Chapter_1- 香港联交所上市规则-总则
盈利方面,过去三个财政年度净利润至少达到 5000 万港元(最近一年净利润至少 2000 万港元,前两年累计净利润至少 3000 万港元)。
如果企业选择以市值及营业收入为标准,那么市值至少需要达到20 亿港元,同时最近一个财政年度的营业收入至少达到 5 亿港元。
一般来说,主板上市企业的公众持股比例不得低于25%,如果市值超过 100 亿港元,公众持股比例可降低至 15%。
(1) 就矿产资源量及储量而言:《JORC规则》、《NI 43-101》及《SAMREC规则》;
(2) 就石油资源量及储量而言:《PRMS》;及
(3) 就估值而言:《CIMVAL》、《SAMVAL规则》及《VALMIN规则》。
香港联交所 主板上市规则
![香港联交所 主板上市规则](
香港联交所主板上市规则一、背景介绍香港联交所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,简称HKEx)是香港的主要股票交易所,也是亚洲最大的股票市场之一。
二、上市准备阶段1. 招股书准备•准备招股书•审查招股书•提交审核2. 股权结构安排•安排合适的股权结构•注册公司持股人3. 申请上市•在香港联交所提交上市申请•缴纳上市费用4. 发行股票•通过发行股票融资•设置发行价和发行数量三、上市审核过程1. 初审•香港联交所进行初步审核•初步审核合格后进入上市委员会审核2. 上市委员会审核•上市委员会进行详细审查•审查材料包括经营业绩、财务状况、企业治理等内容3. 补充材料提交•如有需要,补充提交相关材料•需要履行披露义务4. 上市批准•上市委员会决定是否批准上市•批准后,提交上市文件和招股书四、上市后要求1. 定期财务报告•上市公司需要按规定定期披露财务报告•报告应当真实、准确、完整2. 控股股东变更通知•任何控股股东发生变更都需要通知香港联交所•提供相关材料支持变更3. 内幕消息披露•上市公司内幕消息需要按规定进行披露•避免信息不对称4. 持股申报•控股股东、高管等需要按规定申报持股情况•提供相关材料支持申报五、上市规则的重要性香港联交所主板上市规则的制定和执行对于保护投资者利益、维护市场稳定具有重要意义。
经省级人民政府或国家经贸委同意、依法设置并规范运作旳股 份有限企业(下列简称“企业”)
企业及其主要发起人符合国家有关法规和政策,在近来二年内 没有重大违法违规行为
符合香港创业板上市规则要求旳条件 上市保荐人以为企业具有发行上市可行性并根据要求承担保荐
保荐人旳 委任
必须委任一名保荐人帮助其上市 申请
必须委任一名保荐人帮助其上市 申请,且该保荐人必须是被列入 交易所设置旳创业板和资格保荐 人名单内
可接受旳 香港、百慕达、开曼群岛、中华 香港、百慕达、开曼群岛、中华
净资产不少于4亿元人民币,过去一年税后利润不少于6000万元 人民币,并有增长潜力,按合理预期市盈率计算,筹资额不少 于5000万美元(证监会1997年7月颁布《有关企业申请境外上市有关问题旳
具有规范旳法人治理构造及较完善旳内部管理制度,有较稳定 旳高级管理层及较高旳管理水平
上市后分红派息有可靠旳外汇起源,符合国家外汇管理旳有关 要求
不得低于三千万港元或 发行股本总额旳25%( 以较高者为准)
持股量最高旳三名公众 股东持有股数不得超出 上市时公众持股量50%
就上市时旳预期市值超出四 十亿港元旳发行人而言,交易所 可接受20%或港币十亿元旳最低 公众持股量(以较高者为准)
Page 9
创业板 每年公布4次业绩 季度及中期业绩:45天;整年业绩3个月 透过网站公布
香港联交所主板上市规则讲解香港联交所(Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited,简称HKEx)是香港主要股票市场,也是全球最大的股票市场之一、作为香港经济的核心,香港联交所主板上市规则对于企业上市以及市场监管起着重要作用。
1. 股本证券基本上市规定 更新日期: 16/02/2011下列为股本证券在本交易所上市的主要基本要求。
(I) 财务要求: 主板创业板主板新申请人须具备不少于3个财政年度的营业记录,并须符合下列三项财务准则其中一项:1. 盈利测试2. 市值/ 收入测试3. 市值/ 收入/ 现金流量测试股东应占盈利 过去三个财政年度至少5,000万港元 (最近一年盈利至少2,000万盈利,及前两年累计盈利至少3,000 万港元)--市值 上市时至少达2亿港元 上市时至少达40亿港元 上市时至少达20亿港元 收入 -最近一个经审计财政年度至少5亿港元 最近一个经审计财政年度至少5亿港元 现金流量- -前3个财政年度来自营运业务的现金流入合计至少1亿港元注: 本交易所可接纳为期较短的营业纪录,并/或修订或豁免上述的溢利或其他财务准则规定。
创业板申请人须具备不少于2个财政年度的营业记录,包括: i. 日常经营业务有现金流入,于上市文件刊发之前两个财政年度合计至少达2,000万港元 ii. 上市时市值至少达1亿港元(II) 可接受的司法地区《主板规则》第19章和《创业板规则》第24章规定了海外公司寻求在联交所作主要上市时的基本要求。
《主板规则》第19.05(1)(b )条和《创业板规则》第24.05(1)(b )条及相关解释列明了海外公司寻求在联交所作主要上市时对于股东保护的标准。
香港联合交易所 上市章程内容(一)
![香港联合交易所 上市章程内容(一)](
1. 申请上市的公司在香港必须设有主要业务,或者是在香港设有主要业务的非香港公司。
2. 公司必须具备足够的运营历史,一般要求为三年以上。
3. 上市申请人必须在首三年合计取得至少5000万港元的溢利(最近一年须达2000万港元,再之前两年合计)。
4. 上市申请人的市值须达1亿港元。
5. 公众持股量:25%(如发行人市场超过40亿港元,则可降低为10%)。
6. 管理层、公司拥有权:三年业务纪录期须在基本相同的管理层及拥有权下营运。
7. 主要股东的售股限制:受到限制。
8. 信息披露:一年两度的财务报告。
9. 包销安排:公开发售以供认购必须全面包销。
10. 股东人数:于上市时最少须有100名股东,而每1百万港元的发行额须由不少于三名股东持有。
主板上市规则香港联交所第八章上市资格前言8.01 本章列明股本证券上市须符合的基本条件。
发行人务须注意:(1) 此等规定并非涵盖一切情况,本交易所可就个别申请增订附加的规定;及(2) 本交易所对接纳或拒绝上市申请保留绝对酌情决定权,而即使申请人符合有关条件,亦不一定保证其适合上市。
基本条件8.02 发行人必须依据其注册或成立所在地的法例正式注册或成立,并须遵守该等法例及其公司章程大纲及细则或同等文件的规定。
8.03 如发行人是一家香港公司,则不得是《公司条例》第29条所指的私人公司。
8.04 发行人及其业务必须属于本交易所认为适合上市者。
* * * * * * * * * *香港聯合买卖所證券上市規則目錄第一冊前言章數一釋義章數二導言章數二A 上市委員會、上市上訴委員會及上市科的組織、職權、職務及議事顺序章數二B覆核顺序章數三保薦人、授權代表及董事章數四會計師報告章數五物業的估值及資料章數六停牌、除牌及撤回上市股本證券章數七上市方式章數八上市資格章數九申請顺序及規定章數十對購買及認購的限制章數十一上市文件章數十一A招股章程章數十二公佈規定章數十三上市協議章數十四須予公佈的买卖章數十五期權、認股權證及類似權利章數十五A衍生認股權證章數十六可轉換股本證券章數十七股份期權計劃章數十八礦務公司章數十九海外發行人章數十九A在中華人民共和國註冊成立的發行人投資工具章數二十認可單位信託、互惠基金及其他集體投資計劃章數二十一投資公司債務證券章數二十二上市方式〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數二十三上市資格〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數二十四申請顺序及規定〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數二十五上市文件〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數二十六上市協議〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數二十七期權、認股權證及纚似權利章數二十八可轉換債務證券章數二十九不限量發行、債務證券發行計劃及有資產支持的證券章數三十礦務公司章數三十一國家機構〔選擇性銷售的證券除外〕章數三十二超國家機構〔選擇性銷售的發行除外〕章數三十三國營機構〔選擇性銷售的發行除外〕章數三十四銀行〔選擇性銷售的發行除外〕章數三十五擔保人及擔保發行〔選擇性銷售的發行除外〕章數三十六海外發行人〔選擇性銷售的發行除外〕章數三十七選擇性銷售的證券香港买卖及結算所─上市章數三十八香港买卖及結算所上市指引摘要∕應用指引第1項指引摘要停牌及復牌〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第2項指引摘要有關供股及公開售股須獲全數包銷的規定〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第3項指引摘要未繳足股款的證券〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第4項指引摘要新申請人管理階層的營業記錄〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第5項指引摘要有關發展中物業市場的物業估值〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第6項指引摘要年度業績的評論〔已於一九九五年十月十六日刪除〕第1項應用指引有關呈交資料及文件的顺序第2項應用指引股份購回規則某些重要條款的豁免〔已於一九九一年十二月三十一日刪除〕第3項應用指引新申請人管理階層的營業記錄第4項應用指引向現有認股權證持有人發行新認股權證第5項應用指引公開權益資料第6項應用指引確定發售期間第7項應用指引另類認股權證的上市事項〔已於一九九三年七月一日刪除〕第8項應用指引有關中央結算及交收系統的簡介及在颱風及∕或黑色暴雨正告訊號期間的緊急股票過戶登記布置第9項應用指引另類認股權證_ 附加規定〔已於一九九三年七月一日刪除〕第10項應用指引有關新發行人報告中期業績規定第11項應用指引停牌及復牌第12項應用指引有關發展中物業市場的物業估值第13項應用指引如何決定某項买卖能否須予公佈的买卖,以及發行人在附屬公司及主要附屬公司之權益攤薄第14項應用指引進一步發行權證與現有權證成單一系列第15項應用指引本买卖所在考慮分拆上市申請時所採用的原則第16項應用指引上市文件及通函無需刊載有關以營運租約租賃的物業之估值報告第17項應用指引足夠的業務運作及除牌顺序第18項應用指引證券的初次公開招股第19項應用指引有關根據«上市協議»第2段的規定而能够須及時作出公開披露的特定情況之指引第20項應用指引發行人初次售股時僱員所認購股份的分配("粉紅色表格的分配")* * * * * * * * * *留意:«證券上市規則»原裝正版每章下方均印有修訂日期。
