迈尔斯通 MST 产品选型手册说明书
专业集成IC 设计公司公司简介无锡迈尔斯通集成电路有限公司(简称MST)是国内著名上市企业“浙江钱江摩托股份有限公司”与美国归国博士陈俊于2012年共同出资成立的IC设计公司。
用芯创造美好未来企业宗旨:高标准的创新设计造就高品质的产品公司愿景:芯系世界,共荣未来,成为一流的集成电路设计公司团队理念:诚信、高效、创新、超越创新理念:专注研发,持续创新,积极实践合作理念:为每一位客户提供满意的产品和服务产品分类低压差线性稳压芯片(LDO)产品特点:1.压差可低至30mV (I OUT =10mA);2.静态电流低至1.6µA;3.输出电压范围有1.8V,2.5V,3.3V,3.6V,4.0V,4.2V,5.0V;4.采用典型的SOT23,SOT89封装;5.输入耐压最高可达80V。
应用领域:1.蓝牙音箱、行车记录仪2.玩具的供电系统3.无绳电话设备4.照相机5.基准电压源6.便携式计算机7.智能电表8.安防监控设备产品型号I Q VINV DROP I OUT (MAX)V OUT (FIX)带EN 引脚封装形式MST52LXXBTE 3uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---24V 500mV@100mA 200mA 1.8V±2%2.5V±2%2.8V±2%3.0V±2%3.3V±2%3.6V±2%4.0V±2%4.2V±2%5.0V±2%NOMST52LXXBTS 3uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---24V 500mV@100mA 200mA NO MST52LXXBTG 3uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---24V 500mV@100mA 200mA NO MST53XXBTE 1.6uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---35V 300mV@100mA 300mA1.8V±2%3.0V±2%3.3V±2%3.6V±2%5.0V±2%NO MST53XXBTS 1.6uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---35V 300mV@100mA 300mA NOMST53XXBTG 1.6uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---35V 300mV@100mA 300mA NO MST54XXBTE 2uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---45V 350mV@100mA 350mA 1.8V±2%3.0V±2%3.3V±2%5.0V±2%NO MST54XXBTS 2uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---45V 350mV@100mA 350mA NO MST54XXBTG 2uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---45V 350mV@100mA 350mA YES MST56XXBTE 2uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---60V 700mV@100mA 200mA 3.0V±2%3.3V±2%3.6V±2%5.0V±2%NO MST56XXBTS 2uA (Vin+Vdrop)V---60V 700mV@100mA 200mA NO MST56XXBTG2uA(Vin+Vdrop)V---60V700mV@100mA200mAYES 蓝牙音箱行车记录仪智能水表无绳电话设备同步整流芯片(Synchronous Rectifier Chip)产品型号产品名称I QIOPPowerMOS最大开关频率封装形式BV DSSRDS(ON)MST1691TG 同步整流控制器400uA 4mA 外置MOS 外置MOS 100KHz MST1692KC 同步整流管(替代二极管)400uA 4mA 60V 20mΩ100KHz MST1694KC 100VCCM 同步整流(下端)400uA 4mA 100V 20mΩ100KHz MST1696KC100VCCM 同步整流(上端)400uA4mA100V20mΩ100KHz 产品特点:1.用于反激转换器,兼容DCM 或准谐振模式;2.最大100KHz 开关频率;3.可选集成100V、20mΩMOS 管或单独控制器;4.可显著减少发热,提升系统效率。
用于智能电表的非隔离式AC/DC降压转换器一款不带变压器的宽电压、低成本、非隔离式AC/DC降压转换器——输出持续电流500mA(2.5~12W)【关键词摘要】非隔离无变压器AC/DC电源芯片XD308H BUCK电路220V转5V220V转12V220V转24V380V转5V380V转12V380V转24V【概述】非隔离AC-DC电源芯片降压电路,一般采用BUCK电路拓扑结构,常见于小家电控制板电源以及工业控制电源供电。
一款不带变压器的宽电压、低成本、非隔离式AC/DC降压转换器——输出持续电流500mA(12W)【关键词摘要】非隔离无变压器AC/DC电源芯片XD308H BUCK电路220V转5V220V转12V220V转24V380V转5V380V转12V380V转24V【概述】非隔离AC-DC电源芯片降压电路,一般采用BUCK电路拓扑结构,常见于小家电控制板电源以及工业控制电源供电。
XCA204A0K1MR 18V 3.0A 同步降压DC DC转换器 手册说明书
XCA204A0K1MR18V Operation 3.0A Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters■FEATURESInput Voltage Range : 4.5V ~ 18V (Absolute Max 20V) Output Voltage Range : 0.8V ~ 0.65×VIN or 7V Max FB Voltage : 0.765V ±3.0% Output Current : 3.0A Oscillation Frequency : 700kHzControl Method PWM/PFM Automatic EfficiencyUp to 92%Internal Power MOSFET High-side : 85mΩ Low-side : 45mΩ Soft-start Time 1.3ms Protection : UVLO Current LimitThermal Shutdown Low ESR Ceramic Capacitor : Ceramic Capacitor Operating Ambient Temperature : -40℃ ~ 85℃ Package: SOT23-6Environmentally Friendly:EU RoHS Compliant■GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XCA204A0K1MR is 18V bootstrap synchronous step-down DC/DC converter with built-in Nch-Nch driver FET, the operatingvoltage range is 4.5V to 18.0V, designed to allow the use of ceramic capacitors. 0.765V reference voltage source is incorporated in the IC, and the output voltage can be set to a value from 0.8V to 0.65×VIN or 7.0V (Max) using external resistors (R1, R2). Switching frequency is 700kHz. In PWM/PFM automatic switchover control, IC can change the control method between PWM andPFM based on the output current requirement and as a result IC can achieve high efficiency over the full load range. XCA204A0K1MR has a fixed internal soft-start time which is 1.3ms, with the built-in UVLO function, the driver FET is forced OFF when input voltage goes down to 4.1V or lower. Over current protection and thermal shutdown are embedded and they secure a safety operation. ■APPLICATIONS ● Set Top Box● Portable TV● LCD TV ● AP Router ■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT CTR05092-001■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSOF FON■BLOCK DIAGRAM■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION●Ordering InformationProduct Name Package Name Order Unit Shipment XCA204A0K1MR SOT23-63,000pcs/ReelTape & Reel●Selection GuideChip EnableOver Voltage ProtectionThermal Shutdown Soft Start UVLO Current Limit YESYESYESYESYESYESGNDXCA204A0K1MRTOP VIEW■PIN CONFIGURATION■PIN ASSIGNMENTPIN NUMBER PIN NAME FUNCTION1 GND Ground. This pin is the voltage reference for the regulated output voltage. For this reason care must be taken in its layout.2 SW Switch Output. Connect this pin to the switching end of the inductor.3 VIN Power Supply Input. Drive 4.5V to 18V voltage to this pin to power on this chip. Connecting a 10μF~22μF ceramic bypass capacitor between VIN and GND to eliminate noise.4 FB Feedback. An external resistor divider from the output to GND, tapped to the FB pinsets the output voltage.5 EN ON/OFF Control Input. Pull EN above 1.8V to turn the device on.6 BS Bootstrap. A 100nF capacitor is connected between SW and BS pins to drive the power switch’s gate above the supply voltage.