

新标准大学英语2 unit1-unit9 单词短语汇总

新标准大学英语2 unit1-unit9 单词短语汇总
New Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. overthrow rebel destruction assert era profound 1. 2. 3. 4.
by definition take to be associated with make sense
Active reading 2: Resources
15. 撕碎文件
16. 制造假身份 17. 在谷歌上搜索 18. 个人信息 19. 注销电脑 20. 犯罪记录
16. to create a false identity
17. do a Google search 18. personal information
19. log off
20. criminal record
7.设定的方针 8.独特的视点
8. a unique viewpoint
Active reading 1: Resources
Useful expressions
9. 未必比…更客观可靠
10. 或多或少隐蔽地影响 10. 公众的权力
1. count on 2. look through
Active reading 1: Resources
1. 冒充飞行员
Useful expressions
1. impersonate a airplane pilot 3. fictional FBI agent 4. white collar crime 5. a career as a fraudster 6. run a consultancy 7. identity theft 8. leave… for pickup 9. anonymous victims 10.change one’s mindset



Uint 1Phrases and expressions●engage in 从事,参与He has the will to engage in management.●let on泄露秘密I’m sure he knows more than he’s letting on.●make it 按时赶到We just made it on time for the wedding.●now that 既然,由于Now that dinner is ready,wash your hands.●on leave休假He is home on leave from the Navy.●see (to it) that 注意,务必做到,保证See to it that you are not late again.●set the pace确定速度;制定标准If we let the fastest runner set the pace, the others will be left behind.●subject…to…使承受,使遭受He subjected us to a very difficult test.●as though/if好像,似乎I feel as though we have never parted.●be on/off duty 上/下班I have to be on duty this weekend night●clear one’s throat清嗓子He coughed in order to clear his throat.●come (back) to life1)(变)活跃The quiet girl has come to life since she lived with her grandpa.2)苏醒;复活The drowned man can not come to life.●deprive…of…剥夺A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life.●open the floodgates1)打开(某人的)心扉The discussion sessions allow people to open the floodgates to their deepest fears.2)放开限制或控制因素No one knows how fast China will open the floodgates to investors or foreign firms.●tuck…in1)把……塞进(掖好)Jack tucked his shirt in.2)安顿(某人)上床睡觉I’ll come up and tuck you in a minute.●turn up1)出现He’s still hoping a good chance will turn up.2)开大,调高Turn up the radio, so I can hear the news clearly. Translation1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回。

大学英语2 复习本学期所学过的重要词汇和短语

大学英语2 复习本学期所学过的重要词汇和短语





二、主要内容1. basis ['beisis] n.•basis of/basis for 基础, 要素Effective study skills and strategies are the basis of effective learning.有效的学习技能和策略是有效学习的基础。

This article will form the basis for our discussion.这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。

•on a … basis 准则,方式on a regular basis 以定期的方式on a weekly basis 每周的•on the basis of 原因,缘由She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualification and ideas.她因为具备适当的资格,想法对路而被选担任该工作。

•on the basis that 原因,缘由Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.有些录像因为暴力镜头过多而被查禁。

•the basis for 基础This article will form the basis for our discussion.这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。

2. preference ['prefərəns] n.•preference for sb./sth. 偏爱,更喜欢Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan.许多人强烈表示喜欢原计划。



