
• The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in "on scrolls of silver snowy sentences" Hart Crane. Modern alliteration is predominantly consonantal (consonance); certain literary traditions, such as Old English verse, also alliterate using vowel sounds. (assonance)
3. The instrument for the agent(借一物以喻用
物之人;或者用工具指其行为主体) Give every man your ear, but few your voice. (Pay heed to what every man says, but say little yourself) He chose a gun instead of a cap and gown. (a gun= soldier, a cap and gown =a student) 4.a person‟s name for the things he has invented or the works he has written(用某人之名代替 此人的作品或者发明物) • At the beginning of next year, he will read Shakespeare

高级英语1------常考修辞手法总结1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比,这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性。
标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。
例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.例如:1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.I.以容器代替内容,例如:1>.The kettle boils. 水开了.2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.III.以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.4.Synecdoche 提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.例如:1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)他的厂里约有100名工人.2>.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般)他是本世纪的牛顿.3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。

高级英语修辞总结HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】Rhetorical Devices一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。
常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。
2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets...德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。
2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。

英语专业高级英语修辞介绍及例句An Introduction to Figures of Speech(修辞格)Rhetoric(修辞学、说话技巧)1.Simile(明喻)Simile is an expression of comparison between two different things. It is usually introduced by “as”“as if”or “like”, and sometimes also by “as…as/as…so”, and “resemble” as the signs of comparison.明喻就是打比方,指一事物像另一事物的修辞格。
常用的比喻词有“as” ,“as if”or “like”, and sometimes also by “as…so /as…as”, and “resemble”等1). Mercy drops as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. —Shakespeare2). Thecheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.3).The apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist. ------砸得粉碎4). Self-criticism is as necessary to us as air to water.5). As a man whispers, so the breeze makes a low, hissing sound.6). Learning resembles scaling the heights.2. Metaphor(隐喻/暗喻)**Metaphor contains an implied comparison, it calls one thing by the name of another or one thing is described in terms of another.隐喻是一种隐含着比喻的修辞格,它直接把一种事物比为另一种事物,不用比喻词,通常比较含蓄。

《文学词汇词典》(A )对明喻是这样定义的:A , a . ( ) “” “”.这个定义对明喻的界定既有权威性又有普遍性,许多论述英语修辞的书籍或文章在讲到明喻时,其叙述都没有超出这个概念。
其基本格式是“A B”或“A … B”。
先看引自《大学英语·精读》(笔者按:系指董亚芬总主编的大学英语系列教材( )中的《精读( 1-6册)》[修订本],上海外语教育出版社,1997。
a a . ( 1, 3)支票像只断了翅膀的小鸟似的飘落在地板上。
. ( 2, 10)对于人的精神来说,赞扬就像阳光一样:没有它我们便不能开花生长。
, a a . ( 2, 4)他带着一种吃惊的,不以为然的神态看着我,就像一位上校看着一名没系好靴带的列兵一样。

英语中所有19种修辞手法的全部解释和例句1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性.标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.例如:1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.I.以容器代替内容,例如:1>.The kettle boils. 水开了.2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.III.以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.4.Synecdoche 提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.例如:1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)他的厂里约有100名工人.2>.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般)他是本世纪的牛顿.3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。

英语修辞手法总结1) Simile:(明喻)是常用as或like等词将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。
2) Metaphor:(暗喻)是本体和喻体同时出现,它们之间在形式上是相合的关系,说甲(本体)是(喻词)乙(喻体)。
(徐迟《哥德巴赫猜想》)3) Analogy: (类比)是基于两种不同事物间的类似,借助喻体的特征,通过联想来对本体加以修饰描摩的一种文学修辞手法。
4) Personification: (拟人)把事物人格化,把本来不具备人的一些动作和感情的事物变成和人一样的。
5) Hyperbole: (夸张)是指为了达到强调或滑稽效果,而有意识的使用言过其实的词语,这样的一种修辞手段。
6) Understatement: (含蓄陈述)7) Euphemism: (委婉)是指为了策略或礼貌起见,使用温和的,令人愉快的,不害人的语言来表达令人厌恶的,伤心或不宜直说的事实,8) Metonymy:(转喻)是指当甲事物同乙事物不相类似,但有密切关系时,可以利用这种关系,以乙事物的名称来取代甲事物,这样的一种修辞手段。
9) Synecdoche (提喻)是不直接说某一事物的名称,而是借事物的本身所呈现的各种对应的现象来表现该事物的这样一种修辞手段。
10) Antonomasia (换喻)一种,一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法11) Pun: (双关语)指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义和同音的条件,有意使语句具有双重意义,言在此而意在彼的修辞方式。

