
2022年心理咨询师三级考试(专业能力)模拟试题(一)姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________单选题(每个题目有且只有一个正确答案)1【单选题】:应对方式问卷分为6个量表,不包括( )。
2【单选题】:在SCL-90中,精神病性因子与MMPI中的( )量表相类似。
3【单选题】:在选择问卷或量表时,可依据的途径是( )。
4【单选题】:狭义的心理评估诊断是指( )。
5【单选题】:个人成长史资料的整理包括( )。
6【单选题】:对求医行为的理解不正确的是( )。
7【单选题】:对保密原则的理解正确的是( )。
8【单选题】:对初诊接待的理解不正确的是( )。
9【单选题】:关于真诚,下列观点不正确的是( )。
10【单选题】:咨询师对咨询目标常有的错误观念包括( )。
11【单选题】:心理咨询方案应( )。
12【单选题】:开放式询问的实施方法是( )。
13【单选题】:关于面质技术,下列说法中正确的是( )。
14【单选题】:美国心理学家卡特尔认为,( )是人的一种潜在智力,很少受社会教育的影响,它与个体通过遗传获得的学习和解决问题的能力有联系。
15【单选题】:CRT适用的受测者的年龄范围是( )。
16【单选题】:关于16PF的实施方法,最准确的描述应该是( )。
17【单选题】:16PF的每个试题有( )个可供受测者选择的答案。
18【单选题】:一般将16PF测验结果得到的原始分数转化成( )。
19【单选题】:在16PF测验中,( )因素的高分特征为好强、固执、独立、积极。
20【单选题】:在16PF测验中,保守以及尊重传统观念与道德准则是( )因素的低分特征。
21【单选题】:对于SDS的正向评分题,若求助者自评为”少部分时间”有症状则应给( )分。
22【单选题】:一般来讲,( )的正常人在一年内的LES总分不超过20分。

公共英语三级模拟试题一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听下面对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。
对话1:……A. …B. …C. …2. 听下面短文,回答问题。
短文1:……问题1:……A. …B. …C. …问题2:……A. …B. …C. ………(共10题)二、词汇与语法(共30分)1. 从下列各题的四个选项中,选择最佳答案填空。
1. The weather forecast says it will be _______ tomorrow.A. rainyB. rainC. rainedD. raining2. She was very surprised to see her old friend in the_______.A. supermarketB. super marketsC. supermarketsD. super market……(共15题)2. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
1. I _______ (be) to the Great Wall twice.2. She _______ (not finish) her homework yet.……(共5题)三、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。
短文1:……问题1:……A. …B. …C. …D. …问题2:……A. …B. …C. …D. ………(共3篇短文,每篇5题)2. 阅读下面文章,回答问题。
文章1:……问题1:……问题2:…………(共2篇文章,每篇2题)四、写作(共20分)1. 根据所给情景,写一封不少于100词的信件。

mhk三级模拟考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 请听以下对话,选择对话中提到的地点。
A. 图书馆B. 咖啡厅C. 电影院D. 公园(对话内容)正确答案:C2. 根据对话内容,判断以下哪个选项是正确的。
A. 他们计划去看电影。
B. 他们正在讨论作业。
C. 他们正在计划旅行。
D. 他们正在讨论工作。
(对话内容)正确答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择最符合文章内容的答案。
”A. 科技的发展使人们生活变得复杂。
B. 智能手机和在线购物是科技发展的产物。
C. 科技的发展使人们生活变得困难。
D. 人们不再需要智能手机。
正确答案:B2. 根据短文内容,判断以下哪个选项是正确的。
”A. 人们不再关注环保。
B. 可持续发展是近年来的新趋势。
C. 人们只关注经济发展。
D. 环保意识的提高对可持续发展没有影响。
”1. 随着科技的发展,人们的生活变得越来越____。
A. 复杂B. 便捷C. 困难D. 简单正确答案:B2. 智能手机、智能家居、在线购物等技术的出现,极大地____了我们的生活方式。
A. 改变了B. 保持了C. 破坏了D. 影响了正确答案:A四、写作(共30分)请根据以下提示写一篇不少于100字的短文。

省计算机等级考试三级网络技术模拟试题一二、选择题2、数据报、虚电路、报文交换的共同特点之一是〔 A 〕A.各站点都要存储-转发B.都可以也能够交互式通信C.都可以把信息送到多个目的地D.都不需要事先建立连接3、非存储转发的交换方式是〔 A 〕A.电路交换方式B.报文交换方式C. 虚电路方式D.数据报方式4、电路交换是用〔B 〕将发方与收方连接起来并持续到对话完毕的技术。
计算机资源主要指计算机〔 C 〕A〕软件与数据库 B〕服务器、工作站与软件C〕硬件、软件与数据D〕通信子网与资源子网6、计算机互联的主要目的是( D )A、制定网络协议B、将计算机技术与通信技术相结合C、集中计算D、资源共享7、就交换技术而言,局域网中的以太网采用的是〔 A 〕。
A 分组交换技术B 电路交换技术C 报文交换技术D 分组交换与电路交换结合技术8、采用专用线路通信时,可以省去的通信阶段是〔A〕。
A.建立通信线路B.建立数据传输链路C.传送通信控制信号和数据D.双方确认通信完毕9、一旦中心节点出现故障那么整个网络瘫痪的局域网的拓扑结构是( A )A、星型结构B、树型结构C、总线型结构D、环型结构10、以下关于计算机网络的功能不正确的选项是〔C〕。
A.数据传送 B.资源共享C.易于进展分布处理,均衡各计算机的负载D.数据的安全性和性加强11、把计算机网络分为有线网和无线网的分类依据是(B )A.网络的地里位置B.网络的传输介质C.网络的拓扑结构D.网络的本钱价格12、全双工通信的例子是〔C〕。
A.数据传输B.数据连接C.数据采集D.数据交换15、可以使铺设造价大大降低的结构是( A )A.总线型结构B.星型结构C.网络拓扑结构D.环形结构省计算机等级考试三级网络技术模拟试题二二、单项选择题1、国际标准化组织ISO提出的不基于特定机型、操作系统或公司的网络体系结构OSI模型中,第二层和第四层分别为〔B〕。

1. 以下哪项是三级教育的核心内容?
A. 安全知识
B. 操作技能
C. 应急预案
D. 管理制度
2. 在进行三级教育时,以下哪项是必须要做的?
A. 召开开班仪式
B. 发放教材
C. 进行实操演练
D. 考试评估
3. 以下哪个级别的教育不包括应急预案的教育?
A. 一级教育
B. 二级教育
C. 三级教育
D. 四级教育
4. 在进行三级教育时,以下哪个环节是必不可少的?
A. 课堂讲授
B. 视频教学
C. 实操演练
D. 经验分享
5. 以下哪个不是三级教育的目标?
A. 提高员工的安全意识
B. 提升员工的操作技能
C. 加强员工的应急处理能力
D. 增加员工的工作效率
1. 请简述三级教育的主要内容。
2. 请简述三级教育与一级教育、二级教育的区别。
3. 请简述在进行三级教育时,应该如何进行实操演练?
1. 假设你是一名安全管理人员,公司决定对全体员工进行三级
2. 在一次实操演练中,员工小张在操作机器时,由于操作不当
3. 假设你发现公司的三级教育教材已经不符合当前的安全要求,请简述你应该如何处理这个问题?。

