
牛津小学英语六年级下册B全册各单元练习题————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ牛津小学英语六年级下册6B全册各单元练习题精品资料,欢迎家长、老师、同学们下载使用6B Unit 1练习一、翻译下列词组:星期天早晨_______________去散步_______________ﻫ在公园_________________ 遇见他的堂弟_________________非常高兴看见他们_____________________ﻫ坐下__________________在一棵大树下_________________聊天__________________我的同班同学_________________ 她的名字________________看起来很像___________________和我一样重_______________ 比你更瘦____________________比我年轻一岁__________________想要遇见她_________________ﻫ在你的家庭里__________________一只强壮的老虎_______________ﻫTryagain!_______________five centimetres taller than him__________ﻫone day______________the only childinhis family_________________thirtyminutes younger thanus___________________ That’s interesting!______________mymum says_____________ also her child_______________ Herehe is._________________ﻫbe the goalkeeper____________ atwin brother_________________Su Yang’s uncle and aunt________________1.My brother is two二、根据句意填入单词的正确形式:ﻫ2. Tomis as _______ years __________(old)than me.ﻫ_(fat) asJim.3. Is your sister __________(young)than you?Yes,she is.4. Whois___________(thin),you or Helen?Helen is.5. Whose pencil-box is __________(big),yours orhers?Hers is.6. Mary’shair is as__________(long) as Lucy’s.7. Look,they are_________(have)ach8. OnSaturday,I_________(go) to a zoowiat.ﻫ9. SuHai andSu Yangusually______thmy friends.ﻫ10. Nancy often_____(go)to school at seven o’clock.ﻫ_____(go)to bed at nine twentyin theevening.三、根据中文和句意填入正确单词:1.We_________(遇见)ourteacher in the shop lastnight. 2.Elephants arebigger _________(比)ants.4.Are3.Whose eyesare bigger, yours or _________(我的)?ﻫ5.The cats ar ________(他们的)oranges asbig as our oranges?ﻫe__________(小)than thetigers.四、翻译句子:ﻫ1、谁比Jim年纪大?是你。
牛津上海版小学英语六年级(三起)下册《Project 1》 课件

Task 2 : Choose , write and say
In the past
√ building √ library
How? How many?
science room
√ music room
√ computer room
√ classroom √ playground
There will be ________________________ . _______________________________ .
The _______ will ________________ . I will __________________________ . It will be _______________________ . I hope ___________________________ .
science room
√ music room
√ √
computer room one classroom twenty-four
*In the past , there wasn’t /
√ playground one, small weren’t ____________ .
How?/How many?
√ building √ library
four , short one
science room
√ music room
√ computer room √ classroom √ playground

There is a
in the
school tomorrow afternoon. David is
going to to . Nancy is going . Gao Shan will come with
Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.
On Saturday afternoon
this afternoon at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre
Read and find the answers. Underline the key sentences.
1. Is there a concert in the school? 2. Who’s going to play at the concert? 3. Who will come to the concert?
What does my grandpa usually do at the weekend? He is going to see a Beijing opera this weekend.

上海版牛津英语6B六年级下单词汇总表Asia/ei/n.亚洲U1 *Bangkok/b'k k/n.曼谷U1 building/bildi/n.建筑物U1 capital/k pitl/n.首都U1 exhibition/eksi'bi n/n.展览会U1 famous/feim s/adj.著名的U1 huge/hju:d3/adj.巨大的U1 information/inf'mei n/n.信息U1 *Japan/d'p n/n.日本U1 kilometre/kil mi:t(r)/n.千米,公里U1 million/milien/num.百万U1 north-east/n: ' i:st/adv.东北U1 north-west/n: 'west/adv.西北U1palace/p l s/n.宫殿U1 south-east/sa 'i:st/adv.东南U1 south-west/sa 'west/adv.西南U1*sushi/su:i/n.寿司U1 ^Thailand/tail nd/n.泰国U1 *Tokyo/'i/n.东京U1 tourist/'t rist/n.游客,观光者U1 address/'dres/n.地址U2 airport/e p:t/n.机场U2 before/bi'f: (r)/adv.以前U2 *boarding card/b:di ka:d/n.登机牌U2 bring/bri/v.带...到某处,带来U2 checklist/t eklist/n.清单,核对表U2 departure/di'pa:t e(r)/n.离开,出发U2 dollar/d l(r)/n.元(美国,加拿大等货币)U2 flight/ait/n.航班U2 have to modal 情态动词v.不得不U2 however/ha'ev(r)/adv.然而U2 *London/nd n/n.伦敦U2 *Los Angeles/s'nd li:z/n.洛杉矶U2 *name tag/neim t g/n.姓名牌U2 note/n t/n.注释,提醒U2 pack/p k/v.