新版剑桥少儿英语一至三级[全]大讲义剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。
考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。

Cambridge Young Learners EnglishPRE-STARTERS A UNIT 1:Greetings Part1: WordsBearPart 2 : Sentences 1. Good morning2. Wow Monkey Munchy3. Hello, Monkey Munchy4. Wow Panda Pandy5. Say hello to Teddy Bear6. Hi, Teddy Bear7. Hello, Cat Catty8. Hello, Dog Doffy剑 桥 少 儿 英 语 预 备 级 上 册 第一单元 问候 第一部分:单词1.猴子2.熊猫3.猫4.狗5.说6.你好7.嗨8.早晨9.好的10.玩具熊第二部分:句型 1. 早上好 2. 哇小猴子3. 你好,小猴子4. 哇小熊猫5. 对玩具熊说你好6. 嗨,玩具熊7. 你好,小猫8. 你好,小狗 Unit 2: Beginning sounds Part 1: WordsPart 2: Sentences 1. An apple, please 2. A banana, please 3. A candy, please 4. A bamboo, please5. A cake, please6. Some cake7. No No第二单元: 开始发音第一部分:单词1.苹果2.香蕉3.竹子4.蛋糕5.糖果6.熊7.猴子8.一些9.不 10.请 11.嘿第二部分:句型 1.请给我一个苹果; 2.请给我一个香蕉; 3.请给我一块糖; 4.请给我一根竹子; 5.请给我一块蛋糕; 6.要些蛋糕吗 7.不,不要 UNIT 3 Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe Part1: Words 1. dog 2. duck 3. elephant 4. eel 5. frog 6. fish 7. girl 8. giraffe 9. welcome 10.children 11.world Part 2: Sentences It ’s a frog.. , it is. Welcome Have fun will 第三单元 狗,大象,鱼 和长颈鹿 第一部分:单词 1.狗 2.鸭子 3.大象 4.鳝鱼 5.青蛙 6.鱼 7.女孩 8.长颈鹿 9.欢迎 10.儿童复数 11.世界 第三部分:句型 1. 看是青蛙; 2. 是的,他是; 3. 你好欢迎玩的开心点 4. 我会的 UNIT 4: Find the hidden letters Part1. Wordscream Part 3: Sentences 1. Hello 2. Hi 3. It ’s the letter K. 4. Look at my kite. 5. Amy and Cathy. 6. a cat in the tree 7. an apple and a cake 第四单元: 寻找隐藏的字母 第一部分: 单词 1. 马 2. 母鸡 3. 房子 4. 冰 5. 冰淇淋 6. 夹克衫 7. 风筝8. 字母 9. 树 10.蜜蜂 第二部分:句型 a 你好 b 嗨 c 它是字母K d 看一看我的风筝. e 艾米和凯西; f 一只猫在树上; g 一个苹果和一块蛋糕; UNIT 5:The falling lettersPart1: Words 1. lamp 2. mango 3. nose 4. apple5.orange6.banana7.pineapplehwatermelonilemonjpleasekreadlaftermseePart 2 : Sentencesis the letter L.read after meThe letter L., I can see you. 第五单元:掉下来的字母第一部分:单词1.台灯2.芒果3.鼻子4.苹果5.桔子6.香蕉7.菠萝8.西瓜9.柠檬10.请11.读12.在…之后13.看见第二部分:句型1.这是字母L2.请跟我读;3.看字母L4.噢,我能看见你;UNIT 6: Find with lettersPart 1: Words1.orange2.pineapple3.queen4.balloon5.home6.table7.stand up8.sit downe here10.go backPart 2: Sentencesis it’s the letter Oo.“hello”’s make an O.to the window.to the door.queen is sitting at home, at the table and eating apineapple.is the penwants to be the queen第六单元:与字母做游戏第一部分:单词1.橘子2.菠萝3.女王4.气球5.家6.桌子7.站起来8.坐下9.来这儿10.回去第二部分:句型1.它是什么2.它是字母Oo3.打招呼4.让我们一起做个字母O5.跑向窗户6.单腿跳向门7.皇后坐在家中,在桌旁吃菠萝;8.钢笔在哪儿9. 谁想成为女王Unit 7 Animal funPart 1: WordsPart 2: SentencesWhat are they’re rabbits.are they doingare making the letter Rr.is for rabbit.is for snake.is for turtle.第七单元:趣味动物第一部分:单词a兔子b尺子c蛇d海龟e制作名词f制作动词g他们h太阳i茶第二部分:句型1.看它们是什么2.它们是兔子;3.它们正在干什么4.