
国际贸易英文术语-中英对照(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人出口国交货的贸易术语三组E 组:E.W.X.,工厂交货。

国际经济与贸易专业英语汉译英(供2011-2012学年第一学期用)1.国际贸易(International Trade )2.对外贸易(foreign trade)3.贸易量(quantity of trade)4.贸易差额(balance of trade)5.贸易顺差(favorable balance of trade)6.贸易逆差(unfavorable balance of trade)7.国际收支(balance of payment)8.贸易条件(Terms of Trade)9.对外贸易依存度(ratio of dependence on foreign trade)10.国际贸易商品结构(composition of international trade) 11.贸易的地理方向(Direction of Trade)12.出口贸易(export trade)13.进口贸易(import trade)14.过境贸易(transit trade)15.转口贸易(entreport trade)16.复出口(re-export)17.复进口(re-import)18.有形贸易(tangible goods trade)19.无形贸易(intangible goods trade)20.总贸易(general trade)21.专门贸易(special trade)22.直接贸易(direct trade)23.间接贸易(indirect trade)24.双边贸易(bilateral trade)25.多边贸易(multilateral trade)26.自由结汇贸易(free-liquidation trade)27.易货贸易(barter trade)28.水平贸易(horizontal trade)29.垂直贸易(vertical trade)30.国际分工(international division of labour)31.绝对优势(absolute advantage)32.绝对成本(absolute cost)33.比较优势(comparative advantage)34.比较成本(comparative cost)35.相互需求说(reciprocal demand doctrine)36.要素禀赋理论(treory of eadowment)37.机会成本(opportunity cost)38.生产可能性曲线(production possibility curve) 39.无差异曲线(indifference curve)40.里昂惕夫之谜(leontief paradox)41.规模经济(scale of economies)42.偏好相似理论(the preference similarity theory) 43.关税(tariff)44.关税壁垒(tariff barriers)45.财政关税(revenue tariff)46.保护关税(protective tariff)47.关税升级(tariff escalation)48.特惠税(preferential duties)49.原产地规则(rules of origin)50.出口税(export duties)国际经济与贸易专业英语汉译英(供2011-2012学年第二学期用)51.过境税(transit duties)52.进口附加税(import surtaxes)53.反倾销税(anti-dumping duties)54.反补贴税(counter vailing duties)55.差价税(variable levy)56.惩罚关税(penalty tariff)57.报复关税(retaliatory tariff)58.门槛价格(threshold price)59.从量税(specific duties)60.混合税(mixed duty)61.复合税(compound duties)62.选择税(alternative duties)63.税率(rate of duty)64.单式税则(single tariff)65.复式税则(complex tariff)66.关税水平(tariff level)67.名义保护率(nominal rate of protection-NRP)68.有效保护率(effective rate of protection-ERP)69.绝对配额(absolute quota)70.关税配额(tariff quota)71.全球配额(global quota)72.国别配额(country quota)73.自主配额(autonomous quota)74.协议配额(agreement quota)75.进口商配额(importer quota)76.“自动”出口配额(voluntary export quota)77.进口许可证制(import license system)78.外汇管制(foreign exchange control)79.进口押金(advanced deposit)80.歧视性政府采购政策(discriminatory government procurement policy) 81.海关程序(customs procedures)82.技术性贸易壁垒(technical barriers to trade)83.出口信贷(export credit)84.出口信贷国家担保制(export credit guarantee system) 85.出口补贴(export subsidy)86.关税同盟(customs union)87.普惠制 (GSP)88.经济一体化 (Economic Integration)89.绿色壁垒 (Green barriers)90.反倾销(anti-dumping)91.进口配额(import quota)92.最惠国待遇(most-favoured-nation treatment MFNT) 93.贸易额(Value of Trade)94.进口税 (Import Duties )95.非关税壁垒(Non-tarriff Barriers)96.反倾销(Anti-dumping)97.世界贸易组织(World Trade Organiztion)98.商品名称及编码协调制度(HS)99.进口配额(import quota)100.从价税 (ad valorem duties)。

《国际贸易实务》(英文版)词汇Chapter 1 Introduction to International TradeTrade Surplus 贸易顺差National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展和改革委员会Export Tax Rebates 出口退税Export Taxes 出口关税Export-driven Economic Growth 出口导向型经济增长Excess Liquidity 流动性过剩Trade Frictions 贸易摩擦International Trade 国际贸易World Trade 世界贸易Foreign Trade 对外贸易Overseas Trade 海外贸易Trade in Goods 货物贸易Trade in Services 服务贸易Self-sufficient 自给自足Economic Resources 经济资源Barter 物物交换,以货易货,实物交易,易货贸易Visible Trade 有形贸易Invisible Trade 无形贸易Transportation 运输Insurance 保险Tourism 旅游业Balance of Trade 贸易差额A Favorable Balance of Trade 贸易顺差Trade Surplus 贸易顺差An Unfavorable Balance of Trade 贸易逆差Trade Deficit 贸易逆差Balance of Payments 国际收支平衡,国际收支差额A Favorable Balance of Payments 国际收支顺差An Unfavorable Balance of Payments 国际收支逆差International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)对外直接投资,外商直接投资Portfolio Investment 间接投资Chapter 2 International Trade PolicyProtectionism 贸易保护主义Free Trade 自由贸易The National Interest 国家利益Doha Trade Talks 多哈贸易谈判Acquisitions 购并Trade Barriers 贸易壁垒Infant Industries 幼稚产业Tariffs 关税Subsidies 补贴Quantitative Restrictions 数量限制Encouragements 鼓励Import Tariff 进口关税Non-tariff Barriers(NTB)非关税壁垒Export Taxes 出口关税Export Subsidies 出口补贴Protective Tariffs 保护性关税Revenue Tariff 财政关税Specific Duties 从量税Ad Valorem Duties 从价税Compound Duties 复合税Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States(HTS)美国协调关税明细表Harmonized System 商品名称及编码协调制度International Harmonized Commodity Coding and Classification System 商品名称及编码协调制度World Customs Organization 世界海关组织Customs Tariff of Import/Export of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国进出口关税条例Import Quota 进口配额Binding Quota 限制性配额Non-binding Quota不具约束力的配额Zero QuotaAbsolute Quotas 绝对配额Tariff-rate Quotas 关税配额Voluntary Export Restraint(VER)自动出口限制Multi-Fiber Arrangement 多种纤维协定Market Failures 市场失灵Domestic Content Requirements 国内成分要求Government Procurement Policies 政府采购政策Buy America Act of 1933 1933年购买美国货法案Red-tape Barriers进口环节壁垒Domestic Supply 国内供给Domestic Demand 国内需求Floor Price 最低限价Shortfall of Supply 供应短缺Export Enhancement Program(EEP)美国的出口促进计划Dairy Export Incentive Program(DEIP)奶制品出口激励项目Chapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade BlockAsia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Organization (APEC)亚太经合组织Hanoi 河内(越南首都)Stalemate 僵局Open Regionalism 开放的区域主义Trade Liberalization 贸易自由化Most Favored Nation 最惠国Multilateralism 多边贸易Doha Round 多哈回合Free Trade Agreement of Asia and the Pacific(FTAAP)亚太自由贸易协定Free Trade Area 自由贸易区Preferential Trade Agreements(PTAs)特殊优惠贸易协议Bilateral Free Trade Agreements 双边自由贸易协定Discriminatory Tariffs 歧视性关税Tariff Rates 关税税率Trade Discrimination 贸易歧视Trade Bloc 贸易集团Trade Block 贸易禁运EU(European Union)欧盟(欧洲联盟)NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement)北美自由贸易协定,北美自由贸易区MERCOSUR(Mercado Comun del Cono Sur)南方共同市场SCCM(Southern Common Markets)南方共同市场ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟EFTA(European Free Trade Area)欧洲自由贸易区ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA)东盟自由贸易区Customs Union 关税同盟EEC(European Economic Community)欧洲经济共同体EC(the European Community)欧洲共同体Economic Union 经济同盟,经济联盟Trade Embargoes 贸易禁运Economic Sanctions 经济制裁United Nations 联合国Stamp Act 印花税法案Townshend Acts 汤森条例Trade Elasticity 贸易弹性Chapter 4 WTO:A Navigation GuideFranchises 特许经营World Trade Organization(WTO)世界贸易组织Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)关税与贸易总协定Doha Development Agenda 多哈发展议程(多哈回合谈判)WTO Agreements 世界贸易组织协议The World Bank 世界银行International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织Appellate Body 上诉机构Dispute Settlement Panels 争端解决专门小组Plurilateral Committees 诸边协议委员会Ministerial Conference 部长会议The General Council 常务理事会The Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构The Trade Policy Review Body 贸易政策审议机构Goods Council 货物贸易理事会Services Council 服务贸易理事会TRIPS Council 与贸易有关的知识产权理事会The Textiles Monitoring Body 纺织品监督机构Heads of Delegations(HOD)代表团首脑The Secretariat 秘书处Sustainable Development 可持续发展Plurilateral Trade Agreement 诸边贸易协定Marrakesh Ministerial Meeting 马拉喀什部长会议(摩洛哥)TRIPS Agreement 与贸易有关的知识产权协定Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS)与贸易有关的知识产权Contracting Parties 缔约国Trade Without Discrimination 贸易无歧视Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 最惠国待遇National Treatment 国民待遇Transparency 透明度Access to Markets 市场准入Navigation Guide 导航General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)服务贸易总协定Trade-Related Investment Measures TRIMS 与贸易有关的投资措施Chapter 5 Terms of Commodity——QualityCommodity 商品、货物Manufactured Goods 工业制成品Name of Commodity 货物的品名Description of Goods 货物的名称,货物的描述Quality of Commodity 货物的品质Sample 样品Representative Sample 代表性样品Original Sample 原样Type Sample 标准样品Reference Sample 参考样品Duplicate Sample 复样Sale by Sell’s Sample 凭卖方样品买卖(销售)Sale by buyer’s Sample 凭买方样品买卖(销售)Return Sample 回样Counter Sample 对等样品Sealed Sample 封样The Parties to the Contract 合同的当事人Quality to be about equal to the Sample 品质与样品大致相同Specifications 规格Grade 等级Standard 标准Fair Average Quality(F.A.Q.)良好平均品质Good Merchantable Quality(G.M.Q.)上好可销品质Brand 品牌Trademark 商标Description,Drawing and Diagram 说明书,图纸和技术协议书等Quality Tolerance 品质公差Chapter 5 Terms of Commodity——QuantityQuantity of Commodity 货物的数量Unit of Measurement 计量单位The Metric System 公制The British System 英制The U.S. System 美制Numbers 个数Weight 重量Length 长度Area 面积Volume 体积Capacity 容积International Measurement Conference 国际测量会议International System of Units(SI)国际单位制Gross Weight 毛重Net Weight 净重Gross for net 以毛作净Conditioned Weight 公量Theoretical Weight 理论重量More of Less Clause 溢短装条款Chapter 5 Terms of Commodity——PackingPaking 包装Nude Cargo 裸装货Cargo in Bulk 散装货Outer Packing 外包装Baling 打包Hogsheads 美国橡木桶Inner Packing 内包装Pallet 托盘Shipping Mark 运输标志(唛头)Additional Mark 附属性标志Indicative Mark 指示性标志Warning Mark 警告性标志Neutral Packing 中性包装Neutral Packing with Designated Brand 定牌中性包装Neutral Packing without Designated Brand 无牌中性包装Chapter 6 International Trade TermsL/C Issuing Date 信用证的开证日期Partial Shipment 分批装运Transshipment 转运Shipment 装运Terms of Payment 支付条件Draft 汇票Liner 班轮Trade Terms,Price Terms,Delivery Terms 贸易术语,价格术语,交货术语Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 1932年华沙——牛津规则International Law Association 国际法律协会Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本INCOTERMS 2000 2000年国际贸易术语解释通则International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)国际商会Carrier 承运人Frontier 边境Clear 清关Value added tax(VAT)增值税United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL)联合国国际贸易法律委员会Ship’s Rail 船舷Quay 码头Multi-modal Transport 多式联运Trim 平舱Stow 理舱EXW 工厂交货FCA 货交承运人FOB 装运港船上交货FAS 货交船边CFR 成本加运费CIF 成本加保险费加运费CPT 运费付至CIP 运费、保险费付至DAF 边境交货DES 目的港船上交货DEQ 目的港码头交货DDU 未完税交货DDP 完税后交货。

