



船务英语面试题目及答案1. What is your understanding of the shipping industry?Answer: The shipping industry is a crucial component of global trade, facilitating the transportation of goods across international borders. It involves the movement of cargo by sea using various types of vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, and tankers.2. Can you explain the term 'vessel'?Answer: A vessel is a nautical term for a large boat or ship. In the context of the shipping industry, it refers tothe vehicle that carries cargo or passengers across bodies of water.3. What are the main types of cargo ships?Answer: The main types of cargo ships include container ships, which transport goods in standardized containers; bulk carriers, designed for the transport of bulk materials like coal, grain, or ore; and tankers, which are used for the transportation of liquid cargo, such as oil or chemicals.4. What is the role of a ship's captain?Answer: The captain of a ship is responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel, overseeing the crew, and ensuringcompliance with maritime laws and regulations. They also manage the ship's operations and liaise with port authorities.5. How do you handle a situation where there is a delay in cargo delivery?Answer: In the event of a delay in cargo delivery, it's important to communicate promptly with all stakeholders, including the cargo owner and the shipping company. Identify the cause of the delay and take necessary steps to mitigateit. Provide regular updates and explore alternative solutions if needed.6. What do you know about the International Maritime Organization (IMO)?Answer: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. It sets and maintains international standards through a framework of conventions and codes.7. How would you ensure the security of a vessel during a voyage?Answer: Ensuring vessel security involves implementingstrict safety protocols, conducting regular drills, and using advanced security technology. It also includes maintaining constant communication with relevant authorities and being vigilant against potential threats such as piracy orterrorist activities.8. What is the importance of maritime law in the shipping industry?Answer: Maritime law is essential in the shipping industry as it governs the legal aspects of marine commerce, navigation, and environmental protection. It provides a framework for resolving disputes, enforcing safety standards, and ensuring the smooth operation of international shipping.9. Can you describe the process of loading and unloading cargo on a ship?Answer: The process of loading and unloading cargo involves several steps, including planning the stowage to ensure cargo stability, using appropriate equipment such as cranes and forklifts, and following safety procedures. It also requires coordination with port authorities and customs.10. What are the key factors to consider when choosing a shipping route?Answer: Key factors when choosing a shipping route include the distance and time required, the cost, the safety of the route, weather conditions, and the availability of necessary infrastructure such as ports and navigation aids.11. How do you manage communication with a diverse crew on a ship?Answer: Effective communication with a diverse crewinvolves using a common language, often English, andpromoting a culture of respect and understanding. It also includes clear instructions, regular meetings, and the use of communication tools that are accessible to all crew members.12. What is the role of a marine insurance in the shipping industry?Answer: Marine insurance provides financial protection against potential losses or damages that may occur during the transportation of goods by sea. It covers a range of risks, including cargo loss, damage, and liability issues.13. Describe the concept of 'free on board' (FOB) in shipping.Answer: 'Free on board' (FOB) is a trade term used in shipping that indicates the point at which the responsibility for the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer. Once the goods are loaded onto the ship and the ship has left the port, the risk and costs associated with the goods are borne by the buyer.14. How would you handle a situation where the cargo is damaged during transit?Answer: In the event of cargo damage during transit, it's important to document the damage, notify all relevant parties, and initiate an investigation to determine the cause. Depending on the findings and insurance coverage, appropriate claims should be filed and corrective actions taken toprevent future incidents.15. What are the environmental regulations that ships must adhere to?Answer: Ships must adhere to various environmental regulations set by international bodies like the IMO, which include restrictions on emissions, waste disposal, and the use of certain harmful substances. Compliance ensures the。



船员英语英文面试-三副1. Could you give me a brief description of yourself?你可以做一个简短的自我介绍吗?My name is Hexi. I am 32 years old. I'm married and have a child.(I am single) I come from Dalian, a beautiful city near the sea. I like reading and playing football.I am a third officer now. I have experience in managing bulk carriers, oil tankers, and container ship.我的名字叫何西,今年32岁,我已经结婚了,并且有一个孩子(我是单身)。




2 .Please tell us about a favorite port where your ship has called.请谈一下你船曾经挂靠过的最喜欢的港口。

