Nucleating and Clarifying Agents









关键词:无规共聚聚丙烯;透明成核剂;结晶;力学性能中图分类号:TQ325.1+4文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-4962(2023)01-0019-03Effect of transparent nucleating agent on the properties ofrandom copolymer polypropyleneLei Jiawei,Li Jian,Chen Yidan,Deng Qiyao,Wu Xi(ZHSH(Wuhan)Petrochemical Company,Wuhan430082,China)Abstract:In order to meet the market demand,ZHSH(Wuhan)Petrochemical Company developed transparent polypropylene(PP) in the STPP plant.The effect of transparent nucleating agents NA1and NA2on random copolymerization of PP was studied.The results showed that the transparent properties,mechanical properties,heat resistance and crystallization properties of random copolymerized PP were improved by adding transparent nucleating agent.When the content of transparent nucleating agent was 0.15%-0.2%,NA1had better effect on the transparency of random copolymerization PP than that of NA2.When the content of transparent nucleating agent was0.25%,NA2had better effect on the transparency of random copolymerization PP than that of NA1. In addition,NA2had better effect on the improvementof the crystallization property and yellow index of random copolymerization PP than NA1.Keywords:random copolymerization polypropylene;transparent nucleating agent;crystallization;mechanical property聚丙烯具有重量轻、耐热性、耐腐蚀性好和易成型加工等特点[1],广泛应用于汽车、家电、包装及医疗器材等领域。


期刊名全称和缩写对照 Journal Titles and Abbreviati
A Acc. Chem. Res. ACH - Models Chem. ACI Mater. J. ACS Symp. Ser. Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biotechnol. Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chim. Sinica Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallogr., Sect D: Biol. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online Acta Hydroch. Hydrob. Acta Mater.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Appl. Radiat. Isot. Appl. Sci. Res. Appl. Spectrosc. Appl. Supercond. Appl. Surf. Sci. Appl. Therm. Eng. Aquat. Toxicol. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Arch. Environ. Health Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. Arch. Microbiol. Arch. Pharm. Arch. Pharmacal Res. Arch. Physiol. Biochem. Arch. Toxicol. Arch. Virol Artif. Cells, Blood Substitues, Immobilization Biotechnol.



所有S C I生物期刊影响因子Ranking? Journal Title? Impact Factor带#者为EI亦收录者1. Biochemical Research Methods (生物化学研究方法)1 Current Opinion In Biotechnology2 Journal Of Chromatography A3 Bioconjugate Chemistry4 Methods In Enzymology5 Applied Immunohistochemistry6 Cytometry7 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography8 Chromatographia9 Journal Of Immunological Methods10 Analytical Biochemistry#11 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling12 Biotechniques13 Journal Of Chromatographic Science14 Journal Of Virological Methods15 Journal Of Chromatography B16 Transgenic Research17 Protein Expression And Purification18 Journal Of Neuroscience Methods#19 Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies20 Biomedical Chromatography21 Molecular And Cellular Probes22 Journal Of Microbiological Methods23 Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals24 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering25 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods26 Biologicals27 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology28 Hybridoma29 Journal Of Magnetic Resonance2. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology(生物化学与分子生物学)1 Annual Review Of Biochemistry2 Cell3 Nature Medicine4 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology5 Trends In Biochemical Sciences6 Annual Review Of Plant Physiology And Plant Molecular Biology7 Faseb Journal8 Embo Journal9 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology10 Advances In Enzymology And Related Areas Of Molecular Biology11 Nature Structural Biology12 Molecular And Cellular Biology13 Plant Cell14 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure15 Advances In Protein Chemistry16 Molecular Biology Of The Cell17 Human Molecular Genetics18 Structure19 Current Opinion In Structural Biology20 Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology21 Bioessays22 Journal Of Biological Chemistry23 Oncogene24 Vitamins And Hormones-Advances In Research And Applications25 Gene Therapy26 Rna-A Publication Of The Rna Society27 Progress In Nucleic Acid Research And Molecular Biology28 Chemistry & Biology29 Journal Of Molecular Biology30 Molecular Microbiology31 Cell Death And Differentiation32 Molecular Biology And Evolution33 Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr34 Mole35 Molecular Pharmacology36 Protein Science37 Biochemistry38 Progress In Lipid Research39 Natural Product Reports40 Natural Product Reports41 Journal Of Neurochemistry42 Nucleic Acids Research43 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology44 Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics45 Journal Of Lipid Research46 Cell Growth & Differentiation47 British Journal Of Pharmacology48 Biochemical Journal49 Free Radical Biology And Medicine50 Febs Letters51 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology52 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions53 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution54 Journal Of Molecular Evolution55 European Journal Of Biochemistry56 European Journal Of Human Genetics57 Molecular Ecology58 Drug Discovery Today59 Journal Of Membrane Biology60 Journal Of Structural Biology61 Glycobiology62 Plant Molecular Biology63 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology64 Molecular & General Genetics65 European Cytokine Network66 Molecular Carcinogenesis67 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry68 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications69 Chromosoma70 Journal Of Inflammation71 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics72 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development73 Biological Chemistry74 Insect Molecular Biology75 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton76 Biochemical Pharmacology77 Yeast78 Bioconjugate Chemistry79 Methods In Enzymology80 Photochemistry And Photobiology#81 Biopolymers82 Free Radical Research83 Molecular Medicine Today84 Molecular Reproduction And Development85 Cellular Signalling86 Molecular Psychiatry87 Dna And Cell Biology88 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography89 Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology90 Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience91 Cytokine92 Mammalian Genome93 Mutation Research Dna Repair94 Molecular Membrane Biology95 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility96 Growth Factors97 Analytical Biochemistry#98 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling99 Chromosome Research100 Molecular Aspects Of Medicine101 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology102 Lipids103 Biotechniques104 Matrix Biology105 Journal Of Biochemistry106 Gene107 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring108 Molecular Immunology109 Amyloid-International Journal Of Experimental And Clinical Investigation 110 Glycoconjugate Journal111 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids112 Inflammation Research113 Peptides114 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry115 Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology116 Neurochemistry International117 Journal Of Chemical Neuroanatomy118 Protein Engineering119 Chemico-Biological Interactions120 Plant Physiology And Biochemistry121 Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy122 Biophysical Chemistry123 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire124 Molecular Biology Reports125 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling126 Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis127 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research128 Steroids129 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research130 Cell Adhesion And Communication131 Biochimie132 Carbohydrate Research133 Transgenic Research134 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology135 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry136 Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry137 Protein Expression And Purification138 Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry139 Neurochemical Research140 Folding & Design141 Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France142 Anti-Cancer Drug Design143 Journal Of Chemical Ecology144 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics145 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology146 Current Topics In Membranes147 Hemoglobin148 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids149 Archives Of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology150 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology151 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology152 Acta Chemica Scandinavica153 Biomedical Chromatography154 Phytochemistry155 International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules156 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development157 Clinical Biochemistry158 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics159 Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry160 Cellular And Molecular Biology161 Molecular And Cellular Probes162 Fish Physiology And Biochemistry163 Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry164 Clinica Chimica Acta165 Journal Of Protein Chemistry166 Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology167 Bioscience Reports#168 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics169 Biochemical Society Symposium170 Inflammation171 Journal Of Bioluminescence And Chemiluminescence172 Metal Ions In Biological Systems173 Biochemical And Molecular Medicine174 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-Biochemistry & MolecularBiology175 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry176 Nucleosides & Nucleotides177 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences#178 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation179 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry180 Cell Biochemistry And Function181 Biometals182 European Journal Of Clinical Chemistry And Clinical Biochemistry183 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Pharmacology Toxicology & Endocri 184 Amino Acids185 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition186 Bioorganic Chemistry187 Process Biochemistry188 Journal Of Food Biochemistry189 Biochemical Society Transactions190 Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology191 Biochemical Genetics192 Experimental And Clinical Immunogenetics193 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology194 Biological Trace Element Research195 Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition196 Journal De Chimie Physique Et De Physico-Chimie Biologique197 Journal Of Immunoassay198 Mediators Of Inflammation199 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods200 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology International201 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology202 Molecular Biology203 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya204 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology205 Biogenic Amines206 Genes & Genetic Systems207 Research Communications In Molecular Pathology And Pharmacology208 Biochemistry-Moscow209 Molecules And Cells210 Biotherapy211 Biochemical Archives212 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr213 General Physiology And Biophysics214 Magnesium-Bulletin215 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry216 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences217 Journal Of Peptide Research3. Biology(生物学)1 Faseb Journal2 Bioessays3 Plant Journal4 Biological Reviews Of The Cambridge Philosophical Society5 Quarterly Review Of Biology6 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution7 Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences8 Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences9 Life Sciences10 Molecular And Biochemical Parasitology11 Bioscience12 Journal Of Biological Rhythms13 Journal Of Experimental Biology14 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society15 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology16 Conservation Biology17 Evolutionary Ecology18 Chemico-Biological Interactions19 Journal Of Theoretical Biology20 Polar Biology21 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology22 Microscopy Research And Technique23 Proceedings Of The Japan Academy Series B-Physical And Biological Sciences24 Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society25 Human Biology26 Biological Bulletin27 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences28 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere29 Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-Sciences De La Vie-Life30 Biometals31 Annals Of Human Biology32 Biological Rhythm Research33 Biologicals34 Biosystems35 Archives Italiennes De Biologie36 Biotropica37 Folia Biologica38 Annals Of Applied Biology39 Brazilian Journal Of Medical And Biological Research40 Journal Of Biosciences41 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii42 Journal Of The History Of Biology43 Science In China Series C-Life Sciences44 Proceedings Of The Biological Society Of Washington45 Acta Biotheoretica46 Growth Development And Aging47 Acta Biologica Hungarica48 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya49 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences50 Theory In Biosciences4. Biology,? Miscellaneous (生物学-其他)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution2 Molecular Biology And Evolution3 Systematic Biology4 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution5 Journal Of Molecular Evolution6 American Naturalist7 Evolution8 Chemical Senses9 Radiation Research10 Evolutionary Biology11 Journal Of Biological Rhythms12 Computer Applications In The Biosciences13 Paleobiology14 International Journal Of Radiation Biology15 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society16 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology17 Conservation Biology18 Theoretical Population Biology19 Biometrika20 Journal Of Theoretical Biology21 American Journal Of Physical Anthropology22 Polar Biology23 Yearbook Of Physical Anthropology24 Cryobiology25 Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology26 Development Genes And Evolution27 Bioelectromagnetics28 Journal Of Human Evolution29 Archiv Fur Protistenkunde30 Biological Conservation#31 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics32 Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology33 Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural History34 Metal Ions In Biological Systems35 Human Biology36 Journal Of Radiation Research37 Biometrics38 Journal Of Mathematical Biology39 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere40 Chronobiology International41 Genetics Selection Evolution42 Annals Of Human Biology43 Mathematical Biosciences44 Journal Of Thermal Biology45 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics46 European Journal Of Protistology47 Electro- And Magnetobiology48 Biological Rhythm Research49 Computers In Biology And Medicine50 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology51 Journal Of Natural History52 Cryo-Letters53 Fluoride54 Acta Protozoologica55 Annals Of Applied Biology56 American Midland Naturalist57 Perspectives In Biology And Medicine58 Journal Of The History Of Biology59 Ima Journal Of Mathematics Applied In Medicine And Biology60 Growth Development And Aging61 Natural History62 Biology And Environment-Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy5. Biophysics (生物物理学)1 Nature Structural Biology2 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure3 Quarterly Reviews Of Biophysics4 Structure5 Biophysical Journal6 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes7 Febs Letters8 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology9 Journal Of Structural Biology10 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications11 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics12 Photochemistry And Photobiology#13 Biopolymers14 Journal Of Mass Spectrometry15 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography#16 Biosensors & Bioelectronics17 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids18 European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters19 Biophysical Chemistry#20 Journal Of Biomechanics21 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology22 Nmr In Biomedicine23 Folding & Design24 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics25 Current Topics In Membranes26 Bioelectromagnetics#27 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics28 Biorheology29 Metal Ions In Biological Systems30 Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme31 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics32 Electro- And Magnetobiology33 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods34 International Journal Of Biometeorology35 Physiological Measurement36 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr37 General Physiology And Biophysics38 Biofizika39 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry6. Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology(生物技术与应用微生物学)1 Nature Biotechnology2 Human Gene Therapy3 Pharmacogenetics4 Gene Therapy#5 Trends In Biotechnology6 Cancer Gene Therapy7 Genomics8 Applied And Environmental Microbiology9 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions10 Current Opinion In Biotechnology11 Journal Of General Virology12 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology13 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development14 Insect Molecular Biology15 Yeast16 Stem Cells17 Mammalian Genome#18 Biosensors & Bioelectronics#19 Biotechnology And Bioengineering20 Genome21 Critical Reviews In Biotechnology22 Protein Engineering23 Systematic And Applied Microbiology24 Journal Of Virological Methods#25 Biotechnology Advances#27 Biodegradation28 Journal Of Antibiotics#29 Biotechnology Progress30 Transgenic Research31 Protein Expression And Purification32 Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology33 Journal Of Food Protection34 American Journal Of Enology And Viticulture35 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology#36 Enzyme And Microbial Technology37 Animal Biotechnology#38 Journal Of Biotechnology39 Molecular And Cellular Probes40 Food Microbiology41 Biological Control42 Letters In Applied Microbiology43 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry#44 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation45 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry46 Biotechnology Letters#47 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers#48 Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering49 Process Biochemistry#50 Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology51 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology52 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering53 Journal Of Food Safety54 Food Control55 Journal Of General And Applied Microbiology#56 Bioresource Technology57 Journal Of The American Society Of Brewing Chemists58 Disease Markers59 Biologicals60 Dna Sequence61 Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture62 Bioprocess Engineering63 Journal Of Tumor Marker Oncology64 Journal Of Applied Phycology65 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology66 Acta Biotechnologica67 Hybridoma68 Biotechnic & Histochemistry69 Folia Microbiologica71 Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi-Journal Of The Japan Society For Bioscience Biote 7. Cell Biology (细胞生物学)1 Cell2 Nature Medicine3 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology4 Current Opinion In Cell Biology5 Faseb Journal6 Embo Journal7 Journal Of Cell Biology8 Trends In Cell Biology9 Nature Structural Biology10 Molecular And Cellular Biology11 Plant Cell12 Molecular Biology Of The Cell13 Structure14 Current Opinion In Structural Biology15 Oncogene16 Cell Death And Differentiation17 Journal Of Cell Science18 Molecular Medicine19 International Review Of Cytology-A Survey Of Cell Biology20 Tissue Antigens21 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology22 Journal Of Leukocyte Biology23 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes24 Cell Growth & Differentiation25 Febs Letters26 Journal Of Molecular And Cellular Cardiology27 Experimental Cell Research28 Journal Of Membrane Biology29 Journal Of Structural Biology30 Journal Of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry31 European Cytokine Network32 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry33 Journal Of Inflammation34 Cytogenetics And Cell Genetics35 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton36 Journal Of Cellular Physiology37 European Journal Of Cell Biology38 Stem Cells39 Cell Calcium40 Molecular Medicine Today41 Molecular Reproduction And Development42 Cellular Signalling43 Cytometry44 Dna And Cell Biology45 Cytokine46 Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology47 Molecular Membrane Biology48 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility49 Growth Factors50 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology51 Journal Of Neurocytology52 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology53 Matrix Biology54 Cellular Immunology55 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology56 Plant And Cell Physiology57 Inflammation Research58 Histochemical Journal59 Cell Transplantation60 Cell And Tissue Research61 Histochemistry And Cell Biology62 Protoplasma63 Methods In Cell Biology64 Differentiation65 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire66 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling67 Histopathology68 Archives Of Histology And Cytology69 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research70 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research71 Cell Adhesion And Communication72 Development Growth & Differentiation73 Acta Cytologica74 Cell Proliferation75 Progress In Histochemistry And Cytochemistry76 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry77 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal78 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids79 Development Genes And Evolution80 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology81 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development82 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics83 Analytical Cellular Pathology84 Cell Biology International85 Cellular And Molecular Biology86 Molecular And Cellular Probes87 Bioscience Reports88 Histology And Histopathology89 Inflammation90 Cytopathology91 Tissue & Cell92 Connective Tissue Research93 Analytical And Quantitative Cytology And Histology94 Cell Structure And Function95 Biology Of The Cell96 Pigment Cell Research97 Immunology And Cell Biology98 Cell Biochemistry And Function99 Journal Of Histotechnology100 Acta Histochemica101 Journal Of Submicroscopic Cytology And Pathology102 Platelets103 Mediators Of Inflammation104 Pathobiology105 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant106 European Journal Of Histochemistry107 Acta Histochemica Et Cytochemica108 Cell Biology And Toxicology109 Biotechnic & Histochemistry110 International Journal Of Tissue Reactions-Experimental And Clinical Aspects 111 Molecules And Cells112 Biotherapy113 Biocell114 Biologicheskie Membrany115 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences8. Developmental Biology(发育生物学)1 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology2 Genes & Development3 Development4 Mechanisms Of Development5 Developmental Biology6 Developmental Dynamics7 Developmental Genetics8 Current Topics In Developmental Biology9 Placenta10 Stem Cells11 Molecular Reproduction And Development12 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology13 Developmental Brain Research14 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology15 Teratology16 International Journal Of Developmental Biology17 Differentiation18 Anatomy And Embryology19 Development Growth & Differentiation20 Developmental Psychobiology21 International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience22 Perspectives On Developmental Neurobiology23 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal24 Development Genes And Evolution25 Reproduction Fertility And Development26 Journal Of Craniofacial Genetics And Developmental Biology27 Reproduction Nutrition Development28 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant29 Growth Development And Aging9. Ecology(生态学)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution2 Ecological Monographs3 Annual Review Of Ecology And Systematics4 Ecology5 Molecular Ecology6 American Naturalist7 Journal Of Ecology8 Journal Of Animal Ecology9 Evolution10 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology11 Ecological Applications12 Wildlife Monographs13 Marine Ecology-Progress Series14 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology15 Oikos16 Oecologia17 Conservation Biology18 Functional Ecology19 Theoretical Population Biology20 Tree Physiology21 Microbial Ecology22 Aquatic Microbial Ecology23 Journal Of Vegetation Science24 Polar Biology25 Journal Of Applied Ecology26 Journal Of Chemical Ecology27 Ecography28 Ecotoxicology29 Journal Of Biogeography30 Biological Conservation31 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology32 Australian Journal Of Ecology33 Journal Of Wildlife Management34 Ecological Economics35 Wildlife Research36 New Zealand Journal Of Ecology37 Wildlife Society Bulletin38 Environmental Biology Of Fishes39 Ecological Modelling40 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment41 Pedobiologia42 Journal Of Soil And Water Conservation43 Journal Of Range Management44 Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie45 Journal Of Arid Environments46 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology47 Acta Oecologica-International Journal Of Ecology48 Sarsia49 Biotropica50 Global Ecology And Biogeography Letters51 Ecological Engineering52 American Midland Naturalist53 International Journal Of Sustainable Development And World Ecology54 Journal Of Freshwater Ecology55 Ecological Research56 Researches On Population Ecology57 African Journal Of Ecology#58 Biocycle59 Natural History60 South African Journal Of Wildlife Research61 Plant Ecology10. Engineering, Biomedical(生物医学工程)1 Electroencephalography And Clinical Neurophysiology2 Clinical Oral Implants Research3 Pace-Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology#4 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research#5 Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging6 Ultrasonic Imaging#7 Journal Of Biomechanics8 Artificial Intelligence In Medicine#9 Biomaterials#10 Annals Of Biomedical Engineering#11 Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering #12 Asaio Journal& Heredity(基因和遗传学)1 Nature Genetics2 Genes & Development3 Annual Review Of Genetics4 American Journal Of Human Genetics5 Trends In Genetics6 Human Molecular Genetics7 Oncogene8 Trends In Ecology & Evolution9 Human Gene Therapy10 Pharmacogenetics11 Gene Therapy12 Molecular Biology And Evolution13 Genes Chromosomes & Cancer14 Genetics15 Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics16 Cancer Gene Therapy17 Genomics18 Immunogenetics19 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution20 Journal Of Molecular Evolution21 Developmental Genetics22 European Journal Of Human Genetics23 Annals Of Human Genetics24 Journal Of Molecular Medicine-Jmm25 Molecular & General Genetics26 Evolution27 Chromosoma28 Human Genetics29 Environmental And Molecular Mutagenesis30 Cytogenetics And Cell Genetics31 Journal Of Medical Genetics32 Behavior Genetics33 Human Mutation34 Dna And Cell Biology35 Mammalian Genome36 Theoretical And Applied Genetics37 Chromosome Research38 Journal Of Heredity39 Journal Of Heredity40 Evolutionary Biology41 American Journal Of Medical Genetics42 Current Genetics43 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology44 Heredity45 Genome46 Gene47 Evolutionary Ecology48 Genetical Research49 Mutagenesis50 Genetic Epidemiology51 Theoretical Population Biology52 Prenatal Diagnosis53 Cancer Genetics And Cytogenetics54 Plasmid55 Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease56 Virus Genes57 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics58 European Journal Of Immunogenetics59 Animal Genetics60 Fungal Genetics And Biology61 Human Biology62 Journal Of Craniofacial Genetics And Developmental Biology63 Journal Of Neurogenetics64 Human Heredity65 Genetica66 Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research67 Biochemical Genetics68 Experimental And Clinical Immunogenetics69 Clinical Genetics70 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering71 Disease Markers72 Dna Sequence73 Japanese Journal Of Human Genetics74 Annales De Genetique75 Silvae Genetica76 Genes & Genetic Systems77 Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis And Mutagenesis78 Hereditas79 Journal Of Genetics80 Genetika81 Caryologia12. Biomaterials(生物材料)#1 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research2 Dental Materials#3 Biomaterials4 Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes And Immobilization Biotechnology5 Journal Of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition#6 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers13. Microbiology(微生物学)1 Clinical Microbiology Reviews2 Advances In Microbial Physiology3 Molecular Microbiology4 Journal Of Clinical Microbiology5 International Journal Of Systematic Bacteriology6 Journal Of Bacteriology7 Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy8 Applied And Environmental Microbiology9 Fems Microbiology Reviews10 Clinical Infectious Diseases11 Yeast12 Critical Reviews In Microbiology13 Archives Of Microbiology14 Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy15 Microbiology-Uk16 Fems Microbiology Ecology17 Current Topics In Microbiology And Immunology18 Medical Microbiology And Immunology19 European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases20 Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal Of General And Molecular Micr21 Systematic And Applied Microbiology22 Research In Microbiology23 Microbial Ecology24 Fems Microbiology Letters25 Journal Of Medical Microbiology26 Journal Of Antibiotics27 Diagnostic Microbiology And Infectious Disease28 Microbial Pathogenesis29 Oral Microbiology And Immunology30 Veterinary Microbiology31 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology。

