
A.直径B.周长C.面积2.小兰和小玉堆积木,想用长、宽、高分别是8厘米、6厘米、4厘米的长方体木块堆成一个正方体,至少要()个这样的木块.A、48B、72C、96D、1923.一本书看了29,还剩42页,这本书有多少页?正确的算式是( ).A.2429⨯B.242(1)9⨯-C.2429÷D.242(1)9÷-4.一个三角形三个内角度数的比是2∶3∶5,这个三角形是()三角形。
A.x+12=y-12 B.x-y=12×2 C.(x-y)÷2=86.下图是一个正方体的展开图,与4相对的面是()。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.47.六(1)班男生与女生人数的比是3∶4,下列说法错误的是()。
A.女生人数是男生的43B.女生是全班的47C.男生比女生少14 D.女生比男生多148.把一个转盘平均分成9份,上面分别写有1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9。
少年儿童(7~16岁)体重(千克)分类标准标准体重=(身高-100)×0.9 轻度肥胖:超过标准体重13 ~ 510中度肥胖:超过标准体重31~102重度肥胖;超过标准体重12以上A.轻度肥胖B.中度肥胖C.重度肥胖10.一张纸如下图,连续对折两次,把圆形刻掉后,再展开出现的图形是().A.B.C.二、填空题11.3.012立方米=(___________)立方米(___________)立方分米2小时15分=(____________)小时十12.()20=6∶5=18÷()=()%=()(填小数)。

12. 用 2、3、4、5 这四个数可以组成 n 个没有重复数字的三位数,那么这 n 个三位数 的和是 。 答案
解:4x3x2=24(种) (5+4+3+2)x6x100+(5+4+3+2)x6x10+(5+4+3+2)x6x1
=8400+840+84 =9324 答:2、3、4、5 这四个数字可以组成 24 个没有重复数字的三位数,这些三 位数的和是 9324.
的价钱,6.90+4.50+6.00+2.70+0.30x2=20.7 元
15. 百子回归图是由 1.2.3…..100 无重复排列而成的正方形数表,它是一部数化的澳门 简史,如:中央四位 19 99 12 20 标示澳门回归日期,最后一行中间两位 23 50 标示 澳门面积, ,同时它也是十阶幻方,其每行 10 个数之和、每列 10 个数之和、每
14 林林去超市购物,忘记带购物袋,已知超市的塑料袋最大承重为 5 千克,下面是他 的购物小票:
林林购买物品的总质量是_____千克; 塑料袋 3 毛钱一个,林林在保证能够把东西安全提回家的前提下,总共要付给收银员 ___元。
答案:5.2 20.7
A. 20cm3 以上,30cm3 以下
B. 30cm3 以上,40cm3 以下
C. 40cm3 以上,50cm3 以下
D. 50cm3 以上,60cm3 以下
解:设玻璃球的体积为 x,则有 4x<600-400,x<50,5x>600-400,x >40 因此一颗玻璃球的体积在 40 cm3 以上,50 cm3 以下. 故答案为:C 40, 50. 本题考查的是一元一次不等式的运用,解此类题目常常要根据题意列出 不等式,再化简计算得出 x 的取值范围,在计算过程中仔细即可求解出 答案.

1.动物园的熊猫妈妈喜得贵子,刚出生的熊猫宝宝只有70g,熊猫宝宝和下面哪个物体的重量差不多()A. 一枚硬币B. 一个鸡蛋C. 一个西瓜D. 一本词典2.如图,一条江从城市中穿过,江边许多建筑物在江水中留下美丽的倒影,你能把江边地平线上的建筑物(图中上半部分)与它们在水中的倒影(图中下半部分)对应起来吗?按建筑物a,b,c,d,对应倒影的顺序为()A.3,1,5,2B. 2,1,3,4C. 3,4,2,1D. 2,3,1,53.某种“17选5”彩票的获奖号码是5个数,这5个数是从1~17这17个数中选择不重复的数组成的,如果你选择的5个数与中奖号码完全相同(顺序可以不同),那么你就可以获得一等奖,下面几种彩票号码,你觉得最可能获一等奖的是()A.1,2,3,4,5,B. 2,5,8,14,17C.1,3,5,7,9D.以上三种可能性相同4.如图,一张三角形纸片被遮住了一部分,那么被遮住的两个角不可能是()A.一个直角,一个钝角B. 两个锐角C. 一个锐角,一个直角D. 一个锐角,一个钝角5.把图1所示的正方体的展开图围成正方体(文字露在外面),再将这个正方体按照图2依次翻滚到第1格、第2格、第3格、第4格,此时正方体朝上一面的文字为()A.文B. 强C. 富D. 民6.曼曼观察小皮球、纸团和一张从桌面上掉到地面上的高度变化,右图是从刚掉落开始三个物体高度随时间变化的图象,图中三种线分别代表着()A.小皮球、纸团、一张纸B.纸团、一张纸、小皮球C.一张纸、小皮球、纸团D.小皮球、一张纸、纸团7.在测量一颗玻璃球体积的过程中,小王和小周想到了曹冲称象的方法,于是他们用烧杯开始尝试:他们先将400ml的水倒进一个容积为600ml的烧杯中,再将玻璃球放入烧杯,接连放了四颗一样的玻璃球,水都没有满;再加入一颗同样的玻璃球,结果水满溢出,小王说:“这样我们还是没哟办法知道玻璃球的体积啊。

牪牪______________________________________________2.下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()牪A.长喙.(huì)发酵.(xiào)机械.(xiè)牪B.嫉.恨(jì)牺.牲(xī )老茧.(jiǎn)牪C.分歧.(qí)栈.道(zhàn)斩.首(zhǎn)牪D.惹.恼(rě)灰烬.(jìng)褐.色(hè)3.选出下列句子中没有错别字的一项( )牪A.走出门,就与徽风撞了个满怀,风中含着露水和栀子花的气息。

(8分)wú gūɡuò lǜ yān hóu piāo yì()()()()huā ruǐ juàn liàn bǐng bào tún bù()()()()(二)、选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。
(12分)1.下列拼音有错的一项是()A、乘(chénɡ)虚而入B、挑剔.(tì)C、瘦削(xuē)D、树冠(ɡuān)2.下面没有错别字的一项是()A、金碧辉煌B、银妆素裹C、迫不急待D、温文而雅3.下列加点字义有错的一项是()A、学而不厌.(满足)B、鉴.往知来(观察)C、匪夷.所思(安全)D、同仇敌忾.(愤恨)4. 下列句子中画线的词语使用不恰当的一项是()A.三十年来,社会沧桑巨变,回到阔别已久的家乡,他百感交集。
5. (3)下列句子中没有语病的一项是( )A、昨天的语文课上,刘老师回忆了过去的往事。
6.下列四句中,和“风来花自舞”对仗最工整的一句是( )A. 千树落花红B. 云傍马头生C.山高月上迟D.春到鸟能言(三)、根据提示填写诗句、名言警句。
(8分)1. ,闻过则喜。

北京第⼀零⼀中学初⼀新⽣分班(摸底)数学模拟考试(含答案)北京第⼀零⼀中学初⼀新⽣分班(摸底)数学模拟考试(含答案)初⼀新⽣⼊学摸底分班考试试卷数学班级____________ 姓名____________ 得分:____________⼀、填空(每空1分,共21分)1. 地球上海洋的⾯积⼤约是三亿六千⼀百万平⽅千⽶,横线上的数写作()平⽅千⽶,省略“亿”后⾯的尾数约是()亿平⽅千⽶。
2. 2030千克=()吨=()吨()千克712⼩时=()分3. 在38、3.75%、0.375、0.375这四个数中,最⼤的数是(),最⼩的数是()。
4. ⼀个三⾓形三个内⾓的度数⽐是1:1:2,其中最⼤的⾓是()度,这是⼀个()三⾓形。
5. ⼀种贺卡的单价是a元,⼩英买了10张这样的贺卡,⽤去();⼩时买了b张这样的贺卡,付出12元,应找回()元。
6. 把写有数字1~9的9个同样的圆球放⼊布袋⾥,从中任意摸⼀个,模到写有奇数的⼩圆球的可能性是();如果每次摸⼀个⼩球,摸后仍放⼊袋中,共摸90次,可能有()次摸到有“4”的⼩圆球。
7. ⼀根圆柱形⽊料,长1.5⽶,把它沿底⾯直径平均锯成两部分后,表⾯积增加了600平⽅厘⽶,这根⽊料的体积是()⽴⽅厘⽶。
8. 下表中,如果x与y成正⽐例,那么☆表⽰的数是();如果x与y成反⽐例,那么☆表⽰的数是()。
9. 学校举⾏⾃然科学知识竞赛,共10道抢答题,评价规则是:答对⼀题加20分,答错或不答扣10分,如果把加20分记作+20分,那么扣10分应记作()分,⼩强在本次⽐赛中的得分是110分,他答对了()题。
10. 盒⼦⾥装有同样数量的红球和⽩球,每次取出8个红球和5个⽩球,取了()⼆、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题2分,共12分)11. 表⾯积相等的两个正⽅体,它们的体积相等。
()12. 两个数的最⼤公因数⼀定能整除它们的最⼩公倍数。
()13. 2a 与2a ⽐较(0a ≠),2a ⼀定⼤于2a 。

went ____7___ to lessons again,. But suddenly I fell ill.
Because of my disease I was weak and couldn’t work at school. I was hopeless. My
headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates ____8_____ me a lot.
always be followed by sunshine.
1. A. stop
B. start
C. keep
D. finish
2. A. Especially B. Probably
C. Finally D. Usually
3. A. mind
B. world
C. heart
D. family
4. A. school
A. has gone
B. has been
C. went
D. was going
14. -- _____ you please wash the dishes? –Ok, I’ll do them in a minute.
A. May
B. Must
C. Could D. Should
15. Excuse me, Sir, Can you tell me __________?
C. worried D. taught
9. A. terrible
B. hard
C. easy
D. difficult
10.A. discover
B. imagine

北京101中学小升初英语分班考试真题一.单项填空1.Mr. Wang is _________ excellent teacher. Everybody loves him.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.My cousin gave _______ a cute teddy bear for my birthday.A. IB. myC. meD. mine3.---It’s a nice day, _______? ---Yes, it is.A. isn’t itB. is itC. has itD. hasn’t it4.People like hamsters _________ they are nice and interesting.A. soB. andC. butD. because5.--- _____ should I get my mom for Mother’s Day?---Why don’t you get her a scarf.?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. How6.–Alison, how long have you been skating?-I have been skating ________ nine o’clock.A. forB. atC. sinceD. from7.Tom did __________ in math this year than last year.A. goodB. wellC. bestD. better8.--- I didn’t go to the Disneyland in Hong Kong last year. --- Me, ______A. neitherB. eitherC. alsoD. too9.This dictionary was very cheap and it only ________ me twelve dollars.A. spentB. usedC. paidD. cost10.