


A.In a library.
B.In a hospital.
C.At a bank.
D.In a store.
(11~13/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.
Where is the Bank of English created?
A.At the University of Buckingham.
B.At the Oxford University.
C.At the Cambridge University.
D.At the University of Birmingham.
C.The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.
D.The homework assignment isn´t clear.
What does the man mean?



2015年12月P a r t IS e c t i o nA1敭W敽H e l l o敩C u s t o m e r s S e r v i c e敭W h a t c a n I d o f o r y o u斂M敽I c a l l e d t oc o m p l a i na b o u t t h e d e l i v e r y o fm y o r d e r l a s tw e e k敩b u t I h a v e n’t g o t a n y r e p l y y e t敭Q敽W h a t d i d t h em a nc o m p l a i na b o u t l a s tw e e k斂【答案】C㊂事实细节题㊂此题询问男士上周投诉过的问题㊂从男士的话 我上周曾经致电你们投诉有关我的订单的送货情况”,可知本题应选择与对话原文一致的C项T h ed e l i v e r y o fh i s o r d e r敤他的订单的送货情况)㊂2.M敽I a mab i tw o r r i e da b o u t t o m o r r o w’s i n t e r v i e w敭W敽D o n’t b eu p s e t敭Y o ua r ea l w a y s v e r yg o o d敗Q敽W h a t i s t h em a nw o r r i e da b o u t斂【答案】B㊂事实细节题㊂本题询问男士担心什么㊂男士一开头就说他 担心明天的面试”,只要抓住关键词i n t e r v i e w即可发现B项T a k i n g a n i n t e r v i e w敤要去面试)为本题答案㊂3.W敽M a n yp e o p l ea r e c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t t h a t r e s t a u r a n t敭T h e f o o d i s e x p e n s i v ea n d i s n’t g o o d敭M敽I s o m e t i m e s g o t h e r e f o r l u n c h敭A f t e r a l l敩i t’s t h en e a r e s t o n e f r o mo u r o f f i c e敭Q敽W h y d o e s t h em a n s o m e t i m e s g o t oe a t i n t h e r e s t a u r a n t斂【答案】C㊂细节推断题㊂本题询问男士去那家餐厅就餐的原因㊂根据男士所说 毕竟那儿离我们的办公室最近”可确认本题应选择与对话意思相近的C项I t i s c l o s e t oh i so f f i c e敤离他的办公室很近),C项中的c l o s e和对话原文中的n e a r是近义词㊂4.W敽M r敭S m i t h敩h o ws h a l lw ed e l i v e r y o u r g o o d s敩b y s e ao r b y a i r斂M敽W e l l敩I p r e f e r d e l i v e r i n g t h e mb y t r a i n敭Q敽H o wd o e s t h em a n l i k e t h e g o o d s t ob ed e l i v e r e d斂【答案】C㊂事实细节题㊂本题询问男士想要选择什么送货方式㊂对话中男士说的d e l i v e r i n g b y t r a i n敤通过火车)表明他选择的送货途径应该是C项B y t r a i n㊂5.W敽S o r r y敭A l l s i n g l e r o o m s h a v eb e e nb o o k e d敭W eo n l y h a v ed o u b l e r o o m s a v a i l a b l e敭M敽T h e n I’l l h a v e t w od o u b l e r o o m s f o r t h r e en i g h t s敭Q敽W h a t i s t h em a nd o i n g斂【答案】D㊂推理判断㊂由对话中双方提到的s i n g l e r o o m s敤单人间),d o u b l e r o o m s敤双人间)等可以推断本题与预订酒店房间有关,此时可以判断男士在做的就是D项B o o k i n g h o t e l r o o m s敤预订酒店房间)㊂S e c t i o nBC o n v e r s a t i o n1M敽H e l l o敩M s敭L i敭I h a v e g o o dn e w s f o r y o u敭W敽G o o dn e w s斂W h a t i s i t斂M敽Y o u r s h o e s a t t h e t r a d e f a i rh a v e i m p r e s s e du s敭W e’r e t h i n k i n g o f p l a c i n g a no r d e rw i t h y o u敭W敽T h a t’s g r e a t敗W h a t t y p eo f s h o e s a r e y o u i n t e r e s t e d i n斂M敽S p o r t s s h o e s敩p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e s h o e s f o rk i d s敭W敽O K敭Iw i l l e m a i l y o u t h e l a t e s t p r i c e l i s t r i g h t n o w敭M敽T h a t’s f i n e敭W敽B y t h ew a y敩i f y o u r o r d e r i s l a r g e e n o u g h敩y o u c a nh a v ead i s c o u n t敭M敽T h a n k y o u敭6敭W h a t i s t h em a n l i k e l y t od o斂【答案】D㊂题目询问男士将可能做什么㊂对于这个问题,男士在对话中提到了 我们想要下订单”, D项P l a c ea no r d e rw i t h t h ew o m a n与此内容对应,为本题答案㊂7.W h a tw i l l t h ew o m a n s e n d t o t h em a n斂【答案】B㊂题目询问女士将要给男士发送什么㊂女士在对话中说到 我马上把最新报价单通过电子邮件发给您”,其中的 报价单”与B项的p r i c e l i s t对应,故B项为正确答案㊂C o n v e r s a t i o n2W敽H i敩t h i s i sR o o m566敭M敽Y e s敩M a d a m敭H o wc a n I h e l py o u斂W敽C o u l d y o ub o o ka t a x i f o rm e t o t h ea i r p o r t t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g斂M敽S u r e敭W h a t t i m ed o y o uw a n t t h e t a x i斂W敽M y f l i g h t i s a t8敽30敭W h a t t i m ed o y o u t h i n k I s h o u l d l e a v e斂M敽7o’c l o c k敭I t t a k e s o n l y30m i n u t e s f r o mo u rh o t e l t o t h ea i r p o r t敭W敽T h e nb o o ka t a x i a t7f o rm e敩p l e a s e敭M敽A l r i g h t敭T h eb o o k i n g w i l l b em a d e r i g h t a w a y敭W敽T h a n k y o u敭A n d p l e a s em a k e s u r e t h e t a x i a r r i v e s b y7敭M敽N o p r o b l e m敭W e’l l t a k e c a r eo f t h a t敭8敭W h e r ed i d t h e c o n v e r s a t i o nm o s t l i k e l y t a k e p l a c e斂【答案】A㊂本题询问对话最可能发生在哪里㊂对话一开头女士所说的房号R o o m566就透露了对话发生在酒店住客和前台之间,即发生在酒店里,可见本题答案应为A项a t ah o t e l㊂9.W h y d i d t h ew o m a nm a k e t h e c a l l斂【答案】B㊂题目询问女士为什么打电话㊂女士一开头报完房号后,马上就提到了她致电前台的目的, 预订明早去机场的出租车”,B项T ob o o ka t a x i敤预订出租车)为本题答案㊂10.A tw h a t t i m ew a s t h ew o m a nm o s t l i k e l y t o l e a v e t h eh o t e l t h en e x tm o r n i n g斂【答案】A㊂题目询问女士明早最可能几点钟离开酒店㊂对话中提到了几个时间点,女士的航班是8:30,从酒店去机场只需30分钟,所以前台建议女士7点从酒店出发就可以了,而女士也听从这个建议,决定7点搭乘出租车离开酒店,可见,本题应选A项B y7敽00㊂S e c t i o nCA n i n t e r v i e w e r s o m e t i m e s s t a r t sw i t ha no p e n-e n d e d q u e s t i o n l i k e“C o u l d y o ut e l lm es o m e t h i n g a b o u t y o u r s e l f斂敘I t i s aw a y t ob r e a k t h e i c e a n dm a k e y o u f e e l c o m f o r t a b l ed u r i n g t h e i n t e r v i e w敭I t i s a l s oaw a y f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w e r t ok n o w m o r e a b o u t y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y t oh e l p h i mo r h e r t od e c i d e i f y o u a r ea g o o d f i t f o r t h e j o b敭I t i s n o t a g o o d i d e a t o t a l k t o om u c ha b o u t y o u r s e l f b e c a u s e t h e i n t e r v i e w e r d o e s n’tw a n t t ok n o w e v e r y t h i n g a b o u t y o u敭B u t o n t h eo t h e rh a n d敩t e l l i n g t o o l i t t l ec a n m a k eh i mo rh e rw o n d e rw h yy o u a r e n’tm o r eo p e n敭S o i t’s a g o o d i d e a t o s h a r e s o m e p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s敭T h e s e i n t e r e s t sm a y n o t r e l a t et o y o u rw o r k敭11敭【答案】c o m f o r t a b l e【解析】空格前f e e l为系动词,后面常用形容词作表语,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c o m f o r t a b l e敩意为 舒适的”㊂12.【答案】d e c i d e【解析】空格前有动词不定式标志t o敩故空格处应填入动词原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入d e c i d e敩意为 决定”㊂13.【答案】t o o l i t t l e【解析】短文提到,申请者自己介绍自己过多并不好,根据空格前B u to nt h eo t h e rh a n d的表述可知,说得太少也不合适㊂结合听力知此处应填入t o o l i t t l e敩意为 太少”㊂14.【答案】p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s【解析】空格前有s h a r e动词,此处应填入名词或名词短语作宾语,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s敩意为 个人爱好”㊂15.【答案】r e l a t e t o【解析】由空格前的m a y一词可知,此处应填入动词原形或动词短语原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入r e l a t e t o敩意为 与 有关”㊂S e c t i o nDG o o da f t e r n o o n敩L a d i e s a n dG e n t l e m e n敗W e l c o m e t oo u r c o m p a n y敩F a m i l y D o l l a r敭T o d a y I’l l f i r s t g i v e y o uab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o na b o u t o u r c o m p a n y敭T h e n I’l l d i s c u s sw i t h y o uw h a t j o b s a r ea v a i l a b l ea t p r e s e n t a n dh o wt oa p p l y f o r t h e m敭F a m i l y D o l l a r i s ac h a i no f s t o r e s t h a to p e r a t ew i t h i nt h eU n i t e dS t a t e s敭O u rm a i n p r o d u c t sa r e c l o t h i n g敩f o o d i t e m s敩a n dh o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s敭W eh a v eb e e n i nb u s i n e s s f o rm o r e t h a n50y e a r sa n d b e c o m eal a r g ec o m p a n y敭W ea r ea l w a y s l o o k i n g f o rt a l e n t e d y o u n gp e o p l e敩w i t hr e l a t e d w o r k i n g e x p e r i e n c e t o j o i no u r t e a m敭Y o um a y w o n d e rw h e r et of i n d j o bo p e n i n g sa tF a m i l y D o l l a r敭T h e m o s to b v i o u s p l a c ei so u r w e b s i t e敭I f y o ua r e i n t e r e s t e d敩y o u c a nv i s i t o u rw e b s i t ea n dm a k e y o u r a p p l i c a t i o no n l i n e敭16敭【答案】ab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n敮a n i n t r o d u c t i o n【解析】题目询问说话人一开始要谈什么㊂短文开头说话人就点明了I’l l f i r s t g i v e y o uab r i e fi n t r o d u c t i o n敩故空格可根据录音直接填人ab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n或概括为a n i n t r o d u c t i o n㊂17.【答案】f o o d i t e m s【解析】题目询问公司的主要产品有哪些㊂抓住空格前后的c l o t h i n g和h o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s去听原文,在上下文就能听到答案f o o d i t e m s㊂18.【答案】50y e a r s【解析】题目询问该公司已开业多久㊂题目的h o wl o n g提示答案应该是表示 多久”的一个数字㊂原文提到的数字就只有一个m o r e t h a n50y e a r s敩可见此处应填入50y e a r s㊂19.【答案】w e b s i t e【解析】题目询问在哪里可以找到有关 家庭财富”公司的职位空缺的信息㊂题目的问题也是说话人自己提出的问题(Y o um a y w o n d e rw h e r e t o…敥敩他在提出了这个问题之后自问自答,马上提供了答案:T h em o s t o b v i o u s p l a c e i so u rw e b s i t e敭表明在其 网站”就能找到相关信息,因此,空格处应填入w e b s i t e一词㊂20.【答案】o n l i n e敮o n t h ew e b s i t e敮o n i t sw e b s i t e【解析】题目询问申请工作职位的途径㊂短文末尾提到m a k e y o u ra p p l i c a t i o no n l i n e敩故空格可根据录音直接填入o n l i n e 词,或者表达相近意思的o n t h ew e b s i t e或o n i t sw e b s i t e㊂P a r tⅡS e c t i o nA21敭【答案】B【解析】本题考查分词作状语的用法㊂本题开头提到的i n v e s t i g a t i o n敤调查)和主句当中提到的 委员会发表事故原因的报告”存在着时间的先后顺序,一般来说,要先调查,才能下结论发表报告,因此,状语的分词应为现在完成式,表示 调查”发生在前,可见本题答案为B项H a v i n g c o m p l e t e d㊂本句意为 完成调查之后,调查小组发表报告公布了事故的起因㊂”22.【答案】D【解析】本题考査s u f f e r f r o m…的词组搭配㊂当s u f f e r用作不及物动词的时候,一般只和介词f r o m 搭配,构成固定词组s u f f e r f r o m…敩意为 遭受 ”㊂本句意为 报告指出,一半以上的女性正在工作场所受到二手烟的危害㊂”23.【答案】A【解析】本题考査引出让步状语从句的连词用法㊂本题四个选项都可用于引出让步状语从句,其中A 项h o w e v e r意为 无论怎么 ”,表示程度,其后一般为形容词或副词㊂本题空格后的c h a l l e n g i n g为形容词,因此A项h o w e v e r正确㊂本句意为 我们的目标是满足客户的需求,无论他们的需求多么具有挑战性㊂”24.【答案】D【解析】本题考査倒装句的用法㊂o n l y放在句子开头会引起句子的主谓倒装,o n l y引起的倒装句为半倒装句,即助动词与主语的倒装,符合这个规律的有B项h a sh e l e f t和D项d i d t h eh a v e敩再根据题目中的时间状语从句的提示可以知道主句应为一般过去时,两点结合可确定本题答案为D项d i dh e l e a v e㊂本句意为 秘书在看到火车消失后才离开车站㊂”25.【答案】B【解析】本题考査与过去事实相反的虚拟语气句㊂根据条件从句引导词I f和从句时态h a dw o r k e d就可推断本句陈述的是与 过去”事实相反,在这样的虚拟语气句的主句中,动词时态应为w o u l dh a v ed o n e敩故本题应选B项w o u l dh a v e f i n i s h e d㊂本句意为 如果他们能够更努力一点,就会提前完成项目了㊂”26.【答案】D【解析】本题考査非限制性定语从句的引导词㊂空格前的逗号表明空格应为非限制性定语从句的引导词,而且该引导词代指的是主句整句的内容,在四个选项中,只有D项w h i c h能引导这样的非限制性定语从句㊂本句意为 公司决定赞助这个可以提升自己形象的展览会㊂”27.【答案】C【解析】本题考查并列连词n e i t h e r…n o r的用法㊂n e i t h e r…n o r总是一起出现,意为 既不 也不 ”㊂本句意为 据说新上任的经理既不灵活,也不好相处㊂”28.【答案】B【解析】本题考查让步状语从句连词㊂从句子前后 工资不高”和 有其他优势”的对比可推断句子开头需要的是表示转折的连词,能表示 虽然 但是 ”意思的有B项W h i l e敩相当于A l t h o u g h㊂U n l e s s引导条件状语从句,A s引导原因或方式状语从句,S i n c e引导时间或原因状语从句,均不符合题意,所以正确答案为B㊂本句意为 尽管工资不会太高,助理护士这份工作确实有其他的一些好处㊂”29.【答案】B【解析】本题考查与i m p a c t搭配的介词㊂当i m p a c t用作名词表示 影响”的时候,与其搭配的介词只能是o n㊂h a v ea n i m p a c t o n…意为 对 产生影响”㊂本句意为 我们包装产品的方式对物流成本有巨大影响㊂”30.【答案】A【解析】本题考査主语从句引导词㊂本题需要的是主语从句的引导词,该引导词在从句当中还代指 让我印象深刻的 事情’敘敩具有这种功能和语义的是A项W h a t㊂本句意为 这个学校让我印象深刻的地方是它支持学生又支持社区㊂”S e c t i o nB31敭【答案】c o o p e r a t i o n【解析】本题考査动词和名词的转化㊂空格前的o u r l o n g-t e r m是定语成分,表明空格应为名词㊂c o o p e r a t e是动词,可通过在其后加上后缀-t i o n敩变成适合本题要求的名词c o o p e r a t i o n㊂本句意为 为了我们的长期合作,我们可能会考虑将价格下降10个百分点㊂”32.【答案】v a l u a b l e【解析】本题考査名词和形容词的转化㊂空格前的s o m e和空格后的名词r e s o u r c e s表明空格应填写形容词㊂v a l u e可用作动词或名词,其对应的形容词形式是v a l u a b l e㊂本句意为 在这里你会找到一些有用的资源帮助你提高沟通技巧㊂”33.【答案】m o r e e f f i c i e n t【解析】本题考査形容词比较级的使用㊂根据空格后的比较级标记词t h a n可以知道空格处应该填写形容词e f f i c i e n t的比较级形式m o r e e f f i c i e n t㊂本句意为 很长一段时间,人们都认为开车比坐飞机更有效率;但是根据新的研究结果,现在已经不是这样了㊂”34.【答案】b e s e n t【解析】本题考査动词的被动形式㊂句子的主语是 报价和样品”,谓语是 发送”,主语和谓语之间应构成被动关系,因为 报价和样品”并没有行为能力㊂句子为一般将来时,只要将给出的单词s e n d变为其被动语态b e s e n t即可㊂本句意为 我方一收到贵方询价,就会马上将报价与样本寄出㊂”35.【答案】r e c e i v i n g【解析】本题考査介词宾语的形式㊂句子开头的A f t e r是表示时间先后顺序的介词,其后应使用名词或动词的-i n g形式,因此只要将提供的动词r e c e i v e改写为r e c e i v i n g即为本题答案㊂本句意为 在收到我方借款后,如果您对自己的体验不满意,请联系我们㊂”P a r tⅢT a s k136敭【答案】C【解析】题干要求査找m a n y s p e a k e r s的想法,题干与全文首句中m a n y s p e a k e r s t h i n kt h a t i f t h e i r i d e a i s s t r o n g基本同义,只要将选项与原文中的t h e i r a u d i e n c ew i l l g e t i t r e a d i l y对比,找出意思相近的就是正确选项㊂C项e a s i l y与原文的关键词r e a d i l y基本同义,C项与原文意思最为接近,为本题正确答案㊂37.【答案】A【解析】根据题干中的关键词f e w e r p o i n t s可定位到第二段第三句,该句指出要点越少,信息就越容易传达清楚:t h eb e t t e r t h em e s s a g e g e t s p a s s e do n敩A项和原文只是句式不同,原文是被动语态,A项则还原了p a s s o n的主动语态,它们的意思相同,故本题答案为A项T o p a s s o n t h em e s s a g e s b e t t e r㊂38.【答案】D【解析】第二段讨论的就是如何才能让介绍的信息简单易懂而且印象深刻,作者就此提到了几条做法,其中D项u s i n g s i m p l ea n d p o w e r f u l d i a g r a m s在该段第六句中提及,为本题答案㊂39.【答案】B【解析】第二段讨论的主要是关于如何才能让介绍的信息简单易懂,也就是如何才能将信息传达给听众,其中一个做法就是降低信息的难度,信息越浅显,就越容易 传达”出去㊂根据这个主要内容,可推断t r a n s f e r在原文也和信息的 传达” 表达”有关,故本题选B项p a s s o n最符合上下文的意思㊂40.【答案】A【解析】本文第一段先指出业务介绍的一些常见问题,第二段则针对这些问题提出解决方法,可见全文主要围绕如何做一场 好的业务介绍”展开,故本题应选A项h o wt o m a k ea ne f f e c t i v eb u s i n e s s p r e s e n t a t i o n㊂T a s k241敭【答案】A【解析】第一段第二句i t b e g a n…描述了 蓝色牛仔裤”公司的起家方式是 把牛仔裤出售给朋友”,A 项s e l l i n g i t s p r o d u c t t o f r i e n d s与此同义,故为本题答案㊂42.【答案】C【解析】在第三段第一句当中,w h i c h引出的定语从句可视为对于o r g a n i c c o t t o n的附加解释,此处指出o r g a n i c c o t t o n就意味着不使用任何化学物(p r o d u c e dw i t h o u t t h eu s eo f a n y c h e m i c a l s敥敩可见,本题应选C项p r o d u c e dw i t h o u t u s i n g c h e m i c a l s㊂43.【答案】C【解析】利用题干中的关键词e n s u r e p r o d u c t q u a l i t y可定位到第三段第三句,该句明确指出公司确保产品质量的方式是r e g u l a r c h e c k s敩C项c h e c k s i t s p r o d u c t s r e g u l a r l y是对此处的同义改写,故为本题答案㊂44.【答案】B【解析】第三段提到供货一旦运抵美国,马上就会转运到我们在洛杉矶的生产和货运伙伴 商品也会从这里发送到各地,最后一句中的I t指的是前面提到的洛杉矶,故B项L o sA n g e l e s为本题答案㊂45.【答案】D【解析】关于公司的 未来”,全文在最后一句末尾有提及:t h ef u t u r el a u n c ho f t h e j e a n-r e c y c l i n g p r o g r a m敩D项中的c a r r y o u t是对原文l a u n c h的近义替换,故D项C a r r y o u t a j e a n-r e c y c l i n g p r o g r a m 是本题答案㊂T a s k346敭【答案】a na c c o u n t【解析】由关键词s t a r t y o u rb u s i n e s s和o p e n定位到原文第二段,指出申请者注册使用该网站的程序㊂空格所在题干出现了o p e n敩对比原文内容可知应填入a na c c o u n t或者a f r e ea c c o u n t㊂47.【答案】y o u r p r i c e s【解析】由关键词s t a r t y o u r b u s i n e s s和s e t定位到原文第二段,考查申请者注册使用该网站的第三个程序㊂空格所在题干出现了s e t敩对比原文内容可知应填入y o u r p r i c e s㊂48.【答案】g r e e t i n g c a r d s【解析】由关键词s e l l和f i n ea r t p r i n t s定位到原文第三段㊂该段提到,你可以立刻将艺术图片以及贺卡卖给全世界的艺术品收藏者㊂空格所在题干出现了s e l l y o u r f i n ea r t p r i n t s a n d敩由此确定本题应填入g r e e t i n g c a r d s㊂49.【答案】5m i l l i o n【解析】由关键词v i s i t o r s㊁o v e r和m o n t h l y定位到第四段㊂该段指出,每个月有超过五百万的网民浏览该网页并购买艺术品㊂对比原文和关键词可知,此空格处应填入5m i l l i o n㊂50.【答案】m a r k e t i n g f e a t u r e s【解析】由关键词g e n e r a t e s a l e s和p r o v i d e p o w e r f u l a n du n i q u e定位到第六段,考查网站为促进销量提供的服务㊂对比原文内容和关键词可知,此空格处应填入m a r k e t i n g f e a t u r e s㊂T a s k451敭【答案】K敩Q52敭【答案】D敩A53敭【答案】F敩M54敭【答案】I敩N55敭【答案】J敩LA B e a rm a r k e t熊市B B u l lm a r k e t牛市C C l o s i n gp r i c e收盘价D O p e n i n gp r i c e开盘价E P r i m a r y m a r k e t 级市场F S e c o n d a r y m a r k e t二级市场G I n d i v i d u a l i n v e s t o r个人投资者H A n n u a l r e p o r t年报I C a s hf l o w资金流J E a r n i n g s p e r s h a r e每股收益K P r i c e p e r s h a r e每股股价L M a r k e t v a l u e市场价值M V o l u m eo f t r a d i n g交易量N O r d i n a r y s h a r e普通股O C o m p o s i t e I n d e x综合指数P A c c o u n t b a l a n c e账户明细Q A n n u a l r e t u r n年回报T a s k556敭【答案】p h o n e c a l l s【解析】意为 在过去,如果要找一家酒店,人们要不断地打电话”㊂57.【答案】t r a v e l d e s t i n a t i o n【解析】意为 找到喜欢的酒店预订网站之后,人们只要输入他们的旅行目的地㊁出游时间和出游人数即可”㊂58.【答案】g u e s t s c o r e s【解析】即 网上的酒店是按星级㊁住客评分或价格排列的”㊂59.【答案】r a t i n g【解析】即 如果觉得酒店星级最重要,人们该按星级对其排列分类”㊂60.【答案】s i m i l a r【解析】意为 酒店考虑住客评分,是因为他们的经历可能会很相似”㊂P a r tⅣ61敭【答案】C【解析】本句是主从复合句㊂句首的I t是形式主语,真正的主语是t h a t引出的整个主语从句㊂在该主语从句当中,还包含一个由s o…t h a t连接的结果状语从句㊂62.【答案】B【解析】本句是复合句,句子的主干是I t’s…t h a t这一强调句型,里面还包含转折并列成分n o t…b u t敤不是 而是)㊂63.【答案】A【解析】本句是一个简单句,主语是F a i l u r e敩谓语是r e s u l t i n…敩剩下的是两个并列的宾语成分㊂64.【答案】A【解析】本句是一个简单句㊂句子的主语是T h i s m a n u a l敩谓语是c o n t a i n s敩宾语是o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s敩后面的o f…f u n c t i o n s作定语修饰p r o c e d u r e s敩句子还包含一个分词结构a l l o w i n g…敩补充说明 手册”的用途㊂65.【参考译文】我们谨邀请您向第十九届世界企业管理大会提交论文㊂大会将于2016年6月29日至7月2日在法国巴黎召开㊂论文递交截止日期是2016年1月21日㊂本次会议的重点是小型企业管理,这与您的研究领域密切相关㊂如果您需要更多时间准备,请告知我们对您合适的时间㊂如果此时间对我们也合适,我们将会通知您㊂P a r tV【参考范文】I n v i t a t i o nI t i s s c h e d u l e d t h a t o u r c o m p a n y w i l l h o l d aN e wP r o d u c tR e l e a s e o nD e c e m b e r18敩2015a tO r i e n t H o t e l敭W ew i l l d i s p l a y o u rn e w p r o d u c t s敩a n d i n v i t e r e l e v a n t e x p e r t s t om a k e r e p o r t s敭T h e r ew i l l b e a b u s i n e s s d i s c u s s i o na f t e r t h em e e t i n g敭T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r c o o p e r a t i o n f o rm a n yy e a r s敭Y o ua r e c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e d t oa t t e n d t h eR e l e a s e敭P l e a s e r e p l y t oc o n f i r m w h e t h e r y o uw i l l j o i nb e f o r e t h ee n do fN o v e m b e r敭W e l o o kf o r w a r d t o y o u r a t t e n d a n c e敭Y o u r s s i n c e r e l y敩Z h a n g W e iM a r k e t i n g M a n a g e r o fA B CC o m p a n y。



