一筐橘子重15 8个鸡蛋约重500一个苹果约重200 小明的体重约是357.(1分)一台电脑的售价是4958元,约是元。
12÷=36×=36 ×4=2811.(2分)把24个桃子平均分给9只猴子,每只猴子分个,还剩个。
这表明()A.我国科技创新能力不断增强B.我国科技创新已经领先世界C.我国已经建成世界科技强国D.国际竞争的实质是科技创新2. 当前在一些重大国际问题上,“听中国怎么说”已经成为一种常态,中国声音、中国力量、中国形象日渐凸显。
”这是因为改革开放()①推动了我国经济的发展②增强了我国的综合国力③是我国的基本战略④提高了我国的国际地位A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④3. 从嫦娥五号“上九天”,到“奋斗者”号“下五洋”,从高铁、5G培育新增长极,到达数据、人工智能赋能高质量发展,从量子、干细胞研究深入“无人区”,到“中国路”“中国桥”“中国核电”不断走出去……我国重大创新成果竞相涌现。
从中能够感受到( )①中国特色社会主义制度的显著优势②创新是一个民族进步的灵魂③保护知识产权有利于促进科技创新发展④中华民族具有伟大的创造力和非凡的智慧A.①③④B.①②③C.②③④D.①②④4.深圳经济特区建立42年来,以“摸着石头过河”的智慧和“敢为天下先”的勇气,让“深圳速度”“深圳效益”“深圳品牌”响彻全球,成为了全国改革开放的一面旗帜。
2022学年第一学期温州市高二期末教学质量统一检测数学试题(A 卷)本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共4页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2.选择题的答案须用2B 铅笔将答题卷上对应题目的答案涂黑,如要改功,须将原填涂处用橡皮擦净。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知(3,3-是直线的一个方向向量,则该直线的倾斜角为( ) A .6πB .3π C .23π D .56π 2.已知空间的三个不共面的单位向量a ,b ,c ,对于空间的任意一个向量p ,( ) A .将向量a ,b ,c 平移到同一起点,则它们的终点在同一个单位圆上 B .总存在实数x ,y ,使得p xa yb =+C .总存在实数x ,y ,z ,使得()()p xa y a b z a b =+++-D .总存在实数x ,y ,z ,使得()()p xa y a b z a c =+++-3.已知函数()f x 在2x =的附近可导,且()22lim22x f x x →-=--,()22f =,则()f x 在()()2,2f 处的切线方程为( )A .260x y +-=B .220x y --= C.260x y +-=D .220x y -+=4.已知椭圆()222210x y a b a b+=>>的焦点为()1,0F c -,()2,0F c ,且c 是a ,b 的等比中项,则在椭圆上使1290F PF ∠=︒的点P 共有( )A .0个B .2个C .4个D .8个5.已知{}n a 是公差不为0的等差数列,n S 是其前n 项和,则“对于任意*n ∈N ,都是5n S S ≤”是“65a a <的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分又不必要条件6.已知椭圆1L :2212516x y +=,椭圆2L 与椭圆1L 的离心率相等,并且椭圆1L 的短轴端点就是椭圆2L 的长轴端点,据此类推:对任意的*n ∈N 且2n ≥,椭圆n L 与椭圆1n L -的离心率相等,并且椭圆1n L -的短轴端点就是椭圆n L 的长轴端点,由此得到一个椭圆列:1L ,2L ,⋅⋅⋅,n L ,则椭圆5L 的焦距等于( )A .4365⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭B .4465⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭C .2365⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭D .2465⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭7.正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,2AB =,13AA =O 为BC 的中点,M 是棱11B C 上一动点,过O 作ON AM ⊥于点N ,则线段MN 长度的最小值为( ) A .364B .62C .334D 38.已知a ,b 为不相等的正实数,则下列命题为真的是( ) A .若e 1ba =+,则ab < B .若11ln a b=-,则a b < C .若()e 1e a b b a =+,则a b <D .若()ln ln 1a b b a =+,则a b <二、选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,有选错的得0分,部分选对的得2分.9.设直线1l :1110A x B y C ++=,2l :2220A x B y C ++=,下列说法正确的是( ) A .当12C C ≠时,直线1l 与2l 不重合B .当12210A B A B -≠时,直线1l 与2l 相交C .当12210A B A B -=时,12l l ∥D .当12120A A B B +=时,12l l ⊥10.已知空间向量()2,1,3a =-,()4,2,b x =-,下列说法正确的是( ) A .若a b ⊥,则103x =B .若()32,1,10a b +=-,则1x =C .若a 在b 上的投影向量为13b ,则4x =D .若a 与b 夹角为锐角,则10,3x ⎛⎫∈+∞ ⎪⎝⎭11.如图,已知点P 是椭圆2211612x y +=上第一象限内的动点,1F ,2F 分别为椭圆的左、右焦点,圆心在y 轴上的动圆T 始终与射线1PF ,2PF 相切,切点分别为M ,N ,则下列判断正确的是( )A .4PM PN ==B .212PMPF PF ≤⋅C .PMN △面积的最大值为3D .当点P 坐标为(23,3时,则直线PT 的斜率是2312.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,11a =,且()11431,2,n n n n a a a a n ++⋅=-=⋯,则( )A .13n n a a +<B .51243a <C .1ln 1n n a ⎛⎫<+ ⎪⎝⎭D .17114n S ≤<非选择题部分三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
(8分)xīn ténɡ qǐ dí bì yè jī xièzào yīn mánɡ lù yā yì kān wù二、用“√”给下列画横线字选择正确的读音。
(3分)江畔(bàn pàn)瓷器(cícī)闲逸(yìnì)船桨(jiǎng jiāng)累累(lèi léi)嫉妒(jìjí)三、下面各组句子中没有错别字的一组是()。
请你根据学过的杠杆知识判断托盘天平属于()A.省力杠杆B.费力杠杆C.等臂杠杆D.不确定6.(2分)关于流体的流速与压强的关系,下列说法错误的是()A.战斗机利用气流在机翼上下表面压力差,而产生向上的升力,使飞机可以停在空中B.并排航行的两艘船会相撞是因为液体流速越大压强越小C.往两纸片中间吹气,纸片合拢D.当气流经过化油器上一段突然变窄的管道时,汽油被喷到气流中,混合后变成雾状7.(2分)下列事例中利用惯性的一组是()①火车进站前,撤去动力,仍能进站②用力拍打被子,使被子上的灰尘落下③上岸后的鸭子,振动翅膀,把身上的水抖掉④汽车行驶时,司机系着安全带A.②③④B.①③④C.①②③D.①②④8.(2分)一艘轮船从长江驶入大海(ρ江水<ρ海水),下列关于该艘轮船说法正确的是()A.会浮起一些,因为海水密度更大,所以排水量变大B.会浮起一些,但排水量不变,浮力不变C.会下沉一些,船受到的浮力不变D.因为始终漂浮,所受浮力不变,所以不会浮起一些,也不会下沉一些9.(2分)如图所示,容器甲、乙内盛有液面相平的水,两容器以管道相连通,管道中带有相当于开关的阀门K,当把阀门K打开后,水将会()A.从a流向b B.从b流向aC.保持静止不流动D.以上三种情况都有可能10.(2分)“歼20”舰载机从1000m高空匀速降落到航空母舰的过程中()A.动能减少,重力势能减少B.动能不变,重力势能减少C.动能不变,机械能增加D.动能不变,机械能不变11.(2分)下列实例中,为了增大摩擦的是()A.旱冰鞋装有轮子B.拔河用力握绳C.冰壶比赛刷冰D.机器加润滑油12.(2分)下列关于浮力的说法正确的是()A.轮船从长江驶入大海,所受的浮力变大B.浮在液体表面上的物体所受的浮力大小等于物体的重力C.浸在液体中的物体所受的浮力大小大于物体的重力D.鸡蛋放入清水中沉在杯子底部是因为鸡蛋在清水中不受浮力13.(2分)如图,小明分别用甲、乙两相同滑轮把同一桶沙从一楼地面提到二楼地面。
一、选择题:(每小题3分,共18分安徽财经大学试卷安徽财经大学2023-2024学年度第1学期试卷《高等数学A 》(上)试题(A 卷)参考答案和评分标准)1、已知,2)3('=f 则h f h f h 2)3()3(lim 0--→=(D )1-)(1)(2/3-)(2/3A D C B )(2、当0→x 时,下列无穷小中与2x 为同阶无穷小的是(C )11)()3arcsin()()1ln()(1A 423-+--x D x C x B e x )(3、如果)(x f 的导数为x cos ,则)(x f 的一个原函数为(D )x D x C x B x cos 1)(cos 1)(sin 1)(sin 1A -+-+)(4、设函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>+=<---=0,1sin 0,0,1cos 1)(x b x x x a x x e x x f x 在0=x 处连续,则常数b a,的值为(A )1,0)(0,1)(1,0)(1,1A -========b a D b a C b a B b a )(5、曲线32122---=x x x y 有(A )铅直渐近线没有水平渐进线,两条铅直渐近线两条水平渐进线,一条铅直渐近线一条水平渐进线,两条条铅直渐近线)一条水平渐进线,一()()()(A D C B 6、设)(x f 在0=x 点附近有二阶连续导数,且1cos 1)(''lim 0=-→x x xf x ,则(C )专业班级姓名学号----------------------密------------------------------封-----------------------线-----------------------------的极小值。
)是曲线,但()()()0(,0)0('')()()0(0,0)0('')()()0(,0)0('')()()0(0,0)0(''A x f f f D x f f f C x f f f B x f y f f ≠===≠二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)在以下各小题中画有_______处填上答案。