Shanghai Port is my favorite port.We called at there in 2018. The port is very big and the city is beautiful. Shanghai is famous in China and in the world. It has more than 80 berths in the port. Many container ships call at this port. Shanghai is famous for seafood and tall buildings. Many foreigners live in Shanghai. It is a modern port.上海港是我最喜欢的港口,2018年我们挂靠在那儿。


24、How long is the lifeboat launched into water? Is it allowed to launch lifeboat in the harbour?
Within 3months.If you want to launch the lifeboat in the harbour,you may enquire the local Harbour Superintendency Administration before launching.
29、What does ILO talk about?
ILO stands for the International Labour Organization. ILO is an organization on crew agreement.It represents labour interests.Master takes responsibility for the ship.Master should adjust the relationship between shipowner and crew by generous and efficient measures taken in the interests of shipowner.
My pleasure,sir!For example:
5、Who takes care of documents on board?
Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.
6、Who keeps the Master key?
7、Who takes care of medicine?



船员面试常用英语试题General question:1. Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck / engine cadet) to us. Or tell us something about yourself.2. Please tell me what major you had in the marine university/college/school?3. What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there? Which courses do you like most? Why?4. Why do you want to be a sailor? Are you willing work hard? How long do you want to be a sailor? Do you have any frien d as a seaman? What do you know about seaman’s life?5. What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?6. Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you? Could your brother follow your step?7. If Capt(CE) scold you? Will you fight back? Why?8. Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girlfriend when you work on board for a whole year?9. When do you want to get married?10. Do you have hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?11. Which country do you like best?12. what do you think is most important thing on-board ship? Second?Third? (safety)13. If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick? Do you get a seasick?14. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join? Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker?15. Do you teachers talk English? Do they use English to have lesson?16. If you have a leave, how long do you want to stay home?17. What food do you like? There no Chinese foods in board, how do you feel?18. What will you do in your spare / free time? What kind of leisure activilies do you do?19. If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some complaint?20. In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team?21. Do you know our company? How do you know? What do you know?22. How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they?23. As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/ deck/ engine department? What positions are there on board?24. Tell me the whole name of the following anonyms: IMO, STCW78/ 95, SOLA74, ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS, MARPOL 73/ 78, IOPP, GPS, ISM.25. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel, and with whom did you work together on board the training vessel? How many people were there in your ship? What did you do there?26. Can you use English computer? Can you rend / write / listen English? How long have you learnt English?27. Why are you elder than your classmate? How do you think of your classmate?28.What is lifejacket? Lifeboat?29. Can you tell me where is bridge? Bow? Astern? Middle?30.How many kinds of Alarm do you know?31.What skills do you offer,that are most relevant in this job? / What skills would you like to develop in this job?32.What motivates you to do this job? /What interest you most about this job? What interests you less? Question for engine cadet:。



船员面试必考的一些英语编辑| 删除| 权限设置| 更多▼更多▲流鱼发表于2009年11月26日11:52 阅读(8) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记权限: 公开Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?)11.How old are you? (你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。

)答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)答:Yes, I am.5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。



1.Where are you from?2.四六级成绩,大证成绩?3.Fixing position:GPS, RADAR, Landmark.4.What is the shape and light when the vessel not mand and dragging?5.GMDSS包括哪些?SART NAVTEX INMARSAT VHF EPIRB and so on。

6.Why do you want to be a seaman?7.How many manners to fix position?8.How to correct chart?9.如何判断对遇局面?10.释放大型CO2之前要做哪些准备工作?11.当雷达坏了,用什么测方位?〔pass〕12.呼吸器检查〔面罩的检查,呼吸器管路的检查,气压的检查〕。

13.Stowage Plan(Nature of goods, Gross tonnage ,capacity of vessel)14.是否在电视机上看到过关于海盗的一些事情?害怕海盗吗?15.为什么要比拟磁罗经和电罗经的误差,多长时间比拟一次?16.怎么用陆标定位?17.从哪里可以知道救生艇能容纳多少人?18.房间里着火了怎么办?19.怎么检查固定式CO2灭火系统?20.CO2如何检查?21.CO2能灭什么火?干粉能灭什么火?22.船上有RADAR,APRA,GPS能放弃look out么?23.第一次上船应该了解什么?24.当Cadet在驾驶台时,发生碰撞,首先做什么?25.在什么情况下应通知机舱?26.船上工作和岸上工作最大的区别?27.上船的缺点?28.在学校实习船舶情况、实习了多少时间、在实习船上学了什么,每天都干什么?29.家庭情况、对公司的了解情况。