–Would you mind _______ your bike? –No, not at all.A. movingB. to moveC. moveD. moved11.He ________ down the street when the accident happened.A. walksB. walkedC. was walkingD. is walking12.Sorry, I don’t have enough time ________ with you today.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played13.–Where is John? –He _____ to the library. He’ll come back soon.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD. was going14.-- _____ you please wash the dishes? –Ok, I’ll do them in a minute.A. MayB. MustC. CouldD. Should15.Excuse me, Sir, Can you tell me __________? A. how we got to the zoo B. how can we get to the zooC. how did we get to the zooD. how we can get to the zoo二.完型填空When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I entered high school. I had to ___1____ going to school because my mother had to money to pay my school bills.We began to work in people’s gardens to save up money for me to back to school. ____2_____, I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. And my ___3___went dark. I asked my headmaster if I could work for the ___4___ this summer vacation, so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me work in the school garden during the ____5_____. I had not been able to study well because of my mother’s death. At the end of my second year, I ____6______ most of my exams and the teacher told me I had to repeat the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went ____7___ to lessons again,. But suddenly I fell ill.Because of my disease I was weak and couldn’t work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates ____8_____ me a lot. Now, I’m feeling better and will finish my third year.My life is still not ____9___. A few students laugh at my poor clothes. They also call me “farmer” because I work in the school garden. But I ____10____ hard days will always be followed by sunshine.1. A. stop B. start C. keep D. finish2. A. Especially B. Probably C. Finally D. Usually3. A. mind B. world C. heart D. family4. A. school B. zoo C. park D. museum5. A. afternoon B. year C. weekends D. holidays6. A. passed B. took C. failed D. had7. A. along B. back C. down D. up8. A. helped B. gave C. worried D. taught9. A. terrible B. hard C. easy D. difficult10.A. discover B. imagine C. notice D. believe三.阅读理解(A)Happy Days Club Parker;s Sweet Shop For Young People 14 Barrett RoadFrom 12 – 18 years 5 minutes from town centreEvery Friday 7:30 pm – 10:30pm Try our famous chocolate29 Milton Street Eggs and sugar hearsJust $1 a week Prices lower than in other shopsGames-music-dancing and lots more Open Monday-Saturday 9am-5amInternational Library Painting CompetitionBooks, CDs and videos For young people 8-16 years oldOver 100 Foreign newspapers Paint a picture of an animalAnd magazines Send it to:Entrance Free Young Artist MagazineMonday- Saturday 9:30am-6:00pm 12 High StreetNew England House, Museum Street Before 14 SeptemberAnd win a bicycle!1.What does Parker’s Sweet Shop sell?A. BooksB. ChocolateC. PicturesD. CDs2.What time does Happy Days Club open?A. 9:00 amB. 9:30 amC. 7:30 pmD. 10:30 pm3.What should you paint if you want to take part in the painting competition?A. An eggB. A girlC. A bicycleD. An animal(B)In Canada you can find dogs, horses, etc., in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and regard them as their good friends. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospital to give them injection (注射) so that they won’t catch disease (疾病). They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’s homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animals in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished (惩罚).Senior (old) people in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be their family lie is not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own career (事业), then the seniors will feel lonely. And pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.1.The passage mainly tells us people in Canada ________________.A. like to keep pets at homeB. spend a lot of money on petsC. think killing pets is against the lawD. enjoy showing pets to their friends2.People give pets injection to make them not __________________.A. run awayB. hurt peopleC. get illD. eat much3.The underlined word “feeder” refers to ___________________.A. something to keep the birdsB. a person who feeds the birdsC. something to put food in for birdsD. a person who sells bird food4.Old people like to keep pets because ____________.A. pets cost less moneyB. pets are quiet and cleanC. pets are easy to take care ofD. pets can make good companies(C)Depalma was driving a large American car. As soon as the race started, he pulled out in front. As the race went on, he kept the first place. And he was far ahead of Dawson, the man in the second place.When the race was almost over, some people got up and left. “Why did stay?”they thought. They were sure they knew who would win.But things did not go as they thought. A strange noise came from Depalma’s car. It slowed down. Something was wrong. Depalma knew his car would not go far. His only hope was that he would make it to the finish. But on his last lap, car stopped. Dawson’s car roared (呼啸) by. Depalma saw it go by. He knew he could not win now. “But I can finish the race,” he thought. And he got out of his car. So did his assistant. They began to push the car to the finish.Dawson went by them again and again. He was on his last lap. He was going to win. Depalma and his friend did not care. They went on pushing.At first, all eyes were on Dawson. He crossed the line. And the race was over. He’d won! Depalma and his friend pushed on. At last, the car crossed the line. B then all the people were shouting for them. They shouted more than they did for Dawson. This was a different kind of winner!1.When Depalma’s car stopped, _______________.A. he repaired his car right awayB. he decided to give up his carC. he and his assistant pushed the carD. he still believed he would win the race2.