国际贸易词汇英汉《国际贸易》常用词汇A外贸英语词汇英汉全对照出口信贷 export credit出口津贴 export subsidy商品倾销 dumping外汇倾销 exchange dumping优惠关税 special preferences保税仓库 bonded warehouse贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制 import quotas自由贸易区 free trade zone对外贸易值 value of foreign trade国际贸易值 value of international trade普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT价格术语 trade term (price term)运费 freight单价 price码头费 wharfage总值 total value卸货费landing charges金额 amount关税customs duty净价 net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税port dues回佣return commission装运港port of shipment折扣discount, allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价 wholesale price目的港port of destination零售价 retail price进口许口证import licence现货价格spot price出口许口证export licence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格 world (International)Market price 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight--------------------交货条件---------------------- 交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间 time of delivery定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B/L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments立即装运 immediate shipments即期装运 prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment notunacceptable---------------交易磋商、合同签订----------------- 订单 indent订货;订购 book; booking电复 cable reply实盘 firm offer递盘 bid; bidding递实盘 bid firm还盘 counter offer发盘(发价) offer发实盘 offer firm询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry---------------交易磋商、合同签订----------------- 指示性价格 price indication速复 reply immediately参考价 reference price习惯做法 usual practice交易磋商 business negotiation不受约束 without engagement业务洽谈 business discussion限**复 subject to reply **限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here ** 有效期限 time of validity有效至**: valid till **购货合同 purchase contract销售合同 sales contract购货确认书 purchase confirmation销售确认书 sales confirmation一般交易条件 general terms and conditions以未售出为准 subject to prior sale需经卖方确认 subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation ------------------贸易方式------------------------ INT (拍卖auction)寄售consignment招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement累计佣金accumulative commission补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade (又叫:往返贸易)counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent-------------------品质条件----------------------- 品质 quality 原样 original sample规格 specifications 复样 duplicate sample说明 description 对等样品 countersample标准 standard type 参考样品 reference sample 商品目录 catalogue 封样 sealed sample宣传小册 pamphlet 公差 tolerance货号 article No. 花色(搭配) assortment样品 sample 5% 增减 5% plus or minus 代表性样品 representative sample大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality--------------------商检仲裁-----------------------索赔 claim 争议disputes罚金条款 penalty 仲裁arbitration不可抗力 force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity 重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate---------------------数量条件-----------------------个数 number 净重 net weight容积 capacity 毛作净 gross for net 体积 volume 皮重 tare毛重 gross weight溢短装条款 more or less clause-----------------------外汇-------------------------外汇 foreign exchange 法定贬值 devaluation外币 foreign currency 法定升值 revaluation汇率 rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate 国际收支 balance of payments 硬通货 hard currency直接标价 direct quotation 软通货 soft currency间接标价 indirect quotation 金平价gold standard买入汇率 buying rate 通货膨胀 inflation卖出汇率 selling rate 固定汇率 fixed rate 金本位制度 gold standard 黄金输送点 gold points铸币平价 mint par 纸币制度 paper money system 国际货币基金 international monetary fund黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuationabove par 高于票面值absolute advantage 绝对优势acceptance (l)承兑;承兑票据,(2)承诺acceptance of bill of exchange 汇票承兑;票据承兑acceptor 承兑人accident insurance 意外保险account (1)帐;账户,(2)科目,(3)客帐account payable 应付帐款account payee only 只限存入抬头人账户;只可转帐account receivable 应收帐款accountant 会计人员;会计主任;会计师accumulated dividend 累积股息acid-test ratio 酸性测验比率active partner 参与管理合伙人;活跃合伙人ad hoc committee 临时委员会;专责委员会administration 行政advertising 广告advertising agency 广告公司;广告代理商advertising appeal 广告诉求advertising media 广告媒介advice note 交货通知书agent 代理人aids to trade 贸易辅助服务air freight 航空货运费air transport 航空运输air waybill 空运提货单;空运提单All Ordinaries Index 所有普通股指数allocate 分配allotment 分配数allowance (l)折让,(2)津贴amalgamation 合并American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, The 香港美国商会annual general meeting 周年大会;年会annual report 年报ante-dated cheque 倒填日期的支票arbitrator 仲裁人Articles of Association 组织章程Asian Development Bank (ADB) 亚洲发展银行asset 资产association 社团at par 按票面值auction 拍卖authorized capital 注册股本;法定股本auto-pay 自动转帐支付automatic credit transfer 自动转帐收款automatic teller machine 自动柜员机average clause 受保范围;损失条款avoidable risk 可避免之风险Bbad debt 呆帐;坏帐balance of payments 国际收支差额balance of trade 国际贸易差额balance sheet 资产负债表bank credit 银行信用bank draft 银行汇票bank interest rate 银行利率bank note 钞票bank overdraft 银行透支bank services 银行服务Banking Ordinance 银行业条例bankruptcy 破产barter 以货易货;物物交换bear 看淡股市者;淡友bear market 熊市;淡市bearer bond 息票债券;不记名债券bearer cheque 来人支票;不记名支票bearer share 无记名股票below par 低于票面值best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率;最优惠利率bilateral arrangement 双边协议bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading 提货单bill payable 应付票据bill receivable 应收票据blue chips 蓝筹股board of directors 董事会;董事局bond 债券bonded warehouse 公税仓bonus 红利;花红bonus issue 发行红股bonus share 红股;股票股息book value 账面值;账面成本brand 牌子;品牌brand image 牌子形象;品牌形象brand loyalty 对牌子忠诚brand name 商标;品牌名称;牌子名称broker 经纪brokerage firm 经纪行budget 预算bulk-breaking 分件bulk-buying 大量购买bull 看好股市者;好友bull market 牛市;旺市burglary insurance 盗窃保险business enterprise 企业机构business entity 企业个体business organization 企业组织business registration certificate 商业登记证business reply service 商业回邮服务Ccall option 买入期权callable bond 可赎回债券called-up capital 已催缴股本capital 资金;资本capital employed 动用资金capital expenditure 资本支出capital gearing 资金借贷比率capital goods 资本物品capital intensive 资本密集capital market 资本市场capital reserve 资本公积金;资金储备capitalization (1)资本化;利益资本化;(2)资本总额cargo insurance 货物保险;货运险carriage forward 运费到付;货价不包括运费carriage paid 运费已付;货价包括运费carrier (1)运货工具,(2)承运商cash discount 现金折扣cash dispenser 现金提款机cash flow 现金流转;现金流量cash on delivery (COD) 交货付现cash sale 现销cash with order 订货付现cashier order 银行本票caveat emptor 购者自慎certificate of incorporation 公司注册证certificate of origin 产地来源证;来源证certificate of posting 投寄邮件证明书chain store 连锁商店channel of distribution 分销途径;分销渠道cheque clearance 支票交换circulating asset 流动资产circulating capital 营运资金;周转资金;流动资本classified advertising 分类广告clearing house 票据交换所co-operative society 合作社co-partner 合伙人code of practice 操作守则coinsurance 共负保险collateral 抵押品collect call 接听人付费长途电话commercial paper 商业票据commission (1)佣金,(2)手续费commodities futures market 商品期货市场commodity 商品commodity exchange 商品交易所;期货交易所common carrier (1)运输业,(2)承运商common stock 普通股communication networks 通讯网Companies Ordinance 公司条例Companies Registry 公司注册处comparative advantage 比较优势compensating balance 补偿性最低存款额competitive advertising 竞争性广告confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证;保兑信用状consequential loss 灾后损失;后果性损失;间接性损失consignment 寄销consignment note 托运通知书consular invoice 领事签证单;领事发票consumer behaviour 消费者行为Consumer Council 消费者委员会Consumer Council Ordinance 消费者委员会条例consumer goods 消费品consumer loyalty 消费者忠诚consumer market 消费者市场consumer survey 消费者调查container 货柜;货箱containerization 货柜运输;货柜化contract 合约;契约;合同contributed capital 缴入资本convenience goods 便利品convenience store 便利店;便利店铺convertible bond 可调换公司债券;可换债券convertible preference share 可转换优先股copyright 版权corporation 公司cost and freight (C & F) 成本包括运费cost of goods sold 销货成本cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 货价、保险及运费;到岸价格courier service 速递服务covered warrant 备兑认股权证;回购认股证credit (l)贷方,(2)贷项,(3)贷记,(4)贷入,(5)赊帐,(6)信用credit card 信用卡credit insurance 信用保险;信贷保险credit note 贷项通知单;入帐通知书credit period 赊帐期间credit policy 信用政策;信贷政策credit sale 赊售;赊销credit transfer 贷项转帐credit union 储蓄互助社credit worthiness 信贷可*性creditor 债权人crossed cheque 划线支票cum dividend 带息cumulative dividend 累积股息cumulative preference share 累积优先股current account (1)往来存款账户;活期存款账户,(2)往来帐current asset 流动资产current liability 流动负债current ratio 流动比率customs 海关customs duty 关税Ddata processing 数据处理data transmission 数据传输debenture 债券debit (l)借方,(2)借项,(3)借记,(2)借入debit note 借项通知单;支帐通知书debt capital 债务资本;借入资本debt finance 外借资金debt financing 举债;债务筹措;举债融资debtor 债务人;债户deed 契据;契约default 违约;拖欠deferred asset 递延资产deficit 亏绌;赤字;亏损del credere agent 包销商;保付货价代理人delivery note 付货通知书;交运通知送货单demand deposit 活期存款department store 百货公司deposit 存款deposit-taking company 接受存款公司depositor 存户depreciation (1)折旧,(2)损耗Design Council of Hong Kong 香港设计委员会devaluation 贬值direct debit (1)直接支帐付款,(2)直接借记direct distribution 直接分销;直接分配direct marketing 直接行销direct shipment 直接装运disability insurance 伤残保险discount (1)折扣,(2)贴现discount allowed 销货折扣discount house 票据贴现所discount received 购货折扣discounting bill of exchange 票据贴现dishonour 拒付dishonoured cheque 退票;不兑现支票;拒付支票dissolution 解散;解体distribution channel 分销途径distributor 经销商;分销商diversification 多元化;多样化;业务分散dividend 股息dividend yield 股息率division of labour 分工document.nbspagainst acceptance 承兑交单document.nbspagainst payment 付款交单document.nbspof title (1)业权;所有权,(2)业权文件document.ry bill 跟单汇票document.ry credit 押汇document.ry letter of credit 跟单信用证;跟单信用状domestic trade 本土贸易;国内贸易dormant partner 不参与管理合伙人;隐名合伙人down-payment 首期付款draft 汇票drawee 受票人drawer 发票人dumping 倾销durable goods 耐用物品duty 税duty drawback 退税Eearnings per share 每股盈利electronic banking 电子银行服务electronic data processing (EDP) 电子数据处理electronic payment system 电子付款服务embargo 禁运employees' compensation insurance 雇员赔偿保险employer's liability insurance 雇主责任保险endorsement (1)背书,(2)批注endowment insurance 储蓄保险enterprise 企业entity 单位;个体entrepot 转口港;转口埠entrepreneur 企业家equity 产权;主权;权益equity capital 主权资本;权益资本;股本equity finance 主权资金equity financing 资本筹措;权益筹资errors and omissions excepted (E & OE) 如有错漏不在此限European Economic Community (EEC) 欧洲经济共同体ex-dividend 除息ex-godown 仓库交货价;出仓价ex-right 除权ex-warehouse 仓库交货价;出仓价ex-works 出厂价;工厂交货价exchange (l)兑换,(2)交换exchange control 外汇管制exchange fund 外汇基金exclusive distribution 独家经销executor 遗嘱执行人export license 出口许可证exporter 出口商exports 出口express delivery 专运express terms 明示条款extra dividend 额外股利国际贸易出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠关税special preferences保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT价格条件价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight 单价price码头费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount 关税customs duty 净价net price印花税stamp duty 含佣价price includingcommission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailingprice 国际市场价格world (International)Marketprice 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight交货条件交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor 收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter 舱位shipping space油轮tanker 报关clearance of goods 陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill 正本提单original B\L 选择港(任意港)optional port 选港费optional charges 选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers account 一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment 在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots 在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots 分三个月装运in three monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments 立即装运immediate shipments 即期装运prompt shipments 收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C 允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable交易磋商、合同签订订单indent 订货;订购book; booking 电复cable reply 实盘firm offer 递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm 还盘counter offer发盘(发价) offer发实盘offer firm 询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry 指示性价格price indication速复reply immediately参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice 交易磋商business negotiation不受约束without engagement 业务洽谈business discussion限**复subject to reply ** 限* *复到subject to reply reaching here ** 有效期限time of validity 有效至**: valid till ** 购货合同purchase contract销售合同sales contract 购货确认书purchase confirmation销售确认书sales confirmation 一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale 需经卖方确认subject to sellers confirmation 需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmation贸易方式INT (拍卖auction)寄售consignment 招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender 一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement累计佣金accumulative commission补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade (又叫:往返贸易)counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials 来料装配assembling on provided parts 独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement 独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent品质条件品质quality 原样original sample 规格specifications复样duplicate sample说明description 对等样品countersample标准standard type 参考样品reference sample商品目录catalogue封样sealed sample 宣传小册pamphlet 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 样品sample 5%增减5% plus or minus代表性样品representative sample大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality商检仲裁索赔claim争议disputes 罚金条款penalty仲裁arbitration 不可抗力force Majeure仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin 品质检验证书inspection certificate of quanlity重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)**商品检验局**commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书inspection certificate数量条件个数number 净重net weight 容积capacity毛作净gross for net 体积volume皮重tare毛重gross weight 溢短装条款more or less clause外汇外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation 外币foreign currency法定升值revaluation 汇率rate of exchange浮动汇率floating rate国际收支balance of payments 硬通货hard currency直接标价direct quotation软通货soft currency间接标价indirect quotation 金平价gold standard买入汇率buying rate通货膨胀inflation卖出汇率selling rate固定汇率fixed rate金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points铸币平价mint par 纸币制度paper money system国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation 外贸常见英文缩略词CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价D/P(document against payment)付款交单C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等G.W.(gross weight)毛重C/D (customs declaration)报关单W (with)具有FAC(facsimile)传真EXP(export)出口MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度M/V(merchant vessel)商船MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨INT(international)国际的INV (invoice)发票REF (reference)参考、查价STL.(style)式样、款式、类型RMB(renminbi)人民币PR或PRC(price) 价格S/C(sales contract)销售确认书B/L (bill of lading)提单CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打WT(weight)重量N.W.(net weight)净重EA(each)每个,各w/o(without)没有IMP(import)进口MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的S.S(steamship)船运DOC (document)文件、单据P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表PCT (percent)百分比EMS (express mail special)特快传递T或LTX 或TX(telex)电传S/M (shipping marks)装船标记PUR (purchase)购买、购货L/C (letter of credit)信用证FOB (free on board)离岸价A@ at 每a.a.r against all risks 全险a/c account 帐目A/C account current 往来帐目acc acceptance;accepted 承兑;已承兑a.g.b a good brand 任何名牌a/o account of 记入...帐目a.p. additional premium 附加保险a.r. all risks 全险A/S;acc/s account sales 售货清单av;A/V average 平均数BBB bill book 出纳簿B/D bank draft 银行汇票bd. bond 债券bds. boards 董事会B/E bill of exchange 汇票bk. bank book 帐簿bkg. banking 银行业B/L bill of lading 提货单B.P.B bank post bill 银行汇票BR bank rate 银行贴现率B/R;b.r. bill receivable 应收票据B.S;b.s. balance sheet 资产负债表bt bought 购入CC currency,coupon 现金,息单C/A capital account 资本帐户CAD cash against document 凭单付款canclg. cancelling 取消cat. catalogue 目录CB cash book 现金簿CD cash dividend 现金折扣c.d. cum dividend 付股息报关单C andD collection and delivery 收款发货cert. certificate 证明C/F carried forward 转下页cge. carriage 运费CH custom house 海关ch.ppd charges prepaid 预付费c/l certificate insurance 保险证明书c&l cost and insurance 保险费在内价CIF cost,insurance and freight 到岸价格C/O cash order 现金汇票C.O.t. change over to 转入COD cash on delivery 货到付款com. commercial:commission 商业;佣金cont. contract 合同cr. credit 货方ctge cartage 车费cur. current 本月;现付CWO cash with order 订货即付款cy. currency 货币DD/C. deviation 贴现dd. delivered 交付de. deferred 延期deg. degree 等级dft. draft 汇票div dividend;division 红利;部门D/N debit note 欠单;借项清单dols. dollars 美元D/P documents against payment 付款交单dr. debtor drawer 债务人,借方d.r. dock receipt 存款收条D/W deposit warrant 码头仓单dely. delivery 交付Eea. each 每e.d. ex dividend 股息除外eq. equivalent 等值exd. examined 已检查exs. expenses 费用Ff.i.t. free of income tax 免所得税FOB free on board 离岸价格F/O for order 准备出售f.p;FP fully paid 付讫frt. freight 运费Ggrs.wt gross weight 毛重g.t.c. good till cancelled 未注销前有效外贸英语词汇:101句经典开场白2008年08月08日星期五 02:20外贸英语词汇 Opening Sentences 启头句1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that......兹欣告你方......2)We have the pleasure of informing you that......兹欣告你方.....3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that......兹欣告你方......4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that......续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that......我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告......6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached.我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本.7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in ......business, and would like to establish business relationship with us.我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系.8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.虽然久未通讯,谅你方生意兴隆.9)Although we have not heard from you for guite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.虽然好久没接到你方来信,谅业务进展顺利.10)We have pleasure in sending you our catalog, which gives full information about our various products.欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。
国际贸易实务常用词汇 英汉对照 ②Ιyαω

国际贸易实务常用词汇英汉对照②Ιyαω国际贸易实务常用词汇(英汉对照) ②20XX年05月19日Ffailure to deliver risk 交货不到险fair average quality (F.A.Q) 良好平均品质false bill of lading (false B/L) 伪造提单finance lease 融资租赁financial documents 资金单据fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination HongKong ,including Kowloon, or Macao(F.R.E.C) 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门寸仓火险责任扩展条款first beneficiary 第一收益人fixed price 固定价fixed scale rogalty 固定提成率flexible container 柔性集装袋FOB liner term FOB班轮条件FOB stowed(FOBS) FOB包括理舱FOB stowed and trimmed(F.O B.S.T) FOB包括平舱和理舱FOB trimmed(FOBT) FOB包括平舱FOB under tackle FOB钓钩下交货FOB vessel(---named port of shipment)指定运港船上交货Food and Drug Administration(FDA) 美国食品及药品管理局for reference only 仅供参考force majeure 不可抗力force majeure clause 不可抗力条款fortuitous accidents 意外事故forward price 期货价格forward cargo receipt(FCR) 运输代理人的承运货物收据forwarding agents 发货代理或货运代理foul bill of lading(foul B/l) 不清单提单franchise 相对免赔率free all average(F-A-A) 不计一切海损free alongside ship(---named port of shipment)(FAS) 船边交货(---指定装运港)free carrier(---named place)(FCA) 货交承运人(---指定地点)free from particular average (F-P-A) 平安险free in(F-I) 船方官卸不管装free in and out(F-I-O) 船房不管装和卸free in and out, stowed and trimmed(F-I-O-S-T) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱free on board(---named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(---指定装运港)free out 船方管装不管卸free perimeter 自由边境区free port 自由港free trade zone 自由贸易区freight agent 货运代理人freight bill 运费帐单freight manifest 运费舱单freight prepaid 运费已付freight to collect 运费到付freight ton 运费吨fresh water and /or rain damage(F-W-R-D) 淡水雨淋险fresh water road line 淡水载重线frustration of contract 合同落空full cable 全电本full container load(F-C-L) 整箱货full packed 全部包装full payout 完全付清fill set bill of lading(full set B/L) 全套提单full set of clean on board bill of lading made out toorder and endorsed in blank 全套清洁已装船作成凭指示和空白背书的提单fundamental breach 根本违反合同future contract 期货合同futures market 期货市场future transaction 期货交易Ggeneral additional 一般附加险General Administration of Civil Aviation China(AAC) 中国民航总局general agency 总代理general agent 总代理人general average(G-A) 共同海损general average contribution 共同海损分摊general conditions of delivery of goods 交货共同条件general terms and conditions 一般交易条件generalized system of preference certificate of origin Form A(G-S-P Form A) 普惠制产地证格式AGeneva uniform law on cheque 日内瓦统一支票法规Good merchantable quality(G-M-Q) 上好可销品质goods quality 商品品质grade of goods 商品等级grane back 技术反馈green clause credit 绿条款信用证gross bills of lading weight 毛提单货量gross for net 以毛作净gross registered tonnage(G-R-T) 注册总吨gross terms 船方担负装卸费grounded 搁浅groundage bill of lading 成组提单guarantee letter of credit(guarantee L/C) 担保信用证,保证信用证guarantor 保证人gunny bags 麻袋HHamburg Rules 海牙规则Hard ware硬件heavy lift additional超重附加费heavy weather恶劣气候hedging 套期保植hire purchase租购式租赁hook damage 钩损险house air way bill 分运单house bill of lading 运输代理行提单IImmediate shipment 立即装运import declaration 进口申请书import duty risk 进口关税险importer 进口人indent 订单indicative marks 指示性标志industrial activity 实用性industrial property 工业产权initial payment 初付费,入门费initial price 初步价格injured party 受害方inland depot 内陆货运站inland extended cover 内陆附加险inland waterway bill of landing 内陆提单inspection and claim clause检验与索赔条款Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书Inspection Certificate of Value 价值检验证书Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书Inspection Certificate on Cargo Weight and Measurement 货物衡量证书Inspection Certificate on damaged Cargo 验残检验证书Inspection Certificate on Tank /Hold 验舱证书Inspection of goods 货物检验Institute Cargo clauses(ICC) 协会货物险条款Institute Cargo clauses A(ICC(A)) 协会货物(A)险条款Institute Cargo clauses B(ICC(B)) 协会货物(B)险条款Institute Cargo clauses C(ICC(C)) 协会货物(C)险条款Institute strikes clauses-Cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物)Institute War clauses-Cargo 协会战争险条款(货物)Insurable interest 保险利益;可保权益Insurance certificate 保险凭证Insured amount 保险金额Insurer 承保人;保险人Intellectual property 知识产权Interim measures of protection 保全措施又称临时保护措施International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) 国际商会International code of conduct on the technology transfer 国际技术转让行动守则International competitive bidding 国际竞争性招标International combined transport国际多式联运International express mail service(EMS) 国际特快专递International multimodal transport 国际多式联运International railway through transport 国际铁路货物联运International rules for the interpretation of tradeterms(INCOTERMS) <国际贸易术语解释通则>International standard organization 国际标准化组织International trading certificate(ITC) 国际贸易证书Intrinsic quality 商品内在素质Inventive activity 创造性Invitation to make offer 邀请发盘Invitation to tender 招标Irrespective of percentage(I-O-P) 不论损失程度Irrespective letter of credit(irrevocable L/C) 不可撤消信用证Issue 出票Issuing bank 开证行Insurance policy 保险单Insurance value 保险价值JJapanese Industrial Standard(JIS) 日本工业标准Jettison and/or washing over board 抛掷,海水冲击险KKite mark 风筝标志Knocked-down in carloads 拆散成整车皮装货物Knocked-down shipment (货物)分运Know how 专有技术LLand bridge transport 大陆桥运输Landed terms 起货条件Landing account 卸货报告Landing quality ,weight as final 以到岸品质,重量为准Landing weight 卸货重量,到岸重量Last pay certificate 最后付款证明书Late acceptance 逾期接受Law and practice 法律惯例Lay time 装卸时间Lay days date 受载时间Leakage risk 渗漏险Lease trade 租赁贸易Licensor’s share on licensee’s profit(LSLP) 利润分成原则Legal net weight 法定净重Legal weight 法定重量Less than container load(LCL) 拼箱货Lessee 承担人Lessor 出租人Letter of credit(L/C) 信用证Letter of guarantee(L/G) 银行保证函Letter telegramme 书信电报Leverage lease 杠杆租赁Licensing 许可证贸易Licensing agreement 许可证协议Lien 扣押权Light displacement 空船排水量或清排水量Liner 班轮Liner shipping 班轮运输Liner terms 班轮条件,船方负担装卸费Liner’ s freight tariff 班轮运价表Liquidated damages 预定损害赔偿Litigation 诉讼Load line 船舶载重线Loaded displacement 满载排水量或重排水量或总排水量Loading list 装货清单Local freight agent 当地运输代理商Local vanning 当地装箱Log book 航行日志London Metal Exchange 伦敦五金交易所London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所Long form bill of lading(long from B/L) 全式提单Long length additional 超长附加费Loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险Lot tolerance rate 批内允许破损率Lot tolerance defective 批内允许次品费Lowest price limit 最低售价Lump sum payment 一次总算MMail confirmation to follow 随寄证实书Mail credit 信开信用证Mail transfer(M/T) 信汇Main mark 主要标志Major causes 重大意外事故Malicious damage clauses 恶意损害险条款Manufacture’s certificate of or igin 生产商原产地证明书Manufacture’s invoice 厂商发票Marine bill of lading 海运提单Marine insurance policy 水运保险单Marker capacity 标定容量Master airway bill民航运单Master Card 万事达卡Master document 总单证Master receipt 大副收据Material breach 重大违约Mate’s receipt 大副收据Measurement and weight mark 体重和重量标志Measurement cargo 轻货Measurement list 尺码单Measurement ton(M/T) 尺码吨Memorandum 备忘录Method of dispatching documents 寄单方法’ Method of reimbursement 所汇方法Mildew proof packaging 防霉包装Mini land bridge(M-L-B) 小路桥Minimum bill of lading(minimum B/L) 起码提单Minimum freight 起码运费Minimum premium 最低保险费Minimum rate 起码费率Minimum weight 最低重量Minor breach 轻微违法Mixed agreement 混合协议Mixed policy 混合保险单Mode of shipment运输方式Money of account 计价货币Money of payment 支付货币More or less clause 溢短装条款Multimode transport documents(MTO) 多式联运单据Multimode transport operator(MTO) 多式联运经营人Multiple country declaration 多国家产地声明书NName of commodity 品名National harbors 天然港Natural calamity 自然灾害Negotiable calamity 流通证券Negotiated bidding 谈判招标Negotiating bank 议付行Negotiation 议付0Negotiation letter of credit 议付通行证Net bills of lading weight 净提单货量Net dead weight 净载重量Net net weight 净净重Net registered tonnage(NRT) 注册净吨Net weight 净重Neutral invoice 中性发票Neutral packing 中性包装New York Commodity Exchange 纽约商品交易所No commercial value(N-C-V) 无商业价值No mark(N/M) 无唛头No orders(N/O) 无指示,无定单,不指定人Non-acceptance(N/A) 拒绝承兑,拒绝接受Non-automatic revolving letter of credit Non-base port 非自动循环信用证Non-commercial technology transfer 非基本港Non-cumulative revolving letter of credit 非商业性技术转让Non-payout 非累计循环信用证Non-vessel operating carrier(NV OC) 不完全付清Non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOC C) 无船承运人Non-vessel owning common carrier(NVOCC)无船承运人Notice of abandonment 委付通知Notice of readiness 备装通知Notify party 被通知人Notifying bank 通知行Novelty 新颖性Nuded cargo 裸装货物、。

