电视剧改编的影片。该片 以朴实无华的手法描写了普通市民的生活、 爱情和婚姻,充满了人情味和幽默感,颇有 新现实主义的特色。该片描述的是美国下层 社会聚居的纽约布隆克斯区。有个叫马蒂的 第二十八届奥斯卡最佳影片 男子,是意大利移民的后裔,在街上开了一 (1956) 个肉铺。由于他长得又胖又丑,对自己的婚 片名:马蒂 又名:君子好逑 事感到失望。在一次周末舞会上,他邂逅一 英文片名:Marty 位姿色平平的中年女子。她叫克拉拉,在一 出品:美国联美影片公司 所学校里任教,过着单身独居的生活。两人 类型:剧情 喜剧 爱情 在见面交谈时发现对方都有一颗善良的心, 导演: 德尔伯特· 曼 从此开始接近。两人抽空时便去咖啡馆,或 编剧: 帕迪· 迪耶夫斯基 看电影。但马蒂自惭形秽,不敢贸然求婚。 男主角 欧内斯特· 博格宁 而克拉拉性格内向,不善于和男人打交道。 女主角 贝特区· 布莱尔 在这微妙的关系中不时出现猜疑的阴影,但 双方又都渴望家庭的幸福。在众人的牵线搭 桥下,特别是马蒂母亲很喜欢克拉拉,这位 似乎“和女人没缘分”的丑男子终于娶到一位温 柔、贤慧的妻子。



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3、ww 这是个国站制作了100~200本左右的儿童Flash书籍, 同时提供一些有声故事书的资源。 Flash书籍包括儿童绘本children's favorite story books 和 经典儿童章节书TumbleReadables。 像是“Black Beauty”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Anne of Green Gables.” 等。 一些书籍还包括读后阅读理解练习资源。
黄金罗盘 The Golden Compass
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: AI
小鬼当家系类 Home Alone
蛋白石之梦 Opal Dream
蒲公英的灰尘 Like Dandelion Dust
勇敢者的游戏1 Jumanji
勇敢者游戏2 Zathura
姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper
我家买了动物园 We Bought a Zoo
男孩们回来了 The Boys Are Back
寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland
追风筝的人 The Kite Runner
穿条纹睡衣的男孩 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
别惹蚂蚁 The Ant Bully
E.T. 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
仙境之桥 Bridge to Terabithia


Bridge to Terabithia
The film is about friendship, adventure, loss and change the life of the juvenile growth story, tells the story of the hero and heroine Jesse and Leslie two because of race and become attached to the good friend, together with all the imagination to create a named Trevor than the kingdom of Valencia, happy together. Until a tragedy happened, let one of them have the courage to face life alone.
Jess and Leslie soon become close friends. Jess shares his secret love of drawing with Leslie, and Leslie shares with Jess her love of fantasy stories. With this new friendship, the two children create an imaginary kingdom in the woods near their homes, accessible only by a rope swing over a creek. They create the imaginary kingdom of Terabithia of which they name themselves King and Queen, and they spend every day after school there. In Terabithia, they are able to face their real-world fears, such as that of the eighth grade bully Janice Avery.





仙境之桥BridgeToTerabithiascript⼤家论坛影视英语/doc/ca4b6d7f1711cc7931b71666.html /forum-466-1.htmlBridge To Terabithia script - Want toast? - Yes. 注 1:toast :n.烤⾯包,吐司;祝酒辞 vt.烘,烤;祝酒 Ellie, where's your cereal bowl? 注 1:cereal:n.加⼯⽽成的⾕类⾷物;⾕类植物,⾕物 - I'm not hungry. - You need to eat. - I'm not hungry, Mom. - You need to eat before school. - One more bite. - You want jelly? 注 1:jelly: 果⼦冻;果酱[U][C]She was so nervous before the performance that she was shaking like a jelly. 表演前,她紧张得浑⾝颤抖不已。

Yes, please . Watch it, Brenda. Don't mess my clothes up 注 1:. mess up 英⾳:['mes ?p] 美⾳:['m?s ?p]mess up: 弄脏;弄糟 They told us not to mess up the room. 他们告诉我们不要把房间弄脏。

Billy Baker's in my class this year. - Oh, did he flunk too? - Shut up! 注 1:flunk :v.考试不及格 - Hey! - You're one to talk. -Are you excited about school? - Yeah. - Isn't your sister cute? - You stink. 注 1:stink :发恶臭[(+of)]The butcher's shop stank in hot weather. ⾁铺热天散发腥臭味。



第1集大红公鸡的传说The legend of the Big Red Chicken 今天Dora要带我们去高高的大红山上找大红公鸡,大红公鸡可大了,就像一座小山一样,而且,它还会跳小鸡舞呢,你是不是也很想看呢?赶快一起出发吧!要去大红山,我们要先经过一座桥,再通过一扇锁着的大门,然后就能到大红山了。


来摆摆手臂,和我们一起跳小鸡舞吧!Bridge——小桥Gate——大门Big Red Hill——大红山第2集蓝鸟宝宝Lost and foundDora和Boots正在玩捉迷藏的游戏,突然发现一只从巢里掉到地上,并且全身湿透了的蓝鸟宝宝,可怜的蓝鸟宝宝和妈妈失散了,我们要把它送到它妈妈那里,地图告诉我们首先要经过香蕉树,再经过一个有稻草人防守的玉米地,才能到达目的地——蓝树林。



Bananas–香蕉Cornfield—玉米地Little Blue Tree---蓝色小树第3集大声和小声Hic-Boom-ohh你听到了么?听到那个怪怪的声音了么?到底是什么发出了这么奇怪的声音呢?赶快和Dora还有Boots一起去看看吧!原来声音是从黄山谷那里传来的。

我们要先通过一条吵闹的小河,再经过寂静森林,然后就能到黄山谷看看到底是怎么回事了!还好Dora有好多好朋友,我们才顺利通过了吵闹的小河,又在背包的帮助下过了寂静森林,哦,原来是我们的朋友Benny牛打嗝的声音,赶快帮他治好打嗝吧!River——小河Forest——森林Yellow Valley——黄山谷第4集去海滩游泳Beaches天气好热,Dore 和Boots要去海滩游泳,我们先来看看地图,怎么才能去海边?首先,我们要经过黄色的沙砾堆成的小山,这个叫沙丘,然后再通过一座木板桥,就能到海边了!大家一起出发吧!沙丘有三条路,需要你帮忙看地图为我们挑出对的路哦,还有木板桥,需要大家一起帮忙来把它修好,当然,一定要小心狐狸,他一定又要来偷我们的东西!还好有你的帮忙,我们终于到了海滩游泳,啊,我们的朋友们也来了,Tico松鼠,Benny牛,真是太高兴了!Dunes——沙丘Boardwalk——木板桥Beach——第5集甜筒岛We All scream for ice cream哦,冰琪淋!Dore和Boots最喜欢吃冰琪淋了!看,那里有一辆冰琪淋车,让我们一起去追它吧!地图说它是要开到甜筒岛去的。


















看电影学英语Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之桥》

看电影学英语Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之桥》

看电影学英语:Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之桥》(1)本片段剧情:吉斯是一个热爱跑步、画画但性格十分内向的小男孩,他有四个姐妹,但是他并不喜欢和自己的姐妹相处。

拮据的家境使他不得不穿姐姐的旧鞋去参加田径比赛……影片对白:Mother: Want toast?May Belle: Yes, please!Mother: Ellie, where's your cereal bowl?Ellie: I'm not hungry.Mother: You need to eat.Ellie: I'm not hungry, Mom.Mother: You need to eat before school. One more bite.Ellie: You want some jelly on it?May Belle: Yes, please.Ellie: Watch it, Brenda. Don't mess my clothes up. Billy Baker's in my class this year.Brenda: Oh, did he flunk too?Ellie: Shut up!Mother: Hey!Ellie: You're one to talk.Mother: Are you excited about your first day in school?May Belle: Yeah.Mother: Isn't your sister cute?Brenda: You! You stink!May Belle: Very cute.Brenda: He stinks. He's gotta shower before he eats with us.Mother: May Belle? Honey, here's your juice.May Belle: Thanks.Jess: OK, who hid my sneakers?Mother: Jess, you could hardly call them sneakers anymore. I threw them out. Jess: What? Mom!Mother: I'm sorry, but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like some hobo. There's a perfectly good old pair of Brenda's I put out for you. Jess: These are girls' ones.Father: It's the fan belt this time, but I got another.Mother: Ellie? Honey, here you go.Father: What's the matter with you?Jess: There's a big race today.Father: And?Jess: My sneakers.Mother: I got a perfectly good pair for him.Jess: These are girls' ones. I can't race in these.Brenda: You couldn't race in your old ones either.Father: He needs some new sneakers, Mary.Mother: We don't have anything for extras.Father: They make them the same. You got your chores done?Jess: Just about to.妙语佳句活学活用1. Watch it:当心!2. mess up:把……弄糟。