共30道试题,总分100,考生得分44.0(不含主观题)1、- Great party, isn't it? - _________A、Yeah, really.B、My friends are great.C、Have we met before?D、Glad to meet you again.标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:3.02、-Merry Christmas! -_____.D、The same to youA、I hope soB、ReallyC、Thank you标准答案:D学生答案:C学生得分:0.03、- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? - ___________ I'm not using it right now.D、Who cares?C、It doesn't matter.B、I don't know.A、Sure, go ahead.标准答案:A学生答案:C学生得分:0.04、- How was your trip to London, Jane? - ___________C、The guide showed me the way.B、I went there alone.D、By plane and by bus.A、Oh, wonderful indeed.标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:3.05、- Marilyn, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now. - ____________D、Good luck!C、Not at all.B、Oh, so early?A、That sounds wonderful.标准答案:B学生答案:C学生得分:0.0Herman had worked for the bank of Ruritania for ten years and was still only a clerk. He was not satisfied with the position and wanted to find something better. Yet he did not want to lose his position in bank before he had got another one, so he prepared a letter about himself, with the words "HELP! I AM A PRISONER OF THE BANK OF RURITANIA!" in big letters across the top. Then he sent it to several other banks, asking them for a job. A few days later, one of these letters came into the hands of Herman's boss at the bank; someone had given it to him at a party. The next morning, Herman's boss asked him to come into his room and said, "Herman, I have some very good news for you. The bank of Ruritania is setting you free!"6、Herman was not happy because he was in prison in the bank.A、TB、F标准答案:B学生答案:B学生得分:3.07、Herman did not want to leave the Bank of Ruritania immediately because he had not found a better job yet.A、TB、F标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:3.08、He wished some other bank to give him a better job.A、TB、F标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:3.09、A few days later, Herman's boss found one of these letters in his office.A、TB、F标准答案:B学生答案:B学生得分:3.010、The boss asked Herman to come into his room as he decided to fire him.A、TB、F标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:3.0The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and people's lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792, to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte.11、What's this passage about?A、France.B、King Louis.C、The French Revolution.D、Europe.标准答案:C学生答案:C学生得分:3.012、Which did not happen in 1789?A、The French Revolution broke out.B、The national economy was developing rapidly.C、The government wasn't well run.D、King Louis XIV was in power.标准答案:B学生答案:A学生得分:0.013、Where were the political prisoners kept?A、In Versailles.B、In Austria.C、In Prussia.D、In Bastille.标准答案:D学生答案:D学生得分:3.014、What does the underlined word “abolished” mean?A、Put off.B、EstablishedC、UnitedD、Ended标准答案:D学生答案:D学生得分:3.015、What was NOT the effect of the Revolution?A、July 14 has become the French National Day.B、It brought some impact on the other European kings.C、Louis's wife, Marie was killed.D、The king tried to control the national parliament.标准答案:D学生答案:A学生得分:0.016、He never laughs ______ people when they are ______ trouble.A、to… inB、at… inC、at… atD、to… at标准答案:B学生答案:B学生得分:2.017、It is not always easy to tell the right ______the wrong.C、thanB、withA、fromD、to标准答案:A学生答案:D学生得分:0.018、Therefore, other things ____ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.A、isB、areC、beingD、having标准答案:C学生答案:B学生得分:0.019、It's bad ________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A、behaviorB、actionC、mannerD、movement标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:2.020、No matter _____ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.D、how hard it was snowingA、it was snowing hardB、hard it was snowingC、how it was snowing hard标准答案:D学生答案:A学生得分:0.0Do you know the story about the fox and the grapes? A fox is ___21___ food. He is very hungry. Now, he stands near a wall. The wall is very ___22___. The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes ___23___ the wall. He smiles and says, "How nice they are! I want to eat them." The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He ___24___ get the grapes. The fox says, "I must go now. I don't like those grapes. They are green. They are not ___25___ to eat."21、A、looking forB、goodC、onD、highE、can't标准答案:A学生答案:A学生得分:2.022、A、looking forB、goodC、onD、highE、can't标准答案:D学生答案:D学生得分:2.023、A、looking forB、goodC、onD、highE、can't标准答案:C学生答案:C学生得分:2.024、A、looking forB、goodC、onD、highE、can't标准答案:E学生答案:E学生得分:2.025、A、looking forB、goodC、onD、highE、can't标准答案:B学生答案:B学生得分:2.026、It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language.标准答案:学习一门外语需要很多时间。

例如,你将听到以下内容:M: E x c u s e m e. C a n y o u t e l l m e h o w m u c h t h e s h i r t i s?W:Y e s,i t’s n i n e f i f t e e n.请看选项:H o w m u c h i s t h e s h i r t?[A]19.15[B]9.15[C]9.18衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择B项,并在试卷上将其标出。
A n s w e r:[A][B][C]1W h e r e d o e s t h i s c o n v e r s a t i o n m o s t p r o b a b l y t a k e p l a c e?[A]I n a s h o p.[B]A t a h o t e l.[C]I n a t r a v e l a g e n c y.2W h a t c a n w e l e a r n f r o m t h i s c o n v e r s a t i o n?[A]B r i t i s h f o o d p r i c e i s v e r y h i g h.[B]T h e w o m a n u s u a l l y e a t s i n r e s t a u r a n t s.[C] F o o d i n r e s t a u r a n t s i s e x p e n s i v e i n B r i t a i n. 3H o w d o e s t h i s m a n a n d w o m a n t r a v e l?[A]B y c a r.[B]B y t r a i n.[C]B y s h i p.4W h a t c a n w e l e a r n f r o m t h i s c o n v e r s a t i o n?[A]T h e m a n i s g o i n g t o C h i c a g o b y A i r l i n e sF l i g h t514.[B]L u c y i s g o i n g t o f l y t o C h i c a g o.[C]L u c y i s s e e i n g t h e m a n o f f a t t h e a i r p o r t. 5W h o i s t h e h o s t?[A]B a r b a r a.[B]A n n a.[C]J a c k.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
三级安全教育考试试题 (1)

[填空题] *_________________________________(答案:熏蒸)2.《中华人民共和国安全生产法》中明确提出,我国的安全生产方针是安全第一,()。
[填空题] *_________________________________(答案:预防为主)3.三级安全教育包括厂级级教育,车间级教育,()级教育。
[填空题] *_________________________________(答案:班组)4.在同一个独立单元作业,同时作业人数 3 人及以上的,必须指定 1 人负责现场安全;同时作业人数()人及以上的,必须安排专人现场监管或采取监控措施。
[填空题] *_________________________________(答案:7)5.发生电器火灾,应立即切断电源,可以用干粉灭火器灭火,切不可用()灭火。
[填空题] *_________________________________(答案:水)二、选择题-车间级(以下提供的答案中,只有一个正确答案,共40分,每小题4分)。
[单选题] *A.事不关已,高高挂起;B.保证自己安全,不伤害自己;C.保护自己,不被他人伤害;D.不伤害自己,不伤害他人,不被他人伤害;(正确答案)2.像电梯工、电工、电焊工、叉车工这样的特种作业人员,符合以下哪种情况方可上岗作业()。
[单选题] *A.只要会做,就可上岗;B.不会做,慢慢一边上岗,一边学;C.经专门的技术、技能培训经考核合格发证后方可上岗;(正确答案)D.主管安排谁,谁就去上岗;3.员工在安全生产中有拒绝权,是指:()。
[单选题] *A.有权拒绝违章作业和强令冒险作业;(正确答案)B.不想做的工种,就可拒绝;C.不想做的岗位,可以不去;D.心情不好,就可以拒绝;4.员工在安全生产的义务包含()。

全国计算机等级考试三级笔试试卷(附试题答案)网络技术模拟试卷网络技术模拟试卷((一)(考试时间120分钟,满分100分)一、选择题一、选择题下列各题A 、B 、C 、D 是个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请选出正确的选项(每题1分,共60分)1.16根地址线的寻址范围是根地址线的寻址范围是( )? ( )?A.512KB.64KC.640KD.1MB2.2.一个一个1.2MB 的软磁盘可存储的软磁盘可存储( )( )个汉字个汉字个汉字? ?A.12万B.60万C.120万D.80万3.D/A 转换器的主要指标是分辨率和转换器的主要指标是分辨率和( ) ( )A.A.误差误差误差B. B.精度精度精度C. C.量程量程量程D. D.稳定时间稳定时间稳定时间4.8086微处理器的通用寄存器有微处理器的通用寄存器有( )( )个?A.8B.16C.24D.325.5.磁带上标有磁带上标有6250/RPI 的意思是每英寸存储的意思是每英寸存储( )( )。
A.6250位B.6250字节字节C.6250字D.6250行6.6.软件的何种性能是指软件只允许被授权用户使用软件的何种性能是指软件只允许被授权用户使用(包括读、写、打印、浏览等包括读、写、打印、浏览等)? ( ))? ( )。
A.A.安全性安全性安全性B. B.保密性保密性保密性C.C.可用性可用性可用性D. D.完备性完备性完备性7.7.分时操作系统追求的目标是:分时操作系统追求的目标是:分时操作系统追求的目标是:( ) ( )A.A.高吞吐率高吞吐率高吞吐率B. B.充分利用内存充分利用内存充分利用内存C.C.快速响应快速响应快速响应D. D.减少系统开销减少系统开销减少系统开销8.CPU 状态分为目态和管态两种,什么是从目态转换到管态的唯一途径?( )A.A.运行进程修改程序状态字运行进程修改程序状态字运行进程修改程序状态字B. B.中断屏蔽中断屏蔽中断屏蔽 C.C.中断中断中断 D. D.进程调度程序进程调度程序进程调度程序 9.9.进程调度有各种各样的算法,如果算法选择不当,就会出现进程调度有各种各样的算法,如果算法选择不当,就会出现( )现象现象现象? ? A.A.颠簸颠簸颠簸((抖动抖动) B.) B.进程长期等待进程长期等待进程长期等待 C.C.列锁列锁列锁 D.Belady( D.Belady(异常异常异常) ) 10.UNIX 操作系统是采用操作系统是采用( )( )方法实现结构设计的方法实现结构设计的方法实现结构设计的? ? A.A.管程、类程、进程管程、类程、进程管程、类程、进程 B. B.模块层次结构法模块层次结构法模块层次结构法 C.C.核心扩充法核心扩充法核心扩充法 D. D.模块接口法模块接口法模块接口法 11.11.下列作业调度算法中有最短作业平均周转时间的是:下列作业调度算法中有最短作业平均周转时间的是:( )A.A.先来先服务先来先服务先来先服务B. B.短作业优先短作业优先短作业优先 C.C.最高响应比优先最高响应比优先最高响应比优先 D. D.优先数法优先数法优先数法 12.12.装有装有DOS 操作系统的微机启动后,自动执行的命令文件是:( )A.CONFIG.SYSB.AUTOEXEC.BATMAN D.SETUP.SYS13.13.下面哪一组的两个下面哪一组的两个DOS 命令的功能完全相同命令的功能完全相同?( ) ?( )P 和DISKCOMPB.COPY 和DISKCOPYC.RD 和DELD.REN 和RENAME14.14.在下列操作中,在下列操作中,在下列操作中,DOS DOS 内部命令所特有的操作是内部命令所特有的操作是( )( )。


