

一、姓名文化1、阿甘FORREST:Now when I was a baby,Mama named me after the great Civil Warhero,General Nathan Bedford Forrest Shesaid we were related tO him in some wayWhat he did was,he started up this clubcalled the Ku Klux Klan……,And anyway,that’s how I got my name,Forrest Gump Momma said that the Fo rrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do thingsthat well just don’t make no sense“我还是个婴儿时,妈妈给我取了内战英雄内森·贝德福德·福雷斯特将军的名字,是他创建了这个叫三K党的集团。



关键词:《阿甘正传》;人物角色;美国文化;分析《阿甘正传》(英文名:Forrest Gump),是一部根据同名小说改编的美国电影,该电影荣获1995年奥斯卡最佳影片奖、奥斯卡最佳男主角奖、奥斯卡最佳导演奖等6项大奖。

关键词:《阿甘正传》;人物角色;美国文化;分析《阿甘正传》(英文名:Forrest Gump),是一部根据同名小说改编的美国电影,该电影荣获1995年奥斯卡最佳影片奖、奥斯卡最佳男主角奖、奥斯卡最佳导演奖等6项大奖。


环球纵横/电影文学M O V I E L I T E R A T U R E2009年第15期 电影《阿甘正传》的美国文化解读■熊 薇(绵阳师范学院,四川绵阳 621000)[摘 要] 英文电影《阿甘正传》是一部以轻松形式来表现严肃主题的电影,它不仅对美国观众而且对中国观众产生了深刻的影响。
[关键词] 英文电影;阿甘正传;美国文化;解读 在人类的发展史上,艺术和人类的生存现实之间一直存在着本质的联系。



作者: 梁煜
作者机构: 河南教育学院外国语学院
出版物刊名: 戏剧之家
页码: 157-158页
年卷期: 2014年 第9期
主题词:�阿甘正传》 宗教 传统文化 爱情观 回归

作者: 熊薇[1]
作者机构: [1]绵阳师范学院,四川绵阳621000
出版物刊名: 电影文学
页码: 99-100页
主题词: 英文电影;阿甘正传;美国文化;解读

得阿甘养成了善良、诚信、积极向上的性格。其次是阿甘 和布巴等朋友之间的爱。善良的阿甘也一直爱着身边同样 善良的人们。参加越战后,他交到了两个好朋友:热衷捕 虾的巴布和令人敬畏的丹中尉。在一次战斗撤退中,第一
目标,就会抛弃一切杂念,坚持不懈地完成。他不担心其 他任何事情,也不考虑后果,只管去做,只管坚持,保持 一颗平常的心,没有任何顾虑,专注于做事的过程。在现
在战争中失去双腿的丹中尉的帮助下取得了成功。最后就 是阿甘和珍妮男女之间的爱。他的爱情是真挚而永恒的。 尽管阿甘是个智障者,但他相信爱情,并自始至终深爱着 珍妮,不管珍妮变成了什么样子,他都希望她是快乐的, 并始终不离不弃。这些在无形中阐释了美国人对爱情的执 著,感人至深。影片中,阿甘有一句台词:“I'm
different than anybody else
样的。)这句台词使学习者认识到阿甘妈妈始终让阿甘充满 信心,从而也真实地体现出了美国草根民众的价值观:每 个人都具有和别人同等的价值,没有一个人生来是比别人 高贵的,每个人都必须自我奋斗,不断进取,才能获得成 功。美国是个移民国家,许多人来到这里就是因为在自己 的国家遭到了不平等的待遇,他们深信,在美国这片土地 上。不管你是黑种人还是白种人,聪明的还是阿甘这样的。 只要勤奋努力。积极进取,就能达成自己的梦想,取得成
国人为慈善事业捐款,2010年,美国人的慈善捐助达到了 2910亿美元。美国人普遍愿意捐赠,乐于行善,与他们的 文化传统也有非常大关系。在他们看来,乐善好施并不是

摘要:�阿甘正传》一书的作者是温斯顿·格卢姆,该书被改编为电影,于1994 年上映,并 获得1995年奥斯卡最佳影片奖,被评为20世纪最伟大的百部电影之一。电影《阿甘正传》主要 是围绕主人公阿甘展开的,讲述了阿甘这个小人物一生的历程,从他小时候被检测出只有75的 智商,到独自经历了美国战后的风雨历程,最终成长为捕虾业的大亨。向人们展示了“美国 梦”和美国的文化,使阿甘这一银幕形象深深刻在人们的脑海中,阿甘坚持不懈的精神带给人 们希望和乐观,让我们看到了一个普通入的生命奇迹。
Hale Waihona Puke

远影响 。在喧 嚣 和混 乱 的年 代 , 传 统价 值观 念 被怀 疑 被嘲 弄, 之后 的 8 0 、 9 0年代 , 人们重 回理智 和冷静 , 对传统 Байду номын сангаас化价 值观念 的渴 盼重新 成为 了社会主流思潮。
1 个 人主 义英雄观 独 自一人 在天地之问行走 , 独 自面对挑战 和困境的牛仔 精神一直为美 国人 民所推 崇 和钟爱 。在 6 0年 代 , 垮掉 的一
英雄 。影片获得 了 巨大 的成 功 , 获得 了第 6 7届 奥 斯 卡 的 6 项大奖 。有 人 认 为它 是 冷 战后 出现 在美 国 的“ 反 智 电影 ”
( 好莱坞推 出的一批 贬低 现代 文 明、 崇 尚低智 商 和 回归原始 的影片 ) … 的代表作 品 , 通 过小 人物 的经历 对美 国的政 治 和
樊 慧
( 河 南省黄淮学 院 , 河南 驻马店 4 6 3 0 0 0 ) 摘 要: 《 阿甘正传》 , 1 9 9 5年 第 6 7届奥斯卡 六项大奖 的获奖影 片 , 已升华 为一种 文化现 象。这部 电影带领观
众重 温 了上世 纪 6 0年代开始 的三十年美 国历 史, 同时在信念缺 乏甚 至丧失 的时代 , 借 助对平 民英雄 形 象的塑造发
地受到 了影响 。《 阿甘正 传》 事 实上 是带有 喜剧 和荒诞 色彩 的一部讽刺小说 , 然而 1 9 9 4年 出现在荧 幕 上 的《 阿甘正 传》
较之小说却更 为温情 , 电影 中的主人公也被 打造成 为一位 忠
诚、 正直、 诚实 、 富有 而慷慨 、 生 活简 单却有 执着 信念 的平 民
2 0 1 4年 5月 第2 7卷第 3期

作者: 李红梅[1]
作者机构: [1]集宁师范学院,内蒙古乌兰察布012000
出版物刊名: 电影文学
页码: 97-98页
年卷期: 2011年 第21期

作者: 段珂
作者机构: 河南机电高等专科学校,河南新乡453000
出版物刊名: 电影文学
页码: 80-81页
年卷期: 2014年 第24期
主题词: 阿甘;神话;美国精神

I. IntroductionWinston Groom is a famous American writer. In 1986, he writes Forrest Gump, however, it doesn’t make Groom famous until it is adapted into a film with the same name in 1994. It is the film that drives the novel to the best-seller position and it is sold 1.7million copies worldwide. It makes Winston Groom’s name be associated with the award-winning film Forrest Gump. The movie gains over $657 million worldwide, gathering six Academy Awards, such as best picture, best director, and best actor, etc. It is the actor Tom Hanks that brings Forrest Gump to eternal life, and Forrest Gump’s assertion that “life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get”(Groom, 2010:20) becomes part of the American language. What’s more, Forrest Gump is so popular that Winston Groom has to write two guidebooks to help people understand the novel. Forrest Gump phenomenon begins to spring up in the country, Forrest Gump hats and T-shirts are popular in the country. In the enthusiasm of the film, the fact that Groom is a famous fiction and non-fiction writer is somewhat overshadowed.About Forrest Gump, Xue Yuemin and Guo Jian’s The Charms of Forrest Gump explores that in what way Forrest Gump goes along with so man y people’s mind and wins the admiration of the public from esthetic value; Ji Tingting and Yin Lu’s The American Dream out of Forrest Gump(2011) illustrates the American Dream by analyzing the qualities and characteristics of Gump; Zhu Meihong and Liu Lihong’s Analysis of Black Humor in the Movie Forrest Gump From Rhetorical Perspective list a