2015年6月P a r t IS e c t i o nA1敭W敽I l o v e t h e c a r敩b u t I’ma f r a i d I c a n’t a f f o r d i t敭M敽I f y o u r e a l l y l i k e i t敩y o u c a nb o r r o w m o n e y f r o mt h eb a n k敭Q敽W h a t d o e s t h em a na d v i s e t h ew o m a n t od o斂【答案】C㊂男士建议女生做什么?男士说 I f y o ur e a l l y l i k e i t敩y o uc a nb o r r o w m o n e y f r o mt h eb a n k敭敘他说女士如果真的喜欢这辆车,可以从银行借钱,故答案选C㊂2.M敽H a v e y o u g o t a j o bw i t h t h e c o m p a n y斂W敽N o敩n o p o s i t i o n i s a v a i l a b l en o w敭Q敽W h y c a n’t t h ew o m a n g e t a j o bw i t h t h e c o m p a n y斂【答案】B㊂为什么女士不能在公司找到工作?女士说 n o p o s i t i o n i s a v a i l a b l en o w敭敘可知公司现在没空缺的职位,故答案选B㊂3.W敽W h a t b e n e f i t s c a n I g e t i f I b e c o m e y o u r c l u bm e m b e r斂M敽Y o u c a ne n j o y a p r i c ed i s c o u n t敭Q敽W h a t b e n e f i t c a n t h e c l u bm e m b e r g e t斂【答案】D㊂俱乐部的会员有什么好处?男士说 Y o uc a ne n j o y a p r i c ed i s c o u n t敭敘可知成为会员会享受价格折扣,故答案选D㊂4.M敽C a n I h e l py o u敩m a d a m斂W敽Y e s敩I b o u g h t aw a s h i n g m a c h i n e i n y o u r s h o p l a s tw e e k敭B u t i t d o e s n’tw o r kn o w敭Q敽W h a t c a nw e l e a r n f r o mt h e c o n v e r s a t i o n斂【答案】C㊂从对话中可以了解到什么?女士说 Ib o u g h ta w a s h i n g m a c h i n ei n y o u rs h o p l a s t w e e k敭B u t i t d o e s n’tw o r kn o w敭敘可知,她上周买的洗衣机现在不能用了,故答案选C㊂5.W敽H e l l o敩m a y Im a k ea na p p o i n t m e n tw i t h y o u rm a n a g e r斂M敽O K敩b u tw h o’s c a l l i n g敩p l e a s e斂Q敽W h y d o e s t h ew o m a nm a k e t h e p h o n e c a l l斂【答案】D㊂女士为什么打电话?女士说 M a y Im a k ea na p p o i n t m e n tw i t h y o u rm a n a g e r斂敘可知她打电话是为了约经理见面,故答案选D㊂S e c t i o nBC o n v e r s a t i o n1M敽G o o dm o r n i n g敩m a y I h e l py o u斂W敽G o o dm o r n i n g敩I n e e d t oc a s h t h i s c h e c k敭M敽C e r t a i n l y敩c o u l d y o u p l e a s e f i l l i n t h i s f o r m敭W敽S u r e敩w h e r e s h o u l d I s i g nm y n a m e斂M敽I n t h i s b o x敩p l e a s e敭D o y o ub r i n gy o u r I Dc a r da n d s a v i n g s a c c o u n t b o o k斂W敽Y e s敩h e r e y o ua r e敭M敽T h a n k y o u敭H o w w o u l d y o u l i k e t oh a v e y o u rm o n e y斂W敽E i g h t n o t e s o f o n eh u n d r e d p l e a s e敭M敽A l r i g h t敩h e r e i s t h em o n e y敩a n d y o u r s a v i n g s b o o k敭W敽T h a n k y o uv e r y m u c h敭6敭W h a t i s t h ew o m a nd o i n g i n t h eb a n k斂【答案】A㊂女士在银行干什么?女士说 In e e dt oc a s ht h i s c h e c k敭敘可知她要将支票兑换成现金,故答案选A㊂7.H o w w o u l d t h ew o m a n l i k e t oh a v eh e rm o n e y斂【答案】B㊂女士想把支票兑成什么样的现金?女士说 E i g h t n o t e s o fo n eh u n d r e d p l e a s e敭敘可知她想要八张100的纸币,故答案选B㊂C o n v e r s a t i o n2W敽W h y d o y o uw a n t t ow o r kw i t ho u r c o m p a n y斂M敽Iw a n t t o g e t am o r e c h a l l e n g i n g j o b敭W敽H o wa b o u t y o u r c u r r e n t j o b斂M敽M y s a l a r y i s n o t b a d敩b u t Iw a n t t oh a v ea t r y o f t h i s c h a n c e敭W敽A l l r i g h t敩h o wd i d y o u g e t t ok n o wa b o u t t h i s j o b斂M敽I r e a da b o u t i t i n t h en e w s p a p e r敭W敽W h y d o y o u t h i n k y o u’r e s u i t a b l e f o r t h i s j o b斂M敽I h a v e f i v e y e a r s’w o r ke x p e r i e n c e i n t h i s f i e l d敭W敽O K敩t h e nh o w m u c h s a l a r y d o y o ue x p e c t f r o mt h i s j o b斂M敽N o l e s s t h a n f i v e t h o u s a n dY u a n p e rm o n t h敭W敽D o y o uh a v ea n yq u e s t i o n s斂M敽N o t a t t h em o m e n t敭W敽R i g h t敩w ew i l l i n f o r m y o uw h e nw eh a v em a d ead e c i s i o n敭M敽T h a n k y o u f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w敭W敽Y o u’r ew e l c o m e敭8敭W h y d i d t h em a na p p l y f o r t h e j o b斂【答案】D㊂为什么男士要申请这份工作?男士说 Iw a n t t o g e t am o r e c h a l l e n g i n g j o b敭敘可知他想要一份更具挑战性的工作,故答案选D㊂9.H o wd i d t h em a nk n o wa b o u t t h e j o b斂【答案】D㊂男士是怎么了解到这份工作的?男士说 I r e a da b o u t i t i n t h en e w s p a p e r敭敘可知男士通过报纸了解到这份工作,故答案选D㊂10.W h y d o e s t h em a n t h i n kh e i s s u i t a b l e f o r t h e j o b斂【答案】A㊂为什么男士认为他适合这项工作?男士说 Ih a v ef i v e y e a r s’w o r ke x p e r i e n c e i nt h i s f i e l d敭敘可知男士在这个领域有5年的工作经验,故答案选A㊂S e c t i o nCB e f o r e I g oo nv a c a t i o n敩I a l w a y s p l a nm y t r i p敭F o r s t a r t e r s敩I u s u a l l y t a k e a l o o ka t t r a v e l g u i d e b o o k s o r g oo n l i n ea n d r e v i e w p o s s i b l ed e s t i n a t i o n s敭T h e n敩I c h e c kt h ec o s t s i n v o l v e d i nt r a v e l l i n g t o t h a t p a r t i c u l a r p l a c e敭I fI’m g o i n g b yp l a n e敩t h e nIh a v et oc o m p a r e p r i c e so na i r f a r ef o rd i f f e r e n t a i r l i n e s敭I f I’mt r a v e l i n g b y t r a i n敩t h e n I h a v e t o l o o k i n t o t r a i n p a s s e s o r t i c k e t s敭I a l s on e e d t o l o c a t e h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s敭F o r t u n a t e l y敩I d o n’tm i n d s t a y i n g a t a c h e a p h o t e l o r am o t e l敭F i n a l l y敩I t r y t o p l a nm o n e y f o rm e a l s a n d o t h e r s i g h t s e e i n g e x p e n s e s敭I f I p l a n c a r e f u l l y敩I u s u a l l y h a v e a g o o d t i m e敭11敭【答案】g oo n l i n e【解析】此处o r连接两个并列的成分,因此空格处应填入动词短语,结合听力知此处应填g oo n l i n e敩意为 上网”㊂12.【答案】c o m p a r e p r i c e s【解析】由句中I h a v e t o可知,空格处应填入动词(词组)原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c o m p a r e p r i c e s敩意为 比较价格”㊂13.【答案】l o o k i n t o【解析】由空格所在位置可以判断,h a v e t o结构后应接动词(词组)原形㊂根据空格处后面出现的 火车票”,再结合听力,可知此处应填入l o o k i n t o敩意为 查找”㊂14.【答案】s t a y i n g【解析】空格前是I d o n’tm i n d敩其后要跟动词-i n g形式,意为 我不介意 ”,且填入的词能与a t搭配,再结合听力,可知此处应填入s t a y i n g㊂15.【答案】c a r e f u l l y【解析】此处需要填入一个副词来修饰动词p l a n㊂结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c a r e f u l l y㊂S e c t i o nDG o o dm o r n i n g敩e v e r y b o d y敭W e l c o m e t oo u rm e e t i n g敭F i r s t o f a l l敩I’d l i k e t o t a l ka b o u t o u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r敭P l e a s e l o o ka t t h e s c r e e n敭F r o mt h i s c h a r t敩y o uc a ns e eo u r s a l e s t h i s y e a rh a v eb e e nv e r y s u c c e s s f u l a n dw eh a v ea l r e a d y a c h i e v e da l l o u r s a l e s t a r g e t s f o r t h e y e a r敭O u r s a l e s p e o p l eh a v eb e e n w o r k i n g v e r y h a r da n d t h ed e p a r t m e n t h a s p e r f o r m e dv e r y w e l l敭W h e nw e t h i n kb a c k t o t h e p r o b l e m s w eh a d l a s t y e a r t h e s u c c e s s i s e s p e c i a l l y p l e a s i n g敭B y t h a t t i m e敩s a l e sw e r e d o w nb y l0%a n d t h i n g s d i d n o t l o o k g o o da t a l l敭W em a d e s o m ed i f f i c u l t d e c i s i o n s a n d s o m e p e o p l ew e r en o t h a p p y w i t ht h e ma t f i r s t敭H o w e v e r敩s i n c e t h e nw e’r eh a p p y t o s a y t h a t p e r f o r m a n c eh a s i m p r o v e d敭16敭【答案】s a l e s【解析】讲话者在会议上首先要谈论什么?由 F i r s t o f a l l敩I’d l i k e t o t a l ka b o u t o u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r敭敘可知讲话者首先要谈论销售情况㊂17.【答案】s u c c e s s f u l【解析】公司今年的销售如何?由 y o u c a n s e eo u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r h a v eb e e nv e r y s u c c e s s f u l敘可知,今年的销售很成功㊂18.【答案】v e r y h a r d【解析】讲话者认为销售人员表现如何?由 O u r s a l e s p e o p l e h a v e b e e nw o r k i n g v e r y h a r d敘可知销售人员工作很努力㊂19.【答案】10%【解析】去年销售下降了多少?由 B y t h a t t i m e敩s a l e sw e r ed o w nb y10%敘可知去年销售下降了10%㊂20.【答案】n o t h a p p y【解析】有些人对于公司的决定持什么态度?由 W em a d e s o m ed i f f i c u l t d e c i s i o n s a n d s o m e p e o p l e w e r en o t h a p p y w i t h t h e ma t f i r s t敭敘可知有些人在一开始对公司的决定不满意㊂P a r tⅡS e c t i o nA21敭【答案】C【解析】本题考查不定式作宾语㊂英语中有些动词只能接不定式作宾语,d e c i d e t od o s t h敭表示 决定做某事”,空格处在d e c i d e d之后,需填入不定式,因此C项t od e l a y正确㊂本句意为 因为突发事故,总经理决定推迟英国之行㊂”22.【答案】C【解析】本题考查t h e s a m e…a s句型㊂空格后的ah o m e l o a nd o e s为主谓结构,根据空格前的t h e s a m e敩应填入比较状语从句的引导词,可确定答案为C项a s“与 一样”㊂本句意为 商用汽车贷款业务的流程和房屋贷款基本一致㊂”23.【答案】B【解析】本题考查非谓语动词作定语㊂本句中空格处连同后面的a t y e s t e r d a y’sm e e t i n g一起作名词s u g g e s t i o n的后置定语,需填入非谓语动词㊂s u g g e s t i o n与m a k e应构成被动的关系,表过去的时间词y e s t e r d a y提示动作已经发生,故应填入过去分词,答案为B项m a d e㊂本句意为 昨天会议上所做的提议似乎并不实用㊂”24.【答案】C【解析】本题考查定语从句引导词㊂杂志的适用人群是人,故需要用表示人的引导词,且该词在从句中作主语,所以填入C项w h o㊂本句意为 ‘国内商业杂志“是一份针对那些有兴趣开办家庭企业的人的主要刊物㊂”25.【答案】C【解析】本题考查部分倒装㊂当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,一般引起部分倒装㊂此外,句中的t h a td a y表示过去的某个时间段,故选C项d i dI r e a l i z e㊂A项I r e a l i z e d和B项Ih a v e r e a l i z e d都没有使用倒装结构,可以首先排除,D项w i l l I r e a l i z e与将来时连用,也不符合题目要求㊂本句意为 直到那天我才意识到在求职面试中举止礼貌的重要性㊂”26.