Copyright © 2008 财富中国
• 香港主板及创业板上市规则简介
• 与中国企业香港上市相关的中国法律规定 • 香港创业板上市步骤
Copyright © 2008 财富中国
市场目的 为有 主线 业务的 增长 公 司筹集资金,行业类别 及公司规模不限。 可 接 受 香港、百慕达、开曼群 的 岛及中华人民共和国。 司法地 区 投资者 对 象
盈利要 求 不 设 盈利要求。
过往 三年 合计5,000万港元 盈 利(最近一年须达2,000万港 元,再之前两年合计须达 3,000万港元)。
主线业务 须主力经营 一项 业务而 并 无 有关具体规定,但实际上, 非两项或多项不相干的 主线业务的盈利必须符合最低 业务。不过,涉及主线 盈利的要求。 业务的周边业务是容许 的。
Copyright © 2008 财富中国
正式 受理 阶段
须向证监会提交有关文件(一式二 境 内 律 师 事 务 所 出 份,其中一份为原件);申请文件 具 的 齐备,经审核合规,而且在正式受 法律意见书 理 期 间 外 经 贸 部、 外 汇 局 和 会计师事务所出具的审 财政部 计报告 (如涉及国有股权)等部门未提出 国有资产管理部门关于 书面反对意见的,证监会在 10个工 国有股权管理的批复文 作 日 内予以批准;不予批准的,说 件 (有国有股权的公司) 明理由。 较 完 备 的 招股说明书 经 批 准 后 , 公司方可向香港联交 证监会要求的其他文件 所 提交创业板上市申请。
联交所 上市规则
![联交所 上市规则](
一、上市申请条件1. 公司必须符合香港公司条例的规定,并在香港注册成立。
2. 公司必须有足够的资本和财务实力,能够满足联交所的上市要求。
3. 公司必须有稳定的盈利能力,并且在过去三年内连续盈利。
4. 公司必须具备透明度和高度的治理标准,并遵守联交所制定的规则和法律法规。
5. 公司必须有足够数量和流动性良好的股份供应,以便投资者进行买卖。
二、上市申请流程1. 委任保荐人:公司需要委任一家保荐人作为其上市过程中的顾问,并向联交所提交保荐人名单。
2. 提交申请文件:公司需要向联交所提交上市申请文件,包括招股书、公司章程、财务报表等。
3. 审核申请文件:联交所会对提交的申请文件进行审核,包括公司的业务和财务情况、治理结构等方面。
4. 发布招股书:如果审核通过,公司需要发布招股书,并向公众发行股份。
5. 上市交易:一旦发行完成,公司的股票将在联交所上市,并开始交易。
三、上市要求1. 公司必须遵守联交所制定的规则和法律法规,如定期披露财务报表等。
2. 公司必须保持透明度和高度的治理标准,如独立董事制度、审计委员会等。
3. 公司必须有足够数量和流动性良好的股份供应,以便投资者进行买卖。
4. 公司必须有稳定的盈利能力,并且在过去三年内连续盈利。
5. 公司必须及时披露重要信息,并确保信息真实准确。
四、退市规则1. 联交所可以根据公司违反上市规则或法律法规等原因决定将其退市。
2. 如果公司不符合上市要求或无法维持其上市地位,联交所可以决定将其退市。
3. 如果公司被认定为无法维持其业务运营或已经破产,联交所可以决定将其退市。
4. 如果公司股份不再供应或不能进行买卖,联交所可以决定将其退市。
⾹港联交所上市规则全集章数⼀_总则_释义1.01(accounts)12(approvedshare registrar)(Articles)(asset-backedsecurities)(a)(associate)(i)(ii) 18(a)(i) family interests(iii)1–1 1/0530%30%(iv)(v) (a)(iii)30%30%(b)(i)30% 1–21/0530(ii)30%30%(iii)(iv) (b)(i) (b)(ii)30%1–3 1/05(2)19A.043.05(authorised representative) (bank)(bearersecurities) (Board)(business day) (CCASS)(CIS Disclosure Document)(CIS Operator)1(CIS) (Collective Investment Scheme)(chiefexecutive)(Code on Share Repurchases)3 (Commission) 3 (company)1–41/0519A.04 (Company Law) 3A.01 (Compliance Adviser)(a) (connected person)(b)(convertible debt securities) (convertibleequity securities) (corporate communication)(a)(b)1/071–51/05(c)(d)(e)(f)(debt issuance programmes)(debt securities) (director)19A.04(domesticshares)(Eligible Security)(equity securities) (Executive Director-Listing)(Exchange)(ExchangeListing Rules)1–61/053/04(a) (Exchange (b) Participant) (Exchange’swebsite)(financialstatements)(financial year)19A.04 (foreign shares)12.02 12.03 25.16 (formal notice)(group)H 19A.04(H Shares)(HKEC)(HKSCC)2 (holding 1.01company)(Counci l of the Hong Kong Soci ety of Accountants) (Hong Kong Financial ReportingStandards)(Hong Kongissuer)19A.04 (Hong Kongregister) 3/041–71/05(a)(IFA group)(b)(c)(d)(i)(ii)(e) (d)(International Accounting Standards Board) (InternationalFinancialReportingStandards)(listed issuer)(listing)(listed)(Listing AppealsCommittee)1–81/05(ListingCommittee)(ListingDivision)(listing document)(scheme of arrangement) (marketcapitalisation)(mutual fund)(new applicant)14.06(notifiabletransaction)(overseasissuer)19A.04(overseas listedforeign shares)1–91/0519A.04(PRC issuer)19A.04(PRC law)19A.04(PRC stockexchange)19A.04(promoter)2(1)(prospectus)8.24(public)(in public hands)(published in the newspapers)71A(publish in the newspapers) (published onthe Exchange’swebsite)1–101/05(Regulations)(reportingaccountant)571 (Securities andFuturesOrdinance)(selectively marketed securities) (selective marketing)6 (sponsor)3A.02(State)(State 50% corporation)1/071–111/05(Statutory Rules)(subsidiary)(a) 23(b)(c)shareholder)A 14A.13(1)(b)(i)141CF(1)(summaryfinancial report) (Supranational)19A.04(supervisor)(TakeoverCode)(tap issues)(temporarydocuments oftitle)1–121/053/06(unit trust)1.02 (a document being certified)(a translation being certified)–13 1/05。
联交所 上市规则