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A. Depalma didn’t want Dawson to win the raceB. Both of Depalma and Dawson are winnersC. Depalma didn’t drive his car to the finishD. Depalma drove faster than others at first.3.What can we learn from the passage?A. American cars always break down in the race.B. Good cars always help people win the race.C. People should always shout for the loser.D. People should always keep trying.四.任务阅读If you go to a fast food restaurant or a snack bar, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight, and some of this is because of their had eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People often call this type of food “junk food”.But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. Many teenagers find it difficult to eat healthily. Some don’t have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don’t have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey at one school, scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn’t follow a healthy diet. Nearly half of the students didn’t like vegetables, and many of them didn’t like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.Parents today also worry about their children’s diet. Some doctors give the following advice.Teenagers shouldn’t eat too much junk food.Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.Bad eating habitsEating food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar.Not having 1. ____________ before going to school.Eating few 2. ______________________________ Doctors’ adviceEating food with less fat, oil and sugar.Eating vegetables and fruits every day because theyare rich In vitamins and have 3. ________________Drinking more milk will help build hones.Eating breakfast every day, which is good for the4. ______________________________________The writer wants to help teenagers to 5. __________________________________英语答案:一。

101中学新初一英语分班考试试卷及答案【最新精品】预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制北京一零一中初一新生入学摸底考试英语一、选择填空:(共20分,每题1分)1.---Would you like some ____?--- No, thank you. I ’m not hungry at all.A. teaB. breadC. waterD. coffee2.---You look so happy. What happened?---I have got an “A ” in _______ P.E. test.A. yourB. herC. hisD. my3.---What ’s in your bag, Cathy?---There ’s ______ interesting book about animals. A. aB. anC. theD. /4.---Why do Chinese people like red?---Because they think it can ______ them good luck.A. bringB. carryC. makeD. take5.---This sweater is too expensive. I can ’t afford it.---Howabout this one? It ’s much ______.A. cheapB. cheapestC. cheaperD. the cheapest6.Li Ping has learned English for many years, but he can____ understand theEnglish speakers. A. hardlyB. certainlyC. alwaysD. almost7.Beijing looks like a beautiful garden. It’s our duty to keep it______. A. d ryB. openC. quietD. clean8.---______ did you go to London last month?---By plane.A. WhenB. HowC. WhereD. Why9.---I hear you like basketball very much. _____ you on your school team?---Yes, I am.A. AmB. WasC. AreD. Were10.---Can you lend me your pen?---Sorry, I _______. I ’m writing something right now.A. can ’tB. mustn ’tC. needn ’tD. shouldn ’t11.--- Do you enjoy your life here?--- Yes, _________ I’m very busy sometimes. A. whenB. ifC. thoughD. because12.---The food is very delicious. I ’m very full.---Why don ’t you ______ a walk with me? A. takeB. to takeC. takesD. took13.---Who helped you with your English?--- ______ ! I learned it all by myself. A. AnybodyB. NobodyC. SomebodyD. Everybody14.---When are you going to meet your parents ________ Sunday morning?---At half past seven. A. atB. inC. toD. on15.---Linda, when shall we go shopping?---After I finish _________ the dishes.A. washB. washedC. washingD. to wash16.---It ’s said that our school ’s paper ____________ once aweek.---Right. I hope you can write something for it.A. comes backB. comes downC. comes onD. comes out17.---Your sister works in a hospital, ___________?---Yes, she does. She is a nurse.A. doesn’t sheB. isn’t sheC. does sheD. is she18. ---Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.---OK. Let’s give him ________ to eat.A. different somethingB. different anythingC. anything differentD. something different19. ---Excuse me, where is Linda’s office?---It’s on __________floor.A. thirdB. the thirdC. threeD. the three20. ---Excuse me, is this seat taken?---____________. That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.A. I’m afraid soB. I don’t knowC. I don’t think soD. I hope not二、完形填空(共12分,每题1分)There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Before he was sent away, the boy was the 1 student in his class. He was at the top in every exam.But the boy changed after 2 home and studying in the boarding school. His grades started to 3 . He hated being in a 4 . He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like killing himself. All of this was because he felt no one loved him.His parents started to 5 the boy. But they even did not know what was wrong with him. So his father decided to go to the school and 6 him.They sat by the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his lessons, teachers and 7 . After some time his father said, "Do you know, son, why I'm here today?""To 8 my grades," the boy replied back."No, no," his father said. "I'm here to tell you that you're the most 9 person for me. I want to see you 10 . I don't care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. You're my life."These words caused the boy's eyes to be filled with tears. He hugged his father. They didn't say 11 to each other for a long time.Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on the earth who cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone. And today this young man is in university at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him 12 .1. A. laziest B. worst C. calmest D. cleverest2. A. coming B. leaving C. returning D. going3. A. increase B. drop C. rise D. turn down4. A. group B. term C. party D. company5. A. look for B. learn from C. worry about D. shout at6. A. laugh at B. look at C. talk with D. think about7. A. friends B. family C. study D. grades8. A. find B. teach C. hear D. check9. A. famous B. interesting C. outstanding D. important10. A. excellent B. serious C happy D. honest11. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything12. A. ill B. sad C. pleasedD. pleasant三、阅读理解:(共24分,每题2分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

北京一零一中 初一新生入学摸底考试英 语一、 选择填空:(共20分,每题1分) 1.---Would you like some ____?--- No, thank you. I ’m not hungry at all.A. teaB. breadC. waterD. coffee2.---You look so happy. What happened?---I have got an “A ” in _______ P.E. test.A. yourB. herC. hisD. my3.---What ’s in your bag, Cathy?---There ’s ______ interesting book about animals. A. aB. anC. theD. /4.---Why do Chinese people like red?---Because they think it can ______ them good luck.A. bringB. carryC. makeD. take5.---This sweater is too expensive. I can ’t afford it.---How about this one? It ’s much ______.A. cheapB. cheapestC. cheaperD. the cheapest6.Li Ping has learned English for many years, but he can____ understand theEnglish speakers. A. hardlyB. certainlyC. alwaysD. almost7.Beijing looks like a beautiful garden. It’s our duty to keep it______. A. d ryB. openC. quietD. clean8.---______ did you go to London last month?---By plane.A. WhenB. HowC. WhereD. Why9.---I hear you like basketball very much. _____ you on your school team?---Yes, I am.A. AmB. WasC. AreD. Were10.---Can you lend me your pen?---Sorry, I _______. I ’m writing something right now.A. can ’tB. mustn ’tC. needn ’tD. shouldn ’t11.--- Do you enjoy your life here?--- Yes, _________ I’m very busy sometimes. A. whenB. ifC. thoughD. because12.---The food is very delicious. I ’m very full.---Why don ’t you ______ a walk with me? A. takeB. to takeC. takesD. took13.---Who helped you with your English?--- ______ ! I learned it all by myself. A. AnybodyB. NobodyC. SomebodyD. Everybody14.---When are you going to meet your parents ________ Sunday morning?---At half past seven. A. atB. inC. toD. on15.---Linda, when shall we go shopping?---After I finish _________ the dishes.A. washB. washedC. washingD. to wash16.---It ’s said that our school ’s paper ____________ once a week.---Right. I hope you can write something for it.A. comes backB. comes downC. comes onD. comes out17.---Your sister works in a hospital, ___________?---Yes, she does. She is a nurse.A. doesn’t sheB. isn’t sheC. does sheD. is she18. ---Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.---OK. Let’s give him ________ to eat.A. different somethingB. different anythingC. anything differentD. something different19. ---Excuse me, where is Linda’s office?---It’s on __________floor.A. thirdB. the thirdC. threeD. the three20. ---Excuse me, is this seat taken?---____________. That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.A. I’m afraid soB. I don’t knowC. I don’t think soD. I hope not二、完形填空(共12分,每题1分)There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Before he was sent away, the boy was the 1 student in his class. He was at the top in every exam.But the boy changed after 2 home and studying in the boarding school. His grades started to 3 . He hated being in a 4 . He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like killing himself. All of this was because he felt no one loved him.His parents started to 5 the boy. But they even did not know what was wrong with him. So his father decided to go to the school and 6 him.They sat by the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his lessons, teachers and 7 . After some time his father said, "Do you know, son, why I'm here today?""To 8 my grades," the boy replied back."No, no," his father said. "I'm here to tell you that you're the most 9 person for me. I want to see you 10 . I don't care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. You're my life."These words caused the boy's eyes to be filled with tears. He hugged his father. They didn't say 11 to each other for a long time.Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on the earth who cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone. And today this young man is in university at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him 12 .1. A. laziest B. worst C. calmest D. cleverest2. A. coming B. leaving C. returning D. going3. A. increase B. drop C. rise D. turn down4. A. group B. term C. party D. company5. A. look for B. learn from C. worry about D. shout at6. A. laugh at B. look at C. talk with D. think about7. A. friends B. family C. study D. grades8. A. find B. teach C. hear D. check9. A. famous B. interesting C. outstanding D. important10. A. excellent B. serious C happy D. honest11. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything12. A. ill B. sad C. pleasedD. pleasant三、阅读理解:(共24分,每题2分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