化学专业英语 马永祥 兰州大学--翻译

化学专业英语 马永祥 兰州大学--翻译

1. The Elements and The Periodic Table元素和周期表The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The numbers of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass of the number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z.refer to sb. [sth.] as 称某人(物)为be determined by 由…确定原子核中质子的数目称为原子序数,或者质子数,以Z表示。






即原子中质子数=A-ZThe term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all kinds of a single kind. To the chemist the “kind” of an atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z=1 to Z=107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters,for example:元素这个术语指的是仅仅由同一种类的原子组成的物质。



HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFLUOXETINE HClC17H18F3NO•HClM.W. = 345.79CAS — 59333-67-4STABILITY INDICATINGA S S A Y V A L I D A T I O NMethod is suitable for:ýIn-process controlþProduct ReleaseþStability indicating analysis (Suitability - US/EU Product) CAUTIONFLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE IS A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL AND SHOULD BE HANDLED ONLY UNDER CONDITIONS SUITABLE FOR HAZARDOUS WORK.IT IS HIGHLY PRESSURE SENSITIVE AND ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID ANY MECHANICAL FORCE (SUCH AS GRINDING, CRUSHING, ETC.) ON THE POWDER.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ PRECISION............................................................................................................................... System Repeatability ................................................................................................................ Method Repeatability................................................................................................................. Intermediate Precision .............................................................................................................. LINEARITY................................................................................................................................ RANGE...................................................................................................................................... ACCURACY............................................................................................................................... Accuracy of Standard Injections................................................................................................ Accuracy of the Drug Product.................................................................................................... VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATION........................................... Linearity at Low Concentrations................................................................................................. Accuracy of Fluoxetine HCl at Low Concentration..................................................................... System Repeatability................................................................................................................. Quantitation Limit....................................................................................................................... Detection Limit........................................................................................................................... VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl (POSSIBLE IMPURITIES).................................. Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%........................................................................... Detection Limit for Fluoxetine HCl.............................................................................................. Quantitation Limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl................................................................................ Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl ............................................................................................ Method Repeatability for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl........................................................................... Intermediate Precision for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl......................................................................... SPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATION OF THE METHOD............................. FORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT AND STANDARD..................................1. Unstressed analysis...............................................................................................................2. Acid Hydrolysis stressed analysis..........................................................................................3. Base hydrolysis stressed analysis.........................................................................................4. Oxidation stressed analysis...................................................................................................5. Sunlight stressed analysis.....................................................................................................6. Heat of solution stressed analysis.........................................................................................7. Heat of powder stressed analysis.......................................................................................... System Suitability stressed analysis.......................................................................................... Placebo...................................................................................................................................... STABILITY OF STANDARD AND SAMPLE SOLUTIONS......................................................... Standard Solution...................................................................................................................... Sample Solutions....................................................................................................................... ROBUSTNESS.......................................................................................................................... Extraction................................................................................................................................... Factorial Design......................................................................................................................... CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationBACKGROUNDTherapeutically, Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a classified as a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor. Effectively used for the treatment of various depressions. Fluoxetine hydrochloride has been shown to have comparable efficacy to tricyclic antidepressants but with fewer anticholinergic side effects. The patent expiry becomes effective in 2001 (US). INTRODUCTIONFluoxetine capsules were prepared in two dosage strengths: 10mg and 20mg dosage strengths with the same capsule weight. The formulas are essentially similar and geometrically equivalent with the same ingredients and proportions. Minor changes in non-active proportions account for the change in active ingredient amounts from the 10 and 20 mg strength.The following validation, for the method SI-IAG-206-02 , includes assay and determination of Meta-Fluoxetine by HPLC, is based on the analytical method validation SI-IAG-209-06. Currently the method is the in-house method performed for Stability Studies. The Validation was performed on the 20mg dosage samples, IAG-21-001 and IAG-21-002.In the forced degradation studies, the two placebo samples were also used. PRECISIONSYSTEM REPEATABILITYFive replicate injections of the standard solution at the concentration of 0.4242mg/mL as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the peak areas was calculated.SAMPLE PEAK AREA#15390#25406#35405#45405#55406Average5402.7SD 6.1% RSD0.1ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::PRECISION - Method RepeatabilityThe full HPLC method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method repeated six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.SAMPLENumber%ASSAYof labeled amountI 96.9II 97.8III 98.2IV 97.4V 97.7VI 98.5(%) Average97.7SD 0.6(%) RSD0.6PRECISION - Intermediate PrecisionThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method was repeated six times by a second analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument. The average assay and the relative standard deviation (RSD) were calculated.SAMPLENumber% ASSAYof labeled amountI 98.3II 96.3III 94.6IV 96.3V 97.8VI 93.3Average (%)96.1SD 2.0RSD (%)2.1The difference between the average results of method repeatability and the intermediate precision is 1.7%.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationLINEARITYStandard solutions were prepared at 50% to 200% of the nominal concentration required by the assay procedure. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over the concentration range required. Y-Intercept was found to be insignificant.RANGEDifferent concentrations of the sample (IAG-21-001) for the 20mg dosage form were prepared, covering between 50% - 200% of the nominal weight of the sample.Conc. (%)Conc. (mg/mL)Peak Area% Assayof labeled amount500.20116235096.7700.27935334099.21000.39734463296.61500.64480757797.52000.79448939497.9(%) Average97.6SD 1.0(%) RSD 1.0ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::RANGE (cont.)The results demonstrate linearity as well over the specified range.Correlation coefficient (RSQ)0.99981 Slope11808.3Y -Interceptresponse at 100%* 100 (%) 0.3%ACCURACYACCURACY OF STANDARD INJECTIONSFive (5) replicate injections of the working standard solution at concentration of 0.4242mg/mL, as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made.INJECTIONNO.PEAK AREA%ACCURACYI 539299.7II 540599.9III 540499.9IV 5406100.0V 5407100.0Average 5402.899.9%SD 6.10.1RSD, (%)0.10.1The percent deviation from the true value wasdetermined from the linear regression lineHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::ACCURACY OF THE DRUG PRODUCTAdmixtures of non-actives (placebo, batch IAG-21-001 ) with Fluoxetine HCl were prepared at the same proportion as in a capsule (70%-180% of the nominal concentration).Three preparations were made for each concentration and the recovery was calculated.Conc.(%)Placebo Wt.(mg)Fluoxetine HCl Wt.(mg)Peak Area%Accuracy Average (%)70%7079.477.843465102.27079.687.873427100.77079.618.013465100.0101.0100%10079.6211.25476397.910080.8011.42491799.610079.6011.42485498.398.6130%13079.7214.90640599.413080.3114.75632899.213081.3314.766402100.399.618079.9920.10863699.318079.3820.45879499.418080.0820.32874899.599.4Placebo, Batch Lot IAG-21-001HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HClAT LOW CONCENTRATIONLINEARITY AT LOW CONCENTRATIONSStandard solution of Fluoxetine were prepared at approximately 0.02%-1.0% of the working concentration required by the method SI-IAG-206-02. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over this range.ACCURACY OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATIONThe peak areas of the standard solution at the working concentration were measured and the percent deviation from the true value, as determined from the linear regression was calculated.SAMPLECONC.µg/100mLAREA FOUND%ACCURACYI 470.56258499.7II 470.56359098.1III 470.561585101.3IV 470.561940100.7V 470.56252599.8VI 470.56271599.5(%) AverageSlope = 132.7395299.9SD Y-Intercept = -65.872371.1(%) RSD1.1HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSystem RepeatabilitySix replicate injections of standard solution at 0.02% and 0.05% of working concentration as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation was calculated.SAMPLE FLUOXETINE HCl AREA0.02%0.05%I10173623II11503731III10103475IV10623390V10393315VI10953235Average10623462RSD, (%) 5.0 5.4Quantitation Limit - QLThe quantitation limit ( QL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was quantified. The quantitation limit for Fluoxetine HCl is 0.02% of the working standard concentration with resulting RSD (for six injections) of 5.0%. Detection Limit - DLThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected. The detection limit of Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.01% of the working standard concentration.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl(EVALUATING POSSIBLE IMPURITIES)Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%Relative Response Factor (F)Relative response factor for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl was determined as slope of Fluoxetine HCl divided by the slope of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl from the linearity graphs (analysed at the same time).F =132.7395274.859534= 1.8Detection Limit (DL) for Fluoxetine HClThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected.Detection limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.02%.Quantitation Limit (QL) for Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe QL is determined by the analysis of samples with known concentration of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl and by establishing the minimum level at which the Meta-Fluoxetine HCl can be quantified with acceptable accuracy and precision.Six individual preparations of standard and placebo spiked with Meta-Fluoxetine HCl solution to give solution with 0.05% of Meta Fluoxetine HCl, were injected into the HPLC and the recovery was calculated.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES].Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100ml)Area in SpikedSampleFound Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)0.0521.783326125.735118.10.0521.783326825.821118.50.0521.783292021.55799.00.0521.783324125.490117.00.0521.783287220.96996.30.0521.783328526.030119.5(%) AVERAGE111.4SD The recovery result of 6 samples is between 80%-120%.10.7(%) RSDQL for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is 0.05%.9.6Accuracy for Meta Fluoxetine HClDetermination of Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl impurity was assessed using triplicate samples (of the drug product) spiked with known quantities of Meta Fluoxetine HCl impurity at three concentrations levels (namely 80%, 100% and 120% of the specified limit - 0.05%).The results are within specifications:For 0.4% and 0.5% recovery of 85% -115%For 0.6% recovery of 90%-110%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES]Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100mL)Area in spikedSample Found Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)[0.4%]0.4174.2614283182.66104.820.4174.2614606187.11107.370.4174.2614351183.59105.36[0.5%]0.5217.8317344224.85103.220.5217.8316713216.1599.230.5217.8317341224.81103.20[0.6%]0.6261.3918367238.9591.420.6261.3920606269.81103.220.6261.3920237264.73101.28RECOVERY DATA DETERMINED IN SPIKED SAMPLESHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::REPEATABILITYMethod Repeatability - Meta Fluoxetine HClThe full method (as described in SI-IAG-206-02) was carried out on the finished drug product representing lot number IAG-21-001-(1). The HPLC method repeated serially, six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.IAG-21-001 20mg CAPSULES - FLUOXETINESample% Meta Fluoxetine % Meta-Fluoxetine 1 in Spiked Solution10.0260.09520.0270.08630.0320.07740.0300.07450.0240.09060.0280.063AVERAGE (%)0.0280.081SD 0.0030.012RSD, (%)10.314.51NOTE :All results are less than QL (0.05%) therefore spiked samples with 0.05% Meta Fluoxetine HCl were injected.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::Intermediate Precision - Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was applied on the finished product IAG-21-001-(1) .It was repeated six times, with a different analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument.The difference between the average results obtained by the method repeatability and the intermediate precision was less than 30.0%, (11.4% for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl as is and 28.5% for spiked solution).IAG-21-001 20mg - CAPSULES FLUOXETINESample N o:Percentage Meta-fluoxetine% Meta-fluoxetine 1 in spiked solution10.0260.06920.0270.05730.0120.06140.0210.05850.0360.05560.0270.079(%) AVERAGE0.0250.063SD 0.0080.009(%) RSD31.514.51NOTE:All results obtained were well below the QL (0.05%) thus spiked samples slightly greater than 0.05% Meta-Fluoxetine HCl were injected. The RSD at the QL of the spiked solution was 14.5%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATIONDemonstration of the Stability Indicating parameters of the HPLC assay method [SI-IAG-206-02] for Fluoxetine 10 & 20mg capsules, a suitable photo-diode array detector was incorporated utilizing a commercial chromatography software managing system2, and applied to analyze a range of stressed samples of the finished drug product.GLOSSARY of PEAK PURITY RESULT NOTATION (as reported2):Purity Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity across a peak, i.e. the weighed average of all spectral contrast angles calculated by comparing all spectra in the integrated peak against the peak apex spectrum.Purity Threshold-is the sum of noise angle3 and solvent angle4. It is the limit of detection of shape differences between two spectra.Match Angle-is a comparison of the spectrum at the peak apex against a library spectrum.Match Threshold-is the sum of the match noise angle3 and match solvent angle4.3Noise Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by system noise.4Solvent Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by solvent composition.OVERVIEWT he assay of the main peak in each stressed solution is calculated according to the assay method SI-IAG-206-02, against the Standard Solution, injected on the same day.I f the Purity Angle is smaller than the Purity Threshold and the Match Angle is smaller than the Match Threshold, no significant differences between spectra can be detected. As a result no spectroscopic evidence for co-elution is evident and the peak is considered to be pure.T he stressed condition study indicated that the Fluoxetine peak is free from any appreciable degradation interference under the stressed conditions tested. Observed degradation products peaks were well separated from the main peak.1® PDA-996 Waters™ ; 2[Millennium 2010]ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT & STANDARD 1.UNSTRESSED SAMPLE1.1.Sample IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as stated in SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 98.5%.SAMPLE - UNSTRESSEDFluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.075Match Angle:0.407Purity Threshold:0.142Match Threshold:0.4251.2.Standard solution was prepared as stated in method SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 100.0%.Fluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.078Match Angle:0.379Purity Threshold:0.146Match Threshold:0.4272.ACID HYDROLYSIS2.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of conc. HCl was added to this solution The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system after filtration.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 98.8%.SAMPLE- ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.055Match Angle:0.143Purity Threshold:0.096Match Threshold:0.3712.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent were added. 2mL of conc. HCl were added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 97.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSTANDARD - ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.060Match Angle:0.060Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3713.BASE HYDROLYSIS3.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weight into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 99.3%.SAMPLE - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.063Match Angle:0.065Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3623.2.Standard stock solution was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : About 22mg Fluoxetine HCl was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added. 2mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH=5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease - 99.5%.STANDARD - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.081Match Angle:0.096Purity Threshold:0.103Match Threshold:0.3634.OXIDATION4.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02. An equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes.1.0mL of 30% H2O2 was added to the solution and allowed to stand for 5 hours, then made up to volume with Diluent, filtered and injected into HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSAMPLE - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.090Match Angle:0.400Purity Threshold:0.154Match Threshold:0.4294.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask and 25mL Diluent were added. 2mL of 30% H2O2 were added to this solution which was standing for 5 hours, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.8%.STANDARD - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.083Match Angle:0.416Purity Threshold:0.153Match Threshold:0.4295.SUNLIGHT5.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 45°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak decreased to 91.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 97.0%. The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak was observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.7%).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 93.9%.SAMPLE - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.093Match Angle:0.583Purity Threshold:0.148Match Threshold:0.825 ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSUNLIGHT (Cont.)5.2.Working standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1.5 hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 42°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 95.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 99.5%.The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak were observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.3).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 97.5%. STANDARD - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.067Match Angle:0.389Purity Threshold:0.134Match Threshold:0.8196.HEAT OF SOLUTION6.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001-(2) (20 mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . Equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution was sonicated for 10 minutes and made up to volume with Diluent. 4mL solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, heated at 105°C in an oven for 2 hours. The sample was cooled to ambient temperature, filtered and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 93.3%.SAMPLE - HEAT OF SOLUTION [105o C]Fluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.062Match Angle:0.460Purity Threshold:0.131Match Threshold:0.8186.2.Standard Working Solution (WS) was prepared under method SI-IAG-206-02 . 4mL of the working solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, placed in an oven at 105°C for 2 hours, cooled to ambient temperature and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did not decrease - 100.5%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::。