装(箱)U2 passenger/p s nd(r)/n.乘客,旅客U2passport/p:sp:t/n.护照U2 several/sevr l/adj.几个U2 *silk/silk/n.丝绸U2 *suitcase/su:tkeis/n.手提箱U2 *trolley/tr li/n.手推车U2 T-shirt/ti:3:t/n.T恤衫U2 worry/w ri/v.担心U2 advice/d'vais/n.劝告,忠告U3 ago/g/adv.以前U3 battle/b tl/n.战役U3 (be) born/b?:n/v.出生U3 celebrate/?sel?bre?t]/v.庆祝U3 country[?k?ntri]n.国家U3 danger[?de?nd??(r)]n.危险,风险U3 die[da?]v.死,死亡U3 festival[?fest?vl]n.节日U3in danger [?n] [?de?nd??(r)]处于危险中U3king[k??]n.国王U3 later[?le?t?(r)]adv.以后,后来U3 lose/lu:z/v.输掉U3 *lunar[?lu:n?(r)]adj.农历的U3 moon cake/mu:n keik/n.月饼U3 *pudding英[?p?d??]n.(餐后的)甜食,甜点,布丁U3 race/re is/n.比赛U3 remember[r??memb?(r)]v.纪念,记得U3 send/send/v.发送,寄U3 something[?s?mθ??]pron.某物,某事U3 very much很,非常U3 without[w??ea?t]prep.没有U3 would rather[w?d][?rɑ:e?(r)]宁愿U3 cold[k??ld]n.感冒U4 fever[?fi:v?(r)]n.发烧U4 forget[f??get]v.忘记U4 headache[?hede?k]n.头痛U4 health[helθ]n.身体(或精神)状况,健康U4 housework[?ha?sw?:k]n.家务劳动U4 indoor[??nd?:(r)]adj.室内的U4 model[?m?dl]n.模型U4 once[w?ns]adv.一次U4 outdoor[?a?td?:(r)]adj.室外的U4 piano[pi??n??]n.钢琴U4playground[?ple?gra?nd]n.操场U4 practise[?pr?kt?s]v.练习U4 problem[?pr?bl?m]n.问题,难题,困难U4 *puzzle[?p?zl]n.智力游戏,拼图U4 really[?ri:?li]adv.真正的,的确U4 sore[s?:(r)]adj.(发炎)疼痛的U4 stomach ache?st?m?k eik]n.胃痛U4 throat[θr??t]n.咽喉,喉咙U4 toothache[?tu:θe?k]n.牙痛U4 a lot of大量,许多U5 agree[??gri:]v.同意U5 *astronaut[??str?n?:t]n.宇航员U5 back[b?k]n.背面,反面U5 baker[?be?k?(r)]n.面包师U5 bakery[?be?k?ri]n.面包房U5 (be) good at擅长U5 (be) poor at不擅长U5 button[?b?tn]n.按钮U5 *centimetre[?sent?mi:t?(r)]n.厘米U5 come back回来,返回U5 future[?fju:t??(r)]n.将来,未来U5 good-looking[ɡ?d 'l?k??]adj.(外貌)好看的U5 grow[gr??]v.长大,长高U5 in front of在...前面U5 *kilogram[?k?l?gr?m]n.千克,公斤U5 look for寻找U5 *magic[?m?d??k]adj.有魔力的U5 poor[p?:(r)]adj.不擅长的U5 possible[?p?s?bl]adj.可能,能做到(或取得)U5 possibly[?p?s?bli]adv.可能地U5 press[pres]v.按压U5 report[r??p?:t]n.报告U5 reporter[r??p?:t?(r)]n.记者U5 singer[?s???(r)]n.歌手U5 *slim[sl?m]adj.苗条的U5 spacecraft[?spe?skrɑ:ft]n.航天器,宇宙飞船U5 weigh[we?]v.称出重量U5。

牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 1 Who is younger?第一课时一、教学内容:6B. Unit 1 A部分,Listen ,read and say.二、教学目标:1 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型2 掌握四会单词tall,taller ,old ,older,young .younger.3 掌握三会单词和词组cute,go for a walk.4 能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your ……,Su Yang’s twenty minutes than me ,Who is younger, you or Su Yang ?三、教学重、难点:5 能正确理解、掌握四会单词并能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your ……,Su Yang’s twenty minutes than me ,Who is younger, you or Su Yang ?。
四、课前准备:1 准备录音机和本课A部分的磁带。
2 准备A部分的图片。
3 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 1A部分Look, read and say五、教学过程:A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲HelloB Free talk. 师生交流T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: How old are you ?Ss: I’m 12years old.T: How old is he?Ss: He’s 11 years old ,too.C Presentation and drill新授和操练1 教师通过刚才的师生问答引出句型I’m older than xxx。
2 教师板书old和older进行教学同时让学生理解。

星级★★★授课日期及时段T同步-U10基础知识梳理(建议2-5分钟)A forest is a large area of trees.Forests are very important.Birds make their nests intrees.Small animals and insectsbuild their homes in thehollows of the trees.People in poor countries burn wood as fuel.We cut down trees to make furniture andpaper.除了上面的,森林和土地还有什么作用呢,让我们继续往下看吧~~(建议20-25分钟)一、词汇Words1. forest n. 森林e. g. -Forests are home to many animals and plants.森林是许多动植物的家园。
-We must take care of our forests.我们必须爱护我们的森林。
批注:forest是可以用复数的,提醒学生注意课文标题,forests and land2. hollow n.凹地,穴,洞e. g. the hollow of the hand手心the hollow of the tree树洞3. area n.地区;区域e. g. We are going to build a school in this area.我们准备在这个区域内建一所学校。
In some areas, there are small schools for a few farm families, and the children walk to school.有些地区,设有小规模的学校为少数几个农民家庭服务,孩子们走着去上学。
牛津小学英语6B Unit7 A letter to a penfriend A

We both have the same hobby. (两人)都 We all have the same hobby.
