
沪教牛津版三年级上册英语M o d u l e2 Me ,my family and friendsU n i t3F a m i l i e s【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、单元目标(UNIT TARGETS)1.任务目标(MAIN TASK)1)学习如何来谈论家庭成员。
2.语言学习目标(LANGUAGE LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1)功能:Identifying family members, Identifying and describing animals , Obtaining simple reponses.2) 字母和词汇方面(a)学习father, little brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather 这五种称谓的口头表达。
(b)学习字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz及其相应的单词van, x-ray,zebra,(c)利用介绍家庭成员之一----宠物,激发童趣并结合学习描述性的单词long, play, with, yellow, ball, rabbit, ear, tail, dad, good, friend。
d) 学习人称代词的正确使用:his , her, my…。
3) 句型方面(a)学习Who’s she\he?句型来询问人物。
(b)用My___s are_____. My___is ____.的句型来描述家庭成员的特征。
4) 技能方面: (a)能用所学的词汇和句型和同伴进行交流。
二、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1.本单元是围绕“家庭”这个主题展开,以“描述和介绍”为活动主线,引导学生介绍家庭成员,感受家庭温暖。

沪教版小学三年级上册英语教案三篇精选教案/试卷/文档/模板/课件合集沪教版小学三年级上册英语教案三篇《Parks and playgrounds》教学目标:1.知识目标a.能听、说、拼读7个表示颜色的英语单词:red , yellow ,orange, blue, green, black, whiteb.学会运用句型:What colour is it ?It’s…Is it …?Yes/No.2. 情感目标对本课话题具有浓厚的学习兴趣,敢于开口,积极参与,乐于与他人交流。
教具准备:1、多媒体课件2、自制单词卡片3、一些实物教学过程:Step One: Warming up(热身活动)1. Play a game.2. Let’s sing an English song.Step Two : Presentation and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)1. Present a picture of the sun and ask pupils: What is it? What colour is it?2. Help students to practise the word: red.3. Present a pear and ask pupils: What is it? Is it red?4. Learn the word: yellow.5. Teach the rhyme: The pear is yellow.6. Mix red with yellow paints and help pupils recognize“ orange ”。
7. Present a blue ball and learn the word “blue”。

牛津上海版小学英语三年级上册全册教案牛津上海版小学英语三年级上册全册教案目录Module1 Getting to know you《Unit1 How are you》 (2)Module1 Getting to know you《Unit2 What’s your name》(8)Module1 Getting to know you《Unit3 How old are you》 (11) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit1 My friends》 (17) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit2 My family》 (24) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit3 About me》 (28) Module3 Places and activities《Unit1 My school》 (31)Module3 Places and activities《Unit2 Shopping》 (39)Module3 Places and activities《Unit3 In the park》 (44)Module4 The natural world《Unit1 Insects》 (47)Module4 The natural world《Unit2 On the farm》 (51)Module4 The natural world《Unit3 Plants》 (56)Project 1《About me》 (63)Project 4《Insects》 (69)Module1 Getting to know you《Unit1 How are you?》1教学目标单元教学目标分析(1)、能听说读写:Miss、Mr 、Mrs等词汇(2)、能听说读:Dolly、Miss Fang 、Mr Zhang、Mrs Wang、teache r、MumDad 、cut、 stick、 Jane、 cake、 table、 make等词汇(3)、能掌握并运用所学句型进行自我介绍。

