
Unit3 单元知识归纳【重点单词】part n.部分feeling n.感觉,情感(常用作复数)robot n.机器人camera n.照相机smell v.嗅;闻起来finger n.手指(大拇指除外)player n.比赛者,选手homework n.家庭作业question n.问题sick adj.病的,生病的scared adj.恐惧的smile v. & n.微笑mean v.意思是;adv.刻薄的metre n.米.bit n.小量;少量against prep.倚着,靠着,反对,违反tail n.尾部;尾巴upon prep.在……上面ground n.地面hurt adj.痛的,受伤的,伤害,疼痛enough adj. & adv.足够的(地)laugh v.笑stomachache n.肚子痛;胃痛better adj. & adv. (good/well 的比较级)更好的(地)matter n.问题headache n.头痛medicine n.药stay v.停留;留下;待一段时间rest n. &v.休息different adj.不同的cute adj.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的almost adv.几乎,差不多funny adj.有趣的,可笑的glass n.眼镜(glasses),玻璃,玻璃杯【重点短语】play with 和一起玩listen to 听wave one’s hand 挥手see red 火冒三丈a bit 有点儿,稍微stand against/upon 靠着……站feel happy 感觉高兴see a doctor 看医生have a cold 感冒stay home 待在家里have a rest 休息一下look cool/cute/funny/different 看起来很酷/很可爱/很滑稽/不同【典句必背】How tall is he/she? 他/她多髙?He/She is...metres tall.他/她身高……米。

七年级英语上册单词Unit 1same /seɪm/ adj.相同的;同一的 2everyone /ˈevriwn/ pron.每人;人人 4around /əˈraʊnd/ adv.四周;大约 prep.围绕;到处 4 building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ n.建筑;建筑物 4borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/ v.借;借用 4lab /læb/ n.(=laboratory) 实验室 4together /təˈgeðə(r)/ adv.一起;共同 6join /dʒɔɪn/ v.加入;参加;连接 6fun /fʌn/ n.乐趣;玩笑 adj.有趣的 6date /deɪt/ n.日期;约会 8p.m./pi:ˈem/ abbr.下午;午后 8grade /greɪd/ n.年级;等级;程度 8other /ˈʌðə(r)/ pron 另外的;其他的 8enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v.喜爱;欣赏;享受 8language /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/ n.语言 8culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ n.文化,文明 8both /bəʊ/ adj.两个,两个都 8Unit 2amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ adj.令人惊奇的 16true /tru:/ adj.确实的;真正的 16tip /tɪp/ n.提示;指点;小费 16need /ni:d/ v.& n.需要;必需 16example /ɪgˈza:mpl/ n.例子;典型 16meaning /ˈmi:nɪŋ/ n.意义;含义 16mean /mi:n/ v.意思是;意味着 16more /mɔː/ adj.更多的 adv.更;更多 16fact /fækt/ n.事实;现实 16only /ˈəʊnli/ adv.只有;仅仅 adj.唯一的;仅有的 18 than /ðən/ prep & conj 比 18million /ˈmɪljən/ nun.一百万 18level /ˈlevl/ n.水平;标准;级别 18therein /ˌðeər'ɪn/ adv.在那里;在其中 18even /ˈi:vn/ adv.甚至 18phrase /freɪz/ n.短语;词组 18piece /pi:s/ n.片;碎片;一件 18sentence /ˈsentəns/ n.句子 18quick /kwɪk/ adj.快的;迅速的;敏捷的 18fox /fɒks/ n.狐狸 18lazy /ˈleɪzi/ adj.懒惰的 18would /wʊd/ aux.愿意;将要 20pot /pɒt/ n.锅 20cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ n.卷心菜;洋白菜 20eggplant /ˈegplɑ:nt/ n.茄子 20mushroom /ˈmʌʃrʊm/ n.蘑菇 20maybe /ˈmeɪbɪ/ adv.大概,也许,可能 20tofu /ˈtəʊfu:/ n.豆腐 20correct /kəˈrekt/ adj 正确的;合适的 20line /laɪn/ n.字行;线;路线 22feeling /ˈfi:lɪŋ/ n.感觉;想法;态度 22sick /sɪk/ adj.生病的;厌恶的 22scared /skeəd/ adj.害怕的;担心的 22ocean /ˈəʊʃən/ n.海洋;大海 22Unit 3metre /mi:tə(r)/ n 米 30camera/'kæmərə/ n.照相机;摄像机 30smell /smel/ v噢,闻(气味) 30slim /slɪm/adj.纤细的;苗条的 30neck /nek/n.脖子;颈 30housework/'haʊswɜ:k/ n.家务活动 30finger/ˈfɪŋɡə(r)n 手指 30player/'pleɪə(r)/ n.还动员;参赛选手 30 homework/'həʊmwɜ:k/ n.家庭作业 30matter/'mætə/ n.事情;问题;物质(32)cough /kɒf/ v.咳嗽 32headache /'hedeɪk/ n 头痛 32fever /'fi:və(r)/ n.发烧;发热; 狂热 32 medicine/'medsn/ n.药;医学 32rest/rest/ n 休息时间;剩余部分 v体息; 放松 32 blond/blɒnd/ adj.全黄色的 34different /'dɪfrənt/ adj.不同的 34saying/'seɪɪŋ/ n 格言;警句 36hobby/'hɒbi/ n 业余爱好 36as/æz/prep.像; 如同; 作为 36chess/tʃes/ n 国际象棋 36creative /krɪ'eɪtɪv/ a.创造性的 36useful/'ju:sfl/ a.有用的 36club/kʌb/ n 俱乐部;社团 36weekend/ˌwi:k'end/ n周末 36match /mætʃ/ n 比赛;火柴 v相配; 匹敌 36 discuss/dɪ'skʌs/ v.讨论; 谈论 36skill/skɪl/ n 技巧;技艺; 能 36life/laɪf/ n (pl lives)生活;生命 36without /wɪ'ðaʊt/ prep.没有 36just /dʒʌst/ adv.正好;仅仅是 36salt/sɔ:lt/ n 盐;食盐 36Unit 4member /ˈmembə/ n成员 44handsome/ˈhænsəm/ a英俊的 44everything/ˈevrɪˌθɪŋ/ pron.一切 44lady/ˈleɪdɪ/ n 女士 44ready/ˈredɪ/ a 准备好的 44grandparent /ˈɡrænpeərənt/ n.祖父; 祖母外祖父; 外相母 44 outdoors /ˌaʊtˈdɔːz/adv 在户外; 在野外 n 野外; 郊外(46) picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/ n.野餐 46cookie/ˈkʊkɪ/ n.曲奇饼 46salad/ˈsæləd/ n 沙拉 46tablecloth /ˈteɪblklɒθ/ n 集布 46sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/ n三明治 46paint /peɪnt/ v 用颜料画 n 油漆; 绘画颜料 46special /ˈspeʃl/ a 特别的; 特殊的 48laugh /lɑːf/ v笑;大笑 n 笑声 48present /ˈpreznt/ n.礼物; 礼品 48smile /smaɪl/ a&n 微笑; 笑 48away /əˈweɪ/adv 去别处; 离开 48set/set/ v 放置; 设置 48point /pɔɪnt/ v 指向; 准 48secret /ˈsiːkrət/ n.秘密; 决窍;奥妙 48end/end/ n&v结束; 末端 48finally /ˈfaɪnəlɪ/ adv 终于; 最终 48tiny /ˈtaɪnɪ/ a.微小的; 极小的 48crayon/ˈkreɪən/ n.彩色铅笔50cover /ˈkʌvə/ n 封皮;遮盖物 v 遮盖;覆盖 50something /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/pron 某物;某事 50rose /rəʊz/ n.玫瑰花;蔷薇花 50sky /skaɪ/ n.天;天空 50poem /ˈpəʊɪm/ a 诗 50riddle /ˈrɪdl/ n 谜:谜语 50soft /sɒft/ a.软的; 细滑的; 柔和的 50Unit 5sofa /ˈsəʊfə/ n 长沙发 58business /ˈbɪznəs/ n 商务;商业 58donut /ˈdəʊnʌt/ n.甜甜圈 58pity /ˈpɪtɪ/ n可惜;遗憾;同情 58friendly /ˈfrendli/ adj.友好的 58loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ adj 忠诚的;忠实的 58rino /'raɪnəʊ/ n.犀牛 60egret /ˈiːɡrət/ n 鹭 60team /ti:m/n.队;组 60each /iːtʃ/ pron.各自; 每个 60skin /skɪn/ n 毛皮; 皮肤; 皮 60stay /steɪ/ v.维持;待;暂住 60sound /saʊnd/ n 声音;响声 v 听起来好像 60dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ adj.有危险的 60thing /θɪŋ/ n 事情;东西 60nearby /ˈnɪəˌbaɪ/ adv 在附近;不远 adj 附近的;邻近的(60) scare /skeə/ v 惊吓;使害怕 60insect /ˈɪnsekt/ n 害虫 60cheese /tʃiːz/ n.奶酪 62butter /ˈbʌtə/ n黄油;奶油 62feed /fi:d/ n 喂养;饲养 62sign /saɪn/ n标牌;标志;迹象 v 署名;签字;打手势 62 giraffe /dʒəˈrɑːf/ n 长颈鹿 62bamboo /bæmˈbuː/ n.竹;竹子 62instead /ɪnˈsted/ adv 代替;反而 62carrot /ˈkærət/ n.胡萝卜 62funny /ˈfʌnɪ/ adj 滑稽的;好笑的 62dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəˌsɔː/ n 恐龙 62report /rɪˈpɔːt/ n&v 报道;报告 64fat /fæt/ adj.肥的; 肥胖的 64hairy /ˈheərɪ/adj.多毛的 64most /məʊst/ adj.&pron 大多数;最多 adv 最;最多;非常 64 climb /klaɪm/ v 爬;攀登 64grey /ɡreɪ/adj&n 灰色(的) 64group /ɡruːp/ n群;姐 64leaf /li:f/ n (pl.leaves)叶子 64usually /ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ/ adv 通常地 64。

