莫言作为新时期先锋派小说的代表, 在世纪 之交前后, 城市题材的书写表现出创作风格上的 深刻变化, 语言由以前刻意的感觉化、意绪化、繁 复化变得口语化、谐谑化, 叙事对象由亦真亦幻的 魔幻乡村进入世俗喧嚣的现实都市, 叙事方式也 由强化叙述时间与故事时间的差别而演进到追求 故事的完整性, 这一切都是作为作家的莫言有意 识的追求: / 不知是不是观念的倒退, 越来越觉得
《沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)》影评
2. 我们怎样开始贪图的?我们贪图那些每天见到的东西。
作者: 秦治全
作者机构: 武汉工业学院外国语言文学系,湖北武汉430023
出版物刊名: 电影文学
页码: 109-110页
主题词: 羔羊;扭曲;人性;社会问题
托马斯·哈里斯《沉默的羔羊》的主人公心理分析作者:代士雯翟耀来源:《文学教育·中旬版》2014年第06期[摘要] 托马斯·哈里斯(Thomas Harris),美国著名作家、编剧,以撰写系列悬疑小说而闻名,最有名的作品包括《沉默的羔羊》以及续集《人魔》一连串的系列著作。
[关键词] 《沉默的羔羊》;主人公心理;分析托马斯·哈里斯是美国著名作家、编剧,他出生于田纳西州杰克森,童年时随着家庭搬至密西西比州。
沉默的羔羊的故事沉默的羔羊(The Silence of the Lambs)是一部由乔纳森·戴米(Jonathan Demme)执导,于1991年上映的美国犯罪惊悚电影。
该片改编自托马斯·哈里斯(Thomas Harris)的同名小说,讲述了FBI实习特工克拉丽斯·斯特林(Clarice Starling)与危险的系列杀手汉尼拔·莱克特(Hannibal Lecter)之间的心理对决。
第一章:克拉丽斯的调查克拉丽斯·斯特林进入FBI学院接受培训,由于她的英勇和冷静,她被特工杰克·克劳福德(Jack Crawford)选中参与一项重要的任务。
一名名叫布法罗比尔(Buffalo Bill)的连环杀手正在肆虐,他绑架年轻女性,剥下她们的皮。
她还与一位名叫计·斯塔林(Katharine Martin)的幸存者进行了面对面的交流,希望从她那里获取更多的信息。
沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs 英文影评
沉默的羔羊The Silence of the Lambs 英文影评---------------------------------------The Silence of the LambsIt has been a good long while since I have felt the presence of Evil so manifestly demonstrated as in the first appearance of Anthony Hopkins in "The Silence of the Lambs." He stands perfectly still in the middle of his cell floor, arms at his sides, and we sense instantly that he is not standing at attention, he is standing at rest - like a savage animal confident of the brutality coiled up inside him. His speaking voice has the precision of a man so arrogant he can barely be bothered to address the sloppy intelligence of the ordinary person. The effect of this scene is so powerful that it underlies all the rest of the movie, lending terror to scenes that do not even involve him.Like all great entrances in the movies, his is carefully prepared. We learn that his character, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, is both a brilliant psychiatrist and a mass murderer, known as "Hannibal the Cannibal" because he eats his victims. He is already behind bars (and unbreakable Plexiglas) when the movie opens, and indeed "The Silence of the Lambs" is about the search for another mass murderer, named "Buffalo Bill," who skins his victims.Operating on the theory that it takes one to know one, the FBI agent in charge of the case (Scott Glenn) thinks Lecter might be able to provide useful clues in the search for Buffalo Bill. But Lecter toys with most of his inquisitors, or dismisses them, and so the agent hits on the idea of sending in an untried young female trainee (Jodie Foster). Perhaps she will appeal to the monster.The notion of the beauty and the beast is of course central to horror stories, but, watching "The Silence of the Lambs" for the second time, I began to wonder if the author of the original novel, Thomas Harris, had started the project by jotting down a list of the great universal phobias and dreads. Here is a movie involving not only cannibalism and the skinning of people, but also kidnapping, being trapped in the bottom of a well, decomposing corpses, large insects, being lost in the dark, being tracked by someone you cannot see, not being able to get people to believe you, creatures who jump from the shadows, people who know your deepest secrets, doors that slam shut behind you, beheadings, bizarre ual perversions, and being a short woman in an elevator full of tall men.If the movie were not so well made, indeed, it would be ludicrous. Material like this invites filmmakers to take chances and punishes them mercilessly when they fail. That's especially true when the movie is based on best-selling material a lot of people are familiar with. ("The Silence of the Lambs" was preceded by another Thomas Harris book about Hannibal Lecter, which was made into the film "Manhunter.") The director, Jonathan Demme, is no doubt aware of the hazards but does not hesitate to take chances. His first scene with Hopkins could have gone over the top, and in the hands of a lesser actor almost certainly would have. But Hopkins is in the great British tradition of actors who internalize instead of overacting, and his Hannibal Lecter has certain endearing parallels with his famous London stage performance in "Pravda," where he played a press baron not unlike Rupert Murdoch. There are moments when Hopkins, as Lecter, goes berserk, but Demme wisely lets a little of this go a long way, so that the lasting impression is of his evil intelligence.Foster is inevitably upstaged by Hopkins' rich and gruesome creation, but her steadiness and pluck are at the heart of the movie. /doc/f74a31c289eb172ded63b763.htmlSome interesting aspects have been provided for her character: She is "one generation up from white trash," as Lecter correctly guesses; she tries to disguise her hillbilly accent, and she has to muster up all of her courage to order a roomful of lascivious lawmen out of an autopsy room. The movie has an undercurrent of unwelcome male attention toward her character; rarely in a movie have I been made more aware of the subtle ual pressures men put upon women with their eyes. Against these qualities, the weak points of the movie are probably not very important, but there are some. The details of Foster's final showdown with Buffalo Bill are scarcely believable. Unless you look closely, you may miss the details of how Lecter deceives his pursuers in one grisly scene. The very last scene in the film is hard to follow.But against these flaws are balanced true suspense, unblinking horror and an Anthony Hopkins performance that is likely to be referred to for many years when horror movies are discussed.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
《沉默的羔羊 赵传》歌词 2000千禧摇滚
《沉默的羔羊》SilenceOfTheLambs t h e s i l e n c e o f t h e l a m b sscreenplay byted tallybased on the novel bythomas harris2nd draftjuly 28, 1989notefor legal reasons, the names of threeof tom harris's characters have had tobe changed. it is my hope, and certainlytom's, that the original names can berestored in time for the making of thismovie.for the purposes of this draft, however,jack crawford has become 'ray campbell,'frederick chilton has become 'herbertprentiss,' and dr. hannibal lecter iscalled 'dr. gideon quinn.'fade in:int. grubby hotel corridor - day (dimly lit)a woman's face backs into shot, her head resting against grimywallpaper. she is tense, sweaty, wide-eyed with concentration.this is clarice starling - mid-20's, trim, very pretty. she wearskevlar body armor over a navy windbreaker, khaki pants. her thickhair is piled under a navy baseball cap. a revolver, clutched inher right hand, hovers by her ear. she raises a speedloader, inher left hand, locks it into her cylinder, twists and reloads.close ona guest room door, with a small, wired pack attached to its knob.suddenly, wish a sharp crack!, the knob explodes, and the doorbursts open.with clarice - moving shot -as she runs around a corner, through a cloud of smoke. sheshoulders aside the shattered door and rushes inside, gun atthe ready in both hands...cut to: int. hotel room - dayclarice's pov - moving - as she first sees, sitting on the edgeof a bed - a female hostage. black, late 20's, gagged, handsbehind her back. then, swivelling... she sees a startled male suspect - white, mid-20's - standing by a window with a riflein his hands. he is turning towards her...claricedrops into a combat crouch, gun extended, and shouts.claricefreeze! fbi!clarice's pov - slow motion -all natural sound suspended - as the suspect faces her witha strange, pleading expression. the rifle is rising in his hands,but oddly enough, it is held across his chest, not pointing. then another puzzling detail registers...the suspect's handsare taped to his gun, away from the trigger; he couldn't use it even if he tried. suddenly we hear a metallic