
1. 准备工作:检查潜水排污泵的电源是否正常,确保管道连接正确。
2. 排除空气:将潜水排污泵放入液体中,打开水泵并让其运行一段时间,使空气排出。
3. 调节高度:根据需要,调节潜水排污泵的浸没深度,以确保它能够将液体全部抽出。
4. 打开水泵:按下启动按钮或旋转开关,开启潜水排污泵。
5. 控制水流:根据需要,调节水流量,使其符合要求。
6. 关闭水泵:当水位降低到所需的高度时,关闭水泵。
7. 维护保养:定期清洗和维护潜水排污泵,以确保其正常运行。
1. 在操作潜水排污泵前,必须确保自身安全。
2. 在清洗和维护潜水排污泵时,一定要断开电源。
3. 在使用潜水排污泵时,注意电源电压,不要超过额定值。
4. 操作时要小心谨慎,防止液体溅到身体或器材上。

Flows rates up to:200m 3/hHeads up to:16m Max. immersion:10mMax. particle size:Ø 75 and 100 mm*ND of discharge:80/100 mm*Protection index:IP 68* depending on the modelN.T. N°145-17/ENG. - Ed.1/05-05SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Lifting of polluted waterCommercial use 4 pole - 50 HzLifting of polluted water in the collective housing, tertiary and industrial sectors. Lifting of:•Wastewater and drainage water •Valve water •Sludgy water•Draining of septic tanks.61411016130200Qm /h3HmAPPLICATIONS•The combination of the two materials Cast iron + 316L Stainless Steel ensures protection against corrosion and increased reliability.•Particle size of up to 100mm.•Two types of standard installation:fixed flooded sump installation and mobile installation.•Possibility of dry well installation with the cooling sleeve’s option.•Possibility of ATEX installation, thanks to the ATEX option and ATEX accessories.•FVO-Cast iron hydraulic part + 316L stainless steel motor.-10 m detachable cable.-Vortex impeller.-Installation on base elbow with Ø 33/42 guide bars or installation on stainless steel legs for a mobile installation.-Available in a version with a cooling sleeve.-Available in an anti-deflagrating version (ATEX).• Hydraulic part -Submersible.- Axial suction under casing, horizontal discharge outlet with flanged fixing.-Intermediate chamber between the pump and the motor, filled with oil, isolated by a fluid side mechanical seal and a motor side lip seal.-A single impeller type: VORTEX.-With a particle size of 75mm for the FVO408s and 100mm for the FVO410s.• Motor-Submersible, direct starting or Y ∆.-Built-in temperature probe protecting the motor against overheating (WSK tempera-ture probe).-Direct starting up to 4 kW; star-delta star-ting beyond this level.-Speed: 1450rpm -Winding:~3; 400V -Frequency:50 Hz -Insulation class:F -Protection index:IP 68-Compliance:CE -Operation:- Continuous S1- Intermittent S3, 20 start/hr recommended-Options :ATEXCooling sleeveModelFVO 408 FVO 410Pump body EN GJL 250EN GJL 250Impeller EN GJL 250EN GJL 250ShaftAISI 420AISI 420Mechanical seal SiC/SiC SiC/SiC Motor side seal NBR NBR Motor frameAISI 316LAISI 316LSTANDARD CONSTRUCTION0048121620HmHft00481216HmHft• FVO 408Mobile installation ND 80TECHNICAL DATAND1ND2A BC D E F G H I J K L M a b c d e k H1N O T 8080200160191498122866030070185355180315200170170220141463585200409Curve Operation Max.P1P2I Speed Mains IP Cable Weight Particle Starting nr starts/h kW kW A RPM voltage m kg size FVO 408-16/2.0T41S120 2.7 2.0 6.114503~400V, 50Hz 68107075directFVO 408-17/2.4T42S120 3.4 2.4 6.714503~400V, 50Hz 68107075direct FVO 408-18/2.7T43S120 3.7 2.77.014503~400V, 50Hz 68107075direct FVO 408-19/3.2T44S120 4.5 3.28.014503~400V, 50Hz 68107075direct FVO 408-21/4.0T45S1205.34.08.914503~400V, 50Hz68107075direct• FVO 410TECHNICAL DATAND1ND2A B C D E F G H I J K L M a b c d e k H1N O T 100100220180181699125582578090195440225400260220220250152089090250450Curver Operation Max.P1P2I Speed Mains IP Cable Weight Particle Starting nr starts/hr kW kW A RPM voltage m kg size FVO 410-20/5.9T46S1207.1 5.914.214503~400V, 50Hz 681096100star-deltaFVO 410-22/7.2T47S1208.87.216.514503~400V, 50Hz 681096100star-delta FVO 410-25/8.4T48S12010.18.418.514503~400V, 50Hz681096100star-deltaMobile installation ND 1002601: Mobile installation base support2: Pipe bend3 & 4: Quick coupling5: Flexible pipe6: Lifting chain•IPAEElectronic Air Pressure Switch for clear and polluted water.-Suitable for operation in an explosive atmosphere.-Useable for draining and filling.-Complies with directive 94/9/CE (ATEX):protection against explosive atmospheres.-Remote control.-Anti-deflagrating.-Insensitive to water temperature and foam.-Acid-resistant.-Undisruptable, highly accurate to within 2cm and economical.-Power supply voltage: 220V -50Hz.-Use with YN 5000E.For an ATEX installation, use the Zener barrier (see IPAE manual for more informa-tion).a) Electrical400V – 50 Hz three-phase direct starting for the FVO 408 model400V – 50 Hz three-phase star-delta starting for the FVO 410 modelMandatory thermal protection againstovercurrents via discontactor, circuit breaker or control unit with level regulator.b) AssemblyPump in a vertical position for fixed or mobile installations.Mobile installation: discharge orificeconnected by an elbow to a flexible pipe of a diameter greater than that of the pump’s discharge.Double installation: the pumps may be twinned via manifold.Check valve and valves to preferably be fitted in the upper part of the discharge duct.Connection via flexible or rigid pipe.c) PackagingPump supplied on a pallet with electric cable H07RN-F (10 m).Screws and fixing for assembling on the base elbow set supplied with the pump.Accessories packaged separately.•Yn4000: control and protection box for 1 or 2 lifting pumps. Management of pump(s) in fixed flooded sump or dry well installations; level monitoring and protecting of motor(s) against overcurrents, overloads and dry running.Control unit order reference Intensity range Yn4100Yn4200in A 1 PUMP 2 PUMPS1.6 to 05 (Yn4105)4035801(Yn4205)40358033.7 to 12 (Yn4112)4035802(Yn4212)4035804Probe management card: 44033562 for S400 (I ≤12A).•YN5000EManagement of one or two pumps by micro-processor in flooded sump or dry well fixed installations. Level monitoring and protecting of motor(s) against overcurrents, thermaloverloads and dry running.•NIVO430Ecological, mercury-free polluted water float switch.Useable for draining and filling, withdiscontactor.Starting intensity rangeREFERENCE A YN 5110E 25212170.5 - 10direct YN 5210E 25212180.5 - 10direct YN 5109E 2521219 6.3 - 9∆Y YN 5209E 2521220 6.3 - 9∆Y YN 5111E 252122110 - 11∆Y YN 5211E 252122210 - 11∆Y YN 5116E 252122312.5 - 16∆Y YN 5216E 252122412.5 - 16∆Y YN 5120E 252122516 - 20∆Y YN 5220E 252122616 - 20∆Y YN 5132E 252122724 - 32∆Y YN 5232E 252122824 - 32∆Y YN 5142E 252122933.1 - 42∆Y YN 5242E 252123033.1 - 42∆Y YN 5155E 252123142.1 - 55∆Y YN 5255E 252123242.1 - 55∆Y YN 5171E 252123371∆Y YN 5271E 252123471∆Y53 bd de la République - Espace Lumière - Bât. 6 - 78403 Chatou Cedex FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 39 - Fax: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 34 - 。


