
广州版六年级上册教材目录Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? (5)➢词汇 (5)➢重点短语 (6)➢重点句型 (6)➢课文翻译 (7)➢知识点解析 (8)➢Unit1习题 (16)➢Unit1习题答案 (19)Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life (20)➢词汇 (20)➢重点短语 (21)➢重点句型 (22)➢课文翻译 (22)➢知识点解析 (23)➢Unit2习题 (27)➢Unit2习题答案 (30)Unit 3 Where are you from? (31)➢词汇 (31)➢重点短语 (32)➢句型 (32)➢课文翻译 (32)➢知识点解析 (33)➢Unit3习题 (40)➢Unit3习题答案 (44)Unit 4 I like the city very much (44)➢词汇 (44)➢重点短语 (45)➢重点句型 (46)➢知识点解析 (47)➢Unit4习题 (51)➢Unit4习题答案 (54)Unit 5 What’s the matter with you? (55)➢词汇 (55)➢重点短语 (56)➢重点句型 (57)➢课文翻译 (57)➢知识点解析 (58)➢Unit5习题 (67)➢Unit5习题答案 (70)Unit 6 The secret to good health (71)➢词汇 (71)➢重点词组 (71)➢重点句型 (72)➢课文翻译 (72)➢知识点解析 (73)➢Unit6习题 (83)➢Unit6习题答案 (86)Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? (88)➢词汇 (88)➢重点语法 (88)➢重点句型 (89)➢课文翻译 (89)➢知识点解析 (90)➢重点语法:一般过去时 (90)➢Unit7习题 (97)➢Unit7习题答案 (101)Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong (102)➢重点短语 (102)➢重点句型 (103)➢课文翻译 (103)➢知识点解析 (103)➢重点语法:一般过去时 (110)➢Unit8习题 (114)➢Unit8习题答案 (118)Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then? (119)➢词汇 (119)➢重点短语 (119)➢重点句型 (120)➢课文翻译 (120)➢知识点解析 (120)➢重点语法:一般过去时 (123)➢Unit9习题 (125)➢Unit9习题答案 (128)Unit 10 Then and now (129)➢词汇 (129)➢重点短语 (129)➢重点句型 (129)➢课文翻译 (130)➢知识点解析 (130)➢Unit10习题 (137)➢Unit10习题答案 (140)Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best (141)词汇 (141)➢重点短语 (141)➢重点句型 (142)➢知识点解析 (143)➢Unit11习题 (149)➢Unit11习题答案 (153)Unit 12 Christmas (155)➢词汇 (155)➢重点句型 (155)➢课文翻译 (155)➢知识点解析 (156)➢Unit12习题 (162)➢Unit12习题答案 (165)Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? ➢词汇➢重点短语feed the chickens and ducks 喂养鸡和鸭子feed the pigs 喂猪feed the horse 喂马grow flowers and vegetables 种花和蔬菜plant trees 种树cut grass 割草any other 任何一个on the farm 在农场里milk the cow 挤奶➢重点句型1.What are those farmers doing? They’re cutting grass to feed the animals.2.What do you grow on your farm?3.We have a few goats and pigs.4.There are fruit trees in this field.5.There is a cow on the farm.➢课文翻译Ben: What do you grow on your farm, Uncle Chen?Uncle Chen: So many things. There are fruit trees in this field. You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want. They are delicious. And in that field we grow rice. Ben: What are those farmers doing?Uncle Chen: They are cutting grass to feed other animals. We give it to the cows and sheep.Ben: Do you have any other animals on the farm?Uncle Chen: Oh yes. We have a few goats and pigs. And we also have some geese. Ben: I see them on the river. They look lovely.Ben:陈叔叔,你在农场种什么?Uncle Chen:种很多的东西。

Module 4 Fruits
1. a/an 冠词的用法
May I have some 2. some 接可数名词复数和不可 I want ....
Unit 7
数名词,用在肯定句中,any 也表 Do we have bananas? 中相应人称和数的变化
Unit 8
Module 5 Toys
1. 学习新单词,如 old, young, Who is...?
cute, pretty, strong, thin, tall, Is she/he....?
Unit 8 Who’s that lady?
short 等
Yes, she/ he is.
2. 复习上一单元的内容
Unit 6
Which Season Do You Like?
3. 认识各个季节的表达 4. 学会表达在各个季节中相应的活动
Revision (II)
章节 单元 课题
三(上) 重难点
Module 1 Greetings
Unit 1 Unit 2
Hello! How are you?
1. 认识家庭成员的表达 2. 认识形容人的一些单词 3. 学会提问这是谁的表达 1. 认识家里房间的名称 2. 学会一些在家的相关动词和形容词
Unit 3
This Is My Room
1. 学习方位介词 2. 学会提问什么东西在哪里并回答
Revision (I)

广州小学英语(利兹版)四年级下册 单词表U1['hɔlədi]假日holiday老实告诉你。
To tell you the truth. ['fəutəu]照片photo['si:krit] 秘密secret[jiə]年year['beibi]婴儿baby……岁 ...year's old[tʃaild]小孩child [luk] 看起来look['pə:sn]人person['jʌŋgə] 较年轻younger[siŋ] 唱歌sing[tel]告诉,讲tell['ti:neidʒə]十几岁的少年teenager [tru:θ] 真相,事实truthU2['bə:θdei]生日birthday[sʌm] 几个;一些;有些;some[səu] 因此;如此so['sʌmθiŋ]一些东西,某些东西something[ik'saitid]激动的excited['riəli]真正地really['hæpi]高兴的happy['grænpɑ:]祖父;外祖父=grandfathergrandpa生日快乐!Happy birthday![dʒəuk] 笑话,开玩笑joke[kʌm'pju:tə]计算机,电脑computer开玩笑而已。
Only joking![geim] 游戏game[giv]给,授予give[kəm'pju:tə gem]计算机游戏computer game[kɑ:d] 卡,卡片,名片;纸片;纸牌,纸牌游戏card非常感谢你。
Thank you so much.[sɔŋ] 歌,歌曲song非常感谢你。
Thank you very much.[bləu] 吹blow['veri] 很,非常;very吹灭(灯火等)blow out [θæŋk] 感谢,谢谢thank['kændl] 蜡烛candle [ju:]你;你们you[kʌt] 切,砍cut[mʌtʃ] 多的,大量的much[i:t] 吃eat[fə'get]忘记(过去式forgot) (反义词:remember)forget['pɑ:ti] 聚会,宴会party[hə:,hə]她的(宾格)herU4['lisən] 倾听(与介词to并用)listen['stɔ:ri]故事,小说story['lisn tu] 听……(讲话)listen to…[buk] 书book['reidiəu] 无线电收音机;无线电radio故事书story-book [gi'tɑ:]吉他guitar['redi] 准备,准备好ready [stil] 还,仍然;still[jet]仍然yet[wə:k]工作work[ə'gein]再一次,再again [peint] 涂(色),画paint[fiʃ]钓鱼(复数为fish(es))fish[ri:d] 读readU5[kid]孩子kid['mju:zikəl] 音乐的musical[fʌn]乐趣,有趣的fun['instrumənt]仪器,器械;乐器instrument玩得开心have fun乐器musical instrument [aut] 出去,往外去的out['mɔdl]模型,模特儿model[ðɛə]在那儿;往那儿there[dɑ:ns] 舞蹈;跳舞dance外面的那个地方out there[leik]湖lake[els] 其它,另外,别的;[与or连用]否则else ['br ɔk əli] 西兰花broccoli [fre ʃ]新鲜的fresh ['ɔnj ən]洋葱onion [k ɔst]花费cost ['k ʌst əm ə]顾客customer[sent] 分(作单位的)cent U17['ved ʒit əbl] 蔬菜vegetable [greip]葡萄grape [fru:t] 水果(通常不可数,表“种类”时则可数)fruit [b ə'n ɑ:nə]香蕉banana [nekst] 下一个,紧接的,其次的;next [t ʃi:p] 便宜的;劣质的cheap ['pi:ts ə] (意大利)烤馅饼,烘馅饼pizza更便宜cheaper课后after class 多经常...?How often…?/'ɔːlwe ɪz/ 总是; 一直;永远always /'l ʌnd ən/ 伦敦London /b ɪ`f ɔ:(r)/ 以前; 在……以前;在……前面; 在……之前 before /mju`z ɪ:əm/ 博物馆,博物院museum 少年宫children's Palace /net/ 网net 阅读do some reading/'nev ə/ 决不, 从来没有never /dr ɪŋk/ 饮料,喝酒,喝,(饮过去式drank)drink /‘əʊp ən/ 开着的,打开 开口的,未围上的,开阔的,开放的,开,开办open /w ɔ:k/ 走,步行,散步,竞走walk /ˈpæl ɪs/ 宫,宫殿,公馆palace 去散步go for a walk /kwa ɪt/ 完全,十分,相当地,或多或少地quite /w ə:k/去上班go to work /s ɜːf/ 在……冲浪,在激浪上驾(船), 浏览,冲浪运动surf /st ɑ:t/ 开始,着手,出发start 上网surf the Net 锻炼身体take exercise /t ɒɪ/ 玩具,玩物toy /t ə'm ɒr əʊ/ 明天tomorrow/.wi ːk'end/ 周末weekend/la ɪf/n. 生命;生涯;生活;人生;生物;电梯life /ˈdʒænjʊərɪ/ 1月 January /sprɪŋ/ 春天,春季;泉水,泉spring /ˈfebrʊərɪ/ 2月 February /ˈsʌmə/ 夏天,夏季summer/m ɑ:tʃ/ 3月 March /ˈɔ:təm/ 秋天,秋季 autumn /ˈeɪprəl/ 4月April /ˈwɪntə/ 冬天,冬季 winter /meɪ/ 5月;梅(女名)May 教师节Teachers' Day /dʒu:n/ 6月;琼(女名)June/tʃɪldrənz deɪ/ 儿童节Children's Day广州小学英语(利兹版)五年级上册 单词表U1 24U2 33/dʒuːˈlaɪ /7月July中国的新年;春节Chinese New Year /'ɔ:ɡəst/8月August新年;元旦New Year/səpˈtembə/9月September/tɜ:m/学期;术语;条款;项term/ɒkˈtəʊbə/10月October/bɪˈɡɪn/开始,着手begin/nəʊˈvembə/11月November/end/末尾;终点;结束;终止end/dɪˈsembə/12月December/deɪt/日期;约会;枣date/fɜːst/第一;第一;首次;最初;开始;开端first度假on holiday/ˈsekənd/秒;第二(个);(月的)第二日;第二;第二的second/naɪnθ/第九;九分之一;第九(个);(月的)第九日;ninth/θɜ:d/第三;第三(个);(月的)第三日;第三的third/twelfθ/ 第十二;第十二(个);(月的)第十二日;第十二的twelfth/fɪfθ/第五 (个);(月的)第五日,第五的,第五fifth/ˈtwentɪɪθ/第二十;第二十(个);(月的)第二十日;第二十的twentieth/eɪtθ/第八eighth /flaɪ/飞行;苍蝇;(鸟、飞机)飞;(人乘飞机)飞行;(旗子等)飘动;空运(乘客,货物等);放(风筝、飞机模型等)fly/klaɪm/爬,攀登 (过去式 climbed)climb/frɒɡ/青蛙frog/fɑ:/远的;远地,很,极,太far/ˌkæŋgəˈru:/袋鼠,大袋鼠kangaroo/gɪft/赠品;礼物;天赋;才能gift/ˈmʌŋkɪ/猴子monkey/hɪl/小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡hill/ˈtɜː(r)tl/龟;海龟turtle /əʊn/自己的;拥有,所有own/raɪt/写,书写;写作,著述;(过去式wrote)write/ˈevrɪwʌn/ pron. 每人,人人everyone/kaʊnt/数,点数,有价值;重要count/skeɪt/溜冰,滑冰,溜冰鞋,鳐skate/els/别的,其他的else/spi:k/说,讲;谈话;发言speakU4 11 U5 9/raɪd/骑(马、自行车);乘车;乘车旅行,供乘骑的游乐设施;(过去式rode)ride/ˌʌndəˈstænd/懂得;明白;理解understand/ˈrəʊbɒt/机器人robot /ˈwiːkdeɪ/平日;工作日(除星期六、日以外的任何一天)weekday/ˈrʌʃən/俄国人的,俄语的,俄国人,俄语Russian/plɑ:nt/ 种植,播种,安放,植物;工厂;车间plant /ju:z/利用,使用,应用use/ɡrəʊ/生长;发育;种植;变成;渐渐变成grow/ˈkæmərə/ 照相机;摄像机camera/'bænjən/榕树banyan当然of course /ˈflaʊə/花flower/ˈtaɪəd/疲劳的,累的;厌倦的tired/ɡrɑ:s/草;草场;牧草grass/ˈfəʊtəʊ/照片photo /ˈlɪlɪ/百合花lily照相;拍照take photos/paɪn/松树pine tree /rest/休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物);休息,歇息;(被)支撑;托;倚放,放置rest/rəʊz/玫瑰花,上升,上涨,rise的过去式rose休息一会儿take a rest /ˈsʌnˌflaʊə/向日葵sunflower/tu:l/工具,器具tool /'tjuːlɪp/郁金香tulip/ˈwɔ:tə/水,浇水;灌溉water准备;打算;计划be going to/ˈsɪtɪ/市,城市,都市city/bentʃ/长凳;工作台bench市花city flower/kɔ:l/喊,叫;电话,通话;称呼;呼唤;喊,叫;打电话给...;把...