


Poster 海报
海报是一种带有宣传公告性质的招贴,主要用于报道有关戏剧、电影、演出、球赛、报告会等消息。 海报的文体既简明扼要又轻松自如。 一般由三部分构成院标题、正文、落款。 通常把海报内容作为 标题写在正中;正文部分为具体内容,活动时间、地点以及参观规定,主持或主办单位等;落款部分,海 报发出时间一般位于海报正文左下角(或右下角是海报发出单位之下),右下角是海报发出单位(有时两 者均可省略)。
volleyball match 排球赛讯 concert n. 音乐会 art exhibition 画展 English-Speaking Contest 英语演讲比赛 gymnasium n. 体育馆 court n. 球场 club n. 俱乐部
2.5.2 Language Points
Useful Sentence Patterns
Gone with the Wind, a feature film will be shown in the auditorium at 7:30p.m. ,Friday, September 20. 故事片《乱世佳人》将于9月20 日(星期五)晚 7:30在大礼堂放映。 It is scheduled that a Christmas party will be held at 7:00 p.m. on December 24 in the school auditorium. Brilliant performances will be given at the party. 兹定于12月24日晚7:00 在学校大礼堂举行圣诞晚会,届时将有精彩节目表演。 Under the auspices of the Students爷 Union of the university, a friendly invitational basketball match will be held between Guangzhou University and Guangdong University of Foreign studies on the Basketball Court,at 6:00 p.m. November 20, 2010. 由本校学生会主办,广州大学队与广东外语外贸大学队将于 2010年 11 月20 日下午6 时在篮球场进行篮 球友谊邀请赛。


下面就以活动宣传、影讯、讲座 招聘四种海报形式为例,介绍海 报的写作方法。
• 例一:活动宣传 • 写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再
写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。 • 写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有: • …is an organization to raise money for …. • …is holding a party at its biggest hall … • The time is from … to … • We hope to raise money to help poor
Sample 3
Lecture Speaker: Prof. Jones of University of Southern California, U.S.A., who recently visited this University. Subject: The Contemporary American Literature Time: 2:00 P.M., May 16, 2005 Place: Room Too8, The Second Teaching Building
□√time □√dress code
√ □ title
□ map
Tickets are limited for 100. Admissions are by tickets. Admission free. Basketball fans should be quick.
Foreign Language Department May 15, 2011
Sample 4


ech contest on July 16th. 有消息说我们将于七月十六日举行一次英语演讲比赛。 ③Our school is holding an English party at seven in the
concert hall this evening. 我们学校将于今晚七点在校音乐厅举行英语晚会。
In order to improve our spoken English, we are going to have an English-speaking contest for all the students of our school.
The students who want to take part in the contest should come to sign up at the office of the Students' Union before Sept. 30.
7.be invited to do sth. 被邀请做某事
8.be awarded by
(一般表达)We want to improve our spoken English.
We are going to have an English-speaking contest for all
(English-speaking contest),请你根据下面的信息,以学生会(the
Students' Union)的名义写一份海报,欢迎全校同学参加,届时特



than 1,000 mu in the past two decades. (使用which引导定语从句)
4.真正让它与众不同的是这儿的蔬菜在种植过程中没有使用任really makes it different from others is that
2.用过渡词as a result连接5、6句
The rich soil makes these vegetables full of nutrition;as a result, it is exported into many countries in the world.
2.正文。海报的内容通常包括三部分。开头通常先介 绍活动背景或开展此活动的目的;主体部分介绍活动细节, 包括时间、地点、相关人员以及其他事宜;结尾通常发出号 召,呼吁人们积极参加该活动。 3.落款。海报要写明主办单位名称以及发出海报的日 期。海报的署名一般在右下角,日期在署名的下一行,通常 位于左下角。
二、增分佳句 1.No admission fee is required for members of the club. 2.Tomorrow morning there will be a(n)... 3.Children under 6 are not permitted admission. 4.For booking, please stop at the Union Club. 5.There are still tickets available for the night shows. 6.Buses are available and leave at 6:00 pm from the Peace Hotel. 7.Come performance! for the real hit of Rock ’n’ Roll