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以以下表所指的「常問問題」系列是指:系列1- 有關企業管治事宜及上市準則規則修訂系列2- 非要紧及輕微規則修訂系列4- 網上預覽資料集系列5- 與檢討創業板有關的«上市規則»修訂系列6- 香港交易所為預託證券〔香港預託證券〕設立的架構系列7- 關於須予公布的交易、關連交易以及上市發行人發行證券«上市規則»規定系列8- 與2020年綜合諮詢有關的«上市規則»修訂系列9- 關於須予公布的交易、關連交易、公司組織章程的修訂及會議通告«上市規則»規定系列10 - 關於關連交易的規則修訂系列11 - 關於上市發行人通函及上市文件的«上市規則»系列12 - 關於就礦業公司制定新«上市規則»的規則修訂系列13 - 有關混合媒介要約的«上市規則»修訂系列14 - 關於«上市發行人董事進行證券交易的標準守則»系列15 - 關於物業估值規定的規則修訂系列16 - 檢討«企業管治守則»及相關上市規則 (由系列17取代)系列17 - 檢討«企業管治守則»及相關上市規則以下「常問問題」以«主板規則»編號排列。
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7/081 – 1Chapter 1GENERALINTERPRETATIONFor the avoidance of doubt, the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited apply only to matters related to those securities and issuers with securities listed on the stock market operated by the Exchange other than the Growth Enterprise Market (“GEM”). This stock market is defi ned as the “Main Board” in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong L imited (the “GEM Listing Rules”). All matters related to GEM and securities and issuers with securities listed on GEM are governed by the GEM Listing Rules.1.01 Throughout this book, the following terms, save where the context otherwise requires,have the following meanings:“accounts”has the same meaning as “fi nancial statements” and vice-versa “approved share registrar” a share registrar who is a member of an association ofpersons approved under section 12 of the Securities andFutures (Stock Market Listing) Rules“Articles” the Articles of Association of the Exchange“asset-backed securities” debt securities backed by fi nancial assets which, at thetime of the relevant issues, are evidenced by agreementsand intended to produce funds to be applied towardsinterest payments due on the securities and repayment ofprincipal on maturity, except those debt securities whichare directly secured, in whole or in part, on real property orother tangible assets“associate” (a) in relation to an individual means:—(i) his spouse;(ii) any child or step-child, natural or adopted, underthe age of 18 years of such individual or of hisspouse (together with (a)(i) above, the “familyinterests”);(iii) the trustees, acting in their capacity as suchtrustees, of any trust of which he or any of hisfamily interests is a benefi ciary or, in the caseof a discretionary trust, is (to his knowledge) a3/04discretionary object and any company (“trustee-controlled company”) in the equity capital ofwhich the trustees, acting in their capacity assuch trustees, are directly or indirectlyinterested so as to exercise or control theexercise of 30% (or such other amount as mayfrom time to time be specifi ed in the TakeoversCode as being the level for triggering amandatory general offer) or more of the votingpower at general meetings, or to control thecomposition of a majority of the board ofdirectors and any other company which is itssubsidiary (together, the “trustee interests”);(iv) a holding company of a trustee-controlledcompany or a subsidiary of any such holdingcompany; and(v) any company in the equity capital of which he,his family interests, any of the trustees referredto in (a)(iii) above, acting in their capacity assuch trustees, and/or any trustee intereststaken together are directly or indirectlyinterested so as to exercise or control theexercise of 30% (or such other amount as mayfrom time to time be specifi ed in the TakeoversCode as being the level for triggering amandatory general offer) or more of the votingpower at general meetings, or to control thecomposition of a majority of the board ofdirectors and any other company which is itssubsidiary or holding company or a fellowsubsidiary of any such holding company; and(b) in relation to a company means:—(i) any other company which is its subsidiary orholding company or is a fellow subsidiary ofany such holding company or one in the equitycapital of which it and/or such other companyor companies taken together are directly orindirectly interested so as to exercise or controlthe exercise of 30% (or such other amount asmay from time to time be specified in theTakeovers Code as being the level for triggeringa mandatory general offer) or more of the1 – 23/047/08voting power at general meetings, or to controlthe composition of a majority of the board ofdirectors;(ii) the trustees, acting in their capacity as suchtrustees, of any trust of which the company isa benefi ciary or, in the case of a discretionarytrust, is (to the company’s knowledge) adiscretionary