
Reference No.: Quotation Date: Quotation Validity:
Other References:
Description of Goods
Quantity Unit
Unit Price (FOB)
Amount Chargeable:
Shipment and Packing:
Delivery Time:
Shipment: FOB, Ship to appointed forwarder
Delivery is 10 days upon confirmation of purchasing and
Packing: Pallet neutral cartons or customized packaging according payment, whichever is late.
to your requirements. The gross weight of the unit product is about 21
kg. The size of the package of the individual product is100 cm x100
cm x 100 cm. Each pallet carries 36 cartons
Website:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E-Mail:xxxxxxtxxxx
XXXXXXX INTERNATIONAL CO,.LTD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxROAD, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.CHINA TEL:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,FAX:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E-Mail:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Sirs/Madam,
We are please to submit to you our quotation for under the terms and price as below:
报价日期Quotation Date : 2019.02.21
贸易方式Incoterm :
付款方式Terms of payment : 提单日内电汇, within days since B/L date,
报价批量/最小起订量Annual usage/MOQ :
原材料价格(含税)Raw Material price(with VAT) : Average value SMM
(货币Currency:CNY) Item No. Description Quantity U/Price Amount
材料Material :
产品/图号Product /Drawing No. :
1. 价格price:
3. 模具成本Prototype tooling cost
4. 开发成本Development cost
All products price don't include VAT
Material cost fluctuation is based on middle rate of SMM main metal average price in last quarter to confirm the price of next

