






1. Accept vs ReceiveThe words "accept" and "receive" are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings."Accept" implies a willingness to take or agree to something, while "receive" simply means to be given or handed something. For example, you can "accept" an invitation to a party, indicating your willingness to attend, but you can also "receive" a gift from someone, without necessarily having a choice in the matter.2. Accomplish vs Achieve"Accomplish" and "achieve" both refer to successfully completing a task or reaching a goal, but there is a subtle difference in usage."Accomplish" refers to completing something with effort or skill, often over a period of time. For example, you can "accomplish" a project or a mission by putting in hard work and dedication."Achieve," on the other hand, implies reaching a desired outcome or result. It is often used in the context of personal or professional success. Forexample, you can "achieve" a goal or a dream by overcoming obstacles and persevering.3. Aid vs AssistBoth "aid" and "assist" mean to help or support someone, but there are slight differences in usage."Aid" often refers to providing assistance in the form of resources or supplies, especially in times of need or emergency. For example, countries may provide "aid" to regions affected by natural disasters."Assist" typically means to help or support someone in a specific task or action. It implies a more active involvement and direct contribution. For example, you can "assist" someone in writing a report by offering guidance and feedback.4. Conclude vs Determine"Conclude" and "determine" both involve arriving at a decision or a final outcome, but they have different connotations and usage."Conclude" implies reaching a decision or a judgment based on evidence, reasoning, or analysis. It often suggests a thoughtful and deliberate process. For example, you can "conclude" a research paper by summarizing the main findings and drawing logical deductions."Determine," on the other hand, suggests finding an answer or making a final decision through investigation, examination, or observation. It implies a more active and direct approach. For example, you can "determine" the cause of a problem by conducting experiments or analyzing data.5. Enormous vs ImmenseBoth "enormous" and "immense" mean extremely large or huge, but they are used in slightly different contexts."Enormous" is often used to describe size or amount, emphasizing the great magnitude or extent of something. For example, you can describe a skyscraper as "enormous" due to its massive size."Immense," on the other hand, suggests vastness or intensity, often in a figurative sense. It can describe something that is not necessarily physical, but has a profound impact or significance. For example, you can say that someone's contribution to a cause is "immense" because of its tremendous importance.In conclusion, mastering the distinction between near-synonyms is crucial for effective language proficiency. Understanding the nuances in meaning and usage of words like "accept" and "receive," "accomplish" and "achieve," "aid" and "assist," "conclude" and "determine," and "enormous" and "immense" will greatly enhance your ability to express yourself accurately and precisely in English. Keep practicing and expanding your vocabulary, and you will see significant improvement in your language skills.。