click, which reg- isters with unnatural amplification, as -claricereacts, drops to the floor, rolling sideways, and -the 'hostage'pulls a revolver out from behind her back, still in slow motion, raising it in her untied hands. she fires repeatedly, flames leaping from the muzzle; the sound is an echoing roar in these close quarters, but -claricehas come up on one knee, beside an armchair, and is already firing back herself, two quick shots, which send -the 'hostage'pitching over the bed, backwards, to shudder and lie still in a haze of gunsmoke. clarice rushes to her, clamping one knee down on her gun hand, still keeping her covered in case of movement. hold for a few beats... then we hear the shrill blast of awhistle from somewhere, o.s., as normal action and sound are restored.brigham (o.s.)okay, people, good exercise...clarice relaxes, lowering her gun. the lights brighten.pulling back -we see that we're in some sort of auditorium, with the 'hotel room' and its 'corridor' built as a training set. john brigham walks onto this set, thumbing a stopwatch. mid-40's, ex-marine. his t-shirt's lettering says 'firearms instructor / fbi academy.'brigham (contd.)starling's reaction time was excellent.let's break. critique in five.a class of about forty young fbi trainees, of both sexes, be- gins to rise from their seats, mingling and chatting.claricenods amiably to the 'suspect', then gives her 'hostage' a hand up. it's ardelia mapp, her roommate. her broad, clever face breaks into a big smile, as they both remove ear plugs. clarice's voice has just a soft trace of southern accent.ardeliadamn, clarice, how'd you make me?clarice(indicating her gun)never cock. just squeeze.ardelia(grins)i love it when you talk dirty.as brigham joins them, clarice can't resist a star pupil's little smile of pride. he frowns good-naturedly.brighamwhat're you laughin' at, junior g-man?she got off four rounds to your two.he takes out a steel-coiled grip flexer, drops it onto her palm.brigham (contd.)one hundred reps, each hand, every day.now tidy up, the section chief wants tosee you.he nods a direction, then moves off. clarice, with her smile finally fading, looks out into the auditorium.special agent ray campbellsits on the top step of the aisle, looking down at her. he is 53, strongly built. he rises impassively, exits through the back door. he carries a think manila envelope under one arm.ardeliawho is helping clarice unbuckle her bullet-proof vest, follows her worried gaze.claricewhat'd i do?ardeliastay cool. just remember to callhim 'god.'cut to: ext. fbi academy grounds, quantico, virginia - daycampbell is watching a group of trainees on the firing range, as clarice joins him. he looks tired, haunted. between master and student, we sense a subtle, muted tug of sexuality.campbellstarling, clarice m., good morning.claricegood morning, mr. campbell.campbellyour instructors tell me you're doingwell. top quarter of the class.claricei hope so. they haven't posted anything.campbella job's come up and i thought about you.not really a job, more of - an interest-ing errand. walk me to my car, starling.they begin to cross the academy grounds. a group of trainees jogs by, in matching sweats, following a p.e. coach.campbell (contd.)we're trying to interview all of theserial killers now in custody, for apsychobehavioral profile. could be abig help in unsolved cases. most of themhave been happy to talk to us. they havea compulsion to boast, these people...do you spook easily, starling?claricenot yet.campbellyou see, the one we want most refusesto cooperate. i want you to go afterhim again today, in the asylum.claricewho's the subject?campbellthe psychiatrist - dr. gideon quinn.clarice stops walking, goes very still. a beat.claricethe cannibal...campbell doesn't respond, except to study her face.clarice (contd.)yes, well... okay, right. i'm glad forthe chance, sir, but - why me?campbellyou're qualified and available. and frankly,i can't spare a real agent right now.he walks on again, at a faster clip. she hurried to keep up.campbell (contd.)i don't expect him to talk to you, but ihave to be able to say we tried... quinnwas a brilliant psychiatrist, and heknows all the dodges.(hands her the manila envelope)dossier on him, copy of our question-naire, special id for you... if he won'ttalk, then i want straight reporting.how's he look, how's his cell look,what's he writing? the director himselfwill see your report, over your own signa-ture - if i decide it's good enough. iwant that by 0800 wednesday, and keep thisto yourself.they're reached his car. his driver stamps on a cigarette, climbs in behind the wheel. burroughs, his assistant, says something in- to a walkie-talkie, then opens the back door. but campbell pulls her aside, a hand on her shoulder. his intensity is scary.campbell (contd.)now. i want your full attention, starling.are you listening to me?clariceyes sir.campbellbe very careful with gideon quinn. dr.prentiss at the asylum will go over thephysical procedures used with him. do notdeviate from them, for any reason. youtell him nothing personal, starling. believeme, you don't want gideon quinn inside yourhead... just do your job, but never forgetwhat he is.clarice(a bit unnerved)and what is that, sir?prentiss (v.o.)oh, he's a monster. a pure psychopath...cut to: int. prentiss's office - baltimore state hospital for the criminally insane - dayclose on an i.d. card held in a male hand. clarice's photo, of- ficial-looking graphics. it calls her a 'federal investigator.'prentiss (contd., o.s.)it's so rare to capture one alive. froma research point of view, dr. quinn isour most prized asset...dr. herbert prentisslooks up from her card. a smarmy little peacock, behind a vast desk; he's conceived an instant, hopeless letch for clarice. he smiles, stroking her card with his beloved gold pen.prentiss (contd.)you know, we get a lot of detectives here,but i must say, i can't ever remember oneso attractive...new angle - reveals clarice -now wearing a more feminine skirt suit. hair neatly coiled, ele- gant shoulder bag, briefcase. he has rudely left her standing.prentiss (contd.)will you be in baltimore overnight...?because this can be quite a fun town,if you have the right guide.clarice tires, unsuccessfully, to hide her distaste for him.claricei'm sure it's a great town, dr. prentiss,but my instructions are to talk to quinnand report back this afternoon.prentiss(pause; sourly)i see.(beat)let's make this quick, then. i'm busy.cut to: int. asylum corridor - upper floor - dayclarice flinches as a heavy steel gate clangs shut behind her, the bolt shooting home. prentiss walks ahead of her.prentissquinn carved up nine people - that we'resure of - and cooked his favorite bits.we've tried to study him, of course - buthe's much too sophisticated for the stan-dard tests. and my, does he hate us! thinksi'm his nemesis... campbell's very clever,isn't he? using you.claricehow do you mean, dr. prentiss?prentissa pretty young woman, to turn him on? idon't believe quinn's ever seen a woman ineight years. and oh, are you ever his'taste' - so to speak.claricei graduated magna from uva, doctor.it's not a charm school.prentissgood. then you should be able to rememberthe rules.cut to: int. different corridor - lower floor - daya darker, even grimmer area. heavy grids over the lights. dis- tant slammings and faint, hoarse shouts. they walk briskly.prentissdo not reach through the bars, do nottouch the bars. you pass him nothing butsoft paper - no pens or pencils. nostaples or paperclips in his paper. usethe sliding food carrier, no exceptions.do not accept anything he attempts tohold out to you. do you understand me?claricei understand.prentissi'm going to show you why we insist onsuch precautions... on the afternoon ofjuly 8, 1981, he complained of chest painsand was taken to the dispensary. hismouthpiece and restraints were removedfor an ekg. when the nurse bent over him,he did this to her...he hands clarice a small, dog-eared photo. looking at it, sheis stopped in her tracks. this pleases prentiss.prentiss (contd.)the doctors managed to re-set her jaw,more or less, and save one of her eyes.his pulse never got over eighty-five,even when he ate her tongue.