Active center. 活性中心A specialized region of an enzyme where the enzyme interacts with the substrate and catalyzes its conversion to products. Many aminoacyl residues contribute to the active center.Adenylyl cyclase. 腺苷酸环化酶An enzyme that catalyzes the synthetic reaction of cyclic AMP from ATP in response to hormones such as epinephrine and glucagon.Alanine-glucose cycle. 丙氨酸-葡萄糖循环A cooperative pathway between liver and muscle in which the ammonia and carbon from amino acid metabolism are removed from the muscle as alanine, taken up by the liver, transaminated to pyruvate, converted into glucose, and shipped out back to the muscle.albumin. 清蛋白Albumin makes up 50% to 55% of the proteins of plasma and is thought to be the main contributor to osmotic pressure of blood. Another important function is that albumin has very broad and non-specific binding properties.Allosteric enzyme. 变构酶Allosteric enzymes are enzymes whose activity at the catalytic site may be modulated by the presence of allosteric effectors at an allosteric site. Allosteric means “occupy another space”, so an allosteric effector occupy another space, giving an eff ect on enzymes.Allosteric regulation. 变构调节A type of enzyme regulation in which an effector binds to one site on the enzyme and increase or decreases the activity at another site. Allosteric regulation provides a rapid means for regulation of their activity.Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. 氨基酰tRNA合成酶The enzymes are responsible for the recognition and attachment of the 20 amino acids to specific tRNA.Anticodon. 反密码子The template-recognition site on tRNA is a sequence of three bases called the anticodon, which recognizes a complementary sequence of three bases on mRNA.Apoprotein. 载脂蛋白The protein moiety of a lipoprotein. They mediate the interaction between lipoproteins and tissues.Apoptosis. 细胞凋亡Programmed cell death. The programmed cell death is tightly regulated, which plays important roles in physiologic processes. Typical morphologic changes can be observed in apoptosis. One or more endonucleases degrade DNA, leading to characteristic ladder of discrete DNA fragment on electrophoresis.Bile salts. 胆汁酸盐Salt form of bile acids and their conjugates. Since bile contains significant quantities of sodium and potassium and the pH is alkaline, it is assumed that the bile acids and their conjugates are in a salt form, so called “bile salts.”Biotin. 生物素A cofactor involved in carboxylation reactions. Most enzymes that catalyze the ATP-dependent addition of CO2 to a substrate (like acetyl-CoA carboxylase) requires the cofactor biotin.Calcitonin. 降钙素A 32-amino-acid peptide secreted by the parathyroid. The dominant biological action of calcitonin is to mediate a lowering of serum calcium levels. The hypocalcemic and hypophosphatemic effects of calcitonin are believed to be due to an inhibition of PTH-mediated calcium resorption.Calcium-binding protein. 钙结合蛋白1,25(OH)2-D3 stimulates gene transcription and formation of specific mRNA that codes for “calcium-binding protein”, also called “Calbindin”. Three distinct vitamin D-induced “Calbindin” have been isolated. Two of them are found exclusively inside the intestinal and kidney cells, which are actively involved in calcium translocation.Calmodulin. 钙调蛋白A ubiquitous calcium sensor in eukaryotes, regulates the activities of many intracellular proteins. The binding of Ca2+ tomultiple sites in calmodulin induces a major conformational change that converts it from an inactive to an active form. Activated calmodulin binds to many enzymes and modifies their activities.cAMP. 环化腺苷一磷酸Second messenger for increased demand for energy and glucose. cAMP activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Increased cAMP levels are associated with increased protein phosphorylation. Increases in the cAMP concentration cause activation of glycogen degradation, increased fatty acid breakdown, stimulation of glycolysis in muscle, and stimulation of gluconeogenesis in the liver.cAMP-dependent protein kinase,PKA. 依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶Most effects of cyclic AMP in eukaryotic cells are mediated by the activation of a single protein kinase. This key enzyme is called protein kinase A or cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which alters the activities of target proteins by phosphorylating specific serine or threonine residues.Capping. 帽子生成Putting a 7-meth ylguanosine triphosphate on the 5’ end of an mRNA molecule. Capping is involved in the recognition of mRNA and may increase the stability of the RNA by preventing the attack of 5’exonucleases.Carnitine shuttle. 肉碱穿梭Gets fatty acyl groups into mitochondria. Fatty acyl-CoA in the cytosol is transferred to carnitine to make fatty acyl carnitine, which is transported into mitochondria. Once inside, the fatty acyl group is transferred to CoA and the carnitine is returned to the mitochondrial membrane.Catabolic pathway.分解代谢途径Degradative metabolism. Catabolic pathways involve oxidative processes that release free energy.Catabolic repression. 分解代谢阻遏Catabolic repression means that an intermediate in a sequence of catabolic enzyme-catalyzed reactions has ability to repress synthesis of catabolic enzymes.Catabolite gene activator protein, CAP. 分解(代谢)物基因激活蛋白A cAMP-binding protein that is capable of stimulating transcription by binding to certain promoter sites. It consists of two subunits, each of which contains a DNA-binding domain and a cAMP binding domain.cDNA library. cDNA文库A library is a collection of recombinant clones. cDNA library represents the population of mRNA in a tissue. See also cDNA. cDNA. 互补DNAComplementary DNA. cDNA copies from a population of cytoplasmic mRNA using enzyme reverse transcriptase, converting the cDNA single strands to double-stranded DNA. The reverse transcriptase copies RNA templates into DNA-RNA hybrids. After the RNA in these hybrids is specifically destroyed, double-stranded DNA may be produced by DNA polymerase. cDNA is a copy of an mRNA so that it contains only the exon sequences.cis-acting element. 顺式作用元件This word described the regulatory interactions between two DNA sequences on the same gene. An enhancer or repressor sequence in the DNA is a cis-acting element or factor that affects the transcription of the gene.cistron. 顺反子A stretch of DNA that carries the information for a polypeptide chain is called cistron.Clone. 克隆Group of cells or sequences of DNA that are identical with a single parental cell or molecule.Coding strand. 编码链The coding strand of DNA has the same sequence as that of the RNA transcript except for T in place of U. It is so-called because it matches the RNA transcript that encodes the protein. The coding strand is also known as the sense strand.codon. 密码子Each amino acid in a protein is specified by an mRNA sequence of three nucleotides, which is called a codon.Coenzyme. 辅酶A molecule bound to an enzyme and is essential for its activity. The coenzymes allow the enzyme to have functional groupsthat are not available from the side chains of the amino acids.Competitive inhibition. 竞争性抑制Substrate and inhibitor combine at the same site and result in raising the apparent Km for the substrate.. In competitive inhibition, inhibitor can be completely displaced by a high concentration of the substrate.Configuration. 构型The stereochemical arrangement of atoms in a molecule. Configuration cannot be changed without breaking and reforming covalent bonds.Conformation. 构象Differences in rotation around bonds. The conformation of a molecular can be changed by simply rotating groups around single bonds.Conjugated bilirubin. 结合胆红素Adding glucuronic acid molecules to bilirubin. Hepatocytes perform the process and convert bilirubin to a water-soluble form.Cosmid vector. 柯斯质粒载体A special class o f artificially constructed E.coli plasmids that carry the λ cos site, which allows them to be packaged intoλphage particles for efficient introduction into bacteria.Creatine kinase. 肌酸激酶Kinases incorporate phosphate from ATP into the substrate. Creatine kinase converts creatine to creatine phosphate, a major energy reserves in novo synthesis. 从头合成Biosynthesis of nucleotides with simple materials. Purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides are synthesized via two pathways, in which the purines are built as nucleotides via phosphoribosyl intermediates, whereas the pyrimidine ring is completed to the stage of orotate before coupling to ribose.degenerate. 简并More than one codon can specify the same amino acid and all codons are unambiguous in that each specifies no more than one amino acid.Denaturation. 变性Destroy the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of a protein, DNA, or RNA molecule.DNA damage. DNA损伤DNA damage is that changes in the DNA sequence resulted from copying errors and the effects of various physical and chemical agents or carcinogens,which alters one or more nucleotides in DNA.DNA polymerase. DNA聚合酶The principal synthetic enzyme, DNA polymerase, extends the primers in the 5’ to 3’ direction by catalyzing add ition of deoxyribonucleoside 5’-phosphates to the primer 3’ends. Synthesis proceeds in the 5’ to 3’ direction as the template strand is read in the 3’ to 5’ direction.DNA Replication. DNA复制Generation of a new copy of double-stranded DNA from a parental DNA molecule.Domain. 结构域Some polypeptide chains fold into two or more compact supersecondary structures. These compact globular supersecondary structures are called domains, which is one level of protein’s structures between secondary structure and tertiary structure.Effector. 效应剂A class of small molecules capable of binding at a regulatory site. The binding of an effector changes the conformation of the enzyme so as to alter the kinetic properties of the catalytic site.Enhancer. 增强子The sequence elements that can increase the rate of transcription initiation of eukaryotic genes. Enhancers have no promoter activity of their own but they can exert their stimulatory actions over distances of several thousand base pairs.Enterohepatic circulation. 肠肝循环The primary bile acids are synthesized in the liver and the secondary bile acids are formed in the intestine. The secondary bile acids are absorbed in the intestine, returning to the liver then recycle between intestine and liver, which is known as the entero-hepatic circulation.Epidermal growth factor (EGF) . 表皮生长因子Epidermal growth factor can stimulates growth of many epidermal and epithelial cells. Also see “growth factor”.Essential amino acid. 必需氨基酸The amino acids that humans can not synthesize. The human diet must contain these amino acids to support growth or maintain health.exon. 外显子Regions that are retained in the mature RNA.FAD. 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide. FAD is derived from vitamin riboflavin, which serves as cofactor for oxidation and reduction reactions.Fat. 脂肪Mainly stored as triglyceride in adipose tissue. The adipose tissue releases fatty acids by the activation a hormone-sensitive lipase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the triglyceride. The fatty acids are then transported through the serum and oxidized via b oxidation in the tissues to yield energy.Feedback inhibition . 反馈抑制Feedback inhibition refers to the inhibition of the activity of an enzyme in a biosynthetic pathway by an end product of that pathway.Ferritin. 铁蛋白Intracellular form of iron storage. It stores iron that can be used as condition requires.FH4. 四氢叶酸Tetrahydrofolate. A reduced form of folic acid involved intimately in one-carbon transfer reactions.Gene. 基因A stretch of DNA that carries the information for a polypeptide chain is called gene or cistron. Also see cistron.Genome. 基因组Total information of gene contained in a cell, an organism or a virus.Genomic DNA library. 基因组DNA文库Fragments of DNA from the genome of some organism. They are prepared from the total DNA of a cell line or tissue by performing partial digestion of total DNA with a restriction enzyme that cuts DNA frequently. It contains exons, introns, untranslated regions that can occur in DNA.Glucogenic amino acid. 生糖氨基酸The amino acid that yield pyruvate or citric cycle intermediates.Gluconeogenesis. 糖异生Making glucose or glycogen from noncarbohydrate. The term used to include all mechanisms and pathways responsible for converting noncarbohydrate to glucose or glycogen.Glycerol-a-phosphate shuttle. a-磷酸甘油穿梭Get electron from cytoplasmic NADH into the mitochondria so that 2 ATPs can be made by oxidation of the NADH. The enzymes of the shuttle in mitochondria is linked to the respiratory chain via a flavoprotein.Glycolysis. 酵解Metabolic pathway that provides pyruvate as fuel to the citric cycle or for fat synthesis. In the absence of oxygen, lactate is produced from the pyruvate to regenerate NAD+ so that the pathway can continue to work in the absence of oxygen.Gout. 痛风It is an inherited metabolic disease that affects the joints and kidneys caused by hyperuricemia. Though some patients have a partial deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT), it is not sole cause of the disease.Growth factor. 生长因子Small polypeptides (more properly called cytokines) that stimulate the growth of particular classes of cells. The factors have a variety of effects, including changes in the uptake of small molecules, initiation or stimulation of the cell cycle, and ultimately cell division. Examples of secreted cytokines are EGF (epidermal growth factor), PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), and insulin.Guide RNA. 指导RNAGuide RNA is a sequence that is complementary to the correctly edited mRNA.Hairpin structure. 发夹结构A double-helical stretch formed by base paring between neighboring complementary sequences of a single strand of DNA or RNA.Helicase. 解链酶An enzyme whose activity involved in DNA replication that relieves the strain associated with unwinding the DNA double helix during replication.Heme. 血红素A cofactor consisting of a porphyrin ring containing an iron atom. Heme has different functions depending on the protein that used them as a cofactor. Heme are used to carry oxygen without oxidizing it in hemoglobin and myoglobin, but in other proteins, like cytochrome P450, the heme iron produces a very reactive iron-oxygen species at the active site. Hemoglobin. 