专四常见近义词辨析1. “look”和“see”这俩词可把不少人搞迷糊喽。


比如说,“I'm looking for my keys.”(我正在找我的钥匙)。

而“see”侧重于看到的结果,就像你突然发现钥匙就在桌子上,你就可以说,“I see my keys on the table.”(我看到我的钥匙在桌子上)。


2. “big”和“large”,好多人觉得它们是一模一样的。


“large”就稍微正式点,像是在写作文描述一个商场,“The shopping mall is large.”(这个购物中心很大)。

你看,不同的场合可能就会用到不同的词,这是不是很有趣呢?3. 咱来唠唠“listen”和“hear”。

“listen”那是主动去听,用心去听,就像你在课堂上,老师说“Listen carefully.”(认真听),你就得集中注意力。


比如说,“I can hear the b irds singing outside.”(我能听到外面鸟儿在唱歌)。

这俩词就像一个是主动出击,一个是被动接受,你分得清不?4. “say”和“tell”可有点小复杂哦。

“say”后面接说话的内容,就像“John says, ‘I'm tired.’”(约翰说,“我累了”)。

“tell”后面得接人或者对象,比如“John tells me that he's tired.”(约翰告诉我他累了)。

这就好比一个是直接抛话,一个是有传递对象的传话,你能明白不?5. “bring”和“take”,这两个词总是让人纠结。


就像朋友来你家玩,你说“Bring some snacks.”(带点小吃来)。





1.路way: Wherever there is room for an object to proceed, there is a way.road: A road is a prepared way for traveling with horses or vehicles.path: A way suitable to be traveled only by foot passengers or by animals.route: A route is a line of travel, and may be over many roads.street: A street is in some centre of habitation, as a city town or village, when it passes between houses of dwellings.avenue: A avenue is a long, broad and imposing(庄严) or principal street.2.时代(期) (时期)period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length. ( 时代)time(s): It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victoria time ( 新时代) epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by events or development of a particular kind.The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind. (纪元)era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution ( 时期)age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age3.战斗(打仗)fight: It is a bodily struggle ( 奋斗斗争)struggle: An effort of any kind to overcome difficulty. ( 战斗)battle: A fight between armed forces. ( 战役)campaign: A series of related military operations in a war. ( 战争)war: A period of fight between countries or states when weapons are used and many people are killed.( 对抗)combat: A fight, conflict, controversy.4.牧师(教士牧师) #priest: A person, esp. a man specially trained for various religious duties and ceremonies, in the Christian church, esp. in the Roman Catholic church ( 牧师)minister: A member of clergy, esp. Protestant churches. ( 牧师)clergy(pl): The officially appointed leader of the religious activities of a particular church or temple.clergyman: clergymen(pl) a member of clergy. ( 牧师)pastor: A Christian religious leader in charge of a church and its members, esp. in a Protestant church. ( 教区牧师)vicar: A priest in charge of an area(parish) in the church of England.father: A little of respect for a priest, esp. in the Roman Catholic.5.服装clothing(collect): (fml) General term of clothes.clothes(no single): Coverings of the body such as coats, dresses, suits, shoes, hats.garment(fl): A suit of clothes used by actors./a single article of clothing.costume: 1) The fashion of dress peculiar to a people, nation, class, period, etc.2) A dress worn by actors in a play. uniform: worn by all members of the community.dress: 1) A kind of outer garment worn by women ( 连衣裙).2) worn on special occasions (礼服) evening dress/ morning dresssuit: A set of outer clothes to be worn together. evening suit/swimming suitcoat: A garment with sleeves worn on top of other clothes from rain, heat, etc.overcoat: A warn coat worn in the street.6.哭cry: The most general one.(哭泣) weep: To let flow tears.(抽泣抽嗒) sob: To weep or sigh with short quick breaths.(哭天抹泪涕泪交流) snivel: To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner.(哭嚎又哭又闹) blubber: To cry loudly noisily.(发出低声报怨声) whine: To make a low complaining cry.(嚎哭) bawl: To utter loud cries (always in bad sense).(痛哭) wail: To cry aloud from pain or sorrow.(呻吟) moan: To make a low, miserable sound in pain or sorrow.(呻吟) grown: To make a low sound of pain, unhappiness or disapproval(哀悼) mourn: To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died.(哀悼) lament: To express great sorrow or regret.7.美丽漂亮good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a strong, healthy way used for men and women not things.beautiful: ( a woman or a thing) Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather.handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsomefellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man.pretty: (a girl, or a small thing) Suggesting liveliness and sweetness, pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/ picture/piece of music,lovely: (something) So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or even to think about it. The garden looks lovely.fair: Beautiful( of woman in poet) light in color esp., skin hair.gorgeous: (persons or things) (inf) Extremely beautiful or handsome.8.拉拖pull: The most general one.draw: It implies a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than pull.drag: It usually refers to horizontal motion or motion up an incline (slope) and it suggests laborious efforts over rough ground or against friction, resistance or gravity. The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding place.haul: It implies continuous pulling or dragging of heavy or bulky objects. The fisherman is hauling a net.tug: It applies to hard often sudden violent effort to pull. He tugged at my sleeve to ask directions.jerk: To pull suddenly. He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wound.tow: To pull by a rope or chain. We towed the car to the nearest garage.wrench: To pull hard with a twisting or turning movement.9.旋转turn: The most general one.( 自转) spin:To turn quickly around a central point. It emphasizes the continuity of the action, and usually the narrow extent of the circular motion. The wheel is spinning on its axis.( 急转) whirl:To round very fast. It implies the lock of conscious control.(转动) rotate: To turn round a fixed point with a circular movement. The earth rotates once every 24 hours.(绕转) revolve:To turn or move in a circle around a central point. It indicates circular or elliptical (椭圆) movement. The planets revolve around the sun.10.生气气愤anger: The most general one.(易怒) be cross:Feeling easy to get angry.(愤慨) indignation:(fml) Anger. It stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean or shameful.We expressed our indignation at the ruthless exploitation.(愤怒) wrath:Very treat anger. (literary) It suggests a desire on intent to revenge or punish.(狂怒) rage: Wild, violent anger. It suggests loss of self- control from violence of emotion. in a rage /to fall into a rage.(暴怒) fury: Violent, extreme and destructive anger. She flew into a fury.11.错误(误会) mistake: A wrong thought, act. It implies carelessness. Anyone can make a mistake.(过错弱点) fault: A bad point, but not of a serious moral kind. It refers to behavior and character. His only fault is that he lacks ambition.find fault with sb / at faultshortcoming: weakness, failing ; It refers to failures or deficiencies in things as well as people.In spite of all her shortcomings I still think she's one of the best teachers in the school.(疏忽) error: A mistake (formal sometimes literary) It implies deviation from a standard or modelThe accident was caused by human error.(缺点毛病) defect: sth lacking or imperfect. It refers to quality.The radio was returned because of a defect.(失误过失) blunder: A very stupid or unnecessary mistake. It implies ignorance.This is the fatal blunder of his life.12.图画picture: The most general one.(彩图) painting: pictures with color.(绘画图画) drawing: A picture made with a pen, pencil and crayon. Sketch, diagrams and graphs are all drawings.(草图) sketch: A rough not detailed drawing.(图解图表) diagram: A drawing, figure that shows the arrangement of something.(曲线图) graph:A diagram in which a straight line, curved, or zigzag line shows how two sets of numbers or measurements are related.(插图) illustration: A picture to go with words of a book.(图样草图) draft: The first rough written form of anything.(平面图) plan:A line drawing of a building as it might been seen from above.(主视图) elevation:A flat upright side of a building.(海图) chart: A map esp. a detailed map of a sea area.13.特别(专门的,与众不同的) special:Different in some way from what is common, ordinary, or usual. It stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own. The tube contains special gases.(特别的) especial:(fml) To an usually great degree, exceptional; It emphasizes the importance of the things or thepersons mentioned; This is a matter of especial importance. (个别的) particular:Relating or belonging to only one thing or person. It stresses the distinctness of something as anindividual which is worth notice. In that particular case, the rule doesn't hold.(适用)(特种的) specific:Detailed and exact, clear in meaning and explanation, fixed, determined.(used in scientificarticles) It implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species.He gave me a very specific instruction. There is a specific tool for each job.(独特的) peculiar: Strange or perhaps unpleasant. It implies strangeness. He has a peculiar way of speaking.14.取消消灭(取消解除) cancel:To give up, to declare something is to be effective. He has cancelled his leave of absence.(消假)(废除废止) abolish:To do away with. It refers to practices, social institutions. Bad customs should be abolished.(消灭排除) eliminate:To get rid of. We should eliminate the false and retain the true. (撤消废除) repeal: To bring to an end of the effect of a law or an order. Some laws should be repealed.(根除消灭) exterminate:To destroy completely and wholly. Colonialism must be exterminated.15.破碎break: The most general one.