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你的朋友Jack 感冒身体不适,请你给他提一些建议,给他写一封信。

提示:1应该去看医生;2 躺下休息;3 喝一些热蜂蜜茶;4喝大量的水;5 多做运动。

参考句型:You should``` You shouldn’t```

Dear Jack,

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Here I want to give you some advice. First of all, you should go to the doctor and take some medicine. Then you should lie down and rest for at least one day. You should also drink some hot tea with honey. Because it is good for your throat. At last , drinking plenty of water and exercising more are also very important if you want to get better soon. I really hope you can feel better.


Jane. 作文二对于学生上课后辅导班,你的观点是什么?

My opinion about sending kids to all kinds of after-school classes.

I don’t agree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes. Because all these activities can cause a l ot of stress for children. It’s not good for a child’s development.

In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too.

I think it’s better that parents should n’t compare their children with other children. It’s crazy and not fai r. Perhaps parents should let their kids be kids. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children.

作文三作为一名中学生,要帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。以Help My

Parents 为题写一篇文章。

提示: 1.我有一个幸福的家庭。爸爸妈妈工作很辛苦,所以我经常帮助父母干家务

2. 早晨起床后整理床铺、打扫房间、扫地

3. 早饭后刷碗,然后去上学。

4. 下午回家后帮助妈妈做晚饭、打扫客厅、倒垃圾

5. 周末为全家洗衣服、叠衣服、帮爸爸洗车、浇花等。

I have a happy family. My parents work really hard, so I often help my parents do chores.

In the morning, I make the bed after I get up. Then I clean my room and sweep the floor. After breakfast, I always do the dishes and then I go to school. In the afternoon, when I go back home, I usually help my mother cook the dinner, clean the living room and take out the rubbish. On weekends, I often do the laundry and fold the clothes for my family. Sometimes I help my father clean the car and water the flowers.

As a student and a member of the family, we should share the housework with our parents.

作文四 下面图示就是昨天(星期天)下午三点钟暴风雨来临时,你的几位好朋友正在进行的活动。根据图示写一篇作文。

There was a terrible rainstorm at three yesterday afternoon. At that time, people were doing different things. What were my friends doing? Linda was doing her homework at her bedroom. Susan was waiting for a bus at Linda Susan Dale Alex

the bus stop. Unluckily, she got wet. Dale was doing some reading in the library. But he was worried about his parents because they were working on the farm. Dale was walking home at the time of rainstorm. He was completely wet while he was running towards home.



Have you ever been to Hainan Island? It is the second largest island in China. It’s a beautiful place. If you go there, you should walk along the beaches. The weather in Hainan is very hot, so people like doing many water sports, such as diving (潜水), fishing, swimming, surfing and boating. One great thing about Hainan is that you can try many kinds of sweet fruit in Hainan. If you go to Hainan, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself.


The best place I have ever been to

I have been to some interesting places, but my favorite place is Huangguoshu Waterfall. I visited there two years ago. It is the biggest and most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen. There are many mountains there and some small villages are amon g the mountains. The air is very fresh and the water is very clean. You can go there by bus. The scene is so beautiful that many tourists like going there.

作文六My favorite thing

My favorite thing from childhood is a toy car. I have had it for 6 years. My father gave it to me when I was five years old.

I like it so much because I played with it every day until I went to school. It’s special to me because it was my fifth birthday gift.

I haven’t played with it for years, However whenever I see it, it reminds me of the soft and sweet memories in my life.