沪教牛津版三年级上册英语Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 My School第三教时(3rd PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(Main new contents )Listen and act: Clap your hands. Hands up. Hands down.二、学习目标(Learning objectives)1.学生能够听懂祈使句Clap your hands. Hands up. Hands down. 并且能够做出正确的反应;2.学生能够用祈使句正确地向他人发出指令;3.学生通过学习,能够养成良好的行为习惯。
三、活动介绍(ACTIVITIES)(一)任务前期准备(PRE-TASK PREPARATION)借助媒体,让学生在朗诵儿歌中进行热身活动,通过师生间的交流,创设真实的语境,为后面新知的引出打下伏笔。
Activity 1 Watching the video1.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑录像(3A-M3-U1-P3-1)2)屏幕Activity 2 Looking at the pictures1.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑录像(3A-M3-U1-P3-1)2)屏幕(二)任务实施过程(WHILE-TASK PROCEDURE)1.新知识的引入(PRESETATION)学生通过观看含有新授内容的录像,对所要学习的知识进行视听上的感知。
Activity 1 Watching the video1.教学辅助(Aids)录像(3A-M3-U1-P3-2)Activity 2 Following me2.新知识的操练(PRACTICE)1)机械性操练(MECHANICAL PRACTICE)学生通过儿歌、竞赛、模仿等形式的仿说活动来操练单词和句型,做到语音语调基本正确,并能理解其的含义。
Activity 1 Imitation1.教学辅助(Aids)1)屏幕(3A-M3-U1-P3-3)2)图片Activity 2 Rhyme1.教学辅助(Aids)屏幕(3A-M3-U1-P3-4)Activity 3 Competition1.教学辅助(Aids)图片2)意义性操练(MEANINGFUL PRACTICE)学生通过做和说、接龙、Simon says等活动,进一步熟练发音,加深对新知的理解与应用。

沪教牛津版小学三年级上册英语全册教学设计Good morning,Miss Li. Good morning.Hi,Mike. HelloUnit 1 Hello扬州市八里中心小学备课纸Unit 1 Hello英语的起始单元。
Hello/Hi ,I’m…What’s your name?要求读音正确,语调自然。
特别要注意I’m和name 的正确读音。
3.认识五个人物:David ,Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy .4. 能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词:a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda ,an eleph ant 。
5.会唱歌曲Hello!6.理解冠词 a /an 之间的区别。
第一课时: A Learn to say.第二课时: B Look and learn .第三课时: C Look and say .第四课时: D Fun house .Unit 1 Hello .The first period: A Learn to say .TEACHING CONTENTS:1. Vocabulary :David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy .2. Pattern : Hi /Hello ,I’m…What’s your name ? Good morning .TEACHING AIMS :1. The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance : Hello /Hi ,I’m.. What’s your name?Good morning .2. To know five persons : David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy .3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English .TEACHING AIDS :Cassette ,recorder ,masks (David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy )TEACHING PROCEDURES:Step 1: Warm-up1. Introduce : Allow me to introduce myself .My name is …,You cancall me “Mr/Miss ××.”This semester I teach you English .I hope we could get along with each other .First ,let’s say “Hello!”2. Greetings: Hello! Hi ! Good morning/Good afternoon .Step2 Presentation and practice .1. Learn to say :Hi /Hello ,I’m …a. T: If you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should say : Hi ,I’m …/Hello,I’m…b. Read after the T.Hi ,I’m…/Hello ,I’m…c. Practice :T& S S&S Group work .Work in pairs .d. Check .2. Learn to say:What’s your name?a. The teacher wears the mask (David ): Hello,I’m David ,What’s your name? The student answers :Hello ,I’m…b. Read after the T: What’s your name?Pronounce : name [ei]c. Ask and answer : What’s your name?Hi,I’m…d. Check .Step 3 Break : Listen to the song “Hello!”Step4 Consolidation:1. The T shows the masks (David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy ) : Please introduce yourself to them and ask“What’s your name?”e.g Hi ,I’m…,What’s your name?Hello, I’m…2.Play a game: What’s your name?The Ss are divided for several groups .In each group ,the Ss ask and answe r one by one .e.g Sa: Hi ,I’m…What’s your name?Sb: Hi ,I’m…(Sa&Sb clap their hands )Sb :Hi, I’m…What’s your name?Sc: Hi ,I’m…(Sb&Sc clap their hands )3. Listen to the tape and repeat .Step5 Relax :Listen to the song “Hello!”;Try to sing together (老师做简单律动,学生跟做,试唱)Step 6 Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud .Say “Goodbye.”POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbolThe second period :B Look and learn .TEACHING CONTENTS :Vocabulary : a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra ,a panda , an elephant .TEACHING AIMS:1. To understand and say the words :a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tige r ,a monkey ,a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant .2. To understand what’s the difference between “a.”and“an .”3. To encourage the Ss to learn English .TEACHING PROCEDURES :Step 1 Warm-up .1. Greetings:Hello ,everyone!Hello,I’m…What’s your name?2. Introduce .Please introduce yourself to others (Prtactice in groups ).3. Check .Step2 Presentation and practice .1. Learn to say the new word: a dog .a.Show the card (dog)T: Hi ,boys and girls ,I’m Dog .(Please say “Hello”to Dog)Ss: Hello,Dog.b. Practice and check .c. Imitate “Dog”(Use body language )2. Look at the picture and say “Hello,Dog/Cat /..”3. 听录音做动作。

