Power Pod (1)
Hatch Frame
(B-folds All-around)
Nacelle Former B (Le.) Hourglass (Le,) Nose Armament (x2)
Shell Former B
Horizontal Stabilizer Ver$cal Stabilizer (Right)
Nose Cover
Exhaust (Le+)
Front Line
Back CenterPoint
Exhaust (Right)
Wire Diagrams:
Cargo Bay pushrods: Width: ≈ 0.375” Height: ≤ 1.7” Symmetrical L-bends Please refer to the build video for further instructions:
Nacelle Ring 1 (Right)
Nacelle Ring 2 (Right)
Nacelle Ring 3 (Right)
Nacelle Ring 4 (Right)
Nacelle Ring 5 (Right)
Hourglass (Right)
Nacelle Ring 6 (Right)
Nacelle Ring 7 (Right)
Fuse Former C
Wire Conduit
Inboard Wing Sec/on
Fuse Former E
Cargo Bay Wall
(Wing Punch-out)
Fuselage Front
(Wing Punch-out)
微风机身侧板图纸(x2) 微风机身底板图纸 (x2)
3DX 3D Park Flyer Printing InstructionsThank you for downloading Foamy Factory’s 3DX 3D Park Flyer plans! To get the most out of your plans, please follow the following printing guide. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at tim@**Copyright Notice – The plans presented are freely distributed. These plans may be printed by commercial means for personal use only. These plans may not be used for commercial purposes of any sort without the written consent of Timothy Hart, Foamy Factory Models. (if you have any problems making copies at a commercial printer, show them this copyright notice)Due to variances in printers and printer drivers, there may be some size discrepancies in the final printed output. The prototype tiled plans were printed on a Canon BJC 2010 printer and came out within 1/32” of the final noted size. Small variances are OK and can be expected depending on printer used. As long as the overall dimensions are within about ½”, the plane will fly fine and it is nothing to worry about. I have tried to compensate for as many variables as possible, but it is impossible to test under all circumstances. Follow the guide and you will end up with plans that are very close, if not exact.First of all, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. These plans are formatted for version 5. If you have an earlier version, go to and download the latest free Acrobat reader.To print tiled plans on 8.5x11” or A4 paper3dx-updated.pdf and 3dx-updated-a4.pdf - This pdf file is the same plan as the full sheet plan, but it is formatted to be printed on 16 tiled 8.5x11 inch or 20 A4 sheets of paper. First, print a test page of page 1. Check the inch scale at the bottom right of the page. If it is right on, and the margin box is showing all the way around, print all of the pages.If the margin box is not showing all the way around, check the “Auto-rotate and center pages” box. Make sure that it is the ONLY box checked in the “Copies and Adjustments” section of the print setup screen. Print a test page. Everything should be OK at this point. If everything is good, print all 18 pages. If there still major discrepancies, check your printer drivers and make sure they are updated. Also, check your printer properties and make sure you have the correct paper size selected.Putting it all togetherMake sure when taping the plans together, you line up the margin marks, not the edges of the paper. There should be 3 rows of 6 sheets of paper. Arrange the sheets by row. Very carefully cut along the right and top margin of the margin boxes. Then, tape the bottom row together, then the middle, then the top. Align the prints as close as possible using the margin boxes and the drawing. Then, once you have 3 rows taped together, align and tape the top of the bottom row to the bottom of the middle row of sheets. Then align and tape those to the bottom of the top row. Now you have a full sheet of 3DX plans! It sounds a bit complicated, but you’ll get it…Once I have that done, I make templates of the parts out of poster board and start cutting foam!Full Sheet Plans3dx-updated-fullsheet.pdf - This pdf file is formatted to be printed full size on 36x48 inch paper. Put this file on a disk, then take the disk to your local Kinko's or printing center. Print the plans directly from the file on the disk. Do not print this on a small sheet of paper then try to enlarge it. You will get very weird results.3dx-updated-A0.pdf - This pdf file is formatted to be printed on A0 paper. Put this file on a disk, then take it to your local Kinko's or printing center. Print the plans directly from the file on the disk.Make sure when printing that the "fit to page" or "center on page" checkbox is NOT checked in the print properties box for the printer when printing full sheet plans. Make sure you tell the clerk at the print shop the above info.Once the plans are printed, be sure to check the inch scale on the bottom left side of the plans. Not all printers handle files the same. Try to get the inch scale as close as possible. Also, check the wingspan. It should be 36” (or very close). I took the files to my local Kinko's printing center and the plans came out exact.If you have any questions, feel free to email me at tim@ Have fun and send some pictures of your completed model!Cheers,Tim Harttim@Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved, Foamy Factory Models。
Stirling Engine Plans 斯特林发动机模型简易图纸
![Stirling Engine Plans 斯特林发动机模型简易图纸](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/402a351b10a6f524ccbf85c6.png)
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航模图纸-KT板-上单翼-像真-F-22(All in one)
