! Categorization of genres

World Literature Studies 世界文学研究, 2023, 11(4), 278-284 Published Online August 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/wls https:///10.12677/wls.2023.114049体裁的流变:加拿大当代文档诗的文体重构 徐 露,张 雯上海理工大学外语学院,上海收稿日期:2023年5月25日;录用日期:2023年8月7日;发布日期:2023年8月17日摘要 加拿大当代英语文坛的三部著名长诗:迈克尔·翁达杰的《比利小子作品集》、玛格丽特·阿特伍德的《苏姗娜·穆迪日记》与安·卡森的《红的自传》,都是在原有的历史材料或文学文本基础上再创造的“文档诗”。
关键词加拿大,英语诗歌,文档诗,文体重构The Evolution of Genres: The Reconstruction of Genres in Canadian Documentary PoemsLu Xu, Wen ZhangCollege of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai Received: May 25th , 2023; accepted: Aug. 7th , 2023; published: Aug. 17th , 2023AbstractThree famous long poems in contemporary Canadian English literature: Michael Ondaatje’s The Collected Works of Billy the Kid , Margaret Atwood’s The Journals of Susanna Moodie and Anne Car-son’s Autobiography of Red , are all “documentary poems” recreated on basis of existing historical materials or literary texts. While restating, integrating, and fabricating documents, these three long poems subversively deconstruct the three carrier forms: autobiography, journal, and collec-tion. The three works deal with photography, the relatively modern and documentary form, by taking the blankness, blur, and distortion of photographs as clues, which can explore the narrative徐露,张雯philosophy and strategies of documentary poems in the process of the reconstruction of genres, and can also glimpse the postmodernist diversified trend and exploration of contemporary Cana-dian literary creation.KeywordsCanada, English Poetry, Documentary Poems, Genre ReconstructionThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言自传、日记与作品集通常被认为是纪实性或史料式的体裁,然而加拿大当代英语诗坛的三首具有代表性的“重量级”长诗,即安·卡森(Anne Carson)的《红的自传》(Autobiography of Red)、玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)的《苏姗娜·穆迪日记》(The Journals of Susanna Moodie)与迈克尔·翁达杰(Michael Ondaatje)的《比利小子作品集》(The Collected Works of Billy the Kid),虽然分别题为“自传”、“日记”与“作品集”,却又分别对这三种文体进行了后现代式的阐释与重构,进而重新定义自传、日记与作品集。
英语电影赏析History and Genre

Chapter 1 --- History and Genre
There is considerable debate
concerning how the concept of “genre”
should be defined or how individual films should be classified.
History --- Classical Hollywood Cinema
Different from a „cinema of attractions‟ in early cinema, classical Hollywood cinema was a cinema of narrative. The now familiar narrative ingredients of film ---- causality, temporal logic, motivated action, and plot resolutions ---- were in place.
History --- Early Cinema
Industry structure (业界结构) in this period differed significantly from that later.
1. Film production was based on initially the socalled “cameraman system” ---- films were the product of one individual (the „cameraman‟) who took charge of planning, writing, filming and editing. 2. At the end of this period, the director was given charge of a group of workers with clear roles, and a producer was appointed to take

