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1、向某人求助ask sb for help

2、和某人会话have conversations with sb

3、作报告give a report

4、口语技能speaking skills

4、抓住主要意思get the main ideas6、一个一个词的读read

word by word

7、起初at first 8、不敢干某事be afraid to do sth

9、因为because of 10、爱上fall in love with

11、查字典look up ---in the dictionary 12、口语spoken English 13、在语法上犯错误make mistakes in grammar 14、写作练习wring practice

15、练习说英语practice speaking English 16、注意、关注pay attention to

17、把----和----连接/联系起来connect-----with 18、普遍的,共同的in common

19、出生be born (in/on) 20、----的秘密the secret of

21、依赖depend on 22、产生兴趣create an interest in


1、回来/去be/go back

2、在外面吃eat out

2、发胖、增加put on 4、两周后in two weeks

5、与-----相似be similar to


6、冲走,冲洗掉wash away 8、是----的形状in the shape of

9射下shoot down 10、飞上fly up to

11、对着---喊出call out ----to--12、摆开、布置lay out

13、赏月admire the moon 14、和----分享share----with----

15、结果as a result 16、打扮、装扮dress up

17、关掉turn off 18、捉弄某人play s trick on

19、了解learn about 20、点蜡烛light candles

21、最后成为,最后处于end up 22、关心,在意care about 25、处于需求中in need 26、圣诞精神the spirit of Christmas 27、想到,想起think of 28、在这两天on these days

29、试穿try on 30、试验try out


1、在你右边on your right

2、向左拐turn left

2、路过go/walk past 4、到三楼go to the third floor

5、被用在be used in

6、动物世界Animal World

7、过来come on 8、起初,开始at first

9、走到------跟前walk up to 10、去---的拐角go to the corner of 11、吃(东西)的地方a place to eat 12、询问方向/方位request for direction

13、依赖depend on 14、导入lead in to

15、导致lead to 16、停车场a parking lot

17、在不同情况下in different situation 18、任何其他语言any other


19、买一些邮票buy some stamps 20、在银行旁边beside the bank


1、加入-----队on the ----team

2、有时,时常from time to time

2、在-----上取得好成绩get good grades in/get good score on

4、过去常常used to

5、对-----感兴趣be interested in

6、处理deal with

7、从事take up 8、小心,注意be care about

9、闲逛hang out 10、不再not---any more

11、放弃give up 12、有能力并愿意/准备be prepared to

13、出现在----面前appear to 14、少量的a small number of

15、大量的a large number 16、----的数量the number of

17、成功make it 18、加入足球队on the soccer team

19、担心worry about 20、一直all the time

21、----怎么样what about---22、放学后after school

23、在过去in the past 24、为----感到自豪be proud of/take pride in 25、亲自in person 26、令人吃惊的是to one’s surprise

27、即使,尽管even though 28、照顾take care of

31、感到自信feel good about oneself 32、浪费时间waste one’s time 29、搬走move away 30、更加注意pay more attention to

33、给-----惹麻烦cause trouble for 34、做决定make a dicision