series of rhetorical methods such as simile, metaphor, irony and hyperbole and it also explains how the black humor affects with a lot of examples; Liu Yuxia, Li Meng and Zhou Min’s Cultural Contradiction—A Brief Analysis of Jenny: Symbol of a Cultural Rebellion in Forrest Gump(2012); Zu Wanhui’s The Analysis of Religious Culture in Forrest Gump(2012); Yang Li’s The Masculine Ideology in Forrest Gump(2010) illustrates the cultural phenomenon that women are predominated by men by using the examples of Mrs. Forrest and Jenny; Chen Jing’s On American Culture From Forrest Gump(2010) States the historythat happens in the background of the second half 20th century in America to arouse a deep thinking for the past and the American Dream which is cherished by every American people, from this people can see the footstep of the development of American culture and the core of American culture; Wu Wenting’s The Lonely Runner(2009) refers to all aspects of America’s politics, economics, culture and history, it hints a lot of philosophy of life; Yan Hui’s Forrest Gump and American Dream points out the resource of American Dream and its effect on people including Jenny, Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan, it also expresses the call of American Dream; Li Nan’s A Breeze from the Chaos — An Analysis of the Film Forrest Gump (2012) reflects the negative poits of the popular culture and the positive points of the traditional culture; Liu Yang’s Looking For the lost hero(2004)tells about a story about a common character whose name is Forrest Gump, although he is common, he has played and experienced a significant role in the events of that time. He is a typical American hero and still has an influence to today’s Americans; Li Peng’s The Return of Social Value in Forrest Gump(2009) criticizes the popular culture and tries to heal the schism of social value and praised a return of value which bases on the traditional and religious conservational value; Zhang Jing’s The Analysis of American Culture in the Anti-intellectual Movie Forrest Gump calls for the return of American traditional culture and shows the spirit of love, purity and perseverance which are the best explanations to American Dream, it also embodies the change of American culture and the liquidity and expansionary of American culture; Li Hongmei’s On the Reflection of American culture and society in Forrest Gump analyzes three aspects including the holy fool phenomenon, Forrest Gump philosophy and the symbolism of Forrest Gump.It is well known that every country has its own culture. Edward says that “Culture hides much more than it reveals and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effect ively from its own participants”(Datesman, 2006:1). This essay intends to expose American culture in Forrest Gump. America is an immigrant country who brings different languages and different cultures to the Unites States, so America is a nation of cultural diversity. Forrest Gump is an inclusive and extensive novel, which has many implications that need readers to taste. It is like a box of assorted chocolates, as long as the readers have the intentions to taste, everyone will have a different understanding of it. In the novelthere are so many deep meanings hidden behind the simple events that have taken place in those years that one can get a fully understanding by reading it once only. It is worthy of repeated reading. Some deeper meanings can be understood by reading over and over again. It tells a life experience of an intellectual impaired man: Forrest Gump, whose IQ is only 75, much lower than the normal, his successful experience of becoming wealthy through his hard work and luck. Besides, the events that happen in the novel are all typical and significant ones in those times, such as the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, anti-war movement, anti-racialism and the turning of American presidents, they form the centre of American culture. This thesis aims to analyze the reflection of American culture in Forrest Gump from three aspects: religious culture, popular culture, traditional culture.II. Reflection of Religious Culture in Forrest GumpReligious culture has an irreplaceable position in American life. Most of Americans believe in Christian. God has a very important position in their heart. They use “oh, my God” to express surprise and use “God bless you” to express blessing. The y