



dopod P100 用户手册2005.11多普达通讯有限公司敬告:在操作本设备之前请阅读下述内容在提示不能使用无线设备的场合,如医院、飞机机舱内、加油站、怕无线干扰的地方,请打开飞行模式并关闭整个设备的电源。








请及时备份数据!dopod 公司不承担因产品故障导致信息丢失而造成的一切直接或间接损失。


使用本设备的GPS 导航时,请在停车后设置、操作,导航过程中必须遵守实际交通规则和实际路况信息,多普达不承担因交通引发的任何责任。


如果在隧道或地下室、建筑物内的停车场、室内、高架桥下面、茂密的森林中时GPS 将可能无法有效接收。

使用本设备导航时,为使GPS 正常工作请不要试图关闭本设备的电源。







友情提示:亲爱的用户,由于本设备内含一套完整的电脑系统,具有等同于个人电脑的系统架构和运行规则,因此,请您依照使用电脑的习惯来使用该设备;1. 充足的系统内存,将有助于设备良好高效的运行,所以建议您每天至少重新启动设备一次,以彻底清空内存,恢复系统至最佳状态。


2. 请正确合理地使用您的设备内存,建议您不要同时运行过多的程序,否则将使设备运行速度变慢。


1.1 开箱清单 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 打印机外观及组件 .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.3 产品尺寸 ............................................................................................................................................ 10 第 2 章 产品觃格.............................................................................................................................................. 11 第 3 章 使用方法.............................................................................................................................................. 12 3.1 安装介质 ............................................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 电源连接 ............................................................................................................................................ 15 3.3 接口电缆连接 ................................................................................................... 16 3.4 标签侦测 ............................................................................................................................................ 17 3.5 操作面板 ............................................................................................................................................ 18 3.6 基本功能使用 .................................................................................................................................... 19

安普印 SBP1000产品功能手册说明书

安普印 SBP1000产品功能手册说明书

图1产品示意图二、产品结构安普印 SBP1000 功能手册一、产品介绍国产刻录一体机( 安普印SBP1000)是由我公司设计研发的数据刻录和光盘打印产品。










































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Breakdown of valid votes castResolution number anddetails Total number ofsharesrepresented byvotes for andagainst therelevantresolutionFor AgainstNumber ofsharesAs apercentageof totalnumber ofvotes forand againsttheresolution(%)Number ofsharesAs apercentageof totalnumber ofvotes forand againsttheresolution(%)Ordinary BusinessResolution 1Adoption of Directors'Statement and auditedFinancial Statements andAuditors’ Report12,035,504,906 12,031,280,123 99.96% 4,224,783 0.04%Resolution 2Declaration of a final dividend12,072,671,157 12,071,508,727 99.99% 1,162,430 0.01%Resolution 3Re-election of Ms ChristinaHon Kwee Fong (MrsChristina Ong) as Director12,000,450,352 11,240,733,465 93.67% 759,716,887 6.33%Resolution 4Re-election of Mr BradleyJoseph Horowitz as Director12,070,201,061 12,066,909,545 99.97% 3,291,516 0.03%Resolution 5Re-election of Mrs GailPatricia Kelly as Director12,070,201,061 12,034,902,421 99.71% 35,298,640 0.29%Resolution 6Re-election of Mr JohnLindsay Arthur as Director12,070,201,061 12,067,331,831 99.98% 2,869,230 0.02%Resolution 7Re-election of Ms Yong HsinYue as Director12,070,201,061 12,067,331,831 99.98% 2,869,230 0.02%Resolution number anddetails Total number ofsharesrepresented byvotes for andagainst therelevantresolutionFor AgainstNumber ofsharesAs apercentageof totalnumber ofvotes forand againsttheresolution(%)Number ofsharesAs apercentageof totalnumber ofvotes forand againsttheresolution(%)Resolution 8Directors’ fees for thefinancial year ending 31March 202312,072,611,024 12,041,768,635 99.74% 30,842,389 0.26%Resolution 9Re-appointment of Auditorsand authorising the Directorsto fix their remuneration12,072,630,457 12,064,270,825 99.93% 8,359,632 0.07%Special BusinessResolution 10Share issue mandate12,073,870,565 11,293,890,250 93.54% 779,980,315 6.46%Resolution 11Grant of awards andallotment/issue of sharespursuant to the SingtelPerformance Share Plan201212,072,022,616 11,749,981,338 97.33% 322,041,278 2.67%Resolution 12Share purchase mandate12,072,513,346 12,058,566,303 99.88% 13,947,043 0.12%B. Details of parties who are required to abstain from voting on any resolution(s):(1) Ms Yong Hsin Yue abstained from voting on Resolution 7 in respect of her own re-election as Directorof the Company.To demonstrate good corporate governance practices:(2) All Directors of the Company, who are shareholders and entitled to Directors’ fees, were requested toabstain from voting on Ordinary Resolution 8 in respect of the payment of Directors' fees for thefinancial year ending 31 March 2023.(3) All Directors and employees of the Company who are also shareholders and are eligible to participatein the Singtel Performance Share Plan 2012 were requested to abstain from voting on OrdinaryResolution 11 in respect of the share plan mandate for the Directors to grant awards and allot andissue shares pursuant to the Singtel Performance Share Plan 2012.C. Name of firm and/or person appointed as scrutineer: RHT Governance, Risk & Compliance (Singapore)Pte. Ltd.D. With effect from the conclusion of Singtel’s 30th AGM held today, Mr Venkataraman Vishnampet Ganesan,who has been a Director of the Company since 2015, has stepped down as a Director of the Company. The Board and Management of Singtel thank Mr Ganesan for his invaluable contributions to the Singtel Group and wish him all the best for the future.Dated: 29 July 2022。