(压碎压破) crush: To press together violently as to break, to destroy its shape by squeezing it. It suggests the effect of great external pressure. The tree fell on top of the car and crushed it.(打碎) smash: To break thoroughly to pieces with a crushing sound. She dropped the plate and smashed it.(打裂) crack:To break without separation of parts. It suggests the breaking out across a surface. He cracked the window by leaning against it.(破裂) burst:To break open by pressure from within. The fireworks burst while they were in the air.(砸碎破碎) shatter: To break into pieces. It suggests the breaking up of a thin surface. The glass was shattered to pieces.(撞坏) crash: To refer to the vehicle which hits something and is badly damaged.16.环境形势(环境形势) conditions:The location and other factors likely to affect it. It suggests something that has stayed the same for some time and which affects daily life such as food, work, and houses. We are now studying the economic conditions in the developing countries. (形势) situation: A position or state at a particular time, set of conditions, facts, and events having an effect on a person, society, etc. It suggests more general matters such as government planning and finance. The political situation in these countries are always changing.(环境周围外界) environment: The circumstances, things and conditions that influence you. It refers to spirit aspect, physical aspect and material aspect. We must try to beautify our environment.(形势情况) circumstance(s): A situation or event around us, a certain kind of atmosphere, the conditions that affect what happens. in (under) the circumstances(环境周围事物) surrounding(s): The area and environment around a place or person. It indicates a very narrow condition, "physically" sometimes reflects spiritual aspect. They lived in hostile surroundings.17.著名的well-known: (infl)famous: The most general one. widely known or honored.(杰出的知名的) distinguished: Great, outstanding marked by excellent quality or deserved fame, used especially of people who are famous for serious work in science, the arts etc. He was a distinguished writer.(驰名的) celebrated: Famous, (substitute for renowned) It refers objectively to sb or something that has been give acclaim or honoured with awards or prizes. She was a celebrated actress.renowned: Highly honored and famous for something good. often refers to places or things, also It suggests something that has become legendary or is no longer available for an objective evaluation. Edison was renowned for his inventions.noted: Well-known and admired It often describes a more intellectual kind of effort and accomplishment indicating an authority or expert or their theories. Maybe it is not widely known to the general public. He was a very noted expert.(臭名昭著) notorious:Famous for something bad. He is notorious for his crimes.18.强盗thief: The most general one.(强盗) robber:It suggests a direct confrontation in which the owner is forced to give up his valuables.(行凶强劫) mugger: A person who attacks and robs people in a street or in a lift. burglar: A person who breaks into a house at night to steal something.(歹徒暴徒) gangster: A member of a group of criminals, esp. those who are armed and use guns to threaten.(匪徒) bandit: an armed robber. It suggests an organized group in a rural setting.(土匪) brigand: A robber who lives by robbing travelers in the country.(海盗) pirate: A person who robs on the sea.19.摇动,颤动shake: The most general one. to move up and down or back and forth. It refers to persons or things.(发抖) quiver:To tremble a little. It suggests a rapid but invisible vibration. His lips quivered with emotion.(颤抖) tremble: To shake uncontrollably and slightly as from fear, cold, excitement etc. It implies uneasiness and nervousness. Her voice trembled as she began to sing.(瞬间发抖) shiver: To tremble from fear or cold. It suggests a slight and rapid movement. He stood shivering in the snow.(极度颤动) quake: to shake or tremble violently. It suggests a more violent and sudden change. He quaked with excitement. An explosion cam make the ground quake.(抽筋般颤动) shudder:To shake uncontrollably for a movement. It suggests a more intense shaking. She shuddered at the sight of a snake.20.说话谈话(说话) speak: To use your voice to say words.(说) say:To speak words.(发出声音) utter: To make sound and say words.drawl: To speak in a slow, prolonged manner.mutter: To express displeasure with compressed lips.rave: To talk in an angry, uncontrolled way.gabble: To talk rapidly, making inarticulate sounds.(谈论) remark:To mention it or comment on it.(陈述) state:To say, express or put into words, esp. formally. He stated his view.(讲述) narrate: To tell formally in writing or speech or describe something in order with intonation. He narrated his adventure in the forest.(详述) relate:To tell formally in details, to give an account of. He related his experiences. (讲演) address:To say in speech or writing to a person or group.tell: To let people know about something.talk: To say things to someone.converse: To talk formally. The scholars are conversing with each other on linguistics. chat: To talk in a friendly, familiar, informal manner. The two friends sat in a corner and chatted.chatter: To talk continuously rapidly about small things. The schoolgirls went along chattering.whisper: To talk in a low voice. She whispered me not to talk so loudly.murmur: To make a soft sound, esp. to speak or say in a quiet voice. He often murmurs to himself.(闲谈) gossip: To talk about the details of other people's actions and private lives which may not correct or proper. That woman is very fond of gossiping about others. stammer: To speak with pauses and repeated sounds because of excitement, embarrassment. stutter: To speak with pauses and repeated sounds because of inherent speech defect.21.事情,事件(事) thing:An event, a fact, a subject. He talked of many interesting things.(事情) matter:Seth that you have to deal with, something to be discussed, thought over. There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.(事务责任) business:A special duty, something that has to be done. Public business is every one's business.(事务) affair: An event or set of connected events. (pl) private and personal life. I have many affairs to look after.(事件) event:An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated. Do you know the chief events of 1986.incident: Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event becomes an incident after many years have passed.(偶然事件) happening:An occurrence, and sometimes an unusual one. There have been strange happenings here lately.(偶发事件) occurrence: An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time. Flood is practically an annual occurrence in this district.22.承认admit: To agree to the truth of, usu, something bad. It suggests reluctance or possible objection. He admitted his crime/stealing.(自白供认) confess:To admit guilt as to a crime or as to a shortcoming, in the sense of making known to others one's own error or wrong doing. He confessed his fault/doing something wrong.acknowledge: to agree the truth of, recognize the fact or existence of what have said or done, good or bad. It emphasizes openly in a embarrassing or awkward and usually not voluntary way. I acknowledged my signature/mistakes/errors/having been defeated.grant: To admit or to agree something is true. I granted his request/his honesty. take sth/sb for granted.concede: To admit as true, just or proper often unwillingly because of overwhelming evidence. I conceded you that point, but I still think you are wrong.recognize: To accept or acknowledge it. It refers to something about law and diplomacy. The new regime was recognized by China.23.走路walk: The most general one.stride: To walk with long steps. He strode through the station a few minutes before the train left.(高视阔步) stalk: To walk stiffly, slowly, and proudly with long steps.trot: To jog, move quickly, usu refers to horses.(蹒跚而行) waddle: To walk from side to side with short steps like a duck. The fat man waddled out of the room.(蹒跚) stagger:To walk unsteadily, slide and drag the feet almost falling at each step, usually because of illness, injury or drink. After drinking too much, he staggered in the street.(摇摆蹒跚) totter:To walk unsteadily showing great weakness often used of very young children learning to walk. The child tottered before his parents.(拖着脚走) shuffle: To move without lifting the feet clear of the floor as if wearing slippers. The old man shuffled along the road.(趾高气扬地走) strut: To walk in a proud strong way, esp. with the chest out and trying to look important.(慢行) amble:To walk at an easy gentle rate. It stresses a leisurely but regular movement. (闲逛) stroll:To walk, esp. slowly, for pleasure. It emphasizes a slower movement, more wandering and aimless with suggestions of many starts and pauses. They are strolling through this park.saunter: A little more formal than stroll.(漫步徘徊) wander:To move about without a fixed course, aim, or purpose. He was wandering about/down/through/up and down the street.(漫游) roam:To wander with as very clear aim. It suggests a more serious purpose behind the irregular of circular movement in complete forgetfulness of time. The lovers roamed around/through the fields.(跋涉) trudge: To walk heavily and wearily with effort as when one (plod) is tired. The hunter was trudging through the deep snow.(重步行走) tramp:To walk with firm heavy steps. Who has been tramping all over the carpet in muddy shoes.