外贸常用术语(中英文对照)1.Trade-related Terms 贸易相关术语A.贸易Foreign Trade 对外贸易Entrepot Trade F。
)转口贸易Home (Domestic)Trade 内贸Coastal Trade 沿海贸易Cross-border Trade 边境贸易Barter Trade 易货贸易Compensation Trade 补偿(互补)贸易Bilateral trade (between China and the US)(中美)双边贸易Multilateral Trade ( Multilaterism ) 多边贸易Trading House/Corporation/Firm/Company 贸易公司Liner Trade 集装箱班轮运输B.合同Contract 合同Active service contracts on file 在备有效服务合同Sales Contract 销售合同Sales Confirmation 销售确认书Agreement 协议Vessel sharing Agreement 共用舱位协议Slot-sharing Agreement 共用箱位协议Slot Exchange Agreement 箱位互换协议Amendment 修正合同Appendix 附录Quota 配额C.服务合同Service Contract as provided in the Shipping Act of 1984,a contract betweena shipper (or a shippers association)and an ocean carrier(or conference)in which the shipper makes a commitmentto provide a certain minimum quantity of cargo or freight revenueover a fixed time period,and the ocean common carrier orconference commits to a certain rate or rate schedules as wellas a defined service level (such as assured space,transit time,port rotation or similar service features)。

国际贸易中常用的词汇一、货物(Goods)1. Commodity.- 发音:[kəˈmɒdəti]- 词性:名词。
- 含义:商品,货物。
例如:The company deals in various commodities.(这家公司经营各种商品。
)2. Cargo.- 发音:[ˈkɑːɡəʊ]- 词性:名词。
- 含义:(船、飞机等装载的)货物。
例如:The cargo on the ship is very valuable.(船上的货物非常贵重。
)二、贸易方式(Trade Modes)1. Import.- 发音:[ˈɪmpɔːt](名词);[ɪmˈpɔːt](动词)- 词性:名词、动词。
- 含义:进口,进口商品。
例如:The import of cars has increased this year.(今年汽车的进口量增加了。
);We import a lot of electronics from Japan.(我们从日本进口很多电子产品。
)2. Export.- 发音:[ˈekspɔːt](名词);[ɪkˈspɔːt](动词)- 词性:名词、动词。
- 含义:出口,出口商品。
例如:The export of textiles is an important part of our economy.(纺织品出口是我们经济的一个重要部分。
);Our company exports furniture to many countries.(我们公司向许多国家出口家具。
)3. Wholesale.- 发音:[ˈhəʊlseɪl]- 词性:名词、形容词、副词、动词。
- 含义:批发。
例如:They do business in wholesale.(他们做批发生意。
);The wholesale price is much lower.(批发价低得多。
)4. Retail.- 发音:[ˈriːteɪl]- 词性:名词、动词。

1.合同的标的 Name of Commodity2.凭规格买卖(Sales by specification)3.凭等级买卖(Sales by Grade)4.凭标准买卖(Sale by Standard)5.良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality , F.A.Q.)6.上好可销品质(Good Merchantable Quality, G.M.Q)7.凭商标或品牌买卖(Sale by Trade Mark or Brand Name)8.品质公差(quality tolerance)9.毛重(GROSS WEIGHT)10.净重(NET WEIGHT)11.公量(CONDITIONED WEIGHT)12.理论重量(THEORETICAL WEIGHT)13.溢短装条款(MORE OR LESS)14.运输包装(shipping packing )15.运输包装(shipping packing )16.运输标志(shipping marks):唛头17.指示性标志(indicative marks)18.警示性标志(warning marks)19.销售包装selling packing20.中性包装(neutral packing)21.《2000通则》(INCOTERM2000)22.国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce,ICC)23.E组(DEPARTURE起运)EXW (EX WORKS)工厂交货(…指定地点)24.F组(MAIN CARRIAGE UNPAID 主运费未付)25. FCA:FREE CARRIER货交承运人(…指定地点)26.FAS:FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP装运港船边交货(…指定装运港)27.FOB:FREE ON BOARD装运港船上交货(……指定装运港)28.C组(MAIN CARRIAGE PAID主要运费已付)29.CFR:成本加运费(…指定目的港)30.CIF:成本、保险加运费付至(…指定目的港)31.CPT:运费付至(…指定目的地)32.CIP:运费、保险费付至(…指定目的地)33.D组(ARRIVAL到达)34.DAF:DELIVERED AT FRONTIER 边境交货(…指定地点)35.DES:DELIVERED EX SHIP 目的港船上交货(…指定目的港)36.DEQ :DELIVERED EX QUAY 目的港码头交货(…指定目的港)37.DDU: DELIVERED DUTY UNPAID 未完税交货(…指定目的地)38.DDP: DELIVERED DUTY PAID 完税后交货(…指定目的地)39.船货衔接 (Link-up of vessel and goods)40.FOB术语的变形(Variations)(1)FOB Liner Terms(班轮条件)(2)FOB Under Tackle(吊钩下交货)涉及驳运费(Lighterage ) 时由卖方负担。

FDI (对外直接投资):making a physical investment by building a factory in another country.Trade surplus( 贸易顺差)when the value of a country’s export is more than that of its imports. Trade deficit(贸易逆差)when the value of a country’s export is less than that of its imports. Barter(物物交换 ):buy or sell goods or services without the use of money. Duping (倾销) :sell the goods with a price lower than its cost or lower than its domestic price to a foreign market. Free trade (自由贸易): the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic barriers. Export tax rebate (出口退税):government pays back the tax for the export commodities to encourage export. Export subsidies (出口补贴):payments given by the government to domestic companies to encourage export.Import quota(进口配额): a limit on the quantity of a certain import in a specific period. Trade Protectionism(贸易保护主义):the use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services. Advocates of protectionism believe it allows domestic producers to survive, grow and produce jobs. Embargo(贸易禁运):a complete ban on the import or export of a certain product or the stopping of all trade with a particular country. Contract(合同): is an agreement signed by the seller and the buyer which regulates t he both parties’ right and obligation as well as the detailed information on the transaction. Time regulation of submitting the Documents: the original documents must be presented within 21 working days after the date of shipment, and before the expiry date of L/C in any case. Commission(佣金):commission is a payment given to the middleman for his service.Time charter (定期租船):rent a ship for a period of time. Time of shipment (发货时间):the time for loading the goods on board at the port of shipment. Partial shipment(分批运输):means goods in one contract would be shipped in more than one lot. Transshipment (转运):means the goods should be transferred to another ship during the transportation. Lay time (装卸时间):the time used for loading or unloading the goods. Demurrage(逾期费):the money paid by the charterer to the ship owner for the delay of loading or unloading .B/E (汇票):is a payment advice made by the exporter (drawer) to the importer (drawee),Drawee should pay the money to payee when he receive the B/E. Sight B/E(即期汇票):Drawee should pay money to the payee when he receives the B/E immediately. B/E(远期汇票):Drawee should pay money to payee in a specific date in future.Drawee should accept the time B/E. L/C(信用证):is a conditional written promise for payment of bank .L/C is issued by the bank to the seller. Sight L/C(即期信用证):the bank should pay the money immediately when the exporter provides the qualified documents . Usance L/C(远期信用证):bank would pay the money in a specific date in future. Collection (托收):The exporter authorizes the bank to collect the payment from the importer by drawing a draft. Packing list(装箱单):is adocument made by the exporter to indicate the detailed information on shipment. Pro forma invoice(形式发票):is an informal invoice made by exporter indicating the transaction information. Commercial invoice(商业发票)formal. Customs invoice(海关发票)is the invoice made by the exporter based on the special form regulated by the importer’s customs. B\E(汇票)is a payment advice made by the exporter to the importer. Drawee should pay the money to the payee when he receives the B\E.Bill of Lading(提单): Bill of Lading is a receipt from the shipping company giving detailed information about shipment issued by shipping company to shipper.Shipped BL(已装船提单): showing the goods have been shipped on board. Received BL(备运提单): showing the goods received by the shipping company but have not shipped on board. Endorsement(背书): The document would be transferred by its owner signing the name on the back of the document. Insurance Document(保险单据):It‘s the insurance contract made by the insurer and the insured:the insurer would take the insurance responsibility according to the insurance coverage. Certificate of Inspection(检验证书):It‘s a document certifying the result of commodity inspection insured by an inspection institution. Certificate of Origin(原产地证书):It‘s a document issued by governmental institution to certify the place where the goods have been produced.公式:insurance amount (保额)=CIF×(1+10%)Premium(保险费)=CIF×(1+10%)×premium rateCFR=CIF×(1-1,1×Premium rate)Net price =C-included price ×(1-commission rate)Commission=C-included price×commission rateFreight =W/M(choose the higher one )Total freight =unit price ×units×(1+surcharge)。
国际贸易实务 常用贸易术语中英对照