七年级上册英语单词表冀教版The English vocabulary list for the seventh grade of Jilin Edition is an essential resource for students to build a solid foundation in English. It includes a wide range of words that cover various topics such as family, school, sports, food, and more. Learning these words is crucial for students to improve their vocabulary and communication skills in English.七年级上册的英语单词表冀教版是学生建立英语基础的重要资源,单词涵盖了家庭、学校、体育、食物等各种主题。
By mastering the vocabulary in this list, students will be able to understand and use a variety of English words in different contexts. This will not only help them in their English classes but also in their daily interactions with English speakers. The vocabulary list serves as a valuable tool for students to expand their knowledge of the English language and become more proficient in using it.通过掌握这个单词表中的词汇,学生将能够理解和运用各种不同语境中的英语单词。

traditional adj. 规程、规范和标准;
⑵ 实施奖金破格晋级制度,调动员工工作热情。管理处员工实施奖罚制度,奖金标准与工作表现和业绩挂钩,并可根据情况,对先进
This woman looks beautiful in her _s_a_r_i . A Sari is a traditional dress
from _I_n_d_ia_.
Some people wear u_n_i_fo_r_m_s_ for work. These women look so _p_r_e_tt_y in black
Can men wear skirts?
苏格兰“基尔特”(kilt)是一种用花格子呢料制作的 从腰部到膝盖的短裙,它形成于中世纪,是男子专 用的裙子。
Unit 2 Colours and Clothes
Lesson 11: Clothes around the World
From this lesson, we can learn:
n. 莎丽
• 练一练吧!
He/She looks nice/ beautiful/ handsome/ pretty……(in his\her…)
I \They look……(in my\their…)
He comes from _I_n_d_ia_.
n. 印度(地名) [ˈɪndɪə]
They dress in _u_n_if_o_r_m_s_. 消极影响:给人民带来种种沉重的灾难;
冀教版(2024)七年级上册Unit6 Lesson2 At the museum 教学设计.doc

《At the museum》(教学设计)20242025学年冀教版(2024)初中英语七年级上册一、教材分析1. 教材内容《At the museum》是新教材冀教版(2024)初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 “Let's go!”中的一篇课文。
2. 教材地位和作用本单元以“Let's go!”为主题,旨在引导学生了解不同的场所和活动,培养学生的探索精神和学习兴趣。
《At the museum》这篇课文通过描述学生们在博物馆的参观经历,让学生了解博物馆的功能和价值,激发学生对历史、文化和科学的兴趣。
在七年级上册的前几个单元中,学生学习了一些基本的英语语法和词汇,如be 动词的用法、一般现在时等,具备了一定的语言表达能力。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语新冀教版七年级上册单词和短语英语七年级上册必须掌握的单词和短语 Unit 1 单词 1.谢谢2.可以、可能 3.五 4.二 5.指示、带路 6.第一;首先 7.墙 8.教室 9.到处;在附近 10.办公室;职务 11.商店 12.计划 13.橡皮擦 14.原谅 15.有趣的事;玩笑 16.借 17.猜测 18.东西;事情 19.后来 20.访问的;参观的 21.在那边;在另一处 22.同班同学 23.四 24.加拿大 25.实验室 26. 学生 27.需要 28.列表;名单;目录 29.八 30.琼斯 Unit 1 重点短语 1.再见 2.来自…… 3.你/叫什么 4.我叫……(名字)。
5.你好吗? 6.我很好。
你呢? 7.见到你也很高兴 8.在那里 9.早上好 10.指导教师11.访问生 12.带领……参观 13.上课 14.抱歉/打扰。
我可以借……好吗? 15.不客气 16.……怎么样? 17.购物单18.给你。
19.进行体育运动 20.猜谜游戏 21.玩得愉快 Unit 2 单词 1.当然2.女衬衫;短上衣 3.粉色(的) 4.真正地;确实地 5.画;绘画颜料 7.混合;调配 8.手套 9.天空 10.围巾 11.也许;大概 12.忘记 13.夹克;上衣 14.紫色(的) 15.恰恰;;差不多;刚刚 16.在外面;在……外面 17.接住;抓住 18.世界 19.帽子 20.裤子 21.准备好的 22.报告 23.短袖汗衫 24.双、对 25.丰富多彩的 26.明亮的 27.印度 28.非常;那么;很 29.传统的;1/ 7惯例的 30.漂亮的;可爱的 31.中心;中央 32.制服 33.彩虹;虹 34.星期日(一/二/三/四/五/六) Unit 2 重点短语 1.……怎么样? 2.看…… 3.你能看到多少种颜色? 4.准备去…… 5.在天空中 6.和……很相配;协调。