![航模图纸-KT板-上单翼-像真-F-22(All in one)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2da13905581b6bd97f19ea5d.png)
Bevel edges ofnozzles as shownBevel edges ofnozzles as shownFuselage top spine(Make 1)34 deg bevel (.15")34 deg bevel (.15")Aft fuselage bottom (Make 1)Vertical ta (Make 2Designed by SAll parts mad e from 6m foam unless othCopyright © 2007 peron control horns m 1/32" plywood)e plates for thrust oring motor mount 1 each from 1/8" ply)Epoxy to motor stick hereby Steve Sh umate m 6mm De pron or BlueCo re s otherwise specified 07 All Rig hts Reserved J i g f o r s e t t i n g t a i l d i h e d (M a k e63 de g b e v e l (.26")63 d e g b e v e l (.26")76 d e g b e v e l (.5")76 d e g b e v e l (.5")B e v e l a n d t r im a s r e q u i r e d t o f i tf l u s h w it h f u s e lag e s i d e s B e v e l a n d t r im a s r e q u i r e d t o f i t f l u sh wi t h f u s e l a g e s i d e s63 deg bevel (.26")Aft fuselage (Make 1 from 363 deg bevel (.2selage top piece from 3mm Depron)vel (.26")Trim pieces fo(Make 2ces for outboard of vertical t ail ake 2 from 3mm Depro n)Vertical tail (Make 2)Install aft fuselage sides hereVertical tail slot (cut at 28 deg angl e)t i n g v e r t i c a l i h e d r a l k e 2)S t a b i l a t o r p i v o t t u b (g r o o v e e d g e a n d a t w i t h e p o x y )Forward fuselage bottom (Make 1)Tab fits into slot in wingForward fuselage top (Make 1)Inlet d (Make 2 fThrust vector servo (HS-85MG shown)34 deg beStabilator servoTab fits into slot in wingAft fuselage side(Make 2)nlet diverter ke 2 from 3mm)Inboard inlet side (Make 2 from 3mm)Fuselage centerline s upportand motor mount (Make 2 and laminat e)34 deg bevel (.15")34 deg bevel (.15")34 deg bevel (.08")34 deg bevel (.08")eg bevel (.08")Cutout to clear rudder servoTail booms(Make 10 and laminate 5 each to make two boom s)Motor stick cutoutTemporary bulkhead to help position fusel age sides on wing during assembly (Make 4)Cut channel toclear stab pivot tubeTurtledeck top (Make 2)(this piece is slightly over size in width to allow trimmin g to shape)Optional launch grip fairings Make 2 and sand to shapeT5T4240Scale in inch2T1inches4T1T2Nose cone top template (use to help carve to shape)Cut slot for fuselagecenter spine Install aft fuselage sides hereCut slot for fucenter spiT3Wing (Make 1)Vertical tail bracesfor fuselage er spineT4T528 deg bevel (.12")S t a b i l a t o r p i v o t t u b e s (g r o o v e e d g e a n d a t t a c h w i t h e p o x y )t t u b e s d a t t a c hForward fuselageF234 d eg bev el (.15")29 d e g be v e l (.12")Canopy(Make 10 and laF3Forward fuselage sid elower half(Make 2)34 deg bevel (.15")34 de g b eve l (.15")F2F3F4 Forward fuselage sid eupper half(Make 2)29 d e g b e v e l (.12")nopynd laminate)T1T1T3T2F1F3Cut bulkhead in half along this line before assembly (will re-attachduring assembly)F2Cut bulkhead in half along this line before assembly (will re-attachduring assembly)Cut bulkhead in half along this line before assembly (will re-attachduring assembly)F4。
Vertical tail base side piece
to be veled edge
Scale in inches 0 2 4
Aft Fuselage Bottom
2" /3
2 /3 1
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Cut slot for rudder servo
Control Horn Make 2 from 1/32" ply
se support rtical tail ba 2" ply Ve m 1/3 Make 1 fro
Tip floats Make 10
Canopy outline for reference
Copyright © 2008
Designed by Steve Shumate
Nosecone top template
Motor mount Make 1 from 1/8" ply
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tube main spar
th wi
fe ni k
d an
ll ta s in
ith w
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ery tray a Install batt
3/8" strip on aft side
Motor Battery Tray
Start bending here
1 /3 2 " pl y
航模图纸-KT板-上单翼-像真-Su-37(All in one)
![航模图纸-KT板-上单翼-像真-Su-37(All in one)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/633ad8fa9e3143323968935d.png)
ns e r t 6g n d eNacelle t op doubler 2(Make 4)Nacelle botto m doubler 1 - In board(Make 2)NaceNacelle t op double r 1(Make 4)Fuselage side rails(Make 4)boardNacelle bottom doubler 2 - Inboard(Make 2)All parDesCopyTrim off this part if using single motorCenterline spike(Make 1)ll parts made fro m 6mm Depron or Bl ueCore foam unless other wise specifiedDesigned by Steve Shum ate Copyright © 2007 All Rights Reser vedInboard nacelle side (Make 2)Outboard nacelle side (Make 2)Nacelle bottom (Make 2)Forward fuselage bottom (Make 1)Trim as shown for twin motor i .75" square x 1/16" ply bearing supports.75" square x 1/16" ply bearing supportsD a s h e d r e d l i n e s h o w s t i p f o r S u -30 v a r i a n t sotor installationVertical tail (Make 2)R e d d a s h e d l in e s in d i c a t e s t r a k e d e s i g n f o r n o n -c a n a r d S u -30 v a r i a n t sStab (Mak(makStabilator control horn (Make 2 from 1/16" ply)Stabilator control horn doublers/end stops (Make 6 from 1/16" ply)1/2" dia.Rudder control horns (make 2 from 1/32" plywo od)I n s e r t 6m m x 11.5"1/32" p l y s p a r i n s lo t f or e x t r a s t r e n g t h (o p t )Glue one doubler to control horn as shownNote: If using a motor other tha n the LSPJ, modify the height of the side pla tes to ensure the centerline of the motor is al igned with the pivot bolt (to minimize strain on the servo)Epoxy to motor stick here Epoxy to motor stick hereO u t b o a r d Insert 1/32" p spar inside sl (6mm x 4.0"。