(扭扭捏捏地走) mince: To walk with little short steps in an affected manner. It was a funny sight to see her mince along.slouch: To walk in a loose, ungainly ( 不雅观) way.hustle: To walk in a busy, active way.24.跳jump: The most general one. to throw oneself into the air.(跳起) leap: (literary) To spring through the air, often landing in a different place. The boy leaped over the brook without difficulty.(跳跃) spring: To leap suddenly and quickly. He sprang to his feet at the sudden noise. (跳着跑) bound:To spring lightly along. It suggests high spirits and excitement. His dog bounded to meet me.(轻快地跑) skip:To move in a slight dancing way, as with quick steps and jumps. The little girl skipped at her mother's side.hop: To jump on one leg. The boy had hurt his leg and had to hop along.vault: To leap over something using the hands or a pole. You can vault a fence by putting your hands on it and swinging yourself over.hurdle: To jump over some thing while running. The horse hurdled the fence and ran into the woods.25.特点特征quality: The most general one.(特点) characteristic: Quality typical of a particular person and thing, a special and easily recognized quality of sb/sth. It has many scientific or technical uses. It implies neutral description in referring to any aspect of something without evaluating its relative importance to the whole. A useful characteristic of the cat is its ability to catch and kill mice. (特征) character: The combination of qualities which make a particular person, thing, place, etc. A tendency not to show emotions is supposed to be part of the British national character.(性质) nature:The qualities make someone or something different from others. It indicates the widest range of traits, including emotional, mental and physical qualities. It is only human nature to like money.(特征) attribute: A quality belonging to or forming part of the mature of a person or thing. The word is positive rather than negative. Darkness is an attribute of night.(特性) peculiarity:The quality of being peculiar, strangeness, unusualness. It shows an unpleasant attribute that is quite noticeable. One of his peculiarities is that his two eyes are not the same size.(特色) feature:A typical and noticeable part or quality. It suggests something positive and specifically. It refers to physical appearance. A lake is an important feature in this area. (品质特性) trait:A particular quality of sb/sth. It refers to more abstract attributes. Honesty and diligence are the chief traits of his character.(个性) personality: The whole nature or character of a particular person. It refers to the whole indefinable emotional coloration that a specific person gives off. He has a strong personality.26.增加increase: To make or become larger in amount or number. it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size. The population of this county has increased.add: To put together with something else so as to increase the number size, importance. He added some wood to increase the fire.(扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider. I want to enlarge this photograph/house.(放大) magnify:To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens. You have magnified the peril.(扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc. to amplify a radio signal/sound.augment: (fml) To become larger or greater. It emphasizes the action of addition. He augmented his income by writing some short stories.(扩展扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.(加长) extend: To make longer in space or time, to extend a railway. Can't you extend your visit for a few days.27.笑(微笑) smile:The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards. He smiles his consent./with satisfaction.(大笑) laugh:To make a noise to show one's amusement and happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused. They all laughed loudly.(露齿而笑) grin: To smile with the teeth. The boy grinned from ear to ear when I gave him a sweet.(暗笑含笑) chuckle: To laugh quietly. I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read that funny article.(咯咯笑) giggle: To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls. I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls.(窃笑暗笑) snicker: To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way. On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering.(假笑痴笑) simper:To smile in a silly unnatural way. When I told him the thing, he simply simpered.(得意的笑) smirk: To smile in a false or too satisfied way. He smirked at everyone that passed.(窃笑) titter:To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly controlled amusement. The girls tittered when they heard this.(狂笑) guffaw: To laugh loudly and rudely. All the people guffawed at his silly words. (哄笑) roar:To laugh long and loudly. They roared after they heard the joke.(欢笑) chortle: To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction. He chortled with delight when I told him the news.(笑骂) taunt:To try to make sb angry, or upset by making unkind remarks, laughing at faults or failures. They taunted her with her inability to swim.(嘲笑嘲弄) ridicule: To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of. They all ridiculed the idea.(讥笑) deride: To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock at someone with contempt They all derided his foolishness.(嘲弄) mock:To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp. by copying in a funny or contemptuous way. The students mocked the seriousness of his expression.twit: (infl) To make fun of sb because of behavior, a mistake, a fault, etc. He twitted her with her timidity.(嘲笑轻蔑地笑) scoff: To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /To speak in scornful mocking way. It was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it.(戏弄) chaff: (infl) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way. He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English.(讥笑) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way. They always jeer at the priests.gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarks. Don't gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it.(讥笑冷笑) sneer:To express proud dislike by a kind of usu, one- side smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks. She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor's home.joke: To make fun of. You mustn't joke with him about religion.(取笑) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously. Don't jest about serious things.(戏弄) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly. We bantered him on the subject of marriage.(轻视) scorn: To look down upon.28.疯mad: Showing that one has amanita illness which often causes them to behave in strange way.crazy: (infl) Very strange or foolish.psychotic: The most precise one. used by psychiatrists.insane: Not sound in mind. Used in scientific articles.lunatic: (old derog) wildly foolish.demented: It indicates sb's mentality has degenerated from a precious level.maniac: (n) A mad person who is violent and dangerous.29.味道smell: The most general one. It refers to something pleasant or unpleasant.odo(u)r: (fml) More used in scientific articles.fragrance: A sweet or pleasant smell. It refers to flowers and stresses a delicate smell from plants. Those roses have a delightful fragrance.scent: A smell esp. left by an animals, an pleasant smell. Our dog lost the fox's scent. perfume: A sweet or pleasant smell. It refers to either natural smell or a man-made smell and stresses a strong and rich smell compared with fragrancearoma: A strong usu pleasant smell, often a spicy smell.flavor: The particular quality of tasting good or pleasantly strong. The bread hasn't much flavor.savor: The smell of food by the processes of cooking. The meat had cooked too long and lost its savor.stink: A strong unpleasant smell. the stink of sweaty feet.stench: A very strong unpleasant smell.30.怕fear: The feeling that one has when danger is near.(可怕) dread: A great fear esp. of some harm to come. It suggests fear of facing whatever is coming. Usually dread also means loss of courage. Illness is the great dread of his life. (畏惧) fright:The feeling or experience of fear. sudden great fear. I nearly died of fright at the sight of escaped lion.(恐慌) alarm:Sudden fear and anxiety as caused by the possibility of danger and excitement caused by fear of danger. The news caused great alarm.(恐惧) terror:Extreme and intense fear. The people ran from the enemy in terror.(恐怖战栗) horror:A feeling of great shock, fear and dislike. I cried out in horror as I saw the man killed.(惊恐万状) panic:Sudden uncontrollable quickly-spreading fear or terror, which results in unreasonable and frantic activity. When I realized the situation I got into a panic.(敬畏) awe: A feeling respect mixed with fear and wonder. He always stands in awe of his father.31.闪光shine: The most general one.(闪耀) glitter: To shine brightly with flashing points of light. All that glitters is not gold. (发火花) sparkle:To shine in small flashes. It suggests uneven, bright flashes reflected from light-catching objects. We can see a diamond sparkling in the sunlight.(闪光) flash: To give out a sudden and monetary bright ray of light/ To shine suddenly for a moment.(闪耀) glisten: To shine from or as if from a wet surface. His hair glistened with oil. The wet road glistened.(闪烁) gleam: To send out a bright light moderately, mildly not violently. A cat's eye gleamed in the dark. The lantern gleamed.(冒火花) spark: To send out small bits of fire. He was so angry that his eyes sparked furiously.。



