

Reading Notes

For the Course of Writing

Lectured by Sarah Liu


Nature resources include land and water but also human bodies, as in slavery. Two important natural resources specifications for the 21st century are water distribution and biomedicines; taking over from oil and forests. Cultural knowledge, encoded in a di versity of the world?s languages, is a necessary prerequisite for sustainable maintenance of natural resources; languages are in addition a necessary prerequisite for intergenerational transfer of that knowledge.

---English Prose Models for Recitation, ed. Yu Baofa _________________?s Comments:

(Exercise: write an example to illustrate the idea in the paragraph. )










8. 建议

9. 咨询10. 投诉11. 留言




I?d like to discuss with you a. event. Could we

see each other b. place and time? Please c. reply if

you find the time/ place is not convenient to you.



I?d like to see you … if you have time.

How about coming to …?

What do you say if we talk about it at…?

I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at …?

Could I see you sometime next wee k, as I?d like to …

I?d like to make an appointment to see you.

Would it be possible for us to talk to … in person about that?

Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?

Would you like to … with me this weekend?

How about … with me tonight?

Do you have any special plans for the weekend? Maybe we can... How does that


What do you say…?

When can we meet to talk?

When is it convenient for you?

What time would be convenient for you?





I?m sorry that a. event. b. reason. c. solution.

With many apologies.



I must apologize for …

I do apologize for…

I am very/really/extremely/awfully/terribly sorry about…

I offended you quite unintentionally.

Please accept my apologies.

I am writing to apologize for/about…

I know that you must have been disappointed.

I also feel worried and anxious in my heart.

I hope you know how sorry I am not to be with you…

I can assure you that we will…

I really regret that I cannot…

Much to my regret that I may not be able to keep my promise because…

Now the first thing I have to do is to write to you to express my deep regret.

I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.





We?ll a. event. Would it be possible for

you to meet us b. place and time? We would be

very happy if you could be with us. c. wish..



I am pleased to invite you to …

Is there any chance of your coming…?

I was wondering if you could come…

I would like to invite you to…

I would be very happy if you could come…

I hope you …re not too busy to come.

We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend…

Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.

Please accept my invitation.

I?d like… to come to dinner.

May I have the honor of your company at dinner?

We?d like to invite you to …for…

We should be very glad if you could join us.

Would it be possible for you to come to…?





We are thinking to a. event. Would you please b.

request? Please call me if you c. accomplish. Many




I am sorry to trouble you, but nobody would come into my mind to help me

except you.

I would like to seek help from you.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me.

I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.

I?d be most grateful if I could have your full support.

Could you let me know something about it?

I would be very grateful if you could send me…

I would like further information about …

I wonder if you could advise me…

We wonder if you could send us…

We wonder if you could let us have…

Would it be possible for you to let me know whether…

Would it be possible for you to consider supplying us with…

Can you advise me what to do?




It was very kind of you to take so much

trouble to a. event. Please accept my warmest

thanks. I should be very happy to return your b.

contribution, and c. reward. Please call me if you

d. accept.



Many thanks for your …

Please accept my sincere appreciation/thanks for…

I am truly grateful to you for…

It was nice/good/thoughtful of you to…

You were so kind to send…

Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to

seeing you soon.

I find an ordinary “thank-you” entirely inadequate to tell you how much…

I sincerely appreciate …

I wish to express my profound appreciation for…

I must thank you for…

I am most/extremely grateful to you for your help.

I want to thank you heartily for what you have done.

Thanks again for your courtesy.

A thousand thanks for your help and encouragement.





Hearty congratulations on a. event. b.

congratulation. would you like to c.

celebrate. Do come to find out the big




Congratulations on your success/achievements!

I?m so glad to hear of your winning the prize in the … contest. Congratulations!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on hour graduation from…

Heartiest congratulations upon your …

A word of congratulation just doesn?t seem enough, so I am sending you a gift

that I am sure you will find useful.

I want to congratulate you with all my heart.

I warmly congratulate you on what you?ve achieved.

I congratulate you on…

Please add my warmest congratulation to…

Allow us to give our most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.

We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you.

Please allow me to congratulate you on…

Please allow me to extend my hearty congratulations to you.





I?m sorry to learn that a. event. I feel you

ought not to be unduly distressed at the result.

b. encourage. My kindest regards and best




Our deepest sympathy is with you.

