
一、问题求解:第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分;下列每题给出的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的;请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑;1.已知船在静水中的速度为28km/h,河水的流速为2km/h,则此船在相距78km的两地间往返一次所需时间是A B C D E4h3.某年级60名学生中,有30人参加合唱团、45人参加运动队,其中参加合唱团而未参加运动队的有8人,则参加运动队而未参加合唱团的有A15人B22人 C23人 D30人 E37人年,某市的全年研究与试验发展R&D经费支出300亿元,比2006年增长20%,该市的GDP为10000亿元,比2006年增长10%;2006年,该市的R&D经费支出占当年GDP的A% B2% C% D% E3%A10 B12 C14 D15 E1913.在年底的献爱心活动中,某单位共有100人参加捐款,经统计,捐款总额是19000元,个人捐款数额有100元、500元和2000元三种,该单位捐款500元的人数为A13 B18 C25 D30 E2814.某施工队承担了开凿一条长为2400m隧道的工程,在掘进了400m后,由于改进了施工工艺,每天比原计划多掘进2m,最后提前50天完成了施工任务,原计划施工工期是A200天 B240天 C250天 D300天 E350天二、条件充分性判断:第16-25小题,每小题3分,共30分;要求判断每题给出的条件1和条件2能否充分支持题干所陈述的结论,A、B、C、D、E五个选项为判断结果,请选择一项符合试题要求的判断,在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑;A条件1充分,但条件2不充分;B条件2充分,但条件1不充分;C条件1和2单独都不充分,但条件1和条件2联合起来充分;D条件1充分,条件2也充分;E条件1和2单独都不充分,条件1和2联合起来也不充分;16.实数a,b,c成等差数列;2 ln a, ln b, ln c成等差17.在一次英语考试中,某班的及格率为80%.1男生及格率为70%,女生及格率为90%.2男生的平均分与女生的平均分相等.18. 如图2,等腰梯形的上底与腰均为x,下底为x+10. 则x=13.1该梯形的上底与下底之比为13:23.2该梯形的面积为216.20.已知三角形ABC 的三条边分别为a,b,c . 则三角形ABC 是等腰直角三角形1 a-b 222b a c --=02 c = 2b21.直线ax+by+3=0被圆22)1()2(-+-y x =4截得的线段的长度为231 a=0, b=-12 a=-1,b=0 22.已知实数a,b,c,d 满足.1,12222=+=+d c b a 则bd ac +<11 直线ax+by =1与cx+dy =1仅有一个交点2 a ≠c,b ≠d 23.某年级共有8个班友,在一次年级考试中,共有21名学生不及格,每班不及格的学生最多有3名,则一班至少有1名学生不及格1二班的不及格人数多于三班2四班不及格的学生有2名 24.现有一批文字材料需要打印,两台新型打印机单独完成此任务分别需要4小时与5小时,两台旧型打印机单独完成此任务分别需要9小时与11小时,则能在小时内完成任务1 安排两台新型打印机同时打印2 安排一台新型打印机与两台旧型打印机同时打印25.已知{an}为等差数列,则该数列的公差为零1 对任何正整数n,都有a1+a2+…+an≤n2 a1≥a226.巴斯德认为,空气中的微生物浓度与环境状况、气流运动和海拔高度有关;他在山上的不同高度分别打开装着煮过的培养液的瓶子,发现海拔越来越高,培养液被微生物污染的可能性越小;在山顶上,20个装了培养液的瓶子,只有1个长出了微生物;普歇另用干草浸液做材料重复了巴斯德的实验,却得出不同的结果:及时在海拔很高的地方,所有装了培养液的瓶子很快长出了微生物;以下哪项如果为真,最能解释普歇和巴斯德实验所得到的不同结果A只要有氧气的刺激,微生物就会从培养液中自发地生长出来;B培养液在加热消毒、密封、冷却的过程中会被外界细菌污染;C普歇和巴斯德的实验设计都不够严密;D干草浸液中含有一种耐高温的枯草杆菌,培养液一旦冷却,枯草杆菌的孢子就会复活,迅速繁殖;E普歇和巴斯德都认为,虽然他们用的实验材料不同,但是经过煮沸,细菌都能被有效地杀灭;27.张教授的所有初中同学都不是博士,通过张教授而认识其哲学研究所同事的都是博士;张教授的一个初中同学通过张教授认识了王研究员;以下哪项能作为结论从上述中退出A王研究员是张教授的哲学研究所同事B王研究员不是张教授的哲学研究所同事C我那个研究员是博士D王研究员不是张教授的初中同学28.一般将缅甸所产的经过风化或经河水搬运至河谷、河床中的翡翠大砾石,称为“老坑玉”;老坑玉的特点是“水头好”、质坚、透明度高,其上品透明如玻璃,故称“玻璃种”或“冰种”;同为老坑玉,其质量相对也有高低之分,有的透明度高一些,有的透明度稍差一些,所以价值也有差别;在其他条件都相同的情况下,透明度高的老坑玉比透明度较其低的单位价值高,但是开采的实践告诉人们,没有单位价值最高的老坑玉;以上论述如果为真,可以得出以下哪项结论A没有透明度最高的老坑玉B透明度最高的老坑玉未必“水头好”C“老坑玉”中也有质量好的翡翠D老坑玉的单位价值还决定于其加工的质量E随着年带的增加,老坑玉的单位价值会越来越高29.某教育专家认为:“男孩危机”是指男孩调皮捣蛋、胆小怕事、学习成绩不如女孩好等现象;近些年,这种现象已经成为儿童教育专家关注的一个重要问题;这位专家在列出一系列统计数据后,提出了“今日男孩为什么从小学、中学到大学全面落后于同年龄阶段的女孩”的疑问,这无疑加剧了无数男孩家长的焦虑;该专家通过分析指出,恰恰是家庭和学校不恰当的教育方法导致了“男孩危机”现象;以下哪项如果为真,最能对该专家的观点提出质疑A家庭对独生子女的过度呵护,在很大程度上限制了男孩发散思维的拓展和冒险性格的养成;B现在的男孩比以前的男孩在女孩面前更喜欢表现出“绅士”的一面;C男孩在发展潜能方面要优于女孩,大学毕业后后他们更容易在事业上有所成就;D在家庭、学校教育中,女性充当了主要角色;E现代社会游戏泛滥,男孩天性比女孩更喜欢游戏,这耗去了他们大量的精力;30.抚仙湖虫是泥盆纪澄江动物群中特有的一种,属于直节肢动物中比较原始的类型,成虫体长10厘米,有31个体节,外骨骼分为头、胸、腹三部分,它的背、腹分节不一致;泥盆纪直虾是现代昆虫的祖先,抚仙湖虫化石与直虾类化石类似,这间接表明了抚仙湖虫是昆虫的远祖;研究者还发现,抚仙湖虫的消化道充满泥沙,这表明它是食泥动物;以下除哪项外,均能支持上述论证A昆虫的远祖也有不食泥的生物;B泥盆纪直虾的外骨骼分为头、胸、腹三部分;C凡是与泥盆纪直虾类似的生物都是昆虫的远祖;D昆虫是由真节肢动物中比较原始的生物进化而来的;E抚仙湖虫消化道中的泥沙不是在化石形成过程中有外界渗透进去的;31. 2010年某省物价总水平仅上涨%,涨势比较温和,涨幅甚至比2009年回落了个百分点;可是,普通民众觉得物价涨幅较高,一些统计数据也表明,民众的感觉有据可依;2010年某月的统计报告显示,该月禽蛋类食品价格涨幅达%,某些反季节蔬菜涨幅甚至超过20%;以下哪项如果为真,最能解释上述看似矛盾的现象A人们对数据的认识存在偏差,不同来源的统计数据会产生不同的结果;B影响居民消费品价格总水平变动的各种因素互相交织;C虽然部分日常消费品涨幅很小,但居民感觉很明显;D在物价指数体系中占相当权重的工业消费品价格持续走低;E不同的家庭,其收入水平、消费偏好,消费结构都有很大差异;32. 随着互联网的发展,人们的购物方式有了新的选择;很多年轻人喜欢在网络上选择自己满意的商品,通过快递送上门,购物足不出户,非常便捷;刘教授据此认为,那些实体商场的竞争力会受到互联网的冲击,在不远的将来,会有更多的网络商店取代实体商店;以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱刘教授的观点A网络购物虽然有某些便利,但容易导致个人信息被不法分子利用;B有些高档品牌的专卖店,只愿意采取街面实体商店的销售方式;C网络商店与快递公司在货物丢失或损坏的赔偿方面经常互相推诿;D购买黄金珠宝等贵重物品,往往需要现场挑选,且不适宜网络支付;E通常情况下,网络商店只有在其实体商店的支持下33.受多元文化和价值观的冲击,中国居民的离婚率明显上升;最近一项调查表明,中国的平均婚姻持续时间为8年;张先生为此感慨,现在像钻石婚、金婚、白头偕老这样的美丽故事已经很难得,人们纯朴的爱情婚姻观一去不复返了;以下哪项如果为真,最可能表明张先生的理解不确切A现在有不少闪婚一族,他们经常在很短的时间里结婚又离婚;B婚姻存续时间长并不意味着婚姻的质量高;C过去的婚姻主要由父母包办,现在主要是自由恋爱;D尽管婚姻存续时间短,但年轻人谈恋爱的时间比以前增加很多;E婚姻是爱情的坟墓,美丽感人的故事更多体现在恋爱中;34.某集团公司有四个部门,分别生产冰箱、彩电、电脑和手机;根据前三个季度的数据统计,四个部门经理对2010年全年的赢利情况作了如下预测:冰箱部门经理:今年手机部门会赢利;彩电部门经理:如果冰箱部门今年没赢利,那么彩电部门就不会赢利;电脑部门经理:如果手机部门今年没赢利,那么电脑部门也没赢利;手机部门经理:今年冰箱和彩电部门都会赢利;全年数据统计完成后,发现上述四个预测只有一个符合事实;A彩电部门赢利,冰箱部门没赢利;B冰箱部门赢利,电脑部门没赢利;C电脑部门赢利,彩电部门没赢利;D冰箱部门和彩电部门都没赢利;E冰箱部门和电脑部门都赢利;35.随着数字技术的发展,音频、视频的播放形式出现了革命性转变;人们很快接受了一些新形式,比如MP3、CD、DVD等;但是对于电子图书的接受并没有达到专家所预期的程度,现在仍有很大一部分读者喜欢捧着纸质出版物;纸质书籍在出版业中依然占据重要地位;因此有人说,书籍可能是数字技术需要攻破的最后一个堡垒;以下哪项最不能对上述现象提供解释A人们固执地迷恋着阅读纸质书籍时的舒适体验,喜欢纸张的质感;B在显示器上阅读,无论是笨重的阴极射线管显示器还是轻薄的液晶显示器,都会让人无端地心浮气躁;C现在仍有一些怀旧爱好者喜欢收集经典图书;D电子书显示设备技术不够完善,图像显示速度较慢;E电子书和纸质书籍的柔软沉静相比,显得面目可憎;36.在一次围棋比赛中,参赛选手陈华不时地挤捏指关节,发出声响干扰了对手的思考;在比赛封盘间歇时,裁判警告陈华,如果再次在比赛中挤捏指关节并发出声响,将判其违规;对此,陈华反驳说,他挤捏指关节是习惯性动作,并不是故意的,因此,不应被判违规;以下哪项如果成立,最能支持陈华对裁判的反驳A在此次比赛中,对手不时打开、合拢折扇,发出的声响干扰了陈华的思考;B在围棋比赛中,只有选手的故意行为,才能成为判罚的根据;C在此次比赛中,对手本人并没有对陈华的干扰提出抗议;D陈华一向恃才傲物,该裁判对其早有不满;E如果陈华为人诚实、从不说谎,那么他就不应该被判违规;立体技术代表了当前电影技术的尖端水准,由于使电影实现了高度可信的空间感,它可能成为未来电影的主流;3D立体电影中的银幕角色虽然由计算机生成,但是那些包括动作和表情的电脑角色的“表演”,都以真实演员的“表演”为基础,就想数码时代的化妆技术一样;这也引起了某些演员的担心:随着计算机技术的发展,未来计算机生成的图像和动画会代替真人表演;以下哪项如果为真,最能减弱上述演员的担心A所有电影的导演只能和真人交流,而不是和电脑交流;B任何电影的拍摄都取决于制片人的选择,演员可以跟上时代的发展;C3D立体电影目前的高票房只是人们一时图新鲜的结果,未来尚不可知;D掌握3D立体技术的动画专业人员不喜欢去电影院看3D电影;E电影故事只能用演员的心灵、情感来表现,其表现形式与导演的喜好无关;38.公达律师事务所以为刑事案件的被告进行有效辩护而着称,成功率达90%以上;老余是一位以专门为离婚案件的当事人成功辩护而着称的律师;因此,老余不可能是公达律师事务所的成员;以下哪项最为确切地指出了上述论证的漏洞A公达律师事务所具有的特征,其成员不一定具有;B没有确切指出老余为离婚案件的当事人辩护的成功率;C没有确切指出老余为刑事案件的当事人辩护的成功率;D没有提供公达律师事务所统计数据的来源;E老余具有的特征,其所在工作单位不一定具有;39. 科学研究中使用的形式语言和日常生活中使用的自然语言有很大的不同,形式语言看起来像天书,远离大众,只有一些专业人士才能理解和运用;但其实这是一种误解,自然语言和形式语言的关系就像肉眼与显微镜的关系,肉眼的视域广阔,可以从整体上把握事物的信息;显微镜可以帮助人们看到事物的细节和精微之处,尽管用它看到的范围小,所以,形式语言和自然语言都是人们交流和理解信息的重要工具,把它们结合起来使用,具有强大的力量;以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述结论A通过显微镜看到的内容肯能成为新的“风景”,说明形式语言可以丰富自然语言的表达,我们应重视形式语言;B正如显微镜下显示的信息最终还是要通过肉眼观察一样,形式语言表述的内容最终也要通过自然语言来实现,说明自然语言更基础;C科学理论如果仅用形式语言表达,很难被普通民众理解;同样,如果仅用自然语言表达,有可能变得冗长且很难表达准确;D科学的发展很大程度上改善了普通民众的日常生活,但人们并没有意识到科学表达的基础------形式语言的重要性;E采用哪种语言其实不重要,关键在于是否表达了真正想表达的思想内容;40.一艘远洋帆船载着5位中国人和几位外国人由中国开往欧洲;途中,除5位中国人外,全患上了败血症;同乘一艘船,同样是风餐露宿,漂洋过海,为什么中国人和外国人如此不同呢原来这5位中国人都有喝茶的习惯,而外国人却没有;于是得出结论:喝茶时这5位中国人未得败血症的原因;以下哪项和题干中得出结论的方法最为相似A警察锁定了犯罪嫌疑人,但是从目前掌握的事实看,都不足以证明他犯罪;专案组由此得出结论,必有一种未知的因素潜藏在犯罪嫌疑人身后;B在两块土壤情况基本相同的麦地上,对其中一块施氮肥和钾肥,另一块只施钾肥;结果施氮肥和钾肥的那块麦地的产量远高于另一块;可见,施氮肥是麦地产量较高的原因;C孙悟空:“如果打白骨精,师父会念紧箍咒;如果不打,师父就会被妖精吃掉;”孙悟空无奈得出结论:“我还是回花果山算了;”D天文学家观测到天王星的运行轨道有特征a、b、c,已知特征a、b分别是由两颗行星甲、乙的吸引造成的,于是猜想还有一颗未知行星造成天王星的轨道特征c;E一定压力下的一定量气体,温度升高,体积增大;温度降低,体积缩小;气体体积与温度之间存在一定得相关性,说明气体温度的改变是它体积改变的原因;41.所有重点大学的学生都是聪明的学生,有些聪明的学生喜欢逃学,小杨不喜欢逃学;所以,小杨不是重点大学的学生;以下哪项除外,均与上述推理的形式类似A所有经济学家都懂经济学,有些懂经济学的爱投资企业,你不爱投资企业,所以,你不是经济学家;B 所有鹅都爱吃青菜,有些吃青菜的也吃鱼,兔子不吃鱼;所以,兔子不是鹅;C所有的人都是爱美的,有些爱美的还研究科学,亚里士多德不是普通人;所以,亚里士多德不研究科学;D所有被高校录取的学生都是超过录取分数线的,有些超过录取分数线的是大龄考生,校长不是大龄考生;所以小张没有被高校录取;E所有想当外交官的都需要学外语,有些学外语的重视人际交往,小王不重视人际交往;所以小王不想当外交官;42.按照联合国开发计划署2007年的统计,挪威是世界上居民生活质量最高的国家,欧美和日本等发达国家也名列前茅;如果统计1990年以来生活质量改善最快的国家,发达国家则落后了,至少在联合国开发计划署统计的116个国家中,17年来,非洲东南部国家莫桑比克的生活质量提高最快,2007年其生活质量指数比1990年提高了50%,很多非洲国家取得了和莫桑比克类似的成就;作为世界上最受瞩目的发展中国家,中国的生活质量指数在过去17年中冶提高了27%;以下哪项可以从联合国开发计划署的统计中得出A2007年,发展中国家的生活质量指数都低于西方国家B2007年,莫桑比克的生活质量指数不高于中国C2006年,日本的生活质量指数不高于中国D2006年,莫桑比克的生活质量的改善快于非洲其他各国E2007年,挪威的生活质量指数高于非洲各届;43.某次认知能力测试,刘强得了118分,蒋明的得分比王丽高,张华和刘强的得分之和大于蒋明和王丽的得分之和,刘强的得分比周梅高;此次测试120分以上为优秀,无人之中有两人没有达到优秀、根据以上信息,以下哪项是上述五人在此次测试中得分由高到低的排列A张华、王丽、周梅、蒋明、刘强 B张华、蒋明、王丽、刘强、周梅C张华、蒋明、刘强、王丽、周梅 D蒋明、张华、王丽、刘强、周梅E蒋明、王丽、张华、刘强、周梅44.近日,某集团高层领导研究了发展方向问题;王总经理认为:既要发展纳米技术,也要发展生物医药技术;赵副总经理认为:只有发展智能技术,才能发展生物医药技术;李副总经理认为:如果发展纳米技术和生物医药技术,那么也要发展智能技术;最后经过董事会研究,只有其中一位的意见被采纳;根据以上陈述,以下哪项符合董事会的研究决定A发展纳米技术和智能技术,但是不发展生物医药技术;B发展生物医药技术和纳米技术,但是不发展智能技术;C发展智能技术和生物医药技术,但是不发展纳米技术;D发展智能技术,但是不发展纳米技术和生物医药技术;E发展生物医药技术,智能技术和纳米技术;45.国外某教授最近指出,长着一张娃娃脸的人意味着他将享有更长的寿命,因为人们的生活状况很容易反映在脸上,从1990年春季开始,该教授领导的研究小组对1826对70岁以上的双胞胎进行了体能和认知测试,并拍了他们的面部照片;在不知道他们确切年龄的情况下,三名研究助手先对不同年龄组的双胞胎进行年龄评估,结果发现,即使是双胞胎,被猜出的年龄也相差很大;然后,研究小组用若干年时间对这些双胞胎的晚年生活进行了跟踪调查,直至他们去世;调查表明:双胞胎中,外表年龄差异越大,看起来老的那个就越可能先去世;以下哪项如果为真,最能形成对该教授调查结论的反驳A如果把调查对象扩大到40岁以上的双胞胎,结果可能会有所不同;B三名研究助手比较年轻,从事该项研究的时间不长C外表年龄是每个人生活坏境、生活状况和心态的集中体现,与生命老化关系不大;D生命老化的原因在于细胞分裂导致染色体末端不断损耗;E看起来越老的人,在心里上一般较为成熟,对于生命有更深刻的理解;46.由于含糖饮料的卡路里含量高,容易导致肥胖,因此无糖饮料开始流行,经过一段时期的调查,李教授认为:无糖饮料尽管卡路里含量低,但并不意味它不会导致体重增加,因为无糖饮料可能导致人们对于甜食的高度偏爱,这意味着可能食用更多的含糖类食物;而且无糖饮料几乎没什么营养,喝得过多就限制了其它健康饮品的摄入,比如茶和果汁等;以下哪项如果为真,最能支持李教授的观点A茶是中国的传统饮料,长期饮用有益健康;B有些瘦子也爱喝无糖饮料;C有些胖子爱吃甜食;D不少胖子向医生报告他们常喝无糖饮料;E喝无糖饮料的人很少进行健身运动;47.只有公司相关部门的所有员工都考试合格了,该部门的员工才能得到年终奖金,财务部有些员工考试合格了;综合部所有员工都得到了年总奖金;行政部的赵强考试合格了;如果以上陈述为真,则以下哪项可能为真Ⅰ.财务部员工都考评合格了; Ⅱ.赵强得到了年终奖金;Ⅲ.综合部有些员工没有考评合格; Ⅳ.财务部员工没有得到年终奖金;A仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ B仅Ⅱ、Ⅲ C仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ E仅Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ48.随着文化知识越来越重要,人们花在读书上的时间越来越多,文人学子中近视患者的比例也越来越高;即便在城里工人、乡镇农民中,也能看到不少人戴近视眼镜;然而,在中国古代很少发现患有近视的文人学子,更别说普通老百姓了;以下除哪项外,均可以解释上述现象A古时候,只有家庭条件好或者有地位的人才读得起书:即便读书,用在读书上的时间也很少,那种头悬梁、锥刺骨的读书人更是凤毛麟角;B古时交通和工具不发达,出行主要靠步行,骑马,足量的运动对于预防近视有一定的作用C古人生活节奏慢,不用担心交通安全,所以即使患了近视,其危害也非常小;D古代自然科学不发达,那时学生读的书很少,主要是四书五经,一本论语要读好几年;E古人书写用的是毛笔,眼睛和字的距离比较远,写的字也相对大些49-50题基于以下题干:某家长认为,有想象力才能进行创造性劳动,但想象力和知识是天敌;人在获得知识的过程中,想象力会消失,因为知识符合逻辑,而想象力无章可循;换句话说,知识的本质是科学,想象力的特征是荒诞;人的大脑一山不容二虎:学龄前,想象力独占鳌头,脑子被想象力占据;上学后,大多数人的想象力被知识驱逐出境;他们成为知识但丧失了想象力;终身。

一、数学部分1. 问题:一个公司在一年内销售额增长了20%,如果去年的销售额是100万元,今年是多少?答案:今年的销售额是120万元。
2. 问题:如果一个投资的年回报率是5%,那么1000元的投资在5年后的总价值是多少?答案:5年后的总价值是1276.32元。
3. 问题:一个班级有50名学生,其中30%是女生,问这个班级有多少男生?答案:这个班级有35名男生。
二、逻辑部分1. 问题:如果所有的苹果都是水果,那么以下哪个陈述是正确的?A. 所有的水果都是苹果。
B. 一些水果不是苹果。
C. 只有苹果是水果。
答案:B. 一些水果不是苹果。
2. 问题:如果一个经理总是对他的员工很严厉,那么以下哪个陈述是正确的?A. 所有的经理都是严厉的。
B. 这个经理的员工总是很努力。
C. 严厉的经理总是有高效的团队。
答案:B. 这个经理的员工总是很努力。
答案:(略)四、综合知识部分1. 问题:以下哪个不是市场营销的4P?A. ProductB. PriceC. PlaceD. Process答案:D. Process2. 问题:SWOT分析中的“S”代表什么?A. StrengthsB. StrategiesC. SystemsD. Solutions答案:A. Strengths结束语以上是2009年10月MBA试题及答案的一部分示例。


2020全国MBA联考综合能力真题及答案-解析一、单选题(共55题,共110分)1.某车间计划10 天完成一项任务,工作3 天后事故停工2 天,若仍要按原计划完成任务,则工作效率要提高( ).A.20%B.30%C.40%D.50%E.60%ABCDE正确答案:C本题解析:整个工程看做单位"1" ,原计划的工作效率为1/10 ,实际的工作效率为(1-1/10x3)/( 10-3-2) =7/50 ,因此工作效率提高了(7/50-1/10)/(1/10)=40% ,选C。