LCD 110 控制器控制 MD1 与 MDV 马提力提升站 泵的运行。 类型关键代码 LCD 110
对MD1和MDV马提力提升站的说明可分为以下几节: 第4节,带有收集槽、泵和液位传感器的提升站描述 第5节,LCD110 控制器及其功能的描述。在第六 节:安装以及后面的几节中,根据需要将这些部 件进行描述。
一个或两个400升的收集槽和一个手动隔膜泵,收集 槽上面带有所有必需的接口:进口管接口、排出管接 口、通风管,手动隔膜泵是一个附件。
马提力提升站 MD1 MDV
泵的类型 带有导槽叶轮的SE1泵 带有超级涡流叶轮的SEV泵
如果长期贮存,泵和泵控制器必须要防止受潮、防止高温。 泵经过长期贮存之后,在投入使用之前,应该进行检 查。确保叶轮能够转动自如。 用泵上的油螺杆检查油液中是否含水。对于详细信 息,请参见泵的安装与使用说明。 对于详细信息,请参见泵的安装与使用说明。
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技术标准Q/Q B F Y Q B-001-2016防爆潜水排污泵(隔爆型潜水电泵)BWQ系列Ex d ⅡB T4 Gb使用说明书2020-3-11编制贝德科技有限公司目录1、概述 (1)2、防爆(隔爆)原理 (1)3、防爆电机执行标准 (2)4、潜水排污泵执行标准 (3)5、使用范围 (4)6、机械特点 (4)7、技术说明 (5)8、辅助设施 (6)9、警告 (6)10、使用环境条件 (7)11、工作条件 (7)12、安全 (8)13、安装、调试 (8)14、警示 (9)15、安全保护装置及事故处理 (10)16、包装、运输、储存 (10)17、开箱检查 (11)18、随机附带配件 (11)19、环保及其他 (12)20、保修 (12)1、概述感谢您选用贝德科技有限公司的BWQ型隔爆型潜水电泵(潜水防爆排污泵)产品,以下简称“防爆排污泵”!2、防爆(隔爆)原理隔爆型“Exd”电机是防爆电机的一种形式,其原理是将设备在正常运行时,将可能产生火花、电弧或危险高温的部件置于隔爆外壳内,隔爆外壳能承受内部压力而不致损坏,并能保证内部的火焰气体通过间隙传播时,降低能量,不足以引爆壳外的气体。
3、防爆电机执行标准GB156 标准电压GB/T755 旋转电动机定额和性能(idt IEC 60034-1:1996)GB/T755.2 旋转电动机(牵引电动机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法(IEC 60034-2:1972)GB/T997 旋转电动机结构型式、安装型式及接线盒位置的分类(IM代码)(IEC 60034-7:2001)GB1971 旋转电动机线端标志与旋转方向(IEC 60034-8:2002)GB/T1993 旋转电动机冷却方法(IC代码)GB3836.1 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分:通用要求(eqv IEC 60079-0:1998)GB3836.2 炸性气体环境用电气设备第2部分:隔爆型“d”(eqv IEC 60079-0:1990)GB/T4772.1 旋转电动机尺寸和输出功率等级第1部分:机座号56~400和凸缘号55~1080(IEC 60072-1:1991)GB/T4942.1 旋转电动机整体结构的防护等级(IP代码)分级(IEC 60034-5:2000)GB10068-2008 轴中心高为56mm及以上电动机的机械振动的测量、评定及限值(idt IEC60034-14:1996)GB10069.3 旋转电动机噪声测定方法及限值第3部分:噪声限值(IEC 60034-9:1988)GB18613 中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级JB/T8158 电压为660V及以下单速笼型三相异步电动机的起动性能IEC60034-12 旋转电动机第12部分:单速三相笼型异步电动机起动性能4、潜水排污泵执行标准GB/T 5013.4 额定电压450/750 V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第4部分:软线和软电缆GB/T 1348 球墨铸铁件(GB/T 1348—2009,ISO 1083:2004,MOD)GB/T 2828.1 计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划(ISO 2859-1:1999, IDT) GB/T 5013.4额定电压450/750 V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第4部分:软线和软电缆(GB/T 5013. 4— 2008, IEC 60245-4 : 2004, IDT)GB/T 9239.1机械振动恒态(刚性)转子平衡品质要求第1部分:规范与平衡允差的检验 (GB/T 9239.1—2006,ISO 1940-1 :2003,IDT) GB/T 9439灰铸铁件G B10395.8农林拖拉机和机械安全技术耍求第8部分:排灌泵和泵机组G B 10396农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械安全标志和危险图形总则(G B 10396— 2006,I S O11684:1995,M O D)G B/T 12785潜水电泵试验方法G B/T13306标牌G B/T 17241.6整体铸铁法兰J B/T 5673农林拖拉机及机具涂漆通用技术条件J B/T 6880.1〜6880.3泵用铸件J B/T 7593Y系列高压三相异步电机计数条件J B/T 8735.2额定电压450/750 V及以下橡皮绝缘软线和电缆第2部分:通用橡套软电缆J B/T 8735. 3额定电压450/750 V及以下橡皮绝缘软线和电缆第3部分:橡皮绝缘编织软电线J B/T 50080潜水电泵可靠性考核评定方法J B/Z 293交流高压电机定子绕组子绕组匝间绝缘试验规范5、使用范围5.1、化工企业、企业单位废水排放与提升;5.2、一体化预制泵站提升系统;5.3、城市污水处理厂排放系统。