object and any company (“trustee-controlled company”) in the equity capital ofwhich the trustees, acting in their capacity assuch trustees, are directly or indirectlyinterested so as to exercise or control theexercise of 30% (or such other amount as mayfrom time to time be specifi ed in the TakeoversCode as being the level for triggering amandatory general offer) or more of the votingpower at general meetings, or to control thecomposition of a majority of the board ofdirectors and any other company which is itssubsidiary (together, the “trustee interests”);(iii) a holding company of a trustee-controlledcompany or a subsidiary of any such holdingcompany; and(iv) any other company in the equity capital ofwhich the company, such other companiesreferred to in (b)(i) above, any of the trusteesreferred to in (b)(ii) above, acting in theircapacity as such trustees, and/or any trusteeinterests taken together are directly or indirectlyinterested so as to exercise or control theexercise of 30% (or such other amount as mayfrom time to time be specifi ed in the TakeoversCode as being the level for triggering amandatory general offer) or more of the votingpower at general meetings, or to control thecomposition of a majority of the board ofdirectors and any other company which is itssubsidiary or holding company or a fellowsubsidiary of any such holding company(c) Insofar as a depositary is acting in its capacity asa depositary for depositary receipts, it shall not betreated as an associate of holders of the depositaryreceipts for the purposes of (a) and (b) merely by1 – 37/08reason of the fact that it is holding the shares ofthe issuer for the benefit of the holders of thedepositary receiptsNotes (1) This definitio n is mo dified in the co ntexto f co nnected transactio ns by virtue o frules 14A.11 and 14A.12.(2) In the case of a PRC issuer, its promoters,directors, supervisors, chief executive andsubstantial shareho lders, the defi nition isamended to have the same meaning as inrule 19A.04.“authorised representative” a person appointed as an authorised representative by alisted issuer under rule 3.05“bank” a bank licensed under the Banking Ordinance or a bankincorporated or otherwise established outside Hong Kongwhich is, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Banking,adequately supervised by an appropriate recognised bankingsupervisory authority in the place where it is incorporatedor otherwise established“bearer securities”securities transferable to bearer“Board”the Directors of the Exchange elected or appointed inaccordance with the Articles and, where the context sopermits, any committee or sub-committee thereof “business day”any day on which the Exchange is open for the businessof dealing in securities“CCASS”means the Central Clearing and Settlement Systemestablished and operated by HKSCC“CIS Disclosure Document”the same meaning as in Chapter 20“CIS Operator”the entity which operates or manages the CIS“CIS” or “Collective the same meaning as in Part I of Schedule 1 to the Investment Scheme”Securities and Futures Ordinance and includes unit trusts,mutual funds, investment companies and any form ofcollective investment arrangement“chief executive” a person who either alone or together with one or moreother persons is or will be responsible under the immediateauthority of the board of directors for the conduct of thebusiness of a listed issuer“Code on Share the Code on Share Repurchases approved by the Repurchases”Commission as amended from time to time1 – 47/08“Commission”the Securities and Futures Commission established undersection 3 of the Securities and Futures CommissionOrdinance and continuing in existence under section 3 ofthe Securities and Futures Ordinance“company” a body corporate wherever incorporated or otherwiseestablished“Company Law”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“Compliance Adviser”the same meaning as in rule 3A.01“connected person”(a) in relation to a company other than a PRC issuer,and other than any subsidiaries of a PRC issuer,means a director, chief executive or substantialshareholder of such company or any of itssubsidiaries or an associate of any of them; and(b) in relation to a PRC issuer means a promoter,director, supervisor, chief executive or substantialshareholder of the PRC issuer or any of itssubsidiaries or an associate of any of themNote: This definitio n is mo dified in the case o f Chapter14A o nly by the pro visio ns o f rules 14A.11 and14A.12.