外销员资格考试重要考点一、国际货物买卖适用的法律与惯例INCOTERMS 2002,International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》URC 522,Uniform Rules for Collection《托收统一规则522》UCP 500,Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits 500《跟单信用证统一惯例》Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932《1932年华沙一牛津规则》Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》二、价格术语EXW(ex works)工厂交货FCA(free carrier)货交承运人FAS(free alongside ship)装运港船边交货FOB(free on board)装运港船上交货CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费CIF(cost,insurance and freight)成本加保险费、运费CPT(carriage paid to)运费付至CIP(carriage and insurance to)运费、保险费付至DAF(delivered at frontier)边境交货DES(delivered ex ship)目的港船上交货DEQ(delivered ex quay)目的港码头交货DDU(delivered duty unpaid)未完税交货DDP(delivered duty paid)完税后交货FOB liner terms FOB班轮条件FOB under tackle FOB吊钩下交货FOB stowed FOB理舱费在内FOB trimmed FOB平舱费在内FOBST(FOB stowed and trimmed) FOB包括理舱费和平舱费在内的各项装船费用CFR liner terms CFR班轮条件CFR landed CFR卸至码头CFR ex tackle CFR吊钩下交货CFR ex ship's hold CFR舱底交货CIF liner terms CIF班轮条件CIF landed CIF卸至码头CIF ex tackle CIF吊钩下交货CIF ex ship's hold CIF舱底交货the seller's obligations卖方义务三、货物的品名、质量、数量与包装name of commodity 品名quality 0f goods品质condition合同要件actual quality实际品质sample样品sale by sample凭样品买卖quality as per seller's sample品质以卖方样品为准buyer's sample买方样品counter sample对等样品confirming sample确认样品for reference only仅供参考colour sample色样pattern sample款式样quality shall be about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同quality shall be nearly same as the sample品质与样品近似specification of goods商品规格sale by specification凭规格买卖FAQ,fair average quality 良好平均品质sale by descriptions and illustrations凭说明书和图样买卖trade mark商标sophisticated market精致市场name of origin产地名称quality tolerance 品质公差weigh重量metric ton公吨long ton长吨short ton短吨kilogram公斤gram克ounce盎司number数量piece件pair双set套dozen打roll卷ream令gross罗bag袋bale包length长度meter米foot英尺yard码area面积square foot平方英尺volume体积cubic yard立方码capacity容积bushel蒲式耳litre升gallon加仑the metric system公制the british system英制the U.S.system美制SI,the international system of units国际单位制gross weight毛重net weight净重gross for net以毛作净actual tare实际皮重real tare实际皮重average tare平均皮重customary tare 习惯皮重computed tare 约定皮重conditioned weight公量theoretical weight理论重量legal weight法定重量net net weight实物净重about大约circa近似approximate左右nude pack裸装in bulk散装full packed全部包装part packed局部包装shipping mark运输标志,唛头indicative mark指示性标志warning mark警告性标志UCC,Universal Code Council统一编码委员会UPC,Universal Product Code统一产品编码European Article Number Association欧洲物品编码协会EAN,European Article Number欧洲物品编码neutral pacing中性包装seaworthy packing海运包装inquiry询盘offer发盘counter offer还盘acceptance接受五、货物的保险general average共同海损particular average单独海损CIC,china insurance clauses中国保险条款FPA,free from particular average平安险WA,with average水渍险WPA,with particular average水渍险all risks一切险warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款ICC,Institute Cargo Clauses协会货物保险条款ICC(A)协会货物条款(A)ICC(B)协会货物条款(B)ICC(C)协会货物条款(C)Institute War Clauses协会战争险条款Institute Strikes Clauses协会罢工险条款Malicious Damage Clauses恶意损害险条款overland transportation risks陆运险overland transportation all risks陆运一切险air transportation risks航空运输险air transportation all risks航空运输一切险parcel post risks邮包险parcel post all risks邮包一切险insurance policy保险单insured被保险人premium保险费六、货物的价格of account计价货币money of payment支付货币commission佣金discount折扣allowance 折扣quantity discount数量折扣special discount特别折扣turnover bonus年终回扣七、货款的收付bill of exchange汇票draft汇票promissory note本票cheque 支票check支票drawee受票人payer付款人payee受款人banker's draft银行汇票commercial draft商业汇票clean bill光票documentary bill跟单汇票sight draft即期汇票time draft远期汇票usance draft远期汇票at×× days after sight见票后××天付款at××days after date出票后××天付款at ×× days after date of B/L提单签发日后××天付款fixed date指定日付款issue出票pay to the order of付给指定人pay to bearer付给持票人presentation提示acceptance承兑endorsement 背书negotiable instrument流通工具endorsee被背书人dishonour拒付dishonour by non-acceptance拒绝承兑protest拒付证书right of recourse追索权notary public法定公证人remittance汇付collection托收beneficiary收款人remitter汇款人remitting bank汇出行,托收银行collecting bank代收银行presenting bank提示银行paying bank汇人行M/T,mail transfer信汇T/T,telegraphic transfer 电汇remittance by banker's demand draft票汇open account transaction赊账业务financial documents金融单据commercial documents商业单据principal委托人clean collection光票托收documentary collection跟单托收D/P,document against payment付款交单D/A,document against acceptance承兑交单D/P at sight即期付款交单D/P after sight远期付款交单trust receipt信托收据IVC,letter of credit信用证applicant开证申请人opening bank开证行issuing bank开证行advising bank通知行notifying bank通知行negotiating bank议付行paying bank付款银行drawee bank付款银行confirming bank保兑银行reimbursement bank偿付银行reimbursement agent偿付代理人transferee受让人to open by airmail信开本to open by cable电开本brief cable简电本full cable全电本full details to follow详情后告SWIFT.Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication全球银行金融电讯协会undertaking clause承诺条款documentary credit跟单信用证clean credit光票信用证irrevocable L/C不可撤销信用证confirmed L/C保兑信用证sight payment credit即期付款信用证deferred payment credit延期付款信用证acceptance credit承兑信用证negotiatiorl credit议付信用证open negotiation credit公开议付信用证freely negotiation credit公开议付信用证restricted negotiation credit限制议付信用证transferable credit可转让信用证divisible credit可分割信用证fractionable credit可分开信用证assignable credit可让渡信用证transmissible credit可转移信用证revolving credit循环信用证reciprocal credit对开信用证back to back credit对背信用证anticipatory L/C预支信用证standby L/C备用信用证commercial Paper L/C商业票据信用证guarantee L/C担保信用证L/G,letter of guarantee保函demand guarantee见索即付保函unconditional L/G无条件保函guarantor担保人counter guarantor反担保人performance guarantee履约保函repayment guarantee还款保函八、商检commodity inspection商检shipping quality and wei曲t装运港检验,即离岸品质和离岸重量landed quality and wei曲t 目的港检验,即到岸品质和到岸重量shipping weight and landed quality离岸重量和到岸品质检验authentic surveyor公证行sworn measurer宣誓衡量人FDA美国食品药物管理局Underwriter's Laboratory担保人实验室Lloyd's Surveyor劳氏公证行SGS.Societe Generale de Surveillance S.A. 瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司inspection certificate商检证书inspection certificate of quality品质检验证书inspection certificate of quantity数量检验证书inspection certificate of weight重量检验证书inspection certificate of value价值检验证书inspection certificate of origin产地检验证书sanitary inspection certificate卫生检验证书veterinary inspection certificate兽医检验证书disinfection inspection certificate消毒检验证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo验残检验证书ISO.the ntemational Organization for Standardazation国际标准化组织九、索赔discrepancy and claim clause异议与索赔条款penalty clause罚金条款force majeure不可抗力frustration of contract合同落空arbitration仲裁Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》,简称《1958年纽约公约》cargo manifest载货清单 .international factoring国际保理factor保理商Convention on International Factoring国际保理公约import factor进口保理商c.c.V.O.,Combined Certificate of Value and Origin估价和原产地联合证明书certified invoice证实发票receipt invoice(货款)收妥发票consular invoice领事发票GSP,Generalized System of Preferences普惠制packing list装箱单weight memo重量单short delivery短交short unloaded短卸10st in transit短失tally list理货单marine protest海难报告breach of contract违约十、贸易方式distribution经销distributor经销商sole distribution独家经销exclusive sMes包销agency代理agent代理人principal本人general agent总代理sole agent独家代理exclusive agent独家代理commission agent佣金代理consignment寄售consignor寄售人consignee代销人fairs and sales展卖international fair国际博览会Chinese Export Commodities Fair 中国出口商品交易会Guangzhou Trade Fair广州交易会invitation to tender招标submission of tender投标auction拍卖auctioneer拍卖人bidder竞买人Dutch auction荷兰式拍卖sealed bids密封递价拍卖closed bids密封递价拍卖brokerage经纪费futures trading期货交易CBOT芝加哥商品交易所CME芝加哥商业交易所COMEX纽约商品交易所NYMEX纽约商业交易所LME伦敦金属交易所futures market期货市场futures exchanges期货交易所spot现货to-arrive contract “到货”合同forward contract远期交货合同FCM,futures commission merchant期货佣金商clearing house 清算所margin system保证金制度,押金制度initial margin初始保证金original margin初始保证金variation margin追加保证金call margin追加保证金marking to the market逐日盯市hedger套期保值者hedging套期保值,海琴speculator投机者selling hedge卖期保值buying hedge买期保值basis trading基差交易ex-pit trade场外交易ex-change for physicals期货换现货ex-change for actuals期货换现货counter trade对销贸易barter trade易货贸易compensation trade补偿贸易counter purchase反购,互购switch trade转手贸易offset抵销十一、电子商务IT,information technology信息技术internet国际互联网VANs,value-added networks增值网络BBSs,bulletin board systems电子公告牌online services企业在线服务B2B,business-to-business商业机构对商业机构B2C,business-to-consumer商业机构对消费者B2A,business-to-administrations商业机构对行政机构C2A,consumer-to-administrations消费者对行政机构electronic marketplace电子虚拟市场digital economy数字化经济model law on electronic commerce电子商务示范法tlle buyer's obligations买方义务。

1. 商品和货物英语中文commodity 商品goods 货物product 产品export 出口import 进口trade 贸易shipment 运输invoice 发票packing list 装箱单bill of lading 提单certificate of origin 原产地证书customs declaration 报关单inspection certificate 检验证书insurance 保险freight 运费tariff 关税quota 配额embargo 禁运2. 付款和结汇英语中文payment 付款remittance 汇款letter of credit 信用证bill of exchange 汇票T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证D/P (Documents against Payment) 货到付款D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单cash 现金bank transfer 银行转账currency exchange 货币兑换exchange rate 汇率3. 贸易方式和合作英语中文international trade 国际贸易domestic trade 国内贸易foreign trade 外贸import and export 进出口joint venture 联营wholly-owned subsidiary 独资子公司distributor 经销商agent 代理商trade fair 贸易展览会trade deficit 贸易逆差trade surplus 贸易顺差free trade agreement 自由贸易协定customs clearance 清关trade barrier 贸易壁垒dumping 倾销anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施intellectual property rights 知识产权patent 专利trademark 商标copyright 版权4. 运输和物流英语中文transportation 运输logistics 物流shipping 航运freight forwarding 货运代理container 集装箱warehouse 仓库storage 存储distribution 分销customs clearance 清关shipping company 货运公司freight forwarder 货运代理人shipping agent 代理人air freight 空运sea freight 海运land transportation 陆运express delivery 快递运输tracking number 运输追踪号packaging 包装insurance coverage 保险覆盖customs declaration 报关transshipment 转运supply chain 供应链inventory control 库存控制just-in-time (JIT) delivery 按需交付以上是国际贸易中常见的一些英汉对照词汇和术语。

1. FOB(Free on Board)[ˌfriːɒn ˈbɔːd]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:船上交货(指定装运港),是指卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。
2. CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)[ˌkɒst ɪnˈʃʊərəns ænd fre ɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:成本、保险费加运费(指定目的港),指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险并办理货运保险,支付保险费,以及负责租船订舱,支付从装运港到目的港的正常运费。
3. CFR(Cost and Freight)[ˌkɒst ænd freɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:成本加运费(指定目的港),指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险,并负责租船订舱,支付抵达目的港的正常运费。
1. T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)[tɪˈleɡræfɪk trænsˈfɜː(r)]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:电汇,是指汇出行应汇款人申请,拍发加押电报\电传或SWIFT给在另一国家的分行或代理行(即汇入行)指示解付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式。
2. L/C(Letter of Credit)[ˈletə(r) ɒv ˈkredɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:信用证,是指由银行(开证行)依照(申请人的)要求和指示或自己主动,在符合信用证条款的条件下,凭规定单据向第三者(受益人)或其指定方进行付款的书面文件。
3. D/P(Documents against Payment)[ˈdɒkjuments əˈɡenst ˈpeɪmənt]- 词性:名词短语。