also print “In God We Trust” in the American dollar to express national belief and even in Presidential Inaugural Address, the president needs to put his hands in Biblical. In Forrest Gump, religious culture also has an important part in the three main characters: Forrest Gump, Jenny and Lieutenant Dan. This part intends to analyze the reflection of religious culture in Gump, the impact of religious culture to Jenny and the attitude change towards religious culture of Lieutenant Dan.2.1 The Similarity of Forrest Gump and JesusIn some ways, Forrest Gump and Jesus are alike. First, their family backgrounds are alike. Forrest Gump comes from a single-parent family and is reared by his mother while his father never occurs in the novel. Similarly, Jesus, according to Biblical, is born in the primitive lodgings of an animal stable. His mother Mary is said to be pregnancy when she is a virgin. She feels very strange until one day an angel comes and tells her that this child is made by the power of Holy Spirit and he is to save the world. She must give birth to thisbaby and name him Jesus, so Jesus is the son of God. He has not the real father in the human world.Second, they all run in the way. Forrest Gump is unlucky when he is a child. There is something wrong with his legs and he has to use the braces to walk and Jenny is his only friend. Every time when Forrest Gump is bullied by other boys, Jenny always tells him to run, just run. With Jenny’s encouragement, he runs away from bullies, runs to high school, runs to the football team of university and runs out of dangers in the Vietnam War. It seems that he is running all his life and never stops. Similarly, Jesus devotes all his life to preaching and has n’t a stable profession, he and his followers are running and preaching everywhere and never stop.Third, they have the similar life ending. Forrest Gump’s son has the same name with him, little Forrest Gump’s first time to take the school bus to school almost reoccurs the scene of the beginning of the novel. It is easily to make people realize the scene of Forrest Gump’s first time to take the school bus. More dramatically, the driver is exactly the same woman. These details may point out that Forrest Gump’s life is continuing in this way. Similarly, Jesus is continuing his life in the heaven. Their life endings coincide with each other.2.2 The Symbol of an Angel of JennyJenny is as pure as an angel. The most impressive plot of Jenny is the first meeting on the school bus with Forrest Gump. When other children all look down upon him as he is an “idiot” and don’t want to sit together with him, it is Jenny that helps him. Forrest Gump says:I, I…don’t recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don’t know whenI went on my first outdoor picnic. But, I do remember the first time Iheard the sweetest voice…in the world. I had never seen anything sobeautiful in my life. She was like an angel. (ibid: 268)This is the kind and naïve girl who never looks down upon Forrest Gump because he is an idiot. It is the very beginning of their friendship and the love between them. What’s more, no one can forget Jenny’s pious pray in the corn field. “Ma ke me a bird, so I can fly far, far, far from here” (ibid: 142).She is Forrest Gump’s angel. When Gump is bullied and teased by other boys intheir childhood, Jenny always shouts anxiously that run, Forrest, run! Even before Forrest is sent to Vietnam, Jenny sa ys: “listen, you promise me something, ok? Just if you’re ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, you just run, ok? Just run away” (ibid: 204). From a little girl to a lady, Jenny keeps on telling Forrest to bear this in mind and it really works. With this faith, he runs away from the bully; with this faith, he becomes a famous football player in America; with this faith, he rescues his comrade-in-arms from battlefield; with this faith, he becomes the runner who is followed by a lot of fans. It is the simple principle of life —just struggles for life without any reason. It is Jenny’s call that made Forrest Gump’s life bec omes more and more flat.Her wedding gown is an image of an angel. The more obvious expression of an angel image is in the wedding ceremony. Jenny’s wedding gown is not the common wedding dress people often see, but she dresses an ancient Greek style one. Jenny wears a wreath of flowers and a beige gown with bare feet. She is just a symbol of an