爱丽丝梦游仙境-2018年美国6.5分奇幻冒险片《爱丽丝梦游仙境》BD国英双语双字【译名】爱丽丝梦游仙境/爱丽丝梦游奇境/爱丽丝漫游奇境/魔境梦游【片名】Alice In Wonderland【出品公司】华特·迪士尼影片公司【年代】2016【国家】美国【类别】冒险/家庭/奇幻【语言】英语/汉语普通话【字幕】中英双字幕【上映日期】2016-03-26(中国大陆)/2016-03-05(美国)【IMDB评分】/10 from 296,778 users【豆瓣评分】/10 from 182,953 users【文件格式】x264 + AC3【视频尺寸】1280 x 720【文件大小】【片长】108 min【导演】蒂姆·波顿Tim Burton【主演】米娅·华希科沃斯卡Mia Wasikowska ….Alice Kingsley约翰尼·德普Johnny Depp ….The Mad Hatter海伦娜·伯翰·卡特Helena Bonham Carter ….The Red Queen克利斯丁·格拉夫Crispin Glover ….The Knave of Hearts安妮·海瑟薇Anne Hathaway ….The White Queen斯蒂芬·弗雷Stephen Fry ….The Cheshire Cat克里斯托弗·李Christopher Lee ….The Jabberwock【简介】爱丽斯始终被同一个梦魇所困扰,直到她20岁时参加的一场聚会。






Leslie:Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.仅仅闭上双眼,然后敞开你的心扉。

-Leslie:We rule Terabithia,and nothing crushes us!我们是Terabithia 的统治者,我们无坚不摧!Mrs. Myers:If you download any essay off the Internet,you will be downloaded into detention.如果谁从网上下载作业,谁就将被下载进留堂名单。

-Childrens:Free the pee!Free the pee!...小便免费!小便免费!-Ms. Edmunds:Mind like yours wide open,you can create a whole new world.如果像你一样的心扉能完全敞开,你能创造一个全新的世界。

-Ms. Edmunds:Jess,don't let other kids get in your way.Jess,不要让其他孩子干扰你。

-Leslie:You have to believe it,and you hate it.I don't have to believe it,and I think it's beautiful.你们必须相信它(《圣经》),所以你们讨厌它。


-Leslie:I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell.He's too busy running all this.我实在不相信上帝整天走来走去把人贬入地狱。


-Leslie:All I'm saying is that you are who you are,not your parents.我只想说:你就是你,不是你的父母。