Foreign Language Department May 15, 2011
Sample 4
例四:招聘广告(Recruitment Advertisement )
首先要对用人单位作简单介绍,然后说清楚招聘岗 位,人数,招聘条件等。注意招聘条件可以用名 词或形容词短语逐条罗列,不需要用完整句子。 最后应该写清楚用人单位的联系方式。
下面就以活动宣传、影讯、讲座 招聘四种海报形式为例,介绍海 报的写作方法。
• 例一:活动宣传 • 写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再
写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。 • 写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有: • …is an organization to raise money for …. • …is holding a party at its biggest hall … • The time is from … to … • We hope to raise money to help poor
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!
Байду номын сангаас16

英语写作海报_poster PPT

英语写作海报_poster PPT
4. In国te际rn足al球Fo赛o:tba巴ll 西Ma队tc对h 英“B国ra队zil” versus “England ” in the C地ap点it:al 首of 都Gy体m育na馆sium at 3:00 P.M. on March 12. 时间:3月12日下午3点
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
3. V录id像eo:fi《lm外: E星.T人. (E》x(tra英T国err科es幻tri电al)影. A)n English scientific m放o映vie地in点th:e语S音ou实nd验L室ab.
8. All are warmly welcome to the New Year’s Eve En星各te期位rt日光ain晚临m上。e在nt学o院n 礼Su堂n举da行y除e夕ve联n欢ing晚i会n ,th欢e 迎 college auditorium.
9. A s王p晓ee明c博h o士n关C于o“nt当em代p文o学ra发ry展Li趋te势ra”tu方re面tr的en演d will b讲e given by Dr. Wang Xiaoming in the lecture r地oo点m:o教f t学he楼演te示ac厅hing building.



Course objectives
Understand the principles of poster design and the characteristics of English poster writing.
Master the techniques of information organization and content presentation in poster writing.
一个好的结尾应该能够总结你的海报内容,并给观众留下深刻的印象。你可以使用强有力的声明、引 人深思的问题或呼吁行动的语句来达到这个效果。
Example Analysis of English Posters
Product promotion poster
产品宣传海报通常会突出产品的特点 ,如功能、外观、价格等,以吸引消 费者的注意力。在海报上,可以使用 醒目的标题、精美的图片和简洁的文 字来展示产品的优势。
Course background
English posters are particularly common in international events, tourist destinations, and cultural exchanges, where they serve as a bridge between different cultures.
公益广告海报通常会传递公益信息,如环保、健康、教育等,以倡导社会正能量。在海 报上,可以使用简洁的文字、富有感染力的图片和创意的设计来引起人们的共鸣和行动

201918-19 Unit 4 Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写英文海报教育精品.ppt

201918-19 Unit 4 Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写英文海报教育精品.ppt

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写 作 技 法 指 导
一、海报的结构 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。 1.标题
英 美 文 化 欣 赏
满 分 佳 作 构 建
海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上 “POSTER”字样;可直 接用活动的内容作题目, 如 Weekend Ball, English Corner, Volunteers Wanted, Film News 等;也可用一些描述性的文字,如 An exciting football match。
英 美 文 化.You can buy tickets in...and the price is 2 yuan for each. 6.By then,some new clothes are even 50% off.If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time,you can get a present. 7.Everyone is warmly welcome. 8.Catch the chance,or you will regret.
返 首 页
写 作 技 法 指 导 英 美 文 化 欣 赏
满 分 佳 作 构 建
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写 作 技 法 指 导
POSTER A Lecture on Global Warming Organized by the Students' Union of our school,a lecture on global warming will be given in the school hall on Friday,from 8:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m.An expert , who works for the environmental protection , will state how the