1.absolutely ad. completely;without conditions 完全地;绝对地2.abundance n. a great quantity; plenty 丰富;充裕;大量3.abundant a. plentiful; more than enough 丰富的;充足的4.accompany陪同;陪伴和…一起发生(存在)5.accountant n. 会计师6.accustomed a. regular; usual 惯常的,通常的7.acute 剧烈的,激烈的;深切的(思想或感官)敏锐的;灵敏的3. 尖的,锐的;成锐8.admiralty n.(英)海军部9.afford vt. 买得起担负得起(损失、费用、后果等)10.alarm vt. excite with sudden fear or anxiety 使惊恐;使忧虑惊恐;忧虑警报11.alas int. a cry expressing grief, sorrow or fear 唉(表示悲伤、忧愁、恐惧等)12.alike同样地;相似地;以同样程度想像的,同样的13.amateur 业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等)14.amid prep.in the middle of, among 在…之中15.anonymous a.名字不详的;匿名的16.apparent显然的,明明白白的表面上的17.apply应用;实施(尤指以书面形式)申请;请求18.approve . (of) agree (officially) to 同意,批准19.artistic a. 1. of. concerning art or artists 艺术的;艺术家的富有艺术性的20.attention span a length of time over which one can concentrate 注意力的持续时间21.awaken vt. 1. (to) cause to become conscious of 使意识到唤醒22.bachelor n. an unmarried man 未婚男子;单身汉23.ballet n. 芭蕾舞(剧)24.barren. (of land) unproductive (土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的25.battery n. 2. 电池(组)26.bean n. 豆;蚕豆27.behavio(u)r n. manner of acting 行为;举止28.beloved a. much loved; darling 深爱的;亲爱的29.beneficial 有益的;有帮助的30.blank a. 1. without writing, print or other marks 空白的,无表情的;茫然的31.bloody a. 血腥的,血污的32.bond 联结;联系2. 公债,债券3. 合约33.bound a准备到…去的2. very likely; certain 一定的;注定的34.breakdown崩溃;衰竭2. (关系、计划或讨论等的)中断35.campaign n. 战役,运动36.canvas 帆布画布,油画37.central a. 1. chief, main, of greatest importance 主要的,最重要的(位居)中心的38.claim索赔;宣称;声明;断言panion n. mate; one who associates with or accompanies another 同伴;伴侣plex 错综复杂的2. (词或句子)复合的,复杂的综合体;复合体;群落41.conflict 抵触;争论战争;战斗;冲突vi. (with) 冲突;抵触42.consolation prize安慰奖43.consolation安慰;慰问44.constitute vt. 1. form or make up 形成;构成组建;选派45.constitution n. 制定;设立;组成2. (often cap.) [常大写] 宪法;法规;章程46.constitutional a. allowed or limited by a political constitution 宪法规定的;合乎宪法的47.contemplate vt. look at in a serious or quiet way, often for some time (默默地)注视,凝视48.context背景;环境上下文49.contract 合同,契约v. l. 订(约);承包2. 收缩,缩小50.contrast 对比;对照v. examine (two things) in order to find or show differences 对比;对照51.converge(在一点上)会合;集中52.cope vi. (with) deal successfully (with a difficult situation) (妥善地)应付或处理53.costly a. expensive, costing a lot of money 代价高昂的;昂贵的54.counterpart对应的人(或物);对手(方)55.courageously 英勇地,无畏地56.crawl vi. & n. 爬(行)57.crazy a. 1. (infml.) foolish or strange 愚蠢的;古怪的着迷的;热衷的58.critical判断(或评价)审慎的2. 批判的3. 关键的59.criticism n. unfavorable judgment or expression of disapproval 批评;指责60.criticize (-cise)v. 1. make judgments about the good or bad points of 评论批评;指责61.curriculum n. the program of study offered in a school, college, etc. 课程,大纲62.damage 损害;损失损害;损坏;毁坏63.departure n. 1. the act of leaving a place 离开;启程背离;违反64.destructive 破坏(性)的65.device n.. 策略;手段装置;设备66.disaster n. (a)sudden great misfortune 灾难,天灾;祸患67.disastrous a. extremely bad; terrible 灾难性的,糟透的68.discriminate 有差别地对待区别,辨别,区分69.discrimination n. 1. the practice of unfairly treating sb. or sth. 区别对待;歧视识别力;辨别力70.disqualify vt. 取消…的资格;使不适合;使不能71.distinguish 使出众2. recognize 辨别;区分72.distract vt. (from) take (one's mind, sb.) off sth. 转移(注意力); 使转移注意力73.distrust v. lack trust in; mistrust 不信任;怀疑74.disturb vt. 1. break the peace or order of 扰乱;打扰使心神不安;使烦恼75.disturbance 打扰;扰乱2. sth. that disturbs 造成干扰的事物76.disturbing a. causing worry or fright 令人不安的;令人烦恼的77.downhill 走下坡路的(地)向坡下(的):向下(的)78.eccentric怪人;偏心圆;【机】偏心器;【天】离心圈古怪的;异乎寻常的79.edit(为出版、广播等而)编辑,编选;剪辑2 主编;充任(报纸等的)编辑80.edition版本81.editorial a. of or done by an editor 编辑的,编者的82.editor校订者;(文字)编辑2. 编辑;主编83.eligible有资格的;合格的;具备条件的;合适的84.emotional (令人)情绪激动的感情(上)的;情绪(上)的85.emphasis强调;重点;重要性86.ensure vt. (esp. BrE) make (sth.) certain to happen 保证,担保87.entry n. 参赛一员2. entrance; the act of entering or the right to enter 进入;进入权88.equipment设备;装备89.escalate(使)逐步升级;(使)逐步加剧90.Excel v. (at) be the beat or better others (at sth.) 胜过他人91.exclaim (由于惊讶、痛苦、愤怒、高兴等而)叫嚷,叫喊92.exclude vt. keep out from a place or an activity 阻止…进入;把…排斥在外93.exclusion n. the act of excluding or fact of being excluded 拒绝;排斥94.exclusive a. (of) not taking into account;without;excluding 不算;不包括;把…排斥在外95.exclusively ad. only;and nothing/no one else 排斥其他地;专有地;单独地96.exhibit展览;表现;展出97.existence n. the state of existing 存在;实有98.expertise 专门知识(或技能、意见等),专长99.extreme 极端的;极度的;最大的末端的;尽头的n. 极端;极度(状态)100.f actor因素,要素101.f ascinate强烈地吸引;迷住102.f ascinating a. having great attraction or charm 吸引人的;迷人的103.f ierce a. 1. angry, violent and cruel 暴怒的;凶猛的;残酷的强烈的104.f lop 失败(者)笨重地行动;沉重地落下105.f oster a. 收养孩子的;寄养的vt. 收养;照料106.f ury n. 1. a wildly excited state (of feeling or activity) 狂热;激烈狂怒107.g ap差距;间隙;缺口;间隔108.g lamo(u)r 魅力;迷人的力量109.g lamo(u)rous 富有魅力的;令人向往的110.g low n. a feeling of warmth or pleasure 热烈发光111.g rief悲哀112.g rieve v. suffer from grief or great sadness (为…而)悲伤;伤心113.g rind n美)[常贬义]用功的学生,书呆子vt. 磨;磨碎114.g uilt n. 1. the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done wrong 内疚罪(行)115.h aste n. quick movement or action 急忙,匆忙116.h astily 匆忙地;草率地;性急地117.h aunt [常被动](思想、回忆等)萦绕;缠扰;常去118.h eartbreaking a. which causes great sorrow 令人悲痛的,令人心碎的119.h eritage 继承物,遗产;传统120.h eroism n. the quality of being a hero; great courage 大无畏精神;英勇121.h esitantly ad.犹豫不决地122.h istorian n. a person who studies history and/or writes about it 历史学家123.h onor roll(美)光荣榜(指优秀学生名单、当地服兵役公民名单等)124.h orrify vt. shock greatly;fill with horror 吓;使感惊骇125.h orror(文学作品、电影等)意在引起恐怖的恐惧;震惊126.h orsemanship n. the practice or skill of horse-riding 马术;骑术127.i ll ad. 不恰当地;拙劣地不利地;恶劣地;冷酷无情地3. hardly 几乎不;困难地128.i ll-chosen a. not well chosen 选择不恰当的129.i mbue[常被动]灌输(某种强烈的情感或意见)130.i mmigrant n. a person who has come to live in a country from abroad 移民;侨民131.i mpulse(一时的)冲动2. 冲力;脉冲;神经冲动132.i nfinite a. extremely great in degree or amount; without limits or end 无限的;极大的133.i ngredient n. 1. one of the essential parts of a situation 因素;要素2. 成分134.i nherit继承(金钱、财产等);经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等)135.i nitially最初;开始;起初136.i nquire, enquire询问;查问137.i nquiry, enquiry n. (into, about) an act of inquiring 询问;查问138.i nsight洞察力;了解;洞悉;领悟139.i nstallation n. 1. 安装;设置2. 装置;设备140.j oint venture n. 合资企业141.J oint 共享的;共有的;共同做的142.j ustification正当的理由;辩解的理由143.j ustify 证明…正当(或有理)144.k indergarten幼儿园145.l abel vt 把…称为;把…列为2. 加标签于;用标签标明n. 标签146.l oaf游荡,闲逛(一个)面包147.l ord n. (in Britain) title of some officials of very high rank(英)大臣;大人,阁下148.l oyal a. faithful 忠诚的,忠实的149.l oyally忠诚地,忠实地150.m agic n. 魔法,法术a. 有魔力的151.m anagement管理层;管理部门2. 管理;经营152.m at 地席;席子2. 垫子153.m enace n. a threat or danger 威胁154.m inor a. 较少的,较小的155.m inority少数民族;少数派少数156.m isplace vt. 1. lose (sth.),usu. for only a limited time (暂时)丢弃把…放错地方157.m ission n.[常指军事]任务,天职,使命158.m otivate vt. [常被动] 激发…的积极性2. 使有动机159.m otorcar n. a car 汽车160.m ultitude n. a large number of 大批;大量161.n aivea. 1. too willing to believe or trust 轻信的幼稚的;天真的162.n aturally可预期地,自然地天生地;天然地163.n ervous breakdown 精神崩溃164.n onassertive谦虚的;不武断的165.o bligation n. sth. that one must do out of a duty or promise 义务;责任166.o bsess [常被动]使着迷167.o bstacle168.o dd a. 常用以构成复合词]…以上的;…出头的奇特的;古怪的奇数的,单数的169.o ffspring子女;后代170.o rientation n. a direction or position 取向;方位;定位171.o utstanding a. 