【答案】A【解析】本题考查强调句型㊂强调句的结构是 i t i s敮w a s+被强调部分+t h a t敮w h o…敘㊂如果被强调部分不是 人”,则连接词只能用t h a t㊂本句强调的是表 物”的t h e s e s m a l l d i f f e r e n c e s敤小差异),所以A 项t h a t是正确答案㊂本句意为 正是这些细微的差异最终引领公司取得今天巨大的成功㊂”27.【答案】D【解析】本题考查条件状语从句连词㊂空格所在句是从句,意为 销售团队能制定出新的促销计划”,主句意为 公司很难度过危机”,主从句之间的逻辑相反,故填入的连词应有否定意义㊂D项U n l e s s相当于I f n o t敩意为 除非”,填入后符合语义逻辑㊂本句意为 除非营销团队能制订出新的促销计划,不然公司很难度过这场危机㊂”28.【答案】B【解析】考查动词时态㊂本句是主从复合句,w h e n引导的时间状语从句使用了一般现在时(r e c e i v e敥表将来,故主句需要使用将来时㊂因此B项w i l l g e t正确㊂本句意为 我们收到你的退货后,你将会在15个工作日内收到全额退款㊂”29.【答案】A【解析】考查让步状语从句的引导词㊂空格处需要一个连接词,引导后面的从句㊂从句中出现并列连词o r敩可以先排除B项W h i c h和C项B o t h敩这两项都不能和o r连用㊂D项N e i t h e r与o r连用,表示 (两者)都不”,代入后语句不通㊂符合要求的是A项W h e t h e r敩w h e t h e r…o r表示 不管是 还是 ”㊂本句意为 无论你是初次求职还是计划换一个工作,找工作都可能是一次大挑战㊂”30.【答案】B【解析】考查动名词作宾语的用法㊂空格位于介词a f t e r之后,需填入动名词作宾语㊂由b y t h e c o m p a n y可知, 降薪”不是自己主动要求的,故此处应填入表被动的形式 被要求”㊂答案为B项b e i n g a s k e d㊂本句意为 在被要求接受公司减薪后,销售经理上周一辞职了㊂”S e c t i o nB31敭【答案】d i f f e r e n c e【解析】考查形容词和名词的转换㊂空格在t h e r e’s之后,被m u c h修饰,故应填入不可数名词㊂d i f f e r e n t的名词形式是d i f f e r e n c e“不同”㊂本句意为 我们发现两个产品之间差别不大㊂”32.【答案】l i m i t e d【解析】本题考查 系动词+形容词”(系表)结构㊂空格前面是i s敩故可能填入名词或形容词㊂从句意思是 如果你的预算有限”,故需把动词l i m i t转换为形容词l i m i t e d“有限的”㊂本句意为 如果你的预算有限,他们可以调整整体的服务来满足你的需求㊂”33.【答案】i m p r e s s i o n【解析】本题考查名词作宾语㊂根据空格前的m u c h和空格后的o f可知此处需填入不可数名词作动词g e t的宾语,故需将动词i m p r e s s加上后缀-i o n敩变成名词i m p r e s s i o n“印象”㊂本句意为 我对这个地方的印象不深,因为我们开车驶过的时候天是黑的㊂”34.【答案】i m m e d i a t e l y【解析】本题考查副词作状语㊂本句不缺句子成分,空格前是使用了被动语态的完整句子,后面是时间状语,因此需填入副词作状语,故需将形容词i m m e d i a t e加上后缀-l y敩转换成副词i m m e d i a t e l y“马上,立即”㊂本句意为 假期一开始你就该立刻参加培训项目㊂”35.【答案】g e t t i n g【解析】考查h a v ed i f f i c u l t y敤i n敥d o i n g s t h敭的用法㊂该短语为固定搭配,意为 做 有困难”,i n是介词,后面需接动名词㊂因此需要把动词原形g e t改成动名词形式g e t t i n g㊂本句意为 没有获得高中文凭的年轻人可能很难找到好工作㊂”P a r tⅢT a s k136敭【答案】C【解析】题目问 L u b e t z k y要求他的员工们提前多久提交辞职报告”,根据问题将答案定位在第二段f o r a t l e a s t t w om o n t h s…n o t i c e敘敩故答案为C㊂37.【答案】D【解析】文章第三段提到 作为回报,L u b e t z k y十分关注员工的职业成长”,f o c u so n表示集中注意力于 ,关注于,和题干中的c a r e sm o s t a b o u t表达的是相同的意思,故答案为D㊂38.【答案】A【解析】第四段的结尾处说L u b e t z k y这样要求的理由很充分,紧接着在下一段就说 因为我们把K I N D的团队当成一个大家庭,所以像换工作这样的重大的人生转变不应当隐瞒到最后一分钟㊂”只有答案A符合这一段的内容㊂39.【答案】A【解析】根据第五段第4行 l e t t i n g m ek n o w w h a tw i l l b eh a p p e n i n g i n t h e i r l i f e敘可以推断L u b e t z k y 希望员工们能够把他们生活中即将发生的重大变化提前几个月告诉他, w h e t h e r i t i sab a b y o nt h e w a y敩a r e l o c a t i o n f o r p e r s o n a l r e a s o n s敩o r a p l a n t o g ob a c k t o s c h o o l敭敘根据常识判断能与后两条 搬家”和 重返校园”并列的应该就是指的怀孕生子了㊂40.【答案】B【解析】题目明确询问L u b e t z k y的离职要求的目的是什么,根据问题将答案定位在最后一段的最后一句话H e s i m p l y w a n t s a n y o n ew h o i s e x p l o r i n g n e wo p p o r t u n i t i e s t ob eo p e na b o u t i t敭意为他只是希望任何一个想要寻求新的职业机会的人能够对此开诚布公,根据这一意思将答案确定为B㊂T a s k241敭【答案】A【解析】这是一封录取通知书㊂根据题干关键词s t a r t so n将答案定位于第二段第一行w h i c hb e g i n s o n16t hS e p t e m b e r敩2015敩即报名入学的时间,故答案为A㊂42.【答案】C【解析】根据题干关键短语 m e t t h ec o n d i t i o n s s e t f o rh i m敘可以锁定答案在第三段第二句话 A s s o o na s y o uh a v em e t t h e c o n d i t i o n s s e t f o r y o u敩p l e a s e i n f o r mI n t e r n a t i o n a lA d m i s s i o n s…敘敩故答案为C㊂43.【答案】D【解析】根据题意可将答案定位在第三段第四行 Y o us h o u l dt h e r e f o r ee n s u r et h a t y o uo r y o u r s p o n s o r c a n p r o v i d e a t l e a s t£600p e rm o n t h t o s u p p o r t y o u r s e l f敭敘意为 你和你的担保人要确保每月可提供至少600英镑的资助”㊂答案D符合原文的意思㊂44.【答案】B【解析】根据题干 s t u d e n t sw h o s e f i r s t l a n g u a g e i s n o tE n g l i s h敘可以很快将答案定位在第三段的最后一句话 e x p e c t e d t oo b t a i n f o r m a l E n g l i s h p r o f i c i e n c y c e r t i f i c a t e s敭敘故答案为B㊂45.【答案】A【解析】根据第四段第一句的内容可知发信人希望被录取者能尽快填好回执单并寄回,以表明是否愿意接受录取,即这封录取通知书的主要目的,故选择答案A㊂T a s k346敭【答案】d i s a d v a n t a g e d【解析】关键词h o m el i v e s定位到文章第二段第二句 Y o u t h sf r o ml i m i t e d-i n c o m ef a m i l i e sa n d d i s a d v a n t a g e dh o m e l i v e s a r ee l i g i b l e f o ra d m i s s i o n敘敩意为 来自低收入和贫困家庭的年轻人符合录用条件”㊂d i s a d v a n t a g e d表示贫困的,社会地位低下的㊂47.【答案】U敭S敭【解析】根据关键词c i t i z e n s定位到第二段第四行 J o bF i n d e r a p p l i c a n t sm u s t b eU敭S敭c i t i z e n s…敘工作申请人必须为美国公民㊂48.【答案】s a f e【解析】根据关键词w o r k i n g a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s定位到第三段第一行 T h eP r o g r a mo f f e r s s a f e w o r k i n g a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s…敘敩意为 该计划为求职者提供安全的工作及居住环境”㊂49.【答案】j o b t r a i n i n g【解析】根据关键词r e a lw o r l d定位到第三段第三行 E a c hJ o bF i n d e r p a r t i c i p a n tw i l l r e c e i v er e a l w o r l d j o b t r a i n i n g a n d…敘敩意为 每一位找工作计划参与者都将接受到真正的职业培训 ”㊂50.【答案】d r i v e r’s l i c e n s e【解析】根据关键词d i p l o m a定位到文章最后一句话 P a r t i c i p a n t s a l s oh a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o o b t a i n ah i g h s c h o o l d i p l o m ao r t e s t f o r ad r i v e r’s l i c e n s e敭敘敩意为 参与者能够得到获取高中毕业证书和驾照的机会”㊂T a s k451敭【答案】F敩N【解析】b u y e r表示 买主,买方”,b u y e r b e h a v i o r即买方行为㊂t r a d e多表示 贸易,交易”;z o n e指 地带,地区”㊂t r a d e z o n e固定搭配,指 贸易区”㊂52.【答案】Q敩I【解析】n e t做形容词表示(重量)净的,如350m g n e tw e i g h t敩净重350毫克㊂m i n i m u m w e i g h t则指的是 最小(少)重量”㊂c u s t o m e r是 顾客,客户”的意思,c h a i n指 链”,如s u p p l y c h a i n敩供应链㊂53.【答案】M敩O【解析】e l e c t r o n i c指 电子的”,c o m m e r c e表示 贸易,商务”,e l e c t r o n i cc o m m e r c e为固定搭配,指目前十分流行的电子商务㊂d i r e c t表示 直接的”,加上表示否定的前缀 i n-敘敩则表示 非直接的,间接的”,c o s t即成本,费用的意思㊂54.【答案】D敩K【解析】b a l a n c e在这里是名词表示 平衡”,b a l a n c eo f t r a d e即贸易平衡㊂m a n a g e m e n t表示 管理,经营”,c u s t o m e r r e l a t i o n s h i p指的就是客户关系㊂55.【答案】L敩B【解析】d u t y除了表示 责任”以外常用来指 关税”,f r e e用在名词的后面可表示 无 的”,如d u t y-f re e无税的,免税的,s m o k e-f r e e无烟的,禁止吸烟㊂a c t u a l常表示 实际的,真实的”,a c t u a l c o s t即实际成本㊂T a s k556敭【答案】q u i c ka n de a s y【解析】题目问 B-A s s u r e d人身保险的优点是什么”㊂根据关键词r e a l l y定位文章第一段第二句, T h a t’sw h y w e’v e c r e a t e d t h eB-A s s u r e dL i f e i n s u r a n c e t h a t’s r e a l l y q u i c k a n d e a s y敩敘意为 这就是为什么我们创造了既快捷又简便的B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”57.【答案】o n l i n e【解析】题目问 如何申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险”㊂关键词 a p p l y敘敩定位文章第一段第五行, W i t ht h e B-A s s u r e dL i f e i n s u r a n c e y o u c a na p p l y o n l i n e…敘敩意为 在网上就可以申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”58.【答案】18a n d55【解析】题目问 什么样的人有资格申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险”㊂根据关键词 a g e d敘定位文章第二段 B-A s s u r e d i s a v a i l a b l e f o r p e o p l ea g e db e t w e e n18a n d55敘敩意为 年龄在18岁至55岁之间的人都可以申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”59.【答案】Al u m p s u m【解析】题目问 当投保人被诊断为患有绝症时如何获得赔付”㊂根据关键词p a i do u t定位文章第三段 Al u m p s u mi s p a i d o u tw h e n t h e p o l i c y h o l d e r d i e s o r i s d i a g n o s e dw i t h t e r m i n a l i l l n e s s敘敩意为 当投保人去世或被诊断为不治之症时将获得一次性全额赔偿㊂”60.【答案】t a x r e l i e f【解析】题目问 投保B-A s s u r e d人身保险有什么优惠措施”㊂根据关键词p r e m i u m s定位文章第四段 T a x r e l i e f o n y o u r p r e m i u m s敘敩意为 保费可获税款减免的优惠㊂”P a r tⅣ61敭【答案】B【解析】c o n f i r mt h e r e s e r v a t i o n意为 确认预订”;d e p o s i t意为 押金”㊂A句的翻译忽略了d e p o s i t和p e r p e r s o n敩C句的翻译与原句相差较远,如增加了 预订座位”这个信息,错误地将b u s i n e s sh o u r s营业时间翻译为 办公人员”,t o u r f a r e旅行费用误译为 车票”等,因此正确答案为B㊂62.【答案】C【解析】a p p o i n t a g e n t为固定搭配,意为 指定代理商”,这个含义只有C句准确翻译出来,因此正确答案为C㊂63.【答案】A【解析】e n v i r o n m e n t在此句中意为 氛围”,后接从句具体说明氛围的内容;d i f f e r e n c ea r er e s p e c t e d 意为 差异受到尊重”㊂B句的翻译误译为 差异尽管存在”,C句误译为 人人受到尊重”,因此正确答案为A㊂64.【答案】C【解析】o n c e在此句中引导状语从句,意为 一旦 ”;a p p l i c a t i o nh a s b e e n p r o c e s s e d意为 处理申请”,A句误译为 申请输入电脑”,并将w i t h i n5w o r k d a y s误译为 五个工作日后”,而B句将此部分误译为 提前五个工作日”,并且从句的翻译也是错误的,因此正确答案为C㊂65.【参考译文】如今运用智能手机几乎能够处理所有的银行业务㊂许多大银行允许你使用智能手机支付账单或者转账㊂专家声称在不久的将来,大约70%的美国人将会使用移动银行业务㊂但是他们有些人担心移动银行的安全问题㊂如果你经常使用智能手机处理银行业务,最好给你的手机装上杀毒软件并且给你的手机设置一个密码㊂P a r tV【参考范文】D e a rM r敭J o h n s o n敩I a m w r i t i n g i nr e f e r e n c et ot h ec o m p a n y’sm a r k e t i n g r e p o r to ft h ef i r s th a l f y e a rIr e c e i v e d敭A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e p o r t敩i n r e c e n tm o n t h s o u r p r o d u c t s a l e s h a v e d e c r e a s e d20%敩w i t h s o m e a r e a s e v e n d o w nb y50%敭I tm a y d u e t o t h e l a c ko fm e d i a p r e s e n c e敭I n t h ev i e w o fa b o v e敩ad e p a r t m e n t-m a n a g e r m e e t i n g w i l lb eh e l dn e x t M o n d a y m o r n i n g敭T h e m a r k e t i n g d e p a r t m e n t i s r e q u i r e dt o p r o p o s es p e c i f i c i m p r o v i n g m e a s u r e s敩s oa s t or a i s et h e p r o d u c t s a l e s敭B e s t r e g a r d s敗S m i t h。