NOTE! To the installer: Please make sure you provide this manual to the owner of the equip m ent or to the responsible party who maintains the system.MODEL WHV-5WASTE HANDLING SUMP PUMPSINSTALLATION AND SERVICE MANUALPart # 23833A156 | © 2012 Pentair Pump Group, Inc. | 11/14/12CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING:This product and related accessories contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.The WHV-5 series waste handling pumps are single phase 1/2 HP. Pumps have plug-in cords to operate as a manual pump by plugging directly into a grounded receptacle or into series plug of switch cord for automatic operation. Cords are furnished in 20' lengths. Plug is cut off when pump is used for duplex operation so as to connect directly to terminal block in control box. Also available are pumps with attached control floats for automatic operation.LEVEL SWITCHESWHV-5 manual pumps must be used with separate level controls for automatic operation. Switchesare sold and packaged separately and come with complete installation instructions.WHV-5 automatic pumps have their own attached control float switches.APPLICATIONSThe WHV-5 series waste handling pumps are designed for residential and commercial applications and will handle all wastewater, paper and other material normally found in sewage. Pump will handle 2" diameter solids. Not intended to pump large rags or mop heads.PIPINGPump case is fitted with 2" NPT female thread for 2" standard pipe.Pipe can be galvanized steel or schedule 80' plastic pipe. Schedule 40 plastic pipe can be used with proper cement adapters.CHECK VALVEA 2" check valve must be used at pump discharge. This should be a free-flow valve that will easily pass solids. The Myers CV-200 valve is designed especially for this service.INSTALLATIONThe WHV-5 waste handling pump is always installed in a gas tight sump basin. Myers offers complete packaged basin systems for simplex and duplex operation. Packaged basin systems include all parts except pump, level control, check valve, pipe and duplex control box. The WHV-5 pumps should be used in 24" dia. or larger basins. Do not use WHV-5 in an 18" diameter basin.SIMPLEX BASINThe B20-3036 basin package is for 1/2 HP pumps and has a 30" x 36" fiberglass basin with a steel basin cover and two cast iron pump covers. One cover is blank, for installation of second pump at later date if required, other cover has flange for 2" or 3" discharge pipe and has flange for mounting switch. Basin has 3" vent flange and inlet flange for 4-1/2" O.D. plastic pipe. This basin gives extra storage capacity needed for the larger pumps.DUPLEX BASINThe B20-3036D and B30-3036D basin systems are for duplex operation. This system has a 30" x 36" fiberglass basin with steel basin cover that supports two separate cast iron covers. Covers have sealing flange for discharge pipe either 2" or 3" as ordered. Covers also have mounting flanges for switches. Basin has 3" vent flange and inlet flange for 4-1/2" O.D. plastic pipe. An inlet flange for 6-5/8" O.D. plastic pipe, catalog number 1F-600 is also available. Inlet flanges are shipped loose for mounting in the field at inlet height required.SUMP COVERSMyers offers separate pump covers for simplex and duplex systems to be used with existing basin as a replacement, or with customer basin.Cover BC20-30D is for duplex system in 30" diameter basin with flange for 2" discharge pipe.Cover BC30-30D is for duplex system in 30" diameter basin with flange for 3" discharge pipe.With separate cover, the steel basin cover must be sealed to basin top with caulking compound. All covers include switch mounting flange and 3" vent flange.INSTALLING BASIN SYSTEMSThe sump basin is usually installed at time of pouring cement floor so that it can be cemented in place, level with the floor.Pumps are installed after construction is completed. Covers should be left on basin until after construction, so trash will not accumulate in basin.Check basin before installing pump and removeany rocks, cement chunks or other trash that could damage pump.23833A156 11/08/122Inlet flange is installed in the field and hole cut in basin at height required. More than one inlet flange can be used if required to bring extra lines into basin.CAUTION – Before installing pump in basin, turn pump on side and turn impeller with screwdriverin slotted shaft. Impeller must turn free on this test. Pump cord is sealed through cover with split rubber bushing.INSTALLING CHECK VALVEThe check valve is always installed in horizontal position to prevent solids from settling on top of clapper, causing clogging. A union and gate valve are recommended for use in discharge pipe to provide easy removal of pump.STARTING PUMP – SIMPLEX SYSTEM, AUTOMATIC PUMP1. Plug pump cord into 115 or 230 volt groundedreceptacle. The 230 volt receptacle has in-lineblade openings so that 115 volt plug cannot beplugged in.CAUTION – Never cut off grounding pins or use an adapter to plug into an ungrounded receptacle.2. Run water into sump until control turns on pump.Allow pump to operate until level drops, turningpump off.3. Run pump through several cycles to check switchoperation.4. If pump runs but does not deliver water, stopand start pump several times by unplugging andplugging in cord to clear air.Also, make sure the check valve is installedproperly, with flow arrow in the correct direction.Check elevations of discharge piping that theheight of the discharge is not greater than the total head capability of the WHV-5.5. If pump does not start at all, the trouble could bein the wiring, float switch, or the pump itself. STARTING PUMP WHV-5P (AUTOMATIC) USING MECHANICAL SWITCH WITH SERIES PLUG – SIMPLEX SYSTEM1. These pumps have a mechanical (mercury-free)float switch with a 10 ft. or 20 ft. cord with a 115volt or 230 volt series piggyback plug with switch mounted to the pump.2. Plug the switch cord plug into a proper voltage,properly grounded outlet.3. Plug the pump power cord into the back of theswitch cord.4. Tape the cords to the discharge pipe every 12".5. Run water into sump until pump starts. Be suredischarge line valve is open.6. Allow pump to operate through several on/offcycles.SETTING LEVEL CONTROLS – SIMPLEXSYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANELThree FLC mercury floats are used for simplexoperation. Cords from these controls must be marked so they can be connected to proper terminals in thecontrol box.The turn ON float should be set so that the water level raises at least to the top of the WHV-5 pump’s motorhousing before the pump turns on. With the WHV-5setting on the basin bottom, this height would be 14"minimum above the bottom of the basin. The settingof the ON float may be set as high as 6" below thebottom of the inlet pipe coming into the basin.Set the OFF float such that there is 6 to 7" of waterremaining in the basin. The water level should notdrop below the junction point of the WHV-5 volutecase and motor housing.The HIGH WATER (alarm) float should be set so thatthe water level is 4" above the level at which the pump turns on.STARTING PUMP – SIMPLEX SYSTEMWITH CONTROL PANEL1. Turn HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to OFF positionand close circuit breaker. Turn HAND-OFF-AUTOswitch to the AUTO position and run water into thesump or basin.2. When water level reaches the ON float switch, thepump should start and run. Yellow indicator lighton the panel will be illuminated. Pump will lowerwater level to the OFF float switch and the pumpwill stop.3. If the float switches are not set at the correctheights to result in the water levels as describedabove, turn the HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to OFFand adjust the float switches heights. RepeatSteps 1 and 2.4. If for any reason the water level reaches the HIGHWATER float, the alarm light or buzzer will beactivated. Alarm will stop as soon as level dropsbelow the HIGH WATER float.5. If pump operates as described, set HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to AUTO position and pumps areready for service.6. If pumps do not operate properly, make checks,as given in Steps 4 and 5, of STARTING PUMP,SIMPLEX SYSTEM, AUTOMATIC PUMP. SetHAND-OFF-AUTO switch to HAND position tocheck operation of the pump.23833A156 11/08/1237. Check for electrical trouble – explained in thecontrol box instructions. A competent electricianshould make checks in the control box to locatetrouble.CAUTION – NEVER WORK ON PUMPS ORCONTROL BOX UNTIL CIRCUIT BREAKER ISTURNED OFF.SETTING LEVEL CONTROLS – DUPLEX SYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANELFour FLC mercury floats are used for duplex operation. Cords from these controls must be marked so they can be connected to proper terminals in the control box.The turn ON float should be set so that the water level raises at least to the top of the WHV-5 pump’s motor housing before the lead pump turns ON. With the WHV-5 setting on the basin bottom, this height would be 14" minimum above the bottom of the basin. The setting of the ON float may be set as high as 12" below the bottom of the inlet pipe coming into the basin.Position the lag pump ON (override) float switch about 6" above the lead pump ON float.Set the OFF float such that there is 6 to 7" of water remaining in the basin. The water level should not drop below the junction point of the WHV-5 volute case and motor housing.The HIGH WATER (alarm) float should be set so that the water level is 4" above the level at which the lag pump turns on.STARTING PUMP – DUPLEX SYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANEL1. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to OFFposition and close circuit breaker.2. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to the AUTOposition and run water into the sump or basin.3. When water level reaches the first ON float switch,one pump should start and run. Yellow indicatorlight on the panel will be illuminated for theoperating pump.Pump will lower water level to the OFF float switch and the pump will stop.4. Run water into the sump again. When water levelreaches the first ON float, the opposite pump will start. The yellow light will show which pump isoperating. 5. This cycle will continue and pumps will alternateon successive cycles.6. If excessive flow enters the basin that is more thanone pump can handle, the sump level will rise and activate the override float, which will start bothpumps and activate the alarm.7. The same condition can occur if one pump failsfor any reason. Then level will rise to the override float, and the good pump will start and operateuntil failed pump is replaced or repaired. If for any reason level reaches fourth float, alarm light orbuzzer will be activated. Alarm will stop as soon as level drops below the alarm float.8. To check override operation, turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to OFF position and fill basin until level is above override float (3rd float).9. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to AUTOposition and both pumps should start.10. R epeat this operation with one pump off, whichwill duplicate a failed pump condition. In this case, when level reaches override float, the pump thatis in the ON position should start. Operation willcontinue on this one pump.11. l f pumps operate as described, set both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to AUTO position and pumps are ready for service.12. l f pumps don’t operate properly, make checks asgiven for simplex system. Use HAND-OFF-AUTO switch in HAND position to check operation ofeach pump.13. C heck for electrical trouble given in the control boxinstructions.A competent electrician should make checks in thecontrol box to locate trouble.CAUTION – NEVER WORK ON PUMPS ORCONTROL BOX UNTIL CIRCUIT BREAKER ISTURNED OFF.CHECK POINTS IF PUMP DOES NOT RUN AND OPERATE PROPERLY1. Be sure fuse is not blown or circuit breaker is nottripped. Pump should have separate circuit withits own fuse or breaker. If on circuit with otherequipment, nuisance tripping may occur.2. CAUTION – Always unplug pump cord beforeremoving pump from sump basin. Removepump and check for plugged inlet or trashstuck in pump. Be sure pump impellers turnfreely after removing any trash.3. If pump does not operate after cleaning, statormay be damaged or burned out. Occasionally,lightning may damage a motor.23833A156 11/08/124523833A156 11/08/126WHV-523833A156 11/08/127ReferencePart Number Description Qty.121929A002Bolt, Eye 3/8"-161224472D001Cap1305876A125O-Ring, 6-1/8" x 5-7/8" x 1/8"1419099A023Screw, Machine 1/4"-20 x 7/8"6509822A006Screw, #10-24 x 1/2" (Auto Pump Only)1617190A008Clamp, Cable (Auto Pump Only)1717190A004Tie, Cable1824948C000Plate with Bearing 1920892A133Sleeve 3/4" I.D. x 3 Lg.11005030A163Washer, Teflon ® 1/2" x 1" x 1/6"11105030A173Washer, SST 1/2" x 1" x 1/32"1–See Chart Housing with Stator 11224946D000Housing Only 113See Chart Stator Only 114See Chart Rotor with Shaft 11512558A030Ring, Retaining 11608565A013Bearing, Ball11714525A010Seal, Shaft, Type 6 (Shown)1–22447A000Seal, Shaft, Type 21 (Not Shown)1ReferencePart Number DescriptionQty.1813321A009Screw, Set 5/16"-18 x 3/4"41924945C000Impeller 12024947D000Case, Volute 12109859A800Wire, Jumper 12209859A801Wire, Ground 22323838A000Capacitor 12420333A004Clip, Capacitor22505434A054Screw, 10-24 x 1/2"42611009A002Oil Transformer (1 Qt. Can)22706106A037Screw, 10-24 x 3/8"12805022A054Plug, Pipe 1/4" NPT 129See Chart Cord, Electric13024448A000Plug, Nut (Manual Pump & P Series)13105030A213Washer (Manual Pump & P Series)13224449A000Plug, Jumper (Manual Pump & P Series)13321813B120Control, Float (Auto Pump for A Series)13414743A000Emblem, Myers 13518812A157Instructions13819109A018Nut, Hex 3/8"-16UNC1M = Manual A = Automatic P = PiggybackPump Catalog No.Pump Engr. No.Housing with Stator (13) Stator Only (14) Rotor with Shaft (19) Impeller (29) Cord (33) Control WHV-5M-1124949D00024946D100K 24987B00024989B00024945C00021628B018–WHV-5M-2124949D00124946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B019–WHV-5A-1124949D00224946D100K 24987B00024989B00024945C00021628B01821813B120WHV-5A-2124949D00324946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B01921813B120WHV-5P-124949D90024946D100K 24987B00024989800024945C00021628B04121813B130WHV-5PC-l 24949D90124946D100K 24987B00024989800024945C00021628B01821813B131WHV-5P-224949D90224946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B04221813B132WHV-5PC-224949D90324946D101K24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B01921813B133DIMENSIONSPARTS LISTONOFFModel Voltage Electrical Current – Amperes Flow – GPM04080120Locked RotorWHV-5M-111157. 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.810.5WHV-5A-21230 3.5 3.7 4.24.810.51101 MYERS PARKWAY 490 PinEbuSh RoAd, unit #4 AShLAnd, ohio, uSA 44805 CAMbRidGE, ontARio, CAnAdA n1t 0A5 419-289-1144 800-363-PuMP Warranty Rev. 12/13STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTYPentair Myers ® warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment from Pentair Myers or 18 months from the manufacturing date, whichever occurs first – provided that such products are used in compliance with the requirements of the Pentair Myers catalog and technical manuals for use in pumping raw sewage, municipal wastewater or similar, abrasive-free, noncorrosive liquids.during the warranty period and subject to the conditions set forth, Pentair Myers, at its discretion, will repair or replace to the original user, the parts that prove defective in materials and workmanship. Pentair Myers reserves the right to change or improve its products or any portions thereof without being obligated to provide such a change or improvement for prior sold and/or shipped units.Start-up reports and electrical schematics may be required to support warranty claims. Submit at the time of start- up through the Pentair Myers website: /startupform/startupform.asp?type=m. Warranty is effective only if Pentair Myers authorized control panels are used. All seal fail and heat sensing devices must be hooked up, functional and monitored or this warranty will be void. Pentair Myers will cover only the lower seal and labor thereof for all dual seal pumps. under no circumstance will Pentair Myers be responsible for the cost of field labor, travel expenses, rented equipment, removal/reinstallation costs or freight expenses to and from the factory or an authorized Pentair Myers service facility.this limited warranty will not apply: (a) to defects or malfunctions resulting from failure to properly install, operate or maintain the unit in accordance with the printed instructions provided; (b) to failures resulting from abuse, accident or negligence; (c) to normal maintenance services and parts used in connection with such service; (d) to units that are not installed in accordance with applicable local codes, ordinances and good trade practices; (e) if the unit is moved from its original installation location; (f) if unit is used for purposes other than for what it is designed and manufactured; (g) to any unit that has been repaired or altered by anyone other than Pentair Myers or an authorized Pentair Myers service provider; (h) to any unit that has been repaired using non factory specified/oEM parts.Warranty Exclusions: PEntAiR MYERS MAKES no EXPRESS oR iMPLiEd WARRAntiES thAt EXtEnd bEYond thE dESCRiPtion on thE FACE hEREoF. PEntAiR MYERS SPECiFiCALLY diSCLAiMS thE iMPLiEd WARRAntiES oF MERChAntAbiLitY And FitnESS FoR AnY PARtiCuLAR PuRPoSE.Liability Limitation: in no EVEnt ShALL PEntAiR MYERS bE LiAbLE oR RESPonSibLE FoR ConSEQuEntiAL, inCidEntAL oR SPECiAL dAMAGES RESuLtinG FRoM oR RELAtEd in AnY MAnnER to AnY PEntAiR MYERS PRoduCt oR PARtS thEREoF. PERSonAL inJuRY And/oR PRoPERtY dAMAGE MAY RESuLt FRoM iMPRoPER inStALLAtion. PEntAiR MYERS diSCLAiMS ALL LiAbiLitY, inCLudinG LiAbiLitY undER thiS WARRAntY, FoR iMPRoPER inStALLAtion. PEntAiR MYERS RECoMMEndS inStALLAtion bY PRoFESSionALS.Some states do not permit some or all of the above warranty limitations or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages and therefore such limitations may not apply to you. no warranties or representations at any time made by any representatives of Pentair Myers shall vary or expand the provision hereof.。

