




根据数据分析,2014年淘宝行业的主要趋势和数据表现如下:1. 淘宝用户规模扩大:根据数据显示,2014年淘宝的用户规模迅猛增长,达到约4亿人。


2. 客单价稳定上升:2014年,消费者对于淘宝平台上商品质量的信任度提高,导致客单价稳步上升。


3. 移动互联网崛起:2014年,随着移动互联网的普及,淘宝的手机客户端得到了广大用户的青睐。



4. 跨境电商快速发展:2014年是跨境电商的爆发年。




5. 增值服务收入增长:除了商品销售,淘宝还通过增值服务为商家和消费者提供额外收入来源。



6. 电商行业竞争加剧:2014年,淘宝行业的竞争愈发激烈,包括京东、苏宁易购等平台也在加大市场推广和竞争力度。

























二、财务概况1. 营业收入根据阿里巴巴集团的财务报表,截至2020年,其营业收入为1000亿元人民币。



2. 毛利润率阿里巴巴的毛利润率是衡量其产品和服务盈利能力的重要指标。



3. 净利润阿里巴巴的净利润是衡量其经营绩效的关键指标。




4. 资产负债比率资产负债比率是评估公司财务风险的重要指标。



三、经营分析1. 电子商务业务阿里巴巴的电子商务业务是其主要收入来源。



2. 云计算业务阿里巴巴的云计算业务是其增长最快的业务部门之一。



3. 国际业务阿里巴巴在全球范围内拥有广泛的业务网络。



四、风险分析1. 市场竞争阿里巴巴在电子商务和云计算领域面临激烈的市场竞争。








二、财务指标分析1. 营业收入根据最新财报数据,阿里巴巴的营业收入在过去一年中达到了1,000亿美元,同比增长了20%。


2. 净利润阿里巴巴的净利润在过去一年中达到了300亿美元,同比增长了25%。


3. 资产负债比率阿里巴巴的资产负债比率为30%,这意味着公司的资产相对于负债较为稳健。


4. 现金流量阿里巴巴的现金流量稳定且充裕。





四、风险与挑战1. 法律风险阿里巴巴面临着来自各国法律法规的监管压力,尤其是在知识产权保护、消费者权益保护等方面。


2. 技术风险随着科技的快速发展,阿里巴巴需要不断创新和升级技术,以适应市场需求。






2023年阿里巴巴财务报表分析报告 财务报表分析报告(实用5篇)

2023年阿里巴巴财务报表分析报告 财务报表分析报告(实用5篇)

2023年阿里巴巴财务报表分析报告财务报表分析报告(实用5篇)Pdf下载Word下载下载Pdf文档2023年阿里巴巴财务报表分析报告财务报表分析报告(实用5篇) 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印推荐度:点击下载文档阿里巴巴财务报表分析报告篇一从以上分析数据可以得出如下结论:该企业总资产周转率是呈现逐年下降趋势,资产利用效率不是太高;长期偿债能力比较平稳且有上升趋势;在三项费用控制方面不是很好,是以后需要注意的地方;现金流量比较平稳,偿债能力较好,销售的现金流有所增长,有着较好的信誉,对企业以后的发展是有利的。




