2015年9月全国英语等级考试(PETS)三级真题(总分60, 做题时间120分钟)SECTION Ⅰ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Text 1Five-year-old Elia arrived at school with a big box of colored pencils. Her friend, Anna, offeted to exchange her set of markers for the brand-new pencils. Elia agreed, but soon discovered that the markers were dried up. "That's not fair!" cried Elia to her teacher. “I want my new pencils back.” After some tears and negotiation, the teacher helped the girls set things right by returning the items to their original owners.Later that day, at story time, the teacher shared the picture book classic A Bargain for Frances. Though the conflict in the story is just over a broken tea set, the message about fair play was not lost on the children. The book was helpful in exploring a small, yet significant, life lesson. Stories are vital to the way we process and experience life events and the feelings that surround us. The ability to create, share, and respond to stories is one of the vital characteristics of being human. In fact, the human brain is programmed to see patterns and become fascinated in the plot development of stories, finally storing them in long-term memory. As a result, the brain is a remarkably effective processor of stories, both real and fictional.High-quality picture books are a good blend of art and literaturethat attracts kids' imagination **municates an idea in an effective way. These books me perfect teaching tools, as they deal with the powerful emotions that kids feel, model effective coping strategies, and **plex concepts in appropriate ways. In addition, according to brain research, the picture **plements words with what leaves the most permanent impression: images. The pictures in books are distinctive from the fleeting images kids see on television in that they remain on the page, ready to be revisited, touched, **mented upon.Whether we share stories about families, historical events, or emotions, stories are a way to sum up life's memorable moments and lasting lessons. We can control the power of literature and use it to develop positive character in young kids by reading often, choosing suitable books, and enjoying stories together.SSS_SINGLE_SELElia cried “That' s not fair!" as she thought that she was________.Acheated by her friendBdefeated by her friendCignored by her teacherDscolded by her teacherSSS_SINGLE_SELA Bargain for Frances is intended to teach kids how to________.APlay fair in lifeBorganize thingsCwin in conflictsDwrite a messageSSS_SINGLE_SELAccording to the text, stories can help kids________.Arealize their potentialBimprove their memoryCconcentrate on readingDunderstand the human worldSSS_SINGLE_SELIn comparison with pictures in books, television images________.Aare **mented onBstay temporarily with childrenCblend art and literature vividlyDcommunicate ideas effectivelySSS_SINGLE_SELThe power of literature can help kids develop their________.Apositive characterBinterest in historyCpassion for storiesDlearning strategiesText 2We have heard a lot about the health benefits of tea, especially green tea. It is high in poly-phenols, compounds with strong antioxidant activity that in test-tube and animal models show anti- cancer and heart-protective effects. Good clinical studies are few, however, and although physicians tell their patients to drink green tea, there hasn't been any definite proof of the value of that advice.A team of Japanese researchers was able to link green tea consumption with decreased mortality from many causes-including heart disease. The researchers tracked 40,530 healthy adults ages40 to 79 in a region of northeastern Japan where most people drink green tea, following them for up to 11 years. Those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had significantly lower mortality rates than thosewho drank less than one cup a day. There were also fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease.But no such association was seen with deaths from cancer. Nor was consumption of oolong or black tea connected with any decrease in mortality. Those teas are easier to be combined with oxy- gen in processing, which not only darkens the color of the leaves and changes their flavor but also reduces their polyphenol content.Coffee is **plicated. It has received both gold stars and black marks in medical literature. It, too, contains antioxidants, although they are less well studied than tea polyphenols. Evidence for the health benefits of coffee is growing, however. A group of investigators from Finland, Italy and the Netherlands reports that coffee seems to protect against age-related decline in mental capacity. Thescientists studied 676 healthy men born from 1900 to 1920 and followed them for 10 years, using standardized measures of brain function. Their conclusion: the men who consumed coffee had significantly less decline in mental capacity than those who didn't. Three cups a day seemed to provide the most protection.Population studies like those help us form assumptions about relationships between dietary habits and long-term health. We still have to test our suppositions in controlled conditions, and measure the effects of coffee and tea on various systems of the body.SSS_SINGLE_SELPhysicians often tell their patients to drink green teabecause________.Aits medical value has been provedBit is believed to be good for one's healthCit has long since been used clinicallyDits effectiveness has been shown in animalsSSS_SINGLE_SELThe Japanese study seems to have confirmed the positive effect of green tea on________.Ayoung adultsBAsian peopleCpatients with cancerDpatients with heart diseaseSSS_SINGLE_SELThe text indicates that black tea differs from green tea inthat________.Ait can retain the color of its leavesBit can reduce cancer-related deathsCit contains less polyphenol contentDit is stronger in flavor than the latterSSS_SINGLE_SELCoffee is beneficial to one' s health because________.Ait has more antioxidants than green teaBit slows down the rate of brain agingCit lowers the rate of natural mortalityDit keeps systems of the body activeSSS_SINGLE_SELThe text indicates that the relationships between dietary habits and long-term health________.Aare a falsely perceived suppositionBare a conflicting issue among peopleCdeserve further scientific researchDdeserve to be tested on a larger populationPart BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine section called "Letters" in which five people wrote about on- line shopping. For questions 11- 15, match the name of each person to one of the statements ( A-G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Jennifer:In your article about online shopping being the newest and easiest way to shop, you said **puters will replace shopping malls sooner or. later because they make buying things faster and ,cheaper. But don't you think that the entire point of shopping is to spend leisure time with friends while doing something necessary. Shopping is not just a quick task. It is, in fact, an entire way of life.Paul:I am a great collector of all manner of hard-to-find items such as out-of-print books and antiques. Purchasing in physical stores would mean round-the-world travel and years of effort. I can get the same result in a few hours on eBay, and often at bargain prices. I am quite well-off, but buy very few consumer items available in regular shops. I have many friends and acquaintances with the same approach.Mike:My wife buys online often. I have not **plaints or dissatisfaction. She **pare with different online vendors' prices after she has decided what she wants. It's delivered to the door, a big time savings and gas savings. If I need something, I check online fist and see what it costs and then decide where to buy, local stores or online. Online has the advantage most of the time.Henry:Virtually all online stores make you register. But, I don't need another username and password to remember. I will only buy online ifI cannot find something locally. Even though shipping is fast, I'd rather drive across town and pay more to be able to bring home a new gadget the same day. And, most of the time, there is no difference in price between local stores and online stores.Jeff:If you think the prices are the same online as they ate locally,you're dealing with the wrong online retailers. I'm an online shopping veteran and I always save quite a bit on my large-dollar purchases. With a little research experience, I've easily saved thousands of dollars over the last several years. Besides, shipping on most items is reasonable and you don't even pay taxes 99.9% of the time.Now match the name of each person (11- 15) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.StatementsA. I'll buy online only when I have to.B. You can enjoy steep discounts with most online sellers.C. I shift between buying on or off line depending on what suits me.D. Shopping is not only a necessary task but a sociable pleasure.E. Online selling helps to satisfy my special needs in buying.F. Buying online is far from being as good as it is boasted to be.G. Buying online can save you a lot only if you find the right online sellers.SSS_SIMPLE_SINJennifer________.A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SINPaul________.A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SINMike________.A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SINHenry________.A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SINJeff________.A B C D E F GPart CDirections:Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed, choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (【A1】-【A5】). There are Two extra sentences that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.“Any apples today?” Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit,of course. 【A1】 "Pay me whenever you like," said Effie, climbing back into her truck.All pretense of payment was dropped when our funds, food and fuel decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood. There were other generosities. Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed mywife's trip to New York for consultation with a specialist.【A2】 Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop, had never exceeded $ 200 a month, which she supplemented by selling her apples. But she always managed to help someone poorer.Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was. ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. "Here, darling," I said, “is what I owe you.””Don' t give it to me all at once,” she said. "【A3】" I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love debt.The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks later. 【A4】 But a curious thing began to happen.Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can't afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie's death, I have indirectly repaid my debt to her.The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on. 【A5】 So the account can never be marked closed, for Effie's love will go on in hearts that have never known her.A.At that time, it seemed that my debt would forever go unsettled.B. Give your help to those in greater need.C. Effie was not a rich woman.D. Effie worked diligently all her life.E. Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then.F. By now, the few dollars Effie gave me have been multiplied many times.G. Give it back as I gave it to you--a little at a time.SSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A1】A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A2】A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A3】A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A4】A B C D E F GSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A5】A B C D E F GPart DDirections:Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A-O the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (【A6】-【A15】). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.It can be a special experience to go on a family trip during the holiday season, but one reason that many parents 【A6】 to stay home is the cost of travel. Here are some ways of reducing your travel【A7】Flying is a fast way to arrive at your destination, but the cost of airline tickets can really add up if you are buying flights for the whole family. Often, it is cheaper to pay for gas 【A8】 the whole family can fit in the car, 【A9】 with the current decreases in gas prices.If your destination is too far to drive to, you should look at a variety of 【A10】 for your flight times. For example, it is often cheaper to fly on Christmas day instead of flying a few days before Christmas. Also, 【A11】 early morning flights is cheaper than traveling during peak times during the day.Eating out 【A12】 you are on the road can quickly increase the trip cost, and it's much cheaper to stop at the grocery store, planning your own food 【A13】 If you plan to eat out, then it' s usually cheaper to eat at a restaurant during breakfast or lunch, 【A14】 you to skip the higher dinner prices.Also, it might be cheaper to visit an all-inclusive resort. These resorts include all the meals and a variety of activities, and many of them have children's activities so that the kids can 【A15】entertained during the trip.**B. ifC. beginD. chooseE. drivingF. EspeciallyG. ExpensesH. insteadI. beforeJ. optionsK. StayL. TakingM. tooN. TroublesO. whileSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A6】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A7】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A8】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A9】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A10】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A11】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A12】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A13】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A14】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N OSSS_SIMPLE_SIN【A15】A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O SECTION Ⅱ WritingPart A1.Your friend Paul wants to know in detail about the part-time job you took at a restaurant during the summer vacation. Write an email to Paul, telling him about:1) What you did on the job;2) how you felt about the working environment and co-workers;3) what you learned from the job.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use “Wang Lin” instead.SSS_TEXT_QUSTIPart BDirections:Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and **ments on them. Try to use your own words.2.Lori. Schneider knows a few things about fear. "We were crossing a ridge that dropped off 8,000 feet on both sides," says the 53-year-old climber of ascending Mount Everest last spring."The wind was blowing at 60 miles an hour. If there was ever a moment to panic,this was it. "But she didn't. An hour later, she reached the peak-the last step in her personal challenge to scale the highest mountains on all seven continents.Ten years earlier, she'd come face-to-face with a different type of fear, when she was unable to feel anything in the right side of her body. After learning she had multiple sclerosis (MS)-a seriousillness that gradually makes a person weak and unable to move or see, she left her marriage, job, and home: “I ran from my whole life.”It was just before climbing South America's Mount Aconcagua in 2000 that she set her sights on the Seven Summits. After training by pulling 50-pound bags of dog food up the ski slopes near her home, she topped Europe's Mount Elbrus in 2002, North America's McKinley in 2006, and Australia's Kosciuszko and Antarctica's Vinson Massif in 2008. She'd scaled Africa's Kilimanjaro in 1993. That left Asia's Everest, the highest of all.And there she stood, on a ridge at 28,800 feet. "When I trained, I told myself to take one step at a time by spelling out words," she says. "So I spelled out ' Don't let fear in. ' " It got her to the top.She's the first person with MS to conquer the Seven Summits. With her condition stable, she plans a return to Kilimanjaro-this time with 15 others with Ms by her side.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI 1。



