



英语作文海报格式英文回答:Poster Format for English Composition。

1. Title: The title should be concise and informative, clearly indicating the topic of the essay. It should be centered at the top of the poster.2. Introduction: The introduction should provide abrief overview of the topic and the main argument. It should be clear and engaging, drawing the reader's attention.3. Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should developa different aspect of the main argument. They should be organized logically, with supporting evidence and examples.4. Conclusion: The conclusion should restate the main argument and summarize the key points. It should offer afinal thought or call to action.5. Visuals: Visuals such as graphs, charts, and images can enhance the poster by providing additional information and visual interest. They should be used sparingly and only if they contribute to the overall understanding of the essay.6. Font and Size: The font should be easy to read and consistent throughout the poster. The size should be large enough to be visible from a distance.7. Colors: Colors can be used to create a visually appealing poster. However, they should not be distracting or overwhelming.8. Layout: The poster should be well-organized and visually appealing. It should be easy to read and navigate.9. Sources: All sources used in the essay should be properly cited on the poster. This can be done through footnotes, endnotes, or a bibliography.10. Proofreading: Before submitting the poster, it is important to proofread it carefully for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.中文回答:英语作文海报格式。






一般的英文海报的格式如下:(请注意这篇英文海报范文的左右对齐或者居中的格式)1)格式:第一:在第一行的正中间写“POSTER” 第二:在第二行“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。

Eg: An Exciting Football Match 第三:在第三行空3个字母格写上“Good news for you ”。



第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位星期,月日,年 2)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时 3)要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可 4)正文的写法:第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间 Eg: (1) We`ll have a show\football match on July 16th (2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a…+地点+时间(3)… is holding +活动+地点+时间(4)We hope raise money to help the poor children ※时间也可附带在活动的后面:The time is from…to … 第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容 Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面 Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful (2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality 第四:接着介绍一些锁个文字材料的其他信息。


Eg: (1) you can buy ticket in…,and the price is 2 yuan for each (2) By then, some new clothes are even 50℅ off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present. (3)Call Lily at or email… 第五:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣 Eg: (1) Please e and cheer for them (2) I hope you don`t miss it (3) Don`t miss it (4) All are warmly wele (5) Everyone is wele (6)Catch the chance,or you will regret (7) Sigh up and have a good time (8) Hurry up to… POSTER Friendly Basketball Match All Are Wele Orgnised by the Students' Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, 1993 at 4 p.m. The School Students' Union Tuesday, June 1. 下面是一篇英语电影海报的模板范文: This Week's Film Name: Modern Time #片名要斜体 Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10 Place: The metting hall Fare: One yuan Ticket office: The school gate house The School Students' Union~亲,如果您认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。



英语作文英文海报格式英文:When it comes to creating an English poster, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. First and foremost, the poster should have a clear and concise message. This message should be conveyed through eye-catching graphics and attention-grabbing text.In terms of layout, the poster should be organized and easy to read. Use headings and bullet points to break up the text and make it more digestible. Additionally, consider the placement of images and text to ensure that the poster flows well and is aesthetically pleasing.Another important factor to consider is the target audience. Who is the poster intended for? What language do they speak? What are their interests and needs? Answering these questions will help you tailor your message and design to effectively reach your audience.Finally, don't forget to proofread and edit your poster before printing. A poster riddled with spelling and grammar errors can be off-putting and detract from your message.中文:制作英文海报时,需要注意几个关键要素。



Course objectives
Understand the principles of poster design and the characteristics of English poster writing.
Master the techniques of information organization and content presentation in poster writing.
一个好的结尾应该能够总结你的海报内容,并给观众留下深刻的印象。你可以使用强有力的声明、引 人深思的问题或呼吁行动的语句来达到这个效果。
Example Analysis of English Posters
Product promotion poster
产品宣传海报通常会突出产品的特点 ,如功能、外观、价格等,以吸引消 费者的注意力。在海报上,可以使用 醒目的标题、精美的图片和简洁的文 字来展示产品的优势。
Course background
English posters are particularly common in international events, tourist destinations, and cultural exchanges, where they serve as a bridge between different cultures.
公益广告海报通常会传递公益信息,如环保、健康、教育等,以倡导社会正能量。在海 报上,可以使用简洁的文字、富有感染力的图片和创意的设计来引起人们的共鸣和行动