精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)Unit 1 Lessons 1~8 School and FriendsLesson 1: Hello!I.Teaching content:1.Greetings: hello, hi2.Self-introduction: My name is…3.Asking for others’names: What’s your nameII.Teaching goals:1.Understand the text.2.Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what3.Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in EnglishIII.Key points:What’s your name My name is …IV.Difficult point: What’s your nameV.Preparation: Some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on.VI.Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cardsVII.Type of the lesson: Listening and speakingVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up. Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese1. Why do we learn English2. Where is English spoken3. Do you know any English words4. Is English interesting5. Do you often come across English wordsStep 2. Lead in. Discuss these questions:1. What do you say when you meet someone2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese4.Do you know how to introduce someone in EnglishToday we’re going to learn something about them. Do you want to know Step 3. New lesson:No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is1. PresentationPretend to meet someone. Say “Hello〞o r “Hi〞, my name is….Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat.2. PracticeWork in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out.No. 2. What’s your name1. PresentationSay “My name is___. What’s your name〞Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly.2. PracticeWork in chain like this:A: (to B) My name is ___. What’s your nameB: My name is ___. (to C) What’s yo ur nameC: …Then ask some Ss to act it out.3.Listen and follow4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.5.Summary.Sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text. Read the text and practice the dialogue.Teaching reflection:Lesson 2: How Are YouI.Teaching content1.Greeting: Nice to meet you2.Teach the song “How Are You〞II.Teaching goals1.Understand the text2.Remember the mastery vocabulary3.Understand and sing the song “How are you〞III.Key points: Greet someone with the phra se “How are you〞IV.Difficult point: greeting and response in the text1.Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb2.Write the new words on the BbVI.Teaching aids: audiotape and some picturesVII.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singingVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1. Warming up. Greeting and review. After greeting (Hi, Hello), review the dialogue in the last lesson briefly.Step 2. Lead in. Ask the Ss the questions in Chinese:1.What do Chinese say when they meet each other2.Canadians don’t ask the questions such as “Have you had your meal〞or “Where are you going〞. Do you know what they say expect “Hi〞or “Hello〞Step 3. New lesson1.Presentation. Explain that Canadians greet each other by saying “How are you〞and “Nice to meet you〞. Explain the meaning of the expressions. Encourage the Ss to repeat a few times.2.Listen and say. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.3.Practice. Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. Demonstrate the dialogue with one or two Ss, and then ask some pairs to act it out for the rest of the class.Step 4. Demonstrate and practice the dialogue:Hello! My name is ___. What’s your nameMy name is ____ .Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Step 5. Teach the song “How are you〞1.Go over the words of the song and practice them.2.Explain the last line3.Play the song for the Ss to follow.Step 6. Summary. Sum up the greeting and response, combining with the useful expressions in this lesson.Step 7. Homework.1.Read and practice the dialogue.2.Sing the song “How Are You〞Teaching reflection:Lesson3: My FriendsI.Teaching content1. Introducing others: He/she is my friend.2.What’s her/his nameII.Teaching goals1.Understand the text2.Remember the mastery vocabulary: boy, girl, teacher,III.Key point: He/she is my friend.IV.Difficult point: plural forms of the nouns1.Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb2.Write the new words on the BbVI.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, readingVII.Teaching resources: audio tape, pictures in the classroomVIII.Teaching procedureIX.Teaching procedure Design for activitiesSay “Hello, how are you〞make the Ss respond correctly. Then sing the song “ How are you〞Step 2. Teach the new words boy, girl, and teacher by pointing a girl/boy/yourself or pictures. Explain the sentence “This is a _____〞. Step 3. Let the Ss to practice “This is a ____〞by pointing at someone. Step 4. Use the pictures to teach the new words: chair, book. Demonstrate “ What’s this It’s a ___〞. Then practice them with the Ss.Step 5. Teach the numbers one –five, using your fingers to show the meaning. Then use the books on the desk to demonstrate. Pay attention to the plural of the word “book〞.Step 6.Encourage the S to practice the number by pointing boys, girls, desks, chairs, and books. Then ask some Ss o do this in front of the class. Step 7. Sum up the items brieflyStep 8. HomeworkRead the text. Try to use the items in the classroomTeaching reflection:Lesson 4: My SchoolI.Teaching content1.This is my school.2.New words: school,classroom, lab,library3.Letters Aa—DdII.Teaching aims1.Understand the text.2.Remember the words: school, classroom, lab,library3.Sing the song.III.Key point: This is____IV.Difficult point: the words of the songV.Preparation before class1.Some pictures of school, classroom and library2.Write the new words on the BbVI.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, response and singingVII.Teaching aids: audiotape, picturesVIII.Teaching procedureStep1.Warming up1.Greeting. Greet the Ss with the expressions in L1 and L22.Sing the song “How are you〞3.Review the item “This is a _____.〞and “What’s this〞by pointing something4.Count the numbersUse pictures to teach the words “school,classroom, lab and library〞. Step 3. Practice. Encourage the Ss to practice in pairs, using books, chairs, desks, etc. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Then ask someone to demonstrate for the rest of the class.Step 4. Sum up the text briefly to consolidate the items. Play “Hide –and –search〞ga me to review “Where is___〞Step 5. Homework1.Read the text2.Sing the songTeaching reflection:Lesson 5 : My ClassroomI. Teaching content1.New words: pen, pencil, pencil case, marker, blackboard2.What’s this It’s a _____.3.How many ____ do you haveII.Teaching aims1.Understand the text2.Remember the new words3.Ask and answer about “ How many____〞III. Key points1.What’s this2.How many___IV. Difficult points: The question “How many___〞And the answers V. Preparation1.Prepare some pictures of school, classroom and library2.Bring some real things such as pen, pencil, pencil case and marker VI.Teaching aids: audiotape, some pictures, books, pens, pencils and markersVII.Type of the lesson: Listening and speakingVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this:A: What’s thisB: It’s a ____.(Using old words)Step 2. PresentationUse real objects or pictures to teach the new words. Write them on the blackboard. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 3. Practice.Encourage the Ss to practice “What’s this〞“It’s a ___, (using new words). Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures. Step 4. PresentationHold up three pens and say “How many〞a few times. Make sure the Ss understand it. Introduce in this way: How many →How many pencils How many pencils do you haveStep 5. PracticeLet the Ss work in pairs. Lead them to practice like this:A: Do you have any ___B: Yes/No.A: How many ___ do you haveB: _____.Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Ask some pairs to act it out.Step 6. Presentation: go over the words of the song1.Do actions to demonstrate jump, look, point, reach, sit and stand, adding up and down. e.g. look up/down.2.TPR activitie s. Demonstrate “order and response〞with one student. Say “stand up, look up〞and so on, and encourage the student to respond. Then do the same with the rest of the class.3.Practice. Work in pairs. One gives the orders and the other do the actions.4.Go over the words of the song. Make sure the Ss understand them.5.Chant and sing.①Play the tape for the Ss to follow.②Practice in pairs③Do it togetherStep 7. SummaryReview the new words and the drill. Sum up them briefly.Step 8. Homework1. Read the text and practice the dialogue.2.Finish the activity book.Teaching reflection:Lesson6: How Many BooksI.Teaching content1.Letters Ii—Ll2.Number one—fiveII.Teaching aims1.Understand the text2.Master the letters: Ii Jj Kk Ll3.Master the drillsIII. Key point:1.The letters A---G2.This is____. She is ____.IV.Difficult point: words of the song2.Bring some real objects such as a book, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a marker etc.3.Some pictures of fish, door, girl, boy, teacherVI.Teaching aids: audiotape, letter cards, picturesVII.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singingVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up. Greet the Ss by saying “Good morning/afternoon. How are you today〞Encourage the Ss to replyStep 2.Review the dr ill “What’ this It’s a ____.〞and “How many___〞Tell the Ss that English words are made up of letters and that English alphabet has 26 letters. Each letter has two sizes. Generally speaking, every letter makes a sound. e.g. the letter B makes a [b] sound in the word book. Demonstrate A→apple, using s picture of an apple. Then present the rest letters in the same way. Play the tape for the Ss o follow. Step 4. Practicee the cards to practice the letters and words in this lesson. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how, and in what sequences to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the Ss how to follow he arrows to write each letter. Then let the Ss practice writing them.2.Work in pairs like this:What’s thisIt’s A/B/an apple.Ask some pairs to ct it outStep 5. The “ABC song〞1.Go over the words of the song2.Play the tape for the Ss to followStep 6. Presentation1.Teach the meaning of the word friend and he/she2.Point to a boy/ girl and say, “ This is ____ (name). He /she is my friend. Repeat it a few times. Explain the meaning if necessary.Step 7. Practice1.Play the tape for the Ss to follow2.Work in pairs or groups. Practice the dialogue. Then ask some pairs or groups to act it out.Step 8. Summary1.Sum up the letters and words by showing cards and pictures2.Sum up the way of introducing someoneStep 9. Homework1.Read the text2.Practice writing the letters3.Sing the song4.Act out the dialogue.Say “good-bye/see you later〞when closing the class.Teaching reflection:Lesson 7: May I _______I.Teaching content1.The letters Mm—Ppe the expressions “May I have/borrow____〞to ask for something.3.Request or orders: Open the___, close the____.II.Teaching goals1.Understand the meaning of the text2.Master the letters H I J K L M N3.Ask for something in Englishe the Phrase “ Open/close the ____.〞III.Key point:2.Asking for somethingIV.Difficult point: borrowing things1.Make letter cards or this lesson2.Bring real things such as books, pens, markers and so onVI.Teaching aids: audiotape, cards, some books and pensVII.Type of the lesson: Listening and speakingVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up.1.Greeting and review. Review the letters and words of the last lesson by using cards.2. Sing the ABC song3. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue of the last lessonStep 2.Introducing the new letters in the same way shown in the last teaching design, using pictures. Show the Ss how to write the letters. Step 3 Practice and production.1. Play the tape for the Ss to follow2. Practice in pairs. Encourage the Ss to ask for real things like books, pens, marker, erasers etc.3. Ask some pairs to act it outStep 4.L7 N3. Teach “May I have_____, please〞working from old phrases to new ones and adding the replies “Sure! Here you are.〞And “You’re welcome〞. Use actions to make your meaning clear. Translatewhen necessary.Step 5.Summary. Sum up the text briefly1. Read the text.2. Practice writing the letters3. Practice the dialogueTeaching reflection:Lesson 8 :Unit ReviewI.Teaching content1.Review the words and expression in this unit2.Grammar: the verbs am and is3.Exercise in the lessonII.Teaching goals1.Master the drills in this unit2.Master the letters A—NIII.Key points: Expressions and grammarIV.Difficult point: Grammar1.Bring the letter cards2.Bring real things to review the words3.Prepare some pictures to review the drillsVI.Teaching aids: Letter cards and some picturesVII.Type of the lesson: ReviewVIII.Teaching procedureStep 1.Review the letters and sing the ABC song.Step 2.Listen to the song “Ten little Indians〞and review the numbers 1—10.Step 3.Review the greeting “How are you〞and sing the song about it. Step e real things and cards to review the expressions in this unit.e.g.A: What’s thisB: It’s a ____.C: How many ____ do you haveD: I have ____.E: Where is the ____Step 5. Combine the dialogues in this unit and encourage the Ss to practice:Hello!Hi! My name is ____. What’s your nameMy name is____.Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you too.How are youFine, thank you. How are youI’m fine, thanks.Where is ____There!May I have/borrow _____Sure. Here you are.Thanks.You’re welcome.Or play the chain game to practice them. Then finish N4 of this lesson.. Step 6. Grammar. T he verb “be〞1. Introduction.Let the Ss tell you some sentences that include “is〞and “are〞. Encourage them to sum up the usage of the two words. Then sum up. 2. Practice. Complete the conversation in L8 N2. to practice using them. If time is enough, have a short test.Step 7. HomeworkTell the Ss to review all the text in this unit. try to use the expressions about greetings, introductions, giving thanks and saying Good-bye in their daily life.Teaching reflection:Unit 2 Lessons 9~16Colours and ClothesLesson 9 Red, Yellow, BlueI.Teaching content1. six letters: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt2. three colours: red, yellow, blue3. drill: What colour is itII.Teaching aims:1.Understand the meaning of the text2.Remember the mastery vocabulary (Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, red, yellow, blue)3.Master the drill: What colour is itIII.Teaching important points:1.Six letters2.Three colours3.Plural form of nounIV.Teaching difficult point: plural form of nounV.Preparation: letter cards, three markers, two apples, and some real things.VI.Teaching aids: audiotape, some real things, letter cards and some markersVII.Type of the lesson: letters lessonVIII.Teaching procedureWarming up1.Greet in everyday English and make sure the Ss can respond in correct way.2.Review all the words and letters the class has learned so far, using cards, pictures or real things.New lessonStep 1. No. 1. Review the letters A—N, using alphabet poster. Show cards with different letters to the Ss and make sure they read the letters correctly. Write the words on the Bb or show letters cards and read the letters for the Ss to follow. And then teach the words with the letter cards in it.Step 2. Show word cards and teach orange, paper, queen, rose, school and tea. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning.Step 3. Play the tape for the Ss to followStep 4. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the students how to follow the arrows to write the words.Step 5. Hold up red, yellow and blue markers as you say the colours. Then write the words red, yellow, blue on the Bb. Make sure the Ss understand their meanings. Using real things in the classroom to practice the drill “What colour is it〞Step 6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 7. Practice in pairs, using red, yellow or blue things:---- What colour is this---- It is _____.---- How many colours are thereStep 7. Activity book.No. 1. Fill in the first letter of words that begin with O, P, Q, R, S and T. No. 2. The Ss follow the directions to color the correct pictures. Teach the Ss the meaning of the verb by demonstrating on the Bb.Step 8. Homework1. Read the text in this lesson2. Practice the drills in pairs3. The remaining activities in the activity bookClass closing: Sing the ABC song.Teaching reflection:Lesson 10: Pink, Orange, Purple, GreenI.Teaching content1.Words: pink, orange, purple, green2.Drills: What are they How many colors do you likeII.Teaching aims:1.Understand the meaning of the text2.Understand the mastery words3.Master the plural form of nounIII.Key points: Colours and drill “How many….〞IV.Difficult Point: the plural form of nounV.Preparation: green, pink, orange, purple markers and real thingsVI.Teaching aids: recorder, some markers, and some other real things. VII.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and writingVIII.Teaching ProcedureWarming up1.Greet in everyday English and make sure the Ss respond in correct way.2.Show an apple and other things and practice some drills as follows:---- What’s this----- It’s a ___.----- What colour is it----- It’s ____.----- Do you have any____.----- Yes/No.----- How many _____ do you haveNew lessonStep 1.No. 1. Demonstrate. Hold up a pink and say the word for the colour. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning and repeat it.You can say, “ This is pink〞or “ This colour is pink〞. Teach other words in the same way.Step 2.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 3.Point to different things in the classroom which are pink, orange, purple or green, and practice the drill:---- What colour is this---- It’s _____.----- What colour are they----- They are____.Step 4.No. 2.What are theyDemonstrate. Hold up one marker and ask, “What is it〞the Ss will say “It’s a marker.〞Then hold up two markers and ask, “ What are they〞write the two sentences on the Bb. Point out the differences: it→they; is → are. Explain the differences. Then repeat the question, “What are they〞write “ two markers “ on the Bb. Pay attention to the “s〞after the word “ maker〞. Then teach three blue chairs in the same way. Make sure the Ss understand the difference between single form and plural form.Use pictures or real things to practice this part. Ask “ What are they〞and let the Ss answer.Step 6.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 7.No. 3. How many colours do you likeDemonstrate. Hold up colour poster and say, “ I like blue and red. I like two colours. How many colours do you like〞make sure the Ss understand and respond correctly. Then practice.Step 8.Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Then pactice in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out it.Step 9.Summary. Sum up the lesson briefly.Step 10.Homework1.Read the text2.Practice writing the letters3.Practice the dialogue.Teaching reflection:Lesson 11 Black, White, BrownI.Teaching content1.Six letters: Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.2.Colours: Black, white, brown3.Drill: What’s your favourite coloursII.Teaching aims:1.Understand the meaning of the text2.Remember the mastery vocabulary3.Answer t he questions to “ What’s your favorite colour〞III.Key points:1.Letters and colours in the lesson2.What’s your favourite colourIV.Difficult point: express your favorite, colourV.Preparation: letter cards, black, white and brown markers, some real things.VI.Teaching aids: audiotape, letter cards, some markers and some real things.VII.Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and writingVIII.Teaching procedureWarming up:1.Greetings.2.Review the drills。
冀教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3 Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor

get fat fast.
A. not to eat
B. not eat
C. not eating
【点拨】句意为“你最好不要吃太多巧克力, 否则 你会很快变胖”。had better 后接动词原形, 其否定 形式为had better not + 动词原形。故选B。
A. exercise
B. showers(淋浴)
C. photos
D. medicine
【点拨】词语辨析法。exercise锻炼; shower淋浴; photo照片; medicine药。句意为“如果你头痛, 你 必须要吃一些药”。故选D。
9. We're tired. We'd better have a ____B____.
A. Take B. Eat
C. Make D. Drink
7. Your face looks pale(苍白的). Let's ____C____.
A. to go to a doctor
B. goes to see a doctor
C. go to see a doctor
D. going to a doctor
3 Stay
8 You'd better; see a doctor
4 headache 5 better
9 the matter medicine; Stay home;
10 have a good rest
7 medicine

A. friendsmarker C. pencil D. pen 2. ——May I have youreraser? A. Many thanks! Sure! C. I' m D. May! A. aan C. the D. /4. ——How many apples do youhave?冀教版七年级英语上册期末必考单项选择题1. How many ________ do you have?3. This is ________ eraser.6. — _______ that?——It is a lion.A. What' s B How manyI have one ・ B. It' s oneapple.Sure ・ D. There it is.This is a girl.name is Lucy.She B His C. He D. HerA. C. 5. A. C. How' s D. Where' sA. Thank you. B You' re welcome. C. I’ m fine. D. See you later. 9. This is umbrella ・ It is orange. A. an; a C. an; / B A; an D. /; an 10.——What colour are the 一They' re red.A. door teaC. papersD. apples 11. Let' s writegreen pencils. A. with in C. on D. to12. — colours do you like? A. What B How many D.HowC. this isD. you are8. ——Here you are.——Five. C. Where——What' s favourite colour?——Yes.A.Is B Are C・ Do D. Am14.一What' s your favourite colour, Mr. Ma?一My favourite colour is __________ ・A. red roses B white deskC. blue and whiteD. white15.——This is Danny.A. he his C・ she D. her16.They ________ my classmates.A. am is C・ are D. be17.一What? s this?一_____ a blackboard.A. It' s They' reC. I’ mD. Its18.We _______ to school.A. close B draw C・ walk D. sing19. This is old shirt. I don' t like it.20. ——Do you like my new shirt?I like A. Yes, I am C. Yes, I do 21. The umbrella is A. or B. 22. His favourite A. are 23. — the colour best ・B No, I am notD. No, I don' tmy friend. C. of D shi rts. is D B No, it isn' t D. It' s my dress very nice ・B OKD. Yes ・ It' s nice this?on fromcolthes B am C. be Is the dress new or old? A. Yes, it is C. It is new 24. ——Your sweater is A. Sorry C. Thank you 25. — _______ chair is ——It is Jenny' s.26. ——Are these pants green _________ red?green.A. or, It' sB. and, It' sC. or, They' reD. and, They' re27. That is my new coa t. is green.A. ItB. SheC. HeD. They28.——I like roses.!We are the same.29. A. OK B. Me, tooC. Yes, I likeD. I like applesA. HowC. Whose30. My leftA. happy C. warmdo you feel?B. WhatD. What colour leg hurts (受伤).B sadD. cool31. It' s summer (夏天).It'I feel s veryA. I feelcoolC. Yes, I cool33. —Are you—Yes, F m very cold.A.cold B. hot3 4——What:is it?B Yes, I doC. Yes, I feelcool?C・ warmD.happyB an orangeD. foot32. ——Do you feel warm or cool?—It is _________ .A. blueC. warm35.I feel _________ before (在 ... 前面)the fan.A. warm sad C・ cool D. small36.The orange is ___________ his mouth.A. in B at C・ to D. too37.The goose' s (鹅的)________ is long.A. foot eyes C. ear D. neck38.An elephant' s (大象的)nose is veryA. Thank you B You arewelcomeC. I’ m fine, thanksD. Yes ・ I’ m happy41. Jim is my good friend. is twelve. hair is brown. A. His; Her B She; His C. He; He D. He; 42. — is Mr. Wood? ——He is 1. 76 metres tall. A. How Where How many How tall 43. What colour your hair and eyes?39. I have _______ ・A. black, long hairB long, black hairC. black, long hairsD. long, black hairs40. ——How are you today?一I cut my finger. A. what' s the matterB do you feel happyC. whose is thisD. how many finger do you have45. Please standA. on your footsB on your feetC. in your footsD. in your feet46. ——Your eyes look nice!A. I like it B No, I am notC. Yes, they areD. Thank you47.I ______ a new hat. John __________ a new shirt・A. have; have has; hasC. have; hasD. has; have48.— ______ ?一No, I have a stomachache・C・ How are you D. What' s the matter49.I' d like some porridge __________ lunch.A. of to C. for D. from50.It' s time _______ supper, Lucy.A. forB. at C・ in D. with冀教版七年级英语上册期末必考单项选择题51.I want _______ my homework in the afternoon.A. do B to do C. go D. to go52. How many do you have?A. apple B waterC. peachsD. peaches53. Li Ming lunch today.A. come toB. comes toC. come forD. comes for54.当晚上与人道别时常说“_____ ”。
2024年冀教版七年级英语上册教学Lesson1On the way to thebookstore