(pause; he smiles)i keep him in here.he turns, pushes a button. a steel door buzzes slowly open, and barney - a big, impassive orderly - awaits them in an anteroom. on its walls: restraints, mouthpieces, mace, tranquilizer guns.clarice(quickly blocking him)dr. prentiss - if quinn feels you're hisenemy - as you've said - them maybe i'llhave more luck by myself. what do you think?prentiss(annoyed)you might have suggested that in my office,and saved me the time.claricebut then i would've missed the pleasureof your company.she holds out the photo. a beat. he grabs it, jaw twitching.prentisswhen she's finished, bring her out.he turns on his heel, goes. barney smiles reassuringly.barneyhi, i'm barney. he told you, don'tget near the bars?clarice(shaking his hand)clarice starling. yes, he did.barneyokay. past the others, it's the lastcell. stay to the middle. i put out achair for you.sensing her tension, he indicates a nearby security monitor.barney (contd.)i'm watching. you'll do fine.clarice nods gratefully. she looks down the long corridor, takes a deep breath, walks into it. he watches her go.cut to: int. dr. quinn's corridor - daymoving shot - with clarice, as her footsteps echo. high to her right, surveillance cameras. on her left, cells. some are pad- ded, with narrow observation slits, others are normal, barred... shadowy occupants pacing, muttering... suddenly a dark figure in the next-to-last cell hurtles towards her, his face mashing grotesquely against his bars as he hisses.dark figurei c-can sssmell your cunt!clarice flinches momentarily, but then walks on.dr. quinn's cellis coming slowly into view... behind its barred front wall is a second barrier of stout nylon net... sparse, bolted-down furni-ture, many softcover books and papers. on the walls, extraordi- narily detailed, skillful drawings, mostly european cityscapes, in charcoal or crayon.claricestops, at a police distance from his bars, clears her throat.claricedr. quinn... my name is clarice starling.may i talk with you?dr. gideon quinnis lounging on his bunk, in white pajamas, reading an italian vogue. he turns, considers her... a face so long out of the sun, it seems almost leached - except for the glittering eyes, and the wet red mouth. he rises smoothly, crossing to stand be- fore her; the gracious host. his voice is cultured, soft.dr. quinngood morning.cutting between themas clarice comes a measured distance closer.claricedoctor, we have a hard problem in psych-ological profiling. i want to ask foryour help with a questionnaire.dr. quinn'we' being the behavioral science unit,at quantico. you're one of ray campbell's,i expect.claricei am, yes.dr. quinnmay i see your credentials?clarice is surprised, but fishes her id card from her bag, holds it up for his inspection. he smiles, soothingly.dr. quinn (contd.)closer, please... clo-ser...she complies each time, trying to hide her fear. dr. quinn's nostrils lift, as he gently, like an animal, tests the air.then he smiles, glancing at her card.dr. quinn (contd.)that expires in one week. you're notreal fbi, are you?claricei'm - still in training at the academy.dr. quinnray campbell sent a trainee to me?claricewe're talking about psychology, doctor,not the bureau. can you decide for your-self whether or not i'm qualified?dr. quinnmmmmm... that's rather slippery of you,officer starling. sit. please.she sits in the folding metal desk-chair. he waits politelytill she's settled, then sits down himself, faces her happily.dr. quinn (contd.)now then. what did miggs say to you?(she is puzzled)'multiple miggs,' in the next cell. hehissed at you. what did he say?claricehe said - 'i can smell your cunt.'dr. quinni see. i myself cannot. you use evyan skincream, and sometimes you wear l'air dutemps, but not today. you brought yourbest bag, though, didn't you?clarice(beat)yes.dr. quinnit's much better than your shoes.claricemaybe they'll catch up.dr. quinni have no doubt of it.clarice(shifting uncomfortably)did you do those drawings, doctor?dr. quinnyes. that's the duomo, seen from thebelvedere. do you know florence?clariceall that detail, just from memory...?dr. quinnmemory, officer starling, is what i haveinstead of view.a pause, then clarice takes the questionnaire from her case.claricedr. quinn, if you'd please consider -no, no, no. you were doing fine, you'd been courteous and receptive to courtesy, you'd established trust with the embar- rassing truth about miggs, and now this ham-handed segue into your questionnaire. it won't do. it's stupid and boring.claricei'm only asking you to look at this, doctor. either you will or you won't.dr. quinnray campbell must be very busy indeed if he's recruiting help from the student body. busy hunting that new one, buffalo bill... such a naughty boy! did campbell send you to ask for my advice on him?clariceno, i came because we need -dr. quinnhow many women has he used, our bill?claricefive... so far.dr. quinnall flayed...?claricepartially, yes. but doctor, that's anactive case, i'm not involved. if youcould -dr. quinndo you know why he's called buffalo bill? tell me. the newspapers won't say.claricei'll tell you if you'll look at this form.(he considers, then nods)it started as a bad joke in kansas city homicide. they said... this one likes toskin his humps.dr. quinnwitless and misleading. why do youthink he takes their skins, officer starling? thrill me with your wisdom.clariceit excites him. most serial killerskeep some sort of - trophies.i didn't.clariceno. you ate yours.a tense beat, then a smile from him, at this small boldness.dr. quinnsend that through.she rolls him the questionnaire, in his sliding food tray. he rises, glances at it, turning a page or two disdainfully.dr. quinn (contd.)oh, officer starling... do you think youcan dissect me with this blunt little tool?clariceno. i only hoped that your knowledge - suddenly he whips the tray back at her, with a metallic clang that makes her start. his voice remains a pleasant purr.dr. quinn (contd.)you're sooo ambitious, aren't you...?you know what you look like to me, withyour good bag and your cheap shoes? youlook like a rube. a well-scrubbed, hust-ling rube with a little taste... goodnutrition has given you some length ofbone, but you're not more than one gen-eration from poor white trash, are you -officer starling...? that accent you'retrying so desperately to shed - purewest virginia. what was your father, dear?was he a coal miner? did he stink ofthe lamp...? and oh, how quickly the boysfound you! all those tedious, stickyfumblings, in the back seats of cars,while you could only dream of getting out.getting anywhere - yes? getting all theway - to the f...b...i.his every word has struck her like a tiny, precise dart. but she squares her jaw and won't give ground.clariceyou see a lot, dr. quinn. but are youstrong enough to point that high-poweredperception at yourself? how about it...?look at yourself and write down the truth.(she slams the tray back at him)or maybe you're afraid to.you're a tough one, aren't you?claricereasonably so. yes.dr. quinnand you'd hate to think you were common.my, wouldn't that sting! well you're farfrom common, officer starling. all youhave is the fear of it.