8、人、环境、财产9、违章指挥、违章操作、违反劳动纪律10、预防为主,防治结合,分类管理,综合治理二、1、A 2、A、C 3、D 4、C 5、C三、1、设备传动部分防护罩(栏)缺损或未关好就开车操作;检修带电设备时在配电形状处不断电或未挂警示牌;高处作业或在有高处作业、有机械化运输设备下面工作而不戴安全帽的。

第⼀部分听⼒(略) Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and 26 in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually 27 asleep. When you wake up, you don' t feel 28 , but tired and worn out and 29 to face a new day. Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article 30 Stress and Sleep, 31 that stress and lack of sleep are directly 32 . Dr. Winkle says, "the more we worry, the 33 we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with 34 If we can find a way to get a good night' s sleep," he 35 ,"we can often find the 36 to deal with what' s worrying us. " So, what is a good night' s sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy 37 a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount, 38 strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache 39 of making you feel more refreshed. Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short 40 and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise 41 in the day should help you to feel physically as well as 42 tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine(咖啡因) and will keep you. 43 . "When you put the light 44 ," Dr.Winkle says, "concentrate on relaxing your muscles. Working slowly up from your feet, and you'll be asleep 45 you know it. " 26. [A] turning [B]rolling [C]twisting [D]rotating 27. [A] find [B]feel [C]drop [D]all 28. [A] relieved [B]renewed [C]refreshed [D]released 29. [A] impossible [B]unable [C]powerless [D]incapable 30.[A] titled [B]libeled [C]entitled [D]named 31. [A] implies [B]suggests [C]proposes [D]indicates 32. [A] related [B]tied [C]combined [D] put together 33. [A] more [B]less [C]shorter [D]later 34. [A] nervousness [B]anxiety [C]stress [D]tension 35. [A] enhances [B]attaches [C]inserts [D]adds 36. [A] power [B]energy [C]vigor [D]force 37. [A] varies [B]differs [C]alters [D]contrasts 38. [A] nevertheless [B] since [C]though [D] however 39. [A] because [B]spite [C]despite [C]instead 40. [A] pause [B] break [C]vacation [D]interruption 41. [A] earlier [B]early [C]previously [D]sooner 42. [A] spiritually [B]consciously [C]mentally [D]emotionally 43. [A] asleep [B]awake [C]alert [D]active 44. [A] out [B]on [C]away [D]off 45. [A] as soon as [B]when [C]before [D]after Section III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Part A Directions:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 An embarrassing experience It was the small hours of the morning when we reached London Airport. I had cabled London from Amsterdam, and there was a hired car to meet, but there was one more unfortunate happening before I reached my flat. In all my travels I have never, but for that once, been required by the British customs to open a single bag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; the extreme tiredness and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy. I was, for whichever reason, so tired that I could hardly stand, and to the question ,"have you read this?" I replied with extreme foolishness, "Yes, hundreds of times. " "And you have nothing to declare?""Nothing. " "How long have you been out of this country?""About three months. " "And during that time you have acquired nothing?""Nothing but what is on the list I have given you. "He seemed momentarily at a loss, but then he attacked. The attack, when it came, was utterly unexpected. "Where did you get that watch?" I could have kicked myself. Two days before, when playing water games with a friend in the bath, I had forgotten to take off my ROLEX OYSTER, and it had, not unnaturally, stopped. I had gone into the market and bought, for twelve shillings and six pence, an ugly time piece that made a strange noise. It had stopped twice, without any reason, during the journey. I explained, but I had already lost face. I produced my own watch from a pocket, and added that I should be grateful if he would confiscate the replacement. "It is not a question of confiscation," he said, "there is a fine for failing to declare dutiable goods. And now may I please examine that Rolex?" It took another quarter of an hour to persuade him that the Rolex was not contraband; then he began to search my luggage. 46. When did the writer arrive at London airport? [A] In the early morning. [B] Late at night. [C] At noon. [D] Late in the morning. 47. What can we conclude from the questions asked by the customs officer? [A] He was just doing his duty by asking the passenger some usual questions. [B] He must have noticed the writer's ugly watch. [C] He wanted to embarrass the writer. [D] He must have noticed the writer's tiredness. 48. What did the writer think of the watch he bought in the market? [A] He was fond of the watch because it was a Rolex. [B] He found the watch useful though it was very cheap. [C] He didn't like the watch at all. [D] He was indifferent to the watch. 49. What must have happened to the writer in the end? [A] He must have spent a long time at the customs and must have been let go without any punishment. [B] He must have been given a fine as a punishment. [C] His Rolex must have been confiscated. [D] His cheap watch must have been confiscated. 50. What do you think is the tone of the story? [A] Humorous. [B] Sarcastic. [C] Solemn. [D] Matter-of-fact. Text 2 You must have been troubled by when to say "I love you" because it is one of the greatest puzzles in our life. What if you say it first and your partner doesn' t love you back? Or if they do say it but you don't feel they mean it? Being the first to declare your love can be nerve-racking(紧张) and risky and can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell. But is the person who says it first really in a position of weakness? Doesn' t it pay to hold back, play it cool and wait until the other half has shown their hand first? "A really good relationship should be about being fair and being equal," says psychologist Sidney Crown. "But love is seldom equal. " All relationships go through power struggles but, he says ,if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in. "That feeling of ' I' ve always loved you more' may be subverted(*,破坏) for a time, but it never goes away completely and it often emerges in squabbling(⼤声争吵). In love, at least, the silent, withholding type is not always the most powerful. "The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings," says educational psychologist lngrid Collins. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees. "The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative. In fact, the person who says ' I love you' first may also be the one who says ' I' m bored with you' first. " Hall believes that much depends on how "I love you" is said and the motivation of the person saying it."Is it said when they' re drunk? Is it said before their partner flies off on holiday, and what it really means is ' Please don' t be unfaithful to me' ? By saying I love you' ,they really say' Do you love me?' If so, wouldn' t it just be more honest to say that?" Collins agrees that intention is everything."It' s not what is said, but how it' s said. What it comes down to is the sincerity of the speaker. "51. What is the main idea of this passage? [A]The importance of "I love you" [B]The meaning of "I love you" [C]The time of saying "I love you" [D]The place of saying "I love you" 52. In the first sentence the author means that__________. [A]it is easy to say "I love you" [B]it is hard to say "I love you" [C]we have many troubles in our life [D]people usually do not know when to say "I love you" 53. According to the expert, a good relationship should be__________. [A]fair and equal [B]fair and kind [C]powerful and equal [D]confident and fair 54. In the third paragraph, the phrase "with the upper hand" means__________. [A]being low in spirit [B]having only one hand [C]being active [D]being passive 55. What is the most important for you to consider when somebody says "I love you" to you? [A]The intention. [B]The place. [C]The time. [D]The determination. Text 3 At the European Commission in Brussels, they have a joke about the work interpreters do-"Languages", they say, "have nothing to do with interpretation, it helps to know them. "Anyone thinking of becoming an interpreter would bear this so well in mind. Translating languages, especially in a political context, involves far more than mere linguistic ability. To work in an international organization, such as the United Nations, you need to be approved by one of the various international translators or interpreters' associations. To achieve this, you must experience rigorous and lengthy training, either at an accrediting organization' s own school, or on a post graduate course at university. But a qualification in languages is not the only route into the job .At London' s University of Westminster, candidates get offered a place on the interpreter' s course if they can show that they have "lived a bit", in the words of one lecture. Young people who have just left university often lack adequate experience of life. The University also looks for candidates who have lived for long time in the countries where their acquired languages are spoken. They are also expected to have wide cultural interests and a good knowledge of current affairs. This broad range of interests are essential in a job which can require interpreting discussions of disarmament (裁军) on Monday, international fishing rights on Tuesday ,multinational finance on Wednesday, and the building and construction industry on Thursday. Interpreters also rely on adrenaline(肾上腺素)--which is caused by the stress and challenges of the job--to keep them going through their demanding schedules. Many admit that they enjoy the buzz of adrenaline they get from the job, and it' s known that their heart rates speed up while they are working. It' s also a job with its own risks and excitement. Interpreters are needed in war zones as well as in centers of international diplomacy, like the U. N. 56. According to the passage, what does the underlined phrase "lived a bit "mean? [A]To be older than others. [B]To travel to more countries. [C]To have abundant life experience. [D]To have longer training in interpreting. 