Our thoughts are with you.

May these flowers in some way help to express our heartfelt sympathy.

Especially greet you at this difficult time.

With heartfelt sympathy and understanding thoughts in this time of sadness.

Our hearts are saddened by your loss.

We wish to express our sympathy in your loss and to let you know that your

thoughts are with you.

News of your loss has saddened us.

Give comfort in your time of loss.

I?m most grieved to learn of…

Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to…

I am writing to express my deep sympathy.

Our hearts are with you in your sadness.

I would like to express my sorrow at…

We were shocked at the sad news that…





I heard by chance that a. event. I would like

to strongly recommend b. suggestion. c. reason.

I really think you should d. acceptance.



I happened to see…

I?ve learned from the notice board that…

You will become…

I think you should accept it immediately.

Therefore, I would like to recommend…

I really think it is very suitable for you.

May you succeed.















考研英语写作资料-应用文写作之便条写法 便条是一种简单的书信。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。主要目的是为了尽快的吧最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有收条、欠条、留言和请假条等。 便条可以有题目,也可以省略题目。 便条开篇须有称呼语,但称呼可以比较随便。 日期部分可写在便条的右上角。 日期的签署通常只需写星期几或星期几的上午、下午,也可只写上午或下午和具体时间。只写日期也可以。 便条结尾须署上留条人的姓名,位置在正文的右下角。 便条的形式和内容简洁,故可以用几句话概括。 文内语言尽量通俗口语化,简单扼要,直截了当,无需使用客套语言。 便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点。 便条不需邮寄,不用信封。通常请人代为转交。有时可写在留言板和留言簿上。 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素; 1)Date:便条日期 2)Salutation:称呼 3)Body:正文 4)Signature:署名 样例 收条:即收到钱物之后,给交钱或送物人写张字据,说明已经收到某物,可留作证据。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 Jan.23rd,2003 Received from Student, Wang Zihao one hundred yuan only for this month''s tuition fee. Li Man For the Finance Office of Foreign Language Institute 欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 Sept. 16th, 2002 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of History and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin A copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen Wu Zhuo For the Office of Social Science Department 留言;用书面留下要说的话。留言涉及的方面很多,包括约会,通知,请求等任何可用便条留下的口信。 Tuesday Dear Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I''m very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours. I''m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel?


英语应用文写作之便条写法 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;1)Date:便条日期2)Salutation:称呼3)Body:正文4)Signature:署名样例 欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 April 19, 2012 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of EnglishHistory and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin A copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen. Wu Zhuo For the Office of Social Science Department 留言;用书面留下要说的话。留言涉及的方面很多,包括约会,通知,请求等任何可用便条留下的口信。 Tuesday Dear Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I’m very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours. I’m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel? Yours always, Jiayang 请假条:往往指由于生病或特殊情况不能亲自当面请假,用假条的形式告假。所以,请假条大多是病假条。可以自写,也可请他人代写。写假条最重要的是说明原因和请假的期限。 Jan. 10th Dear Ms. Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever. Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover. Yours respectfully, Tian Ye


May 20th Dear Tom, ``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文`````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` ` Yours Sincerely, Kate ############################################################################### May 20th Dear Tom, ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` Yours Sincerely, Kate 时间日期 称谓:正式或非正式(是否全名,是否不知道对方名称) 分段不需要空格,直接空行 署名的正式性应该和对方称谓一致 此处使用逗号 此处使用逗号 Truthfully, respectfully,

约请(Invitation) Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visiting and you want to give it to your friend Alice. Write a note to her and say: 1) the time of the show, 2) the place where you will wait for her You should write about 60 words. ?诚挚邀请对方参加某活动 ?介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容 ?再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复 开头用语 ①Will you do us the favor of joining our party? ②May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture? ③If you have no other plans for Monday,May 15th,will you come to our party at my home? ④I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinner with a few friends next Saturday,the 16th this month,at 6 o’clock. ⑤I am extending to you our formal invitation to... ⑥It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the meeting. ⑦It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. ⑧Will you give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday,October the tenth,at eight o’clock p.m.? 结束用语 ①We would be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. Anticipating your reply. ②I hope you won’t decline my invitation. ③We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you later. ④We are anticipating your reply. ⑤Awaiting an early acceptance of our cordial invitation and with kind regards. Sunday Dear Alice, Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it and I leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not. Yours sincerely, ×××