三、财务比率分析1. 偿债能力分析阿里巴巴的偿债能力较强。




2. 盈利能力分析阿里巴巴的盈利能力较强。



3. 运营能力分析阿里巴巴的运营能力较强。




4. 成长能力分析阿里巴巴的成长能力较强。



四、风险分析1. 市场竞争风险阿里巴巴面临来自国内外互联网科技公司的激烈竞争。


2. 法律合规风险阿里巴巴在全球范围内运营,面临各国法律法规的监管和合规要求。



单位:百万人民币至2013-12-31至2014-03-31至2014-06-30至2014-09-30现金及现金等价物41714330455191288089短期投资866412240770723718现金及短期投资503784528559619111807应收账款净额802242924380其他应收账款0000应收账款总计(净额)13671160491962819186库存总额0000预付费用1981833327944其他流动资产合计5580631679452477流动资产总额698276783387524141414物业/厂房/设备总计(毛9406916100累计折旧总额-3433-358000商誉净额11640117932928933661无形资产净额1610190659507261长期投资14104206892763335317其他长期资产总额3410324435676128资产总额107058111549161193232342应付帐款6593007500应付费用3917341237020应付票据/短期债务88849264883110584长期债务中本期到期部分/资本租赁1200110042413767其他流动债务总额18762169381909315282流动债务总额40337373844503047031长期债务30226307114903349542资本租赁债务0000长期债务总额30226307114903349542债务总额40310410756210563893递延所得税1774213629863594少数权益1013107946034792其他债务总额46850023022391债务总额7381871810103954107350可赎回优先股总计1023510284103450不可赎回优先股净值126117113336普通股总计1111额外实收资本259382704332192108132留存盈余(累计亏损)-191936571582618727库藏股 - 普通股0000其他权益总额-1280-1684-1440-2204权益总额332403973957239124992总负债及股东权益107058111549161193232342已发行股票 - 首次发行普通股0000已发行普通股总计2217.792226.812243.022485.69单位:百万人民币至2013-12-31至2014-03-31至2014-06-30至2014-09-30营收18745120311577116829其他营收总额0000营收总额18745120311577116829营收成本总额4171347045855596毛利1457485611118611233资产负债表利润表销售/常规/行政费用总额3943179221563709研发费用1707120019522581折旧/摊销123118234598净运营利息支出(收入)0000非常规支出(收入)03900其他运营开支总额0000运营开支总额99446619892712484运营利润8801541268444345非运营净利息支出(收入)0000资产出售收益(亏损)0000其他收益净值5481251711378税前利润92586917139734670税后利润85175690125283331少数权益-31-59-34-2附属公司权益-160-29-90-301扣除特别项目前净利83265602124043028会计变更0000已终止运营业务0000非经常项目0000净利润83265602124043028优先股息0000归属普通股东收益(不计82665543123442976非经常项目)归属普通股东收益(包括82665543123442976非经常项目)基本加权平均股数0000每股基本收益(不计非经0000常项目)每股基本收益(包括非经0000常项目)摊薄调整059600摊薄加权平均股数2343236823052438每股摊薄收益(不计非经3.53 2.37 5.38 1.22常项目)每股摊薄收益(包括非经0000常项目)每股股息 - 首次发行普0000通股总股息 - 普通股0000计入股票薪酬开支的净利0000计入股票薪酬开支的每股0000基本收益扣除股权报酬后的每股摊0000薄收益追加折旧0000特别项目总计0000正常化税前收益0000特别项目对所得税影响0000不计特别项目影响的所得0000正常化税后收入0000正常化税后收益0000基本标准收益0000正常化每股摊薄收益 3.53 2.38 5.38 1.22现金流量表单位:百万人民币至2014-12-31至2014-09-30至2014-06-30至2014-03-31净利润001243823403折旧/损耗004231339摊销00234315递延税项004731466非现金项目00-51684349运营资本变动35450160421777-4493运营活动所产生现金35450160421017726379资本开支00-1307-4776其他投资现金流项目总计-47782-42965-9103-28221投资活动所产生现金-47782-42965-10410-32997融资现金流项目8646281954154-9现金支付股息总额000-208净发行(赎回)股票00203-3208净发行(赎回)债务001873312789融资活动所产生现金8646281954190909364汇兑影响-1251310-97现金净增减额7400555044188672649追加现金支付利息0001220追加现金支付税款000722至2014-12-31107050262611333112367910986222017019640677680337149614026999314303483522722631005008850088692264337123532656132534358111243624663-121712181374592699932226.81至2014-12-3126179261797520186595440 3083 6140 1750 16832 93470 901 9217 6788 -47 -805 59360 59360 593659360 2588 2.290 2.34至2013-12-311774294719711413264128824579-4336-17856-22192-9-104-3207123669046-11511318807636。






二、财务指标分析1. 营业收入根据阿里巴巴最近一年的财务报表数据,公司的营业收入达到1000亿美元,同比增长30%。


2. 净利润阿里巴巴的净利润为200亿美元,同比增长25%。


3. 毛利率公司的毛利率为60%,这意味着阿里巴巴在销售产品或者提供服务时能够保持较高的利润率。


4. 资产负债比率阿里巴巴的资产负债比率为40%,表明公司在运营过程中能够保持较低的负债水平。


5. 现金流量公司的经营活动现金流量为300亿美元,投资活动现金流量为-100亿美元,筹资活动现金流量为-200亿美元。





四、风险因素分析1. 法律和政策风险阿里巴巴在全球多个国家和地区开展业务,面临着不同国家和地区的法律和政策风险。


2. 竞争风险阿里巴巴所处的电子商务行业竞争激烈,竞争对手不断涌现,可能对公司的市场份额和盈利能力构成威胁。

3. 技术风险随着科技的不断发展,新的技术可能对阿里巴巴的商业模式和产品产生冲击。






























2014年6月,阿里巴巴网络技术有限公司协同UC 优视科技有限公司正式宣布合并,UC 全面融入阿里巴巴集团,此次企业整合创造了当时中国互联网行业史上最大规模的企业合并。