angel.2.3 The Representation of Salvation of Lieutenant DanHe is doubtful about God in the war. Lieutenant Dan is an important role in the novel. He comes from a family with a military background, so he thinks it is proud to die in the battlefield. However, in a war, he and his soldiers are attacked by their enemy, and they are defeated. He is saved by Forrest Gump but he is badly wounded and his legs are amputated. He feels very pain in body and mind. He blames Gump that he should not save him, he would like to die in the battlefield rather than live relays on government relief. After that he abandons himself to vice and lives meaninglessly. He drinks wine everyday, gives up himself and refuses the salvation of God. At that time he stands against with God.He gradually tries to believe in God when shrimping. When Forrest Gump sees him again, Forrest Gump moves him with his actions. He joins Gump in shrimping, he is touched by Forrest Gump’s loyalty and changes himself, and Forrest Gump becomes his savior. In the beginning, they harvest nothing, so Lieutenant Dan suggests that maybe they should go to pray in church. From then on, Forrest Gump often goes to church to pray, sometimes Lieutenant Dan goes with Forrest Gump though he is just drinking in the back row. However, from these things people can see his attitude towards God has changed. Atthat time, he is gradually trying to believe in God.He makes peace with God after the storm. In a storm, other boats are all broken. Luckily, their boat survives from this big storm and their business booms. He helps Forrest Gump build the Bubba Gump shrimp company which is published in the famous Fortune magazine. Form then on, Dan has a new understanding since he gets the care of God. Dan begins to come out from the old day and enjoys the gift given by God. His absolutely attitude change towards God happens in the ship when he jumps into water and swims in the water freely which is just like the ceremony that the believers of religion jump into water for baptism. In Fo rrest Gump’s wedding, Dan has prosthetic legs to stand up by himself and has an Asian fiancé. From that the readers can see that he has been walked out of the scare of war and can accept a new self. At that time, he has been believed in God.Ⅲ. Reflection of Popular Culture in Forrest GumpFrom 1940th to 1980th is the most turbulent age in the American history. In that time, the turning of the political presidents, the political assassination and the White House scandal happen constantly. The popular culture movement occurs in the 1960th and 1970th. It includes the anti-war movement, anti-racial movement and hippies movement. The body of this movement is called “the beat generation”. In the novel, Jenny is a representative of this movement. She represents all the rebellious spirit of the age: drugs, wander, promiscuity and parades.Wide Spread of Anti-war SpiritMartin Luther King Jr argues: “If America’s soul became totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read Vietnam”(Datesman, 2006: 64). The Vietnam War has played an important role in American history and has left a scare on people’s hearts. The presenting effect has been made in politics, policies, and ideology. The anti-war spirit can be reflected in several aspects including rock music and movie. Rock music as the core of youth culture witnesses the growth of a generation totally different from their parents. It plays a significant role in the anti-war movement and a platform of expression. In the novel, thereis a plot that a young musician rents in Forrest Gump’s home and learn s the hip twist movement from Forrest’s disease leg. Then Forrest Gump sees him in the TV who is just Elvis Presley, the king of rock music. He opens the river of popular music and the hip twist movement is his facia action; movies as a potent tool to convey messages have been used by many conscious directors to show their remorse and reflection of Vietnam War.Professional army is an expression of the Vietnam War. In the novel, Lieutenant Dan comes from an army family. His ancestors die in the battlefields of Independent War, Civil War, World WarⅠ and World WarⅡ. He thinks it is an honor to die in the war. When he is wounded in the Vietnam War, he thinks it is shameful not to die in the war. The he gives up himself and drinks everyday; he thinks his life is meaningless and he is abandoned by God. From these we can see