Quotation in English(报价英文范本)Common language for replying customer inquiries(1) our terms are a 2% discount within 10 days and no discount within 30 days.Our, terms, are 2%, ten, days, thirty, days, net.(2) our company is limited to cash discount within 10 days from the date of invoice.We, only, allow, a, cash, on, payments, discount, madewithin, ten, days,, of, date, of, invoice.(3) customers will pay cash when buying goods from our company. Payment will be made within 30 days from the date of invoice. Prompt cash, my company at the rate of 5% per annum when 30 days of interest.Terms, to, approved, buyers, net, cash, payment, within, thirty, days, from, invoice, date, for, prompt, strictly, cash, we, will, allowThirty, days, interest, at, the, rate, of, 5%, per, annum.(4) condition: prompt delivery. To our factory goods, after the inspection of weight and quality after immediate cash payment.Terms:early, delivery, and, net, cash, payment, of, the, material, at, our, works, and, verification, afterreceipt, of, weight, andQuality.5) cash discounts are limited to cash paid within 10 days.Cash, discounts, are, allowed, only, on, accounts, that, are, paid,, within, the, ten-day, limit.(6) you will find that our offer to you is unprecedented.You, will, find, that, we, given, you, have, the, best, terms,, customary, in, our, business.(7) drafts drawn before the 1st of each month, in accordance with our usual practice, shall be paid in full on 25 days.My, habit, is, to, on, the, 25th, all, bills, rendered, on, or, before, the,, 1st, of, settle, each, and, month., every(8) our terms of payment are cash within 3 months after delivery.A discount of 5% is allowed for payment within 1 months.Ourterms, arecashwithinthreemonthsofdateofdelivery, or, subject, to,, per, cent,, discount, if, paid, within, one, month.(9) we reply to your inquiry for the goods as follows:In, answer, to, your, inquiry, the, article, for, we, reply, you, SD, follows.(10) referring to your enquiry of yesterday's date, we are sending you herewith a sample of wall paper which is similar to your requirement.In, reply, to, your, enquiry, yesterdays, date, we, are, sending, you, herewith, several, of, samples, of,, wall, paper, closely, resemblingTo what you want.(11) we are pleased to quote you for the goods as follows:We, are, pleased, to, quote, you, for, the,, goods, as, following.(12) we enclose a copy of the current price list for this commodity, please check it.Enclosed, we, hand, you, a, price-current, for, the, goods.(13) the above quotation will undoubtedly change with the change of the market.Of, course, these, quotations, are, all, subject, to, the, fluctuations,, of, the, market.(14) the above price list is drawn in cash, and we think we can give you a lot of discount.We, think, you, can, well, US, a, substantial, discount, off, your, list, prices, which, we, see,, are, quoted, accord, net,cash.(15) we shall appreciate it if you will give us some discount on the price list for the large quantity of the goods in cash.We, shall, be, glad, you, will, quote, US, the, best, discount, for, cash, off, your, list,, price, for, if, cash, for, quantity., this(16) our terms of payment: cash payment. A discount of 2% is payable within 10 days from the date of invoice.Our, terms, as, our, invoice, States, are,, cash, discount, only, within, ten, days,, of, date, of, invoice.Heavy, enquiries, witness, the, quality, of, our, products.Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.As, soon, as, the, price, picks, up, enquiries, will, revive.As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.Enquiries, for, carpets, are, getting, more, numerous.Enquiries for carpets are on the increase.Enquiries, are, so, large, that, we, can, only, than, allot, you,, cases.Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.Enquiries are dwindling.Enquiries are dwindling.Enquiries are dried up.Enquiries are dying out.They, promised, to, transfer, their, future, enquiries, to, Corporations., ChineseThey promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese companiesGenerally, speaking, inquiries, are, made, by, the, buyers.Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers.Mr., Baker, is, sent, to, to, make, Beijing, an, inquiry, at,, China, National, Textiles, Corporation.Mr. Beck is in Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles corporation.We, regret, that, the, goods, you, inquire, about,, are, not, available.We regret to say that the goods you inquire about are out of stock.In, the, import, and, export, business, we, often, make, inquiries,, at, foreign, suppliers.In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.To, make, an, inquiry, our, oranges, a, representative, of, the, Japanese, about, company, paid,, US, a, visit.In order to make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.We, cannot, take, care, of, your, enquiry, at, present.We cannot take care of your enquiry at present.Your, enquiry, is, too, vague, to, enable, US,, to, reply, you.Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.Now, that, we've, already, made, an, inquiry, your, articles, will, you, about, please, reply, as,, soon, as, possible?Now that we have already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible?China, National, Silk, Corporation, received, the, inquiry, sheet, sent, by,, a, British, company.China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sheet issued by a British company.Thank, you, for, your, inquiry.Thank you for your inquiry.Inquire inquiry; inquiry; inquiriesTo, inquire, about, inquiry about...To, make, an, inquiry send an inquiry; inquire about... Inquirer InquirerEnquiry inquiryInquirySheet inquiry sheetSpecific inquiry specific inquiryAn occasional inquiry occasional enquiriesTo keep inquiry in mind remember the inquiryMay, I, have, an, idea, of, your, prices?May I have an idea of your prices?Can, you, give, me, an, indication, of, price?Can you give me an indication of the price?Please, let, US, know, your, lowest, possible, prices, for,, the, relevant, goods.Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the goods concerned.If, your, prices, are, favorable, I, can, place, the,, order, right, away.If your prices are favorable, we can place the order right away.When, can, I, have, your, firm, C.I.F., prices, Mr., Li?When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li?We'd, rather, have, you, quote, US, F.O.B.prices.We'd rather have you quote us F. O. B. prices.Would, you, tell, US, your, best, prices, C.I.F., Hamberg,, for, the, chairs.Would you tell us your best prices C. I. C. for the chairs?.Favorable discountFirm price prices firmWill, you, please, tell, the, quantity, you, require, so, as,to, enable,, US, to, offers, sort, out, the?Could you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to make an offer?We'd, like, to, know, what, you, can, offer, as, well,, as, your, sales, conditions.We'd like to know what you can offer as well as your sales terms.How, long, does, it, usually, take, you, to, make, delivery?How long does it usually take you to make delivery?Could, you, make, prompt, delivery?Can you make prompt delivery?Would, you, accept, delivery, spread, over, a, period, of, time?I wonder if you could accept partial delivery over a period of time?Could, you, tell, me, which, kind, of, payment,, terms, you'll, choose?Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose?Will, you, please, tell, US, the, earliest, possible, date,, you, can, make, shipment?Could you tell us the earliest possible date of shipment?Do, you, take, special, orders?Do you take special orders?Could, you, please, send, US, a, catalog, of, your, rubber, boots,, together, with, payment, terms, of?Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots tell us together with terms of payment?He, inquired, about, the, varieties, specifications, and, price, and, so, on,, and, so, forth.He inquired about the varieties, colors and prices.We, have, inquired, of, Manager, Zhang, the, varieties, about, quality, and, price, of, tea.We have inquired of manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea.Sales conditions sales conditionsTo make delivery deliveryTo make prompt-delivery delivery at sightPayment terms payment termsSpecial orders special order。