北京101中学入学分班考试题一、选择题1.某市元旦的最低气温为零下8℃,最高气温为2℃,那么这天的最高气温比最低气温()A.低16℃ B.低10℃ C.高6℃ D.高10℃2.右图是一块带有圆形空洞和长方形空洞的小木板,则下列物体中,最有可能即可以堵住圆形空洞又可以堵住长方形空洞的是()3. 大于3.33小于3.34的数是( ) A.313B.724C.3.43D.333%4.数据840000000厘米表示正确的为( ) A.84万米 B.840千米 C.8.4亿厘米 D.8400万厘米5.桌上有12张数字卡片,如图,大雄、静香和胖虎各拿了其中四张,大雄拿到的最大数是15,静香拿到的最大数是14,胖虎拿到的最 大数是18,而且每个人发现自己拿的四个数 的和都是39,乘积都是5040,那么大雄拿到 的四个数字卡片是( )A.18 ,10, 7 ,4B.15,14,7,4C.15,14,6,4D.15,12,6,3 6.将正整数按如图所示的规律排列下去,若有序数对(n ,m )表示第n 排,从左到右第m 个数,如(4,2)表示实数9,则表示整数17的有序数对是( )1 …… 第一排 32 …… 第二排 4 5 6 …… 第三排 10 9 8 7 …… 第四排A.(6,2)B.(7,5)C.(5,6)D.(6,5)7.10名同学分成甲乙两队进行篮球比赛,他们的身高(单位:cm )如下表所示设两队队员身高的平均数为x 甲,x 乙,则下列关系中完全正确的是( ) A. x 甲=x 乙B. x 甲>x 乙C. x 甲<x 乙D.无法判断8.“扫雷”游戏是在9×9的区域内有81个小方块,如图1,其中共有10个小方块有地雷,目标是尽快找到雷区中的所有地雷,而不许踩到地雷,若挖开的是地雷,您将输掉游戏;如果方块上出现一个数字,则表示在其周围的八个方块中共有多少颗地雷,例如,在一个挖开的方块上的数字是2,则数字2的周围的八个方块中共有两个地雷,如图2,数字及其围成的部分是已经挖开的区域,则图3中八个标记问号“?”的方块中,地雷的个数有()A.3个B.4个C.5个D.6个9.如图,平行四边形ABCD的边BC长为2.5,BC边上的高为2,P是对角线AC上任一点(点P不与点A、C重合),且PE∥BC交AB于E,F是AD上任一点,则阴影部分的面积是( ) A.2 B.5 C.2.5 D.不能确定10.从4、5、…、13这十个连续的自然数中,任意选取两个数,使它们的和大于16,则不同的选法共有()A.50种B.45种C.30种D.25种二、填空题11.按规律排列的式子为:x,3x²,7x3,15x4,31x5,…,其中第101个式子是_____.12.有一块棱长为6cm的正方体木块,用它削成一个尽可能大的圆锥模型,被削掉的部分最少是________cm3(得数保留π)13.某年的12月恰有4个星期六,4个星期二,那么这年的最后一日是星期_____。

北京一零一中新初一入学测试测试时间:80分钟 满分150分一、选择题:每小题4分,共40分。
1、下列四个小数中,最大的一个是( )A 、1.101g gB 、1.01g gC 、1.0101D 、1.1g2、下列图形中,对称轴最少的图形是( )A 、等腰三角形B 、正方形C 、等边三角形D 、圆3、计算37.5×21.5×0.112+35.5×12.5×0.112的正确结果是( )A 、130B 、140C 、150D 、1604、下列说法正确的是( )A 、如果长方形的周长一定,那么长和宽成反比例B 、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等,圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的3倍,圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是1:9C 、工厂生产一批零件,共101个,全部合格,那么这批零件的合格率是101%D 、记录一个病人体温的变化,应该用扇形统计图5、铁路线旁边有一条沿铁路方向的公路,公路上一辆汽车正以每小时40千米的速度行驶,这时一列长375米的火车以每小时67千米的速度从后面开过来,问:火车从车头到车尾经过汽车旁边需要( )分钟A 、65B 、60C 、55D 、506、下列计算不正确的是( ) A 、1451681010.25808454⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯= B 、11124()7823⨯+-= C 、110.450.5(0.9)160.71010÷⨯+÷⨯-= D 、(10120)(1.63 1.07)30-÷+= 7、爷爷比爸爸大26岁,妈妈比小明大26岁,小明一家四口人今年的年龄之和是120岁,而5年前他们家的人年龄之和是101岁,则小明的爷爷今年是( )岁。
A 、62B 、60C 、58D 、568、小红是一名集邮爱好者,她有中国邮票和外国邮票共274枚,其中中国邮票比外国邮票的2倍还多7枚,问小红有中国邮票和外国邮票各多少枚?解决此问题,我们选用方程作为解题工具:设小红有外国邮票x 枚,依题意列方程,正确的是( )A 、(27)274x x +-=B 、2(7)274x x +-=C 、2(7)274x x ++=D 、(27)274x x ++=9、将17化为小数,则小数点后第101位上的数字是( ) A 、8 B 、7 C 、4 D 、510、六年级有三个班,每班有两个班长,开班长会时,每次每班只要一个班长参加,第一次到会的有小张、小王、小李;第二次有小王、小刘、小江;第三次有小张、小江、小孙。

北京101中学小升初英语分班考试真题一.单项填空1.Mr. Wang is _________ excellent teacher. Everybody loves him.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.My cousin gave _______ a cute teddy bear for my birthday.A. IB. myC. meD. mine3.---It’s a nice day, _______? ---Yes, it is.A. isn’t itB. is itC. has itD. hasn’t it4.People like hamsters _________ they are nice and interesting.A. soB. andC. butD. because5.--- _____ should I get my mom for Mother’s Day?---Why don’t you get her a scarf.?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. How6.–Alison, how long have you been skating?-I have been skating ________ nine o’clock.A. forB. atC. sinceD. from7.Tom did __________ in math this year than last year.A. goodB. wellC. bestD. better8.--- I didn’t go to the Disneyland in Hong Kong last year. --- Me, ______A. neitherB. eitherC. alsoD. too9.This dictionary was very cheap and it only ________ me twelve dollars.A. spentB. usedC. paidD. cost10.–Would you mind _______ your bike? –No, not at all.A. movingB. to moveC. moveD. moved11.He ________ down the street when the accident happened.A. walksB. walkedC. was walkingD. is walking12.Sorry, I don’t have enough time ________ with you today.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played13.–Where is John? –He _____ to the library. He’ll come back soon.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD. was going14.-- _____ you please wash the dishes? –Ok, I’ll do them in a minute.A. MayB. MustC. CouldD. Should15.Excuse me, Sir, Can you tell me __________? A. how we got to the zoo B. how can we get to the zooC. how did we get to the zooD. how we can get to the zoo二.完型填空When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I entered high school. I had to ___1____ going to school because my mother had to money to pay my school bills.We began to work in people’s gardens to save up money for me to back to school. ____2_____, I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. And my ___3___went dark. I asked my headmaster if I could work for the ___4___ this summer vacation, so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me work in the school garden during the ____5_____. I had not been able to study well because of my mother’s death. At the end of my second year, I ____6______ most of my exams and the teacher told me I had to repeat the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went ____7___ to lessons again,. But suddenly I fell ill.Because of my disease I was weak and couldn’t work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates ____8_____ me a lot. Now, I’m feeling better and will finish my third year.My life is still not ____9___. A few students laugh at my poor clothes. They also call me “farmer” because I work in the school garden. But I ____10____ hard days will always be followed by sunshine.1. A. stop B. start C. keep D. finish2. A. Especially B. Probably C. Finally D. Usually3. A. mind B. world C. heart D. family4. A. school B. zoo C. park D. museum5. A. afternoon B. year C. weekends D. holidays6. A. passed B. took C. failed D. had7. A. along B. back C. down D. up8. A. helped B. gave C. worried D. taught9. A. terrible B. hard C. easy D. difficult10.A. discover B. imagine C. notice D. believe三.