it is difficult to turn from war to peaceful life and turn their value concept. It reflects the nightmare war from the point of sacrifice.The anti-war rally is to end violence in Vietnam War. When Forrest Gump returns from the Vietnam War and is rewarded the honor of hero by the president. He sees a group of people holding the anti-war rally and is invited to say something about the Vietnam War. We could see people’s eager ness for peace.3.2 Prosperity of Hippies MovementThe Hippies Movement is flourished from 1960 to 1970 when the people don’t follow the teaching of their elders and reject them for an alternative culture which is their own. The Hippies movement which is boomed in San Francis, California and spreads across the United State, through Canada, and then into some areas of Europe. But it has its greatest influence in America. On the one hand, they listen to folk music, wear strange clothes or even no clothes at all, drink beer or smoke plot and make love together. One of the obvious symbols of the Hippies movement is the immoderate use of illegal drugs including LSD which is thought something that can makes you touch with your surroundings. However, sometimes when people take the bad LSD, they would do anything they like to do and never come back aga in. On the other hand, hippies’ easygoing attitudes and gaming lifestyles are put away when the topic of politics comes up. Politics plays a significant position in the incitement for their existence. Having the strongestfeeling towards Vietnam War, hippies make their belief known to the world. They do this with a lot of actions such as musical shows, rock songs and peaceful sit-ins. But none of these action arouses attention expect their protests and rallies. The hippies are aware that it is the war that makes thousands of soldiers are dying. They want their troops to come back home and to end the wars that the United States are involved. As the years of the Vietnam War, hundreds of anti-war rallies are held.In the novel, Jenny is a typical tragedy of this movement. She is a beautiful and naïve girl who has enthusiasm to realize her dream. She is full of confident and hopes to become an actress. In her way to achieve success she goes wrong, she joins the hippies. She led a recluse live as other hippies do. When Forrest Gump first meets Jenny when he comes back from the Vietnam War, what she wears is the typical hippies’ style—wears her hair long, the long coat and the strange decorations. At that time her boyfriend Wesley is the local committee president of Berkeley where is just the origin of the counter-culture. What’s more, illusion has become a necessary need for hippies’ spirit; drugs at that time have become a weapon for confrontation. For those young people who are suppressed and felt depressed by the current situation, drug brings spiritual journey for the feelings and hallucination, which is surely a great temptation to them. In Forrest Gump, at the lead of her boyfriend, Jenny takes the bad LSD which makes her produce a sense of hallucination that nearly jumps from the high building. At last, she has AIDS and dies in the arm of Forrest Gump. She spends her whole life trying to be independent but it is doomed to be a failure.3.3 Expansion of Anti-racial DiscriminationRacial discrimination is a great issue in the history of America. What alludes to the racial discrimination is a political move that emerges in the Southern states. Many of the white voters in the south are farmers and oppose to the black man for racial reasons, and also because they object to the possibility of their vote being employed against them. In order to stop the black from voting, Southern Democrats take violence actions. The white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan terrorizes black political leaders in order to protest the power base of the Republican Party. Many blacks are killed for attempting to exercisetheir rights to vote, for taking part in the political organizations and for attempting to go to school. Besides racialism is also affected by the theory of Social Darwinism, which broadly asserts that because of a natural competition among humans and the theory of “the survival of the fittest”, the white man not only should but deserve to retain political and economical power.In the novel, there are a lot of details that indicate the anti-racial spirit. First, at the beginning of the novel, the author