三人以上) (三人以上)都
Yesterday read ________afternoon, Liu Tao _____about an _______ boy, Peter, in the newspaper. English China Peter wanted a penfriend in ________.
Liu Tao would like to be his penfriend. write He wants to ________ to Peter.
Look,listen and try to answer: 了解对话主要内容,试着概括回答 了解对话主要内容 试着概括回答
What are Liu Tao and his mother talking about ?
Listen and try to answer: 了解对话主要内容,试着概括回答 了解对话主要内容 试着概括回答
Mum: You can also tell him about our new house. Liu: Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks, Mum. Can I give him my e-mail address?
Mum: Yes, of course.
What is Liu Tao going to tell Peter?
Can I have …?
牛津英语小学六年级英语下册6B 期末测试卷及答案

(5分)( )1. A. comb B. camp C. come( )2. A. last B. vest C. fast( )3. A. middle B. mirror C. minute( )4. A. windy B. window C. waiter( )5. A. race B. face C. vase( )6. A. fish B. finish C. fridge( )7. A. have the same hobbies B. have some paper C. have sandwiches ( )8. A. my favourite subject B. my friend Sam C. my French friend ( )9. A. Do you like skating? B. Do they like cooking? C. Are they skating? ( )10. A. Where does Peter live? B. What does Peter like?C. How does Peter go to school?二、听对话,根据所给的问题,选出正确的选项。
(5分)()1. Where is Ben from? A. The USA. B. The UK. C. France. ()2. Who swims faster, Jim or David?A. Jim.B. David.C. No, he doesn’t.()3. Is Mike good at Maths?A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn’t.C. Yes, he does.()4. What time does Kate have supper?A. At six.B. At six twenty.C. At half past six.()5. What is Nancy going to do this afternoon?A. She’s going to play chess with Helen.B. She’s going to play the piano.C. Sh e’s going to play cards with Helen.三、听问题,选出能回答所给问题的选项。

牛津英语6B 《Unit5 The seasons》教学_6b unit5教学英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。
今天小编给大家带来牛津英语6B 《Unit5 The seasons》教学_6b unit5教学,希望可以帮助到大家。
6B Unit5 The seasons四会单词:season 季;季节 next 紧接在后的,接下去的weather 天气 summer 夏季autumn 秋季 best 最好的;最;最好地spring 春季 winter 冬季四会句型:Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?I like ... best. 我最喜欢 ......Why? 为什么?Because it’s ... I can ... 因为天气 ......我能 ......重点短语:1.go to New York 去纽约2.next week 下周(last week 上周)3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年4.as hot as ... 和 ......一样热5.the best season 最好的季节6.go to farms 去农场7.in the countryside 在乡下8.pick apples 摘苹果9.most of the time 大部分时间10.make snowmen 堆雪人11.need some warm clothes 需要一些暖和的衣服12.need to buy some warm clothes 需要买一些暖和的衣服13.a lot of rain 许多雨14.turn green 变绿15.go swimming/walking/jogging 去游泳/散步/慢跑16.go rowing and fishing 去划船,钓鱼17.get longer变得更长18.get shorter变得更短19.lots of snow 许多雪20.stay at home 呆在家里21.wait for spring 等待春天22.in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季重点句型:1.What about/How about ...? ......怎么样?2.What’s the weather like ...? ......的天气怎么样?3.---What do you usually do? 你通常做什么?---I usually ... 我通常......4.Sounds great! 听起来很棒!知识点:1.in + 季节名称in spring/summer/autumn/winter2.Which season do you like best?I like ... best. 