57. Candidates for the training course in London' s University of Westminster need the following qualifications EXCEPT [A]having wide cultural interests [B]having a good knowledge of current affairs [C]being familiar with the languages they translate [D]being eloquent lecturers 58. The interpreters rely on adrenaline because [A]it can help finish their work quickly [B]it can make them excited [C]it can prevent them from heart disease [D]it can make them work harder 59. According to the passage, we can infer that [A]language has nothing to do with interpreting [B]only those postgraduates from the foreign language universities can work as interpreters [C]interpreters must live in the country where the required language is spoken [D]interpreters build the bridge for international communication 60. The job as an interpreter has the following characteristics EXCEPT [A]funny [B]intrepid [C]dangerous sometimes [D]excitingPart B Directions:The 12,000 members of the Electricity Workers' Union went on strike last week and since then there has been no electricity. For questi o n s 6 1 - 6 5 , m a t c h t h e n a m e s w i t h t h e s t a t e m e n t s b e l o w . M a r k y o u r a n s w e r s o n A N S W E R S H E E T 1 . / p > p > 0 0 M r . M i k e S m i t h : / p > p > 0 0 I t w a s n ' t a n e a s y d e c i s i o n , b u t w e ' v e b e e n a s k i n g f o r a d e c e n t w a g e f o r y e a r s . N o w a t l a s t p e o p l e a r e b e g i n n i n g t o l i s t e n t o u s . W e ' r e o n l y a s k i n g f o r a 2 5 p e r c e n t i n c r e a s e i n o u r w a g e s . 2 5 0 d o l l a r s a w e e k , t h a t ' s a l l . I t ' s a p i t y s o m a n y p e o p l e h a v e t o b e i n c o n v e n i e n c e d b y o u r s t r i k e . B u t p l e a s e d o n ' t b l a m e u s .B l a m e t h e g o v e r n m e n t f o r r e f u s i n g o u r c l a i m . / p > p > 0 0 M r . T o m B r o w n : / p > p > 0 0 I t ' s t o t a l l y u n r e a s o n a b l e t o d e m a n d s o m u c h m o n e y w h e n w e a r e t r y i n g d e s p e r a t e l y t o c o n t r o l i n f l a t i o n . I f w a g e s g o u p , s o d o p r i c e s . I f w e g a v e i n t o t h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s , a l l t h e o t h e r u n i o n s w o u l d w a n t m o r e , w i t h t h e i n e v i t a b l e r e s u l t t h a t t h e c r i s i s w o u l d b e c o m e u n c o n t r o l l a b l e . W h a t w e ' r e t r y i n g t o i m p r e s s u p o n e v e r y b o d y i s t h a t i n f l a t i o n h u r t s e v e r y b o d y , e s p e c i a l l y t h e p o o r p e o p l e . W e o f f e r t h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s a 1 0 p e r c e n t i n c r e a s e . A n d t h a t ' s a l r e a d y t o o m u c h . M y s t a n d a t t h i s m e e t i n g w i l l b e t o p e r s u a d e t h e U n i o n t o s e e r e a s o n . / p > p > 0 0 M r . B o b D a v i s : / p > p > 0 0 E v e r y b o d y w i l l b e h u r t b y t h i s s t r i k e , i n c l u d i n g t h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s t h e m s e l v e s . T h e e c o n o m y w i l l b e d e s t r o y e d a n d m a n y p e o p l e w i l l l o s e t h e i r j o b s . A l r e a d y p e o p l e a r e s a y i n g t h a t t h e b i g u n i o n s h a v e t o o m u c h p o w e r a n d s h o u l d n ' t b e a l l o w e d t o s t r i k e . O f c o u r s e t h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s w a n t t o g e t m o r e m o n e y . D o n ' t w e a l l ? / p > p > 0 0 M r s . B a k e r : / p > p > 0 0 M y o p i n i o n i s " G e t t h e A r m y i n " . A l l t h e p o w e r s t a t i o n s s h o u l d b e m a n a g e d b y t h e a r m y . T h e s t r i k e r s s h o u l d b e t h r o w n i n t o p r i s o n . T h a t ' s w h a t t h i s c o u n t r y n e e d s . W h y m u s t w e a l l s u f f e r j u s t b e c a u s e a f e w m e n a r e g r e e d y ? I f t h e y d o n ' t l i k e t h e i r j o b s , n o b o d y ' s f o r c i n g t h e m t o w o r k . T h e y s h o u l d t r y a n d l i v e o n 5 0 d o l l a r s a w e e k l i k e I h a v e t o . P e r h a p s t h e y ' d k e e p t h e i r m o u t h s s h u t t h e n . M i s s S i a t e r : / p > p > 0 0 L e t ' s f a c e i t . I t ' s n e i t h e r h e r e n o r t h e r e . T h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s a r e i n a s t r o n g p o s i t i o n . P e r - h a p s w e c a n ' t d o a n y t h i n g a b o u t i t . W h a t I s a y i s : l e t t h e m h a v e t h e i r 2 5 0 d o l l a r s s o w e c a n r e t u r n t o w o r k . I m e a n , t h e g o v e r n m e n t w a s t e s t h e t a x p a y e r s ' m o n e y a l l t h e t i m e o n t r i v i a l t h i n g s . H o w c a n a n y o n e s a y 2 5 0 d o l l a r s i s " t o o m u c h " ? P o p s i n g e r s g e t m o r e . N u r s e s g e t l e s s . I t ' s j u s t o n e o f t h o s e t h i n g s . / p > p > 0 0 N o w m a t c h e a c h o f t h e p e r s o n s ( 6 1 t o 6 5 ) t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s t a t e m e n t . N o t e : t h e r e a r e t w o e x t r a s t a t e m e n t s . / p > p > 0 0 S t a t e m e n t s / p > p > 0 0 6 1 . M r . M i k e S m i t h / p > p > 0 0 6 2 . M r . T o m B r o w n / p > p > 0 0 6 3 . M r . B o b D a v i s / p > p > 0 0 6 4 . M r s . B a k e r / p > p > 0 0 6 5 . M i s s S l a t e r / p > p > 0 0 [ A ] A 1 0 % i n c r e a s e i s a l r e a d y t o o m u c h , a n d I ' m h e r e t o p e r s u a d e t h e U n i o n t o s e e r e a s o n . / p > p > 0 0 [ B ] I h o p e t h a t s t r i k e s s h o u l d b e b a n n e d i n a l l s e c t o r s r e l a t i n g t o t h e n a t i o n ' s s e c u r i t y a n d s t a b i l i t y . / p > p > 0 0 [C ] W e w i l l n e v e r g o b a c k t o w o r k u n t i l o u r g o a l s a r e a c h i e v e d . / p > p > 0 0 [D ] I t h i n k t h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t s h o u l d g i v e i n t o t h e e l e c t r i c i t y w o r k e r s ' d e m a n d s . / p > p > 0 0 [E ] I s t r o n g l y s u g g e s t t h a t a l l t h e p o w e r s t a t i o n s s h o u l d b e r u n b y t h e a r m y a n d t h a t t h e s t r i k e r s s h o u l d b e p u t i n t o p r i s o n . / p > p > 0 0 [F ] I m u s t m a k e y o u c l e a r t h a t s t r i k e s w i l l d e s t r o y t h e e c o n o m y a n d t h a t m a n y p e o p l e w i l l l o s e t h e i r j o b s . / p > p > 0 0 [G ] W e a r e f o r c e d t o c a l l a s t r i k e b e c a u s e t h e g o v e r n m e n t r e j e c t e d o u r w a g e c l a i m . / p > p > / p > p > 0 0 S e c t i o n I V W r i t i n g / p > p > 0 0 ( 4 0 m i n u t e s ) / p > p > 0 0 D i r e c t i o n s : Y o u s h o u l d w r i t e y o u r r e s p o n s e s t o b o t h P a r t A a n d P a r t B o f t h i s s e c t i o n o n A N S W E R SH E E T 2 . / p > p > 0 0 P a r t A / p > p > 0 0 6 6 . Y o u h a v e r e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g m a g a z i n e a d v e r t i s e m e n t i n w h i c h a n A m e r i c a n g i r l i s l o o k i n g f o r p e n - f r i e n d s a n d y o u w a n t t og e t i n t o u c h w i t h h e r . / p > p > 0 0 i m g s r c = h t t p : / / w x i m g . 2 3 3 . c o m / a t t a c h e d / i m a g e / 2 0 1 5 0 3 27 / 2 0 1 5 0 3 2 7 1 1 0 5 1 1 _ 1 8 9 3 . j p g b o r d e r = 0 > / p > p > 0 0 W r i t e a l e t t e r t o h e r ( A n d y L e w i s ) , t e l l i n g h e r a b o u t : 1 ) y o u r f a m i l y / p > p > 0 0 2 ) y o u r s c h o o l i n g o r w o r k 3 ) y o u r h o b b i e s / p > p > 0 0 Y o u s h o u l d w r i t e a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 0 w o r d s . D o n o t s i g n y o u r o w n n a m e a t t h e e n d o f y o u r l e t t e r . U s e " L i P i n g " i n s t e a d . Y o u n e e d n ' t w r i t e t h e a d d r e s s . / p > p > 0 0 P a r t B / p > p > 0 0 6 7 . Y o u a r e g i v e n a p i c t u r e a n d r e q u i r e d t o d e s c r i b e t h e s c e n e y o u c a n s e e i n i t w i t h t h e t i t l e / p > p > 0 0 I n s i d e a n d O u t s i d e . M a k e r e f e r e n c e t o t h e f o l l o w i n g p o i n t s : / p > p > 0 0 1 ) a d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e p i c t u r e / p > p > 0 0 2 ) y o u r c o m m e n t o n t h i s p h e n o m e n o n / p > p > 0 0 3 ) y o u r c o m p o s i t i o n s h o u l d b e n o l e s s t h a n 1 2 0 w o r d s / p > p > 0 0 i m g s r c = h t t p : / / w x i m g . 2 3 3 . c o m / a t t a c h e d / i m a g e / 2 0 1 5 0 3 2 7 / 2 0 1 5 0 3 2 7 1 1 0 5 1 7 _ 1 7 4 1 . j p g b o r d e r = 0 > / p > p > / p > p > / p >。