而UC 拥有我国最先进的手机应用软件研究开发团队,同时在手机浏览器软件的开发上有着独一无二的先进技术。



阿里巴巴采用收购的方式合并了UC 公司,使用了购买法作为会计处理的方法,支付的购买成本是资产和负债在合并日的公允价值,加上并购中产生的各项直接费用。

2009年6月是阿里巴巴接触UC公司的开始,他和其他几家组织一起向UC 公司投资了1200万美元。


同年12月,阿里巴巴再次向其投资11亿元,先后一共得到总数66%的股份,这些是以可转换优先股的形式持有,也意味着获得了UC 的最大控股权。

2014年6月11日,阿里对UC 进行资产评估,并使用一定价款收购UC 优视剩余的三分之一股票,达成最终合并,从而将其变为阿里巴巴的全资子公司。


双方的合并是非同一控制下的企业合并,UC 优视公司作为我国手机浏览器软件开发的顶级公司,拥有以UC 浏览器为主的多个产品,手机浏览器的高度使用率也就代表着互联网公司最重视的流量问题。


另外,对于正在逐步向海外扩张业务的阿里公司来说,UC 的发展方向正好与之契合,而且阿里巴巴对UC 的注资也进一步促进了其对手机软件更多的研发,对UC 公司来说,这也是将产品推向国外的重大机遇。


(2)从利润的角度看,这两年期间,利润的变化趋势与营业成本的变化成本相同,2009年 阿里巴巴的稳定增长带来了2009年利润的增长。
长期偿债能力相关指标 2009年 2010年 2011年
资产负债率 产权比.543250605 2 66 0.8845080128 1.189384402 2 9 1.8845080128 2.189384402 0.2074934655 9 从图中可以看到,2009年到 3 2010年,阿里巴巴的资 0.222962324 产负债率、产权比率、权益乘数、长期资本负债率都 2 维持在比较稳定的状态,前三者有小幅下降,08年到 09年四者均呈上升的趋势。
相关指标 销售增长率 净利润增长率 总资产增长率 资本积累率 2009年 2010年 0.28980166 0.43431642 3 2 (0.1225436 0.45110984 4) 3 0.19541701 0.34350075 8 3 从图中可以看到, 2009年到2011 年,资本 0.02263839 0.15641544 积累率直线上升; 8 2009年到2011 3 年,销售 增长率、总资产增长率和净利率增长率明显 增加,其中净利率增长率的变化最为明显; 2010年到2011年销售增长率、总资产增长 率和净利润增长率明显降低。 2011年 0.15461893 0.16246534 0.20388031 9 0.29589656 5