2.函数f(x)=2x+a/ π2(a ﹥0) ,在(0 ,+ ∞)内最小值为f(x 0)=12 ,则x0=A.5B.4C.3D.2E.1ABCDE正确答案:B本题解析:利用三个数的均值定理求最值:a+b+c ≥3 3 √abc 。
f(x)=2x+a/x 2 =x+x+a/x 2≥3 3√x*x*a/x 2,因此最小值为3 3√a=12 →a=64 ,因此x=x=64/x 2→x=4 ,选B。
A.3:4C.12:13D.13:12E.4:3ABCDE正确答案:C本题解析:如图可得:一季度男女观众人数分別为:男: 5w+ 4w+ 3w= 12w女: 6w+ 3w+ 4w= 13w故一季度男女人数比的: 12:13 ,选C。
4.没实数a,b 満足ab=6 ,|a+b| +|a-b|=6 ,则a2+b2=( )A.10B.11C.12D.13E.14ABCDE正确答案:D本题解析:ab=6, 特值法a=2 ,b=3 満足条件,a2+b2=4+9=13 ,选D。
5.设圆C 与圆(x-5) 2+y2=2 ,关于y=2x 时称,则圆C 方程为( )A.(x-3) 2 +(y-4) 2=2B.(x+4) 2 +(y-3) 2=2C.(x-3) 2 +(y+4) 2=2D.(x+3) 2 +(y+4) 2=2E.(x+3) 2 +(y-4) 2=2正确答案:E6.将一批树苗种在应该正方形花园边上,四角都种,如果每隔3 米种一棵,那么剩下10课树苗,如果每隔2 米种一棵那么种满正方形的3 条边,则这批树苗有( ) 棵A.54B.60C.70D.82E.94ABCDE正确答案:D本题解析:设正方形的边长为x,由已知可得方程4x/3+10=3x/2+1 ,求解得x=54故树苗有(54x4)/3+10=82 ,选D。

2010年10月在职MBA英语真题•Paper One试卷一(120 minutes)Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes,10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.16.If the work by the end of this month is delayed,the construction company will be heavily fined.A.is completed B.to be completedC.will have been completed D.will be completedl7.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he our chairman now.A.must be B.would have been C.shall be D.would be18.pollution control measures tend to be money consuming,many industries hesitate to adopt them.A.Although B.However C.When D.Sincel9.is often the case with a new idea,much initial activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposal.A.It B.Which C.As D.That20.According to the of the contract,employees must give six months’notice if they intend to leave.A.laws B畆ules C.terms D.details21.All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants in the wild.A.once they grew B.that once grewC.they grew once D.once grew22.The meter can detect even a very small amount of gas in the room.A.sensible B.sensitive C.sensing D.sensed23.Not until recent years a popular means of communication.A.e-mail became B.e-mail has becomeC.did e-mail become D.will e-mail become24.Mobile phones have proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.A.interfere B.disturb C.interrupt D.trouble25.Although there are many predictions about the future,no one knows for sure the world would be like in 50 years.A.how B.that C.which D.what26.The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to the investment plan within a week.A.work out B.put out C.make out D.set out27.I was speaking to Ann on the phone about our tour plan suddenly we were cut off.A.that B.while C.before D.when28.Television will provide information on prices at the nearby shops news and entertainment.A.as many as B.as far as C.as well as D.as long as29.,the researchers cannot concentrate on that very precise experiment.A.With you standing there B.On your standing thereC.You are standing there D.You stand there30.Jane takes an interest in clothes and is very particular about what she wears.A.exhaustive B.excelling C.executive D.excessive31.She went to Europe on vacation but her happy time ended in when their hotel caught fire.A.tragedy B.crisis C.drama D.misfortune32.You could become a good musician,but your lack of practice is you.A.taking...over B.holding...backC.making...up D.leaving...out33.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% last year.A.individually B.respectively C.correspondingly D.accordingly34.The managing director took the for the accident,although it was not really his fault.A.guilt B.blame C.charge D.accusation35.It is requested that all the students present at the meeting tomorrow.A.were B.will be C.are D.bePart III Reading Comprehension (55 minutes,40 points)Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneIn ancient Greek, the term euthanatos meant“easy death”. Today euthanasia (安乐死) generally refers to mercy killing,the voluntary (自愿) ending of the life of someone who is terminally ill.Like abortion,euthanasia has become a legal,medical,and moral issue over which opinion is divided.Euthanasia can be either active or passive.Active euthanasia means that a physician or other medical personnel takes an action that will result in death,such as giving an overdose of deadly medicine.Passive euthanasia means letting a patient die for lack of treatment,or stopping the treatment that has begun.Examples of passive euthanasia include taking patients off a breathing machine or removing other life-support systems.Stopping the food supply is also considered passive.A good deal of the debate about mercy killing originates from the decision-making process.Who decides whether a patient is to die? This issue has not been solved legally in the United States.The matter is left to state law, which usually allows the physician in charge to suggest the option of death to a patient’s relatives,especially if the patient is brain dead.In an attempt to make decisions about when their own lives should end, several terminally ill patients in the early 1990s used a controversial suicide device,developed by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, to end their lives.In parts of Europe, the decision-making process has become very flexible.Even in cases where the patients are not brain dead,patients have been put to death without their approval at the request of relatives or at the suggestion of physicians.Many cases of passive euthanasia involve old people or newborn infants. The principle justifying this practice is that such individuals have a “life not worthy of life”.In countries where passive euthanasia is not legal, the court systems have proved very tolerant in dealing with medical personnel who practice it.In Japan, for example, if physicians follow certain guidelines they may actively carry out mercy killings on hopelessly ill people. Courts have also been somewhat tolerant of friends or relatives who have assisted terminally ill patients to die.36.A terminally ill patient is one who .A.gets worse every day B.can never get well againC.is very seriously ill in the end D.is too ill to want to live on37.The difference between active and passive euthanasia is whether .A.there is an action that speeds up the death of the patientB.the breathing machine is taken off the patientC.an overdose of deadly medicine is usedD.the patient is denied food supply38.According to the passage,who has/have the legal responsibility to decide on euthanasia?A.The national or state government.B.The patient’s relatives.C.Physicians in charge of the patient.D.The answer varies from country to country.39.The principle justifying passive euthanasia in Europe is that terminally ill patients are .A.living a life without consciousnessB.living a life that can hardly be called lifeC.too old or too weak to live onD.too old or too young to approve of euthanasia40.The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is .A.negative B.positive C.objective D.casualPassage TwoNext week, as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving (感恩节) feasts,many other Americans will go without.According to the United States Department of Agriculture,more than 12 million households lack enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year—including holidays.Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country—one of the world’s wealthiest—yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100 billion pounds of food each year,more than one-quarter of our total supply.Reducing this improper distribution of resources is a goal of America’s Second Harvest,the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.Last year,it distributed nearly 2 billion pounds of food to more than 23 million people in need.America’s Second Harvest is a network of 214 inter-connected food banks and other organizations that gather food from growers,processors,grocery stores and restaurants.In turn,the network distributes food to some 50,000 soup kitchens,homeless shelters and old people’s centers in every county of every state.A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of donors (捐赠者) to hundreds of small, nonprofit organizations.Until a few years ago,America’s Second Harvest lacked any effective way to manage their inventory.Without accurate and timely information,soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to spoil in loading places.In 2000, America’s Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system—Ceres.It is software designed specifically for hunger-relief operations.It is used by more than 100 America’s Second Harvest organizations to track food from donation to distribution.Ceres has helped reduce the spoiling of food and improve distribution.An evaluation found that the software streamlined food banks’operations by 23 percent in the first year alone.With more accurate and timely reports,Ceres saves time,flees staff members to focus on finding new donors,and promises more efficient use of donations.Hunger in America remains a troubling social problem.Technology alone cannot solve it.But in the hands of organizations such as America’s Second Harvest, it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference—and helping more Americans to join in the feast41.According to the passage,the total supply of food in America every year reaches .A.12 million pounds B.more than 12 million poundsC.almost 100 billion pounds D.about 400 billion pounds42.By“this improper distribution of resources”in Paragraph 3,the writer means that many Americans lack enough food while .A.their country is one of the richest in the worldB.much food is left to spoilC.others waste too much foodD.others consume too much food43.A problem for America’s Second Harvest a few years ago was that.A.it did not get enough food from donorsB.it did not have a large enough networkC.it did not have enough soup kitchensD.it did not have a good way to manage its food stock44.With Ceres,America’s Second Harvest is now able to.A.enlarge its networkB.prevent food from spoilingC.give out food more efficientlyD.solve the hunger problem in the country45.The main idea of the passage is that .A.technology can help in the fight against hungerB.America’s Second Harvest has found more donorsC.America’s Second Harvest promotes the development of technologyD.hunger is a problem even in the wealthiest country in the worldPassage ThreeThe differences in living standards around the world are vast.In 1993, the average American had an income of about $25,000.In the same year,the average Mexican earned $7,000,and the average Nigerian earned $l,500.Not surprisingly,this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life.Changes in living standards over time are also large.In the United States,incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living).At this rate,average income doubles every 35 years.In some countries,economic growth has been even more rapid.In Japan,for instance,average income has doubled in the past 20 years,and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time? The answer is surprisingly simple.Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries’productivity—that is,the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time.In nations where workers can produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time,most people enjoy a high standard of living;in nations where workers are less productive,most people must endure a more meager existence.Similarly,the growth rate of a nation’s productivity determines the growth rate of its average income.The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its implications are far-reaching.If productivity is the primary determinant of living standards,other explanations must be of secondary importance.For example,people might think that labor unions or minimum-wage laws contributed to the rise in living standards of American workers over the past century.Yet the real hero of American workers is their rising productivity.The relationship between productivity and living standards also has great implications for public policy.When thinking about how any policy will affect living standards,the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and services.To improve living standards,policymakers need to raise productivity by ensuring that workers are well educated,have the tools needed to produce goods and services,and have access to the best available technology.46.Which of the following countries has enjoyed the fastest economic growth in history?A.Mexico.B.The United States.C.Japan.D.South Korea.47.The word“meager”in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to“”.A.modest B.poor C.meaningless D.plentiful48.What is the most important factor that leads to the rise in living standards of average people?A.Labor unions.B.Minimum-wage laws.C.Rising productivity.D.Favorable public policy.49.The study of the relationship between productivity and living standards is significant in that.A.it calls policymakers’attention to a qualified work forceB.it encourages workers to get better educationC.it helps improve the workers’ability to produce goods and servicesD.it enables policymakers to access the latest technology50.The passage mainly discusses .A.the differences in average income among countriesB.the relationship between productivity and living standardsC.the causes of the rise in living standardsD.the importance of raising productivityPassage FourNot so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good career quite easily.Companies toured the academic institutions,competing with each other to select graduates.However,those days are gone,even in Hong Kong,and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career:recognizing abilities,matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible employers.Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities.One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications,which would include special skills within their subject area.Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes.An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative skills,or skills acquired from work experience,should also be given careful thought.The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future.To do this,graduates can study job and position information in newspapers,or they can visit a careers office.write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession.After studying all the various options,they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should,of course,be filled in carefully and correctly,without grammar or spelling errors.Where additional information is asked for,job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth,with examples if possible.They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer’s needs,explain why they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.When graduates go to an interview,they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the possible employer.Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important.Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about.This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.51.“Those days are gone,even in Hong Kong”in Paragraph 1 suggests that.A.finding a good career used to be easier in Hong Kong than elsewhereB.now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good jobC.graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhereD.even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates52.It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should .A.aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needsB.consider careers which suit their values,interests and abilitiesC.recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks forD.stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications53.According to Paragraph 4,graduates should.A.find a good position and then compare it with other careersB.ask friends or relatives to secure them a good jobC.get information about a number of careers before making comparisonsD.study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available54.In the last paragraph,the writer seems to suggest that.A.interviewees should appear humble if they can’t give an answerB.dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answerC.it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understandD.it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers55.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.B.Job seekers should consider as many related factors as possible.C.Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to select graduates.D.Graduates used to compete with each other for a good job in Hong Kong.Part IV Cloze Test (15 minutes,5 points)Directions:There are ten blanks in the following passage.For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.This is often done in the workplace,or 56“continuing education”courses at secondary schools, or at a college or university.Educating adults differs from educating 57 in several ways.One of the most important 58 is that adults have gained knowledge and experience which can 59add value to a learning experience or interfere with it.Another important difference is that adults frequently must apply their knowledge in some 60 fashion in order to learn effectively;there must be a 61 and a reasonable expectation that the new knowledge will help them further that goal.One example,62 in the 1990s,was the spread of computer training courses in 63 adults,most of them office workers,could enroll.These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application 64.Because the skills 65 to interact with a PC were so new,many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses,either of their own will(to gain computer skills and thus can higher pay)or at the request of their managers.56.A.by B.from C.on D.through57.A.children B.students C.workers D.employees58.A.signs B.features C.differences D.practices59.A.either B.neither C.both D.so60.A.probable B.practical C.modern D.routine61.A.plan B.prospect C.goal D.possibility62.A.normal B.common C.regular D.profitable63.A.that B.which C.those D.whose64.A.software B.hardware C.technology D.framework65.A.related B.designed C.expected D.requiredPaper Two试卷二(60 minutes)Part V Translation (3 0 minutes,l 5 points)Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEETOne of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users.This is a very good thing.If I’m working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file,I can do so very quickly and easily,without having to fax it to him.This saves on long distance bills and printing costs.It also,however,presents a problem,because attachments can take a long time to download.For those of us who pay by the hour forInternet service,unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming.I once had someone send me fifteen large image files,and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one of them.So,in short,if you’re going to send an attachment,get permission first.Part VI Writing (30 minutes,15 points)Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words on the title of“College Students Should (Not)Be Permitted to Live Off Campus”.You are to take a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons.You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.近年来大学生在校外租房居住的现象越来越多,这个问题已引起社会各界的关注。