英语等级考试《PETS三级》模拟试题卷一[问答题]1.Task: Identifying oneself; identifyin(江南博哥)gthings/people; passing on information.Interlocutor:Good morning (afternoon).My name is...and this is mycolleague He / She is just going to be listening to us.And your names are.., and...?Would you tell me your candidate numbers so I can check them, please? Thank you.(Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor)First of all we’d like to know something about you, Candidate A, so I’m going to ask you some questions.参考答案:【参考范例】(I=Interlocutor, A= Candidate A, B= Candidate B)I: Are you interested in traveling? Why?A: Yes, I’m.Both domestic and foreign travel can give me opportunities to broaden my prospective.I: Have you traveled a lot? Where did you like most among the places you had ever been to?A: Yes, I traveled a lot.Singapore was the place I like most.I: What was your first impression of Singapore?A: It’s indeed a good place! The trees are everywhere.The sky is very bright and the streets are very clean.It looks like a beautiful garden.I: How did you go there? In your opinion, which is the best way to travel? Why?A: By air, because air travel is my favorite.I think it is very fast, enjoyable and it seems the world is becoming a smaller place to live in.I: Thank you.Now, we’d like to know something about you, Candidate B, so I’m going to ask you some questions.I: Where would you like to travel most?A: Tibet, the mysterious place in snow area.I: What do you think of Tibet?B: Although I’ve never been there, I still think it’s a beautiful place.Untouched natural scenery, flocks of sheep and oxen, clear sky etc.All attract me very much.I: What will you prepare for your travel?B: I will take an atlas, some food and drink, some medicine, necessary tools and enough money.I: How are you going if you can travel to Tibet?B: I’m going there by air.It will save much time and I like flying.[问答题]2.Interlocutor: Now I’d like you to talk about something for 3 minutes.I’m just going to listen.I’d like you to discuss the ways of keeping in talk each other.[Place picture sheet (includingpictures of different ways: 1.writing 2.telephoning) in front of candidates]Talk to each other about it.It is not necessary to agree with each other.You have only 3 minutes for this.参考答案:A: I think the most common means of communication is the telephone.It is said that nowadays more than 80% of households in the city own at least one telephone, through which people can easily talk to each other.Another common way people exchange information is traditionally by letters, which is used most often by those two live in the countryside where phones are not available yet.With the popularity of computers, more and more people now start to send e-mails to each other, but not everyone can afford to buy a computer.B: As far as I know, communication by telephone will not take the place of postal communication.There are several reasons forthis.First of all, telephones are still not available in many rural or mountainous areas.The only ways for them to communicate with the outside world is by means of writing and receiving letters.Second, some people write letters in order to save money, especially when they want to avoid long distance calls.Candidate A: As far as my classmates are concerned, most students write letters to communicate.If you just take a look at the school post office, you can see lots of students standing in a long line for stamps.[问答题]3.Interlocutor: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own for about 2 minutes.I’m going to give each of you a different picture and I’d like you to talk about it.Candidate A, here is yourpicture (two bowls cashed violently).Please let Candidate B have a look at it.(Hand over the picture to Candidate A) Candidate B, I’ll give you your picture in a minute.Candidate A, I’d like you to describe the picture and tell us what you think about thepicture.Remember you have only 2 minutes for this.参考答案:A: The picture presents a very interesting scene, with a clear cracking sound, two howls clash “violently”.While the shining one on the left keeps its integrity, the shabby one on the right breaks into pieces.It follows that the intact bowl, as a symbol of goods of high quality, overwhelms the broken bowl representing the goods of low quality.Therefore, it’s not difficult to induce that quality provides the best guarantee for the survival and prosperity of a commodity.As everyone knows, quality is the lifeline of a product.Amid the fierce marketing competition, goods of high quality are bound to defeat fake and inferior products by their outstanding function, durability and friendly services.In this sense, the market is dominated by good-quality products.Besides, these products are easier to be accepted by the majority of customers who will probably cling to them most of the time.On the other hand, low-quality products will finally be pushed out of markets with shame and loss.Even though manufacturers may gain some profits occasionally and temporarily, inferior products are destined to tend up with failure.People may be cheated into buying poor-quality goods once; however, they will eventually obtain quality commodities and discard junk ones.Interlocutor: Thank you.(Retrieve picture.) Candidate B, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture?B: As a saying goes, “real gold can be tested by fire”, high-quality goods can win over poor-quality products in the market and thus establish their true brand and value in the marketing process. [问答题]4.Interlocutor: Candidate B, here is your card (a sorrowful pig).Please let Candidate A have a look at it.(Hand over the picture to Candidate B).I’d like you to describe the picture and tell us howyou feel about the phenomenon.Remember you have 2 minutes for this.参考答案:B: In the cartoon, a pig is filled with sorrow because he cannot understand the fact why the pigs’ skin is used to make E’jiao (a kind of aliment), which should be made from the oxen’s skin.From this cartoon, the artist intends to criticize the flood of fake products.At present, fake products are very common in our market.Take my experience as an example.Three weeks ago, I bought a pair of shoes with a so-called famous brand, which cost me 150 yuan.The shop owner guaranteed that his shoes would last for years, but now they are completely broken.Why are there so many fake products? Some dishonest manufactures want to make huge and easy profits from fake products, regardless of the bad effects on the consumers.Secondly, there are no strict laws against fake products, and the manufacturers cannot be punished effectively.Fake products have become a serious issue.It does not only spoil the benefits of the consumers, but also does great harm to our market economy.Interlocutor: Thank you.(Retrieve picture.) Candidate A, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture?A: In my opinion, we should put the whole process of production under good supervision.In addition, strict laws must be made to prevent fake products and to punish those who manufacture them.Interlocutor: Thank you.That is the end of the test.。

大学英语三级考试模拟试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)Section A1. What is the man going to do this weekend?A) Go to a party.B) Visit his parents.C) Work on a project.2. Why does the woman suggest going to the library?A) To find a quiet place to study.B) To return some books.C) To borrow some new books.(Answers: 1. B, 2. A)Section BListen to the conversation and answer the following question:3. What is the main topic of the conversation?A) Travel plans.B) Job interviews.C) A new course.4. What does the man think about the woman's idea?A) He agrees with it.B) He is unsure.C) He disagrees.(Answers: 3. C, 4. A)二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of online learning has surged. Many students find the flexibility of online courses appealing, as they can study at their own pace and on their own schedule.Questions:5. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The drawbacks of online learning.B) The benefits of online learning.C) The history of online learning.6. Why do students prefer online learning?A) It is more structured.B) It offers more flexibility.C) It is less expensive.(Answers: 5. B, 6. B)Passage 2The environmental impact of single-use plastics has become amajor concern worldwide. Many countries have started to implement policies to reduce plastic waste, such as banning plastic bags and encouraging the use of reusable alternatives.Questions:7. What is the focus of the passage?A) The benefits of single-use plastics.B) The environmental impact of single-use plastics.C) The economic impact of plastic bans.8. What action are countries taking to address the issue?A) Ignoring the problem.B) Encouraging the use of plastics.C) Implementing policies to reduce plastic waste.(Answers: 7. B, 8. C)三、词汇与语法(共20分)Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.9. The company has been ________ a new product line for the past six months.A) developingB) discoveringC) manufacturing10. Despite the heavy rain, they ________ the concert.A) attendedB) missedC) postponed(Answers: 9. A, 10. A)四、完形填空(共15分)[A passage with 10 blanks to be filled with the appropriate word from the options provided.]Example:... He was always the first one to arrive at work and the last one to leave. His dedication was ________.A) remarkableB) ordinaryC) insufficient(Answer: A)五、翻译(共15分)Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.11. The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live and work.12. It is important to maintain a balance between work and leisure.(Answers:11. 技术的快速发展改变了我们生活和工作的方式。