血红蛋白Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying system found in erythrocytes, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body. The quaternary structure of hemoglobin confers its allosteric properties that adapt it to its biologic roles and permit its precise regulation.Hexokinase. 己糖激酶Responsible for the phosphorylation of glucose for entry into glycolysis, glycogen synthesis, or the pentose phosphate pathway.hnRNA. 不均一核内RNAHeterogeneous nuclear RNA. They are formed in the nucleus that is a precursor to mRNA, which has both the intron and exon sequences.Hormone response element, HRE. 激素反应元件A specific DNA sequences capable of binding activated receptors. These elements regulate the gene expression. Both steroids and peptide hormones exert their effects on transcription through HREs, but the initial reactions are different.Housekeeping gene. 管家基因The genes that are expressed at a reasonably constant rate and not known to be subject to regulation.Induction. 诱导Synthesis of a particular protein in response to a signal stimulation in cellular metabolism. For example, the synthesis of an enzyme can be induced by its substrate.Intron. 内含子The mosaic nature of eukaryotic genes is discontinuous. The primary transcript of a gene contains the regions that are not present in the mRNA. Regions that are removed from the primary transcript are called introns.Isoelectric point. 等电点The pH at which a molecule has a net zero charge.Isomerase. 异构酶An enzyme that catalyzes an intramolecular rearrangement.Isozyme. 同工酶Distinct physical forms of an enzyme with the same catalytic activity. Separation and identification of isozymes is of diagnostic value.Jaundice. 黄疸When bilirubin in the blood reaches a certain concentration, hyperbilirubinemia exists and bilirubin diffuses into the tissues,which then became yellow. The condition is called jaundice.Ketogenic amino acid. 生酮氨基酸An amino acid that yields only acetyl-CoA. They can not yield pyruvate or tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates.Ketone bodies. 酮体Acetoacetate, hydroxybutyrate and acetone. At high rate of fatty acid oxidation, the liver produces considerable quantities of acetoacetate and hydroxybutyrate. The former continually undergoes spontaneous decarboxylation to yield acetone. Ketone bodies are metabolized in muscle and brain as an energy source.Km. 米氏常数If an enzyme follows hyperbolic kinetics, the Km is equal to the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half its maximal value.Ligase. 连接酶A ligase catalyzes the joining of two pieces of DNA covalently. DNA ligase joins the backbone phosphates in a phosphodiester bond.Lipids. 脂类Lipids consist of a diverse set of hydrophobic molecules including triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, and so forth. It is soluble in organic solvents like chloroform or ether.Malate-Aspartate shuttle. 苹果酸-天冬氨酸穿梭Gets electrons from cytoplasmic NADH into the mitochondria so that 3 ATPs can be produced by oxidation of the NADH.Mitogen-activited-protein kinase ( MAPK). 有丝分裂原激活蛋白激酶Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is one of the most ancient signaling molecules and is involved in multiple cellular processes, including cell proliferation, cell growth, and cell death.Messenger RNA (mRNA). 信使RNAThe RNA in cytoplasm that serve as templates for protein synthesis. The primary RNA transcript is processed to mRNA by adding a cap and a tail and removing introns.NAD+-NADH. 辅酶INicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NADH is an electron carrier. NAD+ accepts two electrons and a proton from substrates and ultimately transfers them to the electron transport chain to make three ATPs and H2O.Nicotinic acid. 尼克酸A vitamin that serves as a source of the pyridine ring of NAD+ and NADP+. Dietary deficiency of nicotinic acid can lead to pellagra. Humans can synthesize nicotinic acid that derived from tryptophan. Non-competitive inhibition. 非竞争性抑制In non-competitive inhibition, inhibitor bind to a different domain of an enzyme, lowering the maximum velocity but with normal Km.Nucleosides. 核苷A nucleoside consists of a purine or pyrimidine base linked to a pentose. Nucleotides. 核苷酸A nucleotide is a phosphate ester of a nucleoside on 3’- or 5’-carbon of ribose. Phosphorylation on 5’-carbon of ribose is the one most commonly esterified forms.Okazaki fragment. 冈崎片段The short discontinuous segments, which later are joined by DNA ligase, are called Okazaki fragment after their discoverer. Oncogene. 癌基因Oncogenes are the genes capable of changing a normal cell into a transformed cells. Many oncogenes encode abnormal signal transduction proteins involved in imitating the action of polypeptide growth factor.Operator. 操纵序列The operator is a DNA segment adjacent to the structural genes. The binding of the repressor to the operator prevents the transcription of these genes.Operon. 操纵子A collection of prokaryotic structural genes that are present in a linear array and whose expression is controlled by the same regulatory region of the DNA. This arrangement allows simple control over the expression of proteins that are all needed fora common job. It should be noted that an operon includes both operator and its associated structural genes.Osteomalacia. 软骨病Osteomalacia is caused by vitamin D deficiency in the adult, which leads to softening and weakening of bones.Oxidation. 氧化When something is oxidized, something else must become reduced. With removal of an electron, ferrous is oxidized to ferric ion. So oxidation is a process with the loss of electrons.Oxidative phosphorylation. 氧化磷酸化The process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH2 to oxygen by a series of electron carriers.Parathyroid hormone (PTH) . 甲状旁腺素Parathyroid hormone, an 84-amino acid-containing protein, is secreted by the chief cells of the parathyroid gland. The biological actions of PTH are related to regulate calcium metabolism.Pentose phosphate pathway. 磷酸戊糖途径An alternative route for the metabolism of glucose. The pathway generates both NADPH for reductive syntheses and ribose residues for nucleotide biosynthesis.Peptide bond. 肽键The bond that the a-carboxyl group of one amino acid is joined to the a-amino group of another amino acid by an amide bond in a polypeptide.Phospholipase C. 磷脂酶CThe activation of the phospholipase C is mediated by G protein. The active form of the enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of a membrane-bounded substrate to form two second messengers, diacylglyceride and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. Diacylglyceride is capable of activating protein kinase C. Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate is effective for the release of calcium from intracellular calcium pool.Plasmid. 质粒Independently replicating circular pieces of DNA whose natural function is to confer antibiotic resistance to the host cell.Platelet-derived growth factor. 血小板源生长因子Platelet-derived growth factor can stimulates growth of messenchymal and glial cells. Also see “growth factor”.Point mutation. 点突变It is cause by a single base change of DNA gemone, which in turn results in a change in the messenger RNA, a structural abnormality of gene expression.Polycistronic mRNA. 多顺反子mRNAA single mRNA that encodes more than one separately translated protein is referred to as a polycistronic mRNA, which contains multiple independent translation start and stop codons for each cistron.Polypeptide chain. 多肽链Many amino acids joined by peptide bonds form a polypeptide chain, which has two different ends, i.e. N-terminal and C-terminal respectively.Polyribosome. 多核糖体An mRNA molecule with many ribosomes bound to it. Many ribosomes can translate the same mRNA simultaneously.Primary transcript. 初级转录本Primary transcript is the original unmodified RNA product corresponding to a transcription unit.Primase. 引物酶Primase catalyzes polymerization of ribonucleoside 5’-triphosphates to form RNA primers. The sequence of monomer addition is dictated by a template strand of DNA and the chain lengths of primers are usually 10-50 nucleotides.Promoter. 启动子Promoter is a region of DNA involved in binding of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.Prosthetic group. 辅基Many proteins require tightly bound, specific nonpolypeptide units for their biological activities. Such a unit is called aprosthetic group.Protease. 蛋白酶An enzyme that hydrolyzes the amide bonds in a protein. Most proteases recognize a specific type of amino acid side chain and cleave the protein at specific points.Proto-oncogene. 原癌基因Normal cellular genes with the potential to become oncogenes are called proto-oncogenes or cellular oncogenes. These genes were conserved in a wide range of eukaryotic cells. The conserved sequences were important components of normal cells and their products are believed to play important roles in normal differentiation and other cellular process.Pyridoxal phosphate. 磷酸吡多醛All transamination reactions require the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. The important functional groups of the coenzyme are the aldehyde group, which can form a Schiff base with the a-amino group of an amino acid and facilitate transamination. Rate-limiting enzyme. 限速酶Enzymes catalyzing committed steps in unidirectional anabolic and catabolic pathways, which act as natural governors of metabolic flow and represent the most efficient regulatory intervention.Receptor. 受体All of receptors are proteins that can selectively bind specific molecule and initiate their biologic effects.Recombinant DNA. 重组DNAInformation exchanging by breaking and joining chromosomal DNA. Recombination can occur between genes with similar sequences or between genes with different sequences.Reduction. 还原Chemically, reduction is defined as the gain of electrons. NAD+ is reduced to NADH. It follows that reduction is accompanied by oxidation of an electron donor.Replication. 复制Generation of a new copy of double-stranded DNA from a parental DNA molecule.Residue. 残基In a polypeptide chain, an amino acid unit is called a residue.Respiratory chain. 呼吸链Exists in the mitochondria, consists of a number of redox carriers. The respiratory chain provides most of the energy captured in metabolism.Restriction endonuclease. 限制性内切核酸酶The classes of endonucleases cut DNA at specific DNA sequences within the molecule.Reverse transcriptase. 反转录酶An RNA-directed DNA polymerase in retroviruses; capable of making DNA complementary to an RNA.Reverse transcription. 反转录RNA-directed synthesis of DNA, catalyzed by reverse transcriptase.Ribosomes. 核糖体Complex cytoplasmic particles each consisting of two ribonucleoprotein subunits. Translation of mRNA occurs on it.Ribozyme. 核酶A class of RNAs that meet all the classic criteria for definition as enzymes. These catalytic RNAs catalyze highly specific hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds in RNAs and are important in the processing events involved in maturation of pre-mRNA. Rickets. 佝偻病Vitamin D deficiency in childhood produces rickets characterized by low plasma calcium and phosphorus levels and by poorly mineralized bone with associated skeletal deformities.RNA editing. RNA 编辑The information content of some mRNA is altered following transcription by process other than RNA splicing.RNA Polymerase. RNA聚合酶RNA Polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes RNA using a DNA template.rRNA. 核蛋白体rRNARibosomal RNA. Structural components of ribosomes. There are several discrete size classes of rRNA, usually referred to by their sedimentation coefficients as 5S, 5.8S, 18S, and28S in eucaryotic cells.S-adenosyl methionine, SAM. S腺苷蛋氨酸SAM is a major donor of one-carbon unit at the methyl oxidation state, which is formed from methyl-THF and homocysteine by a vitamin B12-dependent reaction.Salting out. 盐析The solubility of the proteins is lowered at high salt concentrations, so-called the “salting out”. It can be used to fractionate proteins because the dependence of solubility on salt concentration differs from one protein to another.Salvage pathway. 补救合成途径The pathways that purines and pyrimidines derived from nucleic acid catabolism react with PRPP and form the corresponding ribonucleotides. Corresponding deoxyribonucleotides are produced by reduction of the ribonucleoside diphosphates, using NADPH as the reducing agent.Semiconservative replication. 半保留复制DNA replication follows a law called semiconservative replication, i.e., one of the strands of each daughter DNA molecule is newly synthesized, whereas the other is passed on unchanged from the parent DNA molecule.Sigma factor. σ因子Sigma factor is the subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase needed for initiation. It is the major influence on selection of binding sites (promoters).Signal transduction. 信号转导The process by which an extracellular signal is amplified and converted to a cellular response. For example, growth factors act on the cell cycle and mitosis via transmembrane signal transduction.snRNA. 小核RNASmall nuclear RNA. They have roles in RNA processing but are not directly involved in protein synthesis.Splicing. 剪接Splicing describes the removal of introns and joining of exons in RNA; thus introns are spliced out, while exons are spliced together.Substrate. 底物Reagent in a catalytic reaction by an enzyme.Synthase. 合酶A synthase is an enzyme that makes somet hing but doesn’t directly require the hydrolysis of ATP to do it.Synthetase. 合成酶A synthetase requires the hydrolysis of ATP to make the reaction go.Telomere. 端粒Specialized structure at the ends of chromosomes that allows replication of the extreme 5’ ends of the DNA without loss of genetic information.Template strand. 模板链The template strand, also known as the antisense strand, is one strand that the genetic information resides in the sequence of nucleotides in the double-stranded DNA molecules. This is the strand of DNA that is copied during nucleic acid synthesis. Terminator. 终止子Terminator is a sequence of DNA , represented at the end of the transcript, that causes RNA polymerase to terminate transcription.Thiamine pyrophosphate, TPP. 焦磷酸硫胺素It is derived from the vitamin thiamine, which is required for decarboxylation of a-keto acids and also involved in some transfer reactions of aldehyde derivatives.Topoisomerase. 拓扑异构酶Enzymes that catalyze topologic changes of DNA are called topoisomerases, which can relax or insert supercoils.。