1 00:01:08570 --gt 00:01:13830 仙境之桥2 00:03:07280 --gt 00:03:08980 -要点面包片吗-好的-Want toast -Yes.3 00:03:09050 --gt 00:03:10750 艾丽你的麦片碗呢Ellie wheres your cereal bowl4 00:03:10820 --gt 00:03:12750 -我不饿-你必须吃点东西-Im not hungry. -You need to eat.5 00:03:12820 --gt 00:03:15690 -我不饿妈妈-你得吃点东西再去上学-Im not hungry Mom. -You need to eat before school. 600:03:15760 --gt 00:03:17730 -再吃一口-要不要加点果冻-One more bite. -You want jelly 7 00:03:17790 --gt 00:03:19420 好的谢谢Yes please. 8 00:03:19490 --gt00:03:22620 看着点布伦达别弄脏了我的衣服Watch it Brenda. Dont mess my clothes up. 9 00:03:22700 --gt 00:03:24670 比利·贝克今年跟我同班上数学哦Billy Bakers in my class this year. 10 00:03:24730 --gt 00:03:26700 -哦他是不是也挂科了呀-闭嘴-Oh did he flunk too -Shut up 11 00:03:26770 --gt 00:03:29330 -嘿-你说的-Hey -Youre one to talk. 12 00:03:29400 --gt 00:03:32340 -第一天上学是不是很兴奋呀-是啊-Are you excited about school -Yeah. 13 00:03:32410 --gt 00:03:34340 -妹妹看起来很可爱是不是-哎你很臭耶-Isnt your sister cute -You stink. 14 00:03:34410 --gt 00:03:35500 可爱极了Very cute. 15 00:03:35580 --gt 00:03:38550 他好臭他必须洗了澡再来跟我们吃饭He stinks. Hes gotta shower before he eats with us. 1600:03:38610 --gt 00:03:40810 别挑你弟弟的毛病了吃你的饭Stop picking on your brother and eat. 17 00:03:44720 --gt 00:03:45850 梅宝May Belle 18 00:03:45920 --gt 00:03:48050 -宝贝这是你的果汁-谢谢妈妈-Honey heres your juice. -Thanks. 19 00:03:49660 --gt 00:03:51630 哎谁把我的球鞋藏起来了OK who hid my sneakers 20 00:03:51690 --gt 00:03:55190 杰西那已经不能再叫做球鞋了我把它扔了Jess you could hardly call them sneakers anymore. I threw them out. 21 00:03:55260 --gt00:03:56920 啊妈妈What Mom 22 00:03:57000 --gt 00:04:00900 我道歉可我不能让我家孩子像个流浪汉一样去学校Sorry but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like some hobo. 23 00:04:00970 --gt 00:04:04370 有一双布伦达的还很新我给你放在那边了Theres a perfectly good old pair of Brendas I put out for you.24 00:04:05940 --gt 00:04:07410 这是给女孩子穿的These are girls ones. 2500:04:07480 --gt 00:04:10170 这次坏的是风扇皮带不过我还有一条Its the fan belt this time but I got another. 26 00:04:10250 --gt 00:04:12840 -再见-艾丽拿去吧-Bye-bye. -Ellie Honey here you go. 27 00:04:12910 --gt 00:04:15470 -你又怎么了-今天学校有场重要的赛跑-Whats the matte 28 00:04:15550 --gt 00:04:17610 -所以-我的球鞋-And -My sneakers. 29 00:04:17690 --gt 00:04:20880 -我给他准备了一双很好的-可是那是女孩子的-I got a perfectly good pair for him. -These are girls ones. 30 00:04:20960 --gt 00:04:24050 -我穿那个怎么跑啊-你以为穿那双旧的就能跑了-I cant race in these. -You couldnt race in your old ones. 31 00:04:24130 --gt 00:04:26120 玛丽我们得给他买双新的He needs some new sneakers Mary. 32 00:04:27360 --gt 00:04:30890 -穿这个引起比利注意吧-我们真的没有闲钱买新的-Catch Billys eye in that. -We dont have anything for extras. 33 00:04:30970 --gt 00:04:33960 -你说什么-好话不说二遍-Excuse me -Youre excused. 34 00:04:34040 --gt 00:04:36770 穿这个也一样你干完你的活了吗They make them the same. You got your chores done 35 00:04:38210 --gt 00:04:39640 正准备呢Just about to. 36 00:05:17680 --gt 00:05:21380我想保持每站只停十秒小子I try to keep my pit stops under ten seconds ace. 37 00:05:22480 --gt 00:05:24250 把它给我Give it to me. 38 00:05:24320 --gt00:05:26690 -给我... -嘿那是我的午饭-Give it... -Hey thats my lunch 39 00:05:26750 --gt 00:05:28190 我先发现的I found it 40 00:05:30660 --gt 00:05:33650 你真会搞笑Youre kidding me. 41 00:05:34260 --gt 00:05:35920 喂够了OK thats enough. 42 00:05:36330 --gt 00:05:38860 就当是免费午餐计划吧农夫小子Consider it a free lunch program farmer boy 43 00:05:38930 --gt 00:05:40660 好了别吵了All right settle down. 44 00:05:41440 --gt 00:05:42770 干的好贾尼斯Good one Janice. 45 00:05:42840 --gt 00:05:45600 你叫你们老师什么来着我要告诉艾利山德拉What do you call your teacher I wanna tell Alexandra. 46 00:05:45670 --gt 00:05:48300 -quot大嘴怪兽quot 走开吧-艾利山德拉-quotMonster Mouth.quot Now scoot. -Alexandra 47 00:05:48380 --gt 00:05:53340 -他们叫她quot大嘴怪兽quot梅尔斯-我让你走开-they call her quotMonster Mouthquot Myers. -I said scoot 48 00:05:53580 --gt 00:05:55350几项基本的课堂纪律A few ground rules for this classroom. 49 00:05:55620 --gt00:05:59640 不准讲话不准嚼口香糖不准用电子设备No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Be forewarned. 50 00:05:59720 --gt 00:06:01880 如果谁从网上下载作业If you download essays off the Internet 51 00:06:01960 --gt 00:06:04890 谁就会被下载进留堂名册youll be downloaded into detention. 52 00:06:04960 --gt00:06:08660 好了我们现在就开始做我们自己的工作Lets start the year off on the right foot and all do our own work. 53 00:06:08730 --gt 00:06:11600 -你们最好记下笔记-哔哔哔-I expect you to take notes. -Beep beep beep beep beep 54 00:06:11670 --gt 00:06:15900 哔哔哔知道是什么吗我的烂仔探测器Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. Know what that is My loser detector. 55 00:06:18140 --gt 00:06:19400 杰西·艾伦斯Jesse Aarons 56 00:06:20610 --gt 00:06:23630 你姐姐就很头痛了你不要步她们后尘I got it from your sisters. I do not need it from you. 57 00:06:23710 --gt 00:06:26040 -哦天哪-你也给我坐回去-Oh man. -That goes for you as well. 58 00:06:26110 --gt 00:06:27600 他打我He hit me. 59 00:06:28820 --gt00:06:31980 -你完蛋了-斯科特·豪格和加里·福切-Youre dead meat. -Scott Hoager and Gary Fulcher 60 00:06:32050 --gt 00:06:33080 安静be quiet 61 00:06:33690 --gt 00:06:37520 好了现在回到我被粗鲁打断之前讲的Now back to what we were discussing before we were so rudely interrupted. 62 00:06:37590 --gt 00:06:39690 真漂亮的鞋子哟艾伦斯Sweet sneaks Aarons. 63 00:06:39760 --gt 00:06:42990 你是不是也穿着你姐姐的性感内衣呀You wear your sisters hand-me-down underwear too 64 00:06:43060 --gt 00:06:46190 他问你话呢光脚趾He asked you a question twinkle toes. 65 00:06:50000 --gt 00:06:51737 早上好孩子们欢迎回来Good morning kids. Welcome back. 66 00:06:51738 --gt 00:06:53600 希望你们都过了个愉快的暑假I hope you had a great summer. 67 00:06:53670 --gt 00:06:57410 梅尔太太这位是莱斯利·柏克她将加入你们班Mrs. Myers this is Leslie Burke who will be joining your class. 68 00:06:57480 --gt 00:07:01350 -莱斯利欢迎你加入我们学校-谢谢-Leslie welcome to Lark Creek. -Thanks. 69 00:07:01420 --gt 00:07:05010 谢谢你校长Thank you Principal Turner. 70 00:07:05090 --gt 00:07:08210 莱斯利你今天得先坐在讲台上了看来Well Leslie um youll sit at my desk this morning 71 00:07:08290 --gt00:07:11450 然后我给你安排个座位until we can figure out where to squeeze you in.72 00:07:14930 --gt 00:07:18060 学期开始的时候来点好玩的吧I like to start the year with a little fun. 73 00:07:18130 --gt 00:07:21800 我想请你们写一篇一页的短文谈谈自己最钟意的爱好I want you all to write a one-page essay about your favorite hobby.74 00:07:21870 --gt 00:07:23360 什么事Yes 75 00:07:23440 --gt 00:07:27430 梅尔太太你说写一页是说正反面吗Mrs. Myers when you say one page did you mean both sides of the paper 76 00:07:27510 --gt 00:07:30810 -只要写一面就好了麦迪森-我会两面都写的-You can do one side Madison. -Ill do two. 77 00:07:30880 --gt00:07:34140 -很好-没门-Yeah thats cool. -No way 78 00:07:34220 --gt 00:07:37080 -好棒哦-我能看看吗-It was so amazing. -Can I have this 79 00:07:37150 --gt00:07:40480 你可以抽两块钱我要其余的怎么样You could have two bucks out of it all. Im getting most of it OK 80 00:07:41890 --gt 00:07:43250 -请让一下-交一块钱-Excuse me. -Got a dollar 81 00:07:43830 --gt 00:07:46560 -没有-哦那你得尿在裤子上了-No. -Youre gonna have to use your pants. 82 00:07:47800 --gt 00:07:50290 -你怎么回事-你话说反了吧-Whats your problem -You got that backwards. 83 00:07:50360 --gt 00:07:53270 -你才怎么回事-是哦新来的-You got the problem. -Thats right new girl. 84 00:07:54800 --gt 00:07:58240 -美丽的大脚-你说什么-Nice feet. -You say something 85 00:07:58310 --gt 00:07:59770 我是说What I said was 86 00:07:59840--gt 00:08:03300 你有听过一个故事吗关于桥下的怪物have you ever heard the story about the trolls under the bridges 87 00:08:03380 --gt 00:08:05810 它们搜集旅行者的脚趾头who collect tolls from unlucky travelers 88 00:08:05880 --gt 00:08:07940 怪物她说什么呢Trolls What is she talking about 89 00:08:09420 --gt 00:08:12750 这招没用的瘦猴照样得交一块钱Nice try beanpole. Its still a dollar. 90 00:08:36510 --gt 00:08:39380 -快点快点-哈哈我们有豪格-Lets do it. Do it. -Yeah weve got Hoager. 91 00:08:41450 --gt 00:08:44380 下个年级的在线后站好要开始了快点Next grade line up. Lets do this thing. Come on. 92 00:08:44920 --gt 00:08:46550 霍奇豪格快过来Fulcher Hoager get in here. 93 00:08:47190 --gt 00:08:49520 快准备好赶快开始快点Get ready. Lets get this race started. 94 00:08:49590 --gt 00:08:51390 -哔哔哔-死烂肉-Beep beep beep. -Dead meat. 95 00:08:51460 --gt 00:08:56060 在线后站好你们知道规则站到线后去快点Back behind the line. You know how it goes. Back behind. Come on. 96 00:08:56130 --gt 00:08:58560 嘿新来的小妞这是男孩子的项目Hey new girl. This is just for guys. 97 00:08:58630 --gt 00:09:00290 哎我在跟你说话呢Hey Im talking to you 98 00:09:00370 --gt 00:09:03340 怎么你怕你跑不过她Whats the matter Afraid a girls gonna beat you 99 00:09:05140 --gt 00:09:08070 -各就各位预备跑-死烂肉-On your mark. Get set. -Dead meat. 100 00:09:17250--gt 00:09:18720 加油豪格快跑Go Hoager Get in there 101 00:09:26890 --gt00:09:30020 加油杰西加油Go Go Jess go 102 00:09:32900 --gt 00:09:34420 快跑Come on 103 00:09:34500 --gt 00:09:36300 快跑你一定能赢的Come on You can do it 104 00:09:36370 --gt 00:09:38600 加油杰西Come on Jess 105 00:09:38670 --gt 00:09:40660 加油杰西Go Jess 106 00:09:55790 --gt 00:09:58050 杰西杰西你赢了吗Jess Jess did you win 107 00:10:01330 --gt 00:10:04130 你叫杰西对不对Hey Jess right 108 00:10:14440 --gt 00:10:16710 -白痴-什么-Idiot -What 109 00:10:18950 --gt 00:10:21180 -明天见-我只等十秒小子-See you tomorrow. -Ten seconds ace. 110 00:10:27860 --gt 00:10:29380 谢谢Thank you. 111 00:10:30890 --gt 00:10:33260 你跟踪我Are you following me 112 00:10:33330 --gt 00:10:35190 不我就住那儿No. I live over there. 113 00:10:35260 --gt 00:10:38160 我们是邻居呀你有妹妹吗Were neighbors You got little sisters 114 00:10:38230 --gt 00:10:41130 -没有就我自己-哦-No. Just me. -Oh. 115 00:10:41200 --gt 00:10:43070 你有芭比娃娃吗You got any Barbies 116 00:10:43370 --gt 00:10:46600 有应该有几个你呢Yeah. I think I have a few. You got any 117 00:10:46670 --gt 00:10:50770 -我有一个...半-半个-Yeah I have one... and a half. -And a half 118 00:10:50850 --gt 00:10:54080 有一个在玩quot 超级激流芭比quot 时被切成一半了One got cut in half playing Super Extreme Barbies. 119 00:10:54150 --gt 00:10:55580 我从来没听说过这游戏呢Never heard of that before. 120 00:10:55650 --gt 00:10:57620 你把它塞在马桶里然后冲水You flush the toilet with them in it 121 00:10:57690 --gt 00:11:00380 你再把它从楼上的窗户扔下来drop them from the upstairs window stuff like that. 122 00:11:00450 --gt00:11:03620 -那个可好玩儿了-听起来不错-Its really fun. -Sounds like fun. 123 00:11:03690 --gt 00:11:07250 -好吧再见咯-好再见-Well Ill see you around. -Yeah. See ya. 124 00:11:07330 --gt 00:11:08630 -再见-嘿孩子们-See ya. -Hey guys. 125 00:11:08700 --gt 00:11:09690 爸爸Hey Dad. 126 00:11:09760 --gt 00:11:12820 -我去买点东西你要一起来吗-好吧-Im getting supplies. You wanna come -Yeah. Sure. 127 00:11:13230 --gt 00:11:14630 再见See ya. 128 00:11:19510 --gt 00:11:22670 -怎么能是我的错-我叫你顾好宝宝-How come its my fault -When I ask you to watch the baby 129 00:11:22740 --gt 00:11:25340 -你就该顾好她布伦达-该轮到艾丽了这回-I mean watch the baby Brenda. -Its Ellies turn. 130 00:11:25410 --gt 00:11:28350 -我得做我的代数题-再多放点奶油-Im doing my algebra. -Put more cream on there. 131 00:11:28420 --gt 00:11:30850 该帮家里多干点活了You girls have to start helping out more here. 132 00:11:30920 --gt 00:11:32580 你们已经长大了Youre not little kids anymore. 133 00:11:42200 --gt 00:11:45360 梅宝跟你说过多少次了别碰我的东西May Belle How many times have I told you stay out of my stuff. 134 00:1-不是我干的-这太是你干的了-It wasrt me. -It was too you. 135 00:11:47570 --gt 00:11:50260 -你又没办法证明-你们两个又怎么了-You cant prove it -There a problem here 13600:11:50340 --gt 00:11:52640 -爸爸-嘿宝贝-Daddy -Hey sweetie. 137 00:11:52710 --gt 00:11:54900 他又惹你了Is he picking on you 138 00:11:55740 --gt 00:11:58770 -她碰我的东西了-什么东西-She was in my stuff. -What stuff 139 00:12:08190 --gt 00:12:09880 赛跑跑的怎么样Howd that race go 140 00:12:09960 --gt 00:12:12520 新搬来的隔壁的女孩Theres this new girl moved in next door. 141 00:12:12590 --gt 00:12:15860 赢了所有的男孩子包括杰西She beat all of the boys. Even Jess. 142 00:12:19430 --gt 00:12:22200 晚饭之前把垃圾清理干净Make sure you take out the garbage before supper. 143 00:12:22470 --gt 00:12:25530 一小滴One drop. 14400:12:25610 --gt 00:12:29040 接着就会看到奇迹哦咱们梅宝的花儿And thats themagic. Here comes May Belles flowers. 145 00:12:31180 --gt 00:12:32670 它们真会长大吗Are these ever gonna grow 146 00:12:32750 --gt 00:12:36180 这个花屋将开满你的小紫花This greenouse is gonna be filled with your purple flowers. 147 00:12:36250 --gt 00:12:39240 梅宝的花May Belles flowers. 148 00:12:40190 --gt 00:12:43550 我一直想要那种全紫的花I always wanted the one that had like purple all over it. 149 00:12:45390 --gt 00:12:47380 它们太酷了They are so cool. 150 00:12:47460 --gt 00:12:49930 -这些东西长得可快了-我也是-These things are gonna grow fast. -Me too. 151 00:12:50000 --gt 00:12:52860 -明天就会开了-是啊-Tomorrow its gonna be filled. -Yeah. 152 00:12:52930 --gt 00:12:56130 -上课铃响了-The bells gonna ring 153 00:12:56200 --gt 00:12:59660 -大家早上好-老师早上好-Good morning everybody-Good morning Ms. Edmunds 154 00:12:59740 --gt 00:13:01800 暑假结束了你们高兴吗Arert you glad that summers over 155 00:13:01880 --gt 00:13:05330 -不-不我高兴-No -No I am. 156 00:13:05410 --gt 00:13:07610 来拿你们的乐器Come and get your instruments. 157 00:13:07680 --gt 00:13:09550 -我可以敲木鱼吗-可以-Can I play the woodblock -Yes. 158 00:13:11450 --gt 00:13:14080 埃德蒙老师我可以拍响板吗Ms. Edmunds May I please play the castanets 159 00:13:14160 --gt 00:13:17390 可以大家准备好玩音乐了吗Yes you may. Everybody ready for music 16000:13:17960 --gt 00:13:20620 拍张照吧你就可以好好端详Take a picture. Lasts longer. 161 00:13:20830 --gt 00:13:24060 安静Its awfully quiet. 162 00:13:24130 --gt 00:13:27070 -不-不喜欢这首-No 163 00:13:27130 --gt 00:13:29600 -不-那就来点噪音来-No -Then make some noise. Come on. 164 00:14:31070 --gt 00:14:33400 -这片昨天刚看过-随便你-We saw this video yesterday. -Whatever. 165 00:14:33470 --gt 00:14:36230 换台给我... 给我Change it Give it... give it to me 166 00:14:36300 --gt 00:14:38530 别吵了你们怎么总是吵个没完Stop it. Youre always fighting. 167 00:14:38610 --gt 00:14:42010 -那得等我先找到我的-我要看这个-Wait till I get my own place. -I wanna watch this. 168 00:14:42080 --gt 00:14:45050 继续这样下去可不行We just cant keep going like this. 169 00:14:45110 --gt 00:14:48480 亲爱的以我们现在的状况我们得... Honey uh... Ive only got what Ive got to work with. We gotta... 170 00:14:48550 --gt 00:14:51070 你得想个办法把开支削减些You gotta figure out a way to get down on this. 171 00:14:51150 --gt 00:14:54090 这是个问题可是我.。