“controlling shareholder”any person (including a holder of depositary receipts)who is or group of persons (including any holder ofdepositary receipts) who are together entitled toexercise or control the exercise of 30% (or such otheramount as may from time to time be specified in theTakeovers Code as being the level for triggering amandatory general offer) or more of the voting power atgeneral meetings of the issuer or who is or are in a positionto control the composition of a majority of the board ofdirectors of the issuer; or in the case of a PRC issuer, themeaning ascribed to that phrase by rule 19A.14always that a depositary shall not be a controlling providedshareholder merely by reason of the fact that it is holdingshares of the issuer for the benefit of the holders ofdepositary receipts“convertible debt debt securities convertible into or exchangeable for equity securities”securities or other property, and debt securities with non-detachable options, warrants or similar rights to subscribeor purchase equity securities or other property attached “convertible equity equity securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares securities”and shares with non-detachable options, warrants or similarrights to subscribe or purchase shares attached1 – 5 1/077/08“corporate communication”any document issued or to be issued by an issuer for theinformation or action of holders of any of its securities,including but not limited to:—(a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts togetherwith a copy of the auditors’ report and, whereapplicable, its summary fi nancial report;interim report and, where applicable, its summary(b) theinterim report;(c) a notice of meeting;(d) a listing document;(e) a circular; and(f) a proxy form“debt issuance issues of debt securities where only part of the maximum programmes”principal amount or aggregate number of securities underthe issue is issued initially and a further tranche or tranchesmay be issued subsequently“debt securities”debenture or loan stock, debentures, bonds, notes and othersecurities or instruments acknowledging, evidencing orcreating indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured andoptions, warrants or similar rights to subscribe or purchaseany of the foregoing and convertible debt securities “depositary”the entity appointed and authorised by an issuer to issue orcancel depositary receipts representing the shares of theissuer deposited with that entity“depositary receipts”instruments issued by a depositary on behalf or at therequest of an issuer which are listed or are the subjectof an application for listing on the Exchange and whichevidence the interests and rights in shares of the issuer asprovided by the deposit agreement executed between thedepositary and the issuer“director”includes any person who occupies the position of a director,by whatever name called“domestic shares”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“Eligible Security”means an issue of securities which is from time to timeaccepted as eligible by HKSCC for deposit, clearance andsettlement in CCASS, in accordance with the General Rulesof CCASS, and where the context so requires shall includeany particular security or securities of such an issue1 – 67/08“equity securities”shares (including preference shares and depositaryreceipts), convertible equity securities and options,warrants or similar rights to subscribe or purchase sharesor convertible equity securities, but excluding interests in aCollective Investment Scheme“Executive Director –the person occupying the position of Head of the L isting Listing”Division from time to time by whatever name such positionis called“Exchange”The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited“Exchange Listing the rules governing the listing of securities made by the Rul es”Exchange from time to time, the appendices thereto, anylisting agreement or other contractual arrangement enteredinto with any party pursuant thereto, and rulings of theExchange made in pursuance thereof“Exchange Participant” a person: (a) who, in accordance with the Rules of theExchange, may trade on or through the Exchange; and (b)whose