杰出的;优秀的2. easily seen, important 显要的;重要的172.o vercome [常被动](感情等)压倒,使受不了克服;战胜173.o we vt. (to) 1. have sth. (usually sth. good) because of 把…归功于欠174.o wing a. (to) still to be paid 未付的,欠着的175.p aralyse使瘫痪;使麻痹;使不能正常工作176.p artner n. a person who shares (in the same activity) 合伙人;合作者;伙伴177.p arty n (条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人178.p astime n. hobby;sth. done to pass time in a pleasant way 消遣,娱乐179.p ayroll工资表;在职人员名单180.p eak 达到顶峰;达到最大值n. (山)峰;顶峰;尖顶181.p ersonnel人事部门2. [总称]职员182.p hilosophy n. 哲学183.p lunge vi. (into, in) 1. rush suddenly and deeply into sth. 投身于纵身投入;一头扎入184.p ose引起;假扮;造成(威胁、问题等);产生185.p ositive a. 1. (of people) sure, having no doubt about sth. 无疑问的;确定的肯定的正面的186.p ractically 几乎,差不多实际上;从实际角度187.p recaution n. 1. carefulness 防备,预防预防措施188.p reclude vt. (fml.) (from) make impossible; prevent 妨碍,阻止;排除;防止189.p redict预报;预言;预告190.p rejudice歧视;偏见;成见191.p restige 声望;威望;威信192.p rimary a. 1. chief, main 主要的2. earliest in time or order of development 最初的193.p riority优先;优先权;重点;优先事项194.p rivately ad. 1非公开地在涉及私(个)人方面;秘密地195.p rivate私(个)人的;秘密的,非公开的196.p robable a. likely 很可能发生的197.p roclaim198.p rofitable有利(可图)的,有赢利的;有益的199.p romising 有前途的;有希望的200.p romotion 提升,晋级促销;宣传201.p rompt vt. 促使;推动;激励迅速的;及时的202.p rone a. (to) habitually likely to do sth. (usu. undesirable) 有…倾向的,易于…的203.p roperly适当地;正确地真正地204.p ropose 建议;提出提名,推荐205.p rospective有望的;可能的;预期的;潜在的206.q ualified 胜任的;合格的207.q ualify (使)取得资格208.r eaction n. response or change caused by the action of another 反应;感应209.r ecommendation n. 1. suggestion, piece of advice 建议2. 推荐信210.r efuge n.避难(所);庇护(所)211.r efugee n.难民;流亡者212.r ejection (遭到)拒绝;摒弃213.r ely vi. 信任;信赖2. depend with full trust or confidence 依赖214.r epay vt. reward;pay back 偿还;回报215.r epetition 重复;反复216.r epresent 代表2. 象征;体现217.r escue 救助;救援vt. 救助;救援218.R esent vt. feel anger and dislike about sth. 对…表示愤恨219.r etreat n. 1 隐居处,撤退;避难vi. 撤退;退避220.r everse discrimination 逆向歧视,反其道而行之的歧视221.r evive (使)复苏;(使)重振活力恢复生机;复兴;重新流行222.r isk 危险;风险使遭受危险;冒…的风险223.s acrifice n. loss or giving up of sth. of value, esp. for what is believed to be a good purpose 牺牲224.s age 圣贤;哲人225.s avings n. money saved, esp. in a bank 积蓄;存款226.s cholarship n. 1. 奖学金2. 学识;学术成就227.s ensible 合情合理的;明白事理的2. (of) knowing;aware 知道的;意识到的228.s eries 系列;连接2. 丛书;广播(或电视)系列节目229.s etting环境;背景;(戏剧、小说等的)情节背;级230.s hield 保护;庇护n. 盾,盾牌231.s ketch 素描,速写232.s lash n. a long sweeping cut or blow 砍;挥击砍,砍击;猛挥233.s pan 持续时间2. 跨度;跨距234.s ponsor赞助商;发起人;保证人;为慈善活动捐资的人235.s tereotype n.固定形式,老套236.s tock. 库存物;储备树桩;树干备货;储备237.s uccession (前后相接的)一系列,一连串;连续238.s uccessive a. following each other closely 接连的,连续的,相继的239.s urge vi. (如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾n. (感情等的)洋溢或奔放240.s urpass 超过;超越241.t errify vt. fill with terror or fear 恐吓,使惊吓242.t error 恐怖;引起恐怖的人(或物)243.t he basic point 基本要点244.t he bottom line245.t herapy n. the treatment of mental or physical illness (心理或生理)疗法,治疗246.t hrive繁荣;茁壮成长247.t oe n. 脚趾;足尖248.t oe shoe 芭蕾舞鞋249.t ransplant移植;移居250.t umble 摔下;跌倒;倒塌,坍塌251.u ltimately最终;最后;归根结底;终究252.u naccustomed a. not used (to sth.); not usual (对某物)不习惯的;不寻常的253.u nequipped 未配备所需物品的;无准备的254.u nhealthy a. 有碍健康的体弱多病的,不结实的,不健康的255.v acation n. (esp. AmE) holiday 假期;休假256.v ast a. 1. very large and wide 广阔的;广大的2. great in amount 大量的257.v astly ad. 1. very greatly 非常大地2. 广阔地258.v ictim n.牺牲者,受害者;牺牲品259.v iewpoint. 观点;看法260.V ote 推选2. 投票选举(或制定、决定、赞成、支持、通过261.w atercolo(u)r n. 水彩(颜料);水彩画262.w hereas 反之,然而263.w retched a. very unhappy or unfortunate 不幸的;可怜的角的第一单元Phrases and Expressionsoverwhelmed by 被……所困惑pay the priceexperience sth. unpleasant because one has done sth. wrong, made a mistake, etc. 付出代价come to sb.'s rescuehelp sb. when he/she is in danger or difficulty 解救某人,救助某人chance uponmeet by chance; find by chance 偶然碰见;偶然发现try one's handattempt (to do sth.), esp. for the first time 尝试plunge intobegin to do sth. suddenly; enter without hesitation 突然或仓促地开始某事;突然冲入before one knows itbefore one has time to consider the course of events 转眼之间,瞬息之间fall uponattack fiercely 猛攻,猛扑take refugeseek protection from danger or unhappiness 避难rely ontrust, or confidently depend on 依赖,依靠fall from officelose a position of authority to which sb. was elected or appointed 离位,下台awaken tocause to become conscious of 使意识到bear fruitproduce successful results 结果实;有成果date fromhave existed since 始自keep sb. companystay with sb. so that he/she is not alone 陪伴某人第二单元Phrases and Expressionsmake it (to) (a place)succeed in getting (to) (a place) 成功抵达某地owe tohave (sth. good) because of 把…归功于…imbue with(use. pass.) fill (sb), with (sth.), esp. a strong feeling or opinion [常被动] 向…灌输…by contrastvery differently (from sth. previously mentioned);on the other hand 对比之下get aheadbe successful in one's career 获得成功;出头have what it takes(infml.) have the qualifications necessary for success 具备取得成功的必要条件spring frombe a product or result of;originate from 发源于;来自can't wait (for sth.)be excited about and eager (for sth.) 迫不及待,等不及第三单元Phrases and Expressionsrun intounexpectedly begin to experience; meet by chance 意外遇到;偶然遇到a multitude of/multitudes ofa very large number of 许多,众多due tobecause of; caused by 由于,因为by namewith the name of 名叫get into the habit ofdevelop a regular way of doing (sth.) 养成…的习惯come to an end(of sth. which goes on for a while) finish, stop 结束;终了pick upacquire without effort 获得;学会be faced withbe confronted with 面临着(某种情况)at timessometimes; once in a while 有时;间或keep sb. on the payrollkeep sb. employed 使某人留任somehow or otherin one way or another 以某种方式go along withagree with; accept; support 同意;接受;支持the other way aroundin the opposite way 相反地;倒过来;以相反方式thanks toowing to, because of 幸亏;由于;因为smooth overmake (problems or difficulties) seem less serious and easier to deal with 缓和;减轻leave in sb.'s handsgive sb. the responsibility for dealing with sth. 把…交某人管理第四单元Phrases and Expressionsplace/lay/put emphasis on/upongive sth. special force or attention to show that it is particularly important 强调;把重点放在,着重于in the long runafter enough time; in the end 从长远观点来看;终究a world ofa lot of 大量的,无数的be brilliant/best at sth.having or showing great skill at sth. 在某一方面极为出色at the cost of 以…为代价branch out 扩大(兴趣、活动、业务等的)范围count on/uponexpect; depend on 指望;料想;依靠turn down 拒绝(某人或其请求、忠告等)take stock 作出判断,进行评估第五单元Hold onto 抓住,坚持Get by (勉强)对付过去Take(time )off(from sth.) 暂时放下(学业、工作等);休假Move into 搬入,搬迁Sign up for 签约从事Make (both ) ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持As of 自……起Stay up 不睡觉Throw oneself into 投身于;积极从事End up with 结果是,以……告终End up doing sth. 以……结束Make one’s dream come true 使梦想成真Work one’s way through school 靠做工挣钱完成学业Can(‘t) take sth. 能(不能)经受(困难、艰苦努力等)Get up down 被击败第六单元Far and wide 到处,广泛的Dream of 梦想,向往Specialize in 专门从事In use 在使用着的Fall apart 破碎,崩溃In a sense 从某种意义上说Be responsible for 是……的原因;对……负责Hang around (with) (在某处)闲荡;(和某人)厮混At once 同时,一起Struggle away with 努力做某事,艰难地做某事Having nothing to do with 与……无关Bother to do sth 费心去做某事Knock off 敲掉,击倒Work out 想出,得出Have one’s share of sth 享有其中一份,享有自己应得的一份Fit (right ) in (正)相合Mind over matter 精神战胜物质Turn out to be 最后是,结果是。