管理control, direct, govern, manage, rule, supervise, administer 这些动词均有“打点、支配”之意。

control :普遍的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或节制的力量。

A captain controls his ship and its crew.(船主打点他的船和船上的船员。

)direct :着重行使率领或指导权。

The general manager directed the company through a difficult time.(总司理率领公司渡过了难关。

)govern :着重指运用任何节制的权力来统治或打点一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和常识的运用。

A king governs in that country.(那个国家由国王统治。

)manage :强调对具体事务机构进行打点,有时含受权打点或措置之意。

She managed a clothes shop two years ago.(两年前她开了一家服装店。

)rule : 强调挪用绝对或专制的权力来打点或统治。

The King ruled his people well and wisely.(这位国王英明地统治着他的臣民。

)supervise :着重指运用自己的或被授予的权力来打点、监督工作,含看管意味。

Tomorrow he will supervise all the pupils taking the Englishexamination.(明天全体学生考英语, 他将担任监考。

)administer : 指官方的或正式的对事务的打点。

They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.(他们有权摒挡自己的事务。

)协商consult, negotiate, confer这些动词均含“协商、筹议”之意。





1. English Language Tongue这是三个常用的表示“语言”的词汇,它们之间的区别在于语境和使用范围。


2. Study Learn这两个词都表示“学习”的意思,但用法和语境略有差异。


3. Improve Enhance这两个词都表示“改善”或“提高”的意思,但用法有所区别。


4. Broaden Enlarge这两个词都表示“扩大”的意思,但用法和侧重点有所不同。


5. Communicate Interact这两个词都表示“交流”的意思,但有着细微的差别。


6. Encourage Motivate这两个词都表示“鼓励”的意思,但使用上略有不同。




近义词辨析1.beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, prettygood-looking:Having an attractive appearance in a strong,healthy way used for men and women not things.beautiful:通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。





lovely:普通用词,描写人时,主要指女人和小孩的相貌,语气不如beautiful强fair:正式用词,形容妇女和儿童,侧重外表的美2.fast, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swiftfast: moving or able to move quicklyhasty:said,made or done very quickly,especially when this has bad results quick: done with speed; taking or lasting a short timerapid: happening in a short period of timespeedy: happening or done quickly or without delay (eg.a speedy recovery)swift:happening or done quickly and immediately; doing sth quickly(eg.a swift decision)3.break, crack, crush, shatter, break , smashBreak:常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏Crack:多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。



abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤其指对其负有责任或义务者,或者放弃一个项目或计划。

desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等。

forsake 遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋。

quit 调突然或出其不意的放弃,一般指“停止”。

give up 多用于口头,表示停止做某事。

go about 散布,来往亲密see about 负责处理come about 1. 发生2. 成为现实leave… ab out 到处乱放turn about 1. 向后转2. 转过身来be about to 即将be on the point of (doing)ability 指脑力或体力上能够干某事,通常暗示把某事办好的能力,后接to do, for, in 或as,不可用of doingcapacity 常指做某事的潜力,也指容纳或吸收的能力,后面常接of, for 或to dofaculty 指在某一方面先天具备或后天造就的能力talent 强调在某一特殊领域,尤其是在艺术方面的天生的才能in accord with 与……一致in accordance/aggreement/line withof one’s own accord出于自愿,主动地voluntarilywith one accord 一致的,一致同意的unanimouslyabolish 指完全消除某项旧制度、法律或旧风俗等cancel 指某人因某种意想不到的原因而临时取消事前所决定的事eliminate 指淘汰或取消不需要的东西account for 说明、解释(原因等)on account of 基于、由于on all accounts 无论如何on no account 决不take into account 考虑、重视take account ofabridge 通过压缩删节而减少,但核心部分仍保留shorten 在长度、时间、范围等方面缩减abbreviate 指单词、短语通过压缩或省略某些部分而缩短acquaint oneself with 熟悉,精通,通晓be / get / become acquainted with 与(人)相识;了解;精通(事物)absord 指“被吸收着失去其特点”或“使其特点不复存在”assimilate 吸收知识,理解,指“成为吸收者的一部分”take in 吸收水分、空气等sip 一点一点的喝,啜饮absence from 不在,缺席,缺勤absence of mind 心不在焉in the absence of (人)不在时,外出期间;缺少(物),不存在stimulate 刺激,鼓励,常指激励人们从懒散、心灰意懒中振作起来,还指人们对某事产生兴趣或奋发向上的情绪。



fast, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swift这组词均含有“迅速的”,“快捷的”的意思。