2019年高考英语 写作 通知和便条专项练习(含解析)

写作策略之通知和便条专项练习 李仕才 一、通知写作训练 学生会书面通知: 为了迎接“元旦”佳节,学校准备开会庆祝。校长将要在会上讲话,表彰(commend)三好学生和先进班级。各班还准备了精彩的节目。 ?时间:12月30日下午2:30(星期六) ?地点:学校大礼堂(auditorium) ?希望全体师生准时到会。 (字数:70个左右) 二、便条写作训练 1. 吴先生: 因爷爷病重,我打算回家探望,要求请假一星期,从本月10日开始到16日止。附上姐姐发来的电报,望批准! 您的学生赵威 2014. 12. 9 2. 你到一个叫李英的同学家,通知他一件事,碰巧他不在家,你给他留了张便条,内容如下: (1)明天的课将推迟到本星期六下午2点,因为你们明天要参加劳动——植树,上午7点在校门口集合出发。 (2)前天你把雨伞落在他家房子的前门外,请他明天上课时替你带来。 李华 8. 10 写作策略之通知和便条专项练习 参考答案 一、参考范文: Notice In order to celebrate the coming New Year, a meeting is to be held at the auditorium on Saturday, Dec.30, at 2:30 p.m. Our head-master will speak at the meeting. The three-good students and advanced classes will be commended too. Wonderful performance will be also given for celebration. The Students’ Union Dec.25, 2005


●2001年5月专业四级考试: ●Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher, Professor Wang. Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting. You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. ● ●Format 2003年5月专业四级考试: SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN.] Write a note of about 50 - 60 words based on the following situation:You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Heading=solutation ● ● ●英语应用文写作之便条写法(03/02) 便条是一种简单的书信。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。主要目的是为了尽快地把最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有欠条、留言和请假条等。 特点: 文内语言尽量通俗口语化,简单扼要,直截了当,无需使用客套语言。In a roundabout way 便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点。 便条不需邮寄,不用信封。通常请人代为转交。有时可写在留言板和留言簿上。 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;1)Date:便条日期2)Salutation:称呼3)Body:正文4)Signature:署名 样例 欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 S ept. 16th, 2002 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of English History and Anthology of English


专四写作评分标准 The document was finally revised on 2021

一、命题作文 满分15分,分五个等级,14分、11分、8分、5分和2分,可以酌情加一或减一分,但不得加或减半分。 具体标准为: 14分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本无语言错误。 11分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 8分:基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字上连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量严重错误。 5分:基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,文字连贯性差,有较严重的语言错误。 2分:条理不清,思想紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 交白卷,或作文与题目毫不相干,或只写几个单词,以0分计算。 评分对于字数的要求:累计字数在150-170之间,扣1分;130-150之间,扣2分;110-130之间,扣3分;90-110之间,扣4分;90以下,至多给5分。若照抄提示中原句,均不得计入所写字数。 TEM4(2007)便条评分标准 一. 格式:(占3分)

包括日期,称呼,和结尾三部分,各占一分。 1.日期(date): 正确:April 24th ,2007/ April 24, 2007/ April 24/24 April 2007/4/24/2007 24/4/2007(Apr.也可以,任何一个日期都可以) 2.称呼(Heading): 正确:(Dear)Mike:(,)/ (Dear)Hilda:(,) (缺逗号或冒号,扣分) 位置在日期下面一行左侧。 3. 结尾(Ending): 正确:Yours sincerely,/Yours,/ Sincerely yours,/ Sincerely, (缺逗号,扣分) Sincerely, Mike, Hilda (若在一行扣 Yours sincerely (两个单词的首字母都大写扣) 若名字没写或人名XXX(或Mike/ Hilda)扣1分。 4.格式需前后一致,如全左或全右,若不符合,扣1分。 凡不符合上述正确格式或表达均要扣分。错一部分扣1分。最多扣3分。 二.内容(占2分) 本便条必须包括如下内容: 1.拒绝(1分) 2.理由(1分) 三.语言(占5分) 1.首句需用自己正确的语言表达,若完全抄提示扣1分。 2.5分中有一分是语言的得体性。语言风格与情景不一致,扣1分(如:Yours truly,Truly yours,If you consent , etc). 只有语言较好才得分。