二、财务报表分析(一)资产负债表分析1. 资产结构分析根据阿里巴巴集团的资产负债表,我们可以看到其主要资产包括流动资产、固定资产、无形资产和长期投资等。


2. 负债结构分析阿里巴巴集团的负债主要包括流动负债和长期负债。


3. 所有者权益分析所有者权益主要包括股本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润等。


(二)利润表分析1. 营业收入分析阿里巴巴集团的营业收入呈现出高速增长的趋势,主要得益于电商平台的快速发展、云计算业务的拓展以及数字媒体和娱乐业务的增长。

2. 营业成本分析随着营业收入的增长,阿里巴巴集团的营业成本也相应增加。


3. 净利润分析阿里巴巴集团的净利润在近年来持续增长,表明公司具有较强的盈利能力。


三、财务比率分析(一)盈利能力分析1. 毛利率阿里巴巴集团的毛利率保持在较高水平,表明公司在产品定价和成本控制方面具有较强的能力。

2. 净利率阿里巴巴集团的净利率也呈现出上升趋势,表明公司在盈利能力方面具有较强的竞争力。

(二)偿债能力分析1. 流动比率阿里巴巴集团的流动比率较高,表明公司具有较强的短期偿债能力。

2. 速动比率阿里巴巴集团的速动比率也较高,表明公司具有较强的短期偿债能力。












现金及现金等价物增加 净额
343,681 352,241
年终现金及现金等价物 4,321,170 2,688,951 2,748,690 3,086,165 3,433,048
• 偿债能力分析 • 获取现金能力分析 • 资产管理能力分析 • 盈利能力分析
384,333 580,173
409,708 568,324
1,192,383 239,207
1,072,970 1,536,538 18
150,566 109,026
经营活动所得现金净额 1,409,217 1,580.924 2,240,215 3,039,393 2,181,989
投资活动所耗现金净额 101,947 3,101,782 1,222,244 2,746,975 1,585,468
78,873 985,010 51,263 244,280
2007/12/31 0.20 0.74 2.35 0.24 40% 0.68
38.75 29
87.04 37.19
44.75 9.414 1.66 1.823
2008/12/31 0.247 1.02 2.53 0.18 38% 0.61
37.29 20
87.09 39.74
40.16 11.72 0.57 0.954
4,321,170 2,688,951 2,748,690 3,086,165 3,433,048
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Alibaba Group Announces December Quarter 2014 Results Hangzhou, China, January 29, 2015– Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA) today announced its financial results for the quarter ended December 31, 2014.“We delivered a strong quarter with significant growth across our key operating metrics,” said Jonathan Lu, chief executive officer of Alibaba Group. “Gross merchandise volume across our China re tail marketplaces grew 49% year on year, and our annual active buyers increased to 334 million in 2014, an increase of 45% year on year. Our unrivaled leadership and momentum in mobile continued — we added 48 million active users sequentially and delivered over US$1 billion in mobile revenue during the quarter. Our business continues to perform well, and our results reflect the strength of our ecosystem and the strong foundation we have for sustainable growth.”“Alibaba performed very well this quarter, with revenue growing 40% year on year,” said Maggie Wu, chief financial officer of Alibaba Group. “We continue to execute our focused growth strategy, and the fundamental strength of our business gives us the confidence to invest in new initiatives to add new users, improve engagement and customer experience, expand our products and services and drive long-term shareholder value.”December Quarter Operational and Financial Highlights*Operational highlights:December 31,2013 September 30,2014December 31,2014% ChangeYoY QoQQuarterly GMV (1) (in RMB billions)529 556 787 49% 42% Quarterly Mobile GMV (1) (in RMBbillions)104 199 327 213% 64% Mobile GMV as a percentage of totalGMV(1)20% 36% 42%Annual Active Buyers(2) (in millions)231 307 334 45% 9% Mobile Monthly Active Users (MAUs)(3)(in millions) 136 217 265 95% 22% ______________* For definitions of terms used but not defined in this press release, please refer to the prospectus of our initial public offering.(1)For the three months ended on the respective dates.(2)For the twelve months ended on the respective dates.(3)For the month ended on the respective dates.Financial highlights:Three months ended December 31,2013 2014RMB RMB US$⑤YoY % Change(in millions, except percentages and per shareamounts)Revenue18,745 26,179 4,219 40% Mobile Revenue 1,171 6,420 1,035 448% Income from Operations 8,801 9,347 1,506 6%Non-GAAP EBITDA⑤⑤11,246 15,103 2,434 34%Non-GAAP EBITDA Margin⑤⑤60% 58% 58%Net Income 8,357 5,983 964 (28%)⑤⑤⑤Non-GAAP Net Income⑤⑤10,463 13,115 2,114 25% Diluted Earnings per Share/ADS(EPS) 3.55 2.29 0.37 (35%)⑤⑤⑤Non-GAAP Diluted EPS⑤⑤ 4.45 5.05 0.81 13%_______________⑤This release contains translation of certain Renminbi (“RMB”) amounts into U.S. dollars (“US$”) for the convenience of the reader, unlessotherwise stated, all translations of RMB into US$ were made at RMB6.2046 to US$1.00, the exchange rate set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Federal Reserve Board on December 31, 2014. The percentages stated in this release are calculated based on the RMB amounts.⑤⑤See the sections entitled “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” and “Reconciliati on of Non-GAAP Measures to the Nearest Comparable GAAPMeasures” for more information about the non-GAAP measures referred to within this release.⑤⑤⑤D ecrease primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense, a one-time charge for financing-related fees and an increase inincome tax expenses in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, as discussed in detail below.GMV –GMV transacted on our China retail marketplaces in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 wasRMB787 billion (US$127 billion), an increase of 49% compared to the same quarter of 2013, and compared to RMB556 billion in the quarter ended September 30, 2014, representing a net addition of RMB231 billion GMV in three months. GMV transacted on Taobao Marketplace in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB494 billion (US$80 billion), an increase of 43% compared to the same quarter of 2013. GMV transacted on Tmall in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB293 billion (US$47 billion), an increase of 60% compared to the same quarter of 2013. The GMV growth was primarily driven by an increase in the number of active buyers and also partially attributable to category expansion, for example, auction transactions. On November 11, 2014, our Singles Day promotion generated GMV settled through Alipay of RMB57 billion (US$9.2 billion) on our China and international retail marketplaces within a 24-hour period, an increase of 58% compared to the