公共英语三级考试习题及答案公共英语三级考试习题及答案1.-How about the book you are reading ?-Good , indeed . It ________many problems we have come across in our study.A. saysB. talksC. coversD. refers2. Id like to take my picture ________stands a high tower.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. there3. Id like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and__________, in a quiet place.A. afar allB. above allC. in allD. for all4. -Youve got a good result in your research, havent you?-Yes , but much ________ .A. remains to doB. is remains to doC. remains to be doneD. has remained to do it5. -I must be leaving now. Itll be 3 hours drive to get there.-__________.A. Good-byeB. Take careC. Take it easyD. What can I do for you6. Nobody could have guessed , in those days , the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr____.A. was havingB. was to haveC. had hadD. had7. The queen will visit the town in May , ________ she will open the new hospital.A. whenB. thenC. whileD. but8. Ill come , ________ I dont expect to enjoy myself.A. ifB. sinceC. asD. though9. You _________in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.A. dont have to do itB. neednt have done itC. wouldnt do itD. mustnt have done it10. _____________is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of.A. The Chinese, the ChineseB. Chinese language, ChineseC. Chinese, the ChineseD. Chinese language, the Chinese11. -Whats your problem ?- I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago.A. were walkingB. to have walkerC. walkD. walking12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can.A. expectedB. suggestedC. hopedD. wished13. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school.A. Some other tenB. Another tenC. Other tenD. Ten others14. The door burst open and ________ , shouting with anger.A. in rushed the crowdB. rushed in the crowdC. the crowd tin rushedD. in the crowd rushed15. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ____ for the nation.A. didB. were doingC. had done D. have been doingKeys:1-10 CABCB BADBC11-15 DABAC文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。