它们在制作字母Rr;5.Rr是兔子的首字母;6.Ss是蛇的首字母;7.Tt是海龟的首字母;Unit 8: Play and scorePart 1: Words1.umbrella2.vest3.window4.watermelon5.ant6.juice7.behind8.cloudPart 2: Sentences’s behind the cloudsrabbit is behind the clouds. 第八单元:玩并积分第一部分:单词1.伞2.背心3.窗户4.西瓜5.蚂蚁6.果汁7.在……后面8.云彩第二部分:句型1.什么在云彩的后面2.兔子在云彩的后面;Unit 9: Write and colour the lettersPart 1: Words1.colour2.blue3.green4.yellow5.fox6.yo-yo7.zebra8.pencil9.eraser10.ruler11.mice12.paint13.pig14.brush15.greatPart 2: Sentencesit blue.it green.it yellow.you read one letter and say five more in sequencecourse, I can.’s great.第九单元:写一写给字母涂颜色第一部分; 单词1.颜色2.蓝色3.绿色4.黄色5.狐狸6.悠悠球7.斑马8.铅笔9.橡皮擦10.尺子11.老鼠12.颜料13.猪14.刷子15.太好了第二部分:句子1.把它涂成蓝色2.把它涂成绿色3.把它涂成黄色4.你能读出一个字母并按顺序再说出5个字母吗5.当然,我能6.棒极了Unit 10 Let’s learn the alphabet .Part 1: WordsPart 2: Sentences1.Let’s play a game. Pleasefind a.2.This is Aa.3.This is the small letter f.e here quickly.5.Aa is for an apple\an ant\anarm\an animal.6.Bb is for a bike\a book\abus\bird. is for a car\a cap\a cat\acow.8.Dd is for a duck\ a desk\adog\a door.第十单元:让我们一起学习字母表吧; 第一部分:单词1.蚂蚁2.胳膊3.动物4.自行车5.书6.公交车7.鸟8.小汽车9.帽子10.奶牛11.课桌12.门13.找到14.来15.玩16.快17.游戏18.小的第二部分:句型1.让我们玩个游戏请找到Aa;2.这是Aa;3.这是小写字母f.4.快点到这儿来;是苹果\蚂蚁\胳膊\动物的首字母;是自行车\书\公交车\鸟的首字母;是小汽车\帽子\猫\奶牛的首字母;是鸭子\课桌\狗\门的首字母; Unit 11: Meeting new friends Part 1: Words1.glad2.meet3. afternoon4. evening5. who6. Bill7. Sam8. Tom9. Pat 10.Nick 11.Sue 12.Kim 13.May Part 2: Sentences , this is Li Ping. , Panda Pandy. , Glad to meet you , Monkey Munchy morning afternoon evening is he is Bill. is she is Pat. , this is Zhang Fan. Glad to meet you I ’m Li Qiang . 第十一单元:与新朋友见面 第一单元:单词 1.高兴的 2.见面 3.午后 4.傍晚 5.谁 6.比尔 7.山姆 8.汤姆 9.帕特 10.尼克 11.苏 12.金 13.梅 第二单元:句型 1. 你好,这是李平; 2. 你好,小熊猫; 3. 嗨,很高兴见到你; 4. 嗨,小猴子; 5. 早上好 6. 下午好 7. 傍晚好 8. 他是谁 9. 他是比尔. 10.她是谁 11.她是帕特; 12.你好,这是张帆; 13.你好,很高兴见到你,我是李强; Unit 12: What is red and what isblack Part 1: Words 1. red 2. black 3. orange 4. white 5. juice 6. sheep 7. flower 8. a white sheep 9. a red bus 10.a blue kite 11.a green banana 12.a black dog13.an orange juice 14.a yellow flowerPart 2:Sentences is red car is red. is black cat is black. bird is red. The fish is red. horse and the car are red. tree is green. The jeep is green. frogs and the snakes are green. cat is black. The dog is black. house and the sheep are black. 第十二单元:什么是红色的什么是黑色 的 第一部分:单词1.红色的2.黑色的3.橙色的4.白色的5.果汁6.绵羊7.花8.一只白色的绵羊9.一辆红色的公交车10.一个蓝色的风筝11.一个绿色的香蕉12.一只黑色的狗13.一杯橘色的果汁14.一朵黄色的花第二部分:句型1.什么是红色的2.小汽车是红色的;3.什么是黑色的4.猫是黑色的;5.鸟是红色的 ,鱼是红色的;6.马和汽车是红色的;7.树是绿色的,吉普是绿色的;8.青蛙和蛇是绿色的;9..猫是黑色的,狗是黑色的;10 房子和绵羊是黑色的;Unit 13: Which and where Part 1: Wordsstopstation Part 2: Sentencesis a schoolis a school.’s the bookshop’s here., where are you going’m going to the park.’s go together.’s great.do you like to liveyour house next to your favourite place.and school, these are the places I often go to.