英语作文海报格式高分英文回答:Headline:Create a High-Scoring Essay Poster.Body:Introduction:State the purpose of the poster: to provide guidance on creating a high-scoring essay poster.Briefly explain the importance of essay posters in academic or professional settings.Paragraph 1: Content and Structure.Discuss the essential elements of an essay poster,including:Thesis statement.Supporting evidence.Logical flow of ideas.Explain the importance of organizing the poster into clear sections (e.g., introduction, body, conclusion).Paragraph 2: Visual Elements.Emphasize the impact of visual elements on the effectiveness of the poster.Discuss the use of:High-quality images and graphics.Clear and concise fonts.Appropriate color schemes.Paragraph 3: Layout and Design.Provide guidance on the optimal layout and design of the poster.Consider factors such as:Font size and readability.White space and negative space.Alignment and balance.Paragraph 4: Writing Style and Tone.Explain the importance of using clear and concise language.Discuss the appropriate tone and style for an academic or professional poster.Paragraph 5: Proofreading.Stress the significance of proofreading the poster carefully.Check for:Errors in grammar and spelling.Consistency in formatting and style.Conclusion:Summarize the key points for creating a high-scoring essay poster.Reiterate the benefits of following the provided guidance.中文回答:标题:撰写高分学术海报。



英文作文海报格式Title: The Art of Crafting an Effective English Essay Poster。

Creating a compelling English essay poster requires a blend of creativity, clarity, and strategic design. Whether it's for a classroom presentation, academic conference, or promotional purposes, mastering the format is essential for effectively conveying your message. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to craft an impressive English essay poster:1. Title and Introduction: Begin with a captivatingtitle that succinctly summarizes the theme or topic of your essay. Follow it with a brief introduction that provides context and outlines the main points you'll be addressing.2. Body Content:Thematic Sections: Divide the body content into thematic sections, each focusing on a specific aspect orargument of your essay. Use clear headings or subheadingsto delineate these sections for easy navigation.Concise Text: Keep the text concise and to the point. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, or key phrases to convey information efficiently. Avoid lengthy sentences or paragraphs that may overwhelm viewers.Visual Aids: Incorporate visual aids such as charts, graphs, images, or diagrams to enhance comprehension and engage the audience. Ensure that these visuals are relevant to the content and effectively illustrate your points.Citations and References: If your essay draws on external sources, include citations or references to acknowledge the original sources of information. Use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and provide sufficient details for viewers to locate the sources if needed.3. Design Elements:Layout and Organization: Pay attention to theoverall layout and organization of the poster. Arrange the content logically, with a clear flow from one section to the next. Ensure that the design is visually appealing and easy to follow.Typography: Choose readable fonts for the text, headings, and captions. Avoid overly decorative fonts that may be difficult to read from a distance. Use font sizes and styles strategically to emphasize key points or headings.Color Scheme: Select a cohesive color scheme that complements the theme of your essay and enhances visual appeal. Use colors sparingly and strategically to draw attention to important elements without overwhelming the viewer.Whitespace: Incorporate ample whitespace around text and images to prevent clutter and improve readability. Whitespace also helps to create a sense of balance and sophistication in the design.4. Conclusion:Summary: Summarize the key findings or arguments presented in your essay. Reinforce the main message or takeaway points to leave a lasting impression on the viewer.Call to Action (Optional): If applicable, include a call to action prompting viewers to engage further withyour topic or research. This could involve inviting questions, directing them to relevant resources, or encouraging discussion.5. Proofreading and Revision:Accuracy: Review the content carefully to ensure accuracy in spelling, grammar, and factual information. Avoid errors that may undermine the credibility of your poster.Feedback: Seek feedback from peers, instructors, or mentors to refine your poster further. Consider theirsuggestions and make necessary revisions to improve clarity and effectiveness.By following these guidelines, you can create an English essay poster that effectively communicates your ideas, captures the attention of viewers, and leaves a lasting impression. Remember to tailor the design and content to the specific requirements of your audience and purpose, and don't hesitate to unleash your creativity to make your poster stand out.。