英语作文音乐的分类标题,A Classification of Music。
Music is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries, expressing emotions and ideas in a way that words alone cannot. Throughout history, various genres and styles of music have emerged, each with its own unique characteristics and appeal. In this essay, we will explore the classification of music into different categories, examining the diverse range of styles that enrich our lives.One of the most fundamental ways to categorize music is by its genre. Genres refer to distinct styles or categories of music that share similar characteristics, instrumentation, and techniques. Some of the major genres include classical, jazz, rock, pop, hip-hop, electronic,and folk music. Each genre has its own history, conventions, and audience, catering to different tastes and preferences.Classical music is characterized by its complexity,orchestration, and formal structure. Originating in Western traditions, classical music encompasses a wide range of styles from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods. Composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and Tchaikovsky have left an indelible mark on classical music, producing timeless masterpieces that continue to be performed and revered today.Jazz music, on the other hand, emerged from African American communities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known for its improvisation, syncopation, and swing rhythms, jazz is a vibrant and dynamic genre that celebrates creativity and spontaneity. From the Dixieland and swing era to bebop, cool jazz, and fusion, jazz has evolved into a diverse and influential art form,influencing countless musicians across the globe.Rock music, characterized by its driving rhythms, electric guitars, and rebellious spirit, emerged in themid-20th century as a fusion of various musical styles, including blues, country, and R&B. With its roots in youth culture and countercultural movements, rock music hasevolved into numerous subgenres, such as classic rock, punk, metal, indie, and alternative rock, each with its owndistinct sound and aesthetic.Pop music, short for popular music, is perhaps the most accessible and commercially successful genre, appealing toa broad audience with its catchy melodies, relatable lyrics, and upbeat rhythms. From the bubblegum pop of the 1960s to the contemporary pop stars of today, pop music continues to dominate the charts and shape popular culture, reflecting the changing tastes and trends of society.Hip-hop music, originating in the Bronx borough of New York City in the 1970s, is characterized by its rhythmic delivery of spoken word lyrics over a beat. With its rootsin African American and Caribbean cultures, hip-hop has grown into a global phenomenon, encompassing various elements such as rapping, DJing, graffiti art, and breakdancing. From its humble beginnings as a form ofstreet expression, hip-hop has become a powerful force for social commentary and cultural activism.Electronic music, made possible by advancements in technology, utilizes synthesizers, drum machines, and computer software to create innovative sounds and textures. From the experimental sounds of early electronic pioneers like Kraftwerk and Brian Eno to the mainstream success of electronic dance music (EDM) artists like Daft Punk and Calvin Harris, electronic music spans a wide spectrum of styles and subgenres, including techno, house, trance, dubstep, and ambient music.Folk music, rooted in traditional customs and oral traditions, encompasses a diverse range of styles and cultural influences from around the world. From the Appalachian folk songs of the American South to the Celtic ballads of Ireland and Scotland, folk music celebrates the rich tapestry of human experience, passing down stories and traditions from generation to generation.In conclusion, music is a vast and multifaceted art form that defies simple categorization. By exploring the diverse range of genres and styles that comprise the musical landscape, we gain a deeper appreciation for thecreativity, diversity, and cultural significance of music in our lives. Whether it's the timeless melodies of classical music, the improvisational spirit of jazz, or the infectious rhythms of pop and hip-hop, music has the power to inspire, uplift, and unite people across the globe.。
History and Genre(Class)

Early Cinema
Early Cinema (Characteristics)
Films were the product of one individual/the cameraman (planning, writing, filming, and editing) Films commonly sought to record and represent aspects of “real life”. (actuality filming) Relied primarily on spectacle rather than narrative. (the cinema of attractions)
Subject Matter
Formal Criteria
Blockbuster Style Film Noir/ NeoNoir Comedy Horror Thriller
Affective Intended to generate laughter Response Intended to horrify Intended to thrill
Classical Hollywood Cinema
(Development of Technology)
From the early 1920s through to the late 1950s; Technological advances: sound and color Sound: by Warner Brothers in Don Juan Color: limited by its expense and crudity in 1920s; quality improved by the 1930s

Categorization of genres
Generic categories are generally defined on the basis of subject matter, formal properties(属性), style or affective response.
Action Musical Blockbuster Film Noir
Comedy Horror Thriller
Affective Response
Intended to generate laughter Intended to horrify Intended to thrill
Categorization of genres
Categorization of genres
Categorization of genres
War- Vietnam war
Categorization of genres
and science fiction seem relatively unproblematic, if one ignores the fact that their edges are blurred and it is sometimes difficult —as in the case of the Alien《异形》 series—to say which is which. blockbuster may, as some critics are increasingly willing to argue, constitute a new genre, or may instead constitute a mode of post-industrial production. –Huge investment +Spectacular events

第六大题为1个英语论述题(essay question)(字数不得少于150个英语单词)。
1. Multiple choice questions1.1. History of filmThe history of film is simplified by its shortness. In the case of Hollywood, it is enough to talk about three major historical periods---those of early cinema, classical Hollywood cinema, and post-classical Hollywood cinema.好莱坞的电影历史主要分成三个时期:早期电影、经典好莱坞电影和后经典好莱坞电影。