1.姬松茸多糖对辐射损伤大鼠的抗氧化作用研究 [J], 王俊婷;刘剑英;蓝蕾;胡晓文
2.辐射损伤防治药物发展历史与展望 [J], 高月;马增春
3.抗氧化剂在子痫前期防治中的新进展 [J], 邹应芬(综述);程蔚蔚(审校)
4.几类辐射损伤防治药物的研究进展 [J], 舒心;杨娟娟
5.急性照射后骨髓间质和实质变化规律的研究及其在辐射损伤防治中的应用 [J], 常世琴





1.同步荧光增强效应测定蛋白质 [J], 刘潇彧;吴霞;杨景和
2.稀土元素荧光增强效应的研究——RE对Eu-2-(2-二苯乙酰基)-1,3-茚二酮-十六烷基三甲基溴化铵体系的荧光增强 [J], 司志坤
3.镧对铽荧光增强效应测定药物加替沙星胶囊中的加替沙星含量 [J], 赵悦辉;李烨;谭博;马丽丽;王冠乔;李刚;宋冬雪;AbdullahAbdu Ahmed;郑极慧;吕玉光;;;;;;;;;;
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5.稀土元素荧光增强效应的研究─RE对Eu-苯甲酰三氟丙酮-溴化十六烷基三甲基铵体系的荧光增强 [J], 朱贵云;司志坤;张斌;姜玮;胡敬田