■FUNCTION CHARTPIN NAME SIGNAL STATUSEN L or OPEN Stand-byH ActiveGND SW VIN■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(*1)Ta=25℃PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITS Input Supply Voltage Pin V IN-0.3 ~ 20 V EN Voltage Pin V EN-0.3 ~ 20 VSW Voltage Pin V SW-0.3 ~ 20 VBoost Voltage Pin V BS V SW - 0.3 ~ V SW + 5.8 VFB Voltage Pin V FB-0.3 ~ 5.6 V Maximum Junction Temperature Tj 150 ℃Thermal resistance(Junction-Air) θJA88 ℃/W Thermal resistance(Junction-Case) θJC45 ℃/W Operating Ambient Temperature Topr -40 ~ 85 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -65 ~ 150 ℃(*1) Stresses exceed those ratings may damage the device.XCA204A0K1MR ■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTa=25℃PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Input Voltage Range V IN 4.5 - 18.0 V Supply Current (Quiescent) I Q V EN = V IN, No switching - 300 - μA Supply Current (Shutdown) I STBY V EN = 0V - 3 10 μA Feedback Voltage V FB0.742 0.765 0.788 V Feedback Current I FB V FB = 1V -0.1 0 0.1 μA Switch-On High-Side Resistance (*1)R DSH(ON) - 85 - mΩSwitch-On Low-Side Resistance (*1)R DSL(ON)- 45 - mΩSwitch Leakage I SW V EN = 0V, V SW = 0V - - 10 μA Current Limit (*1)I OC DC current, V OUT =1.8V 3.1 4.0 - A Oscillator Frequency f SW V OUT = 5V@1A Load 560 700 880 kHz Soft-start time (*1)t SS V FB = 0V to 0.7V - 1.3 - ms Minimum ON-Time (*1)t ON- 150 - ns Minimum OFF-Time (*1)t OFF- 250 360 ns Under Voltage Lockout Threshold V UVLOR V IN Rising, V OUT = 1V - 4.1 4.4 VUnder Voltage LockoutV UVLOH V OUT = 1V - 250 - mV Threshold HysteresisEN pin resistance to GND R EN0.7 1.2 1.8 MΩEN Up Threshold Voltage V ENH 1.8 - 18.0 V EN Down Threshold Voltage V ENL GND - 0.4 V Thermal Shutdown (*1)T TSD- 150 - °C Test Condition: Unless otherwise stated, V IN=9V, V EN=2V(*1) Design reference value.■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITOF F ONFigure.1 Typical Application Circuit【Table1 : Recommended Component Selection】V OUT R1 R2 CFB L1 C1 C2 C3+C4(*)C5 C67.0V 81.5kΩ10kΩOptional 4.7μH 22μF/25VCeramic0.1μF/25VCeramic68μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic5.0V 54.9kΩ10kΩOptional 3.3μH 22μF/25VCeramic0.1μF/25VCeramic44~68μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic3.3V 33.2kΩ10kΩOptional 3.3μH 22μF/25VCeramic0.1μF/25VCeramic44~68μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic1.8V 13.6kΩ10kΩOptional2.2μH 22μF/25VCeramic0.1μF/25VCeramic44~68μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic1.0V 3.09kΩ10kΩOptional 1.5μH 22μF/25VCeramic0.1μF/25VCeramic44~68μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic0.1μFCeramic(*) V OUT=0.8V ~ 5.0V : (C3+C4) = 44μF to 68μF (Ceramic)V OUT=5.1V ~ 7.0V : (C3+C4) = 68μF (Ceramic)【Table2 : Parts example for evaluation】Name Number Value Parts number VenderL1 (*1) 1.5μH CLF6045NIT-1R5N TDK2.2μH CLF6045NIT-2R2N TDK3.3μH CLF6045NIT-3R3N TDK4.7μH CLF6045NIT-4R7N TDKC1 1 22μF TMK212BBJ226MG TAIYO YUDEN C2 1 0.1μF TMK105BJ104KP TAIYO YUDENC3, C4 (*2) 22μF LMK212BBJ226MG TAIYO YUDEN 68μF C3216X5R1A686M160AC TDKC5 1 0.1μF UMK105B7104KV TAIYO YUDEN C6 1 0.1μF UMK105B7104KV TAIYO YUDEN (*1) Select according to V OUT setting voltage.(*2) C3+C4=44μF : Two 22μF used in parallelXCA204A0K1MR■Function DescriptionThe main control loop of XCA204A0K1MR are adaptive on-time pulse width modulation (PWM) controller. The control mechanism combines adaptive on-time control with an internal compensation circuit for pseudo-fixed frequency and low external component count configuration with both low ESR and ceramic output capacitors. It is stable even with virtually no ripple at the output.At the beginning of each cycle, the high-side MOSFET is turned on. This MOSFET is turned off after internal one shot timer expires. This one shot duration is set proportional to the converter input voltage, VIN, and inversely proportional to the output voltage, V OUT, to maintain a pseudo-fixed frequency over the input voltage range, hence it is called adaptive on-time control. The one-shot timer is reset and the high-side MOSFET is turned on again when the feedback voltage falls below the reference voltage.< Enable >The XCA204A0K1MR EN pin provides digital control to turn on/turn off the regulator. When the voltage of EN exceeds the threshold voltage, the regulator starts the soft start function. If the EN pin voltage is below than the shutdown threshold voltage, the regulator will be disable and into the shutdown mode.< Output Over Voltage Protection >When the FB pin voltage exceeds 25% of the regulation voltage, the output over voltage protection function will turn the high side MOSFET off.< Input Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) >When the XCA204A0K1MR power on, the internal circuits are held inactive until VIN exceeds the input UVLO threshold voltage. And the regulator will be disabled when VIN below the input UVLO threshold voltage. The hysteretic of the UVLO comparator is 250mV.< Short Protection >The XCA204A0K1MR provides short protection function to prevent the device damage from short condition. When the output short to ground, the oscillator frequency is reduced to prevent the inductor current increasing beyond the current limit. In the meantime, the current limit is also reduced to lower the short current. Once the short condition is removed, the frequency and current limit will return to normal.< Thermal Shutdown >The XCA204A0K1MR incorporates an over temperature protection circuit to protect itself from overheating. When the junction temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown threshold temperature, the regulator will be shutdown.