叫做call/'keɪpɒk/木棉kapok/li:v/离开;把……留下,剩下; 离去;出发;允许leave/'blu:bel/风铃草bluebell/ˈlesn/课;功课;教训lesson/ˈvaɪələt/紫罗兰;紫罗兰色(的)violet/ˈmʌsənt/不必;不应该;mustn't = must not mustn't/pɑ:k, pɑ:rk/公园;家园;邸园;停车场;停放(汽车)parkU8 19 U7 20/ni:d/ 需要,需求,必须need /laɪn/ 绳索,线,排,行,线路;画线于,(使)成行line /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ 笔记簿;需要notebook 排队line up /pɪk/ 拾起,采集;挑选pick /sli:p/ 睡觉sleepyou'll = you will 你(们)将,你(们)会you'll/ˈkwɔ:tə/ 四分之一,一刻钟quarter /baɪ/ 靠近,在……旁;在……时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)by 差一刻十点;九点四十五分 a quarter to ten 到达get to 七点半half past seven走路,步行on foot /h ɑːf/ 半;一半;半个;一半的half /ˈhɒŋˈkɒŋ/ 香港Hong Kong /fænˈtæstɪk/ (口语)极好的,美妙的,很棒的,非常大fantastic[li:v] 出发前往;离开去leave for/p ɑːst/ 过去的;过去,昔日,往事,过……,经过;走过某处past /lɪv/;/laɪv/ 生活;居住;活着;活的,活着的;实况,现场(直播)的live /steɪ/ 停留,逗留,呆stay /ˈʌndəɡraʊnd/ 地下的;地铁underground /'sju ːpə/ 极好的;超级的;特别;格外 super /jɔ:z/ 你的;你们的(名词性物主代词)yours /treɪn/ 火车;培训,训练train /ˈtrævl/ 旅行 travel /naɪt/ 夜;夜间 night /trɪp/ 旅行,旅程,绊倒;失误trip夜间动物园Night Zoo一天游a day trip/ˈtaɪɡə/ 老虎 tiger /wə:ld/世界之窗Window of the world/zu:/ 动物园 zoo /ˈsentə/ (美)中心,中央center /rəʊd/ 路,道路road 购物中心shopping center/beə/ 熊,承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍;bear /fəˈɡet/ 忘记;忘掉 forget /dɪə/ 鹿 deer /ˈlɪtə/ 乱丢杂物,杂乱地布满,垃圾;废物litter /ˈelɪfənt/ 象 elephant /ˈfəʊtəɡr ɑ:f/ 照片 photograph/dʒɪˈr ɑ:f/ 长颈鹿giraffe/seɪ/ 说,讲,(过去式said)sayU10 18U11 10U13 16/ˈlaɪən/ 狮子 /ˈpændə/ 熊猫 /ˈpəʊlə(r) beə/ 北极lion panda polar bear snake Europe India North America South America the Antarctic Asia Oceania/sez/ (say的第三人称单数形式)说,讲明天见。

Module 1 GreetingsUnit 1 Hello!Unit 2 How are you? Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What’s your name?Unit 4 This is my dad Module 3 BodyUnit 5 Wash your faceUnit 6 Touch your head Module 4 FamilyUnit 7 A picture of my familyUnit 8 Who’s that lady? Module 5 ToysUnit 9 Is it a catUnit 10 I have a ship Module 6 School thingsUnit 11 Do you have a pencilUnit 12 Put it on the deskModule 1 ColoursUnit 1 I like redUnit 2Let’s colour itModule 2 PositionsUnit 3 Where’s my car?Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag?Module 3 Personal informationUnit 5 Happy birthday!Unit 6 May I have your telephone number? Module 4 FruitsUnit 7 May I have some grapes?Unit 8 Apples are good for usModule 5 RelativesUnit 9 Who is that cute baby?Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? Module 6 School thingsUnit 11 Do you have a pencilUnit 12 Put it on the deskModule 1 My bedroomUnit 1 What’s in your room?Unit 2 There are near the windowModule 2 My houseUnit 3 Welcome to my houseUnit 4 I live in a big houseModule 3 My schoolUnit 5 Let’s me show you our new schoolUnit 6 How many classrooms are there in your school? Module 4 My classUnit 7 How many stars does each group have?Unit 8 I like English bestModule 5 ClothesUnit 9 Look at this T-shirtUnit 10 Can I help you?Module 6 OccupationsUnit 11 I want to be a painterUnit 12 What’s your father’s job?四年级下册Module 1 PeopleUnit 1 He looks like a cookUnit 2 She is very kindModule 2 Daily routineUnit 3 It's time to get upUnit 4 When do you have class?Module 3 Days of the weekUnit 5 What day is it today?Unit 6 What do you usually do on Sunday? Module 4 ActivitiesUnit 7 What do you do when you have free time?Unit 8What are you doing?Module 5 SportsUnit 9 It looks funUnit 10 I am very fastModule 6 CelebrationsUnit 11 I was born in JanuaryUnit 12 Christmas is comingModule 1 HobbiesUnit 1 What's your hobby?Unit 2 His hobby is drawing Module 2 AbilitiesUnit 3 I can swim very fastUnit 4 Can you do my homework? Module 3 Daily lifeUnit 5 Where is Ben?Unit 6 At the weekendModule 4 Foods ang drinksUnit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?Unit 8Let’s have bothModule 5 Foods we needsUnit 9 It smells deliciousUnit 10 Different tastesModule 6 WeatherUnit 11 What’s the weather like today?Unit 12 Four seasons in one dayModule 1 SeasonsUnit 1 What's your favourite season?Unit 2 It's the middle of winter Module 2 PlansUnit 3 We are going to have an English testUnit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Module 3InvitationsUnit 5 Would you like to with us?Unit 6 See you at the partyModule 4 TravelUnit 7 We will go by trainUnit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing Module 5 SafetyUnit 9Be carefulUnit 10 How to stay safeModule 6 DirectionsUnit 11 Can you tell me the way?Unit 12 I know a short cutModule 1 Country lifeUnit 1 What are those farmers doing?Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life Module 2 City lifeUnit 3 Where are you from?Unit 4 I like the city very much Module 3 HealthUnit 5 What's the matter with you?Unit 6 The secret to good health Module 4 Past experienceUnit 7 What did you do yesterdayUnit 8 A trip to Hong Kong Module 5 ChangesUnit 9 Was I a good girl back then?Unit 10 Then and nowModule 6 FestivalsUnit 11 I like the Spring Festival bestUnit 12 ChristmasModule 1 StorisesUnit 1 Slow and steady wins the raceUnit 2 Waiting for another hare Module 2 AnimalsUnit 3 What animal is it?Unit 4 We can save the animals Module 3 Famous peopleUnit 5 Dr Sun YatsenUnit 6 Steven JobsModule 4 Good mannersUnit 7 It's the polite thing to doUnit 8 The magic wordsModule 5 Travel abroadUnit 9 where will you go?Unit 10 I can't wait to see you。

年级单元英文音标中文三年级上M1hello[heˈləʊ]喂,你好三年级上M1Mr[ˈmɪstə]先生三年级上M1hi[haɪ]嗨,喂,你好三年级上M1I[aɪ]我三年级上M1am[æm]是(第一人称)三年级上M1I’m=[aɪm]我是三年级上M1this[ðɪs]这,这个三年级上M1is[ɪz]是(第三人称单数)三年级上M1my[maɪ]我的三年级上M1brother[ˈbrʌðə]兄,弟三年级上M1name[neɪm]名字三年级上M1name’s=名叫……三年级上M1good[ɡʊd]好的三年级上M1morning[ˈmɔ:nɪŋ]早上,上午三年级上M1children[ˈtʃɪldrən]孩子们(复数)三年级上M1and[ænd]和,同,又,并且三年级上M1miss[mɪs]小姐,老师三年级上M1class[klɑ:s]班,全班同学三年级上M1your[jɔ:]你的,你们的三年级上M1what[wɒt]什么三年级上M1what’s=[wɒts]是什么三年级上M1new[nju:]新的三年级上M1teacher[ˈti:tʃə(r)]老师三年级上M1nice[naɪs] a. 令人愉快的;好的,漂亮的三年级上M1meet[mi:t]遇见,会面三年级上M1you[ju:]你,你们三年级上M1too[tu: ]也三年级上M1Nice to meet you.[naɪs tuː miːt juː]见到你很高兴。
三年级上M1how[haʊ]怎么,怎样三年级上M1are[ɑː]是(第二人称和复数)三年级上M1you[ju:]你,你们三年级上M1How are you?[haʊ ɑː juː]你好吗?三年级上M1fine[faɪn]好,身体好三年级上M1thank[θæŋk]谢谢三年级上M1And you?你呢?三年级上M1OK[əʊˈkeɪ]好,行三年级上M1afternoon[ˈɑ:ftəˈnu:n]下午,午后三年级上M1thanks[θæŋks]多谢三年级上M1Mrs[ˈmɪsɪz]夫人,太太三年级上M1evening[ˈiːvnɪŋ]傍晚三年级上M2wash[wɒʃ]洗三年级上M2your[jɔ:]你的,你们的三年级上M2hand[hænd]手三年级上M2Mr[ˈmɪstə]先生三年级上M2brush[brʌʃ]刷,梳三年级上M2hair[heə]头发三年级上M2all[ɔ:l]所有的,全部三年级上M2right[raɪt]对三年级上M2All right.行,好,对三年级上M2dad[dæd]爸爸三年级上M2face[feɪs]脸三年级上M2and[ænd]和,并且三年级上M2clean[kli:n]清洁三年级上M2ear[ɪə]耳朵三年级上M2Mrs[ˈmɪsɪz]太太,夫人三年级上M2mum[mʌm]妈妈三年级上M2tooth[tu:θ]牙齿三年级上M2teeth[ti:θ]牙齿(复数)三年级上M2but[bʌt]但是,可是三年级上M2eye[aɪ]眼睛三年级上M2head[hed]头三年级上M2nose[nəʊz]鼻子三年级上M2mouth[maʊθ]嘴巴,口三年级上M2draw[drɔ:]画画三年级上M2touch[tʌtʃ]摸,触摸三年级上M2toe[təʊ]脚趾三年级上M2raise[reɪz]举起三年级上M2arm[ɑ:m]手臂三年级上M2right[raɪt]右,右面的三年级上M2leg[leɡ]腿三年级上M2left[left]左,左面的三年级上M2ouch[aʊtʃ]哎呀三年级上M2this[ðɪs]这三年级上M2is[ɪz]是(第三人称单数)三年级上M2that[ðæt]那三年级上M2my[maɪ]我的三年级上M2body[ˈbɒdɪ]身体,躯干三年级上M2foot[fʊt]脚三年级上M2feet[fi:t]脚(复数)三年级上M3where[weə]什么地方,哪里三年级上M3where’s=是在哪里三年级上M3pencil[ˈpensəl]铅笔三年级上M3it[ɪt]它三年级上M3on[ɒn]在……的上面三年级上M3desk[desk]书桌三年级上M3no[nəʊ]不,不是,不对三年级上M3bed[bed]床三年级上M3not[nɒt]不三年级上M3isn’t=['ɪznt]不是三年级上M3in[ɪn]在……里面三年级上M3pencil-case[keɪs]铅笔盒三年级上M3table[ˈteɪbəl]桌子三年级上M3here[hɪə]在这里三年级上M3Here it is!就在这里!三年级上M3pen[pen]钢笔三年级上M3chair[tʃeə]椅子三年级上M3box[bɒks]盒子,箱子三年级上M3rubber[ˈrʌbə]橡皮三年级上M3pencil sharpener['ʃɑːpnə(r)]卷笔刀,笔刨三年级上M3ruler[ˈru:lə]尺子三年级上M3bag[bæɡ]袋子,书包三年级上M3the[ðə]这,那,这些,那些三年级上M3pack[pæk]包扎三年级上M3open[ˈəʊpən]打开三年级上M3book[bʊk]书三年级上M3oh[əʊ]哦,啊三年级上M3please[pli:z]请三年级上M3lend[lend]借给三年级上M3me[miː]我(宾格)三年级上M3Here you are.给你。