国际贸易实务常用术语翻译装运港船上交货(Free on Board,FOB)装运港船边交货(Free Alongside Ship,FAS)货交承运人(Free Carrier,FCA)成本加运费(Cost and Freight,CFR)成本加保险费、运费(Cost,Insurance and Freight ,CIF)运费付至(Carriage Paid To,CPT)运费、保险费付至(Carriage and Insurance Paid To,CIP)边境交货(Delivered At Frontier,DAF)目的港船上交货(Delivered EX Ship,DES)目的港码头交货(Delivered EX Quay,DEQ)未完税交货(Delivered Duty Unpaid,DDU)完税后交货(Delivered Duty Paid,DDP)象征性交货( Symbolic Delivery )实际交货( Physical Delivery )班轮运输( Liner Transport )租船运输( Shipping by Chartering )班轮条件( Gross Terms;Liner Terms;Berth Terms )集装箱( Container )整箱货( Full Container Load,FCL )良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality,FAQ)对等样品;回样(Counter Sample)拼箱货(Less than Container Load,LCL )国际多式联运(International Multimodal Transport 或International Combined Transport,美国也称International Intermodal Transport )“OCP”即“陆路共通点”(Over Common Points )货物经美国西海岸港口转运分批发运(Partial Shipment )海运提单(Bill of Lading,B/L )清洁提单(Clean B/L )提示提单(Order B/L )单独海损(Particular Average,PA)共同海损(General Averages,GA)平安险(Free from Particular Average,FPA )水渍险(With Average or With Particular Average,WA or WPA )一切险(All Risks)“仓至仓”条款(Warehouse to Warehouse Clause )汇票(Bill of Exchange;Draft )本票(Promissory Note )支票(Cheque;Check )承兑(Acceptance )背书(Endorsement )空白背书(Blank Endorsement)托收(Collection )付款交单(Documents against Payment,D/P )承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,D/A )信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C )跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable Letter O f Credit)保兑信用证(Confirmed Letter of Credit)开证申请人(Applicant)开证行(Issuing Bank )通知行(Advising Bank)受益人(Beneficiary )议付银行(Negotiating Bank )不可抗力(Force Majeure )仲裁(Arbitration )询盘(Inquiry )发盘(Offer )还盘(Counter Offer )接受(Acceptance )保险单(Insurance Policy )独家经销(Sole Distribution )产地说明书(Certificate of Origin )招标(Invitation to Tender)投标(Submission of Tender)。
accelerate trade payment(ATP) 加速贸易付款acceptance 承兑,接受acceptance letter of credit(acceptance L/C) 承兑信用证accepting bank 承兑行acceptor承兑人acknowledgement of insurance declaration 投保声明的回执actual delivery 实际交货actual quality 实际品质actual tare 实际皮重actual total loss 实际全损Ad.val (拉丁语)从价advanced bill of lading (advanced B/L) 预借提单advanced payment 预付货款advising bank 通知行afltoxin risk 黄曲霉素险agency 代理agent 代理商agreement 协议书agreement of consignment 寄售协议Air Express 急件传送air transportation all risks 航空运输一切险air transportation cargo war risks 航空运输货物战争险air transportation risks 航空运输险air waybill 航空货运单aligned document system 套合一致的单证all risks 一切险all risks for shipment of frozen products 冷藏货物运输一切险alteration charge 变更卸货港附加费American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM)美国材料试验协会的标准announcement of tender 发布招标公告anticipatory letter of credit (anticipatory L/C)预支信用证ante-dated bill of lading (ante-dated B/L) 倒签提单antirust packaging 防锈包装applicant 开证申请人application for credit 开证申请书arbitration 仲裁arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议arbitration application 仲裁申请arbitration clause 仲裁条款arbitration procedure 仲裁程序arrival contract 到达合同artificial harbor 人工港assembling with customer’s parts 来件装配assignment of proceed 款项让渡或款项过渡Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 美国公职分析化学师协会标准assortment list 花色搭配单at buyer’s option 由买方决定at seller’s option 由卖方决定auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖人authority to purchase(A/P) 委托购买证automatic revolving letter of credit(automatic revolving L/C)自动循环信用证available by negotiation 议付兑现available by payment 付款兑现average price 平均价average tare 平均皮重avoidance of delay 防止延迟Bback to back letter of credit (back to back L/C) 对背信用证bale packing 捆包装bank credit card 信用卡bank guarantee 银行保证函banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票banker’s acceptance letter of credit (banker’s acceptance L/C) 银行承兑信用证banker’s bill 银行汇票banker’s cheque 银行支票banking charges 银行费用barter trade 易货贸易base port 基本港beneficiary 受益人benefit of insurance 保险利益berth terms 船方负担装卸费bid 递盘bid bond 投标保证金,投标押金bidding documents 编制招标文件bill for collection(B/C) 托收汇票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading (B/L) 海运提单bill of lading weight 提单货量blank endorsement 空白背书bona fide holder 善意持有人book 订购booking note 托运单both to blame collision clause (B.B.clause) 船船互撞条款breach of condition 违反要件breach of contract 违反合同breach of innominate terms 违反无名条款breach of intermediate terms 违反中间性条款breach of warranty 违反担保或违反随附条件brief cable 简电本British standard(BS) 英国(工业)标准bulk cargo 散装货物bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 燃油附加费business negotiation 交易磋商buyback 回购buyer’s sample 买方样buyer’s usance credit 买方远期信用证buying hedging 买期保值buying offer 购货发盘Ccable address (C/A) 电挂cable confirmation 电报证实书cable credit 电开信用证call of tender 招标Canadian Standards Association (C.S.A) 加拿大标准协会canceling date 解约日cargo in bulk 散装货物cargo manifest 货物舱单cargo plan 积载图又名船图cargo receipt 承运货物收据carriage and insurance paid to (…named place of destination)(CIP) 运费、保险费付至(…指定的地)carriage paid to (…named place of destination)(CPT) 运费付至(…指定目的地)carton 纸箱cash against documents 凭单付款cash discount 现金折扣cash in advance(C.I.A) 预付现款cash in order(C.I.O) 订货时付款cash on delivery (C.O.D) 交货付款cash with order (C.W.O) 附订单付现certificate for dispatch of documents 寄单证明certificate for dispatch of shipment samples 寄样证明certificate in regard to handlooms textile handcrafts and traditional textile p roducts of the cottage industry 手工制纺织品产地证certificate of age of vessel 船龄证明书certificate of classification 船舶船级证明certificate of compliance 明白证明书certificate of date of sailing 开船证明书certificate of delivery 交货证明书certificate of departure from port 离港证明书certificate of load line 船舶载重线证明certificate of vessel’s nationality 船舶国籍证明certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of textile products 纺织品产地证certificate of ownership 所有权证书certificate of weight 重量证书certified cheque 保付支票certified invoice 证实发票或签证发票CFR ex ship’s hold CFR 舱底交货CFR ex tackle CFR 吊钩下交货CFR landed CFR 卸到岸上CFR liner terms CFR 班轮条件CFS to CFS (集装箱运输)站到站CFS to CY (集装箱运输)站到厂CFS to door (集装箱运输)站到门China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (C.C.P.I.T) 中国国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Certificate of Origin (C CPIT certificate of origin) 中国国际贸易促进委员会产地证China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CIQ) 中国出入境检验检疫局China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation (SINOTRANS) 中国外贸运输公司China Ocean Shipping Agency (COSA) 中国外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司CIF ex ship’s hold CIF 舱底交货CIF ex tackle CIF 吊钩下交货CIF landed CIF 卸到岸上CIF Liner terms CIF 班轮条件claim 素赔clash and breakage risks 碰损、破碎险Class Rate Freight Tariff 等级运价表classification of commodities 货物分级表clean bill 光票clean bill of lading (clean B/L) 清洁提单clean letter of Credit (clean L/C) 光票信用证clean report of findings 清洁报告书closed bids 密封递价closed policy 总括保险单collecting bank 代收行collection 托收collection advice 托收委托书colour sample 色彩样品combined bill of lading (combined B/L) 并提单combined certificate 联合凭证combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书combined documents 联合单据combined offer 复合发盘combined transport bill of lading (CTB/L) 联合运输提单commercial acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票commercial bill 商业汇票commercial documents 商业单据commercial invoice 商业发票commercial paper letter of credit (commercial paper L/C) 商业票据信用证commercial technology transfer 商业性技术转让commission 佣金commission agency 佣金代理commission agent 佣金代理商commodity exchange 商品交易所Commodity Futures Trading Commission 商品期货交易委员会commodity inspection 商品检验commodity inspection corporation (C.I.C) 商检公司common license 普通许可communicate to all address 分送电compensation agreement 补偿协定compensation system 补偿制compensation trade 补偿贸易complete knock down (C.K.D) 全拆卸complete set bill of lading (complete set B/L) 全套提单Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme (C.I.S.S) 全面进口监督计划computed tare 约定皮重conciliation 调解concurrent terms 对流条件conditional sale lease 销售租赁conditioned weight 公量confirm 保兑confirmation 确认书confirmed letter of credit (confirmed L/C) 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑行confirming sample 确认样consecutive days 连续日consideration对价consignee 收货人,代销商consignment 寄售consignment bill for highway transportation 公路货物运输托运单consignor 寄售人constructive delivery 推定全损constructive total loss 推定全损consular invoice 领事发票consular visa 领事签证consulting engineers 咨询工程公司consulting service顾问咨询container bill of lading (container B/L) 集装箱提单container freight station (C.F.S) 集装箱货运站container load 集装箱装载container load plan (C.L.P) 装箱单container number (container no.) 集装箱号container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场contingency insurance ,covers seller’s interest only 卖方利益险contract 合同contract for the international sale of goods 国际货物销售合同Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award 《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》cover note 暂保单co-production 合作生产copy of bill of lading (copy B/L) 副本提单correspondent bank 代理行cost and freight (…named port of destination)(CFR) 成本加运费(…指定目的港)cost, insurance and freight…(named port of destination)(CIF) 成本加运保费(…指定目的港)couriers receipts 快邮收据counter offer 还盘,还价counter purchase 互购counter sample 对等样品counter trade 对等贸易counter card 信用卡counter to expire abroad 国外到期信用证crew list 船舶船员名单cross license 交叉许可cross offer 交叉发盘crossed cheque 划线支票currency adjustment factor (CAF) 币值附加费customary packing 习惯包装customary tare 习惯皮重cutting sample 剪样CY to CFS (集装箱运输)场至站CY to CY (集装箱运输)场至场CY to door (集装箱运输)场至门DDalsey ,Hilbolom , Lind ,Courier’s Service DHL 信使专递dampproof packing 防潮包装date of issue 出票日期date of draft 出票日期dead freight 空舱费dead weight 总载重量dead-weight cargo 重货dead-weight tonnage 载重量吨位debit note(D/N) 借款帐单declaration of country of origin 原产地声明书deductible 绝对免赔率deferred payment 延期付款deferred payment letter of credit (deferred payment L/C) 迟期付款信用证delivered at frontier(…named place )(DAF) 边境交货(…指定地点)delivered duty paid(…named place of destination)(DDP) 完税后交货(…指定目的港)delivered duty unpaid(…named place of destination)(DDU) 未完税交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex quay (…named port of destination)(D.E.Q) 目的港码头交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex ship (…named port of destination)(D.E.S) 目的港船上交货(…指定目的港)delivery 交货delivery order (D/O) 提货单demand draft (D/D) 汇票demise charter 光船租船demurrage money 延期费,滞期费deposit receipt (D/R) 押金收据description of goods 货物说明desk to desk express service 桌到桌快递服务dispatch money 速谴费destination of discharge 目的地detail airmail 详见航邮件detailed invoice 详细发票detailed packing list 详细装箱单Diners Club international 大菜卡direct additional 直航附加费direct barter 直接易货direct bill of lading(direct B/L) 直运提单direct price 直接价discount 贴现discrepancy and clam clause 异议与索赔条款dishonor 拒付行为Disinfect ion Inspection Certificate 消毒检验证书displacement tonnage 排水量吨位disponent owner 船东dock receipt (D/R) 码头收据;场站收据documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary letter of credit (documentary L/C) 跟单信用证documentary against acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单documentary against payment(D/P) 付款交单documentary against payment with trust receipt (D/P.T/R) 付款交单凭信托收据借单domestic credit 国内信用证door to CFS (集装箱运输)门到站door to CY (集装箱运输)门到场door to door (集装箱运输)门到门D/P at …days after sight 远期付款交单D/P at sight 即期付款交单draft 汇票drawee 受票人,付款人drawee bank 付款行drawer 出票人,收款人duplicate sample 复样dutch auction 减价拍卖duty paid value 完税价格EEDI message 电子信息Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据通信Electronic Data Processing(EDP) 电子数据处理enclosure 附件endorsement 批单,背书engineering contracting 工程承包enquiry 询盘equipment lease 设备租赁errors and omissions excepted (E.&O.E) 有错当查,错误或遗漏不在此限establishing bank 开证行estimated time of arrival(E.T.A) 预定到达时间estimated time of departure(E.T.D) 预定开航时间;预定离港时间ex works (…named place)(EXW) 工厂交货(…指定地点)except as otherwise noted (E.A.O.N) 除非另有记载exclusive agency 独家代理exclusive agency agreement 独家代理协议exclusive agent 独家代理商exclusive distributor 包销商exclusive License 独占许可exclusive sale 包销exclusive sale agreement 包销协议expected time of finishing discharging (E.T.F.D) 预计卸完时间expected time of finishing loading(E.T.F.L) 预计装完时间export declaration(E/D) 出口申报书export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单或运费舱单export licence 出口许可证export licence textile products 纺织品出口许可证export manifest 出口载货清单exporter 出口人extraneous risks 外来风险Ffailure to deliver risk 交货不到险fair average quality (F.A.Q) 良好平均品质false bill of lading (false B/L) 伪造提单finance lease 融资租赁financial documents 资金单据fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination HongKong ,including Kowloon, or Macao(F.R.E.C ) 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门寸仓火险责任扩展条款first beneficiary 第一收益人fixed price 固定价fixed scale rogalty 固定提成率flexible container 柔性集装袋FOB liner term FOB班轮条件FOB stowed(FOBS) FOB包括理舱FOB stowed and trimmed(F.O B.S.T) FOB包括平舱和理舱FOB trimmed(FOBT) FOB包括平舱FOB under tackle FOB钓钩下交货FOB vessel(---named port of shipment)指定运港船上交货Food and Drug Administration(FDA) 美国食品及药品管理局for reference only 仅供参考force majeure 不可抗力force majeure clause 不可抗力条款fortuitous accidents 意外事故forward price 期货价格forward cargo receipt(FCR) 运输代理人的承运货物收据forwarding agents 发货代理或货运代理foul bill of lading(foul B/l) 不清单提单franchise 相对免赔率free all average(F-A-A) 不计一切海损free alongside ship(---named port of shipment)(FAS) 船边交货(---指定装运港) free carrier(---named place)(FCA) 货交承运人(---指定地点)free from particular average (F-P-A) 平安险free in(F-I) 船方官卸不管装free in and out(F-I-O) 船房不管装和卸free in and out, stowed and trimmed(F-I-O-S-T) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱free on board(---named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(---指定装运港)free out 船方管装不管卸free perimeter 自由边境区free port 自由港free trade zone 自由贸易区freight agent 货运代理人freight bill 运费帐单freight manifest 运费舱单freight prepaid 运费已付freight to collect 运费到付freight ton 运费吨fresh water and /or rain damage(F-W-R-D) 淡水雨淋险fresh water road line 淡水载重线frustration of contract 合同落空full cable 全电本full container load(F-C-L) 整箱货full packed 全部包装full payout 完全付清fill set bill of lading(full set B/L) 全套提单full set of clean on board bill of lading made out toorder and endorsed in blank 全套清洁已装船作成凭指示和空白背书的提单fundamental breach 根本违反合同future contract 期货合同futures market 期货市场future transaction 期货交易Ggeneral additional 一般附加险General Administration of Civil Aviation China(AAC) 中国民航总局general agency 总代理general agent 总代理人general average(G-A) 共同海损general average contribution 共同海损分摊general conditions of delivery of goods 交货共同条件general terms and conditions 一般交易条件generalized system of preference certificate of origin Form A(G-S-P Form A) 普惠制产地证格式Geneva uniform law on cheque 日内瓦统一支票法规Good merchantable quality(G-M-Q) 上好可销品质goods quality 商品品质grade of goods 商品等级grane back 技术反馈green clause credit 绿条款信用证gross bills of lading weight 毛提单货量gross for net 以毛作净gross registered tonnage(G-R-T) 注册总吨gross terms 船方担负装卸费grounded 搁浅groundage bill of lading 成组提单guarantee letter of credit(guarantee L/C) 担保信用证,保证信用证guarantor 保证人gunny bags 麻袋HHamburg Rules 海牙规则Hard ware硬件heavy lift additional超重附加费heavy weather恶劣气候hedging 套期保植hire purchase租购式租赁hook damage 钩损险house air way bill 分运单house bill of lading 运输代理行提单IImmediate shipment 立即装运import declaration 进口申请书import duty risk 进口关税险importer 进口人indent 订单indicative marks 指示性标志industrial activity 实用性industrial property 工业产权initial payment 初付费,入门费initial price 初步价格injured party 受害方inland depot 内陆货运站inland extended cover 内陆附加险inland waterway bill of landing 内陆提单inspection and claim clause检验与索赔条款Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书Inspection Certificate of Value 价值检验证书Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书Inspection Certificate on Cargo Weight and Measurement 货物衡量证书Inspection Certificate on damaged Cargo 验残检验证书Inspection Certificate on Tank /Hold 验舱证书Inspection of goods 货物检验Institute Cargo clauses(ICC) 协会货物险条款Institute Cargo clauses A(ICC(A)) 协会货物(A)险条款Institute Cargo clauses B(ICC(B)) 协会货物(B)险条款Institute Cargo clauses C(ICC(C)) 协会货物(C)险条款Institute strikes clauses-Cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物)Institute War clauses-Cargo 协会战争险条款(货物)Insurable interest 保险利益;可保权益Insurance certificate 保险凭证Insured amount 保险金额Insurer 承保人;保险人Intellectual property 知识产权Interim measures of protection 保全措施又称临时保护措施International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) 国际商会International code of conduct on the technology transfer 国际技术转让行动守则International competitive bidding 国际竞争性招标International combined transport国际多式联运International express mail service(EMS) 国际特快专递International multimodal transport 国际多式联运International railway through transport 国际铁路货物联运International rules for the interpretation of trade terms(INCOTERMS) 国际贸易术语解释通则International standard organization 国际标准化组织International trading certificate(ITC) 国际贸易证书Intrinsic quality 商品内在素质Inventive activity 创造性Invitation to make offer 邀请发盘Invitation to tender 招标Irrespective of percentage(I-O-P) 不论损失程度Irrespective letter of credit(irrevocable L/C) 不可撤消信用证Issue 出票Issuing bank 开证行Insurance policy 保险单Insurance value 保险价值JJapanese Industrial Standard(JIS) 日本工业标准Jettison and/or washing over board 抛掷,海水冲击险KKite mark 风筝标志Knocked-down in carloads 拆散成整车皮装货物Knocked-down shipment (货物)分运Know how 专有技术LLand bridge transport 大陆桥运输Landed terms 起货条件Landing account 卸货报告Landing quality ,weight as final 以到岸品质,重量为准Landing weight 卸货重量,到岸重量Last pay certificate 最后付款证明书Late acceptance 逾期接受Law and practice 法律惯例Lay time 装卸时间Lay days date 受载时间Leakage risk 渗漏险Lease trade 租赁贸易Licensor’s share on licensee’s profit(LSLP) 利润分成原则Legal net weight 法定净重Legal weight 法定重量Less than container load(LCL) 拼箱货Lessee 承担人Lessor 出租人Letter of credit(L/C) 信用证Letter of guarantee(L/G) 银行保证函Letter telegramme 书信电报Leverage lease 杠杆租赁Licensing 许可证贸易Licensing agreement 许可证协议Lien 扣押权Light displacement 空船排水量或清排水量Liner 班轮Liner shipping 班轮运输Liner terms 班轮条件,船方负担装卸费Liner’ s freight tariff 班轮运价表Liquidated damages 预定损害赔偿Litigation 诉讼Load line 船舶载重线Loaded displacement 满载排水量或重排水量或总排水量Loading list 装货清单Local freight agent 当地运输代理商Local vanning 当地装箱Log book 航行日志London Metal Exchange 伦敦五金交易所London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所Long form bill of lading(long from B/L) 全式提单Long length additional 超长附加费Loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险Lot tolerance rate 批内允许破损率Lot tolerance defective 批内允许次品费Lowest price limit 最低售价Lump sum payment 一次总算MMail confirmation to follow 随寄证实书Mail credit 信开信用证Mail transfer(M/T) 信汇Main mark 主要标志Major causes 重大意外事故Malicious damage clauses 恶意损害险条款Manufacture’s certificate of origin 生产商原产地证明书Manufacture’s invoice 厂商发票Marine bill of lading 海运提单Marine insurance policy 水运保险单Marker capacity 标定容量Master airway bill民航运单Master Card 万事达卡Master document 总单证Master receipt 大副收据Material breach 重大违约Mate’s receipt 大副收据Measurement and weight mark 体重和重量标志Measurement cargo 轻货Measurement list 尺码单Measurement ton(M/T) 尺码吨Memorandum 备忘录Method of dispatching documents 寄单方法 ’Method of reimbursement 所汇方法Mildew proof packaging 防霉包装Mini land bridge(M-L-B) 小路桥Minimum bill of lading(minimum B/L) 起码提单Minimum freight 起码运费Minimum premium 最低保险费Minimum rate 起码费率Minimum weight 最低重量Minor breach 轻微违法Mixed agreement 混合协议Mixed policy 混合保险单Mode of shipment运输方式Money of account 计价货币Money of payment 支付货币More or less clause 溢短装条款Multimode transport documents(MTO) 多式联运单据Multimode transport operator(MTO) 多式联运经营人Multiple country declaration 多国家产地声明书NName of commodity 品名National harbors 天然港Natural calamity 自然灾害Negotiable calamity 流通证券Negotiated bidding 谈判招标Negotiating bank 议付行Negotiation 议付0Negotiation letter of credit 议付通行证Net bills of lading weight 净提单货量Net dead weight 净载重量Net net weight 净净重Net registered tonnage(NRT) 注册净吨Net weight 净重Neutral invoice 中性发票Neutral packing 中性包装New York Commodity Exchange 纽约商品交易所No commercial value(N-C-V) 无商业价值No mark(N/M) 无唛头No orders(N/O) 无指示,无定单,不指定人Non-acceptance(N/A) 拒绝承兑,拒绝接受Non-automatic revolving letter of credit Non-base port 非自动循环信用证Non-commercial technology transfer 非基本港Non-cumulative revolving letter of credit 非商业性技术转让Non-payout 非累计循环信用证Non-vessel operating carrier(NV OC) 不完全付清Non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOC C) 无船承运人Non-vessel owning common carrier(NVOCC)无船承运人Notice of abandonment 委付通知Notice of readiness 备装通知Notify party 被通知人Notifying bank 通知行Novelty 新颖性Nuded cargo 裸装货物OOcean bill of lading (ocean B/L) 海运提单Ocean marine insurance frozen products 海洋运输冷藏货物保险Ocean marine insurance wood oil bulk 海洋运输散装桐油保险Ocean waybill 海上货运单或海运单Off set 抵消贸易Offer 发盘Offer without engagement 不受约束的发盘Omnibus bill of lading(omnibus B/L) 并提单On board bill of lading(on B/L)已装车提单On deck risk 舱面险Once on demurrage a一旦滞期,始终滞期leeway’s on demurrageOpen account transaction 赊帐交易Open bidding 公开招标Open by airmail 信开Open by telecommunication 电开Open policy 预约保单Open negotiation letter of credit 公开议付信用证Opener 开证人,开证申请人Opening bank 开证行Opening of tender 开标Operating lease 经营租赁Operative instrument 有效文本Optional charges 选港费Optional fees 选择卸货港附加费Optional port 选择港Order 定货,定单Order bill of lading (order B/L) 指示提单Original mark 原产地标志Outturn sample 船样Overland common points(O-C-P) 内陆地区Overland transportation all risks 陆运一切险Overland transportation cargo war risks-by train 路上运输货物战争险Overland transportation frozen products 路上运输冷藏货运险Overland transportation risks 陆运险PPack slip 装箱单Packaging销售包装Package number mark 件号标志Package list 装箱单Packed cargo 包装货物Packing 运输包装Packing documents 包装单据Packing loan 打包放款Packing specification 包装证明Packing summary 包装提要Paper bags 纸袋Paperless documentationParcel post all risks 邮包一切险Parcel post risk 邮包险Parcel post war risks 邮包战争险Part packed 局部包装Partial loss 部分损失Partial shipment 分批装运Particular average 单独海损Patent 专利Pattern sample 款式样品Pay by installment 分期付款Payee 受款人Payer 付款人Paying bank 付款行Payment 付款Payment in advance 预付条款Penalty clause 罚金条款Performance bond 履约保证金Performance guaranty 履约保证函Performance letter of credit 履约信用证Perils of the sea 海上风险Physical delivery 实际交货Place of departure 启运地Place of issue 出票地点Place of payment 付款地点Place of receipt 收货地Port of call 挂靠港Port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Port of destination 目的港Port of discharge 卸货港Port of loading 装货港Port of shipment 装运港Port of transshipment 转运港Port surcharge 港口附加费Port to port 港到港Postal money order 邮政汇票Presentation for acceptance 承兑提示Presentation for payment 付款提示Presenting bank 提示行Price adjustment clause 价格修正条款Price terms 价格条件,价格术语Principal 委托人Processing with customer’s materials 来料加工Product buyback 产品返销Product sharing 产品分成Performa invoice 形式发票Progress 先进性Progression payment 分期付款Promissory note 本票Prompt shipment 即期装运Protest 拒付证书Provisional price 暂作价Public certificate 公务证书Purchase order 购货定单Purchase confirmation 购货确认书Purchase contract 购货合同QQuality sample 品质样品Quality latitude 品质机动幅度Quality of goods 商品品质Quality to be about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同Quality tolerance 品质公差Quote 报价RReal tare 实际皮重Receipt for the goods 货物收据Receipt invoice 收妥发票Received for shipment bill of lading 备运提单Reciprocal letter of credit 对开信用证Red clause letter of credit 红条款信用证Reference sample 参考样品Registered tonnage 注册吨Regular shipping liner 班轮Reimbursing agent 偿付代理人Reimbursing bank 偿付行Reissuing bank 转开行Rejection risk 拒收险Related product 相关样品Remittance 汇付Remittance against documents 凭单付汇Remitting bank 托收行Repayment guarantee 还款保证函Representative sample 代表性样品Restricted negotiation letter of credit 限制议付信用证Restrictive endorsement 限制背书Resultant product 直接产品Return sample 回样Return voyage charter 来回航程次Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 一九四一年美国对外贸易定义修正本Revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证Revoke 撤销Revolving around time letter of credit 按时间循环信用证Revolving around value letter of credit 按金额循环信用证Revolving letter of credit 循环信用证Right of exclusive sale 独家经销权利Right of recourse 追索权Right of subrogation 代位追偿权,代位权Risk for shipment of frozen products 冷藏险Risk of intermixture and contamination 混杂,沾污险Risk of odour 串味险Risk of shortage 短量险Risks clause 风险条款Risks covered 承保范围Risks of strikes,riots and civil commotion(SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险Rules for Pre-arbitral Referee Procedures 仲裁前公断程序规则Ruling price 现行价Running days 连续日Running working days 连续工作日Rust-inhibiting packaging 防锈包装Rusting risk 锈损险SSafty-mark 安全标志Sailing date 开航日期,船期Sale and lease back 回租Sale by brand name or trade mark 凭牌名或商标销售Sale by buyer’s sample 凭买方样品销售Sale by description 凭文字说明销售Sale by grade 凭等级销售Sale by illustration 凭说明书销售Sale by sample 凭样销售Sale by seller’s sample 凭卖方样品销售Sale by specification 凭规格销售Sale by standard 凭标准销售Sales confirmation 销售确认书Sales contract 销售合同Salvage charge 救助费用Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书Scheduled airline 班机运输Sea protest 海事报告Sea water damage 海水损失险Sea waybill 海运单或海上货运单Seal number(seal no..) 封号Sealed bid 密封发盘,密封递价Sealed sample 封样Seaworthy packing 适合海运包装Second beneficiary 第二受益人Secondary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Selected bidding 选择性招标Seller’s sample 卖方样Seller’s usual packing 卖方惯用包装Selling hedging 卖期保值Selling offer 售货发盘Semi knock down(S.K.D) 半拆卸Semi-automatic revolving credit 半自动循环信用证Separate bill of lading 分提单Settlement of exchange 结汇Shipment 装运Shipment as soon as possible 尽快装运Shipment certificate 装船证明Shipment certificate textile products 纺织品装船证明Shipment contract 装运合同Shipment request 装货申请Shipped bill of lading 已装船提单Shipper 托运人Shipping advice 装船通知Shipping agent 船务代理Shipping mark 运输标志,Shipping note装货通知单Shipping order(S/O) 装货单Shipping package 运输包装Shipping quality,weight or quantity as final 以离岸品质,重量或数量为准Shipping sample 装船样品Ship’s classification 船级Shockproof packing 防震包装Short delivery 短交,短交获Short from bill of lading(short from B/L) 略式提单Show how 技术示范Sight 见票Sight draft 即期汇票Sight letter of credit 即期信用证Sight payment letter of credit 即期付款信用证Signature of the drawer 出票人签字Similar credit 套证Single country declaration 单一国家声明Simple license 普通许可Single rate freight tariff 单相费率运价表Single voyage charter 单程航次Sliding price 滑动价Soft ware 软件Sole agency 独家代理Sole agent 独家代理商Sole license 排他许可Special additional risk 特别附加险Special drawing rights (SDRs) 特别提款权Special endorsement 特别背书Special order 特别定单Special policy 逐笔保险单Specification list 规格明细单Specification of goods 商品规格Speed post receipt 快递收据Standby letter of credit 备用信用证Stowage factor 积载系数Stowage plan 积载图,船图Straight bill of lading 记名提单Straight lease 直接租赁Strand 触礁Strikes risk 罢工险Subject matter insured 保险标的物Sub-license 分许可Submission of arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议Submission of tender 投标Subsidiary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Sue and labour expense 施救费用Summer load line 夏季载重险Survey report 检验报告Sweat and heating risks 受潮受热险Switch bill of lading 交货提单Switcher 转手商Symbolic delivery 象征性交货TTechnical and clause committee 技术与条款委员会Technical servicing and assistance 技术服务与协助Technology continuing assistance 技术继续援助Technology transfer agreement 技术转让协议Technology transfer transaction 技术转让Telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇Tender guarantee 投标保证书Terminal devanning (集装箱)区内拆箱The British System 英制The doctrine of strict compliance 严格符合的原则The metric system 米制The People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) 中国人民保险公司The U,S, Export Quotations and abbreviations 美国出口报价及其缩写条例The U.S. System 美制Theft ,pilferage and non-delivery 偷窃,提货不着险Theoretical weight 理论重量Through bill of lading (through B/L) 联运提单Time charter 定期租船Time draft 远期汇票Time letter of credit (time L/C) 远期信用证Time policy 定期保险单To draw 出票To order 凭指定To order of 凭某某指定To order of (** )Bank 凭某某银行指定To order of shipper 凭托运人指定Tonnage certificate 船舶吨位证书Total amount 总值Total loss 全部损失Total quality control 全面质量控制Trade and payment agreement 贸易和支付规定Trade discount 贸易折扣Trade mark 商标Trade terms 贸易条件,贸易术语Transferable letter of credit 可转让信用证Transfering bank 转证行Transshipment bill of lading 转船提单Transshipment risk 转运费Transshipment surcharge 转船附加费Transshipment to be allowed 允许转船Transit Siberian land bridge container service traffic (TSCS) 西伯利亚大陆桥集装箱运输Transit storage 转运仓库Transmitting bank 转递行Transport document 运输单据。