沪教版小学三年级上册英语教案三篇l 师:出示图片,指图提问What is it?生:It’s a … (如果学生不能回答,则由老师自问自答)师:教sketchbok生:集体跟读生:个别读生:拼读单词:s-k-e-t-c-h-b-o-o-k, sketchbook师:用相同方法教授camera, cap师:指向其中一张图片生:快速回答It’s a ...师:提问:What can we do with …?生:小组讨论生:个别交流师:介绍某一的物品生:猜一猜师:播放生:集体跟读师:根据课文内容提问Where do they want to have a picnic?生:At Century Park.师:提问Where is Century Park?How is Century Park?生:小组讨论回答师:根据图提问Where is Century Park?Is it far away from our school?How can we go there?生:回答问题学生互相提问:What does …have? He/She has …生:集体跟读模仿生:同桌表演对话课后小结生:分成四人一组生:合作完成plan生:对小组的计划作出汇报课后习题1. 听磁带模仿朗读P52,53,背诵课文2、完成练习册p76《animals》教学目标:1. 知识目标(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。
2. 能力目标(1)能在实际生活中运用英语表达熟悉和喜爱的动物。
3. 情感态度目标(1)在活动中培养学生的协作精神。
重点难点:“ 四会”单词的正确发音与在实际生活中的运用。

沪教版小学三年级英语教案(精选5篇)沪教版小学三年级英语教案(篇1)教学目标:基本能听懂、说出并读出How old are you?语言结构,并能运用“I’m+数词。
学唱歌曲I’m ten.教学重点:“How old are you? I’m…。
任务设计:A、学习任务学习How old are you? “I’m+数词。
B、运用任务运用任务1 小小调查员运用任务2 小记者运用任务3 好歌对唱教学用品:录音带、录音机、1——10英文数字卡片、皮球、单词卡片(cat\dog\dragon\bird\kite)、自制年龄牌、调查表、教师自备幸运盒、贴有双面胶的动画人物图片教学过程:一、启动(5分钟)(1) 师生同唱第5模块歌曲Stand up!(2) 教师任意给4个大组依次出示不同数字的英文词卡,各组学生根据看到的词汇迅速喊出该数字,并站起与所说出的数词相同人数的学生。
)(3) 教师拿出已准备好的卡片运用What’s this ?的语言结构对学生进行提问,鼓励学生运用It’s a …。
当问完所有问题后,教师庆最后一个回答对问题的学生从幸运盒中任意抽取一张卡片,并将图片的背面面朝其他学生,此时,教师可以鼓励其他学生运用Is it a …?对图片内容进行猜测。
教师可以在学生猜测之前运用Is it a …?来进行猜测,给学生做出示范。
二、操练指导(5分钟)(1) 教师出示句型“How old are you?”询问学生对该语言结构的理解,并对该语言结构进行教授。
(沪教牛津版)三年级英语上册教案 Module 3 Unit 1(3)