大学物理 期末考试试卷
![大学物理 期末考试试卷](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ead41a2d580102020740be1e650e52ea5518ce77.png)
姓名: 班级: 学号: 重修教师:遵 守 考 试 纪 律 注 意 行 为 大学物理A 试题卷(A 卷)考试形式(开、闭卷):闭卷 答题时间:120 (分钟) 卷面满分 70 分题号 一1 一2 一3 一4 二 三 平时 成绩 卷 面成 绩总 分分数备用常数:玻耳兹曼常量 k =1.38×10-23 J·K -1,普适气体常量 R = 8.31 J·mol -1·K -1阿伏伽德罗常量 N A =6.02×1023 mol -1,普朗克常量 h = 6.63×10-34 J·s 1atm = 1.013×105 Pa ;海水中声速1.54×103 m/s ;n 水=1.33,1nm=10-9m=10 Å一、计算题(共34分)1) (10分)一横波沿绳子传播,其波的表达式为y =0.005cos (10πt −2πx ) (SI)(1) 求此波的振幅、波速、频率和波长。
(2) 求绳子上各质点的最大振动速度和最大振动加速度。
(3) 求x 1=0.2m 处和x 2=0.7m 处二质点振动的相位差。
2) (8分)理想气体开始处于T 1=300K ,p 1=3.039×105Pa ,V 1=4m 3的平衡态。
该气体等温地膨胀到体积为16m 3,接着经过一等体过程达到某一压强,从这个压强再经一绝热压缩就可使气体回到它的初态。
已知γ =1.4。
(1) 在p -V 图上画出上述循环过程。
(2) 计算每段过程和循环过程气体所做的功和它的熵的变化。
得分得分p V 03)(8分)在双缝干涉实验中,波长λ=550 nm的单色平行光垂直入射到缝间距a=2×10-4 m的双缝上,屏到双缝的距离D=2 m。
求:(1) 中央明纹两侧的两条第10级明纹中心的间距;(2) 用一厚度为h=6.6×10-5 m、折射率为n=1.58的玻璃片覆盖一缝后,零级明纹将移到原来的第几级明纹处?4)(8分)一束具有两种波长λ1和λ2的平行光垂直照射到一衍射光栅上,测得波长λ1的第三级主极大衍射角和λ2的第四级主极大衍射角均为30°。
期末试卷AⅠ.单项选择10%1.If it is of ______ use to you, please take it.A. someB. manyC. noD. any2. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ______ tractors in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as3. ______ was astonished to find himself rooting and shouting in a most undignified manner.A. Many elderly manB. A many elderly menC. Many an elderly manD. Many elderly men4. It is impossible for so ______ workers to do so ______ work in a single day.A. few; muchB. few; manyC. little; muchD. little; many5. Ann’s habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and ______ they took her to the court.A. in the endB. at the endC. in an endD. in end6. – Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?-- Sorry, I can’t. He ______.A. doesn’t any more work hereB. doesn’t any longer here workC. doesn’t work any more hereD. doesn’t work here any longer7. Their victory is ______, for they’ve lost too many men.A. out of questionB. out of the questionC. out questionD. of question8. ______ from Beijing to London!A. How long way it isB. What a long way is itC. How long way is itD. What a long way it is9. How ______ can you finish the drawing?A. oftenB. soonC. longD. rapid10. She told us ______ story that we all forgot about the time.A. such an interestingB. such interesting aC. so an interestingD. a so interestingⅡ. 选词填空,根据需要改写所给词的形式20%1. She has always ___ looked up ___ to her father.2. Reading ___ enriches___ the mind.3. The teacher’s words ___ aroused ___ his students’ curiosity (好奇心).4. The young man has ___accumulated___ much money by running his own company.5. If you visit it, you must see its world- famous river –the Thames, and the ___unique___ Tower Bridge crossing the river.6. There are __ various ____ activities on the campus.7. I was __ out of service ____ while you were in trouble.8. If you ask your friends about it, you will find the topic ___ discuss ___ everywhere.9. You may even start to think about your future. Be on the ___ lookout ___ for role models.10. New York City is the busiest ____ port __ of the country.Ⅳ. 阅读理解30%The owner of a large company, who was about to take a trip overseas, dropped into his office early in the morning to make some arrangements. He was telephoning for a ticket for his trip when the night watchman came in, who was back from work, and said “Good morning” to the owner. Then he told him that he had dreamed that very night of his employer’s plane crashing after take off. The owner was surprised to hear this. He decided, however, there was something in what the night watchman said. He postponed his trip.As things turned out, the night watchman’s dream was correct. That day the plan exploded just after leaving the ground. The owner sent for the night watchman and gave him 5,000 dollars and a letter. He said: “I’m very sorry to do so. But I’ve to do so. Read the letter when you get home.”The puzzled man hurried home and tore the letter in a hurry. After taking a look, he turned pale. There was only one sentence in it. And he knew that he had been fired.1. The owner was going to trip .A. by airB. by waterC. by trainD. with his family2. He postponed his trip. The word“postponed”means .A. insisted onB. put offC. stoppedD. regretted3. The owner gave the night watchman 5,000 dollars .A. as a rewardB. as his wageC. as a prize for his hard workD. because the night watchman had saved him in time of danger4. The night watchman was fired because .A. he didn’t devote himself to his workB. he told the owner the terrible dreamC. he always told the truthD. he dreamed terrible dreams5. The sentence in the letter would probable beA. “I don’t want to use a man who has saved me.”B. “I don’t like a man who has saved me.”C. “The night watchman’s duty is to stay awake the whole night.”D. “Thanks a lot for you dream.”Miss Clarke worked in a hospital. She was friendly to the patients and took good care of them. So they liked her and most of them gave her some presents when they were out of hospital.It was Saturday. Miss Clarke didn’t go to work. But she had to go outside the town to see a sick (生病的) old woman. She got on a bus and found there were many people in it. She couldn’t find any seat. At that moment an old man near the door was going to stand up. The girl made him back to his seat.