2023年健康管理师三级考试试题考试题库【3套练习题】模拟训练含答案答题时间:120分钟试卷总分:100分姓名:_______________ 成绩:______________第一套一.单选题(共20题)1.张某因大量服用有毒的蘑菇出现剧烈呕吐、腹泻、发热等全身症状属于:A.真菌及其毒素食物中毒B.动物性食物中毒C.有毒植物中毒D.细菌性食物中毒E.化学性食物中毒2.关于职业道德的描述错误的是:A.是一切符合职业要求的心理意识行为准则和行为规范的总和B.是调整职业个人职业主体和社会成员关系的行为准则C.是一般道德在职业行为中的反映D.是一种强制性的约束机制E.是社会分工的产物3.属于糖尿病干预的过程评估中,阶段性评估内容的是:A.社会大众对政府部门工作的满意情况B.糖尿病管理开展情况C.糖尿病患者转入转出执行情况D.糖尿病患者建档动态管理情况E.综合医院对社区卫生服务机构业务指导情况4.相对危险性是指:A.未来患某病的可能性B.一般人群患某病的危险度C.某群体患某病的危险度D.相对于一般人群危险度的增减量E.相对于个体危险度的增减量5.《黄帝内经》、《素问·四季调神大论》中“是故,圣人不治已病治未病,不治已乱治未乱,此之谓也”,以:A.保健为主B.预防为主C.治疗为主D.康复为主E.管理为主6.最常用和最主要的治疗方法是:A.放射治疗B.介入治疗C.物理治疗D.药物治疗E.手术治疗7.调节自我认知的策略不包括:A.纠正归因偏见B.转化C.积极的思维方式D.校正自我认知E.建立合理的自我认知8.中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的最底层是:A.烹调油和食盐B.奶类和豆类C.蔬菜和水果D.谷薯类E.鱼禽肉蛋等9.患者男性,45岁,护士为其测得的血压值为145/95mmHg,该患者的血压属于:A.单纯收缩期高血压B.临界高血压C.正常血压D.高血压E.理想血压10.OGTT实验作为负荷量的无水葡萄糖量是:A.55gB.25gC.35gD.45gE.75g11.反映2~3个月血糖控制水平良好的指示是:A.任意时间血糖葡萄糖水平B.餐后3小时血糖值C.糖化血红蛋白D.口服葡萄糖耐量试验E.空腹血糖12.健康教育计划制订的具体目标不包括:A.预期最终结果B.多长时间内实现该变化C.对谁D.在什么范围内实现该变化E.实现什么变化13.关于血压的说法错误的是:A.1mmHg=13.3kB.血压也可用KPA表示C.血压的单位为mmHgD.7.5mmHg=1kPaE.血压计以大气压为基数14.脑卒中的危险因素中不可干预的是:A.心脏病B.高血压C.高血糖D.吸烟E.家庭遗传15.不属于危害健康的行为生活方式的是:A.高脂饮食B.不吃早饭C.摄食种类多D.高盐饮食E.吃隔夜剩菜16.胰岛反应空腹血糖功能的细胞是:A.δ细胞B.ε细胞C.A细胞D.γ细胞E.β细胞17.不属于日常体力活动的是:A.职业活动中的体力活动B.业余时间的体力活动C.专业的运动训练D.各种家务劳动E.出行往来过程中的体力活动18.关于非语言传播技巧的表述不正确的是:A.动态体语是指点头、摇头、微笑、握手等动作B.类语言是指改变声调节奏,合理运用笑声C.时间语是指时间准时,给人以信赖感D.非语言传播技巧指借助视、听、触觉等感官分享信息E.静态体语是指安静,不说话19.世界卫生组织提出的初级卫生保健的基本内容不包括:A.对重要保健问题进行宣传教育;开展包括计划生育在内的妇幼工作B.促进食品合理营养,保障安全用水供应;保障基本药物C.对传染病开展预防接种,预防和治疗地方病、常见病和外伤D.初级卫生保健的伦理审查工作E.采取基本公共卫生措施,保护精神健康20.有关建立健康档案基本原则的描述中错误的是:A.健康档案的管理不能远离医务人员B.在居民自愿的基础上建立,不要求统一建立C.对接受上门服务的人群要一个家庭建立一套D.通过健康档案的有效管理,要能体现连续服务的特点E.对已参加新型农村合作医疗的人群不再建立健康档案二.多选题(共10题)1.人际沟通中可以传递信息的方式有:A.语言B.目光C.表情D.动作E.手势2.生活方式信息记录表有关饮酒量的评判标准,描述正确的是:A.1标准杯等于1易拉罐啤酒B.1标准杯等于1两半黄酒C.1标准杯等于半两白酒D.1标准杯等于3两葡萄酒E.1标准杯等于1两低度白酒3.实测体重在理想体重范围的判断,不正确的是:A.超过20%为肥胖B.10%~20%为超重C.低于20%为严重消瘦D.±10%为正常E.10%~20%为瘦弱4.健康风险评估的主要用途包括:A.评价危险因素的控制效果B.评价患病危险性的变化C.成本效果评价D.识别主要健康问题及危险因素,确定健康管理方案E.满意度评价5.用BMI指数来评价中国成年人超重和肥胖的界限值为:A.24.0~27.9kg/m2B.>28kg/m2C.≤18.5kg/m2D.≥28kg/m2E.18.5~23.9kg/m26.健康管理提供者对服务对象的义务包括:A.解除对方痛苦B.提供健康服务C.满足所需要求D.保守秘密E.进行直播教育7.目前开展健康教育的新型传播手段包括:A.手机B.杂志C.报刊D.互联网E.广播8.卫生服务记录表单的主要内容包括:A.基本信息B.妇女保健C.疾病管理D.疾病控制E.儿童保健9.关于血压测量的描述正确的是:A.肥胖者、臂围大者或者儿童都可以使用相同规格的袖带B.袖带内气囊至少包裹80%上臂C.测量时气囊放气速度应2-6mmHg为宜,心率较慢时放气速度也较慢D.袖带一殷下缘应该在肘弯上2.5cm,听诊器探头置于肘窝肱动脉处E.测量时气囊内压力应达到桡动脉脉搏波动消失再升高30mmHg10.调查问卷保存的环境要求包括:A.潮湿的环境B.留有空间以备扩充C.必需的档案保管设施设备D.便于取用和查阅E.设施设备要保证文件能防盗防晒防火第二套一.单选题(共20题)1.关于患病率的描述不正确的是:A.能为一些慢性病的流行状况提供有价值的信息B.可用来合理计划卫生设施C.对于病程短的疾病价值较大D.用来监测慢性病的控制效果E.可反映某地区人群对某疾病的疾病负担程度2.高血压的干预策略是:A.非药物治疗和药物治疗相结合B.以节食为主C.以运动为主D.以药物治疗为主E.以非药物治疗为主3.职业性恶性肿瘤不包括:A.苯所致的白血病B.砷所致的肺癌C.石棉所致的间皮瘤D.石棉所致的肺癌E.电离辐射所致的白血病4.身体活动强度可分为:A.一级、二级、三级、四级B.低强度、中强度、高强度、极高强度C.小强度、中强度、大强度D.普通强度、有强度、高强度、极高强度E.休闲、普通、有强度、高强度5.不属于蛋白质的营养功用的有:A.维持体温,保护身体B.构成机体组织C.调节生理机能D.供给能量E.促进儿童生长发育6.提高健康认知水平的常用方法不包括:A.宣传画B.拓展训练C.网站D.公益广告E.健康知识专家讲座7.个体建康危险因素评估结果为评估年龄高于实际年龄,表示:A.被评估者存在的危险因素低于平均水平B.被评估者不存在任何危险因素C.被评估者存在的危险因素已经去除D.被评估者存在的危险因素高于平均水平E.被评估者存在的危险因素等于平均水平8.健康教育计划的过程评价应着重关注:A.生活方式管理行为干预的效果B.项目是否按计划的数量和质量执行C.目标人群健康相关行为及其影响因素的变化D.目标人群的参与情况E.导致目标人群健康状况乃至生活质量的变化9.按治疗对象建立的学科分类不包括:A.理疗学B.儿科学C.老年病学D.职业病学E.医生医学10.健康管理的三个基本步骤中第二步应开展:A.对个体进行疾病诊断和治疗B.健康状况的检测和信息收集C.健康风险评估和健康评价D.健康风险干预和健康促进E.选择和购买健康保险11.不属于个人健康档基础资料的是:A.药物过敏史B.家族史C.疾病随访记录D.教育程度E.健康行为资料12.导致心血管危险性增加的情况是:A.总胆固醇下降,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇下降B.总胆固醇下降,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇升高C.高密度脂蛋白胆固醇升高,极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇下降D.高密度脂蛋白胆固醇升高,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇下降E.高密度脂蛋白胆固醇下降,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇升高13.在全国人口普查中,若人口性别比为1.0521,此指标为:A.比率B.比例C.率D.比例数E.人口率14.问诊的内容不包括:A.现病史B.主诉C.患者一般情况D.生命体征E.既往史15.高血压干预的目标人群不包括:A.高血压患者B.一般人群C.长期过量饮酒者D.超重和肥胖者E.长期高脂饮食者16.中药中“五味”是指:A.酸、苦、甘、辛、麻B.酸、甜、苦、辣、咸C.酸、苦、甘、辣、咸D.酸、苦、甘、辛、咸E.酸、苦、甘、辛、涩17.下列关于流行病学的描述,错误的是:A.流行病学可表达疾病流行规律B.流行病学主要的研究方法是调查研究C.流行病学的研究内容是群体事件D.流行病学与传染病学相同E.流行病学的研究对象是人群18.按照信息的应用领域分类,其类别不包括:A.反馈信息B.科技信息C.社会信息D.管理信息E.军事信息19.采取化学预防的主要对象是:A.无症状的人B.正在治疗的人C.正在康复的人D.已出现显状的病人E.有职业史的人20.属于预防医学基础方法学的学科是:A.卫生管理学B.社会和行为科学C.卫生化学D.卫生毒理学和卫生微生物学E.流行病学和医学统计学二.多选题(共10题)1.职业病具有的特点是:A.早期诊断、及时合理处理,预后康复效果较好B.病因与疾病之间一般存在水平效应关系C.病因不明确D.群体发病E.重在预防2.问话技巧包括:A.问题要简练明确B.不给对方造成心理压力C.有需要随时提问,不需选择时机D.可以使用领导型提问E.让对方能够明确地知道问题的核心3.人群健康风险评估报告的组成不包括:A.健康危险因素的于预措施和方法B.人口学特征概述C.健康危险因素的总结D.健康危险因素的建议E.健康风险评估的结果和健康教育信息4.国家基本公共卫生服务项目(2011年版)包括内容有:A.健康教育B.预防接种C.孕产妇健康管理D.0~10岁儿童健康管理E.高血压患者健康管理5.个人健康信息汇总报告的内容包括:A.疾病的风险等级B.膳食情况C.个人疾病史、家族史D.运动情况E.吸烟、饮酒情况6.反馈技巧的要点有:A.随时打断对方谈话来表达自己对对方谈话的兴趣B.恰当运用点头、伸大拇指等肢体语言C.支持对方正确观点和行为要态度鲜明D.对于不同人提的同样问题,回答可以因人而异E.纠正对方错侯观点、行为要缓和、婉转、有耐心7.健康风险评估(HRA)问卷的主要组成包括:A.个人或家族健康史B.其他危险因素如精神压力C.生理、生化数据,如身高、体重、血压、血脂等D.态度和知识方面信息E.生活方式数据如吸烟,膳食运动习惯等8.信息清理中应用计算机进行信息查错。