阅读理解(A)Happy Days Club Parker;s Sweet Shop For Young People 14 Barrett RoadFrom 12 – 18 years 5 minutes from town centreEvery Friday 7:30 pm – 10:30pm Try our famous chocolate29 Milton Street Eggs and sugar hearsJust $1 a week Prices lower than in other shopsGames-music-dancing and lots more Open Monday-Saturday 9am-5amInternational Library Painting CompetitionBooks, CDs and videos For young people 8-16 years oldOver 100 Foreign newspapers Paint a picture of an animalAnd magazines Send it to:Entrance Free Young Artist MagazineMonday- Saturday 9:30am-6:00pm 12 High StreetNew England House, Museum Street Before 14 SeptemberAnd win a bicycle!1.What does Parker’s Sweet Shop sell?A. BooksB. ChocolateC. PicturesD. CDs2.What time does Happy Days Club open?A. 9:00 amB. 9:30 amC. 7:30 pmD. 10:30 pm3.What should you paint if you want to take part in the painting competition?A. An eggB. A girlC. A bicycleD. An animal(B)In Canada you can find dogs, horses, etc., in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and regard them as their good friends. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospital to give them injection (注射) so that they won’t catch disease (疾病). They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’s homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animals in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished (惩罚).Senior (old) people in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be their family lie is not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own career (事业), then the seniors will feel lonely. And pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.1.The passage mainly tells us people in Canada ________________.A. like to keep pets at homeB. spend a lot of money on petsC. think killing pets is against the lawD. enjoy showing pets to their friends2.People give pets injection to make them not __________________.A. run awayB. hurt peopleC. get illD. eat much3.The underlined word “feeder” refers to ___________________.A. something to keep the birdsB. a person who feeds the birdsC. something to put food in for birdsD. a person who sells bird food4.Old people like to keep pets because ____________.A. pets cost less moneyB. pets are quiet and cleanC. pets are easy to take care ofD. pets can make good companies(C)Depalma was driving a large American car. As soon as the race started, he pulled out in front. As the race went on, he kept the first place. And he was far ahead of Dawson, the man in the second place.When the race was almost over, some people got up and left. “Why did stay?”they thought. They were sure they knew who would win.But things did not go as they thought. A strange noise came from Depalma’s car. It slowed down. Something was wrong. Depalma knew his car would not go far. His only hope was that he would make it to the finish. But on his last lap, car stopped. Dawson’s car roared (呼啸) by. Depalma saw it go by. He knew he could not win now. “But I can finish the race,” he thought. And he got out of his car. So did his assistant. They began to push the car to the finish.Dawson went by them again and again. He was on his last lap. He was going to win. Depalma and his friend did not care. They went on pushing.At first, all eyes were on Dawson. He crossed the line. And the race was over. He’d won! Depalma and his friend pushed on. At last, the car crossed the line. B then all the people were shouting for them. They shouted more than they did for Dawson. This was a different kind of winner!1.When Depalma’s car stopped, _______________.A. he repaired his car right awayB. he decided to give up his carC. he and his assistant pushed the carD. he still believed he would win the race2.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A. Depalma didn’t want Dawson to win the raceB. Both of Depalma and Dawson are winnersC. Depalma didn’t drive his car to the finishD. Depalma drove faster than others at first.3.What can we learn from the passage?A. American cars always break down in the race.B. Good cars always help people win the race.C. People should always shout for the loser.D. People should always keep trying.四.任务阅读If you go to a fast food restaurant or a snack bar, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight, and some of this is because of their had eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People often call this type of food “junk food”.But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. Many teenagers find it difficult to eat healthily. Some don’t have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don’t have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey at one school, scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn’t follow a healthy diet. Nearly half of the students didn’t like vegetables, and many of them didn’t like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.Parents today also worry about their children’s diet. Some doctors give the following advice.Teenagers shouldn’t eat too much junk food.Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.Bad eating habitsEating food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar.Not having 1. ____________ before going to school.Eating few 2. ______________________________ Doctors’ adviceEating food with less fat, oil and sugar.Eating vegetables and fruits every day because theyare rich In vitamins and have 3. ________________Drinking more milk will help build hones.Eating breakfast every day, which is good for the4. ______________________________________The writer wants to help teenagers to 5. __________________________________英语答案:一。