•如何写英语海报1. Determine the Purpose:The first step in writing an English poster is to clearly identify its purpose. Are you promoting an event, selling a product, or spreading awareness about a cause? Once you have determined the purpose, you can tailor your content and message accordingly.2. Select an Attractive Layout:A visually appealing layout is crucial for a successful poster. Decide on the size, colors, fonts, and images that are appropriate for your purpose. Make sure the layout is eye-catching and not cluttered. Use contrasting colors to highlight important information and maintain a consistent font style throughout the poster.3. Catchy Headline:Start your poster with a catchy headline that immediately grabs the viewer's attention. The headline should be short, clear, and concise. It should pique their curiosity and make them want to read more.5. Use Bulleted Points:Avoid lengthy paragraphs and use bulleted points to convey information quickly and efficiently. Bulleted points are easierto read and digest, especially in a poster format where space is limited.6. Include Relevant Visuals:Images and graphics are essential elements of a well-designed poster. Use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your purpose and grab attention. Make sure they are clear, appropriate, and help reinforce your message.7. Contact Information:Don't forget to include contact information such as a phone number, email address, or website, so that interestedindividuals can easily get in touch or register for your event.8. Proofread and Edit:Before finalizing your poster, proofread it for errors and typos. Ensure that the grammar and spelling are correct. It is always helpful to have another set of eyes review your poster to catch any mistakes you might have missed.9. Obtain Feedback:10. Print and Display:。



如何写海报一、审题英语海报属于应用文,可分为招聘广告, 活动宣传, 人物介绍等。


海报语言要简明扼要, 形式要新颖美观; 多用省略句, 缩略语及类似的语言起到醒目的效果。







1.标题海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上“poster”字样;可直接用活动的内容做题目,如“Basketball Match”;也可用一些描述性的文字,如“There will be an exciting football match!”、“Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel!”等。



1)There will be a party(speech\contest,etc)(held by…)+where+when 某活动将在何时何地由…人举办。

2)A party(speech\contest,etc) will be held +where+when某活动将在何时何地举办。

3)In order to do sth,…will hold a party (speech\contest,etc) +where+when…将在何时何地举办4)The time is from…to …5)There is a piece of news we’ll hold a…正文要点2:介绍活动的其他要点1)Everyone should take….每个人都必须带…2)Please get there before….请在…之前到达那儿。