打印机维修手册:epson pro10060 服务手册

打印机维修手册:epson   pro10060   服务手册
Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product.
注意 ❏ 本手册适用于 Windows 和 Macintosh 用户 本手册中的所有版
面窗口插图和对话框是 Windows 版本中的 即使您使用 Macintosh 版本 您也可以看到几乎一样的窗口和对话框
❏ 本手册中的屏幕图像是 Stylus Pro 9600/7600 的
下列按钮是 EPSON 打印机服务应用工具屏幕中通常出现的按钮 如下图所示
EPSON 打印机服务应用工具 用户手册
关于 EPSON 打印服务应用工具 3 主要功能 4
主屏幕 5 打印头校准 / 自定义
打印纸配置 6 深度打印头清洗 11 固件更新 12 卸载 EPSON 打印机服务应用工具 13
版权所有 翻版必究
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

HP Designjet T1100 打印机系列 使用打印机

HP Designjet T1100 打印机系列 使用打印机

HP Designjet T1100 打印机系列使用打印机HP Designjet T1100 打印机系列使用打印机法律通告© 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.本文包含的信息如有变动,恕不另行通知。

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商标Adobe®、Acrobat®、Adobe Photoshop®和 Adobe® PostScript® 3™ 是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。

Corel® 是 Corel Corporation 或 Corel Corporation Limited 的商标或注册商标。

Energy Star® 是 United States Environmental Protection Agency 在美国的注册商标。

Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。

PANTONE® 是 Pantone, Inc. 的颜色检测标准商标。

目录1 简介安全防范措施 (2)HP Start-Up Kit (2)使用本指南 (2)简介 (2)使用和维护 (2)故障排除 (3)附件、支持和规格 (3)术语 (3)索引 (3)警告和注意提示 (3)打印机的主要功能 (4)打印机的主要组件 (4)前视图 (5)后视图 (6)前面板 (6)打印机软件 (8)打印机的内部打印功能 (8)2 安装软件选择要使用的连接方法 (10)连接到网络 (Windows) (10)直接连接到计算机 (Windows) (11)打印机共享重要事项 (11)卸载打印机软件 (Windows) (11)连接到网络 (Mac OS) (12)Bonjour/Rendezvous 连接 (12)TCP/IP 连接 (13)直接连接到计算机 (Mac OS) (15)共享打印机 (16)卸载打印机软件 (Mac OS) (16)3 设置打印机简介 (20)处理纸张冲突 (20)打开和关闭拼图功能 (20)打开和关闭用量信息 (20)打开和关闭警报 (21)设置或删除安全密码 (21)设置 Windows 驱动程序首选项 (21)4 个性化打印机ZHCN iii更改前面板显示屏的语言 (25)访问 HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) (25)访问内嵌式 Web 服务器 (25)更改 HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) 的语言 (26)更改内嵌式 Web 服务器的语言 (26)更改休眠模式设置 (26)打开和关闭蜂鸣器 (26)更改前面板显示屏对比度 (26)更改计量单位 (27)配置网络设置 (27)更改图形语言设置 (27)5 纸张操作一般建议 (30)将卷筒装到 24 英寸卷轴上 (30)将卷筒装到 44 英寸卷轴上 (32)将卷筒装入 24 英寸打印机 (34)简易装入流程 (35)“纸张”菜单流程 (37)将卷筒装入 44 英寸打印机 (38)简易装入流程 (39)“纸张”菜单流程 (41)取出卷筒纸张 (42)取出纸张适用于卷筒上有纸情况下的关键流程 (42)适用于卷筒上有纸情况下的“纸张”菜单流程 (42)卷筒缺纸流程 (43)装入单张纸张 (43)简易装入流程 (43)“纸张”菜单流程 (45)取出单张纸张 (45)取出纸张关键流程 (46)“纸张”菜单流程 (46)查看有关纸张的信息 (46)纸张配置文件 (46)在装入的纸张上打印 (47)维护纸张 (47)更改晾干时间 (47)打开和关闭自动裁纸器 (48)进纸并裁切纸张 (48)6 打印创建打印作业 (52)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器打印文件 (52)选择打印质量 (52)选择纸张尺寸 (53)自定义纸张尺寸 (54)选择边距选项 (54)使用快捷方式打印 (54)重新缩放打印件 (55)更改重叠线条处理 (56)预览打印件 (56)打印草图 (57)iv ZHCN如果您有高分辨率的图像 (59)以灰度渐变进行打印 (59)无边距打印 (59)打印裁切线 (60)节约使用纸张 (60)拼图作业以节省卷筒纸张 (61)打印机何时尝试拼图页面? (61)什么样的页面可以进行拼图? (61)哪些页面适合拼图? (61)打印机等待其他文件的时间为多久? (62)节约使用墨水 (62)7 颜色管理简介 (64)如何再现颜色 (64)颜色管理流程简介 (64)颜色校准 (64)打印机驱动程序中的颜色管理 (65)颜色管理选项 (65)打印机仿真 (66)颜色调整选项 (67)彩色打印 (67)灰度打印 (67)打印机驱动程序中的颜色管理(仅限 T1100ps) (68)HP 专业 PANTONE 仿真 (68)颜色仿真 (68)CMYK 颜色仿真 (69)RGB 颜色仿真 (69)内嵌式 Web 服务器中的颜色管理 (69)“提交作业”选项 (70)渲染意向 (70)执行黑场补偿 (70)打印 PANTONE 样品集 (70)前面板中的颜色管理 (71)8 打印实用示例用正确比例打印待修订的草图 (74)使用 Adobe Acrobat (74)打印项目 (76)使用 Autodesk Design Review (76)使用 Windows 资源管理器打印 Autodesk Design Review 文件 (77)使用 AutoCAD (78)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器提交文件 (82)使用颜色仿真 (83)使用“按边距裁切内容” (83)打印演示文稿 (83)使用 AutoCAD (84)使用 Adobe Photoshop (88)在 Microsoft Office 中打印和缩放 (91)使用 PowerPoint (92)使用 Project (93)使用 Excel (95)ZHCN v9 作业队列管理“作业队列”页 (98)作业预览 (98)关闭作业队列 (99)选择打印队列中的作业的时间 (99)标识队列中的作业 (99)确定队列中作业的优先级 (99)删除队列中的作业 (100)重新打印或复制队列中的作业 (100)作业状态消息 (100)删除暂停的作业 (101)10 检索打印机用量信息获取打印机统计信息 (104)检查打印机的用量统计信息 (104)使用 HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) 检查打印机统计信息 (104)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器检查打印机统计信息 (104)检查打印作业的墨水和纸张用量 (104)使用 HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) 检查打印作业的墨水和纸张用量 (104)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器检查打印机统计信息 (105)11 处理墨盒和打印头关于墨盒 (108)检查墨盒状态 (108)“墨水”菜单流程 (108)HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) 流程 (108)卸下墨盒 (109)插入墨盒 (110)关于打印头 (111)检查打印头状态 (111)卸下打印头 (112)插入打印头 (115)12 维护打印机检查打印机状态 (120)清洁打印机表面 (120)更换裁纸器 (120)维护墨盒 (124)移动或存放打印机 (124)更新固件 (125)更新软件 (126)打印机维护套件 (126)安全磁盘擦除 (126)13 附件如何订购耗材和附件 (130)订购墨水耗材 (130)订购纸张 (130)不建议使用的纸张类型 (133)订购附件 (133)vi ZHCN支架 (134)卷轴 (134)Jetdirect 打印服务器 (134)14 纸张问题的故障排除无法成功装入纸张 (136)常见的卷筒装入失败问题 (136)卷筒纸装入 24 英寸打印机失败 (136)卷筒纸装入 44 英寸打印机失败 (136)单张纸张装入失败 (137)纸张装入错误消息 (137)纸张卡塞 (138)纸盒有纸时打印机显示“纸张用完” (140)打印件未准确落入纸框 (140)打印已完成后,单张纸张仍保留在打印机内 (140)打印完成时即裁切纸张 (140)裁纸器裁切不正常 (141)卷轴上的卷筒松弛 (141)出纸盒中留有纸带,因而发生卡纸 (141)重新校准纸张前移 (141)重新校准纸张前移流程 (142)返回默认校准 (142)15 打印质量问题的故障排除一般建议 (144)打印质量故障排除向导 (144)图像中出现水平线条(条纹) (145)线条过粗、过细或丢失 (145)线条呈阶梯状或参差不齐 (146)打印出的线条为双线或颜色错误 (147)线条不连续 (147)线条模糊 (148)整幅图像模糊或呈颗粒状 (149)纸张不平 (149)打印件出现磨损或刮花 (150)纸张上出现墨水渍 (150)涂料纸的正面出现水平污渍 (150)纸张背面出现墨水渍 (151)接触打印件时,黑色墨水脱落 (151)对象的边缘呈阶梯状或不清晰 (151)对象的边缘暗于预期亮度 (152)打印纸张底端出现水平线条 (152)不同颜色的垂直线条 (152)打印出的内容中出现白点 (152)颜色不准确 (153)在页面布局应用程序中使用 EPS 或 PDF 图像时的颜色准确性 (153)图像不完整(底端发生截切) (153)图像发生截切 (154)打印出的图像丢失某些对象 (154)PDF 文件发生截切或一些对象丢失 (155)图像诊断打印件 (155)纠正措施 (156)ZHCN vii16 墨盒和打印机问题的故障排除无法插入墨盒 (160)墨盒状态信息 (160)无法插入打印头 (160)前面板显示屏建议重新安装或更换打印头 (160)清洁打印头 (161)清洁打印头墨滴检测器 (162)对齐打印头 (164)重新插入打印头的流程 (164)“图像质量维护”菜单流程 (165)扫描对齐过程中发生的错误 (165)打印头状态消息 (166)17 打印机一般问题的故障排除打印机不能打印 (168)打印机运行速度慢 (168)打印机在不需要的纸张上打印 (168)计算机和打印机之间的通信失败 (169)无法访问 HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) 或 HP 打印机实用程序 (Mac OS) (169)无法访问内嵌式 Web 服务器 (169)自动文件系统检查 (170)AutoCAD 2000 内存分配错误 (171)打印 Microsoft Visio 2003 文件时没有输出 (171)从 QuarkXpress 中打印时不可用的驱动程序功能 (171)打印机警报 (171)18 前面板错误消息19 HP 客户贴心服务简介 (178)HP 专业服务 (178)知识中心 (178)HP Start-Up Kit (178)HP Care Pack 和延长保修期 (178)HP 安装 (178)HP 即时支持 (179)HP Proactive Support (179)与 HP 支持中心联系 (179)电话号码 (180)20 打印机规格功能规格 (184)物理规格 (185)内存规格 (185)电源规格 (185)生态规格 (185)环境规格 (186)噪音规格 (186)viii ZHCN术语 (187)索引 (189)ZHCN ixx ZHCN1简介●安全防范措施●HP Start-Up Kit●使用本指南●打印机的主要功能●打印机的主要组件●前面板●打印机软件●打印机的内部打印功能ZHCN1简介安全防范措施以下防范措施可确保正确使用打印机和防止打印机受到损坏。



汉印HLP106B电子面单机不干胶条码机用户手册用户手册目录安全须知 (1)第1章产品简介 (2)1.1打印机和配件 (2)1.2打印机外观及组件 (3)第2章产品规格 (5)第3章使用方法 (7)3.1电源连接 (7)3.2开启上盖 (8)3.3开启打印头组 (8)3.4安装纸卷和碳带 (8)3.5标签侦测 (11)3.6接口电缆连接 (11)3.7操作面板 (12)3.8基本功能使用 (13)3.8.1开机/关机 (13)3.8.2走纸 (13)3.8.3标签定位学习 (13)3.8.4打印自检页 (13)第4章打印机日常维护及调校 (14)4.1打印头保养与清洁 (14)安全须知在操作使用打印机之前,请仔细阅读下面的注意事项:安全警告警告:打印头为发热部件,打印过程中和打印刚结束,不要触摸打印头以及周边部件。







brother QL-1050 1060N 说明书

brother QL-1050 1060N 说明书

1 打开 QL-1050/1060N 包装 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7
2 部件说明 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8