Phoebe in Wonderland《菲比梦游奇境(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本

Phoebe in Wonderland《菲比梦游奇境(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本

Happy birthday.生日快乐The next rule is "Good Job Jenny asks questions下一条规定是 "乖孩子珍妮只有在only when it's time for asking questions."该问问题的时候才问"How will we know when it's time for questions?我们怎么知道什么时候该问问题呢?What did I just say about asking questions?我刚怎么说问问题的事来着?But--但...You may ask when you can ask questions当可以问的时候你才可以问when it's time for asking questions.当你该问问题的时候Huh?嗯?In this classroom, we have some rules.在这教室里我们有些规定These are the same rules we had last year.这和我们去年的一样啊Is that a question?这是个问题吗?Class, what is the rule about asking questions?同学们问问题的规定是什么?What do we know about Good Job Jenny?我们从乖孩子珍妮身上学到了什么呢?She deserves a slow and painful death.她应该慢慢痛苦的死去Anyone?谁知道?"Twas brillig,"有(一)天×里 ("爱丽丝梦游仙境"里的一首著名的诗) "and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe. 那些活济济的×子在卫边儿尽着那么×那么×"All mlmsy were the borogoves,好难四儿啊那些鹁××子and the mome raths outgrabe."还有×的×子怄得格儿"That's Miss Dodger, the new theater teacher.那是道奇女士新来的戏剧老师Attend the tea party.要来茶会哦Writing?写东西呢?Summoning the courage, failing.找灵感呢失败中Blackthorne's gonna publish me.黑暗王座要帮我出书Oh, Peter.哦皮特It's a tiny academic press.只是个小学术出版社No, that's great.不这很好啊Nobody'll read it.没有人会读的It's great. It is great.这很好这很好It's the greatest thing in the history of great. 这是有史以来最好的事了l think you are.我想你才是Till I shrivel up with resentment?在我变成人老珠黄的怨妇之前?How was your day?你今天过得怎样?Good.蛮好The girls?孩子呢?Terrific.很棒I don't know how you do it.不知道你是怎么办到的So yourwork examlnes Alice in Wonderland? 所以你是在研究爱丽丝梦游仙境?Well, actually it's--it's--呃其实是... 是..."I have angst."我很焦虑Sincerely, Olivia."奥利维亚谨启"How does a seven-year-old have angst?一个7岁孩子怎么会焦虑啊?You don't know the half of it.你还啥都不懂呢Mozart was six when he wrote his first opera.莫扎特在6岁就写出了他的第一部歌♥剧I'm seven.我都7岁了Well, he's only got a year on you, sweetie.他只是比你领先一年宝贝You don't understand.你不懂See?看到了吗?A house of women speaking their minds.一屋子的女人唠叨她们的观点And--and her poetry, it's like E.E. Cummings,还有她写的诗就像卡明斯一样 (美国诗人) Phoebe too, these rhythms and rhymes菲比和他一样他们的韵律韵脚and internal monologues.和内心独白You've never seen anything like it.你绝没见过这种诗Hillary is a terrific mother.希拉里是个很好的母亲Mm, well--嗯呃...Oh, no, please, I insist, let me.哦不让我来Thank you.谢谢How's the book coming along?你的书怎么样了?Precarlous Enchantment.危险的魔法Wonderland and Perversion, right?仙境和堕落对吧?God, how awful.So...所以...Well, sometimes I actually have time to write a whole sentence. 呃其实我偶尔能抽出时间写上一两句Remember that next time you cry, baby.记得下次该你哭了宝贝But don't you love being a mother?但你不是很爱做母亲吗?God, yes.哦对啊Break your mother's back.妈妈背疼Step on a crack, break your mother's back.踩着缝走妈妈背疼 (儿童谚语踩着缝走会带来怀运气)Step on a crack, break your mother's back.踩着缝走妈妈背疼Step on a crack, break your mother's back.踩着缝走妈妈背疼Is that a Patriot Girl doll in your locker?你置物柜里是小爱国者的玩偶吗?Katherine, girl of strength and spirit,凯瑟琳力量与智慧兼具的女孩growing up in Philadelphia during the American Revolution.美国独♥立♥战争时期在费城长大I had her.我是有I stuck needles in her eyes.我还朝她眼里扎过针呢I have Mary.我有个玛丽Mary, she's a Patriot Girl too, except British.玛丽也是个小爱国者但她是英国人She escaped the bombing of London during World War ll.在第二次世界大战期间她逃过了对伦敦的轰炸I know who she is.我知道她是谁She's a loser.她是个废物You think?你真这么想?你觉得呢?What are you looking for?你在找什么?Money.钱Yesterday I found a dollar.昨天我捡到一块钱I'm saving up for Sings With Birds,我在存钱买♥♥鸟语人the noble Sioux girl growing up in 1732. 生活在1732年的印第安贵族女孩Do you want my Katherine one?你想要我的那个凯瑟琳吗?Thanks, but I have it.谢了但我有了No!不要!No, don't touch me!不不要碰我!No! I got you!不要! 追上你了!No, you didn't!不你没有!I'm not it!我不是它!Yes, you are.是的你是No, you don't understand.不你们不懂I can't be it.我不可能是它Please don't make me be it.不要逼我Phoebe's it!菲比就是它!No!不!I'm sorry. Please don't tell.对不起不要告诉...Miss Reiter,Phoebe spit at me!菲比朝我吐吐沫!Phoebe, it's only a game.菲比这只是个游戏I'm sorry.对不起I didn't mean to.我不是故意的Something's going on with Phoebe.菲比出现了些问题Because she got upset during tag?因为她在捉人游戏里不开心?She spat.她朝别人吐吐沫As I understand it, all the other kids were running at her. 据我所知其他的孩子都在追她They were playing tag.他们在玩捉人游戏啊Exactly, it seems pretty innocent to me.对我觉得这没什么啊It was the way it happened.事情就是这么发生啦This is why little boys who kiss little girls这就是小男孩亲了小女孩get expelled for sexual assault.因性侵犯被开除的原因All right, Hillary. No, l'm sorry.好了希拉里不对不起It's just, we want our kids to care,只是我想让我们孩子能重视and then we worry when they do.然后我们也担心他们的行为We want them to show spirit, and then punish it.他们应该表现出态度然后得到惩罚I really don't see the problem here.我真的不觉得这有什么问题Is there something going on at home?你们家里出什么事了吗?I'm finishing a book.我的书快写完了That's about it.就这些Anything else?还有吗?Children are good at hiding.孩子们很善于掩饰的No.没Do you think that something's going on with Phoebe? 你觉得菲比有问题吗?Something's always going on with Phoebe.菲比永远有问题She's different. That's good.她与众不同这不错But do you think--但你不觉得...No, I think it's just the way they are.不我想事情就该是这样This god damn what-to-expect-this-second parenting. 该死的理想主义教育理念You ever wonder if we're too tuned in to our kids?你有没有想过我们是不是太宠我们的孩子了?She wasn't accusing you of anything.她又没有怪你Of course she was.很显然她是在怪我I hope Phoebe got her with a good loogie.我希望菲比在她身上吐了一口大痰Maybe I'm not spending enough time with her.也许我和她相处的时间不够We work.我们得工作啊Right?对吧?I'll figure out something special.我会想办法的Please take you seats.请就座Look at the chandelier.看那大吊灯啊Thank you.谢谢I can't wait.我等不及了I know. Go.知道走Come on.快来Here, take off your coat.来脱掉外套吧Oh, lt's starting.哦开始了She's changing.她变了The swan is turning into a princess.天鹅变成了公主Look.看Why'd she take off her dress?为什么她要脱掉那套衣服?It's just her costume.那只是她的戏服If I had a dress like that, I'd never take it off.如果我能穿成那样我绝不会脱掉的You'd have to, to wash it.你不得不总得洗吧No, 'cause maybe if I wore it long enough,不也许如果我穿的足够久one day I'd wake up, and I'd be that person.某天我醒来时就会变成那个人Smart girl.好聪明啊You'd have to choose your part carefully.你得好好选你的角色了Oh, I would.哦我会的Believe me, I would.相信我我会的Hey, don't look.嘿别看了No room, no room.没地了没地了 (模拟"爱丽丝梦游仙境"的情景)I'm here to try out for the play.我是来征选的I'm the Mad Hatter.我是疯帽子先生This is the March Hare, and that's the Dormouse.这是三月兔那是睡鼠Whatever.随便啦I want to be Alice, and I always get the lead.我想演爱丽丝我一直都是主演的How strange everything is today.今天的事好奇怪啊Let me think.我来想想Was I the same when I got up this morning?我和早上刚醒来的我一样吗?Thank you.谢谢Wouldn't you like to attend the party as the White Queen? 你愿不愿意出演白皇后呢?Alice.爱丽丝Right. Dive in.好来吧How strange is everything today.今天的事好奇怪啊Let me think.我来想想Was I the same when I got up this morning?我和早上刚醒来的我一样吗?I'll make a killer Alice.我的爱丽丝演绝了I look just like her.我长的和她很像啊Just Alice.只要爱丽丝My daddy is sick rich.我爸很有钱哦l want Alice,我想演爱丽丝and you should know that l'm a depressive.你要知道我这人很压抑No room, no room.没地了没地了Excuse me?什么?Oh, may I have some tea?哦我能喝点茶吗?Welcome to the tea party.欢迎来到茶会A gift?礼物?Most recently, I did two seasons最近我在in the Essex Playhouse Theater Arts Workshop.埃塞克斯剧场戏剧艺术工作室演过两季剧Indeed.是哦In The King and I, I was featured as Phra Alack, 在"国王与我"中我出演费拉·阿♥拉♥克the head servant.