“Thank you, sir,” said Miss Clarke. “But please don’t do that. I’m able to stand.”“But, madam, let me …” began the old man.“I ask you to keep your seat,” said the girl with her hand on his shoulder (肩膀).But the old man tried to stand up and said, “Madam, will you kindly let me …”“No, no,” Miss Clarke said and again made him sit down.At last the old man stood up and said, “Madam, you’ve carried me three stopspast my house.”6. Miss Clarke was a ______.A. bus driverB. bus conductorC. nurseD. policewoman7. The word “patient” means ______.A. 客人B. 病人C. 乘客D. 上司8. Miss Clarke ______ after she got on the bus.A. sat in the middleB. sat beside the old manC. stood in the middleD. stood beside the old man9. The old man really wanted to ______.A. get off the busB. give his seat to the girlC. stand for a whileD. thank the food girl10. Which is right?A. Miss Clarke gave her seat to the old man.B. Miss Clarke had taken good care of the old man in the hospital.C. Miss Clarke wanted the old man to go together with her.D. Miss Clarke made the old man not get off the bus in time.Ⅴ. 汉译英25%1.在读英语故事的同事,我们收获很多。
河海大学2019-2020学年第一学期期末考试《高等数学》试题(A)卷姓名:学号:班级:成绩:一、选择题(每题3分,共12分)1.若2,0,(),0x e x f x a x x ⎧<=⎨+>⎩为连续函数,则a 的值为().(A)1(B)2(C)3(D)-12.已知(3)2,f '=则0(3)(3)lim 2h f h f h→--的值为().(A)1(B)3(C)-1(D)123.定积分22ππ-⎰的值为().(A)0(B)-2(C)1(D)24.若()f x 在0x x =处不连续,则()f x 在该点处().(A)必不可导(B)一定可导(C)可能可导(D)必无极限二、填空题(每题3分,共12分)1.平面上过点(0,1),且在任意一点(,)x y 处的切线斜率为23x 的曲线方程为.2.1241(sin )x x x dx -+=⎰.3.201lim sinx x x→=.4.3223y x x =-的极大值为.三、计算题(每题6分,共42分)1.求2ln(15)lim.sin 3x x x x→+2.设2,1y x =+求.y '3.求不定积分2ln(1).x x dx +⎰4.求3(1),f x dx -⎰其中,1,()1cos 1, 1.x xx f x xe x ⎧≤⎪=+⎨⎪+>⎩5.设函数()y f x =由方程0cos 0yxte dt tdt +=⎰⎰所确定,求.dy 6.设2()sin ,f x dx x C =+⎰求(23).f x dx +⎰7.求极限3lim 1.2nn n →∞⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭四、解答题(每题6分,共24分)1.设(ln )1,f x x '=+且(0)1,f =求().f x 2.求由曲线cos 22y x x ππ⎛⎫=-≤≤ ⎪⎝⎭与x 轴所围成图形绕着x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积.3.求曲线3232419y x x x =-+-在拐点处的切线方程.4.求函数y x =+在[5,1]-上的最小值和最大值.五、证明题(10分)设()f x ''在区间[,]a b 上连续,证明:1()[()()]()()().22bbaab a f x dx f a f b x a x b f x dx -''=++--⎰⎰标准答案一、1B;2C;3D;4 A.二、131;y x =+22;330;40.三、1解原式25lim3x x x x →⋅=5分53=1分2解22ln ln ln(1),12xy x x ==-++ 2分2212[121xy x x '∴=-++4分3解原式221ln(1)(1)2x d x =++⎰3分222212[(1)ln(1)(1)]21x x x x dx x =++-+⋅+⎰2分2221[(1)ln(1)]2x x x C =++-+1分4解令1,x t -=则2分321()()f x dx f t dt-=⎰⎰1分1211(1)1cos t tdt e dtt -=+++⎰⎰1分210[]t e t =++1分21e e =-+1分5两边求导得cos 0,yey x '⋅+=2分cos yx y e '=- 1分cos sin 1x x =-1分cos sin 1xdy dxx ∴=-2分6解1(23)(23)(22)2f x dx f x d x +=++⎰⎰2分21sin(23)2x C =++4分7解原式=23323lim 12n n n ⋅→∞⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭4分=32e2分四、1解令ln ,xt =则,()1,t t x e f t e '==+3分()(1)t f t e dt =+⎰=.t t e C ++2分(0)1,0,f C =∴= 2分().x f x x e ∴=+1分2解222cos x V xdx πππ-=⎰3分2202cos xdxππ=⎰2分2.2π=2分3解23624,66,y x x y x '''=-+=-1分令0,y ''=得 1.x =1分当1x -∞<<时,0;y ''<当1x <<+∞时,0,y ''>2分(1,3)∴为拐点,1分该点处的切线为321(1).y x =+-2分4解1y '=-=2分令0,y '=得3.4x=1分35(5)5 2.55,,(1)1,44y y y ⎛⎫-=-+≈-== ⎪⎝⎭2分∴最小值为(5)5y -=-+最大值为35.44y ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭2分五、证明()()()()()()bbaax a x b f x x a x b df x '''--=--⎰⎰1分[()()()]()[2()bb a a x a x b f x f x x a b dx ''=----+⎰1分[2()()ba x ab df x =--+⎰1分{}[2()]()2()bba a x ab f x f x dx =--++⎰1分()[()()]2(),ba b a f a f b f x dx =--++⎰1分移项即得所证.1分。
A.中国共产党创建时期B.第一次国内革命战争时期C.土地革命战争时期D.抗日战争时期3、半殖民地半封建的近代中国,社会矛盾错综复杂,其中最主要矛盾是()A 资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾B 资产阶级与地主阶级的矛盾C 农民阶级与无产阶级的矛盾D 帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾4、毛泽东第一次提出“新民主主义革命”的科学概念,是在哪本著作中()A 《在晋绥干部会议上的讲话》B 《中国革命和中国共产党》C 《论联合政府》D 《新民主主义论》5、我国从新民主主义社会到社会主义社会的过渡时期是指()A 从中华人民共和国成立到社会主义改造完成B 从中华人民共和国成立到“一五计划”完成C 从中华人民共和国成立到改革开放D 从中华人民共和国成立到第一届全国人民代表大会召开6、新民主主义社会中,最主要的经济成分不包括()A 社会主义经济B 合作社经济C 个体经济D 资本主义经济7、关于社会主义社会的基本矛盾,毛泽东指出:在社会主义社会,基本的矛盾是()A.无产阶级和资产阶级之间的矛盾B.人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后社会生产之间的矛盾C.生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾,上层建筑和经济基础之间的矛盾D.人民对于建立先进的工业国的要求同落后的农业国的现实之间的矛盾8、20世纪50年代末60年代初,毛泽东在读苏联《政治经济学教科书》时提出:“社会主义这个阶段,又可能分为两个阶段。
”这“两个阶段”指的是()A.初级社会主义和高级社会主义B.初级社会主义和共产主义C.新民主主义社会和社会主义初级阶段D.不发达的社会主义和比较发达的社会主义9、我国社会主义在改革开放前所经历的曲折和失误,改革开放以来在前进中遇到的一些困惑,归根到底都在于()A.照抄照搬苏联模式B.对什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义这个问题没有完全搞清楚C.建设社会主义的经验不够 D.西方资本主义国家的和平演变10、社会主义的本质是( )A.人民当家作主 B.社会主义公有制和按劳分配C.解放和发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕D.人的全面解放11、“三个代表”重要思想不包括()A. 代表中国先进生产力的发展要求B. 代表中国先进文化的前进方向C. 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益D. 代表中国综合国力的增强路径12、科学发展观的基本要求是()A.推动经济社会发展 B.以人为本C.全面协调可持续 D.统筹兼顾13、党的十九大指出,我国的社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和()之间的矛盾。