该设备由日本理化学研究所高等理工学院Hsiao-hua Yu和洛杉矶加州理工大学分子和临床药理学系Hsian-Rong Tseng领导的团队研发。





这就是我们的设备与众不同的地方”,负责领导团队发明覆盖于该设备的聚合物刷的Hsiao-hua Yu解释道。



Progress in Polymer Science 37 (2012) 1657–1677Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectProgress in PolymerSciencej o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /p p o l y s ciPoly(lactic acid)crystallizationSajjad Saeidlou a ,Michel A.Huneault a ,∗,Hongbo Li b ,Chul B.Park ca Department of Chemical and Biotechnological Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Universitéde Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke,QC J1K 2R1,Canadab National Research Council of Canada,75,de Mortagne,Boucherville,QC J4B 6Y4,CanadacDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,University of Toronto,5King’s College Road,Toronto,ON M5S 3G8,Canadaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 25April 2012Received in revised form 13July 2012Accepted 16July 2012Available online 20 July 2012Keywords:Poly(lactic acid)Polylactide PLACrystallization Kinetics Reviewa b s t r a c tPoly(lactic acid)is a biobased and compostable thermoplastic polyester that has rapidly evolved into a competitive commodity material over the last decade.One key bottleneck in extending the use of PLA is the control of its crystallinity.Understanding the crystalliza-tion behavior is particularly crucial to control PLA’s degradation rate,thermal resistance as well as optical,mechanical and barrier properties.PLA crystallization has also been a par-ticularly rich topic from a fundamental point of view because of the existence of the two enantiomeric forms of lactic acid that can be used to control the crystallization rate but also to form high melting point stereocomplex structures.This article presents an overview of the current understanding on the fundamentals of PLA crystallization in quiescent condi-tions and on the practical means to enhance its rate.Data from the abundant literature on PLA crystallization were compiled and analyzed to provide comprehensive relationships between crystallization kinetics and the main molecular structure characteristics of PLA.In addition,the most promising efforts in enhancing PLA crystallization kinetics through plasticization or heterogeneous nucleation were reviewed.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................16582.Chain structure .....................................................................................................................16583.Crystal structure ....................................................................................................................16594.Structure–properties relationship ..................................................................................................16594.1.Glass transition temperature ...............................................................................................16594.2.Melting temperature and equilibrium melting point ......................................................................16604.3.Maximum achievable crystallinity..........................................................................................16625.Crystallization kinetics .............................................................................................................16625.1.Kinetics through visual observation ........................................................................................16625.2.Kinetics through calorimetry ...............................................................................................16656.PLA heterogeneous nucleation and plasticization .................................................................................16666.1.Nucleation . (1666)6.1.1.Chemical nucleating agents .......................................................................................16666.1.2.Mineral nucleating agents anic nucleants . (1667)∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+18198218000x65580;fax:+18198217955.E-mail (M.A.Huneault).0079-6700/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2012.07.0051658S.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science37 (2012) 1657–16776.1.4.Bio-based nucleants (1667)6.1.5.Carbon nanotubes(CNT) (1668)6.1.6.PLA stereocomplex (1668)6.1.7.Nucleation based on inorganic–organic hybrids (1669)6.2.Plasticization (1670)bination of nucleation and plasticization (1672)7.Conclusions (1673)Acknowledgement (1673)References (1673)1.IntroductionPoly(lactic acid)or PLA is a biodegradable polymer that can be produced from annually renewable resources[1]. It is an aliphatic thermoplastic polyester that boasts a high modulus,high strength and good clarity.Therefore, it has raised a lot of interest as a potential replacement for petroleum-based polymers.Before its introduction as a packaging and commodity material,specialty grades of PLA had been developed for biomedical uses.Its biocompatibil-ity and bioresorbability had made it a suitable choice for applications such as drug delivery systems,sutures,blood vessels,etc.The commercial introduction of bio-based PLA in2003has opened the way for more common applications. In particular,PLA has beenfinding an increasing number of applications in the packaging industry due to its good mechanical properties,transparency and compostability.The term poly(lactic acid)is slightly misleading.The PLA now commercialized for commodity applications is made from ring-opening polymerization of lactide,a dimer of lac-tic acid.Therefore,from a nomenclature point of view,we should refer to polylactide rather than to poly(lactic acid) but both terms are used indifferently in the scientific lit-erature.Another precision that needs to be made is that PLA does not refer to a single material but rather to a fam-ily of materials with a range of properties due to the chiral nature of lactic acid as we will explain later.One general drawback of the PLA family of material is that they exhibit a lower glass transition temperature(T g),up to about 60◦C,compared to competing polyesters.The ubiquitous polyethylene terephthalate,for example,possesses a T g around80◦C.Therefore,unless PLA can be crystallized to a large extent,its thermal resistance will remain relatively poor.For example,heat deflection temperature(HDT)and Vicat penetration temperature were increased more than 30and100◦C respectively,after amorphous samples were fully crystallized.As well,an increase inflexural modu-lus and strength by25%and increased impact resistance were reported following the full crystallization of amor-phous PLA[2,3].On the other hand,if one is interested in maintaining the PLA clarity or maximizing the biodegrad-ability of PLA,it might be useful to understand how to limit crystallization.Enzymatic degradation rate can be reduced by more than7times for highly crystalline PLA compared to the amorphous samples[4].Furthermore,barrier prop-erties are improved due to PLA crystallization.A study by Drieskens et al.[5]showed for crystallized PLA that oxygen and water vapor permeability coefficients were decreased by more than4and3times respectively,compared to amorphous references.This stresses the importance of PLA crystallization not only from a fundamental point of view but also for obvious market development considerations. Several authors have reviewed the synthesis,properties, processing and applications of PLA[1,6–10].The current review will focus specifically on the current understanding of PLA crystallization.In particular,we will examine the microstructure of PLA,the isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and will summarize the different strategies used to control or enhance crystallinity devel-opment during melt processing operations.2.Chain structureTo understand the crystallization behavior of PLA,it is useful tofirst examine its chain structure.PLA can be syn-thesized by two polymerization routes,polycondensation of lactic acid or ring-opening polymerization of lactide[8]. In both cases,lactic acid is the feedstock for PLA produc-tion.Due to an asymmetric carbon atom,lactic acid has two optically active forms called l-lactic acid and d-lactic acid.When producing PLA from lactide,three forms are possible:the ll-lactide made from two l-lactates,the dd-lactide from two d-lactates,and the ld or meso-lactide made from a combination of one l-and one d-lactate.In Fig.1,schematics of the lactic acid and lactide molecules are illustrated.The polymers coming from pure l-or pure d-feed are referred to as PLLA and PDLA mercial PLA grades however are usually based on an l-rich mixture as the majority of bacteria used in fermentation processes produce l-lactic acid predominantly.Due to purification issues,they typically comprise a minimum of1–2%D units. Since the two repeating units are optically active,they rotate polarized light in opposite directions.Specific opti-cal rotation values in chloroform at25◦C([˛]25)equal to −156◦and+156◦are commonly used in the literature for 100%pure PLLA and PDLA,respectively[11–15].A higher content of one repeating unit in polymer chain results in a higher rotation angle in that direction.Thus,by employing the following equation[16],one can calculate the molar fraction of D units(X D)in PLA:X D=[˛]25+156312(1)Based on the molar fraction and source of D units in PLA chains,i.e.,dd-lactide or meso-lactide,another importantS.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science37 (2012) 1657–16771659Fig.1.Stereochemistry of lactic acid and lactide molecules.parameter called the average isotactic sequence length(¯ ) is defined for l-lactide rich PLA as:¯ =aD(2)where a is a coefficient that depends on the source of D units in polymerization feed.It is equal to1if all D units are incorporated via meso-lactide,equal to2if they are all comprised of dd-lactide and between1and2depending on the ratio of meso and dd-lactide in the polymerization feed. Using the coefficient2for dd-lactide is due to the paring of D units in the random copolymerization of ll-lactide and dd-lactide.Another clarification about the latter equation is that it is correct for random copolymers.In some cases by employing specific initiators it is possible to have a prefer-ential monomer insertion into the growing chain resulting in a PLA with longer isotactic sequences compared to a statistical copolymer with the same X D[13,14].A higher¯ value means a higher level of chain order. Therefore,this parameter influences directly the crystal-lization behavior of PLA.It can be controlled by adjusting the ratio of ll,dd and meso-lactide in the monomer feed for PLA polymerization.However,in the course of polymeriza-tion,L or D units may convert into their counterpart form [17].This undesirable reaction called racemization will influence¯ and thus will disturb chain order.Another way that chain order may be disturbed is by inter or intramolec-ular trans-esterification reactions[11].Chain architecture is another aspect of chain structure. PLA is typically linear in its structure,but it is possible to produce it in different branched architectures by employ-ing multifunctional initiators[18–20]or co-monomers bearing initiation groups[21,22]in polymerization reac-tion.Multifunctional chain extenders[23,24]or peroxides [25,26]sometimes used for PLA to counterbalance chain scission are other potential sources of branching.Accord-ingly,it is useful to understand the effect of branching parameters such as branch’s length,amount and architec-ture on PLA crystallization behavior.3.Crystal structureDifferent crystal structures have been reported for PLA, the formation of which depends on the crystallization conditions.The most common␣-form occurring in con-ventional melt and solution crystallization conditions was first reported by De Santis and Kovacs[27]and investi-gated further in a number of studies[28–30].Based on WAXD and IR data,Zhang et al.reported the slightly dif-ferent␣ -form for PLA crystallized below120◦C[31].The chain conformation and crystal system of the␣ -form is similar to␣structure,but with a looser and less ordered chain packing.More recent studies suggest that only the ␣ crystal is formed at crystallization temperatures below 100◦C while crystallization between100and120◦C gives rise to the coexistence of␣ and␣crystal structures[32,33]. As a consequence of its looser chain packing and disor-dered structure,the␣ crystal leads to a lower modulus and barrier properties and to higher elongation at break compared to␣crystal[34].A␤-form,first observed by Eling et al.[35],is created by stretching the␣-form at high draw-ratio and high temperature such as in hot-drawing of melt or solution spunfibers[29,35].Melting tempera-ture of the␤structure is about10◦C lower compared to the␣crystal,implying that␤form is thermally less sta-ble[29].Later,Puiggali et al.[36]suggested that␤-form crystal is a frustrated structure with a trigonal cell con-taining three chains which are randomly oriented up and down.A more ordered crystal modification called␥was also reported by the same group[37].In the␥-form which was obtained by epitaxial crystallization of PLA on hex-amethylbenzene,two chains are oriented antiparallel in the crystal cell.Besides the homo-crystallization of PLLA and PDLA,these two enantiomeric chains can co-crystallize together and form a stereocomplex[38].In contrast to PLLA or PDLA homocrystals,the stereocomplex crystal cell con-tains one PLLA and one PDLA chain.Interestingly,melting point of the stereocomplex is about50◦C higher than that of PLA homocrystal.Thus,stereocomplexation may provide greater temperature resistance to the material.Properties of PLA crystal form are summarized in Table1.The densi-ties were calculated based on the reported cell parameters and the number of monomers in each unit cell.4.Structure–properties relationship4.1.Glass transition temperatureThe glass transition temperature,T g,plays an important role on the determination of PLA crystallization window since polymer chain mobility is related to T−T g.Fig.2 presents T g data as a function of molecular weight for dif-ferent d-lactate contents.The T g increases rapidly when the molecular weight is increased to80–100kg/mol but then reaches a constant value.At a given molecular weight,an increase in optical impurity,i.e.increase in minor unit con-centration(defined as d-lactate in the case of an l-rich PLA and as l-lactate for a d-rich PLA),decreases the glass tran-sition temperature to some extent but its effect on T g is not as significant as on T m.1660S.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science37 (2012) 1657–1677Table1Properties of different PLA crystal types.Crystal type Crystal system Chain conformation Cell parameters theoretical(g/cm3)a(nm)b(nm)c(nm)˛(◦)ˇ(◦) (◦)␣[27]Pseudo-orthorombic103helical 1.070.645 2.78909090 1.247␣[30]Orthorombic103helical 1.050.61 2.88909090 1.297␤[29]Orthorombic31helical 1.031 1.8210.90909090 1.275␤[36]Trigonal31helical 1.052 1.0520.889090120 1.277␥[37]Orthorombic31helical0.9950.6250.88909090 1.312SC[39]Triclinic31helical0.9160.9160.870109.2109.2109.8 1.274SC[40]Trigonal31helical 1.498 1.4980.8790901201.274Fig.2.T g vs.M n for different d-lactate concentrations.Data adapted from[41–44].The data points for different d-lactate contents pre-sented in Fig.2have beenfitted with the predictions of the Flory–Fox equation given byT g=T∞g−KM n(3)where T∞g is the glass transition temperature for infinite molecular weight,K is a constant and M n is the number-average molecular weight.Accordingly,we have found that K increases linearly with d-lactate concentration and that T∞g shows a decreasing trend that can be predicted quite well with a rational function.T∞g=13.36+1371.68X D0.22+24.3X D+0.42X2D(4) K=52.23+791X D(5)where T∞g and K are respectively expressed in◦C and in ◦C kg/mol.The solid curves in Fig.2are the relationships obtained using Eq.