合同的标的至货物的交付商品的名称name of commodity凭买方样品买卖sale by seller’s sample凭买方样品买卖sale by buyer’s sample代表性样品representative sample=原样original sample =标准样品type sample复样duplicate sample=留样keep sample对等样品counter sample=回样return sample色彩样品color sample花样款式样品pattern sample参考样品reference sample免费样品free sample推销样品selling sample装运样品shipping sample ,shipment sample到货样品outturn sample检验用样品sample for test凭文字说明买卖sale by description凭规格买卖sale by specification凭等级买卖sale by grade凭标准买卖sale by standard良好平均品质Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller仅供参考For Reference Only质量公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net净重net weight按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare按平均皮重average tare按习惯皮重customary tare按约定皮重computed tare按公量计重conditioned weight按理论重量计重theoretical weight法定重量legal weight净净重net net weight溢短装条款more or less clause散装货物bulk cargo , cargo in bulk运输包装transport packing大包装,外包装outer packing板条箱crate瓦楞纸箱corrugated carton纸箱carton漏孔箱skeleton case桶drum,cask包bundle ,bale运输标志,唛头shipping mark指示性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark商品条码bar code for commodities中性包装neutral packing贸易术语trade termsLoad the goods on board the vessel关键点critical points风险划分点point for division of risk =交货点point of delivery装运合同shipment contract到货合同arrival contract空仓费dead freight滞期费demurrage单据买卖 a sale of documents象征性交货symbolic delivery单价unit price外汇保值条款exchange clause佣金commission经纪人middleman;broker代理人agent折扣discount销售佣金selling commission累计佣金accumulative commission 数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount含佣价price including commission 净价net price交货delivery装运shipment收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt 收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in charge迅速装运prompt shipment立即装运immediate shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible以获取舱位为准subject to shipping space available获得出口许可证为准subject to approval of export license 分批装运shipment by installments转运transshipment班轮运输liner transport租船运输charter transport定程租船voyage charter ; trip charter定期租船time charter光船租船bare boat charter单程航次租船single trip charter来回程航次租船return trip charter连续航次租船consecutive voyages航次期租time charter on trip basis , TCT重量吨weight ton尺码吨measurement ton从价运费 A.V. or ad val.按货物重量或尺码从高征收W/M临时议定运价open rate燃油附加费bunker adjustment factor , BAF货币贬值附加费currency adjustment factor CAF超重附加费heavy lift additional超长附加费long length additional直航附加费direct additional转航附加费transshipment surcharge港口附加费port surcharge港口拥挤附加费port congestion surcharge选择港附加费optional surcharge变更卸货港附加费alteration surcharge整船包价slump-sum fright班轮条件gross terms; liner terms; berth terms船方管装不管卸free out , F.O.船方管卸不管装free in, F.I.船方装和卸均不管free in and out, F.I.O.工作日working days按晴天工作日weather working days货物所有权凭证document of title货物收据receipt for the goods运输合同的证明evidence of the contract of carriage 已装船提单on board B/L; shipped B/L备运提单received for shipment B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transshipment B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L正本提单original B/L副本提单copy B/L过期提单stale B/L甲板提单on deck B/L整箱货full container load, FCL拼箱货less than container load, LCL集装箱堆场container yard, CY集装箱货运站container freight station,CFS 被保险人the insured =投保人applicant保险人insurer =承保人underwriter保险标的subject matter insured保险利益insurable interest最大诚信utmost good faith保证warranty补偿原则principle of indemnity近因原则principle of proximate cause海上风险perils of the sea自然灾害natural calamity意外事故fortuitous accidents外来风险extraneous risks推定全损constructive total loss共同海损general average单独海损particular average施救费用sue and labor expenses救助费用salvage charges平安险free from particular average, FPA水渍险with average, with particular average WA, WPA一切险all risks仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause , W/W Clause 一般附加险general additional risk砰损、破碎险clash and breakage串味险taint of odor淡水雨淋险fresh water and/or rain damage偷窃,提货不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery ,TNPD 短量险shortage渗漏险leakage混杂、玷污险intermixture and contamination钩损险hook damage受潮受热险sweet and heating锈损险rust包装破裂险breakage of packing 特殊附加险special additional risk 战争险war risks罢工险strike risks黄曲霉素险aflatoxin交货不到险failure to delivery舱面险on deck进口关税险import duty拒收险rejection保险单insurance policy保险凭证insurance certificate预约保单open policy批单endorsement相对免赔率franchise绝对免赔率deductible代位追索权right of subrogation 汇票bill of exchange, draft, bill即期汇票sight draft, demand draft。

国际贸易实务名词中英文对照1.International Settlement 国际结算2.International Customs 国际惯例3.booklet of authorized signatures 签字样本4.test key 密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行6.SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange 汇票2.b anker’s draft 银行汇票3.commercial bill 商业汇票4.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票5.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill 跟单汇票7.clean bill 光票8.sight draft,demand draft 即期汇票9.time bill,usance bill 远期汇票10.drawer,payee,drawee 出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement 背书12.acceptance 承兑13.without recourse 免于追索14.notice of dishonour 拒付通知15.protest 拒绝证书16.promissory note 本票17.cheque / check 支票18.cash cheque 现金支票19.cheque for transfer 转帐支票20.crossed check 划线支票1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇4.O/A:Open Account,赊销交易5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现6.B/O:By order of,汇款人1.Remittance:汇款2.payment order:汇款委托书3.M/T advice:信汇委托书4.telegraphic transfer:电汇5.banker's demand draft:票汇6.mail transfer:信汇1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents 商业单据3.Collection 托收4.Principal 委托人5.Remitting Bank 托收行6.Collecting Bank 代收行7.Clean Collection光票托收8.Documentary C ollection 跟单托收9.Documents against Payment 付款交单10.Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单11.Trust Receipt 信托收据12.Outward Bills 出口押汇13.Uniform Rules for Collection 托收统一规则14.Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收1.Documentary Credit 跟单信用证2.Cover Letter或Bill of Purchase 寄单面函3.Credit Opened by Mail 信开本信用证4.Credit Opened by Teletransmission 电开本信用证5.Operative Instrument 有效文本6.Expiry Date and Plac e 有效日期和地点7.Nominated Bank 指定银行8.Partial Shipment 分批装运9.Special Condition 特别条款10.Discrepancy 不符点11.Issuing Bank 开证行12.Applicant 申请人13.Advising Bank 通知行14.Beneficiary 受益人15.Negotiating Bank 议付行16.Confirming Bank 保兑行17.Reimbursing Bank 偿付行18.Sight Payment Credit 即期付款信用证19.Deferred Payment Credit 迟期付款信用证20.Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证21.Confirmed Credit 保兑信用证22.Usance Credit Payable at Sight 假远期信用证23.Anticipatory Credit 预支信用证24.Transferable Credit 可转让信用证25.Back to Back Credit 背对背信用证26.Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证27.Revolving Credit 循环信用证28.Strict Compliance 严格相符29.Substantial Compliance 实质相符30.Fraud Exception Principle 欺诈例外原则五、将下列英文译成中文1.Independent guarantee:独立性保函2.Accessory Guarantee:从属性保函3.reissuing bank:转开行4.counter-guarantor:反担保人5.Standby letter of credit:备用信用证六、将下列英文译成中文1.International Factoring 国际保理2.Credit Control 信用销售控制3.Collection of Receivables 带收账款4.Financed Factoring 融资保理5.Non-Financed Factoring非融资保理6.Maturity Factoring 到期保理7.Non-Recoursed Factoring无追索权保理8.Recoursed Factoring 有追索权保理9.Disclosed Factoring公开型保理10.Undisclosed Factoring 隐蔽型保理11.Two Factor System双保理商保理型式12.Single Factor System 单保理商保理型式13.Maintenance of Sales Ledger 销售账务管理14.Protection for buyer's Credit 信用担保15.Export Trade Finance 贸易融资16.Application for a Credit Approval 信用额度申请表1.Commercial Invoice 商业发票2.Transport Documents 运输单据3.Insurance Documents 保险单据4.Receipt Invoice 收妥发票5.Shipping Mark 唛头6.Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单7.Shipped B/L 已装船提单8.Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单9.Transshipment B/L 转船提单10.Through B/L 联运提单11.Direct B/L 直达提单12.Order B/L 指示提单13.Anti-datedB/L 倒签提单14.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 不可转让海运单15.Air Waybill 空运运单16.Master Air Waybill 主运单17.Cargo Receipt,C/R 承运货物收据18.Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据19.Insurance Policy 正式保险单20.Multimodal Transport Document 多式运输单据21.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证22.Open Policy 预约保险单23.Insurance Declaration 保险声明24.Cover Note, Binder 暂保单25.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书26.Inspection Certificate 检验证明书。

合同的标的至货物的交付商品的名称name of commodity凭买方样品买卖sale by seller’s sample凭买方样品买卖sale by buyer’s sample代表性样品representative sample=原样original sample =标准样品type sample复样duplicate sample=留样keep sample对等样品counter sample=回样return sample色彩样品color sample花样款式样品pattern sample参考样品reference sample免费样品free sample推销样品selling sample装运样品shipping sample ,shipment sample到货样品outturn sample检验用样品sample for test凭文字说明买卖sale by description凭规格买卖sale by specification凭等级买卖sale by grade凭标准买卖sale by standard良好平均品质Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller仅供参考For Reference Only质量公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net净重net weight按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare按平均皮重average tare按习惯皮重customary tare按约定皮重computed tare按公量计重conditioned weight按理论重量计重theoretical weight法定重量legal weight净净重net net weight溢短装条款more or less clause散装货物bulk cargo , cargo in bulk运输包装transport packing大包装,外包装outer packing板条箱crate瓦楞纸箱corrugated carton纸箱carton漏孔箱skeleton case桶drum,cask包bundle ,bale运输标志,唛头shipping mark指示性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark商品条码bar code for commodities中性包装neutral packing贸易术语trade termsLoad the goods on board the vessel关键点critical points风险划分点point for division of risk =交货点point of delivery装运合同shipment contract到货合同arrival contract空仓费dead freight滞期费demurrage单据买卖 a sale of documents象征性交货symbolic delivery单价unit price外汇保值条款exchange clause佣金commission经纪人middleman;broker代理人agent折扣discount销售佣金selling commission累计佣金accumulative commission 数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount含佣价price including commission 净价net price交货delivery装运shipment收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt 收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in charge迅速装运prompt shipment立即装运immediate shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible以获取舱位为准subject to shipping space available获得出口许可证为准subject to approval of export license 分批装运shipment by installments转运transshipment班轮运输liner transport租船运输charter transport定程租船voyage charter ; trip charter定期租船time charter光船租船bare boat charter单程航次租船single trip charter来回程航次租船return trip charter连续航次租船consecutive voyages航次期租time charter on trip basis , TCT重量吨weight ton尺码吨measurement ton从价运费 A.V. or ad val.按货物重量或尺码从高征收W/M临时议定运价open rate燃油附加费bunker adjustment factor , BAF货币贬值附加费currency adjustment factor CAF超重附加费heavy lift additional超长附加费long length additional直航附加费direct additional转航附加费transshipment surcharge港口附加费port surcharge港口拥挤附加费port congestion surcharge选择港附加费optional surcharge变更卸货港附加费alteration surcharge整船包价slump-sum fright班轮条件gross terms; liner terms; berth terms船方管装不管卸free out , F.O.船方管卸不管装free in, F.I.船方装和卸均不管free in and out, F.I.O.工作日working days按晴天工作日weather working days货物所有权凭证document of title货物收据receipt for the goods运输合同的证明evidence of the contract of carriage 已装船提单on board B/L; shipped B/L备运提单received for shipment B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transshipment B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L正本提单original B/L副本提单copy B/L过期提单stale B/L甲板提单on deck B/L整箱货full container load, FCL拼箱货less than container load, LCL集装箱堆场container yard, CY集装箱货运站container freight station,CFS 被保险人the insured =投保人applicant保险人insurer =承保人underwriter保险标的subject matter insured保险利益insurable interest最大诚信utmost good faith保证warranty补偿原则principle of indemnity近因原则principle of proximate cause海上风险perils of the sea自然灾害natural calamity意外事故fortuitous accidents外来风险extraneous risks推定全损constructive total loss共同海损general average单独海损particular average施救费用sue and labor expenses救助费用salvage charges平安险free from particular average, FPA水渍险with average, with particular average WA, WPA一切险all risks仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause , W/W Clause 一般附加险general additional risk砰损、破碎险clash and breakage串味险taint of odor淡水雨淋险fresh water and/or rain damage偷窃,提货不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery ,TNPD 短量险shortage渗漏险leakage混杂、玷污险intermixture and contamination钩损险hook damage受潮受热险sweet and heating锈损险rust包装破裂险breakage of packing 特殊附加险special additional risk 战争险war risks罢工险strike risks黄曲霉素险aflatoxin交货不到险failure to delivery舱面险on deck进口关税险import duty拒收险rejection保险单insurance policy保险凭证insurance certificate预约保单open policy批单endorsement相对免赔率franchise绝对免赔率deductible代位追索权right of subrogation 汇票bill of exchange, draft, bill即期汇票sight draft, demand draft。