管家Hmm.嗯Which role would you like to try out for,你想来试演哪个角色呢the King of Hearts, the White Knight?红心国王白骑士?The Queen of Hearts.红心皇后Unless...要不然...No, no, no, no, no.不不不不不Please, be my guest.来吧请便Off with her head.拖出去斩了Phoebe Lichten?菲比·利希滕?Here.在Your tea party was scheduled for 20 minutes ago. 你的茶会是订在20分钟前的"Your tea party was scheduled for 20 minutes ago." 你的茶会是订在20分钟前的Sorry. I'm so sorry.抱歉很对不起I was washing my hands.我刚一直在洗手I suppose you want to read for Alice.我想你是来试演爱丽丝的吧Hmm.嗯How strange everything is today.今天的事好奇怪啊Let me think.我来想想Thank you.谢谢That's it? That's it.就这样? 就这样You don't want me to read anymore?你不想让我再读一些吗?No, thank you.不了谢谢Can I please try it again?我能再试一次吗?That won't be necessary.没这个必要了I'm sorry I was late. I really am.很抱歉我来晚了真的很抱歉I had to--我必须...I have to wash my hands a certain number of times. 我得多洗几次手You can try again, a little slower.你可以再试试慢慢来Go on.来吧Jump.跳How strange everything is today.今天的事好奇怪啊Let me think.我来想想Was I the same when I got up this morning?我和早上刚醒来的我一样吗?I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. 我想我能感觉到一点不同But if I'm not the same, the next question is,但如果我变了接下来的问题就是who in the world am I?我到底是谁啊?How'd your tryouts go?你的试演怎么样啊?How'd you find me here?你怎么找到我的?I made this house.这房♥子是我做的It took a while.试了一会儿How'd it go?怎么样?I think mine went well.我想我的还不错I practiced forever.我一直在练习I was better at home.在家我表现的更好些Auditions are stressful.试演很有压力啊When I wanted my baking kit,想要烘焙用具的时候I prayed to God every night for a whole month to get it. 我会整月每晚都向上帝祈祷直到我得到它Is that what you have to do?这是必须做的吗?Well, if you want something a lot, you have to pray嗯如果你很想要某个东西你必须祈祷or do something you hate,或者做些你讨厌的事and God will see you deserve it.上帝会看到你的诚心的I don't believe in God.我不相信上帝Me neither,我也是but I did get the baking kit.但我确实得到了烘焙用具哦So you have to pray?所以必须要祈祷?Or do somethlng you hate.或者做讨厌的事Like what?例如?I don't know, P.E.?不知道哦体育课?P.E.?体育课?But you have to choose something else.但你得选点别的Four.四Hey, sweetie.嘿甜心How was school?今天在学校怎样?Did you have your tryout today?你今天去试演了吗?I'm concentrating.我在专心做事呢I was gonna make a cake,我要做个蛋糕you want to help me?你想来帮忙吗?Stop!不!Now I can't remember what number I'm on.我忘了我数到哪里了I have to start all over again.又得从头开始了Well, why don't you come inside?你怎么不进屋里呢?I can't, not until I've stepped on all the squares in the right order.不行除非我按顺序踩到正确的格子Are you, um, pretending this is Looking Glass Land? 你是呃在假装这里是镜子大地吗?Looks a little like a chessboard.看上去有点像棋盘哦Phoebe, what would happen菲比如果你没有if you didn't step on the squares in the right order? 按顺序踩到正确的格子会发生什么?I won't get in the play.我就不会出演这部剧了That's what this is all about, to get in the play?原来是这么回事啊出演这部剧?Get back!别过来!Can I help?我能帮忙吗?Get back! Okay.回去恩Are we making the cake now?我们现在做蛋糕么?Phoebe?菲比?Where's Phoebe?菲比到哪里去了?Where's your sister?你姐姐在哪里?Upstairs.楼上Does she know it's dinnertime?她知道该吃晚餐了么?I told her.我告诉过她了How'd the writing go today?昨天的写作怎么样了?Writing? What writing?写作? 什么写作?It'll come.你会明白的Oh, here she is.噢她来了What's the matter, sweetie?到底怎么啦小甜心?Aren't you hungry?难道你不饿吗?Oh, my god.欧我的天啊I'm sorry.对不起What happened?怎么了?It's to get in the play.是为了演戏做的准备What's this?这个是什么?Why'd you come to see me today?你今天为什么要来见我?Have you been acting differently recently?你最近有感觉哪里不舒服吗?You can say anything you want to me, anything. 你可以告诉我任何事情任何话Nothing you say can be wrong.你不会说错任何话In school, you have to follow certain rules.在学校你必须遵守学生规范You can't speak at certain times.你有时候并不能说你想说的话You can't say certain things.做你想做的事Here, it's the opposite.在这里一切都不同You should say你可以在任何时候whatever you want...说你想说的whenever you want.任何话There's nothing I can't say?我可以口无遮拦?No.是的So...那么what do you want to say?你想说什么呢?Nothing.没什么You are all very, very talented.你们都真的非常有天赋"You're all very, very talented.""你们都真的非常有天赋"They always say that.大人们一直那么说Here are your roles.现在我宣布You will all be in the musical number. 你们各自的角色The Mad Hatter, Jeremy.杰里米扮演疯狂的制帽匠The Caterpillar, Tommy.汤米扮演毛毛虫The Caterpillar?毛毛虫?l wanted to be the knight.我想扮演骑士The Caterpillar's a loser part.毛毛虫是一个废物的角色Shh.小声点No small parts, only small actors.没有不起眼的角色只有不起眼的演员You're dead.你去死吧Jenny and Sally...珍妮和莎莉...Card 1 and Card 2.扮演两张卡片What?什么?We were robbed.我们被抢劫了The Queen of Hearts...红心皇后...goes to Jamie.的扮演者是杰米That's a girl's part.那是个女孩子的角色Fruitcake.玻璃I'm gonna kidnap your Patriot Girl.我要绑♥架♥你的爱国者女孩Shh.小声点It was doing P.E.这都是进行体锻的功劳Did you do stuff to?你有没有做类似的事情?Humpty Dumpty, Martin.矮胖子的扮演者是马丁The White Queen goes to Monica.莫妮卡饰演白雪皇后And Alice...爱丽丝的扮演者...Phoebe.菲比I was so proud of you today.今天我真为你感到骄傲Good night.晚安Good night, love you.晚安我爱你Love you.我爱你Are you asleep?你睡着了吗?No.没有So what do we do?那我们要干什么?I don't know.我不知道What do we do?我们干什么?Are we gonna do the play?我们要演戏吗?We are in a theater.我们现在在剧院里I think probably we should.我想我们要演戏Don't you?你觉得呢?Aren't you gonna tell us what to do?你会告诉我们该做什么吗?No.不会You tell me.你来告诉我吧How do you put on a play?我们应该怎么演戏?You wear costumes and say the words?穿上戏服念台词?Well, then...然后呢jump.开始吧When do we start?我们什么时候开始?When do you think?你觉得呢?When the lights go on?当灯光亮起来的时候?Good.很好Should we start?我们开始么?It's so hot, and I'm tired.好热啊我累了What a dull book this is.这本书太无聊了What's the use of a book without pictures? 一本没有图片的书有什么好看的? Where do I enter from?我从什么地方进入舞台?Where do you think?你觉得呢?Offstage?从舞台幕后?Oh, dear, oh, dear, I shall be too late.欧亲爱的我来的太晚了Wait!等等!I think I hear the queen coming now.我听到皇后的声音了And if something's not done about it in less than no time, 如果我的要求没有被尽快完成I'll have everybody executed all round.我会处决所有相关的人Homo.同性恋Homo got the part.反正我得到这个角色了哦Off with your head!砍掉你的脑袋!Fill up the glass with treacle and ink把杯子灌满糖浆和墨水and anything else that is pleasant to drink.其他的都是好喝的饮料Mix sand with the cider and wool with the wine,把沙子混在苹果酒里把羊毛混在葡萄酒里and welcome Queen Alice with ninety times nine.欢迎爱丽丝Ninety times nine.热烈欢迎Let's considerwho it was that dreamed it all.让我们考虑下这到底是属于谁的梦It must have been either me or the Red King.一定是我的或者红心国王的He was part of my dream.他是我梦中的一部分But then, I was part of his dream too.然后我又在他的梦里了Which do you think it was?你觉得梦属于谁?Bravo.太棒了Welcome to Wonderland.欢迎来到仙境That was amazing.太不可思议了She just let us do it.她就只是让我们自己演And you were great.你演的真棒You were awesome.你超级棒You definitely won't get fired.你一定不会被炒鱿鱼Fired?炒鱿鱼?Oh, yeah, happens all the time.是啊常听人们那么说Really?是么?Ever heard of Kristen Vigard?你听说过克里斯滕·维嘉德么?Exactly.看到没The real Annie, fired a week before opening.原定的主演(百老汇音乐剧)在开演前一个星期给炒鱿鱼了Andrea McArdle went on to everlasting fame.安德莉亚·麦克艾尔德从此享有了安妮的声誉But don't worry.不过别担心You were great.你很棒You were so different onstage.你在舞台上太出众了How come you spit?你怎么会朝人吐口水的?What?什么?I-I don't know.我不知道I didn't used to.我以前不这样的Why do you want to play a girl's part?你为什么喜欢演女孩的角色?因为这是演戏I can do whatever I want.我可以做我想做的任何事But why do you do it when everyone makes fun of you? 但是你为什么在别人取笑你的时候还要这么做? Because.因为...So because for me too.我也是因为这个原因Sometimes, I get this feeling--有时候我感觉...this feeling to jump off a roof.就像要从屋顶上跳下来You want to die?你想自杀?No.