(beat)now please excuse me. good day.clariceand the questionnaire...?dr. quinna census taker once tried to test me. iate his liver with some fava beans anda nice chianti... fly back to school,little starling.he steps backwards, then returns to his cot, becoming as still and remote as a statue. frustrated, clarice hesitates, then finally shoulders her bag and goes, leaving the questionnaire in his tray. but after just a few steps, as she passes -migg's cell -she sees that creature at his bars again, hissing at her.miggsi b-bit my wrist so i c-can diiiieeee!s-ee how it bleeeeeeeeds?the dark figure suddenly flings his palm towards her, and - clariceis spattered on the face and neck - not with blood, but with pale droplets of semen. she gives a little cry, touching her fingers to the wetness. stunned, near tears, she forces her- self to straighten up and walk on, fumbling for a tissue. from behind her, dr. quinn calls out, very agitated.dr. quinn (o.s.)officer starling... officer starling!clarice slows, stops. she shudders, but makes the very diffi- cult choice to turn, walk back, stand again in front of -dr. quinn -who's shivering with rage. for an instant his face opens, and we catch a glimpse into hell itself. then he's composed again.dr. quinni would not have had that happen to you.discourtesy is - unspeakably ugly to me.then please - do this test for me.dr. quinnno. but i will make you happy... i'llgive you a chance for what you lovemost, clarice starling.claricewhat's that, dr. quinn?dr. quinnadvancement, of course.(beat)go to split city. see miss mofet, anold patient of mine. m-o-f-e-t...now go. go.(a smile)i don't think miggs could manage againso soon, even if he is crazy - do you?cut to: ext. the hospital - parking lot - daythe grim gothic pile of the asylum looms overhead as clarice rushes out the front doors. she is badly shaken, almost stumb- ling, as she rubs at her face. she looks around for, and fi-nally, with some relief, spots -her caran old pinto, parked nearby. this image begins to blur...close onher face, fighting tears, as the camera begins to whirl around her, almost dizzily. she is seeing, in her mind's eye -in flashbacka screen door banging open, on a wooden porch, and a 10-year old girl - the young clarice - rushing outside, down thefront steps, and running joyfully across her front yard to - moving angle - the girl's pov -a car - late 60's vintage - parked in the dirt road. a man, clarice's father, is just climbing out. he's tall, handsome,and has a marshal's badge pinned on his dark suit. he grins, seeing her, and spreads his arms wide asthe young claricerushes into them, and he sweeps her up in a hug, spinningher around, the camera spinning with them, and capturingboth their laughing faces, before we abruptly return to -the adult claricealone in the parking lot, sagging against her car. her faceis buried in her arms, she shoulders shaking. sound upcut -a steady, rapid series of gunshots, as wecut to: int. fbi academy firing range - dayclarice, in a combat stance, and wearing a sound-muffling headset, is squeezing off round after round ata moving target -the sillouette of a man, approaching along a track. her shots, tightly grouped, are all finding the center chest. the target stops, quite close to her, still swaying.claricestares at it, deftly working her speedloader. then she putsa final, emphatic shot right throughthe figure's foreheadcut to: int. fbi academy library - nightclose on a microfilm monitor - a grainy newsphoto of dr. quinn, scrawling past, with an accompanying story ('new horrors in cannibal trial'), dated 1980.clariceis punching keys on the terminal. other trainees study at nearby tables. she pauses, jotting a note on her pad, asardelia comes by, carrying an armful of books.ardeliaphone call, clarice. it's god.claricethanks, ardelia.moving angleas clarice rises, grabbing her notebook, and follows ardelia past high metal bookstacks.ardeliayou missed fourth amendment law.unlawful seizure, real juicy stuff.where were you all afternoon?claricepleading with a crazy man, with comeall over my face.ardelia stares at her, figures it's a put-on, laughs.ardeliadamn. wish i had time for a social life.clarice grins, as ardelia indicates a phone receiver restingon the check-out desk, then moves on. clarice picks it up.clarice(on phone)mr. campbell?cut to: int. campbell's house - study - nightcampbell, in a cardigan, sits in a wing chair in the book-lined study of his suburban home. he turns the pages ofclarice's memo as they talk. his tone is sharp.campbelli've read your interim memo on quinn.you sure you've left nothing out?intercutting -starlingit's all there, sir, practicallyverbatim.campbellevery word, starling? every gesture?starling(a bit heatedly)right down to the kleenex i used.(he is silent)sir, why? is something wrong?campbellhe mentioned a name, at the very end.'mofet...' any followup on her?starlingi spent all evening on the mainframe.quinn altered or destroyed most of hispatient histories, prior to capture. norecord of anyone named mofet. but 'splitcity' sounded like it might have havesomething to do with divorce. i trackedit down in the library's catalogue ofnational yellow pages.(glancing at her notes)it's a mini-storage facility outsidebaltimore, where quinn had his practice.she pauses, expecting some soft of approval for her cleverness.campbellwell? why aren't you there right now?starlingsir, that's a field job. it's outsidethe scope of my assignment. and i'vegot a test tomorrow on -campbelldo you recall my instructions to you,starling? what were they?starlingto complete and file my report by 0800wednesday. but sir -campbellthen do that, starling. do just exactlythat.starlingsir, what is it? there's something you'renot telling me.campbell(beat)miggs has been murdered.starling(startled, upset)murdered...? how?campbellthe orderly heard quinn whispering tohim, all afternoon, and miggs crying.they found him at bed check. he'dswallowed his own tongue... prentissis scared stiff the family will filea civil rights lawsuit, and he's try-ing to blame it on you. i told thelittle prick your conduct was flawless.(beat)starling...?starlingi'm here, sir, i just - i don't knowhow to feel about it.campbellyou don't have to feel any way aboutit. quinn did it to amuse himself.why not, what can they do? take awayhis books for awhile, and no jello...(a bit softer)i know it got ugly today. but this isyour report, starling - take it as faras you can. on your own time, outsideof class. now carry on.angle on clarice -as we hear the loud click of campbell hanging up. she stares at her receiver, stung by his abruptness.claricewell god damn it! you old creep. creeposon of a bitch. let miggs squirt youand see how you like it.she slams her receiver into its cradle.angle on campbell -as he flips aside her memo, then rises, wearily. he leaves his study, flicking off the lamp, and pads away in his slippers.cut to: int. campbell's bedroom - nighta private nurse, in white, stands marking a clipboard chart, as campbell enters his tidy bedroom.campbelli'll take over, patricia. you getsome rest.the nurse nods, hands him the chart, and goes. he glances atit, then sets it aside. he crosses to -bella campbell -who lies in an elevated hospital bed. nearby are an oxygentank and mask, floral arrangements. her breathing is shallow,very labored. campbell looks down at his comatose wife for along moment, tenderly brushes a strand of her hair back into place, then bends over to kiss her forehead. sound upcut -thunder and rain...dissolve to: ext. 'split city mini-storage' - dusk (raining)an orange neon sign, streaked with rain, identifies out loca- tion. it looms over a hurricane fence, topped with barbed wire. inside, row on row of garage-sized, cinderblock sheds.mr. yow (v.o.)unit 31 was leased for ten years. pre-paid in full... the contract is in thename of 'miss hester mofet.'cut to: ext. storage unit number 31 - duskclarice, kneeling before a closed, roll-up metal door, takes aflash photo of its sealed padlock. everett yow, a fat, 60ish chinaman, holds an umbrella over them both. he looks unhappy.clariceso no one's been in here since - 1980?she opens the padlock, using a fat ring of tagged keys, thensets aside both keys and lock.mr. yownot to my knowledge. privacy is a greatconcern to my customers. but, if you saythis is an fbi matter...。