海报作文英语格式Title: The Art of Writing a Poster: A Guide in English。

Posters are an impactful means of communication, combining visual and textual elements to convey messages effectively. Whether promoting an event, raising awareness, or advocating a cause, crafting a compelling posterrequires careful consideration of design, content, and language. In this guide, we will delve into the essential elements and format for writing a poster in English.1. Title and Headline: The title serves as the focal point of your poster, capturing the audience's attention at first glance. It should be concise, engaging, and relevantto the poster's theme. Additionally, a compelling headline can further intrigue viewers and entice them to explore the content.2. Visual Elements: Images, graphics, and colors play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of your poster.Select visuals that complement the message you aim to convey and ensure they are of high quality. Incorporate colors strategically to evoke the desired emotions and create visual harmony.3. Text Content: The textual content of your poster should be clear, concise, and easy to read. Use brief sentences or bullet points to convey key information effectively. Pay attention to typography, ensuring that the font style and size are legible from a distance. Avoid overcrowding the poster with text; instead, prioritize essential details and main points.4. Message and Call to Action: Define the primary message of your poster and articulate it prominently. Whether it's promoting an event, raising awareness about an issue, or encouraging a specific action, make sure the message is conveyed succinctly and persuasively. Additionally, include a clear call to action that prompts viewers to take the desired next steps, such as attending an event, visiting a website, or joining a cause.5. Layout and Organization: Organize the elements of your poster in a logical and visually appealing manner. Establish a hierarchy of information, with the most important details receiving greater emphasis. Maintain balance and symmetry in the layout to create a harmonious visual flow. Experiment with different arrangements until you find one that effectively communicates your message.6. Language and Tone: Use language that is appropriate for your target audience and aligns with the purpose of the poster. Choose words carefully to evoke the desired emotions and convey your message persuasively. Maintain a consistent tone throughout the poster, whether it's formal, informal, or persuasive.7. Proofreading and Editing: Before finalizing your poster, carefully proofread the content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. Consider seeking feedback from peers or colleagues to gain valuable insights and make any necessary revisions.In conclusion, writing a poster in English requires attention to detail, creativity, and effective communication skills. By incorporating compelling visuals, concise text, and a clear message, you can create a poster that captivates audiences and inspires action. Remember to adhere to the guidelines outlined above and tailor your approach to suit the specific context and audience of your poster. With careful planning and execution, your poster can make a lasting impression and achieve its intended purpose.。





海报四步法:1 格式2 时态3 要求4 正文的写法1格式:第一:在第一行的正中间写“POSTER”第二:在第二行“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。

Eg: An Exciting Football Match /An English Corner(第三:在第三行空4个字母格写上“Good news for you ”也可不写。


第四:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位星期,月日,年2时态:用现在范畴的时态(将来时/进行时表将来(表活动,地点,时间等)/一般现在时(表内容和宗旨)等)3要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可4正文的写法:第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间(1) We`ll have a show/football match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news that we`ll hold a…+地点+时间(3)…is holding +活动+地点+时间(4)We hope to raise money to help the poor children※时间也可附带在活动的后面:第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容It will be held +地点第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面The activity aims at …/is intended to …The program includes…The match will be wonderfulTaking part in the activity will enable you to …Hopefully, you will benefit a lot from the activity.第四:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣1. I hope you don`t miss it / Don`t miss it / You can’t afford to miss it!2. All are warmly welcome / Everyone is welcome3. Catch the chance, or you will regret4. Don’t hesitate to…e and join us.POSTERFriendly Basketball MatchAll Are WelcomeOrgnised by the Students' Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held betw een No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, 1993 at 4 p.m.The School Students' UnionTuesday, June 1.POSTERAnniversary CelebrationThe public Relations take pleasure in announcing that the 5th anniversary celebration of our company is to be held in assembly hall on Friday, Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m. The program include recitations, cross-talks, songs, plays, etc. Come and join us.The Public RelationsFeb. 10, 201POSTERFootball MatchAll Are Warmly WelcomeUnder the auspice (主办) of the Student Union of our university, a friendly football match will be held between our team and the team of Chemical Engineering College on our football field on Saturday, May. 27th, 2000 at 5:00 p. m.The Student UnionThursday, May. 251. “Gone with the Wind”, a feature, will be shown in the auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Friday 20, Septe mber. 9月20日星期五晚7:30 在大礼堂上映故事片《乱世佳人》。



海 (poster)多是宣广告。




Eg: An Exciting Football Match第三:在第三行空 3 个字母格写上“Good news for you”。


第四:接着在第四行空 3 个字母格写正文,一段。

第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:布位星期,月日,年2):用一般将来和一般在3)要求:把活的内容、、地点、参加定及主位交代清楚即可4)正文的写法:第一:第一句用将来交代活的内容和Eg: (1) We`ll have a show\football match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a⋯+地点+(3) ⋯ is holding +活+地点+(4)We hope raise money to help the poor children※ 也可附在活的后面:The time is from⋯to⋯第二:接着交代活的地点及其他内容Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介活的特点,尽量叙述极向上的和有益的一面Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful(2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality第四:接着介一些个文字材料的其他信息。