2010年10月在职MBA英语真题•Paper One试卷一(120 minutes)Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes,10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.16.If the work by the end of this month is delayed,the construction company will be heavily fined.A.is completed B.to be completedC.will have been completed D.will be completedl7.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he our chairman now.A.must be B.would have been C.shall be D.would be18.pollution control measures tend to be money consuming,many industries hesitate to adopt them.A.Although B.However C.When D.Sincel9.is often the case with a new idea,much initial activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposal.A.It B.Which C.As D.That20.According to the of the contract,employees must give six months’notice if they intend to leave.A.laws B畆ules C.terms D.details21.All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants in the wild.A.once they grew B.that once grewC.they grew once D.once grew22.The meter can detect even a very small amount of gas in the room.A.sensible B.sensitive C.sensing D.sensed23.Not until recent years a popular means of communication.A.e-mail became B.e-mail has becomeC.did e-mail become D.will e-mail become24.Mobile phones have proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.A.interfere B.disturb C.interrupt D.trouble25.Although there are many predictions about the future,no one knows for sure the world would be like in 50 years.A.how B.that C.which D.what26.The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to the investment plan within a week.A.work out B.put out C.make out D.set out27.I was speaking to Ann on the phone about our tour plan suddenly we were cut off.A.that B.while C.before D.when28.Television will provide information on prices at the nearby shops news and entertainment.A.as many as B.as far as C.as well as D.as long as29.,the researchers cannot concentrate on that very precise experiment.A.With you standing there B.On your standing thereC.You are standing there D.You stand there30.Jane takes an interest in clothes and is very particular about what she wears.A.exhaustive B.excelling C.executive D.excessive31.She went to Europe on vacation but her happy time ended in when their hotel caught fire.A.tragedy B.crisis C.drama D.misfortune32.You could become a good musician,but your lack of practice is you.A.taking...over B.holding...backC.making...up D.leaving...out33.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% last year.A.individually B.respectively C.correspondingly D.accordingly34.The managing director took the for the accident,although it was not really his fault.A.guilt B.blame C.charge D.accusation35.It is requested that all the students present at the meeting tomorrow.A.were B.will be C.are D.bePart III Reading Comprehension (55 minutes,40 points)Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneIn ancient Greek, the term euthanatos meant“easy death”. Today euthanasia (安乐死) generally refers to mercy killing,the voluntary (自愿) ending of the life of someone who is terminally ill.Like abortion,euthanasia has become a legal,medical,and moral issue over which opinion is divided.Euthanasia can be either active or passive.Active euthanasia means that a physician or other medical personnel takes an action that will result in death,such as giving an overdose of deadly medicine.Passive euthanasia means letting a patient die for lack of treatment,or stopping the treatment that has begun.Examples of passive euthanasia include taking patients off a breathing machine or removing other life-support systems.Stopping the food supply is also considered passive.A good deal of the debate about mercy killing originates from the decision-making process.Who decides whether a patient is to die? This issue has not been solved legally in the United States.The matter is left to state law, which usually allows the physician in charge to suggest the option of death to a patient’s relatives,especially if the patient is brain dead.In an attempt to make decisions about when their own lives should end, several terminally ill patients in the early 1990s used a controversial suicide device,developed by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, to end their lives.In parts of Europe, the decision-making process has become very flexible.Even in cases where the patients are not brain dead,patients have been put to death without their approval at the request of relatives or at the suggestion of physicians.Many cases of passive euthanasia involve old people or newborn infants. The principle justifying this practice is that such individuals have a “life not worthy of life”.In countries where passive euthanasia is not legal, the court systems have proved very tolerant in dealing with medical personnel who practice it.In Japan, for example, if physicians follow certain guidelines they may actively carry out mercy killings on hopelessly ill people. Courts have also been somewhat tolerant of friends or relatives who have assisted terminally ill patients to die.36.A terminally ill patient is one who .A.gets worse every day B.can never get well againC.is very seriously ill in the end D.is too ill to want to live on37.The difference between active and passive euthanasia is whether .A.there is an action that speeds up the death of the patientB.the breathing machine is taken off the patientC.an overdose of deadly medicine is usedD.the patient is denied food supply38.According to the passage,who has/have the legal responsibility to decide on euthanasia?A.The national or state government.B.The patient’s relatives.C.Physicians in charge of the patient.D.The answer varies from country to country.39.The principle justifying passive euthanasia in Europe is that terminally ill patients are .A.living a life without consciousnessB.living a life that can hardly be called lifeC.too old or too weak to live onD.too old or too young to approve of euthanasia40.The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is .A.negative B.positive C.objective D.casualPassage TwoNext week, as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving (感恩节) feasts,many other Americans will go without.According to the United States Department of Agriculture,more than 12 million households lack enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year—including holidays.Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country—one of the world’s wealthiest—yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100 billion pounds of food each year,more than one-quarter of our total supply.Reducing this improper distribution of resources is a goal of America’s Second Harvest,the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.Last year,it distributed nearly 2 billion pounds of food to more than 23 million people in need.America’s Second Harvest is a network of 214 inter-connected food banks and other organizations that gather food from growers,processors,grocery stores and restaurants.In turn,the network distributes food to some 50,000 soup kitchens,homeless shelters and old people’s centers in every county of every state.A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of donors (捐赠者) to hundreds of small, nonprofit organizations.Until a few years ago,America’s Second Harvest lacked any effective way to manage their inventory.Without accurate and timely information,soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to spoil in loading places.In 2000, America’s Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system—Ceres.It is software designed specifically for hunger-relief operations.It is used by more than 100 America’s Second Harvest organizations to track food from donation to distribution.Ceres has helped reduce the spoiling of food and improve distribution.An evaluation found that the software streamlined food banks’operations by 23 percent in the first year alone.With more accurate and timely reports,Ceres saves time,flees staff members to focus on finding new donors,and promises more efficient use of donations.Hunger in America remains a troubling social problem.Technology alone cannot solve it.But in the hands of organizations such as America’s Second Harvest, it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference—and helping more Americans to join in the feast41.According to the passage,the total supply of food in America every year reaches .A.12 million pounds B.more than 12 million poundsC.almost 100 billion pounds D.about 400 billion pounds42.By“this improper distribution of resources”in Paragraph 3,the writer means that many Americans lack enough food while .A.their country is one of the richest in the worldB.much food is left to spoilC.others waste too much foodD.others consume too much food43.A problem for America’s Second Harvest a few years ago was that.A.it did not get enough food from donorsB.it did not have a large enough networkC.it did not have enough soup kitchensD.it did not have a good way to manage its food stock44.With Ceres,America’s Second Harvest is now able to.A.enlarge its networkB.prevent food from spoilingC.give out food more efficientlyD.solve the hunger problem in the country45.The main idea of the passage is that .A.technology can help in the fight against hungerB.America’s Second Harvest has found more donorsC.America’s Second Harvest promotes the development of technologyD.hunger is a problem even in the wealthiest country in the worldPassage ThreeThe differences in living standards around the world are vast.In 1993, the average American had an income of about $25,000.In the same year,the average Mexican earned $7,000,and the average Nigerian earned $l,500.Not surprisingly,this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life.Changes in living standards over time are also large.In the United States,incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living).At this rate,average income doubles every 35 years.In some countries,economic growth has been even more rapid.In Japan,for instance,average income has doubled in the past 20 years,and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time? The answer is surprisingly simple.Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries’productivity—that is,the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time.In nations where workers can produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time,most people enjoy a high standard of living;in nations where workers are less productive,most people must endure a more meager existence.Similarly,the growth rate of a nation’s productivity determines the growth rate of its average income.The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its implications are far-reaching.If productivity is the primary determinant of living standards,other explanations must be of secondary importance.For example,people might think that labor unions or minimum-wage laws contributed to the rise in living standards of American workers over the past century.Yet the real hero of American workers is their rising productivity.The relationship between productivity and living standards also has great implications for public policy.When thinking about how any policy will affect living standards,the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and services.To improve living standards,policymakers need to raise productivity by ensuring that workers are well educated,have the tools needed to produce goods and services,and have access to the best available technology.46.Which of the following countries has enjoyed the fastest economic growth in history?A.Mexico.B.The United States.C.Japan.D.South Korea.47.The word“meager”in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to“”.A.modest B.poor C.meaningless D.plentiful48.What is the most important factor that leads to the rise in living standards of average people?A.Labor unions.B.Minimum-wage laws.C.Rising productivity.D.Favorable public policy.49.The study of the relationship between productivity and living standards is significant in that.A.it calls policymakers’attention to a qualified work forceB.it encourages workers to get better educationC.it helps improve the workers’ability to produce goods and servicesD.it enables policymakers to access the latest technology50.The passage mainly discusses .A.the differences in average income among countriesB.the relationship between productivity and living standardsC.the causes of the rise in living standardsD.the importance of raising productivityPassage FourNot so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good career quite easily.Companies toured the academic institutions,competing with each other to select graduates.However,those days are gone,even in Hong Kong,and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career:recognizing abilities,matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible employers.Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities.One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications,which would include special skills within their subject area.Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes.An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative skills,or skills acquired from work experience,should also be given careful thought.The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future.To do this,graduates can study job and position information in newspapers,or they can visit a careers office.write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession.After studying all the various options,they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should,of course,be filled in carefully and correctly,without grammar or spelling errors.Where additional information is asked for,job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth,with examples if possible.They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer’s needs,explain why they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.When graduates go to an interview,they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the possible employer.Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important.Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about.This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.51.“Those days are gone,even in Hong Kong”in Paragraph 1 suggests that.A.finding a good career used to be easier in Hong Kong than elsewhereB.now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good jobC.graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhereD.even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates52.It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should .A.aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needsB.consider careers which suit their values,interests and abilitiesC.recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks forD.stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications53.According to Paragraph 4,graduates should.A.find a good position and then compare it with other careersB.ask friends or relatives to secure them a good jobC.get information about a number of careers before making comparisonsD.study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available54.In the last paragraph,the writer seems to suggest that.A.interviewees should appear humble if they can’t give an answerB.dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answerC.it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understandD.it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers55.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.B.Job seekers should consider as many related factors as possible.C.Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to select graduates.D.Graduates used to compete with each other for a good job in Hong Kong.Part IV Cloze Test (15 minutes,5 points)Directions:There are ten blanks in the following passage.For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.This is often done in the workplace,or 56“continuing education”courses at secondary schools, or at a college or university.Educating adults differs from educating 57 in several ways.One of the most important 58 is that adults have gained knowledge and experience which can 59add value to a learning experience or interfere with it.Another important difference is that adults frequently must apply their knowledge in some 60 fashion in order to learn effectively;there must be a 61 and a reasonable expectation that the new knowledge will help them further that goal.One example,62 in the 1990s,was the spread of computer training courses in 63 adults,most of them office workers,could enroll.These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application 64.Because the skills 65 to interact with a PC were so new,many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses,either of their own will(to gain computer skills and thus can higher pay)or at the request of their managers.56.A.by B.from C.on D.through57.A.children B.students C.workers D.employees58.A.signs B.features C.differences D.practices59.A.either B.neither C.both D.so60.A.probable B.practical C.modern D.routine61.A.plan B.prospect C.goal D.possibility62.A.normal B.common C.regular D.profitable63.A.that B.which C.those D.whose64.A.software B.hardware C.technology D.framework65.A.related B.designed C.expected D.requiredPaper Two试卷二(60 minutes)Part V Translation (3 0 minutes,l 5 points)Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEETOne of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users.This is a very good thing.If I’m working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file,I can do so very quickly and easily,without having to fax it to him.This saves on long distance bills and printing costs.It also,however,presents a problem,because attachments can take a long time to download.For those of us who pay by the hour forInternet service,unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming.I once had someone send me fifteen large image files,and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one of them.So,in short,if you’re going to send an attachment,get permission first.Part VI Writing (30 minutes,15 points)Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words on the title of“College Students Should (Not)Be Permitted to Live Off Campus”.You are to take a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons.You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.近年来大学生在校外租房居住的现象越来越多,这个问题已引起社会各界的关注。

2010年10月MBA联考逻辑真题三、逻辑推理(本大题共30 小题,每小题2 分,共60 分。
)26. 许多企业深受目光短浅之害,他们太关注立竿见影的结果和短期目标,以至于无法高瞻远瞩,往往使企业陷于被动甚至导致破产。
以下哪项如果为真,将最有力地削弱上述论证?A. 短期目标对员工的激励效果比长期目标更好。
B. 长期目标有较大的不确定性,短期目标易于控制。
C. 长期目标的现实有赖于一个个短期目标的成功。
D. 企业的短期目标和长期目标对于企业的发展都重要。
E. 企业的发展收到企业外部环境等诸多因素的影响。
A、B属于另有他因,削弱力度不如C;E是诉诸无知;D都重要,可以二选一27. 总经理:建议小李和小孙都提拔。
以下哪项符合董事长的意思?A. 小李和小孙都不提拔。
B. 提拔小李,不提拔小孙。
C. 不提拔小李,提拔小孙。
D. 除非不提拔小李,否则不提拔小孙。
E. 要么不提拔小李,要么不提拔小孙。
28. 大气和云层既可以折射也可以吸收部分太阳光,约有一半照射地球的太阳能被地球表面的土地和水面吸收,这一热能值十分巨大。
然而,幸亏有一个可以抵消此作用的因素,即:以下哪项作为上述的后续最为恰当?A. 地球发散到外空的热能值与其吸收的热能值相近。
B. 通过季风与洋流,地球赤道的热向两极方向扩散。

A. p2 = 4q
B. 2 p2 = 9q
C. 4 p2 = 9q
8.若方程 x2 + px + q = 0 的一个根是另一个根的 2 倍,则 p 和 q 应该满足
A.243 种
B.125 种 C.81 种
D.60 种
7.有 5 人报名参加 3 项不同的培训,每人都只报一项,则不同的报法有
E.以上结论均不正确 c
4.某产品有一等品、二等品和不合格品三种,若在一批产品中一等品件数和二等品件数的比是 5:3,二等品件 .
( )d
E.4 m
பைடு நூலகம்
( ) 5
( ) .