第十三单元;哪一个,在哪第一部分:单词1.哪一个2.在哪里3.教室4.书店5.公园6.海滩7.街道8.公共汽车站9.商店10.幼儿园11.海洋12.操场13.农场14.汽车站15.花园16.常常17.这些18.地方19.最喜欢的20.一起第二部分:句型1.哪一个是学校2.这是一所学校;3.书店在哪儿4.在这儿;5.你好,你要去哪儿呀6.我要去公园;7.让我们一起去吧;8.太棒了;9.你喜欢住在哪儿10.在你最喜欢的地方的旁边画出你的房子;11.公园和学校,这些地方我常去; Unit 14: How manyPart 1: WordsPart 2: Sentencesmany lions can you seecan see two.many pandas are thereare six.the bees and the flowers by twos ,by threes, byfours……第十四单元:多少第一部分:单词1.绵羊2.狮子3.鳄鱼4.山羊5.一6.二7.三8.四9.五10.六11.七12.八13.九14.十15.球16.数17.桌子18.椅子第二部分:句型1.你能看到多少头狮子2.我能看到两头狮子;3.有多少只熊猫4.有六只熊猫;5.用2,3,4……数蜜蜂和花朵;Unit 15:“Word cheer”gamePart 1: Words1.give2.another3.have got4.word5.spider6.again7.buy8.rainPart 2: Sentencesme a P.me a Eme a T.me another E.me an Rhave you got’m Li Ping, L is for lemon, i is for ice cream, n is fornose,g is for giraffe.第十五单元:喊单词游戏第一部分:单词1.给2.又一个3.有4.单词5.蜘蛛6.又,再7.买8.雨第二部分:句型1.给我一个字母P.2.给我一个字母E.3.给我一个字母T.4.再给我一个字母E.5.给我一个字母R.6.你得到什么了7.我是李平;L是柠檬的首字母,I 是冰淇淋的首字母,n是鼻子的首字母,g是长颈鹿的首字母;Unit 16:Happy New YearPart 1: Wordsyearcarbike-ridingswimmingskatingTVcomputer gameshide-and-seekfootballyour handsyour feetyour head“Hooray”Part 2: Sentences1.What does Kim want for a newyear present2.She wants a doll.3.What has she got then4.She’s got a mirror.5.Draw your new year cards andgive them to your friends.6.What do you like to do on NewYear’s Day7.I like to go bike-riding.8.It’s all for a New Year.第十六单元:新年快乐第一部分:单词1.新年2.玩具汽车3.礼物4.快乐的5.洋娃娃6.镜子7.手表8.骑自行车9.游泳10.滑冰11.看电视12.玩电脑游戏13.玩捉迷藏14.踢足球15.相机16.夹克17.朋友18.老的19.新的20.出示21.拍手22.跺脚23.点头24.喊万岁第二部分:句型1.金想要什么样的新年礼物2. 她想要一个洋娃娃;3. 那她得到了什么4. 她得到了一面镜子;5. 画出你的新年贺卡并把它们送给你的朋友;6. 你在新年那天喜欢做什么7 我喜欢去骑自行车;8 这些全是为新年准备的;。

Unit1 Hello,I’m Sam第1单元我是萨姆1 let’s do it.1 做一做Hello,your,name,please?你好,请问你的名字是?I’m Sam.我是萨姆Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!This is my new pencil!这是我的新铅笔!Hi! I’m Pat.你好!我的帕特。
I’m An Qi.我是安琪。
Hi! I’m ZhangXin.你好!我是张新。
he llo! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露丝。
My new book!我的新书!My new book!我的新书!4 Look,listen,read and learn4 看,听,读,学!apple bag cat sand hat Dan Lan Fan Pat Sam苹果,书包,猫咪,沙子,帽子,丹,兰,方,萨姆8 Let’s sing and dance.让我们唱歌跳舞。
Hello!Hello! Your name,please? Your name,please?你好!你好!请说出你的姓名?你的姓名?Hello!Hello! Your name,please? Your name,please?你好!你好!请说出你的姓名?你的姓名?I’m Sam.我是萨姆I’m Sam.我是萨姆Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!9 Listen, chant and act.听,朗诵,表演。
My friends are your friends.我的朋友就是你的朋友。
Your friends are my friends.你的朋友就是我的朋友。
剑桥少儿英语一级上册unit1Hello!I'm Sam.