Company Name。
Phone Number。
Email Address。
Quotation Number。
Customer Name。
Company Name。
Phone Number。
Email Address。
Project Description。
[Provide a detailed description of the project, including the scope of work, deliverables, and timeline.]Pricing。
[Provide a detailed breakdown of the pricing, including any materials, labor, equipment, and other costs.]Terms and Conditions。
[State the payment terms, warranty, delivery details, and any other relevant terms and conditions.]Acceptance。
[Indicate how the customer can accept the quotation, such as by signing and returning a copy or sending an email confirmation.]Thank you for considering our services. We look forward to working with you on this project.Sincerely,。
[Your Name][Your Title]中文回答:报价单。

英文报价单模板及范文English:Quotation TemplateCompany Name: [Your Company Name]Contact Person: [Your Name]Contact Information: [Your Contact Number/Email]Date: [Date of Quotation]Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price1. [Product/Service 1] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]2. [Product/Service 2] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]3. [Product/Service 3] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]4. [Product/Service 4] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]5. [Product/Service 5] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]Subtotal: [Subtotal Amount]Tax: [Tax Amount]Shipping: [Shipping Cost]Total: [Total Amount]Notes:- Payment Terms: [Payment Terms]- Validity: [Quotation Validity]- Delivery Time: [Delivery Time]Thank you for considering our quotation. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or clarification.中文:报价单模板公司名称:[您的公司名称]联系人:[您的姓名]联系方式:[您的联系电话/邮箱]日期:[报价日期]项目描述数量单价总价1. [产品/服务1] [数量] [单价] [总价]2. [产品/服务2] [数量] [单价] [总价]3. [产品/服务3] [数量] [单价] [总价]4. [产品/服务4] [数量] [单价] [总价]5. [产品/服务5] [数量] [单价] [总价]小计:[小计金额]税金:[税金金额]运费:[运费成本]总计:[总金额]备注:- 付款条件:[付款条件]- 有效期:[报价有效期]- 交货时间:[交货时间]感谢您考虑我们的报价。

报价单英文模板篇一:报价单-英文版Shanghai StreamRail Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd.Add: 20F Pingsheng Building No. 98 Songhu Road Dist. Yangpu Shanghai ,ChinaTel: +86-21 Fax: +86-21Quotation SheetTo:Company: Fax: Phone:Project:Car number: Quotation No. Current Date:Terms & Conditions:1. 30% of total contract advance payment; 70% of total contract after each shipment.2. The above quotation excludes VAT and is fixed till Oct. 30th 2018.3. The whole project delivery pletion is based on within 3 years.4. Mockup and insurance are not included in the above.5. Warranty: 24 months after each delivery FCA China. Warranty means remote tech support,repair and replacement at Supplier's factory in China.6. Lead time: 6-8 months after contract signed and design frozen.7. Period of validity: until Oct. 30th 2018. The quotation will be adjusted according to theexchange rate and the material cost after Oct. 30th 2018.篇二:中英文双语销售报价单模板报价单Offer Sheet收件人 Attn. 发件人 From 拟制Drawn By传真号 Fax No. 日期 Date 批准Approved By1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、报价有效期(Period of Validity):____________________。