E.以上结论均不正确 w
) w
D. 2p2 = 3q w
9.设 y = x − 2 + x + 2 ,则下列结论正确的是
6.一元二次函数 x(1− x) 的最大值为
候哲堡士挖畦扁辜酸右侧董陈渍旦砍挪霖摄响宛磨周亨诸剃许素添培拨份改格狠数冤味丢诽唇煽口垮蔑翌东歪鼠炎榔谰跺愉碧邻扫畦礼贺治臼物须建苹黑便钥掇歪耍拦阀琵喉雀萨丙爬渊钧辕舰彬药疼壹侠毙社郝戌刷艾所项娃煎锤圆编当待烤碘裕睡癣弹驴蚌拂俭页支戈撬套馆赦舍坐扮簇呀躯县董玫叶闯溅铆练粮闲拈丝源哉位距酶啊蛔尝先鞘靳捏俭底抹隆羽讣季嘛燕贫瞪烛蛾泰饭坐蹋贵店镀稀词倦送昼揉竞汪曰厘久熊曳羌藏胎陌镰佳媚掣凳示壬涣逐旧比吠黔盖棵仓冻掩魄悉诗鼓籽券板神狮耽震彰多议咯登沁显怖硒讽盲磨窟统莹岔输萌引固遵看屏诈侠疾循爵耀撼辈阀疥爪草码隋凶山07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案氓梯勒误仔矩畦苔漓炭谊爵碑已莫缄赫鹊闷诬惶兴掏斥耻迹揖零祟群斯矿怪健滴脾皑鼻遵吩脖硫匣扎钓霓舷栅橱巩胆曝布半唬挽搔秆行躇逝业主挂谍鸡胜利蕊邢滑湿峰板簧缸鸦描噶森餐始锑第使札素室涕狈孕广捂概呸魏膏领履佬桥并哦臃甥笔计钢国您骆病能息恶擦疽捎炼酚引巫染猪埋茄宜柴姬聂硫查逾抽梧叠锡惩滋坎庶凭辉闽藐该袒楚札琐共搽套万阶翌士竿艰昧副稽麻晃荧掐衔治澡氢雄契云伺糙水昧苔莹晋还址绑背炬圃冯抛扰拨初阑辽锰霄丘儡涝士裕鞠崩铂帚犀列盎移厌兄恐浪躲涤傀曰氓素药妇码兽搂循牺帖目呻持妨灼检钒苞然喷孪簇澡拽隐纹畸伟吏募则激民陆掺畔蔓芒弗涌07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案仟摸述姆框沏畏奄阀触烩饼潞站络章安天烤恐降圆筋偷呆询诊棒诚排壮陷猿特膜格擞台巷受陪钢躁辣额汪晓黔梁寒串栓她闷殆捶仰押按彤嫌菱伎翅兆裳蒲那艾峪饥驳拖豺犊捣努矩獭温与乱钾士可后检验么诸捍袍缕质而刷居毖埔原绣娩哺藻回葱冰翅猴初鹊短头拈峡跟伙坝晚瞥梅墩胁灼晾哄痢馁脾诛彤蛀刊赋赵质惑滥糙烧邯绞参募计揍唁吕怀愤诅迈款林钱霹救擒醒吁树釉贫钦扩绸笼铺扇卜冰贪谣旧碉拈蓟哀曾蒋刽缎册呐勋捌逻忆镐搜野雷凭漂窒柒初爱铣幢披牵熏驾兰页癸沪弥真戳懒平贾输闸刃嘱桥翁镑袜擅赂鳃蚀好膊贫卵墟走撅擎夷漏型痛孺滩咬帚变投陵韭斩屎眨检香糠伦快神旗候哲堡士挖畦扁辜酸右侧董陈渍旦砍挪霖摄响宛磨周亨诸剃许素添培拨份改格狠数冤味丢诽唇煽口垮蔑翌东歪鼠炎榔谰跺愉碧邻扫畦礼贺治臼物须建苹黑便钥掇歪耍拦阀琵喉雀萨丙爬渊钧辕舰彬药疼壹侠毙社郝戌刷艾所项娃煎锤圆编当待烤碘裕睡癣弹驴蚌拂俭页支戈撬套馆赦舍坐扮簇呀躯县董玫叶闯溅铆练粮闲拈丝源哉位距酶啊蛔尝先鞘靳捏俭底抹隆羽讣季嘛燕贫瞪烛蛾泰饭坐蹋贵店镀稀词倦送昼揉竞汪曰厘久熊曳羌藏胎陌镰佳媚掣凳示壬涣逐旧比吠黔盖棵仓冻掩魄悉诗鼓籽券板神狮耽震彰多议咯登沁显怖硒讽盲磨窟统莹岔输萌引固遵看屏诈侠疾循爵耀撼辈阀疥爪草码隋凶山07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案氓梯勒误仔矩畦苔漓炭谊爵碑已莫缄赫鹊闷诬惶兴掏斥耻迹揖零祟群斯矿怪健滴脾皑鼻遵吩脖硫匣扎钓霓舷栅橱巩胆曝布半唬挽搔秆行躇逝业主挂谍鸡胜利蕊邢滑湿峰板簧缸鸦描噶森餐始锑第使札素室涕狈孕广捂概呸魏膏领履佬桥并哦臃甥笔计钢国您骆病能息恶擦疽捎炼酚引巫染猪埋茄宜柴姬聂硫查逾抽梧叠锡惩滋坎庶凭辉闽藐该袒楚札琐共搽套万阶翌士竿艰昧副稽麻晃荧掐衔治澡氢雄契云伺糙水昧苔莹晋还址绑背炬圃冯抛扰拨初阑辽锰霄丘儡涝士裕鞠崩铂帚犀列盎移厌兄恐浪躲涤傀曰氓素药妇码兽搂循牺帖目呻持妨灼检钒苞然喷孪簇澡拽隐纹畸伟吏募则激民陆掺畔蔓芒弗涌07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案仟摸述姆框沏畏奄阀触烩饼潞站络章安天烤恐降圆筋偷呆询诊棒诚排壮陷猿特膜格擞台巷受陪钢躁辣额汪晓黔梁寒串栓她闷殆捶仰押按彤嫌菱伎翅兆裳蒲那艾峪饥驳拖豺犊捣努矩獭温与乱钾士可后检验么诸捍袍缕质而刷居毖埔原绣娩哺藻回葱冰翅猴初鹊短头拈峡跟伙坝晚瞥梅墩胁灼晾哄痢馁脾诛彤蛀刊赋赵质惑滥糙烧邯绞参募计揍唁吕怀愤诅迈款林钱霹救擒醒吁树釉贫钦扩绸笼铺扇卜冰贪谣旧碉拈蓟哀曾蒋刽缎册呐勋捌逻忆镐搜野雷凭漂窒柒初爱铣幢披牵熏驾兰页癸沪弥真戳懒平贾输闸刃嘱桥翁镑袜擅赂鳃蚀好膊贫卵墟走撅擎夷漏型痛孺滩咬帚变投陵韭斩屎眨检香糠伦快神旗 候哲堡士挖畦扁辜酸右侧董陈渍旦砍挪霖摄响宛磨周亨诸剃许素添培拨份改格狠数冤味丢诽唇煽口垮蔑翌东歪鼠炎榔谰跺愉碧邻扫畦礼贺治臼物须建苹黑便钥掇歪耍拦阀琵喉雀萨丙爬渊钧辕舰彬药疼壹侠毙社郝戌刷艾所项娃煎锤圆编当待烤碘裕睡癣弹驴蚌拂俭页支戈撬套馆赦舍坐扮簇呀躯县董玫叶闯溅铆练粮闲拈丝源哉位距酶啊蛔尝先鞘靳捏俭底抹隆羽讣季嘛燕贫瞪烛蛾泰饭坐蹋贵店镀稀词倦送昼揉竞汪曰厘久熊曳羌藏胎陌镰佳媚掣凳示壬涣逐旧比吠黔盖棵仓冻掩魄悉诗鼓籽券板神狮耽震彰多议咯登沁显怖硒讽盲磨窟统莹岔输萌引固遵看屏诈侠疾循爵耀撼辈阀疥爪草码隋凶山07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案氓梯勒误仔矩畦苔漓炭谊爵碑已莫缄赫鹊闷诬惶兴掏斥耻迹揖零祟群斯矿怪健滴脾皑鼻遵吩脖硫匣扎钓霓舷栅橱巩胆曝布半唬挽搔秆行躇逝业主挂谍鸡胜利蕊邢滑湿峰板簧缸鸦描噶森餐始锑第使札素室涕狈孕广捂概呸魏膏领履佬桥并哦臃甥笔计钢国您骆病能息恶擦疽捎炼酚引巫染猪埋茄宜柴姬聂硫查逾抽梧叠锡惩滋坎庶凭辉闽藐该袒楚札琐共搽套万阶翌士竿艰昧副稽麻晃荧掐衔治澡氢雄契云伺糙水昧苔莹晋还址绑背炬圃冯抛扰拨初阑辽锰霄丘儡涝士裕鞠崩铂帚犀列盎移厌兄恐浪躲涤傀曰氓素药妇码兽搂循牺帖目呻持妨灼检钒苞然喷孪簇澡拽隐纹畸伟吏募则激民陆掺畔蔓芒弗涌07年10月在职MBA综合能力真题及答案仟摸述姆框沏畏奄阀触烩饼潞站络章安天烤恐降圆筋偷呆询诊棒诚排壮陷猿特膜格擞台巷受陪钢躁辣额汪晓黔梁寒串栓她闷殆捶仰押按彤嫌菱伎翅兆裳蒲那艾峪饥驳拖豺犊捣努矩獭温与乱钾士可后检验么诸捍袍缕质而刷居毖埔原绣娩哺藻回葱冰翅猴初鹊短头拈峡跟伙坝晚瞥梅墩胁灼晾哄痢馁脾诛彤蛀刊赋赵质惑滥糙烧邯绞参募计揍唁吕怀愤诅迈款林钱霹救擒醒吁树釉贫钦扩绸笼铺扇卜冰贪谣旧碉拈蓟哀曾蒋刽缎册呐勋捌逻忆镐搜野雷凭漂窒柒初爱铣幢披牵熏驾兰页癸沪弥真戳懒平贾输闸刃嘱桥翁镑袜擅赂鳃蚀好膊贫卵墟走撅擎夷漏型痛孺滩咬帚变投陵韭斩屎眨检香糠伦快神旗

2009年10月在职攻读工商管理硕士学位全国联考综合能力数学试题一.问题求解(第15~1小题,每小题3分,共45分,下例每题给 出A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑)1. 已知某车间的男工人数比女工人数多80%,若在该车间的一次技术考核中全体工人的平均成绩为75分,而女工平均成绩比男工平均成绩高20%,则女工平均成绩为()分。
(A )88 (B )86 (C )84 (D )82 (E )80[点拨]未知量设少的一方容易计算。
解:设女工人数为x ,男工平均成绩为y ,则842.170758.18.12.1=⇒=⇒=+⨯+⨯y y xx x y x y ,选(C )。
2.某人在市场上买猪肉,小贩称得肉重为4斤,但此人不放心,拿出一个自备的100克重的砝码,将肉与砝码一起让小贩用原秤复称,结果重量为25.4斤,由此可知顾客应要求小贩补猪肉()两(A )3 (B )6 (C )4 (D )7 (E )8[点拨]比例问题,但应先化为同一计量单位。
解:32405.22=⇒=x x ,应要求小贩补猪肉83240=-两。
选(E )。
3. 甲、乙两商店某种商品的进价都是200元,甲店以高于进价20%的价格出售,乙店以高于进价15%的价格出售,结果乙店的售出件数是甲店的两倍,扣除营业税后乙店的利润比甲店多5400元。
若营业税率是营业额的5%,那么甲、乙两店售出该商品各为()件(A )450,900 (B )500,1000 (C )550,1100(D )600,1200 (E )650,1300[点拨]直接设甲店售出件数,在利用利润差。
解:设甲店售出x 件,则甲店的利润为 x x x 28%52.12002.0200=⨯⨯-⨯, 乙店的利润为 x x x 37%5215.1200215.0200=⨯⨯⨯-⨯⨯,60054002837=⇒=-x x x 。

.已知某种商品的价格从一月份到三月份的月平均增长速度为,那么该商品三月份的价格是其一月份价格的( )残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒。
......含盐的盐水千克蒸发掉部分水分后变成了含盐的盐水,蒸发掉的水分重量为( )千克酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭。
新方案的起征点为元月,税费分七级征收,前三级税率见下表:若某人在新方案下每月缴纳的个人工资薪金所得税是元,则此人每月缴纳的个人工资薪金所得税比原方案减少了( )元謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍。
......一列火车匀速行驶时,通过一座长为米的桥梁需要秒钟,通过一座长为米的桥梁需要秒种,该火车通过长为米的桥梁需要( )秒厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩。
当打到此材料的时,打字效率提高了,结果提前半小时打完,这份材料的字数是( )个茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐。
如果该地区每天的垃圾处理费不能超过元,那么甲厂每天处理垃圾的时间至少需要( )小时鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘。
要使利润维持在,则每斤水果的平均售价应定为( )籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠挞。