高中教育英语必修第一册人教版《2.5 Writing——海报》教学课件

高中教育英语必修第一册人教版《2.5 Writing——海报》教学课件
a vulnerable species.
第三步:合理过渡 完美卷面
参考范文: Save Cute Pandas
Not only is the giant panda a rare animal in China but it is also one of the rarest animals in the world. In the past, more and more habitats were destroyed and the bamboo they feed on had been cut down. It was becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas to find food for themselves. So they were becoming extinct.
第一步:认真审题 谋篇布局
第二步:斟词酌句 靓化表达 1.大熊猫不仅是中国的稀有动物,也是世界上的稀有动物之一。 (倒装)
_N_ot_o_nl_y _is_th_e _gi_an_t _pa_nd_a_a_ra_re_a_ni_m_al_in_C_h_in_a_________ but it is also one of the rarest
alarming rate. 众所周知,多种濒临灭绝的动物正以惊人的速度消亡。 3.There is no doubt that animals are our loyal friends. 毫无疑问篇中句 1.We should forbid people to kill animals at random. 我们应该禁止人们随意捕杀动物。 2.We should do what we can do to protect animals living environment. 我们应该尽我们所能保护动物的生存环境。 3.We should raise/arouse people's awareness of animal protection. 我们应该唤起人们的动物保护意识。 4.It is important to raise/arouse people's awareness of animal protection. 提高/唤起人们保护动物的意识很重要。



The colors should be chosen appropriately, and use appropriate color combinations The fonts should be chosen appropriately, and use appropriate font styles and sizes The colors and fonts should also be used in combination with other elements of the poster design to enhance its visual impact
Advisor using infographics or charts to present complex information visually
Choose vivo colors
Use colors that are eye catching and contrasting well with each other
• The release and discussion channels of English posters
Types and uses of posters
Hale Waihona Puke Promotional posters
Promotional posters are designed to promote a product, event,
The consistent elements of posters
The title is the most important part of a poster, which should be consistent, clear and attractive It should reflect the main content and purpose of the poster, and guide the reader to read the poster



英文海报的写法第一篇:英文海报的写法英文海报的写法 1)格式:第一:在第一行的正中间写“POSTER”第二:在第二行“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。

Eg: An Exciting Football Match 第三:在第三行空3个字母格写上“Good news for you ”。



第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位星期,月日,年 2)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时3)要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可 4)正文的写法:第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间Eg:(1)We`ll have a showfootball match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a…+地点+时间(3)… is holding +活动+地点+时间(4)We hope raise money to help the poor children※时间也可附带在活动的后面:The time is from…to …第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面Eg:(1)The match will be wonderful(2)All the clothes are low in price but high quality 第四:接着介绍一些锁个文字材料的其他信息。


Eg:(1)you can buy ticket in…,and the price is 2 yuan for each(2)By then, some new clothes are even 50℅ off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present.(3)Call Lily at 51542636 or email…第五:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣Eg:(1)Please come and cheer for them(2)I hope you don`t miss it(3)Don`t miss it(4)All are warmly welcome(5)Everyone is welcome(6)Catch the chance,or you will regret(7)Sigh up and have a good time(8)Hurry up to…应用文告示类写作概述告示种类:寻人启事(Child Lost),遗失启事(Lost),通缉令(Wanted),招领启事(Found),迁移启事(Removal),征稿启事(Contributions Wanted),鸣谢(Acknowledgements),招标启事(Invitation to Bid),更正启事(Corrections),开会通知(Meeting Notice),海报(Poster),公约(Pact),守则或规则(Rules),书刊序言(Preface)。

2019新人教版高中英语必修二U2 写海报

2019新人教版高中英语必修二U2 写海报







标题通常有两种写法:一种是使用POSTER(海报)一词;另一种是根据海报的内容撰写标题② 海报的正文是海报的核心部分,是对海报标题的具体描述,应抓住五个要点(什么时间、什么地点、有何事情、谁来参加和注意事项)。