不是It's what I feel like all the time,但是我经常有这感觉with the things I do.我知道我不该做一些事情I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.但是我控制不住It's like being on the edge of a roof all the time.就好像我经常在屋顶边缘一样Fired?被炒鱿鱼?It won't happen.不会的Turn out your toes.伸出你的脚趾Remember who you are.记住你是谁Hillary Where's your sister?你妹妹在哪里?And don't get fired.不要被炒鱿鱼Where's Olivia?奥利维亚在哪里?I don't know.Are you trying to get me fired?你想让我被炒鱿鱼吗?The bus will be here any minute.校车马上就来了I'm not going to school today.我今天不去学校了Oh, why not?哦为什么?I don't want to.我不想去I'm sick. Oh, you are not.我生病了你没病I'm sick of Phoebe.我讨厌菲比What are you talking about?你在说什么?You're so good with her.你和她一直相处的很好Yeah, and I'm sick of it.对我讨厌她Please don't play on the stairs.别在楼梯上玩耍了Leave me alone.离我远点Can't I have another sister?我就不能再有个姐妹么?What?什么?No.不Not instead of, another.不是换个姐姐是再有个妹妹Or a brother.或者弟弟No.不行One that I don't have to take care of, 一个不那么难相处的人who hasn't got what she's got.她能得到她想要的一切Phoebe, are you all right? Go away.菲比你还正常吧? 走开Turn out your toes, don't get fired.伸出脚趾别被炒鱿鱼What do you mean "got"?什么叫做"得到"?You don't even know anything that's going on.你什么都不知道What do you mean I don't know anything that's going on? 什么叫我什么都不知道?She gets everything she wants.她能得到她想要的一切What does she get that you don't?有什么东西她能得到你得不到的?You.你Phoebe, don't jump.菲比别跳了Leave me alone.离我远点Turn out your toes, remember who you are,伸出脚趾记住你是谁don't get fired.别被炒鱿鱼Turn out your toes.伸出脚趾And remember who you are.记住你是谁Now, now! Faster, faster!快点快点!Of course, it takes all the running you can do想要停留在原处to stay in one place.你必须尽你所能的奔跑If you want to go someplace else,如果你想去别的地方you have to run at least twice as fast as that.你必须跑的有2倍那么快But if you run as fast as you can and stay in one place,但是如果你尽全力的奔跑还只能留在原处的话how will you ever get anywhere?你怎么可能跑去别的地方?You just say whatever you say, don't you?你只是说你想说的是吗?Everyone tells me that.每个人都和我那么说I don't mean to be rude.我没有不礼貌的意思It's nice to hear you say those things.很高兴听你说这些It makes me think everything isn't so fixed.让我觉得凡事都没有那么一定It's not.当然不是Genius!天才!That's what my mother--那才是我的妈妈--Phoebe, are you all right?菲比你还好吧?I was just talking to the Red Queen.我刚才在和红心皇后说话You were practicing your lines?你是在练习说台词吗?I thought you'd be glad I was talking to the Red Queen. 我想你会为我和红心皇后说话感到高兴呢I thought you loved Looking Glass Land, Wonderland. 我想你会很高兴看到仙境I thought we loved it together.我觉得我们都喜欢仙境的I'm sorry.对不起I didn't know what all this was about.我不知道你在说什么I'm glad you were talking to the Red Queen,我很高兴你同红心皇后说话and of course it makes me happy, and I...我当然很高兴I love you.我爱你I really love you.我真的爱你You do believe I was talking to her?你不相信我和她说过话?What'd she tell you?她和你说了什么?Everything isn't so fixed.什么事情都不是一定的It's freer there.那里更加自♥由♥Have you ever felt like your running very fast 你有没有感觉过你尽你全力的跑just to stay in the same place?只是停留在原处么?The Red Queen?红心皇后?So this is an imaginary friend.那么她是你想象中的朋友吧I guess.也许吧Have you told anyone about the Red Queen? 你有和别人提起过红心皇后么?My mother.我妈妈Made her nervous.她很担心Do you hide things from your parents你有没有对父母隐瞒什么If you think it'll make them nervous?才会让你觉得他们会担心Of course.当然What do you and the Red Queen talk about? 你和红心皇后谈了什么?Wonderland.仙境How nice it is to have a place在那里事物都不是一定的where things aren't quite so fixed.多棒啊It's all the opposite there, you know.和这里完全相反It'd be nice if...如果...那这里也会很棒If...如果...It were the same here.如果这里仙境一样Same how?怎么一样?Different.他们不一样Oh, please your majesty,噢尊敬的女王陛下spare us.宽恕我们把What shall we do?我们该干什么?Girls...孩子们...girls...孩子们...This is not real for you,:这个对你们不是现实this is not real for us.对我们也不是Your heads are about to be chopped off.你们的脑袋马上就要落地This is high drama.这个是剧情高♥潮♥There is fear.会有恐惧There is panic.会有惊慌Listen.听着Can you hear them?你们听到了么?The executioners刽子手此刻are walking down the hall this very moment. 正在往礼堂方向走They are pounding at the door.听到他们关门发出的碰撞声What do you do?你们会怎么样?There would be weeping and ranting,会哭泣和急吼sobs and cries, plans for escape.会悲伤会流泪会有逃脱计划Will no one take mercy on us?没有人怜悯我们么?Bring in the scene next week.下周继续排练的时候I want to feel the terror of the last moments of your life. 我想看到你们在生命最后一刻的恐惧感Take risks, jump.冒险跳跃What does she want from us?她到底想让我们干嘛?It's just a dumb play.真是个愚蠢的剧本We're only ten.我们只有10岁而已Ten?10岁?Ten?10岁?When I was ten,当我10岁的时候I played Cleopatra as she fed the asp to her breast.我扮演埃及艳后吃了白杨被卡住喉咙It was breathtaking.大家都屏声静气The audience was on the edge of their seats.坐在椅子的边缘紧张的看着You could hear a pin drop, they were so entranced.他们看的太入神了一根针掉下来都能听得到My ten-year-old niece is hard at work我10岁的侄女unlocking the mysteries of Stonehenge.正试图解开巨石阵的谜团You'll be reading about her within the year.你们今年年底之前就会知道她了Ten, indeed.她只有10岁Now, continue.继续Alice, White Queen, pick up where we left off.爱丽丝白棋皇后接着演I wish I could manage to be glad,我真希望能开心起来only I can never remember the rule.却总忘记规则You must be very happy being glad whenever you like. 随时都能开心起来就好了Only it's so very lonely here.可这里好冷清Oh, don't go on like that.别这么想Consider what a great girl you are.想想你多伟大Consider what o'clock it is.想想现在几点Consider anything, only please don't cry.想什么都成别哭了Can you keep from crying by considering things?想想就不哭了?There, you see?看见没?Two lines.两句台词间In two lines, she went from utter despondency她就表现出了to complete joy.转忧为喜Two lines; bravo, Phoebe.才两句很棒!Come on, trust falls, and then the musical number.来做信任背摔然后是献诗Come on.过来Ready?好了吗?Yes.好了不要Uh, what's--这是--what's this?这是干嘛?Principal Davis, l didn't hear you.戴维斯校长不知您来了Trust falls.做信任背摔Trust falls.信任背摔Well, that--that--这-you know, that seems a bit reckless, 好像有点不妥don't you think?你说呢?Nonsense, it's liberating.胡说这是解放Dangerous.太危险了Ready?好了吗?Yes.好了Oh.哦She's quite remarkable, Phoebe.菲比很突出Thank you.谢谢You're lucky.你很幸运Trick or treat.不请吃就捣乱Well, good evening, Alice.晚上好爱丽丝"Good evening, Alice.""晚上好爱丽丝"And who are you?A man with a beard?小胡子男人?Karl Marx.卡尔·马♥克♥思♥ Thanks for the candy.谢谢你的糖Happy Halloween.万圣节快乐Did the psychiatrist say anything else?心理医生还说啥了?Not yet.没啥OCD.强迫症Clearly, partly.差不多When I was a kid, I counted telephone poles 我曾在车里数电线杆from the car.是小时候If I missed one, we'd crash.认为少数一个就会出车祸Nobody labeled me.没人认为我有病It's just the way kids are.那只是孩子的天性No, it's different.她不一样Her hand--她的手--Well, what do you want me to say?我又没办法How come no one knows who I am?怎么可能没人认出我?It's esoteric, sweetie.太难认了亲爱的You're very original.你的很特别Now, go try this other house.换一家试试Trick or treat.不请吃就捣乱Don't let the poppies put you to sleep.别吃太多罂粟Have you ever read Alice ln Wonderland?读过爱丽丝梦游仙境吗?Of course.当然When?什么时候?I don't know; it was a while ago.忘了很久以前了Given that it's what my work's all about,我的工作和这有关doesn't that seem-- I don't know--fucked up?你这回答可不咋的I'm gonna get the bag.我去拿包Trick or treat.不请吃就捣乱Raisins bite.葡萄干Phoebe.菲比You're fat.你这肥猪I'm sorry.对不起She's my younger sister.她是我妹妹She doesn't know what she's saying.她语无伦次了Fat, fat water rat.肥肥的河鼠It's supposed to rain tomorrow.明天要下雨了Just out of curiosity,好奇地问一下how am I supposed to care about your work when you don't? 你都不关心我的工作怎指望我关心你的?I have no time.。



