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The Probability is the study of a large number of random phenomena emerge, but for a large number of random phenomena should use extreme methods described. Probability and statistics in the limit theorem is a sequence of random variables convergence, convergence of random variables with different definitions lead to different limit theorem, and indeed the convergence of random variables can have different definitions. Mainly discussed convergence in probability and convergence in distribution, convergence in order r and almost everywhere convergence, almost sure convergence and convergence in probability relationship. Convergence in probability is given by the launch of almost everywhere convergence of conditions and the convergence in probability by the introduction of r-order convergence conditions, which more completely describes the various random variables convergence relationship.

This paper will make the convergence of several random variables is more brief presentations and discussions. Paper is structured as follows:

1. Convergence of random variables the concept of theory;

2. the convergence of several random variables between;

From the above aspects of the theory of random variables of several brief analysis of convergence shows that the convergence theory of random variables in the actual problems in the wide range of applications, in real life importance.

Keywords: convergence in order r ; almost everywhere or almost surely; convergence in probability; convergence in distribution.


引言: (4)

1 几种收敛性定义 (4)

2 依概率收敛与依分布收敛的关系 (5)

3 r阶收敛与几乎处处收敛的关系 (11)

4 依概率收敛与r阶收敛的关系 (13)

5 几乎处处收敛与依概率收敛和依分布收敛的关系 (17)

总结 (19)

四种收敛性 (19)

四种收敛蕴涵关系 (19)

致谢 (21)

参考文献 (22)



1 几种收敛性定义

定义1.1 (r 阶收敛)设对随机变量n X ,及X 有||,||r r n E X E X <+∞<+∞,其中

0r >为常数,如果

lim 0r

n n E X X →∞

-= 则称{n X }r 阶收敛于X ,并记为r n X X −−→. 当2p =是,2

lim 0n n E X X →∞

-=,称{,1}n X n ≥均方收敛到X 。记为..m s n X X −−→. 例 1.1 设{,1k X k n ≤≤}相互独立,且满足1(1)n P X n

==,1(0)(1)n n P X n n -==≥,()0X ω≡。则21(0)0n E X n

-=→,故2lim 00n n E X →∞-=,即..0m s n X −−→

. 定义1.2 (几乎处处收敛)如果

(lim )1n n P X X →∞

== 则称{n X }以概率1收敛于X ,又称{n X }必乎处处收敛于X ,并记为..a s n X X −−