以下是“大学二词汇”希望能够帮助的到您!1) confirm 确认 conform 使顺从2) contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照3) council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事4) crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛5) dose 一剂药 doze 打盹6) drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水7) emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民8) excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长9) hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店10) latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激11) immoral 不道德的 immortal 不朽的12) lone 孤独的. alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的13) mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄14) scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的15) drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖拉 draughts (英)国际跳棋16) assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险17) except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除18) floor 地板 flour 面粉19) incident 事件 accident 意外20) inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望21) march 三月, 前进 match 比赛22) patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的23) police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治24) protest 抗议 protect 保护25) require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得26) revenge 报仇 avenge 为...报仇27) story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店28) strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的【大学英语二词汇】。




下面是店铺给大家整理的大学英语常用短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!大学英语常用短语11. as regards关于,至于2. as soon as possible尽快3. as soon as一…就…4. as sure as fate千真万确5. as to至于,关于6. as usual像往常一样,照例7. as well as(除…之外)也,既…又8. as well as既…又;除…之外9. as well也,同样,不妨10. as well也,又11. as yet到目前为止12. as...as...象,如同,与…一样13. aside from(美)除…以外14. ask after询问,问候15. ask for请求,要求,寻求16. assist in帮助(做某事)17. assist sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事18. assure sb. of sth.使(某人)确信(某事)19. at a good pace相当快地20. at a loss困惑;亏本地21. at a speed of以…的速度22. at a time每次;在某个时刻23. at all costs不惜任何代价24. at all events无论如何25. at all risks无论冒什么危险大学英语常用短语21. and all that诸如此类2. and so forth等等3. and so forth等等,如此等等4. and so on等等5. and so所以,因此;同样6. and that而且7. and the like等等,以及诸如此类8. and then于是,然后9. and what not诸如此类,等等10. and yet而,然而11. answer for对…负责;符合…12. answer sb. back(与某人)顶嘴,回嘴13. answer up应对迅速14. any longer再15. any more再;较多些16. any number of许多17. anything but除…以外任何事(物)18. apart from除…之外(别无)19. appeal to上诉20. apply for提出申请(或要求等)21. apply one's mind to专心于…22. apply oneself to致力于23. apply to向…申请或要求24. apply...to把…应用于25. approach to接近;约等于大学英语常用短语31. approve of赞成,满意2. arm in arm手挽手地3. around the clock昼夜不断地,全天地4. arrive at到达(某地)5. as a matter of fact事实上,其实6. as a matter of fact事实上;其实7. as a result of由于;作为…的结果8. as a result作为结果9. as a rule通常,一般(说来)10. as a rule通常;一般说来11. as a whole总体上12. as best one can尽最大努力13. as concerns关于14. as far as…那么远,直到;至于15. as follows如下16. as for as就…而论,据…17. as for至于,就…方面说18. as good as和…几乎一样19. as good as几乎(实际)已经20. as if好像,仿佛21. as it is事实上,既然如此22. as it were似乎,可以说是23. as long as达…之外,长达24. as long as只要25. as much as尽…那样多;差不多。



• 13. Manufacture • v. 制造,以及其大量生产(货物等) • manufacture shoes / cement 制造鞋(水泥 ) manufacture industries 制造工业 • n. [不可数]制造,生产 • goods of foreign manufacture 外国产品 • 【扩展】 manufacture n. 制造商,生产 者 manufactory n. 制造厂,工厂 • manufacturing a. 制造的,生产的
• 4. vapor n. 蒸汽,汽,雾 water vapor 水蒸气 • 【例句】 The gaseous state of a substance that is liquid or solid under ordinary conditions. 汽通常情况下呈液体或固体状 态的物质的汽化状态。 • v. 变成蒸汽,散发蒸汽 water vapors when boiled. 水开了 就会蒸发。 • v. 自夸,吹牛 • 【例句】 He was vaporing something about the days of his youth. 他在夸耀着年轻时候的事情。 • 【扩展】 vaporous a. 形成蒸汽的,雾状 的 vapourousness n. 雾状物 • vaporous a. 似蒸汽的,忧郁症的,易忧郁的
Smart Cars
一、 课文重点词汇
• 1. lucrative • a. 可获利的,赚钱的 a lucrative income 一笔 利润收入 • 【扩展】 lucratively ad. 获利地,赚钱 地 lucrativeness n. 赚钱,获利 • profitable, lucrative 和 gainful : • profitable 赚钱的,获利的,有益 的 a profitable business 赚钱生意 • lucrative 比 profitable 更正 式 a lucrative investment 有利可图的投资 • gainful 有报酬的,赚钱 的 a gainful occupation 有报酬的职业






1. 日常问候- Good morning! 早上好!- How are you? 你好吗?- I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。

你呢?- Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!2. 研究- Study hard. 努力研究。

- Do your homework. 做你的家庭作业。

- Read more books. 多读书。

- Take notes. 做笔记。

- Ask questions. 提问。

- Write a paper. 写一篇论文。

3. 课堂用语- Can you repeat that, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?- I don't understand. 我不懂。

- Can you explain it in detail? 你能详细解释一下吗?- I have a question. 我有一个问题。

- Please give me some examples. 请给我一些例子。

4. 口语表达- What do you think? 你怎么看?- I agree. 我同意。

- I disagree. 我不同意。

- In my opinion... 在我看来…- I think so too. 我也这么认为。

- I'm not sure. 我不确定。

5. 建议与推荐- You should... 你应该…- Why don't you... 为什么不…- It's a good idea to... 这是个好主意…6. 谈论意见- From my point of view... 从我的观点来看…- As far as I'm concerned... 就我而言…- It seems to me that... 在我看来…- In my experience... 根据我的经验…7. 表达喜欢与厌恶- I like... 我喜欢…- I love... 我爱…- I enjoy... 我喜欢…- I hate... 我讨厌…- I can't stand... 我受不了…8. 祝福与道别- Goodbye! 再见!- Have a nice day! 祝你今天愉快!- Take care! 保重!- Good luck! 祝你好运!结论通过研究这些常用的大学英语短语,我们可以更好地理解和运用英语,提高自己的交流能力。



重点词汇、短语和难句I.核心词汇1.attach用法:v.(1)附上,系上,贴上:He will attach labels to the luggage.他将把标签贴在行李上。

(2)参加,加入:The daughter of millionaire attach herself to an expedition team and later lost herlife in a snowstorm near the North Pole.百万富翁的女儿加入了探险队,后来在北极附近的一次风暴中遇难身亡。

He made a model of an aeroplane.他做了一个飞机(3)爱慕,依恋:She was strongly attach to her home.她非常恋家。

考点:attach sth. To sth.将…系在,贴在…上attach oneself to参加,加入be attached to依恋,爱慕典型考题:He _______his horse to a tree.A. attachB. relatedC. combinedD. placed答案为A。


attach 系,拴;relate把…和…连接在一起,通常及with连用;combine 结合;place 放置。

记忆法:attachable 可附上的,可拘留的 ;attachment 附上,贴上,参加,爱慕引申:(同)adhere, cling, stick辨析:attach, adhere, cling, stick 都有“粘贴”的含义attach 系上,贴上,常用于结构attach sth. to sth.中,主语为人,强调动作:They attach great importance to the friendship between the two countries. 他们重视两国的友谊。

adhere 指使粘附,(使)附着作vi时,主语为附着物,强调一物附着另一物表面上的状态,常后接介词to引出被附着物:If you decided on a play to win the game, you should adhereto it.如果你赢球的计划有了定案,就该依计划行事。



Unit 1Ⅰ. Useful Expressions1. 被系在…上be attached to…2. 探索行为exploratory behavior3. 偶尔on occasion4. 父母的责任parental duties5. 揭示,阐明throw light on6. 最终目的an ultimate purpose7. 要做的动作desired action8. 所希望的结果desirable outcome9. 关键critical point10. 育儿观 value of child rearing11. 弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed12. 回想起来in retrospect13. 善意的well-intentioned14. 前来帮助某人come to sb.’s rescue15. 极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness16. 适用于apply to17. 发展到evolve to18. 发展创造力promote creativity19. 值得追求的目标worthwhile goalsⅥ. Sentence Translation1. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.(=然而,我和艾伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。

)2. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. (=他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。