(Pb) (Hg) (Cd)








6 使用数据线 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11
2 STEP 安装软件 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13
对于 Windows® •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23



PEX1000系列工业型条形码打印机使用者手册系列型号:PEX1120/ PEX1130/ PEX1160 PEX1220/ PEX1230/ PEX1260⏹ 热转式 ⏹ 热敏式版权声明©©2021 TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd,本手册和手册中所述之条形码打印机软件和固件版权均归TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd所有。






I目录1. 打印机简介 (1)1.1 产品规格 (2)1.1.1 标准配备 (2)1.1.2 选购配备 (4)1.2 一般规格 (4)1.3 打印规格 (5)1.4 碳带规格 (6)1.5 纸张规格 (6)2. 产品介绍 (7)2.1 拆封与检查 (7)2.2 打印机方向 (8)2.3 检查安装空间 (9)2.4 打印机组件 (13)2.4.1 外观 (13)2.4.2 内部 (14)2.2.3 后部 (15)2.5.1 LED辅助警示灯和操作按键 (17)3. 安装 (19)3.1 安装打印机 (19)3.2 安装碳带 (20)3.3 安装标签纸 (24)3.4 剥纸模式装纸 (28)4. 调整钮 (32)4.1 碳带张力调整旋钮 (33)4.2 皱折解说及排除 (34)4.3 碳带张力调整建议 (37)5. TSC Console (39)5.1 启动TSC Console (39)5.2 新增以太网络接口 (41)5.3 设置Wi-Fi并新增至TSC Console接口 (43)5.4 初始化打印机的Wi-Fi模块(选配) (46)5.6 设置打印后动作 (48)6. 打印机内键功能(Menu) (49)6.1进入选单 (49)6.2 选单简介 (50)6.3 Setting (51)6.3.1 TSPL (52)6.3.2 ZPL (55)6.4 Sensor(传感器设置) (58)6.5 Interface(通讯接口) (59)6.5.1 Serial Comm(串行端口设置) (60)6.5.2 Ethernet(以太网络设置) (61)6.5.3 Wi-Fi (62)6.5.4 Bluetooth(蓝牙) (63)6.5.5 GPIO (64)6.6 Advanced(高级设置) (69)6.7 File Manager(档案管理) (71)6.8 Diagnostic(打印机诊断) (72)7. 故障排除 (78)8. 保养办法 (81)9. 安规认证 (83)10. 历史纪录 (89)1. 打印机简介感谢您对本公司所出品的条形码打印机的支持。

hiti x610 热升华打印机 使用手册说明书

hiti x610 热升华打印机 使用手册说明书






















商標Microsoft,MS-DOS 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标。

Adobe 和 Acrobat 是 Adobe System Incorporated 的注册商标。

Mac,Macintosh 和 Mac OS 是 Apple Computer Inc. 在美国和其他国家注册的商标。

Pentium 是 Intel 公司的美國商標。









斑马105SL打印机使用手册<< 目录 >>一、打印机电源二、打印机结构三、安装标签和色带的注意事项四、面板功能说明五、Zebra 105SL 打印机的简单调整和参数设置说明六、打印机的日常维护七、常见故障极其处理一、打印机电源电源开关位于打印机后面,打印机的电源是交流电压230V和110V自适应。



[千万注意] 在插拔任何连线时,都应该关闭微机和打印机的电源。









色带及标签勿粘有 泥沙,灰尘杂物等。

3·当第一次安装新的标签时,请做测纸(MEDIA CALIBRATION)的工作。







HP Stitch S1000 126 英吋印表機 使用指南说明书

HP Stitch S1000 126 英吋印表機 使用指南说明书

使用指南©Copyright 2019–2021 HP Development Company, L.P.第 4 版,2021 年 7 月法律聲明此文件所包含資訊如有更改,恕不另行通知。