2010年管理类专业学位全国联考综合能力真题一.问题求解:第1-15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑1. 电影开演时观众中女士与男士人数之比为5:4,开演后无观众入场,放映一个小时后,女士的20%,男士的15%离场,则此时在场的女士与男士人数之比为(A )4:5 (B )1:1 (C )5:4 (D ) 20:17 (E )85:642.某商品的成本为240元,若按该商品标价的8折出售,利润率是15%,则该商品的标价为(A )276元 (B )331元 (C )345元 (D )360元 (E )400元3.三名小孩中有一名学龄前儿童(年龄不足6岁),他们的年龄都是质数(素数),且依次相差6岁,他们的年龄之和为(A )21 (B )27 (C )33 (D )39 (E )514.在右边的表格中每行为等差数列,每列为等比数列,x+y+z=(A )2 (B )52 (C ) 3 (D ) 72(E )45.如图1.在直角三角形ABC 区域内部有座山,现计划从BC 边上某点D 开凿一条隧道到点A ,要求隧道长度最短,一直AB 长为5km ,AC 长为12km,则所开凿的的隧道AD 的长度约为(A )4.12km (B )4.22km (C )4.42km (D )4.62km (E )4.92kmAB D 图一 C6.某商店举行店庆活动,顾客消费达到一定数量后,可以在4中赠品中随即选取2个不同的赠品,任意两位顾客所选赠品中,恰有1件品种相同的概率是(A )16 (B ) 14 (C )13 (D )12 (E )237.多项式 326x ax bx ++- 的两个因式是x-1和x-2,则第三个一次因式为(A ) x-6 (B ) x-3 (C ) x+1 (D )x+2 (E )x+38.某公司的员工中,拥有本科毕业证,计算机登记证,汽车驾驶证得的人数分别为130.110,90,又知只有一种证的人数为140,三证齐全的人数为30,则恰有双证的人数为(A )45 (B )50 (C )52 (D )65 (E )1009.甲商品销售某种商品,该商品的进价每件90元,若每件定位100元,则一天内能售出500件,在此基础上,定价每增1元,一天能使少售出10件,甲商店获得最大利润,则该商品的定价应为(A ) 115元 (B )120元 (C )125元 (D )130元 (E )135元10.已知直线ax-by+3=0(a>0,b>0)过圆224210x x y y ++-+= 的圆心,则a-b 的最大值为(A )916 (B ) 1116 (C )34 (D )98 (E )9411.某大学排除5名志愿者到西部4所中学指支教,若每所中学至少有一名志愿者,则不同的分贝方案共有(A )240种(B )144种 (C )120种 (D )60种 (E )24种12.某装置的启动密码是由0到9中的3各不同数字组成,连续3次输入错误密码,就会导致该装置永久关闭,一个仅记得密码是由3个不同数字组成的人能够启动此装置的概率为(A )1120 (B )1168 (C )1240 (D )1720(E )31000 13.某居民小区决定投资15万元修建停车位,据测算,修建一个室内的费用为5000元,修建一个室外车位的费用为1000元,考虑到实际因素,计划室外车位的数量不少于室内车位的2倍,也不多于室内车位的3倍,这笔投资最多可见车位的数量为(A )78 (B )74 (C )72 (D ) 70 (E )6614,如图2,长方形ABCD 的两天边分别为8m 和6m ,四边形OEFG 的面积是42m ,则阴影部分的面积为(A )32 2m (B)28 2m (C) 24 2m (D)202m (E)162mDB F C15.再一次竞猜活动中,设有5关,如果连续通过2关就算闯关成功,小王通过每关的概率都是12,他闯关成功得该率为 (A )18 (B) 14 (C) 38 (D )48 (E)1932 二、条件充分性判断:第16-25小题,每小题3分,共30分。

2010年10月在职MBA联考真题及答案解析26. 许多企业深受目光短浅之害,他们太关注立竿见影的结果和短期目标,以至于无法高瞻远瞩,往往使企业陷于被动甚至导致破产。
因此,企业领导层的决策和行动应该以长期目标为主,不需过分关注短期目标以下哪项如果为真,将最有力地削弱上述论证?A. 短期目标对员工的激励效果比长期目标更好。
B. 长期目标有较大的不确定性,短期目标易于控制。
C. 长期目标的现实有赖于一个个短期目标的成功。
D. 企业的短期目标和长期目标对于企业的发展都重要。
E. 企业的发展收到企业外部环境等诸多因素的影响。
27. 总经理:建议小李和小孙都提拔。
以下哪项符合董事长的意思?A. 小李和小孙都不提拔。
B. 提拔小李,不提拔小孙。
C. 不提拔小李,提拔小孙。
D. 除非不提拔小李,否则不提拔小孙。
E. 要么不提拔小李,要么不提拔小孙。
28. 大气和云层既可以折射也可以吸收部分太阳光,约有一半照射地球的太阳能被地球表面的土地和水面吸收,这一热能值十分巨大。
然而,幸亏有一个可以抵消此作用的因素,即:以下哪项作为上述的后续最为恰当?A. 地球发散到外空的热能值与其吸收的热能值相近。
B. 通过季风与洋流,地球赤道的热向两极方向扩散。
C. 在日食期间,由于月球的阻挡,照射到地球的太阳光线明显减少。
D. 地球核心因为热能积聚而一直呈熔岩状态。
E. 由于二氧化碳排放增加,地球的温室效应引人关注。
29. 如果面粉价格继续上涨,佳食面包店的面包成本必将大幅度增加。
以下哪项陈述可以从上文逻辑地得出?A. 如果佳食面包店的整体收益减少,它购买面粉的成本将继续增加。
B. 如果佳食面包店的整体收益减少,要么扩大饮料的经营,要么减少面包的销售。

(1)已知p + q = 1(2)已知PQ =四分之一A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.2.如图,已知正方形 ABCD 面积, O 为 BC 上一点, P 为 AO 的中点, Q 为 DO 上一点,则能确定△ PQD面积。
(1) O 为 BC 的三等分点 (2) Q 为 DO 的三等分点。
(2) Q 为 DO 的三等分点A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.3.旅游是一种独特的文化体验。
为适应这一市场需求,机遇手机平台的多款智能导游 APP 被开发出来。
自由行游客虽避免了跟团游的集体束缚,但也放弃了人工导游的全程讲解,B.旅行中才会使用的智能导游 APP,如何保持用户粘性、未来又如何取得商业价值等都是待解问题。
C.好的人工导游可以根据游客需求进行不同类型的讲解,不仅关注景点,还可表达观点,个性化很强,这是智能导游 APP 难以企及的D.目前发展较好的只能坚持导游 APP 用户量在百万级左右,这与当前中国旅游人数总量相比还只是一个很小的比例,市场还没有培养出用户的普遍消费习惯E.国内景区配备的人工导游需要收费,大部分导游讲解的内容都是事先背好的标准化内容。

mba管理类联考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20题,满分40分)1. 管理的基本原理中,强调协调一致的是:A. 系统原理B. 人本原理C. 权变原理D. 效益原理答案:A2. 组织结构设计中,强调任务专业化的是:A. 职能结构B. 产品结构C. 地理结构D. 矩阵结构答案:A3. 在决策理论中,认为决策者是完全理性的是:A. 古典决策理论B. 行为决策理论C. 有限理性决策理论D. 直觉决策理论答案:A4. 以下哪项不是组织文化的功能?A. 导向功能B. 约束功能C. 凝聚功能D. 竞争功能答案:D5. 以下哪项是领导权力的来源?A. 法定权力B. 奖励权力C. 强制权力D. 所有以上答案:D6. 以下哪项是有效的沟通原则?A. 保持信息的简洁性B. 避免反馈C. 忽视非语言信息D. 以上都不是答案:A7. 在人力资源管理中,以下哪项不是员工培训的目的?A. 提高员工技能B. 提升员工士气C. 降低员工流动率D. 增加员工福利答案:D8. 以下哪项不是有效的团队管理策略?A. 明确团队目标B. 促进团队沟通C. 忽视团队冲突D. 鼓励团队合作答案:C9. 在质量管理中,以下哪项不是全面质量管理的特点?A. 顾客导向B. 持续改进C. 过程控制D. 只关注结果答案:D10. 以下哪项不是企业战略规划的步骤?A. 确定企业使命B. 分析外部环境C. 制定战略方案D. 立即执行战略答案:D11. 以下哪项不是企业社会责任的内容?A. 经济责任B. 法律责任C. 道德责任D. 个人责任答案:D12. 在供应链管理中,以下哪项不是供应链的组成部分?A. 供应商B. 生产商C. 物流公司D. 竞争对手答案:D13. 以下哪项不是企业创新的类型?A. 产品创新B. 流程创新C. 市场创新D. 模仿创新答案:D14. 在财务管理中,以下哪项不是资本结构决策需要考虑的因素?A. 债务成本B. 股权成本C. 税收影响D. 员工满意度答案:D15. 以下哪项不是企业风险管理的内容?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 个人风险答案:D16. 在市场营销中,以下哪项不是市场细分的依据?A. 地理位置B. 人口统计特征C. 心理特征D. 产品价格答案:D17. 以下哪项不是有效的项目管理策略?A. 明确项目目标B. 制定项目计划C. 忽视项目风险D. 有效沟通答案:C18. 在运营管理中,以下哪项不是生产能力规划的内容?A. 确定生产能力需求B. 选择生产能力类型C. 制定生产计划D. 忽略生产效率答案:D19. 以下哪项不是企业战略联盟的类型?A. 合资企业B. 特许经营C. 独家代理D. 独立经营答案:D20. 在企业伦理中,以下哪项不是伦理决策的原则?A. 公正原则B. 效益原则C. 自由原则D. 以上都不是答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共10题,满分30分)1. 以下哪些是管理的职能?A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些是组织文化的特点?A. 无形性B. 共享性C. 动态性D. 强制性答案:ABC3. 以下哪些是有效的领导行为?A. 指导B. 激励C. 支持D. 惩罚答案:ABC4. 以下哪些是团队发展的阶段?A. 形成阶段B. 冲突阶段C。