Part 1•Academy Awards•奥斯卡金像奖•Golden Globes Awards•金球奖•Venice Film Festival, Venice, Italy•威尼斯国际电影节•Berlin International Film Festival, Germany•柏林国际电影节•Cannes International Film Festival, France•戛纳国际电影节•Film Festival of Three Continents, France•三大洲电影节•International Film Festival Rotterdam, Holland•鹿特丹国际电影节•San Sebastian International Film Festival, Spain•圣塞巴斯蒂安科国际电影节•Torino International Film Festival, Italy•都灵国际电影节•Toronto International Film Festival, Canada•多伦多国际电影节•Los Angels International Film Festival, U.S.A.•洛杉基国际电影节•Tokyo International Film Festival, Japan东京国际电影节奥斯卡经典电影名翻译• 1. 卧虎藏龙(中国台湾/2001年出品/彩色/有声)•[Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon]• 2.泰坦尼克号(美国/1997年出品/彩色/有声)•[Titanic]• 3. 英国病人(美国/1996年出品/彩色/有声)•[The English Patient]• 4. 勇敢的心(美国/1995年出品/彩色/有声)•[Brave Heart]• 5. 狮子王(美国/1994年出品/彩色/有声)•[Lion King]• 6. 阿甘正传(美国/1994年出品/彩色/有声)•[Forrest Gump]•7. 辛德勒的名单(美国/1993年出品/黑白/有声)•[Schindler‗s List]•8. 沉默的羔羊(美国/1991年出品/彩色/有声)•[The Silence of the Lambs]•9. 与狼共舞(美国/1990年出品/彩色/有声)•[Dances With Wolves]•10. 雨人(美国/1988年出品/彩色/有声)•[Rain Man]•11.拯救大兵瑞恩(美国/1998年出品/彩色/有声)•[Saving Private Ryan]•12.成名之路(美国/2000年出品/彩色/有声)•[Almost Famous]•13.角斗士(美国/2000年出品/彩色/有声)•[Gladiator]•14.男孩别哭(美国/1999年出品/彩色/有声)•[Boys Don‗t Cry]•15.美丽人生(意大利/1998年出品/彩色/有声)•[Life Is Beautiful]•16.音乐之声(美国/1965年出品/彩色/有声)•[The Sound of Music]•17.费城故事(美国/1940年出品/黑白/有声)•[The Philadelphia Story]•18. 乱世佳人(美国/1939年出品/彩色/有声)•[Gone with the Wind]Different genres电影类别• 1.Musical:•The Sound of Music;•Mary Poppins• 2.Animation: The Lion King• 3.Ethical Film:•Forrest Gump; Rain Man;•THE HORSE WHISPERER• 4.Adventure film:•Mission Impossible; True Lies• 5.Disaster film: Titanic; Pearl Harbor• 6.Love Films:•You‘ve Got Mail; Sleepless Night in Seattle•7.Sci-Fi Films: Aliens; E.T.•Jurassic Park; Star War•edy: Patch Adams•9.Western(西部电影)•10.Nouvelle V ogue(新浪潮派电影)Approaches to learning English via watching movies1. Sufficient knowledge of the differences between Br.E & Am.E;2. Good command of basic sentence patterns and expressions;3. Some idea of the styles and features people speak English in the movies;4. Using the script;5. Watch it repeatedly and imitate the intonation and pronunciation.1. 掌握英语的五大发音技巧•长元音和双元音饱满;短元音急促;连音;略音;咬舌头。

The key breakthrough came with the introduction by Kodak of celluloid. 3. 1890s Thomas Edison and Lumiere brothers in France invented cinema independently. 4. 1895 One of the first public exhibitions of the new technology occurred on 28 December at the Grand Caféin Paris.
Auditive and visual arts are the two main and popular schools of arts. Motion pictures, the great combination of both of the above, takes the first place gradually and attracts mass better than each of the auditive and visual arts.
3. A great combination of auditive and visual arts
Movies, or motion picture, has been called “first art” since the 19th century while which is developing with the science and technology.
History and Genre
5. The History of Motion Pictures – Early cinema
1. 1826 2. 1889

对日常生活中事物分类和划分的英语作文(中英文实用版)In our daily lives, we are surrounded by a vast array of objects and phenomena, each belonging to its respective category or classification.From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, we constantly encounter items that can be grouped and labeled based on their characteristics, functions, or origins.在日常生活中,从清晨醒来至夜晚就寝,我们被无数物体和现象所包围,它们各自行属于特定的类别或划分。
Take our morning routine, for instance.The toothpaste we use can be classified as a hygiene product, while the coffee machine can be categorized as a kitchen appliance.The books we read can be divided into genres such as fiction, non-fiction, or self-help.The car we drive to work can be labeled as a mode of transportation.以我们的早晨例程为例,所使用的牙膏可以被归类为卫生用品,而咖啡机则可被划分为厨房电器。