HP 產品和服務的唯一保固明確記載於該等產品和服務所隨附的保固聲明中。


HP 不負責本文件在技術上或編輯上的錯誤或疏失。



任何商標之使用僅供識別與參考,並不代表 HP 和商標擁有人或產品品牌有任何關聯。

目錄1 簡介 (1)歡迎使用您的印表機 (2)說明文件 (2)安全預防措施 (3)棄置指示 (10)一般清潔指示 (11)主要元件 (12)印表機軟體 (14)首次開啟印表機電源 (15)開啟與關閉印表機 (15)移動印表機 (16)印表機狀態指示燈 (17)2HP 內部列印伺服器 (18)啟動內部列印伺服器 (19)變更內部列印伺服器的語言 (19)變更內部列印伺服器的測量單位 (20)設定內部列印伺服器偏好設定 (20)內部列印伺服器功能表 (22)印表機狀態和警示 (23)更新韌體和內部列印伺服器 (24)3RIP 分發 (26)4 列印工作流程整合 (27)JDF 簡介 (27)使用 JDF (27)5 處理紙材 (33)支援的紙材類型 (34)支援的 HP 紙材類型 (35)紙材提示 (36)紙材設定 (37)ZHTW iii準備列印 (39)紙材邊緣支架 (40)將捲筒紙裝入捲軸 (42)將捲筒紙裝入印表機 (43)檢視有關紙材的資訊 (48)取出捲筒紙 (48)輸出壓板光源 (49)紙材預設檔 (49)匯出多個預設檔 (49)使用新紙材 (51)新增紙材預設檔 (51)編輯紙材預設檔 (52)移除紙材預設檔 (55)線上紙材管理員 (55)設定托架承梁位置 (58)6 建立和管理列印工作 (59)新增列印工作 (60)旋轉列印工作 (63)管理列印佇列 (63)刪除列印工作 (64)影像構圖 (65)7 處理墨水系統 (68)墨水系統元件 (69)如何使用墨水系統元件 (70)8 印表機校準 (88)校正噴頭 (89)印字頭校正可能遇到的困難 (91)色彩校準 (92)不同 HP Stitch 印表機之間的色彩一致性 (94)模擬其他印表機型號的色彩 (94)色彩設定檔 (95)紙材前移校準 (98)個別紙材預設檔專用的校準 (99)建議在特定事件後進行的校準 (99)9HP Print Care (101)Print Care 診斷 (102)iv ZHTW10 墨水收集器 (104)使用墨水收集器 (105)維護墨水收集器 (112)墨水收集器已啟用紙材的疑難排解 (116)11 配雙捲軸配件 (117)12 硬體維護 (118)安全預防措施 (119)維護資源 (119)維護作業和套件摘要 (123)如何執行維護作業 (126)如何關閉然後再開啟印表機電源以進行維護作業 (129)每週維護 (131)80 公升維護 (139)750 公升維護 (160)1500 公升維護 (167)視需要而定 (188)13 疑難排解紙材問題 (223)裝紙問題 (224)列印問題 (226)列印成品長度問題 (229)14 疑難排解列印品質問題 (231)一般建議 (232)哪些因素會影響列印品質 (232)列印品質疑難排解 (233)15 疑難排解墨水系統問題 (239)墨水匣 (240)列印噴頭 (240)列印噴頭清潔捲筒紙錯誤 (245)16 疑難排解其他問題 (246)印表機未啟動 (247)印表機不能列印 (247)無法從內部列印伺服器重新啟動印表機 (247)印表機速度似乎很慢 (247)要求重新初始化托架 (247)內部列印伺服器偵測不到印表機 (247)ZHTW vPrint Care 自動重新啟動 (248)色彩校準失敗 (248)17 需要協助時 (249)HP 主動支援 (249)HP 顧客貼心服務 (250)維修資訊 (250)18 印表機規格 (251)功能規格 (252)實體規格 (252)內部列印伺服器電腦的記憶體規格 (253)電源規格 (253)空氣供應需求(氣動捲軸) (253)生態規格 (254)環境規格 (254)聲音規格 (254)附錄 A 印表機訊息 (255)附錄 B 常見昇華問題摘要 (259)辭彙 (260)索引 (262)vi ZHTW1簡介●歡迎使用您的印表機●說明文件●安全預防措施●棄置指示●一般清潔指示●主要元件●印表機軟體●首次開啟印表機電源●開啟與關閉印表機●移動印表機●印表機狀態指示燈ZHTW1歡迎使用您的印表機HP Stitch S1000 126 英吋印表機是專為列印高品質設計而設計的熱昇華噴墨印表機,紙張寬度最大可達3.2 公尺。

惠普 HP Photosmart Wireless B110 series打印机说明书

惠普 HP Photosmart Wireless B110 series打印机说明书
10 技术信息 通知...........................................................................................................................39 墨盒芯片信息.............................................................................................................39 技术规格....................................................................................................................40 环保产品管理计划......................................................................................................41 规范声明....................................................................................................................46 无线规范声明.............................................................................................................49
HP Photosmart Wireless B110 series 帮助
HP Photosmart Wireless B110 series 帮助

Panduit MP100 MP300移动标签打印机说明书

Panduit MP100 MP300移动标签打印机说明书

NEW! MP100 and MP300Mobile Printers Combining best in class print technology with industry leading labeling and software capabilities MP100PORTABLE LABEL PRINTER PARTNERNEW!MP100 and MP300Mobile PrintersCombining best in class print technologywith industry leading labeling and software capabilitiesMP1002Representative offering only, visit for complete listing of products.MP300MP100Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.EMPLUSProduct FeaturesPrinters and AccessoriesEasy-Mark ™ Network Easily create labels for network components and cabling that are ANSI/TIA-606 compliantConnect to Fluke LinkWare Live3visit • Fast-loading Label Cassette includes both label material and ribbon to make changing labels easy• Innovative label design allows labels to rotate for visibility from any angle, and for repositioning on the wire/cable to align legends and improve aesthetics• Labels can be easily installed on existing terminated wires and assemblies without disconnecting the wires/cablesTurn-Tell ®Label Cassettes• Fast-loading Label Cassette includes both label material and ribbon tomake changing labels easy• Self-laminating adhesive labels for wire/cable identification include a white print-on area and clear overlaminateDie-Cut Self Laminating Label CassettesPolymer Film (V1)-40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C)Self-Laminating Vinyl (VA)-40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C)4Representative offering only, visit for complete listing of products.Continuous Self-Laminating Labels• Fast-loading Label Cassette includes both label material and ribbon to make changing labels easy• Self-laminating adhesive labels for wire/cable identification include a whiteprint-on area and clear overlaminateContinuous Heat Shrink Labels• Fast-loading Label Cassette includes both label material and ribbon to make changing labels easy•Shrink ratio 3:1• Non-adhesive flattened heat shrinkable polyolefin for wire/cableidentification-40°C to 66°C (-40°F to 150°F)-40°C to 125°C (-40°F to 257°F)Self-Laminating Vinyl (VA)Heat Shrinkable Polyolefin (H1, H2)5visit • Fast-loading Label Cassette includes both label material and ribbon to make changing labels easy• Print custom pipe markers, voltage markers, signs, bin markers, and network identification labels on demand• For flat label applications onlyContinuous Tape CassettesCompetitive comparison based on published specifications.Epson Print TechnologyEpson is a global technology leader dedicated to becoming indispensable to society by connecting people, things and information with its efficient, compact and precision technologies.Combined with Panduit’s Labeling and Software CapabilitiesPanduit creates leading-edge labeling solutions for electrical and network environments, from the data center to the telecom room, from the jobsite to the plant floor, Panduit has you covered.Results in Best-in-Class PerformancePanduit has entered into a strategic partnership with Seiko Epson Corporation to jointly develop printer and labels for the industrial, construction and network infrastructure markets. The results of the partnership are printers with best-in-class print quality, speed, capabilities and label selection. The MP100 & MP300 printers and labels are the first of many products that will be jointly developed through this partnership.WORLDWIDE SUBSIDIARIES AND SALES OFFICESFor a copy of Panduit product warranties, log on to /warrantyPANDUIT CANADA Markham, Ontario ******************Phone: 800.777.3300PANDUIT EUROPE LTD.London, UK*******************Phone: 44.20.8601.7200PANDUIT SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.Republic of Singapore *****************Phone: 65.6305.7575PANDUIT JAPAN Tokyo, Japan********************Phone: 81.3.6863.6000PANDUIT LATIN AMERICA Guadalajara, Mexico *****************Phone: 52.33.3777.6000PANDUIT AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.Victoria, Australia ******************Phone: 61.3.9794.9020©2020 Panduit Corp.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.IDSG01--SA-ENG10/2020For more informationVisit us at ContactCustomerServicebyemail:**************or by phone: 800.777.3300。