仙境之桥观后感英语As I entered the theater to watch the movie "Bridge to Terabithia," I had no idea of the beautiful yet bittersweet journey that awaited me. The film, based on the novel by Katherine Paterson, took me on a transformative adventure into the magical world of imagination and friendship. In this essay, I will share my thoughts and reflections on this captivating film.The story revolves around two young protagonists, Jesse and Leslie, who form an unlikely bond and create a mystical kingdom called Terabithia in an abandoned forest. Through their vivid imaginations, this magical place becomes a sanctuary where they escape the realities of their troubled lives. The portrayal of their friendship is authentic and heartwarming, reminding us of the innocence and power of childhood connections.One aspect that struck me about this film was its exploration of the power of imagination. Jesse and Leslie's ability to create Terabithia and transform their surroundings made me reflect on the untapped potential of our own imaginations. In our increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven world, it is easy to overlook the simple joy and wonder that can be found in using our imaginations. "Bridge to Terabithia" serves as a gentle reminder of the transformative and healing power of imagination.Moreover, the film addresses important themes such as loss, friendship, and self-discovery. The sudden and tragic death of Leslie is a turning pointin the story, forcing Jesse to confront his emotions and learn valuable life lessons. It highlights the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with the people we care about. The portrayal of Jesse's griefand his eventual acceptance of Leslie's death is handled delicately and realistically, making the emotional impact all the more poignant.Another aspect that impressed me was the stunning cinematography and visual effects. The filmmakers skillfully blended the real world with the imagined world of Terabithia, creating a seamless transition between the two realms. The fantastical creatures and enchanting landscapes of Terabithia were brought to life in a way that captivated my imagination. The cinematography beautifully captured the emotions of the characters, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.Music also played a significant role in enhancing the storytelling. The score was composed with precision, adding depth to the emotions portrayed on screen. The melodic tunes perfectly conveyed the whimsical nature of Terabithia and the emotional journey of the characters. The music, combined with the visuals, created a truly immersive experience that brought the story to life.Additionally, the performances by the young cast were commendable. Josh Hutcherson and AnnaSophia Robb, who played Jesse and Leslie, respectively, portrayed their characters with depth and authenticity. They skillfully depicted the complexities of their friendship, making their connection feel genuine and relatable. The chemistry between the two actors was palpable, and their performances elevated the impact of the film.In conclusion, "Bridge to Terabithia" is a film that powerfully captures the essence of childhood, friendship, and the boundless power of imagination. It serves as a reminder to cherish the connections we make in life and to embrace the transformative power of letting our imaginations runwild. The film's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from joy to sorrow, is a testament to its storytelling prowess. As I left the theater, I couldn't help but reflect on my own childhood and the magical worlds I created in my imagination. "Bridge to Terabithia" is a timeless tale that will resonate with viewers of all ages, reminding us of the beauty and complexity of the human experience.。


