北京市 101 中学新初一分班考试英语真题一.单项填空1.Mr. Wang is excellent teacher. Everybody loves him.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.My cousin gave a cute teddy bear for my birthday.A. IB. myC. meD. mine3.---It's a nice day, ? ---Yes, it is.A. isn't itB. is itC. has itD. hasn't it4.People like hamsters they are nice and interesting.A. soB. andC. butD. because5.--- should I get my mom for Mother's Day? ---Why don't you get her a scarf.?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. How6.-Alison, how long have you been skating? - I have been skating nine o'clock.A. forB. atC. sinceD. from7.Tom did in math this year than last year.A. goodB. wellC. bestD. better8.--- I didn't go to the Disneyland in Hong Kong last year. --- M e,A. neitherB. eitherC. alsoD. too9.This dictionary was very cheap and it only me twelve dollars. A. spent B. used C. paid D. cost10.-Would you mind your bike? -No, not at all.A. movingB. to moveC. moveD. moved11.He down the street when the accident happened.A. walksB. walkedC. was walkingD. is walking12.Sorry, I don't have enough time with you today.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played13.-Where is John? -He to the library. He'll come back soon. A. has gone B. has been C. went D. was g oing14.-- you please wash the dishes? -Ok, I'll do them in a minute. A. May B. Must C. Could D. Should15.Excuse me, Sir, Can you tell me ?A. how we got to the zooB. how can we get to the zooC. how did we get to the zooD. how we can get to the zoo二.完型填空When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I entered high school. I had to 1 going to school because my mother had to money to pay my school bills. We began to work in people's gardens to save up money for me to back to school. 2 , I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. And my 3 went dark. I asked my headmaster if I could work for the 4 this summer vacation, so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me work in the school garden during the 5 . I had not been able to study well because of my mother's death. At the end of my second year, I 6 most of my exams and the teacher told me I had to repeat the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went 7 to lessons again,. But suddenly I fell ill. Because of my disease I was weak and couldn't work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates 8 me a lot. Now, I'm feeling better and will finish my third year. My life is still not 9 . A few students laugh at my poor clothes. They also call me "farmer" because I work in the school garden. But I 10 hard days will always be followed by s unshine.1.A. stop B. start C. keep D. finish2.A. Especially B. Probably C. Finally D. Usually3.A. mind B. world C. heart D. family4.A. school B. zoo C. park D. museum5.A. afternoon B. year C. weekends D. holidays6.A. passed B. took C. failed D. had7.A. along B. back C. down D. up8.A. helped B. gave C. worried D. taught9.A. terrible B. hard C. easy D. difficult10.A. discover B. imagine C. notice D. believe三.阅读理解(A)Happy Days Club Parker;s Sweet Shop For Young People 14 Barrett Road From 12 - 18 years 5 minutes from town centre Every Friday 7:30 pm - 10:30pm Try our famous chocolate 29 Milton Street Eggs and sugar hears Just $1 a week Prices lower than in other shops Games-music-dancing and lots more Open Monday-Saturday 9am-5am International Library Painting Competition Books, CDs and videos For young people 8-16 years old Over 100 Foreign newspapers Paint a picture of an animal And magazines Send it to: Entrance Free Young Artist Magazine Monday- Saturday 9:30am-6:00pm 12 High Street New England House, Museum Street Before 14 September And win a bicycle!1.What does Parker's Sweet Shop sell?A. BooksB. ChocolateC. PicturesD. CDs2.What time does Happy Days Club open?A. 9:00 amB. 9:30 amC. 7:30 pmD. 10:30 pm3.What should you paint if you want to take part in the painting competition?A. An eggB. A girlC.A bicycleD. An animal(B)In Canada you can find dogs, horses, etc., in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and regard them as their good friends. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospital to give them injection (注射) so that they won't catch disease (疾病). They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people's homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animals in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished (惩罚). Senior (old) people in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be their family lie is not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own career (事业), then the seniors will feel lonely. And pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.1.The passage mainly tells us people in Canada .A. like to keep pets at homeB. spend a lot of money on petsC. think killing pets is against the lawD. enjoy showing pets to their friends2.People give pets injection to make them not .A. run awayB. hurt peopleC. get illD. eat much3.The underlined word "feeder" refers to .A. something to keep the birdsB. a person who feeds the birdsC. something to put food in for birdsD. a person who sells bird food4.Old people like to keep pets because .A. pets cost less moneyB. pets are quiet and cleanC. pets are easy to take care ofD. pets can make good companies(C)Depalma was driving a large American car. As soon as the race started, he pulled out in front. As the race went on, he kept the first place. And he was far ahead of Dawson, the man in the second place. 