快速打印指南(适用于NiceLabel)M00086800 Rev.A 2 注册商标说明书

快速打印指南(适用于NiceLabel)M00086800 Rev.A 2 注册商标说明书

Quick Printing Guide (for NiceLabel)M00086800Rev.ATrademarksEPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.Exceed Your Vision is registered trademark or trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.NiceLabel and NiceLabel Pro are registered trademark or trademark of Euro Plus d.o.o. in the United States and other countries.In this manual, the NiceLabel GUI is used with the permission of Euro Plus d.o.o.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and used for identification purpose only.© Seiko Epson Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.OverviewThis manual contains necessary information to print on Euro Plus "NiceLabel Pro 6.3.1" (NiceLabel), using TM-C3500.Here we will use the following print data as an example. Change the content based on the actual use environment.∙Media Type:Matte Label (Roll Paper)∙Label Sizd:72.0 x 51.0 mm (Die-cut Label)∙Printed Information:Install NiceLabel beforehand.See the NiceLabel manual for how to install and operate BarTender.See the "TM-C3500 Technical Reference Guide" for details on how to use the printer and printer driver.Caution:The usage may differ when printing with a different version or edition of NiceLabel.Text DataPicture DataBarcode Data(Barcode Type: CODE39)Preparation of the Printer1Insert the supplied CD into the computer, and set up the printer according to the setup tool instructions.Note:The printer driver is installed automatically if it has not been installed.2"Media Layout Creation" Dialog appears. Select [Yes], then click [Next].3Specify the media source to be used. Select [Roll Paper], then click [Next].4Specify the media form to be used. Select [Die-cut Label (Gap)], then click [Next].5Specify the size of the paper to be used, as shown below. Then click [Next].Specified paper size will be registered to the default settings of the printer driver.6After specifying the default print settings, set up the printer by following the instructions of the setup tool.When using multiple media layouts with different media form, register and set multiple media sizes to the printer. For detail, see the "TM-C3500 Technical Reference Guide".When using multiple media layouts with different media sizes, register the media layout in NiceLabel.Setting ValueMedia Layout Name EPSONLABEL (Optional)Label Width72.0 mm Label Length51.0 mmPreparation of NiceLabel1Start NiceLabel to create a new label.2Specify the printer. Select [EPSON TM-C3500], then click [Next].3Specify the Stock type. Select [<NONE>], then click [Next].4Specify the Page size.Specify as shown below, and then click [Next].5Specify the Orientation. Select [Portrait], then click [Next].(Method of adjusting the page size)Automatically set from label dimensions Page sizeNiceLabel Pro custom layout Media TypeDie-cut label6Specify the label size. Specify as shown below, and then click [Next].7Follow the wizard instructions to create a document.Label width 72.0 mm Label height51.0 mm Top Margin0 mm Bottom Margin0 mm Left Margin0 mm Right Margin 0 mmCreating Label DesignSee the following and create a label design using NiceLabel.Make sure you have the top, bottom, left, and right margins of 1.5 mm and more inside the label size.Text d a t a[Text] O b ject[B a rcode] O b ject[Pict u re] O b ject∙Use the T ext Object to insert Text Data.∙Use the Image Object to insert Picture Data.∙Use the Barcode Object to insert Barcode Data.For detail, refer to the NiceLabel manual.Barcode SettingsIn the barcode properties, set the Narrow bar width to more than "4" dots and the ratio to "2.5".Notes:When printing a barcode, there are recommended conditions according to the Media Type. If the recommended conditions are not followed, the printed barcode may not be read properly. For the recommended conditions, see the appendix.AppendixRecommended conditions of the Barcode*: You can set the ratio when the barcode type is Codabar, CODE39, Interleaved 2 of 5, or MSI.Cautions:∙The above values are valid when using paper recommended by EPSON.∙Before using the barcode, print the barcode and check the scan quality.Fence Plain, Plain Label 4 2.5Other than above 4 2.5LadderPlain, Plain Label 6 2.5Other than above62.5L a dderBarcode font Function of the Printer DriverWhen printing a barcode that has higher reading quality than a NiceLabel barcode, you can use the printer driver's barcode font.Use the following method.1In printer driver's "Barcode and 2D Symbol" settings, register the barcode font for which you specified the barcode type, size, rotation direction, and so on.2In printer driver's "Font Replacement" settings, replace the registered barcode font with TrueType font.3On a NiceLabel, enter the barcode value using the "Text" object as text data, and specify the replaced TrueType font.Notes:∙For more details on how to set the printer driver, see "TM-C3500 Technical Reference Guide".∙The barcode is displayed as text data on the NiceLabel screen and is not displayed as a barcode image. When you want to check the barcode image, use the printer driver's preview function.。