1.International Settlement 国际结算2.International Customs 国际惯例3.booklet of authorized signatures 签字样本4.test key 密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行6.SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange 汇票2.b anker’s draft 银行汇票3.commercial bill 商业汇票4.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票5.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill 跟单汇票7.clean bill 光票8.sight draft,demand draft 即期汇票9.time bill,usance bill 远期汇票10.drawer,payee,drawee 出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement 背书12.acceptance 承兑13.without recourse 免于追索14.notice of dishonour 拒付通知15.protest 拒绝证书16.promissory note 本票17.cheque / check 支票18.cash cheque 现金支票19.cheque for transfer 转帐支票20.crossed check 划线支票1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇4.O/A:Open Account,赊销交易5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现6.B/O:By order of,汇款人1.Remittance:汇款2.payment order:汇款委托书3.M/T advice:信汇委托书4.telegraphic transfer:电汇5.banker's demand draft:票汇6.mail transfer:信汇1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents 商业单据3.Collection 托收4.Principal 委托人5.Remitting Bank 托收行6.Collecting Bank 代收行7.Clean Collection光票托收8.Documentary C ollection 跟单托收9.Documents against Payment 付款交单10.Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单11.Trust Receipt 信托收据12.Outward Bills 出口押汇13.Uniform Rules for Collection 托收统一规则14.Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收1.Documentary Credit 跟单信用证2.Cover Letter或Bill of Purchase 寄单面函3.Credit Opened by Mail 信开本信用证4.Credit Opened by Teletransmission 电开本信用证5.Operative Instrument 有效文本6.Expiry Date and Plac e 有效日期和地点7.Nominated Bank 指定银行8.Partial Shipment 分批装运9.Special Condition 特别条款10.Discrepancy 不符点11.Issuing Bank 开证行12.Applicant 申请人13.Advising Bank 通知行14.Beneficiary 受益人15.Negotiating Bank 议付行16.Confirming Bank 保兑行17.Reimbursing Bank 偿付行18.Sight Payment Credit 即期付款信用证19.Deferred Payment Credit 迟期付款信用证20.Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证21.Confirmed Credit 保兑信用证22.Usance Credit Payable at Sight 假远期信用证23.Anticipatory Credit 预支信用证24.Transferable Credit 可转让信用证25.Back to Back Credit 背对背信用证26.Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证27.Revolving Credit 循环信用证28.Strict Compliance 严格相符29.Substantial Compliance 实质相符30.Fraud Exception Principle 欺诈例外原则五、将下列英文译成中文1.Independent guarantee:独立性保函2.Accessory Guarantee:从属性保函3.reissuing bank:转开行4.counter-guarantor:反担保人5.Standby letter of credit:备用信用证六、将下列英文译成中文1.International Factoring 国际保理2.Credit Control 信用销售控制3.Collection of Receivables 带收账款4.Financed Factoring 融资保理5.Non-Financed Factoring非融资保理6.Maturity Factoring 到期保理7.Non-Recoursed Factoring无追索权保理8.Recoursed Factoring 有追索权保理9.Disclosed Factoring公开型保理10.Undisclosed Factoring 隐蔽型保理11.Two Factor System双保理商保理型式12.Single Factor System 单保理商保理型式13.Maintenance of Sales Ledger 销售账务管理14.Protection for buyer's Credit 信用担保15.Export Trade Finance 贸易融资16.Application for a Credit Approval 信用额度申请表1.Commercial Invoice 商业发票2.Transport Documents 运输单据3.Insurance Documents 保险单据4.Receipt Invoice 收妥发票5.Shipping Mark 唛头6.Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单7.Shipped B/L 已装船提单8.Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单9.Transshipment B/L 转船提单10.Through B/L 联运提单11.Direct B/L 直达提单12.Order B/L 指示提单13.Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单14.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 不可转让海运单15.Air Waybill 空运运单16.Master Air Waybill 主运单17.Cargo Receipt,C/R 承运货物收据18.Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据19.Insurance Policy 正式保险单20.Multimodal Transport Document 多式运输单据21.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证22.Open Policy 预约保险单23.Insurance Declaration 保险声明24.Cover Note, Binder 暂保单25.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书26.Inspection Certificate 检验证明书学习好资料欢迎下载。
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accelerate trade payment(ATP) 加速贸易付款acceptance 承兑,接受acceptance letter of credit(acceptance L/C) 承兑信用证accepting bank 承兑行acceptor承兑人acknowledgement of insurance declaration 投保声明的回执actual delivery 实际交货actual quality 实际品质actual tare 实际皮重actual total loss 实际全损Ad.val (拉丁语)从价advanced bill of lading (advanced B/L) 预借提单advanced payment 预付货款advising bank 通知行afltoxin risk 黄曲霉素险agency 代理agent 代理商agreement 协议书agreement of consignment 寄售协议Air Express 急件传送air transportation all risks 航空运输一切险air transportation cargo war risks 航空运输货物战争险air transportation risks 航空运输险air waybill 航空货运单aligned document system 套合一致的单证all risks 一切险all risks for shipment of frozen products 冷藏货物运输一切险alteration charge 变更卸货港附加费American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM)美国材料试验协会的标准announcement of tender 发布招标公告anticipatory letter of credit (anticipatory L/C)预支信用证ante-dated bill of lading (ante-dated B/L) 倒签提单antirust packaging 防锈包装applicant 开证申请人application for credit 开证申请书arbitration 仲裁arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议arbitration application 仲裁申请arbitration clause 仲裁条款arbitration procedure 仲裁程序arrival contract 到达合同artificial harbor 人工港assembling with customer’s parts 来件装配assignment of proceed 款项让渡或款项过渡Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 美国公职分析化学师协会标准assortment list 花色搭配单at buyer’s option 由买方决定at seller’s option 由卖方决定auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖人authority to purchase(A/P) 委托购买证automatic revolving letter of credit(automatic revolving L/C)自动循环信用证available by negotiation 议付兑现available by payment 付款兑现average price 平均价average tare 平均皮重avoidance of delay 防止延迟Bback to back letter of credit (back to back L/C) 对背信用证bale packing 捆包装bank credit card 信用卡bank guarantee 银行保证函banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票banker’s acceptance letter of credit (banker’s acceptance L/C) 银行承兑信用证banker’s bill 银行汇票banker’s cheque 银行支票banking charges 银行费用barter trade 易货贸易base port 基本港beneficiary 受益人benefit of insurance 保险利益berth terms 船方负担装卸费bid 递盘bid bond 投标保证金,投标押金bidding documents 编制招标文件bill for collection(B/C) 托收汇票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading (B/L) 海运提单bill of lading weight 提单货量blank endorsement 空白背书bona fide holder 善意持有人book 订购booking note 托运单both to blame collision clause (B.B.clause) 船船互撞条款breach of condition 违反要件breach of contract 违反合同breach of innominate terms 违反无名条款breach of intermediate terms 违反中间性条款breach of warranty 违反担保或违反随附条件brief cable 简电本British standard(BS) 英国(工业)标准bulk cargo 散装货物bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 燃油附加费business negotiation 交易磋商buyback 回购b uyer’s sample 买方样buyer’s usance credit 买方远期信用证buying hedging 买期保值buying offer 购货发盘Ccable address (C/A) 电挂cable confirmation 电报证实书cable credit 电开信用证call of tender 招标Canadian Standards Association (C.S.A) 加拿大标准协会canceling date 解约日cargo in bulk 散装货物cargo manifest 货物舱单cargo plan 积载图又名船图cargo receipt 承运货物收据carriage and insurance paid to (…named place of destination)(CIP) 运费、保险费付至(…指定的地)carriage paid to (…named place of destination)(CPT) 运费付至(…指定目的地)carton 纸箱cash against documents 凭单付款cash discount 现金折扣cash in advance(C.I.A) 预付现款cash in order(C.I.O) 订货时付款cash on delivery (C.O.D) 交货付款cash with order (C.W.O) 附订单付现certificate for dispatch of documents 寄单证明certificate for dispatch of shipment samples 寄样证明certificate in regard to handlooms textile handcrafts and traditional textile products of the cottage i ndustry 手工制纺织品产地证certificate of age of vessel 船龄证明书certificate of classification 船舶船级证明certificate of compliance 明白证明书certificate of date of sailing 开船证明书certificate of delivery 交货证明书certificate of departure from port 离港证明书certificate of load line 船舶载重线证明certificate of vessel’s nationality 船舶国籍证明certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of textile products 纺织品产地证certificate of ownership 所有权证书certificate of weight 重量证书certified cheque 保付支票certified invoice 证实发票或签证发票CFR ex ship’s hold CFR 舱底交货CFR ex tackle CFR 吊钩下交货CFR landed CFR 卸到岸上CFR liner terms CFR 班轮条件CFS to CFS (集装箱运输)站到站CFS to CY (集装箱运输)站到厂CFS to door (集装箱运输)站到门China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (C.C.P.I.T) 中国国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Certificate of Origin (CCPIT certificate of origin) 中国国际贸易促进委员会产地证China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CIQ) 中国出入境检验检疫局China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation (SINOTRANS) 中国外贸运输公司China Ocean Shipping Agency (COSA) 中国外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司CIF ex ship’s hold CIF 舱底交货CIF ex tackle CIF 吊钩下交货CIF landed CIF 卸到岸上CIF Liner terms CIF 班轮条件claim 素赔clash and breakage risks 碰损、破碎险Class Rate Freight Tariff 等级运价表classification of commodities 货物分级表clean bill 光票clean bill of lading (clean B/L) 清洁提单clean letter of Credit (clean L/C) 光票信用证clean report of findings 清洁报告书closed bids 密封递价closed policy 总括保险单collecting bank 代收行collection 托收collection advice 托收委托书colour sample 色彩样品combined bill of lading (combined B/L) 并提单combined certificate 联合凭证combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书combined documents 联合单据combined offer 复合发盘combined transport bill of lading (CTB/L) 联合运输提单commercial acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票commercial bill 商业汇票commercial documents 商业单据commercial invoice 商业发票commercial paper letter of credit (commercial paper L/C) 商业票据信用证commercial technology transfer 商业性技术转让commission 佣金commission agency 佣金代理commission agent 佣金代理商commodity exchange 商品交易所Commodity Futures Trading Commission 商品期货交易委员会commodity inspection 商品检验commodity inspection corporation (C.I.C) 商检公司common license 普通许可communicate to all address 分送电compensation agreement 补偿协定compensation system 补偿制compensation trade 补偿贸易complete knock down (C.K.D) 全拆卸complete set bill of lading (complete set B/L) 全套提单Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme (C.I.S.S) 全面进口监督计划computed tare 约定皮重conciliation 调解concurrent terms 对流条件conditional sale lease 销售租赁conditioned weight 公量confirm 保兑confirmation 确认书confirmed letter of credit (confirmed L/C) 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑行confirming sample 确认样consecutive days 连续日consideration对价consignee 收货人,代销商consignment 寄售consignment bill for highway transportation 公路货物运输托运单consignor 寄售人constructive delivery 推定全损constructive total loss 推定全损consular invoice 领事发票consular visa 领事签证consulting engineers 咨询工程公司consulting service顾问咨询container bill of lading (container B/L) 集装箱提单container freight station (C.F.S) 集装箱货运站container load 集装箱装载container load plan (C.L.P) 装箱单container number (container no.) 集装箱号container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场contingency insurance ,covers seller’s interest only 卖方利益险contract 合同contract for the international sale of goods 国际货物销售合同Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award 《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》cover note 暂保单co-production 合作生产copy of bill of lading (copy B/L) 副本提单correspondent bank 代理行cost and freight (…named port of destination)(CFR) 成本加运费(…指定目的港)cost, insurance and freight…(named port of destination)(CIF) 成本加运保费(…指定目的港)couriers receipts 快邮收据counter offer 还盘,还价counter purchase 互购counter sample 对等样品counter trade 对等贸易counter card 信用卡counter to expire abroad 国外到期信用证crew list 船舶船员名单cross license 交叉许可cross offer 交叉发盘crossed cheque 划线支票currency adjustment factor (CAF) 币值附加费customary packing 习惯包装customary tare 习惯皮重cutting sample 剪样CY to CFS (集装箱运输)场至站CY to CY (集装箱运输)场至场CY to door (集装箱运输)场至门DDalsey ,Hilbolom , Lind ,Courier’s Service DHL 信使专递dampproof packing 防潮包装date of issue 出票日期date of draft 出票日期dead freight 空舱费dead weight 总载重量dead-weight cargo 重货dead-weight tonnage 载重量吨位debit note(D/N) 借款帐单declaration of country of origin 原产地声明书deductible 绝对免赔率deferred payment 延期付款deferred payment letter of credit (deferred payment L/C) 迟期付款信用证delivered at frontier(…named place )(DAF) 边境交货(…指定地点)delivered duty paid(…named place of destination)(DDP) 完税后交货(…指定目的港)delivered duty unpaid(…named place of destination)(DDU) 未完税交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex quay (…named port of destination)(D.E.Q) 目的港码头交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex ship (…named port of destination)(D.E.S) 目的港船上交货(…指定目的港)delivery 交货delivery order (D/O) 提货单demand draft (D/D) 汇票demise charter 光船租船demurrage money 延期费,滞期费deposit receipt (D/R) 押金收据description of goods 货物说明desk to desk express service 桌到桌快递服务dispatch money 速谴费destination of discharge 目的地detail airmail 详见航邮件detailed invoice 详细发票detailed packing list 详细装箱单Diners Club international 大菜卡direct additional 直航附加费direct barter 直接易货direct bill of lading(direct B/L) 直运提单direct price 直接价discount 贴现discrepancy and clam clause 异议与索赔条款dishonor 拒付行为Disinfect ion Inspection Certificate 消毒检验证书displacement tonnage 排水量吨位disponent owner 船东dock receipt (D/R) 码头收据;场站收据documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary letter of credit (documentary L/C) 跟单信用证documentary against acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单documentary against payment(D/P) 付款交单documentary against payment with trust receipt (D/P.T/R) 付款交单凭信托收据借单domestic credit 国内信用证door to CFS (集装箱运输)门到站door to CY (集装箱运输)门到场door to door (集装箱运输)门到门D/P at …days after sight 远期付款交单D/P at sight 即期付款交单draft 汇票drawee 受票人,付款人drawee bank 付款行drawer 出票人,收款人duplicate sample 复样dutch auction 减价拍卖duty paid value 完税价格EEDI message 电子信息Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据通信Electronic Data Processing(EDP) 电子数据处理enclosure 附件endorsement 批单,背书engineering contracting 工程承包enquiry 询盘equipment lease 设备租赁errors and omissions excepted (E.