A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.
长春科技学院(期末A)试卷姓名:学号:学院:生物食品专业年级班级: 11级食品科学与工程考试科目:畜产品加工学考试方式:闭卷试卷命题人:胡铁军试卷审查人:沈明浩一、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 我们把研究畜产品加工的科学理论知识、加工工艺及新产品开发技术的科学称之为 _______________ 。
2. 畜禽屠宰前的_______________和_______________ 是保证肉品的卫生质量的重要环节之一。
3. 畜禽屠宰后除去毛、皮、头、蹄、内脏后的部分称为______________,除去骨的胴体,又称其为______________。
4. 胴体中的可食部分称为肉,其中包括_______________、_______________和结缔组织5. 二氧化碳致昏法是目前在大动物宰杀时最为先进的一种方法,采用这种方法动物无紧张感,可以减少体内的_______________消耗,有利于肉品质量。
6. 我国猪肉分割方法通常将半胴体分为_______________ ,_______________,_______________ ,_______________ ,_______________五大部分。
7. 家畜的放血是在轨道上进行的,其放血的方式有:_______________,_______________和_______________ 三种方式。
9. 结缔组织蛋白质主要由______________和______________构成。
10.肌肉中的蛋白质约占20%,从结构上可以分为三类,它们是_______________ ,肌浆蛋白和结缔组织蛋白。
二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.目前牛肉的冻结贮藏采用的工艺是宰后二分体先送入冷却间,在0-4℃温度下预冷却12-24h,分割后转入冻结间,在-25 ℃条件下进行冻结,一般完成冻结过程的时间是【】A.24-30hB. 12—15hC. 40—50hD. 5—10h2. 下列哪一种产品属于西式肉制品加工的产品【】A. 重庆白市驿板鸭B. 四川老牛肉C. 双汇火腿肠D. 金华火腿3. 在显微镜下观察有明暗相间条纹的肌肉组织是属于【】A. 骨骼肌和心肌B. 骨骼肌、平滑肌和心肌C. 骨骼肌D. 骨骼肌和平滑肌4. 在自然界中,存在于乳中唯一的双糖是【】试卷共13 页第 1 页A. 蔗糖B. 麦芽糖C. 乳糖D. 葡萄糖5. 构成猪胃肌肉的主要组织是【】A. 骨骼肌肉组织B. 平滑肌组织C. 心肌组织D. 神经组织6. 牛乳经62~65℃、30min保温的杀菌方式称为【】A. 低温长时杀菌(LTLT)B. 高温短时间杀菌(HTST)C. 超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT)D. 干热灭菌7.在原料乳的收购时,要检测其酸度,常用下列哪一种方法【】A. 0.1mol/L的氢氧化钠滴定B. 68%的酒精和原料乳等量混合C. 用比重计或密度计测定D. 用电到率测定仪测定8. 原料乳经离心分离后得到含脂率比较高的部分称为【】A. 稀奶油B. 奶油C. 脱脂乳D. 乳脂肪9. 正常新鲜牛乳的pH值为【】A. pH 3~4B. pH 8~9C. pH 4.6D. pH 6.5~6.710. 用于猪骨粉生产的主要组织是【】A. 肌肉组织B. 脂肪组织C. 结缔组织D. 骨组织11. 水分是肉中含量最多的成分,在肌肉中的水分含量是【】A. 10%B. 15%C. 60%D. 70%以上12.在禽蛋组织结构中,具有乳化作用的部分是:【】A. 蛋壳B. 蛋黄C. 蛋白D. 系带13. 家畜肌肉呈现出来的颜色,主要是由于下列哪一种物质显现的颜色所致【】A. 血红蛋白B. 肌红蛋白C. 胶原蛋白D. 金属铁离子14. 猪肉在加热后蛋白质发生变性,其颜色由鲜红色变成灰褐色的原因是【】A. 肌红蛋白被氧化B. 血红蛋白被氧化C. Fe2+在高温下被氧化成Fe3+D. 加热过程中肉汁发生流失15. 肉类冷却的短期储藏保鲜的常用温度是【】A. -18℃以下B. 0~4℃C. 10~15℃D. 45~30℃16. 将食品中的一部分水排除的过程称为【】A. 烘烤B. 油炸C. 烟熏D. 干燥17. 要将鲜猪肉保藏4~6个月,其最好的贮藏方法是【】A. 真空包装贮藏B. 辐射保藏法C. 0~-1℃的冷藏法D. -18~-23℃的冻藏法18.18.原料肉用于生产西式罐肠制品时,最合适的腌制方法是【】A. 干腌法B. 湿腌法C. 腌水注射法D. 混合腌制法19. 乳中脂肪的含量随动物的品种、个体、饲料、季节等因素而异,一般为【】A. 1-2%B. 3-5%C. 5-7%D. 8-10%20. 将原料肉经机械的作用由大变小的过程称为【】A. 粉碎、切割或斩拌B. 混合C. 乳化D. 腌制三、判断择题(每小题1分,共10分)1. 在禽蛋的结构组成中,蛋黄的凝固温度比蛋白高。
《健康评估》课程期末考试A卷(20护本)《健康评估》课程期末考试A卷课程代码:适用专业: 2020级护理业本一、选择题(共30小题,每小题1.5分,满分45分,1. 护士获得客观健康资料的主要途径是() [单选题] *2. 下列哪项主诉写的最佳() [单选题] *3. 患者刘某入院后,责任护士对其进行健康评估,其资料收集方法不妥的是()[单选题] *4. 下列哪项可出现呼气性呼吸困难() [单选题] *5. 清晨眼睑水肿,逐渐蔓延全身,应考虑哪种疾病() [单选题] *6. 当毛细血管内还原血红蛋白绝对含量超过多少时,皮肤黏膜可出现发绀() [单选题] *7. 处于熟睡状态不易唤醒,虽在强烈刺激下可被唤醒,但很快又入睡,醒时答话含糊或答非所问是指() [单选题] *8. 大咯血是指24h咯血量在() [单选题] *9. 右心功能不全引起的水肿主要由于() [单选题] *10. 发热最常见的原因是() [单选题] *11. 听诊肺部,正常的听诊音是 ( ) [单选题] *12. 强迫仰卧位见于 ( ) [单选题] *13. 二尖瓣面容见于 ( ) [单选题] *14. 皮肤粘膜出血,直径小于3mm,称为 ( ) [单选题] *15. 左锁骨上淋巴结肿大多见于下列哪种恶性肿瘤转移 ( ) [单选题] *16. 双侧瞳孔大小不等见于 ( ) [单选题] *17. 慢性消耗性疾病患者的胸廓形态是 ( ) [单选题] *18. 张某,女性,56岁,入院期间体检,发现其胸式呼吸运动减弱而腹式呼吸运动增强,提示张某可能患有 ( ) [单选题] *19. 李某,男性,60岁,因机械性肠梗阻入院,护士进行腹部听诊,该患者肠鸣音有何异常 ( ) [单选题] *20. 韩某,46岁,男性,因神经系统疾病入院进行体格检查,护士触诊肌肉松软,被动运动阻力减弱或消失,提示 ( ) [单选题] *21. 心理评估涵盖内容不包括() [单选题] *22. 对儿童、言语交流困难及某些精神障碍者,较为实用的心理评估方法是()[单选题] *23. 张某,男性,78岁,肝性脑病,能够早期发现患者意识障碍的评估方法是()[单选题]24. 患者张某,自述流利,但内容不正常,也不能理解他人的语言,发音用词错误,严重时别人完全听不懂,患者的表现属于() [单选题] *25. 影响个体“忧者见之则忧,喜者见之则喜”的情绪状态是() [单选题] *26. 积极的情绪和情感状态可以调节和促进活动,消极的情绪和情感状态则可以破坏和瓦解活动,此为情绪与情感的() [单选题] *27. 下列属于情感式应对方法的是() [单选题] *28. 应激过程中个体可利用的最重要的社会支持资源是() [单选题] *29. 健康行为的基本特征,不包括() [单选题] *30. WHO提出的人类健康行为,不包括() [单选题] *二、名词解释(共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分)1. 黄疸: [填空题]_________________________________2.护理诊断: [填空题]_________________________________3. 触诊: [填空题]_________________________________4. 自我概念: [填空题]_________________________________5. 应激反应: [填空题]_________________________________三、简答题(共5小题,每小题5分,满分25分)1. 问诊的方法与技巧。
(6分)答:(1)出租人的主要义务.包括:按照约定交付租赁物于承租人使用;保证租赁物符合约定的标准和用途;保持租赁物的约定品质状态,(2) 承租人的主要义务.包括:按照约定的方法或租赁物的性质使用;妥善保管租赁物;取得出租人的同意后,承租人对租赁物进行改善或增设他物.未经出租人同意的,出租人可以要求承租人烦恢复原状或赔偿损失.承租人将租赁物转租他人的,承租人亦应经出租人同意,按照约定期限支付租金;返还租赁物。
2022-2023学年人教版九年级上学期物理期末达标测试卷(A 卷)(试卷满分:100分;考试时间:90分钟)一、选择题(本大题一共16个小题,每题2分,共32分,每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的。
)1.将一勺糖放入一杯水中,整杯水都变甜了,这个现象说明( )A.分子是运动的B.分子间有引力C.分子间有斥力D.分子可以再分2.利用一燃气热水器对10kg 、20℃的水进行加热时,完全燃烧了30.105m 的煤气。
已知水的比热容为()34.210J /kg C ⨯⋅︒,煤气的热值为73410J /m ⨯,该热水器烧水的效率是50%。
下列说法中( )①煤气完全燃烧放出的热量是34.4110J ⨯ ②水吸收的热量是6 2. 110J ⨯③水温升高了50℃④加热过程中水的内能保持不变A.只有①④正确B.只有②③正确C.只有①②正确D.只有②③④正确3.如图所示,在试管内装少量水,用橡胶塞塞住管口,将水加热一段时间,塞子冲出,内燃机四个冲程中与之原理相似的是( )A.吸气冲程B.压缩冲程C.做功冲程D.排气冲程4.现在流行一款鞋,穿上它走路时,鞋会发光,站着不动就不会发光。
则这款鞋发光的原理,从能量转化的角度分析正确的是( )A.机械能转化为电能,再转化为光能B.电能转化为机械能,再转化为光能C.机械能转化为光能,再转化为电能D.光能转化为机械能,再转化为电能 5.在干燥的环境下,用丝绸摩擦两根玻璃棒,手持其中一根靠近被吊起的另一根,它们相互排斥。
