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Module 1 The natural elements模块1 大自然的力量

Unit 1 Fire单元一火

Look and learn

fire火raw(meat) 生肉(肉)cooked(meat) 煮[烹]熟的(肉)cook 烹调

Look and read

Ben's barbecue本吃烤烧肉的野餐

1. Here you are, Kitty. Have a chicken wing. Thanks, Ben. It smells nice.

2. How does it taste? It isn't nice. Look, it's raw. I don't like raw meat.

3. Many people don't like raw meat. I'll cook your chicken wing some more. Thanks, Ben.

Do you know who cooked food first? I'm sorry, I don't know.

Read a story

Kitty is reading a history book in the library. It tells her about the first people on earth.

cave洞穴heat 热度light日光berries浆果fire 火

1 Millions of years ago, people lived in caves. 数百万年以前,人们生活在洞。

2 The people had fire. It gave them heat and light. 人们有火。它给他们光和热。

3 The Stone Age family had a fire in their cave. 石器时代家庭在他们的洞里有一场火灾,

but they did not cook their food. It was raw.但是他们没煮他们的食品。它是未加工的。

The mother gave her son some berries. He ate them.母亲给她的儿子一些浆果。他吃他们。

4 I'm still hungry. 我仍然饥饿。

Have some meat.吃一些肉。

The father gave the boy some raw meat.父亲给男孩一些生的肉。

5 I don't meat. 我做并非肉。男孩把肉投入火。The fire cooked the meat.火煮肉。

6 You are a bad boy. Eat this meat.你是一个坏孩子。吃这肉。

His father took the meat from the fire.他的父亲接受火的肉。

He gave it to the boy.他把它给男孩。

7 I like meat. It tastes nice! 我喜欢肉。它尝起来好!

The boy tasted the meat. It tasted nice.男孩品尝肉。它尝起来好。

He ate the cooked meat.他吃被煮的肉。

After that, the Stone Age family always cooked their food on the fire.


Think and read

Today, we cook with....今天,我们做饭用 ....

1 I like charcoal better than gas. The food tastes nicer.


Ben likes barbecues. He likes to cook with charcoal. 本喜欢烧烤。他喜欢用炭做饭。

2 I like wood better than gas. It's cheaper.与气体相比较,我更喜欢木头。它更便宜。

Grandma Wang lives in a village. She cooks with wood.奶奶王居住在一个村庄。她用木头做饭

3 I like gas. It's quicker. 我喜欢气体。它更迅速。

Which do you like better? 你更喜欢哪个?

At home, Kitty cooks with gas. 在家里,基蒂用气体做饭。

4 I like electricity better than gas. It's cleaner. 与气体相比较,我更喜欢电。是清洁工。

Alice cooks with electricity. 艾丽丝用电做饭。

Look and read

The television news电视新闻

1 Good evening. Today, there was a fire in North Country Park.


The fire danger was high. 火危险是高的。

2 Helicopters dropped water on the fire. 直升飞机把水掉在火上。

3 Firemen fought the fire for 10 hours.消防队员跟火作战10个小时。

4 How did the fire start? 火怎样开始?

I don't know. The grass and trees are very dry.我不知道。草和树非常干燥。

Many things can start a fire.很多事情能开始一场火灾。

5 Cigarettes, camp-fires and barbecues can all start a fire in the countryside.


Look and read

Mark's father is a fireman. 马克的父亲是一名消防队员。

He comes to school to talk about fire-safety. 他来学校谈论火安全。

Good morning, girls and boys. 早上好,女孩和男孩。

Today, I'm going to talk about fire-safety. 今天,我将要谈论火安全。

Fires can start in the countryside, in schools and at our homes.


People usually start fires.人们通常开始火灾。

We must be careful. We must not start fires. Look at this poster.


When the fire danger is high, ....当火危险是高的时, ....

In the countryside在农村

Don't smoke! No camp-fires! 不要抽烟!没有营火!

No barbecues! Put your rubbish in the bin.没有烧烤!把你的垃圾放进箱子。

At home在家里

Don't smoke!不要抽烟!Don't cook without an adult!没有一个成年人,不要煮!

Don't play with matches! 不要玩火柴!Don't play near a fire! 不要在一场火灾附近玩!Look, read and think

Listen! Can you hear the fire bell?听!你听到这个火警钟

Don't run out of the classroom!不要从教室跑出去!

Don't shout!不要大叫!

Don't pack your school bag!不要塞满你的学校袋!

Don't run in the playground!不要在运动场运转!

Don't push your classmates!不要推你的同班同学!

Don't go home!不要回家!

Tommy Target汤米目标

He/She cooks with...他/她做饭用 ... I cook with...我做饭用 ...

We must...我们必须... We must not...我们不可 ...




Unit 2 Air 单元二空气

Read a poem