Eg: (1) you can buy ticket in⋯,and the price is 2 yuan for each(2) By then, some new clothes are even 50℅off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present.(3)Call Lily at or email⋯第五:用一些鼓励性言激者的趣Eg: (1) Please come and cheer for them(2)I hope you don`t miss it(3)Don`t miss it(4)All are warmly welcome(5) Everyone is welcome(6)Catch the chance,or you will regret(7) Sigh up and have a good time(8) Hurry up to⋯POSTERFriendly Basketball MatchAll Are WelcomeOrgnised by held between the Students' UnionMiddle Schoolof our school,team and ours on thea friendly basketballbasketball courtmatch willon Saturday,beJune5, 1993 at 4 .The School Students' Union Tuesday, June 1.下面是一篇英影海的模板范文:This Week's FilmName: Modern Time #片名要斜体Time: 7 . Saturday, April 10Place: The metting hallFare: One yuanTicket office: The school gate houseThe School Students' Union转自 [ 英美者 ]- 英语专业网站:在如今这个商业时代,各路商家都得各出奇招来促进商品销售,销售的海报也是很重要的一环,有吸引力的海报会引来更多消费者。


























Eg: An Exciting Football Match第三:在第三行空3个字母格写上“Good news for you ”。



第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位,星期,月日,年2)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时3)要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可4)正文的写法:常用词汇:play/drama/film news/videofilm/volleyball match/Englishevening/English-SpeakingContest/Get-together/literature lecture/art exhibition/meeting/recital/concert/auction of goods第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间E.g.: (1) We’ll have a show\football match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news we’ll hold a…+地点+时间(3) …is holding +活动+地点+时间(4)W e hope raise money to help the poor children※时间也可附带在活动的后面:The time is from…to …第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful(2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality第四:接着介绍一些锁个文字材料的其他信息。

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Eg: An Exciting Football Match第三:在第三行空3个字母格写上“Good news for you ”。



第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位星期,月日,年2)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时3)要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可4)正文的写法:第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间Eg: (1) We`ll have a show\football match on July 16th(2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a…+地点+时间(3) …is holding +活动+地点+时间(4)We hope raise money to help the poor children※时间也可附带在活动的后面:The time is from…to …第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容Eg: It will be held +地点第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful(2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality 第四:接着介绍一些锁个文字材料的其他信息。


Eg: (1) you can buy ticket in…,and th e price is 2 yuan for each(2) By then, some new clothes are even 50℅off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present.(3)Call Lily at 51542636 or email…第五:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣Eg: (1) Please come and cheer for them(2) I hope you don`t miss it(3) Don`t miss it(4) All are warmly welcome(5) Everyone is welcome(6)Catch the chance,or you will regret(7) Sigh up and have a good time(8) Hurry up to…应用文告示类写作概述告示种类:寻人启事(Child Lost),遗失启事(Lost),通缉令(Wanted),招领启事(Found),迁移启事(Removal),征稿启事(Contributions Wanted),鸣谢(Acknowledgements),招标启事(Invitation to Bid),更正启事(Corrections),开会通知(Meeting Notice),海报(Poster),公约(Pact),守则或规则(Rules),书刊序言(Preface)。