1. 比喻:用一个事物来形容另外一个事物,从而表现出它们之间的相似性。
2. 拟人:将非人的事物拟人化,赋予其人类的行为和品质,以表现出更加生动的形象。
3. 排比:采用连结词将一系列相似的词语或短语排列起来,以强调它们之间的关系。
4. 反复句:在句子中重复使用相同的词组或结构,以强调其中的某个关键点,从而达到增强语言表现力的目的。
5. 借代:用一个字来代替另一个字或一组字,以达到一定的修辞目的。
6. 比较修辞:通过比较来突出某一个方面的特点或优越性。
7. 省略:在句子中省略一些词语或语法结构,以增强句子的简洁度和艺术感染力。

常用修辞手法:1. 比喻比喻就是打比方。
可分为明喻和暗喻:明喻(simile):用like, as, as...as, as if(though) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。
例如:O my love's like a red, red rose. 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。
The man can't be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel. 那个人不可信赖。
例如:He has a heart of stone. 他有一颗铁石心肠。
The world is a stage. 世界是一个大舞台。
2. 换喻(metonymy)用一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。
如the White House 代美国政府或总统,用the bottle来代替wine 或者alcohol。
His purse would not allow him that luxury. 他的经济条件不允许他享受那种奢华。
The mother did her best to take care of the cradle. 母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。
He succeeded to the crown in 1848. 他在1848年继承了王位。
3. 提喻(synecdoche)指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用一般代表特殊。
例如:He earns his bread by writing. 他靠写作挣钱谋生。
The farms were short of hands during the harvest season. 在收获季节农场缺乏劳动力。
Australia beat Canada at cricket. 澳大利亚队在板球比赛中击败了加拿大队。

1. 隐喻(Metaphor):隐喻是一种不直接说明事物,而是通过比较或比喻来暗示某一事物的修辞手法。
2. 反讽(Irony):反讽是一种表面说一套,实际上表达的却是与字面意思
3. 排比(Parallelism):排比是一种通过使用结构相似的句式来表达相近
4. 拟人(Personification):拟人是一种将非人类事物赋予人类特性的修辞手法。
5. 夸张(Hyperbole):夸张是一种通过夸大或缩小事物来表达强烈情感的修辞手法。

11. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. synecdoche
九、拟声(onomatopoeia)是摹仿自然界中非语言的声音,其发音和所描写的事物的声音很相似,使语言 显得生动,富有表现力。
1、On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing.
2、... Because good technique in medicine and surgery means more quickly—cured patients, less pain, less discomfort, less death, less disease and less deformity.
the wit and learning=the wise and learned scholars
4)以具体代表抽象 the concrete for the abstract
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman.
用senior citizens代替old people
用 a slow learner或者an under achiever代替a stupid pupil
用weight watcher代替 fat people
用mental hospital 代替 madhouse或者 asylum