Useful Expressions Unit 51.把……搞错get…wrong2.整了整军装straighten one’s army uniform3.人群the crowd of people4.发现自己被吸引find oneself absorbed5.多思善虑的心灵 a thoughtful soul6.富于洞察力的头脑insightful mind7.前一位拥有人的姓名the previous owner’s name8.确定地址locate one’s address9.请她回复invite her to correspond10.被运往海外be shipped overseas11.仅因为那而碰运气take a chance on just that12.安排了两人的第一次见面schedule their first meeting13.始终支持他sustain him unfailingly14.犹如春天般生气盎然be like springtime come alive15.差不多就站在……正后面stand almost directly behind16.体态臃肿more than a little overweight17.挺胸站立,敬了个礼square one’s shoulders and salute18.那本蓝色羊皮面旧书the small worn blue leather copy of the book19.因失望的痛苦而哽咽feel choked by the bitterness of mydisappointment20.理解且钦佩某人的智慧understand and admire one’s wisdomUseful expressions Unit 61.为了自己的利益serve one’s own purpose2.动物智能animal intelligence3.达成交易make a deal4.白眼 a blank stare5.精明的还价者 a careful bargainer6.理解,悟出figure out7.道德习惯virtuous habits8.为了某人的利益in one’s interest9.作出判断make judgment10.起先at first11.紧急救护emergency care12.出故障,有毛病go wrong13.呕吐throw up14.估量,判断size up15.保持平衡keep steady16.滑入slide into17.离开move off18.凝视hold one’s gaze steadily19.让步,屈服give in20.消除,消灭wipe outUseful Expressions Unit 71.俯身站在车尾行李箱前bend over the car trunk2.竖起大拇指give a thumbs-up gesture3.模仿他哥哥的样子copy his older brother4.穿过那排树木make their way through the trees5.跪下kneel down6.货车(客车) a freight (passenger) train7.离得很远out of the way8.中等身材,体格结实be medium in height and strongly built9.加速gather speed10.紧急刹车emergency brake11.拉向汽笛pull on the air-horn handle12.冲到race to13.玩得起劲be absorbed in play14.从梯子上纵身向前一跃spring forward from the ladder15.拳头大小的石头fist-size stones16.把他拉离铁轨pull him clear of the track17.一上一下地up and down18.伸手要抱孩子extend/reach out one’s arms to take one’s baby19.内伤internal injuries20.冒着生命危险risk one’s lifeUseful Expressions Unit 81.用完了run out of2.一大把 a handful of3.为……感到难过be upset by4.私立大学 a private college5.……的一小部分 a tiny slice of6.对……毫不在乎 a chilling indifference about7.跟……竞争compete with8.用不了多久at some point soon9.生活方式way of life10.体力劳动manual work11.使彻底认识到drive…home12.愚见 a humble suggestion13.故事开始时as the story opens14.去商店买go shopping for15.使某人入睡put sb. to sleep16.固定工资steady wages17.他把希望寄托在……身上his hopes lies in18.比……的境遇好多了be far better off than19.从废墟中站起来rise from the ashes20.跳入眼帘catch one’s eye。



Useful Expressions in Unit 2,Book 2 (by Mr. Hu )1. in our day and age: in modern society2. Owning sth is a sure way to happiness.3. choose not to follow this trend4. prefer (instead) different values5. earn and own little/much6. find fulfillment in creativity and helping others7. despite having becomedespite having become……尽管已经成为…8. continue leading an ordinary life alongside his neighbors in a small townWhat do you value most? I value most what’’s on the inside.9. What do you value most? I value most whata question from sb set sb’’ thinking about how he isthinking about how he is……10. a question from sb set sb11. set sb doing: e.g. The newspaper article set me thinking.(使我陷入沉思)(使我陷入沉思) 12. What set the engine going? 怎么发动那部发动机?怎么发动那部发动机?13. my first season cf. keep me warm with the sentiments of the seasonChristmas season seasonal greetings14. be confronted with=be faced with15. drop a donation into my red kettle16. a neatly dressed woman17. walk up to the kettle stand cf. bookstand书摊书摊 newspaper stand18. search her purse for some cash19. see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes20. stammer slightly21. I have more than some people, but not as much as others.= I am neither rich nor poor.22. scold sb for sth23. the social no-no: the social taboo24. hurry off to do their shopping25. sth, however, did not leave me. Cf. The strength left him. =He was too tired.26. I have never thought of myself as, but I can’’t deny certain facts.I have never thought of myself as……, but I can27. fill out a form=fill in a form28. fall into one of the lowest income brackets=belong to the bottom income bracket29. take just one vacation trip cf. vocation职业职业30. a black-and-white TV set31. nothing more than a passing whim 只不过是一个转瞬即逝的念头只不过是一个转瞬即逝的念头32. attain the material things/possessions/stuff33. the wear and tear of many miles34. be dependable35. a modest apartment36. sth be well suited to my work37. primarily outdoors clothes38. minimal computer needs39. meet/satisfy the needs/demand/requirementst have, I don’’t feel poor.In spite of /despite what I don’’t have, I don40. In spite of /despite what I don41. enjoy exceptionally good health for many yearss that……s not just that……, it, it’’s that42. It It’’s not just that43. be illness-free cf. duty-free weed-free44. vigorous and spirited: energetic and cheerful cf: vigor=energy45. long, energizing walks46. A follow (B) follow up on the subject47. cherish the gift of creativity48. a line of poetry49. fabricate a joke: invent/make/weave a joke50. sth tickle sb: sth amuse sb51. feel rich inside52. the insights come through my writing process53. one of my main sources of enjoyment54. spend so much emotional energy on the pursuit of possessions55. feel out of place (financially/economically)56. date sb: have a date with sb57. find someone special to share my life with58. a basement efficiency: 地下室经济型小套间地下室经济型小套间59. with a few pieces of dated furniture60. at my desk61. (relationship) go straight south: go sour: break up62. the seemingly abrupt change in her priorities63. sth be jolting/shocking64. sth remain a most memorable turning point in my personal journey65. in contrast to sth cf. by contrast by comparison66. sth mean that much to me67. feel the same way68. social consequences to not having particular items69. a commercial on the radio70. a high-end TV71. Nobody wants to be a nobody. Cf. a nobody= a small potato= a good-for-nothing72. Not being focused on material goods feels quite natural to me.73. affluent=well off=rich cf. the rich full of riches74. something changes inside me75. feel a genuine sense of belonging76. share their personal stories of how much it meant to be helped when they were going througha tough time77. … is sth I feel deeply connected to cf. A connect to B A be connected to B78. cf. A be linked to B Economic development and personal income are so often linked tohappiness.79. complete strangers have brought me hot chocolate, leaving me with a lingering smile80. bless you for your good work81. As I have examined what it means to be poor, it has become clear to me what I am mostthankful for: ……thankful for:82. more emotional than physical: 与其说是身体上的,不如说是情感上的与其说是身体上的,不如说是情感上的83. charity concert84. join sb in doing sth85. give so generously for the poor and needy86. the insurance policy87. cover damage to sth88. solve the problems now emerging in our economy89. as a responsible individual(one’’s view) stand in contrast to those of sb90. (one91. research funds92. Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.93. There is still some confusion among sb about sth.94. as a person of simple living habits95. come to ask his advice96. make sth a lingering theme of his campaign speeches97. arouse negative sentiments among voters98. tax return 纳税申报单纳税申报单99. take care over every item on the form100. should not leave out any vital information101. face serious consequencest be denied that……102. It canIt can’’t be denied that103. cherish the current favorable conditions104. attain our set goals105. take me for a fool cf. mistake A for B106. get in the way of others 挡别人的道挡别人的道107. well-focused writing108. the smell of sth still lingers in the kitchenHow come……109. How come110. devote oneself to the pursuit of money before all elsein today’’s materialistic society111. in today112. collect/raise donations113. accumulate wealthTheir happiness is fueled by their neighbors’’ envy.114. Their happiness is fueled by their neighborsfuel刺激,保持…的进行;激起:的进行;激起:His provocative words only fuelled the argument further.他的挑衅性讲话只能使争论进一步激化. 115. running water 自来水自来水116. account for: explain。


make believe
The children are making believe that they're princes and princesses.
at best / at the best
At best the company will lose money this year-at worst it may have to close down.
1. The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 2. The police broke up the fight. 3. Their marriage broke up. 4. He may break up under all this pressure.(他累垮了)
to begin with
=in the first place:
We can't go.To begin with, it's too cold. Besides, we've no money
on behalf of
The president is ill, so I'm speaking on his behalf.
do/ try one's best
We must try our best to overcome the difficulty.
for the better
a change for the better= a change with good results
get the better of



1. 时态和语态:
- 现在时态、过去时态、将来时态、过去将来时态、现在进行

- 语态分为主动语态和被动语态,被动语态由助动词“be”加上

2. 从句:
- 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。

- 定语从句用来修饰名词,关系代词或关系副词引导。

- 状语从句用来修饰整个句子,包括条件状语从句、时间状语

3. 名词性考点:
- 可数名词和不可数名词的区别,单数名词和复数名词的变化。

- 名词的所有格形式。

- 特殊名词的复数形式。

4. 动词的时态和语态:
- 动词的各种时态和语态形式的构成,包括动词的各种形式的

5. 形容词和副词:
- 形容词的比较级和最高级形式,以及有规则和不规则变化。

- 副词的比较级和最高级形式。

6. 介词:
- 常用介词的用法和搭配,包括介词短语在句子中的位置和用法。

7. 连词:
- 并列连词的用法,包括并列关系的句子和拼接句子。

- 从属连词的用法,引导从句和连接主句和从句。

8. 句型结构:
- 祈使句、陈述句、疑问句和感叹句的语法结构和用法。

- 条件句、间接引语和宾语从句的语法结构和用法。


=apart from Good work, apart from a few slight faults.
ask after
He ask after you / your health.
ask for
attached to
1.I was attached to the naval college as a special instructor for six months.
According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. He came according to his promise.
by accident
by chance : I made agrammarmistake by accident.
in accordance with
one after another
one another
We made comments on one another's work.
approve of
I can hardly approve of it.
anything but
The little bridge is anything but safe. I will do anything but that .
in brief
at best / at the best
At best the company will lose money this year-at worst it may have to close down.



英语二必备词汇【英语二必备词汇】一、英语二考试简介英语二(English II)是我国高考、大学英语四六级、雅思、托福等英语考试中的一个重要部分。




二、必备词汇分类1.生活常用词汇在日常生活场景中,以下词汇为必备:- Transportation:交通方式(bus,train,plane等)- Communication:通讯工具(phone,email,letter等)- Accommodation:住宿(hotel,hostel,apartment等)- Food:食物(restaurant,supermarket,fast food等)- Leisure:休闲活动(movie,park,museum等)2.学术及工作场景词汇学术和工作场景中常用的词汇包括:- Curriculum:课程- Professor:教授- Research:研究- Presentation:报告- Meeting:会议3.抽象概念及表达抽象概念及表达词汇如下:- Success:成功- Failure:失败- Determination:决心- Persistence:毅力- Creativity:创新4.地道表达和习语- It rains cats and dogs:下大雨- Don"t count your chickens before they hatch:别过早乐观- Don"t put all your eggs in one basket:不要孤注一掷三、学习策略和建议1.制定学习计划:根据自己的实际情况,制定合适的学习计划,确保每天学习一定量的词汇。