下列说法中正确的是( )A.玻璃棒失去电子带正电B.玻璃棒得到电子带正电C.在潮湿的环境下重复实验,它们相互吸引D.玻璃棒在任何条件下都是绝缘体6.连接如图所示电路,研究串联电路中电流的特点。
实验时电流表甲和乙的示数分别为0.18 A 和0.16 A ,造成两个电流表示数不同的原因可能是( )A.电流表B.灯泡1L 和灯泡2L 的电阻不同C.导线有电阻D.灯泡1L 和灯泡1L 在电路中的位置7.如图所示,闭合开关S ,两灯均不亮,电流表无示数,电压表有示数,则故障是( )A.灯1L 断路B.灯2L 断路C.灯1L 短路D.灯2L 短路8.在如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,闭合开关S ,电路正常工作,一段时间后,发现两个电表的示数都变大,则出现这种故障的可能原因是( )A.1R 短路B.1R 断路C.2R 短路D.2R 断路9.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A.相同的电压加在阻值不同的导体两端,电流一定不同B.用不同的电阻探究电流和电压的关系,得到的结论都一样C.同一电阻,它两端电压越大,通过它的电流也越大D.当加在某电阻两端的电压改变时,该电阻两端的电压与电流的比值也随着改变 10.如图所示是某导体中的电流I 跟它两端电压U 的关系图象,该导体的阻值为( )A.40 ΩB.30 ΩC.20 ΩD.10 Ω11.如图,对于电能表面板上的一些参数的理解,下列说法错误的是( )A.此时电能表的读数为120.7度B.“220V”是指这个电能表应该在220伏的电路中使用C.“10(20)A”是指这个电能表使用时正常工作电流为10安或20安D.“600r/kW•h”是指用电器每消耗1千瓦时电能,电能表的转盘转过600转12.某同学在做“调节灯泡亮度”的电学实验时,电路如图所示,电源电压恒为4.5V,电压表量程“0~3V”,滑动变阻器规格“20Ω 1A”,灯泡L标有“2.5V 1.25W”字样(忽略灯丝电阻变化),在不损坏电路元件的情况下,下列判断正确的是( )A.电路中电流变化的范围是0.18A~0.5AB.滑动变阻器阻值变化的范围是2.5Ω~10ΩC.灯泡的最小功率是0.162WD.该电路的最大功率是2.25W13.电动机工作时两端电压为U,电流为I,电动机线圈的电阻为R,则该电动机工作时输出的最大机械功率为( )A.UIB.2I RC.2+UI I RUI I R- D.214.电磁继电器广泛用于各种自动控制电路中,如图所示是温度自动报警器的原理图,下列说法中错误的是( )A.报警时电磁铁的左端是N极B.温度计是根据液体热胀冷缩的性质工作的C.电磁继电器应用了电流的磁效应D.电磁继电器是一种电路开关,它可以用一个电路控制另一个电路15.用如图的装置探究磁场对通电直导线的作用,给铝棒AB通电,观察到AB向右运动,要使AB通电后向左运动,下列做法中可行的是( )A.仅换用磁性更强的磁体B.仅增加AB中的电流强度C.仅将磁体的N、S极对调D.仅将铝棒AB换成铜棒16.下列关于声和电磁波的说法正确的是( )A.汽车上的倒车雷达和军用雷达都是利用电磁波传递信息B.树林能减弱噪声,是因为树木对噪声有较好的吸收作用C.电磁波只能传播声音信号,不能传播图像信号D.光在光导纤维中经多次折射,从一端传到另一端二、填空题(本大题共6个小题,每题4分,共24分)17.如图所示,电源两端的电压不变,闭合开关,当“6 V 6 W”小灯泡正常发光时(忽略温度对灯丝电阻的影响),滑动变阻器的电功率为P;移动滑动变阻器的滑片,当1小灯泡的电功率为1.5 W时,滑动变阻器的电功率为P。
八年级下学期期末测试卷(A)卷(时间:60分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共36分)1.用图所示的四种机械提起同一重物,不计机械自重和摩擦,最省力的是()A B C D答案:D解析:A图中的动力臂小于阻力臂,属于费力扛杆,不省力;B图中的杠扛是等臂扛杆,不省力也不费力;C图中的滑轮组可以省一半力;D图中的滑轮组可以省力到1/3;由于所提的重物的重力相等,所以可知D图中的最省力;故应选D。
actually say that our plan was 的),but that was thesurprise (n.), surprising,3.die, death, deadly (a.), deadly (ad.)1)One winter morning the old beggar was found lying__________ in the snow.2)Peace-loving people all over the world want these__________ weapons (武器) done away with (废除).3)He is ___________ serious about the matter.4)She ___________ for the people. Her___________ is weightier than Mount Tai(泰山).二、填空(15分)[根据需要,将下题复制几遍,然后修改] tighten handle brightly mask caught up in take back stun dream of mysterious pull into differ compared to complicated involve damage1.More than two substances(物质) ______________ in this chemical reaction.2.The multiple origins(多种来源) of theEnglish language make it a_____________ one for the non-nativespeakers to learn.3.________________ most women of her time, she was indeed very fortunate.4.In the earthquake many houses were____________ and some were destroyed.5.If we compare out earth with the moon, we will find that the former ___________ from the latter in many ways.6.The screws(螺钉) are somewhat loose. I'll have them ___________.7.Wash your hands before you ___________ my books, please.8.The young villagers were determined to find out about the ____________ noise they heard each night.9.We were so ___________________ the TV program that we forgot about the time.10.When he was young he ________________ traveling round the world.11.She was ___________ by the news of her son's death.12.The taxi driver ______________ a roadside restaurant to get something to eat.13.Vingo was really lucky that his wife was willing to __________ him _________.14.The girl smiled _____________ as if she were free from all life's troubles.15.Hard as she tried to hold herself in, she could not __________ her sadness.三、翻译(10分)1.煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。
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40 nights.”Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard, but no Ark. “Noah!” He asked,13.“____________________________________________________! Where is the Ark?”“Forgive me, Lord,”begged Noah , “but things havve changed. I have come across many difficulties.”My neighbors claimed that I had14._______________________________________________________, even in mygarden.We had to go to the Secretary of State for a decision.Then the Department of Transport asked how much it would cost for the Ark’s move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.15._____________________________________________________.I was forbidden tocut down any trees.When I started gathering the animals,people argued that it was cruel to put so many animals in such a small space.Then the government said that I couldn’t build the Ark until they’d conducted an environmental impact study on the possible flood.I’m still having another problem about whom to hire for my building team. The trade unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with Ark-bulding experience.To make matters worse, the customs house claims16.