船员英文面试题及答案1. What is your experience as a crew member?- I have been working as a crew member for the past five years, gaining experience in various roles on different vessels.2. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced at sea and how you handled it?- During a storm, we had to quickly secure the deck and ensure the safety of all crew members. I coordinated with the team to follow emergency protocols and managed to keep everyone safe.3. How do you maintain safety standards on board?- I strictly adhere to the safety guidelines provided by the ship's management. Regular inspections, drills, and training sessions are conducted to ensure all crew members are up to date with safety procedures.4. What are your responsibilities as a crew member?- My responsibilities include assisting with navigation, maintaining the ship's equipment, and ensuring the overall cleanliness and orderliness of the vessel.5. How do you handle conflicts among crew members?- I address conflicts by mediating a conversation between the parties involved, ensuring that all perspectives are heard and working towards a resolution that is fair to all.6. Describe your understanding of maritime law.- Maritime law governs the rights, responsibilities, and liabilities arising from maritime activities. It includes regulations on navigation, marine pollution, and the carriage of goods and passengers.7. How do you stay updated with the latest maritime regulations and practices?- I regularly attend training sessions and seminars, and I also keep myself informed through industry publications and online resources.8. Can you explain the importance of teamwork on a ship?- Teamwork is crucial on a ship as it ensures smooth operations, safety, and efficiency. Each crew member has a role to play, and working together is essential for the success of the voyage.9. What language skills do you possess that would be beneficial in a multinational crew environment?- I am fluent in English and have a working knowledge of Spanish, which allows me to communicate effectively with crew members from various backgrounds.10. How do you manage your time and tasks effectively duringa long voyage?- I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and I use planning tools such as checklists and schedules to keep track of daily activities and ensure all duties are completed on time.11. Describe a time when you had to make a quick decision to ensure the safety of the vessel.- During a sudden engine failure, I quickly assessed the situation and coordinated with the engineering team toinitiate emergency procedures, which included deploying the lifeboats and alerting the coast guard.12. How do you handle stress and pressure during your work?- I manage stress by maintaining a healthy work-life balance, practicing mindfulness techniques, and ensuring I have adequate rest. I also communicate openly with my team about any concerns or pressures I am facing.13. What are your long-term career goals in the maritime industry?- My long-term goal is to advance to a leadership position, such as a Chief Officer or Captain, where I can utilize my experience and skills to lead a crew and ensurethe safe and efficient operation of the vessel.14. Can you tell us about a time when you had to adapt to a new technology or procedure on board?- When our ship was upgraded with a new navigation system, I took the initiative to learn the system thoroughly and trained my fellow crew members, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal use of the technology.15. Why do you want to join our crew?- I am attracted to your company's reputation for safety, innovation, and commitment to crew welfare. I believe myskills and experience align with your values, and I am eager to contribute to your team.。

船员 海员 英语面试

船员 海员 英语面试

1.Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x。



I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx。



I can use a computer system for management(maintenance)。

I suppose that my English is good enough for work。

I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family,my daughter and my son。







2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school)。

我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years。


4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx。


5.What certificate (license)do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate,or I hold xxx certificate,or I am the holder of xxx certificate。



船员面试需要的英语试题介绍1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate.I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance)。

I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single)。

There are 3 people in my family,my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX.我XX岁了。






2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college,school)。

我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board for ten years.我在船上工作十年了。

4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。

5.What certificate (license)do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate,or I hold xxx certificate,or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。



【问】Please introduceyourself.(请介绍你自己.)【问】Why are youinterested in this job?(你为什么会对这份工作感兴趣?) 【问】Do you think youreanextrovert or anintro-vert?(你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内向的人?)【问】What is yourgreatest weakness?(你最大的缺点是什么?)【问】Do you have anyactual work experience?(你有实际的工作经验吗?) 【问】How were yourgradesat school?(你在学校成绩如何?)【问】Could you tell mewhat do you know about our company?(可以谈谈你对本公司的认识吗?)【问】Have you sent yourapplication to any other companies?(你有没有应征其他公司吗?)【问】What are you goingto do if you are ordered to work over time?(如果你被迫要加班,你会怎么办?)【问】What salary wouldyou expect to get?(你希望拿多少薪水?)可能有几个问题会让你很棘手,所以需要做更多的准备.不要让别人认为你没有准备或者说不够自信.I:Interviewer(面试者)A:Applicant(求职者)教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了介绍,但在面试时,面试官还有可能就此方面提问。