name is entered in a list, register or roll kept by theExchange as a person who may trade on or through theExchangeoffi cial website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing “Exchange’s website” theLimited“expert”includes engineer, valuer, accountant and any other personwhose profession gives authority to a statement made byhim“family interests”the same meaning as in (a)(ii) of the defi nition of “associate”“fi nancial statements”has the same meaning as “accounts” and vice-versa“fi nancial year” the period in respect of which any profi t and loss accountof a company laid or to be laid before it in general meetingis made up, whether that period is a year or not “foreign shares”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“formal notice” a formal notice required to be published under rules 12.02,12.03 or 25.16“group”the issuer or guarantor and its subsidiaries, if any“H Shares”the same meaning as in rule 19A.041 – 7 5/077/08“HKEC”Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited“HKEx-EPS”means the Exchange’s electronic publication system bywhatever name such system is called“HKSCC”means the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limitedincluding, where the context so requires, its agents,nominees, representatives, offi cers and employees “holding company”the meaning attributed to it in section 2 of the CompaniesOrdinance, but interpreting the term “subsidiary” inaccordance with the definition of “subsidiary” under thisrule 1.01“Hong Kong Financial Standards and interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Reporting Standards”Institute of Certifi ed Public Accountants (“HKICPA”). They or “HKFRS”comprise (i) Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, (ii)Hong Kong Accounting Standards (formerly Statement ofStandard Accounting Practice), and (iii) Interpretations “Hong Kong issuer”an issuer incorporated or otherwise established in HongKong“Hong Kong register”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“IFA group”(a) the independent fi nancial adviser;(b) any holding company of the independent fi nancialadviser;subsidiary of any holding company of the(c) anyindependent fi nancial adviser;(d) any controlling shareholder of:(i) the independent fi nancial adviser; orholding company of the independent(ii) anyfi nancial adviser,which controlling shareholder is not, itself, a holdingcompany of the independent fi nancial adviser; and(e) any associate of any controlling shareholder referredto in paragraph (d) above1 – 81/057/08“International Financialfi nancial reporting standards and interpretations approved Reporting Standards”by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”), or “IFRS”and includes all International Accounting Standards (“IAS”)and interpretations issued under the former InternationalAccounting Standards Committee (“IASC”) from time totime“issue”includes circulate, distribute and publish“issuer”any company or other legal person any of whose equity ordebt securities are the subject of an application for listing orsome of whose equity or debt securities are already listed,including a company whose shares are represented bydepositary receipts that are listed or are the subject of anapplication for listing but not including the depositary “listed issuer”(a) in the case of equity securities means any companyor other legal person some of whose equitysecurities are already listed, and with respect tolisted depositary receipts, the listed issuer is thecompany whose shares are represented by the listeddepositary receipts but not the depositary; and(b) in the case of debt securities means a company orother legal person some of whose equity or debtsecurities are already listed“listing”the grant of a listing of and permission to deal in securitieson the Exchange and “listed” shall be construed accordingly “Listing Appeals the listing appeals sub-committee of the BoardCommittee”“Listing Committee”the listing sub-committee of the Board“Listing Division”the Listing Division of the Exchange“listing document” a prospectus, a circular and any equivalent document(including a scheme of arrangement and introductiondocument) issued or proposed to be issued in connectionwith an application for listing1 – 97/08“market capitalisation”the market value of the entire size of an issuer, whichshall include