■Application Information< Output Voltage Setting >The external resistor divider is used to set the output voltage. XCA204A0K1MR feedback resistors are unconcerned of compensation and provide an easy way to program output voltage. Table 1 shows a list of resistor selection for common output voltages:V OUT = 0.765V x (1+R1/R2)< Selecting the Inductor >A 4.7μH inductor with a DC current rating of at least 30% percent higher than the maximum load current is recommended for most applications. For highest efficiency, the inductor's DC resistance should be less than 50mΩ. For most designs, the required inductance value can be derived from the following equation:ΔΔΔΔ=0.3×ΔΔLL (MMMMMM )LL ≥VVVVVVVV ffffff ⋅ΔΔΔΔ⋅�1−VVVVVVVVVVΔΔVV�Where ΔI is the inductor ripple current.Choose the inductor ripple current to be 30% of the maximum load current. The maximum inductor peak current is calculated from:ΔΔLL (MMMMMM )=ΔΔLLLLMMLL (MMMMMM )+ΔΔΔΔ2But when a coil with poor DC superimposition(DC bias) characteristics is used, the inductor peak current may increase due to the derating of the inductor during soft start. In this case, please use a coil with better DC superimposition (DC bias) characteristics.Under light load conditions below 100mA, a larger inductance is recommended for improved efficiency.< Selecting the Input Capacitor >The input capacitor reduces the surge current drawn from the input supply and the switching noise from the device. The input capacitor impedance at the switching frequency should be less than the input source impedance to prevent high frequency switching current from passing through the input. Ceramic capacitors with X5R or X7R dielectrics are highly recommended because of their low ESR and small temperature coefficients. For most applications, a 22μF capacitor is sufficient.< Selecting the Output Capacitor >The output capacitor keeps the output voltage ripple small and one or two 22μF ceramic capacitor with X5R or X7R dielectrics is recommended for its low ESR characteristics.< External Boost Diode Selection >An external bootstrap diode is recommended if the input voltage is less than 5.5V, or duty cycle is high, or if there is a 5V system rail available. This diode helps improve the efficiency. Low cost diodes, such as B0520 are suitable for this application.V IN 5V C5D1B0520V IN 5VC5D1B0520V OUT 3.3V IND1B0520XCA204A0K1MR■Note on use1. When the VIN voltage is lower than UVLO and the temperature is low, there is a possibility of step-down operation.2. When the input voltage is low, the maximum load current may decrease.3. Be especially careful of the capacitor characteristics and use X7R or X5R (EIA standard) ceramic capacitors.The capacitance decrease caused by the bias voltage may become remarkable depending on the external size of the capacitor.4. Even within the operating temperature range, the thermal shutdown function may operate depending on the input voltage, output voltage and output current. An example of derating characteristics is shown below.Please evaluate IC well on your PCB.< PCB Layout Recommendation >The device’s performance and stability is dramatically affected by PCB layout. It is recommended to follow these general guidelines show bellow:1. Place the input capacitors, output capacitors as close to the device as possible. Trace to these capacitors should be asshort and wide as possible to minimize parasitic inductance and resistance.2. CIN must be closes to Pins VIN and GND. The loop area formed by CIN and VIN/GND pins must be minimized.3. The GND trace between the output capacitor and the GND pin should be as wide as possible to minimize its raceimpedance.4. Do not allow switching current to flow under the device.5. Place feedback resistors close to the FB pin. A separate V OUT path should be connected to the upper feedback resistor6. Keep the sensitive signal (FB) away from the switching signal (SW). The trace of the FB node should be as small aspossible to avoid noise coupling.7. Multi-layer PCB design is recommended.■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSC1=22μF, C2=0.1μF, C3=C4=22μF, C5=C6=0.1μF, Ta = 25℃, unless otherwise noted.Efficiency TestVin=12VSteady StateVin=12V,Vout=1.8V,Iout=0ASteady StateVin=12V,Vout=1.8V,Iout=2.0A Vo u t S W ILS W Vo u t ILDynamic loadingVin=12V,Vout=1.8V,Iout=0.3 to 2.7A, 0.5A/usIo u tPower OnVin=12V,Vout=1.8V,Iout=2.0AEN Vo u t ILShut DownVin=12V,Vout=1.8V,Iout=2A ENVo u tILVo ut■PACKAGING INFORMATION●SOT23-6 (unit:mm)(PCB FOOTPRINT)NOTES:1. JEDEC OUTLINE: N/A2. DIMENSIONS “D” DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS.MOLD FLASH,PROTRUSIONS AND GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED .15mm (.006in) PER SIDE.3. DIMENSIONS “E” DOES NOT INCLUDE INTER-LEAD FLASH, OR PROTRUSIONS. INTER-LEAD FLASH ANDPROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED .25mm (.010in) PER SIDE.■MARKING RULE。
也就是说,直流开关电源的分类与DC/DC 转换器的分类是基本相同的,DC/DC转换器的分类基本上就是直流开关电源的分类。
双管DC/DC转换器有双管正激式(DoubleTransistor Forward Converter),双管反激式(Double Transistr Flyback Converter)、推挽式(Push-Pull Converter)和半桥式(Half-Bridge Converter)四种。
四管DC/DC转换器就是全桥DC/DC转换器(Full-Bridge Converter)。
单管DC/DC转换器共有六种,即降压式(Buck)DC/DC转换器,升压式(Boost)DC/DC转换器、升压降压式(Buck Boost)DC/DC转换器、Cuk DC/DC转换器、Zeta DC/DC转换器和SEPIC DC/DC转换器。
1.2产品特性:•典型待机功耗小于40mW;•输出最大持续电流500mA (峰值800mA),无音频噪音、发热低;•18-600VDC 超宽输入电压,可适应12-380VAC超宽电压输入;•全面的保护功能:•过流保护(OCP)•过温保护(OTP)•过压保护(OVP)•SOP8贴片封装;1.3典型应用(非隔离):•替代低效率的阻容降压供电电路(如低压电器,智能电表,自动化仪表电源等);•LED驱动•小家电电源•工业控制电源•其他非隔离辅助电源1.4输入电压/输出电流表:序号输入电压范围(DC 单位:V)输出电压(DC 单位:V)持续工作输出电流(Max 单位:mA)瞬时峰值电流(单位:mA)参考电路图号118-600 3.3500800图B1218-600 5.0500800图B2345-60012500800图B3445-60024500800图B4XD308H 是一款18-600V 超宽范围输入的非隔离高压降型AC-DC 转换器电源芯片,可适应12-380VAC 超宽电压输入(外部加整流滤波),最大输出持续电流可以达到500mA(峰值800mA),无音频噪音、发热低,内部集成全面完善的保护功能(短路保护,过载保护,输出过压保护、输出欠压保护,过热保护等)。
该电源芯片以较低的BOM 成本(外围元件数目极少)方便的实现宽电压高压降压小功率电源解决方案,广泛应用于非隔离型家电产品和工业产品等。
深圳市普顿电力设备有限公司一:通信电源简介普顿电力AC220-DC24V/48V 系列通信电源模块采用先进的高频脉宽调制技术,使效率得到了极大提高。