二、安装和运输1. 设备运输时应保持平稳,避免碰撞和摔落,以免造成设备损坏。
2. 安装时需确保设备底部与地面平齐,设备周围无堵塞物,保证设备正常运作。
三、设备操作1. 启动设备前,确保电源连接稳定并故障检测正常。
2. 污水处理设备通常具备自动化控制系统,操作前请熟悉控制面板的功能和指示信息。
3. 根据设备的工艺流程,逐一操作处理单元。
4. 定期进行设备的清洗、检查和维护,确保各零部件的正常工作。
5. 当设备长时间停用时,应及时关闭电源,并将设备进行完全清洗和封存,以防止污染物附着或产生堵塞。
四、注意事项1. 使用设备过程中需不断监测进水和出水的水质,确保排放达到国家排放标准,避免对环境造成污染。
2. 当设备发生故障或异常时,应及时停止操作,并联系专业人员进行检修。
3. 切勿随意改变设备的工作参数和设置,防止对设备正常运行产生不利影响。
4. 使用设备过程中需注意人身安全,避免直接接触到污水和化学药剂,应戴好防护装备。
5. 使用设备过程中应做好日常清洁卫生工作,保持设备的良好环境和卫生状况。
6. 请按照设备制造商提供的使用说明和维护手册进行操作和维护。
五、故障排除1. 设备故障时,请仔细阅读设备制造商提供的故障排除指南,按照指引进行处理。
2. 如无法解决故障,请立即联系售后服务部门,并提供详细的故障信息和设备型号。
六、维护保养1. 设备运行一段时间后,应定期进行维护保养,包括设备的清洗、润滑和更换耗损部件等。
2. 严格按照设备维护手册的要求进行维护,定期检查设备各部位的紧固情况和电气连接。