• 12个特殊辅音音标: [z] [∫][з] [h] [w] [j] [t∫] [dз] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]
[æ ]
• 发音要诀:双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平 形,舌尖抵下齿,上下齿之间可容纳 食指和中指。发音时舌位低,不与上 齿接触,发出的音悦耳动听。
his 我的
her 你的
your my 我们的 她的
its 他们的
our 他的
their 它的
我有一支钢笔。 这是我的钢笔。 她有一支铅笔。 这是她的铅笔。 他有一个书包。 这是他的书包。
• 发该音的字母及字母组合:a
[æ ]----[bæ ]----[bæ g] [æ ]----[bæ ] ----[bæ t]
bat map
bag fan
Dan mat
hat Sam
ba g b ad f a t ha t la p m a d na p r at ra t sa d ta p wa x
Hello . Your name,
I’m Zhang Xin.
What’s your name?

Unit 1 GreetingsTeaching aims and demands:1)can use simple English greet others2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening”3) Can read the new words about letter A a4) can speak out the sentences of part 7二、Important and difficult points:What‘s this? It’s the letter Aa.Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening .Hello! Hi! Slide三、Teaching Steps :Step1 Greetings:Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? ……Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence.Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang ……Step 3:PresentationShow the students some pictures about mo rning and ask, what’s the picture say? ---- Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word.Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening.Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairsStep 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter AaStep 8 :Do some exercises1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book2) match them3) Good morning Hello!Good night. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good morning.Hello! Good night.Good afternoon! Good eveningUnit 2 who is the firstTeaching aims and demands :*They can understand some simple actions and do it ;*They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “.,* Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”.*Can read B b and some new words about Bb*Can read the sentences of part 5二、Important and difficult pointsWhat’s this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go backHands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef三、teaching method:本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。

• Course Introduction • Teaching methods and techniques • Teaching Resources and Applications • Course evaluation and feedback • Unit teaching plan and arrangement • Teacher Role and Professional Literacy
This textbook is child-centered and adopts a fun and educational approach to help children establish an interest and foundation in English learning.
The content of the textbook covers daily life scenarios, emphasizing practicality and communication, so that children can master basic English communication skills in learning.
2 Unit division
$item1_c Including 12 thematic units, including colors, numbers, animals, food, family, school, etc., covering various aspects of life.
Effect: The game based teaching method can enable students to learn language in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, reducing learning pressure and anxiety. At the same time, game based teaching methods can also improve students' teamwork ability and competitive awareness, and cultivate their multiple intelligences.

Cambridge Young Learners English PRE-STARTERS AUNIT 1:GreetingsPart1: Words1.monkey2.panda3.cat4.dog5.say6.hello7.hi8.morning9.good10.Teady BearPart 2 : Sentences1.Good morning!2.Wow! Monkey Munchy!3.Hello, Monkey Munchy!4.Wow! Panda Pandy!5.Say hello to Teddy Bear!6.Hi, Teddy Bear!7.Hello, Cat Catty!8.Hello, Dog Doffy! 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册第一单元问候第一部分:单词1.猴子2.熊猫3.猫4.狗5.说6.你好7.嗨8.早晨9.好的10.玩具熊第二部分:句型1.早上好!2.哇!小猴子!3.你好,小猴子!4.哇!小熊猫!5.对玩具熊说你好!6.嗨,玩具熊!7.你好,小猫!8.你好,小狗!Unit 2:Beginning sounds Part 1: Words1.apple2.banana3.bamboo4.cake5.candy6.bear7.monkey8.some9.no10.please11.heyPart 2: Sentences1.An apple, please!2. A banana, please!3. A candy, please!4. A bamboo, please!5. A cake, please!6.Some cake?7.No! No! 