关于自己喜欢的歌手的英语作文短Here is an English essay about a favorite singer, with the content exceeding 1,000 words as requested, without any additional title or unnecessary punctuation in the main body.Music has always been an integral part of my life, providing a source of joy, inspiration, and emotional connection. Among the countless talented artists and musicians I have discovered over the years, there is one singer who has truly captivated my heart and soul – [Favorite Singer's Name]. Their unique vocal prowess, emotive performance, and the depth of their artistic expression have left an indelible mark on me, making them my absolute favorite singer.From the very first time I heard [Favorite Singer's Name]'s music, I was struck by the raw power and authenticity of their voice. There is a palpable intensity and vulnerability in the way they deliver each lyric, as if they are laying bare their innermost thoughts and feelings. Their voice possesses a remarkable range and versatility, effortlessly transitioning between soaring highs and soulful lows, conveying a spectrum of emotions that resonate deeply within me.What sets [Favorite Singer's Name] apart, in my opinion, is theirunwavering commitment to artistic integrity. They refuse to compromise their vision or pander to commercial trends, instead choosing to stay true to their unique musical style and personal expression. This steadfast dedication to their craft is evident in the meticulous attention they pay to every aspect of their work, from the composition of the songs to the nuanced delivery of each performance.One of the aspects I find most captivating about [Favorite Singer's Name] is their ability to craft narratives through their music that are both deeply personal and universally relatable. Their lyrics delve into the complexities of the human experience, exploring themes of love, loss, triumph, and the struggles we all face in our daily lives. The way they weave these themes into their songs, imbuing them with a raw emotional resonance, is truly remarkable.I am particularly drawn to the way [Favorite Singer's Name] seamlessly blends different musical genres, creating a sound that is both innovative and deeply rooted in tradition. Their music effortlessly incorporates elements of [Genre 1], [Genre 2], and [Genre 3], among others, resulting in a unique and captivating sonic tapestry that defies easy categorization. This genre-bending approach not only showcases their musical versatility but also serves to expand the boundaries of what is possible within the realm of popular music.Beyond their exceptional musical talents, what I admire most about [Favorite Singer's Name] is their unwavering commitment to using their platform to advocate for social and political causes that are important to them. They have consistently used their voice to shine a light on issues of inequality, injustice, and human rights, using their music as a powerful tool for social change. This sense of purpose and social consciousness, coupled with their artistic brilliance, makes [Favorite Singer's Name] a true role model and inspiration for me.Whenever I listen to [Favorite Singer's Name]'s music, I am transported to a world of emotional depth and raw, honest expression. Their songs have the power to both soothe and stir my soul, evoking a range of emotions that can leave me feeling deeply moved and introspective. The way their music resonates with me on a personal level is truly remarkable, and I find myself constantly revisiting their discography, discovering new layers of meaning and nuance with each listen.One of the most profound experiences I have had with [Favorite Singer's Name]'s music was during a live performance I had the privilege of attending. The energy and intensity they brought to the stage was truly electrifying, and I found myself completely captivated by the sheer force of their presence. The way they engaged with the audience, pouring their heart and soul into every note, was a testament to their unwavering passion and dedication to their craft.In the end, what sets [Favorite Singer's Name] apart as my absolute favorite singer is the way their music has the power to touch my heart and soul in a way that few others can. Their ability to create a deep, emotional connection with their listeners, to craft stories that resonate on a profoundly personal level, is truly remarkable. Their music has become a constant companion, a source of solace and inspiration, and a reminder of the transformative power of art.As I continue to explore the depths of [Favorite Singer's Name]'s discography and follow their artistic journey, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and admiration for the indelible mark they have left on my life. Their music has become a cherished part of my identity, and I know that their influence will continue to shape and inspire me for years to come.。