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00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:30,890
-穿这个引起比利注意吧 -我们真的没有闲钱买新的
-Catch Billy's eye in that. -We don't have anything for extras.
00:04:30,970 --> 00:04:33,960
00:05:53,580 --> 00:05:55,350
A few ground rules for this classroom.
00:05:55,620 --> 00:05:59,640
不准讲话 不准嚼口香糖 不准用电子设备
No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Be forewarned.
-And? -My sneakers.
00:04:17,690 --> 00:04:20,880
-我给他准备了一双很好的 -可是那是女孩子的
-I got a perfectly good pair for him. -These are girls' ones.
00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:24,050
-你说什么? -好话不说二遍
-Excuse me? -You're excused.
00:04:34,040 --> 00:04:36,770
穿这个也一样 你干完你的活了吗?
They make them the same. You got your chores done?
这次坏的是风扇皮带 不过我还有一条
It's the fan belt this time, but I got another.
00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:12,840
-再见 -艾丽? 拿去吧
-Bye-bye. -Ellie? Honey, here you go.
00:06:23,710 --> 00:06:26,040
-哦 天哪 -你也给我坐回去
-Oh, man. -That goes for you as well.
00:06:26,110 --> 00:06:27,600
I found it!
00:05:30,660 --> 00:05:33,650
You're kidding me.
00:05:34,260 --> 00:05:35,920
喂 够了
OK, that's enough.
00:05:36,330 --> 00:05:38,860
00:04:12,910 --> 00:04:15,470
-你又怎么了? -今天学校有场重要的赛跑
-What's the matter? -There's a big race today.
00:04:15,550 --> 00:04:17,610
-所以? -我的球鞋
00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:08,660
Let's start the year off on the right foot and all do our own work.
00:06:08,730 --> 00:06:11,600
00:05:59,720 --> 00:06:01,880
If you download essays off the Internet,
00:06:01,960 --> 00:06:04,890
you'll be downloaded into detention.
00:03:29,400 --> 00:03:32,340
-第一天上学是不是很兴奋呀? -是啊
-Are you excited about school? -Yeah.
00:03:32,410 --> 00:03:34,340
-妹妹看起来很可爱是不是? -哎 你很臭耶
Consider it a free lunch program, farmer boy!
00:05:38,930 --> 00:05:40,660
好了 别吵了
All right, settle down.
00:05:41,440 --> 00:05:42,770
看着点 布伦达 别弄脏了我的衣服
Watch it, Brenda. Don't mess my clothes up.
00:03:22,700 --> 00:03:24,670
Billy Baker's in my class this year.
-我穿那个怎么跑啊 -你以为穿那双旧的就能跑了?
-I can't race in these. -You couldn't race in your old ones.
00:04:24,130 --> 00:04:26,120
玛丽 我们得给他买双新的
He needs some new sneakers, Mary.
00:01:08,570 --> 00:01:13,830
00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:08,980
-要点面包片吗? -好的
-Want toast? -Yes.
00:03:09,050 --> 00:03:10,750
艾丽 你的麦片碗呢?
Ellie, where's your cereal bowl?
00:06:18,140 --> 00:06:19,400
Jesse Aarons!
00:06:20,610 --> 00:06:23,630
你姐姐就很头痛了 你不要步她们后尘
I got it from your sisters. I do not need it from you.
干的好 贾尼斯
Good one, Janice.
00:05:42,840 --> 00:05:45,600
你叫你们老师什么来着? 我要告诉艾利山德拉
What do you call your teacher? I wanna tell Alexandra.
00:05:45,670 --> 00:05:48,300
杰西 那已经不能再叫做球鞋了 我把它扔了
Jess, you could hardly call them sneakers anymore. I threw them out.
00:03:55,260 --> 00:03:56,920
啊? 妈妈!
What? Mom!
00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:00,900
-Isn't your sister cute? -You stink.
00:03:34,410 --> 00:03:35,500
Very cute.
00:03:35,580 --> 00:03:38,550
他好臭 他必须洗了澡再来跟我们吃饭
He stinks. He's gotta shower before he eats with us.
00:03:38,610 --> 00:03:40,810
别挑你弟弟的毛病了 吃你的饭
Stop picking on your brother and eat.
00:03:44,720 --> 00:03:45,850
May Belle?
00:03:45,920 --> 00:03:48,050
00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:17,730
-再吃一口 -要不要加点果冻?
-One more bite. -You want jelly?
00:03:17,790 --> 00:03:19,420
好的 谢谢
Yes, please.
00:03:19,490 --> 00:03:22,620
-宝贝 这是你的果汁 -谢谢妈妈
-Honey, here's your juice. -Thanks.
00:03:49,660 --> 00:03:51,630
哎 谁把我的球鞋藏起来了?
OK, who hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้d my sneakers?