③ 如有必要,在落款处写明主办单位及撰写日期。

(2) 语言适当使用省略句,文字力求简洁生动。

(3)版面(3) 版面版面应工整、美观。


2.常用表达(1)引出话题I would rather...Should I/we...?This is good value because..What is the advantage of...? oId prefer... because...I don't like... because... oIt's a great pity that...It's better to...lf I had a choice Pd choose... because... oYou need to...(2)点healthy and safe for people's health ofree of chemical fertilisersgrown away from industrial areas ogrown away from dirty water supplies(3)陈述缺点People don't know about the food and how good it is.Green food is more expensive than other food which is not so safe.模拟演练请写一份海报,劝说别人购买有机蔬菜。

2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修一课件:Unit2 Writing 高分写作指导 海报

2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修一课件:Unit2 Writing 高分写作指导 海报

二、注意事项 1.海报的标题必须简洁明了,词数不能太多,而且必须 能吸引读者的眼球。 2.海报的写作目的就是让读者了解活动的信息,传达信 息才是海报最重要的任务,所以文字的修饰要服务于信息, 不能玩文字游戏,使读者摸不着头脑。
[题目要求] 海报:英语的重要性 请你以“我们为什么要学习英语”为话题写一则英文海报,强 调英语的重要性。陈述理由须包括:许多国家的官方语言;英语是 外贸用语;中国需要使用英语与西方国家进行交流等。 注意:1.词数不少于 120; 2.内容要适当发挥,注意行文连贯。
(2)外貌、性格 ①He is a tall and thin guy with thick eyebrows, looking very handsome. 他高高瘦瘦,眉毛浓密,看起来非常帅。 ②Born in Germany, Einstein is a great scientist with extraordinary imagination. 爱因斯坦出生于德国,是一位伟大的科学家,他想象力非凡。
⑤You should have three years of work experience. 要求有三年工作经验。 ⑥Please call ... if you want to ... 如果有意请致电…… 3.人物介绍类 (1)概况: ①Madam Curie, a great scientist, was born in Poland on Nov.7,1867. 居里夫人,一位伟大的科学家,于 1867 年 11 月 7 日生于波兰。 ②Sun Yang, a world champion in swimming, is a youngster of 23 from Hangzhou. 孙杨,一位游泳世界冠军,是一位来自杭州的 23 岁年轻人。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(一)海报的概念和特点 海报是向公众报道或介绍有关戏剧、电影、
文艺表演、体育比赛或报告会、展览会等所使 用的一种应用文书。
海报以新颖的形式与装饰美来吸引读者的注意。 标题大而醒目、信息传递快,大多张贴在本单 位或宣传固定地点,具有广告效应,鼓励尽量 多的群众来参加。
(二)海报的写法格式 海报种类很多,其写法也各有侧重和特色。但海报
的基本内容通常包括以下3部分 1.标题。标题的写法有3种形式: (1)在正文上书写“海报”二字,字体大而醒目,以
吸引人们注意。 (2)直接书写活动内容,如“舞会”、“学术讲座”、
“球讯”等,使人一看就知道是什么内容。 (3)在活动内容前加上举办单位名称,如“中国作家
协会举办丁玲作品研讨会”;也有的在正标题前加几 句概括目的、意义,说明活动宗旨、精彩程度的话作 眉题,以渲染气氛,调动人们的参与热情。
1.内容必须真实,文题相符;可以适当运 用一些鼓动性词语,但不可失实
3.根据内容配上美术图案,色彩和构图要 醒目,具有时代气息和装饰美。

iendly Football match
A football match will be held between Department of marketing and computer at 4:00 P.m. on Thursday, June 2nd on the school playground. All are warmly welcome.

The school student’s union
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
2.正文。一般采用分项列举式的写法,逐项 列出活动的时间、地点、内容、参与方式和注 意事项等。为增强吸引力,在介绍内容时,语 言可有一定的形象性和鼓动性,书写活泼,可 配有象征性图案,以扩大宣传效果。
3.落款。写明主办单位和举办单位,署名 下一行写明日期。
(三)正文 海报的正文要求写清楚以下一些内容: 第一,活动的目的和意义。 第二,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。 第三,参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项