explains the origin of Forrest Gump’s name which comes from the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. It is used to remind of authors the history of the racialism and expose the introspection of the racialism. Second, the hometown of Forrest Gump is Alabama where there isn’t any famous history but the rampant racialism. In 1955, there breaks out a fierce civil war movement that boycotts the bus discrimination in Montgomery of Alabama, and King comes to the stage. In 1963, the governor of Alabama intends to prevent two black students from entering the school and declare that he would never give up in the problem of racialism in the educational aspect. However, only after several months, the Alabama University is forced to eliminate the racialism, three black students enter school symbolically. Third, when Forrest Gump first goes to the Vietnam War, the author is intentionally mistaken the Alabama and the Arkansas to make Forrest Gump refer to the Little Rock Center High school where there happens the events of racial conflict.In the novel, anther thing that indicates anti-racialism is the friendship between Forrest Gump and Bubba. Bubba is an African American and he comes from a family who cook shrimp for the white from generation to generation, he is quite familiar with shrimp business. He wants to buy a shrimp boat after he returning home from the Vietnam War. Forrest Gump promises to work with him when they go out of the war. However, in a war, their army is attacked by their enemy. Forrest Gump tries his best to save Bubba regardless of the danger, but Bubba still dies. After Gump goes out of the Vietnam War, he goes to Bubba’s hometown to achieve Bubba’s dream. From that the readers can see although Bubba is a black person, Forrest Gump doesn’t look down upon him and becomes his best friend. When Forrest Gump gets a plenty of money from shrimping, he gives a lot of money to Bubba’s mot her who has been cooking shrimp for the Whitepeople all her life. Ironically, when his mother gets the money, she hires a white woman to cook shrimp for her. From that the readers can see the author’s attitude towards the racialism.IV. Reflection of Traditional Culture in Forrest GumpTraditional culture has a significant position for Americans. It is important for America’s life. It includes truth, kindness, loyalty and persistence. As the development of the society, people face the temptation of wealthy. They devote themselves to being success and wealthy and abandon the traditional value. In this time, Forrest Gump occurs. He represents all the traditional value. He is faithful to love, loyal to friends and persistent to everything. He becomes successful through his hard-working and his love for life. He becomes a hero which everyone can touch. It calls people to go back to the traditional culture.4.1 The Return of Individual HeroismForrest Gump is a common person who lives a common life and has the common soul. Though he has done some unusual things, it is a natural action under the common and pure thought without the utility value. All of Gump’s action comes from the common and returns to the common. However, just this common people’s fate connects with the thirty years’ subversion of that duri ng the postwar period. It shows a real common hero’s image. Why is this kind of comedy that seems nothing but an “idiot” accepted by the American people? It is because he is the embodiment of a certain kind of American ideal including his purity and simplicity to friends, his innocence to utilitarianism and his positive attitude to life.From the literary view, though Forrest Gump is a flat character, he has a philosophy of superman. Though he is a common spectator, he participates in every historical event and acts as an important role. Though he doesn’t appear as a stature of hero, he is a real hero and a new hero image that fit for the development and the need of the modern society. He has been congratulated by the presidents for several times. However, every time hedoes some ridiculous things which make others laugh. It symbolizes that people’s indifference to the power and sarcasm to the worship of the traditional power. He is honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor as his outstanding performance in the Vietnam War. However, he doesn’t know the significant meaning of this Medal but as a reward of his brave behavior of saving people, he even wears