托马 斯・ 哈 里 斯 《 沉默的 羔 羊》 的 主人 公心 理 分析
回 代士雯 翟 耀
石 家庄 0 5 0 0 6 1 ) ( 河 北政 法职 业学 院 国际 交流 系 , 河北
【 摘
要】 托 马斯 ・哈里 斯 ( T h o ma s Ha r r i s ) ,美 国 著名 作 家 、 编 剧 , 以撰 写 系 列 悬 疑 小 说 而 闻名 ,最 有
1 、 史达林 内心性 格 分析 史 达林 曾在和 莱 达 医生 第 一次 见面 时 ,因 为 内心 的恐 惧 ,在 无 意识 的情 况 下 已经 对莱 达 医生 形 成 了一 定 的防御 心 理, 刚 开始 见 面 的时 候强 压 内 心的 恐惧 , 并且 做 出淡 定 的表 情 ,到 后来 的经过 了 好 几 次 交 谈 以后 开 始 渐 渐 地 回 归 到 理 智 ,并且 以一种 果 断 、冷 静 、理 性 的态 度 去 面对 莱 达 医生 。上 述 就是 一 些史 达 林 的 心理 情 绪 的变 化 状况 ,而 莱 达医 生 也表 现 出对 她 的这 些心 理 上 的变 化十 分 喜 欢 ,这 就使 得 莱达 医 生愿 意 通 过 自 己 的智 慧去 帮 助史 达 林 于 是史 达 林在 莱 达 医 生细 致 的指 导 下 ,慢慢 地 有 了案 件 方 面 的头 绪 ,开 始逐 渐 地 接近 目标 。终 于 在 一次 展 开 的调 查之 中,史 达林 误 闯 误 撞进 入 到 了寻 找许 久 的野 牛 比 尔的 家
名 的作 品包括 < 沉默的羔羊》 以及续集 《 人魔 》一连 串的系列 著作。而 《 沉默 的羔羊》是一部以探讨美国 的
社 会 犯 罪 问题 而 著名 的作 品 ,后 改 编 成 同名 电影 ,并 赢 得 多 项 奥 斯 卡 金 像 奖 。 作 品 比较 深层 次 地 分析 了人 物
The Silence of the Lamb.沉默的羔羊.中英双语字幕
(维吉尼亚州匡蒂科附近森林)3史达琳!Starling!4克劳福要见你Crawford wants to see you in his office.5谢谢Thank you, sir.6(伤害)7(苦难)8(痛苦)9(喜欢它)10-克丽丝-你好-Clarice. -Hey.11(行为科学组)12找克劳福吗?Looking for Crawford?13他快回来了在他的办公室等一会吧He should be back soon. Why don't you wait in his office? 14(比尔剥下第五个人的皮)15史达琳Starling.16-克丽丝,早安-早安,克劳福先生-Clarice M. Good morning. -Morning, Mr. Crawford.17抱歉突然把你召离课堂Sorry to pull you off the course at such short notice.18你的导师说你是班里的高材生Your instructors say you're in the top quarter of your class.希望是吧,他们还没有公布成绩l hope so. They haven't posted any grades yet.20有一个任务要办,于是我想起你A job's come up, and l thought about you.21这不是正式的任务较像一份有趣的差事Not a job, really, more of an interesting errand.22坐下Sit down.23是,长官Yes, sir.24我记得你出席过我在维吉尼亚大学的讲座l remember you from my seminar at UVA.25你追问我本局在胡佛年代的公民权益记录You grilled me on the bureau's civil rights record in the Hoover years.26我给了你甲等l gave you an A.27是甲下A minus, sir.28双主修,心理学及犯罪学以优异成绩毕业Double major, psych and criminology, graduated magna.29在瑞辛格疗养院做过夏季实习Summer internships at the Reitzinger Clinic.30它说你毕业后想在行为科学组替我工作lt says when you graduate you want to work for me in Behavioral Science. 31是的,我很想Yes, very much, sir. Very much.32我们正在访问被囚禁的连环杀手We're interviewing all serial killers in custody...33作变态行为的分析...for a psycho-behavioral profile.34对一些悬案会有很大帮助lt could be a real help in unsolved cases.35他们大都乐意跟我们谈Most of them have been happy to talk to us.36你会否很易受惊的?Do you spook easily, Starling?37不会Not yet, sir.38我们最想见的那个人拒绝合作The one we want most refuses to help.39我想你去精神病院找他l want you to go after him in the asylum.40那个人是谁?Who's the subject?41-心理医生汉尼拔莱特-食人狂魔汉尼拔-The psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter. -''Hannibal the Cannibal.'' 42我想他不会跟你交谈l don't expect him to talk to you...43但无论如何我们都得尝试...but l have to be able to say we tried.44若他不合作,我要如实报告lf he won't cooperate, l want straight reporting.45他的容貌和监狱里的状况如何?How's he look? How's his cell?46他有没有素描、绘画?如果有,他都画些什么?ls he sketching, drawing? lf he is, what's he sketching?47这是莱特的档案...Here's a dossier on Lecter...48问卷副本和你的身份证...copy of our questionnaire and an l.D. for you.49周三早上八点把你的报告交给我Have your memo on my desk by 0800, Wednesday.50好的Okay.51对不起,为什么这样急?Excuse me, sir, but why the urgency?52莱特已经坐牢很多年了Lecter's been in prison for years.53他和水牛比尔是否有关连?ls there some connection between him and Buffalo Bill?54但愿有,我要你非常留意l wish there were. Now, l want your full attention, Starling.55-知道-要非常小心应付莱特汉尼拔-Yes, sir. -Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter.56精神病院的奇顿医生会给你讲解接见程序Dr. Chilton at the asylum will go over all the physical procedures used. 57无论如何不可偏离程序Do not deviate from them for any reason whatsoever.58你不可向他透露私人事情You're to tell him nothing personal.59你不想汉尼拔莱特知道你的思想的You don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head.60执行你的任务但千万别忘记他的身份Just do your job but never forget what he is.61是什么?And what is that?62他是个魔头,一个变态狂人Oh, he's a monster, a pure psychopath.63可以生擒一个已很难得了lt's so rare to capture one alive.64从研究角度来说莱特是我们最有价值的资产From a research point of view, Lecter is our most prized asset.65我们有很多探员来这里的We get a lot of detectives here...66但我记不起有这样漂亮的一个...but l must say l can't remember one as attractive.67你会在巴尔的摩过夜吗?Will you be in Baltimore overnight?68如果你有适当的向导这可以是个很好玩的城市Because this can be quite a fun town if you have the right guide.69我肯定这是个了不起的城市l'm sure this is a great town, Dr. Chilton...70但我要见莱特医生下午还要回去报告...but l must talk to Dr. Lecter and report back this afternoon.71是的,那么我们快点吧l see. Well, let's make this quick, then.72我们尝试研究他,但他太高深了一般的测试都不适用We've tried to study him, but he's too sophisticated for the standard tests. 73他很讨厌我们的Oh, my, does he hate us.74他觉得我是他的报应He thinks l'm his nemesis.75克劳福真是聪明,他利用你Crawford's very clever, isn't he, using you?76-什么意思?-找个漂亮的女郎来引诱他-What do you mean, sir? -Pretty young woman to turn him on.77我相信这八年来莱特都没见过女人而你正合他的胃口l don't believe Lecter's seen a woman in eight years, and you are his taste. 78恕我直言So to speak.79我毕业于维吉尼亚大学它不是一间仪态学校l graduated from UVA. lt's not a charm school.80很好,你该能记着那些规矩了Good. Then you should be able to remember the rules.81不要触摸或接近那块玻璃只可传递柔软的纸张给他Do not touch or approach the glass. Pass him nothing but soft paper.82不可有铅笔或原子笔纸张上不可有钉书钉或夹子No pencils or pens, no staples or paper clips in his paper.83只可用那个活动食物架传送Use the sliding food carrier, no exceptions.84不可接受他给你的东西lf he passes you anything, do not accept.85-明白吗?-明白-Do you understand? -Yes, l understand, sir.86我让你看看为何我们要有这些戒备l'm going to show you why we insist on such precautions.87在1981年7月8日的下午On the afternoon of July 8, 1 981 ...88他说胸口痛,被带往医疗室...he complained of chest pains and was taken to the dispensary.89为方便做心电图他的口罩被除下His mouthpiece was removed for an EKG.90当护士靠近他身边时他对她做了这个When the nurse leaned over him, he did this to her.91医生们算是重整了她的下颚和救回她一只眼睛The doctors managed to reset her jaw, more or less. Save one of her eyes. 92即使在他吃她的舌头时他的脉搏从没超过85His pulse never got above 85, even when he ate her tongue.93-我把他关在这里-奇顿医生-l keep him in here. -Dr. Chilton.94若莱特觉得你是他的敌人,那么...lf Lecter feels that you're his enemy, then....95若我单独去的话我们运气可能会好一点Maybe we'll have more luck if l go by myself.96你认为如何?What do you think?97你若在我办公室时提出来就可省掉我的时间了You might have suggested this in my office and saved me the time.98是的,但我会错过了你同行的乐趣Yes, sir, but then l would have missed the pleasure of your company, sir. 99她完事后带她出去吧When she's finished, bring her out.100你好,我是巴尼他说过了,不要走近那块玻璃Hi, l'm Barney. He told you, don't get near the glass?101对,他说过了我是克丽丝史达琳Yes, he did. Clarice Starling.102幸会,你可以把大衣挂在那里Nice to meet you. You can hang your coat there if you like.103好的,谢谢你Okay. Thank you, l will.104他在最尽头的那个牢房He's past the others. The last cell.105靠右走吧You keep to the right.106-我放了一张椅子给你-很好,谢谢你-l put out a chair for you. -Yes, that's very good, thank you.107我会看着,你不会有事的l'll be watching. You'll do fine.108我可以闻到你的私处l can smell your cunt.109早安Good morning.110莱特医生,我叫克丽丝史达琳可否跟你谈一会?Dr. Lecter, my name is Clarice Starling. May l speak with you? 111你是克劳福的人,是吗?You're one of Jack Crawford's, aren't you?112是的l am, yes.113可否看看你的证件?May l see your credentials?114当然可以Certainly.115靠近一点,劳烦你Closer, please.116近一点Closer.117一周内后就到期了你不是真的联邦调查局探员吧That expires in one week. You're not real FBl, are you?118我仍在受训l'm still in training at the academy.119-克劳福派个见习生来见我?-是的,我是个学生-Jack Crawford sent a trainee to me? -Yes, l'm a student. 120我是来向你学习的l'm here to learn from you.121也许你可以决定我是否够资格这样做Maybe you can decide if l'm qualified enough to do that. 122你很不老实呢,史达琳探员That is rather slippery of you, Agent Starling.123请坐Sit. Please.124告诉我,迈克斯对你说了什么?Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you?125隔壁的"多面人迈克斯"''Multiple Miggs'' in the next cell.126他向你发出嘶嘶声他说了些什么?He hissed at you. What did he say?127他说"我可以闻到你的私处"He said, ''l can smell your cunt.''128是吧l see.129我可闻不到l myself cannot.130你用爱肤恩润肤膏You use Evyan skin cream.131有时你会涂点香水And sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps.132但今天没有But not today.133这些画是你画的吗?Did you do all these drawings?134那是从观景楼远望的大教堂That is the Duomo, seen from the Belvedere.135你知道佛罗伦斯吗?Do you know Florence?136那些细节都是来自记忆的吗?All that detail just from memory, sir?137史达琳探员,我只有记忆,没有景观Memory, Agent Starling, is what l have instead of a view.138你可在这份问卷上给我们一些见解Perhaps you'd care to lend us your view on this questionnaire, sir. 139不...你做得很好No, no, no. You were doing fine.140你很有礼,而且能容纳礼貌You had been courteous and receptive to courtesy.141你对迈克斯的尴尬说话也表现得很信任You had established trust with the embarrassing truth about Miggs. 142至于你这份拙劣的问卷And now this ham-handed segue into your questionnaire.143就不行了lt won't do.144我只是要求你看看它你做不做随便你l'm only asking you to look at this. Either you will or you won't. 145对,若克劳福要从学校找人帮忙Yeah. Jack Crawford must be very busy indeed...146他一定很忙了...if he's recruiting help from the student body.147忙于追捕那个新手水牛比尔吧Busy hunting that new one, Buffalo Bill.148他真是个坏孩子What a naughty boy he is.149你可知道为何他被称为水牛比尔?Do you know why he's called ''Buffalo Bill''?150请告诉我,报纸上没有说Please tell me. The newspapers won't say.151是来自堪萨斯城凶案组的一个笑话lt started as a joke in Kansas City Homicide.152他们说"这个人喜欢剥他猎物的皮"They said, ''This one likes to skin his humps.''153史达琳探员,你认为为什么...Why do you think...154他要剥她们的皮?...he removes their skins, Agent Starling?155用你的敏锐来振奋我一下吧Thrill me with your acumen.156这样做令他兴奋lt excites him.157大部分的连环杀手都会保存受害人身上的东西作为纪念品Most serial killers keep trophies from their victims.158-我可没有-对-l didn't. -No.159你吃了他们No, you ate yours.160把那个传过来吧You send that through now.161你以为凭这份拙劣的东西便可以分析我?You think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool?162不是!我相信你的学识...No! l thought that your knowledge--163你很有野心,是不是?You're so ambitious, aren't you?164可知道你拿着那个高级皮包和穿着廉价鞋子像个什么?You know what you look like, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? 165像个土包子You look like a rube.166一个干净、忙碌带点品味的土包子A well-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.167虽然你衣食无忧地成长...Nutrition has given you some length of bone...168你不外乎是个白种低下层的人...but you're not more than one generation from white trash...169是不是,史达琳探员?...are you, Agent Starling?170你极力想摆脱口音...The accent you've tried so desperately to shed...171地道的西维吉尼亚州腔调...pure West Virginia.172你父亲是个矿工吗?ls your father a coal miner?173那盏灯可有令他满身臭气?Does he stink of the lamp?174我知道那些男孩怎样迅速搭上你在汽车后座里乱摸l know how quickly the boys found you, all those tedious, sticky fumblings (175)你却想着走出去...in the back seats of cars, while you dreamed of getting out.176走去天涯海角Getting anywhere.177直走到联邦调查局Getting all the way to the FBl.178你很有观察力You see a lot, doctor.179但你能否用你敏锐的观察力...But are you strong enough to point that...180来分析自己?...high-powered perception at yourself?181怎么样?What about it?182不如你探究一下自己把观察所得写下来Why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see? 183或者你害怕这样做吧Or maybe you're afraid to.184曾经有一个人口调查员想测试我A census taker once tried to test me.185我把他的肝配蚕豆吃了l ate his liver with some fava beans...186还有美味的红酒呢...and a nice Chianti.187小史达琳,你飞回学校去吧You fly back to school now, little Starling.188飞吧...Fly, fly, fly.189我咬我的手腕...l bit my wrist...190让我可以死掉...so l could die.191看这些血Look at the blood!192吓到你了Gotcha.193迈克斯!你这个混蛋!Miggs! You stupid fuck!194史达琳探员!回来!史达琳探员Agent Starling! Come back! Agent Starling! Agent Starling!195我不会让那种事情再发生我讨厌不礼貌的l would not have had that happen. Discourtesy is ugly to me. 196-那么做这个测验吧-不做,但我会令你开心的-Then do this test! -No, but l will make you happy.197-我会给你一个大好机会-什么?-l'll give you a chance at your love. -What?198升职,听着你自我反省一下,克丽丝史达琳Advancement. Listen. Look deep within yourself, Clarice Starling. 199找出我从前的病人莫菲小姐Go seek out Miss Mofet, an old patient of mine. M-O-F-E-T.200我相信迈克斯不会这么快发作的...l don't think Miggs could manage again so soon...201虽然他是疯的,快去...even though he is crazy. Go now!202你好,比尔Hi, Bill.203-爸爸-克丽丝-Daddy! -Hey, Clarice.204-爸爸,你有没有抓到坏人?-没有,他们跑掉了-Did you get any bad guys, Daddy? -No, angel. They all got away. 205该死Ah, shoot.206联邦调查局,举手,别动!FBl! Hands up! Don't move!207转过身来,把双手放在后面好的Turn around. Hands behind your back. Thumbs up.208史达琳,你已经死了You're dead, Starling.209强生,进入和指挥都做得很好史达琳,你哪里有危险?Johnson, good entry, good command. Starling, where's your danger area? 210-在角落-你有没有检查过它?-ln the corner. -Did you check it?211-没有,长官-所以你已经死了-No, sir. -That's why you're dead.2123109?3-1 -0-9?213打破门或窗闯入或者撤退Breaking doors or windows to enter or exit.214404号规条呢?Rule 404?215(巴尔的摩心理医生获得最高荣誉)216(著名心理医生被控谋杀)217(食人狂魔审讯带来新的恐怖)218克丽丝,你的电话,是教官Clarice, phone. lt's the guru.219克劳福?谢谢,雅戴Crawford? Thanks, Ardelia.220-史达琳?-长官-Starling? -Sir.221迈克斯死了Miggs is dead.222死了?Dead?223怎会的?How?224守卫听到汉尼拔莱特下午时对他低声说话The orderly heard Lecter whispering to him all afternoon.225他们在夜间巡查时发现他吞掉自己的舌头They found him at bed check. He'd swallowed his tongue.226史达琳?Starling?227我还在听,我只是...Yeah. l'm still here, sir. l just--228我不知道对这件事该有何感想l don't know how to feel about this.229你不用感想什么莱特这样做只是为了自娱You don't have to feel any way. Lecter did it to amuse himself. 230我明白今天很难受Look, l know it got ugly today...231但你提到莫菲,有后续行动吗?...but you mentioned a name, ''Mofet.'' Any follow-up on her? 232他在被捕前把大部分病人的病历销毁了He destroyed most of his patients' histories prior to capture (233)所以没有莫菲的记录...so there's no record of anyone named Mofet.234我觉得"你自己"这个参考资料对莱特来说太造作了But l thought the ''yourself' reference was too hokey for Lecter (235)我想起他是来自巴尔的摩便翻查电话簿...so l figured he's from Baltimore, and l looked in the phone book. 236那里有一间叫"你自己"的自助式仓库And there's a ''Your Self' storage facility...237在巴尔的摩市外围...right outside of downtown Baltimore, sir.23831号仓已经租了十年...Unit 31 was leased...239租金是全数预缴的...for 1 0 years, prepaid in full.240合约是以一个...The contract was in the name...241是莫菲赫斯达小姐的人定的...of a Miss Hester Mofet.242自从1980年就没有人来过了?So nobody's been in here since 1 980?243以我所知是没有Not to my knowledge.244我的顾客都很重视私隐权的Privacy is a great concern to my customers.245对,我答应不会扰乱任何东西Yes, l won't disturb anything, l promise.246我很快便会离开l'll be out of here before you know it.247-要帮忙吗?-好的-May l help you? -Yes, actually.248这里Here.249-它被卡着-明天可以叫我的儿子来-lt's stuck. -We could return tomorrow with my son.250他怎么样?What about him?251我本可叫我的司机帮你但他讨厌体力劳动l would ask my driver to help you, but he detests physical labor. 252是吧Right.253你别走开,我很快回来You stay here. l'll be back in one minute.254它被卡着,请你把那支电筒给我lt's stuck. Will you hand me that flashlight?255如果这道门跌下来...lf this door should fall down...256或者有什么意外......or anything else...257这是我们巴尔的摩办公室的电话号码...this is the number for our Baltimore office.258他们知道你跟我在一起的They know that you're with me.259-如果有意外就找他们吧-好的,史达琳小姐-Call them if anything should happen. -Yes, Miss Starling. 260克丽丝,他们在等你Clarice. Here, they're waiting for you.261小心Watch your step.262"莫菲赫斯达"是拼字猜谜吧?Hester Mofet. lt's an anagram, isn't it, doctor?263意思是"我其余的东西"Hester Mofet: ''The rest of me''?264那表示车库是你租的?''Miss The Rest Of Me,'' meaning that you rented that garage? 265谢谢Thank you.266你止血了Your bleeding has stopped.267怎么...?How did...?268没有大碍的lt's nothing.269只是皮外伤lt's just a scratch.270莱特医生,那瓶里的头颅是谁的?Dr. Lecter, whose head is in that bottle?271为什么你不问我关于水牛比尔的事?Why don't you ask me about Buffalo Bill?272你知道他的事?Do you know something about him?273如果我看过档案可能知道的你可以替我拿l might if l saw the case file. You could get that for me.274谈谈莫菲小姐吧你要我去找他Let's talk about Miss Mofet. You wanted me to find him.275他的真名是班哲文赖普是我的前病患His real name is Benjamin Raspail. A former patient of mine...276他的恋爱对象,有点怪异...whose romantic attachments ran to, shall we say, the exotic.277我没有杀他,只是把他藏起来就像我发现他时的样子l did not kill him, merely tucked him away, very much as l found him (278)在他错过了三次约会之后...after he'd missed three appointments.279若你没有杀他,那么是谁杀?lf you didn't kill him, who did?280谁知道?对他来说是件好事Who can say? Best thing for him, really.281他的治疗没有功效His therapy was going nowhere.282他的裙子、化妆...His dress, makeup....283赖普是个异性装扮癖好者?Raspail was a transvestite?284生活上?