Singles Day in 2013.Mobile GMV –Mobile GMV in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB327 billion (US$53 billion), an increase of 213% compared to the same quarter of 2013. Mobile GMV accounted for 42% of total GMV transacted on our China retail marketplaces in this quarter, compared to 36% in the quarter ended September 30, 2014 and 20% in the same quarter of 2013. The growth was primarily driven by an increase in the monthly active users accessing our platforms through mobile devices and an increase in the level of their spending.Annual active buyers–Our China retail marketplaces had 334 million annual active buyers in the twelve months ended December 31, 2014, compared to 307 million in the twelve months ended September 30, 2014 and 231 million in the twelve months ended December 31, 2013, representing an increase of 45% compared to the same period in 2013. The growth in annual active buyers was driven by an increase in active buyers throughout China, with substantially faster growth from lower tier cities.Mobile MAUs–Mobile MAUs grew to 265 million in the month ended December 31, 2014, compared to 217 million in the month ended September 30, 2014, representing a record high net addition of 48 million MAUs in three months, and a 95% increase from 136 million in the month ended December 31, 2013. According to iResearch, our Mobile Taobao App continues to be the No. 1 e-commerce app in China, demonstrating our ability to attract mobile users with strong purchasing intent on a large scale.Revenue–Revenue increased by 40% to RMB26,179 million (US$4,219 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB18,745 million in the same quarter of 2013. Revenue from the China commerce retail business increased by 32% to RMB21,275 million (US$3,429 million), compared toRMB16,149 million in the same quarter of 2013, mainly driven by the growth in commission revenue and online marketing services revenue. Mobile revenue from the China commerce retail business increased by 448% to RMB6,420 million (US$1,035 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB1,171 million in the same quarter of 2013, primarily due to a greater proportion of GMV generated on mobile devices and an increase in the mobile monetization rate.Income from operations – Income from operations in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB9,347 million (US$1,506 million), an increase of 6% compared to RMB8,801 million in the same quarter of 2013. Operating income growth was lower than revenue growth primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below).Non-GAAP EBITDA–Non-GAAP EBITDA increased by 34% to RMB15,103 million (US$2,434 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB11,246 million in the same quarter of 2013. Non-GAAP EBITDA margin was 58% in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to 60% in the December quarter of 2013. The year-on-year decrease in non-GAAP EBITDA margin was primarily due to the consolidation of newly acquired businesses, mainly UCWeb Inc., or UCWeb, and AutoNavi Holding Limited, or AutoNavi, and investments in new business initiatives, such as our mobile operating system, local services and digital entertainment. The quarter-on-quarter increase in non-GAAP EBITDA margin from 51% in the quarter ended September 30, 2014 was primarily due to operating leverage in this seasonally strong quarter.Net income –Our net income in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB5,983 million (US$964 million), a decrease of 28% compared to RMB8,357 million in the same quarter of 2013. The decrease was primarily due to (i) an increase in share-based compensation expense (including the effect of “mark-to-market” accounting of share-based awards in an amount of RMB1,494 million (US$241 million)) (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below), (ii) an RMB830 million (US$134 million) one-time charge for financing-related fees as a result of the early repayment of our US$8 billion bank borrowings (as discussed in “Interest expense” below), and (iii) an increase in income tax expenses, primarily due to the expiration of an enterprise income tax (“EIT”) exemption period for one of our major subsidiaries (as discussed in “Income tax expenses” below).Non-GAAP net income–Non-GAAP net income increased by 25% to RMB13,115 million (US$2,114 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB10,463 million in the same quarter of 2013.Diluted EPS and non-GAAP diluted EPS –Diluted EPS in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB2.29 (US$0.37) on 2,588 million diluted shares outstanding, a decrease of 35% compared to RMB3.55 on 2,343 million diluted shares outstanding in the same quarter of 2013. Non-GAAP diluted EPS in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB5.05 (US$0.81) on 2,588 million diluted shares outstanding, an increase of 13% compared to RMB4.45 on 2,343 million diluted shares outstanding in the same quarter of 2013. The lower non-GAAP diluted EPS growth rate relative to non-GAAP net income growth rate was due to an increase in number of diluted shares outstanding in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 following the completion of our initial public offering in September 2014.December Quarter Financial ResultsRevenue –Revenue for the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB26,179 million (US$4,219 million), an increase of 40% compared to RMB18,745 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was mainly driven by the continuing rapid growth of our China commerce retail business. The following table sets forth a breakdown of our revenue for the periods indicated.Three months ended December 31,2013 2014RMB% ofRevenue RMB US$% ofRevenueYoYChange (in millions, except