《语文》课程教学设计篇三:便条和部分应用文 便条格式及范文 便条的写作格式同一般书信大致一样。通常由标题、称呼、正文、落款四部分组成。 (一)标题便条的标题是可有可无的。一般人们只在写请假条、留言条时,使用标题,即在正文上方中间写上“请假条”或“留言条”等字样。 (二)称谓称谓要求在标题下顶格写上收条子人的称呼或姓名,后加冒号。如“×××老弟:”。 (三)正文正文从下一行空两格处写起。正文内容要求将所要表达的意思、需对方办的事情全部写出来。内容写完后,可视具体情况写下“谢谢”、“敬礼”、“特此拜托”等礼貌性的话语,也可不写。 (四)落款便条的落款包括署名和写日期两项。署名写在正文右下方,署名的方式视写给的对象而定。在署名的下方还要写明具体的成文日期。 范文一 请客便条 ××兄: 本月20日是家母50岁生日,我们邀请了部分好友聚一聚,那天,无论如何,请你赏光。时间下午6点。 此致 台安! 弟××即日 【范文二】 ××小姐: 我们单位定于明天上午邀请气功大师××作气功报告。现托小王带入场券一张,欢迎你来听听。 ×××即日 【范文三】 送物 ××兄: 家乡来人带了点土特产,现托人送上2包,请笑纳。 ××即日 【范文四】 索要 ××老兄: 你借若干元,约定上月内归还。现在已经过期了,不见掷下。想是你忘记了。如果你手头宽裕,请还我。 弟××上 ×日【范文五】 ××兄: 长久不见,原来你病了。本拟前来问候,无奈事情繁忙,不能脱身,只得在这里,遥祝仁兄早日康复。 弟××上 ××日 评析:

以上所列便条五则。第一则为请客便条;第二则是请参加报告会的便条;第三则是送物 便条;第四则为索要便条;第五则是问候便条。便条的种类是繁多的,诸如还款便条、借款 便条、借物便条、还物便条、问病病条、应邀便条、辞别便条等等。由于这种形式使用起来 极其方便,因此在人们的日常生活中它是扮演了重要角色的。一般来讲,请假条、托 事条、催索条、留言条等也都是便条中的一种。只是它们分别适用于不同的目的和范围而已。 这里所选的五则例文只是提供了一个便条写作的大概样子,读者自然可以比照着写出不同内 容的便条来。 便条像书信一样要求有称呼、正文、落款等几部分。结尾问候语又可视情况而定。标题 通常是省略的。便条一般三言两语,把事说清,有的也可视具体情况,写得稍长一些。 请假条 尊敬的老师: _________________________________原因,我需从____月____日(星期____)第____节到 第____节请假,共_____节。特恳请老师批准。 ___年级___班学生:______________ ——年——月——日 请假条 李老师: 我发烧39度,到医院看医生,医生建议我卧床休息,我特向您请假一天,望批准。此 致敬礼 附:医生证明 学生: xxx x年x月x日 留言条 例文:篇四:便条等应用文格式 便条(note): 1. 必须包括对收条人的称谓,但熟人和朋友之间可以省去dear。 2. 必须包括留条人的签名,但可以省去yours sincerely等。 3.必须包括留便条的日期但年份可以省略。 sample: ex.: 写一张电话留言,告诉查尔斯先生, 安娜打来电话,说她明天下午离开去纽约,请他回电话。 通知(notice): 1.必须包括notice字样,而且每个字母都应采用大写。 2.内容必须包括时间、地点、事宜和通知对象等。表达须准确,措词也要较正式。 3.必须包括写通知的个人或者单位的称谓,而且一般都放在通知的右下角。 4.必须包括写通知的日期。 sample: ex. 拟一张请体育系的学生于10月25号星期三下午1:30到系会议室听关于篮球技巧 讲座的通知。 请假条: 请假条有事假条、病假条等。请假条是由个人向组织提交的,因此文体应正规,内容须 紧凑,理由要充分,必要时,应附上证明。example 1: 篇五:应用文——便条 1.什么叫做应用文? 回答这个问题,首先要把应用文与文艺文相比较。应用文是日常工作、生产和生活中办