本电源模块适用于直流输出24VDC 10A-60A DC 的输出条件的使用场合。
本电源模块适用于直流输出48VDC 5A-50A DC 的输出条件的使用场合。
二:通信电源工作方式1:AC220-DC24/48V时,把交流220V转换成直流24V或直流48V,供直流负载使用;当市电断电后,由电池组稳压输出;2:DC220-DC24/48V时,把直流220V降压至直流24V或直流48V,供直流负载使用;当市电断电后,由电池组稳压输出;3:带充放电管理型,当用户需要单独一个模块使用,并且能单独对电池进行充电时,可以选用带充电管理型的通信电源模块,在模块把AC220转换为DC24/48V输出时,同时也能对电池进行智能充电,当市电断电后,由电池组稳压输出;三:通信电源技术参数◆输入电压:单相三线制 AC:220V± 20%◆输入电流:≤10A(RMS)交流输入为220V,直流输出为48V时◆频率: 50Hz±10%◆功率因数:≥0.99◆效率:≥0.87◆启动冲击电流:≤150%Imax (额定输入状态下)◆保护功能:输入过欠压保护;输出过压保护;输出限流保护;短路保护;模块并联保护;过温保护;过流保护;◆输入过压关机: 265--275V◆输入欠压关机: 160--170V◆交流输入范围: 160--270V◆输出直流电压: 48VDC或-48VDC(42∽58V可调) 或24V(21∽29V可调)◆额定电流: 10A、20A、25A、30A、40A◆输出限流值: Ie+1A◆电压调整率:电压调整率不超过直流输出整定值的+0.1%◆负载调整率:不超过直流输出整定值的+0.5%◆稳压精度:不超过直流输出整定值的+0.5%◆电话衡重杂音:≤0.5mV◆峰峰值杂音:≤150mV◆宽频杂音电压:≤30 mV (3.4KHZ--150KHz)≤20 mV (150KHZ--30MHz)◆离散频率杂音电压:≤5 mV (3.4KHZ--150KHz)≤3 mV (150KHZ--200KHz)≤2 mV (200KHZ--500KHz)≤1 mV (500KHZ--30MHz)◆均流度:≤+5%◆显示精度:≤+5%◆软启动时间:3--8秒◆温度系数:不超过直流输出整定值的+0.2%◆绝缘电阻:≥10MΩ (室温环境下)◆绝缘强度:输入对地、输入对输出施加交流1500V/50Hz,输出对地施加交流500V/50Hz,1min无闪络,无击穿◆电磁兼容:符合信息产业部YD/T983-1998标准要求型号分别有:PD-4805 PD-4810 PD-4815 PD-4820 PD-4825 PD-4830 PD-4850PD-2405 PD-2410 PD-2420 PD-2430 PD-2440 PD-2450(举例:PD-4810 48指直流电压为48V 10指输出电流为10A)四:通信电源售后及包装为了让用户买得称心,用得放心,公司专门组织了一支训练有素的高水平技术队伍,从事售后服务工作。
非隔离降压型电源设计方案一款不带变压器的宽电压、低成本、非隔离式AC/DC降压转换器——输出持续电流500mA(2.5~12W)【关键词摘要】非隔离恒流恒压AC/DC电源芯片XD308H BUCK电路220V转5V220V转12V220V转24V380V转5V380V转12V380V转24V【概述】非隔离AC-DC电源芯片XD308H设计组成的降压恒流恒压电路,采用了BUCK电路拓扑结构,常用于小家电控制板电源以及工业控制电源供电。
中的其 他 一 些 转换 器可 主 动 避 免 在 声频 范 围 内进 行开 关 操 作 ,从 而 有效 地 获 得 最大 导 通 和 断开 时
P 62x 图 1 示 了完整 的 转 换器 。整 流器 电路 使用 间 。T S 40 系列 起初 是 为 电池 供 电型 应 用 而设 显
. 8 . V的输 入 电压 范 围 ,以及 非 常 个 标 准 、快 速 开 关 整 流 器 二 极 管 桥 接 ( ) D1 和 计 ,拥 有 1 V~65 最 5 个 L 滤 波 器 ( 和 C ) ,我 们 将 对 其 余 组 件 低 的静 态 电流 ( 大 为 3 A) 。在 启 动期 间 , C L1 2 T S4 0被 齐 纳 二 极 管 D 以 及 高压 电阻 1 和R P 623 2 t 2 3 偏 置 。5 V电 压 上 升 以 后 , 肖特 基 二 极 管 D4 允许 5 输 出驱 动控 制 器 。 V
进 行更 加详 细 的 介 绍 。
图 1ACD / C降压转换器电路
功率F TQ 必须具有足够高的V。电压额定 E 4
值 , 以使 其 不 会 被输 入 电压 损 坏 , 同时 还 要 有足
够 高 的 电 流额 定 值 以处 理 I 0( s IUf 1 / P s 1 oT M R = … x ̄ M D 。它 的封 装 还 必 须能 够 驱散 P。 。 =( …) 1 o X
问题 。
降 压 功 率 级 的 L 滤 波 器  ̄ T ¥ 4 0 系列 产 C / P 62 x I I
品说 明 书 中 介 绍那 样 设 计 。 利用 高 于 输 出 电压 的 输 入 电压 ,所 有T S4 0 控 制器 将 运行 在 最小 导 P 62 x
RAC02-GB AC DC 转换器说明书
AC/DC Converter2 WattSingleOutputEMC Class BDescriptionThe RAC02-GB series are low cost AC/DC power supplies, ideal for PCB mounted, compact, board level industrial applications. They feature universal AC input voltage range, regulated and short-circuit-proof isolated DC outputs, low standby power consumption and -25°C to +80°C operating temperature range. The RAC02-GB have a built-in Class B / FCC Part 15 E MC filter, are certified to EN60950 and EN62368 safety standards and come with a three year warranty.FeaturesRegulated Converter• Universal input 85-264VAC• <250mW No load power consumption• -25°C to +80°C Operating temperature, with derating • Class II installations (without FG)• Continuous SCP , OCP• IEC/EN/UL60950 & IEC/EN/UL62368 certifiedRAC02-GB Selection GuidePart Input Output Output Efficiency Max. Capacitive Number Voltage Range Voltage Current typ Load (1) [VAC] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]RAC02-3.3SGB 85-264 3.3 500 63 500RAC02-05SGB 85-264 5 400 63 500RAC02-12SGB 85-264 12 167 68 200RAC02-15SGB 85-264 15 140 63 200Model NumberingOrdering Examples:RAC02-12SGB 12VoutSingle Output EMC Class BS inglenom. Output Power nom. Output VoltageRAC02-__ SGBEMC Class B ULIEC/EN60950-1 certified UL/IEC/EN62368-1 certifiedCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 62368 certified IEC/EN62368-1 certified CB ReportY E A Rwa r r a n ty3E196683RoHS 2+compliant10 from 10REACHcompliantSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin (115/230VAC), full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin (115/230VAC), full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin (115/230VAC), full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)SAFETY AND CERTIFICATIONSCertificate Type (Safety) Report / File Number StandardInformation Technology Equipment, General Requirements for Safety SA1804152L01001IEC60950-1:2005 2nd Edition + Am2:2013 EN60950-1:2006 + A12:2011 + A2:2013Audio/Video, information and communication technology equipment - Part1: Safety requirements E196683-A5 andE19668-A6001UL62368-1, 2nd EditionCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 62368-1-14Audio/Video, information and communication technology equipment -Part1: Safety requirements (CB Scheme)SA1804152S 001IEC62368-1:2014 2nd EditionAudio/Video, information and communication technology equipment -Part1: Safety requirementsEN62368-1:2014+A11:2017 RoHS2RoHS 2011/65/EU + AM2015/863continued on next pageSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin (115/230VAC), full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)EMC ComplianceConditionStandard / CriterionElectromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements EA1804152E 01001EN55032, Class BInformation technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurementEN55024:2010 + A1:2015ESD Electrostatic discharge immunity testAir ±2, 4, 8kV Contact ±2, 4kVEN61000-4-2:2009, Criteria ARadiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test 3V/mEN61000-4-3:2006 + A2:2010, Criteria AFast Transient and Burst Immunity AC Power Port: ±1.0kV EN61000-4-4:2012, Criteria A Surge ImmunityAC Power Port: L-N ±1.0kVEN61000-4-5:2014, Criteria B Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields AC Power Port 3V EN61000-4-6:2014, Criteria A Power Magnetic Field Immunity 50Hz, 1A/m EN61000-4-8:2009, Criteria A Voltage Dips and Interruption Voltage Dips >95%EN61000-4-11:2004, Criteria A Voltage Dips 30%EN61000-4-11:2004, Criteria B Voltage Interruptions >95%EN61000-4-11:2004, Criteria BLimits of Voltage Fluctuations & FlickerEN61000-3-3:2013Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin (115/230VAC), full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)PACKAGING INFORMATIONParameter Type Value Packaging Dimension (LxWxH)tube470.0 x 36.4 x 26.4mm Packaging Quantity20pcs Storage Temperature Range-25°C to +85°C Storage Humidity non-condensing5% - 95% RH max.The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.。