不顺应规律的作文素材Creativity is all about breaking the rules and going against the norms. 创造力就是打破规则,违背传统。
In writing, this can manifest itself through using unconventional ideas, structures, or perspectives. 在写作中,这可以体现在使用不寻常的思想、结构或观点。
While some may argue that following the rules ensures coherence and clarity, others believe that only by stepping outside of the lines can true innovation be achieved. 尽管有人认为遵循规则可以确保连贯性和清晰度,但其他人却相信只有走出传统的限制才能实现真正的创新。
One way to defy the rules in writing is through the use of unconventional structures. 一个打破规则的方式是通过使用不寻常的结构。
Instead of the typical introduction, body, and conclusion format, writers can experiment with non-linear narratives, fragmented storytelling, or even stream-of-consciousness techniques. 作家可以尝试非线性叙事、碎片化的讲故事,甚至流畅的意识流技巧,而不是典型的引言、正文和结论格式。
By doing so, they can challenge the reader's expectations and create a more engaging and thought-provoking piece. 通过这样做,他们可以挑战读者的期望,创造一个更引人入胜和引发思考的作品。

以下是一些关于书架的用法和中英文对照例句:1. 在客厅的一角放了一个书架。
There is a bookcase in the corner of the living room.2. 我需要一个可以容纳大量书籍的书架。
I need a bookcase that can hold a large number of books.3. 这个书架可以调节高度,适用于不同尺寸的书籍。
This bookcase can be adjusted in height, suitable for books of different sizes.4. 她把书架重新整理了一下,使其更有条理。
She rearranged the bookcase to make it more organized.5. 我喜欢在书架上陈列一些装饰品,使其看起来更美观。
I like to display some decorations on the bookcase to make it look more aesthetically pleasing.6. 这个书架有很多隔板,可以分类存放不同类型的书籍。
This bookcase has many shelves, allowing for the categorization of different types of books.7. 我正在考虑在书架上放一些绿植,以增添生机。
I'm considering placing some green plants on the bookcase to add some vitality.8. 这本书是我在书架上找到的。
I found this book on the bookcase.9. 我的书架上摆满了各种类型的书籍。

介绍一个乐队英语作文English Answer.Introduction.The musical landscape is a vibrant tapestry adorned with a multitude of talented artists and bands, each contributing their unique threads to the fabric of sound. Among these musical ensembles, one that stands out for its exceptional artistry and enduring impact is the illustrious band, hailing from the heart of the music industry.Genesis and Evolution.The band's origins can be traced back to the early days of their musical journey, when a group of aspiring musicians with shared aspirations crossed paths. United by their passion for music and an unwavering belief in their talent, they embarked on a creative endeavor that would forever leave an indelible mark on the musical world.Over the years, the band has undergone various transformations, both in terms of its lineup and musical direction. Members have come and gone, bringing with them their own distinct talents and perspectives. Yet, through it all, the band's core essence has remained unchanged, a testament to their enduring spirit and artistic vision.Musical Style and Influences.The band's musical style defies easy categorization, drawing inspiration from a diverse range of genres and influences. Their sound seamlessly blends elements of rock, pop, and electronic music, creating a sonic tapestry that is both captivating and unique.At the heart of their music lies a profound understanding of songwriting craft. Their lyrics are often introspective and thought-provoking, exploring themes of love, loss, hope, and the human condition. The band'sability to craft melodies that linger in the listener's mind is a testament to their songwriting prowess.Critical Acclaim and Recognition.Throughout their illustrious career, the band has garnered widespread critical acclaim and recognition for their exceptional artistry. They have been honored with numerous prestigious awards, including several Grammy Awards, the highest accolade in the music industry.Their music has resonated with audiences worldwide, propelling them to the forefront of the international music scene. They have performed to sold-out crowds in some of the world's most renowned venues, leaving an unforgettable impression on their devoted fans.Cultural Impact and Legacy.The band's influence extends far beyond the realm of music. They have become cultural icons, inspiring countless aspiring artists and shaping the sound of contemporary popular music. Their songs have been featured in numerous films and television shows, further solidifying their placein the cultural landscape.Their commitment to social and environmental causes has also earned them widespread admiration. The band has actively supported various charitable organizations and initiatives, demonstrating their belief in the power of music to make a positive impact on the world.Conclusion.The band stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation in the music industry. Their artistry has captivated audiences worldwide, leaving an enduring legacy that will continue to inspire and entertain generations to come. Their music transcends the boundaries of genre and time, remaining as relevant and impactful as ever.Chinese Answer.介绍。