①I:what is yourmajor?A:My major isBusiness Administration. I am especially interested in Marketing.(不仅回答了问题,还顺带一句介绍了自己较为感兴趣的方面,简明扼要。



General question:1. Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck / engine cadet) to us. Or tell us something about yourself.2. Please tell me what major you had in the marine university/college/school?3. What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there?Which courses do you like most? Why?4. Why do you want to be a sailor? Are you willing work hard? How long do you want to be a sailor? Do you have any frien d as a seaman? What do you know about seaman’s life?5. What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?6. Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you? Could your brother follow your step?7. If Capt(CE) scold you? Will you fight back? Why?8. Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girlfriendwhen you work on board for a whole year?9. When do you want to get married?10. Do you have hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?11. Which country do you like best?12. what do you think is most important thing on-board ship? Second? Third? (safety)13. If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick? Do you get a seasick?14. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join? Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker?15. Do you teachers talk English? Do they use English to have lesson?16. If you have a leave, how long do you want to stay home?17. What food do you like? There no Chinese foods in board, how do you feel?18. What will you do in your spare / free time? What kind of leisure activilies do you do?19. If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some complaint?20. In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team?21. Do you know our company? How do you know? What do you know?22. How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they?23. As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/ deck/ engine department? What positions are there on board?24. Tell me the whole name of the following anonyms: IMO, STCW78/ 95, SOLA74, ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS, MARPOL 73/ 78, IOPP, GPS, ISM.25. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel, and with whom did you work together on board the training vessel? How many people were there in your ship? What did you do there?26. Can you use English computer? Can you rend / write / listen English? How long have you learnt English?27. Why are you elder than your classmate? How do you think of your classmate?28.What is lifejacket? Lifeboat?29. Can you tell me where is bridge? Bow? Astern? Middle?30.How many kinds of Alarm do you know?31.What skills do you offer,that are most relevant in this job? / What skills would you like to develop in this job?32.What motivates you to do this job? /What interest you most about this job? What interests you less? Question for engine cadet:1. Why do you select to be engineer then not be officer? How many years do you plan to be Chief engineer?2. What is main engine? What are subsidiary engines? Tell me the name of some auxiliary engines.3. Tell me how the fresh water is produced through the fresh water generator?4. If you work as a 3rd engineer, what are your duty hours?5. What are the rough differences between the diesel oil and fuel oil?6. Tell me how about oily water separator and how to treat bilge water.7. Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker? any different in engine room?Question for deck cadet:1. If you work as a 3rd officer, what is your duty hours every day?2. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join?3. Tell us some very important canals/ straits in the world.4. How do you get the weather information on board vessel?5. what is windless?6.Do you know what is latitude and longitude?7. What do you call 0℃?8.what do you learn in navigation?9. what is chat? Why do we use chat?10. what is radar?11.what is GMDSS? DCS? VHF?12. Do you know navigation light? Tell me about it. Which side is red? Which side is yellow? Could you tell me something about light or flag signal?13. Do you know navigation log? What is recorded in it?。



船员面试常用英语English For Interviewed by Ship’s owner一、个人简介1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍吗?My name is x x x. I am xx years old. I hold a xxx Certificate(License). I have experience of xx, xxx, xxx, I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my xx, my xx and me2. Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from xxx university (college, school).3. How long have you worked on board?您做海员多久了?I have worked on board xx years.4. Which company have you served (worked for) ?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx, xxx.5. What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate. or I hold xxx certificate. or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6. What position are you applying for? ( What job are you applying for? )您上船做什么职位?I’m applying for the xxx’s position.7. How long do you have the certificate of xxx?您持有xxx证书多久了?I hold the xxx certificate in xxxx (xx years).8. What kinds of ship have you worked on?您都做过哪些类型的船?I have worked on many ships. Like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on.9. Which classification society is your ship registered with?您服务的船是在那个船级社注册的。