all classes of securities of the issuer,irrespective of whether any of such class(es) of securitiesare unlisted, or listed on other regulated market(s)“mutual fund”any corporation which is or holds itself out as beingengaged primarily, or proposes to engage primarily, in thebusiness of investing, reinvesting or trading in securitiesor any other property whatsoever, and which is offeringfor sale or has outstanding any redeemable shares ofwhich it is the issuer“new applicant”in the case of equity securities means an applicant forlisting none of whose equity securities are already listedand in the case of debt securities means an applicant forlisting none of whose equity or debt securities are alreadylisted“notifi able transaction”one of the transactions specifi ed in rule 14.06“overseas issuer”an issuer incorporated or otherwise established outsideHong Kong“overseas listed foreign the same meaning as in rule 19A.04shares”“PRC”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“PRC issuer”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“PRC law”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“PRC stock exchange”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“professional accountant” a person registered as a professional accountant underthe Professional Accountants Ordinance“promoter”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“prospectus”the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the CompaniesOrdinance1 – 107/08“public”the meaning ascribed to that phrase by rule 8.24 and “inpublic hands” shall be construed accordingly“published in the published as a paid advertisement in English in at least newspapers”one English language newspaper and in Chinese in at leastone Chinese language newspaper, being in each case anewspaper published daily and circulating generally in HongKong and specified in the list of newspapers issued andpublished in the Gazette for the purposes of section 71Aof the Companies Ordinance and “publish in thenewspapers” shall be construed accordingly“published on the published in English and Chinese on the Exchange’s Exchange’s website”website and “publish on the Exchange’s website” and“publication on the Exchange’s website” shall be construedaccordingly“Regulations”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“reporting accountant”the professional accountant who is responsible for thepreparation of the accountants’ report included in a listingdocument or circular in accordance with Chapter 4“Securities and Futures the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) as Ordinance”amended from time to time“selectively marketed debt securities marketed to or placed with any number of securities”registered dealers or fi nancial institutions either with a viewto their reselling such securities as principals off-market,nearly all of which, because of their nature, will normallybe purchased and traded by a limited number ofinvestors who are particularly knowledgeable ininvestment matters or placing such securities with a limitednumber of such investors and “selective marketing” shallbe construed accordingly“sponsor”any corporation or authorised fi nancial institution, licensedor registered under the Securities and Futures Ordinancefor Type 6 regulated activity and permitted under itslicence or certificate of registration to undertake workas a sponsor and, as applicable, which is appointed as asponsor pursuant to rule 3A.02“State”includes any agency, authority, central bank, department,government, legislature, minister, ministry, official orpublic or statutory person of, or of the government of, astate or any regional or local authority thereof“State corporation”any company or other legal person which is directly orindirectly controlled or more than 50% of whose issuedequity share capital (or equivalent) is benefi cially ownedby, and/or by any one or more agencies of, a State or all ofwhose liabilities are guaranteed by a State or which isspecifi ed as such from time to time by the Exchange “Statutory Rules”the Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules asamended from time to time, the text of which is set out inAppendix 12“subsidiary” includes:(a) a “subsidiary undertaking” as defi ned in the twenty-third schedule to the Companies Ordinance;(b) any entity which is accounted for and consolidated