标签打印机实用工具手册HLP106S(Rev.1.0)目录1. 手册信息 (1)2.操作系统 (1)3.实用工具准备 (1)4. 安装与卸载 (2)4.1安装 (2)4.2卸载 (6)5.使用方法 (7)5.1 添加打印机 (7)5.2 修改打印机 (9)5.3 删除打印机 (10)5.4 参数设置 (11)1.手册信息本手册提供了本产品功能选择软件的使用、操作条件的修改等方面的信息。


2.操作系统Deli的实用工具必须运行在.NET 2.0及以上环境中。

●Microsoft Windows 10 (32 bit/64 bit)●Microsoft Windows 8 (32 bit/64 bit)●Microsoft Windows 7 SPI (32 bit/64 bit)●Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 (32 bit/64 bit)●Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit)●Microsoft Windows Server 2012(64 bit)●Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2●Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2(32 bit/64 bit)●Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2(32 bit/64 bit)3.实用工具准备打印机实用程序包含在随机所附CD。


打印机实用工具命名为:HLP106STool VX.X.X.X.exe如:HLP106STool V1.0.0.1.exe4.安装与卸载注意:以下以HLP106S-UE(Windows7)为例,屏幕可能随您电脑上的操作系统而有所不同。


Metapace POS打印机装置指南说明书

Metapace POS打印机装置指南说明书

◈ InformationThis Installation Guide includes a brief outline of information necessary for productinstallation. For more detailed installation information, please refer to the user manual in the enclosed CD. The contents of the CD include the following. 1. Manual: User Manual, Code Chart, Control Commands 2. Drivers: Windows Drivers, OPOS Drivers 3. Utilities: a logo download toolWe at Metapace maintain ongoing efforts to enhance and upgrade the functions and quality of all our products. In following, product specifications and/or user manual content may be changed without prior notice.ComponentsCable CoverPaper RollCDAC AdaptorPower CordQuick Start GuideSplash Proof CoverBuzzerCleaning PenConnecting the Cables1. Turn off the printer and the host ECR (host computer).2. Plug the power cord into the Adaptor, and then plug the Adaptor into the power connector3. Check the interface cable (Serial, Parallel, USB, or Ethernet), and connect the interface connector cable accordingly.4. Plug the drawer kick-out cable into the drawer kick-out connector on the printer.Installing the Paper Roll1. Open the paper roll cover by pressing the cover-open button.2. Insert a new paper roll, making sure to align it properly.3. Pull out a small amount of paper, and close the cover.※ NoteWhen closing the cover, press down on the center of the cover to ensure that the paper is in contact with the roller.The Metapace T-3 has a paper near-end sensor that provides notice that the paper roll is nearly exhausted. When the paper is running low, the lamp on the apparatus is lit red. If the lamp is activated even when sufficient paper remains, adjust the near-end sensor setting by pushing the tab upward towards1.◈ Using the Operation Panel• POWER (LED)When turning on the power, a green LED will be lit.• ERROR (LED)When an error occurs, a red LED will be lit. (e.g. no paper, cover ajar, etc.)• PAPER (LED)Red LED will be lit when the paper roll is running low. The LEDblinks when the printer is in self-test standby mode or macro execution standby mode.• FEED (Button)Press the FEED button once to discharge extra paper. Holding down the FEED button will discharge paper continuously until the button is released.◈ Setting the Dip SwitchesChanging Dip Switch settings must be done when the printer is off. Any changes done while the printer is on will not be processed.1. Serial Interface • DIP Switch 1 SW Function ONOFF1-1 Auto Line Feed Enable Disable 1-2 Flow Control XON/XOFF DTR/DSR 1-3 Data Length 7 bits 8 bits 1-4 Parity Check Yes No 1-5 Parity Selection EVEN ODD1-61-71-8Baud rate Selection (bps) Refer to the following Table 1• DIP Switch 2 SW Function ON OFF 2-1 Auto cutter control Full cutPartial cut 2-2 Internal bell control Internal bell disable Internal bell enable 2-3 Auto Cutter Auto cutter disableAuto cutter enable2-4 Reserved - -2-52-6 Print DensityRefer to the following table 2 2-7 Near-End Sensor StatusDisable Enable2-8External buzzer controlExternal buzzerenableExternal buzzerdisable2. Parallel / USB Interface • DIP Switch 1 SW Function ON OFF 1-1 Auto Line Feed Enable Disable 1-2 Reserved - - OFF 1-3 Reserved - - OFF 1-4 Reserved - - OFF 1-5 Reserved - - OFF 1-6 Reserved - - OFF 1-7 Reserved - - ON 1-8 Reserved - - OFF • DIP Switch 2 SW Function ON OFF 2-1 Auto cutter control Full cut Partial cut 2-2 Internal bell control Internal bell disable Internal bell enable 2-3 Auto Cutter Auto cutter disable Auto cutter enable 2-4 Reserved - - 2-5 2-6 Print Density Refer to the following table 22-7 Near-End Sensor Status Disable Enable 2-8 External buzzer controlExternal buzzer enable External buzzerdisable• Table 1 – Baud Rate (bps) Selection Transmission Speed 1-6 1-7 1-8 2400 ON OFF OFF 4800 ON OFF ON 9600 OFF ON OFF19200 OFF OFF OFF38400 OFF ON ON 57600 OFF OFF ON 115200 ON ON ON• Table 2 – Print Density SelectionPrint Density 2-5 2-6 Default 1 (Light) ON ON2 (Medium) OFF OFF3 (Dark) OFF ON2Quick Start GuideKN04-00048C (Rev.1.0)Near end sensor tabPower cordDrawer kick-out cableInterface cable(Serial/Parallel/USB/Ethernet)AdaptorDrawer kick-out connector Power connector◈ Self Test1. Make sure the paper roll has been installed properly.2. Turn on the power while holding down the FEED button. The self-test begins.3. The self-test prints the current printer status, providing the control ROM version and the DIP switch setting.4. After printing the current printer status, self-test printing will print the following, and pause. (The PAPER LED light blinks.)SELF-TEST PRINTING.PLEASE PRESS THE FEED BUTTON.5. Press the FEED button to continue printing. The printer prints a pattern using the built-in character set.6. The self-test automatically ends and cuts the paper after printing the following.