Lesson 1On the way to the bookstore教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1.获取和梳理王梅和李明在去书店的路上向一位女士问路的经历,形成信息结构图。
(迁移创新)语篇研读What: 本课语篇是一篇对话,主要介绍了王梅和李明在去书店的路上向一位女士问路的经历。
Why: 对话通过介绍王梅和李明问路的经历,让学生学会如何去问路以及指路,提高学生的语言运用能力,并让学生明白要礼貌待人。
How: 语篇采用对话形式,按时间的发展顺序展开,先是介绍王梅和李明约好周日下午乘地铁去书店,然后讲述二人从地铁站出来后向一位女士询问去书店的路的经历。
points通过语法的学习帮助学生解决后续学习中的问题e out of 从……出来3.ask for 请求;要求4.go down沿着……走5.at the traffic lights在交通灯处6.on your right在你右边7.go straight直走8.next to紧邻;挨着9.You’re welcome.不客气。
点的理解情况,能否独立完成相关的练习题,判断学生对知识点的掌握情况设计意图通过讲解语言点,有助于学生更好地理解文本内容,更好地应对在答题过程中遇到的种种困难Activity 7:Selfcheck运用本课词汇和重点短语完成练习Do the Activities on PPT.Thencheck the answers.教师观察学生能否独立完成相关的练习题,判断学生对知识点的掌握情况设计意图通过做练习,进一步掌握本课的重点内容,巩固对语法和句式的掌握【学习理解】板书设计作业设计基础型作业:1. Review the useful words and phrases in this lesson.2.Practise reading the text.实践型作业:Draw a map and make a dialogue about asking and answering the way.教学反思。
新冀教版英语七年级上册unit 2《colours and clothes》单元优秀教案(重点资料).doc

Unit 2 Lessons 7-12 Colors and ClothesLesson 7:Jenny's New Skirt一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New word:Learn new word about colors and clothes.2.Make the Ss understand the text.3.The important sentences: What's your favourite color?二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Ask the Ss remember the new word.2.Understand the meaning of the text.3.Practice the dialogue.三、Key points:(重点)New word about colors and clothes.四、Difficult point:(难点) Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.1.Greet in everyday English and make sure the Ss can respond in correct way.2.Review all the words the class has learned so far, using cards, pictures or real things.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)First,teach the new word.Make sure the Ss remember all of it.Thenexplain the text in Chinese.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 Demonstrate:Explain the text,make sure the Ss can read the text by themselves. No. 2 The dialogue:1.Can I get a new skirt?Jenny:Mum,my skirt is very old.Can I get a new one?Mrs. Smith:Sure,dear.What color do you want?Jenny:I want a blue skirt ,Mum.Mrs. Smith:OK.What can you wear with it?Jenny:I can wear my favourite blouse with it.I like its color.It's light blue!Mrs. Smith:Blue again!Jenny,you really like blue.2.I like your blue skirt.Kim:Good afternoon,Jenny.I like your blue skirt.Jenny:Thanks.Kim:Is it new?Jenny:Yes,it is.And blue is my favourite color.Do you like blue? Kim:Yes,I do.But my favourite color is pink.Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结) What’s your favourite colors?Step 6. Homework.(作业)After the class,finish the practice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words and sentences.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 8:Danny's Favourite Color一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Colors:red ,blue, yellow ,green ,orange ,purple ,pink.2.Learn phrases: How about.....? Look at. Come out. In the sky.3.Understand the meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Remember the master words about colors.e the phrases and practice the dialogue.3.Finish the practice:Let's do it.三、Key points:(重点)The master words about colors.四、Difficult point:(难点) Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review last lesson about colors and clothes.Then learn new word oflesson 8.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Practice the sentences:What's your favourite color?Then learn new sentence:What's Danny's favourite color?Explain the text first in Chinese.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 PresentationIntroduce the lesson about what,and learn new word first.No. 2 Dialogue:What's Danny's favourite color?Jenny:Hi,Danny.Do you want to paint with me?Danny:Sure!Jenny:Here is some red paint.Danny:No,I don't like red.Jenny:OK.How about blue?Danny:Blue is good.But do you have yellow?Jenny:Yes.Is yellow your favourite color?Danny:No,but I can mix blue and yellow to make green.Jenny:That's right.Is green your favourite color?Danny:Yes,it is.No. 3Dig in:You can mix two different colors together to make a newcolor!Blue and yellow make green.Red and blue make orange. Red and yellow make orange.You can mix white with another color to make it a light color.Try it! What colors can you make?Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the words about colors.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the practice and remember the master word.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 9:Whose coat is this?一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Clothes:coat ,scarf, gloves,shots.2.Sentence structure: Whose..is this? Whose..are those?3.Understand the meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Remember the master word about the clothes.2. Learn the sentence pattern:Whose..is this? Whose..are those?3.Practice the dialogue.三、Key points:(重点)The word about clothes.四、Difficult point:(难点)The sentence pattern .五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Take out the examples of clothing. Hold up each item and say the name of it a few times. Make the students understand and repeat after you. Then write the word on the blackboard and read them together. Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Learn the word first,and practice the sentence :Whose...is this?Whose....are those?Then explain the text in Chinese.Read the text a few times ,ask the Ss repeat,until they can read text by themselves.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)Dialogue:Ask the students to find partners and practice reading aloud the dialogue from the student book. Each student reads the sentences for one character. Each student takes a turn being each character. Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the words and the sentence.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the remaining exercises in the activity bookStep 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The word and the sentence. 八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New word about clothes: sweater dress hat pants shoes shirts socks.2.The useful phrases:be ready for,catch a cold,go back ,put on,go well with,Don't forget!3.The meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Remember the words about the clothes.2.learn the master phrases and learn how to use it.3. Understand the meaning of the text.三、Key points:(重点)Names of clothing.四、Difficult point:(难点)learn the master phrases and learn how to use it.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Demonstrate: Hold up pictures or real clothing to introduce shorts, pants, shoes and socks. Say the words a few times with the class.Ask the students to point to the pictures and say the words several times.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Talk about the pictures with the students. Make sure they understand the meaning of the dialogue.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 PresentationLearn the new word about this lesson,and remember them.No. 2 Text:Read the pictures first,make sure the Ss can understand this lesson talking about what.1.You may catch a cold.Danny is ready for school.He says goodbye to his mum.Mrs.Dinosaur:Wait,Danny!It's cold today.You can't wear a T-shirt and shorts.Danny:Mum,I look nice in this green T-shirt.And I like shorts. Mrs.Dinosaur:Look!It's raining.You may catch a cold.Danny:OK,Mum.(Danny goes back and puts on a jacket)Mrs.Dinosaur:Danny!Your jacket doesn't go well with your shorts. Danny:Well,I don't like to wear pants.Mrs.Dinosaur:OK,Don't forget your umbrella.Danny:It's in my schoolbag.Bye,Mum.2.Sing a song:colorful clothes.Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the phrases and remember the master words.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the practice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The master words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 11:Clothes around the world一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Learn the new word:world,report,traditional,India.prehend the meaning of text.3.Read the passage and finfish the practice.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Remember the master word and learn how to use it.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Read the passage and answer the questions.三、Key points:(重点)The new word.四、Difficult point:(难点)Understand the text.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over last lesson and dictation .Review last lesson of phrases.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Learn new words first.Then translate the text in Chinese. Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 PresentationRead the pictures and answer the questions:1.Do all people wear uniforms for work?2.Can men wear skirts?3.Do you wear a uniform for school?No. 2 Text:Li Ming writes a report about clothes around the world.1.These people are wearing traditional clothes.Wow!Their clothes are so colorful.2.In some places ,men wear skirts.How do they look?3.This woman looks beautiful in her Sari.A Sari is a traditional dress from India.4.Some people wear uniforms for work.These women look so pretty in black and white.5.Many students wear school uniforms.Their uniforms look nice. Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Read the text and discuss the questions. Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important word.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Learn new words about this lesson.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Finish the practice.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Remember the master words.2prehend the meaning of the text.3.Learn how to send an e-mail.三、Key points:(重点)The master words and important phrases.四、Difficult point:(难点) Send an e-mail.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over last lesson,learn new words about the lesson.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Introduce the e-mail,and how to send an e-mail.Then translate the text,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of the text. Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 PresentationRead the lesson and answer the questions.1.Who does Kim want to go shopping with?2.When will they meet?3.What will Kim wear?No. 2 A shopping date!Hi,friends,Let's go shopping!Let's meet at the shopping center at 1:00p.m.this Saturday.You can come with your mum!You can wear your favourite clothes.I will wear my favourite dress.I want to buy a pair of shoes and a pink blouse for school! What do you want to buy?Can you come?We can have FUN,FUN,FUN!!!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the phrases :have fun,a pair of.And practice the using about the phrase a pair of.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Do their excises book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Unit Review一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Review the words and expression in this unit.2.Grammar: Personal Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns.3.Structures:What's your favourite color?Whose.....is this?Let's go shopping!二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Understand and remember what is reviewed in the lesson.2.Have a clear idea of what has been covered in this unit.3.Learn the grammar and practice it.三、Key points:(重点)The words and expression in this unit.四、Difficult point:(难点)Grammar.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over the words and expression in this unit.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Sum up we learning words about colors and clothes.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 Review the words in this unit,and write them down.No. 2Grammar in use:Personal pronouns:I,we,you,he,she,it,they,you.Possessive pronouns:my,our,your,his,her,its,their,your.Practice:1. name is Tom. am 12 years old.2.Jane and I go to the same school. are classmates.We like school.3.Mary is a girl. likes to wear dresses.This is favourite dress.4.The kids want to go shopping. want to buy new clothes. Clothes are too old.5.I like hat.It looks good on .Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the grammar,and use it.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Do the excise book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The grammar.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)。
冀教版七年级英语上册课件Unit 1 Lesson 4