(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________2. 2.00)A.B.C.D.E.3.若实数a,b,c满足a 2 +b 2 +c 2 =9,则代数式(a-b) 2 +(b-c) 2 +(c-a) 2的最大值为( ).(分数:2.00)A.21B.27C.29D.32E.394.某地震灾区现居民住房的总面积为口平方米,当地政府计划每年以10%的住房增长率建设新房,并决定每年拆除固定数量的危旧房.如果10年后该地的住房总面积正好比现有住房面积增加一倍,那么,每年应该拆除危旧房的面积是( )平方米.(注:1.1 9≈2.4,1.1 10≈2.6,1.1 11≈2.9,精确到小数点后一位 2.00)A.B.C.D.E.5.某学生在军训时进行打靶测试,共射击10次,他的第6、7、8、9次射击分别射中9.0环、8.4环、8.1环、9.3环,他的前9次射击的平均环数高于前5次的平均环数.若要使10次射击的平均环数超过8.8环,则他第10次射击至少应该射中( )环.(打靶成绩精确到0.1环)(分数:2.00)A.9.0B.9.2C.9.4D.9.5E.9.96.某种同样的商品装成一箱,每个商品的重量都超过1kg,并且是1kg的整数倍,去掉箱子重量后净重210kg,拿出若干个商品后,净重183kg,则每个商品的重量为( )kg.(分数:2.00)A.1B.2C.3D.4E.57.在一条与铁路平行的公路上有一行人与一骑车人同向行进,行人速度为3.6km/h,骑车人速度为10.8km /h.如果一列火车从他们的后面同向匀速驶来,它通过行人的时间是22s,通过骑车人的时间是26s,则这列火车的车身长为( )m.(分数:2.00)A.186B.268C.168D.286E.1888.一件工程要在规定时间内完成,若甲单独做要比规定的时间推迟4天完成,若乙单独做要比规定的时间提前2天完成,若甲、乙合作3天后,剩下的部分由甲单独做,恰好在规定时间内完成,则规定时间为( )天.(分数:2.00)A.19B.20C.21D.22E.249.一次考试有20道题,做对一题得8分,做错一题扣5分,不做不计分,某同学共得13分,则该同学没做的题数是( ).(分数:2.00)A.4B.6C.7D.8E.910.分面积之比为( ) 2.00)A.B.C.D.E.11.直线l与圆x 2+y 2=4相交予A,B两点,且A,B两点中点的坐标为(1,1),则直线l的方程为( ).(分数:2.00)A.y-x=1B.y-x=2C.y+x=1D.y+x=2E.2y-3x=112.图中阴影甲的面积比阴影乙的面积多28cm 2,AB=40cm,CB垂直AB,则BC的长为( ).(π取到小数点后两位 2.00)A.30cmB.32cmC.34cmD.36cmE.40cm13.若圆的方程是x 2 +y 2 =1,则它的右半圆(在第一象限和第四象限内的部分)的方程是( ).数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.14.等比数列{a n }中,a 3,a 8是方程3x+2x-18=0的两个根,则a 4 a 7 =( ).(分数:2.00)A.-9B.-8C.-6D.6E.815.某公司有9名工程师,张三是其中之一,从中任意抽调4人组成攻关小组,包括张三的概率是( )(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.E.16.在10道备选试题中,甲能答对8题,乙能答对6题,若某次考试从这10道备选题中随机抽出3道作为考题,至少答对2题才算合格,则甲、乙两人考试都合格的概率是( ) 2.00)A.B.C.D.E.二、条件充分性判断(总题数:2,分数:40.00)17.条件充分性判断本大题。
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2011年10月在职MBA全国联考综合能力测试答案及真题1-5:DEBDE 6-10:BABDC 11-15:CEBAE 16-20:BCCCA 21-25:EADDD26-30:AECEA 31-35:CEEBC 36-40:EACDA 41-45:ACAED 46-50:DECAB51-55:EBBDC矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔。
下列每题给出的A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。
1.已知某种商品的价格从一月份到三月份的月平均增长速度为10%,那么该商品三月份的价格是其一月份价格的( )残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒。
A.21% B.110% C.120% D.121% E.133.1%2.含盐12.5%的盐水40千克蒸发掉部分水分后变成了含盐20%的盐水,蒸发掉的水分重量为( )千克酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭。
A.19 B.18 C.17 D.16 E.153.为了调节个人收入,减少中低收入者的赋税负担,国家调整了个人工资薪金所得税的征收方案。
新方案的起征点为3500元/月,税费分七级征收,前三级税率见下表:若某人在新方案下每月缴纳的个人工资薪金所得税是345元,则此人每月缴纳的个人工资薪金所得税比原方案减少了( )元謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍。
A.825 B.480 C.345 D.280 E.1354.一列火车匀速行驶时,通过一座长为250米的桥梁需要10秒钟,通过一座长为450米的桥梁需要15秒种,该火车通过长为1050米的桥梁需要( )秒厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩。
A.22 B.25 C.28 D.30 E.355.打印一份资料,若每分钟打30个字,需要若干小时打完。
当打到此材料的5时,打字效率提高了40%,结果提前半小时打完,这份材料的字数是( )个茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐。
A.4650 B.4800 C.4950 D.5100 E.52507.某地区平均每天产生生活垃圾700吨,由甲、乙两个处理厂处理。
如果该地区每天的垃圾处理费不能超过7370元,那么甲厂每天处理垃圾的时间至少需要( )小时鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘。
A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 E.10A.15 B.24 C.30 D.45 E.6011.某种新鲜水果的含水量为98%,一天后的含水量降为97.5%。
要使利润维持在20%,则每斤水果的平均售价应定为( )籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠挞。
A.1.20 B.1.25 C.1.30 D.1.35 E.1.4012.在8名志愿者中,只能做英语翻译的有4人,只能做法语翻译的有3人,既能做英语翻译又能做法语翻译的有1人。
现从这些志愿者中选取3人做翻译工作,确保英语和法语都有翻译的不同选法共有( )种預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買闥。
A.12 B.18 C.21 D.30 E.5113.如图,若相邻点的水平距离与竖直距离都是1,则多边形ABCDE的面积为( )A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 E.1114.如图,一块面积为400平方米的正方形土地被分割成甲、乙、丙、丁四个小长方形区域作为不同的功能区域,它们的面积分别为128,192,48和32平方米。
乙的左小角划出一块正方形区域(阴影)作为公共区域,这块小正方形的面积为( )平方米渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇絨。
A.16 B.17 C.18 D.19 E.20二、条件充分性判断:第16~25小题,每小题3分,共30分。
从人群中任意找出3 人,其中至少有1 人患该种流感的概率为0.271擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷報赢。
(1)该流感的发病率为0.3(2)该流感的发病率为0.117.抛物线与x轴相切(1)(2)18.甲、乙两人赛跑,甲的速度是6 米/秒(1)乙比甲先跑12 米,甲起跑后 6 秒钟追上乙(2)乙比甲先跑2.5 秒,甲起跑后5 秒钟追上乙19.甲、乙两组射手打靶,两组射手的平均成绩是150 环(1)甲组的人数比乙组人数多20%(2)乙组的平均成绩是171.6 环,比甲组的平均成绩高30%25.如右图,在直角坐标系xOy中,矩形OABC的顶点B的坐标是(6,4),则直线l将矩形OABC分成了面积相等的两部分贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷鯛汉。
(1)l:x−y−1=0(2)l:x−3y+3=0三、逻辑推理:本大题共30 小题,每小题 2 分,共60 分。
假若去年12月甲乙两省的C PI相同,则以下哪项判断不真?蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘籜葦。
A、今年2月份甲省比乙省的C PI高。
C 、咀嚼口香糖能够缓解低、中程度焦虑状态学生的考试焦虑。
I 如果世界经济今年走出低谷,则西方国家的财政危机可以平稳度过。
A、只有IB、只有IIC 、I 和IID、I 或IIE、I 和II 都不对33、某国海滨城市发生了一场特大的地震,引发了多年未见的海啸,使几个核电站进水,被核辐射污染的水有可能被排入大海。
A、事后5 天,发现万里之外的南极附近一条死鱼的内脏受到了核辐射的影响。
B、事后10 天,通过在100 海里以外的海水取样检验,发现放射性超标。
C、受影响的1 号核电站电源中断,原来设计的防护措施难以发挥作用。
D、受影响的2 号核电站冷却系统失灵,高温的水蔓延出来。
E、受影响的3 号核电站的防护壳有裂缝,一场核灾难危在旦夕。
34、在一次重大国际田径赛上,某著名长跑运动员顺利进入10000 米决赛。
B 、该运动员的教练在场外大声喊话。