公共英语三级考试习题及答案1.-How about the book you are reading ?-Good , indeed . It ________many problems we have come across in our study.A. saysB. talksC. coversD. refers2. Id like to take my picture ________stands a high tower.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. there3. Id like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and __________, in a quiet place.A. afar allB. above allC. in allD. for all4. -Youve got a good result in your research, havent you?-Yes , but much ________ .A. remains to doB. is remains to doC. remains to be doneD. has remained to do it5. -I must be leaving now. Itll be 3 hours drive to get there.-__________.A. Good-byeB. Take careC. Take it easyD. What can I do for you6. Nobody could have guessed , in those days , the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr____.A. was havingB. was to haveC. had hadD. had7. The queen will visit the town in May , ________ she will open the new hospital.A. whenB. thenC. whileD. but8. Ill come , ________ I dont expect to enjoy myself.A. ifB. sinceC. asD. though9. You _________in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.A. dont have to do itB. neednt have done itC. wouldnt do itD. mustnt have done it10. _____________is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of.A. The Chinese, the ChineseB. Chinese language, ChineseC. Chinese, the ChineseD. Chinese language, the Chinese11. -Whats your problem ?- I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago.A. were walkingB. to have walkerC. walkD. walking12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can.A. expectedB. suggestedC. hopedD. wished13. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school.A. Some other tenB. Another tenC. Other tenD. Ten others14. The door burst open and ________ , shouting with anger.A. in rushed the crowdB. rushed in the crowdC. the crowd tin rushedD. in the crowd rushed15. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ____ for the nation.A. didB. were doingC. had done D. have been doingKeys:1-10 CABCB BADBC 11-15 DABAC。



2015 上半年 CATTI三级笔译真题及参照答案——英译汉Section1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Forgenerations, coal has been the lifeblood of this mineral-rich stretchofeastern Utah. Mining families proudly recall all the years they toiledunderground. Supply companies line the town streets. Above the road that windstoward the mines, a soot-smudged miner peers out from a billboardwith theslogan“Coal =Jobs.”犹他州东部有一个矿产丰富的小镇,那边的人们祖祖辈辈都以采煤为生。



在通往矿井的曲折小道上方的广告牌上,一个满脸炭灰的矿工凝望着远方,旁边的口号写着“煤炭 =工作”。

Butrecently,fear has settled in. The state ’s oldest coal -fired power plant,tucked among the canyons near town, is set to close, a result of new, stricterfederal pollution regulations.但是近来,小镇的人们内心充满了惧怕。


As energy companies tack away from coal, toward cleaner, cheaper natural gas, people here have grown increasingly afraid that their community may soon slipaway. Dozens of workers at the facility here, the Carbon Power Plant, havelearned that they must retire early or seek other jobs. Local trucking andequipment outfits are preparing to take business elsewhere.因为能源企业纷繁弃用煤炭,转而使用更洁净、更低价的天然气,小镇的人们越来越惧怕,他们的家园可能很快就会室迩人遐。