莫仕20(25)W系列AC DC电源转换器说明书
20(25)W,AC-DC converterFEATURES●Universal input range:85~264V AC,100~370VDC ●Regulated output,low ripple and noise ●Efficiency up to 87%●Over-current,shortcircuitand over-voltageprotection●Plastic case,meets UL94V-0●IEC60950,UL60950,EN60950Approval●PCB mounting,Chassis mounting,DIN-Rail mountingCBRoHSLH 20-25series -----a compact size power converter offered by Mornsun.It features universal input voltage,taking both DC and AC input voltage,low power consumption,high efficiency,high reliability,safer isolation.It offers good EMC performance,which meetIEC/EN61000-4,CISPR22/EN55022,UL60950and EN60950standards,and it’s widely used in industrial,office and civil applications.For harsh EMC environment,the application circuit in the datasheet is strongly recommended.Selection GuideCertificationPart No.*Output PowerNominal Output Voltage andCurrent Efficiency (230V AC,%/Typ.)Max.CapacitiveLoad(µF)(Vo1/Io1)(Vo2/Io2)Vo1Vo2UL/CE/CBLH20-10B0313.53W3.3V/4100mA --7448000--LH20-10B0517.5W5V/3500mA --7812240--LH20-10B0920W9V/2100mA --807200--LH20-10B1212V/1600mA --825400--LH20-10B1515V/1300mA --832720--LH20-10B2424V/850mA --851840----LH20-10A05+5V/2000mA -5V/2000mA 7580008000LH20-10A12+12V/830mA -12V/830mA 82960960LH20-10A15+15V/650mA -15V/650mA 83880880LH20-10C0505-055V/2500mA ±5V/500mA 74112004480LH20-10C0512-045V/2000mA ±12V/400mA 75160001600LH20-10C0515-035V/2000mA ±15V/300mA 7613520370LH20-10C0524-025V/2000mA ±24V/200mA 7711200370LH20-10D0512-065V/2500mA 12V/600mA 75324003250LH20-10D0515-055V/2500mA 15V/500mA 76280001980LH20-10D0524-035V/2500mA 24V/300mA7728000720UL/CE/CBLH25-10B0313.53W 3.3V/4100mA --7448000--LH25-10B0520.5W5V/4100mA --7912240--LH25-10B0925W 9V/2500mA --815600--LH25-10B1212V/2100mA --835400--LH25-10B1515V/1600mA --842400--LH25-10B2424V/1100mA --851440--LH25-10B4848V/500mA--87500--Note:*About LH20-10AXX,use both positive and negative output as sampling feedback;and all others use Vo1as sampling feedback.Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Input Voltage Range AC input 85--264V AC DC input100--370VDC Input frequency 47--63HzInput current 115V AC ----0.6A 230V AC ----0.34Inrush current 115V AC --16--230V AC--30--Leakage current0.3mA RMS typ./230V AC/50Hz Recommended External InputFuse(Special package series include fuse) 3.15A/250V,slow fusing Hot PlugUnavailableOutput SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitOutput Voltage Accuracy Main circuit --±2--%Line RegulationFull loadMain circuit --±0.5--Auxiliary circuit --±1.5--Load Regulation10%-100%loadSingle output--±1--Dual output(balanced load)--±2--Isolated triple output (balanced load)Main circuit --±3--Auxiliary circuit --±5--Isolated and separated twin output (balanced load)Main circuit --±3--Auxiliary circuit--±5--Ripple &Noise*20MHz bandwidth (peak-peak value)--50100mV Temperature Coefficient Main circuit--±0.02--%/°C Short Circuit Protection Continuous,self-recovery Over-current Protection≥110%Io self-recoveryOver-voltage ProtectionMain circuit3.3/5VDC Output ≤7.5VDC 9VDC Output≤13VDC 12/15VDC Output ≤20VDC 24VDC Output ≤30VDC 48VDC Output≤60VDCMin.LoadSingle output models0----%Dual output models (balanced load)10----Isolated and separated twin output (balanced load)10----Isolated triple output (balanced load)10----Hold-up Time115V AC input --15--ms 230V AC input--80--Note:*Ripple and noise are measured by “parallel cable”method,please see AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation.General SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Isolation VoltageInput-outputTest time:1min 3000----V ACOperating Temperature LH20-10A/C/D series -25--+70°C LH20(25)-10B series -40--+70Storage Temperature LH20-10A/C/D series -25--+85LH20(25)-10B series-40--+85Storage Humidity----95%RHWelding Temperature Wave-soldering 260±5℃;time:5~10s Manual-welding360±10℃;time:3~5sSwitching Frequency--65--kHzPower Derating-25℃~-10℃(LH20-10A/C/D Series)2.0-----40℃~-10℃(LH20(25)-10B Series) 2.0----+50℃~+70℃(LH25-10B Series)3.0----+55℃~+70℃(LH20-10A/B/C/D Series)4.0----Safety Standard IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950Safety Certification IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950Safety Class CLASS IMTBFMIL-HDBK-217F@25°C >300,000h Physical SpecificationsCasing MaterialBlack flame-retardant and heat-resistant plastic (UL94-V0)DimensionHorizontal packageg70.00x48.00x23.50mm A2chassis mounting 96.10x54.00x32.00mm A3chassis mounting 99.00x54.00x32.00mm A4Din-Rail mountin96.10x54.00x36.60mm WeightHorizontal package/A2chassis mounting/A3chassis mounting/A4Din-Rail mounting120g/170g /170g /210g (Typ.)Cooling methodFree convectionEMC SpecificationsEMICE CISPR22/EN55022,CLASS B RE CISPR22/EN55022,CLASS B EMSESD IEC/EN61000-4-2±6KV/±8KV Perf.Criteria B RSIEC/EN61000-4-310V/m perf.Criteria A EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4±2KVperf.Criteria B IEC/EN61000-4-4±4KV (See Fig.5for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Surge IEC/EN61000-4-5±1KV/±2KVperf.Criteria