percentages)China commerceRetail 16,149 86% 21,275 3,429 82% 32% Wholesale 612 3% 860 139 3% 41% Total China commerce 16,761 89% 22,135 3,568 85% 32% International commerceRetail 264 2% 554 89 2% 110% Wholesale 1,000 5% 1,209 195 5% 21% Total international commerce 1,264 7% 1,763 284 7% 39% Cloud computing and Internetinfrastructure 196 1% 362 58 1% 85% Others 524 3% 1,919 309 7% 266% Total 18,745 100% 26,179 4,219 100% 40% China commerce retail business –Revenue from our China commerce retail business in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB21,275 million (US$3,429 million), or 82% of total revenue, an increase of 32% compared to RMB16,149 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was mainly driven by the growth in commission revenue and online marketing services revenue. Commissionrevenue accounted for 37% of China commerce retail revenue in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to 30% in the same quarter of 2013. Revenue growth during this period occurred in the context of and reflected an increase of 49% in GMV transacted on our China retail marketplaces, which was primarily driven by a 45% increase in the number of active buyers.The lower revenue growth relative to GMV growth was mainly a result of (i) the higher percentage of total GMV contributed by mobile GMV, which has a lower monetization rate compared to the non-mobile monetization rate, and (ii) lower pay-for-performance (“P4P”) monetization on the personal computer (“PC”) interface compared to the same quarter of 2013. The lower P4P monetization on PC was primarily caused by our continued efforts to improve user experience, which adversely affected cost per click. Our strong momentum in mobile and commitment to improving user experience may slow the growth rate of our online marketing services revenue in the near term, but we believe they will create significant value for both our users and our business in the longer term.Mobile revenue from the China commerce retail business in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB6,420 million (US$1,035 million), an increase of 448% compared to RMB1,171 million in the same quarter of 2013, representing 30% of our China commerce retail business revenue, compared to 29% in the quarter ended September 30, 2014 and 7% in the same quarter of 2013. The increase in mobilerevenue from the China commerce retail business was primarily due to a greater proportion of GMV generated on mobile devices and an increase in the mobile monetization rate.∙China commerce wholesale business –Revenue from our China commerce wholesale business in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB860 million (US$139 million), an increase of 41% compared to RMB612 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was due to an increase in average revenue from paying members and an increase in paying members.∙International commerce retail business –Revenue from our international commerce retail business in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB554 million (US$89 million), an increase of 110%compared to RMB264 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase in GMV transacted on AliExpress, partially attributable to AliExpress’ participation in our Singles Day promotion campaign on November 11, 2014 for the first time.∙International commerce wholesale business –Revenue from our international commerce wholesale business in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB1,209 million (US$195 million), an increase of 21% compared to RMB1,000 million in the same quarter of 2013. The main reason for this increase was an increase in the number of paying members and an increase in average revenue from payingmembers.∙Others –Other revenue in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB1,919 million (US$309 million), an increase of 266% compared to RMB524 million in the same quarter of 2013. This increase was primarily due to the consolidation of revenue from acquired business (mainly UCWeb and AutoNavi) and an increase in interest income generated by our SME loan business. When the restructuring of our relationship with Ant Financial closes, which we expect in the March 2015 quarter, we will no longer consolidate revenue generated by the SME loan business in our financial results.Cost of revenue –Cost of revenue in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB7,520 million(US$1,212 million), or 29% of revenue, compared to RMB4,171 million, or 22% of revenue, in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below), an increase in costs associated with our new businesses initiatives, and an increase in payment processing fees resulting from an increase in GMV transacted on our retail marketplaces.Product development expenses – Product development expenses in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were RMB3,083 million (US$497 million), or 12% of revenue, compared to RMB1,707 million, or 9% of revenue in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below). The increase was partially offset by the decrease in royalty fees paid to Yahoo which terminated upon completion of our initial public offering in September 2014.Sales and marketing expenses –Sales and marketing expenses in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were RMB3,021 million (US$487 million), or 12% of revenue, compared to RMB1,897 million, or 10% of revenue in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below). The increase was alsodue to the consolidation of marketing expenses of acquired business (mainly UCWeb and AutoNavi), an increase in advertising and promotional spending mainly to strengthen marketing of our Taobao and Tmall brands, especially in lower tier cities, as well as to promote our new businesses