内部编号:AN-QP-HT236版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 The Procedures Or Steps Formulated T o Ensure The Safe And Effective Operation Of Daily Production, WhichMust Be Followed By Relevant Personnel When Operating Equipment Or Handling Business, Are Usually Systematic Documents, Which Are The Operation Specifications Of Operators.编辑:__________________审核:__________________单位:__________________WQ/C系列潜水排污泵操作规程通用范本WQ/C系列潜水排污泵操作规程通用范本使用指引:本操作规程文件可用于保证本部门的日常生产、工作能够安全、稳定、有效运转而制定的,相关人员在操作设备或办理业务时必须遵循的程序或步骤,通常为系统性的文件,是操作人员的操作规范。
1 范围1.1 本标准规定了动力分场综合循环水泵站潜污泵操作的技术条件和要求。
1.2 本标准适用于平安高精铝业有限公司动力分场综合循环水泵站潜污泵操作。
2 内容2.1使用前的检查仔细检查泵有无变形或损坏,紧固件是否松动或脱落;检查电缆线有无破损、折断,电缆线的入口密封是否完好,发现有不良之处应及时妥善处理。
检查绝缘电阻用500v 兆欧表测量电机相间和相对地间的绝缘电阻,其值:当环境温度5 度时应大于50MΩ、30 度时应大于10M Ω。