第二单元:开始发音第一部分:单词1.苹果2.香蕉3.竹子4.蛋糕5.糖果6.熊7.猴子8.一些9.不10.请11.嘿第二部分:句型1.请给我一个苹果。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册Unit 1 Hello,I'm Sam 重点词汇:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn OoPp QqRr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzHello你好 Hi你好 boy男孩 girl女孩 teacher老师pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil—box铅笔盒bag书包ruler尺子eraser橡皮my我的 your你的 his他的 her她的its它的our我们的 their他们的 I我You你He他She她 It它We我们 They他们重点句型:1.表示问候和道别:(1)—---Hello!你好!—---Hello!你好!(2) -———How are you?你好吗?—---I’m fine. 我很好。
(3)—-—-Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!———-Nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高兴!(4)——--Good-bye!再见!—--—Bye-bye!再见!2.表示介绍:(1)介绍姓名:--—-What’syour name?-——-I am/ my name is 。
.(2)介绍某人或某物:介绍某人 This is +人名介绍某物 This is +a/an +某物(3)表示感谢:Thanks! / Thank you! / Thank you very much!小语法知识点:★1. 人称代词口诀:我是I,你是You.男他He, 女她She。
动事物它是It.我们We,你们You他们They.物主代词口诀:我的my,你的your,他的his,她的her, 它的its我们的our,你们的your, 他们的their2.中英文姓名的书写:(1)姓名如果是两个字组成,姓和名的首字母都大写.例如:Li Ming (李明)(2)姓名如果是三个字组成,姓和名字连接的第一个字母都大写.例如:Wang Mingming (王明明)拓展练习:一.背写出二。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册各单元重点词汇及句型剑桥少儿英语准备级上册各单元重点词汇及句型Unit1 Greetings单词(会读)Monkey Munchy Panda Pandy Dog Doffy Cat Catty Teddy Bear句型Good morning! 早上好!Morning! 早上好!Hi! 你好!Hello! 你好!Say hello to teddy bear! 对泰迪熊说你好!Unit2 Beginning sounds字母:Aa Bb Cc单词apple 苹果Amy 艾米(女名)banana 香蕉bamboo 竹子bear 熊cake 蛋糕cat 猫Cathy 凯西(女名)candy 糖果句型An apple, please! 请给我一个苹果!Some cake? 来点蛋糕吗?Unit3 Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe字母:Dd Ee Ff Gg单词duck 鸭子dog 狗eel 鳗鱼elephant大象fish 鱼frog 青蛙girl 女孩giraffe 长颈鹿句型Look! It’s a frog. 看!一只青蛙!Welcome! 欢迎!Have fun! 玩得愉快!Unit4 Find the hidden letters字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk单词horse 马hen 母鸡house 房子ice 冰ice cream 冰淇淋jacket 夹克衫kite 风筝句型Look at my kite! 看看我的风筝!It’s the letter K. 它是字母K。
Unit5 The falling letters字母:Ll Mm Nn单词lemon 柠檬lamp 台灯mango 芒果watermelon 西瓜nose 鼻子orange 橘子pineapple 菠萝句型This is the letter L. 这是字母L。
Please read after me . 请跟我读。
剑桥少儿英语预备级教案上册Unit 1教案

Unit 1 GreetingsTeaching aims and demands:*使学生能用简单的英语跟别人打招呼*使学生能分别说出早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语*使学生能模仿发出字母Aa及所给单词的读音*使学生能读出第7部分所给的句子Teaching contents:Words:Hello! Hi! Kitty Baby Doggie morningnoon afternoon evening teacher slideape ace alien sun moon stars Stences:Hello,Ming Ming.What's that?It's the letter A.Good morning/afternoon/evening!A is the slide.Slide on the A.Song:Good morning to you!Teaching focus:*使学生能用简单的英语介绍自己并也能跟别人打招呼*使学生能分别说出早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语Teaching difficulties:*能较熟练地读出第七部分的句子*正确区分英语中的早上、中午、下午和晚上的表达方式Teaching tools:CAI pictures tape-recorderTeaching steps:Period 1Teaching contents:Words:Hello!/Hi!(补充I'm….)Daily English:Class begins! Stand up!Teaching targets:*使学生学会开学基本的师生问候语*使学生能用简单的英语互相打招呼Teaching difficulties:hello中e的发音Teaching steps:Step 1:Introduction1)T:小朋友,大家好!欢迎各位小朋友来到新的学校,也祝贺你们成为一名真正的小学生。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册教案Unit 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch andrunUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Let’s playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to yournoseunit8 How many doorsunit9 Tell your friends.unit10 Lets do it.unit11 Letsguess.unit12 Bounce a ball.unit13 Exercise our body.unit14 Clap our hands.unit15 I candraw it.unit16 I can see it.Unit 1 GreetingsTeaching aims and demands:1)can usesimple English greet others2 can say“Good morning”“Good afternoon “Goodevening Can read the new words about letter A a4 can speak out the sentences of part7二、Important and difficult points:What‘s this It’s the letter Aa.Good morning Good afternoon Good evening .Hello Hi Slide三、Teaching Steps :Step1 Greetings:Goodmorning /afternoon Boys and girls how areyou today ……Ask one student to stand upand say Hello to him orher .and encourage him or her to answer “hello”Then ask som other students to practice thissentence.Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them.HelloMing Ming Hello Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang ……Step 3: PresentationShow the---- Morning Yesstudents some pictures about morning andask what’s the picture sayitsmorning teach the new word.Then show another picture and then teach thewordafternoon and the same way to the word evening.Step 4: After learning the shortsentences we willlearn an English song teach the song and practice ingroups or inpairsStep 5: show a model slide this is a slide what doesit like Yes it likes the letterAa.Write the letter Aaon the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is theslide Slide on theA a.Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape acealien then practice sometimes .Step 7 Teach them how to write letter AaStep 8 :Do some exercises1 Do theght.exercises on page 4 of the students’ book2 match them3 Good morning HelloGood niGood afternoon.Good evening. Good morning.Hello Good night.Good afternoon GoodeveningUnit 2 who is the firstTeaching aims and demands :They can understand somesimple actions and doit They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”” Come here ““Go bac Can unde rstand the meaning of “up “and “”down”.Can read B b and some new words about BbCan read the sentences of part 5二、Important and difficult pointsWhat’s thisStand up. Sit down. Come here. GobackHands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ballbeef三、teachingmethod:本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。

The student knows the proposals used to indicate location, such as "in," "on," "under," etc
Subject verb agreement
The student knows how to match the subject with the correct form of the verb
different sounds and patterns
Listening skills
Identify main ideas
Encourage children to identify the main ideas in a conversation or story, helping them understand the overall meaning
Create synonyms and antonyms
introduce related words and potential means to expand the student's vocabulary
Use word families
teach students to recognize and use word families (e.g., "cat," "dog," "hat") to expand their vocabulary
The student can understand and use simple English sentences in different contexts, such as greetings, introductions, and requests

剑桥少儿英语预备级各单元重点Pre-starters A (上册)Unit 1 Greetings (Pre-starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:使学生通过学习本单元能用英语跟同学,老师及父母等打招呼。
2.交际用语Expressions in communication:Good morning!/Morning!Say hello to Teddy Bear!Hello!/Hi!3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:hello, morning, Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy, Dog Doffy, Cat Catty, Teddy Catty, Teddy Bear.Unit 2 Bginning sound. (Pre-starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:本单元通过学习几个常用的单词来学习英语的前三个字母,Aa,Bb,Cc。
2.交际用语Expressions in communication:A apple,please!Some cakes? No!No!3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:Amy, apple, banana, bamboo, cake, cat, Catty,candy.Unit 3 Dog, elephant,fish and giraffe. (Pre-starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:学生在巩固所学三个字母的基础上新学四个字母。

Unit 1 Greetings小朋友们,你们好!我是你们的新老师。
小朋友可以叫我Miss 龙。
小朋友,记住了吗?Presentation:Step1:T: 小朋友,我们现在开始上英语课,下面我要用英语说,看看哪个小朋友能听懂并能按老师的要求做。
“OK!Now listen! Stand up! Sit down! Very good!”Ss:起立、坐下的动作。
T:“Come here!”用手势招呼大家到前面来。
同时边做手势边对学生说:“Please go back.”Ss: 走过来,走回去。
)Step2:T:可以拿出一个小玩具熊卡片并对学生说:“Look,Teddy Bear! Say hello to Teddy Bear! Hello! Teddy Bear!”。
Ss: “Hello! Teddy Bear!”。
Hi !Teddy BearT:朝一个学生摇动玩具熊卡片的手并对他说:“Hello, Li Ming!”(同时按时小朋友对小玩具熊say hello.)Ss::“Hello, Teddy Bear.”(接下来,教师用类似的方法再问几个同学。
)Step3:T:“Say hello to Monkey Munchy!”(说Monkey Munchy的时候要尽量慢一些,并且要有节奏,以便让学生听清楚发音。