15 When the race was almost over, some people got up and left. "Why did stay?" they thought. They were sure they knew who would win. But things did not go as they thought. A strange noise came from Depalma's car. It slowed down. Something was wrong. Depalma knewhis car would not go far. His only hope was that he would make it to the finish. But on his last lap, car stopped. Dawson's car roared (呼啸) by. Depalma saw it go by. He knew he could not win now. "But I can finish the race," he thought. And he got out of his car. So did his assistant. They began to push the car to the finish. Dawson went by them again and again. He was on his last lap. He was going to win. Depalma and his friend did not care. They went on pushing. At first, all eyes were on Dawson. He crossed the line. And the race was over. He'd won! Depalma and his friend pushed on. At last, the car crossed the line. B then all the people were shouting for them. They shouted more than they did for Dawson. This was a different kind of winner!1.When Depalma's car stopped, .A. he repaired his car right awayB. he decided to give up his carC. he and his assistant pushed the carD. he still believed he would win the race2.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A.Depalma didn't want Dawson to win the raceB.Both of Depalma and Dawson are winnersC.Depalma didn't drive his car to the finishD.Depalma drove faster than others at first.3.What can we learn from the passage?A.American cars always break down in the race.B.Good cars always help people win the race.C.People should always shout for the loser.D.People should always keep trying.四. 任务阅读If you go to a fast food restaurant or a snack bar, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight, and some of this is because of their had eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People often call this type of food "junk food". But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. Many teenagers find it difficult to eat healthily. Some don't have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don't have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey at one school, scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn't follow a healthy diet. Nearly half of the students didn't like vegetables, and many of them didn't like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat. Parents today also worry about their children's diet. Some doctors give the following advice. Teenagers shouldn't eat too much junk food. Teenagers shouldn't eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future. Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar. Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat. Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow. Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This isgood for their body and mind. Bad eating habits Eating food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar. Not having 56.before going to school. Eating few 57. Doctors' advice Eating food with less fat, oil and sugar. Eating vegetables and fruits every day because they are rich In vitamins and have 58. Drinking more milk will help build hones. Eating breakfast every day, which is good for the 59. The writer wants to help teenagers to 60.参考答案一.选择填空1.B2.C3.A4.D5.B6.C7.D8.A9.D 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 14. C 15.D二.完型填空1.A2.C3.B4.A5.D6.C7.B8.A9.C 10.D三.阅读理解(A) 1.B 2.C 3.D (B) 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D (C) 1.C 2.A 3.D四.任务阅读1. breakfast2. vegetables and fruits3. little fat4. body and mind5. keep healthy/ keep fit/ have good eating habits。
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1 / 3
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A
5.C 民—明,富—女,强—主,2位置时富在下,再转2次富在上.
7.C 4个小于200,5个大于200.
9.D C 选项打错字,不是“很坑你”,是很可能.
10.A 若拿两红色,则甲乙盒各1个红色. 若拿两黑色,则甲丙盒各1个黑色.
设红黑各有x 个,拿了a 次2个红球.
则乘下2x a -个红球,即拿2x a -次1红1黑. 拿(2)=2x x a a --个黑,拿了a 次2个黑球. 所以乙红=丙黑.
设时针转x 度,分针转12x 度. 129090x x -=+
x =. 时针1度相当于2分钟.
⨯. 12.9324 23(222333444555)A 9324+++⨯=,位值原理. 13.162 设5a k =,56k ≡(mod 7)、57k =(mod 9). 当4k =时,547=26+÷…,设2035a m =+. 202≡(mod 9),358≡(mod 9).
当4m =,20352847m +≡+⨯≡(mod 9). 所以a 最小值为20435=160+⨯,160315a n =+(0,1n =……). 160a =,162c =,161b =,满足要求.
14.(1)5.2 2.2
1.740.20.5=++⨯+. (2)20.7元 6.94.56
15.505 505010=50÷.
16.1元 225=17-,对应票价4元,40.25=1⨯元.
17.25 根据鸟头模型2355
ADE ABC S AD AE S AB AC ⋅⨯==⋅⨯ 6=6=2525
ABC S ÷. 18.(1)80 702030=8-+.
(2)231>>x x x 1210x x +=,235x x -=.
19.(1)4种 三个数相加为4只有112=4++.
当2在中间 1
2 2( 2 )
2 /
3 当2在角上 2
( )( 2 )
(2)6种 321111=⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯. 按下图所示顺序填.
0.5 6.445247⨯-⨯-⨯
= 3.2207--
21.(1)502520=550+⨯元. (2)(20050)(2520)30-÷-=次. 若大于30次,则B 比A 便宜. (400200)(2015)40-÷-=次. 若大于40次,则C 比B 便宜. 综上,应选则C 类更便宜.
22.(1)20分 154331=2⨯+⨯+⨯分. (2)乙:252371=23⨯+⨯+⨯分. 丙:8321=26⨯+⨯分.
丁:252361=22⨯+⨯+⨯分. 答:去丙城市.
23.(1)80个 1215%=8÷个. (2)50a =,35b =.
24.(1)选A D B →→ 8018026+=千米. (2)A C B →→:906024080=4.5h ÷+÷. A D B →→:8040180120=3.5h ÷+÷. A E B →→:12012018090=3h ÷+÷. 选A E B →→用时最少,3小时. (3)A C B →→:3300.7=231⨯元. A D B →→:2600.745=227⨯+元. A E B →→:3000.730=240⨯+元.
3 / 3。