潜水排污泵为潜水式的污水泵,因能将污水中长纤维、袋、带、草、布条等物质撕裂、切断,然后顺利排放,因此,现不仅可用于市政工程、工业建筑、宾馆、医院、人防、矿山等行业, 同时,还可用于排送带固体粒及各种长纤维的污水、废水、雨水和城市生活用水。
一、使用条件1、介质温度不应超过60℃, 介质密度h1200Kg/m,P 值在5-9 范围内。
3、额定电压为380V,额定频率50HZ,测定额定频率偏差不大于5% 时,水泵才能正常运转。
2、电机:电机绝缘等级为F 级,最高工作温度+40 度。
5、叶轮:经过优化设计, 以其最佳的流量和速度以最大效率输送液体使其不产生堵塞。
根据抽送的介质, 有单流道、双流道、三叶片叶轮可供选择。
6、泵体:采用cad / cam 技术, 使泵体具有最高的效率和最小的磨损。
7、轴:泵与电机同轴, 轴端密封装置, 使轴不与抽送介质相接触, 保护轴不受腐蚀。
四、使用、检查与维修1、使用注意事项泵不宜在易燃、易爆的介质环境中使用, 也不宜抽送可燃性液体。
严禁撞击、压延电缆, 严禁将电缆线当起吊绳使用。
泵运行时不得随意拉电缆, 以免损坏电缆发生触电事故或降低电缆密封性、降低电机接线腔绝缘性能。
当采用固定式自动耦合安装时, 用吊链栓住提手上下起吊泵, 注意轻起轻放。
泵放入水中时应垂直起吊, 不允许横放着地, 更不能陷入污泥中。
吐出管路上应装流量调节阀, 避免流量过大导致电机过载。


目录一、产品安装型式及安装尺寸 (2)二、安装与调试 (2)三、电泵控制柜与保护系统 (7)四、安装使用与安全注意事项 (8)五、维护与保养 (10)六、一般故障发生原因及消除方法 (13)一、产品安装型式WQ型污水污物潜水电泵的安装型式:固定式自耦安装。
2WQ 系列污水污物潜水电泵交付、安装调试、使用维护技术手册3(图1)2、电泵安装工艺⑴将自耦底座吊入泵池并安装到安装基础上,确保位置正确。