相信能就一定能公共英语等级考试三级 pets3 模拟试题1 ----- Nancy is not coming tonight.----- But she !A. promisesB. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised2.We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way .A.goingB. to goC. goneD. to be gone3.Dr. Bethune began to work the he arrived at the front.A.momentB. placeC. wayD. reason4T his pen isn't yours, is it?----- .A. Yes, it's not mineB. No, yours is biggerC. No, it's my friend'sD. Yes, mine's a red one5T hanks for the you did me to move away the stone.----- That's all right.A. favourB. goodC. troubleD. kindness6.She won't be afraid as as you are here.A. longB. wellC. soonD. far7.It isn't quite whether she will take the advice.A. sureB. rightC. certainD. exactA. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing答案:BBACA ACD1 ----- Nancy is not coming tonight.----- But she !A. promisesB. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised2.We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way .A.goingB. to goC. goneD. to be gone3.Dr. Bethune began to work the he arrived at the front.A.momentB. placeC. wayD. reason4 ------ This pen isn't yours, is it?----- .A. Yes, it's not mineB. No, yours is biggerC. No, it's my friend'sD. Yes, mine's a red one5.----- Thanks for the you did me to move away the stone.----- That's all right.A.favourB. goodC. troubleD. kindness6.She won't be afraid as as you are here.A. LongB. wellC. soonD. far7.It isn't quite whether she will take the advice.A.sureB. rightC. certainD. exactA. has writtenB. WroteC. had writtenD. was writing答案:BBACA ACD10.the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A. SendingB. Being sentC. SentD. Having sent11.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to .A. be put upB. give inC. be turned onD. go out12.Why do you want a new job you've got such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when13.He insisted that his brother the window. It was clear that someone else broke the window.A. should not breakB. should not have brokenC. hadn't brokenD. would not break14 ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?----- I'm afraid day is possibleA. eitherB. neitherC. someD. any15.----- Don't forget to come to my birthday party, Mr. Wang. ----- .A. No, I don'tB. Yes, I can'tC. No, I won'tD. Yes, I'm sure16.Tom's father, as well as his mother, in New York for a few more days.A. suggest him to stayB. suggested him that he should stayC. suggest him stayingD. suggests he stay答案:DDDCBCD“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。