大学英语短语(Ⅱ)Phrases Translation Explanations and/or Examplesin no case无论如何不,决不In no case shall we surrender(投降).catch on 1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白1.The new song caught on really quickly.2. He's alwaycatch on.catch up with追上,赶上Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production? in the face of 1.在前面; 2.不顾,即使 1.=in opposition to; 2=in spite ofmake a face做鬼脸in fact 实际上,事实上He doesn't mind. In fact,he's very pleased.matter of fact实际情况,真相fall behind落后to fall behind with one's workfall back on求助于,转而依靠Even if he is not successful as a singer,he has his training asto fall back onfall in with +sb/sth 1.偶遇; 2. 同意 1.=happen to meet; 2=agree to : He fell in with my views a fall out吵架,失和Jean and Paul have fallen out with each other again.fall through落空,失败The plan felt through.as far as / so far as 到...程度; 远至by far....得多by far the smallest/heaviestfar from决不,与非=rather than; instead ofso far 1.到目前为此; 2. 至某一指明地点1.=until now : So far we have learned five lessons. 2.=up to pointfind fault埋怨,挑剔,找毛病She's always finding fault with the way I do things. in favor of赞成,支持; A有利于Are you in favor of worker's control of companies? feed in输入,进(料)feed on 靠吃...维持生命The horse feeds on grass.be fed up with对...感到厌烦I am fed up with your empty promises.feel like想要Do you feel like a coffee? feel like doing sth figure out 算出,估计,推测find out发现,查明,找出at first最初,首先flare up突然烧起来,突然发怒catch fire着火,烧着The pile of papers caught fire.set fire to使燃烧,点燃Someone must have set fire to it/ set it on fire. on fire起火,着火The house is on fire!in force大批地The police were out in force to stop any trouble. come/go into force开始生效and so forth等等=and so onset free释放He opened the cage door and set the birds free. make friends交朋友,友好相处He made a lot of friends in Chinabe friends with对...友好,与...交上朋友make fun of 取笑,嘲弄It is wrong to make fun of the disabled.in (the) future将来,未来"the" immutable when used in giving a warningget across解释清楚,(使)被了解Our teacher is clever, but not very good at getting his idea get along/on with 1. 1.进展; 2.继续干;3.与...友好相处1. 2=go on well 3. have a friendly relationship (with..)get around/round 1.=be able to move again after illness 2. =travel 3. =sprea get around/round to找时间做,开始考虑After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.get at够得着,触及; 意指,意思是1.Put the food where the food can't get at it. 2.What are yo at? 3. Stop getting at me!get away逃脱,离开 1. The thieves got away .2.How did he get away with cheat get by通过,过得去,过活 1.She can't get by with so little money. 2. Your work will gtry to improve it.get down 1.咽下;2写下;从..下来1.Try to get the medicine down. 2.Get down every word hThis continual wet weather is getting me down.get down to开始,着手to get down to work / businessget in 1.到达,进站;2.进入;参加;收回;插入(话)1.The plane got in late.2.=come in(4) 3.Get the doctor in 4a word in?get into对..发生兴趣;卷入;(使)进入1.They got into the car and drove off. 2. I've got (my trouble. 3.I'll soon get into the way of things.get off 1.动身,开始;2.离开,下1. When do you get off (work)? 2.Get off (the bus) at the h车3.逃脱惩罚get out of逃脱,改掉 1.He tried to get out of helping me.2.to get out of a bad hapolice got the truth out of him. 4.I can't understand whsmoke. What do they get out of it?get over克服困难,解决问题,从(病,失望.震惊)中恢复过来1.You'll be glad to get your operation over (with). 2.to ge illnessget the better of占上风,胜过get through 1.2接通电话;3.完成;4.通过(如考试);花光金钱等,克服困难,解决问题1.I tried to telephone you, but I couldn't get through. 2.I ca through to him that he must rest. 3.When you get through work,let's go out. 4.to get through an examination.get together (withsb)集会,聚会When can we get together?get up1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发; 3.到达; 4.专心于1.What time do you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. W have you got up to? 4.The children are very quiet; I won they're getting up to.give away 1.赠送,捐献2.出买,泄露,暴露1.She gave all her money to the poor. 2. Mary was given aw father. 3.He tried to pretend that he wasn't worried, but h hands gave him away.give back送还,恢复 1.Give me back my pen. 2. Give me my pen back.give in 1.认输,让步,屈服; 2.交1.The boys fought until one gave in. 2.Give your examinati上,呈上in (to the teacher) when you've finished.give off发出,放出to give off steamgive oneself away泄露,露马脚give oneself up自首,投案,投降He gave himself up (to the police).give out 1.分发; 2.耗尽 1.Give out the examination papers. 2.His strength gave ou give up停止,放弃,辞去 1.to give up one's studies 2.Give your seat up to the old la give way to让位于,被...代替; 给...让路,对...让步go after追逐,追求to go after a job / girl/ prizego ahead前进,领先,开始Work is still going ahead on the new bridge.go along with赞同,支持We'll go along with you/your suggestion.go around/round流传,足够分配 1.There are a lot of colds going around. 2.Why do you gwith such strange people?3If there are not enough chaaround,some people will have to standgo back on违背=to break or not keep(one's promise,agreement,etc.)go by 1.经过2.依照,遵守 1.A car went by. 2.to go by the rulesgo down下降,减少; 被接受,受欢迎1.The floods are going down. 2.Three ships went down in t 3.My ankle has gone down. 4.He/his speech went down the crowds). 5.This day will go down in history.go for选择;袭击;适用于 1.=go at 2.=go after 3.I don't go for men of this type. 4.report badly done, and this goes for all the other work dooffice.go in for从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于1.Several people went in for the race.2.I don't go in for sp go into 1.叙述;2.研究,调查;3从事; 4(钱,时间,精力等)被用于1.Let's not go into details.2.to go into town go off1A,响起,爆炸; 2变质,变坏;3表演等进行良好;4.(睡眠或晕倒时)失去知觉; 5.下降 6.(尤指)带走,拐带(某人或某物)1.=explode,be fired;The alarm went off when the thieve2.=lose good quality, deteriorate; The milk has gone off.3. The party went off very well.4. Has the baby gone off yheating goes off at night. 6.=go away with . He's gone of car! go on1.I 发生进行;2. E 继续,保持;3.过去;4. 5.责骂,埋怨,挑剔; 6.接受(作为证据)1.=happen,take place,beinprogress:What'sghere?2.=continue:Go on with your work.3.=pass. As theon,it became hotter. 4.The light went on at six o'clock;5.=rail,nag,scold: He's alwon at his wife. 6.=take or accept ,eg as evidence: All the pol go on was a torn letter.go out1外出;2.经常陪伴某人,与异性交往; 3.离开而去;4.熄灭1.She's gone out for a work.2.They've gone out together fo3.=leave:My friends went out to Africa.4.There was a pow all the lights went out.go out5.结束;6.过时,不再流行; 7A.参加社会活动 5.=end: The year went out gloomily(悲惨地). 6unfashionable:Short skirts went out some time ago. 7.attestill goes out a great deal,even at seventy-five.go over1.浏览,2复习; 3仔细察看,检查,审查1.We went over the list of names and chose two.2.=revie over this chapter.3.=examine the details of : We must go accounts carefully before we settle them.go through1.经历,遭受;2.被通过被批准;3.审查,搜查 1=undergo,suffer: The country has gone/been throughwars. 2.=get through, be passed or approved: The Bill dthrough. 3.=search: The police went through the pocke suspected thief.go under 下沉,破产After he got into debt, his business went under.go up1.上升,增长;2.被建立;3.被炸毁,被烧毁1.=rise:Prices have gone up again.2.=be erected: How ma have gone up this year?3.=be blown up, be destroyed by or fire: The whole house went up in flames.go with1.与...调和,与...一致2.陪同前往1.Mary's blue dress goes with her eyes.2.=accompany: H doesn't necessarily go with money.go without不享受,缺乏,没有..也行,没有..而将就对付1.I'm afraid there's no coffee, so we'll have to just go wi2.go without saying :不用说,不待言: It goes without saying a good cook.for good 永久地,一劳永逸地 =for ever :permanently,finally: We will be here for good.good for有效的,适用,胜任,值..on guard值班,站岗,警惕,防范There are soldiers on guard to prevent anyone getting in o in half成两半Cut the apple in half.Election day is at hand. Christmas is at hand.at hand I.近在手边,在附近; A即将到来by hand用手,用体力It was written by hand.hand down传下来,依给Such knowledge was handed down from father to son. hand in交上,递交Please hand in your books at the end of the lesson.hand in hand手拉着手,联合The walk down the street hand in hand.hand on传下来,依次传递Please read this notice and hand it on.大学英语短语(Ⅳ)Phrases Translation Explanations and/or Exampleshand out分发,发给hand out the pencilshand over交出,移交,让与The thief was handed over to the police.in hand撑握Don't worry, I have the matter well in hand.on hand在手边,临近,在场=ready for use or to take part一方面,另一方面on (the)one/otherhandhang about闲荡,徘徊,逗留I hung about/around for an hour but he didn't come. hang back畏缩,犹豫,踌躇We all hang back when he saw how old the car was. hang on1抓住不放; 1.Hang on, the bus is starting. 2.Much handsdecision;3.=hold on2坚持;3等会儿;4.取决于;5打电话时不挂断hang on to /onto紧握住,坚持下去=try to keephang up挂断电话I was so angry that I hang up on her.happen to碰巧;发生I happened to see him yesterday.=It was happened thayesterday.hardly any几乎没有There's hardly any coal left.Hardly anybody(=people)came to the meeting刚..就..Hardly had the game begun when it started raining. hardly ... before/whenhave sth back要回,收回某物You shall have it back(=It will be returned to you) next have on穿着,戴着He had nothing on except a hat.have to do with和...有...关系head for驶,向,走向Where are you heading for? We are heading fordestination.head on迎面地.正面地keep one's head保持镇静=to remain /keep calmlose one's head慌乱,仓皇失措You musn't lose your head.at heart在内心,实质上He is kind at heart. He looks rather fierce,but he is kindby heart牢记,凭记忆get / learn by heart记住,背诵I learned the poem by heart.heart and soul全心全意地,完全地=completely: I am yours heart and soul.lose heart丧失勇气,失去信心He lost heart when he failed the exam.help oneself自取所需(食物等)The money was on the table and no one was there,sohimself.here and there到处He saw flowers here and there.get hold of抓住Take/get/catch hold of the rope, and we'll pull you up. hold back阻止,抑制,踌躇We built banks to hold back the flood waters. I could nback.hold on握住不放,等会儿hold onto紧紧握住=hang onto He held onto the rope.hold out坚持,不屈服I don't hold out much hope that the weather will impro hold up举起;阻挡The building of the new road has been held up by bada party in honor of the visiting presidentin honor of为向...表示敬意,为...庆祝/纪念on one's honor以名誉担保He was (put) on his honor not to tell the secret.keep house管理家务,做家务hurry up(使)赶快Hurry up, it's getting late.in a hurry匆忙,立即He was in a hurry to go home.improve on / upon改进,超过=to produce or be something better than; better Itimprove on the plan.at intervals不时,每隔..时间或距离The bell rang at 20-minute intervals.by itself自动地,独自地The machine works by itself.in itself本质上,就其本身而言=without considering the rest; The existence of humanmiracle in itself.be keen on 喜爱,渴望He is keen on short stories.keep away (from sth)远离Keep away from the water's edge! or keep sb/sth away keep back 1.阻止.抑制; 2.隐瞒3.保留1.keep sb back from doing sth =prevent sb from doincan keep nothing (back) from her friends. 3.They keepmonth from my salary for National Insurance(国民保险keep down控制,压低(声音)He couldn't keep down his anger . Chemicals are usedinsects down.keep from使..不进入Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden? keep in 1.继续烧着,不熄;2.控制1Shall we deep the fire in or let it out. 2.He couldn'tindignation.keep in with与某人保持友谊You must keep in with your customers, retain their goo keep off不接近,避开The parents are advised to keep children off the strethe grass!keep on (doing sth)继续,反复地做Prices keep on increasing. Susan got a bad cold acaughing all night.keep out of躲开,置身...之外Danger! Keep out! Keep out of their quarrels,Don't getthem.keep to遵守,信守,坚持 1.Traffic in Britain keeps to the left. 2.keep to the subjeissue: 把握讨论的主题/要点. 3.He kept the news to himskeep up 1.继续,坚持, 2.维护3.4.A使迟睡.1.Will the fine weather keep up?2.How do you keep u house? 3.It's wrong to keep the children up so late, The to bed. 4.I don't want to deep you up; you look sleep for bed.keep up with 1.跟上,不落后; 2.保持联系. 1.I had to run to keep up (with the girls). Dove couldwith the rest of the class. 2.try to keep up with old frien knock down 1.撞倒,击倒; 2.拆除 1.Alex was knocked down by a bus yesterday.2. Our hoknocked down to make way for a new road.knock out击倒,击昏 A rock falling down from the mountain knocked a tourat large 1.一般地,大多数; 2.未被捕获的1.in general,as a whole: Did the people at large app government's policy? 2. free, uncontrolled: The crimina large.(凶手依然逍遥法外)lay aside 1.放下,把..搁置一旁; 2.留存,储存; 3A.放弃,抛弃1.=put down: Lay the book aside and rest your eyesy aside money for one's old age.y aside bad halay down 1.放下; 2.规定,制订 1. to lay down arms 2.to lay down the law. You can't layand fast rules.lay off(临时)解雇,休息They laid us off for 3 months.lay out 1.安排,布置,设计; 2.展开1.=make a plan for ,arrange: lay out a printe(以便使用或易见)advertisement. well paid-out streets and avenues.(设计和马路). 2.The magnificent scene that was laid outclimbers when they reached the summit.in the least一点,丝毫He is not in the least worried.leave behind不带,忘了带,遗留,留下Don't leave your coat (behind)!leave out省略,遗漏I left out the important point.lend itself toat length最终,终于=at last ,finally: After two hours' drive they arrived therlet down 1.使失望,不帮助; 2.放下,降低1.disappoint, fail to help :Harry will never let you dow rely upon him to help you always.) 2.Pleast let t down.She let down her hair. 3.make(clothes) longer needs letting down.let go (of )放开,松开Don't let go (of) the rope /handle. Let me go!(Take youme,don't hold or keep me.)放开你的手,不要拉我,让我走! let in / into让..进来There is someone at the door;let them in,will you? Winto the building?let loose放开,释放,放松(喻发泄)Don't let that dog loose.let off 1.原谅,宽恕,从轻处理,免除(工作,责任,约束) ; 1.The police let him off, but warned him not to do it ag him off lightly. 2.to let off a fireworks放(枪炮,烟火等were letting off fireworkslet out 1.放出,发出; 2.