我喜欢摇滚乐的原因英语作文英文回答:I am an ardent aficionado of rock music for myriad reasons. Firstly, the raw energy and passion it exudes resonates deeply with my soul. The electrifying riffs, pounding drums, and soaring vocals ignite a primal instinct within me, leaving me exhilarated and invigorated.Secondly, rock music possesses an unparalleled ability to articulate emotions. Whether it's the angst of adolescence, the euphoria of love, or the despair of loss, rock songs provide a cathartic outlet for our innermost feelings. Through their poignant lyrics and evocative melodies, they allow us to process and come to terms with our emotions, fostering a sense of empathy and connection.Thirdly, rock music is a potent force for rebellion and social change. Throughout history, rock musicians have used their platforms to challenge norms, question authority, andinspire movements for justice. From the anti-war anthems of the 1960s to the environmental activism of modern bands, rock music empowers us to speak out against oppression and advocate for a better world.Moreover, rock music defies categorization and embraces diversity. It encompasses a vast array of subgenres, from heavy metal to punk to progressive, each with its unique characteristics and appeal. This inclusivity allows individuals from all walks of life to find solace and inspiration in the genre.Finally, rock music has a timeless quality that transcends generations. Whether it's the iconic riffs of Led Zeppelin or the raw energy of Nirvana, rock classics continue to resonate with audiences of all ages. This enduring appeal is a testament to the universal power of rock music to move, inspire, and unite us.中文回答:我热爱摇滚乐的原因。

关于介绍自己的爱好的英语作文My Passions: A Tapestry of Pursuits.Like the vibrant colors that weave together anintricate tapestry, my hobbies are diverse and multifaceted, each adding a unique hue to the canvas of my life. From the ethereal realms of music to the tangible canvas of art, my passions ignite a fire within me, fueling my creativity and enriching my existence.Musical Enchantment: A Symphony of Melodies.Music has always held a profound sway over my being.Its ethereal melodies transport me to realms unknown, where emotions dance freely and the boundaries of imagination dissolve. I immerse myself in a kaleidoscope of genres,from the heart-wrenching lamentations of classicalconcertos to the infectious rhythms of contemporary pop.At the tender age of five, my fingers tentativelyexplored the ivory keys of a piano, initiating a lifelong love affair with this majestic instrument. I spent countless hours losing myself in the intricate sonatas of Beethoven, the whimsical nocturnes of Chopin, and the fiery preludes of Rachmaninoff. The piano became an extension of my soul, a medium through which I could express my innermost thoughts and feelings.As I matured, my musical horizons expanded. I discovered the captivating world of voice, my voice resonating with the soaring melodies of opera arias and the harmonious harmonies of choral ensembles. I joined a choir, reveling in the power of collective voices intertwining in a tapestry of sound.Artistic Expression: Where Imagination Takes Flight.My passion for art is equally unyielding. With a stroke of a brush or the delicate touch of a pencil, I transform the blank canvas into a vibrant realm of imagination. Ifind solace in the solitude of my art studio, where time seems to stand still and my mind wanders freely.Abstract expressionism captivates me with its evocative colors and fluid forms. I revel in the freedom toexperiment with textures, layers, and hues, creating compositions that defy categorization and invite viewersinto the depths of my subconscious.Lately, I have been drawn to the intricacies of portraiture. I find immense joy in capturing the essence of the human face, translating its myriad expressions and emotions onto canvas. Each brushstroke brings a subject to life, revealing the beauty and vulnerability that resides within.Culinary Delights: A Feast for the Senses.In the realm of cuisine, I find both art and nourishment. Cooking has become an integral part of my life, a creative outlet where I can satisfy my taste buds and experiment with flavors. I love to scour cookbooks and culinary blogs, discovering new recipes that tantalize my palate.From the delicate flavors of Southeast Asian cuisine to the hearty comfort of Italian pasta dishes, I delight in exploring the diverse culinary landscapes of the world. I find immense satisfaction in transforming simple ingredients into mouthwatering masterpieces, sharing the fruits of my labor with family and friends.The Joy of Reading: A World of Limitless Wonder.Reading has always been a sanctuary for my soul, a refuge where I can escape the mundane and immerse myself in the boundless realms of literature. I lose myself in the pages of novels, transported to distant lands and introduced to unforgettable characters.From the timeless classics of Shakespeare to the thought-provoking works of contemporary authors, I find solace and inspiration in the written word. Each bookoffers a unique perspective, broadening my horizons and deepening my understanding of the human condition.As an avid reader, I am drawn to stories that explore themes of love, loss, redemption, and the enduring resilience of the human spirit. I find solace in words that resonate with my own experiences and challenge me to think critically about the world around me.The Value of Hobbies.My hobbies are not mere pastimes but integral threads in the tapestry of my life. They provide me with immense joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Through these pursuits, I have developed valuable skills, broadened my knowledge, and cultivated a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the world.Furthermore, my hobbies have enriched my social life, connecting me with like-minded individuals who share my passions. I have forged lasting friendships through music, art, and culinary adventures.In the tapestry of life, our hobbies are the vibrant hues that add color, texture, and meaning to the fabric ofour existence. They expand our horizons, ignite our creativity, and bring us into contact with the fullness of life's experiences.。