船员英语面试三管轮面试问题及参考答案$1__VE_ITEM__1. can you tell me about your educational background and working experience?Well ,I have been working for several shipping and manning companies in china .but I think x company is my favorite .I was registered here two years ago and I have worked for this company for two times .i am very satisfied with this company . Or I have worked as a seaman for ten years .but I have worked hard on board about 6 years . for the four years I was not on board .i just had my vacation or received training and tests .2 . what are the main duties of the third engineer ?The third engineer is usually responsible for the following : 1) watch keeping from 0800 to 1200 ,and from 2000 to 2400 every day .2) operation and maintenance of other auxiliary machinery except under the charge of the second engineer .3) giving assistance to the first engineer in all technical matters ._4) taking positive measures in the safe and efficient operation of all machinery ,and guarding against fire and oil pollution .5) safety produres and maintenance of all safety equipment ,and engine control system in a thoroughly eff icient state .6) carrying out instructions relating to ballasting and deballasting andrecording the operation7) testing the telegragh before depature and recording all engine movement in the bell book for staying in the engine room when vessel is entering or leaving a port or when the engine is on standby or in maneuvering .8) emergency fire pump and lifeboat engine .。



船员面对船东面试实用英语Practical English for seafares interviened by shipowners一.资历测试1,nice to meet you! It is very nice to meet you ! glad to meet you .i am very glad to meet you .pleased to meet you. It is pleasure to meet you.Answer:加too eg.glad to meet you too2what is your name ?your name? may I know you name? could you tell me what is your name ?A I am or my name is ….(first name last name)3 how long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 1 year.4 which company have you served?/which company have you worked for ?I have served …..5where are you from? I am from ……..6 are you married ? yes I am .no I am still single.7 how many people are there in your family?There are … peoples in my family .my wife ,son, daughter and I8what certificate do you have now?I have ….. certificate /I hold … certificate.(captain chief second officer)9what kinds of ship have you worked on ?I have worked on many ships .like ….ships.(oil tanker bulk carrier general cargo ship)10how many countries have y ou been to?I have been to many other countries .for example japan Russia India and so on.11 how old are you ? what is you age ? I am 18 years old .12 when were you born? I was born ……1965 nineteen sixty-five13 where did you graduate from? I graduated from GMC.14 have you served as ……?Yes I have served ….several years /i have served as …for a short time /no I am sorry ,even though I hold ….. certificate ,I have never served as it .16how many harbours have you been to?Many harbours ,for shanghai ……….and so on .17 what education degree do you have now? junior college.20 are you satisfied with you study record?Yes I think I am excellent.21could you introduce youself?My name is ,.... I am ......years old .i am from dalian .i graduated from .. (i)have …..certificate. I have worked on board for ….. years.22what position are you applying for ?I am applying for the captains position .24 my name is ….. I am …..years old ,I hold a ……certificate ,I have worke in oil tanker ,general cargo ship.i suppose that my English is good enough for work , I am married ,there are 3 people in my family my wife my daughter and I .27 what did you study in the maritime college?I majored in mavigation ,it includes the following subjects, collision avoidance,maritime English,and so on .工作经验特种船舶知识3can you tell me something about you last ship?I was in a ………named ……. ……GT .the minimum safe manning is 21 ,thecaptain was Chinese ,the ship is 10 years.7 do you smoke or drink?Yes ,I am smoker ,but not a chain smoker , I do not like to drink ,sometimes I drink a little beer ,smoking and dringing can affect the safety of ship.8 what chart did you use on you last board? BA chart11 it is a ocean-going vessel. We often visited north American ports .,european ports .south American ports and so on ?第三章驾驶常识测试1what safety measures must born in mind when mooring or unmooring operations at fore or aft?Wear helmet .gloves according to safety procedures made by the ship ,the chief officer and the second officer instruct the sailors all the time ,keep contact with bridge ,report situations to .fishing boat nearby ,other vessels or other conditions and so on.2 before entering an enclosed space .such as ballast tank ,what action will you tale.Prepare tools .test of oxygen and so on .communication means should be available between operators inside and watchman outside and so on .operators shouls wear protective clothing .working boots lifeline .also a markplate “dangerous operation in progress”should be established at the entrance.9SOPEP stands for shipboard oil pollution emergency plan.10How often do you have a safety meeting?According to the SMS on my last board ,it takes place every month .on arrival and departure from the port the ship will have a safety meeting.23what can be used as means of alerting in a lifeboat or liferaft?EPIRB SART two way VHF fire rocket.24what are some requirements to survire in lifeboat?Watchman inside and outside should be changed frequently ,all persons must wear warm clothes to prevent loss of body temperature.航海知识1how many departments are there on board?Deck department and engine department2 STCW 95 stands for STANDARDS of TRAINING CERTIFICATION and WATCHKEEPING for seafarers 19955 the biggest canals are the PANAMA canal the SUEZ canal and the KIEL canal6 could you list of the names of equipment on board?My pleasure sir for example steering geer ,main engineer,pilot ladder lifebuoy lifejacket fire-fighting equipment life signal mavegation light search light and so on.19 what maritime publications are available for your vessel?who takes care of them?Many publications are available for our vessel. Such as port to entry ,admiralty sailing directions admiralty lists of light and fog .admiralty lists of radio signals .admiralty tide taboes ,admiralty notices to mariners,the second officer takes care of them31 GMDSS stands for global maritime distress and safety system法律规章知识1 SOLAS stans for the safety of life at sea .2MARPOL means prevention of pollution from ships3 ISM international safe management4 the follouing information is usually required by the captain at noon.the position of the ship.the daily average speed,the total distance sailed,the general average speed.the distance to go to the next port ,the ETA.。