最喜欢Which season do you like better, spring or autumn?I like ... better. 更喜欢3.注意词性的变化:区分名词、动词和形容词名词:rain雨 wind风 snow雪 sun太阳 cloud云动词:rain下雨 snow下雪形容词:rainy下雨的;多雨的 windy有风的;多风的snowy下雪的;多雪的 sunny晴朗的cloudy多云的There is a lot of rain in spring. (不可数名词)It often rains. (动词的第三人称单数形式)It’s raining now. (动词的ing形式)It’s often rainy. (形容词)4.It’s as hot as in Nanjing.It’s colder than in Nanjing.(句中的in不能少)5.一般将来时的构成:a.be going to +名词/动词原形b.will/shall+动词原形(shall用于第一人称)6.what about/how about的后面可以加名词、宾格或动词的ing 形式。

学员编号:年级:六年级课时数:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课类型T 6B U1同步梳理星级★★★教学目标1、掌握同步的知识点,包括单词,句型2、能够正确根据所学知识,掌握做同类题型的方法。
(建议20-25分钟)T同步-U1基础知识梳理1一、词汇Words1. Asia 亚洲e. g. -Where's China on the map? 中国在地图的哪个位置?-It’s in Asia. 中国在亚洲。
【知识拓展】Asian adj.亚洲的,亚洲人【百科小贴士】亚洲是世界第一大洲,它拥有世界上最高的山峰珠穆朗玛峰、最高的高原青藏高原、最深的湖泊贝加尔湖、最大的咸水湖里海和最大的半岛阿拉伯半岛。
2. east (E) adv.在东方e. g. Tokyo is east of Beijing.东京在北京的东方。
又如south(S)在南方,west( W)在西方,north( N)在北方,north-east(NE)在东北方。
又如north-west(NW)在西北方,south-east( SE)在东南方,south-west( SW)在西南方。
e. g. Bangkok is south-west of Shanghai.曼谷在上海的西南方。
注:North China: 华北批注:news 这个单词的由来,就是由north, east, west, south 这四个词组成的,可以和学生就这个单词把东西南北这四个词都进行联想记忆。
3. exhibition n. 展览会;展览品e. g. They are coming to the exhibition as my guests. 他们作为我邀请的客人来参观展览会。

牛津小学英语6B Unit5 The seasons第一教时1、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6B Unit5第一教时2、教材简析:本单元主要围绕“季节及气候”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、建议等。
3、教学目标:(一)知识目标1. 掌握单词、词组season, weather, summer, autumn, best, spring,winter, cool, windy, countryside, snowman2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语What’s the weather like?It’s … Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does. Which season doyou like best? I like … best? I like … best. Why? Because it’s … I can …(二)技能目标1. 理解并初步朗读课文,提高学生整体理解语篇的能力。
2. 能初步运用所学句型谈论天气情况。
3. 了解纽约的气候,拓展学生的文化视野。
四、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:Which season do you like best? I like…Why? Because it’s …I can…What’s the weather like …?It's...五、设计理念:基于新课标提出的“加强学习内容和学生生活的联系,关注学生学习兴趣和经验”,本节课我将采用“对话式”教学法和“任务型”教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Mum: You can also tell him about our new house. Liu: Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks, Mum. Can I give him my e-mail address?
Mum: Yes, of course.
What is Liu Tao going to tell Peter?
从本课中我们学到了: 从本课中我们学到了:
Can I have…?
1. 如何从别人那得到需要的物品? 如何从别人那得到需要的物品?
Liu Tao wants to ….He need…
What for?
What’s … name?
2. 如何获Байду номын сангаас他人的信息?How old …? 如何获取他人的信息?
writing paper
Liu Tao: Mum, can I have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please? Mum: What for, dear? Liu Tao: I want to write a letter. Mum: Sure. Here you are. Liu Tao: Thank you. see的过去式形式 的过去式形式 Mum: Who do you want to write to? Liu Tao: Peter. I want to be his friend. I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.