放大,放宽 1.He let out a cry of pain. Let the water out of the batmake (clothes)bigger: She's getting so fat that her trous be let out round the waist(腰).lie in1.睡懒觉; 2A. 分娩,待产1=to stay in bed late in the morning; lie-in n: have a nSunday morning 2. The time had come for her to lie inin the light of鉴于,由于=taking into account;considering: The book was wr light of the new theory.throw/cast light on/upon 阐明某事,使人了解某事=to make clear;explain: Their findings throw some lig has happened.in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line for the job ; The students stood in line to welcom in line with 与...一致,与...符合 That isn't in line with my ideas at all.line up使排队, 使排成一行1.He lined up behind the others to wait his turn.2.I've famous singer for the school concert.little by little 一点点地, 逐渐地If you keep studying hard, you are certain to make pr by little.live on/by 靠...生活,以...为食 They live on meat,fish, milk and vegetables. live through 度过The old man lived through two world wars.live up to1遵守,实践(诺言,原则); 2.符合,不辜负The teacher hopes that his students will live up to his e 2.Did the film live up to your expectations?as long as 只要,如果,既然=if;on condition that:We can finish the task ahead of t as we work hardfor long Were you there for long?look after照料,照管,关心,注意Who will look after the baby?look at看,朝..看,看待He looks at work in a different way now he is in charge look back回顾,回头看After he won the first game,he never looked back. look down on/ upon蔑视,看不起=to have a low opinion oflook for 寻找=try to findlook forward to盼望,期待;预料=to expect to enjoylook in顺便看望,顺便访问look into窥视,调查,过问There is a fault in the machine, and we're just looking i look on旁观,观看, A看待,视作=to watch while others take partlook out注意Look out! You'll crash the car.look over检查,查看=examine quicklylook through浏览,温习=examine,esp. for points to be notedlook up查阅 1.Things are looking up! 2.Look up the word in the dic look up to尊敬,敬仰=respectat a loss困惑,不知所措=confused; uncertain what to do or say大学英语短语(Ⅴ)Phrases Translation Explanations and/or Examplesmake for 1.走向,朝..前进; 2导致,促成1. It started raining, so she made for shelter. 2. The makes for easy reading.make out 1.理解,了解; 2. 开列,写出; 1. Can you make out what he's trying to say? 2. Make3.看出,辩认出out to me. 3.How did he make out after he finished scmakes out he's younger than me. 5.He makes himsevery important.make up1组成,捏造,编造故事/谎言; 2.化妆; 3.整理; 4.5补充,补足;1.=invent, esp to deceive 2.She makes herself up /ma face in the morning. 3.Bring the sheets and make up You must make up the money. 5.Let's kiss and make upmake up for补偿,弥补 1. The beautiful autumn makes up for the wet summer in memory of纪念Chairman Mao wrote a famous article in memoryBethune.at the mercy of任凭..摆布,完全受..支配They were lost at sea, at the mercy of waves.bear/keep in mind记住I'll bear your suggestion in mind.have in mind记得,意欲,打算,想到Keep what your mother said in mind.make up one's mind下定决心,打定注意He has made up his mind to go to the seaside.mix up混合,混淆,搞混 1.It's easy to mix him up with his brother; they're so almix up those papers we shan't find the one we need q at the moment此刻=at the present time;now: I don't have that much mmoment.in a moment立刻,马上I'll be back with you in a moment.for the moment暂时,日前the moment(that)一...就I recognized him the moment (that) I saw him.at (the) most最多,至多She's at most 25 years old.make the most of充分利用, 尽量利用We've only got one day in London, so let's make the msee everything.in nature性质上,实际上,究竟It's (in) her nature to be generous. / She is generous by nothing but只有,只不过He's nothing but a criminal.(every) now and then有时,偶尔,时时=sometimes : I go to see my aunt now and then.now that既然,由于Now that John has arrived; we can start our work.on occasion(s)偶然,不时=from time to time; occasionaly: On occasions wemovies together.occur to想起,想到Just as I was leaving the house, it occured to meforgotten my keys.off and on断断续续地,不时地=from time to time;occasionally: It snowed off and odays.all at once突然,同时,一起=suddenly: All at once we heard a knock at the door. once(and) for all一劳永逸地,永远地Once and for all, I won't go.once more再一次,又一次You should take medicine once more at ten.by oneself单独地;独自地=alone; without help实行,施行,生效When does the new law come into operation?come/go intooperationput/bring into实施,使生效,运行The new machines will be put into operation next wee operationout of order发生故障,失调=not in accordance with the rules of a formal meetingput in order 使...整齐,秩序井然every other 每隔一个的 We go to visit our friend every other week.over andover (again ) 再一次,重新The teacher has pointed the mistake out to you ove again.on one's own独立,靠自己的力量 I can't carry it on my own; it's too heavy. keep/hold pace with 与..齐步前进/并驾齐驱 She works very fast: I can't keep pace with her.take pains 尽力,煞费苦心 The hostess took great pains to make her guests at ho play a part (in) 扮演角色,参与,起作用 Luck played a part in her success.in particular 特别,尤其 I noticed his eyes in particular,because they're very larg pass away 去世,逝世 When the police arrived, he had passed away.pass off中止,停止1. The rain passed off.2.The meeting passed off well. 3herself off as a doctor.pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 1.faint 2.=hand out in the past 在过去,从前pay back偿还,回报,向...报复1.Have I paid (you) back the $10 you lent me?2.I'll pa for what you did to me.pay off1还清债;2给清工资后遣散 3得到好结果,取得成功1.=pay the whole of (a debt)2.=pay and dismiss from plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. pay up 全部付清 =pay a debt in full, often unwillingly.in person 亲自,本人I can't come in person, but I'm sending my secretary.pick out选出,挑出; 辨认出,分辨出; 1.=choose 2.He picked out his sister in the crowd.pick up 1.2拿起,捡起;3好转,改进,增加;4.获得,学会;5车等中途搭人or中途带货;6.(借着仪器)看到,听到侦得1.Pick up the box by the handlers. 2.Please pick up a when you've finished playing. 3.Trade is picking up aga did you pick up that book? 5.Pick me up at the hote pick up Radio Beijing with your portable radio?in/out of place适当的/不适当的=in/not in the proper positionin place of代替=instead of: We use gas as fuel in place of coal.in the first/last place起初,首先In the first place I didn't want to go,and in the secondafford to.take the place of代替Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in B play with以...为消遣,玩弄come to the point说到要点,扼要地说I've come to the point where I can't listen to her any lo on the point of即将...的时候We were on the point of leaving when you telephoned point out指出,指明He pointed her out to me.to the point切中要害,切题What my father said was much to the point.bring/carry intopractice实施,实行We must put the plans into practice.in practice在实践上,实际上It sounded a good idea, but in practice it didn't work. out of practice久不练习,荒巯She has been out of practice on the piano for a long ti at present目前,现在She is in Beijing at present.for the present日前,暂时=now but not necessarily in the future : That willpresent.in proportion (to)均衡,对称,与..杨比例 1.This drawing isn't in proportion;the car is larger than2.Are you paid in proportion to the number of hours y in public公开地,当众=in the presence of other people : She does not seespeaking in public.pull down拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低They are pulling down the houses in the street.pull in(车)停下,进站,(船)靠岸=arrive at a station : The train from Shanghai will pull i pull off脱(帽,衣等)The trick looked impossible,but she pulled it off.pull on穿上,戴上It is very cold outside. Pull on more clothes before you pull out(车,船)驶出=leave a stationpull up(使)停下The car pulled up outside the station.for (the) purpose of目的,意图, 打算,企图Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing yofor business purposes?on purpose故意,有意It wasn't an accident; you did it on purpose.with the purpose of目的,意图, 打算,企图put across / over解释清楚,说明I'm not putting my meaning across very well.put aside储存,保留He has a little money put aside for a holiday.put away把...收起来,放好Put the books away neatly in the cupboard.put down记下,写下 1.put down the opposition 2.=make feel humbleput forward提出May I put your name forward as a possible chairmcommittee?put in 1.2花费,付出(时间,精力等1.The ship puts in at Bombay. 2.put in an hour's w3.正式提出,申请goods were damaged in the post, you can put in a cpost office.put in for They've put in for more money.put off推迟,拖延; 劝阻,阻止 1.I'll have to put off my visit till tomorrow. 2.I put himpromise to pay him next week. 3.The people keptspeaker off by shouting. 4.His bad manners put hertalk,it puts him off his game.put on 1.穿上,戴上;2.上演; 3.增加(体重等), 1.She put her hat and coat on. 2.She's not really ill;she gain attention. 3.to put on speed 4.=perform on a stag people wanted to go to the match that another train ha on. 6.=turn on 7.=addput out 1.2熄灭,关灯3.发布,公布;4伸出;5生产1.She put the light out. 2.She was so put out by the man that she didn't know what to say. 3.The government w new statement next week. 4.She never puts herself people.put up1搭起,建起,支起2.张贴3.堤价 4.为...提供食宿,投宿;5.提供1.to put up a tent 2.put up a notice 3.=increase( a afraid I can't put you up;you'll have to go to hote coward;he didn't put up much of a fight. 6.She's puttin up (for sale).put up with容忍,忍受I can't put up with your rudeness any more; leave the r in question正在谈论的=under consideration;being talked aboutat any rate无论如何,至少in any case;whatever happensby the reason of由于as regards关于,至于As regards (doing) that, we haven't decided yet.with/in regard to关于,至于=regarding; as regardsin/with relation to有关,关于,涉及,..相比I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.with respect to关于,至于I am writing with respect to your recent letter.as a result of由于,因此He was late as a result of the snow.ring off挂断电话, ring up打电话I'd better ring off now;the baby's crying.give rise to引起,造成Unhealthy conditions give rise to disease.on the road在旅途中(to)在..过程中I must stop and rest; I've been on the road for 12 hour all round周围,处处He works all (the) year round.rub out擦掉,拭去,磨去to rub out a wordas a rule通常,照例=usually;generallyrun down1I.撞倒,撞沉;2A.追捕,追获,追查出;3说..坏话,贬低;4.减少,缩减1.=knock down and hurt with a vehicle 2.to run down 3.She is jealous of your success;that's why she's alwa you down. 4.an industry that is running down大学英语短语(Ⅵ)Phrases Translation Explanations and/or Examplesrun for竞选,追查,探究run into 1.碰撞上;2共计,达到..之多; 1. to run one's car into a tree 2. a debt running into th3.偶然遇见,撞见pounds 3.=meet (someone) by chance run off 复印,打印run away with1.(感情等)战胜,不受..约束; 21. Don't let your temper run away with you.2.He ran his teacher's wife.3.He's run away with all my jewels.run out of 用光,耗尽 We are running out of time.run over (车)碾过,撞倒 1. The water/cup ran over. 2.He was run over by a burun through 1.浏览;2贯穿,普遍存在 Let's run through the exercises orally before writing t in the long run 最终,从长远观点看来 It'll be cheaper in the long run to build it in stone.for the sake of 为了,看在...的份上 He's just talking for the sake of hearing his own voice all the same 仍然,照样地 They want to thank you all the same. on sale出售,廉价出售on a large/small scale 大/小规模地on schedule 按预定时间, ahead of/on/behind schedule The train arrived on scscrape through 勉强通过 She just scraped through the examination by one ma start from scratch 从头做起,从零开始 =start from the beginning or with nothingin secret秘密地,私下地The meeting was held in secret. They arrange for me in secret.see off 给...送行 He saw his friend off at the bus station.see through 看穿,识破 enough money to see him through ( a year abroad) see to 照料,负责,注意,留心 Will you see to the children? send for派人去请,召唤,索取Send for a doctor!send off邮寄,发送send in呈报,提交,送来in a sense从某种意义上说You are right in a sense,but you don't know all the fa make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1.No matter how you read it,this sentence doesn'tsense. 2.I can't make sense of it.in sequence顺序地Please keep the cards in sequence;don't mix them up serve right活该,给应得的待遇After all you've eaten it'll serve you right if you feel i set about +doing开始,着手She set about complaining as soon as she arrived.set aside 1.挑出,留出,拨出;2.把...置于一旁,不理会1.She set aside a little money each week. 2.Setting a think, what would you like to do?set back 1.2推迟,延缓,阻碍; 3 使花费1. a house set 15 meter's back from the road 2. The b will set back our building plans (by three weeks). 3.T set me back quite a lot.set down 1.记下,写下;2下车 1.I have set down everything that happened,as I re2.The bus sets the children down just outside the schset forth 1.启程,动身;2.提出,(正式用语)宣布,发表1.=set out : begin a journey(set out is more use) 2.m declare: set forth one's political views.发表政见.He new theory about natural evolution.set off 1.动身,出发;2. 使爆炸,3使爆发,引起;41.She set off on a trip across Europe. 2.The bomb c off at any time. 3.The discovery of gold in California s to get there. 4.a white belt to set off her blue dressset out 1.动身,启程;2.开始;3陈述,阐明;4.摆出1.=set off(1) 2He set out to paint the whole house b only the front.3.The reasons for my decision are se report.4The meal was set out on a long tableset out to开始see set out (2)set up E.建立,设立,树立I.资助,使自立,扶持1.Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch t prisoner. 2.The council set up a committee to inquir unemployment.settle down定居,过安定生活 1.She settled (herself) down in chair with a book. 2.Imarried and settle down. 3.He soon settled downschool.in the shape of 呈...形状,以...的形式 a cake in the shape of a heartbe short of 缺乏I'm short of money this week.cut short中断,打断Her nap was cut short by a loud noise from outside. run short用完,耗尽,不足,不够for short简称,缩写My name is Alexander, "Al" for short.in short简而言之,总之You can't make me! I won't do it. In short-no!show in领入show off炫耀,卖弄Don't look at him! He's just showing off!show up使显现,使醒目; 来到,露面 1.This bright sunlight really shows up the cracks2.=make known the esp. unpleasant truth about3.Dshow up for the party? 4.My husband always show。