英语专业四级考试写作评分标准(便条) 便条的评分标准 通过以上的标准列表,我们可以看出,便条的写作主要注重的是格式、 内容和语言。 考生需要做到格式正确、内容完整、表达得体、字数符合标准。下面我们以 2010年的考题为例,对便条的评分标准进行具体的说明: Directions: Your good friend, John, is thinking of organizing an end-of-the-term party. Write him a note telling him that you like his idea and offer to help him. You have to be specific about how you can help him. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. 1.格式:(占2分) 包括日期、称呼和结尾两部分,每部分完全正确得1分,出现任何错误 都不得分。分数扣完为止,不倒扣。 1.日期( Date):1分 正确:April 17th, 2010; April 17,2010; April l7 2010; 17 April 2010; 4/17/2010; 17/4/2010 (Apr也可以,任 何一个日期都可以) 位置在右上角或左上角。 2、称呼( Heading): 正确:(Dear)John:(,)缺标点或标点位置错都扣一分。 位置在日期下面一行左侧。 3.结尾( Ending): 正确:Yours sincerely,/Yours,/Sincerely yours,,Sincerely, (大小写和标点不计) Mary(或其他人名) 没有Yours sincerely,/Yours,/Sincerely yours,,Sincerely也可 以,不扣分;但是凡是上述词拼写错误,都扣一分; 人名和结尾语必须分成上下两行写,写在一行扣一分; 人名必须写,不能写成xxx,否则扣一分。 II.内容:(占2分)本便条必须包括如下内容: 1.赞成想法


高考备考:高考英语作文应用文便条写法和范文 便条 便条多用于较熟的亲友、同事之间,以代替一般的私人书信及公务书信,因此便条除具有书信的一般特征外,还有某些特殊性: (1)临时性和紧迫性。便条多是临时性的通知、询问,内容大多有较紧迫的时间限制,比如通知当事人立即给某处回电话,通知医生即刻出诊等等。所以,便条大多是匆忙写在纸条上托人转交或留在某处。 (2)非正式性。便条所写的基本都是可以公开的普通事宜,而且内容大都非常简单,几句话就可以说清楚,不必采用非常的书信形式,也不用缄口。 由于便条的以上两个特征,便条在形式上具有以下特点: (1)简化书信格式。便条既不用信封,不写收信人与发信人地址,也不写结尾问候语。不详细写明年月日,而只写星期,或日月。由于时间大多发生在一两天内,常常要写明上、下午或钟点。日期可写于正文右上角或末尾署名之下,没有很严格的限制。 (2)简化称呼及签署。便条多用于相熟的朋友、同事或家人之间,称呼用语应亲切、随便,不可过于正式。如可用Mary, Dear Johnson等等。署名也可以只写姓或只写名。因为即使公务便条,也多用于同一部门,大家相互熟悉,笔迹也容易认读。 (3)语言通俗而口语化。便条形式随便,语言也应通俗。要尽量避免用大词和过分正式的句子。如尽量用:“Just a line to tell you that…”而不用“This is to inform you that…”,用“put off ”而不用“postpone”。句子的结构尽量简单。 例如: 你到一个叫李英的同学家,通知他一件事,碰巧他不在家,你给他留了张便条,内容如下: a. 明天的课将推迟到本星期六下午2点,因为明天你要参加劳动—植树,上午7点在校门口集合出发。


英语便条写作范例 1)请假(Asking for Leave) 例1 Directions: You are about to write a Business Leave Note of about 60 wor ds. Please describe this information clearly. 1) the reason you ask for the leave 2) the time and how long you will leave Aug. 22nd Secretary Li, I‘m sorry to apply for ten days’leave from the Aug. 23rd to sep., 3rd instantly, as the time is urgent. My father now i n the hospital is badly ill and I have to take care of him for a fe w days, for I’m the only child in my family. I will show you the te legram about my father’s illness to support my application. I promi se I will do my best to catch the missed lessons on after I come ba ck. Wish for your allowance. Yours respectfully , ××× 或: 例2 Aug. 22nd Dear Mr Li, I'm very sorry to tell you that I can't attend school today becauseof a bad cold. I enclose the doctor's certificate(证明) and ask you for three days sick leave. Yours, Li Ming