school favourite subjects age hobbies name house

牛津英语上海版六年级下册6BMo...Unit 3 The Dragon Boat Festival(一)知识与技能1熟练掌握连词but 的用法。
2掌握介词with, without 的用法.3运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。
(二)过程与方法1用“Wh-”问句引出有关端午节的话题.e.g. When is the Dragon Boat Festival?What do people eat?Why do we celebrate the festival?2使用情态动词would操练句型Would you l ike…?Yes, please./ No, thanks.3使用一般现在时表达自己的好恶e.g. don’t like/hate/love4 Using modals to indicate preferencese.g. I would rather have…(三)情感、态度与价值观1学习一系列与中国传统节日:端午节,有关的信息,了解本国的风土人情,拓宽知识面,1)了解端午节的来历。
Period 1Language focus:Using adjectives to describe objectse.g. a salty rice dumping/a sweet rice dumplingUsing prepositions to indicate timee.g …in summer. It’s o n the fifth day of the fifth lunarmonth…Asking ‘Wh-‘questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a persone.g. What do people eat /What do people do to celebrate this festivalUsing connectives to link contrasting idease.g. Kitty loves the sweet rice dumplings, but she hates the salty ones.Using the simple present tense to express preferencese.g. loves/hates/likesUsing prepositional phrases to describe objectse.g. salty ones with meat and green beans/sweet ones without red beansPre-task preparation1Ask students what they like to do and eat to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. Encouragestudents to talk about this festival.2Review and introduce new vocabulary items in Look and learn.3Play the recording: Look and learn and Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books. 4Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.While-task procedure1Students pair up to talk about the rice dumplings they like. Have them complete the survey form in Circle and write by circling and writing down what they have discussed with their partners. They are required to use the target language in their report, like this: I love…, but I hate …/My classmate loves…, but …/We both love…, but…2Ask individuals to read their reports to the class.3Collect all reports and bind them into a book for circulation in class.4Conduct a simple survey to find out the most popular kind of rice dumpling among students by counting how many students like a particular kind of rice dumpling. Ask some students why they like or dislike a particular kind of rice dumpling.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A pages 9 and 10Period 2Language focus:Asking ‘wh-‘questions to find out the reasone.g. Why do we celebrate the Dragon Boat FestivalUsing the simple past tense to talk about past activities and statese.g. Qu-yuan was born around two thousand years ago in China.Using the simple present tense to talk about present statese.g. Nowadays, people eat rice dumplings and have Dragon Boat races to …Pre-task preparationLanguage learning activity(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.)1 Give students some time to read the story silently. Then ask students: Was Qu-yuan sad Why Encourage volunteers to answer the questions.2 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.3 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat. Askstudents to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the words4 Remind students of the use of the past tense in the story .Go over the verbs in the past tense with students. Invite the more able students to speak out and spell, if possible, the corresponding verbs in their present tense form.5 Remind students to pay attention to the use of different tenses when talking about the past and the present in the story.6 Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 8 to each student. Students read the text on page 11 ofth e Student’s Book again individually. Have them complete the list and write down the answers to the questions.7 To check the answers with students, invite some students to write the list on the board. Then invite the more able students to answer the questions orally.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A pages 12Period 3Language focus:Using modals to make an offere.g. Would you like a piece of rice dumplingUsing formulaic expressions to accept offerse.g. Yes, please. I really like rice dumplings.Using formulaic expressions to decline offerse.g. No, thanks. I don’t like rice dumplings very much.Using modals to indicate preferencese.g. I’d rather have a piece of pizza.Pre-task preparationLanguage learning activity(This section aims at providing students with opportunitiesto practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.)1 Review the names of the food and drink items that students have learned previously, e.g. pizza, pancake, cookies, hamburger, lemonade, 7-UP, coffee, etc. Introduce new food items, e.g. Chinese pudding, Christmas pudding with the help of pictures or photos.2 Play the recording: Look and say. Students listen and follow in their books.3 Students work in groups of three and use the modeled conversation in About you to do the role-play. Have some groups come out and act the conversation.