We took a fast train to Beijing.我们坐快车来北京。


Don't arrive at hasty conclusions.quick强调动作、行为发生得突然且持续时间短。


The tiger took a quick leap at the sheep.rapid指就整个过程来讲速度快,但并不一定指这一过程的速度始终均匀不变。

The growth of the economy has been rapid in recent years.speedy指人处理问题迅速或物体运转速度快。

His accusations brought a speedy denial.swift与fast和quick同义,但带有文学色彩。

Eagles are swift in flight.bother, disturb, trouble, worry这组词均含有“不停地烦扰他人或搞得某人心神不宁”的意思。




If you return me the book, I will stop bothering you.你归还我书后,我就不打扰你了。



The man was mentally disturbed.这个人精神错乱了。





1.事情,事件(事) thing: An event, a fact, a subject. He talked of many interesting things.(事情) matter: Seth that you have to deal with, something to be discussed, thought over. There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.(事务责任) business: A special duty, something thathas to be done. Public business is every ones business.(事务) affair: An event or set of connected events. (pl) private and personal life. I have many affairs to look after.(事件) event: An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated. Do you know the chief events of 1986.incident: Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event bees an incident after many years have passed.(偶然事件) happening: An ourrence, and sometimes an unusual one. There have been strange happenings here lately.(偶发事件) ourrence: An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time. Flood is practically an annual ourrence in this district.。





occurrence:计划,打算之外发生的事情occasion:时机,场合2.transform:改革,变革transport:运输transfer:传递,传送 transmit:发送(无线电)3.attack:发作(通常指疾病的发作)burst:爆发blast:爆炸4.campaign:运动(常用来表示政治性或商业性的活动或运动)5. roar:怒吼,轰鸣,咆哮scream:尖叫声whistle:耳语,私语exclamation:惊叫,欢呼声6.establishment:企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会)settlement:定居地,殖民地construction:建造,建筑物structure:构造,构造7.income:收入(泛指)wage:(体力劳动者)工资(按周领)salary:(白领人员)薪水(按月发)allowance:津贴,补助8.admission:常用于公共场所admittance:用于私人场所9.accurate:正确无误的,准确的(如天气预报,手表计算,射击)precise:准确的,明确的,细致的(如定义,细节,尺寸)exact:确切的,精确的(时间,数量,质量)10.variable:多变的,易变的(如雨量,气温)variation:变化,变更(数量,水平)variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种多样,多样化11.resident:居民,住户,(旅馆的)房客lodger:借宿者,寄宿者inhabitant:(某地的)居民settler:移民者,殖民者12.economical:节约的,节省的economic:经济上的,经济学的economy:经济economics:经济学13.waxy:蜡制的,似蜡的sticky:粘(性)的,棘手的,粘满果酱的greasy:①多油的,沾油脂的greasy fingers沾满油脂的手指②油腻的greasy chips油腻的炸薯条③油性的(头发或皮肤)long greasy hair 油性长发④(人或其行为)圆滑的,虚情假意的 a greasy smile假惺惺的笑容14.submissive:服从的,听话的dismissive:轻蔑的,鄙视的15.a patch of 一块••• a bunch of 一串,•, a packet of 一包,•, a pinch of 一撮•••16. spill:溅出,泼出 spoil:糟蹋,损坏 split:裂开,劈开17.关于•••,至于•••的表达 in regard to with regard to as regards as toin reference to with reference to18.strip①脱光,除去,剥去②(纸,金属,织物)条,带Cut the meat into strips 把肉切成条19.supply:向某人提供某物©supply sb with sth ②supply sth to sbprovide:向某人提供某物©provide sb with sth②provide sth for sb offer:向某人提供某物©offer sb . sth②offer sth to sb20 .minimal :最小的,最小限度的,极小的。



近义词辨析1.abide, adhere, conform, comply这四个考试中的高频考词都有“遵守”的意思,但是它们的搭配不同。

abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。

I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。

adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。


)Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。

conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。

All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。

comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。

Our company complies with governmental regulations on payingtaxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。

2.abnormal, uncommon, disordered这三个单词都有“反常的”之意,在考研和CET-6当中经常让考生们辨析它们的细微差别。

abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。

His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degreecentigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。


)uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。

Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。





1、beat, win, conquer, defeat, overcome这组词均有“获胜,征服,击败”之意。

beat 指在战争、竞赛或其他方面最终彻底战胜对方,对象可以是人,也可以是物。

win 指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle, race, victory等。

conquer 既可指靠武力或精神道方面的力量使对方屈服,又可指在排除障碍和阻力后取得胜利。

defeat 意为“击败”,强调的是暂时的胜利。

overcome 既可指在战斗和竞赛中战胜对方,也可指在感情、习惯等方面压倒,胜过。

如:We can easily beat you at baseball. 打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。

The Chinese team won in the end. 最后中国队赢了。

The Normans conquered England in 1066. 1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。

He defeated his opponents in this election. 在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。

He made efforts to overcome every difficulty. 他努力克服每一个困难。

2、award, reward这组词均含有“授予,给予”的意思。

award 意为“授予,给予”,通常指官方或法院根据规定把钱财等奖给或判给某人。

reward 意为“酬劳,奖赏”,通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到的报答或酬谢。

如:He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science. 由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。