海员英语面试101条船长、大副、二副、三副适用海员英语面试101条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What do you know about IMSBC Code?MSBC code refers to IMO’s Bulk Cargo Code. In this code, bulk cargo operation procedures are stated. This is a very important manual and the chief officer must study it with care and follow the instruction in the code in practical work, especially when he makes the stowage plan.2、The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules?安全管理规则要求做到预防性维护。

你如何作出预防性维护计划? According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s “Planned Maintenance System”and the machinery running hours records. This plan should be made on an annual basis(or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work.根据ISM规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的“PMS”和机械运转时间记录来制定的。



海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。



船员英语面试的简单题目1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11. How old are you? (你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。

)答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)答:Yes, I am.5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board unde r the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage. (是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the dec k department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from d ifferent countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。

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1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)
It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)
Glad to meet you!
2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)
答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?)
答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)
3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)
答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。

答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)
4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)
答:Yes, I am.
5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)
答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)
6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)
答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)
Which company did you work for?
答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)
8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?
答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on boa rd under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)
9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)
答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand t onnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)
10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)
答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the o thers came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。


11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)
答:The captain came from Poland.
12. Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?)
Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)答:I have AB certificate.
13. What kinds of ship have you worked on? (你在什么类型的船上工作
答:I have worked on many ships. Like container ship, bulk ship.(我在很多船上工作过,如集装箱船、散货船)
14. How many countries have you ever been to?(你去过那些国家?)
答:I have been to many other countries. For example, Japan, Koran. (我去过很多国家,如日本、韩国)
15. How many harbors have you ever been to?(你去过那些港口?)
答:Many harbors. Shanghai,
16. How many departments are there on board? (船上有几个部门?)
答:Three departments: Deck Department, Engine Department, Service Department.(有三个部门,甲板部,轮机部,事务部)
17. How many important canals are there all over the world? (世界上有多少重要的运河?)
答:Two biggest canals: Panama canal, Suez canal.(两大运河,巴拿马,苏伊士)
18. The sailing route of our company’s ships is very long. Aren’t y ou afraid of the hardships? (我们公司船舶的航行航线很长,你不怕苦吗?)答:No, I’m not afraid at all, since I am a seaman. I should not b e afraid of any hardships and difficulties.(是的,我不怕,既然来当船员,就应不怕苦,不怕难。

19. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a sailor?(你能告诉我对于一名水手来说,什么事情是最重要?)
答:It’s safety, Safety first.Safety.Safety includes the safety fo r the ship, for oneself and for all the crew.(是安全。


20. You are willing to work in our company, aren’t you?(你愿意到我公司的船上工作吗?)
答:I’m willing to be a sailor of you company. My experience and a bility make me confident that I can be a qualified sailor in you comp any. If you do employ me, then I promise that I will definitely foll ow the company’s instructions and faithfully stitch to my post. I si ncerely hope I can draw you attention, and I am ready to offer my eff orts for the prosperity of you company.(我愿意应聘贵司的水手一职。