图书馆作文英语The library stands as a timeless institution, a sanctuary where knowledge is preserved, shared, and celebrated. It is a place where the whispers of the past echo through the shelves, and the future is shaped by the minds that wander its corridors.As you step into the library, the first thing that strikesyou is the hushed atmosphere, a respectful silence thatspeaks volumes about the respect for the knowledge contained within. The scent of old books, a mix of paper and ink, fills the air, evoking a sense of nostalgia and a connection to the generations of readers who have come before.Rows upon rows of bookshelves stretch out before you, each shelf a treasure trove of stories, facts, and ideas. The Dewey Decimal System, with its ordered categorization, guides you through the labyrinth of genres and subjects, from the ancient texts of history to the cutting-edge theories of science.In the library, you can find a quiet corner to lose yourselfin a novel, a cozy nook to study for exams, or a bustling reading room where scholars and students alike engage in intellectual discourse. It is a place where solitude and community coexist, fostering a unique environment that encourages both introspection and collaboration.The library is also a hub of technological advancement. Computers and digital databases provide access to a wealth of information that transcends the physical boundaries of the building. E-books and online journals make the library's resources available to anyone with an internet connection, bridging the gap between the traditional and the modern.For children, the library is a magical place whereimagination takes flight. Storytime sessions, with their colorful illustrations and engaging tales, ignite a love for reading and learning that lasts a lifetime. For adults, it is a place of lifelong education, where one can pursue new interests, expand their horizons, and satisfy their curiosity.The library is more than just a building filled with books;it is a community center, a cultural hub, and a symbol of the pursuit of knowledge. It is a testament to the human spirit's insatiable thirst for learning and the desire to share that knowledge with others.In conclusion, the library is a cornerstone of society, aplace where the past, present, and future intersect. It is a space that nurtures the mind, inspires the soul, and empowers the individual. As we continue to evolve, the library will remain a steadfast beacon of knowledge, a sanctuary that will always be there to guide us through the complexities of life and the vastness of human thought.。
第二节: 影片类型

类型片的功能 (The Functions of Genre)
The Functions of increase profitability Provide film audiences with pleasure Help us to interpret the meaning and understand the significance of our lives.
The combination of genres
The history of genres: articulation and discovery --- conscious self-awareness --audience are tired of genres.从初期组部见 够和发现类型,到第二阶段有意识的使用 类型,到第三阶段,观众已经厌倦了固定 的类型. Combine genres:由于制片商作出扩大观众 群的战略决策,才会出现类型的结合
to ensure and increase profitability
Genres offer the ability to "pre-sell" 类型的 存在让电影在发行之前就可以"预售" target certain audiences. Genres are also beneficial from the point of view of prodction:从电影制作的角度来说, 类型也是有优势的:电影制作者已经知道 电影的类型有什么框架,这样他们制作出 来的电影就有可能效果更好,利润更大.

Genre 影片类型
It is amusing.
It deals with ordinary characters in everyday Situations.
Its actions conclude happily.
Its attitude towards life is basically positive.
• Get to know the history of cinema
• Understand the classification of genres • Understand the functions of genre
• Early Cinema 早期电影 • Classical Hollywood Cinema 经典好莱坞电影 • Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema 后经典好莱坞电影
English Movie Appreciation
Before Class
• Why we have this course? • How to learn it? Academic Achievements: 1. Class performance
2. Final examination
Classical Hollywood Cinema
He is a famous Hollywood star in the era of silent movie and brought laughter to millions. In most of his films, he is a man with the toothbrush moustache, bowler hat, bamboo cane, and a funny walk.