What is it?
It’s a pen .
What is it?
It’s a pencil .
What is it?
It’s a pencil box .
What is it?
It’s a ruler .
What is it?
It’s a blackboard .
What is it?
It’s an eraser .
Class, let’s play a guessing game. Li Ming, you go first.
Conversation One
Li Ming: guess?
Wang Mei: Is it a ruler? Li Ming: No, it isn’t. You can write with it.
Let’s Do It!
Play the Guessing Game in groups.
Is it a pen?
What is it?
No! Yes! Is it a pencil?
Look at the pictures and fill in the
You can write with a ________
is on the
wall. It’s big and black.
I can see a __e_ra_s_e_r __
in the
pencil box.
Find some common objects in classroom or at home and get their English names and share with your classmates.

意思是 adj.刻薄的
七年级上册 UNIT 3
2024年冀教版七年级英语上册教学Unit 3 Lesson 1 Me and my body

Lesson 1Me and my body教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1.认识音标/e/、/æ/、/aʊ/、/əʊ/、/iə/,并能找出含有这些音标的单词。
能够熟练运用“I have…”和“I can…with…”谈论身体部位及其功能。
How: 语篇第一部分以用线索猜身体部位为导入,第二部分是Robin的身体部位的介绍及功能的描述,最后以Danny与Robin的对话展示机器人不会给Danny做作业,但是可以给他提供帮助。
教学过程设计理念:以《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》核心素养为导向,以单元主题为引领,基于语篇的育人理念,体现《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》“学板书设计Lesson 1Me and my bodyI have one/two …? I can …with …I have two big eyes. I can see with them.I have one nose and one mouth. I can smell with my nose. AndI can talk with my mouth.…作业设计基础型作业:1.Remember the new words and expressions in this lesson.2.Read the passage again and retell it.实践型作业:Draw a picture of a robot and then introduce it to your classmates.教学反思。
冀教版七年级上册英语Lesson18We All Look Different!详细教案

冀教版七年级上册英语Lesson 18:We All Look Different!详细教案教学目标1.掌握单词:different,cute,twelve,thirteen,almost,funny,glass短语:look like,look cool/cute/funny/different,a pretty girl,big and tall,short black hair,wear glasses,etc.2.学会用英语谈论不同人物的相貌的句型:What does she/he look like?She is beautiful.He looks cool!She has short blond hair.Her eyes are blue.She is a pretty girl.He is thirteen years old.He is big and tall.I wear glasses.He has three black hairs.We all look different.3.掌握动词have的用法。
教学内容1.学会运用谈论不同人物的相貌的词或短语:different,cute,twelve,thirteen,almost,funny,glass,look like,look cool/cute/funny/different,a pretty girl,big and tall,short black hair,wear glasses。
2.学会谈论不同人物的相貌:What does she/he look like?She is beautiful.He looks cool!She has short blond hair.Her eyes are blue.She is a pretty girl.He is thirteen years old.He is big and tall.I wear glasses.He has three black hairs.We all look different.3.掌握动词have的用法。
Unit 1 New school,new beginning!七年级英语上册(冀教版2024)

Two great teachers
Match the sentences on the left with those on the right. Can you list more sayings?
Two great teachers
Do you know the famous teachers below? Search the internet for their information and introduce them to your partner.
My name is…… We often have fun together. My favourite school subject is…… What is your favourite place? I like to read stories. My favourite is……
Activity 1
Activity 1
Read the passage and complete the mind map for Wang Xuyao.
☆教材解读☆ I like Ms Zhang. She is our maths teacher. She is very nice. My favourite school subject is Chinese. I like to read stories. I like my new school. 【翻译】我喜欢张女士。他是我们的数学老师。她很 好。我最喜欢的学校科目是语文。我喜欢读故事。我 喜欢我的新学校。
We like our school!
My name is Wang Xuyao and my favourite subject is Chinese, I like to read stories about the old days.
2024年冀教版七年级英语上册教学 Unit 1 Two great teachers

Two great teachers
How: 语篇采用对话的形式,语言比较口语化。
基础型作业: Search more famous teachers on the internet, talk about them with your partner.
实践型作业:Write a passage about your favourite teacher.