inthe audited consolidated accounts of another entityas a subsidiary pursuant to applicable Hong KongFinancial Reporting Standards or International FinancialReporting Standards; and(c) any entity which will, as a result of acquisition of itsequity interest by another entity, be accounted forand consolidated in the next audited consolidatedaccounts of such other entity as a subsidiary pursuantto applicable Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standardsor International Financial Reporting Standards “substantial shareholder”in relation to a company means a person (including aholder of depositary receipts) who is entitled to exercise,or control the exercise of, 10% or more of the votingpower at any general meeting of the companyalways that a depositary shall not be a providedsubstantial shareholder merely by reason of the fact thatit is holding shares of the issuer for the benefit of theholders of depositary receiptsNote: This defi nition is modified in the case o f Chapter14A by the provisions of rule 14A.13(1)(b)(i).“summary fi nancial a summary fi nancial report of a company, which compliesreport”with section 141CF(1) of the Companies Ordinance“Supranational”any institution or organisation at a world or regional levelwhich is specified as such from time to time by theExchange“supervisor”the same meaning as in rule 19A.04“T akeovers Code”the Code on Takeovers and Mergers approved by theCommission as amended from time to time “tap issues”issues of debt securities where the subscription thereofmay continue or further tranches thereof may be issuedafter listing has been granted“temporary documents allotment letters, letters of allocation, split receipts, letters of titl e”of acceptance, letters of rights, renounceable sharecertifi cates and any other temporary documents of title “unit trust”any arrangement made for the purpose, or having theeffect, of providing facilities for the participation by persons,as benefi ciaries under a trust, in profi ts or income arisingfrom the acquisition, holding, management or disposal ofsecurities or any other property whatsoever1.02 In these Exchange L isting Rules, references to a document being certified shall meancertifi ed to be a true copy or extract (as the case may be) by a director, the secretary or other authorised offi cer of the issuer (or by a member of its governing body in the case of an overseas issuer) or by a member of the issuer’s auditors or solicitors or by a notary and references to a translation being certifi ed shall mean certifi ed to be a correct translation bya professional translator.1.03 Where the context so permits or requires, words importing the singular number includethe plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa.definitions in these Exchange L isting Rules are wider than or the obligations and 1.04 Whererequirements imposed by these Exchange L isting Rules are more onerous than the provisions of any ordinance, regulation or other statutory provision from time to time in force in Hong Kong, the provisions of these Exchange Listing Rules shall prevail provided that where any provision of these Exchange Listing Rules is in confl ict with the provisions of any such ordinance, regulation or other statutory provision, the provisions of such ordinance, regulation or other statutory provision shall prevail.1.05 Where, for the purposes of these Exchange L isting Rules, it is necessary to determinewhether an issuer’s primary listing is or is to be on the Exchange or another stock exchange, such determination shall be made by the Exchange.1.06 These Exchange L isting Rules shall be interpreted, administered and enforced by theExchange. The decisions of the Exchange shall be conclusive and binding on an issuer.The Exchange may issue practice notes and guidance notes, from time to time, to assist issuers and guarantors, in the case of a guaranteed issue, or their advisers in interpreting and complying with these Exchange Listing Rules.1.07 These Exchange Listing Rules have been issued in the English language with a separateChinese language translation. If there is any confl ict in the Exchange Listing Rules between the meaning of Chinese words or terms in the Chinese language version and English words in the English language version, the meaning of the English words shall prevail.。