全国公共英语等级考试(3级)模拟试题SectionⅠThis section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand. Now as you will not be allowed to speak once theYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear eachdialogue ONLY ONCE.You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving about ten minutes.You will rea[A][B] a clerk at the airport[C][D] a clerk at the stationFrom the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B]Sample Answer: [A][B][C][D]Now look at question 1Part A[A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D]3. Why is he going to talk to the lady over there?[A]Because he wants to kn[B][C][D]4. According to the dialogue, what kind of shirt is more[A][B]those made of n[C][D]5. How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation? [A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D]It's easier to find his way around this y[A][B][C][D][A]She feels that[B][C][D]You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your tQuestions 11—13 are based on a lecture about education in[A][B][C][D]the state laws12. How many percentage did the American young people[A][B][C][D]13. Why is education made various in form in the United[A][B][C][D]Questions 14—17 are based on a conversation you are going to[A][B][C]The library had a special display on the Industrial[D]15. After[A][B][C][D]16. According to the man, what happens to all the books in the[A]They are marked with[B][C][D]17. According to the man, what does the librarian behind the[A]copies down the name and the address of each[B][C][D]Questions 18—21 are based on a conversation you are going to[A][B][C][D]19. Why doesn't the woman want to give up her apartment[A][B][C][D]20. How long would the women be[A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D]ask her lQuestions 22—25 are based on a conversation you are going to hear .[A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D][A]Some guests may not be[B][C][D]Section ⅡUse of English (15 minutes)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on your ANSWERMany teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. ( D ) a long reading assignment is given,the reading even if they don't discuss it in class or take an exam. The 28B student is considered to be 29B who is motivated tolearn for the sake of 30A, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned 31B brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is 32C for learning the material assigned. When research is 33C, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 34A guidance. It is the 35A responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors dothey expect students, 37 Agraduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference 38 Cin the library. Professors will help students who need it, but 39D that their students should not be 40A dependent on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties 41D teaching, such as administrative or research work. 42B, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is 43B. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either 44D a professor during office hour 45A make an appointment.26. [A]If[B]Although [C]Because [D]27. [A]suggestion[B]context[C]abstract[D]28. [A]poor[B]ideal[C]average[D]29. [A]such[B]one[C]any[D]30. [A]fun[B]work[C]learning[D]31. [A]by[B]in[C]for[D]32. [A]criticized[B]innocent[C]responsible[D]33. [A]collected[B]distributed[C]assigned[D]finis34. [A]maximum[B]minimum[C]possible[D]35. [A]student's[B]professor's[C]assistant's[D]36. [A]when[B]what[C]why[D]37. [A]particularly[B]essentially[C]obviously[D]38. [A]selections[B]collections[C]sources[D]39. [A]hate[B]dislike[C]like[D]40. [A]too[B]such[C]much[D]41. [A]but[B]except[C]with[D]42. [A]However[B]Therefore[C]Furthermore[D]43. [A]plentiful[B]limited[C]irregular[D]flexible44. [A]greet[B]annoy[C]approach[D]45. [A]or[B]and[C]to[D]Section ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across theThe dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur “Boots” and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams' daily paper butsoft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of huntedcreatures, so the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, neverWilliams was a railwayman, an engine driver, and he wore a blue uniform which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times —“days”, “late days” or “nights”. Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste this knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family. On his return, Williams' slippers were brought to him, the paper and tobacco too if previouslyA curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days; and not until he got up and dressed again did he discover that he had lost his wallet containing over fifty pounds. The house was turned upside down in the search, but the wallet was not found. However, two days later—that was five days after the fall—Prince dropped the wallet into William's hand. Very muddy, stained and wet through, the little case still containedpapers. Where the dog had found it no one could tell, but found it he had and recognized it probably by the faint oily smell on[A][B][C][D][A]They are the fas[B][C][D][A]he did not get enough sleep[B][C][D][A][B][C][D]50. Williams did not realise his loss for several days[A][B][C][D]About ten men in every hundred suffer from colour blindness in some way; women are luckier only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner. There are different forms of colour blindness. A man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green—In certain occupations colour blindness can be dangerous and candidates are tested most carefully. For example, when fighting at night, soldiers use lights of flares to signal to each other. A green light may mean “Advance” and a red light may mean “Danger! Keep back!”, You can see what will happen ifsomebody thinks that red is green! Colour blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”, These help to see in a bright light and to tell the difference between colours. There are also millions of “rods” but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shape but not colour. Wait until it is dark tonight, then go outside. Look round you and try to seeBirds and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all, so they cannot see colours. As far as we know, bats and adult owls cannot see colours at all only light and dark shapes. Similarly cats and dogs cannot see colours asseem grey and dull to us, but to insects they may appear beautiful, showing colours which we cannot see. Scientists know that there are other colours around us which insects can see but which we cannot see. Some insects have favorite colours. Mosquitoes like blue, but do not like yellow. A red light will not[A][B][C]few may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades[D]very few may think that everything in the world is in 52. When millions of rods in our eyes are at work in darkness[A][B]shapes and colour[C][D]53. According to the passage, bats and adult owls cannot see[A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D]can see colours as well as human be[A][B][C][D]The world is more colorful to insects than to humanA child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolicverbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think,rously terrified by some fairy stories. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fearThere are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches,instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was theirNo fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external56. In the writer's opini[A]cannot be read to children without variation because they[B][C]must be made easy so that children can read it on their [D]is no longer needed in developing children's power of57. According to the passage, some people who are openly[A]fairy tales are harmful to children in that they show the[B]fairy tales are harmful to children unless they have been adapted by their parent[C][D]children who have read fairy stories pay little attention to the study of history and mechanics58. In the writer's opinion to rid children of fears, fairy stories should be. B[A][B][C][D][A][B][C][D]60. According to the passage, which of the following statement[A]If children indulged his fantasies in fairy tales instead of beingtaught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics[B]Children can often be greatly terrified when the fairy[C]Fairy tales may beneficially direct children's aggressive,[D]Fairy tales are no more than stories about imaginary figures with magical powers which has nothing to do withRead the texts from an article in which five people talked about smoking. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Markyour answers on your ANSWER SHEET.If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. Just have a look at those people in hospital with these diseases and count how many of them do not smoke, you may be surprised at the number. Even these few people might be passive smokers without realising it.Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread. In tax revenue alone, the government of Britain collects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. So while the authorities point out ever so carefully that smoking may be harmful, it doesn't do to shout too loudly about it.The advertising of tobacco is one of the problems. We are never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lings early in the morning. That would never do. The advertisements alwaysmanly to smoke, even positively healthy! Smoking is associatedwith the great open air life, with beautiful girls, true love and togetherness.Of course tobacco can help government to raise money. However, while money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better off if smoking were banned altogether.Smoking can provide constant consolation. When I feel worried or nervous, I just get a cigarette and everything seem to get right. After a day's hard work, the thing I want to do most is smoking. It can be even better with a cup of coffee. It's so enjoyable and relaxing that it relieves stresses of every day life. So why botherNow match each of the people (1 to 5) to the appropriate61. Hadley C63.65. Bernice A[A][B]Tobacco is an important source of income to the[C][D]on tobacco formoney.[E][F][G]It's doubtful whether there is link between smoking and cancer.Section Ⅳ Writing (40 minutes)You should write your responses to both parts on ANSWERYou go to the railway station to meet one of your friends, andthe train has not arrived yet, so you have to leave him a note on the clipboard, from which he will learn how to fiRead the following material and write a short essay of about 150 words under the title “Should Men Be Forced by Law to Do Half the Housework?”The Austrian parliament will shortly be considering a draft law designed to compensate women after a divorce if their former husbands never helped them with the housework.Last week the German Green Party went even further, demanding a new law to make couples share the choresBild said a third of German women did all the housework onAcademics here in Britain talked of reversing what they called the“Allerednic effect”—that's “Cinderel—in which a prince marries a princess and turns her into a scullerySo is it time for men to clean up their act? Or should theJoining Laurence Zavriew for the Europewide debate are from Rome the Italian journalist Carlo di Blasio, and in theNetherlands Kerstin Schweighoefer, correspondent of theInterlocutor: Good morning. My name is... and this is myWould you please tell me your candidate numbers, so I can check them, please? First of all, I'd like to know something about you. So, I'm going to ask you some questions. eaInterlocutor: I'd like you to have a dialogue based on the information given below. Try to imagine the situation as if you场景(Situation): A male meets a girl in a party. The girl stands there alone for a short period. And the man comes up to her andInterlocutor: Have you ever taken part in some organizations or parties your friends have held? I mean, do you belong to any organization? Try to give us a description. Remember you are given only 4 minutes.Test One试题详解Section Ⅰ1. [B]本题的干扰项很能迷惑人。



公共英语三级(pets3)词汇3Ccamera:n.照相机,摄影机camp:v.露营campaign:n.战役;运动v.参加运动,参加竞选活动Camry:汽车牌名can:aux.v.能cancel:vt.取消;删除,划掉cancer:n.癌candidate:n.候选人,候补者;应试者cap:n.帽子capable:a.有能力的capacity:n.容量,容积;能力capacity to:有…的能力capital:n.首都capture:vt.捕获;夺得,占领n.捕获,捕获物car:n.汽车carbohydrate:n.碳水化合物;[pl.carbon:n.碳card:n.卡care:n.注意care about:对…关切,操心或忧虑care for:喜欢,对…中意;对…担心;照顾,照料career:n.生涯,经历;职业,事业careful:a.小心的careless:a.粗心的cargo:n.船货,货物carry:vt.携带;支撑carry on:经营,进行;继续carry out:实行;完成carry over:继续下去,遗留下来case:n.情况,事实;病例;案件;箱,盒cast:vt.投,扔;投射;铸造n.投,掷;模具castoff:a.抛弃的;穿旧的n.被抛弃的人或物casual:a.偶然的casually:ad.偶然地,碰巧地;漫不经心地,随便地cat:n.猫catch:vt.捕捉catch the eye:引人注目categorize:n.分类category:n.门类,种类;范畴;部门cattle:n.牛cause:n.原因caution:n.小心,谨慎;警告vt.告诫,警告CD:激光唱盘CD(7compact disc):激光唱盘cease:vt./vi./n.停止,结束Cees van Wendel de Joode:齐思·范·万德尔·德·尤德(人名)ceiling:n.天花板celebrate:v.庆祝cell:n.细胞;小房间,单人牢房cellularphone:n.移动电话cent:n.分central:a.中心的centre:n.中心(=center)century:n.世纪ceremony:n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪certain:a.确定的certainly:ad.当然certainty:n.一定;必定Cesar Frank:弗兰克(法国比利时作曲家)chair:n.椅子chairman:n.主席challenge:n.挑战vt.向…挑战champion:n.冠军championship:n.冠军身份;冠军称号chance:n.机会change:v.改变channel:n.频道;航道;渠道vt.通过…获得,传送chapter:n.章,回,篇character:n.性格,品质;特性;人物;符号,(汉)字characteristic:a.特有的,典型的n.特性,特征cheat:vt.欺骗,骗取vi.行骗,作弊n.欺骗;骗子check:v.&n.检查check with:与…相符,一致cheer:a.愉快的cheerful:a.快乐的,高兴的chemical:a.化学的n.化学制品,化学药品chemistry:n.化学chess:n.国际象棋chew:vt./vi.咀嚼Chicago:芝加哥(美国城市名)chicken:n.小鸡chief:n.首领chiefly:ad.大半,主要child:n.孩子childishness:n.幼稚Chile:智利China:n.中国Chinese:n.中国人chip:n.片屑;薄片;电子集成电路片,芯片choice:n.选择cholesterol:n.胆固醇choose:vt.选择Christian:n.基督徒a.基督的;基督教的Christmas:n.圣诞节Christopher Columbus:克里斯托弗·哥伦布(意大利航海家)chunk:n.一大块,一厚块vt.分块,组块church:n.教堂cigarette:n.香烟,纸烟Cincinnati:辛辛那提(美国俄亥俄州西南部城市)cinema:n.电影院circle:v.环绕circular:a.圆形的,环形的;循环的circumstance:n.[pl.]情况,环境;境遇circus:n.马戏团,杂技团;马戏场,杂技场citizen:n.公民,市民,居民city:n.城市civil:a.国民的,民用的;国内的,民间的civilized:a.文明的,开化的claim:vt.声称,主张n.要求,主张;断言Clare Bolderson:克莱尔·博尔德森(人名)clarification:n.澄清,阐明clash:n.冲突vi.发生冲突class:n.班classical:a.古典的,经典的classification:n.分类;分级classified:a.分类的,被归为一类的;保密的,机密的classify:vt.把…分类,把…分等级;把…列为classless:a.无阶级的;不属于任何阶级的classroom:n.教室Claudius Ptolemaeus:克劳迪·托勒密clavichord:n.(音)击弦古钢琴clean:a.清洁的,干净的clear:a.清楚的clear……of:把…从…中清除clearance:n.清除,清理;余地,间隙clerk:n.办事员,公务员;(美)店员clever:a.聪明的climate:n.气候climb:v.攀登Clinton:比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)clipboard:n.带弹簧夹子的书写板clock:n.时钟close:vt.关闭closely:ad.紧密地;严密地,密切地closeness:n.紧密;严密,精密cloth:n.衣料clothes:n.衣服cloud:n.云cloudless:a.无云的,晴朗的club:n.俱乐部;棍棒,球棒clue:n.线索,提示clutch:vt./vi.抓住,握紧coach:n.四轮马车;长途汽车;教练vt.训练,指导coal:n.煤coast:n.海岸,海滨(地区)coat:n.外套cobbler:n.补鞋匠cobweb:n.蜘蛛网;[复]陈腐的东西;(思想)混乱coffee:n.咖啡coin:n.硬币,钱币vt.创造(新词)coincide:vi.一致,相符(with)coincide with:相符,一致coincidence:n.巧合;同时发生,共同存在;符合,一致cold:a.寒冷的n.寒冷collapse:vt./vi./n.(使)倒塌,(使)崩溃;瓦解collect:v.收集collection:n.收集,采集;收藏品collectively:ad.总体地;集体地college:n.学院collision:n.碰撞;(利益,意见等的)冲突,抵触colo(u)rful:a.艳丽的;丰富多彩的,吸引人的color:n.颜色coloured:a.有色的colourful:a.艳丽的;丰富多彩的,吸引人的Columbus:哥伦布(意大利航海家,新大陆发现者)column:n.柱,圆柱;栏,专栏(文章)comb:n.梳子combination:n.结合,联合;化合,化合物combine:v.联合combine with:与…结合(或联合,混合,组合)come:v.来come about:发生come across:偶然遇见,碰上come into contact with:开始做某事,着手come into power:上台;开始掌权come to:共计,达到;归结为;涉及,谈到come to terms with:达成协议;妥协,习惯于come up:出现come up with:(针对问题,挑战等)提出,想出;提供comfort:n.&v.安慰comfortable:a.舒适的coming:a.正在到来的,即将来到的n.来到,到达command:n.&v.命令comment:n.评论;评注vi.评论;注释comment on:对…评论commentary on:对…的评论commercial:a.商业的,商务的n.商业广告commercially:ad.商业地,商务地commit:vt.犯(罪),干(坏事)commit suicide:自杀commitment:n.承担的责任或义务,承诺committee:n.委员会common:a.共同的communicate:vi.通讯,交流,交际vt.传达,传播communication:n.通讯,交流;传达;通讯联系,交通工具communicator:n.传播者,传播工作者community:n.社区;共同体companion:n.同伴,同事;[天]伴星(=~star)company:n.公司;同伴,陪伴compare:v.比较compare……with:与…比较compass:n.罗盘;[pl.]圆规compassion:n.同情;怜悯(for)compel:vt.强迫(to)compensation:n.补偿,赔偿;补偿物,赔偿费compensatory:a.赔偿的,补偿的compete:vi.竞争competition:n.竞争;比赛competitive:a.竞争的,比赛的competitor:n.竞争者;对手complain:v.抱怨complain of:抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦complete:a.全部的completeness:n.完整,圆满;完成,结束completion:n.完成,结束;完满complex:a.复杂的,组合的n.综合体component:n.(组)成(部)分;部件a.组成的,构成的compose:vt.组成,构成;创作(音乐,文学作品)composer:n.作曲家comprehension:n.理解(力),领悟compulsion:n.强制,强迫compulsively:ad.强迫地computer:n.计算机,电脑computerization:n.计算机的使用;计算机化computerize:vt.电子计算机化,用电子计算机计算comrade:n.同志con:ad.从反面n.反对的意见;反对者concentrate:vt.集中,聚集;浓缩vi.集中,专心concentrate on:全神贯注于…;全力以赴于…concentration:n.专注,专心;集中;浓度concept:n.概念;观念conception:n.概念,观念concern:n.关心,挂念;关系vt.涉及;使关心concerned:a.有关的;关切的,担心的concession:n.让步;特许权;租界,租界地conclude:vt.推断出,推论出;结束vi.结束,终了conclusion:n.结论,推论concrete:a.具体的;混凝土的n.混凝土vt.使凝固condense:vt.使冷凝,浓缩;缩短vi.浓缩;凝结condition:n.条件conduct:vt.处理;指挥;传导n.举止,行为conductor:n.售票员confess:vt./vi.承认;坦白,供认confidence:n.信任,信心confident:a.确信的;自信的confirm:vt.证实,肯定;批准;确认conflict:n.争论,抵触,冲突vi.冲突,抵触confront:vt.面对,遭遇;正视,对抗confuse:vt.使混乱,混淆confusing:a.使人困惑的,令人费解的confusion:n.混乱,慌乱;混淆congress:n.国会,议会;参议院,上院congressman:n.([复]congressmen)(美)国会议connect:v.连接Connecticut:康乃狄格(美国东北部州名)connection:n.连接,关系conquer:vt.征服,战胜vi.得胜,胜利Conrad Hilton:希尔顿(美国旅馆业巨头)conscious:a.意识到的(of),自觉的;神志清醒的consciousness:n.意识,知觉;觉悟consensus:n.合意;(意见等的)一致consequence:n.结果,后果consequently:ad.所以,因此conservation:n.保存;保护conservative:a.保存的,防腐的;保守的,守旧的consider:vt.考虑,细想;认为vi.考虑,细想considerable:a.值得考虑的,重要的;相当大或多的consideration:n.考虑;体谅,照顾consist:vi.组成(of)consist of:由…组成consistent:a.坚持的,一贯的;与一致,符合。

