&O.E) 有错当查,错误或遗漏不在此限establishing bank 开证行estimated time of arrival(E.T.A) 预定到达时间estimated time of departure(E.T.D) 预定开航时间;预定离港时间ex works (…named place)(EXW) 工厂交货(…指定地点)except as otherwise noted (E.A.O.N) 除非另有记载exclusive agency 独家代理exclusive agency agreement 独家代理协议exclusive agent 独家代理商exclusive distributor 包销商exclusive License 独占许可exclusive sale 包销exclusive sale agreement 包销协议expected time of finishing discharging (E.T.F.D) 预计卸完时间expected time of finishing loading(E.T.F.L) 预计装完时间export declaration(E/D) 出口申报书export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单或运费舱单export licence 出口许可证export licence textile products 纺织品出口许可证export manifest 出口载货清单exporter 出口人extraneous risks 外来风险Ffailure to deliver risk 交货不到险fair average quality (F.A.Q) 良好平均品质false bill of lading (false B/L) 伪造提单finance lease 融资租赁financial documents 资金单据fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination HongKong ,including Kowloon, or M acao(F.R.E.C) 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门寸仓火险责任扩展条款first beneficiary 第一收益人fixed price 固定价fixed scale rogalty 固定提成率flexible container 柔性集装袋FOB liner term FOB班轮条件FOB stowed(FOBS) FOB包括理舱FOB stowed and trimmed(F.O B.S.T) FOB包括平舱和理舱FOB trimmed(FOBT) FOB包括平舱FOB under tackle FOB钓钩下交货FOB vessel(---named port of shipment)指定运港船上交货Food and Drug Administration(FDA) 美国食品及药品管理局for reference only 仅供参考force majeure 不可抗力force majeure clause 不可抗力条款fortuitous accidents 意外事故forward price 期货价格forward cargo receipt(FCR) 运输代理人的承运货物收据forwarding agents 发货代理或货运代理foul bill of lading(foul B/l) 不清单提单franchise 相对免赔率free all average(F-A-A) 不计一切海损free alongside ship(---named port of shipment)(FAS) 船边交货(---指定装运港)free carrier(---named place)(FCA) 货交承运人(---指定地点)free from particular average (F-P-A) 平安险free in(F-I) 船方官卸不管装free in and out(F-I-O) 船房不管装和卸free in and out, stowed and trimmed(F-I-O-S-T) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱free on board(---named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(---指定装运港)free out 船方管装不管卸free perimeter 自由边境区free port 自由港free trade zone 自由贸易区freight agent 货运代理人freight bill 运费帐单freight manifest 运费舱单freight prepaid 运费已付freight to collect 运费到付freight ton 运费吨fresh water and /or rain damage(F-W-R-D) 淡水雨淋险fresh water road line 淡水载重线frustration of contract 合同落空full cable 全电本full container load(F-C-L) 整箱货full packed 全部包装full payout 完全付清fill set bill of lading(full set B/L) 全套提单full set of clean on board bill of lading made out toorder and endorsed in blank 全套清洁已装船作成凭指示和空白背书的提单fundamental breach 根本违反合同future contract 期货合同futures market 期货市场future transaction 期货交易Ggeneral additional 一般附加险General Administration of Civil Aviation China(AAC) 中国民航总局general agency 总代理general agent 总代理人general average(G-A) 共同海损general average contribution 共同海损分摊general conditions of delivery of goods 交货共同条件general terms and conditions 一般交易条件generalized system of preference certificate of origin Form A(G-S-P Form A) 普惠制产地证格式Geneva uniform law on cheque 日内瓦统一支票法规Good merchantable quality(G-M-Q) 上好可销品质goods quality 商品品质grade of goods 商品等级grane back 技术反馈green clause credit 绿条款信用证gross bills of lading weight 毛提单货量gross for net 以毛作净gross registered tonnage(G-R-T) 注册总吨gross terms 船方担负装卸费grounded 搁浅groundage bill of lading 成组提单guarantee letter of credit(guarantee L/C) 担保信用证,保证信用证guarantor 保证人gunny bags 麻袋HHamburg Rules 海牙规则Hard ware硬件heavy lift additional超重附加费heavy weather恶劣气候hedging 套期保植hire purchase租购式租赁hook damage 钩损险house air way bill 分运单house bill of lading 运输代理行提单IImmediate shipment 立即装运import declaration 进口申请书import duty risk 进口关税险importer 进口人indent 订单indicative marks 指示性标志industrial activity 实用性industrial property 工业产权initial payment 初付费,入门费initial price 初步价格injured party 受害方inland depot 内陆货运站inland extended cover 内陆附加险inland waterway bill of landing 内陆提单inspection and claim clause检验与索赔条款Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书Inspection Certificate of Value 价值检验证书Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书Inspection Certificate on Cargo Weight and Measurement 货物衡量证书Inspection Certificate on damaged Cargo 验残检验证书Inspection Certificate on Tank /Hold 验舱证书Inspection of goods 货物检验Institute Cargo clauses(ICC) 协会货物险条款Institute Cargo clauses A(ICC(A)) 协会货物(A)险条款Institute Cargo clauses B(ICC(B)) 协会货物(B)险条款Institute Cargo clauses C(ICC(C)) 协会货物(C)险条款Institute strikes clauses-Cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物)Institute War clauses-Cargo 协会战争险条款(货物)Insurable interest 保险利益;可保权益Insurance certificate 保险凭证Insured amount 保险金额Insurer 承保人;保险人Intellectual property 知识产权Interim measures of protection 保全措施又称临时保护措施International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) 国际商会International code of conduct on the technology transfer 国际技术转让行动守则International competitive bidding 国际竞争性招标International combined transport国际多式联运International express mail service(EMS) 国际特快专递International multimodal transport 国际多式联运International railway through transport 国际铁路货物联运International rules for the interpretation of trade terms(INCOTERMS) 国际贸易术语解释通则International standard organization 国际标准化组织International trading certificate(ITC) 国际贸易证书Intrinsic quality 商品内在素质Inventive activity 创造性Invitation to make offer 邀请发盘Invitation to tender 招标Irrespective of percentage(I-O-P) 不论损失程度Irrespective letter of credit(irrevocable L/C) 不可撤消信用证Issue 出票Issuing bank 开证行Insurance policy 保险单Insurance value 保险价值JJapanese Industrial Standard(JIS) 日本工业标准Jettison and/or washing over board 抛掷,海水冲击险KKite mark 风筝标志Knocked-down in carloads 拆散成整车皮装货物Knocked-down shipment (货物)分运Know how 专有技术LLand bridge transport 大陆桥运输Landed terms 起货条件Landing account 卸货报告Landing quality ,weight as final 以到岸品质,重量为准Landing weight 卸货重量,到岸重量Last pay certificate 最后付款证明书Late acceptance 逾期接受Law and practice 法律惯例Lay time 装卸时间Lay days date 受载时间Leakage risk 渗漏险Lease trade 租赁贸易Licensor’s share on licensee’s profit(LSLP) 利润分成原则Legal net weight 法定净重Legal weight 法定重量Less than container load(LCL) 拼箱货Lessee 承担人Lessor 出租人Letter of credit(L/C) 信用证Letter of guarantee(L/G) 银行保证函Letter telegramme 书信电报Leverage lease 杠杆租赁Licensing 许可证贸易Licensing agreement 许可证协议Lien 扣押权Light displacement 空船排水量或清排水量Liner 班轮Liner shipping 班轮运输Liner terms 班轮条件,船方负担装卸费Liner’ s freight tariff 班轮运价表Liquidated damages 预定损害赔偿Litigation 诉讼Load line 船舶载重线Loaded displacement 满载排水量或重排水量或总排水量Loading list 装货清单Local freight agent 当地运输代理商Local vanning 当地装箱Log book 航行日志London Metal Exchange 伦敦五金交易所London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所Long form bill of lading(long from B/L) 全式提单Long length additional 超长附加费Loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险Lot tolerance rate 批内允许破损率Lot tolerance defective 批内允许次品费Lowest price limit 最低售价Lump sum payment 一次总算MMail confirmation to follow 随寄证实书Mail credit 信开信用证Mail transfer(M/T) 信汇Main mark 主要标志Major causes 重大意外事故Malicious damage clauses 恶意损害险条款Manufacture’s certificate of origin 生产商原产地证明书Manufacture’s invoice 厂商发票Marine bill of lading 海运提单Marine insurance policy 水运保险单Marker capacity 标定容量Master airway bill民航运单Master Card 万事达卡Master document 总单证Master receipt 大副收据Material breach 重大违约Mate’s receipt 大副收据Measurement and weight mark 体重和重量标志Measurement cargo 轻货Measurement list 尺码单Measurement ton(M/T) 尺码吨Memorandum 备忘录Method of dispatching documents 寄单方法’Method of reimbursement 所汇方法Mildew proof packaging 防霉包装Mini land bridge(M-L-B) 小路桥Minimum bill of lading(minimum B/L) 起码提单Minimum freight 起码运费Minimum premium 最低保险费Minimum rate 起码费率Minimum weight 最低重量Minor breach 轻微违法Mixed agreement 混合协议Mixed policy 混合保险单Mode of shipment运输方式Money of account 计价货币Money of payment 支付货币More or less clause 溢短装条款Multimode transport documents(MTO) 多式联运单据Multimode transport operator(MTO) 多式联运经营人Multiple country declaration 多国家产地声明书NName of commodity 品名National harbors 天然港Natural calamity 自然灾害Negotiable calamity 流通证券Negotiated bidding 谈判招标Negotiating bank 议付行Negotiation 议付0Negotiation letter of credit 议付通行证Net bills of lading weight 净提单货量Net dead weight 净载重量Net net weight 净净重Net registered tonnage(NRT) 注册净吨Net weight 净重Neutral invoice 中性发票Neutral packing 中性包装New York Commodity Exchange 纽约商品交易所No commercial value(N-C-V) 无商业价值No mark(N/M) 无唛头No orders(N/O) 无指示,无定单,不指定人Non-acceptance(N/A) 拒绝承兑,拒绝接受Non-automatic revolving letter of credit Non-base port 非自动循环信用证Non-commercial technology transfer 非基本港Non-cumulative revolving letter of credit 非商业性技术转让Non-payout 非累计循环信用证Non-vessel operating carrier(NV OC) 不完全付清Non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOC C) 无船承运人Non-vessel owning common carrier(NVOCC)无船承运人Notice of abandonment 委付通知Notice of readiness 备装通知Notify party 被通知人Notifying bank 通知行Novelty 新颖性Nuded cargo 裸装货物OOcean bill of lading (ocean B/L) 海运提单Ocean marine insurance frozen products 海洋运输冷藏货物保险Ocean marine insurance wood oil bulk 海洋运输散装桐油保险Ocean waybill 海上货运单或海运单Off set 抵消贸易Offer 发盘Offer without engagement 不受约束的发盘Omnibus bill of lading(omnibus B/L) 并提单On board bill of lading(on B/L)已装车提单On deck risk 舱面险Once on demurrage a一旦滞期,始终滞期leeway’s on demurrage Open account transaction 赊帐交易Open bidding 公开招标Open by airmail 信开Open by telecommunication 电开Open policy 预约保单Open negotiation letter of credit 公开议付信用证Opener 开证人,开证申请人Opening bank 开证行Opening of tender 开标Operating lease 经营租赁Operative instrument 有效文本Optional charges 选港费Optional fees 选择卸货港附加费Optional port 选择港Order 定货,定单Order bill of lading (order B/L) 指示提单Original mark 原产地标志Outturn sample 船样Overland common points(O-C-P) 内陆地区Overland transportation all risks 陆运一切险Overland transportation cargo war risks-by train 路上运输货物战争险Overland transportation frozen products 路上运输冷藏货运险Overland transportation risks 陆运险PPack slip 装箱单Packaging销售包装Package number mark 件号标志Package list 装箱单Packed cargo 包装货物Packing 运输包装Packing documents 包装单据Packing loan 打包放款Packing specification 包装证明Packing summary 包装提要Paper bags 纸袋Paperless documentationParcel post all risks 邮包一切险Parcel post risk 邮包险Parcel post war risks 邮包战争险Part packed 局部包装Partial loss 部分损失Partial shipment 分批装运Particular average 单独海损Patent 专利Pattern sample 款式样品Pay by installment 分期付款Payee 受款人Payer 付款人Paying bank 付款行Payment 付款Payment in advance 预付条款Penalty clause 罚金条款Performance bond 履约保证金Performance guaranty 履约保证函Performance letter of credit 履约信用证Perils of the sea 海上风险Physical delivery 实际交货Place of departure 启运地Place of issue 出票地点Place of payment 付款地点Place of receipt 收货地Port of call 挂靠港Port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Port of destination 目的港Port of discharge 卸货港Port of loading 装货港Port of shipment 装运港Port of transshipment 转运港Port surcharge 港口附加费Port to port 港到港Postal money order 邮政汇票Presentation for acceptance 承兑提示Presentation for payment 付款提示Presenting bank 提示行Price adjustment clause 价格修正条款Price terms 价格条件,价格术语Principal 委托人Processing with customer’s materials 来料加工Product buyback 产品返销Product sharing 产品分成Performa invoice 形式发票Progress 先进性Progression payment 分期付款Promissory note 本票Prompt shipment 即期装运Protest 拒付证书Provisional price 暂作价Public certificate 公务证书Purchase order 购货定单Purchase confirmation 购货确认书Purchase contract 购货合同QQuality sample 品质样品Quality latitude 品质机动幅度Quality of goods 商品品质Quality to be about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同Quality tolerance 品质公差Quote 报价RReal tare 实际皮重Receipt for the goods 货物收据Receipt invoice 收妥发票Received for shipment bill of lading 备运提单Reciprocal letter of credit 对开信用证Red clause letter of credit 红条款信用证Reference sample 参考样品Registered tonnage 注册吨Regular shipping liner 班轮Reimbursing agent 偿付代理人Reimbursing bank 偿付行Reissuing bank 转开行Rejection risk 拒收险Related product 相关样品Remittance 汇付Remittance against documents 凭单付汇Remitting bank 托收行Repayment guarantee 还款保证函Representative sample 代表性样品Restricted negotiation letter of credit 限制议付信用证Restrictive endorsement 限制背书Resultant product 直接产品Return sample 回样Return voyage charter 来回航程次Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 一九四一年美国对外贸易定义修正本Revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证Revoke 撤销Revolving around time letter of credit 按时间循环信用证Revolving around value letter of credit 按金额循环信用证Revolving letter of credit 循环信用证Right of exclusive sale 独家经销权利Right of recourse 追索权Right of subrogation 代位追偿权,代位权Risk for shipment of frozen products 冷藏险Risk of intermixture and contamination 混杂,沾污险Risk of odour 串味险Risk of shortage 短量险Risks clause 风险条款Risks covered 承保范围Risks of strikes,riots and civil commotion(SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险Rules for Pre-arbitral Referee Procedures 仲裁前公断程序规则Ruling price 现行价Running days 连续日Running working days 连续工作日Rust-inhibiting packaging 防锈包装Rusting risk 锈损险SSafty-mark 安全标志Sailing date 开航日期,船期Sale and lease back 回租Sale by brand name or trade mark 凭牌名或商标销售Sale by buyer’s sample 凭买方样品销售Sale by description 凭文字说明销售Sale by grade 凭等级销售Sale by illustration 凭说明书销售Sale by sample 凭样销售Sale by seller’s sample 凭卖方样品销售Sale by specification 凭规格销售Sale by standard 凭标准销售Sales confirmation 销售确认书Sales contract 销售合同Salvage charge 救助费用Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书Scheduled airline 班机运输Sea protest 海事报告Sea water damage 海水损失险Sea waybill 海运单或海上货运单Seal number(seal no..) 封号Sealed bid 密封发盘,密封递价Sealed sample 封样Seaworthy packing 适合海运包装Second beneficiary 第二受益人Secondary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Selected bidding 选择性招标Seller’s sample 卖方样Seller’s usual packing 卖方惯用包装Selling hedging 卖期保值Selling offer 售货发盘Semi knock down(S.K.D) 半拆卸Semi-automatic revolving credit 半自动循环信用证Separate bill of lading 分提单Settlement of exchange 结汇Shipment 装运Shipment as soon as possible 尽快装运Shipment certificate 装船证明Shipment certificate textile products 纺织品装船证明Shipment contract 装运合同Shipment request 装货申请Shipped bill of lading 已装船提单Shipper 托运人Shipping advice 装船通知Shipping agent 船务代理Shipping mark 运输标志,Shipping note装货通知单Shipping order(S/O) 装货单Shipping package 运输包装Shipping quality,weight or quantity as final 以离岸品质,重量或数量为准Shipping sample 装船样品Ship’s classification 船级Shockproof packing 防震包装Short delivery 短交,短交获Short from bill of lading(short from B/L) 略式提单Show how 技术示范Sight 见票Sight draft 即期汇票Sight letter of credit 即期信用证Sight payment letter of credit 即期付款信用证Signature of the drawer 出票人签字Similar credit 套证Single country declaration 单一国家声明Simple license 普通许可Single rate freight tariff 单相费率运价表Single voyage charter 单程航次Sliding price 滑动价Soft ware 软件Sole agency 独家代理Sole agent 独家代理商Sole license 排他许可Special additional risk 特别附加险Special drawing rights (SDRs) 特别提款权Special endorsement 特别背书Special order 特别定单Special policy 逐笔保险单Specification list 规格明细单Specification of goods 商品规格Speed post receipt 快递收据Standby letter of credit 备用信用证Stowage factor 积载系数Stowage plan 积载图,船图Straight bill of lading 记名提单Straight lease 直接租赁Strand 触礁Strikes risk 罢工险Subject matter insured 保险标的物Sub-license 分许可Submission of arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议Submission of tender 投标Subsidiary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Sue and labour expense 施救费用Summer load line 夏季载重险Survey report 检验报告Sweat and heating risks 受潮受热险Switch bill of lading 交货提单Switcher 转手商Symbolic delivery 象征性交货TTechnical and clause committee 技术与条款委员会Technical servicing and assistance 技术服务与协助Technology continuing assistance 技术继续援助Technology transfer agreement 技术转让协议Technology transfer transaction 技术转让Telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇Tender guarantee 投标保证书Terminal devanning (集装箱)区内拆箱The British System 英制The doctrine of strict compliance 严格符合的原则The metric system 米制The People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) 中国人民保险公司The U,S, Export Quotations and abbreviations 美国出口报价及其缩写条例The U.S. System 美制Theft ,pilferage and non-delivery 偷窃,提货不着险Theoretical weight 理论重量Through bill of lading (through B/L) 联运提单Time charter 定期租船Time draft 远期汇票Time letter of credit (time L/C) 远期信用证Time policy 定期保险单To draw 出票To order 凭指定To order of 凭某某指定To order of (** )Bank 凭某某银行指定To order of shipper 凭托运人指定Tonnage certificate 船舶吨位证书Total amount 总值Total loss 全部损失Total quality control 全面质量控制Trade and payment agreement 贸易和支付规定Trade discount 贸易折扣Trade mark 商标Trade terms 贸易条件,贸易术语Transferable letter of credit 可转让信用证Transfering bank 转证行Transshipment bill of lading 转船提单Transshipment risk 转运费Transshipment surcharge 转船附加费Transshipment to be allowed 允许转船Transit Siberian land bridge container service traffic (TSCS) 西伯利亚大陆桥集装箱运输Transit storage 转运仓库Transmitting bank 转递行Transport document 运输单据Traveler’s cheque 旅行支票Traveler’s letter of credit 旅行信用证Trip charter 定程租船Tropical fresh water load line 热带地区淡水载重线Tropical load line 热带地区载重线True lease 正式租赁Trust receipt (T/R) 信托收据T/T reimbursement 电报索赔条款Turn key project 交钥匙项目Twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) 20英尺(集装箱)等量单位Two-stage bidding 两段招标Type sample 标准样品UUnclean bill of lading 不清洁提单Unconditional guarantee 无条件函。