Date: 10th October 2022。
To: XYZ Company。
Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA。
Attn: Mr. John Smith。
Dear Mr. Smith,。
We are pleased to provide the following quotation for the products and services requested by your company:1. Product: Widget A。
Quantity: 100 units。
Unit Price: $10 per unit。
Total Price: $1000。
2. Product: Widget B。
Quantity: 200 units。
Unit Price: $15 per unit。
Total Price: $3000。
3. Service: Installation and Maintenance。
Description: Our team will provide installation and maintenance services for the widgets purchased. This includes installation of the products and regular maintenance checks.Price: $500。
4. Shipping and Handling。
Description: Shipping and handling costs for the products to be delivered to your company's location.Price: $200。
Total Price: $5700。
Terms and Conditions:1. Payment Terms: 50% of the total amount is due upon acceptance of this quotation, with the remaining 50% due upon completion of the installation and maintenance services.2. Delivery: The products will be delivered within 30 days of receipt of the initial payment.3. Validity: This quotation is valid for 30 days from the date of issue.4. Taxes and Duties: All applicable taxes and dutiesare the responsibility of the buyer and will be added to the total amount due.5. Warranty: Our products come with a 1-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.We hope that the above quotation meets your requirements. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thank you for considering our products and services. We look forward to the opportunity to work with your company.Yours sincerely,。

英语报价单格式Quotation_sheet Quotation SheetDate: [Enter Date][Enter City, State, Zip][Enter Phone Number][Enter Email Address][Enter Website][Enter Customer Name][Enter Customer Address][Enter City, State, Zip]Quotation Number: [Enter Quotation Number]Dear [Enter Customer Name],1. Product/Service Description:[Enter Detailed Description of the Product/Service][Provide any additional specifications or customization options, if applicable]2. Quotation Details:a. Quantity:[Enter Quantity]b. Unit Price:[Enter Unit Price]c. Total Price:[Calculate Total Price by multiplying Quantity with Unit Price]3. Additional Costs (if any):a. Shipping and Handling Charges:[Enter Shipping and Handling Charges]b. Taxes:[Enter Applicable Taxes]c. Other:[Enter Any Other Additional Costs]4. Terms and Conditions:a. Payment Terms:[Specify Payment Terms, e.g., 50% in advance and 50% upon delivery]b. Delivery Time:[Specify Expected Delivery Time]c. Validity:[Specify Validity of the Quotation, e.g., 30 days from the date of this quotation]5. How to Proceed:a. Acceptance:[Specify the process of acceptance, e.g., signing and returning the quotation]b. Contact Information:[Provide contact details for any inquiries or clarification] We value your business and look forward to serving you. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated customer service team at [Enter Phone Number] or [Enter Email Address].Sincerely,[Enter Your Name][Enter Your Title]。

Golden Seed:
公司抬头 地址,联系方式
Quotation 报价单
Customer Name: 客户名称:
Quotation No. 报价单编号:
Customer TEL No. 客户电话号码:
Customer Fax No. 客户传真号码:
Customer Addห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rss: 客户地址:
We are pleased to quote the below parts to you: 很高兴给您提供以下产品的报价:
Item 项目
Product 产品名称
Model 型号
Description 描述
Delivery: 交货方式:
2012/5/18 F.O.B HK
QTY. 数量 (pcs)
Unit Price/单价
Under More than More than
500pcs 500pcs
blank part below
Re mar
1. Payment: 30% TT Deposit for PO Confirmation, 70% TT within one days before Delivery. 付款方式:订单确认电汇定金30%,交货前一天电汇70%。
2. Included with one set of encryption tools and related key injection software. 配送一套加密工具和相关密钥注入的软件。