英语便条写作的格式句型以及范文 May 20th Dear Tom, ``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文`````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` ` Yours Sincerely, Kate ############################################################################### May 20th Dear Tom, ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` Yours Sincerely, Kate 时间日期 称谓:正式或非正式(是否全名,是否不知道对方名称) 分段不需要空格,直接空行 署名的正式性应该和对方称谓一致 此处使用逗号 此处使用逗号 Truthfully, respectfully,

约请(Invitation) Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visiting and you want to give it to your friend Alice. Write a note to her and say: 1) the time of the show, 2) the place where you will wait for her You should write about 60 words. ?诚挚邀请对方参加某活动 ?介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容 ?再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复 开头用语 ①Will you do us the favor of joining our party? ②May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture? ③If you have no other plans for Monday,May 15th,will you come to our party at my home? ④I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinner with a few friends next Saturday,the 16th this month,at 6 o’clock. ⑤I am extending to you our formal invitation to... ⑥It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the meeting. ⑦It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. ⑧Will you give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday,October the tenth,at eight o’clock p.m.? 结束用语 ①We would be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. Anticipating your reply. ②I hope you won’t decline my invitation. ③We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you later. ④We are anticipating your reply. ⑤Awaiting an early acceptance of our cordial invitation and with kind regards. Sunday Dear Alice, Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it and I leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not. Yours sincerely, ×××


便条的书写要求 Notes must be precise, to the point(切题),the style is casual. 格式:Date (1 point) written in the top right-hand corner, in the line above salutation September 21(st), 2009或Sept. 21(st), 2009或21(st), September 2009 Salutation(1 point) written in the top left-hand corner, usually followed by a comma Sir,/ Gentleman,/Dear Madam,/Dear President Dear Mr. Wallash, /Dear Dr. Williams, Dear Mama, /My dear Tom, Complimentary Close (谦语或结尾) 位置:正文下句空一到两行右侧 写法Yours sincerely,Tom Faithfully yours,John Sincerely yours,Tom Respectfully yours,Robert Yours truly,John Body (正文) 正文是便条的主体,应占信纸的大部分空间。便条字数 有限,50-60字,独立成段即可。 Style (文体): 非正式或口语化文体,多短句,简单句, 主动语态,且为日常用词或口语,内容中心突出,简单明了。 1,Note of Invitation 邀请型便条是邀请收信人参加某项活动的便条,一般包含三个方面的内容:1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点;2. 与该活动有关的注意事项;3.期望对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 正式的邀请,如碰到大型会议、开派对、订婚、孩子满月、毕业等,你需要给你想邀请的人提前发出邀请信。 Date Dear ______, (1)_______. (2)It would be pleasant/ an honor to have you here. (3)Will you join us/ give me the pleasure of your company? (4)I Know /believe that you will be very interested in _______. (5)The ______ will begin at _______. Is it possible for us to meet at ______? (6)We do hope you can come. Sincerely yours, Signature 1. I would be very glad if you would come to dinner with me…… 2. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. 3. Will you and Mrs. Green give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October 10th, at eight o’clock p. m.?


各类英语便条写作的格式句型以及范文 约请(Invitation)

Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visiting and you want to give it to your friend Alice. Write a note to her and say: 1) the time of the show, 2) the place where you will wait for her You should write about 60 words. 诚挚邀请对方参加某活动。ν 介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容。ν 再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复。ν 开头用语: ①Will you do us the favor of joining our party? ②May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture? ③If you have no other plans for Monday,May 15th,will you come to our party at my home? ④I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinner with a few friends next Saturday,the 16th this month,at 6 o’clock. ⑤I am extending to you our formal invitation to... ⑥It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the meeting. ⑦It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. ⑧Will you give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday,October the tenth,at eight o’clock p.m? 结束用语: ①We would be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. Anticipating your reply. ②I hope y ou won’t decline my invitation. ③We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you later. ④We are anticipating your reply. ⑤Awaiting an early acceptance of our cordial invitation and with kind regards. Sunday Dear Alice, Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it and I leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wai t for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not. Yours sincerely, ××× 道歉(Apology) Directions: You have missed a date of your friend, now you have to write a letter for apology in about 60 words. λ道歉的行为与内容。