(3)and the equation parameters T∞g and K described above,showing that T g of PLA can be correctly estimated from these equations.PLA chain architecture is another influential parameter for T pared to the linear structure,a branched PLA has a lower T g value.This is due to the existence of a higher free volume caused by the higher number of chain ends. Pitet et al.[21]reported a10◦C decrease in T g for hyper branched PLA produced by copolymerization of lactide and glycidol while Zhao et al.[45]reported a5◦C decrease in TgFig.3.Melting temperature as a function of d-lactate content. Data adapted from[44,47–49].for a32-arms star shaped PLA produced by a poly(amido amine)dendrimer initiator.For lower branching contents such as star or comb like architectures with4–9arms[20] or by adding chain extender[46],no significant difference in T g was reported.4.2.Melting temperature and equilibrium melting pointFig.3compares the melting point data from several authors as a function of D-unit content in the polymer structure.Pure PLLA(0%data)exhibits the maximum melt-ing temperature,between175and180◦C depending on authors.The melting point decreases linearly with the d-lactate content.The best linearfit for each data set is presented as well.The slope of these lines varies between −5.5and−5.0,meaning that1%D-unit content results in approximately5◦C reduction in melting temperature.The difference between data presented in Fig.3is due to the dif-ferent molecular weight.For example,Kolstad reported T m for PLA with M n between50and130kg/mol[47]while data reported by Witzke[44]and Bigg[48]concern PLA with M w higher than100kg/mol.Furthermore,the thermal history applied by the authors differed slightly.The melting temperature of a polymer is expected to increase with the temperature at which it was crystallized (T c).Due to the kinetic barrier for crystallization when approaching the melting temperature,polymer crys-tallization is typically carried out at high undercoolings which limits the crystal thickness.However,in the limitingS.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science37 (2012) 1657–16771661Fig.4.T m and T0m as a function of minor repeating unit concentration,filled symbols for PDLA and open symbols for PLLA.Data adapted from[16].case when crystallization is in equilibrium with melting of crystals,the crystal grows large enough in all directions so that the melting point reaches its maximum value,the so-called equilibrium melting point(T0m).The effect of the D-content on the T0m of PLA can be calculated based on Hoffman–Weeks procedure[50].Fig.4addresses the effect of crystallization temperature and of minor unit concentration on melting point and presents the T0m values obtained for each minor unit concentration(i.e.the T c=T m line).As expected,T m decreases with minor unit concen-tration for all crystallization temperature.The melting point for any given minor unit content clearly increases as a function of the crystallization temperature.The data at T c=T m is compared to the Baur Model prediction.This model is used to calculate melting point depression due to random copolymerization with a non-crystallizable co-monomer.The Baur model[51]is a modification based on earlier development proposed by Flory[52]and is given by1T0m(copolymer)−1T0m(homopolymer)=−R(ln X−(1/¯ ))H0m(6)where X is the molar fraction of crystallizable units, H0m is the equilibrium enthalpy of fusion,R is the gas constant and¯ is the average sequence length of crystallizable units (see Eq.(2)).The model is identical to the one proposed by Flory except for the1/¯ term.The equilibrium melting point depression is well described by the Baur Model. The validity of the Baur equation was also reported by Huang et al.[53]as well as Baratian et al.[54]for PLA systems.The reported equilibrium melting temperature and equilibrium enthalpy of fusion of PLA are summarized in Table2with their calculation methods.Most authors report equilibrium melting temperatures between200and 215◦C.Variations may be due to variations in molecular weights and purity of the investigated polymers.In termsofFig.5.PLA Melting point as a function of molecular weight.Data adapted from[16,41,43,44,54,63,64].equilibrium melting enthalpies,estimations vary between 80and135J/g.Molecular weight is another factor that significantly influences the melting temperature.Fig.5illustrates the melting point variation with the number averaged molecular weight M n.The data has been compiled from seven papers where the PLA had less than1.25%minor units [16,41,43,44,54,63,64].The melting temperature increases dramatically with molecular weight for low M n but reaches an asymptotical value at M n>100kg/mol.It can be as low as 90◦C for PLA oligomers and increases up to185◦C for PLA in the100kg/mol range.It is noteworthy that commercial PLA grades with a molecular weight in the50–150kg/mol range are in the high-molecular weight plateau region and there-fore are not highly sensitive to molecular weight changes. In order to express the relationship between melting point and molecular weight in a simple way,the data from Fig.5 wasfitted using the following equation:T m=T∞m−AM n(7) with T∞m=181.3◦C and A=1.02×105◦C g/mol.This is a common molecular weight dependency used for expressing changes in polymer properties such glass tran-sition temperature,tensile strength,etc.The property is expressed as a function of the number-averaged molecular weight M n,and of a theoretical property value obtained at infinite molecular weight.As can be seen on thefigure,Eq.(7)gives a fair account of the effect of molecular weight on the melting temperature.In some circumstances,two peculiarities are observed in the DSC heating scans of semi-crystalline PLA.One is the emergence of a small exothermic peak just before the melting peak and the other one is the occurrence of a double melting peak.These two phenomena can be well explained by taking into consideration the crystallization conditions in parallel with the␣ and␣crystal formation requirements[32,33,65,66].When PLA is crystallized at temperatures corresponding to␣ crystal formation,the small exotherm appearing just before the single melting peak is due to the transformation of disordered␣ crystals1662S.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science 37 (2012) 1657–1677Table 2Reported equilibrium melting temperature and melting enthalpy for PLA.T 0m (◦C)H 0m (J/g)MethodValueRef.MethodValueRef.Hoffman-WeeksBaur200199[16]Baur82[16]Gibbs–Thomson Data fitting214215[53]–100[53]Hoffman-Weeks 207[55]Extrapolation to infinite crystal thicknessFlory model for solution grown crystals8193[56]Hoffman-Weeks 205[57]Hoffman-Weeks 206[58]Hoffman-Weeks 211,212[59]Hoffman-Weeks215[60]Hoffman-Weeks 215±10[28]Extrapolation to crystal density (density-enthalpy relation)135[61]MarandHoffman-Weeks 227199[41]Hoffman-Weeks (pseudo-equilibriumlamellar crystals)215[62]to the ordered ␣-form.On the other hand,a double melting behavior appears when the crystallization temperature is situated in the region of simultaneous ␣ and ␣type forma-tion.For high crystallization temperatures,only ␣crystals are produced leading to a single melting peak.Effect of branched structure on the melting point was also reported in a number of studies [20,23,45,46,67].T m was insensitive to branching when different contents of reactive copolymers (chain extenders)were employed to produce long chain branched PLA [23,46].However,in the case of star-shaped PLAs synthesized by multifunctional initiators,the magnitude of T m reduction was in direct relation with the number of arms.T m reduction between 5and 40◦C were observed for branched PLAs with 4–9arms [20,67]and 32arms [45],respectively.This behav-ior was attributed to the poor folding property of branched architecture due to steric hindrance as well as crystal imperfections caused by chain ends and branching points.4.3.Maximum achievable crystallinityBoth the molecular weight and d -Lactate content deter-mine the maximum achievable crystallinity.The enthalpy of fusion data obtained from various data sets are summa-rized in Fig.6.The maximum enthalpy of fusion decreases generally with molecular weight and minor unit concen-tration.The molecular weight effect can be explained by the higher restrictions of chain motion at higher molecular weights,while the reduction in maximum achievable crys-tallinity by increasing d -lactate content is expected from crystal disruption.At about 10–12mol.%(in the case of ran-dom distribution)of non-crystallizable unit,crystallinity is extremely low and so lengthy that PLA can be consid-ered completely amorphous.Furthermore,crystallinity is diminished if branching is imparted to PLA structure as a consequence of more difficult chain segment transporta-tion to crystallization pared to linear PLA,7–15%less crystallinity was achieved for star-shaped and long chain branched PLA [20,23,45,67].Fig.6.Effect of molecular weight and minor unit concentration on max-imum enthalpy of fusion.Data adapted from [16,47,53,63,68–73].5.Crystallization kinetics5.1.Kinetics through visual observationThe overall crystallization kinetics is typically examined in terms of two independent phenomena:initial crystal nucleation and of subsequent crystal growth.In practice,optical microscopy on thin polymer films is used to deter-mine the nucleation density and spherulite growth rates in isothermal conditions.The polymer film is usually first melted and rapidly cooled to the desired temperature.The size and number of spherulites can then be monitored over time.High-quality images and more accurate mea-surements are also reported by observation via an atomic force microscopy technique [74,75].The relation between the number of crystallization sites (spherulite density)with crystallization temperature for PLA is illustrated in Fig.7.The spherulite density was shown to decrease with tem-perature and the decreasing rate gradually accelerates with temperature.The growth phenomenon is evaluated by measuring spherulite radius with time.The crystal growth rate (G )S.Saeidlou et al./Progress in Polymer Science37 (2012) 1657–16771663Fig.7.Spherulite density as a function of crystallization temperature, Data adapted from[16,72,76,77].is equal to the slope of the spherulite radius vs.time curve,while extrapolation of this data to zero-radius can be used to determine the induction time(related to nucleation kinetics).Usually G is constant for a specific T c,implying a constant concentration of impurities like non-crystallizable segments at the growth front because of their rejection to inter-lamellar regions.One of the most important theories on polymer crystallization is the Hoffman–Lauritzen theory that deals with the crys-tal growth kinetics[78,79].It defines three crystallization regimes based on the ratio between the rate of surface nucleation and the rate of chain deposition on the crys-tal surface.It is noteworthy that this theory concerns the secondary nucleation occurring on preformed lamellae.It is different from the primary nucleation defined as the ini-tiation of a new lamella from a polymer melt.In regime I which covers low undercoolings,surface nucleation is slow and is the limiting factor while chain mobility is high.By decreasing temperature and moving to regime II,surface nucleation becomes more effective while chain movement is reduced.However the combination of the two factors gives higher growth rates.Finally,upon further cooling,we move to regime III.Contrary to regime I and due to high undercoolings,surface nucleation is maximum and chain motion is the limiting factor,resulting in lower growth rates compared to regime II.According to this theory,the crystal growth rate(G)of a homopolymer is given by:G=G0e−U∗/(R(T c−T∞))e−K g/(T c Tf)(8) where G0is a pre-exponent constant known as front factor, U*is the activation energy for local motion,R is the gas constant,T c is the crystallization temperature,T∞is the temperature at whichflow ceases, T is the undercooling (T0m−T c),and f is a factor to account the change in heat of fusion with temperature.K g known as the nucleation constant is a parameter given by:K g=ab e T0mk H f(9)where a is a constant that depends on the crystallization regime(2for regime II crystallization and4for regime I and III),b is the surface nucleus thickness, is the lateral sur-face free energy, e is the fold surface free energy,T0m is the Table3Hoffman–Lauritzen Eq.parameters for PLLA.Parameter Description ValueU*Activation energy forlocal motion6.27×103J/mol[55]R Gas constant8.314J K−1mol−1T∞Temperature at whichflow ceasesT g–30KT Undercooling T0m−T cf Factor to account thechange in heat of fusionwith temperature2T c(T0m+T c)T0m Equilibrium meltingtemperature(see Table2)b Surface nucleusthickness5.17×10−10m[28]Lateral surface freeenergy12.03×10−3J m−2[55]e Fold surface freeenergy60.89×10−3J m−2[55]H f Heat of fusion(see Table2)k Boltzmann constant 1.38×10−23J K−1equilibrium melting temperature, H f is the heat of fusion for100%crystallinity and k is the Boltzmann constant. Typical values of Hoffman–Lauritzen equation parameters reported for PLLA are summarized in Table3.When the growth rate measurement is done for dif-ferent crystallization temperatures,plotting ln(G)+U∗/(R(T c−T∞))vs.1/(T c Tf)will lead to a linear plot where the slope is−K g and the intercept is ln(G0).In addi-tion,the regime change temperature can be obtained from the points of slope variation.Regime I–II tran-sition for PLA was reported to occur at163[55]or 147◦C[41]while regime II–III transition occurs at120◦C [32,41,80,81].Furthermore,G is maximum at about130◦C [32,53,55,80,82].In some cases,however,an unusual behavior is reported for the variation of G with T c for PLA where two local maxima are observed at temperatures around105–115◦C and125–135◦C instead of a bell-shaped curve[41,62,75,76,81,83–86].The origin of this double peak behavior is not known exactly.Transition from regime II to III[41,81,87]or growth of␣ and␣crystal structures [84]are assumed to be the main causes for such behavior. Interestingly,the temperatures for regime II–III transition and transition from pure␣to a mixture of␣ and␣crystal formation coincide(120◦C).Besides,there are arguments on whether the crystal structure or spherulite morphology remains the same[41,83,84]or varies for these two growth rate peaks[76].In Table4,some of the reported values for K g and G0are summarized.Reported G0data are varying widely,how-ever K g values are more consistent.Additionally,ratios of K g(III)/K g(II)and K g(I)/K g(II)are close to the theoretical value of2.For high melting point polyesters,like PLA,Hoffman et al.[88]related the lateral surface free energy to chain flexibility through the following equation:∼= H fa021C∞(10) where a0is the surface nucleus height and equals to5.97˚A for PLA according to Kalb and Pennings[28].C∞is the。

