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A Page 13Period 4Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to begin and end a lettere.g. Dear _____/Yours,Using the simple present tense to express interestse.g. don’t like/hate/loveUsing prepositions to describe objectse.g. I hate the sweet ones with/without…Using modals to indicate preferencese.g. I would rather have…Pre-task preparationReview the format of a letter with students. Tell students that a letter should include the date, receiver’s name and address, greeting, body, complimentary close and writer’s signature. Remind students that there are different letter formats and that it is acceptable to indent the paragraphs.While-task procedure1 Have students look at Think and write on Page 13 of the Student’s Book. Students are required to complete the letter to a pen-friend, telling him/her about the Dragon Boat Festival. Remind them they also have to read pages 10 and 12 of the Student’s Book again in order to find all the relevant information.2 When the students have completed their letters, invite a few more able student to read their letters aloud.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A page 15NOTES: (单元教后记)本单元通过学习一系列与中国传统节日:端午节,有关的信息,了解本国的风土人情,拓宽知识面,唤醒学生保护中国传统节日的强烈责任感。

Unit 1一.短语1. 在星期天的早上on Sunday morning2. 在星期六的下午on Saturday afternoon3.去公园散步go for a walk in the park4.很高兴见到他们(两种)Nice to meetthem/ Glad to see them 5.坐在大树下聊天have a chat under a big tree 6.一个双胞胎妹妹a twin sister7.看起来一样的look the same8.与你双胞胎哥哥一样高as tall as your twin brother 9.比我小二十分钟twenty minutes younger than me10.想要做某事want to do sth 11.家里的独生子the only child in the family12.他在这Here he is.13.告诉某人某事tell sb sth 14.和某人谈话talk with sb15.这个穿着黑衣服的男子the man in black16.苏海的叔叔Su Hai’s uncle17.做一个猜谜游戏play a guessing game 18.看苏海的全家照look at Su Hai’sfamily photo二.句子1.谁更小,你还是我? Who is younger, you or me?2.我与小明的朋友一样高.I’m as tall as Xiao Ming’s friend.3.他比我大三岁. He is three years older than me.4.我比她更幸福. I am happier than her.5.他有兄弟姐妹吗? Does he have sisters or brothers?6.我妈妈说吉米也是他的孩子. My mum says Jimmy is also her child.7.他有一个弟弟. He has a brother.8.我是苏海.你是谁?(电话用语)This is Su Hai . Who is that?9你多大了? How old are you?10.这儿是一些卢灵玉的图片. These are some of Lu Lingyu’s pictures.11.这头大象比那头熊更大. The elephant is bigger than that bear.12.这只猫比那只猫更胖. The cat is fatter than that cat.13.小明的狗比我的狗更瘦. Xiao Ming’s dog is thinner than mine.14.谁的书包更重啊,你的还是我的?Whose bag is heavier, yours or mine?15.我想你的尺比我的尺更长. I think your ruler is longer than mine.16.我正在读书.我的父母正听着我读书.这只狗正看着我.I am reading. My parents are listening to me. The dog is looking at me.17.苏海的叔叔比他的爸爸更高更强壮.Su Hai’s uncle is taller and stronger than his father.18.大家都想做足球守门员. Everyone wants to be the football goalkeeper.19.看这些图片,读他们正在说的话.Look at the pictures and read what they are saying.20.我要做最好的学生. I want to be the best student.21.我的朋友比玛丽高三厘米,重九千克,大三岁.My friend is three cm taller and nine kg heavier and three years older than Mary.Unit 2一.短语1.让我们做更多的运动let’s do more exercise2.擅长于英语和数学be good at English and Maths3.体育方面做得不好don’t do well in PE4.想要做的更好want to do better5.帮助我做功课help me with my lessons6.跑得比我快run faster than me 8.别担心Don’t worry7.我们班的一些同学some of the students in my class 13.在周末at weekends9.每天起床更早get up earlier every day10.早晨跑步到学校jog to school in the morning 11.放学后做球类运动play ball games after school12.与其他的男生一样强壮as strong as the other boys14.写出你所看到的write what you see 15.很多的乐趣a lot of fun16.上他们的英语课have their English lesson17.这节课的新单词the new words for the class18.穿着红白相间的短裤in red and white shorts二.句子1.他想做的更好,但不知道该怎样做.He wants to do better, but doesn’t know how.2.他正在和他的爸爸妈妈谈论这件事.-He is talking to his dad and mum about it.3.你怎么啦? What’s the matter with you?4.我体育方面做得不好.I’m not doing well in PE.5.Ben 跑得比我快.Mike跑得和Ben一样快,他还是个好的足球运动员.Ben runs faster than me. Mike runs as fast as Ben, and he is a good football player too6.我想你跳得比她更高.I think you jump higher than her.7.我跳得比我们班的大多数女生更高.I jump higher than most of the girls in my class.8.但是我的朋友们游得比我快.But my friends swim faster than me.9.我喜欢做眼保健操。

六年级第二学期牛津英语知识点梳理Unit One Great cities in Asia打*的知识点仅供参考知识点梳理:I 词组1. at an exhibition 在展览会上2. the capital of China 中国的首都3. north-east of Shanghai 在上海东北面east/ west/ south / north of 在……的东、西、南、北面north-east /north-west of 在……的东北、西北south-east /south- west of 在……东南,西南* in/on/to the east ofeg. Shanghai is in the east of China.Korea is on the east of China.Japan is to the east of China.3. how far 多远4. how 如何/怎样5. how long 多久6. in the past 在过去7. other places 其他城市8. from shanghai to Beijing 从上海到北京9. read some information about Beijing 阅读关于北京的信息10. the Great Wall 长城* the Summer Palace 颐和园* the Palace Museum 故宫博物院11. more than= over 超过* less than = under 少于12. 15 million people 一千五百万人*millions of, thousands of13. huge department store 大型百货公司*huge= very big14. spicy food 辣的食物15. in Asia 在亚洲16. great cities= big cities 大城市17. which city 哪个城市18. by plane=by air; 乘飞机by ship=by sea; 乘船by train/ ferry 乘火车/ 渡轮19. That’s right. 对的。