this Medal to participate in the anti-war rally in the Washington Monument which is a great irony to that turbulent time. His thought is simple and he is always repeating and trying to understand his mother’s words “life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get” (ibid: 20). Even if he wants to do something, he would insist in doing it, whatever it would be impossible for him to become a hero in the eye of common customs. Human’s most healthy and holy spirit is to defeat the weakness of human beings and surpass the value of life. Almost all works are expected to create a wonderful person to be an example of human beings. However, it is impossible just as most people are common people and most things are common things in the world. Only the common things happen in the common life can touch the deepest part of people. So Forrest Gump is a real hero, he is vivid and substantial. The readers can feel and touch him because he is around us. Everyone can become Forrest Gump if he would do as he does.From him one can see persistence, bravery, purity, kindness and loyalty are just what people in that time lack. Forrest does things in the way which seems silly at that time. However, just his persistence, sincerity, purity and love for life makes him succeed. It tells people that everyone can become a hero if he would return to the traditional value. It is a call for individual heroism.4.2 The Expression of American DreamWhat is American dream? It is a belief that everyone can succeed if he is hardworking and lucky enough no matter who he is and where he comes. It also indicts everyone has the equal chance to compete with others and the possibility to create miracles. Forrest Gump is just that person. He is unlucky when he is a child with a lower IQ and the diseased legs. Usually people think this kind of person can’t be successful in any way. However, just this unlucky person has made lots of life miracles. He is a footballstar, a war hero, an excellent ping-pong player and later a millionaire. Forrest Gump is a so common person that everyone can be him, but he is also a so uncommon person that he stands for the American dream which is the core of American spirit.The American Dream in Forrest Gump reflects in four aspects: equal opportunity, self-reliance, simplicity and optimistic attitude towards life. The first aspect of American dream in Forrest Gump is equal opportunity for everyone. Equality is one of the most important human rights for Americans. As Thomas Jefferson writes in The Declaration of Independence “we hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the ir creator inalienable rights…” (Alexis, 1945:23). In Forrest Gump the equality is reflected from the success of Gump, who is an “idiot”, born in a common family and had an ordinary life. However, he is not abandoned by God— he has all the valuable characters of the traditional culture such as honesty, loyalty, sincerity and perseverance which make him can equally compete with others. The second aspect of American dream in Forrest Gump is self-reliance. Even though he is a disabled person who has a lower IQ, he doesn’t live on others but on himself. Though he is not smart, it doesn’t prevent him from doing what he wants: he expresses his love to Jenny loudly, he builds friendship with Bubba and he runs across America. The third aspect of America dream in Forrest Gump is simplicity. Of course, simplicity doesn’t mean stupid. Forrest Gump has his own rules about life and lives simply. He loves who he wants to love, he helps who is in need and he does what he wants. All his successes are connected with his simplicity. In this simple man’s mind, there is no betrayal, so he can love others without weighing the pros and the cons. The fourth aspect of American Dream in Forrest Gump is his optimistic attitude towards life. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you neve r know what you’re going to get” (ibid: 20) is his life principle. He never worries about what the life is going to be but pay all his attentions to enjoy the present day. He lives happily with his optimistic attitude towards life, his loyalty to friends, his faithfulness to love and his thankfulness to fate.。
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但是当革命到来时,哥伦比亚大学的学子喜欢看热闹,而伯克利却是真刀真枪,旧金山成为了嬉皮士的据点,大家是不是注意到电影中的一个场景,珍妮在街头演唱,一个长发的年轻人跑过来问,要不要去旧金山?随之响起那首经典的嬉皮运动歌曲《going to sanfrancisco》,听到这首歌可以让人有流泪的冲动,那是青年时代追逐自由的乐章。