不是只是普通的躁狂抑郁ln life? Oh, no. Garden variety manic-depressive.285乏味,非常乏味Tedious, very tedious.286现在我把他看成是一个实验l now think of him as an experiment.287一个没经验的杀手尝试转变A fledgling killer's first effort at transformation.288你看到他时有何感觉?How did you feel when you saw him, Clarice?289初时很害怕,后来...Scared at first, then...290便很振奋...exhilarated.291克劳福在提拔你,是吗?Jack Crawford is helping your career, isn't he?292看来你们互相倾慕呢Apparently, he likes you and you like him too.293我从没有想过l never thought about it.294你认为克劳福对你有遐想吗?Do you think Jack Crawford wants you, sexually?295他年纪大很多你对他可有想入非非?He is much older, but do you think he visualizes scenarios, exchanges? 296跟你做爱?Fucking you?297我没有兴趣这是迈克斯会说的那种话That doesn't interest me. lt's the sort of thing that Miggs would say. 298不再是了Not anymore.299谢谢你,巴尼Thank you, Barney.300你的画呢?What happened to your drawings?301惩罚,为了迈克斯那件事像那个传道节目... Punishment, you see, for Miggs. Just like that gospel program. 302你离开后他们就会调高声音When you leave, they'll turn the volume way up.303奇顿医生喜欢这些折磨伎俩Dr. Chilton does enjoy his petty torments.304你说转变是什么意思?What did you mean by ''transformation,'' doctor?305克丽丝,我在这里八年了l've been in this room for eight years now, Clarice.306我知道在我有生之年他们都不会释放我l know they will never ever let me out while l'm alive.307我想要的是一个景观What l want is a view.308我想要一个看到树和水的窗户l want a window where l can see a tree or even water.309我想去一间远离奇顿医生的联邦监狱l want to be in a federal institution far away from Dr. Chilton. 310你说"没经验的杀手" 是什么意思?What did you mean by ''fledgling killer''?311你是否说他已经再次杀人?Are you saying he's killed again?312我根据案件的证据给你对水牛比尔...l'm offering you a psychological profile on Buffalo Bill...313作心理分析...based on the case evidence.314我会帮你抓到他的l'll help you catch him, Clarice.315你知道他是谁,是不是?You know who he is, don't you?316告诉我谁把你的病人斩首了Tell me who decapitated your patient, doctor.317愿意等待的人都有好报的All good things to those who wait.318我已经等了但杰克能等多久?l've waited, Clarice. But how long can you and old Jackie-boy wait? 319我们的小比尔一定正在找寻着下一位特别的女士了Our little Billy must already be searching for that next special lady. 320(田纳西州孟斐斯市)321小猫咪Hey, little cheeper.322我快来了l'll be right there.323天啊!Jeez!324要我帮忙吗?Can l help you with that?325可以吗?Would you?326当然可以Sure.327谢谢你Thank you.328不用客气,你好像是伤残人士That's all right. You look kind of handicapped.329是的,我搬到这里但搬不上货车Yeah. l got it this far, l just can't get it up in the truck by myself. 330来吧,抓着,上!Here, grab this. Up!331好的Okay.332把它放下吧,很好Just set it down. That's good.333你上车,我想把它推进去Get in the truck. l want to push it all the way up.334真的很谢谢你l really appreciate this. Thank you.335放到后面去Just go all the way back.336行了吗?Okay. ls this good?337行了,很好Yeah, that's good.338-真好-好的-That's great. -Okay.339你大概穿十四号吧?Say, are you about a size 1 4?340什么?Sorry?341(十四号)342好Good.343好极了...Oh, good. Good.344抓着Holds!345一!Ones!346史达琳!Starling!347出去,我们走吧Outside. Let's go.348仙蒂,进场代替史达琳,来吧Cindy, in the ring for Starling. Let's go!349收拾你的装备Pack your field gear.350-我们会跟克劳福一起去-去哪里?-You're going with Crawford. -Where?351在西维吉尼亚发现了一名女子尸体Found a girl's body in West Virginia.352她在水里一周了看来是水牛比尔做的Been in the water a week. Looks like Buffalo Bill. 353(西维吉尼亚州克莱县)354(联邦调查局)355让她们活上三天我们不明白原因Keeps them alive for three days. We don't know why. 356死前没有强奸或虐待的迹象No evidence of rape or physical abuse prior to death. 357这些伤口都是死后造成的All the mutilation you see there is postmortem.358三天...Okay, three days...359然后他开枪射死她们剥皮和弃尸...then he shoots them, skins them and dumps them.360每个尸体弃置在不同的河上Each body in a different river.361河水冲走了证据The water leaves us no trace evidence of any kind.362那是第一个,费迪嘉拜姆That's Fredrica Bimmel, the first one.363她的尸体是唯一被他沉下去的Her body was the only one he weighted down.364实际上,她是第三个被发现的So actually, she was the third girl found.365继她之后,他变得懒惰了After her, he got lazy.366好的,我们看看Okay, let's see.367圆圈是那些女子被掳走的位置箭嘴是尸体被发现的地点Circles where the girls were abducted. Arrows where their bodies were found. 368今天这个被冲到这里来在西维吉尼亚州埃尔克河被发现This new one today washed up here. Elk River, West Virginia.369史达琳,仔细看看告诉我你有什么发现Look at him, Starling. Tell me what you see.370他是个白种男人Well, he's a white male.371连环杀手倾向于在自己的族群中猎杀Serial killers tend to hunt within their own ethnic groups.372他不是个流浪者他有自己的独立房子He's not a drifter. He's got his own house, not an apartment.373-为什么?-他下毒手时,需要私人地方-Why? -What he does with them takes privacy.374他年约三、四十岁,孔武有力He's in his 30s or 40s. He's got real physical strength.375还有中年人的自制能力谨慎而准绳Combined with an older man's self-control. He's cautious, precise. 376他从来不冲动,也不会罢休And he's never impulsive. He'll never stop.377为什么?Why not?378他已经迷上了这回事而且越来越熟练He's got a real taste for it now, and he's getting better at his work. 379不错呢,有问题吗?Not bad, Starling. Questions?380有的Yes, sir.381你没有提及我报告里的任何资料You haven't mentioned anything about the information in my report (382)或者莱特医生的提议...or Dr. Lecter's offer, sir.383我正在考虑中l'm considering it.384所以你派我去病院That's why you sent me in there, isn't it?385找他协助缉捕水牛比尔?To get his help on Buffalo Bill, sir?386如果那是事实...Well, if that was the case, then...387我希望可以早点知道罢了...l just wish l was in on it, that's all.若以真正目的派你去莱特会识破的lf l'd sent you in there with a real agenda, Lecter would have known it. 389他会把你玩弄,什么也不会说He would have toyed with you, then turned to stone.390(格里殡仪馆)391打扰了,柏金斯警长?Excuse me, Sheriff Perkins?392这些是联邦调查局人员These are the FBl people.393柏金斯警长,我是杰克克劳福这是泰瑞和史达琳Sheriff Perkins, Jack Crawford, FBl. Special Agent Terry, Agent Starling. 394感谢邀请我们来到你们的管辖区We appreciate being invited to your jurisdiction.395是州政府检察部找你们的Somebody from the state attorney's office called you.396我们会通力合作,但现在...We'll extend you every courtesy, but right now--397警长Sheriff...398我认为该在私底下谈论这类性罪行的细节...this type of sex crime has aspects l'd just as soon discuss in private. 399你明白吧?Know what l mean?400奥加,去教堂叫区医生来Oscar, fetch Dr. Akin from the chapel.401我们在后面这里We're back here.402叫拉玛弹奏完毕后过来Tell Lamar to come on when he's finished playing his music.是的,我们稍后会传过来Yeah, we'll be sending in a minute.404行了lt's working.405我要组成六线联系芝加哥、底特律...l need a six-way link up. Chicago, Detroit--406什么?...What? What?407对不起Excuse me.408对不起,各位警官先生,听着Excuse me, officers and gentlemen. Listen here, now.409我们要替她做一些事情There's things we need to do for her.410你们把她带来了这里她的家人会感谢...Y'all brought her this far, and her folks would thank you if they could (411)你们的善意和体谅...for your kindness and your sensitivity.412请离开吧,让我们照顾她好了Please, go on now, and let us take care of her.413走吧Go on, now.414谢谢Thank you.415谢谢Thank you.416很好Okay, good.417是的,埃尔克河,准备传送Yeah, that's right. Elk River. Stand by for transmission. 418瑞Ray.419大家来看看她吧Doctor, Lamar. Let's take a look at her.420天啊Jesus....421史达琳,行了Okay, Starling.422胸骨上有星形的伤口Star-shaped contact entrance wound over the sternum. 423上面有个枪口印记A muzzle stamp at the top.424-死于非命-死于非命-Wrongful death. -Wrongful death.425她要被送去克拉斯顿的病理学家那里She'll have to go to the state pathologist's at Claxton. 426我还是回去那个丧礼了Well, l better get back to that service.427利玛会帮你们的Lamar will help you.428老天爷Lord Almighty.429你还观察到什么?What else do you see, Starling?430她不是当地人Well, she's not local.431她穿了三个耳洞,还有...Her ears are pierced three times and there's...432闪亮的指甲油,看来是城市人...glitter nail polish. lt looks like town to me.433她有两只指甲断了Two of her fingernails are broken off...434指甲下有泥土和沙粒...and there's dirt or grit under them.435她好像想爬过一些什么似的lt looks like she's tried to claw her way through something.436瑞,替她的牙齿拍照稍后传真到失踪人口组Ray, get pictures of her teeth. We'll fax them to Missing Persons. 437好的Right.438再拍一张Let's do another.439她喉咙里有东西She's got something in her throat.440当尸体被捞出水面时When a body comes out of the water...441口里总会有些树叶之类的东西...lots of times there's leaves and things in the mouth.442那是什么?What is that?443豆荚吗?Some kind of seedpod?444不,是一只虫茧No, sir. That's a bug cocoon.445没可能自己走进去的There's no way that could get way down in there.446除非有人把它塞进去Not unless somebody shoved it in there.。
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在汉尼拔的提示下,史黛琳找到了野牛比尔的住处,最终在 黑暗中击毙了野牛比尔。有很多人不理解为什么比尔要带着 夜视仪不早点开枪,在小说中曾解释到比尔看上了史戴琳的 头发。
影片的最后,在史戴琳 的庆功会上,汉尼拔给 史黛琳打电话问她:那 些羊羔还在叫么?
有很多人说他们之间产 生了爱情,事实上在原 著小说中,史黛琳的出 现让汉尼拔想起了自己 的妹妹,而他吃人的癖 好也是因为自己的妹妹 曾经被人吃了。
影片的开始,史黛琳在去见导师的途中,夹在一 群高大威武的FBI中显得格外瘦小。
史汉 黛尼 琳拔 :: 目你 前害 还怕 没我 有么 ?