*** COMPLETED ***7. After the self-test is complete, the printer returns to normal on-line status.※ NoteThe self-test lets you know if your printer is operating properly. It checks the print quality, ROM version, and DIP switch settings.◈ SpecificationsItem DetailsPrinting Method Thermal Line PrintingDot Density 180 dpi (7dots/mm)Printing Width 72 mmCharacters per line (default) 42 (Font A) 56 (Font B) 56 (Font C)Printing Speed *1) 47.28 lines/sec 200 mm/secReceive Buffer Size 4K BytesSMPS Input Voltage 100~240 VACFrequency 50/60Hz SMPS Output Voltage 24 VDCTemperature 0 ~ 45 ℃ (Operating) -20 ~ 60 ℃ (Storage)Humidity 10 ~ 80 % RH (Operating) 10 ~ 90 % RH (Storage) Except for paperMechanism Head Life *2) 150KmAuto Cutter 1,800,000 Cuts PrinterMechanism MCBF *2) 70,000,000 LinesPaper Type Paper RollRoll Width 80 mmRoll Diameter Max 83mmPaper Thickness 0.062~0.075 mm PaperPaper Tube Inner: Ø12mm (0.47”) Outer: Ø18mm (0.71”)※ Note*1) Printing speed may be slower depending on the data transmission speed and the combination of control commands.*2) The above values are calculated under printing level 2 with recommended paper at normal temperature.The values may vary with environment temperature, printing level, etc.◈ Serial (RS-232C) Fixed Interface Model Windows Driver Installation: IFA-S2 TYPE1. After running the product installation CD, run the Thermal Printer > Metapace T-3 > Drivers > Windows Driver > Drivers Folder > T-3_Vx.x.x.exe file.2. In the opening installation window, click on Next.3. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click on Install.4. In the Select Port Type window, select one Serial Port and click Next.< Figure 1.>5. In the Question window, select Yes and the computer will reboot.6. After rebooting, open Start > Settings > Printers & Fax > Metapace T-3 Icon > Right-Click > Properties.7. In the Properties window, select the Port tab and click on the Port Settings. Check to see that the information is identical to the self-test results after installation. 8. In the Properties window, after selecting the General tab, click on Print Test Page toconfirm that printing is normal.◈ Parallel (IEEE1284) Fixed Interface Model Windows Driver Installation: IFG-P TYPE1. After running the product installation CD, run the Thermal Printer > Metapace T-3 > Drivers > Windows Driver > Drivers Folder > T-3_Vx.x.x.exe file.2. In the opening installation window, click on Next.3. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click on Install.4. In the Select Port Type window, select one Parallel Port and click Next.(Refer to Figure 1.)5. In the Question window, select Yes and the computer will reboot.6. After rebooting, open Start > Settings > Printers & Fax > Metapace T-3 Icon > Right-Click > Properties.7. In the Properties window, after selecting the General tab, click on Print Test Page to confirm that printing is normal.◈ USB Fixed Interface Model Windows Driver Installation: IFG-U TYPE 1. After running the product installation CD, run the Thermal Printer > Metapace T-3 > Drivers > Windows Driver > Drivers Folder > T-3_Vx.x.x.exe file.2. In the opening installation window, click on Next.3. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click on Install.4. In the Select Port Type window, select USB and click Next. (Refer to Figure 1.)5-1. If using Windows 2000:① After the Information window appears, turn the printer off and back on and click Yes.② After installation is complete, reboot the computer.5-2. If using Windows XP/2003 Server/VISTA/2008 Server/7:① After the Information window appears, turn the printer off and back on and click Yes.② After the New Hardware Detected window appears, continue to click Next to install theUSB drive, and then reboot the computer.※ NoteWhen the digital registration message appears during installation, click on either OK or Continue Anyway.6. After rebooting, open Start > Settings > Printers & Fax > Metapace T-3 Icon > Right-Click > Properties.7. In the Properties window, after selecting the General tab, click on Print Test Page to confirm that printing is normal.◈ Ethernet Fixed Interface Model Windows Driver Installation: IFA-E TYPERefer to the user manual regarding separate Ethernet interface cards. (Refer to the CD.)◈ WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electric Equipment)This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that is should not bedisposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life, To preventpossible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal,please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promotethe sustainable reuse of material resources. Household users should contact either theretailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1. 手册信息 (1)
2.操作系统 (1)
3.实用工具准备 (1)
4. 安装与卸载 (2)
4.1安装 (2)
4.2卸载 (6)
5.使用方法 (7)
5.1 添加打印机 (7)
5.2 修改打印机 (9)
5.3 删除打印机 (10)
5.4 参数设置 (11)


Deli的实用工具必须运行在.NET 2.0及以上环境中。

●Microsoft Windows 10 (32 bit/64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows 8 (32 bit/64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows 7 SPI (32 bit/64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 (32 bit/64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit)
●Microsoft Windows Server 2012(64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
●Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2(32 bit/64 bit)
●Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2(32 bit/64 bit)


打印机实用工具命名为:HLP106STool VX.X.X.X.exe
如:HLP106STool V1.0.0.1.exe










5.1 添加打印机









5.4 参数设置