第二部分:基本词汇和句子的学习在第三单元中,学生将学习和掌握一些关于日常生活的基本词汇和句子,比如问路时常用的“Excuse me, how can I get to the bank?”,谈论时间时常用的“Can I use your watch, please?”,以及讨论天气时常用的“It’s a sunny day.”等等。
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冀教版英语七年级上册1-4 单元实用测试卷I. 词汇A) 根据所给汉语填空。
(10 分 )1.My friends look _________ ( 不同 ).2. Danny __________ ( 有 ) three hairs.3.– What ’ s the _________ (问题 )?–I cut my knee.4.– How are you today?–I _________________ ( 头痛 )5.I’ m thirsty, I want _____________________ ( 喝杯水 )6.It ’ s time _______________( 吃早饭 )7. This is ________ (桔子) .8.. The________(紫色的) shorts are new.9.________(不要打开) the door, please.10.. __________ ( 谁的 ) shirt is this?B)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空:( 5 分)1.I’ d like _______ (order) a bowl of noodles2.I like some _______ (tomato) for dinner.3.She is ready _________(help) others.4.4.Danny, stand on your ___________ (foot), please.5.Take your ___________ hand out. (left 的反义词 )C). 用 am, is, are 填空:( 10 分)1. – What _____ your name? –My name ______ LiLin.2.–Where _____ the library? —There it _____.3.What colour ______ the scissors?4.Meat and fish ____ my favourite food.5.There ___ a lot of food on the table. Would you like some?6.My favourite clothes _______ pants and shirts.7.Two glasses of milk _______ over there.8.We _________ Chinese. You __________ American.( 美国人 )9.She _____ from Baoding. This ____Bill and this ______Bob. They want to _______friends.10.What colour _______your hair and what colour________ your eyes?II.单项选择:( 30 分)( ) 1. –May I borrow your book, LiMing? --- _________.A. ThanksB. Sure! Here you are.C. You ’ re welcome.( ) 2. --______ is your teacher? --He is in the classroom.A. WhereB. HowC. What ’ s( ) 3. This is a boy.________name is Li Ming.A. HeB. SheC. HisD. Her( ) 4. I write________this green pen.A. toB. inC. onD. with( ) 5. Let us_______ a bottle of orange.A. eatB. to eatC. drinkD. to eat( ) 6. Is this __ old car? No, it ’ s __ new car.A. an, anB. an, aC. a, aD. a, an( ) 7. This is ___ apple. ____ apple is on the desk.A. an; AnB. the; AnC. an; TheD. the; The( ) 8.He is so lazy. He wants her mother ____ everything for him.A. to doB. doC. doingD. Does( ) 9.---Is this ____ sweater?--- No, it isn ’ t. ____ is blue and yellow.A. your; MineB. your; MyC. your; MineD. your; My( ) 10. I want to buy ___ vegetables, but I don to buy ’ chickentwant.A. some; anyB. any; someC. some; someD. any; any( ) 11.— Is your dress blue or yellow? -----__________.A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, it is.C. It ’ s blue.( ) 12.—Pants are my favourite clothes.–---Me, too. We are __________.A. the newB. the sameC. the niceD. the big( ) 13. She often does exercises ___ the morning, but she doesn ’ t do ____ Sunday morning.A. in; inB. on; onC. in; onD. on; in( ) 14.---- By the way, how much ____ the glasses?---- The glasses? Oh, ___ 230 yuan.A. is; it ’ sB. are; they’ reC. are; it ’ sD. is; they ’ re( ) 15. The sweater is _________ big ________me. Please give ( 给 ) me the red sweater.A. too, fromB. too, forC. with, for( ) 16. I ______ his name.A not knowB know n otC don ’ t know D. do know not( ) 17. ________ name is Sue._________ is a girl from Canada.A She, HeB Her, She ’Cs She ’ s, Her ’D.sHer, She( ) 18. — Are those your pants? -________.A Yes, they ’ reB Yes, they areC Yes, those areD They are( ) 19. Mom, I have a _________.A. stomachB. stomachsC. stomachesD. stomachache( ) 20. Lynn has ________A. long blond hairsB. a long blond hairC. long blond hairD. a long blond hairs( ) 21.________ “ I ” a letter ________a word?A. In, isB. An, andC. Is, orD. Is, and( ) 22. My mot her ’ s hair ________black, but she has three white ______.A. is, hairB. is, hairsC. are,hairD. are, haris( ) 23._______you_______happy?A. are, feelB. Do, /C. Do, feelD. Do, feeling( ) 24.How is your sister today?She’ s ____.Thank you.A. fifteenB. fineC. a studentD. at home( ) 25. Daniel is a very ____ football player and he plays football very ____.A. good; goodB. good; wellC. well; goodD. well; well( ) 26. Would you like ____ tea?A. aB. anC. someD. any( ) 27.We eat _______ and they eat ______.A. rices, breadB. rice, breadsC. rice, breadD. rices, breads( ) 28. It ’ s time _____.A. go to bedB. go bedC. for go to bedD. to go to bed( ) 29.I want something_____.A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkD. for drink( ) 30.How many ____ are there on the table?A. milkB. milksC. bottle of milkD. bottles of milkIII.按要求改写下列句子 (5 分 )1.My books are in the desk. ( 对画线部分提问_______ _______ your books?2. Whose book is this? ( 改写成复数形式)Whose _______ _______ ________?3.Is your hair long? Is your hair short? ( 把两句合并成一个选择疑问句)________ your hair long ______ short?4.I have three friends. ( 对画线部分提问 )_______ ______ ______ do your have?5.My favourite colour is blue. (划线提问)_______is________favourite colour ?Miss Brown is __1__ New York. She teaches English _2___ a school. She __3__ good Chinese. She goes to __4__ on Sunday. Miss Brown likes __5__ in China __6___ much, she says the students are __7__ and __8__ hard. Miss Brown _9__ a son and a daughter. They go to the___10__ school in China. They like it very much.( ) 1. A. at B. in C. on D. From( ) 2. A. in B. on C. to D. For( ) 3. A. say B. says C. speak D. speaks( ) 4. A. work B. works C. walk D. walks( ) 5. A. to teach B. teaches C. to teaching D. teach( ) 6. A. too B. many C. / D. very( ) 7. A. good B. bad C. well D. better( ) 8. A. works B. are work C. working D. work( ) 9. A. have B. has C. does D. there is( ) 10. A. same B. that C. two D. oneV.阅读理解 . (20 分 )AMr. Smith has a week holiday, so he says, ― I want to see the sea by train.‖ He puts on his best clothes, takes a small bag, goes to the railway station( 火车站 ) and gets into the train. He has a beautiful hat, and he often puts his head out of the window during the trip and looks at the beautiful scenery( 风景 ). But the wind pulls his hat off. Mr. Smith quickly takes off his old bag and throws( 扔) it out of the window, too. The other people in the train laugh, ―Can your bag bring back your beautiful hat?‖ they ask. ― No, ‖ Mr. Smith answers, ― But there is my name and address on the bag. If someone finds both of them, he or she can send( 送 ) me the bagand hat.‖Do you think Mr. Smith is clever or foolish?( ) 1. Mr. Smith goes to have his holiday of _____.A. five daysB. seven daysC. nine daysD. two days( ) 2. Mr. Smith puts his head out of the window to ____.A. say goodbye to his friendsB. throw his hat out of the windowC. sing an English songD. see the beautiful scenery( ) 3. Mr. Smith is going to ___ during his holiday.A. see his parentsB. visit his friendsC. see the seaD. enjoy himself in the train( ) 4. Why does Mr. Smith throw his old bag out of the window?Because he hopes _____.A. someone can send back his bag and hatB. the people in the train will laughC. someone finds the bag and sends it back with the hatD. someone can find his hat ( ) 5. From the passage we can see that Mr. Smith is a ____ man.A. cleverB. richC. poorD. foolishBJohn liked to keep his hair very long. Some of his friends thought that it looked like girlthey never made jokes about it, because John was a big strong, strong young man and he does n’ t like jokes about his funny hair. John always went to the barber ’amonthstwiceto have his hair cut and washed, and one day the barber said to him, ―Now why don ’ t you let me cut most of this hair off and give you a new hairstyle? Nobody would recognize you if I did that, I ’m sure.‖John said nothing for a second, and then said, ― Perhaps you are right but I ’ m not sure that nobody would recognize you too if you did that to my hair. ‖( ) 1. John kept his hair long because ______.A. John is a girlB. the barber wouldn ’ t like to cut his hair short.C. John likes it to be longD. that hair grew too fast( ) 2. His friends never made jokes about the hair because _______.A. the hair wasn ’ t funnyB. John liked his hair very muchC. John was a shy man.D. John didn ’ t like jokes about his hair and they were afraid of him. ( ) 3. A barber is a ______.A. shop where one ’ s hair can be washed and cutB. man who has his hair cutC. person who cuts men’ s hairD. doctor who gives headache treatments( ) 4. The barber advises(建议 )John _____.A. to have his hair cut shortB. to cut off most of his hairC. to keep his hair longD. to wash his hair( ) 5. How often did John go to the bar ber ’ s?A. Every weekB. Twice a weekC. Every monthD. Twice a month VI .书面表达:( 10 分)以“ My Good Friend ”为题,介绍一下你的好朋友。