这是一个巧妙的回答,第一次见面,汉尼拔便 看穿了眼前这位穿着廉价皮鞋的实习生。
汉尼拔要求史黛琳说出个人经历以换取他的协助。史黛 琳为博士的智慧所折服,她的真诚和坚定打动了博士。 在多次接触中,他断断续续地给史黛丽提供了一些线索 。
绰号:野牛比尔 经历:他有异装癖,一度 认为是自己小时候受到过 性虐待(事实上他并没有 受到过类似的影响),在 继承了一笔丰厚的遗产后 ,就开始着手自己的变性 计划,结果三次被医院拒 绝,从此便走上了杀人之 路。
野牛比尔:破蛹化蝶 变态杀人魔野牛比尔,这是一个亚男人的形象, 比尔幼时受到继母的虐待,这使他讨厌自己的身 份,所以他一直梦想着自己能够变成女人,为此, 他接连三次到医院去请求做变性手术,但每次都 被医院拒绝了。
而后,史黛丽被派去和一个以前杰出但后来变态 的心理医生汉尼拔会谈。这场景来自地下监狱。 按照荣格心理学的提示,这些地下的房间总是代 表着许多集体无意识中的东西,我们在象征的层 面可以将之视作我们每个人的阴影 荣格曾经提出阴影并不总是坏的,它是我们的本 能中的智慧的象征,你如果合适的和它交流,它 是可能带有智慧老人的性质告诉你一些什么。
又有一位女子被绑架,这一次的失踪者是参 议员的女儿。汉尼拔以转移到看得见自然风景的 监狱为条件向监狱医生提供了线索,可是却受到 了欺骗。愤怒的汉尼拔设法获得了转移出监狱的 机会,并逃出了看守极其森严的铁笼。而此时, 受到汉尼拔指点的史黛丽也开始越来越接近凶手。 在一段惊心动魄的接触后,史黛丽终于击毙了 “野牛比尔”,救出了参议员的女儿。
姓名:Dr. Hannibal Lecter 演员:安东尼· 霍普金斯 经历:曾是著名的精神 分析专家,后成为令人 谈及色变的变态食人狂 。 癖好:吃人
汉尼拔:食人魔或救世主 由于汉尼拔是著名的精神病专家、心理学家, 因而不少学者、研究人员,甚至是行为科学部都 想搞到关于他的重要的精神调查情况。可是他本 人却极不合作,无数的拜访者都是空手而归。但 是当史黛丽出现在他面前,那双看似坚定的眼神 中隐约闪烁着不安与惊恐引起了他的兴趣。他最 感兴趣的是津津有味地鉴赏别人的痛苦以及细致 人微地掠取他人的隐私。他主动提供行为科学部 一直在设法缉拿却始终没有成功的杀人凶手—剥 了五张人皮的变态凶手“野牛比尔”的线索来套 取史黛丽埋藏于心中多年的童年记忆。
弗洛伊德认为,人在本质上是反社会的。他把 本能分为 1、生的本能, 包括自我本能和性本能死 的本能;2、死的本能,它代表着人类潜伏在生命 中的一种破坏性, 攻击性和自毁性的冲动。他认为 , 人类社会中犯罪的根源在于与生俱来的本能, 死 的本能和性本能都会导致人犯罪。“野牛比尔” ,想去做变性手术,但三家医院都拒绝了他。在 绝望当中,比尔开始产生性变态的心理,杀害多 名年轻女性,剥下她们的皮为自己缝制衣服并且 事后在被害女子的嘴里, 放上一只昆虫蛹的标本。
总结: 与其说本片是抓捕野牛比尔的过程,倒不如 是汉尼拔对史戴琳的一次精神分析的心理治疗。 “勇敢的克拉丽斯,如果有一天你的羔羊停止 了尖叫,你会来告诉我吗?” ——汉尼拔
电影开始于一片丛林,见习特工史黛丽在其中训 练奔跑。丛林在文化象征中是代表人性的潜意识, 因为丛林里似乎隐蔽着许多未知,比如每年春天 许多植物可以从其中产生,而在冬季你不知道他 们在哪里?特别是那种带有黑色淤泥的丛林,更 加象征潜意识的深处。然后她通过跑步而走入一 现代办公楼,这可以视作意识的层面,一些可以 被控制的层面。问题总是在意识层面被交代,但 它发生在潜在的层面。这是精神分析的根本观点。
史黛琳走后,警察来给汉尼拔送饭,镜头切换 到汉尼拔的桌子上,正是史黛琳的画像,怀中 抱着一只羔羊。
汉尼拔利用圆珠笔上的笔 帽轻松打开了手铐,杀死 了两个警察。
在优雅的交响乐的伴奏下 ,汉尼拔就像是命运的指 挥一样,将警棍一下一下 地挥向警察。
与此同时,野牛比 尔正在自己的房间 里缝制人皮。为了 达到变性的目的, 他不断的杀死女人 是为了为自己做一 件人皮衣服。
格拉夫把精神病态者看成是在超我形成的早期 阶段发生固着的人, 这种固着涉及到对父母双方 的敌对性认同。当与不能满足儿童依赖需要的亲 子关系经历相结合时, 就会发生自恋固着, 导致自 我中心和滥用倾向。(摘自高维俭《弗洛伊德本 能论之犯罪学思考—兼论其哲学评价》)。而整 个社会制度的缺陷, 使他三次想变性的要求都被 拒绝, 所以他采取了反社会的行动来实现自己的 梦想。
沉默 的羔羊
1.背景介绍 2.剧情介绍 3.精彩场景 4.电影分析
《沉默的羔羊》根据著名小说家托马斯.哈 里斯的同名小说改编而成,是20世纪90年 代以来深刻反映美国社会犯罪问题的经典 之作。影片通过探索人物心理疾患,试图 探寻当代美国社 会恐怖的根源,这使得影 片的主题得以深化。
根据弗洛伊德对人格发展阶段的解释,幼年的史塔 琳曾经寄人篱下,在一个清晨被待宰羔羊的尖叫声 惊醒。她试图拯救它们,抱起其中一只拔腿就逃, 可结果却是她被送往孤儿院,那只羔羊也遭屠宰。 从那以后,这一经历成为史塔琳的梦魇,使她“常 常在黑暗中惊醒,听到羔羊在惨叫”。也许史塔琳 本人并没有发觉,但在潜意识里,她却是对“羔羊 ”形成了某种身份认同,羔羊的尖叫声成了一种弱 者、受害者的象征。所以羔羊的尖叫声常常潜入史 黛丽的梦魇。成为她的潜意识。
早年亲情的剥夺会影响日后的犯罪行为。心 理学家鲍尔比认为,母亲和儿童之间依恋关系的 中断,是以后的越轨行为的一种重要征兆。晚近 对精神病态的解释强调了这种内容,在这些解释 中,把敌意和明显缺乏焦虑看成是对依赖和无力 感这些痛苦感情的一种防卫反应。这些痛苦感情 是在早年的母亲的遗弃和母亲的反复无常中产生 的。
议员的女儿成为野牛比尔的下一个目标,汉尼拔以 转移到看得见自然风景的监狱为条件向监狱医生提 供了线索,可是却受到了欺骗。
因为受到欺骗,汉尼拔提供了错误的消息,但是一 心想破案的史黛琳找到了汉尼拔,他们做了最后一 次信息交换。
汉尼拔提示答案就在野牛比尔的档案里,并把档案 隔着栏杆还给史黛琳,这也是他们唯一一次的身体 接触。
影片《沉默的羔羊》影片上映后,在1991年连续5 周位居票房冠军仅第一周的票房收入就高达1500 万美元 在1992年第64届奥斯卡金像奖中,《沉默的羔羊 》一片共获得了五项大奖: 最佳影片奖 最佳男主角奖 :安东尼· 霍普金斯 最佳女主角奖 :朱迪· 福斯特 最佳导演奖 :托马斯· 哈里斯 最佳剧本改编奖
汉尼拔是一位智商极高,思维敏捷并有些精 神变态的中年男子。他有着食人肉的恐怖嗜好。 他沉着、冷静、知识渊博而又足智多谋。史黛丽 的思维能力完全不是博士的对手。汉尼拔要求史 黛丽说出个人经历以换取他的协助。史黛丽为博 士的智慧所折服,不由得对他产生了一种即同情 又憎恨的奇妙感情。她的真诚和坚定打动了博士。 在多次接触中,他断断续续地给史黛丽提供了一 些线索。
这个角色象征阴影,具有救世情结(逃离时将 警察绑成耶稣的样子)。 他的吃人可能和一种原始的力量感有关,在南 太平洋上以前所流传的曼纳信仰象征一类意思。当 一个人试图去获得力量时,那些原始人就去杀另一 个强壮的人。这样他可以获得那个强壮的人身上的 力量和智慧,这种力量在宗教学上就称为曼纳。
姓名:Clarice Starling 演员:朱迪· 福斯特 经历:史戴琳是FBI的实习生 ,父亲在她小的时候因公伤 亡。后来她住到了亲戚家的 农场里,也是这些经历塑造 了她要强的形象,勤奋刻苦 的她在弗吉尼亚大学拿到了 犯罪学与心理学的双学位, 现在是FBI的实习生。
虫蛹的含义是蜕变,比尔在被害者嘴里所放的 蛹充分说明了他希望自己变成女性的一种愿望。 其实变成女性是他自己希望获得母亲之爱的象征, 他通过自己变成女性来满足其自体意象的需要, 而这假设自己是女性的自体意象则来自更早期的 心理发育未成熟。在他的意象中,他和被害人是 一体的或者至少是无法清楚区分的,所以当他杀 害那些被害人时他的主观中可能是觉得在处理他 自己的问题。
刚刚受训结束被分配到联邦调查局工作的见 习特工史黛丽接受了一项艰巨的任务,寻找并缉 捕一名外号叫“野牛比尔”的变态杀人犯。已经 有五名年轻女子死在了他手上,并被剥去了部分 皮肤。为了了解凶犯的特殊心理,寻找出隐藏巧 妙的凶手,史黛丽不得不去一所戒备森严的监狱 访问一位曾经名噪一时的精神病专家汉尼拔博士。
自小失去父亲的她,发奋成为一名优秀的FBI。 史黛丽以为她足够勇敢、足够坚强,这些都是弗洛 伊德所说的“意识”,它处于表层,是一个人多直 接感知的内容。而汉尼拔一眼就能看出她眼中的脆 弱,他断定她出身卑微,而且有个不堪入目的童年 。这就是史黛丽的“前意识”心理,它处于中层, 是指那些此刻并不在一个人的意识中,但可以通过 集中注意力或在没有干扰的情况下回忆起来的过去 的经验。史黛丽的童年阴影相当于处于海平面的那 一部分,它随着海水的波动时而露出水面,时而末 入水里。
当人在童年丧失了亲密感时,她和所亲密的客 体的过早分离会产生力比多的未完释放。不过似 乎这里这力量被升华成另一种具有建设性的事情。 这可能和史黛丽的心理和特工职业有关。一个人关 心自己的内心有可能反映出她内心有问题需要被关 注。