上海牛津英语六年级下6B期末考试作文1.Write a short passage of at least 50 words on the topic “Travelling in Shanghai”Suggested questions:How do people travel in Shanghai nowadays?What is your favourite way of travelling? Why?What will travelling be like in Shanghai in the future?How will people travel in the future?Nowadays most of people travel in Shanghai by underground or by car. My favourite way of travelling is taking an underground because it’s cheaper and faster. I think travelling in Shanghai will be more convenient. There will be more underground station s and flyover s in the future. Perhaps more people will travel by underground, so the air will be fresh(新鲜的). In a word, I think the travelling in Shanghai will become better and better.2.Write at least five sentences according to the topic “Travelling in Shanghai”. The following questions may help you.How did people go from Puxi to Pudong years ago?How do people go from Puxi to Pudong nowadays?What will happen to the travelling in Shanghai in the future?范文1:People went from Puxi to Pudong by ferry years ago. It took them about 30 minutes. Nowadays people go from Puxi to Pudong by car or by undergro und. It’s faster and more convenient. Perhaps none of the people will travel by ferry. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams in the future and the air will be fresh.To sum up,I think the travelling in Shanghai will become better and better.范文2:Shanghai is an international city. In the past, people travelled from Puxi to Pudong by ferry. It took people about 30 minutes. Nowadays, people don’t have to travel by ferry. They can take an underground to travel from Puxi to Pudong. Some of the people will travel by car in Shanghai. Perhaps there will be more flyovers and footbridges. In a word, I think Shanghai will be more beautiful and the traffic will be more convenient.3. Write a short passage of at least 50 words on the topic “Saving Water”Suggested questions:What do people use water to do?What will happen if there is no water?How can we save water?Water covers three-quarters of the Earth. Many beautiful and interesting sea animals live in the oceans. At home, people use water to wash their faces or the brush their teeth. At work, cooks in restaurants use water to wash vegetables or to(这个to一定不要忘记) cook food. Water is very important to people. We can save water by fixing dripping taps. What’s more, not playing water games is another way to save water. In a word,/ To sum up, we should try our best to savewater in our daily life.4. Write at least six sentences according to the topic “Forests and our life”. The following questions may help you.★What are forests?★What do forests provide for us?★What do we use wood to do?★How can we save forests? 此文在背诵时请关注名词的单复数Forests are large areas of trees. Forests are very important in our life because they provide shelter and food for animals and people. We use wood to make chairs, furniture and paper. What’s more, people in some countries cook food with wood. Many animals in forests die bec ause they lose their homes and food. It’s time to save forests. We can save forests by stopping cutting down them. In a word,/ To sum up, everyone should try his best to protect(保护)forests.5. Write at least five sentences according to the topic “The school life in spring”.The school life in spring is very interesting. All students wear spring uniforms. We can see many beautiful flowers in the school garden. We often have a walk in the garden after school. Many students like playing football and basketball in the playground because the weather is comfortable. In a word, I think our school life in spring makes us feel happy.6.What may happen when there is a typhoon?Typhoon is a very strong wind. When it is coming, heavy objects may fall on cars in the street, so before typhoon is coming, we should take heavy objects inside our flats. Typhoon may blow away flower pots outside people’s flat, so we should take flo wer pots into our flat before typhoon comes. Typhoon may break windows, so we should close all windows. Big waves in the sea may sink ship and boat, so fishing boat should stay in typhoon shelters. I think we must learn some safety rules(安全守则) to keep us safe when there is a typhoon.7.Water is very important.Almost three quarters of the Earth is water. But we can only use a little. At home, we use water to wash our hands. We use water to drink. We use water to water the flowers. At work. Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to water the crops and vegetables. Factory workers use water to make things. And we use water to do many other things. Water is very important to all people and animals. If there’s no water. We’ll die. But some people pollute the water. We have no clean water to use. So we must stop polluting the water. We must protect the water.。