1.metaphor暗喻slips and slidesthe sinister corridor of our age… and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. … that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place, and all at once there was a focus.The glow of the conversation burst into flames.We had traveled in five minutes to Australia.The fact that their marriages may be on the rocks, or that their love affairs have been broken or even that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concernThe conversation was on wings.When E.M.F orster writes of “the sinister corridor of our age,” we sit up at the vividness of the phrase, the force and even terror in the image.Mark Twain --- Mirror of Americasaw clearly ahead a black wall of night...main artery of transportation in the young nation's heartAll would resurface in his books...that he soaked up...…who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.…main artery of transportation in the young nation’s heart.my case would snowball into...our town ...had taken on a circus atmosphere.The street ...sprouted with ...… had not scorched the infidels...…after the preliminary sparring over legalities…No one,... that may case would snowball into......our town ...had taken on a circus atmosphere.The street ...sprouted with ...He thundered in his sonorous organ tones....champion had not scorched the infidels...…after the preliminary sparring over legalities…...the nerves of both ... were excessively frayed…his wife shot him a swift, warning glance.The words spat forth with sudden savagery.Her tone ...withered......self-assurance...flickered...The Duchess kept firm tight rein on her racing mind.Her voice was a whiplasheyes bored into himI’ll spell it out.original sinwe saw how hun gry the American people….racial lens…whitest populations firestormvessel2. sarcasm反讽The bother about teaching chimpanzees how to talk is that they will probably try to talk sense and so ruin all conversation.3. simile明喻They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with each other, did not delve into each other's lives or the recesses of their thoughts and feelings.They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with each other, did not delve into, each other’s lives or the recesses of their thoughts and feelings.The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds multiplied, and floated to the ends of the earth.The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. ... and sore-eyed children cluster everywhere in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies.And really it was almost like watching a flock of cattle to see the long column, a mile or two miles of armed men, flowing peacefully up the road, while the great white birds drifted over them in the opposite direction, glittering like scraps of paper.Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imaginedT om’s mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky Thatcher are almost as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence....swept the arena like a prairie fire...a palm fan like a sword...4. metonymy转喻Is the phrase in Shakespeare?...his pen would prove mightier than his pickaxe…but for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax....tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers...The Christian believes that man came from above. ...belowwon 100 at the tableslost it at the barthey'll throw the book,...jarring to the untrained ear5.alliteration头韵法They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard and nobody notices that they are gone.Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s English slips and slides in conversation....the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home...with a dash and daring......a recklessness of cost or consequences...It was a splendid population –for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.It was that population…and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences‖color and creedthe greatness and the goodness of our nationtrials and triumphs…unique and universal…stories and songs…struggles and successes, the bitterness and biases6. elliptical sentence省略句The little crowd of mourners –all men and boys, no women—threaded their way across the market place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, wailing a short chant over and over again.Not hostile, not contemptuous, not sullen, not even inquisitive.7.transferred epithet 移就Darrow had whisper throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder.Cheerful money, suicidal sky, sleepless nightInstantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews, many of them old grandfathers with flowing grey beards, all clamoring for a cigarette.8. synecdoche(提喻)Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuousThis wretched boy, who is a French citizen and has therefore been dragged from the forest to scrub floors and catch syphilis in garrison towns, actually has feelings of reverence before a white skin.Keelboats,...carried the first major commerce.the case had erupted round my head9.hyperbole夸张法...cruise through eternal boyhood and ...endless summer of freedom...The cast of characters…--- a cosmos.The trial that rocked the worldThe trial that rocked the world His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world.A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lightning speed.10.onomatopoetic words symbolism拟声词的象征意义As the storks flew northward the Negroes were marching southward—a long, dusty column, infantry, screw-gun batteries, and then more infantry, four or five thousand men in all, winding up the road with a clumping of boots and a clatter of iron wheels.11. Personification拟人life dealt him profound personal tragedies...the river had acquainted him with ......to literature's enduring gratitude...Bitterness fed on the man...America laughed with him.12.Antithesis对照...between what people claim to be and what they really are......took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land......a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever…of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.…a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever.The christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must have come from below.we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction.I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations.that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right wit h America.kindness and cruelty; the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance,13. Euphemism委婉语...men's final release from earthly struggleHe tried soldiering for two weeks with a motley band of Confiderate guerrillas who diligently avoided contact with the enemy.he commented with a crushing sense of despair on man’s final release from ear thly struggles...and you took a lady friend....and you took a lady friend.14. Sarcasm讥讽…I knew more about retreating than the man that invented retreating.…one could set a trap anywhere and catch a dozen abler man in a night.There is some doubt about that. And it is a mighty strong combination.15. Assonance:类音,类韵,半谐音when bigots lighted faggots to burn...16. RepetitionThe truth always wins...the truth...the truth...17. Ironymarching backwards to the glorious age of the 16th centuryHiroshima---the liveliest city in the worldAfter a while,it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until weare marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century.18. oxymoron (矛盾修辞法)orderly chaos ;a living death; tearful joy; poor rich guys; a love-hate relationshipDudley Field Malene called my conviction a , “victorious defeat”Dark light , living dead , new classic , old news, open secret19. Ridicule嘲笑Bryan, ageing and paunchy, was assisted ... Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence.20. Pun双关DARVIN IS RIGHT-------INSIDE.21. Onomatopoeia:拟声词appreciative chuckleclucked his tongue22.Parallelism…to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America.I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue…23. The use of pronounsThe use of pronouns such as we, us, our, I, me, my, indicates how much responsibility the speaker wants to assume for an idea。