从一个荧光素氧化释放的能量是A TP水解释放能量的十倍左右,由于有许多(20~30)不承担演变和相互关系的生物发光系统。



在本文所讨论的荧光素酶版权所有©2003爱思唯尔有限公司,可以在任何形式中复制品的保留微生物学ISBN的书桌百科全书:0-12-621361-5 180 生物发光,微生物的181 因此应该被称作细菌萤光素酶和藻萤光素酶。







1. 实验动物:雄性果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)。

2. 设计学习记忆任务:经典条件性反射任务。

3. 基因敲除:使用CRISPR/Cas9技术对ECP基因进行敲除,确认基因敲除效果。

4. 行为测定:通过对敲除组和野生型组果蝇进行经典条件性反射任务实验,比较两组果蝇的学习和记忆能力差异。

5. 细胞和分子水平表征:通过免疫荧光染色和Western blot等方法分析ECP在

1. 在果蝇中验证核糖体相关蛋白ECP的作用及其机制,揭示其在果蝇学习记忆

2. 结果有望为进一步研究哺乳动物学习记忆提供理论和实践基础。






参看B-阶段, C-阶段ABS树脂――丙烯腈、丁二烯和苯乙烯聚合而成(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene resin, ABSABS树脂是一种多相的材料。


ABS 树脂能耐无机盐和酸碱,它通常在真空条件下加工、成形和挤出。



氨基树脂(Amino resin氨基化合物和甲醛制得的热固性树脂。


螯合/配位剂(Chelating/Complexing agent这类添加剂的分子能够和金属离子形成键合以限制它的活动,能被用来提高聚合(特别是与金属相接触的聚合物的稳定性,例如电缆。


B丙烯酸树脂(Acrylic resin聚合物家族的一大类,它们都通过丙烯酸单体――如丙烯酸盐(甲基,乙基,丁基或者丙烯酸聚合而成。


丙烯酸基冲击性能改性剂(Acrylic based Impact Modifier通常核壳结构包含一个丙烯酸的内核用来对刚性的PVC树脂及工程塑料进行冲击性能改性。





Polypropylene-based resin exterior panel and proce

Polypropylene-based resin exterior panel and proce

专利名称:Polypropylene-based resin exterior panel and process for producing the same发明人:Furuya, Tamio,Kimura, Mikihiko,Okanemasa, Yasuki,Iriyama, Satoru,Harada,Takakiyo,Yoshizaki, Michio,Honda,Kouichi,Mochizuki, Yasuhiro申请号:EP98301866.4申请日:19980312公开号:EP0864417A2公开日:19980916专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:To provide a polypropylene-based resin exterior panel which has the same appearance qualities as a coated product though it is not coated and which is excellent in rigidity and impact resistance, a polypropylene-based resin exterior panel comprising a surface layer made from a highly transparent resin composition comprising a propylene-α-olefin random ccpolymer having a melting point lower than 155°C and a melt flow rate (MFR) of 0.5 to 30 g/10 min and a clarifying nucleating agent, an intermediate layer made from a colored resin composition comprising a propylene-α-olefin random copolymer having a melting point lower than 155°C and an MFR of 0.5 to 30 g/10 min and a coloring pigment, and a base layer made from a base composition comprising a propylene-α-olefin block ccpolymer having a melting point of 155°C or higher is produced by forming a skin by laminating the surface layer and the intermediate layer, disposing the skin in an injection mold, and injecting and filling the base composition to form the base layer.申请人:HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA,CHISSO CORPORATION地址:1-1, Minamiaoyama 2-chome Minato-ku Tokyo JP,6-32, Nakanoshima 3-chome Kita-ku Osaka-shi Osaka JP国籍:JP,JP代理机构:Bannerman, David Gardner更多信息请下载全文后查看。



谷氨酰胺对电离辐射损伤小鼠抗氧化作用的影响刘颖;金宏;许志勤;王先远;南文考【期刊名称】《中国预防医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2004(5)5【摘要】目的研究谷氨酰胺 (Gln)对电离辐射损伤小鼠抗氧化作用的影响 ,探讨Gln的辐射防护作用机制。

方法 48只体重相近的健康雄性昆明小鼠被随机分成3组 ,正常组和照射组喂质量分数为 15 %酪蛋白饲料 ,照射 +Gln组在 15 %酪蛋白饲料的基础上添加 4%Gln ,照射组和照射 +Gln组用13 7Cs作为放射源 ,以4Gy的照射剂量进行一次性全身照射,照射后1周和2周分批处死动物,测定血清、肝脏和肠黏膜中的抗氧化指标。

结果照射后血清、肝脏和肠黏膜中的丙二醛(MDA)质量浓度升高 ,超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性和还原型谷胱甘肽 (GSH )质量浓度下降 ,补充Gln后MDA降低 ,SOD活性和GSH质量浓度升高。

结论补充Gln可增强小鼠的抗氧化能力 ,对辐射损伤有一定的防护作用。

【总页数】3页(P330-332)【关键词】小鼠;照射;抗氧化作用;肠黏膜;升高;谷氨酰胺;损伤;质量浓度;^137Cs;电离辐射【作者】刘颖;金宏;许志勤;王先远;南文考【作者单位】内蒙古医学院预防医学教研室;军事医学科学院卫生学环境医学研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5;R818【相关文献】1.唐古特大黄多糖组分1对急性电离辐射损伤小鼠的保护作用 [J], 刘琳娜;郭志伟;张琰;张甜;2.抗衰片对电离辐射损伤后小鼠骨髓造血作用的影响 [J], 康肖梦;王华伟;杜利清;赵洁;张宇睿;王华南;杨福军;徐文清3.低剂量电离辐射对小鼠小肠类器官生物学特性的影响及二甲双胍对其辐射损伤的防护作用 [J], 宋妃灵;王思涵;林小松;张博文;何丽娟;裴雪涛;李艳华4.谷氨酰胺对电离辐射损伤小鼠小肠保护作用研究 [J], 刘颖;金宏;许志勤;王先远;南文考5.小鼠电离辐射损伤后血液和肝细胞浆抗氧化酶活力变化的特点 [J], 郑辉;赵乃坤;刘秀敏;甄荣;陈惠芳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



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tech.topicEquistar Technical Tip Additives: Nucleating and Clarifying Agents which the PP chains can crystallize. The numerous nucleatingsites also increase the amount of crystallinity in the resin and decrease the average size and narrow the size range of the spherulites (Figures 3 and 4). Nucleators and clarifiers also increase the stiffness of the end product and slightly reduce the impact strength.Figure 2: DSC cooling curve for a nucleated random copolymer PP showing the increase in onset of cooling temperature (120.6°C) and therefore a decrease in the degree of supercooling Figure 3: Optical microscopy slide showing the crystal structure of a PP resin without a nucleating agent.(Photo Courtesy of Milliken Chemicals)n NUCLEATING AGENTS Nucleating agents are generally inorganic materials with a small average particle size and a high melting point. When a nucleated resin is melted in an extruder, the nucleating agent remains solid and provides a site around which the PPspherulites can form.(Continued on Page 2)Heat Flow (W/g)116.9°C 120.6°C 84.7 J/g COOLING CURVE 40901401903210-1-2Temperature (°C)As polypropylene (PP) cools from the molten state, individual chains begin to form crystalline structures around nucleationsites. These nucleation sites can either be imperfections or inconsistencies in a polymer chain or foreign particles in themelt. As the polymer continues to cool, more chains crystallize around the nucleation site, forming spherulites.When PP cools completely, it is made up of approximately60% crystalline and 40% amorphous, or non-crystalline,areas. The crystallization rate of PP is increased by thepresence of foreign particles in the melt around which the polypropylene chains can crystallize.While it is cooling, PP also undergoes supercooling.Supercooling refers to the difference between the melting temperature and the temperature at which crystallization ofthe polymer begins. This temperature is called the "onset of crystallization temperature." For example, PP randomcopolymers (without a nucleating agent) melt at about 145°C(293ºF) but begin to crystallize at about 112°C (234°F). This temperature difference means that molded parts must becooled well below the melting point of PP before the resin begins to crystallize (see Figure 1).Figure 1: Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) cooling curvefor a non-nucleated random copolymer PP. Note the degree ofsuper cooling from a melt temperature of 147°C to the onset ofcrystallization at 108.3°CNucleating agents (nucleators) and clarifying agents(clarifiers) work by altering the way the PP chains crystallizeand agglomerate in the molten state. Nucleators and clarifiers also reduce the degree of supercooling in the resins byincreasing the onset of crystallization temperature (see Figure2). These agents provide numerous nucleating sites around COOLING CURVE108.3°C88.8 J/g102.7°C3210-1-220Heat Flow (W/g)70120170Temperature (°C)Equistar Technical Tip Additives: Nucleating and Clarifying Agents (Continued)Figure 4: Optical microscopy slide showing the crystal structure of a PP resin with a nucleating agent. Note the smaller and more uniform spherulite structure as compared to Figure 3.(Photo Courtesy of Milliken Chemicals)The most effective nucleating agents are chemical derivatives of benzoic acid. Because of its strong nucleating ability and low cost, the most widely used nucleating agent is sodium benzoate, a synthetic, white, opaque powder. Other nucleating agents include naturally occurring minerals such as kaolin and talc.Adding a nucleating agent to PP increases crystal growth, and this growth occurs faster and at a higher temperature (15 to 20°C) than without the additive. Because the degree of supercooling is reduced, parts made from nucleated PP resins can be removed from the mold at higher temperatures and as a result, cycle times are decreased and output raised.However, in multi-cavity and thin-wall injection molds,nucleating agents may cause the resin to solidify before the mold cavity is completely filled, resulting in short shots.Another potential downside is that sodium benzoate is known to interfere with red pigments, causing them to turn orange.Nucleating agents are also not typically used to stiffen random copolymer PP resins because clarity decreases.n CLARIFYING AGENTS Clarifying agents (or clarifiers) are usually organic, non-polymeric molecules. All clarifying agents also act as nucleating agents, but nucleating agents are not necessarily clarifying agents. Most clarifiers on the market today are chemical derivatives of dibenzylidene sorbitol (DBS) and have melting temperatures within the processing window of PP resins.Clarifying agents melt during processing and disperse in the polymer matrix. When the molten polymer cools, the clarifier solidifies at the same temperature at which it melted.At this point, PP crystallization starts — at a higher temperature than it would have without the clarifier. So, as with nucleating agents, parts can be removed from the mold sooner and cycle times go down.Clarifiers also increase the clarity of PP by reducing the size of the spherulites. Smaller spherulites allow more light through the polymer, which decreases the haze of the part. Unlike nucleating agents, clarifiers are transparent, which also helps decrease haze values.Care must be taken in processing clarified random copolymer PP resins because if too high of a melt temperature is used,the clarifier degrades, and haze values go up. Parts molded from clarified resins may have a slight, cherry or almond-like odor, but a very strong smell near the molding machine can be a sign of clarifier degradation.Too little mixing (low back pressure) or a low melt temperature may keep the clarifying agent from properly dispersing. White specks in the molded part are usually an indication of poor clarifier melting and dispersion. The recommended melt temperature processing range for clarified PP is between 193 and 232°C (380 and 450°F).To maximize the clarity of the pad, the melt temperature should be the lowest possible temperature at which the clarifier disperses properly. A high gloss mold is also necessary to achieve the best clarity. In injection molding,reduce the packing pressure, since high pressures can cause the polymer chains to "pack," resulting in higher haze values.To achieve the best possible clarity in blow molding, use an injection stretch blow molding machine. Injection blow molding machines produce parts with lower clarity and parts from extrusion blow molding machines are even less clear,comparatively.Two problems may arise from the use of a clarified resin.First, clarifiers perform best when processed within the normal processing window for PP. If the resin is processed at too high a temperature, unwanted odor and taste characteristics (organoleptics) occur in the end product. The clarity of the part also decreases if the processing temperatures are too high. If the resin is processed at too low a temperature, poor dispersion and a decrease in clarity may result.Second, because the clarifying agent causes the part to set up at a higher temperature, ejecting the part from the mold may be difficult. Poor ejection can usually be prevented by increasing the mold temperature or decreasing the cooling cycle so that parts eject at a higher temperature. Anti-static agents are usually added to the clarified resins to enhance mold release and to aid in clarifier dispersion.。