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牛津小学英语上海六年级下6BModule 1 The natural elements模块1 大自然的力量Unit 1 Fire单元一火Look and learnfire火raw(meat) 生肉(肉)cooked(meat) 煮[烹]熟的(肉)cook 烹调Look and readBen's barbecue本吃烤烧肉的野餐1. Here you are, Kitty. Have a chicken wing. Thanks, Ben. It smells nice.2. How does it taste? It isn't nice. Look, it's raw. I don't like raw meat.3. Many people don't like raw meat. I'll cook your chicken wing some more. Thanks, Ben.Do you know who cooked food first? I'm sorry, I don't know.Read a storyKitty is reading a history book in the library. It tells her about the first people on earth.cave洞穴heat 热度light日光berries浆果fire 火1 Millions of years ago, people lived in caves. 数百万年以前,人们生活在洞。
2 The people had fire. It gave them heat and light. 人们有火。
3 The Stone Age family had a fire in their cave. 石器时代家庭在他们的洞里有一场火灾,but they did not cook their food. It was raw.但是他们没煮他们的食品。
The mother gave her son some berries. He ate them.母亲给她的儿子一些浆果。
4 I'm still hungry. 我仍然饥饿。
Have some meat.吃一些肉。
The father gave the boy some raw meat.父亲给男孩一些生的肉。
5 I don't meat. 我做并非肉。
The fire cooked the meat.火煮肉。
6 You are a bad boy. Eat this meat.你是一个坏孩子。
His father took the meat from the fire.他的父亲接受火的肉。
He gave it to the boy.他把它给男孩。
7 I like meat. It tastes nice! 我喜欢肉。
它尝起来好!The boy tasted the meat. It tasted nice.男孩品尝肉。
He ate the cooked meat.他吃被煮的肉。
After that, the Stone Age family always cooked their food on the fire.在那之后,石器时代家庭总是在火上煮他们的食品。
Think and readToday, we cook with....今天,我们做饭用 ....1 I like charcoal better than gas. The food tastes nicer.与气体相比较,我更喜欢炭。
Ben likes barbecues. He likes to cook with charcoal. 本喜欢烧烤。
2 I like wood better than gas. It's cheaper.与气体相比较,我更喜欢木头。
Grandma Wang lives in a village. She cooks with wood.奶奶王居住在一个村庄。
她用木头做饭3 I like gas. It's quicker. 我喜欢气体。
Which do you like better? 你更喜欢哪个?At home, Kitty cooks with gas. 在家里,基蒂用气体做饭。
4 I like electricity better than gas. It's cleaner. 与气体相比较,我更喜欢电。
Alice cooks with electricity. 艾丽丝用电做饭。
Look and readThe television news电视新闻1 Good evening. Today, there was a fire in North Country Park.晚上好。
The fire danger was high. 火危险是高的。
2 Helicopters dropped water on the fire. 直升飞机把水掉在火上。
3 Firemen fought the fire for 10 hours.消防队员跟火作战10个小时。
4 How did the fire start? 火怎样开始?I don't know. The grass and trees are very dry.我不知道。
Many things can start a fire.很多事情能开始一场火灾。
5 Cigarettes, camp-fires and barbecues can all start a fire in the countryside.香烟,营火和烧烤全部能开始一燃烧在那些农村内。
Look and readMark's father is a fireman. 马克的父亲是一名消防队员。
He comes to school to talk about fire-safety. 他来学校谈论火安全。
Good morning, girls and boys. 早上好,女孩和男孩。
Today, I'm going to talk about fire-safety. 今天,我将要谈论火安全。
Fires can start in the countryside, in schools and at our homes.火灾能在农村开始,在学校和在我们的家。
People usually start fires.人们通常开始火灾。
We must be careful. We must not start fires. Look at this poster.我们非常小心。
When the fire danger is high, ....当火危险是高的时, ....In the countryside在农村Don't smoke! No camp-fires! 不要抽烟!没有营火!No barbecues! Put your rubbish in the bin.没有烧烤!把你的垃圾放进箱子。
At home在家里Don't smoke!不要抽烟!Don't cook without an adult!没有一个成年人,不要煮!Don't play with matches! 不要玩火柴!Don't play near a fire! 不要在一场火灾附近玩!Look, read and thinkListen! Can you hear the fire bell?听!你听到这个火警钟Don't run out of the classroom!不要从教室跑出去!Don't shout!不要大叫!Don't pack your school bag!不要塞满你的学校袋!Don't run in the playground!不要在运动场运转!Don't push your classmates!不要推你的同班同学!Don't go home!不要回家!Tommy Target汤米目标He/She cooks with...他/她做饭用 ... I cook with...我做饭用 ...We must...我们必须... We must not...我们不可 ...cook---cooked烹调煮[烹]熟的live---lived活的活的like---liked喜欢喜欢taste---tasted品尝品尝drop---dropped落下落下am/is---was是/是是read---read读读eat---ate吃落下give---gave给给take---took拿拿fight---fought打架打架have---had有有throw---threw投投Unit 2 Air 单元二空气Read a poemAir空气Air has no smell. Air has no taste.空气没有嗅觉。
But when the wind blows, You feel it on your face.但是风刮,你在脸表面上感觉到它。
Look at a kite, Or a plane in the air.看这风筝,或者在空中的一架飞机。
How do they stay there? They ride on air.他们怎样停留在那里?他们乘坐空气。
How does a balloon Rise in the air, and lift people up?一个气球怎样在空中上升,并且向上提起人?It uses hot air. 它使用热空气。
We need air to breathe. 我们需要空气呼吸。
We need air to survive. 我们需要空气幸存。
And when we breathe it, it keeps us alive. 并且我们说出它,它保持我们活着。
Look and readWhat's the matter, Kitty? 什么是事情,基蒂?Why are you crying? 你为什么哭?I'm not crying. My eyes hurt. 我没有哭。