B IEC/EN61000-4-5±2KV/4KV (See Fig.5for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B EMSCSIEC/EN61000-4-610Vr.m.s perf.Criteria A PFMIEC/EN61000-4-810A/m perf.Criteria A Immunities of voltage dip,drop and short interruptionIEC/EN61000-4-110%-70%perf.Criteria BProduct Characteristic Curve-401007020-1055704050Te mperature Der ating C ur veL 25-10B s eriesH LH20-10A/B/C/D se rie s Ambient Temperature()℃O u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)L 20-10A/C/D s eries H LH20(25)-10B s eries -25Input voltage:85~264VAC 100~370VDC100240852642040100608075Input VoltageAmbient temperature:25℃Input Voltage Derating CurveO u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)VAC 120340100370VDCNote:①When input 85~100VAC/240~264VAC/100~120VDC/340~370VDC,it need to be voltage derated on basis of temperature derating;②This product is suitable for use in natural air cooling environments,if in a closed environment,please contact our company’s FAE.Design Reference1.Typical application circuitAC(L)+Vo-VoAC(L)AC(N)AC(N )C 1C 2TV SRLF USE AC DC MO VNTCFig.1:LH20(25)-10B series (Single Output)Typical application circuitF USE+VoAC(L)AC(N)-VoAC(N )C omC 4C 2C 1C 3RLTV S1TV S2RLNTCAC(L)AC DC MO VFig.2:LH20-10A series (Dual Output)typical application circuit+-C 1C 4C 3C 2-Vo1Vo2TV S1TV S2RLRLFUSE AC(L)AC(N)AC(N )NTC+AC(L)ACDCM OVFig.3:LH20-10D series (Isolate Twin Output)typical application circuit+C 1C 4C 3C 2-Vo1C om TV S1TV S2RLRLFUSE AC(L)AC(N)AC(N )AC(L)ACDCMO V+Vo2C 6C 5TV S3RL-Vo2NTCFig.4:LH20-10C series (Triple Output)typical application circuitModel C2(µF)C4(µF)C6(µF)TVS1TVS2TVS3LH20-10B03330SMBJ7.0A LH20-10B05330SMBJ7.0A LH20-10B09220SMBJ12A LH20-10B12220SMBJ20A LH20-10B15220SMBJ20A LH20-10B24220SMBJ30A LH20-10A05470470SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0A LH20-10A12120120SMBJ20A SMBJ20A LH20-10A156868SMBJ20A SMBJ20A LH20-10C0505-0533*******SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0A LH20-10C0512-0433*******SMBJ7.0A SMBJ20A SMBJ20A LH20-10C0515-03330120120SMBJ7.0A SMBJ20A SMBJ20A LH20-10C0524-023304747SMBJ7.0A SMBJ30A SMBJ30ALH20-10D0512-********SMBJ7.0A SMBJ20A LH20-10D0515-********SMBJ7.0A SMBJ20A LH20-10D0524-03330120SMBJ7.0A SMBJ30ALH25-10B03330SMBJ7.0A LH25-10B05330SMBJ7.0A LH25-10B09330SMBJ12A LH25-10B12330SMBJ20A LH25-10B15330SMBJ20A LH25-10B24120SMBJ30A LH25-10B4868SMBJ64ANote:Note:Output filtering capacitors C2,C4,C6are electrolytic capacitors,it is recommended to use high frequency and low impedance electrolytic capacitor.For capacitance and current of capacitor please refer to manufacture’s datasheet.Capacitor withstand voltage derating should be 80%or above.C1,C3,C5are ceramic capacitors,which is used to filter high-frequency S is a recommended component to protect post-circuits if converter fails.External input NTC is recommended to use 5D-9.External input MOV model is recommended to use S14K300.2.EMC solution-recommended circuitACDCAC(N)AC(L)LCMMOV1CXCY1CY2FUSEAC(N)AC(L)+Vo-Vo+LDMC1C2TVS1RLCan use MORNSUN s FC-LX1D' Fig 5:EMC Recommended circuit with higher requirementsElement Recommended valueMOV1S14K300CY1,CY21000pF/400V AC CX 0.1μF/275V ACLCM 10mH,recommended to use MORNSUN’s FL2D-Z5-103LDM 4.7μH/2A FC-LX1D 2KV/4KV EMC filterFUSE3.15A/250V slow fusing,necessary3.Application of Trim and calculation of Trim resistance0V R 2R 1R 3V ref R TTrim+Vot0V R 2R 1R 3V ref R TTrim+VotTrim upTrim downApplied circuits of Trim (Part in broken line is the interior of models ):Calculation formula of Trim resistance:up: R 1R =T aR 2R -a 2-R 3down: a=VrefVot-Vref R 2R =T aR 1R -a1-R 3R T is Trim resistancea is a self-defined parameter,withno real meaning.Vout R1(K Ω)R2(K Ω)R3(K Ω)Vref(V)Vot(V)3.3V 3.3 1.981 1.24Output voltage after regulation,variation ≤±10%5V 3.3 3.31 2.59V 7.5 2.871 2.512V 3.8311 2.515V 7.5 1.51 2.524V 8.6611 2.548V683.7312.54.For more information about Mornsun EMC Filter products,please visit todownload the Selection Guide of EMC FilterDimensions and Recommended Layout LHXXA2DimensionsLHXXA3Dimensions LHXXA4DimensionsNotes:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .Packingbag number of Horizontal package:58220006,the Packing bag number of A2/A3/A4package:58220010;2.If the product is not operated within the required load range,the product performance cannot be guaranteed to comply with allparameters in the datasheet;3.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%with nominalinput voltage and rated output load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;5.The performance parameters of the product models listed in this manual are as above,but some parameters of non-standard modelproducts may exceed the requirements mentioned above.Please contact our technicians directly for specific information;6.We can provide product customization service;7.Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.MORNSUN Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
XL7015 0.8A 150KHz 100V降压型DC-DC转换器说明书
0.8A 150KHz 100V 降压型DC-DC转换器XL7015特点⏹最高输入电压100V⏹输出电压从1.25V到20V可调⏹最大占空比90%⏹最小压降2V⏹固定150KHz开关频率⏹最大0.8A输出电流⏹48V输入、5V输出推荐最大输出电流0.6A⏹48V输入、15V输出推荐最大输出电流0.4A⏹内置高压功率三极管⏹效率高达85%⏹出色的线性与负载调整率⏹EN脚TTL关机功能⏹内置过热关断保护功能⏹内置限流功能⏹内置输出短路保护功能⏹TO252-5L封装应用⏹电动车控制器供电⏹通信描述XL7015是一款高效、高压降压型DC-DC 转换器,固定150KHz开关频率,可提供最高0.8A输出电流能力,低纹波,出色的线性调整率与负载调整率。
图1. XL7015封装0.8A 150KHz 100V 降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL7015引脚配置EN GND SW VINFB 12345TO252-5L图2. XL7015引脚配置表1.引脚说明引脚号 引脚名 描述1 VIN 电源输入引脚,需要在VIN 与GND 之间并联电解电容以消除噪声。
2 SW 功率开关输出引脚,SW 是输出功率的开关节点。
3 GND 接地引脚。
4 FB 反馈引脚,通过外部电阻分压网络,检测输出电压进行调整。
参考电压为1.25V 。