一、人教版(001-011) (一)(一年级起点)(二)(三年级起点)二、外研版(011-050) (一)(三年级起点)(二)(一年级起点)(三)(剑桥小学)三、译林版(三年级起点)(050-054)四、北师大版(054-066) (一)(一年级起点)(二)(三年级起点)五、仁爱版(三年级起点)(066-071)六、苏教版(一年级起点) (071-078)七、广州版(三年级起点)(078-085)八、闽教版(三年级起点) (085-091)九、沪教版(三年级起点)(091-099)十、冀教版(三年级起点)(099-110)一、人教版(一)(一年级起点)一年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录StarterUnit 1 SchoolUnit 2 FaceUnit 3 AnimalsRevision 1Unit 4 NumbersUnit 5 Col oursUnit 6 FruitRevision 2附录一歌谣和歌曲附录二单元词汇表附录三总词汇表附录四常用语表一年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录Unit 1 ClassroomUnit 2 RoomUnit 3 ToysRevision 1Unit 4 FoodUnit 5 DrinkUnit 6 Cl othesRevision 2附录一歌谣和歌曲附录二单元词汇表附录三总词汇表附录四常用语表二年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录Unit 1 My FamilyUnit 2 Boys and GirlsUnit 3 My FriendsRevision 1Unit 4 In the CommunityUnit 5 In the ParkUnit 6 Happy HolidaysRevision 2附录一歌谣和歌曲附录二单元词汇表附录三总词汇表二年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 PlaytimeUnit 2 WeatherUnit 3 SeasonsRevision 1Unit 4 TimeUnit 5 My DayUnit 6 My WeekRevision 2歌谣和歌曲词汇表三年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 MyselfUnit 2 My bodyUnit 3 FoodRevision 1Unit 4 PetsUnit 5 Cl othesUnit 6 BirthdaysRevision 2歌曲词汇表三年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 School subjectsUnit 2 My schoolUnit 3 After school activities Revision 1Unit 4 My familyUnit 5 Family activitiesUnit 6 My homeRevision 2歌曲词汇表四年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 Sports and GamesUnit 2 On the WeekendUnit 3 TransportationRevision 1Unit 4 Asking for HelpUnit 5 SafetyUnit 6 JobsRevision 2歌曲词汇表四年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 My neighbourhoodUnit 2 CitiesUnit 3 Travel plansRevision 1Unit 4 HobbiesUnit 5 Free timeUnit 6 CountriesRevision 2歌曲词汇表五年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 ClassmatesUnit 2 TeachersUnit 3 AnimalsRevision 1Unit 4 Shopping DayUnit 5 TV ShowsUnit 6 ChoresRevision 2歌曲词汇表五年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 Keeping healthyUnit 2 Special daysUnit 3 Making contactRevision 1Unit 4 Last weekendUnit 5 Having a great tripUnit 6 Growing upRevision 2歌曲词汇表六年级英语上册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 In ChinaUnit 2 Around the worldUnit 3 Animal worl dRevision 1Unit 4 FeelingsUnit 5 Famous Peopl eUnit 6 Winter VacationRevision 2歌曲词汇表六年级英语下册(新起点)电子课本目录封面/前言/目录Unit 1 Visiting CanadaUnit 2 All around meUnit 3 Daily lifeUnit 4 Free timeUnit 5 Nature and CultureUnit 6 Summer Vacation词汇表(二)(三年级起点)三年级英语上册(PEP)电子课本目录Uint 1Hello!Unit 2Col ours!Unit 3Look at me!Recycl e 1Unit 4We love animalsUnit 5Let's eat !Unit 6Happy birthday!Recucl e 2Words in esch unitVocabularyUseful expressions三年级英语下册(PEP)电子课本目录CONTENTSUnit 1Welcome back to school! Unit 2My familyUnit 3 At the zooRecycl e 1Unit 4 Where is my car?Unit 5Do you like pears?Unit 6How many?Recycl e 2Words in each unitVocabularyUseful expressions四年级英语上册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1 My classroomUnit 2My schoolbagUnit 3My friendsRecycl e 1Unit 4My homeUnit 5Dinner's readyUnit 6 Meet my family!Recycl e 2Words in each unitVocabularyUseful expressions四年级英语下册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1My SchoolUnit 2What time is it?Unit 3WeatherRecycl e 1Unit 4At the farmUnit 5My cl othesUnit 6ShoppingRecycl e 2Words in each unitVocabularyUseful expressions五年级英语上册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1What's he like?Unit 2My weekUnit 3What would you like? Recycl e 1Unit 4What can you d o?Unit 5There is a big bedUnit 6In a nature parkRecycl e 2Songs in each unitWords in each unitVocabularyUseful expressionsProverbs五年级英语下册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1 My day?Unit 2 My favourite seasonUnit 3 My school calendarRecycl e 1Unit 4 When is EasterUnit 5 Whose d og is it?Unit 6 Work quietly!Recycl e 2Appendix 1:Songs in each unit Appendix 2:Words in each unit Appendix 3:VocabularyAppendix 4:Useful expressions Appendix 5:Proverbs六年级英语上册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1How can I get there?Unit 2Ways to go to schoolUnit 3My weekend plan Recycl e 1Unit 4I have a pen palUnit 5What d oes he d o?Unit 6How d o you feel?Recycl e 2Songs in each unitWords in each unitVocabularyUseful expressionsProverbs六年级英语下册(PEP)电子课本目录Unit 1 My day?Unit 2 My favourite seasonUnit 3 My school calendarRecycl e 1Unit 4 When is EasterUnit 5 Whose d og is it?Unit 6 Work quietly!Recycl e 2Appendix 1:Songs in each unitAppendix 2:Words in each unitAppendix 3:VocabularyAppendix 4:Useful expressionsAppendix 5:Proverbs二、外研版(一)(三年级起点)外研版三年级英语上册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 I'm Sam. (1)Unit 2 How are you? (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 I'm Ms Smart. (7)Unit 2 What's your name? (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Point to door. (13)Unit 2 Point to desk. (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 It's red! (19)Unit 2 It's a black dog. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 How many? (25)Unit 2 Nine girls? (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 Happy birthday! (31)Unit 2 How old are you? (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 What's this? (37)Unit 2 What's that? (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 Is it a monster? (43)Unit 2 Where's the cat? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 This is my mother. (49)Unit 2 He's a doctor. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 This is his head. (55)Unit 2 Point to her nose (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each molule (65)单词表 (67)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版三年级英语下册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 It's the ABC song. (1)Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 They're monkeys. (7)Unit 2 That man is short. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 I like football. (13)Unit 2 I don't like riding my bike. (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Do you like meat? (19)Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges? (22)Module 5 (25)Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays. (25)Unit2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? (31)Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school? (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 We fly kites in spring. (37)Unit 2 It's warm today. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 It's on your desk. (43)Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 I've got a new book. (49)Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Here's a red hat. (55)Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater. (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each molule (65)Word lis单词表 (67)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版四年级英语上册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 Go straight on. (1)Unit 2 It's at the station. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 She's reading a book. (7)Unit 2 What are you doing? (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 What are they doing? (13)Unit 2 What's the elephant doing? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Do you want some rice? (19)Unit 2 How much is it? (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 Can you run fast? (25)Unit 2 Can Sam play football? (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? (31)Unit 2 Happy Halloween! (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 There is a house in this photo. (37)Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 We're going to visit Hainan. (43)Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day? (49)Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 We have a big family dinner. (55)Unit 2 Merry Christmas! (58)Review Module (61)word list 单词表 (65)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (70)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版四年级英语下册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Module 1 Unit 1 She's a nice teacher. (1)Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool. (4)Module 2 (7)Module 2 Unit 1 London is a big city. (7)Module 2 Unit 2 It's very old. (10)Module 3 (13)Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything. (13)Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming. (16)Module 4 (19)Module 4 Unit 1 Will you take your kite? (19)Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? (22)Module 5 (25)Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then. (25)Module 5 Unit 2 They were young. (28)Module 6 (31)Module 6 Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday? (31)Module 6 Unit 2 Was it a big city then? (34)Module 7 (37)Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum. (37)Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish. (40)Module 8 (43)Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully. (43)Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures. (46)Module 9 (49)Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? (49)Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? (52)Module 10 (55)Module 10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike? (55)Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate. (58)Review Module 1-2 (61)单词表word list (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版五年级英语上册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? (1)Unit 2 We bought ice creams. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 What did you buy? (7)Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy? (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Where did you go? (13)Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. (19)Unit 2 What's the matter with Daming? (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons. (25)Unit 2 There are forty. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 You can play football well. (31)Unit 2 He ran very fast. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 He can't see. (37)Unit 2 This little girl can't walk. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 What time does your school start? (43)Unit 2 Yesterday I went to school. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Are you feeling bored? (49)Unit 2 I feel happy. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 He wasin the kichen. (55)Unit 2 Don't shout, please! (58)Review Module(1-2) (61)Word List单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (75)外研版五年级英语下册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 We lived in a small house. (1)Unit 2 She didn't have a television. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 She learnt English. (7)Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. (13)Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers. (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Let's make a home library. (19)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 It's big and light. (25)Unit 2 It's too big for you. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 I went there last year. (31)Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake. (34)Module 7 (40)Unit 1 My father goes to ... (40)Unit 2 I'll be home at seven o'clock. (43)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 Will you help me? (43)Unit 2 I made a kite. (46)Unit 1 We laughed a lot. (49)Module 9 (52)Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Where are you going? (55)Unit 2 I'm in New York now. (58)Review Module 1-2 (61)Word List 单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (75)外研版六年级英语上册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand ... (1)Unit 2 It's in the west. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 There's Chinese dancing. (7)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby. (13)Unit 2 What's your hobby? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. (19)Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring ... (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? (25)Unit 2 I can speak French. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 You've got a letter from New York. (31)Unit 2 I can speak French. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 I don't believe it! (37)Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls? (43)Unit 2 I often go swimming. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? (49)Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Don't talk in the library. (55)Unit 2 Go straight on. (58)Review Module 1-2 (61)Word List单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版六年级英语下册(三年级起点)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please. (1)Unit 2 What do you want to eat? (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 When are we going to eat? (7)Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 The sun is shining. (13)Unit 2 The cows are drinking water. (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 The balloons are flying away! (19)Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 He is playing the suona,but the phone rings. (25)Unit 2 He's riding his bike,but it starts to rain. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday. (31)Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space. (37)Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? (43)Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Best wishes to you! (49)Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day. (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 We're going to different schools. (55)Unit 2 What are you going to study? (58)Review Module1-2 (61)Word List单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (73)(二)(一年级起点)外研版一年级英语上册课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 Hello! (1)Unit 2 How are you? (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 What's your name? (7)Unit 2 I'm a boy. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Sit down! (13)Unit 2 Point to the window! (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 It's red! (19)Unit 2 It's a red dog. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 This is our teacher. (25)Unit 2 That is a yellow cat. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 2 It's my ruler. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 Is it a dog? (37)Unit 2 It's a yellow cat. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 How many? (43)Unit 2 How many pink balls? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 How old are you? (49)Unit 2 Happy birthday! (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 That is my father. (55)Unit 2 That is his car. (58)Review Module (61)单词表Word List (65)Reading for pleasure (71)It's under the desk (71)外研版一年级英语下册课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 He's a doctor. (1)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 Where's the bird? (7)Unit 2 The toy car is under the bed. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Where's the orange cat? (13)Unit 2 How many green birds? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 This is my head. (19)Unit 2 These are your eyes. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 They're cows. (25)Unit 2 It's thin. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 These snakes are short. (31)Unit 2 They're little and cute. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree. (37)Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck. (43)Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 I like football. (49)Unit 2 What's your favourite sport? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Let's play football! (55)Unit 2 Let's sing! (58)Review Module(1-2) (61)Word List 单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版二年级英语上册课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 I like the ABC song. (1)Unit 2 I like football. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 I don't like meat. (7)Unit 2 I don't like ginger. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Do you like bananas? (13)Unit 2 Do they like apples? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Sam likes T-shirts. (19)Unit 2 He doesn't like these trousers. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 At 7, I get up. (25)Unit 2 I go home at 5. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? (31)Unit 2 Where do you live? (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 How do you go to school? (37)Unit 2 I go by train. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 She goes swimming. (43)Unit 2 Does he play the piano? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 It's winter. (49)Unit 2 What does he do in summer? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Happy New Year! (55)Unit 2 We have Christmas. (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each Module (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版二年级英语下册课本目录如下:Module 1 (1)Unit 1 What's the weather like? (1)Unit 2 I like swimming. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 She's listening to the radio. (7)Unit 2 I'm drawing a picture. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Sam isn't tidying his room. (13)Unit 2 Are you doing your homework? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 What are you doing? (19)Unit 2 What's he doing? (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 Linglingi is skipping. (25)Unit 2 What are the kids playing? (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 I usually play basketball. (31)Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 It's Children's Day today. (37)Unit 2 We're having a picnic. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 The train is going up a hill. (43)Unit 2 The horse is turning around. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Turn left. (49)Unit 2 Where do you live? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 It's next to the park. (55)Unit 2 He's helping a child. (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each Module (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版三年级英语上册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK? (5)Unit 2 I'm eating hamburgers and chips. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 We're making a cake. (11)Unit 2 I'm watching TV. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 These ducks are very naughty! (17)Unit 2 The ducks are playing in the rain. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 I can jump far. (23)Unit 2 What can you see? (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream? (29)Unit 2 Can I come in? (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I've got new shorts and new shoes. (35)Unit 2 He's got a new shirt. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Have you got a headache? (41)Unit 2 She's got a cold. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 This is Sam's book. (47)Unit 2 Is this your grandma's umbrella? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 I'm going to do the long jump. (53)Unit 2 I'm going to be a driver. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Are you going to Hong Kong? (59)Unit 2 What are you going to see? (62)Review Module Unit 1/2 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表Word List (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (75)Proper Nouns (76)Reading for Pleasure The Little Red Hen (77)Project Abilities (85)外研版三年级英语下册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 She's very nice. (5)Unit 2 I'm going to help her. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 It's very long. (11)Unit 2 You'll see Tower Bridge. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 We'll go to the zoo. (17)Unit 2 Will we have breakfast at 7? (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 We'll pick fruit. (23)Unit 2 Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen... (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow? (29)Unit 2 On Monday,I'll go swimming. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 Here are his hands. (35)Unit 2 There is a small monster. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Are there many children in your class? (41)Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box? (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 He works hard. (47)Unit 2 She's quite good at English. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 They were very young. (53)Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Were you on the second floor? (59)Unit 2 It was there. (62)Review Module Unit1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (75)Proper Nouns (76)Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk (77)Project People (84)外研版四年级英语上册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday. (5)Unit 2 I've got a new friend. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 I helped my mum. (11)Unit 2 Amy painted a picture. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 She didn't walk to school yesterday. (17)Unit 2 I didn't play football. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper. (23)Unit 2 He invented this bicycle. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. (29)Unit 2 I wore warm clothes. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 It didn't become gold. (35)Unit 2 He didn't come back. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Did you take Amy's doll? (41)Unit 2 Did you see it? (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 When did they come? (47)Unit 2 Where did you go yesterday? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 What happened to your head? (53)Unit 2 I bumped my head. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Go to bed early. (59)Unit 2 Eat vegetables every day. (62)Review Module Unit 1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (73)Words in Songs and Chants (77)Reading for Pleasure Hats and Monkeys (78)Project Last Weekend (83)外研版四年级英语下册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 Do't touch the machines,please! (5)Unit 2 Don't feed the fish! (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 It's cheap. (11)Unit 2 It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 He shouted,"Wolf,wolf!" (17)Unit 2 She went into a shop. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Dad played the erhu. (23)Unit 2 I was very nervous. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 We're having a party. (29)Unit 2 He's drawing books and birds. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I'll draw the pictures. (35)Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday! (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 What's the time? (41)Unit 2 It's 6:30 am in New York. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US. (47)Unit 2 It's in the north of China. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Why do you like Australia? (53)Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 I'll send you a postcard. (59)Unit 2 I'm going to visit London. (62)Review Module复习模块Unit 1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (72)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for Pleasure Kon Rong and pears (77)Project Holiday plan (83)外研版五年级英语上册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 There wasn't a clock here before. (5)Unit 2 There are tall trees now. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 This one is heavy. (11)Unit 2 They sell many different things. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Today is Halloween. (17)Unit 2 Easter is in spring in the UK. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 We're going to tell stories. (23)Unit 2 I'm going to be elven. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 It's mine! (29)Unit 2 Amy's blue dress is wet. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 You can play basketball well. (35)Unit 2 They got seventy points. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 His dog can help him. (41)Unit 2 It could find the people. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Children often sit around tables. (47)Unit 2 There are lots games. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Are you sad? (53)Unit 2 She was very happy. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 You shouldn't tidy your toys. (59)Unit 2 You shouldn't be late. (62)Review Module复习模块Unit 1/2 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表 (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (74)Reading for pleasure补充阅读 (75)The Elves and the Shoemaker (75)Harvest Festival (79)Singing Colours (85)Project Masks (93)外研版五年级英语下册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 She was a driver before. (5)Unit 2 He worked in an office. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 What did she have for lunch? (11)Unit 2 Lunch is usually at half past twelve. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? (17)Unit 2 You can use the computers. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Did you read them? (23)Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Your bag is broken. (29)Unit 2 Mine is pink. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 We'll see lots of very big stones. (35)Unit 2 It was amazing. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 My father goes to word at 8 o'clock every morning. ......41Unit 2 I'll be home at 7 o'clock. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Will you help me? (47)Unit 2 I made a kite. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 We laughed a lot. (53)Unit 2 Mum bought new chopsticks for you. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 What did you put in your bag? (59)Unit 2 I played on the beach. (62)Review Module复习模块 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表 (72)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for pleasure补充阅读 (77)The Girl in the Pagoda (77)A Special Pet (81)Louis Braille (85)Project Jobs (92)外研版六年级英语上册课本目录如下:封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall? (5)Unit 2 It's more than four hundred metres high! (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. (11)Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China? (17)Unit 2 Collecting stamps is my hobby. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Thanks giving is very important in the US. (23)Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas? (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Can I write to her? (29)Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen friend. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I've got some Chinese chopsticks. (35)Unit 2 haven't got a book about the US. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo. (41)Unit 2 A child sleeps for ten hours a night. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Do you often tidy your bed? (47)Unit 2 I often read English books. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? (53)Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Only drink clean water! (59)Unit 2 Go straight on. (62)Review Module复习模块 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表 (69)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for Pleasure (79)The Leaf (79)The Differernt Duck (84)Spiders (89)Project Make a Festival Poster (91)外研版六年级英语下册课本目录如下:封面/目录/前言 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please. (5)Unit 2 What do you want to eat? (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 When are we going to eat? (11)Unit 2 It will rain in Beijing. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 I took some photos. (17)Unit 2 The sun is shining. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 I can't carry all these things. (23)Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs! (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 He is playing the ... (29)Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday. (35)Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (41)Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? (47)Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Best wishes to you! (53)Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 We're going to different schools. (59)Unit 2 I'm going to Lake Middle School. (62)Review Module复习 (65)单词表 (69)Reading for pleasure (79)UFOs (79)Fantastic Animals (83)The Special Carpenter (86)(三)(剑桥小学)外研版三年级英语上册(剑桥小学)(义务教育教科书)课本目录如下:封面/目录 (1)Starter unit Let's begin (3)Unit 1 Hello! (7)Section B (9)Section C (11)Unit 2 Numbers (13)Section B (15)Section C (17)Unit 3 Colours (19)Section B (21)Section C (23)Revision 1 (25)Unit 4 School things (31)Section B (33)Section C (35)Unit 5 Happy birthday! (37)Section B (39)。

三年级英语上册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 GreetingsUnit 1 Hello!Unit 2 How are you?Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What’s your name?Unit 4 This is my dadModule 3 BodyUnit 5 Wash your faceUnit 6 Touch your head Module 4 FamilyUnit 7 A picture of my familyUnit 8 Who’s that lady? Module 5 ToysUnit 9 Is it a cat?Unit 10 I have a shipModule 6 School thingsUnit 11 Do you have a pencil?Unit 12 Put it on the desk Module 7 Let's look back三年级英语下册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 ColoursUnit 1 I like redUnit 2 Let’s colour itModule 2 PositionsUnit 3 Where’s my car?Unit 4 Is it in your bag?Module 3 Personal informationUnit 5 Happy birthday!Unit 6 May I have your telephone number? Module 4 FruitsUnit 7 May I have some grapes?Unit 8 Apple are good for usModule 5 RelativesUnit 9 Who is this cute baby?Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? Module 6 PetsUnit 11 They’re lovelyUnit 10 Whose rabbits are these?Module 7 Let's look back四年级英语上册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 My bedroomUnit 1 What’s in your room?Unit 2 They’re near the windowModule 2 My houseUnit 3 Welcome to my houseUnit 4 I live in a big houseModule 3 My schoolUnit 5 Let me show you our new schoolUnit 6 How many classrooms are there in your school? Module 4 My classUnit 7 How many stars does each group have?Unit 8 I like English bestModule 5 ClothesUnit 9 Look at this T-shirtUnit 10 Can I help you?Module 6 OccupationsUnit 11 I want to be a painterUnit 12 What’s your father’s job?Module 7 Let's look back四年级英语下册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 PeopleUnit 1 He looks like a cookUnit 2 She is very kindModule 2 Dally routineUnit 3 It's time to get upUnit 4 When do you have class?Module 3 Days of the weekUnit 5 What day is it today?Unit 6 What do you usually do on Sunday? Module 4 ActivitiesUnit 7 What do you do when you have free time?Unit 8 What are you doing?Module 5 SportsUnit 9 It looks funUnit 10 I am very fastModule 6 CelebrationsUnit 11 I was born in JanuaryUnit 12 Christmas is comingModule 7 Let's look back五年级英语上册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 HobbiesUnit 1 What’s your hobby?Unit 2 His hobby is drawingModule 2 AbilitiesUnit 3 I can swim very fastUnit 4 Can you do homework?Module 3 Daily lifeUnit 5 Where is Ben?Unit 6 At the weekendModule 4 Foods and drinksUnit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?Unit 8 Let’s have bothModule 5 Foods we needUnit 9 It smells deliciousUnit 10 Different tastesModule 6 WeatherUnit 11 What’s the weather like today?Unit 12 Four seasons in one day Module 7 Let's look back五年级英语下册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 SeasonsUnit 1 What’s your favourite season?Unit 2 It’s the middle of winter Module 2 PlansUnit 3 We are going to have an English test Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Module 3 InvitationsUnit 5 Would you like to go with us?Unit 6 See you at the partyModule 4 TravelUnit 7 We will go by trainUnit 8 Ben’s first trip to BeijingModule 5 SafetyUnit 9 Be careful!Unit 10 How to stay safeModule 6 DirectionsUnit 11 Can you tell me the way?Unit 12 I know a short cutModule 7 Let's look back六年级英语上册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 Country lifeUnit 1 What are those farmers doing?Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life Module 2 City lifeUnit 3 Where are you from?Unit 4 I like the city very much Module 3 HealthUnit 5 What’s the matter with you?Unit 6 The secret of good health Module 4 Past experiencesUnit 7 What did you do yesterday?Unit 8 A trip to Hong KongModule 5 ChangesUnit 9 Was I a good girl back then?Unit 10 Then and nowModule 6 FestivalsUnit 11 I like the Spring Festival bestUnit 12 ChristmasModule 7 Let's look back六年级英语下册(广州版)电子课本目录Module 1 StoriesUnit 1 Slow and steady wins the raceUnit 2 Waiting for another hare Module 2 AnimalsUnit 3 What animal is it?Unit 4 We can save the animals Module 3 Famous peopleUnit 5 Dr Sun YatsenUnit 6 Steve JobsModule 4 Good mannersUnit 7 It’s the polite thing to doUnit 8 The magic words Module 5 Travel abroadUnit 9 Where will you go?Unit 10 I can’t wait to see you Module 6 Let's look back。

Unit10 May I Speak to Miss White
Unit11 Who's calling?
Unit12 Let's Go Further
Unit13 What Did You Do Yesterday
Unit14 What Was Judy's Old School Like
Unit14 Time for School
Unit15 Let's Go Further
Unit16 Game We Play
Unit17 Housework
Unit18 Let's Go Further
Unit1 Dim's Age
Unit2 My Birthday
Unit10 A School Play
Unit11 Radio and Television
Unit12 Let's Go Further
Unit13 The Food and Drink We Like
Unit14 School Lunch
Unit15 Let's Go Further
Unit16 In the Market
Unit17 The Vegetables and Fruits We Need
Unit18 Let's Go Further
Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?

三上 模块一 Unit Unit 1 2 颜色 三下 问候 四上 卧室 方位介词 一般疑问句 Let's color it 位置 Where's my car?
Is it in your schoolbag?
3-6 年级 8 册书 话题目录与语法知识分布
四下 介词 inould
旅游 一般将来时
过去的经历体验 一般过去时
礼仪 情态动词
Apples are good for us
Who's that lady? 玩具(toy) Is it a cat? I have a ship. 学习用具
Do you have a pencil?
模块五 Unit Unit 9 10
Who is this cute baby?
衣服 数词
体育运动 现在进行时 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句
必需的食物 系动词
安全 祈使句
变化 一般过去时 反意义问
国外旅游 特殊疑问句
How many people are there in your fa
模块六 Unit Unit 11 12
May I have your telephone number?
学校 数词
一般现在时 非三单
日常生活(周末) 一般现在时 频率副词 疑问句
邀请 邀请表达
健康 一般过去时
模块四 Unit Unit 7 8
May I have some grapes?
班级 数词
活动(进行时) 现在进行时
A picture of my family
模块二 Unit Unit 3 4

Unit 7
Where's My Pe ncil?
Unit 8
PIeaSe Lend Me Your Ruler
Unit 9
Let'Go Further!
Module4 Colours
Unit 10
Look at the RainboW
Unit 11
DraW a PiCtUre
The Food And Drink We Like
Uni t14
School LUnCh
Uni t15
Let'Go Further!
Module6 ShoPP ing
Unit 16
In The Market
Unit 17
The VegetabIeS And FrUitS We Need
Unit 18
Unit 3
Let'Go Further!
Module 2 ACtiVitieS
Unit 4
Unit 5
What the Alie ns EnjOy Doi ng
Unit 6
Let'Go Further!