基本结构有:名词+过去分词Contributions Wanted / Child Lost现在分词+名词Looking for a Spouse (征偶)/ Exchanging House (换房)介词结构 For an Exchange of Jobs名词结构Invitation for Bids / Conditions for Car Rentals (租车注意事项)Notice of Dismissal / Christmas Clearance Sales (圣诞清仓大甩卖)例1Directions:The Students’ Union of your departme nt is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information:1) the purpose of the contest,2) time and place of the contest,3) what is required of the candidates,4) details of the judges and awards.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Department of Chinese Language and Literature”at the end of the announcement.范文:English-Speaking Contest January 10, 2009To improve students' ability to speak English and enrich after-class activities, theStudents' Union of Department of English is organizing a school-wide English-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (8th July) at the Students' Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.TheStudents’ UnionDepartme nt ofChinese Language and Literature例2Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders The annual meeting of shareholders of the Huafeng Company will be held at the Holiday Inn, Highway 4 West, Shanghai, on Monday, April 28, 2005, at 10:00 am., for the following purposes:1) To elect a full board of 8 directors of the Company;2) To consider and act upon the appointment of independent auditors for 2005;3) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.An oral report on the affairs of the Company will be presented at the meeting, and an audited report of the Company’s financial affairs will be available for inspection by any qualifiedshareholders.By order of the Board of Directors例3AnnouncementWe call on all the students for a small contribution to help fight against the sandstorms. The money will be used mainly for the plantation of trees and grass.Those who would like to contribute a bit may come to Room 302, Classroom Building 3. The time for collection is from 8:00---19:00 for three days from now on. Your name will appear in the next Saturday’s Campus Evening News.Student Association例4NoticeJune 10th, 2005Commuters are requested to note that the New Jiangxia Bridge will be under repair from June 18, 2005 to Jan. 21, 2006. Bus No. 5, 3 and 12 willchange routes accordingly during that time. Detailed changes are made public in the daily newspaper of the city. Please note that Bus No. 5 will go via the Main Street instead of the 12th Avenue. Bus No. 3 and 12 will temporarily cancel the two stops at each end of the bridge. We express our regret for the inconvenience brought about by the changes.Municipal Bureau of Public Transportation例5Contributions WantedTo celebrate the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the New Reader’s, this magazine has decided to publish a special issue on our great achievements in the past 20 years. Articles, photos, memoirs and even casual comments related to this topic are invited. Readers are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever forms or styles to our office before the 31th instant. They may also send their writings and photos electronically to the following address: ***********.Editors’ OfficeNew Reader’s例6A NoteHi, Jack,This morning, a Mr. Oliver (I am not sure If I got the spelling correct.), who arrived from the USA three days ago, dropped in and wanted to see you. You happened to be out.This Mr. Oliver said that he’s your uncle’s friend who is here on business and has taken a parcel from your uncle for you. He left it for you at the Service Desk on the first floor. You may go there to claim for it. By the way, you are also wanted to ring him up tonight any time from 7:00 to 11:00. His telephone number is 21082109.Li Ming例7Reporters WantedChina Daily and Shanghai Star are looking for four new reporters. Applicants should have astrong professional spirit and a good command of English.Location: ShanghaiEducation: University graduate Requirements: Candidates must have strong skills at English communication and writing and the ability to finish assignments on time. The candidates must have Chinese nationality and be aged under 35. Those with relevant professional experience are preferred.Contact: Candidates should send their resume, cover letter, record of formal schooling and a copy of their transcripts, along with two-inch photo to:China Daily East China Bureau Shanghai Star20F Huaihai Building, 200 Huaihai Zhonglu Shanghai 200021, China (Please mark: Application)例8MemorandumTo: All Teaching FacultyFrom: The Writing CentreDate: February 03, 2005Subject: WRITING PRIZE COMPETITION The Writing Centre would like to announce a call for stud ent papers for this year’s Writing Prize Competition. The Competition (generously sponsored by Metro Valley News) acknowledges writing in many disciplines and programme areas and provides an opportunity for student writers to be celebrated. Winners receive $100, and the award makes an impressive addition to a student’s resume. Please announce the competition to your classes. Prizes are awarded to students at the Annual Awards Ceremony.In order to be eligible, papers must have been written during the 2004/2005 academic year (either during the Spring 2004, Fall 2004 or Winter 2005 semesters) in response to course-based assignments. Although students are invited to submit papers directly to the Competition, faculty usually submit papers onstudents’ behalf.If you have any questions about the Writing Prize Competition or are interested in acting as a judge for the competition, please contact Fay Hyndman, Dana Landry, or Nadeane Trowse, or Kim Norman from the Writing Centre at local 4282/2432, or by e-mail: ****************.ca, ***************.ca, ***************.ca, **************** or ***************。