《英美财经类经典电影赏析》教学大纲(Financial English Movie Appreciation)制定单位:金融与经济学院制定人:丁婷审核人:石盈编写时间:2017年3月8日课程说明一、课程概述:本课程针对英语专业高年级学生开设。
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Criteria(分类标准) Generic categories are generally defined on the basis of subject matter, formal properties(属性), style or affective response. subject matter:The science fiction and gangster genres, for example, are defined primarily on the basis of their subject matter: We expect science fiction to immerse us in an imaginary futuristic (未来主义的)world,and we expect the gangster film to tell the story of a gangster. formal properties: Action films and musicals, on the other hand, are distinguishable on account of certain necessary formal qualities: action set-pieces(固定套路) in the case of the former, and song and dance routines for the latter.
Musical Formal Criteria
Presence of action set-pieces
Presence of song and dance performances
Blockbuster Style Film Noir
Comedy Horror Thriller
Spectacular events Chiaroscuro (明暗对照法) lighting and dark mise-en-scène(<法语>场景调度)
Affective Intended to generate laughter Response Intended to horrify Intended to thrill
Romance films are love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic, affectionate involvement of the main characters (usually a leading man and lady), and the journey that their love takes through courtship( 求爱) or marriage. (The Sound of Music) Romance films make the love story or the search for love the main plot focus. Oftentimes, lovers in screen romances face obstacles and the hazards(冒险) of hardship,(Twilight ) finances (Titanic), physical illness(The Fault in Our Stars ) , racial or social class status (Shakespeare in Love, Jane Eyre occupation (Roman Holiday), psychological restraints(Brokeback Mountain), or family that threaten to break their union and attainment of love (Romeo and Juliet). As in all romantic relationships, tensions of day-to-day life (American Beauty, Revolutionary Road), temptations(The Bridge of Madison County ,The Piano) and differences in compatibility (兼容性) enter into the plots of romantic films.
Subject Matter
Gangsters in urban America Specific military conflicts Futuristic technologies/future worlds Impossible worlds/fantastical characters
Western Disaster
Comedy- comedian comedy
War- Vietnam war
Horror and science fiction seem relatively unproblematic, if one ignores the fact that their edges are blurred and it is sometimes difficult —as in the case of the Alien《异形》 series—to say which is which. The blockbuster may, as some critics are increasingly willing to argue, constitute a new genre, or may instead constitute a mode of post-industrial production. Social drama,is a category that has been used by the industry, but less commonly in the academic community.
Defining Criteria
Differentiating Criteria
Serious social topic Romantic relationship between lovers
Social drama Romance Gangster War Film Science Fiction Fantasy
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For example, The silence of the Lambs《沉默的羔羊》 could be viewed as both a horror film and a thriller. The Matrix(《骇客帝国》),although analyzed here as a ―blockbuster‖, could also be classified as an action film or alternatively as science fiction; The English Patient《英 国病人》)is a romance, but as it is set against the backdrop(背景)of the Second World War, it could also be seen as a variant(变体) of the war film; 2001,A Space Odyssey(《2001:漫游太空》)is science fiction, but delivered with a grandiosity(壮观) more commonly associated with epic(史诗). This reflects the way that filmmakers and audiences in practice use the concept of genre—as a loose , flexible, and overlapping system.
Categorization of genres
From Appreciating Cinema (9-11)
Categorization of genres
Much academic ink has been wasted in the fruitless(徒劳的) attempt to give a definitive list of the Hollywood genres. Both the Western and the musical constitute well-defined genres, the former is now basically extinct ,and the latter very nearly so. Comedy and the war film —two enduringly popular forms —are problematized by prominent subgenres (e.g. comedian comedy/Vietnam war films) and generic hybrids (混合物) e.g. romantic comedy). The gangster film (reflects gangdom黑社会) seems to qualify as a genre on the grounds of its relatively predictable structure a subgenre of the crime film.
Crime Epic
American West Natural or man-made catastrophe
Criminal activities and investigation Biblical(有关圣经的)or ancient history