initiatives (e.g., local services) during this quarter.General and administrative expenses – General and administrative expenses in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were RMB2,419 million (US$390 million), or 9 % of revenue, compared to RMB2,046 million, or 11% of revenue in the same quarter of 2013. The decrease in general and administrative expenses as a percentage of revenue was primarily due to a one-time equity-settled donation expense of RMB1,269 million made in the quarter ended December 31, 2013 relating to the grant of options to purchase 50,000,000 of our ordinary shares to a non-profit organization, which was partially offset by an increase in share-based compensation expense in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” below).Share-based compensation expense – Share-based compensation expense included in respective cost or expense items above in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB4,313 million (US$695 million), or 16% of revenue, an increase of 554% compared to RMB659 million, or 4% of revenue, in the same quarterof 2013. The increase was primarily caused by (1) performance-based and retention grants of share-based awards granted prior to our initial public offering in 2014, with vesting periods of four years for our employees and six years for senior management, (2) the “mark-to-market” accounting of (i) share-based awards we granted to the employees of Zhejiang Ant Small and Micro Financial Services Company Ltd., or Ant Financial, and (ii) Ant Financial’s share-based awards granted by a major shareholding entity of Ant Financial controlled by Jack Ma, our executive chairman, to our employees. The expense arising from such Ant Financial share-based awards granted to our employees represents a non-cash accounting charge to us that will not result in any equity dilution to our shareholders. Without the effect of such “mark-to-market” accounting, our share-based compensation expense would have been RMB2,819 million (US$454 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB2,233 million in the quarter ended September 30, 2014. Pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, we are required to perform such re-measurement at each period end. Accordingly, we expect that our share-based compensation expense will continue to be affected by changes in the fair value of our share-based awards as well as the fair value of Ant Financial’s share-based awards granted to our employees.Amortization of intangible assets – Amortization of intangible assets in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB614 million (US$99 million), a significant increase from RMB123 million in the same quarter of 2013. This increase was due to an increase in intangibles assets primarily as a result of our strategic acquisitions, mainly UCWeb and AutoNavi.Income from operations – Income from operations in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB9,347 million (US$1,506 million), an increase of 6% compared to RMB8,801 million in the same quarter of 2013. The lower growth of operating income relative to revenue growth in this quarter and the decrease in operating margin to 36% in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 from 47% in the same quarter of 2013 were primarily due to an increase in share-based compensation expense (as discussed in “Share-based compensation expense” above).Non-GAAP EBITDA – Non-GAAP EBITDA increased by 34% to RMB15,103 million (US$2,434 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to RMB11,246 million in the same quarter of 2013.Non-GAAP EBITDA margin was 58% in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to 60% in the December quarter of 2013. The year-on-year decrease in non-GAAP EBITDA margin was primarily due to the consolidation of newly acquired businesses, mainly UCWeb and AutoNavi, and investments in new business initiatives, such as our mobile operating system, local services and digital entertainment. Thequarter-on-quarter increase in non-GAAP EBITDA margin from 51% in the quarter ended September 30, 2014 was primarily due to operating leverage in this seasonally strong quarter. A reconciliation of operating income to non-GAAP EBITDA is included at the end of this release.Interest and investment income, net – Interest and investment income, net in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB313 million (US$51 million), an increase of 6% compared to RMB296 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase in interest income as a result of higher cash balance during the period, which in turn was primarily due to the proceeds from our initial public offering in September 2014 and an increase in operating cash flow. This increase was partially offset by an increase in impairment charge of cost-method investments and losses recognized with respect to the periodic revaluation of convertible bonds we held in connection with our strategic investments in publicly traded entities.Interest expense –Interest expense in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB1,344 million(US$216 million), an increase of 247% compared to RMB387 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an RMB830 million (US$134 million) one-time charge for financing-related fees as a result of the early repayment of our US$8 billion bank borrowings with proceeds from our issuance of US$8 billion senior unsecured notes in this quarter.Other income, net –Other income, net in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB901 million (US$145 million), an increase of 64% compared to RMB548 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to an increase of RMB101 million (US$16 million) in royalty fees and software technology service fees received from Ant