沪教牛津版三年级上册英语Module3PlacesandactivitiesUnit1MySchool第三教时(3rd PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(Mainnewcontents)Listenandact:二、学习目标(Learningobjectives)1.学生能够听懂祈使句并且能够做出正确的反应;2.学生能够用祈使句正确地向他人发出指令;3.学生通过学习,能够养成良好的行为习惯。

Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 My schoolPeriod OneTeaching contents: Look and sayTeaching Aims:1. 知识目标:1) Using nouns to identify things2) Asking Wh- questions to find out about a specific thing 2. 能力目标:1) Open an interaction by eliciting a response2) Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual questions3. 情感目标:通过对学校的介绍激发学生对学校对班级的热爱Difficult and key points:1) New words: school, classroom, hall, toilet, office, playground, library2) New sentences:What’s this? It’s a /the ______. Is this a/the _________? Yes/No Teaching aids: tape, some pictures, word cardsModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 My schoolPeriod TwoTeaching contents: Point, ask and answer Listen and actTeaching Aims:1. 知识目标:1) Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses2) Using imperatives to give instructions3) Asking Wh-questions to find out about a specific thing 2. 能力目标:1) Open an interaction by eliciting a response2) Maintain an interaction by providing information3) Maintain an interaction by using formulaic expressions to acknowledge, agree or disagree3. 情感目标:通过问答加深对学校的了解,通过学习课堂用语做到整齐划一Difficult and key points:1) Listen and respond2) Wh- questions: What’s this? It’s a /the _____.3) yes/no questions: Is this a / the ______?Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.Teaching aids: tape, some pictures and labelsTeaching procedure:Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 My schoolPeriod ThreeTeaching contents: Play a matching game Learn the sounds Teaching Aims:1. 知识目标:1) Using plural forms of nouns to identify things2) Using numbers to show quantities3) Using formulaic expressions to express approval4) Pronounce correctly words in isolation with initial sounds / ei /& /æ /2. 能力目标:1) Discriminate between words with vowel sound ‘a’ in both open and closed syllable forms2) Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners3. 情感目标:鼓励学生相互协作,懂得对他人的赞赏Difficult and key points:1) Numbers: from one to ten2) Plural forms of nouns: desks, chairs….3) Vowel sound: A a--/ ei /& /æ /Teaching aids: tape, some pictures cards and number cardsTeaching procedure:教学目标课程标准:根据教学目标,学生心趣为先,激励和培养孩子们学习英子们在听说玩演练中学会本课内容1.能听懂、会说几种家庭成员brother, sister, me及little和big2.能够在实际语言情境中运用is…能正确区分he和she并能熟3.培养学生热爱自己的家庭4.注重合作学习,培养学生教学重点及解决措施教学重点是本课时表示家庭成员的解决措施:1、通过创设情景,布置任务2、运用多媒体课件,创设出各种中逐步熟练掌握教学难点及解决措施教学难点是能够在实际语言中运用解决措施:1、通过创设情景,布置任务2、运用多媒体课件,创设出各“用”中逐步熟练掌握教学设计思路以课本教材为基础,综合整个单元启后,螺旋上升。

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paper by using“Is this the?”If
are right ,just remove the paper.
Con solidati on
1.Workbook page 17
2.Grammar Practice book 3A page 23 Homework
3)Asking Wh-questions to find out about a specific thing
2.能力目标:1) Open an in teract ion by elicit ing a resp onse
2)Maintain an interaction by providing information
Teach ing procedure:
1.Si ng a song
2.Daily talk
Revisio n
1.Say a rhyme:
One two three four, come in, please. Close the door. Five six seven eight, look at the clock, you're very late. Nine ten nine ten, don't be late for school aga in.
Difficult and key poin ts:
1)New words: school, classroom, hall, toilet, office, playgro un d, library
2)New senten ces:

Listen and say
Good morning, Mr Li.
Good morning, Alice.
How are you?
I’m fine. Thank you.
Listen and say
Are you Kitty?
No, I’m not. I’m Alice.
Are you Kitty?
Yes, I am.
Are you Miss Fang?
Yes, I am.
Language points
—Are you Kitty? 你是凯蒂吗?—No, I’m not. 不,我不是。 “Are you…?(你是……吗?)”是一般疑问句,用来询问对方的姓名、职业等。 肯定回答“Yes, I am.(是的,我是。)” 否定回答“No, I’m not.(不,我不是。)”
2. She’s thin. 她是瘦的。
介绍别人的句型:She’s… 她是…… He’s… 他是……这两个句子常用于被介绍人不在场的时候。其中she’s = she is ;he’s = he is。
例句:她是我的朋友。 She is my friend. =She’s my friend. 他是蒂姆。 He is Tim.=He’s Tim.
How are you?
I’m fine. Thank you.
I’m=I am
Hello, Miss Fang.

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(三)年英语课时教学案【第 11单元第 2课时。

沪教版小学英语三年级上册全册教案目录Module 1 Getting to know you《1 Hello!》 (2)Module 1 Getting to know you《2How are you》 (7)Module 1 Getting to know you《3 Are you Kitty》 (11)Module 1 Getting to know you《Revision 1》 (15)Module 2 My family, my friends and me《4 My friends》 (19)Module 2 My family, my friends and me《5 My family》 (24)Module 2 My family, my friends and me《6 Me》 (29)Module 2 My family, my friends and me《Revision2》 (34)Module 3 Places and activities《7 In the classroom》 (38)Module 3 Places and activities《8 At the fruit shop》 (41)Module 3 Places and activities《9 In my room》 (47)Module 4 The world around us《10 Numbers》 (51)Module 4 The world around us《11 Small animals》 (60)Module 4 The world around us《12 The four seasons》 (64)Module 4 The world around us《Revision 4》 (69)Module 4 The world around us《Project 4》 (74)Module 1 Getting to know you《1 Hello!》1教学目标知识目标:句型:Hello,I’m …词汇:hello, I, Miss, Alice, Joe, Kitty, Peter.学习和掌握日常用语Good morning.学习字母Aa和Bb.通过歌曲I’m Dolly! 帮助学生理解核心句型:Hello!I’m…能力目标:会用I’m…进行自我介绍,会用互相hello问好。
(沪教牛津版)三年级英语上册教案 Module1 Unit2 (2)(1)

Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 2 GreetingsPeriod OneTeaching contents: Look and sayTeaching Aims:1.知识目标:Learn to say : Good morning,学习字母Aa , Bb, Cc , Dd在单词中的发音2.能力目标:能与同学老师打招呼3.情感目标:教育学生要做一个有礼貌的好孩子Different and key point:1.单词与字母的发音2.能灵活运用招呼语Teaching aids:一幅教学挂图;录音磁带教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming up 1. Sing a song.(The alphabet song.)2.Daily talk.Ask and answer.Presentation . 1.Introduce the new friends:a)Eg. Miss Fang, Eddie, Danny.2.Ask and answer:T: W ho’s this? S: Miss Fang.3.Say hi/hello to Miss Fang and so on.4.T: If you are Miss Fang. How tointroduce yourself.5.Situation: In the morning. Eddie meetsMiss Fang on his way to school. How do they greeting ?6.Listen to the tape.7.listen again and imitation.8.How do you say good morning to me ? Oneby one.9.Say good morning to each other.10.Show an apple and ask: Who can tell methe English for “苹果”11.Show them the picture and word card.12.Listen to the tape and pay attentionto the sound “Aa” in “apple”.13.Listen again and imitate thepronunciation.14.Say some sentences with “apple”.e the same way to learn “Bb, bag,Cc. cat , Dd, dog “.Consolidation1.情景:a.早晨你起床后对妈妈第一句可以说什么她会怎么说b.在上学的路上你遇见了你的好朋友Eddie,他会怎么说你会对他说什么c.上课了,你对Miss Fang 怎么打招呼她会怎么与你打招呼课后随笔板书设计applebagcatdogPeriod TwoTeaching contents: Look and sayTeaching aims:1.知识目标:学会问好、道别利用Hi 打招呼2.能力目标:能主动正确地与他人打招呼3.情感目标:做一个懂礼貌的好学生Different and key point:正确使用招呼语Teaching aids:录音磁带;图片与头饰教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming up 1.sing a song.2.T:In the morning. How do you say “Goodmorning “to Miss Fang/Eddie/Danny….Revision 1. Review the sound” Aa Bb Cc Dd “in thewords and read the words.Presentation 1.Put a mask on my head and say : I amAlice. Good morning, S1. Let S1 say:Good morning, Alice.2.Let’s say “Good morning” toAlice/Ben/Peter/Kitty/Miss Fang.3.Put the mask on students’ head and askthem to say “Good morning” eachother.4.Between classmates or friends we canalso say” Hi ”each other.5.Wear the masks and listen to the tape.6.Listen again and imitate the dialogue.7.Say “ Hi “ each other.笔计Period ThreeTeaching contents: Say and act.Teaching aims:1.知识目标:认识新朋友: Mrs Wang, Mr Li, Mrs Li, Grandma.学会用比较正式的问候语” Hello” .学会用 How are you ? Fine, thanks. 进行问答2.能力目标:能正确运用所学的语言进行招呼,并能正确使用” Hello,Hi “ .3.情感目标:教育学生做一个从小懂礼貌的好孩子Teaching aids:教学挂图, 单词卡片与图片教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming up 1.Sing a song.2.Daily talk.Revision e soft toy to greeting each other.2.Pair work.3.Say “Good morning. Hi. Goodbye” toyour classmates,Presentation 1.Wearing a mask and say: I’m Mrs Wang.Hi, everybody. Good morning, boys and girls. Then put the mask on students’ head and ask them to say : I’m…2.Who can say ” Good morning “ to me.The same way to teach “Mr Li, Mrs Li”.3.Wearing a mas k and say : I’m Grandma.4.Suppose you’re grandma . Can you say“I’m Grandma.”?e masks and listen to the tape.6.Listen again and ask students to。

沪教牛津版三年级上册英语M o d u l e2 Me ,my family and friendsU n i t3F a m i l i e s第四课时(4th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Look and learn---friendsLook and say--- Who’s he? Are you …?二、学习目标(Objectives)1.联系学生生活实际,通过到家中做客、模仿小红帽的故事情节等,以家庭为主线,将人物特征描绘等新旧知识有机的联系起来。
2.能用Who’s he? 进行交流、介绍和询问。
三、教学建议1.任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。
Activity 1 (What can you see?)(引入1)1.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(3A-U3-4)2)屏幕Activity 2 (An invitation.)(引入2)1.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(3A-U3-4)2)屏幕2.任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。

沪教版小学三年级上册英语教案三篇精选教案/试卷/文档/模板/课件合集沪教版小学三年级上册英语教案三篇《Parks and playgrounds》教学目标:1.知识目标a.能听、说、拼读7个表示颜色的英语单词:red , yellow ,orange, blue, green, black, whiteb.学会运用句型:What colour is it ?It’s…Is it …?Yes/No.2. 情感目标对本课话题具有浓厚的学习兴趣,敢于开口,积极参与,乐于与他人交流。
教具准备:1、多媒体课件2、自制单词卡片3、一些实物教学过程:Step One: Warming up(热身活动)1. Play a game.2. Let’s sing an English song.Step Two : Presentation and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)1. Present a picture of the sun and ask pupils: What is it? What colour is it?2. Help students to practise the word: red.3. Present a pear and ask pupils: What is it? Is it red?4. Learn the word: yellow.5. Teach the rhyme: The pear is yellow.6. Mix red with yellow paints and help pupils recognize“ orange ”。
7. Present a blue ball and learn the word “blue”。
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