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With the rapid development of the global economy, changing the pattern of market competition, enterprises in commercial activities are increasingly seeking business documents and samples and high-precision goods fast, safe arrival destination, at the same time, the logistics service has gone deep into people's daily life, delivering the affairs the main way to solve people's daily mail and goods. Although more and more customers are welcome to the logistics companies to provide services, but in the whole process of logistics services easily occurred many problems, especially logistics company service quality this problem has hindered the sustainable development of logistics enterprises. At present, domestic and international research on the service quality of logistics industry is not very mature, improve the quality of service of China's logistics industry has become the starting point of this paper.

Firstly, research results of domestic and foreign logistics service quality in recent years were comprehensively analyzes and summarizes and discusses the related to logistics service quality evaluation of the related concepts and methods, simply introduces the Debon logistics company logistics service quality status. According to characteristics of Debon logistics company, based on the customer's point of view, using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, and puts forward the Debon logistics company logistics service quality evaluation index system at the same time. Debon logistics company as the research object were empirical evaluation, and according to the evaluation results pointed out that the Debon logistics companies and logistics service quality in existing problems, analysis and put forward the appropriate countermeasures. Keywords:Debon Logistics; Service Quality; Evaluate


摘要 (i)


目录 (iii)

1绪论 (1)

1.1选题背景 (1)

1.2研究目的及意义 (1)

1.3国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3.1国外研究现状 (2)

1.3.2国内研究现状 (3)

1.4研究内容和方法 (4)

2相关理论基础 (6)

2.1服务质量的概念 (6)

2.2 物流服务质量概述 (7)

2.3物流服务质量的构成要素 (7)

3德邦物流服务质量评价体系 (9)

3.1德邦物流公司简介 (9)

3.2德邦物流服务质量概述 (10)

3.3德邦物流公司服务质量评价指标体系构建 (11)

3.3.1构建的思路与原则 (11)

3.3.2评价指标体系的确立 (11)

3.3.3评价指标的含义 (12)

3.4问卷调查方案设计 (12)

3.4.1问卷设计 (12)

3.4.2问卷调查实施 (13)

3.4.3信度与效度分析 (14)

4.1评价方法的选择与确定 (17)

4.2运用模糊层次分析法进行评价 (17)

4.2.1权重的确定 (17)

4.2.2设定评语集 (20)