___________________________________________with endangered species. So,forgive me, Lord, but it seems impossible for me to finish this Ark.”Suddenly the skies cleared,the sun began to shine, and a rainbow appeared across the sky. “I’m not going to end the world. Your government beat mr to it !” said the Lord.PartⅡVocabulary and structrue. (1×10=10points)Directions:Choose the best one to complete each sentence.17.I heard his scream and felt my blood ____ with fearA.Freeze.B.Freezing.C.Frozes.D.Frozen.18.His____ to take over the company failed.A.Bid.B.Order.C.Mission.D.Job.st night a burglar broke into the old couple’s house and robbed them of all their____.A.money.B.savings.C.Food.D.property20.How could you _____ up all the water when we are in such bad need of it?A.pickB.giveeD.get21.What ____ do you mean?A.in natureB.by natureC.against natureD.back to nature22.A bill came ________ the package.A.withB.along withC.together withD.without23.They ____ Robert of stealing Tom’s money.A.suspected.B.thought.C.believed.D.said.24.At midnight he ____ from his friend’s birthday party and drove home.A.left.B.disciplined.C.disengaged.D.removed.25.The couple are ready to make every ____ if they can get their child into a foreignuniversity.A.sacrificeB.sacrificesC.sacrificedD.sacrificing26.I bought a car ____.A.in creditB.on creditC.at creditD.of creditPartⅢReading ComprehensionSection A Skimming and Scanning(1×5=5 points)Directions:Go over the passage quickly and decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F)Where would you be without your legs and feet? They do a lot to get you where you need to go.But sometimes, kids hhave problems with these important body parts. Their legs and feet might look different or might not work exactly the way they should. The good news is that these problems usually aren’t serious. They either go away on their own or the kids learns to handle them by using stuff like special shoe inserts.PIGEON TOES(内八字脚) pigeon toes, or inwardly turning toes, is a common foot condition in kods. It occurs when the front of the foot is turned inward, facing the other foot.Boys and girls both experience pigeon toes. Most kids’s feet straighten naturally without any medical treatment.BOW LEGS(O型腿)When someone stands with the feet and ankles (脚踝) together but the knees widely apart , we call that being bow-kegged. Many babies are born bow-legged because their legs were folded tightly across their belly while they were growing inside thiet mom. Bow legs usually straighten once babies with thid conditions start to walk and their legs bear weighrt. By age 3, most kids grow out of this condition. KNOCK KNEES (X型腿) Knock knees is a condition where the legs curve in at thr knees so much that the ankles are separated. Lots of kids become knock-kneed between the age of 3 and 5. But around age 6, the body begins to straighten naturally, and within a few years most kids can stand with their knees and ankles touching at the same time. FLAT FEET Stand sideways in front of a mirror. Rise up on your toes. Can you see the arch (curve) in the bottom of your feet? Most of us have some sort of arch on the bottom of the feet between our toees and heel.Someone who doesn’t have this curve might have flexoble flat feet. That means more of the person’s foot surface is in contact with the ground.In a typical foot, the arch part wouldn’t touch the ground.Most babies are born with almost no arch in their feet. Within 2 to 3 years, after kids have been walking fo a whil, the arch develops.Wearing the right kind of shoes-ones that are flexible, not stiff-helps kids’ feet develop the way they should.About 1 in 7 kids never develop a full arch. Very rarely, this requires surgery (手术) . Some kids might wear arch supports if their feet hurt. But most of the time,flat feet don’t cause pain or problems. In other words, if your feet are flat, they are fine!27.( )The author believes that the problem that most kids have with their legs and feetare serious. 28.( )Girls need some medical treatment to correct their pigeon toes while boys don’t.29.( )By the age of 3, most kods with bow-legged problem usually straighten naturallywithout special treatment.30.( )According to the author, about 86% of kids can develop a full arch.31.( )If your feet are flat, it means that they tend to hurtSection B Reading in Depth(2×10=20 points)Directions:There are 3 passages in this section,please choose the best answer to each of the questions.“A rescue team guided by a survivor was dispatched into stormy Indonesian seas Tuesday in search of dozens of people said to be still drifting alive after a ferry capsized (倾覆) with more than 250 on board,” officials said.