后面的“from 1960 to 1969”是此处的同位语,由此可知,这里的时间是“十年”。




这里说的还是1960年到1969年之间,表示一段较长的时间前用介词du ring在…期间。


with有“关于,对于”的意思,despair with sth.“对…感到失望”,为固定搭配。



catti三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived________hope.A inB forC onD through第2题________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第3题Martin has created enough memorable ________to make it easy to forgive his lows.A youngstersB noblesC highsD miserablesOranges are a ________source of vitamin C.A wellB betterC goodD very第5题All students have free________to the library.A passagewayB entranceC permissionD access第6题I''m so tired that I can''t take ________what you''re saying.A upB outC inD on第7题Rice is the ________food of most Southeast Asians.A commonB generalC stapleD popularWhat they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leading a________life — trying to be a good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesn''t have kids at all.A doubleB hardC two-wayD miserable第9题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ________paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第10题We were working________time to get everything ready for the exhibition.A againstB inC onD ahead第11题Our flight to Guangzhou was ________by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved第12题________pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.A AlthoughB HoweverC BecauseD On account of第13题Leading stress management experts say that life with stress would be dull and________.A disorderlyB time-consumingC fruitlessD unexciting第14题This book is full of practical ________on home repair.A helpsB tipsC aidsD clues第15题The speaker ________have criticized the paraprofessionals, knowing full well that they were seated in the audience.A should not toB must notC ought not toD may not二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题13小题.每题1.0分,共13.0分。




下文店铺为大家整理公共英语三级知识运用部分试题及答案解析,希望对大家有帮助作用!全国公共英语三级试题及答案篇1Directions:Read thefollowing text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C,or Don"ANSWER SHEET 1.The pursuit for SUCCESS always begins with atarget.But too many people 26 through life like sleepwalkers.Each day they follow 27 routines,never asking,“What am Idoing with my life?”And they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack 28.Goal—setting is 29 the will to move in a certain 30.Begin with a clear3l of what you want.Write down your goals and 32 them-putting them into words clarifies them. 33concentratingon objects to acquire and possess,center on 34 your desires to do,to produce,tocontribute.Goal.setting 35 me true sense of satisfaction we all need.It’s important to imagine yourself 36 your goal.It is usually thecase that, 37 losers picture thepenalties of failure,winners picture the 38 of Success.I’ve done it myself.1 was 39 of air travel.Friends quoted data 40 air and highway safety,but it madeno 41 ,because I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and had 42 myself,without realizing it,to stay offplanes.Then one summer I had the opportunity to flyon a privateplane with friends.I didn’t want to43 out on a great vacation.So I spent two weeksimagining a smooth flight and easy landing.When the day arrived,1 was eagerto go.To everyone’s 44 ,I got on the plane and flew.I loved every minuteof it,and I still use the techniques I 45 that day.26.[A]walk[B]wander[C]wind[D]work27.[A]basic[B]familiar[C]necessary[D]various28.[A]moves[B]goals[C]ambitions[D]actions29.[A]workingout[B]forcing down[C]building up[D]focusing on30.[A]manner[B]extent[C]direction[D]approach31.[A]opinion[B]idea[C]estimate[D]argument32.[A]appreciate[B]challenge[C]date[D]solve33.[A]Ratherthan[B]Owing to[C]In spite of[D]In addition to34.[A]favoring[B]fulfilling[C] projecting[D]scheduling35.[A]covers[B]releases[C]relieves[D]yields36.[A]seeking[B]performing[C]grasping[D]accomplishing37.[A]while[B]though[C]because[D]if38.[A]effects[B]expectations[C]records[D]rewards39.[A]afraid[B]aware[CJproud[D]reminded40.[A]comparing[B]contrasting[C]distinguishing[D]displaying41.[A]promise[B]progress[C]guarantee[D] difference42.[A]programmed[B]fixed[C]ensured[D]comforted43.[A]fly[B]go[C]leave[D]miss44.[A]surprise[B]dismay[C]amusement[D]admiration45.[A]invented[B]imagined[C]employed[D]designed。



英语三级考试试题及答案Passage 1Questions 1-5 refer to the following news report.The famous actor, Robert Cartwright, has announced his retirement from the film industry. Cartwright, known for his incredible talent and versatile performances, has been an icon in Hollywood for over three decades. He starred in numerous critically acclaimed films, including "The Piano" and "The Great Escape". Cartwright's decision to retire has left his fans shocked and saddened.During his retirement announcement, Cartwright expressed his desire to shift his focus to philanthropy work. He plans to establish a foundation that supports underprivileged children's education and healthcare. Cartwright believes that his success in the film industry has given him the platform to make a positive impact on society, and he wants to utilize his influence for the betterment of those in need.1. Who has announced his retirement from the film industry?2. How long has Robert Cartwright been an icon in Hollywood?3. What are some of the critically acclaimed films Robert Cartwright starred in?4. How did Cartwright's fans react to his retirement announcement?5. What does Robert Cartwright plan to focus on during his retirement?Answers:1. Robert Cartwright.2. Robert Cartwright has been an icon in Hollywood for over three decades.3. Some of the critically acclaimed films Robert Cartwright starred in include "The Piano" and "The Great Escape".4. Cartwright's fans were shocked and saddened by his retirement announcement.5. Robert Cartwright plans to focus on philanthropy work, specifically establishing a foundation to support underprivileged children's education and healthcare.Passage 2Questions 6-10 refer to the following conversation.M: Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest subway station from here?W: Walk straight for two blocks, then turn left. It should be right there on the corner.M: Thank you. Is it the Red Line or the Blue Line?W: The nearest station is on the Blue Line.M: Great, thank you so much for your help!W: You're welcome. Have a pleasant journey!6. What does the man want to know?7. How far is the nearest subway station from here?8. Which direction should the man turn after walking straight for two blocks?9. Which subway line is the nearest station on?10. How does the woman respond to the man's gratitude?Answers:6. The man wants to know how to get to the nearest subway station.7. The nearest subway station is two blocks away.8. The man should turn left after walking straight for two blocks.9. The nearest station is on the Blue Line.10. The woman responds by saying "You're welcome" and wishing the man a pleasant journey.Please note that the format used above is an example and may not adhere to the strict format requirements of an actual English proficiency exam.。



公共英语pets3级专项试题练习及答案公共英语pets3级专项试题练习及答案完形填空text 1Pollution is a“dirty”word.To pollute means to contaminate-topsoil or something by introducing impurities which make(31) ___unfit or unclean to use.Pollution comes in many forms.We see it,smell it,(32) ___it,drink it,and stumble through it.We literally lived in and breathe pollution,and(33) ___surprisingly,it is beginning to(34) ___our health,our happiness,and our civilization.外语学习网Once we thought of pollution(35) ___meaning simply the smog--the choking,stinging,dirty(36) ___that hovers over cities.But air pollution,while it is(37) ___the most dangerous,is only one type of contamination among several(38) ___attack the most basic life functions.Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides,man has polluted the land,(39) ___the wildlife.By(40) ___sewage and chemicals into rivers and lakes,we have contaminated our(41) ___water.We are polluting the oceans,too,killing the fish and(42) ___depriving ourselves(43) ___an invaluable food supply.Part of the problem is our exploding(44) ___.More and more people are producing more wastes.But this problem is intensified by our“throw—away”technology.Each year Americans(45) ___of 7 million autos,20 million tons of waste paper,25 million pounds of toothpaste tubes and 48 million cans.We throw away gum wrappers,newspapers,and paper plates.It is no longer wise to(46) ___anything.Today almost everything is disposable.(47) ___of repairing a toaster or a radi0,it is easier and cheaperto buy another one and discard the old,even(48) ___95 percent of its parts may still be functioning.Baby diapers,which used to be made of reusable cloth,are now paper throw-aways.Soon we will wear clothing made of(49) ___:“Wear i t once and throw it away”will be the slogan of the fashionable consciousness.Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a gigantic dump,or is there hope that we can solve the pollution problem?(50) ___,solutions are in sight.A few of them are positively ingenious.答案解析参考译文污染是一个“肮脏”的词语。

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1. A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ________.
A) mark B) feature C) trace D) appearance
2. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ________ the curiosity and creativity of children.
A) seek B) stimulate C) shape D) secure
3. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A) by that B) at that C) on that D) in that
4. However, at times this balance in nature is ________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A) troubled B) disturbed C) confused D) puzzled
5. The patient‘s health failed to such an extent that he was put into ________ care.
A) tense B) rigid C) intensive D) tight
6. Does everyone on earth have an equal right ________ an equal share of its resources?
A) by B) at C) to D) over
7. In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe
________ Europe into a great war.
A) inserted B) imposed C) pitched D) plunged
8. We had to ________ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A) go in for B) hold on to C) put up with D) keep pace with
9. What he said just now had little to do with the question ________ discussion.
A) on B) in C) under D) at
10. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ________ to the health service.
A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access
11. I was advised to arrange for insurance ________ I needed medical treatment.
A) nevertheless B) although C) in case D) so that
12. Our new house is very ________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available
13. Our journey was slow because the train stopped ________ at different villages.
A) unceasingly B) gradually C) continuously D) continually
14. I‘m very sorry to have ________ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A) interfered B) offended C) impressed D) bothered
15. The price of beer ________ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.
A) altered B) ranged C) separated D) differed
16. Our son doesn‘t know what to ________ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.
A) take in B) take up C) take over D) take after
17. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ________.
A) blank B) hollow C) vacant D) bare
18. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A) with regard to B) as to C) in relation to D) owing to
19. Tony is very disappointed ________ the results of the exam.
A) with B) for C) toward D) on
20. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A) peculiarly B) indifferently C) vigorously D) inevitably
1-5 BBDBC 6-10 CDCCD
11-15 CCDDB 16-20 BDDAC。