英语专四常见词辨析专四常见词辨析:“有能力”&“取消”able, capable, competent这些形容词均含有“有能力的,能干的”之意1) able :最常用词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面的,经常性的,或潜在性的能力。


eg: 1. Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk.(多数孩子在会说话前就会走路。

)2. The patient was soon able to sit up.(病人很快就能坐起来了。

)2)capable :语气弱于able,指有能力、有潜力或有条件做某事,常与of连用。

eg: 1.He is a manager capable of leadership.(他是个富有领导才能的经理。

)2.Jim is capable at sports.(吉姆擅长运动。

)3)competent :强调具有能胜任某项工作的足够技能或其它所需的条件。

eg: 1. He did a competent job.(他的工作做得相当出色。

)2. He is competent to do it.(他能做这件事。

)abolish, cancel, repeal这些动词均含“取消、废除”之意1)abolish :正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。

eg: 1.The Americans abolished slavery in 1863.(美国于1863年废除奴隶制度。

)2.Do abolish this kind of bad evil.(一定要废除这种恶劣习俗。

)2)cancel :用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。

eg: 1. He cancelled his order for the goods.(他取消了货物订单。

)2. We were all disappointed to learn that the picnic had been cancelled.(我们得知这次野餐已经取消, 都感到很失望。







1. Agree, Concur, Assent: Agree、Concur和Assent都表示同意某件事情或某个观点,语气很正式。


2. Allow, Permit: Allow和Permit用法近似,表示允许某人做某件事情,或允许某事发生。

3. Assist, Help: Assist和Help都表示帮助。



4. Belief, Faith: Belief和Faith都表示相信某件事情。



5. Believe, Think: Believe和Think都表示认为。



6. Compel, Oblige: Compel和Oblige都表示强迫某人做某事。



7. Distrust, Mistrust: Distrust和Mistrust都表示不信任。


8. Explain, Elaborate: Explain和Elaborate都表示解释。

专四近义词辨析大全 高清版

专四近义词辨析大全 高清版

专四近义词辨析abandon, desert, forsake, leave, give up这些动词或词组均含“抛弃、放弃”之意abandon: 强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。

desert: 着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。

forsake: 侧重断绝感情上的依恋,自愿抛弃所喜欢的人或物。


leave: 普通用词,指舍弃某事或某一职业,或终止同一某人的关系,但不涉及动机与果。

give up: 普通用语,侧重指没有希望或因外界压力而放弃。

ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, competence, faculty, gift, aptitude这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。

ability: 普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。

capacity: 侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。

capability: 多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。


genius: 语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。

talent: 着重指人某方面具有可发展和倍养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius弱。

competence: 正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。

faculty: 指特殊的才能或智力。

gift: 着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显著本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。

aptitude: 多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。

able, capable, competent这些形容词均含有“有能力的,能干的”之意able: 最常用词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面的,经常性的,或潜在性的能力。



1.adjacent , adjoining, next to“紧挨”的意思。


adjacent hilladjoining相互接触,通常之间有一个edge或boundary。

an adjoining building2.admission和admittance“the act of entering”的意思。



The price of___ to the gallery is $5.___to the minister's office3.adopted和adoptiveadopted"收养的, 过继的”adoptive"收养的”,an adopted son(daughter)养子(女)adoptive parents4.allude和eludeallude暗指”,“暗示”,“(婉转)提到”。

elude (to avoid or escape)"闪避,躲避"。

to__ the law规避法律I didn't__ to anything5.illusion和delusionillusion“幻觉,错觉"delusion'欺骗,迷惑”He suffers from the__ that he's attractive to women.他糊里糊涂地认为自己对女人很有吸引力。

be under no__ about sth.对某事不存幻想6.amended和emendamended (to alter or add to something)"订正,改正”,“修正(议案等)”。

an amended bill修正案;amend one's ways改过自新。



1. affect 和 influence:两者都有“影响”的意思,但 affect 通常指直接的、短期的影响,而 influence 则更强调长期的、深远的影响。

2. advantage 和 benefit:两者都有“好处”的意思,但 advantage 更侧重于优势、有利条件,而 benefit 则更侧重于利益、收益。

3. anxiety 和 worry:两者都有“焦虑”的意思,但 anxiety 更侧重于心理上的不安和紧张,而 worry 则更侧重于对未来的担忧和顾虑。

4. continuous 和 continual:两者都有“连续的”的意思,但 continuous 更侧重于不间断的、连续不断的,而 continual 则更侧重于有间断的、断断续续的。

5. courage 和 bravery:两者都有“勇气”的意思,但 courage 更侧重于内心的勇气和决心,而 bravery 则更侧重于外在的勇敢行为。

6. devise 和 invent:两者都有“发明”的意思,但 devise 更侧重于设计、策划,而 invent 则更侧重于创造、发明新的东西。

7. emotion 和 feeling:两者都有“情感”的意思,但 emotion 更侧重于强烈的情感体验,而 feeling 则更侧重于一般的情感状态。







英语专四近义词词汇辨析篇1tired, exhausted, fatigued, weary, worn out这组词均含有“疲惫的”的意思。


?Henry was so tired that he went to bed immediately after he gothome.亨利很疲惫,一到家就上床睡觉去了。

exhausted表达的疲惫程度最强,指因劳累过度而精疲力竭The exhausted engineer fell asleep on the bus.精疲力竭的工程师在公共汽车上睡着了。


He felt fatigued and didn’t want to say a single word.他疲惫不堪,不想说一句话。


After a long and weary wait, the plane finally came to take them back.经过漫长而又令人疲乏的等待后,飞机终于来接他们回去了。

worn out这个词不太正式,多用于口语。

The troops were worn out after winning the battle.战后,部队疲惫不堪。

use, apply, avail, employ, utilize这组词均含有“使用”或“利用”之意。


He used up all his resources in experimenting with the new paint.他为实验新的涂料,花光了一切钱财。



专四近义词辨析1. awkward clumsyAwkward: 指物体使用不便,指人暂时显得尴尬;或指人缺乏技巧,灵活性而显得笨拙。

Clumsy: 指人或动物固有的属性。


1). He felt so awkward among many important people that he fled away before the party was over.2). The clumsy waiter has dropped four plates this week.2. common general ordinary universal usualCommon: 强调具有共同的属性General: 强调普遍性和一致性Ordinary: 指日常的,常见的Universal:“普遍的”,比“general”语气更强,有“全然没有例外”的意思。