P R O D U C TD E S C R I P T I O NHigh head single channel sewage handling submersible sump pumps with cutting impeller.Available in single or three phase motors.A P P L I C AT I O N S•Sewage water pumping •Sump emptying•Septic effluent disposal •Water transfer•Pumping of light soft slurries and factory waste•Pumping waste water with stringy or long soft solids in suspensionO P E R AT I N G L I M I T S F E AT U R E S & B E N E F I T SCorrosion resistant 304 stainless steel shaft, motor shell and fasteners•Long service life•Attractive, lasting appearance Open impeller, single channel,centrifugal design with cutting leading edge•Able to pump soft solids in suspension•Less susceptible to blockage •Capable of higher heads /pressure•Able to cut string likematerials, reducing the risk of blockage in pump or pipework Double mechanical shaft seal in oil bath with hard faced silicon carbide / ceramic seal on pump side•Added motor protection •Long service lifeHO7RNF oil resistant leads with bare wire lead ends•Easy to connect to power supply terminations •Long life in dirty waterSand slinger lip seal •Added protection •Long service lifeAutomatic resetting thermal overload•Protected against overloading D75KA model fitted with automatic float switch with a present float length•Safe unattended operation Mounting base fitted •For a firm and stablepositioning during installation and operation Slide rail kits available•For easy removal and re-installationCapacities to 1100lpm Heads to24.5m Max. submergence 25m Max. operating temperature 50o CMax. soft solidsup to 80% of discharge sizeSuitable FluidsSemi-screened sewage or “grey water” of neutral pH containing up to 20% small soft solids or 1% string like solids. Some wear should be expected while pumping hard solids in suspension.Note: Cutter pumps are not suitable forsanitary products - use Grinder models.SUMP PUMPS60Hz models available.Cutter Type ‘K’ SeriesM AT E R I A L S O F C O N S T R U C T I O NPA R TM AT E R I A LImpeller Cutting tip Diffuser plate Pump casing OutletShaft seal pump sidemotor sideShaft seal elastomer Pump shaft OringsMotor shell Handle FastenersFloat & power supply leadsCast ironTungsten carbide Hardened cast iron Cast iron Cast ironSilicon carbide/ceramic Carbon/ceramic Mechanical seals in captive oil bath with oil sealNitrile rubber 304 stainless steel Nitrile rubber 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel HO7RN-F oil resistantE L E C T R I C A L D ATAI N S TA L L AT I O N & P R I M I N GCommon to all modelsSpeed2 pole, 2850rpmInsulation class Class F IP ratingX8Electrical lead H07RNF x 10m lengthUse a rope to position and retrieve the pump. Do not lower or retrieve the pump using the power lead as this may damage the cable entry seals, causing water leaks and unsafe operation.Don’t use this product for recirculating or filtering swimming pools, spas, etc. While these pumps are built to high safety standards, they are not approved for installations where people will be in the water while they are operating.Don’t pump abrasive materials. Sand and grit in the water being pumped will accelerate wear, causing shortened pump life.Keep your pump clean, particularly in situations where lint, hair or fibrous materials may get bound around the pump shaft. Regular inspection and cleaning will extend pump life.Make room for the float switch to operate. Automatic models have a float switch to turn them on when the water level rises and turn them off again when it has been pumped down to the safe operating level of the pump. If the float switch is not free to rise and fall, correct pump operation may not be possible.Don’t run your pump dry. Non-automatic models must be switched off manually or by way of an external float/level switch when the water level is reduced to the top of the pump housing.00510152025l/min ft m g/min 0110220330FLOWTOTAL HEAD1020304050607080D I M E N S I O N SDavey Products Pty LtdMember of the GUD Holdings Ltd GroupABN 18 066 327 517Head Office and Manufacturing 6 Lakeview Drive,Scoresby, Australia 3179Ph:+61 3 9730 9222Fax:+61 3 9753 Customer Service Centre Ph:1300 367 866Fax:1300 369 119E-mail:***************.au Interstate OfficesSydney - Brisbane - Adelaide Perth - TownsvilleInternational 6 Lakeview Drive,Scoresby, Australia 3179Ph:+61 3 9730 9121Fax:+61 3 9753 4248E-mail:****************.au GermanyKantstrasse 47,04275 Leipzig Ph:+49 341 301 0412Fax:+49 341 301 0413E-mail:**********************New Zealand 2 Rothwell Avenue,North Harbour, Auckland 1330Ph:+64 9 914 3680Fax:+64 9 914 3685Website: E-mail:****************.nz USADavey Pumps Inc.1005 N. Commons Drive Aurora, Illinois 60504Ph:+1 630 898 6976Fax:+1 630 851 7744Website: E-mail:******************This literature is not a complete guide to product usage. Further information is available from your Davey dealer, Davey Customer Service Centre and from the relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions. This data sheet must be read in conjunction with the relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions and all applicable statutory requirements. Product specifications may change without notice.® Davey is a registered trademark of Davey Products Pty Ltd. © Davey Products Pty Ltd 2000.DPM139-1/5K/0205/GPW supersedes DPM139/3K/0802/GPWD75KA DT08K Supply voltage 220-240V 380-415V 50Hz - Phase Single Three Output power 0.75kW 0.75kW Full load current 7.5A 1.5A Locked rotor current 22.5A 10.5A StartingCSIR DOLDT15K DT22K DT37KSupply voltage 380-415V 380-415V 380-415V 50Hz - Phase Three Three Three Output power 1.5kW 2.2kW 3.7kW Full load current 3.0A 4.5A 7.0A Locked rotor current22A 31.5A 49A Starting DOLDOL DOL。

新疆天龙矿业股份有限公司电解铝技改配套(2X200MW)发电机组工程排污泵技术规范书新疆天龙矿业股份有限公司新疆电力设计院2010年 11 月乌鲁木齐目录1 总则 (1)2.设计条件 (2)3 设备主要规范 (3)4 技术要求 (5)5 质量保证及试验 (10)6 供货范围 (11)7 技术文件 (14)8 监造、见证及出厂验收 (17)9 调试及技术服务和设计联络 (20)1 总则1.1 本规范书仅适用于新疆天龙矿业股份有限公司电解铝技改配套(2x200MW)发电机组工程的立式排污泵和油罐喷淋水回收水泵设备,它提出供货设备的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。
1.2 招标方在本规范书中所提及的要求和供货范围都是最低限度的要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分地详述有关标准和规范的条文,但投标方应保证提供符合本技术规范书和现行工业标准的、功能齐全的、全新优质产品及优质服务。
1.3 投标方所提供的产品,必须是技术和工艺成熟先进,且已设计、制造过多台同类产品,具有十分优良的制造、运行业绩,并经多年连续运行和使用实践检验证明是成熟可靠的优质产品。
1.4 投标方应对其供货范围内的所有产品质量负有全责,包括其分包和外购的产品。
1.5 投标方供货的产品如果由于设计、制造质量问题而导致机组无法正常投产、供货设备无法长期连续、安全、经济、稳定、可靠地运行,无法满足所有技术性能要求,则投标方必须为此负全部责任。
1.6 如投标方没有以书面形式对本规范书的内容和条文提出异议(或差异),则招标方可认为投标方已完全接受和同意本规范书的要求。
1.7 投标方须执行本规范书所列的各项现行(国内、国际)标准。