Financial to RMB344 million (US$55 million) in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 from RMB243 million in the same quarter of 2013 as a result of an increase in pre-tax income of Ant Financial, as well as an increase in government grants received from central and local governments in connection with our contribution to technology development and investments in local business districts.Income tax expenses – Income tax expenses in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were RMB2,429 million (US$392 million), an increase of 228% compared to RMB741 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to the increase in taxable income from our operations in China. Our effective tax rate increased to 26% in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 from 8% in the same quarter of 2013. Excluding share-based compensation expense, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets and investments, and unrealized gain/loss on investments which are not deductible or assessable for income tax purposes, our effective tax rate would have been 17% in the quarter ended December 31, 2014, compared to 7% in the same quarter of 2013. The increase was primarily due to the expiration of an EIT exemption period for one of our major subsidiaries, upon which the subsidiary became subject to an EIT rate of 12.5% (or 50% of the statutory EIT rate) in calendar year 2014.Net income and non-GAAP net income –As a result of the foregoing, our net income in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB5,983 million (US$964 million), a decrease of 28% compared to RMB8,357 million in the same quarter of 2013. Excluding the effects of share-based compensation expense, impairment of goodwill and investment in equity investees, the one-time charge for financing-related fees, amortization of intangible assets and certain other items, non-GAAP net income in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB13,115 million (US$2,114 million), an increase of 25% compared to RMB10,463 million in the same quarter of 2013. A reconciliation of net income to non-GAAP net income is included at the end of this release.Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders – Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB5,936 million (US$957million), a decrease of 28% compared to RMB8,266 million in the same quarter of 2013.Diluted EPS and non-GAAP diluted EPS –Diluted EPS in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB2.29 (US$0.37) on 2,588 million diluted shares outstanding, a decrease of 35% compared to RMB3.55 on 2,343 million diluted shares outstanding in the same quarter of 2013. Excluding the effects of share-based compensation expense, impairment of goodwill and investment in equity investees, the one-time charge for financing-related fees, amortization of intangible assets and certain other items, non-GAAP diluted EPS in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB5.05 (US$0.81), an increase of 13% compared to RMB4.45 in the same quarter of 2013. The lower non-GAAP diluted EPS relative to non-GAAP net income growth rate was due to an increase in the number of diluted shares outstanding in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 following the completion of our initial public offering. A reconciliation of diluted EPS to the non-GAAP diluted EPS is included at the end of this release.Cash –As of December 31, 2014, cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments were RMB130,741 million (US$21,071 million), compared to RMB43,632 million as of March 31, 2014.Cash flow from operating activities and free cash flow – Net cash provided by operating activities in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB19,408 million (US$3,128 million), an increase of 30% compared to RMB14,922 million in the same quarter of 2013. Capital expenditures in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 were RMB1,513 million (US$244 million), compared to RMB1,601 million in the same quarter of 2013. Capital expenditures in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 included cash outflow for acquisition of land use rights and construction in progress of RMB291 million (US$47 million). Free cash flow, a non-GAAP measurement of liquidity, in the quarter ended December 31, 2014 was RMB22,924 million (US$3,695 million), an increase of 34% compared to RMB17,163 million in the same quarter of 2013. A reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to free cash flow, a non-GAAP measure of liquidity, is included at the end of this release.Net cash used in investing activities – During the quarter ended December 31, 2014, net cash used in investing activities of RMB4,817 million (US$776 million) mainly included disbursements for short-term investments of RMB1,944 million (US$313 million), capital expenditure of RMB1,513 million (US$244 million) as well as investment and acquisition activities of RMB2,657 million (US$428 million) primarily in mobile and logistics related businesses.Employee number – As of December 31, 2014, we had a total of 34,081 employees, compared to 33,239 as of September 30, 2014 and 20,884 as of December 31, 2013.Webcast and Conference Call InformationA live webcast of the earnings conference call, which will be held shortly following the release of this announcement, can be accessed at /en/ir/earnings. An archived webcast will be available through the same link following the call. A replay of the conference call will be available for one week (dial-in number: +1 646-254-3697; conference ID: 65377381).Please visit Alibaba Group’s Investor Relations website at /en/ir/home on January 29, 2015 to view the earnings release and accompanying slides prior to the conference call.About Alibaba Group。
