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3. After Peter died, George _________ the story of their set down friendship in a book. 4. When the street lights go on at dusk _______, they make a beautiful picture, so different from the daytime. wonder 5. Good friends do not ______ what they do for each other; instead they offer help when it is needed.

She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there. What she really missed was going _________ walking the dog for her outdoors neighbour. It was such fun to watch it run loose ______in the park. She wished she could tell her face to face neighbour__________ that she was sorry not to be able to do it any longer, but she knew that was too dangerous.
9 Have you ever been ignored by your teacher?
10 what is my friend crazy about? What are you crazy about now?
1 为了保持健康,他每天早上都坚持跑步。 In order to keep healthy, he sticks to run every morning 2 她得了重感冒,我们大家都很担心。 She caught a bad cold, we are all concerned about her. 3 当你和朋友面对面交流时,请保持微笑! Please keep smile when you communicate with your friend face to face.
4 Most of us will feel nervous before taking the most important exam, how do you make yourself calm down?
5 How should we set down notes quickly?
6 Why should the teacher make the instruction simple and clear according to my friend? In order to make students understand easily.
outdoors 1. _________ not inside a building 2. ______ feeling disturbed upset 3. be concerned about to be worried _________________ about 4. _____ free, not tied up loose 5. go through to experience something _________ 6. _______ to take no notice of ignore
Story time:
Words: upset, calm, concern, loose, entirely, ignore, outdoors Phrases: be concerned about, go through, calm down, set down, in order to, on purpose, face to face, be crazy about, add up
MaLeabharlann Baidue sentences
Words: upset, calm, concern, loose, entirely, ignore, outdoors Phrases: be concerned about, go through, calm down, set down, in order to, on purpose, face to face, be crazy about, add up

2. Complete this passage with some of the words and phrases above.
upset Anne’s sister, Margot, was very ______ that the family had to move. However, go through she knew that she had to _________all the difficulties with her family. She found it difficult to settle and _________ in the calm down hiding place, because she was concerned about whether they would be ___________ discovered.
1 Why did my friend guess I may be upset?
2 If your friend is concerned about her future when she is going to graduate, how do you comfort her? 3 what’s your great difficulty did you go through?
What did you do on purpose to make your friend happy?
8 When we talk to our friends face to face, should we look at her or his eyes ? All the time or sometimes? give your reasons.
4 怎么使自己更好的平静下来呢? How can I make myself calm down in a better way? 5 你有被朋友忽视的感觉吗? Do you have the feeling that you are ignored by your friends?
6 我不是故意要伤害你的,原谅我,好吗? I didn’t hurt you on purpose, please forgive me, ok?

7. ___________ staying close to and face to face looking at somebody 8. calm down to become quiet after __________ nervous activity 9. curtainpiece of material hung to cover ______ a window series 10. ______ number of things that happen one after another
Unit 1 Friendship
Learning about language
Sophie’s opinion
(You can have your own opinions, it doesn’t matter )
Words: upset, calm, concern, loose, entirely, ignore, outdoors 7 Phrases: be concerned about, go through, calm down, set down, in order to, on purpose, face to face, be crazy about, add up 9
6. Although Tim and Mike come entirely from ________ different backgrounds, they became close friends. curtains 7. Please draw the ______; the sunlight is too bright. 8. “Sorry, I didn’t break the plate on purpose _________.” “ It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.”

3. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions from the text.
1. When the man saw the car accident on the highway, he stopped in order to offer help. ________ 2. “How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty dusty and _____? It will only make her worse.” said the doctor.