关键词:高级英语修辞解读一、修辞在《高级英语》中的渗透修辞( figure of speech),“修”是修饰的意思,“辞”的本来意思是辩论的言词,后引申为一切的言词。
二、解读《高级英语》中的修辞(一)比喻类修辞1. 比喻( parable):即打比方。
比喻类修辞通常包括:明喻( simile)暗喻( metaphor)等。
( 1)明喻( simile):是常用 as 或 like 等词将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。

例句:1. He is a lion in the battlefield.2. Her smile was a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.二、拟人(Personification)拟人是一种将非人类的事物或抽象的概念赋予人类的特征和行为的修辞手法。
例句:1. The wind whispered through the trees.2. The flowers danced in the breeze.三、夸张(Hyperbole)夸张是一种通过夸大事物的特征或情况来强调其重要性或影响力的修辞手法。
例句:1. I've told you a million times not to do that!2. The line for the new iPhone was a mile long.四、反问(Rhetorical question)反问是一种不需要回答的问题,用于引起读者的思考或表达某种意义的修辞手法。
例句:1. Do you really think I would believe such a ridiculous story?2. Can you imagine a world without music?五、排比(Parallelism)排比是一种通过重复并列的结构或类似的语法结构来增加修辞效果的修辞手法。

英语修辞手法1、Simile明喻明喻就是将具有共性得不同事物作对比、这种共性存在于人们得心里,而不就是事物得自然属性.标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as 等。
He waslike acock who thoughtthe sunhad risento hear him crow、2>、I wanderedlonely asa cloud。
Einstein only had a blanketon, as ifhe had just walkedou tofafairy tale、2。
Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻就是简缩了得明喻,就是将某一事物得名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
Hope isa good breakfast, but itis a badsupper、2>.Some books are to be tasted, othersswallowed, andsome few to bechewed and digested。
The kettleboils、水开了、2〉。
Theroom sat silent、全屋人安静地坐着。
以资料、工具代替事物得名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please.请听我说、III.以作者代替作品,例如:a plete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集VI、以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:Ihadthe muscle, andthey made money out of it、我有力气,她们就用我得力气赚钱。
4、Synecdoche 提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般、例如:1>。

Rhetorical Devices一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。
常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。
2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets... 德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。
2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。
例如:1、Grammar may be his heel of Achilles.语法是他的大弱点。

通过比较两种事物来表达一种关系,常用的比喻词有“as”“like”“as if”“as though”等。
12.反问(Rhetorical question)。

1. 拟人:指明原言外其义,以展示文章主题,或节节渗出作者的情感。
如“He stood alone like a mountain in his duty.”(他屹立在他的责任上,孤身一人,如同一座山。
)2. 比喻:比喻是一种形象性的手段,用比喻比喻出两个不同的事物之间的联系,从而营造深刻的意境。
如“Life is like a roller coaster.”(生活如过山车一般。
)3. 排比:把同一性质的事物连在一起,表达作者的切中点锋、犀利言辞,使文章句式更加生动形象。
如“Determination, courage and perseverance are the key to success.”(决心、勇气和毅力是取得成功的关键。
)4. 夸张:用大量的超越现实的词语,使读者感受到文中的爆炸感、张力感,以激发读者的情绪。
如“It was a million-billion times worse than anything I had ever imagined.”(它远远超乎我的想象,百万亿倍之恶劣。
)5. 引语:引用他人的言论,来表达作者的思想和情感,使文章生变雅量,因而令人触动,造成强烈的感染。
如“As a famous scientist said, ‘There is no failure exceptin no longer trying.’ ”(正如一位著名科学家所说:“唯有不再尝试才是失败。