“The survivor, pulled from the water earlier Tuesday by fishermen, told authorities another 40 people escaped the boat before it sank in cyclone and are still at sea,”said Sutriani, a port official in Majene, Sulawesi.Air and sea patrols resumed at sunrise, two days after the 700-ton (635-metric toe) Teratai Prima disappeared with at least 250 passengers and 17 crew on board.So far at least 34 people, including the captain, have been rescued and one body recovered. Hopes had been fading that anyone else would be rescued because of the continuing bad weather caused by Cyclone Charlotte.“But a search party was deployed on a police boat with a survivor and fishermen acting as guides,” said Sutriani. It is customary in Indonesia to use only one name.“A group of around 40 men is clinging to a floating platform used by fishermen,” said Lt.Col. Zakarya, a rescue coordinator in Majene, citing accounts given by fishermen. “We have to rescue them immediately,” he said. “We have taken the fishermen to show us the way.”Transport Minister Jusman Syafi’I Djamal said earlier Tuesday an investigation was under way to determine why the captain apparently ignored warnings not to travel into the Makassar Strait.The government will compensate families 2,400,dollars, or roughly two times an average annual salary in impoverished (赤贫的) Indonesia, for each victim of the accident.Most of those rescued thus far were picked up by fishing and cargo ships within hours of the sinking and taken to nearby ports. They told of a churning sea and relentless waves before the ferry suddenly submerged in the dark.Baco, a psssenger, was fast asleep in the ship’s lower deck when sea water rushed in and swept away about 20 children whihin seconds as he looked on helplessly.“They were just sucked away,” he said, sobbing as he recalled how the boat suddenly capsized before dawn Sunday.Baco, a father of five who was taking the ferry to Borneo to look for a job with an oilcompany, described the sudden horror of the scene.“Many people were still sleeping when the water came to the second deck just above the engine room,” said Baco,40.“Around20 little children were taken by the sea. I could do nothing,” he said, weeping as he described the screams of the drowning.Baco clung to a piece of plastic foam and drifted for five hours before joining another man on a life raft. They were later picked up by fishermen.The Teratai Prima, which radioed that it was in trouble just before dawn Sunday, capsized about 30 miles (50 kilometers) off the coast of western Sulawesi. It was headed for Samarinda on the Indonesia side of Borneo.Boats are a major form of transportation in Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago with more than 17,000 islands. Poor enforcement of safety regulations and overcrowding cause accidents that claim hundereds of lives each year.In December 2006, a crowded Indonesian ferry broke apart and sank in the Java Sea during a violent storm, killing more than 400 people.32.What caused the accident?A.A cyclone.B. A typhoon.C.Heavy rainD.A crash.33.Who saved the survivor that guided the rescue team?A.The search party.B.The fishermen.C. A passengerD.The captain.34.How many people were said to have escaped the boat and be still drifting at sea?A.250.B.34.C.40.D.24.35.About how many children were swept away by the sea water?A.20B.40.C.34.D.17.36.At least____people were on board when the boat sank.A.267B.260C.40D.2,503Many years ago, my dad was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition. He was put on permanent disability and was unable to work at a steady job. He would be fine for quite a while, but would then fall suddenly ill and have to be admitted to the hospital.He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children’s hospital. My dad loves kids, so it was the perfect job for him. He ended up working with terminally and critically ill children. He would talk to them and play with them and do arts and craftts with them. Sometimes, he would lose on of his kids. Incertain instances, he would tell the grieving Prents of these children that he would soon be with their children in heaven and that he would take care of them until they got there. He would also ask the parents if there was a message they would like to send with him for theit child.My dad’s assurances seemed to help parents with their grieving. One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a rare disease that paralyzed (使瘫痪) her from the neck down. I don't know the name of the disease or what the prognosis (病情预断) usually is, but I do know that it was very sad for a girl around eight or nine years old. She couldn’t do anything, and she was very depressed. My dad decided to try to help her. He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints,brushes and paper He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth anf began to paint. He didn’t use his hands at all. Only his head would move. He would visit her whenever he could and paint for her. All the while he would tell her , “See, you can do anything you set your mind to.”Eventually, she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was