0.8A 150KHz 100V 降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL7015方框图3.3V Regulator 1.25V ReferenceVINGND3.3V 1.25VEACOMPDriverOscillator 150KHz/45KHzENSWThermal ShutdownLatchCOMP150m ΩCurrent LimitFB Start Up150mVSwitch图3. XL7015方框图典型应用XL7015L1 100uH/1ACIN33uF/100VCOUT100uF/35VR230K 1%R12.7K 1%D1S310VOUT=1.25*(1+R2/R1)SWFBGNDENVINVIN12453CFF 33nFOUTPUT 15V/0~0.4A VOUT=1.25*(1+R2/R1)图4. XL7015系统参数测量电路0.8A 150KHz 100V降压型DC-DC转换器XL7015订购信息产品型号打印名称封装方式包装类型XL7015E1 XL7015E1 TO252-5L 2500只每卷XLSEMI无铅产品,产品型号带有“E1”后缀的符合RoHS标准。
SUNGROW SDC-15和SDC-23非隔离DC到DC转换器说明书
OWNER’S MANUALNon Isolated DC TO DC Converters SDC-15 and SDC-23 WARNINGS!-These units are not battery chargers! Hence, do not connect these units directly to abattery for battery charging purposes- These units are designed to be used on negative grounded systems only. Do notconnect the input / output sides to a positive grounded system- The input and output sides have a common negative ground. Hence, there is noisolation between the input and the output sidesDESCRIPTIONSDC-15 and SDC-23 are non isolated DC to DC converters that convert 24 VDC nominal voltage (range 20 VDC to 35 VDC) to 12 VDC nominal voltage (13.8 VDC). The input and output sides have a common negative ground. Hence, there is no isolation between the input and the output sides. Both the input and output sides are isolated from the chassis of the unit.PROTECTIONSOverload / Short Circuit: The units are protected against overload by current limiting. When the output current reaches the current limit value (please see the specs), the output voltage will drop and will no longer be regulated. The unit will reset automatically once the overload condition is removed.Temperature Compensated Current Limit: As the temperature of the main switching MOSFET increases, the value of the current limit decreases.Over Voltage on the Output Side: If the output voltage increases beyond 16.5 V +/-0.5 V, a crowbar circuit will activate and blow the input side fuse.Over Voltage / Transients on the Input Side: The input side is protected against over voltage and transients through a Transient Voltage Suppressor. In case the input voltage exceeds 37 VDC, the internal fuse will blow.Reversal of Polarity on the Input Side: In case the input side polarity is reversed, the input side fuse will blow.INPUT VOL T AGE..............................................................................20-35 VDC......................................................... 20-35 VDC..............OUTPUT VOLTAGE............................................................ 13.8 VDC +/- 0.1V @ 12A................................ 13.8 VDC +/- 0.1V @ 20A..CONTINUOUS OUTPUT CURRENT ...................................................12A..................................................................... 20A..................PEAK OUTPUT CURRENT..................................................................15A...................................................................... 23A..................CURRENT LIMIT............................................................................16 +/- 0.5A.............................................................. 24 +/- 0.5A.........NO LOAD CURRENT DRAW........................................................... <150mA............................................................. <150mA...............LOAD REGULATION......................................................................0.15V, 26V , 0-12A............................................. 0.15V , 26V , 0-20A......EFFICIENCY (At maximum output)..................................................... >88%................................................................... >88%................RIPPLE........................................................................................<10mV P-P @12A.............................................. <50mV P-P @20A......NOISE..........................................................................................<40mV P-P @12A............................................. <120mV P-P @20A....OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE...........................................0 - 40O C.............................................................. 0 - 40O C.............EXTERNAL INPUT FUSE (At the battery end) ................................. 32V , 10A............................................................. 32V , 15A............EXTERNAL OUTPUT FUSE.............................................................. 32V, 15A............................................................. 32V , 20A............INPUT WIRE SIZE............................................................................. # 12 A WG ............................................................ # 10 AWG...........OUTPUT WIRE SIZE......................................................................... # 10 AWG............................................................. # 8 AWG...........DIMENSIONS (wigth/depth/height).................................................................. 7.8”/198mm; 4.8”/122mm; 2.4”/60mm............................WEIGHT .............................................................................................. 