1.1 在操作排污泵时,应穿戴好防护装备,包括安全帽、护目镜和防护手套等。
1.2 操作人员要熟悉排污泵的使用方法和各部件的功能,严禁未经培训的人员操作。
1.3 在排污泵启动和运行期间,周围人员需保持一定的距离,以免发生意外事故。
2.1 检查排污泵的运行环境,确保周围没有杂物和障碍物,排污泵周围也应保持干燥。
2.2 检查排污泵的电源线是否接地良好,电压是否符合要求,所有按钮和开关是否正常。
2.3 启动排污泵前,应先打开泵的进水阀和排水阀,并确认排污泵的各个阀门处于正常开启状态。
2.4 当排污泵处于运行状态时,应每隔一段时间检查排污泵的工作状态和温度,确保运行正常。
2.5 当排污泵运行结束后,首先应关闭排污泵的电源开关,再关闭进水阀和排水阀。
3.1 当排污泵出现异常工作或噪音过大时,应立即停止运行,检查故障原因,并按照相关维修流程进行处理。
3.2 维修排污泵时,应先拆下电源,进行维修保养前,应清理工作场地,将排污泵放置于安全位置。

潜水排污泵技术规格书编制:校对:审核:审定:批准:技术规格书项目号:档案号:技术规格书共14页第 1 页日期:2017.04.28阶段:施工图目录2 名词定义 (2)3 项目总体要求 (2)1 采用规范、标准及法规 (4)2 供货范围及界面 (5)3 设计与制造 (5)4 材料 (7)5 检验和测试 (7)6 备品、备件及专用工具 (7)7 铭牌 (8)8 包装和运输 (8)9 提交文件 (9)10 技术服务 (10)11 验收 (10)12 售后服务 (11)13 保证和担保 (11)第三部分工程概况..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第四部分现场条件..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 安装场所....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 安装环境条件............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第五部分专用技术要求.. (12)第六部分数据表 (12)共14 页第2 页日期:2017.04.28阶段:施工图第一部分基本要求1范围本技术规格书为潜水排污泵的专用技术规格书,是对潜水排污泵在设计、制造、材料、测试、检验、运输和验收等方面提出的最低要求。
污水泵 操作规程

二、操作前的准备工作1. 确保工作人员已经接受过相关的操作培训和安全知识培训。
2. 检查污水泵的工作环境,清理周围的杂物和障碍物,确保工作空间宽敞、明亮、通风。
3. 检查电源线、电源插座和电气设备,确保其完好无损,避免电气故障。
4. 检查污水泵本身及其附件的状态,确保其功能正常、无损坏、无松动。
三、操作流程1. 启动前,检查泵体、导管及电气元件是否有损坏现象,若有,则需维修后方可使用。
2. 初次使用或停用后,需将泵体及相应的导管、电气设备进行全面检查。
3. 启动前将泵体的出口阀门、输送管道关闭。
4. 启动电源,按照指示操作面板,依次按下启动按钮。
5. 泵体启动后,应该检查泵的工作声音,确认工作是否正常,若异常须立即停机检修。
6. 启动后,观察压力表和真空表的读数,若达到工作需要,则可以打开出口阀门,使泵开始工作。
7. 当需要停机时,应先关闭泵体的入口阀门,再关闭电源。
四、注意事项1. 在操作过程中,严禁将手指、衣服等物体伸入泵体内部,以免发生危险。
2. 操作过程中应保持清醒,注意观察泵体及其附件的运转状态,一旦发现异常立即停机检查。
3. 操作人员应严格按照规程操作,严禁擅自更改操作步骤或者使用不符合规定的工具设备。
4. 常规清洁维护应该定期进行,以确保泵体和导管的畅通和使用寿命。

装配完整的潜水排污泵(包括泵壳、叶轮、电机、机械密封及润滑、泵轴等)自动耦合装置带底座和弯管,包括配对法兰;;整套提升装置(导轨或导索系统、支架和不锈钢提升链等)每台泵需提供潜水电缆,潜水电缆长度不小于15 米(并应根据设计院图纸;进行复核)水泵保护元件(包括湿度保护,温度保护),以及水泵保护控制器等;就地接线箱等;所有连接附件、预埋件地脚螺栓等;安装及试车备品备件及专用工具。
二、设计和安装条件a.设计条件设备应用及技术参数使用条件液体:城市污水液体温度低于40℃,液体pH 介于5~9 之间。
c.电机必须能连续和间歇运行,能够每小时启动15 次以上,并不应对泵带来任何有害影响。
水泵应能在不少于2 根的平行导轨或导索引导下从泵坑顶部到自耦底座自由滑动,水泵应能自动稳固地与底座耦合。

1. 开始操作之前,先检查抽水泵是否安装牢固、接线是否规范、电源是否正常;
2. 打开电源开关,启动抽水泵;
3. 等待抽水泵稳定运转,观察进水口是否有液体流入;
4. 当液位低于泵的吸程时,需要使用水管进行进水;
5. 在抽水过程中,应时刻观察抽水泵运行状况,如遇到异响、温度过高、振动过大等异常情况,应及时关闭抽水泵并检查故障原因;
6. 当需要停止抽水时,先关闭电源开关,等待泵停止运转后再拔掉电源插头;
7. 每次使用后,应及时清洗抽水泵并进行保养。

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