Module3 SPOrtS
Unit 7
School SPOrtS Day
Unit 8
Module 7
ReViSi On
Module 1 Clothes
Unit 1
Blouses and Jea ns
Unit 2
Shirts, DreSSeS and TrOUSerS
Unit 3

核心版块包括Let’s talk和Fun with language。
每册书的每一个版块都有Sound Family部分,该部分在不同版块有明确的任务。
三年级(上册)Unit 1 Hello!Unit 2 My ClassroomUnit 3 AnimalsUnit 4 My FamilyUnit 5 Happy Birthday!Unit 6 Let’s Sing!Unit 7 Food and DrinkUnit 8 Sport三年级(下册)Unit 1 Big or SmallUnit 2 ColorsUnit 3 My RoomUnit 4 FruitUnit 5 ClothesUnit 6 Outdoor FunUnit 7 TimeUnit 8 Counting四年级(上册)Unit 1 School SubjectsUnit 2 School Activities Unit 3 My WeekUnit 4 My DayUnit 5 My BodyUnit 6 ToysUnit 7 Working or Playing? Unit 8 Helping at Home四年级(下册)Unit 1 My SchoolUnit 2 Our New HomeUnit 3 Bank or Beach?Unit 4 Free TimeUnit 5 Our ClothesUnit 6 JobsUnit 7 HobbiesUnit 8 Weekend Fun五年级(上册)Unit 1 Seasons and WeatherUnit 2 MonthsUnit 3 DatesUnit 4 School ThingsUnit 5 School LunchUnit 6 Shopping for a School Party五年级(下册)Unit 1 Making PlansUnit 2 Vacation PlansUnit 3 On VacationReview 1Unit 4 Going OutingUnit 5 My Favorite ActivitiesUnit 6 Good HabitsReview 2六年级(上册)Unit 1 Feeling SickUnit 2 Looking for a Hospital Unit 3 Staying HealthyUnit 4 Keeping CleanUnit 5 A Circus in the Park Unit 6 Planting Trees六年级(下册)Unit 1 A Parade DayUnit 2 A Magic DayUnit 3 A Lucky DayReview 1Unit 4 Feeling ExcitedUnit 5 Being HelpfulUnit 6 Feeling FunReview 2。

三上U3 friend
三上U4 this
三上U4 teacher
三上U4 nice
三上U4 meet
三上U4 new
三上U4 too
三上U5 body
三上U5 wash
三上U5 face
三上U5 oh
三上U5 touch
三上U5 eye
三上U5 hand
三上U5 and
三上U5 hair
三上U5 clean
四上U3 study 四上U3 large 四上U3 kitchen 四上U3 clean 四上U3 beautiful 四上U3 toilet 四上U3 garden 四上U4 flat 四上U4 building 四上U4 after 四上U4 live 四上U4 bathroom 四上U4 shower 四上U4 meal 四上U4 watch 四上U4 read 四上U4 do 四上U4 homework 四上U4 grow 四上U4 one 四上U5 our 四上U5 classroom 四上U5 library 四上U5 pool 四上U5 opposite 四上U5 playground 四上U5 sometimes 四上U5 PE 四上U5 music 四上U5 lesson 四上U5 work 四上U5 art 四上U5 hall 四上U5 gym 四上U5 eat 四上U6 or 四上U6 tree 四上U6 eleven 四上U6 twelve 四上U6 thirteen 四上U6 fifteen 四上U6 eighteen 四上U6 twenty 四上U6 thirty 四上U6 forty 四上U6 fifty 四上U6 eighty 四上U7 class 四上U7 star 四上U7 does 四上U7 each 四上U7 group 四上U7 backboard 四上U7 see
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Module 1 Greetings
Unit 1 Hello!
Unit 2 How are you? Module 2 Introductions
Unit 3 What’s your name?
Unit 4 This is my dad Module 3 Body
Unit 5 Wash your face
Unit 6 Touch your head Module 4 Family
Unit 7 A picture of my family
Unit 8 Who’s that lady? Module 5 Toys
Unit 9 Is it a cat
Unit 10 I have a ship Module 6 School things
Unit 11 Do you have a pencil
Unit 12 Put it on the desk
Module 1 Colours
Unit 1 I like red
Unit 2Let’s colour it
Module 2 Positions
Unit 3 Where’s my car?
Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag?
Module 3 Personal information
Unit 5 Happy birthday!
Unit 6 May I have your telephone number? Module 4 Fruits
Unit 7 May I have some grapes?
Unit 8 Apples are good for us
Module 5 Relatives
Unit 9 Who is that cute baby?
Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? Module 6 School things
Unit 11 Do you have a pencil
Unit 12 Put it on the desk
Module 1 My bedroom
Unit 1 What’s in your room?
Unit 2 There are near the window
Module 2 My house
Unit 3 Welcome to my house
Unit 4 I live in a big house
Module 3 My school
Unit 5 Let’s me show you our new school
Unit 6 How many classrooms are there in your school? Module 4 My class
Unit 7 How many stars does each group have?
Unit 8 I like English best
Module 5 Clothes
Unit 9 Look at this T-shirt
Unit 10 Can I help you?
Module 6 Occupations
Unit 11 I want to be a painter
Unit 12 What’s your father’s job?
Module 1 People
Unit 1 He looks like a cook
Unit 2 She is very kind
Module 2 Daily routine
Unit 3 It's time to get up
Unit 4 When do you have class?
Module 3 Days of the week
Unit 5 What day is it today?
Unit 6 What do you usually do on Sunday? Module 4 Activities
Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time?
Unit 8What are you doing?
Module 5 Sports
Unit 9 It looks fun
Unit 10 I am very fast
Module 6 Celebrations
Unit 11 I was born in January
Unit 12 Christmas is coming
Module 1 Hobbies
Unit 1 What's your hobby?
Unit 2 His hobby is drawing Module 2 Abilities
Unit 3 I can swim very fast
Unit 4 Can you do my homework? Module 3 Daily life
Unit 5 Where is Ben?
Unit 6 At the weekend
Module 4 Foods ang drinks
Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?
Unit 8Let’s have both
Module 5 Foods we needs
Unit 9 It smells delicious
Unit 10 Different tastes
Module 6 Weather
Unit 11 What’s the weather like today?
Unit 12 Four seasons in one day
Module 1 Seasons
Unit 1 What's your favourite season?
Unit 2 It's the middle of winter Module 2 Plans
Unit 3 We are going to have an English test
Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Module 3Invitations
Unit 5 Would you like to with us?
Unit 6 See you at the party
Module 4 Travel
Unit 7 We will go by train
Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing Module 5 Safety
Unit 9Be careful
Unit 10 How to stay safe
Module 6 Directions
Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?
Unit 12 I know a short cut
Module 1 Country life
Unit 1 What are those farmers doing?
Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life Module 2 City life
Unit 3 Where are you from?
Unit 4 I like the city very much Module 3 Health
Unit 5 What's the matter with you?
Unit 6 The secret to good health Module 4 Past experience
Unit 7 What did you do yesterday
Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong Module 5 Changes
Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then?
Unit 10 Then and now
Module 6 Festivals
Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best
Unit 12 Christmas
Module 1 Storises
Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race
Unit 2 Waiting for another hare Module 2 Animals
Unit 3 What animal is it?
Unit 4 We can save the animals Module 3 Famous people
Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen
Unit 6 Steven Jobs
Module 4 Good manners
Unit 7 It's the polite thing to do
Unit 8 The magic words
Module 5 Travel abroad
Unit 9 where will you go?
Unit 10 I can't wait to see you。