2 lbs/0.9kg.......................................................... 2.2 lbs/1kg..........SPECIFICATIONS : SDC-15 SDC-23For detailed schematics and testing procedures send your request via fax to (604) 525-5221 or e-mail at************************Samlex DC-DC Converters are covered by a 2 year limited warranty. Contact Samlex or your dealer for additional information.Please retain your original bill of sale, it must be submited when making any warranty claim.Version SDC-15_23_Dec2007INSTALLATION & OPERATIONGeneral Installation Requirements -This unit is cooled by convection. Install the unit in a cool, dry & well ventilated space. The ambient temperature should not exceed 40O C-Do not install the unit inside the engine compartment -Do not connect / disconnect input and output connections when live voltages are presentFusing on the Input & Output Sides The input side of the unit will be connected to the battery. A battery has the capacity to supply very large currents. In case there is a short circuit between the input side wiring, very heavy current will flow and will burn / melt the wiring and may be a fire hazard. T o prevent this, use a suitable fast blow fuse in line with the positive input wire within 18 in from the battery positive terminal.The output side should be connected through a suitable fuse in line with the "output + 13.8" terminal. Details of input/output side fuses are shown in "Specifications"WARNING! The warranty will be voided if proper fuse is not used as recommendedSwitching on and Switching off Arrangement on the Input Side There is no on / off switch on the input side of the unit. An external on / off switch may be used in series with the positive input wire, if required.Sizing of Input and Output Wiring In order to prevent excessive voltage drop and consequent loss of current capacity and efficiency, use proper size of input and output wires. Please note that as the current / length of wiring are increased, the thickness of the wiring will also be required to be increased. The thickness of wires and cables is normally expressed in AWG (American Wire Gauge). Also, note that a lower AWG number denotes a thicker wire. Use multi-stranded copper insulated wiring rated for at least 90 C. Please refer to details of input/output wire sizes under "Specifications"Making Input & Output Connections & Operation CAUTION! Please ensure that the polarity of the input connection is not reversed. Connect the positive of the battery to the positive terminal and the negative of the battery to the negative. In case the input polarity is reversed, the unit will be damaged and will not be covered under warranty.-Input and output connections should not be made when live voltages are present -Switch off the load that is required to be powered from the converter-Connect the output wires to the load and then to the output side of the unit through the external fuse. Observe correct polarity -Switch off the external inline input side switch (if used) and also remove the external inline fuse in the positive input wire.-Connect the input side wires to the converter’s input side first. OBSERVE CORRECT POLARITY -Connect the input wires to the battery-Insert the external inline input side fuse in the positive input wire. NOTE: If an on / off switch is not used in series with the positive input wire or if a switch has been used and has not been switched off, a spark may be observed when inserting the fuse due to the initial inrush current to charge the input side capacitors inside the converter -Switch on the input power to the unit (if an external switch has been used). Output voltage will now be available on the output side of the unit -Switch on the loadNOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice.。
3 ABB选型价格查询手册 转换开关 低压产品
1 断路器类产品 空气断路器 - Emax...................................................................................................1/1 塑壳断路器 - Tmax XT、Tmax................................................................................1/14
连接装置 - 接线端子 - 螺钉卡箍连接、弹簧连接、ADO绝缘移位连接...............................2/60 - 工业连接器........................................................................................................2/69
双电源转换开关(PC级) - OT_C(手动式)................................................................................................3/3 - OTM_C(电动式).............................................................................................3/6 - OTM_C_D(自动式).........................................................................................3/6
XD307S 超小体积非隔离AC/DC电源1.1产品尺寸:裸板封装,超小体积:宽16mm*高13mm*厚11mmXD307S 是一款50-500V 超宽范围输入的高压降型DC-DC 转换器电源模块,可适应35-320VAC 超宽电压输入(外部加整流滤波),输出持续电流高达350mA (最大400mA),无音频噪音、发热低,具备全面完善的保护功能(短路保护,过载保护,输出过压保护、输出欠压保护,过热保护等)。
该超小体积电源模块以较低的BOM 成本(外围元件数目极少)方便的实现宽电压高压降压小功率电源解决方案,广泛应用于非隔离型家电产品和工业产品等。
*高压转换模块*超小体积*12V 400mA 输出*非隔离电源1.2产品特性:*典型待机功耗小于50mW;*输出最大持续电流350mA(峰值400mA),无音频噪音、发热低;*50-500VDC超宽输入电压,可适应35-320VAC超宽电压输入;*全面的保护功能:*过流保护(OCP)*过温保护(OTP)*过压保护(OVP)*裸板封装;1.3典型应用(非隔离):*智能家居电源(电子开关,智能插座,智能排插等的供电电源)*替代低效率的阻容降压供电电路(如低压电器,智能电表,自动化仪表电源等);*LED驱动电源*小家电电源*工业控制电源*电子断路器*无刷直流电机电源*其他非隔离辅助电源1.4基本应用电路:1)高压直流降压转换器(DC/DC转换器)2)高压交流降压转换器(AC/DC转换器)1.5典型应用电路(当应用于电磁兼容比较恶劣的环境时建议使用):1.6产品外观图:标签:超小体积电源模块非隔离AC-DC DC-DC。
开关电源开关电源(英文:Switching Mode Power Supply),又称交换式电源、开关变换器,是一种高频化电能转换装置。
二、特性●电压输入范围:8V~48V●线电压Vout(Vref=1.2V)精度为±1%●CC/CV模式控制(恒流和恒压)●限流精度为±5%●输出短路保护●过压保护(超出输出电压的118%)●过温保护●内置软启动,启动时间12ms●固定频率120kHz●UVLO保护●占空比范围(0~90%)●单独的引脚进行外部补偿和关断控制●集成N-MOSFET●ESOP-8L封装三、应用●车充●便携式充电设备●高亮度照明设备●具有限流功能的多功能DC/DC变换器四、极限参数描述范围单位输入电压V VCC-0.3~50 VBST相对LX 0.3~7 VLX相对GND的直流电压-1~V VCC+1 VBST相对GND的直流电压-0.3~7 VFB,COMP相对GND的直流电压0.3~7 V ISEN-,ISEN+相对GND的直流电压0.3~9 V储存温度范围-65~150 ℃结点温度-20~150 ℃导热温度(焊接10s) 260 ℃人体模式ESD 2 KV机器模式ESD 200 V封装热阻ESOP-8L 60 ℃注意:如果器件工作条件超出上述各项极限值,可能对器件造成永久性损坏。
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【关键词摘要】非隔离无变压器AC/DC电源芯片XD308H BUCK电路220V转5V220V转12V220V转24V380V转5V380V转12V380V转24V
【附注】XD308H是一款18-600V超宽范围输入的高压降型DC-DC转换器电源芯片,可适应12-380V AC超宽电压输入(外部加整流滤波),输出持续电流可以达到500mA(最大800mA),无音频噪音、发热低,内部集成全面完善的保护功能(短路保护,过载保护,输出过压保护、输出欠压保护,过热保护等)。