Usual: 强调因为长时间的重复而形成的习惯。

1). It is an error quite common among students.2). This is a topic of general interest.3). We talked only of the most ordinary things.4). Food is a universal need of the living.5). It is usual with him to go to the office on foot.3. rage anger furyRage: 意为狂怒,往往含有对某人报复的欲望。

Anger: 意为生气,在程度上不如rage和fury严重,也不一定外露。

Fury: 意为暴怒,常伴有失去理智的疯狂举动。

1). In his rage at being publicly punished, he broke the teacher’s favorite vase.2). He tried to conceal his anger.3). In their fury the boys went through the streets wreckingcars.4. last latest final terminal eventual ultimateLast: 指在一系列同一类事物中位列最后,也指时间上最近的。



英语专四复习近义词辨析(英汉对照)tired, exhausted, fatigued, weary, worn out这组词均含有疲惫的的意思。


Henry was so tired that he went to bed immediately after he got home.亨利很疲惫,一到家就上床睡觉去了。

exhausted表达的疲惫程度最强,指因劳累过度而精疲力竭The exhausted engineer fell asleep on the bus.精疲力竭的工程师在公共汽车上睡着了。


He felt fatigued and didnt want to say a single word.他疲惫不堪,不想说一句话。


After a long and weary wait, the plane finally came to take them back.经过漫长而又令人疲乏的等待后,飞机终于来接他们回去了。

worn out这个词不太正式,多用于口语。

The troops were worn out after winning the battle.战后,部队疲惫不堪。

use, apply, avail, employ, utilize这组词均含有使用或利用之意。


He used up all his resources in experimenting with the new paint.他为实验新的涂料,花光了一切钱财。


We should not only know the theory but also know how to apply it to practice.我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论应用于实践。

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Dispose处理; 布置
He disposed his books on the shelves. 把书籍排列在书架上。
They proposed to make arrangement beforehand. 他们提议事先做好安排。
radius, radium, radiate
专四的易混淆词汇有两种: 形近词 近义词
deceive, perceive, receive, receipt
He ___________his friends about his income. She has ________ the danger.
Our TV _______well since we had a new antenna put on. I asked for a _______.
deceive, perceive, receive, receipt Deceive:欺骗,蒙骗
He deceived his friends about his income.
She has perceived the danger.她已觉察到那危险了。
Deduce, reduce, reproduce
Deduce :推论, 演绎
On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty. 根据这些证据我们推断他是有罪的。
Reduce:减少; 降低
He won't reduce the rent of our house. 他不肯减少我们住房的租金。
assist, consist, resist, insist, persist
Assist :援助
He assisted in designing the new bridge.他协助设计那consists of teachers, administrators and students.大学由教师,行政人员和 学生组成。
Comprehensive: 综合的,全面的
We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. 我们这儿有相当广泛的地 铁系统。
Exploit:剥削,开 发,利用
We shall exploit our rich resource to expand the economy. 我们应该利用我们丰富的 资源发展经济。
Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class. 玛丽的兴致 感染了全班的女孩。
Conserve, deserve, observe, preserve
Conserve:保护, 保藏, 保存
Conserve your energy, you'll need it! 保存你的精力, 你会用得着的!
We need a simultaneous interpreter. 我们需要一个同声翻译。
Record, accord, cordial
Some _____ of ancient civilization were discovered recently. Your views are not in _____ with mine. They came to an _____ that profits should be shared equally. The banquet was full of _____ and friendly atmosphere.
The tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们所有的人。
We must correct our defects as soon as possible.
When does the new law come into effect? 新法律何时生效?
Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease.营养不良降低了他 们抵抗疾病的能力。
I will have another glass if you insist.你这样坚持我就再喝一杯。
transport, transform, transaction
A bus transported us from the airport to the city.一辆公 共汽车把我们从飞机场送到城里。
The sofa can transform for use as a bed.这个沙发可改作 床用。
spontaneous, simultaneous
To be thoroughly enjoyed, reading must be entirely spontaneous. 一个人读书必须出其自然,才能够彻底享受读书的乐趣。
They ______ to make arrangement beforehand.
compose, dispose, propose
Compose:组成, 构成, 创作
These twelve men are believed to compose the jury. 据信, 陪审团是由这12人组成的。
He turned crimson under the insults. 他的脸因受到侮辱而涨得通红。
Deduce, reduce, reproduce
On the basis of evidence we _____ that he was guilty. He won't _____ the rent of our house. Rabbits _____quickly.
On the tops of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year. 高山顶上, 积雪终年不化。
Statue, status
Statue of Liberty 自由女神
Age has status in the villages. 在乡村里年长者受人尊敬。 We all are interested in the status of world affairs. 我们都关心世界形势。
Affect, defect, effect, infect
What crime have they committed to deserve such cruelty? 他们 犯了什么错,竟遭如此惩罚?
He observes carefully but says little.他总是仔细观察, 很少说话。
Consult :咨询,商议
He consulted the workers to understand the technical process. 他询问工人, 想了解技术上的程序。
Result :结果,效果
The result was quite opposite to what we had expected. 结果和我们所期望的完全相反。
Rabbits reproduce quickly. 兔子繁殖速度很快。
compose, dispose, propose
These twelve men are believed to _____ the jury. He _____ his books on the shelves.
Buying a house is an important transaction for most people.买房子对大多数人来讲都是件重要的事。
Explore:探索,勘 察
We must explore all the possibilities.我们必须探讨 所有的可能性。
He has visited every shop within a ____ of two miles.
_______can be used to treat cancer.
The sun _____ light and heat.
radius, radium, radiate
Comprehension: 理解(力)
It's quite past my comprehension. 这件事已远超出我的理解 力了。
spontaneous, simultaneous
To be thoroughly enjoyed, reading must be entirely _____. We need a _____ interpreter.
Our TV receives well since we had a new antenna put on. 自从安装了新天线以来, 我们的电视接收良好。