全国青少年机器人技术等级考试三级(编程)模拟试题一一、单选题(共30 题,每题2 分)1、执行以下语句后x,y,z 的值是()int x=10,y=20,z=30;if(x>y){z=x;x=y;y=z;}A)x=10,y=20,z=30 B)x=20,y=30,z=30C)x=20,y=30,z=10 D)x=20,y=30,z=202、相对于控制器来说,所有的信息都是控制器通过一个接口给机器人设备的,当控制器需要设备通过此接口返回信息,则这个接口为()A.输出接口B.输入接口B.输入接口、输出接口均可以 D.只能是输入接口但不能是输出接口3、程序中的高电平一般用()来表示。
A.0B.1C.0 或1D.以上选项都不对4、已知以下语句执行后a,b,c 的值是()int a=10,b=20,c;if(a<b)c=a+b;A.a=20,b=30,c=10B.a=10,b=20,c=30C.a=10,b=30,c=20D.a=20,b=30,c=105、在程序运行过程中,其值不能被改变的量为()A.变量B.常量C.只能是变量不能是常量D.常量、变量都可以6、有关模拟量的说法正确的是()A.在时间上连续的物理量B.在数值上连续的物理量C.在时间和数值上都连续的物理量D.时间上不连续、数值上连续的物理量7、标志机器人一条命令结束的符号为()A,B。
C;D//8、int 定义的数据为()A.整型数据B.单精度浮点型C.双精度浮点型D.字符型9、生活中楼道的灯是天黑、有声音时才会亮,那么天黑和有声音的逻辑关系是()A.逻辑或B.逻辑与C.逻辑非D.以上选项都不对10、下列语句中是条件语句的是()A.if()...else…B.for( )…C.while( )…D.do…while( )11、delay( )函数的作用()A.获取返回值B.控制电机速度C.点亮小灯D.延时12、以下不正确的if 语句形式是( )A)if(x>y&&x!=y); B)if(x= =y) x+=y; C)if(x!=y) {x=2;y=3;}else {x=0;y=0;} D)if(x<y){x++;y++;}13、请阅读以下程序:int a=5,b=0,c=0;if(a==b+c)printf(“* * *\n”);else printf(“$ $ $\n”);}以上程序( )A.有语法错不能通过编译B.可以通过编译但不能通过连接C.输出* * *D.输出$ $ $14、以下if 语句语法正确的是( )A)if(x>0) B) if(x>0) C ) if(x>0) D)if(x>0)x =0; {x=x+y; {x=x+y;} {x=x+y;}}else x=1 else x=0;} else x=1; else {x=0;15、下列属于整型数据的是()A.123B.abcC.11.2D.6.23616、C 语言程序中,运算符逻辑与的符号为()A.&B.||C.!D.&&17、从下列程序中可以看出b 是()if(a>0) b=a;if(a<0) b=-a;if(a=0)b=a+1;A.负数B.正数C.0D.负的小数18、关于if 语句说法正确的是()A.if 必须配套else 使用B.多if 语句不存在C,双if 语句一定不能配套else D.根据程序需要可选择是否与else 搭配19、一条语句后面加//意味着()A.//后面的一句话是程序的定义变量语句B. //后面的一句话可以被机器人理解C.//后面的一句话可以被执行D. //后面的一句话不可以被执行20、如果a 等于-6,则从下列程序中可以得出b 的值是()if(a>0) b=-a;if(a<0) b=a;if(a=0)b=a-1;A.6B.-6C.0D.-721、下列属于浮点型的是()A、123B、abcC、789D、2.3422、在程序运行过程中,其值可以被改变的量为()A.变量B.常量C.只能是常量不能是变量D.常量、变量都可以23、下列程序执行后,c 的值为()int a=20,b=8,c=4;if(a>b){a=b;c=a+b;}A.10B.12C.6D.1624、执行以下语句后z 的值是()Int x=24,y=36,z=8;if(x>y){z=x;}else{z=y;}A、24B、36C、8D、此程序有错误,不输出z 的值25、下列不是算术运算符的是()A、+B、*C、%D、|26、下列运算符中级别最高的是()A.! B、&& C、+ D、==27、下列关于计算机系统正确的是()A、计算机系统就是C 语言B、计算机系统由键盘、鼠标、屏幕组成C,计算机系统由硬件和软件组成D、计算机系统由二进制代码组成28、1 个字节代表()位二进制数A、4B、6C、8D、1029、在C 语言中“a=b;”这条语句的意思是()A、a 等于bB、把b 的值附给aC,判断a 是否等于b D、把a 的值赋给b30、想要在C 语言中输出字符串,则用什么符号()A、=B、’’C、==D、””多选题(共5 题,每题 4 分,多选无分,少选2 分)1、下列关于IO 口的说法正确的是()A.IO 口就是输入输出接口B.只能输入或输出低电平C.只能输入或输出高电平D.输入或输出高电平或低电平都可以2、C 语言的特点()A.语言简洁、紧凑,使用方便灵活B.运算符、数据类型丰富C.具有结构化的控制语句D.语法限制不太严格,程序设计自由度大3、程序设计的基本结构有()A.顺序结构B.选择结构C.循环结构D.总线结构4、二进制数据是由哪几个数码来表示的()A.0B.1C.2D.35、C 语言程序中的变量名可以由下列哪几种组成()A、数字B、字母C、__D、$$判断题(共10 题,每题2 分)1、机器人无需下载程序即可正常运行。
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第一章短对话理解训练第一节数字与计算1-5BCDBD6-10DCCDB11-15ADDCC16-20CDCDD 第二节地点与方向1-5BBBBB6-10BCDCD11-15CCBAA16-20BBDAC 第三节职业与身份1-5BCABB6-10CBABC11-15CBABA16-20DDCDD 第四节提供与请求1-5DAACA6-10DBABD11-15DDCBC16-20CAACC 第五节态度与反应1-5CCCDC6-10AADBD11-15DBCCA16-20ADBCD 第六节原因与结果1-5BCBCB6-10AAABD11-15CBADC16-20BCBDB 第七节比较与选择1-5DDCCB6-10CCBCC11-15DAACB16-20BCCCB 第八节计划与行动1-5ABCBA6-10BBACA11-15DBBBA16-20ACCCA 第九节内涵与推理1-5DACBA6-10BBCCD11-15CADBA16-20CAAAA 第十节假设与否定1-5BBCDB6-10AACCB11-15CBCBA16-20DBBCC 第十一节常见句型(一)1-5ACDDC6-10DDBCD11-15CDCDC16-20DABAB 第十二节常见句型(二)1-5AAACC6-10DCCDD11-15BDBAA16-20BDDAA 第十三节常见句型(三)1-5CCDBC6-10DCDCA11-15ABDAD16-20ADABA 第十四节常见句型(四)1-5BCBBC6-10DADBD11-15DDABC16-20CDCDD 第二章短文理解训练第一节一般知识1-5ADBBC6-10ABCAB11-15ACCBD16-20CDCAC21-25BCDBC26-30AACCB第二节科普知识1-5BCAAD6-10BCBCB11-15CBBCD16-20BACDD21-25DDCCC26-30CBBBC第三节社会问题1-5ABCBC6-10AABCB11-15CBCDD16-20CCCCB21-25CCCDD26-30CACDA第四节故事与传记1-5BABCD6-10CBCBB11-15BACDD16-20ADDDB21-25BCDCD26-30DCDBA模拟测试(一)1-5ACBBD6-10ACCCB11-15ABCCB16-20CBBAB21academic22confident23changed24worst25religious26laid27bright28and they were able to get jobs with high salaries and benefits such as insurance and paid vacations29but he will probably go back to school in order to become a college teacher30In conclusion,a college degree does not automatically lead to a good job with a high salary模拟测试(二)1-5DBAAC6-10CBACB11-15BDABC16-20ADBAD21return22subject23estimating24surprisingly25temperature26provides27trapped28Because the air has trouble moving,the movement of heat is greatly reduced29When there is fresh snow on the ground,the surface of the snow absorbs sound waves30Then the snow’s surface will help to send back sound waves模拟测试(三)1-5BCBCB6-10BDCAB11-15BCADA16-20BCDBD21experts22winner23top24wonder25campaign26image27Bureau28There are several explanations for where this name came from29used the name“the Big Apple”to mean New York in the 1920s30the place where large amounts of money could be won模拟测试(四)1-5DBDAA6-10DCCCC11-15ACCBD16-20CBADC21returned22troublesome23inactivity24extremes25lack26Consider 27theory28The tapeworm is said to help people lose weight by eating the food that is stored in their stomach29There may be more trouble than many people want30Each one promises to help people lose weight and get a beach beautiful body模拟测试(五)1-5ACBBC6-10BCDBA11-15ADCBC16-20DACBD21citizen22licenses23marked24inconvenient25later26basic27matter28If you’re younger than 70,you need a doctor’s note confirming that you are ill29You will not get paid very much for your service--s’15 a day30You could lose a lot of money if you do most of the work for your business模拟测试(六)1-5ACDAD6-10ABCAD11-15ADDCB16-20CBCBD21dangers22warn23involving24harmless25conditions26surprising27shot28Frantz still doesn’t know if he’ll ever see again out of his left eye29I think they’re optimistic about it,but I’m not sure30Those fireworks are less likely than an exploding firework to injure somebody模拟测试(七)1-5BBCAA6-10CDCCC11-15BDAAA16-20CBBAC21falls22offers23Traditionally24resold25queue26overnight27theories28One theory says that it is because of the extremely heavy traffic on the roads on this day29Losses were recorded in red ink and profits in black ink30Many hoped that they would start showing a profit on the day after Thanksgiving 模拟测试(八)1-5CBDDC6-10BBBAB11-15CBAAB16-20BBBBC21lied22worth23presented24check25camping26drawn27financially28It’s a shame that this wealthy country has so many poor people29The checks should arrive within two weeks,according to a lottery spokesman30In facts,the chances of winning the lottery are only about one in forty million阅读理解部分第一节篇章理解部分Unit11-5BADDC6-10BACAD11-15BBDDCUnit21-5BCABD6-10CACAD11-15BDDBCUnit31-5DBABC6-10DACBC11-15BCDADUnit41-5DABCA6-10BBCAD11-15CBADAUnit51-5ACDBC6-10BCBDA11-15ACBABUnit61-5DCAAB6-10CDABB11-15DABCBUnit 71-5 DBBAC 6-10 DBDAB 11-15 DDABBUnit 81-5 CBACA 6-10 BBABB 11-15DCDCB第二节篇章词汇理解Passage11-5NGKBE6-10LAIMDPassage21-5MGCEL6-10KDAHNPassage31-5FNLDI6-10OHMKEPassage41-5HGNJF6-10MOAKDPassage51-5IDEJC6-10AKLNGPassage61-5HNABM6-10KEFOIPassage71-5ELCGI6-10NJADMPassage81-5CGOIL6-10AEKNJPassage91-5DMFKG6-10ACBLHPassage101-5IDGKC6-10MAOEF第三章综合测试3.1 1-5 BCADB6-10 DDDAC 11-15ABDBB 16-19 AABB 3.2 ACDDA 6-10 DACAC 11-15 CBBDD 16-20 ACBCC 3.3 1-5 BCBBC3.4 CDAAA AAA3.5 DABC3.6 CCD3.7 ABAAPassage 11-5 CADAB 6-10 BABAC 11-15 DBADB 16-20 ADCAA 21-5 BCABA 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 BCDDB 16-20 ACBBC 31-5 DACBB 6-10 AACCD 11-15 DBABC 16-20 DDBCA 41-5 BBDBD 6-10 CABBC 11-15 BCDDB 16-20 DBAAA 51-5 ACABD 6-10 CBACD 11-15 CADDD 16-20 DBDCB 61-5 CABBA 6-10 CDCDC 11-15 DDBBA 16-20 DCBAC 71-5 AAADC 6-10 BADCD 11-15 CBBCA 16-20 DCCBD81-5 DACBA 6-10 CDBAC 11-15 BADCB 16-20 ACBDD 91-5 BCACB 6-10 DDCAD 11-15 AACAB 16-20BDDBC 101-5 BAADC 6-10 DBAAB 11-15 ACDBC 16-20 ADDAC 11BDBCD DBABD AABAD CBACC12BDCDC BADAA BDBCA BDDCC13BDCAC BDCCB ADBCDBCBDB14CCADA AADBA BBCAA ADADB15ABCAA BDCBA BCBCD CABCA16CBABB CDBDA CBCDB BACBD17BCAAD BADBA ACDBC CDACB18BDABC CDADB CCDBD BACCB19BBCAA CDBAB ABCDB AACDB20 ABDCC DBABC DADBB CADAC第二节篇章问答156. Icebox.57. In refrigerating freight cars and households.58. Knowledge of the physics of heat.59. the melting of ice performed cooling60. they wanted to keep their produce cool256.The psychology of money-spending habits.57.his/her strong psychological need58.To save money59.to increase business60.psychologists356. something hardly to be expected in a young child57. slowly and in stages.58. the widespread influence of television59. It can control what children are to access.60. He thinks it is a phenomenon worthy of note.456. voice her support for a total ban of landmines57. Seeing victims made her realize the seriousness of the situation.58. they were actually opposed to banning landmines59. She paid no attention to them.60. It had brought her closer to the ordinary people.556. Because it cannot be detected by human senses.57. harmless to human beings and other living things58. By killing masses of cells in vital organs.59. reproduce in a deformed way60. It can be born weak or liable to serious illness.61. to show superiority over other nations during the cold war.2. Mars3. microscopic forms of life4. Life might have been extinct or hasn’t come into existence.(appeared/formed)5. to search for signals created artificially from space.756. lacked teaching facilities for music.57. discouraging58. Because she motivated students to learn music with her creativity.59. She will deliver speech around the world about education60. She thinks art, music and PE classes are all important.856. the success of East Asian countries’ economic and political performance.57. Their economy is growing at high speed.58. Indigenous cultural traditions such as Confucianism.59. They believe the success is dependent on the adoption of western values and institutions.60. To demonstrate that Western values and institutions are not without problems.9.56) something hardly to be expected in a young child57) slowly and in stages58) the widespread influence of television59) Because it can control what children are to learn.60) He thinks it is a phenomenon worthy of note.Or: It’s hard to say whether it is good (or bad).10.56) Human blood types.57) slowly and in stages58) the widespread influence of television59) Because it can control what children are to learn.60) He thinks it is a phenomenon worthy of note.Or: It’s hard to say whether it’s good (or bad).11.56) Computer crimes或Computer criminals.57) Because they are made through computers.58) By moving the money from one account to another.59) leave the company60) The real experts.12.56) the tremendous advertising57) He refers to advertising. 或He uses advertising to help him.58) necessary to making full use of his money59) cheat people into buying things60) protect themselves from misleading advertising第三节句子翻译一1. whether (it is) heated or not测试点:whether引导让步状语从句;类似no matter (how/what/who/where)从句2. Not only did he charge me too much或Not only did he overcharge me测试点:Not only…but also 用法(倒装);类似as, neither… nor, not until 等易产倒装结构3. compared with mine 或in comparison with mine测试点:固定短语搭配be compared with/ in comparison with4. half as much(money)测试点:结构as much/many as扩展用法;类似比较级、最高级、同级比较用法。