discharged beause the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the children’s hospital for a little while because he became ill, Sometime later, after my dad had recovered and returned to work he was at the volunteer counter in the lobby of the hospital. He noticed the front doors open. In came the little girl who had been paralyzed; only this time she was walking. She ran straight over to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave my dad a picture sh had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: Thank you for helping me walk.My dad would cry every time he told us this story and so would we. He would say sometimes love is more powerful than doctors, and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picyure-loved every single child in that hospital.37.Why did the author’s dad volunteer at the local children’s hospital?A.Because he could help the kids with their illness.B.Because he dicided to do something to keep himself busy.C.Because he could do arts and crafts for the kids.D.Because he could help the kid’s parents.38.What did the author’s dad do when he lost one of his kids in the hospital?A.He would ask the parents if they needed help.B.He would send a message to the parentsC.He would talk to the grieving parents and comfort themD.He would take care of the grieving parents39.In the third paragraph, the author’s dad helped a paralyzed girl by_____?A.visiting herB.bringing paints to herC.talking to herD.visiting and painting for her40.The word “discharged” (Line 2, Para.4) most probably means__________.A.sent back homeB.recoveredC.abandonedunched41.Which of the following is true?A.The author’s dad was a careless worker.B.The author’s dad had worked with the sick kids ever since he was young.C.The author’s dad was a kind-hearted man.D.The author’s dad was more powerful than doctors.Part ⅣTranslationSection A (1×5=5points)Direction: Translat the following sentences into Chinese.42.As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men alerady aboard.43.The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the young man to stop, that there wasa storm coming.44.Do not point fingers at polictical or historical figures.45.I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport had put in place.46.Some worry that all this debt forces grads to forsake exciting but low-paying jobs infavor of dreary but well-paying jobs.Section B(2×5=10 points)Direction: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.47.They felt that their leader _______________________________________(在他们需要的时候离弃了他们).48.__________________________________(不管你给不给小费),she just served youwarm-heartedly with smiles.49.________________________________________(他们没有取笑他), they becametouchingly protective.50.Although the cost was reduced, __________________________________(但还是没有用).51.He looked at the funny-looking man,_________________________________(咬着嘴唇强忍着不笑出声).Part ⅤCloze (1×20=20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 52___it is a serious source of 53___for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 54___about the effect of smoking 55___the health not only of those who smoke but also those who do not. 56___,nonsmokers who must 57___ inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 58___ more than the smokers themselves.As you are 59___informed, a considerable number of students have 60___ in a effort to 61___the university to 62___smoking in the classroom. I believe they are 63__ right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 64___to achieve this by calling 65___the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for other 66___than by regulation. Smoking is 67___by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 68___,it is up to you good 69____. I am therefore asking you to 70___“No smoking"in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmoker’s health and well-being 71___which is very important to a large number of our students52A. Hence B. However C. Anyway D. Furthermore53A. joy B. discomfort C. convenience D. relief54A. consideration B. attention C. belief D. concern55A. against B. for C. in D. on56 A. In consequence B. On the other handC. In factD. After all57A. instinctively B. instantlyC. spontaneouslyD. reluctantly58A. suffer B. subject C. submit D. sustain59A. certain B. sure C. doubtless D. right60A. entered B. joined C. attended D. involved61A. reason B. persuade C. argue D. suggest62A. stop B. object C. ban D. prevent63A. entirely B. likely C. generally D. possibly64A. likely B. probable C. proper D. possible65A. out B. for C. on D. up66A. rather B. better C. more D. other6 A. prohibited B. protected C. reserved D. cleared68A. Furthermore B. Consequently C. Nevertheless D. Elsewhere 69A. idea B. duty C. sense D. responsibility70A. persist B. maintain C. stick D. adhere71A. in mind B. in head C. in heart D. in memory。