(Directions:) Dictate the following proverbs and translate them into Chinese1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。

2. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 伟业非一日之功/罗马非朝夕建成。

3. God helps those who help themselves. 皇天不负有心人/自助者天助。

4. You shall reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆/一分耕耘,一分收获。

5. Constant dripping wears away the stone. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。

6. Much outcry, little outcome. 乱糟糟,没成效/嘈杂多,没成果。

OverviewWe all know that overcoming obstacles can be not only hard going, but also a great source of pride and satisfaction. This is all the more so for those who suffer from a handicap, as we shall see in this unit. We shall be looking at how those with physical disabilities rise to the challenge they present, setting an example to us all in terms of courage and endurance. In doing so,they deserve not only our help and encouragement, but also our gratitude. For their triumphs put our own struggles in perspective and inspire us to rise above our own weaknesses.我们都知道,克服障碍不仅仅是艰难的旅程,它还是自豪和自我满足的一大来源。

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大学英语2be removed from…从…被撤职;come to one’s rescue 营救某人;chance upon 偶遇;with infinite precaution 极度小心;plunge into…投身于…; at the stroke of the pen 大笔一挥;a summer retreat 避暑地;take precaution against…对…采取预防措施(防备)fierce competition 激烈的竞争; a menace to sth.对…构成的威胁;before one knows it 转眼之间,瞬息之间;take refuge避难;fall from office 离位,下台;30 odd years 30 多年;in the time of war 在战争时间;in a market-driven ecomony 在市场经济驱动下;recall the past回忆过去;play down 冲淡,贬低;play down the difference 淡化分歧;be forced to do 被迫做;evacuation plan/route 撤离计划/路线;crime scene 犯罪现场;scene painting 场景制作;blast 爆炸;Tsunami 海啸;agricultural products 农作物;regulate condition 调整状态;radiation contamination 发射性污染;detect cancer 探测癌症;Consumer Price index (CPI)消费者物价指数;Inflation通货膨胀;Commerce ministry 商务部;Commerce ministry spokesman 外交部发言人; soaring prices 上涨的物价;social stability 社会稳定性;interest rate 利率;aggressive steps 积极的措施;a will of iron 钢铁般的意志;summon sb to sp 召唤某人到某地;gesture sb to do sth 示意某人做某事;toll the bell 敲钟;be authorised by…由…授权;domestic violence 家庭暴力;(GDP)gross domestic product;国民生产总值;nuclear radiation 核辐射;be stunned by (the news)被…震惊;range from A to B 在…范围;advocate for…提倡,拥护;protest against 提出异议;complain of(a pain,illness)诉说(病痛等);minister to…照料;give way to…/yield to…向…让步;对屈服;be identified with…与…合成一体;卷入;identical twins 同卵双胞胎;transcend the boundary of…超越…的界限;transcend the boundaries of religion and nationality;the adopted city 所移居的城市;slum children 贫民窑的儿童;the outcast 流浪者;expand to include…扩大到…范围;eg:The range of concerns has expanded to include AIDS patients,drug addicts and victims of domestic violence .civilian worker 民工; civilian award 平民奖;at one’s request 应…要求/请求;needy people 有需要的人;be (常was) never able to…始终不能;religious beliefs 宗教信仰;be hospitalized 被从入医院;alarming accusations 令人惊讶的指责(指控);jaws of death 鬼门关;be starved to death 饿死;air assault(attack)空袭;without parallel 史无前例,无与伦比;a heap of ruins 一堆废墟;on top of that,除了这些;free speech 言论自由; a wave of…大量的;a wave of new comers 大量的新来者; a wave of buying 抢购狂潮;a wave of terrorism 一股恐怖主义浪潮;foster(v/adj)children 养子;foster parents 养父母;owe sth to sb 把…归功于…;label sb sth把某人标上…的标签;price label 价签;the bottom line 基本要点,底线;imbue sb with sth 向某人灌输某物;crucial factor 至关重要的因素;make it (to)(a place) 成功抵达某地;industrial potential 工业潜力;acting potential 表演潜力;potential customer 潜在的顾客;by contrast 对比之下;get ahead 获得成功,出头;have what it takes to do 具备做sth成功所需的条件spring from…发源于,来自;life span 寿命;memory span 记忆力保持时间;span of knowledge 知识面;artificial factors 人为因素;exclude… from..使...不得进入,把..排除在外拒绝in hopes that…希望; a succession of…一系列的…;resent doing sth 憎恶做某事;reverse discrimination 变向歧视;a battery of 一连串的;lose faith in sth 对某事失去信念;amass a fortune 积累一笔财富;slash fur prices 削减皮货价格;stand for…为…奋斗,拥护;disperse the crowd 分散群众;converge on 向…拥去,集中;heath care 医疗保健;a prelude to……的开端/序幕/前奏;without exception 无例外地;excess baggage(luggage)超重行李;Exchequer bond 公债,国库债券;exclusion zone 禁区; a military exclusion zone 军事禁区;correspondent to objective reality 符合客观现实;domestic(foreign)loans内(外)债;loan-sharking 放高利贷; a carpet manufacture 地毯制造厂商;the cloth(glass)manufacture 织布(玻璃制造)业;the manuscript of a book 书的原稿;negotiate with sb about/with sth与某人谈判某事;the resumption(suspension)of all-round negotiation全面谈判的恢复(终止);arose one’s hostility 引起某人的敌意;fame and wealth名利和财富;by contrast 相比之下;distress signal n. 遇险信号;joint venture 合资企业;character threads 任务线索;and vice versa 反之亦然;to be polite 出于礼貌;be qualified for…能胜任;sign a contract 签合同;a temporary/permanent job一个临时/永久的工作;the departure of plane 飞机起飞时间;in the context (of)在这种背景(环境)下;approve of ones application 批准某人的申请;justify the action 证明行为正当;ensure sb sth 保证某人得到某物;偶遇:chance upon;run into come across meet with meet…by chance;a multitude of/multitudes of 许多,大量;…by name 名叫…;get into the habit of…养成…的习惯;get rid of the habit of…除;come to an end 结束;be faced with…面临着某种情况;keep sb on the payroll 使某人留任;somehow or other 以某种方式;the other way around 相反地,倒过来;smooth over (conflicts)缓和,减轻(冲突);leave sth in sb’s hand 把…交某人管理;child abuse 虐待儿童;put the car before the horse本末倒置;escalate into…升级为,激化为;an installation engineer 安装工程师;international operations 国际业务部;a two-year contract 两年的合同;the odd behavior 古怪的行为;appreciate ones expertise 欣赏某人的专长;serve meals at all hours 24小时营业;sooner than anyone expected 大家都没想到;surpass…in…在…超越…;love affair 外遇;love affair with..与…的情缘;One such case is +句子其中的一个例子是personnel manager 人事部经理;military uprising 军事叛乱;humanitarian aid 人道主义救援;sufficient condition 充足条件;bilingual education 双语教育;mobilize the army 调动军队; a nominated movie 被提名的电影;multinational corporations 跨国公司;cripple the enemy/economy削弱敌军战斗力(经济)multinational country 多民族国家;the proportion of births to the population人口出生率a compulsory subject 必修科目;in collaboration with…与…合作/勾结;write a book in collaboration with sb 与…和著一本书;national economy 国民经济; a public scandal 众所周知的丑闻;a large-scale survey 大规模的调查;excessive use of ……的过度使用;excess baggage 超值行李,累赘;roll out 展开;propose marriage(v)求婚;marriage proposal 求婚(n);subjective factors 主观因素;divert sb’s interest from sth 转移某人对某事的兴趣two successive years 连续两年;the remaining 60 percent 剩余60%;overall performance 总体表现;on a large(vast/big) scale 大规模地(的);administer justice 执法;take…for granted 把…当做理所当然;by instinct 出于本能;act on instinct凭直觉行动;be instinct with passion 充满激情;instinctive behavior 本能行为;an instinctive reaction 本能反应;overhaul of the school system 学校课程改革;an obstacle to success/progress成功/进步的障碍;throw obstacles in one’s way 妨碍某人;lay(put,place) emphasis on/upon 把重点/强调放在... speak with emphasis强调地说; a correlation between…and…和…的一种相关性;a tense atmosphere 紧张的气氛;the campaign against corruption 反腐败行动;on campaign 从军,出征,从事运动,参加竞选;begin/start/conduct/launch a campaign 开展一场运动;accomplish one’s mission 完成任务/使命;send sb on a mission of inquiry 派某人去调查;loss of face 丢面子;at a loss 不知所措;in private 私下里;grieve(v)at/about/for/over…对/因…感到悲伤;make one’s retreat 退却;retreat from..放弃,从…退出;distract sb/sb’s mind from 使注意力从…转移开,使分心;distract oneself by/with…用…消遣/分散注意力;contemplate on/upon 冥思苦想,深思熟虑;blank form 空白表格;blank look/eyes 茫然的神情/眼睛;as a precaution 作为预防,以防万一;plunge into 使陷入/跳入;be plunged into heavy debt 负债累累;terrify sb. into dong 恐吓某人做某事;be terrified at/by/with 被…吓了一跳;be terrified of…对/因…感到害怕;害怕…fly into a fury 勃然大怒;make a companion of与…为伴,与…为友be overcome by/with 被..压倒/制服;be overcome by joy/grief 喜出望外,悲哀不已;overcome difficulties/shortcomings/weaknesses 克服困难/缺点/弱点;seek refuge from躲避; a nameless grave 没有名字的墓;be barren of(practical value)没有…的; speak with menace in one’s voice用恐吓的口气说话be abundant in/with…富于……很丰富;it’s odd that 很奇怪…in existence 存在着的,现有的;be desperate for sth 极度渴望某事;be hospitalized by…因患..而被送进医院治疗;summon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事;summon up one’s courage for/to do sth 鼓起勇气做abandon the old for the new 喜新厌旧;at the boundary between…在…交界处;break down the boundary between trades打破行业界限;adopt a proposal/suggestion/middle course 采纳建议/折中办法;adopted son 养子;adoptive parents 养父母;the authorities concerned 有关当局;have authority to do sth 有权做某事;be stunned by…为…震惊,被…打晕;stun sb. with questions 把某人问得张口结舌;have a misery 疼病;add/put one’s signature to在…上签名;over sb’s signature 经某人的签名;domestic appliances 家用电器;domestic and foreign news 国内外新闻;be irresistible to sb 对某人来说无法抗拒;the annual/national/top/special award 年度奖/全国奖/最高奖/特殊奖;skip over 跳过,略过;be lavish of/with money 花钱大方;be lavish of one’s time 浪费时间;be lavish in dong sth 过分地做某事;protest(v)against/at/about 对…提出异议,反对;a steady job/income/relationship 稳定的工作/收入/关系;steady progress 稳定的进步;be/feel uneasy about sb/sth 为sb,sth 担忧;feel uneasy in tight clothes 衣服紧而感到不舒服;excel at/in something 在某方面杰出;excel as 作为…出色;sacrifice(n/v)A for B为B而牺牲A; a foster father/son 养父/养子;own sth to sb 欠某人某物;own sth to sb/sth 将某事归因(功)给某人(事)grind away at/for sth 为某事而苦苦用功; misplace confidence in sb 轻信某人;be in a/the minority 居少数,属少数派; a minority of 少数的;discriminate against 歧视,排斥;discriminate between/among区别,辨别;be a contrast to 和…成对比;by contrast with 和…成对照;和…比起来;in contrast with/to因…烦恼;exclude sb from (doing) sth 不准某人做某事;a TV series 电视连续剧;be disturbed about/with因…烦恼;be critical about 爱挑剔; a critical point 转折点;a critical moment紧要关头;primary goals 主要目标;play the leading role 起主要作用,起带头作用;on the recommendation of因…的推荐;follow ones recommendation 听从某人的劝告;positive proof 确凿的证据;be positive about/of确信,确知;a positive attitude 积极/肯定的态度;in a short span of years 短短几年间;it is inevitable that…是不可避免的;reflect on/upon 思考,沉思,反思;promote the cooperation between增进…之间的合作;be at a disadvantage/put sb. at disadvantage(使)出于不利地位;to ones disadvantage/to the advantage of 对…不利;under disadvantage 在不利情况下;at any rate 无论如何,至少;the birth/death rate 出生/死亡率;initiate a new program 开始一项新计划;take the initiative to do sth./in doing sth主动做/提倡某事;be partical to/toward 偏向…take the initiative to do sth 采取主动;首先采取行动for mutual benefit 为了共同利益;confederate with 与…结盟;the different sectors of national economy 国民经济的各部门;the industrial sector (经济中的)工业部门;a utility aircraft 通用飞机; a utility knife 多功能小刀;utility furniture 实用型家具;conventional wisdom 公众意见,普遍看法;the expansion of gases 气体膨胀; a rapid expansion of foreign trade 对外贸易的迅速发展;expansion of territory领土扩张;territorial expansion ; a valley embraced by forests 树木环绕的山谷;embrace an opportunity 抓住机会;embrace Christian religion 信仰基督教;raise a mortgage (on a house)from a bank (用房子)向银行抵押借款;pay off the mortgage 归还抵押借款;exert all ones strength 尽全力;exert every effort 尽一切力量;exert ones utmost 尽最大努力;exert pressure(influence)on sb 对sb 施加压力;exert direct control of…对…加以直接控制combine exertion and rest劳逸结合;the exertion of power(authority)权利的执行;make radical changes 作(根本的)彻地的改变;a radical cure 根治,彻底治愈;take radical measures 采取激进手段;by item 逐条;an important item on the agenda 一项重要议程;an item of business一项业务;local item 当地新闻;administrative expenditure 行政管理支出;revenue and expenditure岁入和岁出;the fuel consumption of an engine 发动机的消耗量;keep the company to the brink of bankruptcy 公司濒于破产;linguistic universal 语言通用性;grasp the concept of 掌握…的概念;be deeply convinced that 对…深信不疑;be arrogant about 对…傲慢自大;ingredient to success 成功的要素;requirement for the job 这项工作的要求;chief executive officer 首席执行官;candidate for……的候选人;evidence of murder 谋杀证据;china doll 瓷娃娃;air crash 空难;middle class 中产阶级;public servants公务员;in our digital age在我们的数字时代;joint effort 共同的努力;come into conflict with与…发生冲突;be in conflict with 和…不一致;sign a contract签订合同;a bachelor degree 学士学位;from the context 根据上下文;social context/historical context 社会背景,社会环境,社会场合;历史背景;be proposed as a candidate for 被推荐为….的候选人;propose a toast for 建议为…干杯;approve a bill/a marriage 批准一项法案/同意一门婚事;approve ones conduct 赞同某人的所作所为;approve of a plan 同意一项计划;personnel department 人事部门;justify oneself for ones conduct为自己的行为辩护;be justified in doing sth 有理由做某事;without justification 毫无理由地;in justification of 为…辩护; a sensible choice 明智的选择;to convince sb of sth/that使某人确信; a natural barrier天然屏障;cultural/language barriers文化/语言障碍barriers between races 种族间的隔阂;forged bank notes 伪造的钞票;as specified 按照说明;unless otherwise specified 除非另有规定;to purse an ideal 追求理想;a noble ideal 高尚的理想; a ideal husband/wife;be fluent in a certain language说某种语言流利;in evidence 明显;evidence for/of …的证据;diverse interests 广泛的兴趣;clumsy figures 笨手笨脚;penetrate into a secret 洞察奥秘;penetrate sbs disguise 识破伪装;swallow ones anger 强压怒火;swallow down the tears强忍泪水;。
